#and a few memes I wanna make ugh
emeraldbabygirl · 2 years
If my theme suddenly becomes Hyunho and I change all my pfps on all my socials and my lock screen to that man it’s not my fault. It’s all Hyunho I’m combing through both his and dcrunch’s insta as well as Pinterest because
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Man’s got me like this it’s ridiculous!
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laikahh · 3 months
okay switched to my laptop i can try to write down some thoughts now
#so like. first of all. stupid shit#team z was killing me in this movie i hated the fucking pitter patter of their bare feet against the cafeteria floor#in the scene w like kuon and isagi telling team v not to underestimate soccer etc#like was that necessary . it was so loud#also i really wanna download the movie just so that i can gif one scene and turn it into a reaction gif or maybe a mid meme#idk soccer terminology bear w me here but like . its the one during the team v vs team z game where like reo is about to shoot#and four people from team z (i swear kunigami was in there i saw his ginger fucking hair) are like standing in a line#and they jump up to like maybe stop the ball idfk i dont know football and theyre those shitty 3d models and they look goofy as fuck#i wanna speed that up and put the glaggleland theme over it. i need to do that actually#ANYWAY . okay. w that out of the way#the movie looked goofy bc of course it did its bIue Iock animated media#BUT IT SOUNDED SOOO FUCKING GOOD. excluding the previously mentioned pitter patter of bare feet i didnt like that#but srsly. oh the scene where nagi shows up behind isagi out of nowhere when hes just about to do his direct shot i think#and the animation (& just art overall. the composition of those shots SUCKED) was mid as fuck. BUT IT SOUNDED SO GOOOD#it was like so freaky had the animation been better id have gotten genuine chills#tho like . the movie felt like. incomplete? and the glove scene fixes that mostly but its just. ouugh#they cut a few scenes that i thought were important while also lingering too much on things that didnt really matter all that much#the youre a pain reo scene was cut which like. i Guess i get cause they wouldnt have been able to make that satisfying with how little time#they had. but also dude you couldve just cut some of the 1st selection it really wouldve been fine. or idk maybe it wouldntve been#its like . ugh its the thing again i get what i wanna say but idk how to say it . i love being stupid#but yeah. movie felt like it was kinda missing something but was still Good . they couldnt have covered alll those chapters fully#so they took out a part of the story to fit in the 90 minutes they got. whatever . it wasnt Bad . glove scene Fixed Some Things#also yeah GLOVE SCENE 🔛🔝#maybe ill get a concussion thatll fix my brain and then ill say what i want to say about this movie#7/10#voidcore.txt
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seventh-district · 1 year
CW: vent post
#Seven’s Public Diary#vent#cw vent post#every single time i think i’m ready to head back over to SunMoonTwt i open the app. switch to my S&M account. and immediately see some shit#that makes me be like ‘yeah no i’m gonna have to give it a few more days’#i’d say lmao but it’s not even funny at this point i just. ugh. wish i didn’t feel so conflicted about it#it’s not about the content being made that’s still great i don’t have any issues with that. that’s the whole reason i wanna come back!#there’s a lot of great writers and artists over there and i don’t like missing out on their stuff!#but there’s also the p e o p l e#and it just. how do i put this…#opening SunMoonTwt feels like walking into a room where everyone else is already paired off into their little groups and ur just#standing there looking like a fool with no friends. it feels like everyone already knows everyone and anyone else that tries to involve#themselves with or participate in the conversations gets looked at like that meme of everyone staring at u w/ disgust during a party#it feels like walking in on a conversation that ur obviously not a part of#and i wish i could just ignore all of that and read the fics and admire the art and post my silly little ideas#but i can’t and i know it’s a me problem and i’m just overthinking things and that’s why i left in the first place#i can’t tell for sure but it’s probably just all in my head and no one else sees it how i do#but god if it doesn’t feel like i’ve walked into the wrong room when i scroll through my TL and see everyone interacting like they’ve known#each other forever. and i guess that’s just because i joined the party late. i dunno. i feel like the odd one out everywhere i go it’s just#amplified over there since all of the top creators seem to have this connection to each other that i’m scared to encroach on#i always feel like i’m gonna say or post the wrong thing. and it doesn’t help when i see some of them come together and shit-talk other#people in the community indirectly / behind their back. it makes me feel like i could be the next person to say something that gets taken#the wrong way and they’d be telling each other how much they can’t stand me and i’d never know#man. fandom twitter shouldn’t feel like high school cliques and drama all over again but it does sometimes#it just seems like u say one wrong word and everyone’s gonna dog-pile on u and rip u to pieces#the best way i can put it is like. leaving twitter and coming back to tumblr feels like how it was to leave school after a long day of#struggling to fit in with the popular crowd and finally getting to flop down on the couch at home and read a book and just be yourself#anyways. i’m sure i’m just overreacting and it’s not actually that bad. maybe i’m just not cut out for twitter with how bad my RSD is#it’s late and i’m tired and feeling bad so there’s a good chance i’ll delete this in the morning#just needed to get all these thoughts out or i was gonna explode
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dorylinae-supremacy · 9 months
Thinking about an AU where Techno, Wilbur and Tommy are all the harbingers of the actual entire apocalypse and Phil (just some insane guy) decides that those are in fact his kids and starts gaslighting the absolute shit out of them about it.
Rambles under cut!
I wanna try something where they're just more insidious and passive killers than anything else, theyre mostly just biding their time and watching as wherever they're lingering around gets sicker and just starts withering away.
They're a slow moving threat that just can't be stopped and for some reason (because Kristin thinks its funny) Phil just isnt affected by them.
Phil: Oh Techno's always been like that ever since he was a baby Techno: I have literally never met you a day in my life Tommy: Idk man... you have always been like that Wilbur: Oh my death he's actually getting to us
Its a mix of that combined with that "how did he know I was a gemini" meme
Phil: Wil! I brought you some salmon, I know how much you love it! Wilbur: How the fuck did you know I like salmon Phil: I'm your dad silly, of course I'd know :-)
I just think itd be super fun since Phil in this au is literally just some insane dude. He literally lies about their entire childhood but does it so consistently and so realistically that it throws them off guard.
I also have a few ideas where they start referring to Phil as their dad in the beginning as a sarcastic / mocking thing but accidentally just getting themselves even more adopted as they do it.
Phil: Wilbur put on a coat Wilbur: I don't need one! Techno: Go on, Wil. Listen to dad Wilbur: Ugh fine. Only because dad wants it, though
Stranger: Whos this? Tommy: Oh thats our dad. He kinda just tags along Stranger: Aww thats so sweet! You got his nose and everything Tommy: I- wh- no he's not actually our da- Phil: I know he did! Isn't he the cutest, spitting image isnt he? Tommy: You're not my dad! Stranger: Oh someones embarrassed! Phil: Yeah he's going through a rebellious phase right now
Just a mixture of things like that where it starts as calling him it but then accidentally actually giving him parental authority along with that.
I also wanna explore how Kristin and Phils relationship would be like. Maybe her as death being very bemused by this silly human that just decided she was his wife one day.
She literally visits him in dreams and stuff and he just acts as if they're married and have been for years. He complains about their 'rambunctious kids' and how he has to threaten them with her so that they behave sometimes. She finds it so silly and just cant help but play pretend.
Kristin: Hello, human Phil: My love! Its been so long since I've seen you Kristin: We've never met Phil: Oh don't say that! It hasnt been that long. I've just been far too occupied with our boys to visit too much Kristin: Our boys? I made them Phil: And they came out beautiful! I'm so glad Wil and Tech got your eyes. I was hoping they would.
I think that'd be a core part of this AU as well. Everyone is playing pretend but then it just fuzzies and it all becomes real for them. At first its a joke that Phil is her husband and their father but then they get lost in the fantasy and fun of it all and actually accept him as such.
Phil has no ulterior motives either, he's literally just a strange insane man that heard stories about neotrio and started thinking they were his kids one day. He genuinely believes his delusion and they end up accidentally making it a reality.
He just makes lucky guesses and plausible lies often enough that he's still shiny and new, he's still fun to play with and thats what ends up 'tricking' them all.
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eggo-da-axolotl · 2 months
chapter 1 of Opposites attract <3
Thursday morning a certain blue meme guardian woke up feeling.... Happy ? No that wasn't it and he brushed it off and started cleaning the castle because his friends and smg3 were coming over! He checked the calendar and it was the 23rd of May so he started to clean and what not and his phone started to beep and he opened the group chat with his friends!
Fish🐟: My cousin’s doing a back bend while watching little bus
Squid🦑: Good for you boopkins
Gamer girl🎮: What
Ex-enemy🟣: Guys what is Mario talking about-
Everyone: idk-
Smg4 chuckled a bit then put his phone down and continued cleaning and after a bit he heard a knock at the door. He opened it and saw.... Smg3....?
3: hey Smg4..?
4: hey 3 your um here early?
3: wdym I thought u said 3:30-
4: it's 2:30-
3: what. Oh crap my clocks one hour behind I'll just go-
4: no it's OK you can stay
3: really-
4: yea u can help me set up
3: sure!
4: your so tsundere smg3
3: s-shut up baka!
Smg3 and Smg4 were cleaning while a certain.. TV host.. Was in his studio...
He would throw papers against the wall in rage
Mr puzzles: I think it's time I get a job...
He would go on his computer and look for places hiring.... That won't be important
Anyways let's go back to the ga- I means guys
3: crap I forgot my gift for the white elephant
4: go get it I'll finish cleaning and the others should be here soon
3 would leave and the others would starts arriving...
Boopkins: hiya smg4!
Meggy: Hey guys
Tari: hello!
Melony: hi!!!
Bob: WhAtS uP gAnG
Mario: HEY ES M GEE 4
Saiko: こんにちは(hello)
4: hello everyone! Meggy: um smg4 isnt someone missing
4: oh yea smg3 said he'd be here any minu-
Smg3 would arrive
3: h-hey guys
he'd be out of breath from running
Everyone would say hi
4: come on giys lets go to the gamimg room and we can start the white elephant!
They would all go to the gaming room and there would be 9 gifts in the middle of the circle
4: ok guys pick a number from the hat and thats the order your going in
They woukd all pick numbers from the hat and the order would be
1 mario
2 meggy
3 bob
4 boopkins
5 melony
6 smg4
7 saiko
8 tari
9 smg3
4: let's start!
Mario would open a gift and there would be spaghetti..?
Meggy: um mario its says an italian restaurant but ig they have spaghetti there-
meggy would go next and get a beanie
Meggy: aww this is so cuteee
After a while bob would get a manga book which he was mad about boopkims ofc took the book from bob then bob got another gift and got a gun, melony would got a pokemon plush and then it would be smg4s turn amd he would get a... Mysterious pink potion..?
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4: what is this-
Boopkins: i took some potion making classes!
4: what does it do..?
Boopkins: idk
4: Uh- anyways lets continue anyways Saiko its your turn!
Saiko: ああ、かわいい桜のピン(aww cute cherry blossom pin)
Tari would get a duck and smg3 would take the last one and would get a hoodie.
After a few hours everyone except Smg3 had left...
3: i bet u 20 bucks u wont drink the potion
4: wanna bet
3: bet.
