#and Wild Life too partially lmao
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im-a-lil-bitch-boi Ā· 2 months ago
so i made some doodles
this ome i doodled whilst listenin to this
banger btw
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and i made this one whilst listenin to my MCYT songs playlist
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im totally not obsessed w Gem lmao wuuuutt hahaahahaha i total didnt get top 0.1% of her fans hahahahahahahagagagagaga
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six-eyed-samurai Ā· 7 months ago
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SUMMARY: Jirou and Denki's likes are far and between. Jirou likes Denki and Denki likes Jirou anyway. A/N: I was listening to Wild Side by ALI when I thought of them and you should too. (Actual a/n: It was so fun imagining all of this! I based them off some actual events between me and my friends. The homeless one is an actual thing my best friend and I do lmao, sit outside the mall's store and eat while our gang illegally take our photos and call us beggars) WARNINGS: Some mild swearing and a lot of probable inaccuracies for the sake of the plot and because I haven't finished MHA yet
It is wonderful my life
Jirou likes the name Jamming Whey and Denki likes the name Jirou-Jack.
Obviously the both of them detest the nickname the otherā€™s given, or so everyone thought, based on the poking from Jirouā€™s end and dramatic sighing from Denkiā€™s. Not that it stopped them from calling each other that at all opportunities. It was endearing to watch to the class; it was a trifle odd for the Bakusquad, for when they tried to use itā€¦
ā€œUm, what?ā€
ā€œSorry bro, but that ainā€™t for you to use!ā€
Mina thinks itā€™s funny, how itā€™s like a codename for only each other. Suspiciously so.
Please could you kiss my name
This roundā€™s exercise of heroes versus villains is different.
The villains were Todoroki and Momo, so Jirou and Denki would have to play it smart to win. Inside the building it had seemed like a good idea at that time to split up. Now, not so much, when Jirou found herself stuck in Todorokiā€™s ice as he handed her the device Aizawa had given them to stay in contact with each other. Momo, no doubt, was nearby to catch her partner unaware.
ā€œCall Kaminari to come out.ā€
ā€œā€¦Denki, the bombā€™s in the room down the hall. The door to the left.ā€
But then suddenly itā€™s Momo and Todoroki on the floor, shocked by Chargeboltā€™s electrical attack. Jirou breaks out of the rest of the partially melted ice herself and grudgingly slaps her partnerā€™s hand when he raises it, hopeful for a high-five.
Todoroki twists his head around, surprise evident on his face. ā€œHowā€™d you know it was as trap? Jirou didnā€™t say anything suspicious.ā€
Denki bursts out laughing smugly. ā€œSheā€™d never call me Denki willingly - itā€™s always Jamming Wheyā€¦ā€ his shoulders slump. ā€œUnfortunately. But anyways, we won, Jirou-Jack!ā€
ā€œShut up.ā€
Momo wonders if that day was when Jirou finally accepted the nickname, because for once she didnā€™t object to it.
Todoroki admires how in sync they are.
When the music's over?
Jirou likes rock and Denki likes electronic.
They argue about it a lot. The usual which is better, yours make no sense, it's much more superior that whatever you call that music. Sometimes during study nights the books and work are forgotten, pushed aside, to make way for their heated debate. Their friends roll their eyes and ignore them; it's almost a ritualistic thing at this point.
Only Mina thinks there's something more to it - to the rest the noise just dies down when one of them whips out their phone and forces the other to listen to their music. So what if they were sitting really close to each other and occasionally lean their heads on the other's shoulder? They're sharing an earbud after all, and the wire required them to be close.
(They're sulking, the rest think, because they see the eyerolls and shoulder shoves.)
(They're in denial, Mina thinks, because she sees them smile at the same moment when it hits the chorus and hum together.)
Turn off light, it was such a sweet time
Momo thinks sheā€™s come up with a solution.
Jirou and Denki stare at her blankly, bewildered by her sudden excited announcement that study night. She says sheā€™s heard them arguing about what music to choose a lot; Jirou replies they do it all the time and Denki adds that itā€™s normal. Momo nods but repeats what she says. She hands them both her phone.
ā€œJazz? Yaomomo - what?ā€
ā€œI thought you were the sort to listen to classical shit. This ainā€™t my type!ā€
ā€œNo one cares about your opinion right now, Jamming Whey.ā€
ā€œNo, no, I just thought that if the two of you canā€™t agree on either one of your genres youā€™d like to try a third option. A compromise, sort of.ā€ Momo smiles, believing sheā€™s provided a resolution to their squabbling. Jirouā€™s not, though she tries to - sheā€™s going to miss -
ā€œWhatā€™s with that face, Jirou-Jack?ā€
ā€œDonā€™t elbow me!ā€
ā€œWe can still share earbudsā€¦or you could just plug your jacks into my phone.ā€
Jirou smiles, but itā€™s with an eyeroll as Momo looks hopefully on. Denki plays Momoā€™s choice, holding the phone uncomfortably close to her face like a kid showing off his crayon drawing to his mom. ā€œIā€™m still choosing which one though!ā€
They still argue over the music, unsurprisingly. Theyā€™re openly sharing the earbuds now, surprisingly.
Could you pray for me, my friend?
Jirou likes movie night and Denki likes the popcorn.
Most of Class 1-A is already gathered in front of the TV, sprawled on the sofas or lying on the ground. Sheā€™s a little way from him, squashed between Momo and Mina. Denki pretends heā€™s not staring at her when his neighbor Kirishima points it out and Bakugo explodes telling them to just pick a movie already. Most of them vote for horror.
Jirou gets up. Strange, because he knows she likes movie nights. Then he remembers, she doesnā€™t like horror, but her pride wouldnā€™t allow others to know. Denki himself wouldnā€™t have known if he hadnā€™t deduced it by her actions over time and gotten her to admit it. Her friends attempt to persuade her to stay, but she feigns tiredness.
ā€œWhy donā€™t we watch something else? Weā€™ve already watched this movie like what, three times already? Boo, we literally all know whatā€™s going to happen!ā€
Of course he gets pummeled by the pillows but after a little more convincing they agree to change it. He claims he needs to use the bathroom and runs out.
It's starting over time
Jirouā€™s not yet to her room.
He catches up and makes her turn around, ask why she left, tries to wheedle her to stay. Denki already knows her so well, so Jirou says she doesnā€™t like the movie. But heā€™s convinced them to change it, something he think sheā€™ll like, so reluctantly she follows him back. Itā€™s really hard to say no to Denki sometimes, Jirou thinks, then sighs as she remembers that no, itā€™s actually ALL the time.
They get back and find their seats been taken. No matter, he shoos a few legs away from the ground near the couch and practically forces Jirou to sit next to him. The movieā€™s a murder mystery; Denki worries the gory parts might affect Jirou. Unconsciously an arm slips around her shoulders and maybe he shifts a little closer. But Jirou feels it. An eyebrow is raised and Denki jerks his head back to avoid the earphone jack, tilting his head back with a protesting look.
ā€œGet your arm off me.ā€
ā€œIf you get scared-ā€
ā€œIf you try anything, Kaminari, I'll poke your eyeballs.ā€
ā€œI wasn't!ā€
But they end up cuddling anyway; Sero helpfully throws a blanket over them because thatā€™s what happens every movie night, somehow.
Taking overnight
Jirou likes to sleep and Denki likes distracting himself.
It takes his mind off the fact itā€™s nearly 1 a.m. and if he lies down on his bed heā€™ll just overthink everything and probably count down how much hours of sleep heā€™s losing and heā€™s going to be so sleep deprived and tired tomorrow and then heā€™ll get scolded by Aizawa for not paying attention in class and be stupider than he already is and he wishes he could close his eyes and why is it so cold in the room, all his senses feel waaay too alert and man does he want some ramen-
He tries a few other things like finishing some homework or reading but his eyes donā€™t feel like theyā€™re working right. Or rather they are, but everything is blurring together. Denki leans back, listens to some music and scrolls on his phone. A bad distraction but a distraction nonetheless.
But now he canā€™t keep his mind off wondering if he could text Jirou and justā€¦dunno, talk? Gossip? Ask her if she wanted to get instant ramen with him? Probably because one of her songs somehow crawled their way into his playlist right now.
Sheā€™d probably yell at him for waking her up and order him to go make ramen himself. The thought seems funny to him, but then again everything is funny at night. He opens up her chat because insomniac + a-need-for-company = no self control.
(Somewhere in the back of his mind he wonders why Jirou is the first one he thinks of.)
>>hey you up?????
>>canā€™t sleep šŸ’€šŸ’€
>>would anyone be mad at me if i got up right now to make ramen
>>kinda want a juicebox or something lmaoo
>>sorry to wake you
Denki throws the phone to his bed after deleting everything but the last message.
Taking over blue time
Heā€™s in the midst of actually going out to get that juicebox when thereā€™s knocking at the door.
Denki throws open the door, electricity at the ready in case a ghost really existed and was paying a visit to all those naughty little boys who arenā€™t abiding by bedtime.
It's Jirou, actually, who's paying a visit.
