#and Thena says no
softquietsteadylove · 2 years
Hiii i just noticed thena's ear piercing can you do a fic where sprite visit them in Australia and then Gilgamesh leave for a market and sprite pierce her ear and Gilgamesh totally freak out🤣 i think it would be fun 🤣
"What did you do?!"
"Oh come on, Gil," Sprite whined.
"Sprite!" he growled right back at her. It would sound intimidating if he didn't sound so distressed. "I was gone for one hour! And now Thena's bleeding!"
"Will you stop?" Sprite rolled her eyes, leaning against the sink. She'd been pushed - tossed - there after Gil rushed in, having smelled Thena's blood from a good distance away. He'd rushed in to cradle his beloved in his arms, no matter how unscathed the Warrior Eternal was. "It's a piercing--she already has them!"
"Yeah, she does! She didn't need more!" Gil glared at his tiny sister, cradling Thena's head against his chest. He was overreacting, and they all knew it, him included. But he knew the kind of trouble these two in particular could get up to if left unsupervised. "What made you think of this?!"
Sprite shrugged, looking around the room and up at the ceiling. "We were bored."
"Yes," the Illusionist huffed. "Thena's so mopey when you're gone. And I told her I wanted to get my ears pierced-"
"And that somehow became this?" Gil gestured, pointing out the fresh holes in Thena's ears, as well as the blood there. "They shouldn't be bleeding this much."
"Well, I might not have aimed the best the first time."
Gil closed his eyes and buried his nose in Thena's hair. All the stars in the sky, give him strength not to throw Sprite into the stratosphere.
"Gil, I'm fine."
He sighed, at last loosening his grip on Thena. "Why did you let her do this?"
Thena just shrugged, though, very much like Sprite, and also very unbothered by her bleeding. "You were gone."
That wasn't the explanation she thought it was.
"I'm sorry, Gil," Sprite sighed loudly, sounding very put out by having to apologise to her brother at all. She dragged the toe of her boot along the floor. "I thought it would be cool to see if Thena could make a needle to use for piercing but...I was too scared to test it first."
Gil gave Sprite a look; "you're an Eternal, Sprite."
"I told her she could practise on me."
Gil inhaled, gathering his mental strength again. Sprite shrank in on herself, genuinely feeling bad for winding him up so badly.
Thena reached up to the back of Gil's head, pulling it down so he could nestle against her more closely.
"I can't heal you, Thena--not out here. Not like...I-"
Sprite caught Thena leaning in to kiss his cheek and averted her eyes. She didn't want to see shit like this. This was exactly what prompted her escape/visit to Australia in the first place.
"I'm sorry we scared you," Thena all but whispered, her lips close to his skin as she spoke.
Gil pulled back, smiling as much as he could to let her know that her apology was accepted. He sighed, "okay, let me see."
Sprite turned back, hearing Thena gasp. She hadn't even blinked when she'd pushed her Cosmic Energy forged needle through--did it hurt now?
Gil latched onto the earlobe, running his tongue along the new spot, both soothing the swelling there as well as inflaming the tip of the ear red.
Sprite made a gagging noise.
Gil let go but didn't stray far, glaring at Sprite from once again nestling into Thena's mane of blonde. "You deserve it for putting both of us through this."
"Okay, I get it, enough!" Sprite screeched, stomping outside as Gil tilted Thena's head down so he could repeat his disgusting display of affection to her other ear.
Thena purred out a laugh as his tongue ran over the spots rapidly healing, even on their own. "You're tormenting her."
"Shush, I'm healing you," he chuckled, although he'd moved from the earlobe to kiss up the ridge of the ear. "She deserves a little time to cool off anyway."
Thena hummed as he pulled her upright again, still holding her in his arms. She sighed. "She's here to escape-"
"I know," Gil sighed. "I'm glad she feels like she can come to us."
Thena smiled. "Me too."
"But that does not mean she can put holes in my wife's ears while I'm running errands."
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sunshinethena · 17 days
made my friend laugh too hard the other night
“yeah i haven’t seen deadpool & wolverine but i’ve fanfiction”
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taran-chan · 1 year
Thena: Celestials, give me patience.
Sersi: I think you mean give me strength.
Thena: If they gave me more strength, everyone would be dead.
