#and all the writers and artists and lovers of this beauty in this fandom will give you just that
xoxoemynn · 6 months
fuck you, Max. I'm gonna love these characters better than you ever could.
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marigolddove · 1 year
Love Begins With Murder, Believe it or Not.
Part 3
Request by: @yandere-dark-cupid
I stayed up until 3 am writing this, passed out and then woke up at 6 am to finish it lol. It's okay though I'm not tired, I'm just happy to be writing. I hope you all enjoy this part there will definitely be another part which will probably be the final for a while. I'll probably try and leave this story with a not-so-official ending because I might make one-shots based around this in the future.
Also I'm getting a new job soon so that might cut into my writing a bit but I'm going to keep writing no matter what I'm so grateful for Welcome Home and all it's characters and all my fellow fanfic writers and artists out there making more and more content for this fandom. You guys are all awesome and Welcome Home is officially my comfort Fandom, without it I might've never wrote anything ever again. So thank you to @partycoffin, and all of the AU creators, you're all truly wonderful people.
Warnings: Cussing, mentions of torture and violence, anger issues.
@elegantkidfansoul, @sunkyss, @all-things-fandomstuck, @sailorsimp13, @cricketsjunk
Wally couldn't believe he didn't have one single vase in his apartment, not one! He had been so certain he'd had flowers before, surely he'd had…he was a lover of beauty and nature, so it was extremely frustrating when he couldn't find his—imaginary—vase.
He could've let it go there, just put the bouquet in a tall glass or leave them out to dry and get a vase tomorrow, but to be honest he was procrastinating when he suddenly decided he needed a vase before his nap; he knew of a flower shop fifteen minutes away on a strip he was well familiar with—he often got lunch or dinner from a nextdoor diner, well he did before he hit this depression.
That's what all this is about, after all. Depression.
He lost the desire, the drive, to style his hair, paint, draw, talk to his friends and employees, he doesn't even make eye-contact like he used to; and now to top it all off, he realizes, there's absolutely no life in his apartment. Even his old paintings feel soulless, hollow, because they don't fill him with the emotions he once held as he crafted them.
When the depression set in, he couldn't be sure, it had been a gradual change; but it was one he hadn't noticed until now, he hadn't wanted to think about it.
He feels his face flush in embarrassment as he thinks of his neglect of himself and his home as he drives to the shop, the sky turning orange and blue behind the many buildings surrounding him.
As he kept his eyes trained on the still bustling road ahead, he could only hope he would make it in time so this uncoordinated trip wouldn't be a complete waste.
With traffic being convinently merciful to him this early in the evening time, he is soon racing to the shops entrance door, bouquet delicately cradled by his left arm; completely missing the 'open' sign flipping to 'closed' as his unoccupied hand grasps the door handle and turns.
As he pushes into the building he is shocked to find an employee standing right at the entrance, hand quickly retracting from the door as they lock eyes with him, seemingly just as shocked by his sudden entrance.
The bell above the door chimes.
For Mr. Darling, renowned local kingpin, ruthless 'family' man, time seemed to slow for a moment, just a moment. It was almost as if the chiming of the bell had put him into a trance, or maybe it was just you.
There you stand, (h/c) hair fluttering from the sudden rush of wind that came from him opening the door, staring right at him; your work uniform fitting you quite nicely, especially with your own accessories that added a unique personal touch, not to mention the smell—which was most definitely the shop, but there is no doubt in his mind that you smell any different—sweet and floral.
You're the first to speak, voice a bit nervous at his stare, "O-Oh! Hello, we–ah, I, was just about to close up shop." You move the hand that had been reaching for the door handle to fiddle with a ring on your opposite pinky finger, a sign of anxiety.
Realizing how he must look, a bit wild from the wind whipping his already disheveled hair around with tired eyes, his ears and cheeks grew a little hot, but he clears his throat into his hand as he tries to recover from his sudden and silly attraction.
"I apologize, I didn't mean to just barge in here, but…" he shrugs the arm cradling the bouquet, "I'm looking for a vase, this shop was the only place I could think to find one and it wasn't a far drive…I thought I had a vase, but I was wrong." He explains ratherly lamely, his usual suave and calm demeanor shattered by his growing embarrassment at his current mental and physical state. This was a mistake, he should've just waited for the morning or let the flowers dry out, he should be sleeping right now.
Like an angel you smile at him, so bright and warm it almost feels like the sun is beaming at him, "That's alright! I don't mind a bit, sir, follow me I have some you can choose from in the back." You move to allow him full access and then make your way to what looks to be a storage closet at the back of the shop.
He follows without a word, eyes glued to your figure as you seem to glide to the back, your feet making little to no noise as you move.
The door to the storage closet is open with chalk board sign leaning against the wall next to the door frame, 'small vase $10, medium $15, large $25 ALL HAND MADE!!'.
"You make your own vases?" Wally asks, impressed even before seeing the quality of your work.
You flush as you glance at the sign and then gesture to the closet, signaling him to take a look at your stock, "Yeah, it's a new thing I started doing…I've always been into crafts and stuff like that and working with clay seemed really fun and challenging, so…." He notices your words grow softer, seemingly embarrassed.
Well he can certainly tell you're a beginner, many of the pieces seem a bit lop sided or misshapen, but some are charming due to their faults. Something art had taught him early on is to love imperfections just as much as perfections.
"They're charming." He says, and it's the truth, hearing the honesty in his tone makes you turn a bit more red as you smile gratefully at him.
"Which would you recommend for this bouquet?" He asks, he already has an idea of which vase he'd pick but he wants to hear your opinion.
You eyeball the bouquet, a knowing look sparkling in your (e/c) eyes, and look to the assortment of pottery, "hmm".
Your eyes land on a particularly unique piece on the bottom shelf, it's wide and a bit overly round at the bottom and it narrows a bit more dramatically than you intended at the top, it was also colorful, painted with vertical rainbow stripes that had come out very pastel when you had originally wanted a very bold rainbow color. Overall it had been a bit of a flop, but at the same time it has become one of your favorite pieces and it was a tragedy it had never been used. Whether it looked good with this particular bouquet didn't really matter, to be honest it didn't compliment the bouquet at all, but it deserves a home.
Following your gaze, Wally examines the piece you're staring at so intensely.
"Is that the one?" It certainly wasn't the one he was going to pick, but the way you stared at it with such sentiment made his heart leap. Oh how he missed the days when he would look at his own art with such a nostalgic and sentimental gaze.
"I don't know…it's a little ugly, to be honest…it doesn't really go with the flowers."
"I can always get more flowers." He responds smoothly, catching even himself off guard.
The two of you lock eyes again and he wishes he had examined himself before coming here, so he could know how you see him. He's certain he looks like a mess, and not a hot one.
You seem taken back by his response, but recover quickly to smile, "Yeah, I guess you can. This is a flower shop after all." You glance down at his bouquet again, "you wouldn't happen to know someone named Julie, would you?"
He knew you would recognize the tag and the flower combination, so your question didn't phase him, "Yes, actually. I'm sorry I couldn't come in for the flowers myself, at the time I was…busy."
"Ah, no need to apologize, worrying about a funeral is tough even when you weren't close to the person who died. I'm sorry for being a bit nosey."
"I don't think you're being nosey at all," he ignores the bit about the funeral, not wanting to really lie, but still omitting the truth, "these flowers you picked are really very lovely, I almost want to keep them for myself." He absolutely intends on keeping them for himself.
Your smile turns a bit bashful, "Oh, well thank you. It's nice to know I got it right." Turning back to the shelves of pottery, you crouch to the one you had been staring at, "So is this the one you'd like? Or did you have your eye on another?"
"I'll take that one and these two as well." He gestures his free hand to two other pieces, one being a bit plain and lumpy, the other a bit more colorful; the base color being yellow with red and blue swirls.
"Three?" You ask, a bit surprised.
He grins at you, and unknown to him your heart flutters, "This way I have an excuse to come back, I'm going to need flowers for them, right?" It's been a while since he's tried flirting, but by the way your entire face seems to light up and flush he's certain it's been effective.
"R-Right," you grab two of the vases as he grabs one, "that's three medium sized pots so it'll be $45 dollars." The two of you make your way to the check out counter and place the three pots delicately, "I'll go ahead and wrap these for you." As he grabs the money out of his wallet, you rummage through the work table and pull out a bundle of plain wrapping paper. Carefully, you wrap each individual piece in a thick protective layer of paper, then delicately place the three into an oversized grocery bag, adding more wads of paper between each piece.
Wally lays the money down onto the counter, slipping an extra $5 bill as a tip, as you place the finishing touches on the bag of fragiles. When you're pleased with your work, you hand him the bag with a wide grin, collecting the cash; before you can finish counting Wally tips his head to you.
"You have a good night, doll, stay safe." Without another word he exits the shop, you call after him about his change but he doesn't respond. Upon examining the extra $5 bill closer you notice a series of numbers written on it, when had he done that?
It doesn't take a genius to know that he's written a cell phone number on the bill, despite his somewhat messy appearance your stomach feels as though it's infested with butterflies at the idea that he might have been interested in you. He certainly had flirted with you a little bit, but that didn't have to mean anything, but leaving his number? That means something.
He did say he would need to come back for more flowers, you smile at the thought, carefully folding the bill and tucking it into your pants pocket. You begin to close shop again, this time with no interruptions.
Julie should've told him he looked this awful, he thought to himself as he examined his reflection in the rear view mirror. No, no, no this won't do! Horror pierced it's way into his heart as he also realized that this is how he had looked during your entire interaction. He had flirted like this…left his number looking like this.
A part of him wanted to storm back into the shop and explain that this isn't him, just something he's been dealing with, tell you that he's not some pathetic, greasy nobody like he knew you must've thought he was.
He's Wally fucking Darling, he kills whoever he wants, whenever he wants, sells what he deems profitable no matter how morally gray and takes whatever he pleases. The people that surround him know to not only fear him but to adore him.
In his sudden shock and growing fury he almost, nearly, throws the bag of pottery to the floor of his passenger side; but he doesn't, of course, he's much too collected to just fly off the handle and break things—he most certainly is not, just two weeks before he broke that not-so imaginary vase he knew he had, it had been in a fit of frustration towards Howdy for failing a trade agreement; Wally didn't remember it now, but that day he had taken his only vase and chucked it at Howdy's much higher head. He had missed entirely, and now he's forgotten the whole ordeal.