ā€œā€¦hi?ā€ His brain and mouth feels numb but he attempts to be normal. ā€œWhat, couldn't sleep until you saw my handsome face?ā€
Jirou's face gets more annoyed and disbelieving that she was even here in the first place. ā€œA face that's about to be punched.ā€
ā€œAw, you do miss me~ā€ Denki yanks her inside, unable to stop his grinning. He slams the door shut. ā€œBut seriously, whyā€™re you here?ā€
ā€œJust because you deleted the text doesnā€™t mean I didnā€™t see it.ā€
ā€œā€¦oh, yeahā€¦about that.ā€ Denki awkwardly scratches his neck. ā€œWe donā€™t gotta get the ramen or anything. Iā€™m just having trouble sleeping then.ā€
Perhaps not so much now, when he suddenly found his eyes about to close themselves while his head was tucked under Jirouā€™s and his arms looped around hers, both somewhere in the stacks of blankets and pillows and plushies lying on Denkiā€™s bed.
ā€œNot a word, Kaminari.ā€
Not that he could manage one, finally dozing off with her.
(Itā€™s a little hard to explain to Kirishima the next morning why Jirouā€™s plushy is on his bed.)
If you heard that screaming, shout in your mind
Jirou likes fries and Denki likes hamburgers.
Thereā€™s not really anything to argue about for this one but they do anyway, comparing which fast food chain was better. Usually it winds up with Denki defending his honor while Jirou pokes fun at how his big mouth came about by having to stretch it to fit all his beloved burgers. Nothing different this time round as Class 1-A heads out to another shopping trip together.
Denki doesnā€™t want to go into the stupid store. Heā€™s hungry. Jirou snorts and says he wonā€™t die of starvation like he says. He whines about craving a greasy, fat hamburger. Jirou elbows him; he lingers outside the store, at the window, declaring he was going to stay outside until they could eat and if they find his corpse lying out there it was because they wouldnā€™t let him have lunch. Tokoyami helpfully points out that itā€™s still morning.
He stays out there regardless, ignoring the scoffs and snickers from a certain someone that he looked like a homeless tramp.
A very hungry tramp, Denki argues. I want a hamburger. Maybe a soda.
Taking over the shine
ā€œWhatā€¦aw, hey, you got me a burger! Iā€™m saved!ā€ Denki eagerly peels back the wrappings, taking a huge bite and beaming at Jirou, whoā€™s plopped down next to him. She points out the lettuce in his teeth and sips her drink, holding her own burger.
ā€œI didnā€™t see you come out of the store?ā€
ā€œThereā€™s another exit at the back. Passed by a restaurant and well, you said you were hungry and I didnā€™t want you complaining anymore.ā€
ā€œDidnā€™t you say I looked like a homeless tramp sitting out here?ā€
ā€œā€¦now thereā€™s two homeless tramps.ā€
Denki bursts out laughing and Jirou scolds him for spraying out hamburger. You never heard me say that, she says, and Denki stores it away in his memory as he takes the drink from her proffered hand. Jirou unwraps her burger and makes a face. ā€œThis better be as good as you say.ā€
(Later the Bakusquad catch them feeding each other fries; Jirou complains Denki opened the wrong packet of sauce.)
Taking over the shooting star
Jirou likes the solitude and Denki likes socialising.
Which is why despite the numerous asks from her friends if she needed them Jirou declined, preferring to spend her quarantine from the flu in her own room by herself. It wasnā€™t too bad - she could just do whatever she wanted in bed: scroll on her phone, practice a little music, catch up on assignmentsā€¦if it werenā€™t so damned COLD.
Sheā€™s already sneezed about a bajillion times already and the binā€™s full from tissues. No matter how many layers of blankets she was trying to burrow under she just wouldnā€™t heat up. Maybe her tolerance for the freeze had just lowered after hanging out with Kaminari - the man was quite literally a walking electrical heater.
Speaking of Kaminari, Jirou just might have to borrow Bakugoā€™s nickname of Dunceface for him, because who the hell gave him permission to barge into her room like that?!
Jirou throws a plushy at him. ā€œGet out.ā€
ā€œIā€™m not here to pass you your homework thoughā€¦you know I donā€™t even understand any of it myself.ā€ Nobody asked but he plops down next to her. ā€œI heard you were sick!ā€
ā€œLess sick and more of in danger in getting frostbite,ā€ Jirou grumbles, hugging herself and shivering.
So of course he just hauls her ass to the door and basically kidnaps her to the kotatsu.
All I was talking about was music
Denki smirks and pulls her closer. She doesnā€™t even bother fighting it, finally warming up from the combination of the kotatsu and him. Probably the stifling three thousand blankets Denki piled on them as well. At least he had the decency to kidnap her rabbit plushy as well; he paired it up with his worn, dumb Pikachu one. The one where she had won for him at an arcade to get him to stop his sulking. Hah.
ā€œLetā€™s play music! My turn to pick!ā€
ā€œIā€™m the sick one, Jamming Whey.ā€
ā€œItā€™s my phone!ā€
ā€œYouā€™re literally borrowing-ā€
They both rolled around for a while before someoneā€™s elbow, finger, knee, something touched the screen sufficiently for the phone to recognize the command and start playing. Start playing Momoā€™s music choice, specifically. Jirou sighs and Denki shrugs. They let it play and huddle under Mount Blanket. The plushies are kidnapped inside.
ā€œWarm enough yet?ā€
(And that's called jazz!)
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dozing--zzz Ā· 10 months ago
intro post :p
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my name is lee, im seventeen, and a switch in the sfw tickle community.
i view tickles as a fun, silly, bonding activity for friends, lovers, or family, and just a cute part of the human condition. i adore seeing people laughing. i love laughs a lot. maybe a little too much. (again, all nsfw dni)
i love talking with others in the community like me, so never hesitate to dm me or anything. id love to chat and make a few friends here.
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*unfurls a long scroll*
(bold = currently my favorites, strikethrough = dormant, italics = just got into it)
critical role (mighty nien and bells hells)
fantasy life (3ds)
my ocs + original universe
the outsiders by s.e. hinton
little big planet
sanders sides
commentary youtube
studio ghibli
harvest moon: tale of two towns
pokemon (sun/moon or sword/shield mostly)
big hero 6
wild kratts
gravity falls
delicious In dungeon
the lego movie
my favorites change a lot, but it's really rare that the list gets longer lol
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dni/other iffy things
if you apply to any of the following labels, please do not interact with me or my blog. thanks!
teasing me about my name! not something i can control, and it has gotten super annoying especially when its ppl idk lmao
NFSW or partially NSFW blog
age 30 or older. if i meet you before then and you are a good person and we know eachother when you turn 30, i can make an exception.
feet-centered blog or someone with a foot fetish. you do you, i have no problem with whatever you like, but it is not my thing and makes me uncomfortable.
prefer solely/mostly heavy bondage or tickle torture and/or have a blog centered around it, again, you do you but it scares me lol
homophobic, transphobic, misogynist, sexist, etc. need i explain. i am under the trans umbrella and gay. so if you don't like it fuck off respectfully
proshipper or a proshipping supporter.
a vore enjoyer sexual or nonsexual. sorry and no personal hate to you but that stuff terrifies me
enjoy/create irl tickling content without consent from the people. yes, this includes youtubers, actors, kpop groups, etc. they're real people and i feel that it is weird and icky to make that sort of content without their consent. thats a real person (obv does not include clips of real events, those are always super cute lol)
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ilkkawhat Ā· 5 months ago
I can't believe it's almost been a year since AW2 was released. It really changed my life. For better or for worse? Who can say, but I've been having fun.
lol it's so surreal to me that it's been less than a year that I bought and played Alan Wake 2 (one month past release, in November) purely on a whim because I saw people on the silent hill subreddit talking about it and someone even made a meme about "friendship ended with silent hill now alan wake is my new best friend" and I kid you not within just a few days my life just...changed entirely.
I have a lot of depression and anxiety and somewhere in 2023 things just...went wrong and I stopped creating. stopped giffing, never thought I'd write again and drawing lmao forget it, that shit's been hard for me to do ever since a very discouraging experience back when I was maybe like, 11 or 12. stopped going on tumblr, had given up on discord a long time before then and became a miserable ghost doing nothing but burying myself in work in what i will admit is a toxic, overwhelming and stressful environment. I still played games, still watched shows but nothing was like. Sticking with me, I guess? Not like to obsession levels and minus some good vacations I was just...empty.
