#and Sasuke's just a bit nervous right now
leewritestoomuch · 7 months
Naruto Characters Accidentally Calling their Girlfriend their Wife
Fem reader (or if you want to be called wife)
Characters: Naruto, Sasuke, Shino, Kiba, Shikamaru, Choji, Neji, Rock Lee, Kankuro, and Gaara.
(Masterlist is up now) also I’ll be adding Sai to this in the morning
Naruto Uzumaki
He’s talking to some new people and enthusiastically pulls you to his side, a large smile on his face, and he says “This is my wife! Y/N!”
You can’t hide your shock, not fully at least. He’s never called you his wife before. I mean, he’s said things like “you’ll be my future wife, right?” As he giggles or something.
But you are in a state of shock that he introduced you that way.
Nonetheless, you’re happy.
If the person makes a comment about how young or cute you two are for a married couple, he’d realize. Likely, he’d respond a little oddly, stuttering, but recovers and just full sends with the claim you’re his wife.
Sasuke Uchiha
If he’s with you, you’re gonna be his wife anyways. He didn’t get with you until he was sure of that, because it took him a long time to realize he felt that way anyways.
So he calls you his wife with full confidence, before realizing his mistake. However, he doesn’t care too much to correct himself or anything.
Because you are gonna marry him right? (He’s actually really nervous to propose, but he won’t admit that.)
People would probably just believe him immediately considering just how serious he is about you to even be with you.
When you confront him about it later, he’ll ask you if that was okay, explain it was a mistake, but he’ll probably comment on how he’s dating to marry anyways so… you might as well be his wife.
You can probably expect a proposal soon.
Shino Aburame
I can’t fully see this happening tbh. However, let’s say that it does.
He’d probably over explain himself to the person he referred of you as his wife too.
Not that he doesn’t want you as his wife, but you haven’t said you’ll be his wife yet. So he can’t call you his wife. That’s how he sees it.
He’ll probably think he messed up and upset you, so you’ll have to explain it was cute.
Once you explain to him, he’ll see your point. Maybe with some reluctance to lighten up on himself.
He’ll be happy you want to be seen as his wife though.
Kiba Inuzuka
Realized his mistake, but he could not be bothered.
He will keep on as if there is no mistake. As if you are legally married.
He’ll be upset if you correct him in front of people.
It’ll turn into a bit of an argument if you correct him in any way other than sweetly.
Because what the big deal???
If you leave it alone, and talk to him later, now he’s nervous and stuttering. But he’ll likely comment on how he knows you want to marry him so you might as well be called his wife.
Shikamaru Nara
Immediately realizing what slipped out his mouth.
Does he really want you to be his wife? Well, of course he does. But that’s a lot for him to accidentally spill out to some strangers you’re both meeting.
They don’t know he made a mistake, because you roll with it.
Later, he’ll try to avoid talking about it, but if you bring it up, he’ll say it was a mistake, don’t take it so seriously.
If you seem down about his underwhelming response, he’ll likely have an actual talk about his future with you to reassure you that he was just being an idiot when he said that.
Choji Akimichi
He forgot you’re not his wife.
I think Choji would just love you so much that he would simply treat you like a wife. To the point he forgets, you’re not his wife.
If you comment on it, he’ll think about it and probably be like ohhhh right.
He’ll apologize, but more than likely you’ll just say it was cute.
I can see him calling you wifey.
But if he’s gonna call you that, he’s gotta get you that ring. He’s planning on it as yall speak.
Neji Hyuga
You two are waiting a while before calling it official. Plans of marriage are far off.
He’s a little too traditional to jump at marriage quickly.
So when he accidentally calls you his wife, it was to Hiashi. He went pale. Paler than usual.
Later, depending on how exactly that went, he’ll probably be in his head.
Let’s assume for this though, that Hiashi approves of you completely.
Hiashi made a comment, rather he meant it badly or not, Neji will take it the wrong way. Realize he jumped too far.
You’ll have to tell him you find it cute, and rather his uncle approves of you two or not, you’ll be his wife someday :)
Rock Lee
It COULD be an honest mistake.
But let’s be honest,
It’s Lee.
He calls you his wife to your face, to other people, hell, he’d shout it from the roof tops.
So it’s not an accident. He meant it. He will one day make you his wife, so why would he not call you his wife now!
If you have any reserves about being called his wife before actual marriage, he will pout and be upset. He won’t understand.
But, once that’s over, he’s crying and begging for forgiveness.
Please tell him it’s cute that he wants to marry you, even if you do want to have a talk with him about not assuming roles you don’t officially have.
He might correct his mistake, might not. Depends.
He’s a confident speaker, but that threw him off a little bit.
Likely you were a strong shinobi or something and he was trying to give you credit where it’s due, but it didn’t go as planned.
When you too are alone later, you’ll bring it up likely.
If you tell him you thought it was cute or sweet, he’ll turn bright red like his hair.
He likely won’t go on calling you his wife or anything. Maybe in private.
But he’s not ashamed of it. After all, he’s strongly considering marriage.
Called you his wife to his siblings while you were over for dinner.
Temari is not letting him live it down.
“Hey, I think your wife is trying to get your attention.” “I don’t know, maybe ask your wife?” “What about your wife?” From then on out.
He’s frustrated because it was a mistake, BUTTTT honestly, eventually he’ll make some snarky comment about how at least he’s closer to marriage than she is. Then he probably harps on Shikamaru a little bit in defense for his own comment.
(He approves of Shikamaru tho, if he’s being real. He just thinks it’s a little funny)
As long as this is before a certain point.
He decides to call you his wife to your face.
He’ll call you that to tease you now.
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skyahri · 6 months
I'm Ready Now |Sasuke X Reader| HC
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Summary: You and Sasuke are long-term friends. He's finally decided he's ready to be with you, but you had no idea what had been motivating him all along.
Warnings: Modern AU. Club scene. SFW.
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You've known Sasuke since high school.
You've stuck by him through everything- when his brother was arrested, when he hated everyone and everything, when he rebelled and became a sort of man whore junior year, and even now into adulthood after he simmered down.
But now he was acting odd, and you aren't the only one who's noticed.
Each of your mutual friends had come to you about Sasuke's subtle change in behavior over the past six or so months.
Sakura was the first to ask you about it, wondering if you had picked up on the shift in his demeanor. Then Ino, Sai, Kankuro, and so on.
The biggest change was his newfound confidence.
Not that he wasn't confident before, but this new wave was more... earned. He used to be so entitled and full of himself, so the maturity brought on by this change was refreshing.
You were going to ask Sasuke about it, but you couldn't find the right time.
He had recently taken over the family business, and it was taking up a lot of his time and energy.
When he was young, after his brother had killed their parents, the company was temporarily taken over by a team of advisors until Sasuke was deemed fit to run it.
After receiving his bachelor's in business management and going through several summers of internships, he was given control and promoted to CEO.
That was right around the time he had started to act out of the ordinary.
That's what brings us to today.
It's Saturday, aka the day the whole gang hangs out. Despite how busy Sasuke had become, he always made sure to prioritize it.
He claims it's because Naruto would throw a tantrum, which is true, but you all know he actually enjoys the time together even if he complains.
He'd come to pick you up, a normal occurrence since he had a car, and you did not.
Tonight, you were all meeting up at a club downtown.
The place is packed, but Kiba was able to reserve a table for everyone to sit at.
It was a bit crowded, but that's to be expected from forcing seventeen people into a twelve person booth.
You're a bit too close to Sasuke, but you don't mind. He's cool and comfortable, unlike some of the other men at the table, so it's not awkward.
He slides his arm along the back of the booth to give you a bit more room.
You notice his cologne, the same one he's worn for the past several years. You've always liked it and encouraged him early on to wear it more often.
Once sat, Naruto immediately ordered a round of shots for the table.
And then another.
And another.
And another.
With a little liquid courage, the girls had managed to drag their boyfriends to the dance floor.
It wasn't really your scene, so you opted to hang back with the more introverted members of the group: Shikamaru, Gaara, Shino, and Sasuke.
Hinata would've gladly stayed too, if not for Naruto literally dragging her along.
You were happily chatting with the guys before you were forced asked by Ino and Sakura to retrieve more drinks.
Sasuke offered to go with you since there was no way you could carry so many glasses.
The bartender was busy, so you two hung off to the side for a moment while the wave passed.
You decided now was the time to confront him about his change in behavior.
"You've been different lately."
"Different? How so?"
You narrowed your eyes at him. He was playing dumb, something he did often when trying to politely avoid a subject.
"I'm worried about you, you know. You're not the same Sasuke anymore."
"Is that such a bad thing?"
Ah, so he was plenty aware of it.
"Not necessarily. I just want to know whats going on with you. You can talk to me."
Sasuke thought for a moment. He was nervous, well as nervous as he could manage to be.
"I've inherited my family's company."
You looked at him confused.
"I have a degree, I own my apartment, I have a stable career. I have even cleared my family's name in the eyes of the public."
You just continued to look at him, more lost than you were a second ago. What was he getting at? Why would this be bothering him?
"I am finally a man worthy of even asking you for a chance."
Was he..? Did he really..?
"What?" It's all you can manage to get out.
"You deserve a good man who can provide you with a good life. I've worked hard these past few years to be that man, so I can ask for your hand."
You didn't know what to say. How could you after such a bold proclamation?
So you didn't say anything.
You just tilted your head up to kiss him.
It was perfect- your hands on his chest, one of his on your face, and the other sliding into your hair. The smell of his cologne and fabric of his black button-up.
His lips were surprisingly soft. He's a good kisser, but that's less surprising considering how often he'd gotten around in his youth.
You broke away, and your hands slid down so they could interlock with his.
"Sasuke," you'd stare at him softly, "You've always been a worthy man. Money and status don't change anything."
After that night, he stayed the same new Sasuke, but there was a more relaxed air to him.
You'd hoped to keep things under wraps for longer, but Naruto had apparently seen you guys kiss at the club, and news spread pretty fast after that.
Not that Sasuke minded, no. He liked being able to give you passing touches and brief kisses. He liked being able to look at you without suspicion.
Things were good now.
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fictionwifey · 3 months
Konoha x Transmasc! Reader head cannons (pt. 1?)
Warnings: REALLY LONG, sasuke is kinda uh…a little shit, at first, but when is he not? queerphobia, ur deadname is Elizabeth? I dunno if it uses any pronouns, but if it does its prob he him, sorry nb besties
Note: queerphobes can gtfo of this blog im not cisgender, straight, or allosexual or alloromantic so uhh BYE SIS. Welcome beautiful queers and allies :)
Characters: Team 7: Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Kakashi (separately)
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He actually gets it, like, immediately
If you tell him your preferred name and pronouns when you first meet him, he’ll use the right away, no problemo
If you tell him you’re trans later on, he’ll understand the concept pretty quickly, and he is happy and proud that you’re able to tell him
If he sees something remotely similar to the trans flag’s colors hes immediately pointing it out (same goes for any other flags of your queer identities)
“Look! It’s like the trans flag!” He says (a bit loudly according to your reddening cheeks and the customers’ stares) while pointing to a white shirt with blue outer stripes and pink inner stripes on it
“Yeah…let’s keep it down just a bit, kay, Naruto?” He nods and apologizes, later taking you to Ichiraku’s for ramen (you’re paying though—what’d you expect, for him to have money?)
If you tell him your preferred name and pronouns after you meet him and you’ve been friends, it’ll be a bit harder for him
You walk up to him one day, looking incredibly nervous for some reason before you grab his attention
“Hey, Naruto, uh…I’m trans…”
The way he freezes scares you at first before you realize it’s his look of confusion, not his look of judgement (they’re really not that different convince me otherwise)
You explain to him, and like I said before he grasps the concept immediately
Naruto accidentally deadnames you or uses the wrong pronouns now and then, and it wouldn’t be that much of a problem, except…
“Hey Elizabeth, is this the (men’s item) you wanted?” in the store
everyone turns around and you pull a ‘pretend-like-you-don’t-know-him’
“Hellooo? Eliz- er, Y/N, eheh..”
When you get home that’s the fourtj time you’ve had to discuss the ‘pretend-like-you-dont-know-him’
If someone deadnames or misgenders you, he’ll correct them
If they keep doing it even accidentally, he’ll have a polite, definitely non threatening conversation alone with them
If he finds out it’s intentional, well uh…
“What do you mean, ‘I’m the prime suspect’?? I didn’t even know they went missing- …being the last person to leave with them and returning without them doesn’t mean anything-!”
If you were feminine before coming out, whether a while ago or shortly before, he literally does not GAF
If you’re still kinda feminine (any ftm femboys here?) it increases his accidental deadnaming and stuff (but only if you came out later after meeting him)
Overall 12/10 🥺☺️
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This assho-
If you use your preferred name and pronouns when you first meet, of course he is annoying
“…why do you need to clarify your pronouns? You don’t look that much like a girl…if you squint…”
If you decide to explain you’re trans
“I’m…not sure that’s how it works…but you do you. …What’s your real n-“
He can’t finish before Kakashi loudly clears his throat, Naruto scolds him, and Sakura hits him in the back of the head. (Changing their scores they get extra for that)
If you decide to tell him you’re trans later, basically the same thing. Except maybe he’s a little less insensitive as he’s grown more attached.
If you completely start using your name and pronouns after meeting and knowing him, he’ll definitely be more sensitive about it. Still Sasuke tho, don’t push your luck.
He’ll accidentally deadname you every now and then, and sometimes you’re not even sure if he tries
He does really try to save you from embarrassment though, he’s only deadnamed or misgendered you in a male store for example once
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, he immediately gets on them coldly
If someone keeps doing it, he goes off
If he finds out it’s intentional, he’ll beat their ass then and there, in front of everyone, especially you
When you smile softly and say thanks, he cuts you off
“You’re all for equality right? If I get hit for accidentally doing that, they get killed for doing it purposefully.”
