#and Peri! i love Peri‚ even when she's having a tough time of it with a still newly regenerated Doc‚ poor love
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sky-swimmer · 3 months ago
What if Dev’s drones and other drones still remember fairies and magic? I mean they’re robots, whipping their memories wouldn’t work because they’re not humans, and technology is getting smarter and dangerous for fairies.
I would imagine Timmy, during his teenage years, warned his fairies and Jorgen about what’s happening with technology in future, who knows what will happen years later, but Jorgen ignored the warnings, saying it’s fine, fairies are very smart and he men want he was doing cause he’s the strongest fairy of all, but Timmy wouldn’t sure about that, they just need to be careful.
I mean that kind of technology ACTUALLY worked on Wanda and Como at Galaxy Institute in Crocker to future episode, just wow-
Jorgen would realize what Timmy meant. Or something. It would be hilarious that Timmy alway “wrong” yet he’s right about their safety.
Anyway only way is that robot’s memory need to get deleted. Dev would, if he still remembers, but probably don’t know how and probably doesn’t know they still remembers.
Once again I don’t care if Jorgen is strongest fairy, just look at technology! Look at Galaxy Institute! Look at that weapon, A.J. mentioned, it’s very dangerous for fairies!
Who knows what will happen?!
It would be bad if Jorgen was caught and his wand was taken away!
Oh man….
Hi, Rosella!
This is such an interesting idea because when I was watching the show I was always confused by the logistics of Dev's drones. At the end of the Best Of Luck episode, where Dev loses Irep, he storms off and asks them to 'find me everything there is to know about anti-fairies'.
Like... how would that work? Fairies and anti-fairies' aren't Google-able 😭?? How did his Au Pairs drones manage to find info out on them??? And enough info for Dev to be able to contact Irep? who is out there uploading anti fairy info to the human internet and giving instructions on how to summon them??? What???? 😭😭😂 I assume it's for plot convenience, and we aren't supposed to think too hard about it. Or maybe it will be pushed down to 'Pixie interference'? Who knows??
Anyway! The drones remembering the fairies is such an interesting idea!! Because if Dev has fractured or deep memories due to the sunglasses, perhaps he could get suspicious over time. Checking the Au Pairs video feed, or them flat out telling Dev what happened is definitely a way to go! Though, I assume Dev's memories returning will happen in a more dramatic moment for tension and story telling purposes.
HOWEVER, above Dev, the Au Pairs are loyal to someone else- Dale. So imagine if he's messing with them or upgrading them at some point, and he finds their data banks 💀💀 Dev knowing about fairies was bad, but with Dale it would be 100 times worse.
Again, I don't think this will happen, since the 'taking over Fairy World' plotline already happened in season 1. I think we're more likely to get a 'Project H' plotline for Dale in season 2 (though that too could lead to the discovery of fairies??)
If Dale did discover fairies since he was following and monitoring Hazel so much, then would Hazel lose her fairies??! If she's being watched and asks for a wish, without realizing someone can see her, I think it would still count as her 'revealing fairies to the world'- unintentional or not. So that would also be an interesting and dramatic plot idea, where Hazel forgets her fairies, while Winn, Jasmine, Antony and maybe Dev all remember.
I doubt the show will go that far to have 2 main characters lose their fairies within 2 seasons, only to immediately get them back, but you never know, and I love speculating!!
As you said though, they definitely laid a huge groundwork of tech that can actually harm and affect fairies during anw. If Dev or Dale begin to suspect fairies, they could turn into the new Crocker dynamic. I mean, that would be so tough for Hazel, to watch Dev suffer and miss Peri, while he doesn't even understand why. And Hazel can't tell him anything or help him because she will lose her fairies if Dev finds out because of her 😭 AUGH.
But yes TLDR; Au Pairs remembering magic is such a crazy valid point I didn't think about. And very dangerous considering they're ultimately owned by Dale. The writers could definitely go down that route and use tech (like you said) for Dale to try and capture/figure them out!!
Very interesting ask!! Thank you!
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bigsteeb · 5 years ago
this is gonna be a long post so bear with me, growing pains got a b i g emotional reaction out of me & I need to share my thoughts & feelings about it because jesus fucking christ.