And playing Alan Wake 2 for the first time was a legit terrifying experience for me--not on the levels of the first time I played Silent Hill 2 maybe (legit locked myself in my room and put on my lamp in the middle of the day cause of the sound of footsteps behind me in that game lol and my dishwasher at the time sounded like that one chugging sound in the apartments) but the dread I was feeling as I got legitimately lost in the woods of Cauldron Lake and turned around in Coffee World (having basically explored it all before triggering the parts where the enemies spawn in) and the basement of Valhalla Nursing Home was thrilling and I was excited to be playing something that was so disturbing and mind bending and emotional, too. Not even knowing the story of Alan and Alice, my heart broke during Alice's final tape. Not knowing Alan's character outside of what I saw in the second game, his "fuck it" moment where he went back into the Dark Place felt so heroic. I felt an odd sense of nostalgia watching the Koskela brothers commercials, like I had known them my whole life. Alex Casey (both the FBI agent and fictional detective) is my favorite kind of wise-cracking guy who has a heart of gold, the old guy who I wish could be my dad. Tom Zane was that mysterious wild card that you know under the surface has something sinister, unsettling esp with his manipulation of Alan but is just so fascinating to watch. Of course I saw so much of my obsessive self in Rose with her shrine for Alan. Saga's time in the dark place felt so real to me, I cried and still cry every time I read that note from her mom at that part of the game (I know you can read it sooner but it packs a bigger punch with Saga's fight to get out of her own mind.) All of the characters quickly stole my heart and ran with it and maybe it was over a few days, maybe it was all at once the floodgates just...opened within me.
I started writing again. First with a character that I never thought I'd write for again because at the time, even just thinking about him legit hurt me. Then I started scheming up fics for Alan. Then I started giffing even from self-captured gameplay footage that I don't think I've ever done before. Then I started drawing in my Alan Wake journal--a journal which, I had not done since the peak of my CSI obsession during my teenage years and even then it wasn't to the extent of what that journal is now (which admittedly, has not been filled out in quite a number of weeks and maybe that's partially cause I tend to journalize myself on here too) And then one day I couldn't contain it anymore. I started sharing again. I don't talk to anybody really like, ever outside of these asks and occasional replies but I truly never thought I'd be part of a fandom again. I worried I'd fuck it all up again (still worry about that) for myself, or others. Or both. But all the kind messages, the kind tags, the awesome people I've started following because of Alan Wake, I wouldn't give any of that up.
And of course things branched off, crushing so hard on him I got obsessed with Ilkka. I played some of Remedy's other games (still working my way through Max Payne 2 and Quantum Break very very slowly) and went back to the first Alan Wake, of course which if I had known about earlier or had an Xbox I'm sure I would have loved it back then as much as I do now. Hell I even platinumed that and Alan Wake 2 and as someone who is notorious for not finishing games other than like. The Legend of Zelda series and playing some other endless games...think it says something that I've managed to beat and complete (I always do the rhymes, stashes, lunch boxes, every playthrough) Alan Wake 2 almost 10 times now.
I was happy. I'm still, for the most part when I'm not at work, happy. Call it what you want, a delusion brought on by a distraction of obsession, a dangerous escape threatening the part of me that is still rooted in reality in the way that like, what if I become too crazy about it where it blinds me to certain things or experiences or chases people away from me because I'm too weird about it (a very real thing that has happened before)
But damn with all of that...I'm having fun with it too.
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m1ckeyb3rry Ā· 5 months ago
Ok before I say anything else BRUH I took the quiz you reposted and guess who I gotā€¦.also mf saeā€¦..bro??? Wavelengthed too hard but STAY STRONG NO CONVERTING
EVIL YUKI SHSHSHSJ actually know dw all the shit and slander yuki has to go through now is just setting him up to become rough and tumble yuki so he can get the development he deserves itā€™s all part of the plot!!! STOP ITS SO EMO but ig its better than one of them being left behind by the other shevdhshsh (or you let mc live and then we can be with Karasu instead/j) Iā€™ll never be get over how interesting hollyhock mc is though (the whole belonging/ownership/love dynamic is SO unique I love it sm) on the complete opposite side of the spectrum we have otoya being done TOO MUCH justice LMAOOO itā€™s ok the story and plot slap so he can have a pass
DADFAILURE LOSERS I LOVE IT HAHAHA esp while yuki has his life (pretty much) together truly the embodiment of tabieitaken shenanigans also KING OF KALOS GOES SO HARD??? Mm yes we love yuki supremacy (also the ref to his emperor of 1-on-1 title ugh so peak)
Thatā€™s actually insane I feel you though because Iā€™m also scared shitless of getting mobbed by insane parts of fandoms (partially why Iā€™ve never really used tumblr to do anything before besides lurk and also why I am NOT subjecting myself to being one of those regular translators on twitter or tiktok or whatnot Iā€™m not about to get people attacking me in the comments for wild shit shshshsb) BUT I agree lowkā€¦.i mean tullireo isnā€™t going to be rubbed in our faces in the story anyways (I assume) since weā€™ll be too busy burying Barouā€™s corpse (Iā€™m screaminf) but THSTS SO REAL ā€œI make money so my wife can breed pokemon and keep them all for herself instead and Iā€™ll build them a whole pokemon pasture/sanctuaryā€ (that would be me as a pokemon breeder fr) bro it was just meant to be the team vibesā€¦itā€™s giving elegant but strong
LMAO chigiri and Reo forced platonic close proximity chigiri is just THE bestie whether itā€™s gossip or wingman duties heā€™s got it all but Iā€™m crying otoya tweaking because heā€™s like ā€œNOOOOOOOOOOO MY OTPā€ and Karasu patting him like ā€œidk what youā€™re on about but hate to break it to you but I donā€™t think Tullia doesnā€™t likes you that wayā€
Wait I know the exact vibe youā€™re going for itā€™s giving ā€œdrops random lore/information and disappears for three monthsā€ LMAOOO fr that older mentor who comes gives hints and guidance kinda like a walk through tutorial guide in a game where theyā€™re like ā€œoh yeah you should go hereā€ only to never be heard from again LFMOAOAAOAOAO GANDALF REAL but that kinda puts a bit of distance in his dynamic I feel? So yes TULLIREO WE ALL CHANT guess I gotta side with otoya this time tullireo OTP LOWK DO IT itā€™s just the vibes too ykā€¦they just matchā€¦.guysā€¦..
LMAO my first thought was fr ā€œthat scrawny ass kid with a bug net on route 2ā€ imagine they donā€™t even battle the boy is so scared of ghost type aeguslash that he just runs (I see that typo but Iā€™m not fixing it because itā€™ll get autocorrected into something unrecognizable and Iā€™m channeling my inner Nagi and being lazy)
LMFAOO reader fr like ā€œwhere tf did my genes goā€¦ā€ THE PARENTAL LORE GOES CRAZY LMAOAO imagine their kids going to school and yk how elementary school kids usually get those assignments thatā€™s like ā€œwhat do my parents do?ā€ Etc? Yeah their daughter has to fill out that and her drawing is reader on top of a pile of dead team z grunts carrying nagi or maybe theyā€™re just holding hands but nagi def has to be shown asleep taking a nap and uncle Barou flying in the sky as an angel and readers giant ass red gyarados in the back looming over it all and like a crying Mr. Mikage on the floor
LMAO Reo exclusively using luxury balls so true lowk the premier balls kinda fit Barouā€™s aesthetic too maybe he splurges on them generally to keep everything consistent and neat looking LOL bro my luck was ass with quick balls actually I think Iā€™ve only ever caught my donphan (as phanpy) with one LMAOA
Pause I see the abamasnow vision (itā€™s intimidating but imagine itā€™s as dumb as him LMAOA openly walking up to fire types) arcanine accidentally burning tf out of it is so funny they would SO bully him for that for the rest of his life
Aiku getting what he deserves!! He has his happy ending though heā€™s just gotta finish up his community service first LOLL ok but him actively very involved with sae and Barou because he deals with them on a more regular level because theyā€™re on the same team and heā€™s like ā€œI canā€™t deal with their bitchlessness anymore PLEASE get a girl Iā€™ll even help you but you need STRESS RELIEF. NOW.ā€ LMFAOO wait Iā€™m very excited to see aiku put in his place LMFAOO
When the familial relationship steals the spotlight from the romantic one>>>> LAMSOA /hj perhaps this can be a character study in the futureā€¦Iā€™m crying their relationship is so sweet though ugh
EYES WIDE OPEN OMGOMG NEW GRAPHICS!!! No I lowk love the clean look too it fits the vibe fr!! Guys yk itā€™s serious when the graphics readyā€¦pokemon au here we come!!!!!!!