POV you rn: Um 🫢 damnn Sasukes actually kinda swee-
He’ll probably beat you up for even thinking that dont get too excited
He doesnt really care but not in a (very) mean way
if you were overly feminine before coming out, he’ll raise a brow and sometimes comment on how girly you were
If you’re still kinda feminine (any ftm femboys here?) he’d sometimes comment on it
You: 🎀💞🫧✨ Him: “Aren’t you a boy”
Before Sakura, Naruto, and Kakashi did their ✨thang✨ again
Overall 8.5/10 ig idk🫡
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She’s a tinyyy bit disappointed she’s the only girl again, but then again, now no one can steal her spotlight (on Team Kakashi at least-)
She pretty much gets it, she’s heard of transgender people before, as she is a medical ninja, and Tsunade has met some (side note: Tsunade is a total auntie to the queer <33)
and now she’s even met one: you
She is VERY supportive and proud, but not as ‘OMG ITS SOMETHING TRANS’ as Naruto, you know?
She always uses the right pronouns and usually uses the right name, whether or not you came out/told her your name when you first met
she’s deadnamed you once after knowing your name is Y/N not Elizabeth or whatever your dead name may be
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, she immediately cuts them off and corrects them
If someone keeps doing it, she literally shouts the correction out of absolutely nowhere to cut them off
If she finds out it’s intentional, she literally interrupts them by SHRIEKING your name and pronouns Im serioud when I say she will SCREAM it from the ROOFTOPS she loves you
I dunno if its platonic love or not so dont get your hopes up but she definitely adores you
If you were feminine before coming out, whether a while ago or shortly before, Sakura doesn’t blink an eye at it. She knows realization like this can happen in a moments notice
She will take ALL the clothes, nail polish, makeup, etc that you no longer want (if you’d like of course heheh)
If youre still pretty fem she is BETTER THAN OKAY?? 🎀🫧✨🌸
Do you want her to paint your nails? Wait, you wear makeup? Can she do it today? Do you wanna borrow some of her clothes that smell like her so it seems- (Kakashi clears his throat interrupting Sakura and she realizes what she was about to say)
But yeah so imma say
Overall 100/10 obvi? 💞🥺
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He thinks it’s so cool that he’s actually getting to meet a trans person
They were just the butt of the jokes back in his day
Or the gossip whenever an actual trans person literally did nothing more than breathed
But yeah he’s like ‘that’s so cool’
He’s way more ecstatic and happy for you on the inside like in there he’s actually squealing
Kakashi reveals that he’s actually questioned his gender identity before, but it kinda got shoved out of his mind by his dad once (same with sexuality but he’s totally pansexual or something and he knows it—he doesnt care about gender he just likes people)
You guys discuss that stuff sometimes when he asks if its normal to question it, or his sexuality, or when he finally figures out the label for it is pan (or whatever) and then you guys just discuss your queer identities
One day he was just like “hey is it normal to wonder if I’m a boy? I know you’re a boy who was once a girl, or at least seen as one, but I…” and yeah
If you’re (around) his age, and he finds out you’re trans, he feels like he’s about to cry
Kakashi is SO HAPPY, he didn’t know trans people…would even be able to live as long as you…
He hugs you so tight bro you’re not getting out of that for a while
If you’re literally his age like ive said before and ur not a minor you may or may not be his pan/homosexual awakening…
You guys are so sweet as a couple just the absolute cutest
If you’re a kid he’s training Kakashi will make sure you’re extra well protected due to the sad fact that transphobia and just plain queerphobia is still everywhere even if it’s a small amount
Regardless of age again, he always uses the right name, as he says its easy cos Y/N suits you better and generally uses the right pronouns
He’s used the wrong pronouns just a few times
If someone misgenders or deadnames you, Kakashi patiently corrects them
If they keep doing it, he gets a bit annoyed but makes you a pronouns pin and/or name tag and reminds them each time, his reminder dripping with more venom each time
If he finds out it’s intentional, Kakashi literally will get them in trouble, the excuse being they were harassing and bullying you, even so much as saying they were threatening your existence (which isnt a complete lie)
He cares so much about you dare I say loves you so much, whether it be in a familial way if youre a kid or adult, or a romantic way if youre an adult 
If you were feminine before coming out, he sometimes gets confused but usually does great actually with few mistakes
If youre still feminine he sometimes gets confused on accident but it doesnt take him long to get good
Overall 10/5 🤍🥹
I may make more with the other teams! Have a great one, byeee!!
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maoam · 8 months
is that true sasuke and karin fucked in canon? i saw some people spread this because suigetsu implied something happened between them in the past. i don't know the right translation of his line but most of translations imply whether karin did something to sasuke in the past or they did something together.  
these people say sasuke defends karin even though karin was the who punched suigetsu because they didn't want suigetsu to reveal some secret. when karin tries to get closer to sasuke he tells her to move back a little or looks nervous (because of her angry voice?) suigetsu also said that he and juugo would get in their way and that he likes to break them apart. it is also mentioned in some databook that suigetsu likes to interfere with the love of sasuke and karin, and that  what happened between sasuke and karin is a top secret. 
those people also discussed bites all over karin's body, assuming that they were left by sasuke and that she let him diging his teeth into her body (it is  also mentioned in databook). it is also mentioned by obito that karin is sasuke's favorite (lovers used to be considered favorites). in the scene where karin goes to sasuke when he was injured, she said a line that could mean sasuke wouldn't reject her.
naruto and suigetsu believed that sasuke could have slept with karin and suigetsu also said he didn't know sasuke can be such a bastard( those people use "pimp" but it's probably a mistranslation since the most common meaning of the used word in his line was "bastard" or "pile of trash". this word  also can mean "chad", but it's an uncommon meaning).  to sarada's questions about who her mother is, sasuke answered "it's none of your business". it could indicate that sasuke slept with both karin and sakura and simply did not know whose daughter sarada was.  
in their opinion, sk is the only ship where there is something erotic, other ships don't have this and for manga such hints are rare to mean this very thing. for some reason some people think that sasuke could rape karin and sakura, that's why they look so sad in gaiden lol. 
could kishimoto really leave these sexual hints and continue them in gaiden as an unrealized desire to bring karin and sasuke together? why did he never comment on that suigetsu's line? why did suigetsu even get the impression that karin and sasuke could be together? i mean there must be some sence to make him think like that and i beleive kishi wouldn't throw such stuff unintentionally. 
anyway, is sasuke really that kind of character who would have a sexual relationship with someone he doesn't love, who would use someone for sexual favors and then throw them away like an unnecessary tool (which is exactly what sasuke did to karin in the end)? and i know databooks aren't canon, but what is the scence to tease fans with such hints?
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"The truth is, I know… A long time ago, you (did something) to/regarding Sasuke."
The line doesn't imply they did something together, but that Karin did something regarding Sasuke.
What an amazing jump through mental hoop to come to the conclusion that it means they had sex. Yes I'm sure they had sex at age 13. That's definitely what was Sasuke's priority when he came to Oro's place. But we have to remember the person who wrote the "meta" of Sasuke and Karin having sex also said Itachi was fucking multiple women at same age and also was being passed around by the council (the wording they used).
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It was pretty easy to tell from their whole convo that Suigetsu was trying to piss Karin off. 'That's why you're always stuttering' etc. Sasuke isn't even phased, just a bit annoyed. Them quarreling is distracting from the mission.
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This was just a bit before that moment of Karin slapping Suigetsu. As you can see Sasuke is a bit confused by Karin's behaviour. He also doesn't want to let her come too close. It should be OBVIOUS these two aren't in a sexual relationship, or relationship of any kind at this point. Come on now.
Databooks... aren't canon, once again. They are written by random people.
Suigetsu talks a lot of shit, he's a troll, yet it's treated as gospel. He finds Karin annoying so he wants to mess with her attempts to get together with Sasuke. Guess what, Oro constantly brings up how Sasuke is affected by Naruto. And Oro is a character who is very intelligent and perceptive. He never says/thinks Sasuke is affected by Karin. It's almost like Kishi wanted to point out how important Naruto is to Sasuke and how deep Sasuke's feelings lie, while he used Karin for comic relief most of the time.
Sasuke, who didn't even kill the men Orochimaru brought to him because of his good heart, sacrificed Karin, a teammate, for his revenge. That was his low point. It's really not hard to understand.
Oh my god... Obito's comment is about Karin's abilities, I have talked about this already. [link]
Suigetsu sure, because again he's a troll character. Naruto never implied Sasuke slept with Karin, he was just frustrated on what a mess the whole thing was. Which is why he said 'teme'. The whole goddamn Gaiden is making fun of both SS and SK and some people still don't see it...
"It could indicate that sasuke slept with both karin and sakura and simply did not know whose daughter sarada was."
I'm amazed some people understand Sasuke's character so little that they genuinely think he would do something like that. XD
"in their opinion, sk is the only ship where there is something erotic" wrong [link]
"could kishimoto really leave these sexual hints and continue them in gaiden as an unrealized desire to bring karin and sasuke together?"
No. Imagine thinking that after how Kishi made Sasuke stabbing Karin into comic relief soon after lol. He doesn't care about Karin enough to have any desire to bring her anywhere, especially not with Sasuke.
"for some reason some people think that sasuke could rape karin and sakura, that's why they look so sad in gaiden lol"
Again amazingly terrible mischaracterization especially when Sasuke has always rejected both Sakura and Karin and they have been the aggressors towards him.
"is sasuke really that kind of character who would have a sexual relationship with someone he doesn't love, who would use someone for sexual favors and then throw them away like an unnecessary tool"
"is that true sasuke and karin fucked in canon?"
No. SK and Sasuke stans who are homophobic are just desperate to prove Sasuke wants to fuck women.
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The scene of Karin hitting on Sasuke and Sasuke being confused and also telling her to back off, and these ones here, just show Sasuke does not see Karin that way. It's only Naruto he is comfortable with touching him, and the one he goes out of his way to touch even when there's no need to (like to save someone from falling).
The people giving these arguments are just delusional like SS, it can't be helped.
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blushy-tigerrr · 8 months
Saved By The Bell - Naruto Tickle Fic
Fandom: Naruto Shippuden
Summary: During the second bell test, Naruto makes an interesting discovery about his Sensei.
Content Warning: mild language
Word Count: 2.7k
Author's Note: it has been SO LONG since i last wrote a fic so i'm v nervous about posting this, but i am pretty proud of it! i hope you enjoy!
Naruto and Sakura ducked behind a tree, breathing heavily as they tried to recover some energy from all of the failed attempts at retrieving the bells from Kakashi. Their brains were moving a mile a minute, trying desperately to figure out a new tactic. It’s been about three years since the first time they had tried to do this, and as strong as the two of them have gotten in that time, it was still incredibly difficult. It didn’t help that the pressure was up this time as Lady Tsunade, the Fifth Hokage and Sakura’s mentor, and Jiraiya, Naruto’s mentor, were watching and evaluating their fight. With the extra amount of pressure they were feeling, the two of them couldn’t help but wonder if they had even progressed much at all.
Kakashi, however, felt the amount of growth his students had achieved. As opposed to last time they fought him like this, he wasn’t daring to let even a little bit of his guard down. He knew how much stronger Naruto and Sakura had become, and because of this, he knew he’d be defeated easily if he relaxed for even a second. Even so, he couldn’t fully keep his mind away from his new “Make-Out Tactics” book that Naruto had brought him. He’d never dare to start reading while facing opponents like these, but the desire was there, and it was strong.
Naruto sighed, his breath becoming steadier. “Man, that Kakashi is ridiculously strong. I mean, he’s smarter than Shikamaru, he has a better sense of smell than Kiba, his Sharingan is better than Sasuke’s, his Taijutsu is better than Lee’s… and he’s got way more experience than us.”
“You’re right, but even so…” Sakura interjected curiously, “even he must have a weakness.” She squinted her eyes as if to see the possibilities written out in front of her. “We just have to think about it…”
“A weakness, huh?” Naruto wondered aloud, joining Sakura and becoming deep in thought. He cycled through every fight he’s seen Kakashi in, trying to figure out what his weakness could possibly be. It was hard to find the answer with an opponent so strong. Maybe, his weakness wasn’t a physical thing, like a blind spot. Maybe… Naruto gasped suddenly. “I’ve got it!”
Sakura’s head whipped towards Naruto in surprise, her brow slightly furrowed. “Really? You know Kakashi’s weakness? Tell me!” She leaned in, prompting him to whisper so no one would overhear their plotting. Naruto stifled a giggle, playing out his ridiculous plan in his head.
“Sakura, think about it for a minute. If you really look back at all of Kakashi Sensei’s actions, you’ll know what I’m thinking of.” Naruto smirked, waiting for Sakura to think of it, too. She did think very hard, in fact. Alas, she wasn’t able to see it the way that Naruto did so clearly. He beckoned her close to him and whispered his plan into her ear. As the words left his mouth, her face switched from a confused expression into a wide, scheming smile.
“Oh, I get it now! Naruto, that’s a genius idea!” She exclaimed, feeling her hands begin to shake in excitement. “You really are the most unpredictable knucklehead ninja I’ve ever met.” Naruto growled, lightly smacking Sakura in the arm, making her laugh.
“Hey! How dare you call me a knucklehead when I just came up with that amazing plan! You said it yourself, it was genius.” He smirked, crossing his arms in a playfully arrogant way. Sakura rolled her eyes at his actions.
“No matter how many great plans you come up with, you’ll always be a knucklehead to me, Naruto.” She teased. Naruto copied her eye roll, still smirking.
“Whatever. Let’s just go before Kakashi Sensei starts getting suspicious.” He began to move noiselessly in Kakashi’s direction, Sakura close behind him. They both focused on their movements, making sure to draw no attention to themselves while also making their way through the trees as quickly as possible. Before they knew it, they were crouched behind a bush about thirty feet away from Kakashi.