Thankfully there's even less traffic, somehow, on the way back, which keeps his temper low but bubbling gently to the surface. A rolling boil was sure to start.
When he arrived back to his apartment, he placed the pots onto his sofa along with the bouquet, so delicate compared to the war of emotions he held inside.
Remember: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6—
He enters his massive, stunning bathroom and makes a b-line for the mirrors, he needs a better look at the damage his neglect has done.
If looks could kill one look would make the mirrors shatter, this isn't who he is. He feels like an imposter in his own body when he looks at himself, hair greasy and wild—no longer slicked back due to the wind, he doesn't even like slicking back his hair, it isn't his style! Then there's the grotesque bags under his eyes, when had they become so dark and puffy? How hadn't he noticed sooner? The rage was building now.
7, 8, 9—
Why was his skin so dull an–and sallow?!
Suddenly the sound of his marble counter top cracking triggers a roar of emotion to overwhelm him, he doesn't even register he's injured himself by slamming a fist down onto the marble. The emotions are so raw, so heavy, he doesn't even realize he's out of the bathroom now; doesn't hear the carnage he's creating or his own howls and shouts of incoherent anger and frustration.
When and how did he become so pathetic? How long had the others just sat idly by watching him grow weaker and uglier. His anger blinds him to the memories of when they had tried, all of them had; even Howdy, who wasn't the biggest fan of Wally to begin with, had tried.
The shrill ringing of his telephone snaps him back to reality, in his now bloodied and bruising hands he grips a broken frame that holds–held one of his own designs. His breathing is heavy and his head is swimming, wasn't he just in the bathroom a moment ago?
He drops the frame and stumbles to the phone, wincing at the loudness of it, he doesn't even take a moment to collect himself before answering.
"What do you wa–"
"Hello!" Your soft, sweet voice timidly interrupts his rude greeting.
Suddenly his stomach dips and his heart flips, he really hopes you hadn't heard him.
"Uh-uhm, it seems like I've caught you at a bad time, ha ha. I'm sorry about that, sir." You had heard his sour attitude, fuck.
"No, no," he corrects hastily, not wanting you to hang up, "I'm sorry, I just…I just injured myself getting to the phone." The lie feels bitter, like bile rising in his throat, fuck why did he lie?
"Oh," is your meek response, then a pause, "Well…I'm sorry for calling you so soon…and it's a bit late too, ah, this is so silly I'm really sorry."
He's about to reassure you he doesn't mind in the slightest, and it's the truth, but you continue quickly.
"It's just that I didn't ever give you my name, a-and I never got yours. Also I wanted to give you my number as well, that way I don't have to do all the calling myself, you see." Your stuttering is cute, but your sickeningly sweet reason for calling him has him swooning most of all.
"I see, well," he straightens himself, confidence filling him once more, "My name is Wally, Wally Darling, and you are..?"
"Y/N, Y/N L/N."
"That's a lovely name for such an enchanting flower like yourself, Y/N." He purrs, his turmoil and self-esteem issues quickly forgotten by this new cocktail of emotions, suddenly he's like a giddy teenage boy; twirling the phone cord between his fingers, a toothy smirk growing on his face and he imagines you blushing like you did in the shop.
"Your name is really cute too," you reply, you sound embarrassed but you're definitely smiling.
"Thank you," he grabs the note pad and pen he keeps by his landline, "Now then, what's your number?"
"O-Oh, right!" You quickly tell him your number and he repeats it back to you, once he's gotten it correct he smiles, gently placing his pen back down onto the table.
Sighing, "I must say, I'm glad you called." He admits.
He hums, "Yes, when I got to my car I realized how I must have appeared to you. I typically take better care of myself, but, well, recently I've 'let myself go'." His tone remains light, almost dreamy as he speaks to you, even though on the inside he can feel the suffocating emotions from before bubbling up again.
"I just thought you were having an off day, you're actually very handsome." The way you say it, like its a fact he should already know, makes his face warm. Those emotions dying quickly before they can rise again, for a complete stranger you seem to have a powerful hold over him, you're able to make him feel nervous and excited.
It's pleasant.
"Well," you start, "It's getting late, I'm sure we both have things to do before nighttime."
He glances at the mess he made during his episode, as much as he wanted to disagree he knew he needed to clean up. He wouldn't live in this embarrassment any longer.
"Yes, thank you again for calling me, Y/N. I hope you have a good night."
"You too."
"Stay safe." He hears the receiver cut off on your end, he sighs into the now quiet and lonely air. He's grateful for your ability to distract him, he would've caused more damage to not only his home but to himself had you not called.
Wally looks around at the carnage he caused, grateful he didn't damage his newly aquired pottery and flowers. It's time to fix this.
When Barnaby returns to the building he's immediately greeted by Frank, with a disgruntled Eddie in tow. He had taken a bit longer than he would've liked with the rat, but the boss told him to really work on the guy, and he wanted to be sure the body couldn't be found and linked back to them. He's very thorough.
So he's a bit tired when he's approached by Frank, their face intense.
"Something's wrong with Wally."
Immediately dread fills Barnaby, worried something happened while he was gone, "What happened?"
"We heard him screaming and loud noises, like things being broken, upstairs."
"And neither of you thought to check on him?!" He barks, immediately heading for the elevator.
"It wasn't like the sound of struggling, I know what a struggle sounds like. He's probably just having a fit, like usual now-a-days, and I don't want myself or Frank to be caught in the cross fire." Eddie replies, his tone indifferent.
Frank sighs, following close behind Barnaby, "I wanted to go up and see him, but after what happened with Howdy–"
"I know." Barnaby cuts him off. A vase hadn't been the only thing Wally had thrown at Howdy the last time he became like this, and the vase hadn't landed anyway; but a paper weight had, and so did his punches. Despite not liking him, Howdy had stood there and taken it, claiming the boss "needed that more than anyone knew".
Barnaby wishes it had been him, not Howdy. He didn't want Wally to hurt him, but he's his best friend and he wants to be the one that's there for him at his absolute lowest, as well as his highest. It feels like recently he's missing all of the moments that are crucial for helping his first friend.
"Thank you for letting me know, I'll go see him alone now. You two get back to…whatever you were doing, have a good night." Frank looks like they're about to respond but the elevator doors close, effectively cutting them off.
Barnaby sighs into the silence of the elevator, readying himself for what's to come when he reaches Wally's penthouse.
He's surprised when he arrives and the room is filled with gentle music coming from the Gramophone—the record player—across the spacious living area; someone's singing in the bathroom, he soon realizes it's Wally singing and he's even more stunned. Wally hasn't sung a song in all the time he's known him, claiming he couldn't carry a tune.
To Barnaby, he sounds like a professional, smooth and suave. It almost feels like he's intruding, but the mess of the room makes him stay. Wally seems to have started cleaning up his mess, which is a nice change of pace. Typically Julie would come in and clean for him after hearing he'd had an episode, saying he deserves a clean safe space, even if he's the one trashing the place.
Barnaby moves to relax on the sofa, careful to avoid the bag Wally had left. He sits and waits a while, enjoying the soft melody and the surprisingly relaxing aura that the chaotic room held. He finds himself humming along with Wally, not knowing the words of his song.
When he hears his friend's singing end and the water shut off his posture straightens and becomes a little tense; worried how his little buddy might react at his sudden intrusion.
To his surprise, Wally exits the bathroom in a plush bathrobe, hair expertly wrapped in a towel atop his head as he continues humming a tune; and when he catches sight of Barnaby he's shocked but smiles.
"Ah, you're back. I did wonder if you would come and see me again today, I'm glad you're back safe." He moves closer to the sofa, bare feet padding against the hard wood floors, "Sorry for the mess, I got a bit carried away again today. I'm also sorry if I've been short with you today."
"There's no need to apologize, Boss. I'm just glad you're looking better."
"I do look better don't I? It's amazing what a shower and a quick skin care routine can do to a man." He says as he rummages through the grocery bag on the couch, pulling out three bulky items wrapped in paper.
He sits next to Barnaby and unwraps them, the record now fading into a new melody. Wally places three…interesting vases on the low table in front of them. His smile seems brighter as he looks at them.
"You starting a collection?" Barnaby jokes.
Wally hums, "I'm considering it."
"I told Julie to buy flowers for the…rat's lady friend, I intended on sending her a message with them, only to find out she herself is a rat. So I decided I'd keep the flowers for myself, they're quite pretty." He explained, his voice soft.
"But what's with the pottery?"
Wally laughs, "Well pretty flowers need equally pretty vases, my friend." Barnaby wasn't sure he would call them pretty, but he wasn't an artist so what would he know?
"Why'd ya get three though?"
"You're awfully inquisitive today, aren't you?" For a moment Barnaby worries he's stepped too far, but Wally's tone sounds mostly teasing and light hearted, "I bought three because I couldn't just pick one that I liked; besides, my home could use more art."
"Yeah, sure. It's just nice to see you smiling and, uh, getting out there." He admits awkwardly, his smaller friend looking up at him with a wide grin, it seems genuine compared to his usual facade.
"It has been nice, today hasn't been perfect, but it's been nice." Wally rises from the sofa, grabbing the plain, lumpy vase and the bouquet as he moves to the kitchen.
Carefully, he fills the vase with the recommended amount of water and retrieves a bit of lemon juice he's had sitting in his fridge for a month now—it's been longer than a month, he just doesn't know that—he adds a few drops to the tap water before arranging the flowers inside the vase.
He carries the vase filled with flowers back to Barnaby and places them at the center of the low table, adjusting it's position on the table until he deems it perfect.
Wally sighs as he relaxes back onto the couch next to his much larger friend, "Now all I need is more flowers to fill the other two, perhaps I'll make paintings of them as well, they're inspiring me already." He didn't say what else might be inspiring him, but in his mind an image of you formed. Maybe he would sketch you as well.
Barnaby raised a brow at him, even though he wouldn't see it, and smiled, "Hey, I'm glad you're wanting to paint again little buddy, after what happened earlier I thought you might be giving up for good."