- Karasu anon
LMAOOO ITā€™S BECAUSE WEā€™RE THE SAME PERSON FR no but i think itā€™s so funny weā€™re both NOT itoshi lovers which is pretty rare i feel and yet weā€™re the ones who ended up getting sae himself šŸ˜­ the universe wants to convert us to itoshism but we MUST stay strong
HELP YOUā€™RE SO RIGHT this is just the development he requiresā€¦rough and tumble yukiā€™s bad past is actually a bad past LIFE where he led to the death and despair of all of his current friends (thatā€™s lowkey a crazy fic premise like the whole hollyhock gang reincarnated but only yukimiya gets his past memories back so he has to live with the knowledge that he once betrayed everyone he now loves šŸ˜°) agreed at least itā€™s not one living/the other dying!! LMAOO no because hollyhock reader x karasu is such a normal dynamic tbh free hollyhock karasu from her he does not have the insanity to match her freak šŸ˜­ it really is like i said HAHA with a normal reader and author karasu would be endgame but (un)fortunately for him reader is fucked up and iā€™m an angst lover so he does not get that privilege šŸ™‚ā€ā†•ļø also yeah every time otoya does some dumbass shit in the manga/anime iā€™m like okay YOU are the one whoā€™s starring in hollyhock?? YOU are the bloodthirsty ninja who dies because he loves someone that much??? he would actually be so hype to know that thatā€™s how heā€™s viewed thoughā€¦weā€™ve talked about bllk otoya meeting hollyhock otoya but imagine PURSUIT otoya meeting hollyhock otoya he probably bursts into tears because at least heā€™s living his cool ninja life SOMEWHERE
YUKIMIYA SUPREMACY ALWAYSSS i had sm fun coming up with everyoneā€™s little nicknames (barouā€™s being the ā€œnever-championā€ because he never actually got to challenge mr mikage vs readerā€™s being the ā€œreluctant championā€ because she never even wanted to be champion in the first placeā€¦did somebody say #siblinggoals šŸ˜œā‰ļø) and the king of kalos just rolls off of the tongue sooo well especially because his mentor is chris PRINCE like come on now!! pls pokĆ©mon au tabiektaken are basically the epitome of their miraverse dynamic like itā€™s how i would write them if i were in charge of the manga HAHAHA theyā€™re so funny together
PLSS i respect you sm for that because itā€™s such a double edged sword like on the one hand i love making my silly posts and having my followers and mutuals react but on the other iā€™m always afraid a post will break containment and reach the wrong audiences because some people are BRUTAL šŸ˜­ but if you do ever decide to become tumblr active trust i will defend you from any hate šŸ¤«šŸ«” canā€™t say the same for twitter because i donā€™t have an account nor tik tok because people on there are a different brand of terrifying but i can tussle w some tumblr trolls if needed!!
yeah i def think tullireo will have that togetullia from pi vibe!! like thereā€™s very obviously something going on and itā€™s mentioned now and again but readerā€™s relationship with nagi / search for barou are much more forefront so itā€™s not at all the main focus!! with such an expansive story though itā€™s so important imo to have more relationships than just the main pairing otherwise things fall flat and/or the main pairing can almost feel out of place?? like why are yā€™all falling in love when NO ONE else is šŸ˜­ā‰ļø
otoya bawling over the loss of his otp meanwhile karasuā€™s like ā€œthere there buddy itā€™ll be okay plenty of other girls out there anyways whatā€™s an otp šŸ™‚ā”ā€ HAHAH heā€™s the dad with 0 clue of modern slang or anything also wait this reminds me of a specific exchange nagi and reader have during the aegislash arc where nagiā€™s like ā€œwait i think weā€™ve been isekaiā€™dā€ and readerā€™s like ā€œhow do you know what that isā€ and nagiā€™s just like ā€œoh reo loves reading villainess isekai manhwa on his pokĆ©tch before bed every nightā€ and readerā€™s like ā€œhuh okayā€ and itā€™s never mentioned again LMAOOO
yeahhh thatā€™s exactly isagiā€™s vibe!! along with aikuā€™s a bit but isagiā€™s more mature aiku is like the problematic version of that trope šŸ˜­ isagiā€™s the voice reader hears in her head when she tries to ride her bike inside ykwimā€¦agreed it really does differentiate him from the main cast a bit too much for a romantic relationship between him and tullia to make sense!! especially given heā€™s meant to be barouā€™s contemporary and barouā€™s looked up to as The Big Brother of the story isagi kind of ends up giving off that vibe too šŸ˜© now REO on the other handā€¦otoya and chigiri cooking fr i lowkey love the juxtaposition too where tullia is super motivated and has a dream she wants to accomplish of her own merits whereas reo has everything handed to him but heā€™s only doing things because his family expects him to?? idk could lead to some fun interactionsā€¦plus the first nagi and reader battle (where her houndour uses pursuit on his growlithe) only even happens because she wants to battle for experience but tulliaā€™s already challenged reo so nagiā€™s her only option ā˜šŸ» so if you think about it that kind of foreshadows tullireoā€¦maybe my mind already knew what needed to be done FJSKSKA just like i only noticed the arcanine/houndoom parallels AFTER the fact
that kid is so cocky too imagine he throws out his fucking rattata or metapod and heā€™s like ā€œbeat this šŸ˜œā€ because nobody else on route one has been able to yet and then nagiy/nā€™s daughterļæ½ļæ½ļæ½s just like ā€œok šŸ‘ā€ and out comes aegislashā€¦wait lowkey ykw would be cute is if the bug catcher just becomes her traveling companion after that because of how strong ā€œherā€ aegislash is (i bet after their daughter has enough pokĆ©mon of her own readerā€™s like ok give aegislash back now and train your own team up) like heā€™s like ā€œwoah if i stick with you iā€™ll definitely become more powerfulā€ and ofc nagiā€™s daughter is as nonchalant as he is so she doesnā€™t gaf but then they end up falling in love or smth and having that black cat introvert girl x golden retriever extrovert boy dynamic FJDNFJSKJS omg now weā€™ll have to come up with nagiy/n GRANDCHILDREN lore (unrelated but the thought of nagi as a grandfather is so cursed)
Iā€™M CRYING AT THE IMAGE OF BAROU IN HEAVEN heā€™s definitely one of those baby angels with the trumpets and little white wings but itā€™s just barouā€™s head and massive hair pasted onto it šŸ˜­ and gyarados is just drawn with a massive grin on its face meanwhile mr mikage is just face down on the ground LMAOAOAO and nagi is holding hands with y/n whoā€™s like šŸ™‚ meanwhile nagi is just drawn to be šŸ˜“ imagine the teacherā€™s like why is your father asleep and their daughterā€™s like ā€œhe sleeps a lot šŸ˜„ā€ so the teacher is concerned for the childā€™s welfare?? and that afternoon she pulls up to the nagi household and knocks on the door determined to confront ā€œmr and mrs nagiā€ about how nagiā€™s always sleeping and if their daughter is being cared for properly but when they open the door the teacherā€™s like WHAT THE FUCK because itā€™s y/n l/n and SEISHIRO nagi not just two randoms standing there šŸ˜° safe to say she runs away real quickā€¦i feel like their son being the older of the two is a lot more like barou somehow?? which is crazy because neither nagi nor reader are anything like him but he just takes after his uncle smā€¦i kinda picture him looking like season 1 kiyora actually in the sense that he has a very barou-esque coloring but more of nagiā€™s hair texture šŸ¤” lowkey he probably acts like wicked game kiyora too like always getting into fights (in this case pokĆ©mon battles) and whatnot but also pretty chill (he got the reuniclus because itā€™s a former nagi team member so itā€™s much calmer and holds him back whereas aegislash would def egg him on HAHAHA)
okay wait now iā€™m stealing that for readerā€™s phanpyā€¦itā€™s her second pokĆ©mon/the first she ever catches so imagine she just panics and throws a ball at it and karasuā€™s like bro thatā€™s not going to work lmao but it was actually a quick ball she took from his stash because she didnā€™t have any of her own so it DOES work HAHAHA ofc karasuā€™s like what the hell because he always tries to use quick balls and they never work for him despite being really effective when yayoi and apparently reader use them (maybe he catches gible in one though?? and thatā€™s why he doesnā€™t even need to battle it and is able to capture it while otoya and reader are arguing)
i def had to think about zantetsu for a second but him having an absolute idiot of an abomasnow just fits him so so well lowkey the aesthetics are matched too?? imagine he can mega evolve it eventually HAHAHAH you just see dumbass zantetsu with this enormous mega abomasnow and youā€™re like wait am i cooked?? but then one fire type move and itā€™s out for the count šŸ˜­ pls itā€™s especially funny because reo actually doesnā€™t have any fire types so he has to actively work to beat abomasnow meanwhile arcanine BREATHES and itā€™s gone šŸ˜© zantetsu lucky fr that nagi doesnā€™t gaf abt battling himā€¦wait lowkey yk what would be fun is just a mini arc of like ovas/spinoff chapters?? showing what characters other than reader are up toā€¦maybe one focuses on manshine trio and the reo vs zantetsu rivalry, another shows a day in the life of isagi and gives a bit more characterization to the other elite four candidates (kunigami kaiser bachira) as well as the elite four themselves, another is like aikuā€™s field journal of him getting bullied by pokĆ©mon, another is yukimiyaā€™s contest training, another is hiori like settling a dispute amongst some safari zone pokĆ©mon (or even amongst his team to show the dynamics we talked abt earlier), and maybe even a tabieita one to show what theyā€™re up to when the girls arenā€™t around šŸ¤”
oaeu aiku is lowkey so entertaining to write though i canā€™t even lie he has some HILARIOUS lines i just started the barou version and thereā€™s sm lorenzo slander iā€™m cryingā€¦people canā€™t even get mad because theyā€™re not MY thoughts theyā€™re aikuā€™s!!! thatā€™s why i was able to get away w sae slander hehehe šŸ¤«šŸ¤«šŸ¤« anyways we finally had the dream team of aryu sendou niko and aiku show up as well as the aiku + niko duo getting some screen time so itā€™s been fun šŸ¤©
no because lowkey a character study of noel noaā€™s rise to fame through the eyes of someone whoā€™s known him from the start could lowkey be insane if only i didnā€™t have like ten requests, oaeu, pursuit, and my upcoming 1k event to worry about šŸ˜© not to mention peregrine and hollyhock KFJDJSJS rip to them fr
YAYYYY I LOVED THE GRAPHICS the grey matching nagiā€™s character colorā€¦houndoom being the only splash of color and really standing outā€¦the super neat font (serving barou realness tbh) idk i just really like it itā€™s def not the same vibe as the oaeu one for example but that one def gives ā€œthis is a silly cute crack ficā€ whereas this one you can tell youā€™ll need to lock in a bit to read if that makes sense
ALSO DID YOU SEE THE NEW TRAILER itā€™s looking like weā€™re getting s1 animation again but honestly itā€™s whatever s1 was liveable plus they always do my man nagi (mostly) right so iā€™m chillingā€¦they made otoyaā€™s face and chin SUPER pointy in that one screencap i reblogged but otherwise idm it too much!! KARASU LOOKS SO CUTE Iā€™M SO GLAD HEā€™S FINALLY GOTTEN SCENES i really like his hair actually it looks sm softer and fluid in the anime style vs the manga!! at the end of the day at least we didnā€™t get yona of the dawn-ed like maybe the anime isnā€™t perfect but at least it exists ykwim?? although given how well the manga sells iā€™m surprised they donā€™t put more effort into the animeā€¦anyways šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø
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elliscousland Ā· 7 months ago
thinking about ellis after the blight & after awakening, making a point to dress in mostly black & dark blues. thinking about it being wrapped up in mourning his old life & trying to look more imposing as one of the warden commanders of ferelden. thinking about him wearing the grey warden's crest on one shoulder & the cousland's on the other. examples & thoughts below the cut
i think it's worth noting as well that before origins, his fashion sense was wildly different. during origins, he wore whatever he could find that owuld keep him warm & protected. this is very much an after awakening centric post. closer to inquisition, he works more & more color into his wardrobe & adjusts a few things as well. this is more for that space right after awakening where he is trying to piece himself & his world back together.