Kakashi couldn’t sense their presence yet, but his guard was very much up, anticipating a sneak attack from a direction that wouldn’t be expected. He would never admit it to his two students, but he started to feel a bit nervous. He couldn’t place exactly why. All he knew is that he should be expecting the unexpected. But then he wondered, what could be so unexpected that it warranted him feeling this nervous? When he saw his two students appear from behind a bush, that was when the nerves really started to kick in. They couldn’t possibly think a head-on attack would work, could they?
“Huh… attacking me head-on like this. Are you sure that’s the best course of action?” Kakashi questioned his students, keeping his voice even as he readied his defensive stance. The two stood before him, and Kakashi couldn’t miss the eagerness in their stances. What on Earth did they have planned?
“Now, Naruto!” Sakura’s sudden exclamation prompted the two of them to jump into the air, diving slowly towards Kakashi. He couldn’t help but gain a confused look. All three of them knew that Kakashi could destroy them easily in a frontal attack like this. He stood, still ready to attack at any moment, but he watched them closely, analyzing every movement down to the tiniest muscle twitch.
“Alright, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto started to speak as they continued to descend. Kakashi cocked his head to the side slightly, surprised that he’d use a moment like this for conversational language. “At the end of ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Oh. Oh.
Those words sent a chill down Kakashi’s spine. There was no way Naruto was resorting to such a dirty trick. Spoiling the ending of the book he had just received that day? What kind of a monster did he train?! Kakashi covered his ears out of instinct, preventing himself from hearing any more of Naruto’s words. He kept his eyes locked on their movements, but then he realized…
“As it happens, the main character…” No! He could still read Naruto’s lips because of his Sharingan! His eyes clamped shut, determined not to find out any spoilers that Naruto might have known. He was also Jiraiya’s student, and he’s the author of these books, after all. It was more likely than not that Naruto knew exactly how this book went, and Kakashi would rather lose this fight than have his favorite series spoiled for him.
Kakashi felt a sudden jab at his right side, close to his hip. His eyes shot open with a gasp, as his hands flew down to protect himself from… that. Much to his dismay, the jabs kept coming one after another. He felt his face begin to flush in embarrassment as he choked back the laughter that was about to come out of his mouth. There was no way he was letting his students learn both of his weaknesses in the same day.
“Damn it, where the hell are they?!” A familiar voice mumbled to no one in particular. Kakashi looked down to see that the culprit of the pokes was none other than Naruto. He was obviously searching for something… wait. “Where are they? Where are the bells?!” Naruto’s hands kept searching as Kakashi felt his defenses begin to crumble. He inhaled deeply and held his breath. He could not, would not let this happen. Not in front of the Fifth Hokage herself.
When Naruto’s hands reached the bottom of his ribs, Kakashi felt himself involuntarily move away from the poking. This made Naruto stop what he was doing and stare curiously at his teacher. Kakashi stared back, his eyes a little bit wider than normal. His heart rate began to increase when he saw a devious glint in Naruto’s eyes. Naruto reached out to land another poke into Kakashi’s ribs, eliciting a quiet yelp from the older.
“Say, Kakashi Sensei…” Naruto’s voice was lower than before, almost a growl. Kakashi swallowed, his face growing more flushed the closer Naruto gets to him. “You wouldn’t happen to be ticklish, would you?”
Kakashi felt his breath catch in his throat hearing those words. “Now, Naruto…” His voice had a slight tremble to it, but he tried to keep his tone calm and level. “Is this really necessary? You would have defeated me just now. We don’t need to resort to such tactics.”
Naruto chuckled, stepping even closer to Kakashi with his hands reaching out in front of him. “If you’re hiding the bells from us, then I have no other choice.” He leapt at Kakashi suddenly, attaching his fingers to his sides and digging in mercilessly. Kakashi gasped, putting his hands over Naruto’s in an attempt to push them away. He gritted his teeth to prevent any laughter from slipping out of his mouth. He was determined to keep up his stoic facade for as long as possible.
“N-Naruto, this isn’t necessary. C-come on, stop this.” Kakashi’s voice came out a bit more strained than normal as he held back his laugh. As ticklish as he was, Kakashi was able to handle this spot pretty well. As long as Naruto didn’t get any other ideas, that is. Not satisfied with the reaction he was getting, Naruto furrowed his brow in deep thought.
“I think it’s very necessary, Kakashi Sensei! If you’re unfairly hiding the bells from us, I have to find them by any means.” Naruto moved his hands up to Kakashi’s ribs, scratching each finger between each of the bones. Kakashi let out a strong exhale, still holding his laughter in, but just barely. His hands still stayed on top of Naruto’s, trying to detach his fingers from his ribs. The feeling of all ten of Naruto’s fingers wiggling in between his ribs was almost too much to handle. Naruto grinned mischievously, noticing Kakashi’s face becoming more red as the tickling continued.
“You’re really not letting up? Man, I guess I have to do it, then…” Those words from Naruto made Kakashi’s stomach do a backflip. He started to squirm underneath the tickly touch, wondering what on Earth he could have possibly thought of to escalate the situation.
“Well, as I was saying before, the main character in ‘Make-Out Tactics’…”
Kakashi gasped, covering his ears and clamping his eyes shut once more. Damn, Naruto was much better at finding his weaknesses than he’d like to admit. “N-no! I’m not listening!” Kakashi exclaimed in a panic. What he failed to consider, however, was just how vulnerable he had made himself in this one motion. Naruto chuckled, taking the chance that was given to him. He shot his now free hands up into Kakashi’s underarms.
Kakashi’s arms came crashing down as his entire body curled in on itself. The laughter that he was fighting back finally bubbled to the surface in the form of soft, hysterical giggles. His face flushed even deeper than before, feeling embarrassed about reacting in such a way, especially in front of the people that were around. As Naruto’s fingers scratched in the sensitive spot, Kakashi couldn’t help himself but squirm even more than before.
Naruto was shocked. He had never heard Kakashi laugh like this. He didn’t even know if he’d heard Kakashi laugh at all before, so to see him reduced to a giggling mess was a hilarious sight. “Wow, Kakashi Sensei! You’re way more ticklish than I would have thought!” He continued to scratch his nails in Kakashi’s underarms, causing his teacher’s laughter to slowly get louder.
“N-Narutohoho, plehehease! This ihis soho childihihihish!” Kakashi cackled, trying half heartedly to bat Naruto’s arms away from him. Could he have gotten the kid off of him easily with one swift motion? Absolutely, but to be honest, he couldn’t remember the last time he had allowed his guard to drop this much. It had to have been years since he felt himself laugh even a little bit. As embarrassing as it all was, a bigger part of it felt refreshing.
“Oh, you think this is childish? I’ll show you childish!” Naruto taunted, throwing pokes all around Kakashi’s torso, making his laughter spike up an octave. “Childish is hiding the bells from me when I beat you, fair and square!”
Kakashi’s eyes were still squeezed shut due to his loud laughter. All of a sudden, the tickling sensations increased rapidly. He felt so many different spots being targeted all at once. While the scratching in his underarms continued, he additionally felt fingers wiggling against his stomach and his ribs. Then, there was a pair of hands scratching behind his knees, forcing a surprised squeak out of Kakashi’s mouth. His legs began to shake due to the new spot being targeted. How was this even possible? He forced open his eyes and finally realized: he was being attacked by Naruto and three of his Shadow Clones.
Once he found out what had happened, Kakashi’s body surrendered to the sensations. He let unfiltered laughter flood out of his mouth as his legs finally gave out, making him end up on the ground. All four Narutos followed him down, all of their hands staying attached to the spots they were targeting. Kakashi was almost in tears laughing, completely unable to get away from the eight hands that were attacking him. “Nahahaharutoho! Plehehease, stohohohop!”
“I’ll stop as soon as you tell me where the damn bells are!” The real Naruto yelled, his three Shadow Clones laughing along.
Hearing that soft, familiar sound ring through the chaos made both Naruto and Kakashi freeze. All of their remaining chakra was focused in their ears, listening intently for the sound of the bells.
Their heads whipped around to see Sakura standing a few feet away from them, holding both of the bells, one in each hand. Kakashi felt his face pale at the sight as Naruto bolted over to grab one of the bells out of her hand with a satisfied chuckle.
“Y-you had them the whole time, Sakura?” Kakashi stammered, slowly gathering himself and getting to his feet. Sakura had a small smile on her face as she blushed a bit.
“Yeah… I’m sorry, Kakashi Sensei! I just thought… you looked like you were having fun, so I didn’t want to make you guys stop so soon.” Sakura explained sheepishly. Kakashi couldn’t help but smile at her statement, his face remaining a deep shade of pink.
“Well… you aren’t necessarily wrong.” Kakashi admitted, making both of his students stare at him in shock. He shrugged as he continued his thought. “I mean, I can’t remember the last time my body was able to relax like that, and I don’t even think either of you had ever heard me laugh before.” Naruto and Sakura looked at each other, knowing that to be true. Kakashi smiled at them before looking around the area. “Now, I have one thing to ask, and this goes for everyone here, so listen up.” As Kakashi spoke, Tsunade and Jiraiya poked their heads out of the trees, their grinning faces focused on him intently.
“What is it, Kakashi Sensei?” Naruto asked, his eyes shining with glee. Kakashi sighed, directing this statement mostly at the two Sannin.
“Please, do not tell Gai about this. He will never let me live a peaceful life with this information.” Jiraiya snickered as he and Tsunade shared a mischievous glance. 
“No promises.” Tsunade responded with a scheming smile. Kakashi sighed even deeper this time, holding his face in his hands.
“Don’t worry, Kakashi Sensei! We’ll protect your honor!” Naruto exclaimed, positioning himself in front of Kakashi, using a defensive stance.
Sakura giggled and mirrored Naruto’s actions. “Yeah! We’ll protect you no matter what!”
Kakashi smiled, grateful for the incredible Shinobi his students had become. “Thank you. Now, what do you say I treat you two to some ramen as a congratulations?” His students let out a yell of excitement, racing each other back to the village. Kakashi followed close behind them while Tsunade and Jiraiya lingered for just a moment longer.
“You’re going to tell him, aren’t you?” Jiraiya asked the Hokage.
Tsunade chuckled. “Oh, I absolutely am.”
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mixelation · 1 year
here i wrote more reborn au. this is the beginning of The Wave Arc Debacle as described previously. sakura POV
Sakura was shaking as the hunter-nin made off with Zabuza's body. She hoped no one could tell. 
There were a few moments of tension, all of them at attention as they watched the young man retreat. Then suddenly it was like Kakashi sagged over, his posture bending inward. That was everyone else’s cue it was alright: Naruto and Sasuke and even Tazuna immediately and visibly relaxed. 
“Okay,” Kakashi-sensei said, panting, limped-kneed and more exhausted than Sakura knew a Jounin could be. “I’m going to show you a secret technique. Only Naruto can learn this one.”
Naruto, despite all odds, perked up. Then Kakashi-sensei produced a three-pronged kunai and Naruto immediately deflated. 
“Oh, c’mon,” he mumbled. “My first C-rank, too…”
Sakura opened her mouth to ask what this technique was, but the Hokage was in front of them before she could get more than a word out. He seemed just as tense as they had been moments ago, eyes flicking around for danger, and Sakura snapped to attention. Behind her, Tazuna sounded as if he’d just choked on air. 
“What’s wrong?” Hokage-sama demanded. He aimed his command at Kakashi-sensei, but Sakura noted he was eyeing Naruto up and down out of the corners of his eyes. 
Of course, Sakura decided. Hokage-sama would obviously assume him being summoned meant his son was in danger. Most ninja couldn’t just summon Hokage-sama at whim if their missions went bad. But clearly Naruto would always get favoritism, even if Kakashi-sensei and Hokage-sama promised he wouldn’t, and even if Naruto himself got all bristly at the idea.
“The mission might have gone a teensy-weensy bit… wrong?” Kakashi provided. 
Tazuna shifted nervously. 
Kakashi-sensei’s report was short and succinct, skipping a lot of details to only hammer home the important parts. Hokage-sama tilted his head back, glancing over at Tazuna a few times. 
“I have every right to pull my shinobi out and detain you until you pay the price of an A-rank,” Hokage-sama told Tazuna finally. 
Tazuna held his gaze, consciously stopping his nervous shuffling. Sakura wondered if she could be that brave, if Hokage-sama told her off. 
“Oh, c’mon!” Naruto yelled, louder this time. “He couldn’t pay more because of this Gato asshole–”
Hokage-sama raised an eyebrow. 
“--this Gato jerk, and it’d be totally unfair if we didn’t help him just cuz he’s poor right now.” Naruto pointed determinedly at Tazuna. “I mean, he’s a jerk too, but at least he’s trying to help people.”
Hokage-sama studied naruto for a few moments, and Sakura wondered if Naruto was going to be told yet again that he needed to speak to his father like he was the Hokage when he was on the job. Instead, he sighed heavily, and a tiny smile tugged at his lips. 
“Kakashi,” he said, “you confirmed Zabuza’s death?”
Hokage-sama told them it was up to them if they wanted to continue or not. Naruto and Sasuke immediately said they wanted to. 
“Sakura?” Hokage-sama asked, and Sakura felt her cheeks go hot. She wondered if anyone would actually take her opinion into account if she said no. 
“Um, well…” That had been terrifying. But she did want to help Tazuna’s village; helping people wasn’t why she signed up to be a shinobi, but wanting to be a protector like Ino was certainly part of why she stayed. “Yes,” she said finally. “I want to stay too.”
After all, A-rank missing-nin were rare. What were the odds another one would show up?
“Alright,” Hokage-sama agreed. “I really can’t be teleporting around willy-nilly, though. I’ll send back up. Hold on…”
Hokage-sama patted himself down, eventually pulling a random piece of sealing paper out of a pocket. He handed it to Kakashi-sensei. 
 “Is that…” Kakashi started, eyeing it warily. 
“She’ll be here in a few minutes,” Hokage-sama answered cheerfully. Then he was gone. 