Mentioning their time together earlier that day seemed to sour Wally's mood a bit, "Yeah, well, torture and death aren't always the best motivation I've realized."
At his sudden tone change, Barnaby scrambles to get him back to his pleasant mood, "So where'd ya get the pottery? Any place I might know?"
This seems to work as a twinkle appears in his eyes once again and he turns to fully face Barnaby, a soft and genuine smile gracing his features.
"You might, Eddie talks about it all the time it would seem, everyone knew about it but me, ha ha." He continued, "Well, actually, I knew of the flower shop but I had never gone in before, until today. You might know it, it's (S/N), over on 9th Street."
Barnaby contemplates the location a moment, he can't say that he does recall a flower shop there, "It's not ringing any bells, but whats so special about it, you seem very…happy and I'm not so sure it's about a flower shop."
Wally's eyes widen and pink dusts across his cheeks, something Barnaby isn't sure he's ever seen happen to his friend before, "Well, I suppose it's about more than a shop, yes," then he stubbornly adds, "Although the flowers do make me happy."
Barnaby motions for him to continue, Wally sighs and while it sounds like frustration he still has a grin on his face.
That's when Barnaby learns about you, although he's certain he might have heard of you before through Eddie Dear, but he knows Eddie never talked about you so dreamily.
This is also when Barnaby learns that his best friend might have experienced love at first sight.
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The Be My Valentine Challenge 2024
An event from @timecanalwayshealyou
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The Be My Valentine Challenge is a challenge for writers, artists, and just any kind of creator, from the first of February to the 14th!
The idea is to create thirteen smaller, lead-up pieces based on the prompts; for example, ficlets/drabbles/one-shots, couplets, small artworks, individual gifs, et. cetera - and finish the challenge with a larger work; a fic, a full poem, a gifset, a big artwork, whatever sparks for you!
They can be a series or separate, and you're free to change mediums or fandoms for different days. If you'd rather create fourteen small works, or all large ones, or a combination of both, that's completely up to you! Prompts can be used after the event, combined, just do whatever! Only "properly" used prompts will be reblogged to this page, however.
The catch; it's all romance prompts, in the spirit of Valentine's Day and because everyone on this site is single and lonely.
Each day has a quote from an iconic or relevant romance film (The Notebook, Red, White and Royal Blue, The Fault In Our Stars, Pride And Prejudice, etc.), an iconic love song, and a romantic cliché, act, or item.
This account will be reblogging a few works (art, drabbles, ficposts, etc.) from the event tag (bemyvalentine2024) each day. Full tagging rules, the transcribed prompt list, and other event details are under the cut. If you're unsure about anything, send in an ask! Happy Creating!
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Tumblr media
There will be an ao3 collection open from the first of February to the fourteenth for submission. Artworks, gifsets, etc. posted to tumblr should be tagged appropriately to be seen as part of the event.
The official spotify playlist for the event can be found here.
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Anyone who completes this event is considered a Valentine, and anyone who participates is a Lover. At the end of the event, a form will be put out, so if you wish to be tagged in a masterpost, keep an eye out! I won't be fact-checking, it's an honour system, so please be honest.
There will be completion and participation badges, too! They're in the works as we speak!
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Tagging System:
event tag - #bemyvalentine2024
prompt tag - #bemyvalentineno1, #bemyvalentineno2, etc.
(Or #bemyvalentinealt1, #bemyvalentinealt2, if you use alt promtps)
the theme or specific prompt/s you chose - #love poems, #quote, etc.
fandom or oc - #stranger things, #original content, etc.
any trigger warnings/nsfw tags if needed
and then your own tags!
Only works tagged correctly will be reblogged to this page, so please take note!
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Transcribed Prompt List:
Day 1: "But poetry, beauty, romance, love, these are what we stay alive for." Because You Loved Me, Celine Dion | Love Poems
Day 2: "I want all of you, forever. You and me. Every day." A Thousand Years, Christina Perri | Growing Old Together
Day 3: "I fell in love with a world through her eyes." Ocean Eyes, Billie Eilish | Love at First Sight
Day 4: "I'd rather die tomorrow than live a hundred years without knowing you." Marry Me, Train | Wedding Vows
Day 5: "My love will keep me from being a lonely spirit." When I Look At You, Miley Cyrus | Long Distance
Day 6: "People do belong to each other, because that's the only chance that anyone's got for true happiness." Home, Edward Sharpe | First Love
Day 7: "It's so nice when you can sit with someone and not have to talk." Sweater Weather, The Neighbourhood | Snowed In
Day 8: "I never wish to be parted from you from this day on." Say You Won't Let Go, James Arthur | Love Letter
Day 9: "You gave me a forever within the numbered days, and I'm grateful." Lay Me Down, Sam Smith | Widowed
Day 10: "Hold on, are you writing a song?" I Want To Write You A Song, One Direction | Love Songs
Day 11: "To me, you are perfect." Perfect, Ed Sheeran | Kissing in the Rain
Day 12: "History, huh? Bet we could make some." Love Story, Taylor Swift | Historical Romance
Day 13: "I wish I knew how to quit you." All of Me, John Legend | Making Up
Day 14: "You don't step in love, you fall in. Head over heels." I Will Always Love You, Whitney Houston | Valentine's Day
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ghuleh-recs · 4 months
♡ Fandom Faves Tag ♡
Tag 1-3 (or as many as you want) of your favorite creators (writers, artists, outstanding members of the community etc) and link your favorite creation if you can.
Thank you for the tags @midnight-moth and @coffeeghoulie! I'm gonna challenge myself to not wax poetic and keep these extra short and sweet. That way it's not as intimidating for others to participate (hope that makes sense). Oh and I'm not putting a "keep reading."
Witness my faves (ง •̀_•́)ง
@midnight-moth (who started this tag game ♡) drew THE Phantom art of all time and I recently went absolutely feral for:
Buried in Treasure - Dew x Phantom - E, 3.6k
When his eyes roll forward again, he notices more than just the same riff playing over and over. He notices Phantom’s grip on his hand simultaneously go still and tight. He notices the rosy flush on his cheeks, and the tent in his pants that he tries to conceal with the hand holding the phone. It takes more than a few seconds for all of the dots to connect and when the thought is fully formed, Dew grabs the phone and launches it to the end of the bed.
@ramblingoak hey why is there an angel in the satanic band fandom? I created this whole blog so I could shout about:
The Cardinal's Bride - Cardinal Copia x F!Reader - E, 91k (wip)
A Romantic Adventure in the Old West: After being forced into a marriage with Mr. Saltarian by your father you are sent west to his estate in Nevada. Along the way you end up meeting one of the cowboys you have always fantasized about…
@conjuring-ghouls finds the perfect moments and turns them into the loveliest gifs. On top of that she is endlessly kind and supportive. Look at these!!!
@coffeeghoulie is writing the Aeon x Swiss hurt/comfort fic of y'all's dreams and I got to do my first "official" art collab for it yay!!
Eternal Heatstroke - Aeon x Swiss - M, 17k (wip)
For once in their life, Aeon feels lucky. Whoever's opened this portal, whoever's summoning ghouls Up Top, specifically wants a quintessence ghoul. They may not be the biggest or strongest quintessence ghoul, far from it, but they'll do anything this summoner wants if it means they get to live. Or: being Topside is a drastic change from the life Aeon's used to.
@writingjourney truly the kindest soul and an absurdly talented writer. I screenshot Ibi's tags on my posts all the time because they cheer me up so much 🥹🥹
Friday Nights (series) - Papas x GN!Reader - E, 40k
“But to die as lovers may - to die together, so that they may live together.” ― Joseph Sheridan Le Fanu, Carmilla Each of these stories features a vampire papa and a gender neutral reader.
@anamelessfool writes some of the best world building and characterizations that I have ever read in fanfiction AND she's a fantastic artist.
Violence & Gentleness - Primo x OC - E, 50k (wip)
You made me forget myself...I thought I was someone else, someone good... LATE OCTOBER 1979 Primo has his work cut out for him as the bodyguard of the beautiful and fearsome Mater Emerita Jocasta. As mystery after mystery unfolds, it becomes harder to remain a honest man in this den of thieves called the Ministry.
@foxybouquet makes wonderful art and her colloquial Italian posts are an incredible resource for the fandom.
@angellayercake has angel in her username for a reason tbh. I'm not exaggerating when I say that I learned important things about myself and my love language whilst reading the brilliant:
Banchetto - Terzo x F!Reader - E, 22k (wip)
Papa Emeritus III is struggling to adapt to his life after the Ghost project but perhaps some good homemade Italian food will do the trick.
(I'm cutting myself off here because I could do this all day. I will probably be making another list in the near future because I love and admire so many of you. 😅)
No pressure at all but I would really love to see this tag game keep going! If you're reading this please consider adding some of your personal favorites to the list! This fandom could use some positivity right about now ♡
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steddieunderdogfics · 2 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  MuseumGiftShopEraser! They have 9 works on AO3 in the Stranger Things Fandom, and 6 of those are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @museumgiftshoperaser:
Paint the Devil on the Wall
Conversations About Love
Now I'm A Stranger
An Exercise In Denial
Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me
Her fics are BEAUTIFUL. When I first read Paint the Devil on the Wall I was so obsessed I immediately recced the fic to everyone I knew who would be vaguely interested in a steddie fic. -- anonymous
Below the cut, @museumgiftshoperaser answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I stumbled into it immediately after season 4 came out. I’ve felt very attached to Steve as a character from the beginning of the show and I think I was subconsciously waiting for someone to pair him up with. I think they’re both such great characters to explore themes of dealing with expectation (either by conforming, or fighting against it) and that’s something I always love to write about.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Absolute sucker for fake dating. Can’t get enough of it.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Enemies to lovers! Though now that I’m looking through my AO3 I haven’t actually written that much of it. It doesn’t have to be very intense enemies, though. I just like it when characters don’t immediately get along.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
My brain has been forever rewired by took you for a working boy by pukner. It’s such a gentle, nuanced queer story. It feels vulnerable to me in a way that really only fanfiction can be. Can I sneak in another one?? Because everyone should also absolutely read the shame is on the other side by scoops_ahoy. It taps into this very specific kind of queer compartmentalizing, that I’ve never seen written this well. It broke my heart and patched it right back up.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve been stupidly busy with my masters lately so there’s probably not a lot of writing on my horizon. I do have a wip called Doll that I’m slowly chipping away at. It’s a little darker than stuff I’ve written before. I know ‘dark’ isn’t really a trope, but I’m excited to see if I can push these characters a little further. 
