#and Toph’s sign says ‘DUH!’
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dragonbonez · 2 years ago
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And what’s the first thing I do after finishing finals? Indulge in a little meme redraw of my favorites. 💚💛
Honestly Aang is going to be right there with Toph for these mugshots. The guy went to prison and made friends with all the other prisoners like it was nothing! That and I’m sure whatever they did was probably Toph’s idea and worth it.
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sukifans · 4 years ago
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⏎ MASTERLIST // part VI « VII. just friends :) » part VIII
SUMMARY: you’re a premed student at BSSU and you thought it’d be a good idea to take a latin class, but you’re in way over your head here. good thing your buddy sokka knows a classics major in your section you can study with.
WARNINGS: language
She really, really tried not to show how nervous she was. It would be stupid to be nervous, after all — it’s not a date, regardless of what her friends say. Besides, they had hung out alone before, even if only to study Latin. Friends meet up and get dinner and see movies together all the time. Toph and Suki and everyone else were just projecting what they wanted to happen. Surely if Zuko had intended to ask her on a date, he would simply and clearly ask her on a date. Surely.
The car ride to the pizza joint near the theater they’d decided on for dinner was mostly music-filled silence punctuated by some awkward small talk. She hoped he wouldn’t notice how often she had to covertly wipe the sweat off her palms on her pants. He was anxiously tapping his thumbs on the steering wheel as he drove, wishing he could think of something to say to break through the palpable tension. Even as he racked his brains, nothing came up. He let himself zone out to the sound of her soft humming from the passenger seat and stole glances over at her every so often. Maybe by some miracle he’d be a master at the art of conversation by the time they made it to the restaurant. Unlikely, but not entirely impossible.
“You know I have to pay for your ticket now, right?” she said, eyeballing him as he added a tip and signed the receipt for the dinner he’d insisted on covering.
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m paying tonight.”
“Don’t be ridiculous. I’m paying tonight.”
“You don’t be ridiculous,” she scoffed. “You don’t need to do that.”
“I want to,” he assured, bumping against her side as they left the restaurant and headed in the direction of the theater. “Besides, princesses don’t pay for anything.” He grinned at the way her nose scrunched.
“You would know,” she quipped. He rolled his eyes to draw attention away from his nervous blush when she linked their arms together and leaned into him.
“Why do they call you that, anyways?”
She pursed her lips and willed the aggressive heat rising to her cheeks to settle down. “They say I’m high maintenance,” she lied.
He frowned. “That’s kind of mean. For what it’s worth, I don’t think you’re high maintenance.”
“Thanks, Zu.”
They continued to chat lightheartedly as they walked up to the theater building and, after a bit of arguing and shoving to get to the card reader first at the ticket stand, (Y/N) begrudgingly accepted that Zuko would not be letting her pay that night. She held out hope that maybe she could sneakily buy something from the concession stand before he noticed. As they approached the counter, an employee ringing people up caught her eye. He was familiar, but she couldn’t quite put her finger on why. The feeling kept getting stronger as she and Zuko approached his register.
“Oh, hey, Zuko,” the guy said once she and Zuko were in front of him.
“Hey, Haru.” Ah, Haru! She and him had had a few classes together in the past and sent lecture notes back and forth. “How have you been?”
“The usual, work and school.” Haru shrugged. “You?”
“Pretty much the same,” said Zuko. “Do you know my friend (Y/N)?” Haru looked over to her and gave her a soft smile.
“Actually, yeah. We’ve been in a few lectures together. What’s up? Haven’t seen you this semester.”
“Oh, you know... the usual,” she chuckled nervously. “You and Zuko know each other?”
“We went to high school together,” he said.
“It seems like everyone at BSSU went to high school together,” she said and Haru nodded.
“Most people that went to our school ended up here, honestly. But hey, I don’t wanna keep you guys from your movie. Can I get you something?”
(Y/N) had nearly tackled Zuko in order to pay for their snacks before he could, making Haru laugh. When she met his eyes, she felt warmth flood to her cheeks.
“Thanks, Haru,” she said, looking away quickly.
“Yeah, for sure. Have a good time, guys.” As she started to turn away, he leaned forwards to catch her attention. “It was nice seeing you again, (Y/N); I’ve kinda missed you copying off my notes in class. We should go out for coffee or something sometime.”
Well... that was unexpected. She was so surprised by the request that she didn’t notice the way Zuko stiffened, muscles in his face flexing as he clenched his jaw. Haru did, however, and shot him a confused look that was met with narrowed eyes. Blinking quickly, she recovered and sent him a smile.
“Yeah, that’d be fun,” she said.
“Great!” Haru said. “I’ll talk to you later, then. See you guys around.”
“Have a good shift!” she chirped. Zuko merely grunted and nodded towards Haru in acknowledgement before walking towards the theater with (Y/N). Now she noticed the tension in his posture and nudged him with her shoulder. “What’s wrong?”
“You sure? You’re acting weird now.”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just tired.” She frowned and stopped just outside the entrance to the theater. He paused too when he saw she wasn’t following.
“Do you not want to see the movie anymore? We can go home if you want.”
“No, I said I was fine. Let’s go.” He turned to leave and huffed when she didn’t move.
“Zuko,” she said pointedly and he felt his cheeks go pink. If he would’ve just plainly told her this was supposed to be a date, this wouldn’t have happened. It wasn’t her fault he was a jealous idiot.
He sighed. “I promise it’s nothing. It’s just a little jarring seeing people from high school because... well, I wasn’t a very good person back then. I don’t like to remember it.”
Her expression softened. “Sorry, Zu. I didn’t realize.”
“You don’t have anything to be sorry for. You’re right, I was acting weird.” He held his hand out to her and she took it gladly. “C’mon, we have a movie to watch.”
“If it means anything to you,” she whispered as they looked for their seats, “I think you’re a very good person now.” His pulse jumped at her words as she squeezed his hand.
“It means a lot, (Y/N),” he responded, giving her a small smile that she returned.
When they finally left the theater a few hours later, Zuko made sure their clasped hands were in plain sight as (Y/N) waved goodbye to Haru.
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A/N: hi guys!! it’s been a while, i know :/ i was going through a big slump and this chapter was giving me a lot of problems for some reason. i’m still not thrilled with it, but i wanted to get something out for y’all! thank you so much for being patient with me as i adjusted to moving back to my college town and starting classes and work again, so many of you were so very lovely and supportive and it made the slump easier to worm out of eventually. and i made a gif! :D anyways!! hope you enjoyed this update and as always feel free to send an ask or reply! for tag requests i prefer asks so i can keep track of them easier without getting lost in my notifs :^) also sorry about no read more cuts, every time i try to add one on desktop it won’t let me edit my draft on mobile to fix the formatting :(
TAGS: @theblueslytherin @beifongsss @coconutsaiyan @5sos-wdw @silverreading @the-lva-way @cupofnctea @khaleesi-of-assassins @bloomkings @pyromaniac-olive @lil-lex1 @kyleewrites @cece-lives-here @coldlilheart @royahllty @astralsaf @damianwaynerocks @darkskin-buttercup @emogril @plutaars @duh-dobrik @harajukukitsune @kangaroobunny @harmlessoffering @rosetheshapeshifter @past-2am @welovediaaxx @dailytrashypanda @thenutellabreadsticks @sara5208 @whalerus @fanworrior @andrevvminyrd @travvestys @rosesandpines @cipheress-to-k-pop @lukessimp @justab-eautifulmess @mochminnie @whoevenfrickenknows @asianequation @booksandwonderlands @dekumiya @mothman-juicy-ass @spooky-titties @394pitterpatterpotter394 @rockinearthbending-marauders @kurt-nightcrawler @sifucuteness @degenerationarmy @songofgratitude
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avatraang · 4 years ago
Summary: Their composition is an easy one; as simple as breathing. Toph falls asleep with that knowledge, that their constitution is as set in stone as nature. In the morning, Sokka is still holding her, and it isn’t until he wakes up, complaining about a headache, that Toph detangles herself from his arms. They don’t mention how they wake up; they don’t need to. It’s another constitution that came as naturally as the first. 