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ok first things first, someone hug this boy immediately. he’s sat in his room, still in his pajamas, in day time watching dog copter. this whole scene is just steven going “lol I’m sad, I’m gonna comfort eat & stay in my pajamas & watch a kids show I watched when I wasn’t as sad haha” & it’s not only upsetting, but relatable too fuck. his room is a mess along with him eating ice cream at what I assume is morning… making it his breakfast? geez steven. also idk if it’s just me here but in this shot he looks… bigger? like ignoring his body size shifting later on in the episode he looks a lot wider than he usually does when paul & drew board episodes to me, he’s rivalling etienne & maya’s steven’s wideness. did he… get chubbier from comfort eating? how much time has passed since together forever for him to put on weight if he has? this could literally just be steven slouching or his pajamas making him look bigger but as someone who is an advocate for the body positivity shown in su & suf it has me curious. I want to hug this soft, sad boy. It could also be due to how steven’s design fluctuates through the animation process, it’s never really on model all the time. 
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the grunting noise he makes in this scene is very distressing, as are other moments from the episode too. a glimpse at the glow-bracelet he proposed to connie with is enough to physically pain him? fuck me man. is he leaving his room where there’s already ice cream… to get more ice cream? sobs. also the puns in this shot. I cant? slow burn?! you’re evil crewniverse. not to mention his body size changing throughout this scene, god this poor lad.
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screams, this was when I started worrying. the boy is now in an environment he has never been in before & is feeling extremely uncomfortable & vulnerable. look at the lines under his eyes, his sad eyebrows & pout I hate it. also don’t even get me started on this part. the slight raise of a voice being enough to send him into panic?! fuck I hate how much I relate to that. 
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here’s where I immediately broke, no god damn pun intended. seeing steven’s skeleton, steven’s fucking skull, like this pained me. that crack on his skull is from fucking jasper in jail break. I can’t express all of the visceral emotions that were going through my body at this. there was intense sadness for steven, extreme anger at jasper & the gems for allowing shit like this to happen to him. turns out he’s not as resilient as we thought he was. each hit he takes physically breaks him & then his gem instantly heals his wounds, my heart fucking broke at this. think back to everything that happened to him, everything that physically hurt him. it broke him I can’t deal with it! then there’s what priyanka says to steven next;
“you seem to of made a series of miraculous recoveries, but that doesn't change the fact that you experienced trauma. you’ve recovered physically but, have you recovered mentally?”
this part here along with her reassuring him that there’s nothing wrong with his brain, how childhood trauma can have an impact on how your body responds to stress & how you act in your social life, the usage of the word “cortisol” too. this stuff being in a children's tv show is incredible. the writing for priyanka describes trauma simply enough for kids to understand, but for adults to fully realise too. folks, steven has ptsd. there wasn't one bit of sugarcoating about it or nothing, this is canon fact & it hurts me. for so long have I wanted steven’s emotional issues to be alked about, to not only be brought to steven’s attention but to the audience’s too.
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everything that has happened to him has built up to this moment. this moment where his behaviour & coping methods are finally making sense to a large majority of the fandom, & to steven himself. he’s hurting; physically, mentally & emotionally, & he isn’t coping well what so ever about it. his emotional support system is complete garbage, no one regularly checks in on him & folks just take steven at face value like “oh yea glowing pink? he’s fine it’s just steven” but he’s the bad person?! I hope a lot of you out there who genuinely believe steven is a bad person re-think yourselves after this. dealing with trauma is tough as shit. some days you even wonder if that one thing that fucked you up is really worth being labelled as trauma. I still can’t believe this is the route they’re taking, if he doesn’t get some form of therapy by the end of future I’ll be furious.
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then things begin to spiral as he remembers what happened with connie. he clutches his chest in pain & begins changing size over intense amounts of stress & it was extremely distressing to watch. steven immediately reassures connie that this isn’t because of her, but because of everything else that happened to him. however. I believe that that’s a slight lie, he wouldn’t of spiralled if he hadn’t of remembered the proposal, steven you fucking himbo. he continues to reassure them both that he’s fine, just that he needs them to leave so he can calm himself enough to control himself.
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then this happens.
this was fucking intense. he means this literally in 2 ways btw. his body size shifting over the stress he’s feeling is a danger to both connie & priyanka in this moment, but it’s also because of how it started. being around connie hurts him. he’s not mad at her though let me make that very clear, just that thinking about what happened when he tired to propose to her is sending his head in a fritz. he did what he did full of confidence in together forever, for connie to then make him realise how silly he was being. these two are destined for each other, but that advice from ruby & sapphire has really fucked with him. he looks up to those 2, looks up to garnet, their relationship is so strong & stable. for them to give him that advice & to then scream “DO IT!” in his face is incredibly tasteless imo.