Smg4 would grab the potion and start chugging it and would be empty in a few seconds.
Unknown to smg3.... smg4s eyes would have a hue of........ Pink?
3: dang i didn't think you would actually do it-
Smg3 would be getting his money out when smg4 would stop him.....
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kings-paintbrush · 5 months
Working my way thru the headcanons!!! (Copy and pasted reactions from my notes app) fanart of today!!
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“How many moms does it take to screw in a lightbulb”
None bc you’re all orphans 😭😭
“I’ll do a thing” kick flip on an invisible skateboard
No wait bc the meme (Mr incredible helping Dash w/ homework) is funnily accurate bc 1- the glasses. 2- Junior actually did track and field or something idk, I don’t know sports
UGH IMAGINE THE ANGST! Devon and Jake being little detectives and trying their hardest to find Junior. Devon w/ the board of red string and multiple tabs open just TRYING. Both of them. But Lexy, at a point, gets tired. She wants to put this to rest, put Junior to rest. She’s grieving and (in her eyes) they’re making it like some missing person’s show.
Glad Glenny :3
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THIS IS SO SAD. Omg I love ur writing sm Luna, like I could imagine Junior maybe shaking a bit (getting anxious) whenever he gets hurt bc his dad would always yell and blame Junior for the smallest injury or sickness.
I think Lexy and Glenda would def speed and run every red light with the hood of the They/Them car down
Anyways, while I take a reading break. Do you guys wanna hear my sad Nica headcanon or my maybe controversial Glenda headcanon?
GYMNASTICS JUNIOR!!! I’m so totally drawing him
I GINISHED ALL OF AUGUST!!!! I read a few of them out of order but shhh
“murder is wrong… unless it’s Logan.”
Luna, Eloise pleaseeee I can’t handle anymore sickeningly sweet headcanons. 
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Live Kingston reaction w/ my possessed toy Chucky oc
@nicascurls @barclaysangel @fairchilds-glasses @high-functioning-fang1rl (please tell me if I forgot anyone 😭 I’m really forgetful)
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5ilent5cience · 3 months
Okay soooo I have a few things to say...!
First of all, YOUR ART. IS AMAZING.
I can't-
Like, you found your style and just slay it, I don't understand how you people simply find things suitable for your hands and just😭
I can't even find my art style 😭
Second, OH MY GOD I LOOOOOVE the way you see the characters in this show. Like, you like Raph's soft, protective side, and you love Donnie (obviously duh 0-0) AND!! I lOVE when Raph is calling everyone "baby" or "little sunshine" to soothe them or SOMETHING LIKE THAT I JUST LOVE IT ALRIGHT
Third... Your head is so colorful and full of everything. Like... Memes + cuties + brotherly love + ABSOLUTE TERROR... 😭 YES you scared me a lot of times indeed.. I'm not going to bed tonight🥲 but in a good way, because I haven't seen that good editing in a good while. I mean the YouTube videos :) the screams, the music fits PERFECTLY, and I bet you don't even consider that a hard work you're just doing it easily and it's soo good 😭
Fourth... You are very respectful. Every time before posting any gore you give straight warnings (and I ignore them every time :p)
Also...! I need a better navigation here... It's hard to keep up with the Donnie Disaster comic. Ughhh..... Do you mind if I screenshot the whole thing and dub it...? 🥲 I give credits always when I post on YouTube! (It's still totally cool if you don't want me to)
That's all (for now :3)
Imma go try and sleep now... But I don't think I will be able to🥲 that jacket in my closet looks like one of the zombies in IV AU and ugh... He's staring into my soul a bit🫠
I'm probably gonna annoy you for a while here lol
2.) YUH OFC I LOVE GIVING THE CHARACTERS AND THEIR MILD RESPECTIVE PERSONALITY. yeah I gib Raph calling Donnie or other bros "Babies". And for Mikey being called as "Little sunshine".
3.) Yeah art style is art style even I had amalgam of any art styles which it is hard to keep it straight yet messed up and fr I extremely love horror stuffs ;0;
4.) Yeah, even I'm scared of the viewers, especially the minors so I don't wanna let em go trauma but I failed lol
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giggly-squiggily · 2 years
hm.. I don't believe you have written reonagi before so could you do at 💜Angel: “What happens if I do this?” with lee!reo and ler!nagi?
You might be right! I don't think I have :D *laughs nervously as I push all my reonagi dabbles behind me with my foot* Jokes aside- this one's super cute! I've gotcha covered, anon!
Angel- "What happens if I do this?"
“Ugh, I’m so tired! Whatever shall I do?” Reo groaned dramatically as he walked into their apartment, stumbling over to Nagi. “Losing…will to…live~” He dropped, plopping unceremoniously ontop of his boyfriend, pressing his face against his chest. “Uuuugh.”
“Long day?” Nagi didn’t look up from his phone, sending a quick text with a Knuckles meme attached to Chigiri with one hand while his other reached up to pat Reo’s head.
“Too long. I need to recharge.” Reo mumbled against him, looking up with a pout when he saw his boyfriend smiling. “Oi, pay attention to me.”
“Okay.” Nagi took one last look at the keyboard smash the redhead sent back- he had won the meme war- before tossing his phone onto the nearby coffee table. “Wanna talk about it?”
“No.” Reo closed his eyes, returning his face to Nagi’s sweatshirt. “I just wanna cuddle.”
Nagi hummed, continuing to pet Reo’s hair. A few minutes passed by before he started regretting tossing away his device. Now he was bored. “Reo?”
No response. Did he fall asleep?
“Reo, wanna watch a movie?” He reached down, poking his boyfriend in the side, feeling him jump and gasp.
“I was starting to sleep!” The purple haired boy pouted.
“And I was getting bored. Though I think I just fixed that.” Nagi wiggled his fingers into Reo’s side properly now, starting to smile when he gasped and squirmed. “What happens if I do this?”
“Nooohoho! Nohoho, Nagiihiihihi! Doohohohn’t!” Reo giggled out, squirming here and there as his boyfriend drilled into his ribs. “I’m toohooohoho tihiihihired for thhiihihihihis!”
“So you told me. I’m recharging you.” Nagi replied, stretching his hand down so he could squeeze Reo’s hip, nearly getting headbutted with how hard his boyfriend squealed. “This must be a good spot.”
“NAHAHAHAHHGI, STHAHAHHAAP!” Reo cackled, shifting his weight away. This sent him tumbling off the couch and into the carpeted floor. Gasping for air on his back, he glared up at Nagi’s curious gaze peeking over the couch. “Yohohoohu’re meehehhean!”
“And you’re ticklish.” Nagi smiled. “So, about that movie…”
“Fine- I know a good one. It’s called: “Revenge of the Tickle Monster 2!” Reo leaped up, grabbing Nagi’s knees and making him scream. “Starring Seishiro Nagi himself!”
Candy Heart Prompts Are Officially CLOSED!
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psychopompsglomps · 10 months
people u wanna know more about tag meme from @explosionguts
im. not gonna tag anybody tho sorry i just dunno who the hell i would tag. im flighty. or at least i feel flighty all the time. ehe!
last song: when i got this it was the closing song of Rat Wars but currently im listening to @corviraptor's FREIMESSER, on HOPECHARGER. https://corviraptor.bandcamp.com/album/freimesser
currently watching: uhhh idk. watched the new indy jones movie w my parents tho. decent. idk. i don't think indiana jones should have a cgi budget ever. i think it should have lots of tiny little guys in tiny little models like og star wars background props, and it should have cheap lil pyrotechnics that they make the fullest imaginable use out of. not an awful movie but felt a little empty. a little hollow. cute but. idk. i should replay signalis. that'd make me feel better :3 ugh. Why did We let aconite start this. It just slipped into front. Hm.
three ships: the clemens romanus from corru.observer. psycho zaku. the humble canoe. (We do not have any actual answers for this. None of us, but especially not Us)
first ship: When we were young, we went canoeing with our grandfather a few times.
Favorite color: We are a color coded system. Rust red for Us, lavender (the color of wolfsbane flowers in bloom, but lavenders are a lovely flower as well) for Aconilla (latin diminutive of Aconite, which we decided was the correct nickname for it, underused as it may be), and pastel pink for Ashley. Each of us does also have a secondary color: Moss green, faded brown with hints of orange, and true purple (used in silhoutte).
currently consuming: About to open up a hard cider before We go to sleep.
currently working on: Should finish sewing a hanging strip onto our cloak. Been stalling on that. Should also generally sew more and write more. We are fond of poetry.
relationship status: polyam and sufficiently partnered, though generally open in such matters.
last movie: We suppose we swapped this with currently watching, so We shall try to think of any shows We left unfinished and should come back to.... Does catching up to the latest update of Corru.observer count? It ought.
If any of our mutuals wish to do this, feel free to notify us with a mention.
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thejellybeanboys · 2 years
Hi its me again :D and ty for the answer's BTW i didnt mean to overwhelm or hurt Wil-Liam 😰(i was only curious cuz he had hearts in his eyes)
I have a few more questions that i forgot to add in the previous ask but i didn't get to because i was in a hurry lol
For everybody:
1:what are your biggest fears?
2:Do you have any one for valentines day???(Note:Btw you don't have to answer this one im just curious :>)
3:Worst childhood memories?(Note:You also don't need to answer this one)
4:Fav animal???Why???
5:Whats on your mind?
(NA: LOL it's fine :3 these kids are all emos and embarrassed dummies and its all in their perspective so if these little buggers are mean or acting dumb its not your fault they are teens they are like this, also rest assured that Wil-liam is okay now he's just realized that he totally has a crush lmao) (okay back to the boys)
Luis: "Oh this person again um thanks for the ask. We got another one with multiple so I guess let's do them sequentially."
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Codey: "Yeah. um, first one. Oh, Easy, biggest fear is getting forced into a relationship.. even worse if it's with ugh... those misogynistic online guys."
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Cecil: "Ahí no, that should be everyone's biggest fear. But um mine is...Oh, this is going to sound really shallow but...being seen as pretty by others if I was...different. Like if one day I woke up to look too different or too... materialistic idk, I'm mostly saying that I like how I look right now and I wanna believe everyone thinks I look good but what if...I looked more up to everyone's standards, then they really didn't like the real me..."
Luis: "Woah..." O.O
Jeremy: "People are dumb if they don't think you're like the prettiest thing ever like how you are now."
Cecil: "...Thank you, Jeremy." (Blushes)
Jeremy: "Oh um... heh...ah, I guess I'll say my fear is...being forced to move in with my even more transphobic aunt."
Mason: "My turn! Two words. Clown. Snakes."
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Hoagie: "Mines Getting eaten. Oh come on it's obvious, I'm a snack yes but sometimes not in a good way."
Leroy: "Being a DJ for a famous celebrity but it all goes wrong and my music career tanks forever."
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Otty: " Rabbits hating me, wahh I wouldn't make it if those little guys all hated me."
Wil-Liam: "... Getting rejected. And being feared...also other things."
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Luis: "Cryptic...But um mine is a monkey attacking me and ripping off my ugly beautiful face, look I...I can handle primates in memes and shows, I just, eh can't do it in real life."
Leroy: "...wait isn't like your uncle a monkey?"