[Oneshot. Written for Tokka Week 2020, Day 2. A short story on Tokka through the years, and all the times they serve as the other's constitution.]
Notes: Tokka Week 2020, Day Two! Today's prompts were "Anchor" and "Constitution", but I decided to stick strictly with constitution. Thank you AGAIN to @cats-and-metersticks (who’s probably already tired of me tagging her in these lmao) for beta'ing this fic! I’m gifting this work to her because this was one of her favorites, and she deserves ALL the presents. PLEASE go check out her Tokka fics; you won't regret it!
This is one of my favorite works I've ever written; I hope you enjoy it as much as I do! 
noun: constitution; plural noun: constitutions
1. a body of fundamental principles or established precedents according to which a state or other organization is acknowledged to be governed.
Toph is 23 when Sokka tells her he’s addicted to smoking.
“What, like, weed?” Toph says, lazily rocking back and forth in her chair. The sun is setting; she can feel the warmth leaving her skin. “You know that’s, like, scientifically impossible, right?”
“No, I – how do you know it’s impossible?” Sokka distracts himself, fidgeting with something she can’t see.
“You haven’t heard of the studies?” Toph quirks a brow at him, picking at the nail of her thumb. “Zuko and I were talking about it the other day.”
Sokka snorts. “No wonder you know about it. Zuko told you.”
“The King of Weed!”
“I thought he was the King of the Fire Nation?” Toph smirks, sinking deeper into her chair.
Sokka glares; Toph can’t see it.
“Anyways, we were discussing its side effects and stuff. Apparently, addiction isn’t one of them. At least, not physical withdrawal. Maybe mental. Zuko doesn’t really want to find out.” She turns her face towards Sokka. A part of her wants to reach out and see what the hell he’s playing with. It sounds like metal. “So, you’re not addicted to weed?”
“No. I mean like… actual. Smoking. Nicotine.”
“Actual. Smoking?” Toph turns her head in his direction.
She hears him swallow. The warmth of the sun is gone; now it’s just dark outside. Or, at least, she thinks it’s dark. 
Toph finds herself quickly growing cold. “Huh. Why are you telling me this?”
Sokka stops fidgeting. Toph realizes he must see her shivering, because he shoves his light jacket unceremoniously onto her lap. She considers flipping him off and shoving it back, but it really is kind of cold, so she drapes it around her shoulders and acts like his chivalry is only mildly insulting instead of very pleasing.
“I dunno.” Sokka flicks something open; Toph realizes it’s a box. He closes it again; there’s a striking of a match, and then the stench of a cigarette fills the air. “I think I want to quit.”
Toph sniffs the air; she’s never minded cigarettes. It reminds her of her Earth Rumble days. Dirty men, spilled drinks, horrid language, and awful cigarettes. Still, she’s not stupid; she knows it’s bad for you. Yet, Toph has never been keen on taking away someone’s personal freedoms… even if it’s the right to ruin their own life. “Are you sure?”
She hears him take a drag; she smells the release. “I… yeah.”
“Why are you coming to me about it?” Toph can’t help but ask. “Why not Katara? Or Aang?”
He nudges her with his toe. “Because Katara would’ve been ashamed of me and Aang would’ve been too nice. You won’t coddle me and you won’t give in. I trust you.”
“Alright.” Toph shrugs. “Let’s set some rules in place.”
“Duh.” Toph snorts. “Go get some paper.” She hears Sokka waiver for half a second, doing as she asks. Upon his return, Toph begins to dictate rules for them; every once in a while, Sokka adds his own, until five are scribbled on the parchment. “Alright.” Toph nods. “Now sign it.”
“Sign it?”
“Yeah.”Taking another drag, Sokka does as she asks. Toph follows.
A beat passes. Then, Toph swipes away Sokka’s cigarette just as he’s about to bring it to his lips; the box follows, and she throws it neatly underground, never to be seen again. The smell of his cigarette is carried away by a breeze. Toph can practically feel Sokka’s jaw drop.
“Toph!” Sokka gripes, “what the hell?!”
Toph shrugs, “You’re the one that agreed to this constitution. Welcome to Cold Turkey Duck with Toph.” She grins wickedly at him, standing up to walk inside. “You’re gonna hate it!”
She is shrugging off her day clothes when she realizes Sokka’s coat is still in her possession. Toph considers giving it back, but then, it’s not like he’s gonna pay her for helping him quit. The jacket, Toph figures, is an equal trade.
Click Here To Continue Reading.
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foxy-knowledgeseeker · 4 years ago
Olympic Games AU!
Has this been done before? Probably, but I haven’t seen it, so behold:
Summer Games babies:
- Ty Lee: rhythmic gymnastics. no i do not take criticism. her favorite apparatus is ball. she started on an artistic swimming team with her sisters but then pursued rhythmic gymnastics to get her own identity.
- Mai: tennis. she has good reflexes and good aim. it started as a thing she did as a Rich Kid™ at her parents’ country club, but turned out to be actually really good at it and went pro at 17.
- Suki and the Kyoshi Warriors: artistic gymnastics a la Final Five in 2016. Suki slays on the uneven bars. alternatively, the kyoshi warriors are the whole womens’ soccer team and they strike fear into the hearts of the mens’ teams. i will accept either.
- Toph: greco-roman wrestling, but this is up for debate tbh. currently a male only event, but Toph would say no <3 and do it anyway and she would win. her parents don’t approve. Iroh is her super supportive coach that’s always crouching and clapping on the sidelines in a track suit. he gives her tea from a thermos after every match.
- Katara: surfing. (was going to debut in the 2020 Olympics in Tokyo, so it counts). Katara would take gold no problem. she is most famous for her impeccable flynnstone flip. she’s from a pretty small town and mostly self-taught, so she was the underdog that took the world by storm as an unexpected prodigy. during the games she is featured on a lot of promotional materials and emotional commercials and gets a brand deal with some sort of waterproof sports bandage company.
- Aang: gosh how do you choose for the master of all elements??? at first I thought track & field because he would dominate in sprints and pole vault, but then I thought SKATEBOARDING! (was also gonna debut in 2020). Skater Boy Aang™ has my heart, so this is just the next level. you can’t tell me the inventor of the air scooter wouldn’t compete in olympic skateboarding. he is the olympic team’s golden boy and is also in all the commercials because he is so charming. he’s the guy who signs little kids’ skateboards after events.