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he absolutely makes a point to be some kind of armored when presenting himself publicly. as a rogue, it's usually light armor but it's a very clear statement... he is prepared for danger & will meet it as ready as he can. i think this also partially stems from some level of paranoia - the sentiment that the fight is not over, that there is still work to be done, ect, ect.
i think he also tries to coordinate to look some sort of imposing. he also likes intricate detailing / embellishments on his clothes. during awakening & witch hunt he's a huge mess & visually looks like one, so he feels like there is a lot to make up for. people have seen him falling apart & so he has to throw himself together quick as he can if that makes sense? ( he still often looks like shit from lack of sleep or overall stability, but no one can claim he's got a poor fashion sense lmao )
i have been thinking about ellis' relationship w clothes lately & i think dressing well & being prepared to fight like that is a means of feeling in control when the rest of the world feels out of control. it's an element he can be picky about, an element no one else has any say over unless he allows them to.
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^i could see him wearing something like this w the cousland crest across his chest instead too, just to make a statement. he would probably trade the chainmail out for leather just because it's quieter & more suited to his skills but just that thought of bearing his crest & showing where his heart still is.
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^when he is alone, those priorities shift. if he is not trying to present someone or look prepared forany threats, he usually prioritizes clothes he can move comfortably in. ( he will often keep weapons strapped to his thighs or within reaching distance, but a locked door keeps many threats at bay. enough distance & what will be able to find him? ) things he can ruin. i've made a few posts about this before but ellis likes to get in the woods, go hunting, do things on his own that no one can fuss at him about. in the privacy of his own room or around camp with trusted friends, he might be dressed a little more akin to this.
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^ he's also partial to a green cloak that he's always loved when traveling. it came from highever & he dyed it himself. it's a piece of him that feels as him as anything can be which is sooo vital to him. he's got such a fluctuating sense of self that it feels like a lifeline. it helps, of course, that green is his favorite color. it keeps him warm & hidden in the treeline when he's in the wild. plus, there is a certain satisfaction in wearing something that is his favorite color. not any color associated with his order or his family. it's green. it's his.
he likes having these nods towards the things he has to now stand for, but ultimately there is still this lifeline he can cling to that's been with him over the years. it eventually gets tore up to all hell & no amount of mending can fix it but he keeps a little scrap of it with him even as it falls apart.
also, just for reference here is his overall wardrobe section of his pinterest!
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callsign-rogueone Ā· 8 months ago
Itā€™s been way past 30 mins, but sending anyway just because I love you šŸ’•
Whatā€™s your favorite thing about writing/what got you into writing?
and this response is way past due lol oops
what got me into writing was my middle school friend introducing me to the strange new world of Dr. Who fanfiction. that was a very short-lived phase for me, since I wasn't really into the show, but the idea that I could write about other people's characters just... doing stuff was life changing. literally.
I've made so many friends through fic and fandom since then (love u all) and writing in already-developed worlds has really helped me with my composition skills! I'm very very slowly writing a fluffy but also deeply emotional romance novel on the side that we won't talk about (unless you ask, then I'll tell you everything. I'm actually in love with it, but it needs some spaghetti throwing and accuracy checks before it can go much further, hence why it's on the back burner lol)
my favorite thing about writing... I can't pick one, so here's two (you know how indecisive I am.)
I said this above but the community and the friends I've made!! the social aspect is definitely a big part of it for me. being able to talk about all this and play sandbox with y'all (see my last post lol) is so fun and has helped brighten each one of my days for the last six months (I started writing FW in January. that's wild to think about.) I'd been posting on this blog on and off with diff fandoms and random stuff for years, but nothing has stuck like fourth wing, and that's 1000% because of y'all. muah.
it's an outlet for me personally. this all started with Garrick and Angel, which I honestly didn't think would go anywhere. when I posted it, I told myself I would be happy if it got two likes, because I wrote it for myself -- Angel is me, just in a different universe. she's got chronic pain, anxiety, and a lot of the personality traits I have. and while I promise you I will never assign physical traits to the girls in my writing, since they're a reader insert, and I want all of us girls to be included and be able to "be" Angel, or Darling, etc., I'll admit that Angel is implied to be on the thicker side, since she's me, lmao. but I think it's still neutral enough, since gare is a giant, so he's bigger than any of us. love me a big boi. I want to feel small too, okay šŸ„ŗ
anyway, the idea of having someone like Garrick be there for her through that all is helpful to me. it's a little escape from my current situation, a daydream of sorts, without pretending that I'm healthy or not in pain, but actually acknowledging that and making it part of the story, having Angel have a reason she's in pain all the time -- I say, as I'm laying here, answering asks because I can't sleep because of this mystery illness and the pain it's causing me right now lmao
similarly, and in a combo of both points: hearing from you guys that you feel seen in the girlfriends, or that my work cheers you up, that kind of stuff. seeing that y'all relate to the girls is heartbreaking sometimes, especially the ones that have been through the wringer (honestly, they've all been through the wringer, but you know what I mean -- the more anxious, insecure ones) but also it makes me feel like my thoughts are worth writing down and editing and posting, because people will see they're not alone, and can live that distant, "happy" scenario of a character they love helping them through things they're struggling with in real life.
that's all I have for now, partially because my brain is fried, but also because if I keep talking about this I'll cry.
just know that I love and cherish each and every one of you, you're nor alone, and our boys love you all too. and the girls (I've been neglecting them lately. oops.) anyway, muah (goodnight kiss). go get some sleep, because I'm not going to anytime soon.
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kwiisatz Ā· 1 year ago
š“­ you are going to talk your wild nonsense again. ( from percy lmao ) į° @horiznwlker ā؟ accepting .įŸ Ā 
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paul cannot help the possibilities that flash behind his eyes. his mother is to blame, he expects ā€“ā€“ she, one of the moirai; the decider of fate, clotho. viridescent eyes open only partially to acknowledge the man beside him. percy jackson is stronger than he will ever be able to understand but it can be frustrating, as well. he sees all the paths they will walk, all the paths they have walked; every step and choice and mistake that lead them here, to being friends. the sea beckons, a call from home ā€“ā€“ leaving him feeling sick to see his father again, their little house on the coast ā€“ā€“ and he knows percy feels similarly. 思 I cannot tell if that is an assumption or you are asking me but either way, yes. ā€ it is not something he can control. quite frankly forgiveness should be extended for that which he offers with no explanation when he chokes on his prophesies. the world blurs with every blink of his eyes. 思 I see the sea, percy. and I see gods drowning. ā€ godsĀ  whoĀ  shouldĀ  notĀ  beĀ  ableĀ  toĀ  drown,Ā  theirĀ  lungsĀ  filledĀ  withĀ  brineĀ  untilĀ  theirĀ  nervesĀ  ceaseĀ  writhing. he exhales a groan, hand raised to rub rough circles against his own sternum. his mother's decisions leave him wondering if she were to ever cease to exist, would he have to take her place? last he saw her, she was some grinning phantom, spinning the fate of some mortal whose life would be too short ā€“ā€“ could he ever be that? or will his wild nonsense drive him to madness before then?
