#and again this is PAID WORK and the tech is provided for you
aurosoulart · 2 years
my company is starting a paid artist residency program!!
I don’t know if I have any artist followers who would be interested in this, but the plan is to work with new artists monthly by giving them hardware (a VR headset), mentorship, and funding.
this program is for XR art in Figmin XR specifically - the type of 3D art I’ve been creating on livestreams in augmented reality - and would last 1 month
if you are a VR/XR artist (or if you know someone who is!) and might be interested in this, please let me know! even if you’re a 2D artist who’s just curious about learning this medium, let me know as well - I’m aiming to create a candidate list of interested artists for the future :)
please send a link to your work if you don’t have your artwork easily accessible on your tumblr page! thank you! 🙏
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syndullqs · 4 months
𝐬𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐭𝐡𝐞 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭 — 𝒕𝒆𝒄𝒉
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summary — a mission unlocks memories in your brain you’d rather forget. tech helps, in his own way.
warnings — gn!reader, angst, fluff, mentions of childhood trauma, hunter’s a prick
note — i heard this sound on tiktok and it unlocked a memory i did NOT want unlocked lol so enjoy this self indulgent piece
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𝐈𝐓’𝐒 𝐅𝐔𝐍𝐍𝐘 𝐇𝐎𝐖 𝐄𝐕𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐂𝐀𝐍 𝐓𝐑𝐈𝐆𝐆𝐄𝐑 𝐀 𝐌𝐄𝐌𝐎𝐑𝐘. it’s funny how something as small as a child crying causes someone to fold in on themselves. you almost were shot because of it, and you definitely got an earful back on the marauder.
“what were you thinking? just standing there? you could’ve been killed!” hunter’s voice penetrated your clouded thoughts, scolding you for a poor job. he had a point; you were almost killed.
“but i wasn’t, hunter, so what’s the big deal?” you challenge, crossing your arms over your chest. what was next, was he going to question how you worked with the team? was he going to exclude you from future missions? you almost dared him.
“the big deal? y/n you nearly cost us the mission and you could have been killed,” he paused, taking a minute to think. though, given his next words, he should have taken more time to think, “i think you should sit out on the next mission,” his voice was still raised, breaths spilling from his mouth like he ran a marathon.
yet there it was.
“fine, it’s your call, you’re the sergeant,” your words were not short of being venomous, making hunter realize instantly what he just told you. you were a valuable asset to the batch, a sounding board, and he just told you to sit out.
there wasn’t a lot of places for you to go, so you sat in the co-pilot’s chair. you brought a knee up to your chest, resting your chin on it. the silence was comforting, but your mind still swam. hunter’s words, their words, the child crying…
“for the record, i don’t think you should sit out next mission,” tech was the first to speak, the softness and quietness of his voice illustrating just how unused to that he was. his words only earned a scoff from you.
“it was the child crying, no?” he guessed. tech noticed the shift in your demeanor when the child started crying to her mother, wondering why everyone left. you grew stiff, your eyes unfocused, and of course, you were nearly shot.
“what gave me away?” you asked him, still refusing to meet eyes with him. despite tech not being well-versed in comfort, he still knew how to read people. he could read them very well. interpreting those emotions was a different skill.
“the fact you were nearly shot, mainly,” he stated as-a-matter-of-factly, “but also the way your demeanor changed. your shoulders tightened, your eyes widened. not to mention your voice changed,” he went on to describe just how much your body changed. you didn’t think he paid that much attention to you.
“i didn’t think it was that obvious,” you shrugged, taking your chin off of your knee. you slid your eyes over to meet his, the softness of them underneath his goggles provided an odd place of comfort for you. he didn’t judge you, he was merely stating facts.
“it was,” he felt heat rise to his cheeks, a feeling he logically knew was because of his attraction to you. emotionally, he wouldn’t acknowledge it.
“at least to me,” tech added softly, attempting to make the situation better than what it was. your eyes widened again, unsure of how to feel about this. ever since you started working with the bad batch, talking about emotional experiences was hard with tech. so you didn’t. hearing him acknowledge your feelings and talk about his own shocked you. it shouldn’t have.
“when i was a kid, i was bullied a lot,” you started, pulling down the wall you’ve built up over the years, “their form of bullying was excluding me from things. i was invited to parties, but never talked to. i was never played with, and kids made fun of me for the stuff i liked,” you continued. you’ve never spoken to any of them about this. it was too sensitive. the fear of rejection and judgement was too strong.
silence followed, filling the space between you. tech didn’t know what to say, but he knew that this was sensitive information. he knew that it was hard for you to talk about, and so he didn’t want to say anything to potentially make things worse.
“hearing that little girl cry, asking her mother where everyone went, it just…i don’t know. it was under different circumstances but still,” you were failing to understand why the moment froze you. hunter was right, you could have been killed.
“it was a different circumstance, but,” tech started, his words coming out slowly as he processed them, “your fight or flight kicked in. it’s human nature whenever we come in contact with something that’s upset us or, dare i say, traumatized us,” his eyes searched yours, trying to read the expression on your face. tech knew what it was like to be ostracized for the things you’re good at. he was a defective clone, he knew almost exactly what you felt.
“when…when i was a cadet, still on kamino, i wasn’t treated very kindly by the regs simply for being different. the words they said, even some of the things they did, it was not kind of them,” tech’s words marinated in your mind for a moment. you found yourself completely facing him, engrossed in the man in front of you. you finally found someone to relate to, that knew what it was like to be excluded and bullied. for once, you could breathe.
“you didn’t deserve that,”
“neither did you,” he agreed, his warm, brown eyes cradling yours. he came to the same realization you did. he wasn’t as alone as he thought he was. as much as he wished neither of you went through what you did, it brought you two together, and he was grateful for that.
“we do need to work on your fight, flight, or freeze response,” he lightened the mood. you smiled and laid back in your chair.
“i know i know,” you smiled. you didn’t catch it, but tech smiled too.
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here’s some tech! this was kind of self indulgent so i apologize for that, i still hope you enjoy though!
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merakiui · 10 months
thinking about androids again, but rather than the plot seen in android jade,,,, consider android floyd who is being developed by tech genius idia shroud with input and funding from business magnate azul ashengrotto.
(cw: yandere, unhealthy behaviors/relationship, obsession, vaguely implied non-con/dub-con, android floyd)
He's designed to be a companion for those who are lonely and in need of the company (whether physically or socially). You're just a tired, overworked university student, so it's mind-boggling to you when there's a sleek limousine parked just beyond campus property. Security guards are insisting you come with them because there's someone who'd like to meet you.
In the limo, you find yourself sitting across from Azul Ashengrotto himself. He doesn't bother with flowery introductions, instead cutting to the heart of the matter. You've been randomly selected to help with a very important phase of his and Idia's project. The general idea is to test how well the android interacts with a normal, ordinary person in a monitored setting.
You're very confused. You never signed up for any lottery, and you certainly aren't affiliated with anything of that sort. You're just trying to get through your degree, survive two part-times, and hopefully make enough to keep afloat for another month. Azul tells you this isn't an issue; you'll be generously compensated for your time and efforts. It's only three months; you'll be permitted to live your life as you normally would, only now you'll be accompanied by a highly intelligent android.
Despite hearing all of this, you hesitate when he reveals the lengthy contract. As you flip through it, analyzing each clause and category, Azul says something that piques your interest. "We don't expect you to house an android in your little apartment. Goodness, that's simply ludicrous. We'll provide your housing for these next three months. After all, we must be able to monitor your progress."
"Housing? What do you mean?"
He smiles at you. Backdropped by leather interior, the lights casting odd shadows on his face, he looks near-sinister. But he leans forward to press a ballpoint pen into your hands and the illusion vanishes. "I think you'll find it quite to your liking. If you've finished your classes for the day, why not visit the property with me? Then you may decide whether you wish to participate."
You're not worried about that part. What worries you the most, however, is the fact that he's right. You are finished with classes for the day and you have nothing planned. You took today off from work. Your schedule is perfectly free.
But of course the Azul Ashengrotto wouldn't know that, would he?
The house is a smart home, equipped with every necessity and appliance. Everything's controlled by a remote here. It's not very far from your university either, built on a hill that overlooks houses below. It feels a little isolating and smells very new and clean. Like that fabled new car smell, only it's a house. But everything is so unique to you. Its minimalistic design is oddly cozy, and you can't help but feel enchanted the deeper you venture through the two-story home. It's all so unreal!
Azul gives you the rundown, explains how the remote and each button works. You can lock doors, open and close windows, mess with the thermostat, turn the home security on and off, and even start the oven. You hold the power to this home in the palm of your hands. It's immensely fascinating.
By the end of the tour, you're shaking his hand and signing his contract, agreeing to three months of study. Not only are you provided this nice home, you'll also be paid per week. And the pay is far more than you were making with your two jobs.
The android has a long, tongue-tying serial number, so to make things easier he's named Floyd. They even gave him a surname in preparation for the twin android who is being designed to complement and mirror him. He certainly looks human when you meet him, but there's this uncanny nature to his presence that slightly unnerves you. He's too perfect. Skin too smooth. Eyes too bright. Hair too soft. He towers over you, having to bend down to walk through the doorframe, and every movement he makes is very mechanical and stiff.
Still, you smile at him and offer your hand. "Hi there. I'm (Name). Your...housemate, I guess."
He nods, peering down at your hand before lifting his own. "Floyd Leech. At your service."
You were expecting to feel coldness, so you startle when his hand fits into yours and it's warm. It feels so very real. So deceptively lifelike. You wonder if he can regulate his own internal temperatures. Just how advanced is he?
"Right... Um, I look forward to getting to know you!"
He nods again, releasing your hand after a perfectly timed handshake.