Winter Games babies:
- Zuko: ice hockey because it’s aggressive, but he would actually want to do some form of skating. perhaps he’d defy b*tchlord ozai and quit hockey to pursue his dream of figure skating. his long program would be to the Blue Spirit theme from the ballet of Love Amongst the Dragons.
- Azula: also ice hockey, but only because she was better at it than Zuko and b*tchlord ozai liked that. she is definitely the alpha of the team and holds the record for most goals made in the games. she also holds the record for most major penalties. 
- Sokka: short track speed skating. the olympic website says you need “strategy, bravery, and skill” for this event, and if that isn’t Sokka i don’t know what is. his nickname in all the promotionals is “The Boomerang” because of how he slings around the turns of the rink. he is advertised as the “ladies’ man” of the team (you know the type, they always have one) but is actually very awkward in interviews because he is bad at public speaking.
- Kataang (because i love them, they get a Winter Games bonus hc): both are snowboarders. Katara does halfpipe and Aang does big air. they met at the previous winter games, fell in love, and returned to the next games as the power couple to beat. they get interviewed about it on the today show. Katara blows a kiss at the camera for Aang before every run. Aang has “K + A” in a heart on his helmet.
Bonus side characters:
- Jet: fencing
- Longshot: archery, duh
- Smellerbee:  handball
- Haru: sport climbing
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double--plus--good · 5 years ago
I Still Love You - A Zutara Fic, Chpt. 3
What? I’m still writing this nonsense? Duh.
Hope ya’ll like it! I’ve been busy with getting back to work and what not, I’m sorry if I’m late or messy!
Chapter 3
All around them were people laughing and dancing; music played loudly on every street and children were playing games for small prizes or treats. People bartered for beautiful pottery and silk robes and others were lined up for delicious smelling foods of a wide variety. It seemed as though everyone in town had come out for some fun as the team had some trouble maneuvering around the square without running into waves of people bustling through. The Fire Nation capital had become a much livelier place in six years and everyone stared in awe at the sight before them.
“I don’t think I’ve ever seen so many people out at once here!” Exclaimed Aang, looking at every direction with enthused curiosity and awe. “The whole village must be here. There’s so much to do and see. It’s incredible!” The Avatar hopped around each corner they passed, looking into the kiosks and shops with excitement, pointing out various weapons and outfits and instruments he found fun or interesting. Sokka joined behind him, exclaiming everytime he found a new kind of sword or meat he wanted to try. One by one, each member of the group seemed to find a new item that caught their attention and they began to examine various stores for similar objects or foods.
Zuko made his place in a corner where he watched his friends all gawk and amuse themselves with the village’s offerings, smiling at their excitement and taking in the fun from a distance. He leaned against a wall with his arms crossed, laughing when Aang and Sokka would fool around and get chased out of weapon and clothing stores, forcing Suki to stop whatever she was doing to bail them out. He also watched in slight horror but also with some weird pride and amusement when Toph managed to buy out an entire food stand and actually finish everything they had offered.
Most people would think he was making judgement at his friends or sulking to himself while he was abandoned by his group but in reality, Zuko enjoyed watching his friends get into odd or rambunctious shenanigans. He loved to hear them laugh and seeing them dancing around, acting like fools. It brought him some sense of peace within, like they aren’t afraid to be who they are fully and he could be who he was with them. People often took his silence and distance as uncaring or self absorption and many people had difficulty approaching him at first whenever he’d roam outside of the castle. His appearance never helped either as people took his intense stare, closed body language, and muscular build as a sign of aggression. Add on top of it his passionate outbursts and quickness to irritation and he was someone most people tried to avoid as often as they could, but, his team always knew better and never maliciously made him feel like he was soulless or an untamable, destructive force. They allowed him to just be in the same way he does for them. They all balanced one another and brought each other new perspectives and peace of mind. Some, of course, more than others. And because of this and their interactions out in public, many of Zuko’s citizens started coming out more often to greet him in their city. They praised him often and reconstructed their roads and shops so that it was better suited for a lord to walk through.
People became less afraid to ask him questions and for favors when he came out and often offered him gifts when he found solutions or visited them. He always kindly declined which only heightened his popularity with the people. When he could, he’d help in construction or refurbishing and even assisted in their celebration preparations when he could. He was a devoted leader to his people and that was also why his birthday celebrations became bigger and bigger every year. But as the years went by, they saw less and less of him. No one ever took it as malicious or rude behavior but, just like his advisors, many people felt as though he was isolating himself in his work. So when he comes out for the celebrations, they make it a point to make it as grand as possible, hoping that he’d stay longer than the previous ones.
Today, many of the people bustling about only made short interactions with him. A few children had asked him to help them reach items in kiosks and a few grandmothers had asked for his help lifting things into their carts but the others merely bowed or waved happily, respecting his boundaries while he was with the saviors of their nation [as they called them]. It was a little surprising to him as he hadn’t been out in the last few months but he just assumed it was for the preparations. He didn’t mind it at all, though, and enjoyed the time he had to watch over his friends and city.
“So, are you going to just watch people and brood or are you going to at least join me in this shop so I can buy a new robe for the festivities this weekend?” Katara wrapped her arms around one of Zuko’s and smiled up at him. Zuko blinked slowly, snapping out of his gaze enough to look down at Katara and blushing slightly at her smile. She laughed some and pulled him swiftly into the small store that sat beside them before he had a chance to fully snap out of his daze or protest. “You’re a terrible liar so I know you’re going to tell me if I look good in something.”
Zuko followed as best as he could, raising his arm to deflect the clothes that were bashing against his face from above and tripping over loose articles on the floor. He then looked up and blinked in confusion as they ran through the back entrance into another building and out that one’s entrance into another alleyway. 
“H-hey!” he called to Katara, unable to get her attention. “Katara! Where are we going?!”
Katara paid no mind to him and continued towards the edge of the street which led to the surrounding mountain side and forest. She stopped when they got into the shallows of the forest and looked around them before letting his grip go. Zukp placed his hands on his thighs and let out an exasperated sigh. 
“Are we done here? What the hell was that all about?” he managed between sharp breaths. Running wasn’t usually such a problem for him but somehow, being whisked away like that tired him out something fierce. ‘I’ll have to work on my stamina next time’ he thought to himself, waiting for a response from Katara.
Katara looked back at Zuko after a few minutes of silence then collapsed into his chest, panting gently. 
“Woah, woah hey…” Zuko fell against a tree and sunk to the floor, cushioning their fall with his hand. He panted along and looked down at Katara, frowning. “You….you alright?” he managed breathlessly, pushing away some fallen strands of hair against her face.
Katara leaned into his touch and gripped the side of his robe, pulling herself up to his shoulder. “Fine...I’m fine.” She pointed to the water pouch that was strapped to her hips and gestured vaguely. “I was bending while we ran. Holding them down with water whips and ice can be tiring.” She reached up and wiped her forehead up and pushed her hair back. “Your stamina sucks, Zuko.”