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eternalowl · 2 years
Ikaris, looking at Thena holding a bottle of moscato: Really?
Thena: What?
Thena: Shut the fuck up. It’s not even for me! Why are you being so judgmental?
Thena: I’m drinking vodka-
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panged-lin · 2 years
It Is Time; the Phoenix Wright Rambling Begins
Bear with me on this one, this may take a while. ^ -^)'
So let's be fair about this; compared to other characters, Nick is a pretty simple character. Trials & Tribulations and Apollo Justice flesh him out a fair bit (both through betrayal and poisoning, oddly), but for the most part it's the characters around him that get the lions share of development.
Ace Attorney? It's about Edgeworth escaping his mentors shadow and the trauma of the DL-6 Incident. Both assistants, Maya and Ema, have more character spotlight than our resident himbo.
Justice for All? Similar deal with Franziska, minus DL-6.
T&T? He and Godot share a fair bit of spotlight, with both of them coping with Mia's death and Deliahs butt-holery, so that's fair.
Apollo Justice? He gets a lot to work with, including a daughter and homeless arc, albiet at the expense of Apollo to some degree.
Dual Destinies? It's mostly Athena and Simon remixing AA (and T&T to an extent) with some Apollo flair.
Spirit of Justice? All about Apollo receiving the torch from his mentor and using it to burn the monarchy, baby. Athena? Who that?
All the above characters tend to get more to do character-wise than Phoenix. By comparison he's a pretty standard bloke, especially in his own trilogy (and returns to a similar phase in the 3D games, for some reason). I already shared another post from @i-llbedammned who details why that could be appealing, but I had foreshadowed there that I had more feelings about this foolishly foolish fool made to fool me. That in mind, I propose to you this idea; Phoenix - as bland as he can be - is the heart and soul of the series and the exemplar of its core thesis. A sentiment that I personally gell with a fair bit. Allow me to exposit.
Riddle me this: Why is Phoenix Wright a defense attorney to begin with?
Think back to Case 1-4. Specifically the moment he explains as such to Maya. There, he recalls a moment in his childhood where he was accused of stealing money without any evidence against him. No one was on his side. Everyone demanded he pays for this crime. Even the teacher didn't believe he was innocent. It's a small thing, sure, but the isolation and inability to fight back against all the lies got to poor Phoenix. He was in tears over the whole thing until Edgeworth stod up for him, criticising everyone there for accusing an innocent party with no evidence (in the most Edgeworth way possible of course, bless that mess).
I know people cling to Edgeworth as being the reason he's an attorney - I get and enjoy that idea well enough - but I would like to propose that the isolation and weakness he felt in that moment was also a large factor in why he defends people for a living.
Because he's been there before.
He knows damn well what it's like to have no one behind your back. He knows, through defending Edgeworth, what it looks like to not even believe yourself to be innocent. He knows when no one has faith in your innocence, you may as well be guilty anyways (and I'm damn sure this made his 7 year slump in AJ all the more painful).
Perhaps that's why Mia's advice stuck with him for so long; to have faith in your clients no matter what. He holds to that tenet to this very day, even after a few clients proved themselves less than innocent in the process. He has to - who else would have faith in his clients otherwise, when it feels like the entire world is against them?
I think about Dual Destinies a lot. For the obvious reasons of course, but also for how I feel it ties back into the first game and this core message. Athena knows Simon isn't guilty, no one believes or even knows it but them and their colleagues. The world has decided that this innocent man ought to be put to death for a crime he didn't commit (which he only rolled along with to protect Athena, though not sure if he thought she was innocent at the time), yet Athena decides to stick to her guns and tries to pull him out of this mess (on top of dealing with her own issues and boy are there a lot of them). There's more to that plot and the themes of that game than just "AA 1 & 3 except BIGGERER" but this is hardly the time to double-down on my special interests.
In short, the main reason I enjoy Phoenix so much as a character (and the games as a whole) is that he embodies what an unfortunate number of people seem to be missing, both ingame and out; faith. It's rare to find someone with enough of the stuff who would defend you against the world till the bitter end. Someone who believes you are more than what you give yourself credit for and will fight tooth-and-nail to make sure you know you are too.