What is your writing process like?
Absolute chaos. I write non-chronologically, without an outline, all in the same document. I keep writing snippets and scenes until the whole thing slowly comes together. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
Italicizing words for emphasis. I love it so much, you can rip it from my cold dead hands. It accidentally makes its way into my academic writing for my degree sometimes which is a little embarrassing, but I just love the flair of it. 
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I don’t really do schedules, it doesn’t work for me at all. I try to make sure I have a decent amount of the story written before I start posting to give me a bit of a head start, but forcing myself to finish something by a certain date is a surefire way to kill my motivation.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably Paint the Devil on the Wall. It was the first time I’d written the entire story before I started posting so it went through way more rounds of editing than normal. I think you can really tell. It’s also the longest story I’ve ever written (in general, even outside of fanfic). The whole project gave me a lot of confidence as a writer.
How did you get the idea for Paint the Devil on the Wall?
I knew I wanted to participate in the Bigbang and the deadline was coming up, but I still didn’t have an idea. I decided to work backwards and try to think of something that would be fun for the artist(s) to draw. I had a vision of Eddie wearing dungarees without a shirt, absolutely covered in paint and I knew I had to write something to make it happen. I set the story in 80s New York because neo expressionism is really the only kind of art I could see Eddie making. I think it suits him very well. I do actually have a background in art, though! I’m currently getting my MFA, but I’ve worked full time as an artist for several years before that. I had a lot of fun working my passion for art (and all those art history classes I had to take) into the fic.
When writing Paint the Devil on the Wall, what was something you didn’t expect?
All of Steve’s character, to be honest. The fic is written from Eddie’s POV and for a large part of it he has a very hard time figuring out what Steve’s deal is. Right alongside him, I also had an incredibly hard time figuring out his character. It wasn’t until I was working on the final chapter that he finally clicked for me. I realized very late, just like Eddie, that Steve liked him from the very beginning. Most of the enemies to lovers premise was all in Eddie’s head.
What inspired Now I'm a Stranger?
Oh boy, that was forever ago! I remember I started writing it while I was camping with friends because I liked having something to do after everyone went to bed at night. I think I had the idea for that very first scene where Steve doesn’t remember Eddie and it all sort of spiraled from there.
What was your favorite part to write from An Exercise in Denial?
That was the very first fic I wrote, right after season 4 came out! I’ve never written something that fast, I think the whole thing took me less than a week. My favorite part was probably Robin being completely exasperated with both of them. They’re such complete idiots in that fic.
How do/did you feel writing Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me?
Ahhh… I never got around to finishing that one. I probably never will, to be honest. I wrote the first two parts quite quickly and then the idea I had for the plot spiraled out of control and I realized I didn’t actually feel like writing the rest of it. There were going to be a lot of misunderstandings and I learned that I find that an incredibly frustrating trope to write (when done for drama at least. For comedy, I’m a sucker for misunderstandings.) So I guess I felt a little in over my head.
What was the most difficult part of writing Conversations About Love?
The ending! That fic is so incredibly personal to me and I knew from the beginning that I wanted it to have a very sappy, happy ending. It was important to me to write an aromantic character getting everything they wanted, but I realized as I was writing it that I don’t actually fully know what that means. So it took a bit more soul searching than fics typically do, but it was very much worth it. 
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I still think the short little prologue for Paint the Devil on the Wall is the best thing I’ve written. “You don’t draw on things that aren’t yours, baby” is probably the best summary I have for that story.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Not really!
Thank you to our author, @museumgiftshoperaser, and our anonymous nominator! See more of @museumgiftshoperaser works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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cowpokeomens · 2 months
Ayfuckingo, who’s stealing work👀👀👀 (Who thinks stealing someone’s hard ass work is fun? Wtf)
Yknow I thought abt deleting this ask and my post but I’m feeling feisty and fed up today, actually! This is not directly specifically at you anon 🫶 anyways read at your own risk lol
I’m not dropping names because I’m not a gossip blog, but I think the tendency of certain celebrated “authors” to dip into other people’s creative endeavors for their own work is gross and completely diminishes the whole point of fandoms. Like, this is supposed to be a community. Instead it’s turned into a competition that literally no one wants to be a part of where people say “oh yay, another _____ AU!” Instead of “wow, that’s awfully hyper specific and pretty flagrantly rips off of soemthing I’ve seen before?”
I think we, as members of fandom, have become soooooo wrapped up in the culture of needing to “consume content” that we disregard artistic integrity. We don’t care that the idea is stolen because we love the idea so much. I’m not talking about tropes (ie; enemies to lovers, grumpy!character x sunshine!character, fake dating) I’m talking about the actual creative thought that goes into making a fic. I understand loving someone’s creativity; I’m an artist, and I am constantly absorbing and thinking about art from other people. It’s inevitable that some ideas will trickle into your own work. But there comes a point where there is a clear difference between “inspired” and stolen.
I’m not trying to say this as some kind of writing authority - there are SO MANY talented and hardworking writers on this platform who make beautiful work leagues better than my stupid horny rambles. And like I said, I’m not naming names- the plagiarizers are fully aware of what they’re doing. But the way in which y’all treat fic is really disappointing sometimes. It’s not all about the next update, y’all. This is someone’s art. It’s not just a “good idea” in public domain for you to pluck and use in your own work as you please. It is someone’s art.
I just can’t help but feel like it circles back to a deeply ingrained need to devalue artists. If there was any respect for author’s and their work, this wouldn’t even need to be a conversation. Don’t fucking steal from people. Why do you value the work of an author so little that you feel it’s okay to take something they’ve worked incredibly hard on? Obviously you like it enough to try and pass it off as your own, so why steal at all? There’s a reblog button, you can add comments to let them know how much you love it. What are you gaining?
I’m coming from the position of an artist, not just a fic writer. This has nothing to do with my writing personally (as far as I’m aware, no one is trying to pass off my ideas as their own.) But as an artist, I cannot put into words how saddening and downright violating it is to have someone look at a thing you made, something you put your experiences and thoughts and emotions into, and think “it’s completely fine for me to take this idea and run with it.” That is insurmountably shitty.
Y’all are too damn smart to not notice. I think too highly of y’all as readers and creators to chalk it up to misunderstanding. You probably already had a fic in mind as you were reading this! I think we, as a community, really need to work on our intentionality and integrity with regards to art making. Stealing ideas is not conducive to making art or maintaining any semblance of community in fandom. Anyways this was long, I apologize for nothing, byeeeeeeeeee
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imsiriuslyreading · 7 months
i love you and your blog Lana, but jegulus doesn’t make sense. they just don’t, sorry, pretending otherwise is ooc for everyone involved. James had only one true love in his life and it was Lily, replacing her with Sirius’s death eater brother, whom he hated, by the way, takes away huge part of his canon personality. this man died for his wife and his son, he wouldn’t move on from her or divorce Lily, he wouldn’t co-parent with her, he’s a full-time parent, in a marriage, with his wife.
and why there’s a need to replace the most important woman of the group with a man? give him Lily’s personality and use jily tropes? there’s no originality in this ship, it’s recycled drarry with jily’s story….
thanks for saying hi, i hope youre havin' a nice day :)
lemme start by saying, i LOVE JILY. i adore them. hard enemies to lovers tends to not be my vibe so that's why i usually go with them over jegulus, but sometimes, the need arises, y'know?
that being said. If you know me at all or see me talking shit on tiktok as i do so (too) often, you'll know my main squeeze is a good old muggle au. and honestly, for me, my favourite thing about them is that these characters that fandom stole from an unworthy author who, frankly, didn't do any of them justice, can be anyone we want them to be.
i think there's something so clever in taking, let's say, sirius black, and turning him into a pro footballer or hockey player or barista or actor or presenter or an artist or a violin player or whatever, and making me really believe that shit, do you know what I mean? I'm so in awe of the writers in this fandom who take something so flat and bring so much life and colour and texture to it.
and often, i think what happens is that people write what they want to see in the world. and james potter is a comfort character for SO MANY of us. but maybe they want to see him in a relationship that looks more like their own, in terms of gender, sexuality, personality, whatever. and the beauty of writing is that they can do that. and the beauty of fandom (i think) is that there's really something for e v e r y o n e. often the people who get left out of most main stream stories are the ones who most need to see and feel representation somewhere, so this sort of feels a bit like a win for them, don't you think?
all that to say, i think there's room for all of it, all of them. 'if you like it i love it' is my motto.
also, have you read shelf awareness by ghostofbambi? its one of my favourite Jily fics ever, i adore james in that, he's just everything to me in this <3
thanks again for coming to say hi and being so nice about it!
lana xo
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steddiesupportpodcast · 8 months
Meet the Podcast Team!
It's about time that we introduce ourselves, we're the team behind the Steddie Support Group Podcast 👋 Big thanks to @glitterfang for the amazing portraits 🎨🖌️
ALENA aka @peter-pantomime
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Any Pronouns | Virgo | 30
I’m a veteran fan and amateur academic who loves analyzing individual characters and their interpersonal relationships, the plots, themes, symbols, and genre staples of pop culture media, and the dynamics between media fans and creators. I’m coming to Stranger Things from a long history of examining how fans participate in the process of making meaning through their interactions with media texts, and to Steddie from an even longer history of being emotionally devastated by blorbos and ships, the most notable being Destiel, Stucky, and Reddie. I love talking to people about all these ideas everywhere from Tik Tok comments to academic conferences, and so I’m super excited to have the opportunity to be a part of this podcast with so many wonderful people!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 4, 5, & 6
Twitter: @peterpantomime TikTok: peterpantomime Youtube: Peter-Pantomime
AMY aka @mojowitchcraft
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She/Her | Scorpio | 33
I’ve been a fan of Stranger Things since day one, but fell headfirst into the Steddie hole last summer. There is no way out, I’m trapped, I’m stuck in here with them. Before Steddie I’d been an avid fanfic reader but I was always too shy to write anything. Over the past year my confidence in my writing has grown so much and I’ve met so many amazing and wonderful people in this community. Very excited to be part of the podcast team and lend my voice to our discussions! 