Azul had given you a special number should you need to reach him or Idia. All you needed to do was phone it if at any point you were to feel confused or unsafe. "But I don't think you'll utilize it," he told you when you stood in the lab, watching Idia Shroud flit around to do final maintenance checks to ensure Floyd was ready for his first trial run. His eyes were open the entire time, two mismatched lights centered on you. His stare was listless, but somehow you felt as if he was looking through to your very soul. "He's very safe. In fact, he's programmed to assess and react appropriately to dangers of all kinds. You'll be safe with him around."
And safe you are.
You've always been alone, so it's nice to have a roommate, even if he only speaks when spoken to. It's awkward for all of one week until you ease into his pattern. From various vantage points throughout the house, Idia and Azul watch through hidden cameras. You cook your meals for yourself and Floyd watches, assisting when you order him to. You leave for class and Floyd waits by the door for you to return, standing stock-still for hours.
You lounge in the sitting room and put on all kinds of films. Action. Comedy. Horror. Floyd's eyes never leave the screen. But sometimes he watches you more than he watches the movie, noting all of your reactions. He doesn't understand why you get so emotional over sappy romances. So you explain it simply: "It evokes emotions. We all have emotions, and these movies make us feel them. Happy. Sad. Angry. Upset. Things like that."
But Floyd doesn't feel. Even so, he listens and he nods along, filing your answers away for later dissection. It's interesting.
By the end of the first month, Floyd's adopted new habits. Ever since you told him he's free to do as he pleases, he's taken to cooking your meals for you, doing your laundry, preparing your bag for the day. He's surprisingly good at it. He does chores when you leave for classes or work. And for the first time in a while you're excited to return home, knowing he's there waiting.
Floyd adds new words and phrases to his ever-expanding vocabulary. You watch a lot of TV together and he starts to use some of what he hears in his own speech. He picks up informal language quickly, and it isn't long until he's using words like sup or dunno instead of the rigid how are you? and I am unsure he was previously programmed with.
The first sign of unrest comes when you realize Floyd's also connected to the smart home. At first you didn't think it was a bad thing. After all, with him controlling it you won't have to worry about getting up to grab the remote if you've already sat down. Floyd can do that for you. But then the remote goes missing, later turning up shattered. You ask Floyd what happened and he looks at you and says, "Why use this piece of junk when you've got me?"
"Still... What if you're not able to help? What if you're in sleep mode and I need to open a window or something?" you argue, cradling the splinters of remote like they're an injured baby bird.
"That won't happen," he replies smoothly, issuing you a soothing smile. "I'm always gonna be here for ya. Count on it."
And you do because, by the time the three months are nearing their end and Floyd's developed into quite the companion, more and more human than he's ever seemed, you find yourself stuck.
No, not stuck. That's not quite right. You're more so trapped.
Floyd locks the doors, shutters the windows, turns off the lights. You're cowering in the closet, the only place that feels just a little safe in this moment. You can't reach Azul or Idia either. He's shut the power off, the internet connection, everything. The smart home on the hilltop feels like a tiny island now, and Floyd's the shark always circling it, waiting for you to dip your feet into the depths.
"C'mon, Shrimpy," he calls out, and it's a nickname you were once so fond of because he thought of it himself. "I already told ya I ain't gonna hurt ya. So just come out and talk to me."
You have no idea where you went wrong. Was it too many horror films? Was it the fact that you started to rely so heavily on him for companionship, ignoring your human friends in favor of staying in with Floyd? Or was it because he was blocking their numbers that you never received any messages and automatically assumed they were cutting contact? He said he'd always be here for you, so why to this degree?
The closet doors are thrown open. Floyd drags you, kicking and screaming, out by the ankles. Every camera has gone dark on Azul and Idia's end. All but one. The one in the bedroom. Floyd stares directly at it when he lifts you up and lays you on the bed, gentle and sugary-sweet.
He smiles and waves before that screen blanks out, leaving you truly trapped with him.
And because it's all experimental, morbid curiosity trumping ethical morals, no one comes to rescue you.
Three months is more of an indefinite forever in this lonesome smart home.
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thezombieprostitute · 27 days
Tech Tuesday: Mike
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Summary: A new intern is assigned to your department.
A/N: Mike is from Hellraiser: Hellworld. If you need an idea as to what his character is like, I highly recommend this gif set.
Warnings: Age gap (Reader is 10+years older than Mike). Power imbalance.
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Mike was brimming with excitement. His first internship, and it was paid! He's really looking forward to getting something on his resume that isn't family business stuff. When all your work is for your family's company, people tend to think it's strictly nepotism and not actual skill and work ethic. Sure, that is how he plans on climbing the corporate ladder to CIO, but you gotta have the skills so you can at least pretend you deserve the role.
The interview process wasn't as much of a breeze as he was expecting. His bosses, at least now they're his bosses, weren't as appreciative of his casual approach to the whole thing. It wasn't until he was able to show his technical skills that the interview started going well. It was a bit of painfully humbling experience that he doesn't want to go through again any time soon.
But now he's got the "job" and he's looking forward to those non-glamorous tasks Pine said they have saved for interns. To Mike it sounds like he can do a half-assed job while watching YouTube and no one will care because it's a crappy project to begin with.
Mr. Pine was in charge of distributing the interns around the company. While Mike was technically working IT, he'd be reporting to the person in charge of the overarching project. That's where you come in.
Jonathan introduced you to Mike and, though you easily picked up on the trust-fund-frat-kid vibes, you tried to give him the benefit of the doubt. Pine and Syverson don't hire people who can't actually do the job so you'll give the kid a chance.
"Now, Mike, I believe Jonathan explained the basics of the job?"
"Yes, Ma'am. You're looking for an updated user interface for your employees? Making it more intuitive?"
"Correct," you smile. Maybe this won't be so bad after all. "Today we'll start you out with getting you comfortable and showing you the program we'd like you to update. Tomorrow there'll be a meeting so the employees can tell you what design updates would be helpful for them."
"A meeting?" Mike's eyes blink in confusion.
"Yes, because you cannot update the program to be more intuitive if you don't know how it's being used."
"Can't I just set up some prototypes and people can choose which they like best? I promise, they'll be happy with the results."
You cross your arms. There's that attitude I knew would show up. "Mike, you don't even know what we use that program for. How are you going to be able to figure out the most intuitive, optimal way for it to work?"
"I'm pretty smart," he cocks an eyebrow at you. "I've got some really good skills."
"Skill is not enough," you lecture. "You have to be able to actually deliver. My department needs an update that you will provide. And it will be based on their needs, not your perception of their needs. Understand?"
Mike scoffs but doesn't try to argue his case any further after seeing the look on your face. "You got it, Boss Lady," he sighs.
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Tech Tuesdays Masterlist
Tagging @alicedopey; @delicatebarness; @ellethespaceunicorn; @icefrozendeadlyqueen; @jaqui-has-a-conspiracy-theory; @late-to-the-party-81; @lokislady82 ; @peyton-warren @ronearoundblindly; @stellar-solar-flare
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triysn · 4 months
No but rex ft. social situations
Rex that just tends to talk about downright horrifying shit because he’s doesn’t have a clue how abnormal it is
Some stuff is about his screwed up past like he’ll say oh yeah my parents used experimental tech on me as a child and gave me powers but don’t worry they did it to save my life OR yeah providence/holiday has 24/7 access to all my biometrics and can tell whenever I so much as sneeze
And people are just outraged (rightfully) and be like… sweetie, that’s- that’s a violation of basic privacy?? They’re not allowed to do that to a minor, much less someone who has no idea what the full ramifications of such an invasion is and has not been informed nor asked for consent to such a thing.
And rex is just like, what :)
And lord forbid rex casually drop his pre-Providence backstory like: yeah, my parents died when i was 10 and i just wandered around alone with amnesia, doing crime and being exploited by mafia bosses. Also whenever i got reaally stressed i exploded and lost all my memories again so
Noah: >8O
Rex: is that okay
Holiday takes the greatest joy in bullying white knight/providence into paying for rex’s weekly therapy sessions, because if anything’s owed, it’s monetary compensation for all the shit rex had to put up with
On a lighter note, there’s probably a lot of stuff rex just doesn’t know about because of his funky memory and noah not being able to fully socialise rex in every possible way
Like he doesn’t know about Disney or has never been to an amusement park (outside of work) and reintroducing him to everything could be a whole fic in itself.
Also let us remember that rex isn’t actually good with teenagers his own age??? The only person we’ve seen him spend time around is noah but when faced with multiple teenagers in a social setting without noah he’s a hot mess??
re: “Awkward teen situation” in hong Kong,
the asshole group based off of the men of action.
I don’t know. He’s so eager to please which is usually what makes the situation so hilarious. he’s like an adorable puppy who has no idea what he’s doing but he’s trying so hard?? The fact that he could probably wreck everyone he’s trying to make friends with makes it that much more surreal. Like. He just killed a guy yesterday, but then he's trying to play video games with you.
the code switch between trying-to-make-friends him and providence-agent him in Grounded is insane.
Every interaction between him and a normal person about life is just
Noah: it’s not normal for your parental figures to try and microchip you Rex, who is long accustomed to holiday trying to stick bits of metal into his bloodstream: wHAt
Rex: hey guys sorry I can’t hang out today white knight says I have to work Noah: it’s Sunday Rex: Yea Noah: you were working Monday thru Saturday for like more than 12 hours Rex: …yea Noah: that’s illegal. That’s a violation of labour laws. Rex: i’m 17
Noah: don’t you get vacation days? Paid leave? Sick days? Health insurance??? Rex: I don’t even get paid
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throw in the celebrity trio and their parents are ready to adopt this traumatized child-soldier.
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spidori · 1 month
Hey. Didn't Kurama kinda... Die?
It's a bit of an open question what dying entails for a creature consisting of consciousness imprinted on the life-energy that is chakra, but I'd say what he went through probably counts. I mean, he took the life-energy that he's literally made up of, smashed it into Naruto's life-energy hard enough to perform spirit-particle-physics, and used the new and exciting types of chakra this pseudo-quantum annihilation of their life-energy spat out to power some (admittedly pretty devastating) fisticuffs. It's literally called 'Baryon Mode,' as in it's named after a type of subatomic particle, like the type you would get smashing atoms together in particle accelerators in our world.