None of these characters would even be alive if not for this man, up to and including his childhood friends and at least one of his protégés. I myself owe a lot to those who believed I was better than I claim to be and were willing to help me deal with tough times (albiet not because I was accused of murder but that might be for the best, hahaha!). Unjust persecution - external or internal, legal or social - is a terrible thing to go through. Phoenix knows this better than most from his childhood and later his unjust disbarment and so works to ensure none of his clients have to face any of it alone, as he would have had to himself in the past if not for the help he had in those trying times (read; Edgeworth and Trucy).
I love this god damn idiot so, so much.
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cowvboyenema · 8 months
// Went through a highly depressive swing so switched fronts and baby im so back 👍👍
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Actually so obsessed with how Phastos' powers work
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Do you think young Athena just wandered into the Space Centre one day and Metis decided to adopt her like a stray cat on-the-spot?
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baeyonder · 2 years
Kingo: Could you two...STOP FLIRTING IN FRONT OF ME?!?!
Thena: Wha—wE'RE NOT FLIRTING!!!
Gilgamesh: I was...
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digifag · 1 year
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shirts to buy panna for the next time jest is mean to me
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Wife, best friend, one night stand: Thena, Hela, Melina
Oh my god MILF edition, you understand me
Spouse: Thena. I would live in a cottage with her and hold her hand and make her safe beverages and pie
One night stand: Melina, slam me against a wall challenge
Best friend: Hela. Oh my god she'd be the most chaotic best friend. "I'm having trouble with my friend, I'm just not sure-" "Want me to kill her?" "What, no-" "I'm on my way."
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I just had an evil idea. What if one day Gilgamesh finally had to make good on his promise to kill Thena if the Mahd Wy'ry ever took over her completely? Maybe he deals with it alone or one of the others finds him, up to you. I know you're good with angst so this should be painful
Gil's chest constricted. He felt like he couldn't breathe. He just stared, trying to wrap his head around what was happening. "No...n-no, I-"
The Deviant--the demonic entity facing him dropped its shield onto the jungle floor. Its vines had reached around the Strongest Eternal and retrieved something to serve as a defense. It was a wall of flesh, used only to absorb the shock of a punch.
The body rolled and tumbled, limbs dead weight, blonde hair falling lightly in comparison. Her eyes were still open, and the white colour that had been fogging them cleared to reveal their usual green. It was dark, and they no longer held their shine. The Warrior Eternal was dead.
Gilgamesh's chest puffed as he tried to breathe. He couldn't. What he was seeing didn't make any sense to him. The face of Thena, his lifelong partner, was staring up at him. But it wasn't her. It didn't look like her. His powers dissipated, sparks of gold disappearing into the still and heavy air, a minimal light in the growing dark.
"That is truly a shame," the devil lamented. "Her powers would have been one of the most useful to me."
Gil couldn't understand the words it was saying either. He knelt--fell to his knees. He reached slowly, delicate as he grasped the shoulder of the woman he loved. "Thena?"
She had no response. Her body was heavy as he lifted her into his embrace. He had snapped her spine, destroyed it in a way even an Eternal wouldn't survive. Maybe it was the most merciful way, with Mahd Wy'ry clouding her mind and that thing holding her, maybe she hadn't known it was he who had landed the killing blow.
He didn't know if it was better if that thing was the last she had seen, or if it would have been better for her to see him, only for him to end her life the way he had. As violent as the nature of their powers were, he never wanted to turn that force unto her. Even in all his years thwarting the attacks of her episodes, he always did his best to protect her and himself.
"Oh, Thena," Gilgamesh whimpered. His breath still came sparingly, his throat constricted far too tight. He cradled her head against his chest, the way he would if she were merely having a terrible dream. He ran his fingers through her hair as he watched the golden lines of her energy pull away from her skin, leaving the grey remains of the physical body.
Gold glittered the air again as the Warrior Eternal's life left her in the last way possible. Their own took cautious and unbelieving steps towards them.
He felt the vines of that thing at his back. Horrific appendages made to do worse than end life: made to steal it. He set Thena down gently, unwilling to cause her any more unrest.
The trees quivered as he turned, roaring out the energy building up in his body. Rage and grief coursed through him as he turned and grabbed the creature. His hands were more than capable of crushing through its flesh, no matter what being of natural make or nightmare of the stars. He ripped its arms from its body.