Kakashi stared down at the piece of paper, defeated. 
“What’s going on?” Sasuke asked. 
“This is from Tori,” Kakashi said flatly, like that explained anything. 
“Oh,” Sasuke replied. He didn’t sound thrilled. Even Naruto made a face. Sakura had never heard of anyone called Tori at all. 
Sakura concentrated very hard on not fidgeting. She hated when the team got like this: all three of them knowing something she didn’t. It made her feel like even more of an outsider. 
Tori turned out to be a teenaged girl. She appeared out of nowhere, much like Hokage-sama, although she teetered uncertainly at her landing, her arms windmilling. She was wearing a pink tank top with lacy straps that Sakura thought was a bit cute, tucked into a baggy pair of black standard-issue slacks. A belt with a handful of scrolls was at her waist, but she wore no weapons pouch. A convenience store bag swung from her hand. 
“Hey!” she greeted, once she was balanced again. “So what, uh– what are we doing?”
“He didn’t tell you?” Kakashi-sensei asked, voice stressed. 
“No?” Tori replied. “I was literally buying lunch.”
She held up the bag. 
“Ah, well,” Kakashi-sensei replied, swaying in place. “Unfortunately for you, I’m about to pass out.”
And then he did. 
“Oi, oi,” Tori yelled, diving forward to catch him. “What the fuck?”
Sakura winced at the language. It wasn’t that she was offended; it was that this was basically giving Naruto free reign to swear as much as he wanted. 
Tori laid Kakashi-sensei out in the grass, assuring them she was “technically” a medic, which was an oddly ominous way to word it. Naruto attempted to fill her in on their mission as she poked chakra into Kakashi. His story wheeled around in a disorganized fashion, the way all Naruto’s stories did. 
“No offense, kid,” Tori told him. “But you’re not really making any sense. Anyone else want to try?”
After only a moment of hesitation, Sakura stepped forward. She described their mission objective and then the series of events and decisions that led them to the current circumstances. Tori nodded along, eventually standing and pulling a packaged curry bread out of her bag. 
“Interesting,” she said, taking a bite of her bread. “So are we in Wave?”
“We’re close to the crossing,” Tazuna replied. “Do you… do you not know where you are?”
Tori blinked back innocently at him, shoving more bread into her mouth. 
Tori finished her bread, assured them Kakashi was just chakra-exhausted, and then pulled out an apple. Tazuna volunteered his home to them, and Tori directed Naruto and Sasuke to carry Kakashi between them. 
“If you mess it up,” she said, smiling at them, “he’ll feel it when he wakes up.”
She produced a can of some sort of sparkling juice drink from the convenience store bag. It fizzed over its side when she popped the top. 
Sakura assumed Naruto and Sasuke got put with Kakashi because they were boys. As it turned out, Tori wanted Sakura by her side so she could quiz her on details of their fights. She wanted to know everything the Demon Brothers and Zabuza had said, whether it seemed important or not, and what techniques they’d used and what strategies they seemed to be implementing. 
Being a ninja involves so much information, Sakura thought. She had a very good memory, luckily. She had a lot to say. 
“Zaubza had no pulse,” Sakura explained twice for Tori on how they knew he was dead. “Kakashi-sensei checked.”
Tori was squinting off into the distance, like she was doing a complex math problem in her head. Her hair was tied back in a loose braid, but over the course of their trip, several curls had escaped and now framed her face at strange angles. Sakura couldn’t decide if it was pretty or not. 
Striking, Sakura finally decided. Only one-third of shinobi graduates were girls, and the proportion of kunoichi got smaller and smaller as rank increased. There had to be something amazing about Tori if she was a Special Jounin at her age. If she wasn’t pretty, she had to be something.
“But the hunter-nin took the body? You’re sure of it?” Tori asked. Sakura nodded. “Did you see what part of the neck he hit? With the senbon?”
Sakura hadn’t really seen much of the specific attack, but she could narrow it down to a side and a general area. Tori’s lips thinned. 
“Does that mean something?” Sakura asked. 
“Maybe,” Tori allowed. 
Wave was… wet, and smelled like wet garbage. It looked like it might have been pretty once, but the buildings and roads had suffered years of disrepair. Whatever waste collection had once been in place was gone or inadequate now, and rubbish clogged the drains and caused gross, stinky puddles to form in the cracks of what was left of the pavement. People looked at them with distrustful eyes, even with Tazuna there. 
Tazuna’s house was the same. It was probably comfortable once, but lost roof tiles and cracked windows had not been replaced. Someone had been maintaining the yard, but the vegetable plot was pathetic in the number of plants it contained versus the size delineated by a low stone wall. The inside was roomy, but the rugs were threadbare and there was much less furniture than the size would allow. 
Tazuna’s daughter, Tsunami, apologized again and again that they only had one guest room. 
“Inari can sleep with me,” she offered, “so the young ladies–”
Tori held up a hand. “Aw, don’t kick the kid out of his room. We shinobi don’t care about gender like that.”
This was a lie– Sakura felt like the only time her being a girl didn’t matter was when people were telling her off for noticing it did matter– but it made Tsunami hesitate. Tori flashed her teeth reassuringly. 
“Besides, Kakashi and I are basically siblings,” she said. 
The statement made Naruto wrinkle his nose, and Sakura felt there was a joke there she didn’t quite get. 
They rolled Kakashi out onto one of the thin futons Tsunami left them, and Tori poked him with more chakra while Naruto very haphazardly tossed a blanket over him. Sakura did her best to chide him with her eyes while she fixed it. 
“I think he’ll be awake by morning,” Tori decided, sitting back on her heels. “Make sure he eats something when he wakes, even if it’s just broth.” She frowned. “Even if he insists he’s fine.”
Tori then sat back on her butt and started unrolling scrolls and pulling out little jars of ink. 
“What are you doing?” Sakura asked curiously. 
“I was interrupted during my lunch break for a lab shift, so I don’t have any weapons on me. I’m going to see what I have sealed away,” Tori replied. 
“Aren’t shinobi always supposed to have weapons on them?” Sasuke wondered. 
“Technically, yes,” Tori replied. Then she pointed accusingly at him. “Ask your brother what I can do without them, though.”
Tori explained that she kept weapons stored away “just in case,” and all she needed to do was remember which storage seal to draw. Sakura was… well, right up until this moment, she had been sure this was not how storage seals worked, because you couldn’t put a kunai in one scroll and expect to retrieve the same kunai from another scroll. But neither Naruto nor Sasuke blinked an eye, and a few minutes later, Tori had a pile of metal in front of her. 
“What are you going to do with all of those?” Sasuke asked. 
“What are we doing to help you?” Naurot asked, excitement in his eyes. 
“You three are going to watch over Tazuna and Kakashi,” Tori said calmly, picking up a bent kunai and turning it over with a tiny frown on her face. “Hokage-sama didn’t give me any specific instructions except to babysit you while Kakashi is down, but it seems to me…” 
She dropped the bent kunai and picked up another one and then another. 
“It seems to me the easiest way to solve this is to just assassinate Gato.”
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suikung · 1 month
My request is:
Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha deflowering their new Concubine together. She is young, pretty and precious for the clan leader and his wife. Truly a status symbol.
It was such a high honor for your family. You came from the lower branches of the Uchiha clan with only two options to rise up. Marry into a higher branch family or become a concubine for them. Being the only daughter, your family prioritized training you for a future life as a concubine. Love was not a certain thing but a position in this job would be. Your life up until today, your 18th birthday, was spent how to take for a home. But most importantly how to care for the husband and wife that’d select you, in more ways than another.
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You were now 18 which meant your training was over and soon you’d join a new family. To your fortune you were a high valued concubine, almost from birth you were trained for this and that made you highly desirable. One of the few concubines directly praised by an Uchiha elder. Meaning, whoever was fortunate enough to pay such a price would be directly receiving an honor from the elders.
It was now time for goodbyes, it was almost noon which meant your new family would arrive soon. It was a bit hard since they were your birth family but you had spent most of your time in training. Soon, there was a knock outside the door. Anticipation weighed heavy as your father opened the door only to see Fugaku and Mikoto Uchiha on the other side. Appearing next to your father, you bowed. “Hello, it’s nice to meet you both. I’m looking forward to being with you”. A smile gracing both their faces. They were lucky, fighting tough and nail to get you and now here you are infront of them. Such a beauty would bring them great status and recognition within the clan.
Soon you were on the way with them. Arriving in a part of the Uchiha compound where higher branch officials lived. It was quite nerving, only having been here a handful of times it made you feel out of place. A hand coming to rest on your shoulder, Mikoto. “Don’t be nervous. This is your new life, your new home. You belong here now with us.” She was so tender, her face so loving and warm. You couldn’t help to smile back at her. Continuing forward as she lowered her hand down your back as they guided you home.
Once within their home, you were readily introduced to their two sons. Itachi and Sasuke Uchiha. The boys were sweet, Sasuke more shy than his older brother, but you just hoped the boys would get used to your presence soon. After introductions, the couple showed you to your room to get settled down. They didn’t expect you to do any household duties yet, first they had a special plan to initiate you into their family.
The sun was now setting, spending most your time with the boys. Supervising them on a trip to a nearby forest, it was quite nice Sasuke had asked you to play hide and seek with him. A knock at the door caught your attention, disrupting your remembrance of that evening. Slowly rising up, to greet who ever it was. Mikoto, and she held a plate of tea in her hands. Quickly you went to retreat it from her, bringing it to the chabudai in the center of your room. “Please if your request for tea arises ma’am let me know I can make it for you.” Bowing quickly for bringing it to you. She only swatted off your statement.
“You can call me Mikoto dear. I just wanted to come have some tea and get to know you better.” You both now sat opposite of each other, pouring her a cup. “My husband should be here soon, so please pour an extra cup.” And on cue the tatami of your room opened to reveal Fugaku. He set to the left of his wife. “Good evening, I see my wife has already joined you. She was quite excited when she knew you were to join us.” Mikoto laughed in embarrassment, “Oh don’t say that dear! But he’s right, we’ve had our eye on you since the day you received the elder’s praise.” It was now your turn to laugh in embarrassment.
The three of you continued to enjoy tea as they filled you in on how their household usually runs in a normal day. Slowly they had both gotten closer to you. Mikoto’s hand now resting on your shoulder as it did on the way here. “We want you to feel a part of this marriage. So we shall do as a married does on a wedding night.” Fugaku spoke up, his cup now empty as his eyes stared into yours looking for any sign of resistance. You simply nodded, this was not something you didn’t expect but instead prepared.
Mikoto worked steadily on undoing your obi sash, while Fugaku took your face into his hand. Slowly he began to kiss you, his tongue intruding into your mouth. You allowed him to explore the inside, until he pulled back. Your tongues now dancing around each other. Mikoto had successfully undone your obi, slowly she brought down the shoulder of your kimono. Starting with kissing your collar bones and making her way up to your neck. A soft moan left you as she suckled on your soft spot. The three of you stayed like this for a few more minutes until Fugaku and Mikoto switched positions. Fugaku now on your neck and Mikoto kissing you. Fugaku’s hands roamed further down your kimono, opening up the front. With this new access, he made his way down to your breasts. Arching your back at this new found pleasure from him, Mikoto took it as entrance into your mouth with her tongue. You both continued fighting with your tongues until she pulled away.
They both detached themselves from you, Fugaku offering his hand to bring you up, Mikoto from behind pulling off your kimono. You now stand naked infront of them, they were now able to take in now your full beauty. “Such a prize to this family, you’ll bring great honor”. Fugaku spoke almost as if he was admiring ancient art, now unclothing himself after you. From behind clothes ruffled signaling Mikoto was undressing as well.
You kneeled beneath him, grabbing his half hardened cock with one hand. Sliding your hand over his tip, earning a groan from above. Mikoto moving to kiss her husband. Your lips gradually replaced your hand on his tip, tongue settling on the underside of his cock. To start, you went slowly, hand pumping up and down stopping just below his head. Your mouth focused on his tip, swirling your tongue around, and hollowing out your cheeks to amplify his pleasure. His hand coming down to hold your head, offering a guiding push down his cock, and you obliged. Taking in as much as you could before gagging. Your pace quickened, his grip in your hair tightening you could tell he was close. Using his grip on your hair, he pulled back. “Not yet dear. Let’s save that for later.”
Waiting on their guidance on what to do next, Mikoto came down infront of you. Spreading her legs as she lied on her elbows to balance herself, quickly moving down to level with her pussy. Your breath grazing over her clit, kitten licking her. From behind Fugaku positioned your ass up to eat you out . You both started slowly, the vibrations of your moans from Fugaku rumbles through Mikoto, earning a sweet sound from her. Your mouth moves down to her entrance, poking it with your tongue, your index and middle working steadily at her clit. Her thighs begin to shake as you quicken your fingers to match Fugaku’s pace on your pussy. Quickly you switch the position of your finger and tongue, two fingers now inside of Mikoto and your tongue continuing on her clit. Together you both reach your orgasms, her thighs closing around your head.
It took a few moments for you all to catch a breath. But by the end, you had all moved to your futon and off the tatami mats. Fugaku motioned for you to lay down infront of him, Mikoto would take her spot to the right of you. “Relax, and open your legs for me.” He spoke. Slowly he lined himself up, as Mikoto lowered down to continue kissing you. It was a piercing pain, your hymen ripping open at his entrance. Whining into Mikoto’s lips was the only thing you could do, your legs instinctively closing around Fugaku from the pain. He stopped, allowing a moment for the pain to subdue. “Sh sh it’s okay” Mikoto caressing your head, “We’re gonna take care of you, just relax your body.” At her words, your legs opened again, releasing the hold they had around Fugaku.