(Second question)
Codey, Leroy, Benny, Mason, Hoagie: "No."
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Jeremy: "You see. um...(Just do it man) I WAS HOPING YOU--CECIL COULD be my VALENTINE."
Cecil: "Really?"
Jeremy: "Yeah! Um, its okay if you say no or don't say anything--I mean we could all forget I said anything--"
Cecil: "Sure."
Jeremy: "Yeah?"
Cecil: "Yeah :))"
Jeremy: "Oh...awesome..ha. Um well I'll text you the dets later. Cause were like in a middle of a question."
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Cecil: "OFC, hehe. Um thank you for asking me."
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Codey: "OH thank gosh."
Luis: "Wow yeah we totally didn't expect that.(sarcasm) But...ugh as for me. I don't think I'm going to give Chris a card this year. I looked but all these cards are crummy and...well it's the 8th and my time is kind of up, so I'll put that plan on hold. Oh well, I guess I'll look through this card that I just found here addressed to me, but I'll see it later."
Wil-Liam: "..."
(Third question)
Codey: "Erm yeah I don't think were okay with sharing trauma rn, look we'll dump out our personal stuff all the time but..."
Luis: "Not really feeling it...Though I'll give a quick one. One day when I was 7 my mom accidentally threw away my vintage ebay bought Webkinz...I cried."
(Fourth question)
Luis: "Easy...DOG. Best answer the only answer."
Wil-Liam: "HEHE it's only a doggy-loving world now!!"
Luis: "That's...acceptable. But everyone else is not allowed to say other animals. I just muted yall,"
Wil-Liam: "Mines are wolves...is that okay?"
(N0t_Wordgirl /command: mute) (Not mute Wolfnoob,exe)
Luis: "HA yeah!"
(last question)
Luis: "We have no thoughts."
Wil-Liam: "Head empty.
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Luis: (giggling) Oh wait... I forgo to unmute everyone...eh whatever it's much better like this anyway."
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Wil-Liam: (Oh word?)
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mydemonsdrivealimo · 2 years
this might be dumb or something you already thought about BUT au within the band au where Edenbrook closes (isn't bought by Bloom)?? because if i recall correctly Bryce was applying to residency programs in Chicago when everyone thought Edenbrook was going to close?? like imagine he and Jensen meet in Boston with this ER visit but part ways because of the distance...and *then* meet again in an ER in Chicago where Bryce has just relocated?
yes omfg this is the smart typa shit im looking for. i had thought about it briefly but didnt stick with it long enough to dig into and make it make sense ig
but yes i love this sm it works so well!! im 100% going with this ugh jensen getting himself into another accident and suddenly theyre in the same position they were like 6 months prior (its literally the 'if i had a nickel for every time this happened, id have two nickels, which isnt a lot but its weird that it happened twice' meme). they wouldve talked for a few months on and off after that concert/hooking up once or twice. i think they wouldve been close enough that bryce wouldve mentioned that he was moving to chicago, but they wouldnt have been serious enough for it to matter yk. but then ER visit number 2 happens and it changes the Whole game
also i cant that visit would be so fucking funny bryce walks in and freezes for all of two seconds while jensens sitting there holding wherever he got hurt this time together. thank god the doctor/nurse leaves for that one cause ik there was def more flirting that time LMAO. jensens like soooo you wanna get a drink after work? and bryce is like yeah sure right after i literally sew you back together
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queen-boudicca · 2 years
Next up in the nuwho rewatch, the end of the world!
I've also decided to add two things to each post: whether the episode passes the bechdel test (in anticipation of the moffat era bc I'm petty) and whether it makes me cry. For this episode:
Bechdel test pass: yes
Makes me cry: no (but almost though)
The end of the world
"I know exactly where to go" *takes her to the destruction of her planet* good job nine
"You lot. You spend all your time thinking about dying. Like you're gonna get killed by eggs or beef or global warming or asteroids. But you never take time to imagine the impossible. That maybe you survive" help
The music is so beautiful help
This one has some bits a little like Martha's theme
"Mind you, when i say 'the great and good', what i mean is the rich" ily so much nine
Jabe!! I love her
The adherents of the repeated meme [insert ah bit like you then]
"I give you, in return, air from my lungs" he's so smooth omg
"Ladies and gentlemen and trees and multiforms" the four genders
'The Arctic desert' — is that a commentary on global warming or Cassandra being a liar
If there were only a few songs that survived the destruction of the earth and were what people remembered us by, tainted love and toxic are pretty good bops I'm not complaining
God the way they introduced the time war and destruction of gallifrey are so fucking good
Nine's offhand mention of fighting in the war in the previous episode, the way jabe scans for his species and doesn't believe it, etc
It's so well done!!
The way Rose doesn't talk at all to any of the fancy rich people at the party but happily (and more comfortably) strikes up conversation with the workers she meets on the station!! Such good characterization you love to see it
She asks Raffalo for her name immediately and emotionally opens up to her
"Thank you for the permission. Not many people are that considerate" they really said fuck the rich
Rip my girl, Raffalo. You were super sweet and i miss you
"They're just so alien! The aliens are so alien. You look at them... and they're alien" ily rose
And he's like evading her questions about who he is and where he's from and when she doesn't stop he gets angry and ugh his arc is so good
And she can tell it's a sore topic for him so she breaks the tension w a joke
They're so good for each other
Love how there's a button on his keyboard that lowers the sun filter and instakills anyone inside
Maybe they shouldn't have added that when they did the designs
Jabe and nine besties
I want an au where she and Raffalo survived and traveled with nine and rose and are their respective besties
Not sure I'm a big fan of the implications that cosmetic surgery makes you less human/real
"I just wanted to say how sorry i am" and she's touching his arm and comforting him and aagh the tears in his eyes and he's touching her hand too and WE COULD HAVE HAD IT ALL RTD WHY DID SHE HAVE TO DIE i know why it's bc (a) he would've invited her to come with and they didn't wanna deal w that (b) we needed the first person we see comfort him to die saving him bc he's not allowed to be happy and neither am i
Seriously though they've been really good this episode about making you care about the minor characters that die (i mean most of them. Not very torn up about the steward)
Such a bop
That's why they had such bad special effects; they blew all their budget on song rights
I mean the heat in the room would've killed her way before the direct beam of sunlight would've but oh well
The spider robots are really kinda cute shame they're evil
Really polite of her to monologue her entire plan
Great design, putting the important switch on the other side of all the fan blades
Nine baby if you hadn't argued with her and just ran there probably would've been time
oh damn rip the moxx of balhoun ig
Nine's theme my beloved
Wow the earth kinda looked like an eye while it was exploding
Angry nine is so good i love it
The definition of people is a technicality the courts will argue over? Oh please
First of all they're not even speaking English and there's way the doctor would've used a word that didn't mean like sapient beings or some shit
Also c'mon like there aren't laws against killing sentient beings by the year 5 billion regardless of what word you use
Rose's theme again my beloved
"You think it'll last forever. People and cars and concrete. But it won't. One day, it's all gone. Even the sky." I'm fine
Nine's theme again my beloved
I'm beginning to think they didn't have that much music composed for this
Next up, ghosts and Charles Dickens and Gwen's great great great grandmother!
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thetransomen · 5 months
is this my first post? idc. i can't talk about this on my other blogs for personal reasons.
i'm mostly plannng on using this blog as a meta-discussion of sex- and kink-related topics, no erotic fiction or pictures to be found here. these are all my private opinions, no persona or alterego taking over here.
i won't link them but i have a main blog and a porn blog (among others), and i like a lot of fucked up shit.
now that that's out of the way, FUCK i had sex - and i mean some hard fucking last night, with another human being for the first time in over a year. and motherfucker! that was a workout. i literally ache all over. my hamstrings are killing me the most. i even felt like passing out at one point.
Some background info - yeah i don't work out at all lately, unless you count going up and down stairs a few times a day. Oh and getting fucked over by life, but well. Isn't that us all?
this guy was really in shape and wanted to try every position possible. and he didn't even make me cum (yeah i came on my own later, plus i got off on the fact that he fucked my ass raw). like he was a nice enough guy and all but. like too vanilla for anyone in the realm of a possible relationship.
i have a feeling he's autistic like me - he kept on going on and on about norse mythology and culture. this was after a series of texts where he seemed hellbent on getting me over to fuck me. i straight up asked if he was horny and he said yes. then when i got there we watched a movie for like an hour while he info-dumped on me. which, i'd get it, if this was a social call. but like, you wanted to hook up and now you want to spend an hour on exposition? bro i'm here to be your cumdumpster, not infodumpster. if you wanna infodump on me while we're fucking that's cool, but i WANT your CUM inside me. first and foremost. Ugh.
Anyway, yeah, besides the acrobatics i did during sex and me asking him to piss on me in the shower (he said he didn't have to go. lame.), it was largely very vanilla. oh and he fucked my ass bc i asked him to. but like. i want to be DOMINATED man. you know what i like. i even sent him an erotic story i wrote. his response? "Interesting." like i want a fucking REVIEW, or at least a "that's hot" would suffice. but when you're infodumping your special interest and i'm giving you honest feedback on that, i give you something i poured my heart and soul into and you just say "interesting" like that fucking meme.
Fuck i just needed to rant somewhere. i deserve a better dom, and even a better hookup. i'm never hooking up with anyone who isn't willing to fucking discipline and degrade me like i need, ever again. loving sex just isn't for me, not in the form of a random hook-up at least. maybe with a girl, or fuck just with someone willing to put some fucking passion into it. that is absolutely required of anyone signing up to fuck me.
thanks or listening to my Ted talk.
0 notes
fruit-sauce · 2 years
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Baseball! As a human! I made him a little edgy, a little sad, just to call back to the nickle, suitcase, balloon arc, but in general, he’s kinda rushed, I spent too much time trying to get him right, so he’s, eh, he’s okay
rant about it:
Baseball was an actual PAIN to draw, I kept pulling up different refs of baseball players and other people’s designs, which there is very few of, but nothing really felt right to me. 
I knew I wanted to make him, not a string bean? I wanted him to be rounder, to put it simply, his body type, his facial structure, his clothing, just no sharp edges. But! I am not very well versed in bigger body types, so,,, I tried my best? Please no hate, I am still learning!! He’s gotta lot of layers on him anyways, it’s hard to see but he’s got a baseball shirt under the varsity hoodie, as well as just being in a slouched/leaning position.
Going further into detail, I was throwing around different ideas for a good majority of the drawing like, “Do I make him albino black and give him an afro? Should I just make him blond? What hairstyle would I go for then?” Until I gave in and made his hair white and buzzed it down, you can decide his race, there’s probably an account for it on tik tok fjkdljfjdk
I also struggle with making my characters have different faces, so I opted to round out his jaw line, smoosh his face a bit and give him a rounder nose with some scruff on his jaw, at least when compared to Tissues, I’m so glad I didn’t do Baseball first...
Speaking of Tissues, I gave him a white headband and a black hair tie, as well as miss-match socks that are also black and white, just because I really like the Tissyang (Tissues x YinYang) ship, but Baseball and Nickel, I see them as more platonic then romantic, if you ship them romantically, more power to you, this ain’t me hating on it, but I didn’t wanna do the same thing as I did with Tissues and, idk put metal or a lotta grey on him to reference Nickle. His zipper is very Nickle shaped, that was on purpose, so there’s that.