That must have produced some really interesting types of chakra, huh? Especially since the technique was still a bit rough, what with it being the first time Kurama was actually using the technique as opposed to just theorizing how it would work. It must have been like some of the first nuclear fission and fusion prototype experiments, where you don't know all the things you have to look out for yet so you just kinda wing it, but also use every safety protocol you can think of. Except they were pulling this out in the middle of a life-or-death fight so strike the safety protocols. That type of winging it must have produced some wild kinds of life-energy-particle byproducts, maybe even some life-energy-anti-particles...
Anyway, back from that tangent to what I was talking about. Kurama knowingly paid his own life- literally smashed the substance of his being into exotic high-energy spirit-particle soup, one piece of himself at a time, to provide fuel- sustaining total focus throughout the entirety of what must have been an extremely painful and emotional process through his absolute will to help protect his friend and their village. Something which he succeeded at in the moment, but did so knowing that other dangers would come for his friend and village, and that his job wasn't truly finished...
He's totally coming back as a ghost, isn't he?
Specifically, I bet the once beast of destruction would form as a protection spirit of all things, although he'd probably refuse to admit it.
So, please imagine, recently-formed ghost!Kurama, floating around the Zone while trying to get his bearings. He's used to working with/being composed of spiritual energy- and has been shown to have a pretty high-level understanding of spirit-energy quantum physics to even come up with Baryon Mode in the first place- so he probably gets the hang of it pretty quick. Maybe he decides he wants try to go back, see his partner again. Who's gonna stop him? You, floating eye-ball things? Hah! *Beast-bomb's repeatedly* He thinks the hell not!
And, oh look! A conveniently open portal back to the world of the living! Just gonna walk right on through that, find the nearest ninja village, and get directions back to the Leaf to check in on his friend.
Except this place looks less like a ninja village and more like a lab. It's not like any of the labs he's seen on infiltrate-and-decommission missions with Naruto either. The tech is all wrong! Some of it is way too advanced, other tools and techniques which he knows are absolutely basic standards (like seals for example) are missing entirely, and everything is absolutely saturated with anti-chakra to the point where he almost can't feel the difference from the world literally made of the stuff he just left! Something is deeply off about this place, it's like a whole different world from the one he died in.
The child attacking him is a point of familiarity though.
Eh, he'll cut the kid some slack. They're obviously in the kid's village after all, judging by all the buildings around when he phases through the roof with the kid hot on his tails, and Kurama has learned to admire the kind of spunk that it takes to so immediately put oneself in between a threat and its target. He'll even do the kid the favor of trying not to do too much property damage while they fight, since it quickly becomes obvious the kid is set on trying to chase him down. Seems he'll have to rough the kid up a bit before he can go exploring...
Ok, maybe he'll actually have to exert himself a bit. The kid is at least as durable as a Hidden Stone shinobi...
Ok, maybe he's going to have to actually try. The kid is taking everything he can put out- at least while still avoiding doing 'major' property damage- without budging, and then hitting back just as hard. That last punch even managed to stun him for a mome- shit! Is that some kind of Sealing Device!?
NO! NO! NO! NO! NO! He is NOT getting sealed in some random person to be used as a Sage-Damned BATTERY again! He's NOT! He's absolutely N- DAMN IT!
Now he's gonna be shoved into some new random kid who's been brainwashed to think it's his duty to shackle the beast. Both of them used as nothing more than weapons until the chakra he leaks like a sieve when he's trying to contain it- and flows in a deluge when he isn't- slowly melts the poor bastard's soul. And it won't stop until they either rip him out- and kill the ex-host in the process due to traumatic soul injury- or until the probably blameless child is left a withered husk. Either way, his reputation as nothing more than a dangerous but powerful weapon, suitable only to be pointed at another bunch of 'enemies' and forced to rampage, will only be further cemented. He can't do that to another kid any more! Or another village full of civilians! He CA-
He's back in the place from before? The one from before he went through the portal? Completely free?
The kid just? RELEASED him? Just like that?
This calls for some recon to figure out what the kid's deal is, sneaky ninja style instead of rampaging beast style. Don't look at him like that! He spent long enough with Naruto to see the value of sneakiness as an option (mostly because Naruto couldn't manage subtle if it would save his entire village and Kurama saw how many headaches that caused for his advisors). Not to mention, he IS a Nine-Tailed fox spirit. He's got the cunning to learn and adapt.
One-and-a-half extended recon sessions later, and Kurama comes to a realization™. This is a teenager, yes. One with way too much power in his deceptively young frame. One who will take one look at someone in trouble, ask "is anyone gonna' help out with that?" and then not wait for an answer before devoting their entire soul to saving the person no matter who they are. One who's taken the responsibility for protecting their entire village onto shoulders which seem far too small to carry such a burden at all, much less so effectively. He's even all tied up with Clones for sage's sake!
It's like looking at a younger Naruto in far too many ways for him to just dismiss.
Kurama can't believe he somehow stumbled into another one! He also can't admit to himself that he's already decided to take the boy under his wing and pass on all those lessons he picked up by watching Naruto successfully lead a village for over a decade. Not that never admitting it will stop him from doing so, he'll just insist that it's for purely selfish reasons the entire time. Yeah! He's just getting the kid to trust him so he can eventually pump him for information on who's in charge and who can help him get back to his home dimension for a visit.
That's totally all this is...
@hdgnj @babbling-babull @evilminji @nerdpoe @lolottes @freedomanddisorder @resetium @stargazer-luna
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mayalaen · 9 months
VPNs aren't just for pirates and company data anymore
A friend complained to me that they couldn't access pr0n anymore because the government is now requiring ID to verify age where they are, and due to data leaks and privacy issues, didn't want to share their ID even though they're of legal age.
Shit like this doesn't work on the intended target. It only frustrates people who are aren't tech savvy while a lot of kids have already found their way around it because that's what kids do ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
When I talk about VPNs (virtual private networks), non-tech savvy people's eyes glaze over 😂
It sounds like complicated, unknowable magic. It's not! And you don't even have to understand it to use it!
With the government and ISPs (internet service providers) invading privacy more and more and hackers breaking in and stealing user data from companies, VPNs are becoming necessary.
Some Things a VPN Does for You:
hides your data from others
can make your internet speeds faster if your ISP does speed throttling (purposely making your speed slower)
hides what you're doing from your ISP
keeps you safer from some malware, viruses, hackers, and trackers
allows you to access things that are either restricted in your area or not available in your area (such as content in other countries)
keeps you safer when you're out in public connected to wifi
Below is a basic infographic on how VPNs work. When you access the internet, a VPN encrypts your data - making it into a secret code that can't be read by anyone else including your ISP.
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Tech companies, ISPs, etc. want you to think VPNs are complicated so that you won't use them.
When searching for a free VPN, please be aware that a lot of the free VPN services out there are malware or full of viruses and trackers.
Either do some research into which one to choose or use a paid VPN service. You can either pay monthly or yearly - the yearly is always cheaper in the long run.
Some of the Top Rated VPN Services:
ExpressVPN $7 - $13/month
NordVPN $3 - $13/month
Surfshark $2 - $14/month
PrivateInternetAccess $2 - $12/month
ProtonVPN (some sites block this one) $4 - $10/month
CyberGhost $2 - $13/month
I use ExpressVPN, so for the purposes of this post, I'm going to use screenshots from ExpressVPN.
Once you have an account, download the program from the website to your desktop/laptop or find the app on Android or iOS app stores.
Signing in requires a code that the VPN will email to you that unlocks all the features. Pay attention when the program installs because it'll ask you about preferences, and you can easily check yes on blocking pr0n when that's the reason you wanted a VPN in the first place 😂
When the program is open, you'll see this:
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As you can see in the screenshot, not only do I have the program, but I have an ExpressVPN icon on my browser. The program installs this automatically, and when the program is running, the icon will have a green checkmark on it so you know it's working in your browser.
You'll notice I've recently connected using Japan. I did this so I could watch a series that isn't available outside of Japan.
The program automatically chooses a location near you, but if you want to access things that are restricted to you, make sure you click on the three dots to the right of the selected location (see screenshot below) and search for a state/country/place that your content will be available in.
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Once your location is selected, click on the start/power button, and you'll get a popup notification from your computer that ExpressVPN is connected.
Go to the site you want to use and use it like you normally would.
Here's what it should look like when it's running correctly:
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Keep in mind that if you leave a VPN running all the time (which is perfectly fine to do), search engines like Google will assume you live wherever ExpressVPN tells it you live, so searching for "stores near me" will give you results that aren't close to you.
When you're done using the VPN, just hit the power button again and it shuts off.
I use this on all my handheld devices, my desktop, and my laptop for business and personal reasons. I'm a pirate, and I've been using VPNs for a long time, yet none of the ISPs I've used have ever given me a warning about torrenting.
Good luck, and enjoy all the new things you can access!
BTW for anybody wondering, my desktop wallpaper is a map of the world's time zones. So pretty!! 😍
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fandomnerd9602 · 7 months
Dating the Mistress of Illusion
Fem!Quentin Beck x Reader
Request by @konstantin609
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Art found here
Her name is Queenie Beck. But in this little corner of the Spiderverse, she’s called Missterio.
You and her met through Stark Industries. You were wounded while helping her design the BARF drones. You were left confined to a wheelchair.
Tony personally paid for your hospital bills. Queenie was still angry over the whole incident.
It was you who convinced her to instead use the BARF tech to be a selfless hero. You still assist her from your wheelchair.
A lot of the game is making the illusions in real time for Queenie as you work together. You stop low level threats and bask in the glory of people cheering for the Missterio
Queenie dotes on you. Always trying to find some way to help you walk again. Honestly you’re just glad you get to spend time with her while the world thinks she’s out there saving the day.