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then greg gets here. I knew connie was calling for either greg or the gems when she was on her phone as she left the room, fuck yea connie I love you. the breathless, strained “thank you” from steven towards connie for calling his dad? g o d. connie telling him she’ll be there for him when he’s ready?! g o d. these next boards were done by rebecca, I knew immediately when I saw steven’s face. it makes sense that rebecca boarded these, because fuck. 
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how do I move on from all of the stuff I’ve been through? how do I live life if it always feels like I’m about to die!?
I’m tearing up as I type this. when I first heard the leak of this audio I so badly wanted to believe it, but to also believe it was fake too. I was an emotional mess off & on for about 3 days over it because I couldn't stop thinking about how fucking distressing it was. like… shit steven. he seriously feels this. I can’t even begin to imagine the pain he felt just saying this in front of his fucking dad. he is hurting badly. this boy, this sweet sweet boy we’ve watched grow & develop into the person he is today is distraught about his future & life. it is… soul crushing to watch this. a group of friends of mine have found joking about the episode as a form of coping with the intensity of it & as much as that’s valid as fuck, any joke coming from this episode feels morally wrong to me. I can’t bring myself to join in it feels terrible even thinking about laughing at it to cope. I love them all, but I can’t bare myself to join them. this moment ending with greg comforting steven, telling him he’s here for him & all of his struggles, got me weeping. greg is possible the best father figure I’ve seen on tv, let alone a kids tv show. he’s amazing.
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the final scene right here is lovely. greg making steven a hot chocolate & listening to him vent, reassuring him over his worry for his future. this right here is exactly what steven needs. someone to talk to, someone he could trust to talk about his feelings to. this the start of his support system, tag on peri from in dreams, bis in bismuth casual as well as connie from the past few episodes & it’s already looking great! even when greg eased him about being there for him steven still feels guilty about him leaving his tour, leaving his tour because he got a phone call from connie about his son being in need & steven feels guilty about it. fucking hell man. I did enjoy how the episode ended though, with that little moment between the both of them;
“just get some rest kiddo. you don’t have to solve all of your problems in one night.”
“yea. thanks dad.”
it’s a great message too, all of your struggles can’t be dealt with all at once. I’ve used a similar analogy before but it’s like removing a dead tree. you have to deal with all of the little things surround this issue first before you get to the deep, harder stuff. along side the message about trauma they’re both very important messages, I’m glad they exist in the show.
one more thing before I end my thoughts & feelings over growing pains.
this ending shot;
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as soon as I saw the frog mug my mind raced back to the promo for this scene, & this whole moment to come entirely. if you remember this moment has the first set of leaked audio within it, the audio of the gems basically cornering steven about him not opening up to them. christ pearl even gets mad at him for his gem building a wall behind him, protecting him from them. it’s common knowledge, I hope, that steven’s gem reacts to his emotional state. pearl herself has said this;
“I think your gem is reacting to your state of mind.”
his gem building this wall? it felt like steven was being threatened by them. this scene now has awful connotations with it. because since we now know what the pink mode is doing to steven, how actually painful it is, think back to these;
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yea. fuck the gems. I’ll let it slide if steven, greg or priyanka haven’t told them about what happened at the hospital. but if they do know, if they know how much it hurts steven being in his pink mode & still press into him about it I’ll see red. with steven’s trauma & now ptsd being cemented into the show I fucking hope garnet, amethyst & pearl get held accountable for what they put on him as a kid. that shit will not slide with me if they don’t. do not condone what the gems put him through. do not condone the gems for making steven feel like he had to be his mum for them. just… don’t. please.