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bavarianmillionaire Ā· 2 years ago
So I had the wildest dream lmao. The City-Bayern game was happening in a very very narrow street which made it really hard to do anything well. The only players I recognized were Kimmich and Pavard. The rest seemed to be random individuals (in both teams). For some reason, City's coach was suddenly Cameron Diaz. A lot of handball was happening. Like players were even taking it in their hand and acting like it was basket ball at times. City scored a goal but honestly it shouldn't have counted because no one knew these were supposed to be where the goal was (because it was a very very narrow street and the goal limits for both teams hadn't been set even though the game had started) so Bayern protested but it didn't work. The Bayern boys didn't give up and were trying very hard. In fact the spirit was pretty much "we're not leaving without at least scoring one too/equalizing". In fact, someone pretty much yelled that and it might have been #5. At a point where her team was very disorganized Cameron Diaz orchestrated a distraction that allowed them to position themselves correctly again. Some time after a situation where Pavard seemed to be fighting for his life surrounded by City players (he seemed to be the only one defending or something) and no one giving him solutions for the ball, Kimmich was asking for the ball so Pavard tried to give it to him but it was a bit mishit but luckily Kimmich still ended up getting it but sadly nothing came from it. It, at least partially, was because City's goal limits still hadn't been set so it made it hard to know where to shoot. Yes, City was clearly being advantaged because as I said before their goal happened when none of the goal limits had been set so them scoring was almost an awarded one because it's how Bayern's goal limits were decided. It was like this : some City player shot towards a wall or something and it was goal but Bayern still didn't know where they were meant to shoot because City's goal limits weren't set. Btw the ball seemed to be some kind of foam ball (idk?) and it wasn't even that round and at times seemed very very small and almost flat. City almost scored a second goal. At some point, Kimmich started to sing and everyone stopped to listen. He may or may not have also been playing the guitar. Some seemed surprised he could sing. Then I woke up. The game wasn't over when Kimmich sang (I don't think) so who knows how it ended for Bayern after that but City were still leading by a goal.
See very wild, right ? I hope I didn't just somewhat predict how the game is gonna go with this City leading by a goal stuff though.
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anon there's so much to unpack here..... i don't know where to start. i'm staying with jo suddenly starting to sing in the middle of a game and everyone staring in awe <3
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vacantgodling Ā· 1 year ago
ā„, šŸ”„, šŸŒˆ, and ā˜€ļø for the ask game !!!
thank you henrike i hope ur doing well šŸ’›
ā˜€ļø Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
ough since iā€™m writing paramour ig iā€™ll answer for that wip and itā€™s basically just the actual lengthy overly flowery and descriptive prose has actually been so much fun for me. i should write all my wips like this (i canā€™t bc it doesnā€™t fit the vibe of every story so i wonā€™t but ough i love it)
ā„ļø Snow - Who is your coldest / most stoic character and how do they express themselves (if at all)?
i very much enjoy making stoic characters so i do have several of different varieties. the MOST stoic characters would probably be
jenna magboo (jenna the reaper): because she has flat affect and she has no intonation in her voice whatsoever (until yehna partially possesses her). she usually expresses herself through her actions and sheā€™s very physically affectionate with people she likes. her and carlos hold hands and cuddle quite often and she tends to cling onto peopleā€™s clothing as a means of showing care.
rosmarin ā€œredā€ (red death & the oracleā€™s favor): our lovely mc who has severe trauma and thus has an extremely difficult time expressing her emotions. she doesnā€™t tend to show her feelings because showing emotions makes her have physical panic attacks. she does grow a bit better at expressing them through getting closer to hel but sheā€™ll always probably be awkward.
kalifia fandel (tcol): she doesnā€™t express emotions mostly because being [redacted] she is not familiar with the range of emotions that terraneans feel or can express. she comes across as cold and heartless but sheā€™s honestly very, very neutral about most things. the only thing she expresses any emotion towards for a long time is flowers. she likes them and presses them in notebooks. but other than that she has no interest in being palatable to others because that would impede her mission regardless.
tomb (the graves we dug): similarly to kalifia, tomb is a man bound by duty. being a bounty hunter, attachments get you killed or the other party killed and itā€™s better to simply detach yourself from all things. he thinks graves and dove are in their predicament because they both care too much. this being said, he isnā€™t completely cut off from his emotions. heā€™s just very good at repression and restraint. in another life (his youth) he used to be very expressive and still could be if he chose to. so itā€™s less that he canā€™t express care or himself, he just doesnā€™t.
šŸ”„ Wildfire - Who is your most emotional character and why?
oh god i have a Lot of emotional characters but letā€™s see if i can narrow it down to my beacons of emotional range:
marco azarola etxebarria (vdtrt): he just has a zest and zeal and love of life, literal ray of sunshine who can draw virtually anyone into his orbit. probably the biggest extrovert of all the vlad protection squad (runner ups being awilda and darren respectively). heā€™s one of those who doesnā€™t let his circumstances damper his vibe. +weed helps LMAO.
piper fairwind & san dearborn (tcol): yeah these two but in opposite directions. piper is similar to marco except itā€™s somewhat more internal. she feels everything intensely as sheā€™s only had herself to rely on for much of her life and in turn she had to become her own advocate, her own cheerleader, her own parent etc. itā€™s an attitude born out of necessity perhaps. for san itā€™s the opposite because she was constantly spurned and pushed to the side so she had to fight for what little respect she could get. because of that they tend to run hot tempered and take things that may just be jokes too seriously;;; especially when either of them are with each other emotions are WILD and all over. i just know someone out there is going to ship them and lemme just say, i understand.
thei (god eater): itā€™s a bit of a cheat to put him here but itā€™s true. being the last god eater, thei has access to the entire combined consciousness of the singularity within him; so thats hundreds of thousands of emotional ranges potentially at any given moment. heā€™s kind of like an extreme empath LMAO. he actually tends to be more stoic to try and regulate these intense emotions, however when they get the better of him and he cries, his emotions literally can destroy the entire world basically. itā€™s why itā€™s a good thing he has taj to help him bc tbh he was barely holding on before taj came into his life.
šŸŒˆ Rainbow - What do you think makes your story unique / stand out?
round this out with paramour again but tbh i feel like the entire premise and the style iā€™m going for is sort of a slight modernization of types of gothic adjacent stories we havenā€™t really seen in books the past some odd years. also the fact that itā€™s got an all black cast for the subject matter and themes is definitely different!
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lovemari Ā· 2 months ago
For apocalyptic themes I usually prefer outside threats like zombies or other creatures, it's easily one of the best ways to break off relationships during a stressful moment and create a general distrust of other humans too. But I'm also a big fan of cyrogenic winter themes, though in that theme, it would (i assume) be easier to rebuild the society.
I know about Unit 731. But there are a lot more interesting experiments out in the wild, I spent some time reading the final conclusions written about them. Did you know even daily things you do, products you buy and things you desire are somehow related to the primal part of your brain? We never completely got over the primal side. Why do you think zombies and such human-but-not creatures scare us more than the others? The horror industry uses our primal brain to make money just like most other markets. Even the advertisement you see daily has something in it. I could explain it all to you sometime. I spend so long researching this topic.
Do you own that one extreme violence mod? I can't remember what they named it... I'm like a boomer when it comes to technology and video games, ironically. -šŸ«€
im not too familiar with apocalyptic themes i wont lie, but i do understand what u mean by the interest of humans ā€œturningā€ on each other. i dont know much about cryogenic winters (i actually just looked it up LMAO) but like winters so catastrophic that it collapses society ? (i could be wrong but thats how i understood it when i read about it ^^)
i do partially know about that stuff ! i took a psych class and we touched on it a bitā€¦ but not too much. ive always been quite interested in the psychology of horror, though i am a huge horror fan myself. iā€™m not even sure what attracts me to horror, i think part of me just likes being scared lolol. i would also love to hear what u know about that stuff ! especially cause i can see ur quite passionate about that topic :3
i do have it installed ! it is literally just called extreme violence too (very descriptive name i suppose) i also have a few others by the same creator, lifeā€™s drama and another i donā€™t remember the name toā€¦
iā€™m assuming u dont play many games then ? iā€™m also quite curious of who u are so im trying to pick up clues hehe
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astyrluna Ā· 1 year ago
im boutta load up bg3 but first i gotta get some thoughts abt my tavs backstory out lmao
as you may know my tavs name is astyr and hes based on the oc thats my minecraft skin, so cuz of that i gave him the outlander background. but ofc the game offers you dialogue choices based on being baldurian and i have selected some of them SO im gonna say his parents were those off the grid, isolationist types. didnt trust other people, hated towns and cities. for the first few years of his life he was raised out in the wilds, only taught what was necessary for survival, hunting and fishing for food, building tools and shelter from scratch. but, he was always a curious kid, and even tho his parents forbade him from approaching other people, he would occasionally see travelers or adventuring parties down by the river he liked to fish at
astyr overheard a LOT of these people talking abt baldurs gate, which ofc piqued his curiosity, and eventually while tryna eavesdrop on an interesting conversation abt magic and sorcery vs. wizardry, he got spotted. now obviously this was a dirty, ratty little feral tiefling kid, so they assumed hed been abandoned and offered to bring him back to the city. and, well, these people were nice, and his parents were mean, and he wanted to know more abt the city but he could never find out how to get there, so he agreed
im thinkin that these adventurers ask his name, and he has no idea what a name even is, and these people are devastated. how long has this kid been out here??? and then he says his parents always called him "you" or "child" or "boy," are those names? and these adventurers are like "what the fuck??? kid are you okay???"