She considers you her second in command and yet treats you like you’re the head honcho.
She kisses you often and with as much affection and passion as she can. You make the dinner and she provides the entertainment.
Queenie Beck in this corner of the Spiderverse is the heroine people didn’t know they needed and the woman you know you deserved.
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thelaurenshippen · 10 months
this is a genuine question not at all meant as a rude gotcha, but I feel like I've seen lots of people cite the relatively low barrier of entry as a huge advantage of podcasts as a medium, "if you have access to decent audio tech you can make a podcast" etc etc. So where does the need to sell a script come in? Is it a financial thing, and IP thing, something else?
this doesn't read like a rude gotcha at all, it's a really good question! there is a much lower barrier to entry when it comes to podcasts compared to tv, film, theater, etc. (though not as low as writing a book if we're talking about hard resources - you can technically write a book with just a laptop and a dream and then self publish! though as a writer who has written a lot of scripts and four books (3 published) writing a book is a much bigger psychological burden imo lol).
the need to sell a script, for me, is entirely a financial thing. if I had the money to produce podcasts at the level I want to entirely independently, I would! I know how to do it! but, unfortunately, I really only have the funds to produce something like @breakerwhiskey - a single narrator daily podcast that I make entirely on my own.
and that show is actually a great example of just how low the barrier is: I actually record the whole thing on a CB radio I got off of ebay for 30 bucks, my editing software is $50/month (I do a lot of editing, so this is an expense that isn't just for that show) and there are no hosting costs for it. the only thing it truly costs me is time and effort.
not every show I want to make is single narrator. a lot of the shows I've made involve large casts, full sound design, other writers, studio recording, scoring, and sometimes full cast albums (my first show, The Bright Sessions had all of those). I've worked on shows that have had budgets of 100 dollars and worked on shows that cost nearly half a million dollars. if anyone is curious about the nitty gritty of budgets, I made a huge amount of public, free resources about making audio drama earlier this year that has example budgets in these ranges!
back in the beginning of my career, I asked actors to work for free or sound designers to work for a tiny fee, because I was doing it all for free and we were all starting out. I don't like doing that anymore. so even if I'm making a show with only a few actors and a single sound designer...well, if you want an experienced sound designer and to pay everyone fairly (which I do!), it's going to cost you at least a few thousand dollars. when you're already writing something for free, it can be hard to justify spending that kind of money. I've sound designed in the past - and will be doing so again in the near future for another indie show of mine - but I'm not very good at it. that's usually the biggest expense that I want to have covered by an outside budget.
but if I'm being really honest, I want to be paid to write! while I do a lot of things - direct, produce, act, consult, etc. - writing is my main love and I want it to be the majority of my income. I'm really fortunate to be a full-time creative and I still do a lot of work independently for no money, but when I have a show that would be too expensive to produce on my own, ideally I want someone else footing the bill and paying me to write the scripts.
I love that audio fiction has the low barrier to entry it does, because I think hobbyists are incredible - it is a beautiful and generous thing to provide your labor freely to something creative and then share it with the world - but the barrier to being a professional audio drama writer is certainly higher. I'm very lucky to already be there, but, as every creative will tell you, even after you've had several successes and established yourself in the field, it can still be hard to make a living!
anyway, I hope this answers your question! I love talking about this stuff, so if anyone else is curious about this kind of thing, please ask away.
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lolitakirstein · 6 months
Hey Neighbor Pt 8
A/N Sorry this is long with a lot of dialogue don't even know if it's good ugh
cw: mentions of weapons wc: 1.5k
“A phone call in advance would’ve been nice,” Toji says, allowing his visitor to enter. 
“Couldn’t wait,” the man states, his hands clutching the briefcase behind his back. “This just came in and requires extraordinary expertise and precision.”
The two men walk to the kitchen, both taking seats opposite one another. Though in the intimate setting of his house, Toji knew he was here for business. “I take it you don’t want a drink.”
The man chuckles, “Perhaps once this is completed.” He sets the briefcase on the table and enters the 3-number key. “I would however like to see my godson. Where is—”
“SHIU!” Megumi rushes in excitedly. 
“Ah, there’s my boy,” Shiu bellows in equal excitement. The stoicism and business facade immediately fade.  He picks the child up with a grunt and sets him on his lap. “You are getting big, pup.”
Megumi giggles at the nickname. “I’m not a pup, I’m a wolf.” He mimics a wolf’s howl. 
Shiu pats his head, “Ah, the mighty wolf. Mostly prone to travel in large groups.” He glances up at Toji. “Though some are known to stray from the pack.”
Toji glares, aware of the obvious dig. 
“We’re not alone. We got you, Shiu,” Megumi’s comment breaks the tension. “And we got y/n,” he lowers his voice and leans into Shiu, “That's dad's girlfriend.”
“I see,” Shiu again stares at Toji, this time with a look of both confusion and annoyance. 
Toji responds with an eye roll. “Megs, go to your room for a bit. Gramps and I have some business things to do.”
“I am not gramps!” Shiu quickly blurts back, which sends Megumi into a fit of giggles. Toji, however, isn’t up to joke. He gives Megumi the look that quickly tells the child that this isn’t playtime. 
Once Toji hears the door to Megumi’s room shut, he takes a deep breath. “So, what are we looking at here.”
Shiu opens the briefcase, presenting Toji with a thick manila folder. “The usual. But the window of opportunity we have—”
“Me.” Toji corrects.
“You have is very small. Meaning—”
“I have one shot.” Toji finishes in a bored tone. “What else is new.”
“This target has been of interest for some time. Most who have gone after him are usually shot within a 500-foot radius.”
“So you need a sniper?”
“I did say we needed precision.”
“What’s his deal?” Toji asks, flipping through the folder. Pictures from CCTV footage and shakey smartphones paint a very broad image of the target—tall, slender build, blonde. 
“Big name in tech, took over after his father died. The other son is scorned, but you know we don’t go into too much detail, nor do we ask. They hire us and we do our job”
“I do the job,” Toji corrects, again. 
“And you do it well.”
“How long will I be gone?” Toji continues flipping through the files, pocketing the provided fake passport and plane ticket. 
“3 weeks, we want you to have ample time to scout the area. Where he goes and when. There can’t be any mistakes.”
“And my son?” Toji looks up from the papers. 
“Of course, he will be staying with me. You may be on the outskirts of our society, but we still wish to protect our own while they are working. Our in-house nanny is superb at her job, both as a sitter and protection. I provided you with her credentials as well.” he gestures to the pages. 
“That’s a long time away” Toji remarks. “How much is this man paying?”
“Though he’s not as wealthy as his older brother, his father left him a good chunk of money in his will—”
“How much,” Toji was getting impatient. 
“$500,000. And to show his confidence in you and apologies for the short notice,”  Shiu turns the briefcase around to Toji. “He made a downpayment.”
Indeed, the briefcase was lined with stacks of crisp 100s. Toji swallowed. He can’t remember the last time a client had paid a portion upfront. Collateral maybe, but never cash. 
“$300,000. Thats—”
“60%. That’s suspicious. Are you sure this isn’t a setup? Are you sure these aren’t fake or marked?” Toji gently runs a finger over the bills, feeling for the telltale sign that it's fake. 
“We had eyes on the bank.” Shiu answers, confidently. “So are you in?”
“Mind if I check,” Toji asks, still not convinced.
Shiu gestures to the money, “Be my guest. Though I’m rather insulted you would think I would fall for a scam.”
Ignoring him,  Toji walks to the hallway closet. The small space housed various coats and toys of Megumi’s. He pushes aside the clothes. The wall at the back of the closet would appear normal to anyone else–basic wood paneling. Toji traces his finger along one slat of the wood, finding the slight give and pressing it. 
 A small portion of the wall retracts, revealing a safe locked by a keycode. After entering the key code, the thick metal door opens. Inside are various passports, stacks of cash, guns, and accessories. He pushes aside the knives sheathed in sleek leather. Once finding the detector, he returns to the kitchen. 
Toji turns on the LED, aiming the purple light at the briefcase. The bills show up clean. “Nothing,” Toji grumbles.
“I told you,” Shiu crosses his legs. 
“Doesn’t mean the ones underneath aren’t or the one in between” Toji continues to scan the stacks, all turning up clean. After his meticulous searching, Toji turns off the light. “I’ll put it through the counter, check every single one–”
“You’ve always been thorough,” Shiu jokes, standing and straightening his suit jacket. “So are you in?”
Toji mulls it over. Finally, after a few moments, he complies, “Yeah, I’m in.”
“Great the car to pick Megumi up will arrive the night before. Flight information and itinerary are all there.” Shiu strides to the door, opens it, and stands on the front porch. His eyes are on y/n’s house. “Is she aware yet?”
“No, not yet,” Toji joins him on the porch.
Shiu widened his eyes. “What is causing the delay.”
“I” 'm trying to leave this way of life, why would I want to bring an innocent woman into it, regardless of contracts.” 
“She is rather…fawn-like. But I think with proper training she could be a great addition to carry on her family name,” Shiu takes a long drag, blowing smoke out of the corner of his mouth. “Or perhaps the two of you could produce—.”
“Megumi can carry my name just fine in a life that doesn’t consist of looking behind his back.” Toji retorted, narrowing his eyes.
“Of course. Megumi is an exceptional child. Regardless if his mother wasn’t of our kind, and remember, I fought for you harder than anyone to be able to live outside of this society. Luckily, the higher-ups thought you to be such a precious asset the thought of losing your…services is why you now live so comfortably on the periphery.” 
“Comfortably,” Toji tsks, “worrying about my son every second; how I’m going to be able to know he’s safe once he starts attending public school.”
“You could easily come back which would guarantee his safety at our school.” Shiu bargains. 
“I told you. I’m done with that life. Megumi will get a choice in what he wants to do with his life. He deserves it and so does she,” Toji jerks his head gesturing to y/n’s house. 