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elliepassmore · 4 years ago
Dangerous Remedy review
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4/5 stars Recommended for people who like: fantasy, France, French Revolution, schemes, dual POVs, LGBTQ characters TW: homophobia The premise of this book was a good one, with a band of criminals running around Robespierre’s France and Olympe’s powers. I definitely liked the historical bits that were included, like the prisoner in the iron mask and the mountain Robespierre gives his speech on. However, the execution of the book was…so-so. Also, there was some stuff that was remarkably similar to Six of Crows and/or Crooked Kingdom, though admittedly more poorly executed. I will say that though it is set in France during the Terror, the Revolution and post-Revolution activities felt more like a set prop than an actual setting. Yes, people are being guillotined and sent to jail for random ass reasons, but it could’ve been set anywhere and nothing about it would’ve changed. There’s nothing distinctly French about the story, nothing that really screams the Revolution, and after discovering in 2020 that I do actually like historical fantasy set in pre/peri/post-Revolution France, I was looking forward to that aspect of it. Camille Laroche is the leader of the Battalion of the Dead, who run around Paris during the Terror and do their best to rescue people sentenced to the gallows. While she seems like a cool character in the first several chapters, she makes bad decisions, won’t listen to anyone but herself, and seemingly can’t actually pull off any of the stuff she says she and the Battalion can pull off. However, Camille at least has some standards that she sticks to, such as protecting Olympe and letting the other girl make her own choices. She is very wishy-washy on other things, though, and I don’t like how she lets things with James get out of hand. Especially when she lets things get out of hand and then freaks out about Ada being upset. Like…really? You didn’t see that coming? Also, why was everyone in love with Camille? Ada, fine, they seem close (though they also seem to have not known each other that long? Lost on the timeline a bit), but James the fiancé and Guil as well? Jesus. The girl isn’t that great, actually. She’s mired in self-doubt and her parents’ executions and bad decisions, and while her chapters weren’t terrible, I just liked Ada’s better. Ada is very scientifically minded and has enough confidence to bring herself through even when she’s literally falling out of the sky in a hot air balloon. She does spend a bit of time worrying over her and Camille choosing each other, but though this theme gets repetitive, I found I didn’t actually mind it. It’s something that does come up several times, because there are several instances wherein they have the choice to go after one another or not, and they tend to choose ‘not.’ I liked how Ada resolved this for herself, and it makes sense plotwise as well, so that was a bonus. Her jealousy over James was annoying at first, though it does end up becoming a reasonable worry. She had to keep reminding herself that as long as Camille was safe it didn’t really matter who saved her, and she does get to a good place with this, and it was never very obtrusive, but I’m just not someone who really likes jealousy a whole lot. Ada serves to balance Camille out pretty well in terms of her relationships with the Battalion. She and Guil seem fairly close, and she is able to be gentler and more open with Al than Camille ever seems to be. Like Camille, she jumps quickly onto the Olymp’s Choice Train, and it’s obvious she cares for the other girl like a member of the battalion. I have mixed feelings on Al. He’s going through a bit of a tough time in the book, but despite the façade he puts up he clearly cares about the group and Léon. Unfortunately, he leaves the Battalion too much to really be on page that often, so we don’t really get to know him, and a lot of the time he and Camille are squabbling over one thing or another. I didn’t like how he treated Olympe and openly called her a science project when she was in the room. He’s a funny character, though, and in the beginning and ending of the book he has potential to be a good character. Guil is another character I feel like we don’t get enough of in the story, though he’s more likeable than Al, in my opinion. I think Guil is in most of the book, but I just feel like we don’t really get to know his character that well. Like how Ada’s caring balances Camille’s leadership, Guil’s empathy counters Al’s seeming apathy. He cares for the other members of the team and for Olympe’s safety, and is often there to offer support to both Ada and Camille. Guil, at times, acts as a bit of a ‘wise’ character, but he also has a dry sense of humor that I appreciate. Olympe I enjoyed and is, once more, a character I’d’ve liked to see more of. Her powers and stormy appearance are intriguing, and I’m not quite sure I follow why she looks the way she does (not that it’s explained, but there are hints of why she has powers, so still). Over the course of the book she really transforms from a frightened girl into someone who freely chooses for herself and is able to stand up for herself and for the Battalion. James was definitely not a pleasant surprise when he pops into the book. However, he does come across as a pretty good character and his medical knowledge came in handy. I liked how her offered to help Ada get into nursing school if that was something she wanted, and despite Ada’s jealousy toward him re: Camille, I do think the two were able to bond somewhat over science. I liked the two antagonistic forces on opposite sides of the fight. I thought it gave the book a nice complexity and added some plot complications. I do think it got kind of convoluted toward the end, and I’m unsure of how either the Revolutionaries or the Royalists seemed to be just about everywhere the Battalion went. It was a lot of blockers and it would’ve been nice if the group could’ve had one thing go well. But I do think the two sets of villains was a nice addition to the story and liked how they played off one another in different, but similar ways. Overall, this book wasn’t bad, but it wasn’t great. It seems like I felt the same way a lot of other reviews did in that it was neutral. I gave it 4 stars because I enjoyed the characters (mostly) and the backdrop and some of the humor.