Gilgamesh arched his hands up. He watched the shadow of his sledgehammer fists stretch over the beast's face before he brought them down. The forest blew back from the impact, even more than the last time he'd landed a punch like this. And he kept going.
Every hit, every strike, every scream he let out of his lungs for a loss of what else to do, that thing would suffer. He would make something incapable of death experience the loneliness of pain. He would make it understand what it meant to be alone--what it meant to fear.
The ground impacted from his strength. He continued. He swung his fists, the air bending around him, compressing and bursting, gold streaking through the dusk as he swung at it like an animal fighting for its life.
The thing was dead. He didn't care. He wanted it to be no more. He wanted to beat it down so small that it disappeared into the wind or bled into the core of the earth. His strength would prove that it was still good for something. Now that he had failed to protect his greatest love, he would enact the greatest punishment he could.
"Gil, stop it!"
They were calling him, but he couldn't hear them. He couldn't understand what they were saying. He kept seeing Thena's lifeless face, the feeling of her Cosmic Energy fading into nothing. Now that there was no more Thena, he didn't even feel like he was on Earth anymore. There was nothing to center and anchor him. He felt as if all of his senses had been shut off and there was only pain remaining.
He had never been without Thena's energy to match the rhythm of his, not in all their millennia together. And now, all the air in his lungs was gone, his blood was no longer flowing because his heart was empty and void. He was afloat, trying to follow what remained of Thena in pure stardust.
Gilgamesh roared one last time as he tore the thing apart. What was once its body cavity was forced open with his fingers like an agate, revealing its jagged insides. Its arms were strewn and its head simply was no more. And yet still looking at it only made him want to do more.
"That's enough," his brothers attempted to pull him away, out of the crater he had created.
He turned away, throwing them off of him. He walked back to Thena, laid where he had left her. Her sisters were leaning over her precious body, but he waved them away.
He picked her up again, cradling her head and her poor, broken back. He held her delicate shoulders, which used to curl into him, seeking his warmth. His fingers slid into the depths of her thick blonde hair. She already felt cold.
His tears fell onto her. Once her hand would wipe them away, but now it lay limp beside her. He rocked them back and forth, his body now unsteady without anything real at all for connection. He pressed his cheek to her hair, "my Thena."
He could hear their family moving behind him. They were building a fire, to release her body, to follow her Cosmic Energy back to the stars and their home. But he held her tighter.
You may have to kill her; that was what they once said. And he had said that was a chance he was willing to take. Because he would take any chance in the world to be with his Thena even one more day. And for beings without natural death, he didn't take it lightly.
But this wasn't right. He didn't want to build her a funeral pyre. He didn't want his eyes to watch a fire consume the life of a woman whose every second and minute and hour he would weave into a beautiful tapestry of if he could.
They should have been home. They would have been in Australia, at the home they had built together. He would bury her in the warm, red sands, under the tree she liked. Life without her would be pain but at least he could continue his mission.
His mission was never to protect earth. It wasn't to kill Deviants or serve some far away god. His mission was to protect Thena. It was to love and cherish the woman who had been by his side from the moment he opened his eyes. And he would have spent the rest of Eternity protecting her, until Earth ripped itself in half to mercifully swallow him up into oblivion.
They expected him to give her up. But this was the woman he loved. He held the body of his wife, as preciously as he would on any day, or any night.
Thena had once said that she didn't want to be the one to kill him. She had begged him to kill her first. He had never agreed, because he didn't want to lie to her, but he didn't think he was capable either. He didn't want to endure the pain of living without her, something surely even his strength couldn't weather.
"I kept my promise," he whispered against her forehead, pressing a kiss to it. What a terrible promise it was. He had taken the chance, but to live with it was something harder.
"Gil," Sersi's soft whisper reached him, her hand on his arm.
"Just wait for me, sweetheart," he cooed to his ever-sleeping wife. He wrapped his arm around her shoulders and under her knees, picking her up for the last time. The pyre was ready. Even if it was already lit, he would lean into the fire gently, just to lie her to sleep the way she liked. "I'll come and find you."