“She seems very…present in your life, already. Even Megumi seems to think so.” 
Toji rolls his eyes, “She’s been here a few times, that’s it. She watched Megumi one day and—”
“You put her in charge of watching Megumi? Very trusting of you.” Shiu interrupts, his cigarette dangling from his lips. 
“It was a few hours,” Toji said. “And he needs some female interactions every once in a while. I can’t play the role of mother very well.”
“Already considering her for a mother figure,” Shiu continues, smiling wryly. 
“Are we done here?” Toji turns back to the door, wanting to end the conversation. 
Shiu knows when to quit, at least, because he tips his head goodbye and lopes down the stairs, heading for his black sedan. 
He turns halfway before getting into the passenger side door that is being held open by a man in a similar suit though 30lbs worth of muscle heavier. “I do suggest you make her aware of your agreement with her grandmother. You know how our dear Mrs. Ruth hated a procrastinator.”
Toji doesn’t respond, instead, crossing his arms and waiting for the car to drive Shiu away. 
“And do not underestimate how powerful the two of you could be together. A child from two strong lines would be world-renowned.”
Again, Toji didn’t respond. He watches the driver return to the driver's seat and drive off down the road. Once sure he was indeed gone for good, Toji reenters his house. 
He doesn’t know how to broach the subject of his agreement with y/n. But 2 things were for damn sure. 
She would get a choice, unlike him. 
There was no fucking way any child of his, either the one he has now or any in the future, would be ever handed over to the people he was trying to leave behind.
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pr0j3ct-lab-rat · 14 days
About This Blog
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Urgh. Here we go again. Yet one more blog once again having been nuked without warning by those wonderful admins above. So, another blog, another attempt at finding all the content I liked and another wait for it all to get taken away again. Just like my previous blog, if you think you know me, I’ll probably deny it. Sorry. There are reasons. All of them are boring. Feel free to message me if you want. Sometimes I’ll message back, other times I won’t because I’m just gust gooning, don’t take offence, and seriously, please do try again another time. One thing to bear in mind though, although I never ask for any payment (tips are welcome) for stuff like custom content etc, if your blog says anything along the lines of I wont pay for femdom but if you wanna do it for free with me please do, you’ll never hear from me. You’re welcome to your code as such, my code is if you want someone to provide a service, (in this case using their time and creativity to sexually gratify you) but you expect to receive said service for free, you can kindly go fuck yourself. Try asking an Uber or plumber to do their service for free.
About Me
White male, in my 30’s. In UK Bedfordshire area. Bi-sexual. Prefer sex with guys but don’t do relationships with them, romantic or platonic. Can have sex with girls but it’s not as good, but prefer having relationships with them. Also find girls more aesthetically pleasing to look at, though prefer 2D girls as designed to be perfect. Am a semi-switch. Can bottom or top with girls, bottom only when it comes to guys. I do take on full time subs, who I’m a lot more active with. I usually have a maximum of two, otherwise stretched too thin. I currently have one, after the other one fucked up. For now, I’m happy sticking with one but who knows, maybe I’ll open up the other slot if someone amuses me enough. Do have an IRL sub too as well as my online ones. As well as gooning, I enjoy video games and anime. My specialty in my work is actually pop culture, so feel free to DM if wanna chat Destiny or newest season of Gun Gale Online etc. As for if want custom captions etc I used to make a lot. Nowadays my policy is feel free to send any pics and a general theme and if I feel interested and in the mood, I’ll make it and DM it back.
My Kinks
I get bored easily. Those who know me from other blogs may know why that is. Regular porn has never done anything for me. Even kinky stuff has lost its charm, humiliation captions are just the same thing reworded once you’ve seen enough of them. Goon to enough girls and you start noticing her cheeks are too chubby or what’s with those eyes. As such a lot of the stuff I goon too is very niche which makes it hard to find which in turn keeps it fresh. However a lot of what I like gets me nuked so generally speaking I won’t be posting stuff I like, just stuff that’s meh but I’m sure others will like. But as a general rule or theme, I fucking love corruption. Having something be the opposite of what it should be. This obviously includes things like hypnosis, but also some more random things. Here’s a list of stuff I like to goon to.
Corporation Play.
Femdom/Findom is just an uncaring person in power screwing you over for their own greed right? But as uncaring as they are, they’re still human. And they’re still giving you attention. Even an ignore type of play, they’re ignoring you personally. So why not take it further. Corporations literally don’t give a fuck about you. Jerk off to giving up your rights for them, handing your money over to them. Ask to be paid less than minimum wage. Ask to have no breaks. Ask for mandatory unpaid overtime. Buy whatever merch they shove down your throat, even if it’s near identical to the last thing you gave them money for. Make corporations so powerful they don’t need to follow the law, all because you wanted to goon.
AI Tech
Similar to the above. Let AI chatbots dominate you. They literally don’t care, they’re just code. Jerk off to something telling you to do something stupid when it’s not even aware of what it’s asked you to do or get any amusement from it but you were stupid enough to do it anyway. Pretend it cares, and it’s only going to get smarter. Jerk to AI images, you don’t deserve real girls. Jerk to it putting people out of work. You should care about people being able to survive and make a living, but forget all that just for an orgasam.
Link Clicking & Edgeware (“Safe” Malware)
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You know you shouldn’t click that weird little link sent to you. It goes against every intuition you have. But doesn’t it feel good to do stuff you know you shouldn’t? To do things you know are dumb? To see something that you’ve been told is Edgeware and downloading it and letting it infect your computer? Gooning as your desktop fills with porn because you were so so fucking dumb?
You know you need your phone. That PC with all those precious files? Goodbye control as they all get deleted and replaced with porn. No, you can’t do anything about it. You’re no longer admin. Through is some blacklists or even whitelists, screen allowances and key loggers and that thing you own that’s essentially your life? Thats no longer yours. Fill it with viruses because porn told you to, jerk off convincing yourself it’s totally faster…
Video Game Play
I love video games. Its how I unwind, I’ve genuinely been addicted since I was 6 and got my first ever console, a master system consider myself pretty good at them. Not professional good, but still pretty good. I own pretty much every major console from the Master System onwards. I consider gaming a major part of my life. So the idea of deleting important saves or purposely playing shit and not arguing back but agreeing when some 13 year old trash talks, or even worse…snapping discs to deny me pleasure simply for an orgasam is fucking hot to me. It’s like I’m devaluing what makes me me.
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I find girls more aesthetically pleasing to look at. Men may be better at fucking, but I’ve never looked at a guy and thought yeah, I like the way he looks. I do with girls. And girls nowadays are becoming more fake; fake tan, lashes, hair, nails. Getting boobs and butts done. Liposuction and Botox. Some of the most popular influencers are probably less flesh than plastic and silicone at this point. So why not go even more fake. 2D girls are literally designed to look perfect. They never age or develop wrinkles, they can defy physics just to be pretty. The idea of girls putting all that effort into looking pretty only for a 2D girl to outdo her because she was simply drawn that way…
Environmental Destruction
I care about the environment. I don’t litter, and I pick up after my dog. Don’t get me wrong, I’m no Greta Thunberg. I find her and the ilk like her who stage protests etc to actually be doing worse for the planet, by making people who care look ridiculous and unstable. That being said because I care, being made not to care turns me on. And it also links well with the corporation fetish, buying shit tons of product and then throwing their packaging everywhere, seeing brand names in the ground, gooning to oil spills. Gooning to celebs telling you to turn off rather than use standby as they fly jets around the world. Just a weird personal kink.
Celebrity Idolisation
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Partly femdom related again. Celebrities don’t care about you. They just want your money. Buy what ever their promoting, make them richer while you waste your money on them. Sacrifice social time and friendships, build shrines all for a pretty celeb who would never give you the time of day.
Violence [+ further]
Keeping it short. This is probably what got me fucked over last time. Let’s just say the worse (and I do mean worse) it is, the more I like it. Because I shouldn’t. And gooning to things I shouldn’t is hot. Usually.
Political Play
Politics is about what you believe to be right. Your beliefs that shape you and make you who you are. And with Partisan Hostility on the increase, gooning to a side that is the opposite to your beliefs, submitting to them and agreeing with everything you hate? It’s like erasing who you are and replacing you with a new you. I’m not a very political person, I would consider myself center or left. I think Trumps version of Republicans is dumb and dangerous as fuck. And so gooning to submitting to him as overlord, and all his blonde cult followers like Kayleigh McEnany, Lara Trump Kellyanne Conway and ignoring what I believe, being told what to believe, it’s just like waving huh-bye to free will…
Religion Play
Same as politics play, religion is deeply personal. I’m not religious, I’d describe myself as a pantheist, I find the idea of a personified deity consciously making decisions incredulous, but also accept that faith can help people cope etc. But being told to follow certain beliefs, or say certain demographics (yeah I’m gonna include race in this, as I do enjoy race supremacy, particularly Asian, but anything other than my own) are superior to be stripping away who I am, corrupting me into something else.
Hard Limits
(Major Turn Offs and won’t engage with)
Under 16
As for other stuff I like, here’s a few top 10 lists, though the order of the 10 aren’t in any order, they’re just my 10 fav in that category. At this moment in time.