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geekmedium · 4 years ago
Favorite Doctor/Companion Teams
Because I want to spread some Doctor Who good cheer for Christmas. Also, I’m not doing the 9th or 13th doctor because they’ve really only had one team. Anyway...
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1. The Original Team 
The ones who started it all. They would win by iconography, but even with that, they’re just a lot of fun to watch. This is the doctor at his most curmudgeon; he’s rude, fairly detached, and very much not the hero we’re use to. So they gave him a granddaughter who he cares for, and two teachers who act as the parents and honestly more noble, likable people.
It’s a family dynamic, one which we don’t see often. I appreciate that they were a team who grew to care for each other, but still had radically different approaches to whatever situation they found themselves in. And it is through this team up that the Doctor could mellow out and be a more straight up heroic figure. He learned from them just as much as the reverse.
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2nd, Jamie, and Zoe 
Where the first team had a family dynamic to it, the second doctor had a more “bro” relationship with his team. He and Jamie are famously close, and if I’m not mistaken, Jamie is still one of the longest lasting companions. They joked around, had each others backs, and were just great pals. While Doctor Who was meant to be a teaching show, I believe these two turned the tone from edutainment into one full of Wonder.
As for Zoe, well I just like her. She was probably the first companion who could be considered of super intelligence. I like the Doctor and Jamie as two bros hanging out, but Zoe can be in there to keep everyone from getting along too well. Her intelligence could lead her to be smug, but she was truly loyal to the Tardis team. And I loved her interactions with Jamie as brother and sister.
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3rd and Jo Grant 
I kind of like the Doctor with a ditzy companion. Despite not being remembered very well, I think Jo was able to occasionally pull her weight and she worked well with the Doctor. Plus their last scene together, when he says goodbye? Man, you could tell how sad that made not only them, but their actors as well.
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4th and Sarah Jane
There were so many choices, but ultimately I can’t help thinking of this one as the best. Not only is Sarah Jane still considered one of the best companions, her dynamic with the Doctor was one of equal love and exasperation. She would often debate with him, grow frustrated with him, but still be with him through some of the most terrifying threats any companion had to deal with. And when it was time to go, she took it with good grace; she would always remember her time with the Doctor fondly, and only asked that he do the same. Magical.
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5th, Adric, Tegan, and Nyssa 
Here we have the family dynamic back again. I just really like the Doctor acting like a mentor to Adric, with Tegan and Nyssa as best friends who act like the big sisters of the group. I feel that while the first Doctor’s family was a generational thing, with each passing something to the next, the fifth Doctor’s family was a group of siblings. They were kind of equals with each other, and they got into plenty of small arguments, constantly annoying each other, but with a kind of affection that made them want to be together even when they were mad.
I know it’s hard to write Doctor Who with more than 1 or 2 constant companions, but I personally like family dynamics the best. With the 2nd through 4th, there isn’t a ton to say because they got on very well. There were disagreements sure, but for the most part, they were great friends and always happy with each other. A family dynamic, like with the fifth ensured a lot more dynamic back in forth bickering, with everyone's different backgrounds playing off each other in a way unique to Doctor Who, that could bring people from different timelines and planets together.
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6th and Evelyn
I’m going to cheat a bit by going off the grid into the audio dramas. No offense to Peri fans, but Evelyn is everything a companion should be. Tough, strongly opinionated, and incredibly empathetic, she provided a good foil to possibly the most selfish Doctor.
But what I loved most about her was that she was elderly. It provided a different dynamic to the Doctor, who occasionally acted the part of student to her mentor, instead of the usual status quo which is the reverse. Even more than that was her role in the story; she wasn’t there to be a young companion who realizes her potential under the Doctor. She was there to show that even if your bones don’t work like they use to. Even if you’re not most people’s ideal of good looking. Even if you’ve lived a life full of joys and sorrows, you’re never too old to start over. To gain new experiences, new joys, new pains, and new love.
I think that’s really beautiful.
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7th and Ace
I struggled with if I wanted to add Bernice Summerfield to this team, because she’s great. But then I realized so much of what I like about the 7th Doctor and Ace works when they are a two person team.