Producer, Host, Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episodes 1, 4, 6, 7, & 13
Ao3: weird_witchcraft Twitter: @mojowitchcraft TikTok: mojowitchcraft
ASH aka @steddiehands86
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They/He | Gemini | 37 
Joined the Steddie community around October and have been nonstop writing and cosplaying since. I have been writing on Ao3 since ‘09, but never so much as with this fandom. I’m so fortunate to be a part of this lovely group of people to talk about our brainrot in a safe, sane, consensual space… I’m also a Gemini, and like long walks in the woods. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Transcript Editor Appears on: Episode 1, 8, 11 & 12
Ao3: steddiehands86 Twitter: @steddiehands86 TikTok: steddiehands86 Instagram: steddiehands86
BECCA aka @glitterfang
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She/Her | Taurus | 35 
I was a casual fan of Stranger Things up until Season 4. Now the brainrot’s got a hold of me and won’t let go. I’ve spent most of my time in this fandom as a small potatoes fan artist but have recently started writing fic as well! I love our little Steddie family and community and I’m just happy to be here. 
Host, Guest & Resident Artist Appears on: Episode 3 & 9 
Ao3: pizzabones Twitter: @glitterfangart TikTok: glitterfang Instagram: glitterfangs
BECKS aka @beccichu
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They/She | Aquarius | 24
“Nope, you can’t start watching Stranger Things just because of him” were my thoughts last year after hundreds and hundreds of Stranger Things and Eddie Munson edits on tiktok. Well, after binge watching 4 whole seasons (the last one two times in a row) I fell head over heels for Steve and Eddie and into the Steddie hole pretty fast where I’ve been here ever since. I do write every now and then but my passion is cosplaying, talking about the blorbos nonstop and sharing my love for this community with others! 
Promo Team
Ao3: MsBecciChan Twitter: beccichuu TikTok: beccichu Instagram: beccichu
BIRDIE aka @audacityofbird
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She/Her | Leo | 39
Bird isn’t even her real name, but she wasn’t sure if going by ‘The Motherf*cking Lizard King’ would be appropriate. Bird has been a fan of Stranger Things since the start. The ensemble cast, nostalgia and the way the show wove music into it in such a beautiful way hooked her immediately. The brain rot didn’t set in firmly enough to scour Ao3 until  2022 at the release of Season 4 but then the rest was history. A fandom lover and fanfic reader/ writer at heart, but her favorite role in fandom spaces is cheerleading, beta reading and being a part of the community. The love for these characters and the stories run deep but her gratitude for the friendships she’s formed here runs deeper. 
Guest, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on: Episode 3 & 10
Ao3: audacity_of_bluejays Twitter: @audacityofbird
CADY aka @lostinadmiration
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Any Prounouns | Capricorn | 33
Cady was a casual fan of Stranger Things until Eddie Munson flirted with Steve Harrington and then went and fucking died. She went online to cope with the grief, and stumbled onto Steddie art, which snowballed into discovering fanfiction, and landed her in a beautiful community of loving and supporting friends who love talking about those gay dudes! In the year of brain rot she completed two fics, has two neglected WIPs, and loves chugging out art. She also wants everyone to know she’s IYLO’s biggest fan and would love to discuss it with everyone and anyone!
Guest & Host Appears on: Episode 1, 9, 10, & 13
Ao3: lostnadmiration Twitter: @lostnadmiration TikTok: lostin_admiration  Tumblr: lostin_admiration
DAE aka @strawberryspence
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She/Her | Libra | 23
Dae has been watching Stranger Things from the beginning, falling in love with the friendships and found family tropes in its core. She has always had a soft spot for Steve Harrington, this only intensified when Eddie Munson was thrown in the mix. Dae spends her time writing Steddie fics (mostly angst), editing and having mental breakdowns about gay fictional characters. 
Guest, Graphics Creator & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 4
Ao3: strawberryspence Twitter: @strawberrysomin TikTok: strawberryspence
JESS aka @mydarkdevotion
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She/They | Pisces | 31
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning and fell in love so hard that I ended up getting Eleven’s 011 on my wrist in my cousin’s bedroom. I’ve been reading fanfiction way before stepping into Steddie and writing has grown more since then too. I guess you can say my friends see me as the person that would dive right into the danger (No tag reads/ No summaries) What can I say? I love surprises. Even if they end up in tears. Anyone who's seen my tiktok knows. But all in all just a real down-to-earth friendly person enjoying the thing I love.     
Guest | Appears on: Episode 5 & 11
Ao3: MyDarkDevotion Twitter: @mydarkdevotion TikTok: MyDarkDevotion
KAYLEE aka @sweetz059
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She/They | Libra | 24
Kaylee has loved watching Stranger Things since she was 16, reading cutesy Byler fics and appreciating all the found family the fandom had to offer, and always having a soft spot for Steve Harrington. They didn’t really dive in until Season 3, however, when she finally was given a character that they could see themselves in. One Robin Buckley. Which just intensified her love for Steve even more. Then Season 4 happened, and Eddie Munson happened, and Kaylee finally saw the perfect match for Steve. Now they’re one fic down, and who knows how many more to go, and she wouldn’t want it any other way.
Guest, Host & Producer Appears on: Episode 3, 6, 8, 11, & 12
Ao3: sweetz059 Twitter: @sweetz059 TikTok: sweetz059 Instagram: sweetz059
KK aka @knormalizeknitting
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Any Pronouns | Taurus | 39
KK is a genderless void who has been a nerd since time immemorial so naturally they’re obsessed with Stranger Things. They were a “normal” level of into the show, for a total geek that is, until Eddie Munson appeared and the Steddie ship set sail. Now KK spends all their time projecting Steddie onto every fictional pairing that has ever existed in media and finding new ways to torture Steve Harrington before letting him finally kiss Eddie. They’re extremely excited to be part of the podcast, make new friends on the server and talk Steddie / ST with so many lovely people when they’re not giving Steve even more trauma on ao3.
Guest, Host, Audio Editor & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 8, 12 & 13
Ao3: knormalizeknitting Twitter: @knormalknitting TikTok: knormalizeknittin Instagram: knormalizeknitting
KRIS aka @kwills91
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They/Them | Gemini | 32 
I’ve written and read fanfic for many, many years, but it had been a while since I existed in a particular fandom. Then Season 4 of Stranger Things came out and I fell in love with Steddie. After mass consuming as many fics as I could get my eyeballs on, I decided that there weren’t nearly enough Steve breakdowns in them and began writing my own, and I’ve been unable to stop writing since. Hundreds of thousands of words of writing and millions of words of reading later and the brainrot is showing no signs of dying. And hopefully never will. Which is why I’m so excited to be part of this podcast.
Guest, Host & Mod Tech Appears on: Episode 2, 3, 8 & 10
Ao3: Kwills91 Twitter: @k_wills91 TikTok: kwills91
MANON @transmascsteveharrington
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They/He | Aries | 26
“The binge watch format of Netflix shows hinders the growth and development of fandoms compared to linear released shows. Therefore it is unlikely that many viewers of Stranger Things will ever participate/form a fandom and read or write fanfiction-” is a sentence I once wrote in an essay in 2017 for my undergrad. Then the universe had a right laugh and several years, one gender crisis, and about 250k words of written steddie fics and countless words of read steddie fics later I am now here. I’m an avid writer and reader of stangst (Steve angst) and could talk about it for hours. That’s why I’m super excited to be part of this podcast. 
Guest, Host & Producer | Appears on: Episode 2, 6, 8, 10, & 13
Ao3: ChristinMKay Twitter: @t4teddiemunson TikTok: ger_manon
SAGE aka @miserablekingsteve
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They/Them | Virgo | 24
I watched Stranger Things back in 2016. Only because my mum was watching it in the other room, and I heard Joy Division’s ‘Atmosphere’ start playing. Causing me to come running out of my room and question what she was watching. Prior to that fateful moment, I was probably holed up, writing Torchwood fanfiction or listening to the audio dramas while live posting on tumblr. Safe to say I’ve been in fandom spaces for quite some time. Yet never had written anything with as much velocity as I did when Steddie quite literally dove into my periphery. What? Eddie Munson was doing Ketamine and being ridiculous, hard not to relate to that one. I’m super stoked to have had any opportunity to be involved in fandom this much and I’m excited to see where it continues to take me!  
Guest & Promo Team Appears on: Episode 6, 8, 11 & 12 
Ao3: miserablekings TikTok: miserablekings
SARA aka @3blackhearts
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She/Her | Leo | 36
I’ve been watching Stranger Things since the beginning. I loved how creative and nostalgia-driven the show is. The death (maybe, hopefully not, let me be delulu a little longer) of Eddie Munson is what drove me to read my first fanfiction ever. I hadn’t resonated with a character that much in a long time and having his ending be so unsatisfying on the show led me to want a world where that’s fixed or never happens (shout out to AUs). Since joining the fandom I’ve found my niche by making podfics, and now this podcast. In real life, I work for a local non-profit and am a visual artist.  President & Founder of the DILF Steve Harrington Fan Club.
Guest, Host, Producer, Mod Tech & Audio Editor Appears on Episodes: 3, 4, 5, 10, & 11
Ao3: 3blackhearts Twitter: @3_blackhearts TikTok: 3blackhearts
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thelordofgifs · 1 year
I’m pretty new to Silm! Do you have any recommendations for blogs to follow? You were one of the first and I really like your work <3
Ooooh thank you so much anon! Welcome to the fandom – I’m pretty new myself but I have many extremely cool and talented mutuals to recommend!!
@that-angry-noldo is your girl for Finarfin content!! Also she’s extremely funny and cute and an amazing writer and also an incredible artist (which I am only just discovering?? but her art is all SO GOOD) and she has the best takes and I love her so so much. Also she will ride the Aerin/Tilion train with me til dawn ❤️❤️
@welcomingdisaster has SO many brilliant takes!! Her writing is beautiful and her art is stunning and she has both very deep thought-provoking meta thoughts and also the funniest silm polls.