UGH AND HIS SHOES. His shoes are just, blegh, not good. The colors are off, it’s very sloppy, the laces were fun, but getting references that were not brand base was super difficult.
Finally, I hope he comes off as being tall-ish. Not great with portraying height in anatomy yet, but he’s tall. 
Also, “i miss my wife tails” meme, I thought of it in the shower. I thought it was funny and it is. 
at least to me, but that was my target audience anyways-
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leossmoonn · 3 years
okay hi i just got home from class🕺
so basically i have trouble falling asleep so that's what we're basing this one off of🤩
argue w the wall if you think otherwise bc i will not listen.
also he massages your scalp while doing it i dont make the rules
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The meme is back and so are your amazing concepts.
I have a feeling that Matt wouldn’t go to sleep until he knows you’re asleep. He wants to make sure his baby gets the beauty sleep you deserve!
One night you’re tossing and turning. You’re very stressed from work and it’s also so hot in the bedroom, and you know when your clothes wrap around your body and strangle you? Yeah that’s happening too.
Matt wakes up immediately being like ☹️☹️ when he noticed your heartbeat is erratic. Your breathing shows you’re alert and you’re moving all the time. He gently puts his hand on your arm, shaking you softly.
“Sweetheart, you okay?” He asks, his voice barely above a whisper. “No,” you frown. “What’s wrong?” He asks.
You let out a big huff and you flip onto your back. You turn your head to him. He’s propped up on one elbow has his hand thats on your arm is drawing circles on your skin.
“I just can’t sleep. I’m exhausted, but I can’t stop thinking about work. And it’s so hot in here, and I’m sweating buckets. And ugh! My stupid clothes are suffocating me!” You put your hands under your shirt that’s twisted around your body, attempting to make it loser.
“I’ll turn the AC up, alright? Why don’t you change into something more light weight and breathable. You can sleep naked if you want, too. You’re choice. And tomorrow I’ll buy a fan for you.”
Ugh he’s so sweet 🥰. You’re like “I’ll be fine.” He very much disagrees. “I don’t think so. You haven’t been sleeping well lately and it’s catching up to. At least change out of the shirt, okay?”
You sigh, “fine.” You don’t really wanna get up but you do so anyways. Matt ends up getting up too, turning up the AC and getting you a cold glass of water. You change into a thin tank top and take off your sweatpants. You grab a thinner blanket, putting the quilt on Matt’s side of the bed. Matt comes back into the room — also I just wanna stress that he only wears boxers to sleep so you can see the outline of his abs in the purple neon light and ugh his bed head is unbelievably hot and cute at the same time, and he just looks so Fucking good I just want to ram my head into a wall
You thank him as you basically down the water. Matt and you settle back into bed and you feel a little better now that you’ve changed and also gotten up and stuff. You hold your pillow that’s thankfully cold. Matt spoons you from behind, planting gentle kisses on your cheek.
“Feel better?” He asks. “Much,” you nod. “Are you sleepy?” He asks. “Not really. Are you?” You ask. “Kind of,” he admits. “Then go to sleep. I’ll be fine,” you say. “Not until you sleep,” he says. You can’t help but smile. “Sing me to sleep then?”
He’s like “my singing voice is horrible.” “It’s not. And the times you have sung me to sleep, I actually slept really well,” you say. “Please?”
Who is he to deny you? “Alright. What song?”
“I don’t know. Pick one.”
He rolls his eyes, racking his brain for a song. Then he finds the perfect one. Hehee it’s a super romantic song
“I’m waiting!” You hum. “One second. I gotta make sure I’m on key,” he says.
“Okay, well hurry,” you say. Another few seconds goes by and he starts singing. Its def awkward at first but with each lyric he becomes more comfortable.
“And I will always love you. I will always love youuuuuu.”
(Yes I did pick this song. Enjoy it).
He massages your scalp too, placing kisses to your jaw every so often. You go to sleep with the biggest smile in your face and he goes to bed hoping he didn’t break your eardrums.
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taestefully-in-luv · 3 years
Always You | JJK (Three)
Summary: you and Jungkook have been best friends since freshmen year of college, there’s a lot of unsaid feelings and tension but neither make a move. what happens when his friend Taehyung (also your crush) needs a fake girlfriend?
Pairing: Jungkook x Female reader, slight Taehyung x Reader
Genre: friends to lovers, idiots to lovers, slight slow burn, roommate au, college au, SMUT (starting ch2), fluff, angst (in later chapters) slight crack, lots of drama
Word Count: 10.4k
Warnings: Swearing, alcohol consumption, sexual tension (?),oc and jungkook being adorable bffs, shady tae, oral (female receiving), vaginal fingering, mentions of sex, vaginal intercourse, hickeys, orgasms,
Notes: I actually really enjoyed writing this part! Where’s my bff for bff bubble bath? Lmaaoo. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to read. Don’t forget to send me an ask if you want to be added to the taglist or if you just want to chat about the story!
Taglist: @mooniyooni @thisartemisnevermisses @giadalin @kookiebunny097 @cosmosjk @moonchild1 @just-jeon @anpanman-sonyeondan @starlight-night0 @yessii-i @apollukee @mikasaredescarf1 @kaye-rosales @bunnyjeonjk @dyriddle @jkslachimolala
© taestefully-in-luv
“You want me to what now?” your voice is unnecessarily high pitched.
“Meet my parents.” Taehyung gives you that awkward Chrissy Teigen meme smile. “Listen—I know it sounds crazy and horrifying but they’re really nice…”
“But why?”
“It’s my fault…I didn’t consider having my sister on social media…and I keep posting you and she told my parents and they’re real excited about me having a girlfriend…and I don’t want to crush them.”
You and Taehyung are seated on your living room couch, enjoying a lazy Thursday afternoon after classes. He brings his cup of water to his lips and takes some generous gulps.
“Listen, y/n I will literally pay another month’s worth of coffee…please just think about it.”
More free coffee? Fuck, that’s kind of a steal considering how expensive that shit is and you no doubt have an addiction.
“…fine…” you say hesitantly, “when?”
“Really?” Taehyung lights up like a spot light, “Well, I was thinking this weekend?”
“T-This weekend? That soon? Which day?”
Taehyung showcases a sheepish grin as he rubs the back of his neck, a habit of his no doubt.
“Like, the whole weekend.”
Your eyebrows crawl to the top of your head as you gape at him, “What do you mean?”
“Like, we would get there in time for dinner on Friday, then stay all day Saturday and leave Sunday morning before they leave for church. Unless you wanna go to church with th—”
“No, not really.” You run your fingers through your long strands, “Holy shit, okay we are doing this.” You nod to yourself, “What’s our story? You know they’re going to ask.”
“Huh? Uh…just the truth. I met you through Jungkook and we hit it off and we started dating.”
You sigh to yourself, wishing that were actually true.
“Just be yourself, y/n.” Taehyung smiles at you. You beam back at him, and his boxy smile only grows wider. “They’ll like you, it’s not that hard to…” his hand reaches for yours, your palms are a bit sweaty since you are feeling like a nervous wreck at the thought of meeting his parents.
Suddenly, the front door swings open and in comes your best friend (who is still mad at you). He walks in slowly eyeing the two of you on the sofa. He notices Taehyungs hand wrapped around yours and Taehyung quickly pulls away. Jungkook takes a look at your face, you’re lost in thought, nibbling on your bottom lip.
Jungkook is yes, still mad at you but also, since he jacked it to your face he is being a little nicer. But as much as he has tried not to have those type of thoughts of you before, it’s not like he hasn’t. So, he’s gotten good at pretending all is well.
“What’s with her?” Jungkook pries, walking closer to the sofa.
“I’m meeting Tae’s parents.” You cut in to say.
Jungkook’s brows crease as he looks between you and Taehyung. He shakes his head in disbelief, stepping closer to the two of you.
“You’ve got to be kidding me.” Jungkook mutters under his breath. “You’re going this far?” now Jungkook’s face is tilted towards Taehyung. “Why are you going this far dude?” Taehyung stands to his feet, “I—”
“No man, you’ve already dragged her into your shit and now you want her to what, meet your parents?” Jungkook’s voice rises in volume and you start to feel uneasy. Taehyung shakes his head, “Jungkook—”
“End this.” Jungkook spits out, getting in Taehyungs face. “How is this fair for her…”
You stand up too, your hand pulling him back by the shoulder. “Jungkook stop.” Your voice is unusually calm.
“I’m helping Tae out because we’re friends and also, ya know, free coffee.” Jungkook turns to face you, his teeth gritting in frustration.
“You have no idea what you’re doing.” Jungkook whispers. And with that he takes one more look at Taehyung, shakes his head in disapproval and walks off towards his room.
You and Taehyung continue to stand there in silence, you feel embarrassed because of Jungkook’s actions and ashamed you didn’t do more to stop him. Taehyung on the other hand looks completely defeated.
“I’m sorry about Jungkook I don’t know why he—”
“I should go,” Taehyung cuts you off, he gives you a weak smile before grabbing his things and heading towards the door.
“Are we still on for this weekend?” you sway from side to side, feeling as awkward as you probably look.
Taehyung doesn’t answer right away, instead he rubs the back of his neck with a frown decorating his face. Finally, he meets your eyes and offers another weak smile.
“Yeah, I’ll pick you up at 4 tomorrow.” He doesn’t wait for a response as he is already walking out the door, closing it softly behind him.
You’re left alone in the living room with nothing but a cold, empty couch and your million racing thoughts. Why is Jungkook so against you and Tae? Maybe Jungkook is afraid that you’ll become so close with Tae that he thinks you’ll replace him…but you know in your heart of hearts Jungkook is irreplaceable. Why can’t Jungkook understand that? You haven’t been spending as much time with him lately and maybe that’s the problem. What can’t a drunken slumber party not solve?
You knock on his door, waiting for a ‘come in’ but it never comes. So you knock again. And again. Until finally Jungkook swings open the door with a frustrated sigh and pained look on his face.
“Look, before you scold me—”
“Actually, I had an idea.” You say quickly.
“Oh?” Jungkook’s features relax.
“It’s been a while since we’ve had one of our BFF slumber parties.” You slant your head to the side, a sly smile forming on your lips.
Jungkook stares at you for a few seconds before his eyes fill with something interesting.
“Yeah,” he clears his throat, “it’s been a while.”
“What do you say? Tonight? Me and you? Wine? Anime? Video games? BFF bubble bath?”
“Wow, you want the works.” Jungkook grins. “But you realize I’m still…” he takes a deep breath when he notices your worried, pleading eyes. “Step into my office and we can discuss the details.” He says, opening his door wider, inviting you inside.
His room looks clean besides the few articles of clothing scattered on the ground. He has a scented candle going and LoFi music playing lowly on his speakers. Lofi and candle? He only has that combo when he’s stressed and trying to calm down.
You take a seat on the edge of his made bed, and Jungkook follows you, also taking a seat on his bed next to you.
“14% and up only for the wine.” He states.
“Agreed. Action or horror for the anime.” You pitch in.
“Agreed. Mario Kart for the video game.”