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sunshinethena · 7 months
me and my partner talking about who is the hottest beatle and it explains how we ended up together
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taran-chan · 2 years
I don't know what AU you made fits to have some spicy prompt but I think the "on a wednesday in a cafe" would be def good. So they had a vacation on a beach right? And Gil planned a surprised dinner and yeah after that?????? I refused to believe that nothing happened after that, so please make it happen...THANK YOU! Btw, you decide what you'd like to use on the list...but one thing I know for sure your work would be damn good!!!!!
[Cafe AU]
Set right after chapter 28. Because of course they fucked. OF COURSE.
29. “Touch me there. Right there.”
“As much as I want to take you right here,” his breath tickles her neck, “We should probably get inside before the resort staff show up to clean our dinner.”
“Hm?” She sighs, too wrapped up in her ecstasy to register anything but his “take you right here”, and his fingers are still under her dress, rubbing her clit in languid circles over her panties. He just made her come once but now her body is screaming for another. She whimpers when he brings his fingers to his lips and sucks her arousal off them.
“You taste so good.”
His words barely leave his mouth when she pulls him down for another bruising kiss. He indulgently lets her explore him with her lips and her hands. After all, he’s all hers. She bites his lips slightly when he stands up suddenly and carries her along. He starts walking along the moonlit beach, stopping every once in a while to share long kisses with the lady in his arms, resisting the urge to throw her over his shoulder and run like a caveman.
They finally reach their villa and as he carries her through the threshold, he tries not to dwell on the meaning of this act to prevent himself from collapsing; sometimes making love to her is enough to make him weak in the knees. Thena keeps kissing him, using one of her hands to push them away from the walls and toward their darkened bedroom.
Her back touches the mattress, her dress is quickly but gently removed by him before she feels him cup her breasts briefly, then trace down her body. She grabs his wrists to pause him and sits up to flip the light switch. She kneels on the bed in front of him. When did he get all naked? She runs her hands down his body like he did with hers a few seconds ago, tracing his lines and muscles.
“I want to see you,” she says and kisses him, swiftly changing their positions and in a blink of an eye, he’s on his back. She reaches back to tease his angry red cock, swirling the white dot leaking out of the head with her thumb to hear that sexy sound of his, mixing between a moan and a growl. There it is.
“You’re so…” His praise is cut short as she takes him in all at once. She presses her hands on his chest, her eyes roll back and she starts riding him almost immediately, so wet that she doesn’t have to wait. Seeing her in that state of pleasure, knowing he is the cause, something primal takes over him and he grits his teeth to keep it in check. The moment she slows down to kiss him, he takes hold of her hips and pulls her pink folds apart to look at where they’re joined.
“Fuck me,” he croaks, and thrusts up.
“Yes, yes,” she responds in earnest, taking his hands to press them against her breasts, swiveling her hips on every down stroke. He squeezes her nipples and she throws her head back, shaking and writhing. Her neck is exposed to his mouth and he latches on it, licking and sucking while she rides out her orgasm. Somehow he manages to stall his release, falling back on the pillows with her slick body drapes atop him, he keeps thrusting with that same speed.
“Again, come again,” his fingers dig into her hips and she arches back, urging him on. Her moans are so close to his ear, her scent fills his nose and his mouth tastes of her. He wishes he had more hands and another mouth. Thena, Thena, Thena.
He spreads her globes wider, his fingers accidentally brush her asshole and she nearly shrieks. She bears down on him, “Again. Touch me there.”
It takes him a second to realize what she’s saying. He presses his middle finger against her rectum once more, “Here?”
“Right there,” her voice comes out like a sob. Her mind goes blank, her body takes over. He thrusts and presses and squeezes until his vision blurs. They swallow each other’s moans, moving in tandem and folding into each other like two pieces of a puzzle.
Eventually, there’s only the sound of waves seeping through their room and their little satisfied sounds, murmuring sweet nothings to each other.
“You’re so full of surprises,” he finishes his sentence.
“I know,” she smiles against his lips.
“And maybe,” he lifts his head to kiss her shoulder, “I’m thinking about you trying that with me as well.”
“Really?” She cups his face to stop him from turning away. He’s blushing furiously when he nods.
“Now you’re full of surprises.”
She allows him to shut her up with another kiss. Her precious, darling Gilgamesh.
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pithyorangecurd · 2 years
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There's something wrong with her, and it's her bitch of a best friend.
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peccolias · 3 months
Dam remember when I used to draw
I miss that
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