Within a couple of minutes he had fully sheathed himself inside of you. Tears escaped your eyes from the new found pain, Mikoto wiping them away for you. He began to move, it almost felt as if a puzzle piece had been connected. It felt fulfilling to be able to give yourself to them untouched. His hips snapped quicker as Mikoto’s hands came down to play with your breast. Moans could now be heard coming from Fugaku and you. Your legs now wrapping around his waist, bringing him in closer to you. “Awe come on don’t forget about me my dear.” Mikoto whined, feeling left behind. To include her you brought her in for more kisses. Her assault on your mouth continuing with her tongue, feeling every moan and groan from you.
Fugaku’s orgasm from before steadily began resurfacing. He sped up, hands on your waist. Your cries only became louder, Mikoto had left your lips, focusing solely on your nipples. Pleasure from different points only brought out a knot in your stomach, and for the second time tonight you’d cum. His hips bucked faster, then they faulted. His white seed spilling inside of you, rhythmic thrusts no more. He groaned, collapsing onto your chest. Mikoto laying on her side next to you. In unison they both spoke, “Welcome home.”
A/n this one def stomped me, but I hope it’s good 🤔
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sasukesun · 9 months
Do you think since sasuke has one arm he has trouble doing things like cutting vegetables and naruto is like 😏 and stands right behind sasuke and puts his arms around him and his hand over sasuke's to help him cut the veggies and he expects sasuke to get annoyed and push him away but for once sasuke accepts the closeness and leans into his touch which makes naruto get nervous all of a sudden and he accidentally cuts his own hand freaking out and starts bleeding all over the veggies and sasuke calls him an idiot and helps him stop the bleeding even though it's not that much at all and he has kurama but sasuke is still holding onto naruto's hand and they both fall in love with each other just a little bit more
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i’m thinking about it now
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missmilkie · 5 months
Ninja From Another Land
Part Two
Words: 1046
You proudly stared at your reflection. Your outfit was perfect, and you were sure to make a good impression at the academy. You trained before you began attending the academy. You actually were getting the hang of jutsus. You know the Cloak of Invisibility Jutsu, Clone Jutsu, Substitution Jutsu, and Transformation Jutsu. You could basically graduate right away ninjutsu-wise. Your taijutsu would need work though as well as your genjutsu.
Leaving your new apartment, you walked to school alone. You didn’t get as many stares as you fit in better now. Konoha was beautiful and at this point you didn’t know how, but there was no way this was just a dream. You were in Naruto and could be a ninja.
When you arrived, all eyes were on you. Some of the characters you’d come to love were staring you down. Your face burned at the attention.
“This is our new student, (Y/n) (L/n).” Iruka introduced you and had you sit down next to Sakura. Maybe you could influence her character development while you’re there.
“Hey, I’m Sakura Haruno.” She smiled at you.
“Nice to meet you, I love your hair.”
“Thank youu!” Sakura blushed and twirled her hair with her fingers.
At lunch you were invited to sit with Sakura and Hinata. Sakura told you all about how great she thought Sasuke was, and Hinata was quiet for the most part.
“You’re so naturally strong, Sakura. Have you ever thought of getting really good at taijutsu?” You questioned, eating the bento you had packed for yourself.
“No, not really.”
“I bet the skill would impress a certain someone. Who doesn’t like strong women?”
Sakura thought it over for a moment.
“You’re right! I’ll train in taijutsu and impress Sasuke with my hand to hand combat skills.”
“Be careful with using a boy as your motivation. You should really learn taijutsu for your ninja career, but a little extra incentive helps.” You added.
Sasuke ate alone and away from everyone else. He really was such an emo. Maybe you’d show him some songs some time.
At this point and time, Sasuke has not treated the people in his life terribly. He was still innocent and open to friendship as long as he could kill Itachi. You knew he would have to get bit by Orochimaru. It was a major part of his story and made him who he was. You just hoped that maybe he would change a bit. Maybe you could save him.
In class you were overwhelmed by the amount of technical things you would have to know as a ninja. Sitting next to Sakura really helped, so you were sure to pass. She explained things well enough for you to understand all the stuff you had missed.
On the other hand, you were gifted in using jutsus. Your chakra control was really good, so you had no problem performing whatever jutsus Iruka taught the class. Because of that, every now and again you would catch Sasuke staring at you. It was intimidating to say the least. There was no way he would realize that you didn’t belong though.
You had to walk home by yourself. Sakura offered to walk with you, but you lived in different directions. So you kicked rocks as you made your way back to your apartment.
“(Y/n) (L/n).” You whipped around to see Sasuke.
“Can I help you, Sasuke Uchiha?”
“You should train with me.” He removed one hand from his pocket to gesture toward himself.
You followed Sasuke to the training grounds, a bit nervous as to the results of it. Maybe his intentions were innocent. Or maybe he brought you there to beat you up. You hoped for the former.
“So what are we doing for training?” You asked, trying not to let your nerves show.
“Just some taijutsu, nothing terrible.” He shrugged it off as if he wasn’t the best in your class at literally everything.
“Okay, well, don’t go too hard on me, I’m new after all.”
“Don’t worry about it.”
You took a basic defensive stance that you had seen in animes. Thank god actual fighters would go on the internet and rate anime fighting techniques. Sasuke settled into his own stance, and you felt your pulse skyrocket.
Absolutely terrified, you let him make the first move. He came at you so fast you barely registered him. Your arms came up just in time to block his hit. And the next. You couldn’t keep taking this.
You went for a low kick to sweep his feet out from under him. He jumped up, so you only caught one leg. Sasuke quickly regained composure and pushed you down with one hand. When you hit the ground, the air was knocked out of your lungs. He hovered above you, keeping you pinned to the grass. You greedily sucked in air as he stared you in the eyes intensely.
“You’re not very good at this.” He stated, not even panting.
“Thanks.” You rolled your eyes as you tried to catch your breath.
For a moment, Sasuke held you there. He just stared and you stared back for some wild reason you didn’t know. Middle school you would’ve killed for this opportunity. You were getting to the point where you were starting to notice the patterns in his dark gray irises. One day those eyes would become crimson and bring pain upon him and those he cared about.
“Your eyes look really pretty like this. Like the ocean before a storm. Deep and gray.”
Sasuke’s eyes widened and his pupils expanded. It was as if he had to take in every aspect of this moment.
“Hn. Don’t say weird things, new girl.”
“Sorry.” Sasuke got up, allowing you to get off the ground and fix your clothes.
“Let me help you. I can’t stand seeing someone be so pathetic.”
Sasuke taught you simple taijutsu techniques until the sun was setting low on the horizon. He provided demonstrations and helped you adjust your body to the right positions. You let his hands guide your body in the right movements. Before you went home, Sasuke had you spar with him using what you had just learned. You were one step closer to becoming a ninja.
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llaureleii · 2 years
SasuSaku Christmas FanFic
- A small fic dedicated to this new drafted artwork. Hope everyone had a lovely Christmas! - 
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The Konoha families had gathered to celebrate the arriving end of the year. Naruto had wanted to host a huge celebration, as it had been too long since he’d last properly left the office and seen so many familiar faces. The large pine Christmas Tree was the centerpiece, adorned with golden baubles, casting a perfect reflection of faces of all who stood in front of them. Sakura had become particularly nervous; despite her headstrong nature and known confidence, her face had become almost as blushed as the of her dress. She stood subconsciously dusting herself off, fidgeting with the ruffles. She observed the other couples mingling naturally. All the wives knew exactly how to act and relax. Heck, even Hinata had picked up so much more confidence. But for someone so self assured, Sakura felt unfamiliar with this scene of public celebration.
Sasuke was already there, who everyone had expected an absence from. He was standing by the tree, the shine of the reds and golds had drawn the attention of his pitch black gaze. Sakura had told him that she and Sarada would take a little while to get ready, and that he should go on ahead. Sarada stood next to her mother, as her face lit up from how decorative the place had been made. 
“Mama, what’s wrong?” Sarada asked, right before she got an idea and smirked at her mother.
“Eh?! Oh, it’s nothing! I’m just making sure I’ve put this thing on right!” She exclaimed, still fidgeting with the dress and avoiding eye contact with her teasing daughter. Sarada rolled her eyes with a smile. Sakura was always like this with anything to do with her Dad. 
Sakura stood awkwardly giggling when she felt two hands push her forwards.
“Eh?! Sarada! What are you-!” Sarada drew in a deep breath.
“C’mon now, Mama, stop acting like a newlywed and go stand with Papa already!”
Amidst the two girls’ commotion, Sasuke’s eyes widened at the familiar voices. A glimmer of movement caught his eye in the reflection of the decorations and his stoic face lifted into a slight smile at the notion of his family. He turned to a flustered Sakura being nudged into his direction by a teasing Sarada, until they both clocked his smiling gaze. 
It was the first time Sakura had actually looked at her husband fully without redirecting herself to other sights, and what a sight he was. His hair looked smoother than usual; had he brushed it? The perception of his silky tie stretched out his frame, and he looked a lot taller without his cloak. The tie was a deep red, matching his wife’s attire, which of course he could not help but notice.
Her figure was revealed with the fitting of the seams. The blush pink was soft but glimmered under the dim-lit golden hue of the room, and a decorative, pleated fabric hugged her torso with its unique fit to the top of the dress. 
For the length of time they had been gazing upon each other’s clothing, and of course, each other, Sarada had already run ahead to talk to the other kids. 
‘A tie suits you once in a while, y’know.” Sakura joked
“So does a dress.” He replied, both giggling. “You look lovely, Sakura.” 
Sasuke was a man of few words. But when he said them, he knew exactly what to say. Sakura couldn’t help it. Her face had become rosy once more, but she wouldn’t look away this time. She had spent too many years desiring such moments as these to turn away from them. 
“Thank you.” She looked up towards him, her emerald eyes sparkling under the gold twinkles of the Christmas tree. 
Sasuke found a bit of colour running to his face. He felt his cheeks go warm with pride. 
“So then..” He walked behind her to her other side, offering his right hand. “Shall we?” 
Her face melted into a softened smile. As she lifted her hand, they both noticed the sparkling ruby that adorned her skin. 
“You... you wore it?” He asked, not expecting this marital statement to now be made public knowledge.
“Of course I did! I want everyone to know how proud I am of you. Of us. And what better way than this ring? Now, I can keep you with me whenever you’re away.” Her hand slipped into his, and he clasped it tight. 
Sasuke wasn’t as material as Sakura. He may not have had anything physical to hold onto when he was away, but his memories of her were infinite and just as special, and reminded him that he had not something, but someone to call home.
Sasuke’s face was left fathoming his wife’s words, and how he wanted to hold onto them forever. He wanted to hold her hand forever. He wanted to remain with her. Forever.
Their expressions relaxed, and hand in hand, they walked forward together to join in on the celebrations. Sarada had been watching secretly the whole time. She knew her parents weren’t so brazen to act like that in front of her, but she was completely fine with it. She knew they had to cherish the little time they could spend together when Sasuke was in the village. Besides. every little moment they had, felt like another infinity.
“Merry Christmas, Sakura.”
“Merry Christmas, Sasuke.”
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leewritestoomuch · 6 months
hi could i rq. general konoha 11 + sand siblings nsfw hcs ! (aged up/boruto ver obv) <3
Also: nobody understands Uchihas better than I do and I don’t even like most of em. /j Why are they all practically evil in fics? I’m going crazy. Most of them are clearly softies when it comes to love. Am I right or am I right???
And sorry, you can tell who I have more ideas for and who I was drawing a blank on.
Oh and sorry yall for the gap in my writing. This one took a while. I’ve been working on it for a bit. And part of it got lost and deleted, so I rewrote it. A long with a couple other stories got deleted and I lost some motivation for a moment lol
Konoha 13 + Sand Siblings HCs
Naruto Uzumaki
He’s energetic, and that 100% applies to in bed too.
Likely inexperienced, but eager. And a little nervous.
Talked big game beforehand, but even if you didn’t know before, you definitely know it was all talk now.
That being said, he’s a quick learner, even if he complains about being confused at first.
I think he’d have like little to no knowledge though, being such a loner for a while, in all. Hope you have patience.
That being said, he is a bit of a pervert with what he does know.
Overall though, he’d set a fast pace, but the sex would still be intimate and soft.
Praise. Praise. Praise. Giving and receiving.
Sasuke Uchiha
No experience, but he knows the ins and outs.
He wasn’t too concerned with sex or anything of that matter before, but when he returned to Konoha, he realized he had feelings for you. So he starts to think about it.
He’s not a pervert like Kakashi or Naruto, and he’d never lose his cool over sexy jutsu, BUTTT he’s secretly horny as hell. Like low sex drive usually, but just being around you makes it sky rocket to abnormal levels.
He’s very private about sex though, so usually only happens in your bedroom or… cough cough in a quiet forest with nobody around cough cough (if you know, you know)
He’s got a breeding kink. Next question.
Uses a mix of degradation and praises.
Lots of demanding, but also lots of giving soooo…
I truly believe Sasuke would be a softer partner than people make him out to be. Like did yall watch Boruto or not?? He’s got awkward and sweet energy. He’s TRYING. He’s emotionally stunted yall.
More dominant and likes to be in control, but will fall apart in your arms anyways. Usually more of a soft dom than anything.
One of the most likely to be fairly kinky though. I think he’d slowly discover he’s into things as they occur or cross his mind.
Sakura Haruno
She knows a lot about the human body.
Might have experience, might not. I could see it either way.
I think your first time with her would happen after like a romantic dinner together. And it would be romantic and slow.
But… that depends on you, because she’ll mostly go with what you want. It makes her happy.
She’s okay with being degraded or praised, but she really only likes to praise you.
Low sex drive.
She likes any position she can see your face.
She’s a switch, depends on her partner’s preference.
Sai Yamanaka
(Obviously not married here but just to have a last name to add)
He read a book about what to do.
Probably does something incredibly stupid at first, but that being said, he’s not an idiot, so not too bad.
You’d probably have to correct him a little bit. Also, tell him to forget the book and just go with the feeling and follow your lead.
You’d be in the lead at first. Probably go down on him first thing.