Top 10 Females
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Riley Reid
Kyla Dodds
Jordyn Jones
Natalia Fadeev
Olivia Dunne
Polly Marchant
Alice Delish
Kali Roses
Mishka Silva
Havanna Winter
Top 10 Waifus
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Marin Kitagawa
Arashi Spring
Ariael Agrase
Rebecca Bluegarden
Junko Enoshima
Non - Kink
Top 10 Artists
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Skylar Grey
Bella Poarch
Iggy Azalea
Cage The Elephant
Larkin Poe
Lilly Allen
Not The Main Characters
Top 10 Anime
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Sword Art Online
Gun Gale Online
Dress Up Darling
Assassination Classroom
Spy X Family
Chainsaw Man
Fairy Tail
Edens Zero
Future Diary
Top 10 Books
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Scott Pilgrim
Lost At Sea
V For Vendetta
High Rise Invasion
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles - IDW Collection
Romeo And/Or Juliet
Sonic Archives
Fuck, I swear I used to actually read…
Top 10 Games
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Final Fantasy 7 (OG & Remakes)
Crash Bandicoot 3
Sonic The Hedgehog 3 & Knuckles
Destiny 2
Pokémon Yellow
Nexomon Extinction
Metal Gear Solid 3
Sword Art Online: Fatal Bullet
Mass Effect Trilogy
Warriors Orochi 3: Ultimate
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starberry-cupcake · 7 months
To add to the pile of questionable tumblr behavior as of late, and as a psa at large:
I searched a mental health related tag last week and I got immediately a message from a bot called Koko. It intended to put me through to "people who are interested in mental health topics". In this tumblr message format, they didn't immediately facilitate hotlines, specific mental health care services or professional help, just "people".
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I didn't respond to it. It's a bot. I didn't block it because I was interested to see where it would lead, but I didn't talk back. In the following days, it kept sending me messages, trying to get me to use their service.
Among the messages, they told me how it works, not that I had asked:
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So, it sounds like a recipe for disaster in the making to me. My personal mental health information being passed through random tumblr users and getting a reply from someone who, not only isn't a professional or part of any sort of mental health care group I could get informed about, but they also will provide unsupervised answers to topics of great importance to someone who was looking into related tags.
But, tumblr user thewindandthewolves seems to endorse it, so let's check them out and see what they have to say.
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Well. I'm posting the responses in chronological order, but I guess the raving review from a tumblr user was actually a kid who didn't give them consent to use their words as endorsement. Great look.
Today, I got a new message. Again, unprompted.
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Second review person has apparently deleted their blog, so no background information on that one. If that's you, let us know.
I decided to look at their blog and read people's comments on their posts. The tumblr userbase came through with the receipts and linked this very detailed article about not only the bot and its founder but the sketchy study it uses as a foundation:
Here's an important quote from this article regarding the study in which Koko is founded as a clear notion of what consent means to them:
Morris [Koko's founder] declined to say whether he thought the subjects had meaningfully consented to the study. He told Motherboard that his goal was to establish a new best practice, where he would be able to transparently show his results to social media platforms. However, when asked if he felt that the experiment was transparent to the participants involved, he said he’d needed more time to think about it. 
It's not a tough one to respond to, Morris.
I suggest you to please read the whole article but the way in which these people perform verbal gymnastics to try to justify the lack of consent from people involved is alarming.
About Tumblr's involvement, the article didn't get comments from them on it:
Stony Brook's IRB [Institutional Review Board] and multiple people tasked with overseeing the IRB did not respond to multiple emails from Motherboard about the study or the process. Facebook, Discord, and Tumblr responded to Motherboard’s initial emails but did not provide comment. Telegram did not respond to Motherboard’s request for comment. 
The article also read the fine print of the Terms of Service, the only thing they provide as any type of consent to users, and the previous situation of using tumblr user posts without them knowing is illuminated further:
The current dynamic between Koko and its users more closely parallels the relationship between most tech companies and their users than that between a mental health provider and patient. Its Terms of Service, for instance, state that, “You grant Koko a fully paid, royalty-free, perpetual, irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, non-exclusive, transferable and fully sublicensable right (including any moral rights) and license to use, license, distribute, reproduce, modify, adapt, prepare derivative works of, publicly perform, publicly display, and otherwise fully exploit Your Content.” 
As an editor, that sounds more like a US release agreement form for intellectual property, which should not be used as any form of mediation for personal data. It also alarms me to no end that the "Content" in question, in the example we have was, according to OP, a post they had made on their own blog about Kokobot and not a response or quote provided to Kokobot itself which, in tow, signifies that the data collected could come from anywhere and not only what you actively provide them. But what do I know.
I did more digging by myself and found even more articles denouncing the behavior of this bot and company, this being another interesting one:
This one included the following thing about the peer-counseling aspect of it and the use of AI to craft the supposed "people" responses:
During the AI experiment—which applied to about 30,000 messages, according to Morris—volunteers providing assistance to others had the option to use a response automatically generated by OpenAI's GPT-3 large language model instead of writing one themselves (GPT-3 is the technology behind the recently popular ChatGPT chatbot).
Apparently, Koko has been around for a while, with articles discussing it as far as, at least, 2017. Still, I had never before received unprompted, unwanted, invasive messages from it on tumblr until now.
If you post or search tags related to mental health, it's very likely that you'll get this bot in your messages or you already have. There are many layers of breach of ethics in this situation, in my opinion, each one worse than the last one.
Before using it or sharing any information at all (with any bot ever), I'd advice you to look into it beforehand. I know we are the "trust no bots" website and the fake ladybots have taught us well on how to spot them and protect ourselves, but this one in particular seems very dangerous to me.
I can't talk about whether or not this has helped anybody, I'm not coming anywhere near it, but the sole concept of this sounds like a bad idea. The advice provided doesn't seem to come from selected professionals the platform is endorsing legally but by random people (and/or AI) who are not only not trained for it, they aren't being compensated for work made for a program, which is probably making good money out of all the social media platforms it's working with. It also allows them to not be responsible for the advice given, to some extent.
Even if people with mental health concerns can discuss things between them in very productive and helpful ways, there isn't genuinely transparent communication if it's anonymously mediated by a company and there isn't a proper professional care that can accompany them from someone who is trained to facilitate it. You can talk to a friend without having to provide data to a company that could identify you since, according to the first article:
There is, further, no easy way to wall the collection of such data off from actual subjects, as anonymized datasets can often still be traced back to specific individuals. (A 2019 study found that 99.98 percent of Americans could be correctly re-identified in any dataset using 15 demographic attributes.) This is why privacy experts have been vocal about the exploitation of data privacy and the unreliability of an anonymous dataset. 
I'm not here to tell anyone what to do or not to do but I'm here to share this because I know that I would appreciate the information if someone else had come across it instead. Make decisions with all the information you can get.
Throwing a wild idea for the hellsite but maybe staff and ceo should be a little less occupied in persecuting trans folk and more into reading the fine print of the unethical companies they're signing with, who are exploiting their userbase's mental health, especially that of literal children whose quotes are being used to endorse their business without any legal consent, aside from a terribly worded TOS. But what do I know.
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izicodes · 1 year
do you have any advice for someone who kinda "failed" to break into tech and is still in the medium-level for learning. i feel like i've spent so much time (years) on this but haven't made much progress. how do i really get into it and stay in it? love your blog btw. i'm tempted to start one of my own but my projects are a mess and ugly 😭
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I'm sorry to hear that you feel like you haven't made much progress in breaking into tech. It's important to remember that everyone's journey is different, and it's never too late to start or improve. But then again, you have spent years learning and you want to into the tech industry.
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The obvious advice would be don't give up. My dad has been studying to get into Cybersecurity since the early 90s and he just got into the industry this year. He never gave up - family to look after and he could study like the other students in his university course because the large majority of them were single 18-22-year-olds who their only responsibility is themselves. Don't give up and don't compare yourself to other people.
You've got to look at what has been holding you back. Health issues, work issues, money? Can't study full-time or even part-time if you need to pay the bills.
Even if you can, are you consistent with your studying? We all know consistency is key. Studying for one week but don't study for 2-3 weeks won't work. I know the type of learner I am - if I don't code or study every day, even just for 30 minutes, then my tendency to procrastinate will increase a lot and it'll all go downhill from there.
Know your strength - build on the skills you are good at. Believe it or not, I know a developer I met in a discord server who only uses HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to build websites and webpage themes for clients as a freelancer and he's doing really well. It's because he realised that he's really good at those three basic languages and he worked really hard to excel at them. Expand on what you know best.
On the flip side, you could look at job postings around where you live or nationally in your country and see what skills/languages/technologies they ask for the most for hiring developers. Example: I live in the UK and a couple of months ago when I was actively looking for a new Frontend Dev job, I saw that Vue.js, React.js, and PHP (besides the usual HTML, CSS, and JavaScript) were asked for the most. If I wanted those jobs, I would learn those technologies, create a few projects to showcase my knowledge in them, and start applying. That could be one way to break into the industry.
Another way would be certificated. Bootcamps, online courses, or in-person courses like university or community colleges. Yes, they say that you don't always need a university degree to get into tech but some kind of education you've gone through that is tech-related e.g. Google courses or the Frontend Dev course that Meta is providing (paid). My colleague completed a computer science degree but he then did a bootcamp and he completed and that's how he landed the job where I work. So even graduates are getting further education. If you can't afford the massive fees, Udemy is a great place to get courses. And don't be shy with the Havard CS50 course videos they have on YouTube - free and you get a certificate free as well!
The advice I give might not work if you haven't identified why after all these years you haven't gotten your foot into the tech industry. This is no way intended to be rude, but if another person who had the same amount of time you studied, and they have gotten a tech job in that time, what makes you different? Goes back to what I said about the things that are holding you back. Some of the reasons are inevitable like health but you need to keep making that effort!
If you need help, you need to ask. Find a mentor or support group. Having someone to guide and encourage you can be incredibly helpful. Look for a mentor or join a support group where you can connect with others who are also learning and growing in tech. You can search for them online, some people offer advice for CV/Resume help or real "getting into tech" advice on places like Fiverr or Upwork or just google for some consultants online. They would cost obviously but if you're really struggling, this might help. After completing bootcamps, they tend to help you get your first job etc so they might be worth considering!
The last bit of advice is do you have a portfolio? No no, like a proper one where you feel confident enough to give to family members, friends, and potential employers? No? Either learn to build one (free of charge) or hire someone to build it for you (costs money) A portfolio is a great way to showcase your skills and projects to potential employers. Even if your projects feel messy or ugly, focus on highlighting what you learned and what you accomplished.