“Agreed. Life altering secrets only for BFF Bubble Bath.”
Jungkook chews on his lips as he thinks of your request. “Okay.”
You clap your hands excitedly for tonight, your chest bubbling with happiness. This is what you and Jungkook need.
Jungkook is even more excited for BFF slumber party night than you are. He’s missed you. There’s been a real disconnect with the two of you lately and thinks tonight is exactly what the two of you need. He is just coming home from buying 4 bottles of 16% wine and lots of snacks. He got the salty, the sweet and the sour. Feeling proud of his choices, he sets the groceries down and calls for you.
You walk out from the bathroom with a facemask glued to your face with another packet in your hand,
“For you, sir.”
Jungkook chuckles as he grabs the pack from your hands, “Okay, I’ll go put this on, while you pour us some wine.” He nods towards the bottles.
You happily oblige. You grab the cork screw from its designated place in the kitchen drawer and begin to open the first bottle of wine. It opens smoothly, without a hitch.
“Wow…engineering is amazing.” You whisper to yourself in awe.
“What’s amazing?” Jungkook walks into the kitchen, you take a long look at his appearance. The white facemask making him look like a ghost.
“Your face.” You chuckle, a finger going up to touch the material on his skin.
You twirl to face the kitchen cabinets and pull out two wine glasses for you and your BFF and poor a gracious amount of wine in each. You hand him the glass and you clank the glasses together in cheers.
“To us.” You chirp happily, chugging back a gulp of your drink.
Jungkook just watches as you wince at the disgusting flavor and cackles to himself before taking a sip of his own drink.
The two of you grab the bottle of wine and your glasses and make your way into the living room.
“Alright we go by the normal house rules, whichever place you get is how many seconds you chug your drink.” You explain.
“Are you talking to an imaginary audience y/n? I already know the rules.” Jungkook teases.
“I was just trying to get the competitive mood going.” You poke your tongue out, Jungkook is quick to try to grab it between his fingers.
“Ugh, you are so gross.” You groan.
“You love it.” Jungkook smiles so wide his eyes begin to disappear. “Well, let’s play!”
One thing you absolutely can’t stand but also completely adore about Jungkook is that he is a sore loser. And also an ungracious fucking winner.
“You SUCK!” Jungkook cackles obnoxiously in your face, “Like I hope you enjoy chugging for five—no, SIX seconds you mother fuckin loser.” He continues to laugh loudly much to your annoyance but a part of you feels warm that he is having so much fun. You haven’t seen him laugh like this in weeks.
“Okay I get it.” You roll your eyes so far back into your head all you see is whites.
This was the 3rd time in a row you’re getting 6th place, your vision is started to blur at the amount of alcohol you’ve chugged. But only a little, nothing you can’t handle.
“Okay y/n let’s stop now, we can watch some anime while we order some pizza?” he grins your way. “I vote Tokyo ghoul. And the rule is we drink every time Kaneki is fucking cry baby.”
“Well damn, guess we’re getting fucked up.” You declare. You and Jungkook laugh to yourselves at the thought.
The show is on, pizza has been ordered. Life is good. You sneak a glance at Jungkook as he pays attention to the show on screen. You smile when he smiles, you smile when he laughs, you smile when he pouts. Jungkook finally manages to notice you staring at him and snaps his head to you.
“What?” he asks with a toothy grin.
“Nothing…” you sing, your bright smile rivaling the light coming from the TV.
It’s been several hours, two medium pizzas have been demolished, 4 wine bottles have been drank and lots of anime has been watched. You and Jungkook sit on the sofa wrapped in blankets, neither one of you wanting to get up to turn the fan off.
“So cold.” You slur.
“Come closer.” Jungkook slurs back.
“Or we can warm up with BFF Bubble Bath?” you offer, leaning your head on his shoulder.
Jungkook zones out for a second, thinking of your request.
“Been a while since we had one of those, huh?” he finally says something.
“yeah, which is a real shame, isn’t it? I mean, we literally get into our swim suits, draw a hot bubble bath, get in sitting opposite of each other and tell each other our secrets, our hopes and dreams. Then we make a wish that the other person HAS to support and we can’t tell anyone else or else it won’t come true.” You mumble mostly to yourself.
“y/n…once again are you speaking to an imaginary audience?” he chuckles, “I know what a BFF Bubble Bath is.”
“Then hurry up and draw that bubble bath mister know it all.”
Jungkook stares at himself in the mirror, he’s got on his red swim trunks. His hair is a fucking mess, and his eyes are giving away how intoxicated he is but he’s got this dopey smile on his face that he decides is a good look on him. He looks happy. He feels happy.
You walk into the bathroom and eye your best friend. You can’t help but drop your gaze to his thighs, God, you love when he wears tight pants or shorts.
“What’s up buff guy?” you tease, grabbing a hold of his bicep.
“Shut up” Jungkook shudders from your touch. Then he takes one long look at you and he wants to faint. You’re also wearing a red swim suit, it’s one of those strapless kind. The two of you eye each other up and down, observing your matching swim suits and shoot each other some finger guns.
“hehe…well, shall we?” you say, gesturing towards the bubble filled tub.
Jungkook nods his head yes and motions for you to step in first.
The water is hotter than you are expecting, your toes wet with lava. But it’s just how you like it, you have both legs in as you begin to sink deeper into the bubbled water.
“come on in” you wave Jungkook over, he drunkenly stumbles forward until he’s wincing at the hot water that meets his skin.
“You’re really the queen of Hell if this temperature is enjoyable to you.” He deadpans.
“Why thank you, does that make you my loyal servant?”
You and Jungkook stare at each other for a while, enjoying the drunken haze.
“So anything new going on with you?” you begin to pry.
You prying is never a good thing but you can never help yourself. His past is such a mystery to you and it drives you nuts. You’re supposed to be best friends yet he can’t even tell you about his parents without it getting real awkward. He knows all about your family history, but all you know about his is that his dad cheated the whole marriage and his mom finally left him for it—leaving Jungkook behind as well. You understand why it must be hard to talk about but...doesn’t he want to confide in you? You of all people?
“Not really.” Jungkook fingers play with the bubbles at his chest.
“Any girls? Like not just hookups but—”
“Don’t worry about that.”
Such a fucking Jungkook thing to say, it’s always ‘don’t worry about that y/n’ and never ‘let me actually tell you some real information y/n’.
“Jungkook,” you wine into the bubbles.
“Don’t you have a girl you like???” and suddenly drunk y/n doesn’t want to know this answer. Would sober you?
Jungkook looks down at his wrinkling hands and doesn’t know what to say. Does he?
“No.” is the answer he settles for. And suddenly relief is washed over you.
You want to ask him the thing you are most curious about—his family. But he has said it a million times to you every time he’s asked—its ‘a touchy subject’.
“Ask about it.” He suddenly says, “I know you want to.”
“I don’t know what you are talking about, yes indeed I have no clue.” You slur.
“Y/N.” he warns.
“Fine…when’s the last time you talked to your dad? I know he made mistakes…but I also know he has tried reaching out to you over and over. He calls almost every day Jungkook! Maybe he’s changed. I know your mom left because of everything and you blame your d—”
“Mom…” he begins to cut you off. You notice his eyes gloss over and you feel your heart drop. Jungkook rarely cries and rarely cries in front of anyone. Then he’s clearing his throat, “You’re right. Moms not in the picture anymore and I do blame dad.”
“I hate that your mom left you Jungkook…” you say softly. “She’s the worst for that,”
“You have no idea.” Jungkook breathes out. “Let’s change the subject, please.”
“Please, y/n.” his eyes are pleading and you feel your heart drop again. You wonder if he will ever be ready to talk about it.
“Actually…” he awkwardly plays with the bubbles in front of his chest, “There’s something I want to say.”
“What is it?” you can’t help but feel anxious all the sudden.
Jungkook avoids your eyes as he plays with the bubbles, he takes a few deep breaths before lifting his head.
“I’m sorry.”
You tilt your head, “Sorry for what?”
“I’ve…” Jungkook scrunches his face up, contemplating what to say. “I’ve been really unfair to you. I should of never treated you this way…I don’t know what came over me.”
“What do you mean?”
“I was hurt, yes, that you chose Taehyung over me but since the beginning I’ve been such an asshole. Fuck, y/n…” his voice cracks, “I’m so sorry. I just wish I could…” he pauses, shaking his head. “No, it’s nothing. I just hope you’ll be careful with Taehyung.” He shakes his head again, “Oh my god, I am so selfish.” He laughs pathetically. “I’m sorry…”
You stay quiet for several moments, you want to agree with him. Yeah it was fucked up what you did, but he wasn’t any better this whole time.
“Why were you such an asshole?” you finally ask.
“Don’t worry about it y/n.” GOD DAMN. You are tired of that response!
You scoff, “And why are you so wary of Taehyung? I don’t get it!”
“Can you just trust me? Please?”
“I’ll just trust my own judgment for now…”
“y/n…” then he is looking into your eyes more seriously, “I’m sorry.”
You bite your lip as you think about his apology. Is he sorry? By the looks of it, yes. But he was so childish…you decide to grab his hand and play with his fingers. He stares down at your hands and smiles softly.
“Will you behave?” you tease lightly. Your fingers weaving through his. He looks up at you with his big doe eyes and nods his head slowly.
“Then I will forgive you for now but you’re on thin fucking ice, buddy.”
Jungkook can’t help but laugh a little. “Yes mam.”
“Fine!” you say clasping your hands together, “Secret time!”
“Oh great,” Jungkook chuckles. “You first”
“Okay, hmmmmm.” You hold your chin up in deep thought. “Okay I got one I have never told you.” You grin mischievously.
“Okay, go for it.”
“When I was really drunk I most definitely made out with Trina.”
“Yeah, I was there. I’m the one who told you that you should kiss her. I said kiss though, like a peck. But your ass added tongue and all.”
“Wait what? Why would you tell me to do that!”
“I thought it would be hot.” He shrugs.
“Wack.” You slap his hand, “Your turn.”
“Ummm…” Jungkook leans back in the tub, “I’m the one who told Jimin to dare me to kiss you our freshmen year.” Jungkook says just above a whisper. He’s been holding in that secret for 3 years.
“Wait, what?” you ask, totally off guard.
“Yeah.” Is all he responds with.
“You wanted to kiss me back then?”
“Wasn’t it obvious considering how things escalated…”
Your eyes expand in size, the memory of that night flashing in your mind.
“We agreed to never talk about it, ya know, to save our friendship and what not.” You point out.
The bubbles cover your bathing suit perfectly so little was left to the imagination. Jungkook keeps eyeing the swell of your breasts and the pop of your collarbones, you look naked if he has to be honest. And if he has to be honest it was starting to turn him on. Should that be a secret he shares?
“Jungkook?” you say for the 4th time trying to get him out of whatever drunken daze he was in.
“Huh?” he comes back down to earth. “What did you say?”
“I said, what are your dreams?”
“You know them already,” he shrugs.
“Video editor still?”
“Yeah. Maybe Director.” He smiles timidly, “What about yours?”
“I… I don’t know.”
“Well, you’re in school for marketing. So something with that?”
“I just chose that because I know I can find a job in the field.” You sigh.