@swanmaids always delivers with the Elwing defence! Her writing is consistently incredible and she has so many pieces that have stuck with me for MONTHS. Also her OCs are amazing, you will never look at Curufin’s wife the same way again.
@actual-bill-potts is an amazing writer who also has SO many fantastic Arafinwean thoughts, I love all her meta so so much and her fics never. miss. Also she’s really really funny.
@cuarthol has incredible meta (more Arafinwean defence!) and is an amazing author and Appreciates Rarepairs.
@outofangband is absolutely the person to go to for worldbuilding and Elvish languages!! Also anything to do with Húrin and Morwen.
@vidumavi is another one of those fascinating people who is both a supremely talented artist and an wonderful writer!! (Seriously how do you do that??) And she’s a Maglor lover AND an Eldacar appreciator so. 10/10 taste there.
@polutrope is another Maglor enjoyer!! And also SO incredibly knowledgeable about all the details in HoME and an incredible writer and really really really nice.
@tanoraqui is SO cool and funny and an amazing writer and has all the best OCs and premier russingon takes too!!
@dreamingthroughthenoise Gets It about Maglor and has such beautiful writing (although it will bring you to tears be warned) and wonderful thoughts about Finrod and Lúthien too!!
Go forth and enjoy :)
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areyoudreaminof · 1 year
Night Triumphant: A Rhysand Playlist
Call me Beyonce because this is a surprise drop! Thank you all for your enthusiasm and support for the ACOTAR Playlist Project. It's amazing. To tell me these have inspired your writing, helped you study, or just got you going? I'm so thrilled. So, here another playlist for your weekend!
Now, we have The High Lord himself. Rhysand is something else. Romantic hero certainly, but he's an anti-hero, a victim, a villain, a lover, and a killer. His backstory is something that gets looked over in universe and by the fandom. I'm really fascinated to why he does the things he does. Was playing up villainy worth it? Listen Here! And come with me behind the cut for a lyrical deep dive!
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Beautiful Crime-TAMER
Leaving the things we lost, oh Leaving the ones we've crossed I have to make an end so we begin To save my soul at any cost We fight every night for something When the sun sets we're both the same Half in the shadows Half burned in flames We can't look back for nothing Take what you need, say your goodbyes I gave you everything This darkness is the light
When you hid under my black wings They couldn't have protected you from anything Once in flight they would have let go You would have once again wound up below Only broken
Indeed, it's wrong to keep you near me One could call me cruel and deceiving But in your sacred air I am full of light Your loving arms are the true delight To which I'm lost
I said I'm so sorry To have kept you waiting around I wish I could've come up I could've shouted out loud They got exits covered All the exits underground I wish I could figure it out But the world's upside down In a world upside down
River-Leon Bridges
Oh, I wanna come near and give you Every part of me But there's blood on my hands And my lips are unclean Take me to your river I wanna go Oh, go, take me to your river I wanna know
Can't Deny My Love-Brandon Flowers
What's going on in your head now? Maybe something I said? I know that you've been living in the past
When you close your eyes, tell me what you see Locked up in your room is there any room for me? In the spoils of your mercy In the reverence of your bed In the cradle of the morning What was it that you said?
After Dark-Mr. Kitty
As the hours pass I will let you know That I need to ask Before I'm alone How it feels to rest On your patient lips To eternal bliss I'm so glad to know
Send Them Off!!-Bastille
I've got demons running round in my head And they feed on insecurities I have Won't you lay your healing hands on my chest? Let your ritual clean Soak the ropes with your holy water Tie me down as you read out the words Set me free from my jealousy Won't you exorcise my mind? Won't you exorcise my mind? I want to be free as I'll ever be Exorcise my mind Help me exorcise my mind
Sleep Alone-Bat for Lashes
You know, my darling, I can't stand to sleep alone No sweetheart in the dark to call my own You're my own, you're my own, I can sing it, I can groan But the darkness is a stranger and I'm lonely, lonely, lonely, low...
Last night's parties and last night's horrorshow Smiling and whirling and kissing all I know Give my soul, give my soul, sing it free across the sea A lonely spell to conjure you, but conjure hell is all I do
Judgement-Half Moon Run
Yeh you kicked up a storm, but the winds have died down I got a lot of bottles on account of this around
I'm sorry I'm not him The poet's right hand The artistic little suffering son-of-a-working-man You work yourself in, but it spits you right out Why is it so hard?
Dead American Writers-Tired Pony
I've been waiting for the spark myself But I've been scrambling in the dark for health I have read your words a thousand times All inspired by smashed up love and crime
If I could say anything, Be anyone See anything, do anything Say anything, be anyone Do anything, yeah It would be this, it would be this
The Fog-Rachel Sermanni
Deep, deep down under mountains I have heard them call my name Will I play their little game and tell them Deep, deep down I've been waiting for the fighting to begin Hold my hands up Deep sleep now under skies of pressing dark upon my dress Watch it turn from white to red under the Bone clean moon I am clinging to this burning, shaking bed Must I hold my hands up My bloody hands up Mercy, mercy I've been caught Lying with my darkest thought They grabbed my wings and pinned me to the wall Oh light please try to hold your ground Lift me up before I drown
Accelerate Susanne Sundfør
Bear the cross, die for love Crucify them, kill for love Pray the gods will turn back time if you care To dare Or stop the clock, whatever turns you on This must be paradise 'cause I can't count What's the time? What's the cost? What's your price? Faces off
Take Shelter-Years and Years
Just tell me what I have to do to keep myself apart from you All your colours start to burn I know I want you far too much Never thought I wouldn’t be enough All this talk is bruising you
I don’t really need this pressure to go If you wanna find love, if you wanna find something more I’ll be the one to run for you
Believe-The Bravery
I am hiding from some beast But the beast was always here Watching without eyes Because the beast is just my fear That I am just nothing Now it's just what I've become What am I waiting for? It's already done, oh So give me something to believe 'Cause I am living just to breathe
The Funeral-Band of Horses
I'm coming up only to hold you under I'm coming up only to show you're wrong And to know you is hard, we wonder To know you all wrong, we won
At every occasion, I'll be ready for the funeral At every occasion once more, it's called the funeral
taglist: @cursebrkr, @octobers-veryown, @melting-houses-of-gold, @velidewrites, @reverie-tales, @thesistersarcheron @ultadverb, @c-e-d-dreamer, @andrigyn, @foundress0fnothing, @vulpes-fennec ,@asnowfern, @thelovelymadone, @the-lonelybarricade, @shadowriel, @separatist-apologist , @fieldofdaisiies, @stickyelectrons, @vanserrass, @panicatthenightcourt, @krem-does-stuff, @iftheshoef1tz, @damedechance, @kingofsummer93
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xoxoemynn · 9 months
lol I started this the morning before we got word of the teaser and then PROMPTLY forgot about it. But here we go! I was tagged by @oatmilktruther, @bizarrelittlemew, @ghostalservice and @petrichorca, who are all equally amazing as people as they are writers. 💖
Rules: Share the first lines of your ten most recent fics and tag ten people.
The day began, as they always did, with a kiss. (all of these lines across my face) The infamous Grief Fic™, post-canon, Ed and Stede are in their 80s, I promise it is more uplifting than it sounds. I'm very proud of this one, but please mind the tags.
Dear Tooth Fairy, My name is the Swede and I am 42 years old. (A Fairy Tale) Ed is history's greatest tooth fairy, Stede is an eccentric flower fairy, and they have a magical adventure on the wings of my personal favorite OC, Arthur the rosy maple moth. Potentially the cutest thing I've ever written.
"Bye, Bonnet!" (Here's to the Night) It's Y2K, and Stede is stuck at the office making sure his father's company doesn't collapse at midnight, and Ed is the sexy IT consultant who calls him every 30 mins to flirt I mean, check in on things. There's romance. There's silliness. There's heavy 90s nostalgia. No Neopets were harmed in the creation of this fic.
There’s nothing Edward Teach loves more than a big, beautiful clock. (Clock Strikes One) Unhinged, clock-themed porn, this time with spanking. It's both filthy and educational! It's the follow up to Witness Marks, and there will be more.
It’s been four days since the former crew of the Revenge reappeared, and Ed’s hiding in his cabin. (Choose Your Own Adventure: Reunion!) By far the COOLEST fandom project I've ever been a part of! So many writers and artists took part in creating this, and it is magnificent. If you haven't found all paths yet, here's your reminder to do so. There's something for everybody.
There was something to be said for being married to one of the world's most sought-after fashion designers. (Pretty and Stiddies and Gay!) Inspired by this incredible art by @buumbaby. Ed and Stede are ridiculously in love and have hot sex, including once in public while Stede's in a gorgeous evening gown.
Stede sat on a bench in the lobby area of the office building and took a hearty sip of his very berry smoothie. (A Day in the Life of Model Employee S. Bonnet) Stede is the world's worst postal worker, who blows off his job to flirt with famed hair model Edward Teach. Possibly my favorite Stede I've ever written.
Loudly did the muses sing of the sea god Edward and his mortal lover, Stede. (forever is our today (who waits forever anyway)) What it says on the tin. Ed and Stede are cursed for defying the gods' orders to part ways. I'm really proud of how this one turned out. Like, really proud.
"Maaaa." (To Get to the Other Side) Short, sweet, silly, smutty.
There's a moment when you're deep into a long drive when your mind begins to wander. (Where the Daylight Begins) My baby. My child. My pfp. My 115K magical realism modern AU that was heavily influenced by The House in the Cerulean Sea. I hope it leaves you feeling like you've been wrapped up in a big gay hug.