The 7th Doctor is believed to be the most manipulative, actively using his own loved ones for the greater good. He can be cold and calculating in a way few other Doctors ever approached. And so that made his relationship with Ace all the more heartwarming. Here was this little delinquent of a girl, who thought she was worthless, and yet she was the only person in the universe who could bend the 7th Doctor to her whim; he loved her like a daughter, and the scenes where they interact is all the more special when you contrast them with the cold Doctor.
Having another companion kind of intrudes on this very intimate bond. I think Ace should be special to this Doctor. The one person who he would sacrifice himself before he sacrificed her. A companion who can be horrified with his more manipulative acts, but nevertheless stuck with him out of a loyalty to the first person who ever took a chance on her. Hurt Ace at your peril; the 7th Doctor will come for you.
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8th and Izzy (plus Fey) 
Ignore that Izzy’s a fish, she isn’t usually.
This one is pure nostalgia. The 8th Doctor’s comic strip adventures were my first real introduction to the WHO-niverse. So while I’m sure Izzy is probably last on most people’s list (if they know her at all), she’ll always be my companion. She was probably the first pop-culture savvy companion who could offer a quip that stumped even the Doctor with how contemporary it was. She was finding herself on her journey with the Doctor, and had a character arc that I think inspired RTD when it was his time to reboot the series. Plus, from what I’ve read of other 8th Doctor material, he tends to be romantically linked with most of his other companions. Some people might like that, but I think you can tell from this list, I like my Doctor as a more celibate fellow.
Fey is someone who I think of as an intermittent companion. She helps out the Doctor a great deal, and her position within the universe is very unique and imaginative, but I wouldn’t want her in for more than a story arc or two at a time before moving on to another spatial-temporal James Bond style adventure.
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10th and Donna
Like the fourth Doctor before him, I had plenty of options. I was even gonna pull a fast one and pick another comic strip companion, the self-centered businesswoman Majenta Pryce. But the 10th Doctor and Donna are special.
Not only is she one of the only companions the Doctor has called his best friend, when you get down to it, she was who he needed at the time. After the last two companions had ended in a sort of tragic romance, the Doctor was walling himself off again. Donna, however, came into his life as purely a friend. Someone to pal around with and banter with. For the Doctor, this must have been a godsend. No drama, no hassle, just true companionship in every since of the word. And she still has possibly the saddest exit for any companion to date.
Goodbye Donna Noble. You definitely lived up to the name.
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11th, Amy, and Rory (plus River Song) 
The last family companionship on this list, and quite honestly, my favorite Tardis dynamic in the whole series. Why? Because it’s such a glorious mess that should collapse in flames but becomes something that’s just so interesting to think about.
The Doctor was Amy’s childhood crush she never quite got over. She eventually grew to love Rory, but both she and the Doctor were kind of dismissive of him. But does Rory angst and get into a love rivalry with the Doctor? Not really. He grows into himself, faces numerous dangers for them both, and by the end both Amy and the Doctor love the guy to pieces. And then you have River Song, who should turn the whole thing into a kind of Jerry Springer prize winner. I won’t go into spoilers, but what could have seemed creepy is actually a very interesting relationship with the Doctor. Though like Fey above, I think she works best as an intermittent companion who often goes off on her own adventures.
Still, they are the best family and if that’s controversial, it is the hill I will die on.
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12th and Clara
The final companions are another friendship. In a lot of ways, this is pretty fun, because the 12th Doctor is an old curmudgeon like the first. But with all that he’s been through, it is interesting to see how they contrasts, especially in their companions. Because while the 1st Doctor was happy to play the cranky grandfather type, 12th had a genuine friendship with Clara.
They didn’t always get each other. They frequently disagreed, and could even be resentful. But when the chips were down, they would follow each other into hell together. The Doctor always tried to be a little more considerate for her than most others around him, and Clara tried to defend him against his critics. And while the end to their companionship could have been handled better, it was still an impactful parting between two friends.
So do you agree or disagree? Who are your favorite teams? I would love to know.
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aughraseye · 5 years ago
Character ask: Onica!
@tunnelscreamer Thanks for the ask!! I ended up procrastinating on this a little, so I’m sorry. But I hope there’s some stuff here you’ll agree with! I’m also gonna take the chance to let you know much I LOVE all your Tavronica fanfiction!! It’s so good and has definitely influenced the way I see their characters!
Anyone who ships Tavra and Onica needs to go read The Storm and The Sifa on Ao3 right now!
Why I like them
I don’t just like Onica. I love her. She’s got that witchy lesbian vibe that makes me fucking swoon.