Jungkook studies your features, you look troubled. He leans forward to grab your hands again and says , “Whatever you wanna do, you’ll be great at it,”
You crease your brows together and a pout forms on your lips, “You think so?”
“I know so.”
The two of you smile at one another until you break the silence, “Its getting too hot we should get out soon.”
“Agreed.” Jungkook nods his head.
“Alright let’s make our wishes that we MUST support.” You stick your pinky out for Jungkook to take, “I’ll go first.” Then you become shy with your next words, “I wish Taehyung would feel the same way about me I do about him.”
Jungkook’s smile falters but he takes your pinky anyway.
“My turn…I just…I wish you will be happy.”
You widen your eyes, “Wow,” you say, “What a selfless wish. You shouldn’t waste it on me!”
“It’s my greatest wish right now though…” he slurs his words.
You can’t help but smile as you take his pinky in promise.
Now in some fresh pajamas, you and Jungkook both stand in front of his bedroom door. The two of you are pretty damn drunk but holding it together quite nicely. He sways from side to side with that bunny smile and you can’t help but lean in for a hug. He takes a moment but he hugs you back. You pull away much too quickly for his liking.
“Hey y/n…”
Jungkook clears his throat a few times, his eyes darting all around the place, “Could you ever…hate me?”
“Never.” You answer quickly.
Jungkook is hit with a wave of guilt, a wave so big it comes crashing and knocking him down.
“Would if…no, never mind.”
“Never.” You say again.
Jungkook’s smiles fades a bit before a new smile takes over.
“I understand. Goodnight y/n.” and he leans down and places a kiss on your cheek. “sleep well.”
Fire. You feel the burn of fire. His kiss lingered for a second too long because you are burning. His kiss was scorching hot and you can’t help but melt from the heat. You are left speechless. From a kiss on the cheek.How did a kiss on the mother fucking cheek have you reacting this way?
“G-Goodnight Jung—” but the door is already softly closing in your face before you can finish your sentence.
The sun is coming through the blinds in the most offending way, you want to open your eyes and start the day but you just cannot. You have a raging headache from all the wine you quickly drank and you come to accept your fate—you’re hungover. As hell. You crack one eye open to see the time on the clock: 1:52pm
Immediately you sit up in bed, realizing you have slept way too long. How late did you and Jungkook stay up last night? Oh, last night. You smile softly at the memories of the night before. It was a perfect BFF slumber party. You haven’t seen Jungkook that happy in a while and you wonder if the same goes for you.
But then reality sets in—Taehyung is going to be here in 2 hours and you haven’t even thought about what you’re packing for your trip. You still need to eat, shower and get ready. You begin to mentally pack for your trip when you hear a single knock on your door before its opening up and a wild Jungkook appears.
“Morning sleepyhead.” He says with his signature bunny grin on his face.
“Jungkook! Help me pack!” you jump out of bed and walk to your closet, dragging out an oversized overnight bag.
“Like, parent appropriate clothes—I am freaking out by the way. I am meeting Tae’s parents and would if they don’t like me?”
“Relax, relax.” Jungkook walks inside your closet, bringing out a few clothing options. “They’re going to love you.”
“Do you…” you chew on your bottom lip, “Do you think your parents would have loved me?” you ask cautiously.
Jungkook freezes. He is silent for several long moments, making you believe you should not have asked that. But then he turns to face you with a strange smile, “Mom and dad would have adored you.” Then he pats your shoulder. “I put in some good options by the way.” He says pointing to the bag.
“Oh thanks.” You say totally caught off guard. “Okay I’m going to shower can you please, pretty please make me something to eat? I will love you forever.”
“You already love me forever.” Jungkook states matter of fact. “But sure, but don’t blame me if you don’t like what I make.”
“Oh god, you’re making me instant ramen aren’t you?”
“Love you.” He says, walking out of your room.
“I made a playlist for our drive.” Taehyung hands you his phone, “It’s called ‘Meet the Parents’” he laughs to himself, pointing at the playlist on the screen for you to click.
“The first song is called ‘Please love me’ by Colde” you chuckle, “You think you are funny, don’t you?”
“Maybe a little” he smirks. “But really, relax. My parents are chill, they’re gonna like you, I promise.
“Well, we have a 2 hour drive Tae Tae.” Taehyung blushes hard at the nickname and for once it does not go unnoticed by you.
“I have a question for you y/n…”
You quirk a brow at his curiosity, “What is it?”
“How do you have the opportunity to fake date me? Like, don’t you have someone you like or guys chasing after you?”
“Oh I don’t have much luck with that.” You answer honestly. “With dating and such.”
“And why’s that?” he pries deeper.
“To be honest most guys I have dated end up dumping me if I don’t…”
“Don’t what?”
You grip your purse in your lap, your hold so tight your fingers become sore.
“Dump Jungkook.” You breathe out, “They were always so jealous of him…and… gave me a choice. Them or him,” you pick at the material of your purse, “I always chose Jungkook.” You huff, “Besides I didn’t like those guys that much anyway.”
Taehyung is quietly listening to you, nodding his head at your words. Once at a stop light he turns to face you,
“Yet when I asked you to dump Jungkook, you did.” He points out in a hushed tone.
“I…” you pause, thinking carefully on what to say. “I guess I did.”
Taehyung smiles. But it isn’t his boxy grin, it’s an odd smile. You become anxious, “But it’s more complicated than that.”
“Right.” Taehyung says before facing the road again, accelerating through the green light.
“How did you and Jungkook becomes so close anyway?”
You can’t help but simper.
“Well, we met at a frat party but ended up at a 24 diner until like 9 the next morning. We just—we just really hit it off. I felt like I could say or be anything in front of Jungkook and he would always just give me a silly look and accept whatever it is, whatever I am. You know when you just vibe with someone so well?” you ask, not really expecting an answer.
“Well that was us. We could say anything and still always want to continue the conversation. We ended up taking some of the same classes and studied together then that turned into regular hang outs and then it was like bam—I was with him almost every day.” You smile fondly at the memories.
Taehyung glances at you, he wears a sad smile as he asks, “Have either of you ever caught feelings for the other?”
You choke on the air around you, “What?” then that night from freshmen year flashes in your mind, “No…no.” you say trying to convince him, or is it to convince yourself?
The next few minutes are pretty quiet during the drive, but nothing awkward. You unzip your purse to pull out your phone to see you have unread messages from Jimin.
Jimin 5:30pm
Hey babe, heard you were going to meet Tae’s parents
Jimin 5:31pm
How is Jungkook feeling?
y/n 5:44pm
what do u mean
Jimin 5:45pm
y/n…nothing girl
y/n 5:45pm
Jimin 5:46pm
It’s really nothing. Anyway
Jimin 5:46pm
You and tae huh
Jimin 5:46pm
I am happy for you and tae…if that’s what you really want
You stare down at the phone in your hands, contemplating whether to tell Jimin the truth. He is one of your best friends after all.
y/n 5:55pm
tbh with u jimin…im not really dating tae..were just pretending to get this girl off his back
Jimin 5:56pm
What???? Really?? Wait, what girl?
y/n 5:57pm
Some chick named Anna
Jimin 5:57pm
Incoming call: Jimin
“Are you going to answer that?” Taehyung asks from beside you.
You want to but you two are pulling into his parents drive way and you don’t want your first impression to be that you were on your phone, so you send Jimin a quick text that you can’t talk.
You and Taehyung step out of the car and his parents are already standing outside on the porch. His father has his wife in his arms, they look happy to see Taehyung—they look happy in general.
“Oh! My baby bear!” his mother strides forward until Taehyung is wrapped in her loving arms. She sways their bodies back and forth as she smiles and laughs, the joy of having her son with her evident.
Taehyungs dad is about the same, he pulls him in for a tight hug and scolds him for not visiting more. Then it is your turn. You stand there awkwardly but not for long because Taehyungs mother is embracing you all the same.
“I have seen lots of pictures of you! But you are even prettier in person!” she gushes, her hands holding yours. You can’t help the blush that creeps up on your face as she speaks to you.
“Why don’t you two come inside?” his father gestures towards the house, “We got dinner nice and hot.”
Taehyung blushes as he watches his parents interact with you, he knew they would warm up to you fast but still it makes his heart race.
Dinner goes by quickly, his parents talking a storm. They begin sharing childhood stories about Taehyung and show you baby pictures as he sits there protesting. His pouting face is so cute you could die.
“And here he is with just a towel!” his mom squeals. “But I am sure you have seen that view already.”
“mom…” Taehyung draws out the word in a whine. You just giggle as she continues to show you pictures of baby Tae Tae.
Finally, Taehyungs sister joins the party and she teases him just as much as their parents. You feel right at home with the Kim’s. They are warm and inviting and make you feel so…at peace.
“Oh!” Mrs. Kim pauses, “look at the time!” she points down at her watch that rests on her left wrist.
“It’s gotten so late, my my. Well, us old folks are heading to bed. You two should get some rest as well.” She motions towards you and Taehyung. “Taehyung can show you the room you two will be staying in.”
“Room? As in singular?” you sputter out.
“Well, we only have one room open. One bed.” She juts her lip out innocently. “I figure you two are a couple so…”
“Yeah, we will be fine.” Taehyung cuts in. “Get some rest mom…dad.” He nods towards his father.
One room? One bed? With The Kim Taehyung. Granted that yes, you have become like, friends with Tae so you are more comfortable. But to share a room? Share a bed?
You follow Tae up the stairs and down the hall to a bedroom. It has a single queen size bed in the middle of the room against the wall. You feel flustered like it’s the first time you spoke to him.
“I can sleep on the floor if you want.” Taehyung offers with a shy smile and all your worries vanish. That’s right, Taehyung is a gentlemen and you have nothing to worry about.
“No, it’s fine” you assure him, “We are adults Tae, we can share a bed.”
Your hangover still lingers and the drive is starting to take its toll, your eyes feeling heavy as sleep invites you to visit.
“Let’s sleep.” You yawn out.
Taehyung nods his head with a smile and walks towards the bathroom, “I’ll get ready for bed in here,” he motions towards the bathroom, “and you can change in here. Just let me know when you’re done.”
You fall asleep quickly, letting your dreams take over for the night.
Winter break just started and you are supposed to go see your parents but when you found out your new friend Jungkook was going to be spending the holidays alone in his dorm you just could not let that slide.
“It’s not a big deal, y/n. I’m used to it.” He states in a plain fashion.
“it IS a big deal JK. My parents can handle one Christmas without me, but I am afraid you cannot.” You say with a smirk.
“Why are you doing this for me?” Jungkook is typing away on his laptop working on a last minute assignment his professor is letting him turn in late.
“Because even though I’ve only known you for like, 4 months, you’re like my closest friend here.”
“Don’t act like you have a closer friend somewhere else”
“Why do you have to call me out like that?”
Jungkook snickers, click clacking away on his keyboard, “Finally, I’m finished.” He says closing the laptop. Jungkook looks up at you.
“Go catch your flight y/n.” he says with a soft smile.
“Not happening.” You say more seriously.
Jungkook just stares at you for a long while and you stare right back. When the two of you look into one another’s eyes it’s never weird or awkward. You always relish in it.