Not tagging anyone because this has been sitting in my drafts for so long I'm certain everyone has already done it, but if not, consider this your tag. 💕
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opheliaintherushes · 10 months
I told myself I was done tormenting my kind and non-Riverdale-watching mutuals, and besides, I am too old and weathered for this fandom anyway, but really, the final, final thoughts on this finale and season as a whole:
First, and separately, does anything that happened after the characters got their memories back make sense? What was the point of it? They seemed completely unaffected by anything and happy to roleplay 50s teens. Were they even teens? Were they twenty-somethings sticking around high school like the vampires from Twilight for no explicable reason? Also, I'm sorry if you want to play the sentimental card, but if I was one of a handful of people who had traveled back in time and was stuck living in the past for 60 years or what have you, I would not lose contact with the others who also had. You would go insane! What did Archie tell his Modesto wife and child? Was Veronica picking up options on scripts she already knew would win Oscars? Did Jughead and Betty rewrite old issues of Mad and Ms. they might have read in the past? And is Gloria Steinem okay??? Also Betty and Jughead should remember they kind of hated each other in the future after the cheating and the voicemail, and Veronica should be so jealous of Betty for getting Archie, and Jughead should be so jealous of Archie for getting Betty, and my brain is hurting -
Almost more irritating were a) this idea that Archies are fundamentally stuck in the 50s (I owned the decade collections as a kid and the 60s and 70s were by far my favorites - very groovy), and b) the presumption that they did anything to address, expose, and or/fix actual problems of the 50s. Let us recap:
The school is already desegregated and this is never, ever discussed. The Black students are allowed to compete in beauty pageants, form their own literary club, dance on an integrated TV show, and join cheerleader squads, and this all happens with zero fight from the villains of the season. Fake Ray Bradbury and Fake Ray Bradbury's sweet but stupid wife think they could have settled in the south as a married couple in the forties. But? This is Riverdale, you say? They fixed everything? Sorry, you don't get to use Emmett Till to open the season and then eat your cake too.
Homophobia seemed to be the writers focus this season - except that every other episode someone would threaten Cheryl or Kevin, and then the next episode it would be an open secret at school with zero repercussions. Also, of course only the bad guys are homophobic (sorry Evelyn); our heroes are as forward thinking as they come. Hell, even Buffy had a moment to be wigged out by Willow and this was 1999! Anyway, look up what Lou Reed's parents did to him ('don't you know they're gonna kill your sons')
Let us not even discuss Reggie, who conquers racism through the power of athletics. Look up Richie Allen. Heck, watch the actual School Ties. It doesn't work out so well for David Greene in the end.
And then there's Fangs and Midge: first, rock and roll was seen as a huge menace, Fangs should've been on the school's hit list. Second, the writers obviously never read up on rock and rollers (who were generally older) and teen girls if they thought that was a good storyline. Third, they definitely never read any memoirs written by women in the 1950s, which all feature back alley abortions, slimy lovers, and shady doctors. (We don't even have time to get into Betty's idea of feminism being about sex all the time, everywhere, and becoming a burlesque dancer rather than, like, equal pay. Who knows, maybe she could have been the one harping on non-stop about the Beats and seen the cold face of her future there).
They didn't change anything. EC (sorry, Pep Comics) shut down. The Comics Code Authority won. So apparently all those artists who never worked again were just fine, right Tabitha?
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blueiight · 1 year
I don’t like to criticize writers. But I get annoyed reading IWTV fanfiction and they make Louis a top. Every time we see him and Lestat have sex, he’s in a submissive role. Perhaps it’s hard for fans to see a black male character in that position. Louis isn’t the mandingo stereotype they want him to be.
i think its fair to have opinions lol. ur not harassing any particular artist or creator just noting a preference in fictional content.. idk if its there or not but i do honestly do not read no iwtv fanfic outside of ppl’s recs & what ppl im cool w/ write for this reason lol. call me a crazy lady in my echo chamber🤷🏾‍♀️ have zero interest in seeing those dynamics & i honestly think the typical fanbase drawn to vampy shit or w/e amc puts out is not used to seeing black charas in relevant positions. most fandom concepts of a black lover is like mandingo if not mandingo then the one always pursuing coveting & shit. not to mention anne rice is the granddaddy of the modern western conception of vampire & has a shitty track record w racial dynamics herself lol likeee book!louis is supposed to be the desired the loving vampire yet u check interview & hes rambling on how freeing slaves is bad & them niggas shuck and jive in their weird african talk ooo them new orleans niggas different. booooo. boring dry moldy pussy. but making that same character black? im very moved. call me a hypocrite idc i was raised by ppl who did 1 good thing & taught me pride in my ppls lol. amc louis turns all these fonky stereotypes associated w black males in fiction over on their head — being the desired, the pursued, the loving vampire (“all his victims adored him”) despite his insistence the human was destroyed as he was turned on the verge of suicide he represents the human in all the horror opportunism desires & beauty of that perspective… (& thats what makes him such a deadly vampire!!! like akasha said). sorry to get offtopic but i agree idk the wider trend but it would be boring beyond all belief if fans would see all this& make him a 20 inch dick roided up mandingo daddy off Blacked
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sw4tch · 2 years
ACTUALLY i have complaints related to the last post, and in order to not lose more time in bed I'll just post the TL,DR version of it:
I've seen way more poignant and beautiful inspiring raw heartbreaking spicy and dare i say, even tragic but beautiful art about the Namor x Shuri ship coming from the asian side of the fandom than from the entirety of the american fandom.
So what the hell!!! And then i went to investigate the ship tag and apparently it's because of The Discourse of the ethics of the ship. (And also bcus "um it reduces Shuri's story to being about romance" which WRONG)
Like okay valid concern i guess, but are you telling me you saw a tantalizing set up for an incredibly complex Enemies to Lovers ship where you could explore Shuri's moral dilemmas and deep thoughts about it, being the central focus of the entire development, and u went nah? u went NAH??? NAH??????
Not to mention we really had the glow up of the absolute century for Namor and u also went "i don't wanna have romantic fantasies about an underwater king/god that BENDS TO THE WILL OF ONE (1) WOMAN at all"
which really my true complaint boils down to what my actual genuine thoughts after coming out of the cinema were when i watched the movie: oh the POTENTIAL for this ship is so good! Ah... I hope people aren't too racist to completely ignore it since both sides of the ship are poc
Well guess what i AM mad that the world proves me right.
Now, to be fair (and balanced) i also went: ah but maybe I'm not seeing the fanworks overflow bcus people truly ARE burned out from the mcu (which is valid)
But still. Pissed off nashuri is truly an amazing ship to dream and make scenarios about and people just. Didn't come through on the english side. Shout out to the fic writers tho, those were the ones that SHOWED UP.
Anyway go read this artist's nashuri comics, they're in korean but they're EVERYTHING i want the ship to be:
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(The comic linked is about a story where Shuri is cursed(?) with gills and Namor takes her in to his kingdom so she can survive(?) and Shuri has complex emotions about what staying with him would mean for her future. At least from what i gather! The illustrations are really good at communicating the story but i don't read korean at all 😔)
Anyway i love that artist and they make such amazing nashuri comics im quaking
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mikayuubigbang · 1 year
Mikayuu Big Bang Fic Summaries
Hello artists in the fandom!! The time has finally come for the writer’s fic summaries to go live! Here they are!
Here are the fic summaries from our writers!
How this will work: Artists! You’ll be looking at the fics below and choosing your top three fics you would like to draw for, filling them out in the linked form below! (Please only fill it out once!)
Summary:  Mika got injured by the Moon Demon company. Without blood, she's as good as dead. To save her, Yuu offers her own blood. Saving Mika matters more than her own life.
Tags:  Female Mikayuu, blood drinking, comfort, Mika cries a lot
Summary:  Mika is helping coordinate a frat party and randomly invites Yuu. They don’t know each other personally, and it’s Yuu’s first ever party. But the sparks are flying instantly, and intense flirtations are exchanged throughout the night. What happens when a bunch of horny college students get together? Hook ups. This time in the form of being alone in a dark closet with their partner left up to the fate of a spinning bottle.
Tags:  Smut, Blowjobs, Fingering, Frottage, College AU, Shameless Flirting on both sides, Sexual Tension, Songfic, Strangers to Lovers, Top!Mika/Bottom!Yuu
Summary: Being in debt wasn't anything new for Mikaela Shindo. In fact, he had a long history of being in debt in order to get by. 
 So, when his employer, Guren Ichinose, offered to settle his debts in exchange of a contract marriage, Mikaela wasn't exactly thrilled about the idea. But, logically speaking, it was his ticket to be a free man. He only needed a year to pretend he was Guren's husband. 
 That was until Yuuichirou Ichinose, Guren's nephew-turned-adopted son, spiraled that simple offer of a contract marriage into a dangerous gamble full of deceptions and lies.
Tags:  Fake Marriage/Relationship, Implied NTR/Cheating, MikaYuu endgame, Soft Porn/Implied Porn, One Night Stand, Cliffhanger ending, Mystery & Drama, Lots of drama, Transactional relationships, Discovering true love, mentions of alcohol
Summary:  The first snowfall of the year occurred at dawn, while Yuu and Mika were sleeping peacefully; they would have a nice gift when they woke up, and that is because they loved winter days, where they could snuggle together to feel each other's warmth. 
La primera nevada del año ocurrió en la madrugada, mientras Yuu y Mika dormían plácidamente; tendrían un bonito regalo al despertarse, y es que amaban los días de invierno, donde podían acurrucarse juntos para sentir el calor del otro.
Tags:  au modern, general audience, gureshin as secondary couple
Summary:  Yuuichiro lost his memory due to an accident he had in one of his last missions as a soldier, he is forced by his doctor and adoptive father to go to a country house to rest. Only there is a small detail, Guren married a beautiful omega and he also resides in that place. When the alpha arrives at that place he is greeted with a pleasant smell of milk that is all over the house, curious about the aroma he discovers that it comes from the living room and when he enters the room he is surprised to see his childhood friend and love interest breastfeeding a blue-eyed, jet-haired baby. Mika married Guren and they had a child!? Yuuichiro can't help but feel jealous.
Tags:  Hyakuya Mikaela/Hyakuya Yuuichirou, Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Bottom Hyakuya Mikaela, Top Hyakuya Yuuichirou, vaginal sex, sex toys, anal sex, blowjob, Intersex Mikaela, dirty talk, Mating Cycles/In Heat, Rutting, Fluff and Smut
Summary:  When Mika—a skilled magician who also happened to be a vampire—got tricked by a witch in his own game, he now had to play by the other’s rules. It’s only by sheer curiosity that he accepted the deal proposed by the witch, but that’s a decision that would quickly send him into a rabbit hole. Meanwhile, all Yuu wanted was to protect what's most important, no matter the cost.