I loved that she was willing to stand up for Brea and take her seriously. She even dismissed the prejudices against her clan and helped only because it was what she felt was right. She’s far and away one of the wisest characters in the series and she uses that wisdom to the benefit of all Thra. She’s smart, caring, tough, and bold and beautiful.
Like many early members of the resistance she listens to her heart and keeps an open mind. She is unafraid to defy authority and fight for something better. Even her skills as a a fardreamer and soothsayer are put towards the cause. And frankly I love the concept of her gift. Having a character able to tap into the dreamspace, as Onica does, is so amazingly cool.
Honestly in both the show and the books, I loved every second of her character. She is welcoming and warm, a little distant but hardly unfriendly. She is shown time and time again to be true to herself and the causes she cares about above all else. And even in the face of great obstacles, pain, and heartache, she remains relentlessly strong and dedicated to being who she is, living the life she wants, and sharing it as much as she can with those she loves.
Why I don’t
She’s too perfect.
That may sound like a joke, but it is not. In the books and the show, we’re never really given any reasons to not like Onica. She’s never fleshed out quite enough to show any significant weaknesses, character failings, or traits that might cause the reader to feel less than ambivalent towards her.
This could just be an effect of how I read the books, and I welcome others with differing opinions to jump in, but for me I always wanted more insight into her character and for her to be a little more rounded out.
Another thing I will add, not related to the point above, is that in Tides she says that now that Tavra is a spider it will be easier for them to be together. It’s kind of treated like a throwaway line, and we don’t see the effects of that statement play out, but it was either a desperate attempt to look at the bright side of a terrible situation or was an outright awful thing to say.
I don’t necessarily think it should be taken as a measure of her character though. She says it and it pretty much has no effect on the story, her relationship with Tavra as far as the reader sees, and was ultimately kind of inconsequential. That doesn’t make it NOT a troubling sentiment, but I’m willing to overlook it and extend the benefit of the doubt because it did end up being functionally pointless.
Favorite episode (scene if movie)
My favorite Onica scene (because there are so many to chose from) is when Brea first goes to see Cadia about the symbol she saw. I really liked how she stood up for Brea and went against Cadia’s wishes to help her. It was a great glimpse into her character and we also got hints at the extent of her gift.
Plus how I can not choose the scene where she smashes Cadia’s head with a teapot?
I also really liked her first appearance in Tides. If I didn’t already love her that would have done it.
Favorite line
“When Elder Cadia looks at your symbol he only sees the end. But I see the chance for a new beginning. End. Begin. Death. Life. It’s all the same circle.”
Favorite outfit
We only get the one outfit, but she looks like a damn snack in it so
Tavra x Onica own my dumb ass.
Onica and Tae!!
I also saw someone else say that Onica and Rek’yr would be good friends and ever since I’ve really wanted to see them interact. Definitely some friendship potential there.
Head Canon
I’ve already talked elsewhere about how I think that both Tavra and Onica have a great sense of humor, and I think there is evidence in the show and books to support that. I’d like to build on that here and say that Onica knows how to weaponize that humor against people she doesn’t like.
Onica is pretty much shown to have an affinity for teasing people - Tavra, Kylan, Peris, etc. - and I think that she knows how to sneak in subtle barbs and digs at those who annoy her. She does it carefully though, with a smile or serious look on her face so they can never quite be sure if she’s just joking or intentionally doing/saying shit to get under their skin. While I’d don’t think she’d ever be outright rude unless they’d really done something particularly egregious, making a few disparaging comments or snide remarks and then passing them off as only a jest is well within her capabilities.
Further, I like to imagine that she isn’t above using her gift as just another tool to poke fun at someone. She basically did do this in Tides when Peris wanted his fortune read, and I really don’t think it was a once off kind of thing.
Unpopular opinion
I don’t think I really have any opinions about Onica that would be considered unpopular, namely because there just aren’t enough opinions circulating about her to begin with.
However, for the sake of putting something here that might at least generate some conversation I will say that Onica is more likely to pick fights with Tavra than vice versa. I really see Onica as the type who, despite a calm and nearly unflappable demeanor, experiences her emotions very strongly. As a result, she has the habit of bottling her feelings up, struggling to let things go, being passive aggressive, and snapping over small things when the real issue is something much bigger.