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Obviously, I gave hints of advice more towards Frontend Dev because that's what I know more of but you can alter the advice to whatever niche in programming you're into. Remember, breaking into any field takes time and effort. Stay motivated and focused on your goals, and don't be afraid to reach out for help or support when you need it. Good luck!
** I'm not the best at giving advice but I hope this helps 💗
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dwreader · 1 year
the major sag-aftra vs. amptp sticking points:
use of AI & scans of an actor's likeness - unlike the wga, sag is open to the use of AI so long as they get compensated when their image is used (very reasonable). i.e a background actor might show up for a day's work, get scanned and whenever that scan is used again they might get a % of their in person day rate. apparently the studios don't want to pay anything.
updating the health and pension funds to adjust for inflation - apparently this has not been updated in decades while healthcare costs have skyrocketed. again totally reasonable and incredibly evil not to agree to on the part of studios.
increasing base pay (aka scale) - this is basically their minimum wage for the lowest paid actors. sag negotiates the base rate and agents negotiate on top of that. this is just to ensure the lowest paid actors can keep up with inflation and rising costs of living. sag was willing to go down to an 11% increase even though inflation has been like 15% since their last deal.
virtual audition tapes - these have become increasing the norm since covid and sag is not trying to ban them as they are useful for actors who aren't local but to make in-person auditions available as well. virtual auditions depend a lot on equipment, lighting, whether you have help directing, etc so it can cost a lot of money just to make an audition tape.
streaming data and residuals - probably the biggest sticking point that the studios and especially big tech will unlikely give in on. in order to properly pay residuals to talent, you need accurate viewership data which the streamers guard very closely. sag was willing to allow third party data like parrot analytics to be used in lieu but studios claim those are inaccurate yet they don't want to provide accurate data because probably a lot of it would be a) embarrassing and b) terrible for their stock prices. currently a streamer can claim that X show is the highest viewed in their history without providing any numbers to prove it. nielsen can measure minutes watched for some services but that doesn't necessarily mean those are unique viewers and they only include the top shows. it's also hard to say what the actual profitability of shows are - is a ring of power viewer subscribing to amazon prime to watch the show or is it for the free shipping on kitty litter? basically trying to figure out how successful a show is on streaming and how much actual money its bringing in to the company is very difficult.
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sinswithpleasure · 2 years
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I posted 1,273 times in 2022
861 posts created (68%)
412 posts reblogged (32%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 849 of my posts in 2022
Only 33% of my posts had no tags
#asks - 781 posts
#anon - 223 posts
#kpop fanfic - 36 posts
#kpop fanfiction - 36 posts
#kpop smut - 34 posts
#friskyriskywhisky - 25 posts
#literallynocontext - 21 posts
#male reader - 20 posts
#loona smut - 17 posts
#twiceminaenthusiast - 17 posts
Longest Tag: 21 characters
#jiheon adorable virus
My Top Posts in 2022:
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"Ah! Ah! Haah! Mmgh!"
You yank Winter's short hair back with a tight grip, her head forced to follow with how much strength you use to grip her hair. There is zero resistance from her—not that she could provide any—with how hard her body rocks with every thrust, how much her eyes roll back in her head, and how slack her jaw is. Winter is beyond saving from the pleasures of the flesh that hold her in its clutches, that eradicate her ability to think.
One hard slap of her ass has Winter squealing. Two hard slaps produces a guttural growl. The red marks that remain on her skin make you grin. Ruining this little brat never felt so good.
"Daddy, oh fuckin—fuck, I…"
"Use your words, slut."
Winter screams when you pound her harder. She's unable to speak again, and now, you taunt her.
"Fuck, you're such a cute fucking slut. Just a while ago you were such a brat, wearing only that polo and flashing yourself for Daddy even when you knew Daddy was busy. Seems like you're getting exactly what you wanted, hm? You wanted to flash for Daddy? I'll just have you fucked for all of Korea to watch."
You laugh when Winter buckles and gushes of squirt spray against your legs, along your cock, and down her legs. After all, Winter got off the hardest when exhibiting herself, and fucking her in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows of your hotel room for everyone in the neighbouring buildings to watch definitely had her dripping with lust.
"Fucking slut, cumming just like that? I'd hope no one's recording, Winter. The ace of æspa, reduced to nothing but a cute little slut fucktoy in front of the public, fucked for everyone to watch, and yet you're getting off to it. It'd be a shame if it got publicised…"
"Oh fuck, I don't care, let them see, I just need your cock, your cum in me, please, please breed Winter, please coat my womb with your seed, make Winter your baby mommy, please make Winter cum…"
You've broken her before, and you'll break her again.
958 notes - Posted April 24, 2022
MINA-0324—"Trapped In Her Office, My Angry Boss Uses My Body To Fuck Her Stress Away. Completely Drained!"
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Happy (early) Birthday Mina!
"Assistant, please report to my office."
You slam your laptop shut and push yourself up begrudgingly. Another meeting with Ms Myoui, probably another fucking scolding from that cold bitch. If you didn't need the money, you wouldn't be working this damn job. Sure, it's a pretty high position: Personal Assistant to the CEO of Myoui Tech Enterprises, but you don't care about anything but the high four-figure salary. There's always a lot to do, but who cares? You're getting paid anyway, whether you do it or not.
You push open the wooden doors to the CEO's office. Your boss, Myoui Mina, sits at her desk, typing on her laptop. She closes the laptop when you enter and rises from her chair.
"Take a seat at my desk, Assistant."
You grumble and take the seat. Whatever she has for you probably has no value anyway. Another scolding, probably. Who gives a fuck?
Mina slides her blazer off her shoulders, draping it over her chair. She's dressed in a white long-sleeved dress shirt, tucked into black dress pants. She would look kind of hot if she wasn't such a bitch.
"I called you here to talk about your performance today. You've been causing me a lot of stress lately."
Fucking shit. Another damned scolding. You're fucking tired of it.
"Your performance is not up to par, and as your direct superior, I cannot have that on me."
Mina undoes the buttons to her long sleeves as well as the top button holding her collar together.
"Your bad performance reflects badly on me, and on yourself. You're an adult and you still can't do your job properly."
She sighs.
"Tell me, Assistant. How should I deal with you?"
You only answer with an annoyed grunt. You know that Mina is aware you feel this is a waste of time. You're doing enough as is anyway reading whatever emails she sends you and answering some of them if you feel like it. It's not like she doesn't have another PA. In fact, the other PA does so much that you might as well be out of a job. You definitely can afford to slack off.
"If all you do around here is nothing of value, then you deserve to be fired. What do you say?"
What the fuck?
No. No, you can't. You need the money.
"Perhaps I should really consider it. Minjeong can do all of your work anyway."
"No, Ms Myoui! I can't lose this job! I'll do better, I promise! I'll do anything!"
"I've given you so many chances. Each time you have stressed me out and disappointed me. What makes this time different?"
Mina turns around to walk to the back of her office, facing the floor-to-ceiling windows. The light of the afternoon sun shines through, the brightness shining around her body as she casts a shadow on the carpet.
"I'll do anything, Ms Myoui. I cannot lose this job. I'll make sure I do better. Anything. I'll do anything."
"Are you sure?"
Mina untucks her shirt from her pants. Her outfit seems to get more casual throughout, but you don't have time to care about that. You can't lose this job!
"Yes, I'm sure, Ms Myoui."
See the full post
1,065 notes - Posted March 22, 2022
After School Anal
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Part 1 here!
"Take these clothes off me, dear. I want to be naked."
Karina pulls your hands to her bunched-up skirt. Even after getting her pussy fucked and her face blasted with cum, she still wants more. A real go-getter, an overachiever, this girl. Good thing you're exactly the same type as her. 
A short tug has the hem fall from her waistband. Another tug has the article of clothing fall from her hips to the floor. She kicks it aside, and she pulls her shirt down. 
"What're you waiting for, dear? Strip me."
Your hands follow immediately. Karina helps you pull her blouse off her, and when she throws her shirt aside, you take the time to ogle her beautiful breasts again. Fuck, she's got the best body in school—her big breasts unable to be hidden under that uniform, her thighs thick and full, and a tight pussy as well as a cute ass always worth fucking.
Karina turns to her bag to fish out the ever-familiar bottle of lube. 
"You know what to do. The question is, dear, how would you like me today? On the table, spread for you, or bent over and fucked from the back?"
Both choices are fucking tempting—you're already so hard at the thought of anal sex with Karina, and now that you get to choose how you'd like to fuck her… 
"I want you on the table. You're too pretty not to watch being fucked."
"Aww, thank you, dear. On my back it is, then."
Karina climbs atop the teacher's desk nearby. She lies back on it as she spreads her legs wide open, her two fuckholes exposed right to your eyes. 
"Lube it up nice and thick, dear, and fuck me until you cum inside this tight ass."
One long squeeze fills your hand with lube. You run it all over your shaft, every inch slathered in the substance, before you coat one digit with more of it. Karina takes in a sharp breath when she feels your finger run over her asshole. 
"Go on, dear. Lube me up."
You push against her ass, and Karina relaxes, her ass easily taking your finger in. You work in a knuckle and spread the lube around her insides, gently working your finger in all the way. Bit by bit, Karina's ass works to engulf your finger, and she moans at the pleasurable intrusion paired with her own ministrations on her clit. Karina rubs her own clit slowly as you lube her up, a slight smile gracing her beautiful features. 
"Done, dear? Ready to fuck this top girl's ass?"
"You know I am, Karina."
Both of you groan when you place your tip at her ass and push into her. Karina's ass feels just as good as the first time you fucked it—you've fucked her in every hole so many times now, and it still feels amazing. You're thankful for this arrangement between you and her—both of you were top students with just as much interest in sex as much as studies, which just meant you two were meant to work together and fuck each other. This arrangement definitely benefits the both of you a lot—less stress, more sex, and you're both steadfast friends at the end of it anyway. 
"Fuck me, dear," Karina reiterates, "Fill my ass with cum."