Zuko couldn’t help but laugh at her as he leaned his head against the tree, looking up. “Hey, you caught me off guard. I could outrun you any day. I’ve proven it a few times in the past.”
The two laughed softly amongst themselves and managed to catch their breath. 
“I’m sorry I didn’t say anything.” Katara sat up enough so she was face to face with Zuko, their noses almost touching. “I kind of acted on instinct.” She placed a gentle hand onto his chest, brushing off some leaves from his robe. “These guys...they were watching us since we left the palace and kept inching closer to you. I’m pretty sure Suki and Toph noticed them too. One of them started drawing a sword and then more people started looking toward you with something sinister in their look. I didn’t want us to be making a big scene especially while people were so busy around us. I just kind of took off. I figured, if they wanted a fight, they’d have to do it away from civilians.” She paused and looked down in thought. “They didn’t reach us through. Toph and the rest must have noticed and held them back.” She looked back up at Zuko, surprised by his skeptic look.
Zuko raised his brows and took a hold of the hand Katara had placed on his chest. “Are you sure they were going to attack? Not that I don’t trust your judgement Katara but we haven’t had anything like that happen in our city for a long time.”
Katara looked down for a moment and thought, furrowing her brows. She bit her lip softly then nodded, turning back to gaze hard at Zuko. “Definitely. I can’t explain it, but I’m sure they were.”
They sat in silence again as Zuko stared back at Katara with as much intensity as she was and gripped her hand harder. His mind raced to find the next best plan of action but to no avail. He shut his eyes and leaned his head back again, letting go of Katara’s hand and sighing. 
“We’ll have to act carefully. I’m not sure if I want to raise any suspicion in my court especially if they’ve been there since we left. They could be spies and acting under the guise of a soldier or servant.” 
Katara nodded and rested her head against his shoulder again, her eyes peering to the opening of the forest. “I’ll let the team know when we make it back to the city. Maybe we can come back later in the day or night to check out the area.”
Zuko reached a hand up and began to pet Katara’s hair absentmindedly, staring up at the sky with a soft yet puzzled expression. “That’d probably be a good idea. Who knows how many of them are out there or what they really want. I gotta be honest, I don’t really feel like it’s just me they’re after. Aang’s here, not to mention Toph being a well known general and Sokka being the Ambassador to the Northern and Southern water tribes, I might just be step one.” He felt Katara tense up and slipped his free arm over her waist. “Hey, hey.” he hushed her softly and kissed her head softly, caressing her cheek. “I didn’t mean to worry you like that. Everything will be ok. We’re a tough bunch of kids highly skilled and trained with armies to back us up. We can handle a few idiots with swords.”
Katara sighed and shut her eyes, leaning into the kiss. “I know that. I do. It just gets so exhausting sometimes.” She buried her face into his chest, letting her tension fade away as she melted into him. “We can’t go anywhere without having to be on our guard. It’s so frustrating. And I feel so useless in this. You and Toph have a whole army, Sokka has the trust of both major water tribes, Aang is the freaking Avatar and Suki has a whole squad of warriors and is in line to lead Kiyoshi island.” She made a fist in her hand, staring bitterly ahead of her. “What do I have? A healing clinic? Great. I mean, I’m a powerful bender! I’m the reason the Avatar even escaped the ice and saved the world. I taught him almost everything he knows!” she sighed and turned her head back to face Zuko, her frustration growing into contained fury. “It’s not to say I’m jealous or that I’m not grateful for what I have but I’m rendered useless! Aang won’t even let me go with him on peace missions and Sokka won’t clue me in on any decisions being made for the growth of our nation. Like, what is with them!? I’ve done
Zuko reached his hand to Katara’s chin and pulled it upward so she was face to face with him again, looking deeply into her bright blue eyes.
“Katara. You are the most stubborn, dramatic, and hot headed person I know. Your tenacity and gaul are entirely the catalyst that brought us into an era of peace and you should be proud of that. You have done so much for our world and no one has given you any credit for it.” He pressed their foreheads together. “You’ve got to start being loud again, maybe even louder than before. Remind everyone who the hell you are and what you have done. You are the furthest from useless especially in our team. I wouldn’t doubt for a second you could beat these guys on your own. We’re going to set this straight starting with protecting my kingdom. You have the Fire Lord’s support, Master Katara. Make these assassins your bitch.” 
Zuko smiled when Katara laughed and stared at her mouth before brushing his thumb over them. Her face went dark red and she  stopped laughing. 
Then, he leaned in and she leaned in. He reached his hand up and cupped her cheek softly and she placed her hand over his. He pressed his lips onto hers gently and she pressed hers to his softly. Her lips were soft and sweet, like the first time they kissed; like the last time they kissed too. His lips were warm and savory, like the first time they kissed; like the last time they kissed too. 
A breeze blew over the trees and rustled its leaves, causing a few to fall around them. Around them was a quiet and tranquility that seemed to follow them whenever they were alone. Everything felt balanced in the world again. Everything was peaceful, like a dream that caught them in a haze.
“We’re a good team.” Katara whispered softly against Zuko’s lips when they pulled apart for a moment before they pressed them together again.They lingered for a few seconds, unsure of who should fully pull away first but decided they should part at the same time. They stared at one another for a while longer, coming to from their haze slowly but surely. And, as quickly as it was over, Zuko pulled them up to their feet and moved Katara by her shoulders an arm’s length away from him, his eyes wide in shock and his face a deep crimson.
Katara took an extra step back for good measure and held her hands behind her back, avoiding eye contact with Zuko and burning a hole into the ground as a sweat drop raced down her cheek. 
They sat in an awkward silence for an eternity [it felt] and kept making quick, shy glances at one another. Zuko cleared his throat and rubbed his neck, looking to the edge of the forest where it opened to the city. “We..should get back to...back to the team. Our team. Our good team. Cause we’re a good team. Together. All fiv- six. Six of us. Suki… Suki she’s…. She’s on our team too. Ahem” He groaned to himself and pinched the bridge of his nose.
Katara, with her face still burning hot and red, looked up at Zuko then ahead to the city, her eyebrows pushed up slightly like she was sad but her eyes half lidded like she was tired. She was so, so tired.
“Yeah.” She muttered, a gentle breeze pushing her hair into her face which helped to cover up the red for a short second.
They looked at one another one last time before Zuko started towards the city. He stopped, however, as Katara spoke again.
“Cedar and Cypress.” she said softly, crossing her arms over her chest and looking to her feet.
Zuko looked up at the trees lifting his brows and shook his head. “Uh, I think they’re pine or something. I’m not too sure-”
Katara sighed and smiled to herself. “No. You. Cedar and Cypress. It’s….” She looked to the city again and gave a weak, half smile. “It’s a fragrance from a small town Aang and I went to. We saved them when he and I first met and ever since then, they’ve gifted us with bottles of their fragrances. Cedar and Cypress is the one we gave you on your first year anniversary as Fire Lord.” She walked to his side but kept her focus on the city. “It suits you.”
Zuko didn’t move his gaze from the trees but a chill ran up his spine when she stepped next to him because he could still see her without looking at her. He made a fist in his hand and remembered the first time he used the fragrance she gave him. He only ever used it around her, although it’s his favorite.