He’s not small. (I mean did you hear the way he talked to Naruto? He’s probably got something to work with if he’s talking so confidently LMFAO)
So you’d probably have to use your hand for the base while your mouth sucks on about half or so of his cock.
His hand tangles in your hair/rests on top, not pulling, but resting there.
He throws his head back, letting out soft sighs and small moans that escape his lips. He’s not trying to be quiet, but he’s not loud either.
Although, he might have read girls don’t like when guys make noise. Who knows. Then you might have to tell him that’s not true.
At first, sex is just discovering things with him. You’re both exploring how everything feels.
But, after a few times, he starts taking the lead and initiating.
He has a low sex drive though, so he won’t initiate too often.
It’s also hard to get him to realize what you’re asking for if you drop hints. He saw your underwear when you bent over… okay. He might even comment on how you should be more careful since he knows you don’t like to expose yourself so much.
You just deadpan and tell him it was supposed to turn him on.
“Oh.” And now he’s unbuckling his pants and asking you to come sit on his lap. :)
Shikamaru Nara
Low sex drive, usually at least, because now he’s consumed by the desire to be rode by you. Like he dreams about it.
He calls you troublesome to himself when he wakes up hard in the morning occasionally.
He lowkey loves to just lay between your legs or have you sit on his face so he can eat you out (pussy or ass, don’t matter)
Lazy morning sex. He loves it.
He’s dominant, but he can be rather lazy most the time. That being said, he will fuck you how you want him to if you ask.
Degrading but he’s not super mean about it at all. More like soft grunts with degrading terms, but the rest of it comes out more like soft sighs and groans of pleasure and praise.
Choji Akimichi
The sweetest. He takes his time with you every time.
Body worship. More so giving than receiving, but he’ll be a blushing mess if you give back the same energy.
Praise. Lots of it.
He’d be the type to kiss down your body, from your lips to your neck to your chest all the way down til he gets between your legs.
He can’t bring himself to be rough or harsh with you in anyway. No degradation, rough sex, or anything.
Likes to be able to see your face during sex.
He’d like to try food play.
Ino Yamanaka
Pillow princess unless asked to do otherwise.
She loves to be praised and worshipped, but also likes things rougher.
She’s a bit of a brat about things. Constantly going against what you say for fun.
She does it on purpose so you’ll go rougher on her, she likes it.
She also likes when things are slow and romantic though.
And she’d love it if you planned like a candlelit dinner and put a trail of rose petals on like Valentine’s Day, or even just cuz.
Shino Aburame
He’s in charge. He’s on top. Whatever. He doesn’t like to not have control.
He also just wants to please you, and often he’s not too worried about himself.
Might get a little self conscious if you skip over touching him or giving him head more than once. Like if it’s been a few times now and you haven’t bothered… did he do something?
He doesn’t need it, but he just… you know how he is.
He doesn’t make much noise.
But I do believe that right before he cums, he whimpers. He can’t help it, and don’t bring it up afterwards. He’ll be so embarrassed and not want to do it for a while because he’s scared he’ll do it again.
If he gets like that, just tell him you loved it. Then go down on him and tell him you wanna make him do it again.
He’s good with his hands, I just know it.
He can go rough and be stern and demanding, but other than that, he’s rather vanilla.
He’s a big fan of missionary so he can see your face.
And he doesn’t want to do anything unless it’s in your own home or absolute private, like an inn.
Kiba Inuzuka
He loves giving them.
You will have like 20. From your jaw to your thighs, he’s marked. Plenty of them are visible and hard to hide because they’re dark.
He doesn’t exactly take his time. No, those hickeys are from the entire act. He starts leaving them during foreplay, then when he’s pounding into you, he quiets himself down by latching onto your skin.
When he eats you out, he leaves bite marks and hickeys around your thighs.
He calls it “marking his territory” then has to explain himself because no he doesn’t mean you’re a territory, you’re not a place or an object… he just… you’re his partner!
He’s rough.
Likes doggystyle most, but then he gets upset that he can’t see your face and next time he sets up a mirror.
Quickies. He can’t wait. He’ll whine if you tell him NO he can’t fuck you under the blanket, because YES people will notice the movement.
You might want to settle and pull him into a bathroom and let him fuck you over the counter, but he won’t force or beg you to the point of you giving in or anything. He’ll wait if you really mean no.
He’s got a high sex drive
Very likely to be pretty kinky. He’d be willing to tie you up, spank you, degrade you, etc.
He won’t do pet play. Thinks that shit is weird. So don’t think that because he’s a dog user, he’s gonna act dog like or have you act dog like. In fact, he’s more likely to hate it as a dog user.
I think he’d find any roleplay to be useless though. You could convince him if you wanted, but he’ll complain.
Hinata Hyuga
Much more intimate and gentle sex is what she wants
She’s not a pillow princess. She literally fantasizes about pleasing her partner.
Like probably day dreams, gets lost in her own thoughts, then is a blushing mess when she realizes that somebody is talking to her and she’s imagining what your moans would sound like when she’s between your legs, ESPECIALLY if the person talking to her is you.
She likes to do it in private, but she can’t deny that she imagines doing it where you both currently are. Not that she would.
Secretly has a high sex drive
Long refractory period though. She needs breaks between rounds.
Neji Hyuga
Took him a while to get vulnerable enough to take off his clothes if he’s being honest
Also I think Hyuga’s are very reserved and conservative until marriage, but he has such a tough time following that.
He really wants to jump your bones. And it’s almost like the fact he can’t because of his clan’s reserved and traditional nature just makes it WAYYYY more tempting.
You’re literally irresistible to him
Secretly, he’s just a little bit of a pervert. (Like Rock Lee’s Ninja Pals says he is)
I think he would have wet dreams from sexual frustration. Like the longer he holds back from having you under him, the worse it gets. Like a disease with no treatment.
I think your first time with him would be sudden, and it would be his first time ever.
You’d look WAYYYYY to good, and this time he can’t bring himself to ignore the boner he gets. No he’s gotta see if you’ll indulge him.
He may stop and pull away, get his act together if you remind him of his clan’s pride, and how he was so bent on following it before.
Maybe the first time, but by the next time he tries to give in, there is no try. He is cancelling any plans y’all had and tearing the outfit that made your body look so irresistible off.
He doesn’t have a super high sex drive, but he has such a hard time resisting just laying you down when you look so damn good. You are the reason he’s horny.
He loves when you ride him, and he WILL whimper. He tries not to, but Neji can’t be silent with the way you are squeezing him. The way you do it is so perfect, every bounce is drawing a noise out of him until he’s literally just letting out a stream of loud whimpers as he cums.
I think his cum would actually taste good. Next question.
Rock Lee
He feels bad for it when he catches himself, but Oop it’s too late… he’s got a boner
Boners are obvious in that green spandex…
He wouldn’t agree with doing it in public or semi-public though, but if you noticed his behavior or boner and pulled him off into the bathroom, ignoring his “this is indecent!” Protests because when you look at him before diving in to give him head, his eyes are literally pleading and he shuts up, pushing his hips towards your face.
He can’t be quiet so you’ll have stuff something in his mouth or cover it with your hand.
He secretly wants your chest in his face. He’s a chest guy. Boobs, pecks, whatever. He loves everything chest.
But he also loves ass. Small or big. Wants to grab a handful anyways.
Total switch
Because listen, he loves to pin your hips down and force you to accept the pleasure you’re trying to deny yourself.
Loves to pound his hips against yours until you’re a mess, but he also loves to do as you say.
He loves to be broken down until he’s in pieces by your mouth, body, words, whatever.
He whimpers like constantly, especially when he’s submissive. He tries to shut up when he’s dirty talking as he’s in charge, but he lets GO otherwise.
I’m sorry her portion of this will be… lacking. I don’t know enough to say much. I love her, but I’ve never really thought about this at all.
I think she’d be a switch, but prefers to be in charge.
I think she’s depend greatly on you though.
If you don’t want to bottom/sub, that’s good.
Or vise versa.
She likes to take her time when she’s in control.
She’s fairly willing to try new things if you want to.
She enjoys going down on you most of all.
Gaara of the Sand
He’s very private about everything. He believes that his private life and his kazekage life should stay relatively separate. However, it is known that you are his partner. That’s no secret.
He’s not super into PDA, so it’s no surprise that he refuses to do anything risky or public in anyway.
He will not do it in the kazekage’s office. He has too much respect for it, but he also doesn’t want to get caught anyways.
He’s very intimate during. Slow and sensual for sure.
I can see him being into bondage, but like you get tied up, not him. But… depends. And might take some encouragement.
Refuses to hurt or degrade you for any reason. He only does praise. He could not bring himself to call you names or anything. Or to draw blood from you or hit you, etc. he doesn’t see why those things should be brought into the bedroom for “fun.”
He doesn’t think they’re fun.
He knew like nothing about sex before you. I actually think he’d have no idea how to initiate at first so you definitely initiated it.
I think he’d be the type you have to teach what to do a bit, but he gets the hang of it quickly. Then next time, he’s got every spot memorized.
Awkward. Like the first couple times were awkward, but romantic and cute.
Kankuro of the Sand
One word: kinky.
He likes to degrade you with a shit eating grin on his face. His degradation feels like a compliment most of the time though. Like he calls you a slut and it feels like he’s calling you a prince/princess. It’s confusing.
He’s so good at dirty talk. He’ll have you writhing in your spot, desperate for him and he’s not even touched you yet.
He’s got incredible patience when it comes to you. He takes his time breaking you down into a mess for him.
His face paint would 10 billion percent be smeared across your thighs and chest. Your neck is purple from bites AND his face paint to the point you can’t tell which is which.
Only when you wash off the face paint do you realize he left way too many dark hickeys that’ll probably take at least a week to fade away.
Confront him about this and he’ll just laugh.
Don’t tempt him to leave more, because he will.
He forces you to maintain eye contact when he goes down on you. If you look away for more than like 3 seconds, he give you a little tap as a warning, but twice and he stops.
Orgasm denial for sure. He would be the type to make up an excuse as to why he pulled away. He tells you all sorts of excuses. “You weren’t moaning enough.” “You moved your hips too much. Stay still.” And of course, “you looked away.”
He can make you cum hard almost every single time. You see stars.
The most fun part for him isn’t dicking you down, it’s the breaking you apart and putting you back together again.
Temari of the Sand
Dominant. Dommy mommy for sure.
Even when she decides to “sub” or “bottom,” she’s not doing a good job at it. She’s still telling you what to do, where to move, etc.
She’ll pull your hair, slap you, etc. as long as you are okay with it and want her to.
Loves to boss you around, telling you what she wants. Demanding you to please her.
“Get on your knees”
Head pusher for sure, but you two have a like physical que to let each other know when it’s enough.
All that being said, sometimes she really really just wants sweet, slow sex. Intimate nights filled with nothing but love.
She likes to keep all of this private though. No public or risky stuff.
However, she does like to do it beyond just in bed.
Would be the type to start kissing all over your neck, unbuttoning your shirt while you’re trying to cook breakfast.
You might want to turn the stove off.
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Worth The Risk: Chapter 4
"What do you want?"
Sakura squeezed her eyes closed. Her voice hadn't wavered, and for that, she was grateful. For the past three days, she slept on the floor at Ino and Karin's dorm. A call from the terrifying man seemed inevitable, but it hadn't come until now, her first night back at her own place. Upon arriving home, she realized someone had been inside because the deadbolt was no longer locked.
'I have a strong inkling who it was, too.' Obviously, it was Sasuke. It'd be too big of a coincidence if not.
The line remained silent, which threw the woman off because she expected Sasuke to immediately start yelling at her like he had in the alleyway on Sunday.
"Are you there? I'm going to hang up."
"Don't," his voice finally came, sounding just as irritated as it had last she heard it.
Trying to come off as brave, Sakura said, "Did you break into my apartment? I should call the police."
Sasuke scoffed, making her irritation flare, "Yeah, good luck with that. Listen," he paused for so long that she had to look at the screen to ensure the call hadn't dropped, "I…have a question."
Sakura was confused, for sure, because the man on the other side of the line wasn't anything like she'd experienced thus far. He almost seemed nervous or uncomfortable, but that couldn't be true. "Y-You can ask it, but I won't promise to answer it," she cringed when her attempt at masking fear came off as argumentative.
He bit, sounding more like himself, "Where do you get the audacity to talk to me like that? Keep pissing me off and see what happens."
'Damn it, Sakura! Stop digging the hole deeper!'
The man continued when she couldn't figure out how to respond, "Did you know it was me Saturday night?"
To say Sakura was bewildered would put it lightly, 'He all but threatened to kill me, and he's worried about whether or not I recognized him at the club? Is he insane?'
"Uh, no. No, I didn't, or I wouldn't have…."
"Are you telling the truth? If you're lying, I'll find you no matter where you run."
"Do you really have to threaten me every five minutes?" She bit her tongue at the end of her outburst, cursing inwardly because she'd, once again, lost her temper on the irritatingly gorgeous man.
"Are you at home right now?"
Sakura immediately panicked because she was sitting on her bed with a pillow on her lap, "J-Just tell me why you wanted to know. What does it matter if I recognized you or not?"
A long silence followed her question before Sasuke finally responded, voice severe and odd like when she first answered the phone, "The reason I acted the way I did was because I thought you did it on purpose."
Sakura gasped, "Of course not! Are you kidding?"
"Well, what the fuck do you expect me to think? You dumped wine all over me and then gave me blue balls a few days later. I thought you were trying to get back at me."
"I already told you I didn't mean to pass out! I get really sleepy when I drink a lot!"
Sasuke paused before calming down again, if only slightly, "So, if you hadn't fallen asleep, would you have gone through with it?"
The woman felt uncomfortable but reluctantly responded, "I don't even remember leaving the club with you, Sasuke, so I don't know. If I willingly let you in my apartment like you insinuate I did, then I guess I probably wouldn't have fought it."