ANYWAY astyr is brought to baldurs gate and set up at an orphanage or smth (im not that far into the game idk if theres actually an orphanage or anythin actually in baldurs gate) and holy shit, this kid now has access to books. this kid learns fast, and as soon as he grasps the basics of reading hes basically teaching himself. its around this time he also discovers hes a sorcerer, and has a propensity for thunder/lightning magic, and starts teaching himself how to be a storm sorcerer! and also picks out a name for himself. he just thought it sounded nice
he eventually leaves the orphanage or wherever he was brought to and starts just livin out on the streets of baldurs gate, sneaking into school classrooms to learn whatever he can whenever he can and spending most of his time in libraries and whatnot, while slipping back out into the wilds to hunt for his own food and spending most nights sleeping in trees. hes just out here bein a forest cryptid and masquerading as a normal lower city kid, and by the time hes in his late teens its only partially acting. hes like a weird mix of feral wild-man and street-smart urchin, and is all the while honing his magic. and lemme tell ya hes a damn good sorcerer. hes not famous or well known, hell, basically only other ppl living on the streets know who he is, but he ended up being the go-to guy for magic stuff if you have no way to pay. just give him smth to eat or a potion or smth and hes down to do whatever
ALSO cuz hes a tiefling he obvs faced all the discrimination that tieflings face, so most of his social interaction was with other tieflings. hes pretty connected to tiefling customs, culture and history and takes pride in himself and his people
last thing, cuz he is p much a self insert, hes my age (24 almost 25) and this actually makes him one of, if not the youngest of the group? like, the only one i could see as being around that young as well would be shadowheart. maybe karlach too, depending on how young she was when she was sent to zariel, but i read her as being late 20s-early 30s anyway. so this rag tag group of adventurers on their way to save the world has inadvertently made the youngest member of their group the de facto leader. like ofc astyr is still a grown ass man but almost the entire rest of this group are in their mid-30s at the youngest, and yet this 25 year old is the one in charge while out adventuring. and while hes GOOD at it but he does still have his moments that remind the others that hes the youngest of them. idk i just find that whole dynamic interesting and kinda funny
...to get a bit angsty for a sec, one of these "he really is the youngest of us" moments was the reaction to kar'niss' pleading after astyr convinced him to walk into the shadows (based on my own negative reaction to that moment). that slightly smug smirk of satisfaction from outsmarting and avoiding a fight drops from his face in a second, ears lowering and tail freezing, and for the first time since the companions met him, astyr pales. he seems to snap out of his funk when the harpers speak to them again, and he goes onwards like everything is normal, but his tail still isnt moving. normally, it sways when he walks, flicks like a cats when hes content, idly wraps around the ankles of whoever hes standing closest to, but no, its just been dragging limply behind him ever since. and sometimes, in the silence and the darkness, he gulps, and shivers, and if theyre listening carefully, his breaths shake. and while he talked the toll keeper into killing herself with no problem, when the party was on the roof and spotted the drider and his caravan again, now shadow creatures, they all saw him freeze for a moment, but only astarion, who was stood in front of him to shoot the creatures all down from the edge of the rooftop, saw the shine of welling tears, the obvious signs of reliving that memory, in his eyes
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padawansuggest Ā· 2 years ago
Okay 1: I have been informed that your nose has erectile tissue in it which idk fully what that means and Iā€™m afraid to google it but I did have multiple fun times with a vibrator on my nose. One of which caused massive sneezing it was wild.
And 2: I found a life hack for people with salivary gland stones. Now. When I say I have salivary gland stones. I mean that the ENT doc looked at my CT scan and said heā€™d never seen so many stones in a single gland before, much less all of them. So that was at least 100 in there at once. Most of the time you donā€™t even notice passing a stone, half the time I wake up and go ā€˜why I got hard rice in my mouth?ā€™ And spit it out, and then 4 hours later I realize that was a stone.
So. Because of this, I am unfortunately prone to infections. And they fucking HURT. Cause they start when a stone gets stuck in one spot and blocks a duct, which causes swelling as the stone keeps saliva from leaving that duct.
So then that causes an infection. But. Iā€™m not sure if I had an infection this time, because while I was crying about wanting to sleep but being unable to lay down lest my mouth swell like crazy, I remembered I have one of those plane pillows that connects with a clasp.
Now, I know how to use a plane pillow. People think itā€™s to cushion the back, itā€™s actually to keep your head off your chest and shoulders so you donā€™t hurt your neck. Youā€™re not supposed to cover the back of your neck so the opening goes there. Which is why I have one with a clasp so it doesnā€™t get pushed off.
So I started off sitting up partially just enough not to swell with the neck pillow and my eye/ear covers on. I have to use those or I wake up mega easily and startle bad. I have never in my life slept without eye covers and realizing I can cover my ears too this past few months has been a godsend. Not for my hair tho my hair looks horrible whenever I wake up lmao.
So eventually I realized Iā€™m too uptight to sleep so I sunk down a little. This put pressure on the gland that was swollen. I then realized that even tho I hate the pressure, the throbbing when I stopped leaning that cheek down was much worse, so I laid like that putting pressure on my gland, and sorta doing a stimmy rocking thing I do with my right hip that helps me fall asleep.
Which created, not just pressure, but shifting pressure. After about 10 minutes of doing this I felt. A pop. A FLOOD of saliva that tasted very gross (meaning itā€™s old) and then a rapid relief of the pressure.
It also felt like someone had punched me in the face there and it hurt a lot so I got pain killers cause OUCH. Anyways, Iā€™m not actually sure if I dislodged the stone but I sure as shit dislodged the built up saliva behind it.
So. Thatā€™s my thing. Apparently if you have salivary gland stones and the vibrator on the face isnā€™t cutting it, firm pressure with a plane pillow and light movement will pop it out or open in about 10 minutes flat. I wish I knew this yesterday. I am now wide awake even tho I was so exhausted earlier I wanted to cry. I have NOT slept much in the past day, I threw up yesterday, I have had multiple fevers in the past day, and I still feel like someone backhanded me in the jaw.
But you would be SHOCKED to realize that I feel infinitely better than earlier when I literally wanted to cut my own head off.
So I get salivary gland stones and I woke up (after a couple days of a sort of lock jaw on the right side so Iā€™ve been expecting this sorta) full body fever going on (that instantly calmed the minute I sat up I fucking wonder why) head in so much pain and right jaw hinge area swollen af. I wanted to kill myself then and there. I got those feelings out with some very sad pathetic wet cat texts to my sis and gf. That helped.
But then just as I pulled out said device (it has only been used on my face itā€™s otherwise not interesting enough) my sis reminds me to put a vibrator on my face. Lol she knows this dance.
So Iā€™m sitting here getting bored af with a vibrator on my face which is genuinely helping, but boredom means move the hands so eventually the vibe is on my nose.
Let me tell you right now. It feels like my gums are teething and this shit IS helping. So I think vibrating kids teethers should be a thing lol.
Anyways. Stick a vibrator on your nose. It feels so good and idk why. It feels brain rattling. A light and soothing lobotomy scramble to get you through the day. Do it. Vibe up the nose. Youā€™ll meet god one way or another why not be on your terms?
This message is brought to you by the fave that I feel like there are worms controlling my thought.
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stregoniconiconii Ā· 2 years ago
For the friendship ask thing: stobin with the numbers of 6, 9, and 13
6. A scene with them that I want to rewrite/change in some way
okay not gonna include volume 2 bc. my ass still hasn't watched it lmao I thinkkkkk honestly you know that scene in s3 when Steve and robin have just fallen over while tied together and robin goes on a monologue about how much Steve sucked in high school? im sure itā€™s super important for her journey and everything but yeah my Steve girl tendencies reveal themselves bc. my mans Just got tortured and robin is like ur an asshole bc u didn't know I existed </3 again I think itā€™s a good scene regardless and it opens up a lot of stuff like putting down robinā€™s relationship with acceptance and establishes her Steve obsession <3 and stuff but im like. kicking my good friend Steve while heā€™s down (as in literally in the aftermath of torture) I dont blame robin for this tho I think I mostly just want a scene where Steve isnā€™t like constantly being reminded of how much he sucked </3
9.Ā Would I change anything about their friendship?