“Thank you” he managed in a low, broken voice. “It’s….it’s my favorite.”
“No Zuko, thank you.”
He didn’t see it but he knew she smiled a little brighter before making her way to the city with him following right after.
They caught up with the rest of the team near the shops they had escaped from. Everyone seemed focused and tense as Katara and Zuko approached them, like they were on their guard. Sokka approached the two missing members, putting his boomerang back into its sheath on his back.
“Are you guys okay? We saw two guys run by with swords. Suki was able to take them down but they escaped in a cloud of smoke. It was kind of wild.”
Zuko looked past Sokka to the rest of the team, looking for any signs of confrontation. They almost had sand and first on their clothes and some messy hair but it didn’t seem like they got too involved. He then shifted his attention to the surrounding crowds and buildings. Nothing seemed to be too disturbed and people seemed more confused than anything.
“No one got hurt did they?” he asked Sokka, still looking around the area.
Sokka shook his head and looked towards the end of the street going to the edge of the city. “No, most people didn’t even notice I think. Everyone was just surprised at the smoke. Aang’s already calmed the crowds and Toph tried to feel for their running but it’s like they just vanished.” He turned his attention to Katara, placing his hands on her shoulders.. “We thought you guys might have gotten caught in their attack or something. We couldn’t find you anywhere. Did they hurt you?”
Katara shook her head. “I took Zuko away through the dress shop here. I noticed them approaching him with their swords and didn’t want to cause a scene. I froze them down and kept them encased until we were far enough to keep a safe distance between us. I figured they would still try to chase us but if we got far enough ahead we could figure out a combat plan out of the city.”
“That explains why they were soaked.” Sokka gave her a firm nod and looked back to the edge of the city. “I think they’re just some thugs trying to cause a scene. I’m not too worried about it. What do you think, Zuko?”
Zuko looked to Katara then back at Sokka and shook his head . “I don’t think so. They knew we were here and waited way too long. Katara says they may have even followed us from the palace. Most people don’t wait around as long like they did and try to attack in broad daylight. But, if they’re long gone, I’m not too worried about them returning anytime soon. We’ll keep our guard up and stay together as a precaution.” 
Aang made his way over to Katara and took her shoulders, looking her up and down with a worried expression on his face. “Are you alright? Did they hurt you?”
Katara sighed and pulled his hands off of her shoulders, raising a brow at him. “I’m fine, Aang, really. I’ve definitely been through worse. A lot of jogging trying to protect the Fire Lord from a couple of swordsmen isn’t much danger” She gave him a gentle but tired smile and let him pull her into a hug. When she hugged back, she kept an eye on Zuko and her brother as they discussed how to go about maneuvering the palace in smaller teams and how to communicate to one another if they’re separated, her cheeks red and mind wandering aimlessly.
Toph, who stood just a few feet behind Aang and Katara, leaned her head slightly toward them as she felt Katara’s heart beat match Zuko’s rhythm. Suki watched Toph as she made an intrigued yet somewhat sour face and looked up to catch a glimpse of Zuko’s cheeks warming up as he tried focusing his attention on Sokka but was being distracted by Katara’s facial expression. She looked at the three members of her team and went wide eyed before looking to Sokka in hopes that he was catching onto the heaviness of the air. Sokka flashed Suki a knowing raise of his brow and began to walk towards the city center, rubbing his neck. Zuko figured it was from dealing with the assassins; Suki, however, knew otherwise and walked quickly by his side, snatching his hand. The rest of Team Avatar followed shortly behind. 
The walk back to the palace was awkward and stiff. Sokka and Suki were the only ones talking and they did so in hushed voices to one another, walking with hips attached. Toph stayed close to Zuko, tracking his pulse unbeknownst to him. Zuko would glance a few times at Katara and Aang and looked away quickly if either one of them made eye contact with him; the rest of the time he was looking around the village, keeping an eye out for any suspicious activity or anything out of place. Of course, with the preparations for the big celebration in a couple of days, it was hard to really distinguish “out of the ordinary” from everyday.
When they reached the palace, they were greeted by Zuko’s advisors who escorted everyone but Zuko to the dining hall for an early dinner. Zuko was told there was a pressing matter needing his attention. He excused himself from his teammates and followed his advisors to the strategy hall where most of his political meetings had been taking place.
The team sat in silence for a little while as their plates were being sat in front of them by servants and shifted eyes to one another awkwardly. Toph, growing impatient, spoke up.
“Well, since no one’s going to make the first move, how about we talk about the fact that there were assassins today and our Fire Lord over here isn’t really taking that seriously?” She picked up her sake and took a sip of it as she waited for everyone to answer.
“I think we need to trust Zuko on this. If he felt threatened I’m sure he’d let us know.” Aang responded after some silence following Toph’s question had blanketed the team once again. “Besides, he did seem concerned. I think he’s just trying to keep peace for his people. If he wants to be discreet about it, I think we should follow him on it.”
“Aang’s right.” Katara started, picking up her rice wine and taking a small sip of it, immediately feeling the small drops burn her throat and chest. “When...augh...When Zuko and I were in the forest, we both agreed that they might have followed us from the palace. We’re both concerned that maybe they’ve infiltrated the staff here. We should be cautious and keep this to ourselves unless it becomes something big.”
“I don’t know, I think Toph’s right. I don’t think we’re taking this attempt seriously enough. I mean, they didn’t attempt-attempt, but they definitely had plans to try threatening him at the very least. No one unsheathes a sword without some kind of intention.” Sokka chimed from his place on Suki’s lap, balancing his drink on his forehead with laser eye focus. “And if what you say is right, Katara, we have more reason to be worried and discuss this. If they’ve infiltrated the palace, none of us are safe. We’re all important figureheads here for the most part and who knows what they really wanted. I mean, the flipping Avatar is here unofficially, maybe they were really trying to get to him!”
Katara flinched at Sokka’s “important figurehead comment”, scoffing and downing the rest of her drink, wincing at the bitterness and burning. “But making a big deal is only going to draw more attention and panic, Sokka. I think we’re all just on edge since it’s been awhile since we’ve had any kind of threat against us but I trust Zuko knows what he’s doing. And anyway, he hasn’t said anything yet. He was whisked away immediately after getting here, we don’t know if he has a plan or something.”
Aang stared down at his drink for a moment, his eyebrow raised as he listened carefully to Katara. He wasn’t sure why, but he felt somewhat angry at what she was saying but made every attempt he could not to show it. He sighed softly and sipped his tea.
“Katara’s right. I appreciate your concern Sokka, but I wasn’t the one who had the attempt made on. Zuko hasn’t gotten the chance to tell us anything and I’d like to include him in this discussion. The only thing we know is he wants this to be kept between us as a team and that we might not be able to trust the staff. With that said, I think we should drop the subject and try to enjoy our dinner and company. It’s been awhile since we’ve all had a chance to be with one another like this, we should really live in it.”  He reached over and gripped Katara’s hand, smiling at her warmly, letting her know he had her back.Katara smiled back and leaned her head on his shoulder, sighing softly and shutting her eyes. 
Toph shrugged her shoulders and downed the rest of her drink, remaining silent for the duration of the conversation.