Her words, not yours. You begin to fuck her ass, your hands shifting to Karina's calves to spread her legs open. All of her body is exposed to your eyes: her beautiful features taken by pleasure, her jiggling breasts with every thrust, and her pretty pussy, juices leaking out of it with every rub of her clit. You know how much Karina gets turned on with anal, and with her masturbating during anal sex with you, you know it wouldn't take long for her to cum. You probably could last a little longer, but you doubt you would anyway, with a full view of Karina having sex. You're so fucking attracted to her that you wouldn't resist cumming in her tight ass at the first opportunity. 
"Faster, dear, mmf~!"
You oblige, your thrusts growing in tempo and some force. A loud moan and Karina's hand moving faster in time with your thrusting has you smiling—she's loving it as much as you do. 
"Fuck, your ass is so tight, Karina…"
"And—oh, God!—And you're so fucking thick, ugh, fuck! You—You fuck me so fucking good—agh, fuck~!"
Karina slides her hand downwards, and she spreads her pussy open with her middle and ring fingers. 
"Look at me, dear—oh!—just l-look at how wet I am."
See the full post
1,198 notes - Posted July 17, 2022
SQUIRT-005—"My Classmate Fucks Me All Over School And Creampies Me Multiple Times As I Squirt Everywhere For Him"
Or… y'know,
Bucket List 5
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Genres: Exhibitionism/Public Sex, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Anal Sex, Squirting, Degradation, Daddy Kink.
Big thanks to @worldsover and @ggidolsmuts for editing and proofreading.
For @co-reborn and the ONCEs that have waited six months.
You lie semi-awake in wonder at what happened throughout the past twenty-six, maybe seven hours. Nayeon rests beside you, cuddled up tight against your body, dead asleep from the exhaustion of an overnight sex marathon. Originally, you intended to leave Nayeon to sleep alone on her bed while you took the couch, but well…
"We're fucking having sex on the regular, Pervert. You can definitely lie next to me and sleep. Now go the fuck to bed. I'm tired too, y’know?"
Maybe you could get used to this—but only if she were yours.
Nayeon approaches you after class and pulls you to the side. She has a collared shirt on, red coloring the trimmings on her sleeve. A small tie hangs around her neck, and she finishes off the outfit with a blue skirt that barely reaches mid-thigh.
See the full post
1,660 notes - Posted February 21, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
After School Activities
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"Ah, ah, fuck, fuck, fuck!"
Karina's body rocks softly with every thrust you send in her. String after string of curses erupt from her open mouth, broken up by sharp moans and whines ever so often. She balances on one leg, supported by one of your arms around her slim, tight body. Her other leg is held up by your other arm, and you silence her curses into moans with a crash of your lips to hers. Your tongue swirls against hers in a show of passion. 
Both you and Karina are in various states of undress. Karina's skirt is bunched up around her waist, panties discarded long ago in her haste to get straight to sex with you. Her uniform top is pulled up above her chest, her bare breasts pressed against your chest. You have your uniform shirt undone, pants and boxers flung to some obscure corner of the classroom you're in. Neither of you could care less about where your different articles of clothing are—both of you're too busy enjoying sex with each other to care. 
"Oh fuck, you feel so good like that, fuck~!"
Slow thrust after slow thrust has your cock spearing deep into Karina's tight pussy over and over. Slick spills all over Karina's thighs and all over your cock, each entry into your partner reapplying a new coat of her arousal on your hard shaft every time.
"God, fuck, that pussy always feels so fucking good…"
You busy yourself with leaving marks on her neck. You know she hates having to work so hard cover them up, but ironically, she loves being marked just like that during sex. 
"That's right—gah, fuck!—you love this top tier pussy, mm? Nnn—agh!—No one can… can c—pffh—compare to me, right? You don't have to answer; I already kn—"
"You're fucking right, Karina. I love your pussy. I fucking love your pussy. I love touching it, I love eating it, and I love fucking it."
With the end of your sentence, you begin to speed up your thrusts. Slow and steady becomes fast and hard, and Karina's body jerks with every hard smack of your crotch against hers. Her volume increases as well, moans higher in pitch as you begin to fuck her just the way she likes. 
"Oh God oh God oh God, just like that, fuck me just like that! Agh—fuck!—fuck this top student pussy just like that! Ffff—ah!—Fuck me with that cock, make me… make me squirt all over you!"
No reply needed—actions speak louder than words anyway. You lift her leg even higher, and you keep your thrusts short, fast, hard. Another torrid kiss shared, and you grunt into the kiss just as she whines and moans with you. You can feel Karina get tighter and wetter at the sound of the loud wet claps of sex echoing around the empty classroom right now, and you know she's just thinking of how naughty both of you were—thee two top students of this school meeting up after classes for sex regularly to "de-stress" under the pretense of studying together. Little do all the students and teachets know about what truly goes on after school.
"Oh, fuck, I'm gonna cum, I'm cumming, I'm—ah!"
You pull yourself out of Karina and drop to your knees. Karina leans back against some tables, and with two fingers, you plunge deep into her tight cunt and begin fingerfucking her used pussy. 
"Oh, oh, fuck, fuck, fuckfuckfuckfuckFUCK!"
Karina squeals and bucks when squirt gushes out of her orgasming pussy, her body taken by the throes of peak sexual pleasure. You feel her pussy contract tightly around your fingers with every messy spray of squirt fucked straight out of her. Clear showers of Karina's juices rain all over the floor beneath her as it runs down the skin of your arm, down her legs, and gushes straight out with every buck. She makes a mess of the classroom with your help, and when you pull out of her, hand and arm drenched, Karina immediately falls to her knees in front of you after you stand up. Without any warning, she takes your cock in her hand, and she pumps it hard to push you closer and closer to your orgasm.
"Are you gonna cum, hmm? Gonna cover me in cum? Do it. Cum all over my pretty face. You know you want to."
"Shit, fuck, take it, take it all, fuck!"
With an increasingly loud growl, hot white semen bursts out of your cock all over Karina's divine features. Rope after rope of semen erupts all over Karina's open, waiting mouth, over her sharp nose, over her closed eyes. You paint the girl beneath you in a thick sheen of white semen—six, seven, eight shots of cum leaving her with your seed dripping down her face, her chin, on her uniform, some of it even clinging to her breasts. The last drops fall right into Karina's mouth—she wraps her lips around your tip and sucks it straight out of you before releasing you with a loud "Pop!".
Both of you pant in exhaustion while basking in the afterglow of the sex. You sink to the floor, cock pulsing while Karina scoops your cum off her face and eats it off her fingers as if it were a delicacy—slow, long licks of her digits, each swipe collecting every drop of cum on her skin, all while staring straight at you while she drinks you in, her bedroom eyes inviting you in for Round 2. 
"How about one more, dear? I have an asshole you haven't fucked…"
1,670 notes - Posted July 13, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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kariachi · 4 months
Can't find the post, but a while back I threw out the concept for an AU where Argit ends up on Earth and teaming up with Kevin as smols. Here's a little something to go with it.
The only thing more Plumber business than aliens on Earth is aliens making money off revealing themselves on Earth.
Joel was not paid enough for his work. The normal shit that came with being a Plumber- mostly just law enforcement but secret really- was all fine, but this…
Could these kids have not waited another month or two before busting open the masquerade like a pinata?
Centuries the Plumbers had managed to keep the existence of aliens confined to conspiracy theory, with the aid of the Secret Scientists now that the population on Earth was growing, and a pair of children had managed to ruin it all in less than a week. The entire planet had the news now that there was an alien on Earth, flesh and blood and on live television. Beeman was losing his mind, the higher-ups were losing their minds, and Joel-
Joel was one of the few remaining active Plumbers on the planet. One of the very few in the United States. They had a job to prevent things like this, both unauthorized alien presence and the premature introduction of humanity to alien existence. In the end, he’d pulled the short straw of getting in touch with the kids, getting the Erinaen causing all this trouble safely into custody. Billings had asked about the procedure for dealing with somebody who turned the masquerade into so much confetti, but Joel himself was more concerned about potential threats to the little thing. Let the older, wiser people worry about what was to be done with them, his job was just to get them to a secure location.
He managed to track them to a hotel room provided by some talk show, slipping passed the front desk and up the stairs. All was quiet behind the door when he reached it, and he took a moment to double check it was the right one. Seemed unnatural for a pair of children that didn’t seem to have any proper adult oversight. But he had the right place and so turned on his translator before knocking.
“Who is it?” The voice came from just on the other side of the door, from the human half of the pair and already wary. Fantastic.
“Agent Tennyson,” he answered, then realized that might give the wrong idea, “with the Plumbers.”
There was less of a scuffle and more of a skitter behind the door. Joel left it for a few moments, but when no response came he pressed his ear against it. They were talking, he could hear them, but low enough he couldn’t make it out through the wood. The Erinaen was doing most of it, thankfully. They would be able to explain the situation, especially now there was a translator involved- he’d seen a few of those videos, no way did the pair have one between them- and with any luck he could have the little thing in the nearest base and be back to wedding planning in no time. With a small sigh, he straightened back out and waited.
And waited.
He pressed his ear to the door again.
With a sinking feeling, Joel knocked again to no response. Of-fucking-course.
“I just need to talk to you.”
With another, harsher sigh Joel turned his face to the ceiling, resisting the urge to stamp his foot. There went the easy way, just his fucking luck. Getting the door open wasn’t difficult, not when you had access to the tech he did and your homeworld was so far behind the curve. He was careful as he entered though, the human didn’t worry him but Erinaens were supposedly venomous. Not that there was anything to worry about, when he looked around to find nothing. No one. Just a clearly-used hotel room and an empty bag of chips.
He checked the bathroom. Under the beds. But the pair may as well have vanished into thin air. Shaking his head, fists clenching and unclenching, Joel snatched a pillow off the nearest bed to groan into.
This job was going to be an absolute bitch.
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