"Why do you have to say it like that? It's not like I forced myself on you."
"That's not what I'm saying. Can you stop trying to argue every time I answer a question?"
Sasuke sighed, sounding irritated again, but a hint of something else coated his words, "Alright, look. I haven't met a woman that pisses me off as much as you, but I admit that I might've deserved to have wine dumped on me. I also jumped to conclusions the other day, so I'm fucking sorry, okay?"
Sakura's mouth fell open, 'Did he just apologize? What the hell! I thought he was calling to-' "So, do you forgive me or what?"
She wasn't overly familiar with the man's mannerisms, having spent a very short time in his presence, but it wasn't hard to picture the angry and embarrassed expression he must've been making. The last thing she expected him to do was swallow his pride and take responsibility for his actions.
"I-I, um, okay. Yes, I forgive you. Thank you for saying that. It means a lot to me."
Sasuke's character switched instantly, "So we're good then?" "...yes?" "Cool."
There was a long, awkward silence before Sakura swallowed nervously, "Well, I guess I'll get off of here then. Good night, Sasuke."
He seemed confused but didn't argue, "Right. Talk to you later."
Once the call ended, she stared at the screen in utter disbelief, talking aloud to herself, "What in the world just happened?" Shaking off her unease, Sakura sat her phone back on the nightstand and snuggled under the covers to attempt to go back to sleep.
The next day, during her first class of the day, the woman's phone vibrated with a text message. Clicking it open while half paying attention to the professor, Sakura did a double take when it was from Sasuke's unsaved number, 'You're in college, right?'
A little unsure, she responded, 'Yes. Why?'
A couple of minutes later, he responded, 'Which one?'
Negative, fearful emotions swept over her, 'I thought we wouldn't speak again after last night. Why does he want to know? He's not going to show up, is he?' Too uncomfortable to respond, Sakura simply left him on read. 'I'm leaving on Monday. I just have to avoid him for two more days.'
So, she ignored the second text message mid-day that consisted only of a question mark and didn't answer his call that night, either. The poor woman was so scared he'd show up at her apartment that she wedged a chair under the doorknob so it wouldn't open even if the locks were picked.
After their conversation Thursday night, she didn't feel he'd stalk or hurt her anymore, but she also didn't know him well enough to be entirely certain.
On Saturday, she was texted only once. It said, 'You're so annoying.'
Sakura scoffed, irritated as she walked home from her afternoon class and imagined what she'd say to Sasuke if he was in front of her, 'Yeah, so are you, Asshole. For some reason, I lose my temper whenever you open your mouth.'
Sunday, there were no calls or texts, to her relief.
Then, the day of Sakura's departure arrived. After visiting with Ino and Karin to say one last goodbye, she grabbed her backpack and duffle bag. The cab she took could only get within two blocks of the crowded bus station, so the woman walked sadly down the sidewalk, doing her best not to cry.
'What will he do to me when I get back to town? I know he's pissed, but how far will he take it?'
"Look who it is."
The woman jumped in fear, only to look over and see Sasuke walking by her side with his hands in his pockets. Frowning, she attempted to mask her mild fear and discomfort, "Hey."
"Aren't you a ray of fuckin' sunshine? What's with the bags?"
Sakura kept her eyes downward, picking up the pace of her steps so they'd get near other people sooner and wouldn't be alone together. "That's none of your business."
The man grabbed her arm, making her face him with wide, green eyes. He glared, "What's your problem this time? You said we were good, but you're still like this."
Brow furrowing, she tugged her arm from his grasp, and luckily, he allowed it, "Listen, Sasuke. I did forgive you, but with all due respect, that doesn't mean I want anything to do with you. Please leave me alone."
Dark, angry eyes burnt into hers for a silent moment, the man obviously not having expected to be turned down so bluntly. When he said nothing, she began walking again, "I'm going to be late. Bye."
'Don't look back. He's a walking red flag. Who cares if I hurt his pride just now?'
Sakura thought he'd finally given up but sighed when he jogged to match her step, "Are you serious? Do you know how many people would kill to be in your place right now?"
"Well, they can have it, then. I don't want it."
"Are you going to the station? If you give me a kiss, I'll drive you so you don't have to use the bus."
"Go away."
"It can even be on the cheek."
Having reached her limit since she was already an emotional wreck before his arrival, the woman stopped, clenched her fists, and turned to face the tall man, "You want to know where I'm going? Fine. I have to move back home because I can't afford to stay here anymore."
Sasuke's eyes widened, "What?"
With a lump in her throat, Sakura glared firmly, "If that's all you need to know, then excuse me, but I'll miss my bus if I waste any more time."
This time, she reached the corner of the station's block. Dozens of people were passing by on the wide sidewalk, both to and fro, before he snatched her duffle bag from her shoulder, "It's because I got you fired, right?"
Sakura made a grab for the bag, but he held it out of reach with an attractive frown on his lips, "I don't have time to point fingers and argue right now, Sasuke! Give it back!"
She jumped with an outreached arm, but he held her back with a hand on her shoulder, "Shut the hell up for a second! I'm trying to help."
'Last call for bus K-ONE!' The intercom announced, making Sakura look toward the station.
'I have to go now, or I'll miss it!' With no choice, she turned and sprinted into the station, leaving her bag with Sasuke while dodging and bumping into other people.
"Sakura, wait!"
The woman looked over her shoulder to see him trying to catch up in the thick crowd. Something hard smacked into her front, and she toppled onto her bottom. When she looked up, a massive redheaded man glared down at her.
Gasping, she scrambled to her feet, "I am so sor- "Watch where you're going, Bitch."
Mouth clamping shut, the woman stepped back, only for his dark eyes to lift above her head and widen.
"Who the fuck do you think you're calling a bitch? Apologize."
"She ran into me!"
Sasuke stepped around her, grabbing the front of the stranger's shirt and hissing with a terrifying look, "Apologize, or I'll cut out your tongue." He dropped Sakura's bag and reached into his pocket to pull out a pocketknife, flipping it open.
"S-Sasuke, what the hell? Put that away before you get arrested!"
"Sorry, Ma'am." Her green eyes turned, disbelieving, onto the now visibly frightened man. The black-haired man at her side put the knife away and released his shirt but followed him with a dangerous glare.
Snapping out of her stupor, Sakura grabbed her forgotten bag and gave her rescuer an apologetic look while glancing at the terminal she was supposed to use, "Thank you for that! I'm sorry, but I really have to go." Then she ran again, more careful not to run into anyone this time.
By the time she reached her destination, she was panting for breath. Strands of long pink hair fell from her loose ponytail around her shoulders and face. Just as she made it to the ticket booth and handed over her ticket to be processed, the doors shut, and the bus left the station. Tears in her eyes, her blood ran cold, and she whispered to herself, "...no…."
Trembling with panic, Sakura breathlessly asked the employee at the stand, "Can I exchange my ticket for the next available bus to Konoha?"
The young man shook his head, handing the item back to her, "Unfortunately, we have a no refund/no exchange policy. I apologize for the inconvenience. Would you like to purchase a new ticket instead? The next bus is at eight p.m."
Pale and entirely at a loss of what she should do, she shook her head and accepted the useless piece of paper, "A-Ah, no. Please excuse me."
'I'm stuck here. I have no money, no job, and nowhere to sleep. What the hell am I supposed to do now?'
Sakura numbly left the line so she wouldn't hold it up and walked until she reached outside the station, where she finally lost her composure. Covering her mouth with one hand, the poor girl burst into tears but tried to keep silent to not draw attention to herself.
Everything she'd done from the moment she ran away from home had been a complete and utter failure. No matter how hard she tried or how much she endured in an attempt to secure her own safety, it was all for nothing. Now, she couldn't even return to her awful past life, either.
'Why does this keep happening to me? Was I a criminal in my past life?'
"Sakura, wait!"
The woman's sniffles became sobs as Sasuke's voice met her ears.
'And now there's this dangerous guy following me around, too! Should I just off myself so I don't have to suffer like this anymore?'
As she heard him approach, she lifted her hand from her mouth to her eyes, turning her head away so he wouldn't see how awful she looked. His voice was unrecognizably soft, and he stepped in front of her with a hand on either of her shoulders so she'd stop walking, "Hey, what's wrong? Did you run into that asshole again?"
Sakura shook her head and tried to walk around him, but he held her still, "You're not going anywhere until you tell me what's up."
Though the woman was heartbroken and mentally fried, she was still completely stunned when long fingers gently pulled her hand away from her face. Sasuke guided her jaw so she'd be forced to meet his eye.
'This is pathetic. I want to die under a rock right now.' That's what she thought, but her breath was taken away when she focused on his face.
An unexpected expression of concern looked otherworldly on his flawless features, "I have no damn clue what to do right now. Usually, I make women cry, so I've never tried cheering one up."
For some reason, the uncharacteristically honest statement made her laugh, and her fingers curled around Sasuke's hand as he still held it.
His smirk returned, though not as cocky as the usual one. He opened his mouth to say something, only for Sakura's stomach to growl loudly. She looked away, face burning hot with humiliation.
He snickered, "C'mon. I'll feed you."
That's how she ended up sitting across from him in a little, hole-in-the-wall diner. "What sounds good?" Sasuke desperately tried to keep the mood casual and unserious, filling the silence so things wouldn't get awkward while they looked at menus.
Sakura frowned down at the laminated paper, not really seeing it. The waterworks had stopped, but that didn't mean everything was alright now. Now, she just felt numb. Though she was so hungry that her stomach hurt, she was too panicked to think about eating.
'I don't know why I let him bring me here.'
The woman blinked, looking up to see a waitress awaiting her order.
Glancing between the employee and Sasuke, Sakura felt overwhelmed all over again. She didn't want to tell him she couldn't afford to pay him back in front of the middle-aged woman, but she also couldn't just order something and then do it because she'd feel awful for the wasted food they'd prepare. Tears brimmed in her eyes again, and she looked down at her lap.
"She'll have the same as me." Thankfully, the employee didn't make any comments and left.
Sakura felt Sasuke's gaze again and clenched her fingers into fists on her lap while refusing to acknowledge it.
"Are you going to talk, or do I have to force it out of you?" When she couldn't bring herself to respond, he sighed, leaning forward to rest his chin on his palm, elbow on the table, "At least your crying face isn't ugly, I guess."
After the food arrived, Sakura hesitated to eat, averting her gaze out the window they were sat beside with gritted teeth. Her brow furrowed, 'It's snowing.'
"Listen, I'm trying to be fucking nice to you, but this is getting ridiculous. Just eat already."
Green eyes darted ahead to meet black ones, widening upon realizing Sasuke was glaring relentlessly. The irritation that he was, once again, bossing her around and cursing, Sakura grabbed a fork and absently poked at the eggs on her plate, blushing when she finally took a bite and looking away.
'He gets on my last damn nerve.'
It was a little refreshing, honestly. Since she began dating her ex-boyfriend, Sakura could barely converse with men without getting scared. Sure, Sasuke terrified her, but he also brought out her old, feistier personality. It was odd, and she didn't understand why it kept happening.
If it was anyone but Sasuke sitting there, she'd never mouth off or talk back.
"I think I can solve your problem if you'll hear me out." She met his eye again, nodding subtly. Sasuke searched her appearance over the coffee mug at his lips, speaking casually, "You need money and a place to live, right? My roommates and I just so happen to be looking for a housekeeper. What do you think?"
That snapped Sakura right out of her silent mood. She coughed, almost choking on her food. After taking a sip of water, she gave the gorgeous man an incredulous look, "By roommates, do you mean those jerks you were with at the bar? No thanks. I'd be safer sleeping on the streets."
"If you don't accept, that's where you'll be, right? Suit yourself." Sasuke's firm stare told the woman he wouldn't let her be stubborn.
Swallowing her pride, Sakura frowned, glaring with a blush, "...How much is the pay?"
He smirked triumphantly, "Let's see. After room and board," he paused, looking up as though doing equations before meeting her eye again, "How about a thousand a week? That's what most normal jobs pay, right?"
The table became silent.
'He's joking, right? Most jobs I'd be lucky enough to land would barely pay more than that in a month!' She took another sip of her water and studied Sasuke carefully, trying to figure out if he was testing her, 'Do I tell him? What if I do, and he lowers the number? I don't want that. …But what if I don't tell him and he finds out. He'll be pissed! What would he do to me, then?'
Eventually, she shook her head, deciding to play things smart, "Um, that's a lot of money, Sasuke, especially if I'm going to live there, too. It doesn't seem fair."
That smirk turned into a full-fledged grin, and he teased, "Yeah, I know. I just wanted to see your reaction." He offered a hand across the table, "Do we have a deal?"
Sakura eyed it, hesitating, "Hold on. First, I want you to agree to some things."
The man rolled his eyes, sitting back in the booth with an impatient scowl, "You're the one receiving help, and you have demands? That's fucking brave."
"I want you to promise not to mess with me like you did at Oasis," she ignored his childish attitude.
He nodded, "Cut back on the flirting. Got it. Anything else?"
Sakura hesitated, unsure how to word things, but eventually said, "And if any of your roommates try anything, you have to deal with them."
'I think that was okay. He probably won't make any assumptions.'
Sasuke nodded, waving a hand, "Yeah, yeah. Okay." He waited for her to continue.
Feeling better since he agreed to protect her from the other guys, Sakura reached across the table and offered her hand, "Then, I guess we're good, then."
He shook it firmly. When he released it, he tilted his head and spoke around the food in his mouth, a hand covering it so as not to be too rude, "Since I'm paying so much, do you think I can convince you to wear a maid costume?"
"I am so going to regret this," she sighed, shaking her head.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
Ways to help an ally
I wrote something g/t for Naruto :D
It might be a bit short but welp
TW: This contains nonsexual safe/soft vore, injuries (if you don't like it don't read it)
The 1 vs 1 battles continued, only to bring Sasuke, who had run off on his own, back to the village. Some of those battles were ending, but one of them got a little complicated.