Sokka looked up at Suki with a concerned look and sighed, then took his drink and downed it, sitting up quickly. “Fine. But as soon as Zuko comes back, we’re discussing this.” 
He leaned against Suki’s hands, which pressed themselves gently onto his back as she kissed his cheek. “Of course Sokka, we all know that.” She said gently, her eyes peering over at Katara and Aang, watching as Katara’s eyes suddenly opened and she reached to pour herself another cup of rice wine, her cheeks red. Suki looked at Sokka and nudged him slightly, nodding her head towards his sister, who finished her second drink and had sat up straight, burying herself in her food immediately after, the redness on her face only worsening.
Katara stared down at her bowl of rice, shutting her eyes for a moment again and watched the image of Zuko holding her shoulders as the leaves fell over him play in her mind. She took a deep breath and slowly opened them again, taking a scoop of her food and shoving it nervously into her mouth, chewing vigorously to cope with the recurring image and the embarrassment it brought her.
Aang watched her curiously and Toph listened quietly at Katara’s rapid heartbeat.
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flickityfics · 5 years ago
Chatting It Up
So this was tough to write but the incidents I mentioned involves the new girl parts I have developed. It's weird cause I don't know what to do or what the cause is. I wouldn't even be doing anything but at random times I feel myself getting slick? Also a strange throb, please explain this. Also you'll be happy to know I went and got proper clothes just as you said, a nice lady really helped me out with all sorts. Hope you're doing alright.
Hey gaang! How is everyone? The construction has been going smoothly just alot of work, it's tiring and boring so send me letters to keep me from dying of boredom please. I'm missing our adventures, I've been doing nothing but reading and taking notes for blueprints, it isn't all bad though, I've been watching the kyoshi warriors train and thinking about training with them again. I've gotta get back to work so hope I hear from you guys soon.
Sokka had just dropped off his letters when he decided it was a good time to harass Zuko at work. He came into the Jasmine Dragon with a bounce to his step spotting Zuko immediately serving some customers. He grabbed the same small table near the kitchen and sat himself down. Rummaging through his bag did he find one on 'Dangers of Enchantments' Sokka was starting to think he should rule out enchantments since most had apparent side effects which he couldn't seem to find or sense, enchantments also needed to be kept up and if not he would have reverted back by now. He decided it was best to cross that one off.
"You like magic?" Zuko asked when he came up to her table finally. He noticed Miyuki with another book in her hands, her books seem to be all about magic so far.
Sokka smiled up to Zuko, "Actually I hate magic. I think it's illogical, impractical, it's dangerous and quite frankly I don't understand people's obsession with it." He stared up at the fire bender completely exasperated.
Zuko couldn't help but let out a small chuckle, it's funny seeing Miyuki looking so irked by the subject of magic.
"I don't understand it myself but my uncle loves talking about it and bringing it up often. He loves saying magic is in everything." Zuko couldn't help revealing, it was nice opening up to someone even if he still had to lie about who he really was. He never got to open up to anyone not even his uncle when he tried to and he didn't have his mother anymore, and it was never an option to tell his father or Azula, any sign of weakness would be exploited by them he thought depressingly.
"I think me and your uncle would have interesting debates on the matter." Sokka supplied, he didn't know much about Zuko's uncle except that Toph likes him but he'll still keep his suspicions just like with his nephew. "Anyways will you be taking a break soon?" He spoke hoping to get more time with the fire prince.
"Oh, uh my breaks in twenty minutes. " Zuko was surprised that Miyuki wanted to talk with him more. He didn't know what to expect from this girl but he knows he's enjoying it.
"Perfect, enough time for me to order and wait for you." Sokka said sweetly to Zuko.
Zuko shyly smiled back, "What would you like to order?" He waited, Zuko was curious about what Miyuki and he could talk about. He wasn't known for being quite versed at talking to ladies. So far conversations with Miyuki have been awkward but nice.
"I'll try the three berry flavored tea you guys got." He doesn't really like tea but this fruity one looks promising he figured.
"Alright, it'll just take a moment." With that saud Zuko walked back to the kitchens while Sokka went back to his reading.
"Here you go." Zuko had finally come back and settled himself across from Miyuki passing over the tea as he did so. He told his uncle that'd he take his break early and the old man just smirked and couldn't rush him out the kitchens fast enough something about, 'young love is in the air' ugh his uncle was going senile.
"Ah thanks." Sokka slipped his material's into his satchel making room for the fire prince as he sat down. Zuko seemed to have his own drink when he took the chance to look at him properly, he noticed the other boy seemed nervous and quiet so looks like he'll have to start the conversation.
" So what books do you read when you have the time?" Sokka asked.
"Boring stuff." Zuko didn't want to admit how he only read books on war strategies, weaponry materials and maps mostly. He didn't really know how to talk well with other teens his age but he knew talking about war strategies and the stuff alike weren't fun topics to discuss.
" Boring stuff as in..?" Sokka wasn't gonna let this go, he needed information from this guy. It seems like he has to pull teeth just to get this jerk bender to open up.
Zuko could only sigh seeing no way to avoid it if he wanted to talk to the water tribe girl. 'just hope she doesn't find me dull and annoying like my sister and her friends do. It's not my fault I never got to make any friends'
"I read up on some weaponry guides mainly on dual broadswords..uh lots of maps and very rarely on occasion a bedtime book that I kept from my mother."
Sokka didn't know how to take Zuko's somber expression mentioning his mother. He knew exactly how hard it was losing a parent but was it okay to comfort the person he despises? Sokka thought it was best to offer some bit of comforting. He leaned forward and reached out his hand to grab Zuko's elbow and gave a squeeze.
"I'll have you know maps are my favorite things to read even though I'm not too good at reading them but maybe some time you can show me." Sokka hated to admit that he couldn't read maps too well, 'the stuff is honestly hard to understand' but he knew Zuko would be the best considering how fast he always managed to track down the gaang so fast.
Zuko couldn't help chuckling at the girl and finding comfort in her presence. Something about Miyuki made things so simple plus she didn't pressure him or get awkward about mentioning his mother or make fun of him for his lack of social skills.
"Sure. I don't mind telling you more about maps, I've got tons of them." Zuko quirked his lips into a smile, he couldn't help finding it amusing that Miyuki found maps enjoyable, she was probably just faking it so he didn't feel so embarrassed about himself. He knew his life wasn't ideal for friendships or socializing of any kind but he was getting better since deciding to let go of his obsession with getting his honor back and working the tea shop with his uncle.
"I have a few myself but alot of them aren't updated which is annoying. Since my travels to Ba Sing Se, alot of new paths weren't mentioned or even the dangers that came with choosing a path, I've gotten lost and into trouble so many times because the maps we're wrong and dumb. I swear someone needs to re-write these maps with a lot more detail oh oh and even small detours you can take that are nice relaxing spots or even good food locations and duh of course the dangers to look out for, ugh there's so much you can say and people will appreciate it, I know I would!" Sokka had to take a drink from his tea to shut himself up realizing he went on a whole unnecessary tangent.
"Why don't you write that book? You've got some really valid points there." Zuko was honestly impressed with the girl, she went from exasperated to excited with so many ideas real fast and all very good ideas actually. He never got to enjoy his travels or any detours searching for the avatar but maybe if he traveled for himself he'd get to enjoy it for once with new opportunities to discover.