“You’re something else aren’t you?” he breaks into a toothy grin. “What would we do anyway?”
“We can have a slumber party? And call it BFF slumber party.”
“Sounds fun” Jungkook stands from his rolling chair and sits on the edge of his bed with you.
“You know, you might be the best friend I have ever had.” He whispers.
Christmas passes by in a flash and NYE’s is right around the corner. Your friends are going to be back for NYE’s because of all the parties that required all of your attendances.
New Year’s eve has arrived and you sit in your dorm with Trina as the two of you get ready for the night.
“I hope Stephanie is going to be there tonight…” Trina mumbles under her breath, “If not this outfit is a complete waste.”
You giggle as you apply your red lipstick in the mirror. You get a text from Jimin that he and Jungkook are already headed to the party so you rush Trina to get ready to go.
The party is booming. There are decorations everywhere, people everywhere, and drinks everywhere. You sip on a few beers, wanting to stay at least a little sober so you remember the night, and you hope Jungkook isn’t too trashed either.
Hours pass, lots of dancing goes down and more drinks go down…your throat. It was all fun and games until Jimin called for your group of friends to head to a bedroom to play an innocent game of truth or dare.
You stick to Jungkook’s side as the two of you stumble up the stairs, laughing loudly and holding hands to keep each other stable.
You all sat in a circle in the room, talking and laughing until Jimin clanked a glass with a spoon like a fancy bitch to get everyone’s attention.
“Okay first, lets start with Trina! Truth or Dare?” Jimin smirks.
“Dare, obviously.”
“Okay,” Jimin thinks for a few moments, “I dare you to flash everyone your tits.”
“Oh? Is that all?” Trina says as she quickly lifts her shirt. She was already braless. You and Jungkook cackle at the scene unfolding.
“Okay, Hobi…truth or dare?”
“Dare.” He says with an excited grin.
“Dare you to take 3 shots in a row.”
And the night went on like this until it was Jimins turn again,
“Jungkook, truth or dare?” Jimin had an evil glint in his eye, you should of known he was up to no good.
“Dare.” Jungkook says with a cocky smile.
“I dare you to kiss y/n.”
“y/n?” Taehyung shakes you a bit more, “y/n?”
“Huh?” you begin to open your eyes and take in your view. You are in a small bedroom, there are posters on the wall and a small desk next to the bedroom door. And most importantly a Kim Taehyung in front of your face.
“What…What time is it?” you ask, sleep still evident in your voice.
“9:00” he grins down at you. “We’re going strawberry picking today, get dressed!”
You rub your eyes, trying to rid yourself of the sleep that crusted them but it is no use, you are still exhausted.
“I dare you to kiss y/n.”
Why? Why did you dream that memory? You shake your head trying to rid yourself of the lingering dream in your mind. That was a long time ago, time to move on.
You quickly shower and get dressed and meet Taehyung and his parents for breakfast.
“Wow, smells good!” you inhale the air, while smiling sweetly to Mrs. Kim.
“Do you cook y/n?” she asks, looking eager to know.
“Yeah, I do. Well, sometimes.” You laugh to yourself “My roommate is useless in the kitchen so someone has to cook.”
“That’s great!” Mrs. Kim exclaims, nodding approvingly to her husband. “Taehyungs last girlfriend couldn’t even toast a poptart.” She rolls her eyes but then smiles at you again.
Last girlfriend? You don’t recall Taehyung ever having a girlfriend in the time you have known him. Must have been a while.
“Mom…” Taehyung warns,
“Oh alright, we aren’t talking about her. What was her name again?”
“Okay okay.”
You awkwardly play with your fingers at their back and forth. Who was his girlfriend? Were they dating more recently? Why has the energy shifted so much in the kitchen?
“So you two are going strawberry picking huh? That’ll be fun. Be sure you bring back the reddest, juiciest ones you can find!” Mr. Kim chimes in.
You and Taehyung arrive at the strawberry farm a couple hours later, you two are some of the only people there.
“Small town.” Taehyung explains.
“More for us.” You poke your tongue out. “You must really like strawberries Tae.”
“Actually, no. I’m tired of them.” His laughter fills your ears, you watch as he sways into your side “But it’s still fun and we can take some cute pics here.”
“Yeah, true.” You try to smile brightly but fall short. “Well I’m glad we’re getting some because Jungkook eats all the damn strawberries at home!” Taehyung watches as you giggle and he frowns.
You spend time walking side by side, taking lots of photos, and enjoying one another’s company. The wonderful breeze rushes through you, making you feel alive and well.
“No way! Trina did not do that!” Taehyung laughs so hard, shaking his whole body.
“I swear! I told her she was going to get caught but that bitch does not listen to me.” You laugh alongside him.
“And I swear to you, I was not about to get caught with her so me and Jungkook ran for it. I would rather fucking die.” You laugh again.
“You don’t say that type of stuff in front of Jungkook, do you?” Taehyungs tone becomes serious, surprising you.
“What stuff?” you tilt you head in confusion.
“You know ‘wanting to die’ bullshit. He really hates that because well, you know.”
“Oh yeah, I don’t say that around him, he’s real sensitive about that for some reason.” You laugh awkwardly, swinging your arms side to side as you two walk.
“Well for good reason. Right?”
“It’s nothing…” Taehyung releases a shaky breath. “It’s not my place to tell you.”
“If it’s about my best friend—”
“Sorry. Not my place.” Taehyung says more harshly. “Let’s just change the subject.”
Your mind begins racing…why is Jungkook so sensitive about that? What isn’t he telling you?
“Don’t think too much about it y/n.” Taehyung says softly. “He will tell you eventually.”
“Oh…” you bow your head down, “Okay…”
“Well, tell me more about you Tae.”
“what do you want to know?”
“let’s start with the basics! What’s your favorite color?”
Taehyung looks up at the sky and hums to himself, “I don’t have one but today maybe it’s blue.”
“You don’t have a favorite color? Why blue today?”
“The sky. It’s so pretty. I wish I could find this exact shade of blue and recreate this sky…” he sighs to himself, “But then again maybe today it’s green.” He gestures towards your top. “Because it brings out the color in your eyes.”
You pause mid walk, tilting your head up at him. “You like green today because I…I’m wearing it?”
“Is that strange?” he stops walking as well, “Because your eyes—”
“Why not choose the color of my eyes?” you tease.
“Because I like what wearing green does to them specifically.” He rubs your shoulder, “Come on, let’s keep going.”
You nod your head and the two of you continue your walk, he takes your hand in his and you smile to yourself. This feels like a real date.
“What are you most afraid of?” you feel his hand grow sweaty in your palm. “Like, for example, Jungkook doesn’t like spiders or…”
“Being left.” He blurts out. “But yeah, not a fan of spiders either.” He chuckles.
“Being left?”
Taehyung walks towards a bench and sits down, you follow his lead taking a seat close to him. He takes a few deep breaths and lowers his head.
“Imagine a parent or a significant other or even a friend…they say they love you and stuff…but then change their mind or something happens and they end up leaving. That’s what I’m most afraid of. Being left alone.”
You bite your lip, you realize he and Jungkook have this in common. Your hand rushes to find his, you gently stroke your thumb over his golden skin. “Someone would be absolutely crazy to abandon you, Taehyung.”
Surprising you, he scoffs.
“I’m serious…you are…just amazing. You’re sweet, funny, caring and kind and you make great art and you have great taste in movies…you also know the best pizza…” you continue to stroke his skin as you ramble, “You have the most genuine heart, Taehyung.”
Taehyung lifts his head to face you, he looks pained.
“You don’t have to say anything, I’m here for you, you know?” you scoot closer to him on the bench and Taehyung leans into you.
“You’re too good to me…” Taehyung whispers so quietly you barely hear him. “You really think that of me?”
“Of course, I do. You make me feel…” the words die on your tongue when you feel Taehyung cup your jaw with his hand.
“You make me feel….too.” he whispers just loud enough that you hear him loud and clear.
Then Taehyung leans back, his hand dropping from your face, “I have to tell you something.”
“No.” you cut in. Whatever it is it can wait. Because…because you know it’s not something that will make you happy and you don’t want this weekend to be ruined. You just know.
“Tell me another time?” you lean into him, your fingers intertwining with his. “Please…”
Taehyung exhales deeply, frustration written all over his face. He turns in his seat to face you.
“Soon.” He promises.
“Ha, you sound like Jungkook.”
“Do you always find a way to talk about Jungkook?” Taehyung lifts your chin with his fingers.
Taehyung looks serious for a second before he cracks a smile and laughs, “I’m just teasing you.”
“Wait, wait. So you’re telling me you ALSO love museums?!” Taehyung squeezes your hand in excitement.
“Yeah, they’re really interesting.” You smile.
“Oh my god, all our friends think they’re so boring. Well, Namjoon likes them. Anyway, why haven’t we gone on a museum date? I want to take you so bad now!” His eyes are shining like a child, you can’t help but adore him.
“Then let’s go sometime Tae.”
Taehyung lowers the basket he’s holding to the ground and takes your basket and sets it on the ground as well.
“I really…” Taehyung pauses, reaching his hand to grab yours. “Really had a nice time with you today.
You look down at your joined hands and smile. “Me too, Tae Tae.”
Taehyung leans over and pecks your cheek. It makes you smile.
“What was that for?” you ask shyly. “There’s no people around.” You chuckle a bit bitterly.
“Just felt like it,” his soft smile making you swoon. “Should we head back? My parents will probably be in bed by the time we make it back home.”
The house is dark and quiet when you enter through the front door. Only the sound of the ceiling fan rotating in cold, noisy circles could be heard. It was oddly calming and made the long day catch up to you.
“Let’s get ready for bed.” Tae whispers into your ear and it tickles.
The two of you head up the flight of stairs and enter the bedroom. You take turns using the bathroom to get ready for bed, once all done you make your way under the covers and slowly close your eyes.
You turn over in bed to face Taehyung, your faces just inches apart.
“Yes?” you whisper.
“I can’t thank you enough for doing this.” The guilt in his tone doesn’t go unnoticed by you, as usual. “I wish there was something more I could do for you…”
“You’re already buying me coffee.” You giggle.
“I want to do more,” Taehyung gulps “I want to…” he scoots even closer to you, his hot breath fanning your face. You can smell the mint from his toothpaste and his natural scent. It fills your nostrils and you suck in a sharp breath.
“You want to what?” you say with a shaky voice.
Taehyungs breathing begins to quicken, you can feel each rushed breath and you wonder what’s gotten into him.
“What do you want to do, Tae?” you ask again.
You can see Taehyungs tongue dart out to wet his lips and you can’t help but stare. His lips look so plump and delicious, you want a bite.
“I…I don’t know…” he turns to lay on his back. “Can I tell you a secret?” he whispers.
“I wanted to kiss more than your cheek today.” He turns back over to his side to face you again. “Is that wrong?”
Taehyung wanted to kiss you? Like, kiss you kiss you? You feel happy, yes. But do you feel your heart racing in excitement? You don’t know.
“Even now, I still want to…kiss you…” his hand brushes against the skin of your cheek and you start to feel your heart beat just a little faster. Finally…
“But,” he pulls backs, “It’s wrong, isn’t it?”
“Why would it be wrong?”