nothing they are perfect <3 altho maybe in canon they need to like. stop lowkey being enablers for cheating lmaoo still wild to me that robin wasnā€™t like bestie. what is happening here with this Nancy thing? bc dudeeee cheating is just too cringe. I blame this mostly on the duffers tho. halfway convinced the upside down spores made them insane (dustin is just like that tho)
13.Ā What I think would have happened if they never metĀ 
I made myself sad for a second imagining Steve facing down the Russians alone but then remembered that they probably wouldnā€™t have figured out the Russian code without robin so that is one less concussion for Steve!!! (jk he probably gets one anyway when they fight the mind flayer bc duh lmao) other plot stuff hmmmmmm they probably wouldn't have found Eddie so quickly in s4 bc the only reason Steve got the family video job was bc of robin convincing Keith/Kevin (can't remember his name lol) and dustin and max wouldnā€™t have gone there if Steve wasnā€™t there soooo besides that I think. hmm Steve would still be feeling friendless..he got in good with the ladies partially bc of robinā€™s advice so he would be super bitchless....robin would still only be out to herself and no one else....I think they would just be lonely :(( like theyā€™d be technically fine, life would move them along, but I think the type of friendship they have would remain elusive to them..like one of robinā€™s biggest struggles in rebel robin is finding a friend that is really ride or die and like. sheā€™ll definitely make friends that are important once she goes off to college and she becomes more and more herself but itā€™s also. theyā€™ll never fulfil the maybe a little childish dream of friendship where they stick with you through thick and thin, understand you completely mindmeld sort of stuff :(( and Steve wouldnā€™t find his calling of ultimate lesbian supporter until later in life (itā€™s his destiny so itā€™ll still happen tho) anyway so yeah. technically fine but still a part of them longing for the true friendship that they have <3
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noxiousgrace Ā· 3 months ago
You have no idea how many times I've imagined krs to that song šŸ˜­
"Watch that old fire as it flickers and dies,
That once blessed the household and lit up our lives.
It shone for the friends and the clinking of glasses.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes"
This verse reminds me of the cataclysm in Korea and the 20 year old war in krs' and og!cales world respectively. (We still don't have a name for that planet šŸ˜­ it's literally nameless 1)
But it can also be correlated to kim rok soos curse, any warmth in his life has been put out by tragedy after tragedy.
Og!cale was also unfortunate enough to be the last one standing. The survivors guilt with these two goes absolutely insane šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­
"Capture the wild things and bring them in line
And own what was never your right to confine.
The lives and the loves and the songs are what matters.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes."
I feel like the first 2 lines here could be words meant for the white star, and his holy fucking crusade into ruining the entire world .
And the 3rd line is krs AND cale stating their beliefs. Krs always insists on the fact that staying alive is best and og!cale values the love he has for his family, both of them would do anything for life and love respectively. (Honestly krs would go far for love too, but he hasn't been able to hold onto it long enough, to be confident that he could put everything on the line for it. Until he transmigrated of course, now he has hope that he can hang onto it so it's more on the forefront)
"Do you feel heavy? Your eyes drop with grief.
Your spirit is wild and your suffering is brief.
So never you buckle and bend to the masses.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes"
To be honest, I've always connected this verse to raon. Especially how KRS perceives him, going back to the time he first saved raon: The dragon had been tortured for 4 years, and ready to kill himself in order to escape just a few days after krs saved him. contrary to how he (krs) gave up when he was being abused, the little dragon still had fire in his eyes, which was a relief to krs. (Sobbing, every time we get snippets of his previous life i die inside, i love this poor bastard so much)
The third line could corrolate to krs!cale nurturing every child that he adopts. He taught raon to be a DRAGON, he helped lock become the WOLF KING, etc. etc.
And the last line is his continued self sacrifice (when you said it fits that this line is after every verse, YOU WERE SO FUCKING RIGHT šŸ˜­)
"Get round the fire with a glass of strong ale
And tell us a story from beyond the pale.
Bury some seeds and expect some strong branches.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes"
Okay so i had to look up what beyond the pale means, and it basically means something unacceptable.
The first two could be cale and krs bottling up their trauma. Krs didn't open up until he met lsh and cjs,(i think? Because choi jung soo knew that krs lost everything when his memories were being transferred to choi han) and they probably had to literally sit around a fire since korea was pretty much flattened to the ground, except for a few safe zones,after the cataclysm
As for og!cale, he could've sat with the rest of the soldiers before the battle. He opened up to krs as well which i thought was nice (even if it was partially out of necessity)
The third line is cale picking up munchkins on the way to his slacker life LMAO he's gonna have an empire before he gets to rest istg šŸ˜­
"Now show me a man that can meet all his needs,
For what we need most now is unity's seed:
A common old song for all creeds and all classes.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes."
I feel like this verse fits a lot more if you look at it in a different light, i interpret the first line as a rhetorical question, "show me a man that can meet all his needs, go on, you can't" because nobody can fully sustain themselves without the other
And this makes the line apply to everyone in tcf that much more, nobody we've seen so far has been able to survive and accomplish things all on their own. Even in a collapsed society, which krs had to live in for 16 years, everyone was still grasping at the people around them to ensure their survival. While krs is independent, he would've truly burned himself to ashes if he didn't have anybody who even slightly cared about him along the way. His emotional independence is such a facade, he's so weak to affection it hurts me šŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ he's been deprived of so much, i wanna cry
The second and third line also corrolate to the collapsing worlds krs and og!cale had to live in. Unity was desperately needed against the monsters in korea, and the white star.
Survival is the common old song the third line is talking about, if TCF is the context we're seeing it in šŸ˜­
And again, the last line of the verse, their self sacrifice continues
"I'll tend to the flame..."
Krs and cale both maintaining their determination for a better future
"What will we do when the world it is ending,
And time it is halted for friend and for foe?
Try to hold on to the time as it passes.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes.
I'll tend to the flame; you can worship the ashes."
I don't have a very deep analasys for this verse specifically, but both krs and cale have tasted the end of the world. Unlike cale, krs has another chance to save everything from ruin. (But, in all fairness, he never had a chance to save korea.)
Them trying to hold on to the time as it passes can be interpreted as them doing their absolute best to preserve the different parts of their lives that keep them sane šŸ˜­
Aaand the self sacrifice continues with the last lines.
That was my analasys of the connection between ashes and TCF, thank you for coming šŸ¤šŸ¤
Kim rok soo is so Hozier - it will come back
Kim rok soo is so Hozier - through me (the flood)
Kim rok soo is so Hozier - nobodys soldier
Kim rok soo is so Hozier - All Things End
Kim rok soo is so The longest Johns - Ashes
Kim rok soo is so Frank sinatra - My way
Kim rok soo is so Ado - readymade (english cover by trickle)
Kim rok soo is so Radiohead - just
Kim rok soo is so Depeche mode - Enjoy the silence
Guys i think about Kim rok soo often
Idk if you can tell
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strideofpride Ā· 3 years ago
The point about teen dramas and the problem with reality ensuing past high school got me thinkingā€¦ In the context of Gossip Girl, what do you think would have been more plausible/realistic post-high school storylines for the characters? Because obviously in the OG show things got fucking WILD lmao. I do wonder if without the writers strike/the shift towards Chuck/Chair it might have been possible to keep things at least tonally consistent with season one post-high school, or if itā€™s something they would have struggled with anyway. I do feel like itā€™s less implausible for the characters to have more of their dreams fulfilled/better life outcomes on a show like Gossip Girl if only because of the extreme wealth inherent to the premise, but they definitely stretched the pretty generous suspension of disbelief I was already giving them lol
Oh this is a great ask!
First of all, yes I agree, the elite kids of the Upper East Side are going to have a better chance at their dreams then the lower/middle class kids of Lima, Ohio. (That being said, you're right, GG still pushed it far beyond any rational suspension of disbelief)
-Okay, let's say Bart still dies. Chuck inheriting his shares - sure, totally plausible. Chuck getting to run the company at 18? Fuck no! Chuck would have to go to undergrad and probably have to get a MBA as well, and then work his way up the C-suite a la Kendall Roy before finally getting the keys to the castle in his 30s or so.
-Blair also would have to complete college (and she is so the type to go to grad school too let's be real) before landing any sort of dream job she would want. I can definitely see her working her way up the ladder at Vogue and taking over for Anna Wintour one day, but that would take years, if not decades of work.
-As followers of the blog know, Spectator!Nate is not my Nate! It's not even just about him getting handed a newspaper at 20, the Nate of s1-4 had no interest in journalism whatsoever or wearing a suit every day of his life. Anyway, I could see a world where Nate just kinda coasts through college, and then lives off his trust fund or something while he figures out what he actually wants to do. (I am partial to social worker!Nate but I do think it would take him a lot of character development that the show would be uninterested in doing to get him to that point).
-I mean this is in s1, but Dan getting published in the New Yorker at 16? Come on now. Dan getting a book published at 20 somehow without his consent? Also, come on now. I can see Dan completing undergrad then getting his MFA, and then getting a literary agent in his mid-20s or so, through Lily connections or professor connections or something.
-While Serena actually somehow has the most realistic path of all of them (production assisting /publicity don't require college degrees, plus Serena already had connections and the It Girl status), I still think she is someone who four years of college would do a lot of good. So I would have her graduate college first, before then moving out to LA and getting that PA job, and working her way up the ladder to producer or something that way.
Basically, I think they should've stuck with the college storylines! And, yeah, I think a big reason of why they didn't is because of Chuck and his mainpain and his whole "I'm gonna be a businessman at 18" nonsense.
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