"You think I should write a book? And you have no problem with that?" Sokka genuinely found himself surprised with Zuko the fire prince Zuko telling a girl, a civilian water tribe girl nonetheless to write a book with no problem, 'geez this guys got more layers than an onion' Sokka was really finding it hard to keep hating this guy.
"Yes and no?" Zuko was now confused, what was he suppose to say? He couldn't tell if she was upset or if that was a trick question."Uh..I think your ideas are great for a book...I see no problem with it?" He suggested questioningly.
"Lee, do you know how many books I found written by women from the library and bookstore I visited here? Ten total and all about cooking, fashion, crafts, mannerisms for young ladies, gardening, how to be a proper wife, events planning, dancing, proper childcare and cleaning steps. Sadly I myself never noticed the lack of books by women. And I've met tons of women with great ideas and adventures of their own throughout my travels who could write the most amazing things."
"Oh, I never noticed that either. Maybe you should you try your hand at it and who knows it might just inspire other women to do the same." Zuko suggested. When he really thought about it, it really was unfair that women still didn't get many opportunities as men do solely based on their gender. He's met women who were quite tough and challenging yet they still had no voice or real power when it came to a man usurping them, all it would take was a man's words to completely debase a woman.
"I-huh..well thanks for the support." Good to know Zuko was somewhat of a decent guy but it still doesn't excuse his behavior towards the gaang. Zuko seemed to be to putting on a good act here in Ba Sing Se but how far did that really go? Sokka knew he needed to find out Zuko's motives and fast.
"Tell me more about yourself, I've been talking here the most." Sokka encouraged the other boy.
"Well I meditate, train and work." Ugh, how pathetic did he sound? He now felt even more hopeless in front of Miyuki. He just sat there hanging his head low gripping onto his drink praying to Agni that his embarrassment passed over soon.
"Well sounds like you need to get out more. How about we go to a poetry session that I know of? We can laugh at all the bad ones they come up with and cry over the good ones, I'm emotional I'll have you know but really I find it quite fun and enjoyable." This was the perfect opportunity for him to keep Zuko by his side and maybe keep him distracted from bumbing into his sister and friends.
Zuko couldn't help keep the surprise from his face, he's never been invited to hangout before and Azula forcing him out with her friends didn't count. Someone wanting to spend time in his company for a long period of time no matter how boring and embarrassing he was was a nice feeling.
"Yeah, I'd like that."
"Great, I'll hear out for the next poetry session and come visit you with the plan."
"Alright and my breaks up, I'll have to get back to work. See you tomorrow?" Zuko hoped he didn't sound to desperate to see her again, it was nice having a friend? It was probably too soon to say that but maybe they could be.
"I can come by tomorrow after my errands. Thanks for the drink." Sokka had gotten his pouch out and handed Zuko change. Sokka couldn't help noticing Zuko's crazy warm hands, 'huh, must be a fire bender thing' he thought.
Zuko felt as Miyuki put the cold change in his hand and couldn't help look at the beautiful contrast their skins made, his a pale white to her beautiful dark brown. He had to shake his thoughts from imagining their hands entwined and smiled at Miyuki before heading to his uncle in the kitchens to help with the next orders.
Sokka left as soon as he saw Zuko go back into the kitchens. He had a big day tomorrow so it left him a nice chance to prepare early and plan things for tomorrow.
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qveensbury · 6 years ago
all i ask
happy birthday @babyfairybaekhyun
a Valentine’s day fic for an almost Valentine’s day baby
Katara glared at Song. “You talk a good game but always chicken out when it matters.”
“But Katara,” Song whined, “if I give Zuko a Valentine, he’ll know I like him.”
“That’s kinda the point. I’m tired of you pining and never making a move.”
“It’s just—“
“Just what, Song? I don’t need to hold your hand.”
“What if you came?”
“As your bodyguard?” Katara raised an eyebrow. “It’ll be awkward having a shadow.”
“No, what if I take my time to build up the courage to confess to him? I could use my cookies as a way to build a friendship.” Song’s eyes were huge as she waited for Katara to respond.
“I still don’t see my role in this.”
“You’d also give him cookies.”
“I have to bake cookies in this plan?”
“You’d just decorate them. So, it doesn’t look like I made them all.”
“But why do I have to give cookies too? Do you really think Zuko will be able to tell the difference?”
“If I’m the only one give cookies, it’ll look like I’m confessing. And of course he will, he’s reflective.”
Katara laid a hand on her forehead. “Y’know what? Okay. Fine.”
Song’s eyes sparkled. “Sounds good?”
“It’s a step in the right direction.”
“Great! Thank you so much ‘Tara.”
Katara kept the smile plastered on her face. She was going to chew out Song when they were alone.
Song all but trembled as the two of them greeted Zuko by his locker.
“Uh, hi?” He turned to give them his full attention.
Katara glanced at Song who hadn’t looked up from the floor. “Hi. We just wanted to give you these cookies.” She handed him her bag and nudged Song to give hers as well. “Happy Valentine’s Day.”
“Oh,” Zuko’s cheeks and ears turned red. “Thank you. I-I didn’t get you two anything. Katara and Song, right?”
Song snapped upright. “You know my name?”
“It’s a small school.” Zuko placed the cookies in his locker and placed a hand behind his neck.
Song studied her shoes fervently.
“Hope you enjoy them.” Katara chirped, taking hold of Song’s arm before turning around and marching to their first period class.
“He knows my name.”
“Song, there are 100 of us in the middle school. I know like two dozen of the high schoolers cus their building’s across the quad. I hardly count this as a win.”
Later that day when they had their sixth period class together, Song presented Katara with a candygram. “From Zuko.”
Katara didn’t bring up her candygram from Zuko. “Okay, not a complete loss.”
“The Valentine’s looking kinda weak this year, Katara. I don’t know.”
Katara rolled her eyes. “Not all of us could be artistes.”
“Suki loves my paintings. Shut up.” Sokka crossed his arms. He pouted for a moment before adding. “I’m just saying. Zuko got you a mug last year. Do you think a card again is a good idea?”
“Like I told you before. This was all for Song’s benefit. She and Haru have been dating for a year. After four years, it’s just custom. Nada mas. Zuko’ll appreciate the effort.”
Sokka closed his eyes, shrugging his shoulders and emphasizing a frown to give an “ok” motion. “Well, Casanova’s giving you a ride since Suki needs to be at the school early for the carnation sale.”
“Yea I remembered. Have fun.”
“Thanks. Later.”
Katara was finishing her dad’s lunch when she got a text from Zuko saying he was outside.
“Later, Dad! Your lunch’s on the counter.” Katara hollered up the stairs as she got her things together.
The doorbell rang.
“Okay. Have a good day, paniq.” Hakoda called back.
Katara pulled the door open. “Sorry, I was j—“
Red roses.
She looked up at Zuko.
“They’re for you. Happy Valentine’s Day.” Zuko offered the bouquet to Katara.
Katara took a tiny breath. “Thank you,” she accepted them, pressing the plastic to her mouth. Her cheeks glowed. She looked up at him over the flowers. “Here’s your card.” She fumbled through her bag for it and handed it to him.