“Because…y/n…I have to tell you some—”
You quickly lean over to seal his lips with yours. Usually your kisses are short and sweet and tender but this time you use more force as you press your lips over his mouth, the kiss sloppy and heated. He instantly kisses you back with fervor, your tongue prodding its way into his mouth and he obliges in seconds, his tongue playing with yours. You moan into his mouth and Taehyungs hands are all over you, they travel into your hair, down your back, grabbing your hips and rubbing your ass.
“Tae…” you whine out
Taehyungs fingers play with the hem of your shorts and you push your hips into his.
“Please.” You beg for more.
“But wait—”
“Please.” You repeat.
Taehyung stares at you for several long moments, thinking of what to do…he wants to devour you, if he had to be honest. But is this right? But he…
Then his eyes go dark, his gaze piercing.
“I’m going to taste you.” He says in voice so deep you even question that its him.
Next thing you know your shorts are pulled down along with your panties and Taehyungs mouth is an inch away from devouring you.
“Gonna make you feel so good.” He groans into your heat, his tongue licking a strip from your hole to your clit. And again and again. You quietly whimper into the pillow as his tongue fucks you.
“More Taehyung, more…” you moan, your hands gripping his hair.
Taehyung smirks up at you and inserts two fingers into your greedy cunt, he curls and scissors them inside you making you weep pathetically.
“That feel good sweetheart?”
Then he’s diving back in, his tongue assaulting your clit until you feel the buildup of your inevitable orgasm—you mean, it is Kim Taehyung.
He gives your clit one last good suck before you are reaching your high, pulling on his locks and moaning at a higher pitch. Fuck, that was good.
“You sound so fucking hot when you come…” Taehyung moves back up the bed as you lay there breathless. “Next time I want you coming on my—”
Taehyung stops himself from finishing that sentence. You watch as he groans into his hands, “I mean, if you want there to be a next time.”
“Of course I do, Tae.” You flip to your side and find his lips. You give him a long kiss, tasting yourself on his tongue. “How could I not?”
Taehyung savors your lips on his, he finds his hands in your hair again as he deepens it. He should feel like shit but somehow he feels…good. And he’s confused as hell for it.
The next morning comes by quickly, you are saying your goodbyes to the Kim’s with promises that you will return soon. And you secretly hope you do.
The drive back to Uni is a slow one, you and Taehyung listen to his playlist and chat every now and then while he holds your hand. You smile like an idiot the whole time.
Taehyungs phone is in your hand as you slide through the music options, you’re about to choose a song when he receives an incoming text.
Anna 10:08am
You think that will work, Taehyung? Try harder.
You slide the message up, trying to ignore it. You don’t want some stalker to ruin the good mood you’re in. But you can’t help but wonder what she is talking about. And why hasn’t he blocked her? You don’t say anything to Taehyung, he is also in a good mood and you don’t want to ruin it. He’s humming the tune from the car speakers and lifts his hand that holds yours and kisses it.
Another hour passes and you and Taehyung are in front of your apartment.
“Are you sure you don’t want me to walk you up?” Taehyung questions sweetly.
“I’m sure!” you stand on your tip toes to kiss his cheek and turn around to walk away.
“Oh no you don’t.” Taehyung chuckles as he pulls you in for a kiss on the lips. Then another kiss and then another. “Now you can go.” He teases.
You break out in a wide grin, and tilt your head up to kiss him one last time.
You walk up the steps to your apartment, and walk towards your front door. What an amazing weekend, you think. You got to know Taehyung a lot better, you met his parents and you two shared an unforgettable night—at least for you. Oh no. Should you have returned the favor? Instead of worrying about it you decide it’s okay, he owes you after all. You chuckle to yourself as you unlock the front door.
You step inside your apartment with a an idiotic, dopey ass smile plastered on your face.
“What’s with you?” Jungkook asks from the living room couch.
“Oh nothing,” You sing, “Just had a really good weekend.”
“Oh? So I guess meeting his parents went well?” Jungkook stands to meet you at the entrance, he takes your bag for you and sets it down.
“That too.” You giggle.
Jungkook cocks his head to the side, “I’m serious, what’s up with you?” he can’t help but smile. You look so happy.
“Nothing we just… we just…” you bite your lip, contemplating on what to tell Jungkook.
“You… just?” his smile begins to fade as realization hits him. Then his face hardens. “Did he fuck you?” Jungkook’s voice is lower than you have ever heard it.
“What?” you choke out.
“I asked if this asshole fucked you?”
“Okay, one: he’s not an asshole. Two: no, he did not fuck me.”
Jungkook visibly relaxes.
Telling Jungkook the truth will probably only upset him for some reason so you decide against it. You don’t need his negativity right now. Finally, fucking finally, Taehyung is crossing a line with you…on the side where friendship is beginning to become blurred and nothing makes you more excited. You have been waiting for this, you have spent so much time with him and and… you need this.
“Okay…” Jungkook leans down and picks up your bag and heads to your room. You watch as he swings the bedroom door open and set the bag inside.
“Wanna order some food?” he calls out, walking towards you again.
“Honestly we got up pretty early this morning so I think I’ll take a quick nap. But after? If you’re willing to wait a couple hours?”
“Yeah, that’s fine. Get some rest.” He smiles, jumping back on the couch and pressing play on whatever show he was watching.
Your bed is so unbelievably soft and warm that as soon as you sink in the sheets your eyes are already closing in exhaustion. But your mind stays awake…you think about the weekend you just had with Taehyung and all the progress you have made. You like him so much, you want nothing more than for him to feel the same way. At least you think you…anyway. You recall his lips kissing down your body, his tongue teasing your thighs, his hands gripping your hips.
Taehyungs dark eyes as he stares up from you is without a doubt one of the sexiest things you have had the pleasure of witnessing. Wait—why one of? Why can’t it be the sexiest thing you have ever seen? Then different images bombard your brain but you’re quick to throw them away. Only Taehyung lives in your mind rent free, god damn it. He ain’t gotta pay a penny.
You think about the light, teasing kisses he left on your neck…you think about his fingers and how they fucked you, god they felt so fucking good. You smile as you think about what else he could do for you…your lazy smile widens at the thought.
Your eyes are still closed and images of Taehyung run wild in your mind as you start to doze off. Yes, you can fall asleep with him in your thoughts. Your body feels heavier and heavier as sleep finally takes over, you welcome Taehyung in your dreams as well. At least you hope you dream of him.
The bed creaks beneath you as Jungkook guides you further up the mattress, his body hovering your own. His hands come to slide up your arms as you shiver under his touch.
“I’m giving you goosebumps.” He says while lightly stroking your arm, feeling each bump under his fingertips. “What else do I do to you?”
“So many things Jungkook…” you heavily breathe out, your chest is heaving at this point. The anticipation of his touch is driving you nuts.
“Need to find out.” He simply states, his head lowering down to the crook of your neck. He breathes you in and lowers himself between your spread legs.
“Can I touch you?”
“Yes, please.” You don’t mean to whimper, but you do. You fucking do.
Jungkook’s slender fingers make their way skimming across your bare stomach until he reaches the hem of your panties. He lifts the band up and slaps it against your skin.
“I want these off, is that okay?”
You only nod your head.
“Words y/n. When you’re with me you use your words okay baby?” His fingers begin lowering your panties down. “Lift yourself for me.” And you obey. Jungkook slides your panties down your legs and you’re left completely naked underneath him.
“God, I can just see how wet you are.” You immediately force your legs shut, feeling embarrassed at his words.
“Not uh, I don’t think so. You got this wet for me? I want to see it. Open for me, baby.” Very hesitantly you begin to move your legs apart, the blush on your face deepening.
The rest is almost a blur. You can recall his fingers spreading your folds, you whining for him to touch more of you. You can recall his mouth hovering your pussy, his tongue swirling around your clit. You can recall his fingers stretching you out and moaning out his name. It’s what came next that is very clear in your mind. Its him kissing your lips, whispering sweet nothings into your ear and his cock sliding between your folds. The desire you feel for him is very real and he can feel that.
“Please, Jungkook!” You gasp out, as he teases his cock at your entrance.
Jungkook slides his gorgeous cock into you inch by glorious inch. His cock twitching inside your pulsating pussy, his harsh breaths fanning your face. Jungkook slams his eyes shut, his teeth gritting in anticipation as he waits for you to give the ok. You only gasp for air as he bottoms out, his dick reaching places no one ever has before, you slowly nod your head giving him permission to fuck you into oblivion. He says he could, so you’ll believe him. .
Jungkook opens an eye to look at you carefully, your face contorted in pleasure showing him how you are indeed okay to go on. Jungkook’s hand massages your hips, his touch setting your skin on fire. He begins to slowly ease out of you until just the tip remains then he slams his hips into yours. His body falls forward and he lifts your head up with his free hand and brings you closer for a wild kiss. He grinds himself into you deliciously, his hips rocking back and forth causing you to moan out for him over and over.
“Please…please.” You pant, rolling your hips into his as you meet his desperate thrusts.
“Please what, princess?” he breathes out heavily, “Told you that when you’re with—” He begins fucking into you faster, “When you’re with me…to use your words.” His pace is bruising, causing you to choke on the air around you.
“Please, harder.” You manage to get out while gripping on to his wide shoulders, your finger nails digging into his soft skin.
Jungkook smirks down at you, his eyes shining with something you can’t quite describe.
“Harder?” he questions, his lips coming down to suck bruises into your neck. “Deeper too?” he bites a particular spot that makes you groan.
“Just—just need more of you…” you grab his hair by the handful and yank his head back and bring his face to yours. Your lips meeting his.
His tongue slips past your lips, tongues dancing to the beat of his thrusts. His cock is buried so deep within you that you feel you are no longer a single person but now a person merged with another. You have never felt more connected.
Jungkook whines at the sight of you—your lips apart and eyes barely open. Your head is thrown back showing Jungkook all the pretty blooming bruises on your skin.
“So fucking pretty.” He grits out, eyes lit on fire.
You’re barely able to respond as he thrusts into you even harder, your tits bouncing with each movement.
“Gonna come soon…” he says between heavy breaths, his pace becoming sloppy.
“Gonna come inside me?” you cry out, your fingernails digging into his back.
“Need you to come with me baby”
You could of came from his cock alone, that you are sure of but when his fingers meet your sensitive clit, you are seeing stars. He’s rubbing messy circles, easily sliding around from how wet you are, his fingers getting drenched.
It’s almost embarrassing how quickly his fingers bring you to orgasm.
You gasp out, voice hoarse from all the moaning and screaming he’s drawn from your body. “Fuuuuuucckk.” You whine, your orgasm leaving you breathless.
“I—I’m coming…” he pants in your ear, his breath tickling your sensitive skin.
He fucks into you quickly before stilling his hips and shooting his cum deep within you, decorating your walls. He doesn’t move. You don’t move. He stays buried to the hilt, breathing heavily into the crook of your neck. You aren’t much better, your breaths also harsh. You look to the nightstand to read the clock that says 4 AM. Fuck, what did you do?
You just fucked your best friend.
Panicked and out of breath, you sit up in bed. Sweat forming on your hairline and dribbling down the side of your face. Why? Why this dream of all dreams? Why this memory?
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