Tags:  blood sucking, mild gore, a few deaths, partial fem!yuu (only a few scenes), bunny!yuu (literal bunny, also in a couple scenes), witch!yuu, victorian au, vamp!yuu, kidnapping, very british, aesthetic; I don't think it's very dark, and the main theme here is magic.
Summary:  Mika and Yuu are two of the deadliest at warriors in the armies of space empires that have been at war for thousands of years. But in the aftermath of battle they find themselves stranded on a deadly planet, and their only hope of survival is each other.
Tags:  Mild Violence, Alternate Universe: Science Fiction
Summary:  “At 8 in the morning, Mikaela was the first to leave the apartment.  The light was much clearer at that hour, so Yuichiro allowed himself a peek into the living room.  He started looking around the walls, being attracted by the picture frames that, for some reason, were turned around; he approached one of them and held it in his hands. In front of his eyes, there was nothing more and nothing less than a photograph of him, one in which he apparently held a cheerful expression next to Mikaela;  they were both sitting on the grass somewhere that he cannot determine, but what caught his attention the most in the photograph was that between their intertwined hands, they both wear a pair of matching rings on their ring finger. 
The emotions evoked were nameless: surprise?, nostalgia?, confusion?, surprise? People had already warned him about the relationship he used to have with Mikaela, but he didn’t expect that seeing a photograph would shake his feelings so much.  He wanted to cry of sheer frustration at that moment, but he stopped himself.  After all, there was no use in thinking about what it was.” 
[Or, Mikayuu have been victims of amnesia shortly before their wedding. Maybe it was an opportunity to reconsider their choices?]
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Modern Setting, Hurt/Comfort, Amnesia, Domestic Fluff, Fluff, Happy Ending
Summary:  On his way back from a funeral, Mika finds a black cat abandoned in a carton box with the name “Yuuichirou Hyakuya” scribbled on it. He takes the cat home, unaware that he is about to be swindled of all his cash in under 24 hours… If Yuu can sneak away without “the cat getting out of the bag”, that is. (AKA yuu can turn into a cat but his attempts to steal from mika and run away are thwarted by circumstances time and time again)
Tags:  fluff, some humour, hurt/comfort, no angst, no smut, homeless Yuu
FIC 10
Summary:  Set in the modern era, Mikaela has his work cut out for him as the immortal ‘God of love’ Cupid. He mostly makes himself busy helping out those who just need a little push in their romantic prospects. But one day, while minding his business, he comes across someone..unique. 
That person is Yuuichiro Amane, the towns local mechanic. 
Mikaela immediately drops all of his work to follow Yu around. And whilst leaving secret notes for eachother, Mikaela and Yuuichiro build a relationship. Only problem: Mikaela isn’t sure how to reveal his identity. 
Will being Cupid interfere with their love lives? Or will true love prevail?
Tags: Fluffy as all hell
FIC 11
Summary: Yuuichirou Amane is a powerful necromancer, and he wishes more than anything that he was not. He keeps his powers a secret from the Hyakuya Church - the religious organization that took him in after an accident that killed his parents - and from his best friend Mikaela, another orphan taken in by the Church. Seven years after coming to the Hyakuya Church, Yuuichirou is sent on a mission with Mikaela, but their small caravan is attacked en route by vampires, and Mikaela is killed in combat. Witnessing this, Yuuichirou has a necromantic meltdown that kills the remaining vampires and priests in the caravan…and revives Mikaela as a vampire. The two are taken in by Guren Ichinose, a necromancer who used to serve the Yuuichirou’s family as his tutor, who has been in hiding with his partner, Shinya, since the fire incident. A necromancer creating a vampire is an unprecedented occurrence, and so the two are tasked with researching connections between vampires and necromancers and experimenting together to test the rules of this strange new magic.
Being stuck together in an elaborate Gothic magic library-turned-laboratory brings up some issues between the two that can no longer be avoided, and the fallout leads to some exciting sensual discoveries.
Tags:  Fantasy AU, Gothic Setting, Vampires, Necromancy, Zombies, Brief Mention of Suicidal Ideation, Religious Trauma, Light violence and gore, Friends to Lovers, Implied Homophobia, Making Out, Smut, First Time, Hand Job, Blow Job
FIC 12
Summary:  After Mika witnessed Yuu's death during a mission and went on a rampage, Krul had him imprisoned. Still unwilling to drink human blood, Mika spends his days in a coffin, only coming out to drink the blood Krul left for him. But one day, Ferid brings him a soldier from the Japanese Imperial Demon Army.
Tags:  Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence | Friends to Lovers | Hurt/Comfort | First Kiss | Non-Penetrative Sex | Intercrural Sex | Top Hyakuya Yuuichirou | Bottom Hyakuya Mikaela | Bath Sex | Blood Drinking
FIC 13
Summary: The year is 1899. With no purpose other than living beyond the boundary of the rapidly changing world, Mikaela is caught in the middle of his fanatically religious gang and the law that wants him dead. When he takes a bounty hunter hostage after a train robbery goes awry, he starts to battle between who he has been all his life and who he desires to be.  
Red Dead Redemption 2 AU
Tags:  NSFW, violence, murder, criminals and lawmen, blood and gore, non-con (not graphic but still intense and not between mika and yuu), religious undertones, happy ending, smut (consensual), bounty hunter yuu, outlaw mikaela, yuumika
FIC 14
Summary: Caught by humans, Mikaela is left for a sacrifice to a ‘great beast’ that prowls the forests. It’s just his luck it turns out to be a werewolf; but the werewolf isn’t there to eat him, but instead, delivers him to a mysterious lord locked away in a castle. But can a creature of the sun and one of the moon ever live together? Or was Mikaela doomed the moment he was put on that cross? 
Tags:  angel Mika, vampire Yuu, werewolf Yoichi, loose beauty and the beast inspiration, blood drinking.
The link to put your preferences in once again!
And as a reminder, here is the schedule for artists:
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obi-nob-kenobi · 2 years
Fandom AU || Obikin
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Original thread on twitter
Hello_There_Ben is an (in)famous ao3 writer. The king of Dead Dove for a popular fandom. Hes been friends with artist Darth_Vader for years on tumblr. After 5 years they meet in person at a convention, seeing each other for the first time. And fall in love.
Hello_There_Ben Aka Obi-Wan Kenobi is a corporate lawyer. But since he was a teenager he’s been writing fics and posting them on every site you can think of until finally settling on ao3. Though he knew his fics aren't for everyone, to his surprise he’s gifted with art!
Darth_Vader aka Anakin Skywalker is a recent engineering masters student graduate, but back in undergrad he would stress draw. One day he got curious and went into the DDDNE tag of his favorite show, and came across Hello_Ben's fic and HAD to draw for him.
aka a very self indulgent AU but also an obikin meet cute 
After they began talking. A lot. Ben gave him tips on surviving College (it's been a while for me but you'll get through it) just as Vader stayed up and talked with him during Ben's divorce (I'm so sorry, seriously what can I do for you?) But they never saw each other's pictures.
That is until Anime Coruscant comes into town, just a 20 min bus ride from Obi-Wan's townhouse. Vader messages him that he has an artist table at the con and maybe they can finally meet up. Obi-Wan used to go to that con, stopped when it got too big, but bought his ticket. 
And the day of the con the nerves set in. He's finally gonna meet his online friend for the first time. Is he gonna get weirded out he's older (even tho he's never hidden his age, just had 30+ in his bio)? And when he finds Vader's table he's met with the most gorgeous man.
Which only makes him EXTRA nervous. Obi-Wan is in a casual-ish cosplay of their fandom (idk maybe he writes thorki or Hannigram) and he's getting self conscious of how he looks. He also has some coffee and pastries as a snack for Vader as a "hi glad to meet you" offering.
He approaches his table just as Vader finishes a purchase with a customer. He looks at Obi-Wan with his gorgeous blue eyes and handsome smile and Obi-Wan chokes on his tongue as he just spurts out "hello there" And Vader recognizes him immediately "Ben??"
Vader reaches over for him across his table. Almost knocking over his own display in an attempt to hug him "it's so good to meet you!!" And then Vader drags him over to his side of the table, and oh Vader is taller than him. Tall and handsome and full of sunshine.
Vader sells mostly prints of his work seen all over tumblr and Instagram. He also has cute stickers and buttons related to fanfic stuff (friends to lovers, enemies to lovers, Dead Dove etc) and he's getting a good amount of sales! But now all his attention is on Obi-Wan.
"Thank you for coming, I didn't expect you so soon. How's the con? Did you get anything yet?" Vader talks excitedly, already out of breath when he finally asks "oh, I didn't even ask if Ben is okay to call you by. You can call me Ani, or Anakin." A beautiful name for him.
Obi-Wan manages to get his own name out and Anakin's smile is so bright now learning it "Obi-Wan? That's such a cool name!! Why go by Ben?" It was a nickname growing up, but also more anonymous since he's a lawyer. Don't need clients to find his ao3 and tangle it with his work.
So the con goes well, Obi-Wan stays with anakin and helps him with his table. After they eat at Denny's just to talk more and it's really like talking to an old friend. Despite their age difference and distance everything they do is comfortable. Anakin has to get  To his hotel soon and pass out. He explained he actually drove 8hrs to the con the morning of set up so he's exhausted and its catching up on him. Obi-Wan walks with him to his hotel... only there's a party going on. And Anakin isn't sure where he can sleep.
He didn't know anyone else coming to the con, but he saw someone said they had room for one more to help pay and he took it, since the cost would be much less than a hotel by himself. But the host of the room had other people over. "Absolutely not, you're staying with me"
And Anakin looks at him, shocked but grateful "Are you sure? I don't want to inconvenience you." "Do you want to sleep on the floor? Come on" So taking Anakin's car they go to Obi-Wan's house. And he's already dotting on Anakin, giving him a fresh towel and--
Offering snacks but Anakin laughs saying this was more than enough and he owes Obi-Wan a lot. Obi-Wan jokingly says to join him for dinner again tomorrow night, and Anakin replies "Thai or sushi?" 
"Its a date" and then disappears into the shower and Obi-wan is FUCKED
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