“Thanks.” Zuko gave her a lopsided grin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day.”
He nodded, tapping the card and looking at the ground.
Katara wanted the earth to swallow her whole. “Do we have time for me to put this in some water?”
“Yea sure. I’ll wait in the car.”
“Ok.” Katara spun around and went back inside, closing the door behind her.
Roses? She took several breaths to ground herself. She straightened her back. Your friend of the opposite gender brought you red roses on Valentine’s Day. Katara searched for a vase, filling it with water before putting the flowers in it. Totally chill.
Katara took another deep breath before walking out of her door to his car. Zuko had the radio softly playing. He nodded once he heard her seatbelt buckle and pulled out.
“Red roses, huh?”
“Yup. Pretty symbolic.”
“Oh, and you got them for me for that reason?” Katara said slowly. She held her breath.
“Yea.” Zuko moved his hands to the 10 and 2 on the steering wheel. “I’ve been dropping hints for a while.
Katara frowned, flipping through her mental calendar for signs. The mug. Okay, maybe? That time Zuko asked her to go see the new action movie and she brought Toph and he looked crestfallen. …Duh. When all the seniors on the soccer team gave their jersey to their significant others to wear at the pep rally, and Zuko  gave you his…
The car came to a stop.
“Yea.” Zuko drummed his fingers on the wheel. His hands back to 10 and 2 when the light changed. “I just, “ he shrugged, “wanted to make it, y’know, more obvious.”
“Wow, I can’t take a hint.” Katara buried her face in her hands.
“I was being subtle. I can’t exactly scream: ‘My heart burns for you.’”
“That’s how you feel?” She said softly, lowering her hands.
Zuko exhaled, “Some days. Most days.”
Katara wanted to disappear.
But, how do you feel about Zuko?
She tapped her fingers on her thighs. He’s Song’s crush. She called dibs. But, a sixth grade crush can’t be the end of this discussion. Especially since Song is dating Haru. And you and Zuko were always closer. Sure, it always seemed that way because he saw you as Sokka’s baby sister. But…
Clearly not.
Katara glanced over at Zuko, studying the curve of his jaw.
But, could you see yourself with him?
The voice Katara’d been shushing for months started to chime in. You’re gonna miss him so much when he graduates. Her throat constricted.
“Don’t feel like you have to give me an answer right now. And, if you have one I can handle it.”
The hint of defeat in his voice elevated a voice Katara forgotten about. It’s ok to admit you like him. Katara gripped the edges of her scarf. Song is long over her crush from middle school. I’s ok to admit it, Katara. It’s ok to let him know.
Katara’s heart raced as she realized—
Zuko cursed, slamming on the breaks. “The speed limit’s 10MPH, idiot! Sorry, you ok?”
“Yea, it’s okay. Don’t apologize.”
He pulled into a parking space and turned the car off.
“Hmm?” He turned to Katara.
How could I miss the way he looks at me.
“If you’re saying you like like me,” she paused.
Zuko nodded. “I do like like you.”
“I’m,” she laughed, softly. “That makes me happy. I,” she laughed as tears tumbled down her cheeks. “Sorry, sorry. I didn’t realize how much I’d been tying myself in knots because I thought my feelings were unrequited. What a relief?” She laughed again, wiping her face. “I like like you too, Zuko.”
“Really?” He reached up to wipe her cheeks.
Katara smiled. “Yea,” she laughed.
Zuko unbuckled his seatbelt and leaned forward. He kissed her forehead. “This felt like my last chance to tell you.”
She laid a hand on his arm. “Now we’re in this together. You going to college won’t mean we stop seeing each other.”
“Always. I’ll be at college but I’m not leaving you.”
Her heart settled.
The warning bell for homeroom rang.
“We should go.”
Katara nodded.
Zuko met her at her side of the car. She took his hand.
“By the way, you’re getting a dozen red carnations delivered to you.”
Katara stopped. “Seriously?”
“To be fair!” He tugged her forward. “The second bouquet was Uncle’s idea.”
Katara laughed, holding onto Zuko’s arm. “If you always plan on spoiling me, you’ll never get rid of me.”
“Oh, is that all?” Zuko looked down at her and Katara’s stomach flipped. “Say no more.”
A/N: title from Adele's "All I Ask" paniq means daughter in Inuktitut
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oleanderblume · 8 years ago
Tagged by @pepperoniwhirlwind! I don’t do these often since I can’t copy and paste so here we go! Name: Christen (would have been Cody but there was a slight gender mix up when I was born hah)
Nick name: stan, satan, The Dark Lord Christensen all from school, mainly colorguard Height: 5ft 4" shortest of my family :/ Zodiac sign: virgo Orientation: bisexual nonbinary nugget Nationality: American..mmpphh Favorite fruit: cantelope, they are so freaking tasty Favorite book: Series of Unfortunate Events, and Warrior Cats, am I all out to pick two? Probably not, good thing I don’t care. Favorite season: spring, and fall, those are texas ’ s rainy seasons and it is GREAT Favorite flower: hibiscus, orchid, and lilly Favorite scent: the smell of fresh rain. Favorite color: gosh, currently? Orange and teal. Favorite animal: me personally? I like elaphants, and snakes. Cats and dragons come close tho. Coffee, tea, or hot cocoa: tea, I drink tea way more than the others. Average sleep hours: it depends on my work schedule but usually I got to bed around 10-2 am, and wake up at around 8-10 Cat or dog person: cat duh, easy to take care of and cuddle at mostly convenient times. Only con is the rank farts >•> leo. Favorite fictional character: gosh…probably Toph from Avatar the Last Airbender. Aang is a close second. Blog created: probably early 2011? My cousin told me about it, I have only recently become active though. Number of followers: 657 last I checked, and I appreciate ever single one of them. I try to follow everyone back, but some are porn bots, and others add bots, so I stay away from those. When did your blog reach its peak: I don’t know if it has yet, plus I don’t really care? What made you get a tumblr: my cousin and my need to feel hip and “in the times” Why did you pick your url: I didn’t, someone in the system did, I think it’s a badly made joke towards system of a down, but obviously we are way cooler. And I don’t think anyone even listens to them so.. Last movie you watched: the conjuring 2, based off the real events of a creepy house where a girl got thrown from her bed. Last song you listened to: “I let a song go out of my heart” it’s an old forties song, sometimes I listen to forties music on spotify. Because I’m vintage ™ Last book you read: oh god…I wanna say lord of the flies? I’m super picky on books, so I don’t read often. Last thing you ate: an Arby’s corned beef sandwich. If you could be anywhere, where would you be?: in a zen garden, under the shade, meditating to soothing music. What time would you travel to if you could: before america existed, before countries existed, I would take all my jewelry and future money and buy a plot of land and never sell it and turn it into a beautiful home for lost people and hurt people. And I would become old and decrepit and take on my role as the cryptid in the forest that heals lost hurt people. My legend will traverse time, and I will travel to the present and listen and read everything availiable on my cryptid past self. ALRIGHT that’s all the questions, I tag no one, but if anyone wants to do this feel free, it’s fine yo. -christen
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