Kiba was fighting a sound ninja named Sakon, who apparently had a twin brother fused with his body, Ukon.
Right now, Kiba was sitting against a tree, carefully hugging Akamaru, who, like him, had been seriously injured.
Kiba was in a worse condition having stabbed himself a couple of times with the kunai to try to kill Ukon, but he separated himself from his body before he could.
The worst part of this situation for the Konohagakure ninja was that the opponent had used an unknown technique and was now only 4 inches tall. If Sakon and Ukon found him now, he'd be completely dead, he's really sure of that.
He sighed as he closed his eyes for a moment, though it didn't take long for them to snap open as a shadow covered him completely. It was a shinobi from the hidden sand village…
The one with the puppets, who was in the chunnin exams… If he's here to face the ninjas from Konoha, Kiba would be in trouble.
“Wow, you Konoha ninja are really weak…” he said, crouching down to one knee as he looked at the shrunken ninja. Kiba kept the distance between himself and the sand ninja.
"Are you here to attack Konoha?" “Hmm..- It seems that you haven't heard that we are Konohagakure's allies again. So, no, they have only asked us for help as reinforcements.”
"So now we are allies and not enemies like last time...?" he asked, a little relieved. "Exactly. Hmmm… Now I have to think of a place to hide you while you're at that size and before the enemy finds us…” Kankuro replied, looking at Kiba and the small dog in his arms carefully.
After thinking for a few seconds, an idea occurred to him but the Konoha ninja was not going to like it at all. “Okay, I have an idea but, you're not going to like it…” he said, making a few hand seals right after he finished speaking. "What did you just do..? I have never seen a technique with those seals…”
“It's a jutsu that only my family knows about… I learned it a few years ago. Now hold your dog close and don't let go." "His name is Akamaru...!" Kankuro sighed. "Okay, okay... Akamaru..." he added, picking the ninja up carefully in his hand.
He brought them closer to his face slowly, letting out another sigh. "Look, now I'm going to do something, don't panic and don't be scared, if you move too much your wound will get worse."
Kiba frowned at him, confused. “Why do you think I'm going to get scared or panic..? What are you going to do?" Kankuro didn't answer, he only brought him closer, but this time to his mouth.
Kiba started to get a little nervous. "Uh.. Kankuro..-?" He didn't have a chance to finish the question when the sand ninja stuffed him into his mouth, snapping it shut with a snap of his teeth when he was completely inside. “H-Hey! Kankuro!" he yelled, feeling Kankuro lick at him and Akamaru, covering them with saliva.
He didn't have time to say another word, Kankuro's tongue pushed them into the back of his mouth, sending them down his throat in one swallow. Kankuro could feel them slide all the way to his stomach, which they soon reached.
Upon entering the stomach, Kiba backed up until he was fully leaning against the walls of the organ. “Kankuro! What the fuck does this mean!? You said that we were allies and that you were going to help us!” he yelled, panicking. He could hear a sigh from Kankuro who gently pressed on the spot they were.
"You'll be fine, if it wasn't like that, I wouldn't have done it... Now calm down and rest for a while... I did the jutsu before for a reason... it lasts 24 hours, so you'll be fine..." he replied softly, although it was obvious that he was a little upset at being accused of being a liar or a traitor.
'So that's what the jutsu was for...?' Kiba thought, relaxing quickly, feeling completely relieved. Finally he decided to listen to his Kankuro, and closed his eyes, falling asleep.
Meanwhile, Kankuro smiled slightly, for some reason this ninja made him go soft. He sighed, fixing his gaze to the front, where his opponent had finally appeared.
This was going to be interesting.
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23raccoons · 4 months
high infidelity
Sakura x Sasori (Sakura x Sasuke)
Away at college in Sunagakure, Sakura’s life is slowly spiraling out of control. With a boyfriend who barely talks to her and courses she can’t seem to make herself care about, she can’t help but feel she’s made all the wrong choices to get here. Will some spilt wine at a party change everything for her?
18+ Alternate Universe - College/University, Recreational Drug Use, Alcohol, Marijuana, Angst and Hurt/Comfort, Fluff and Angst, Anxiety, Depression, Cheating, Sexual Situations.
Part 4- out of the woods
Sakura makes up her mind.
high infidelity masterlist
The party upstairs has started to dwindle, the music off, stragglers finding their way out. 
Sakura and Sasori are curled up, spooning, on the couch, in the safety of the basement. Some stoner movie plays on the tv, with teens running amok, smoking and drinking. 
“What’s your biggest regret?”  Sasori breathes softly into the shell of her ear, fingertips just barely dipping down into the waistband of her pants. Sakura gasps, and he stills, waiting for an answer or perhaps permission to continue on. She curls tighter into herself, turning her face away from those soul searching eyes.  Sakura’s heart is pounding now. She’s sure he can feel it through her chest, the way he’s curled around her like a cat. She’s tired of pretending to be happy while becoming more heartbroken by the day. But lying here, in a dreamy daze, in Sasori’s arms, she somehow feels safe to express her deepest thoughts. Things she is too scared to tell anyone.
What’s the worst that can happen?
“I have a boyfriend.” It’s barely a whisper, hardly louder than the small tv playing in the corner of the room. Sasori’s fingers still, but he does not remove them, pressing gently down on her hot skin. He is silent, for so long, Sakura is worried he’s fallen asleep.
“Aa.” It's less of a response than she was expecting. She’s nervous that he has misunderstood what she meant, that he will be disgusted with her, kick her right back out into the raging party, dressed in his clothes, to suffer a walk of shame that she definitely deserves.
“Do you like him?” Sakura twists in his arms, to get a better look at his face. It’s passive, eyes hooded, like he’s scrutinizing her. Her mouth falls open, but no words come out. 
Does she like him?
If you had asked Sakura at the beginning of the year if she liked Sasuke, she would’ve said yes with no hesitation, but now? She’s unsure. Hesitant even. A bit of anxiety creeps up through the brain fog, words spinning around as she tries to organize her thoughts to even begin to answer him. Her eyes sting in the way that she knows she’ll be crying again soon. Some distant part of her mind thinks that he is too pretty to cry in front of, she’s an ugly crier, for sure. 
“It’s complicated,” he supplies simply, answering for her. Sasori must be able to read it on her face, or he’s gained mind-reading powers. The way he looks at her so intensely, either could be likely. Sakura doesn’t know what to say, so she just nods. He hums softly, tucking her back in his arms. They lay like this, long after the movie has finished. 
Sakura is sure he has fallen asleep this time, his grip has loosened, snoring softly. Slowly working her way out of his arms, she turns and places a small, soft kiss on his forehead. She gathers her things, shoving them in her bag as quietly as she can.  She lets herself succumb to the urge she’s been fighting all night, to run, flee, escape, up the stairs into the darkness of early morning. 
The pink tinge of the sunrise casts the small kitchen in a warm glow. Soon, it will morph, twisting itself into the sweltering heat of a Suna day.  Sakura twirls the phone cord around her fingers, nervous. She’d practiced the words the whole walk home, preparing herself. 
“ ‘Ello?” His voice is soft, sleepy. It’s the first time she’s heard him in weeks. 
"Hey, Sasuke, it's Sakura. We need to talk.”
Six days later
It’s Friday evening, Sasori’s moping about the record store. It’s full of whiny high school kids, the kind with stupid questions, ones he doesn’t have the patience to answer. His shift will be over soon, closing time fast approaches.  The bell dings as he’s checking out a pimply teen. He glances up, and it's her. 
She’s beautiful. 
A dream, all pink and perfect. Sakura’s looking around, admiring the artwork hanging on the walls. A low-cut red halter top, light-washed jean shorts, and chucks, it's reminiscent of the outfit from the picture he had stolen and hung on his wall. When her gaze lands on him, she smiles. It’s spring, sunny and fresh and new. 
“Hi,” she says softly, biting her lip. He can feel her nervousness, as she approaches the counter. 
“Hi,” he says back, feeling just a little stupid, high off her company alone. She smiles again, looking down, cheeks tinting prettily pink. She kicks the front of the counter lightly with her shoe a time or two.  “I, I…umm,” she starts before taking a deep breath. Peeking up at him through her eyelashes,  “I’m single now.”
Sasori can’t help the grin spreading across his face, he had spent the whole week in a state of melancholy, a stark difference from the way he felt that night with her a week ago.  “I have something for you,” he says. “Give me just a minute.”
He pretends to dig in his backpack for a minute, what he’s looking for is right on top, after all. He returns to her, presenting his gift, a carefully folded piece of white fabric. 
“My shirt!” Sakura’s in awe, gently unfurling it as she picks it up. It’s whiter than it’s been in years, no signs of the blue or red that had stained it the last time she’d seen it. She beems, if she was spring before, she’s summer now, making him feel sweaty, a bit claustrophobic under his clothes. “How’d you get it so clean?”
He’s still smiling as she brings it to her nose and takes a deep sniff. He chuckles, and that makes her blush even more.
“It’s Deidara’s birthday party tonight,” he starts, “if you’d like to go with me?”
She giggles, it’s heavenly. “Yeah, yeah, I’d really like that.”
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valtiels-darkness · 1 year
Performing Edo Tensei the first few times sent an inexplicable thrill through his system. Yet, after numerous times employing said jutsu, its novelty quickly wore off for the Sannin. The summoning of the Sandaime Kazekage had been an interesting disappointment, to say the least. It wasn't until he was back in Konohagakure during the village's chuunin exams that had that thrill wash over him once more. Summoning the Shodaime and the Nidaime to fight his old sensei as his pawns, felt a little bit like vindication.
Orochimaru had admired Senju Tobirama's prowess with ninjutsu. Feeling a sort of kinship through the scientific mind.
His policies on the other hand? Lacking.
That was neither here nor there. No. Right now, he had the sharp edge of a kunai pressed flush against his cool, white skin. The tell-tale sting of flesh giving way to the blade had him tilting his head just so, exposing his neck even further. Now, just how did the Nidaime break free? A thin brow quirked as gold stared imperiously into sanguineous eyes. Eyes that held no little disdain for him. Very well, he had garnered that same look nearly all his life. They stayed like this, frozen where they stood. His blood trailing from the superficial wound, rivulets steadily becoming a thin stream along the edge of the kunai. Suigetsu's nervous mutterings, the crackle of the flames, and the Shodaime's words were all but white noise.
Orochimaru didn't have to wait for long, wondering if his neck would be slashed, for the younger Senju stepped away, biting out both insult and an order. The Sannin paid no mind to either. No, instead he offered a facsimile of an amiable smile, tone both light and polite "Apologies Nidaime Sama, but I'm afraid we still have a matter to discuss." With that, he turned to Hashirama, who was more than agreeable to enlighten Sasuke. However, it didn't stop the snake summoner from side eyeing Tobirama dubiously. Mind a whirl in trying to place just how the man broke free from control.
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lorei-writes · 1 year
Hello! For party weekend!
5 positives: 1. Smart 2. Hardworking 3. I have ambition 3. I am aware of other people emotions 4. I don't give up 5. I am able to easily catch nuances and make a efficient argumentation.
5 negatives: 1. Can't read the room or wont't read it on purpose 2. Competitive 3. Provocative, I kind of like a bit of trouble 4. Shy, but also won't let people get near on purpose 5. Things have to go my way.
5 likes: 1. Writing 2. Listening to music 3. Reading 4. Playing video games 5. Sleeping
5 dislikes : 1. Some textures 2. Some sounds 3. Zucchinis 4. Kumbucha 5. Doing things because of tradition when said tradition is stupid of inefficient.
Pet peeves: Not flushing the toilet. Lack of critical thinking. When people thinks that if you don't succeed, you didn't do good enough and don't believe having contacts can make you succeed. Being oblivious even when being put the facts before the eyes. "NoT aLL MeN!"
Deal breakers: Deciding for others what is worth being sad and crying over, add with that the excuse of " I just don't like see you crying". Also, deciding what is worth being nervous over. Also, saying that even if things are unfair, you should be doing that thing that way, orherwise, you'll be in trouble. When the person saying that doesn't live with that reality, it's even more frustrating.
Wild card: Living the night, sleeping the day.
That's all for me.
From the thought diary...
As I was reading this, I started seeing Clavis everywhere. By the end, I was afraid that if I go to the bathroom, he'll be sitting on the toilet -- with that signature smile of his, no less. (Huh. Now, it actually makes me wonder whether he'd maintain it while being walked on like so.) The other thought I had was that you may like some parts of Chevalier, but want to chew off his face for, well, the other ones, hahaha.
I think you'd do well with suitors who are intellectually stimulating, but who are also flexible enough to try and see your point of view -- after all, in certain situations, there isn't one "right" way of doing things. It may be better if they weren't too bent on having everything go according to their plan, though. Some challenge and thrill is good, but have the entire relationship turn into NOTHING but competing against each other and it can become stale.
I'm thinking visionary types. Dedicated types. Ones that don't generally mind how they're perceived for as long as they do what they consider to be right.
I'd probably steer away from the overly mothering suitors. I imagine they could turn rather nagging fast, and well, they may be more willing to uphold artificial principles. (After all, the monsters under your bed are not real, unlike the bedtime.)
I'm a bit torn on ore-sama archetype characters, though. I could see it going both ways? For instance, I can see you having a love-hate approach to IkeSen Nobunaga, but... I can't shake the feeling you may enjoy some of the later developments from his route. (Think... Charismatic, confident, competitive, dominant, but he later learns to listen to his emotion more and he does consider your input... A bit of a tease, a bit boyish sometimes.) I suppose the question is whether you'd be willing to wait for him to even get to that point, hmm...
+Let's throw in "good at networking" here too.
Suggested characters: Shingen, Mitsuhide, Sasuke (maybe?), Comte (maybe? I can see him appreciating your character a whole lot, not sure how it'd go the other way around), Arthur, Clavis
Weekend Party
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