Tavra meanwhile, though a woman of few words, is generally pretty open about what she feels, especially with Onica. She’s not only calm and easy going, but has learned to let shit go. She also has a blackbelt in conflict resolution (and avoidance) because she’s always in the middle of Brea and Seladon’s arguments.
Onica though, who’s just as good as Tavra at helping other people deal with their problems, can be just awful at dealing with her own. I really don’t think they probably fight often, and I expect them to have strong and open communication, but when they do fight it’s usually result of some long simmering issue that Onica either snaps over or Tavra has to pry out of her.
A wish
I’d really like Onica to have a bigger role in season 2. We only get two pretty brief scenes of her in season 1, and given what a big role she played in the later books I think it would be fitting if they gave her more screen time in the coming seasons.
Seeing her far dream is also pretty high on my wishlist. It was described so well in the books, giving me such a clear picture of what it would look and feel like to look into the dreamspace with her, I really want to see it on screen. Actually seeing her do any soothsaying, fortune telling, etc. would be awesome.
Also, if Tavra is alive they damn well better be sure to give us some Tavronica scenes.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen
Tavra’s already dead or a spider. I’ll have to sell all of my possessions and become a wild woman roaming the coasts if they both die……or both become spiders.
5 words to best describe them
Wise, kind, generous, composed, playful
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frostskader · 5 years ago
To The Moon, To The Sun & Back {Frost Nurse}
Just two girls getting friendship tattoos. Nothing Special but always fun.
Peri was still working on the designs when Minnie came into the shop. It had to be perfect if Peri was designing Minnie’s first tattoo. She needed to make sure it was perfection. The petals, the lines. The dots.
“What do you think?” Peri eventually asked. “You know you need to tell me where you want it too. We can get them in the same places or different too.”
It hadn’t taken Minnie long to reach the shop and she was glad to see Peri already there musing over the design they had thought up of together. Truth be told, Minnie was very excited of the prospect of a first tattoo, especially it being a best-friend tattoo.
She walked up to wear Peri was seated allowing her line of sight to scan over the tattoo design.
“It’s beautiful! I love it! How are you this talented?”
The brunette teased even though she also meant it as a compliment. It was extraordinary the things Peri could create, but at the question Minnie found herself pausing getting lost in thought.
“You know… I actually hadn’t thought about that. Maybe the back wrist area? Isn’t that where best-friend tattoos normally go? Oh, but maybe I should find somewhere where I can cover it too because of work… but then I don’t think I would want to cover it all.”
Peri grinned but shook her head at Minnie. It wasn’t that fancy, but it was still something Peri was of course proud of. She didn’t want anything on their bodies that they weren’t proud of or happy with. Too many friendship tattoos she had seen weren’t well thought of. A sun and a moon, both supporting one another, something you couldn’t have without the other. And they didn’t always need to be out at the same time but they were always there.
Peri loved it.
“You can, it’s no big if you have to cover it when you’re at work. Maybe inner elbow it might less likely to show. Or your ankle too. I’m thinking my forearm.” Right above her scars.
Even though Peri was fine with the idea of Minnie needing to cover it, she still didn’t know if she wanted to. The design was absolutely beautiful, almost as beautiful as the meaning behind it, and she wasn’t so sure that should be something that should constantly remain hidden under some piece of clothes.
Besides, Swynlake General didn’t really have terrible restrictions concerning tattoos, and she hoped that the school didn’t either.
And it wasn’t like it was a provoking tattoo.
“I don’t think I’ll be able to see it a lot if it was done on my inner elbow. It probably would look very cute on my ankle, but then again I’m constantly wearing shoes… I want to be able to see it often. Maybe I should do it on the back of my wrist. I wear long sleeves most of the time to work anyways. Both the school and the hospital are always freezing for some reason. Am I choosing a spot that’s going to be very painful?”
The brunette couldn’t help but to smile when she heard the spot Peri chose. She knew the significance behind choosing such the spot.
“And I think that spot is perfect.”
"If you're up for it then I think the spot is perfect." Honestly it was kind of cute that Minnie did want it somewhere that she would see if always. Sometimes she assumed Minnie meant more to her than she did to Minnie. But that was mainly because Peri needed a lot of help sometimes.
"It can be because the bone is there and the wrist is so narrow. Inner elbow is probably worse so because of how thin the skin is." Her newest one hurt like a bitch though peri was going to avoid those areas again for awhile.
Minnie took a moment to look at the spot she was thinking of choosing for her tattoo, moreso to wash away any doubts before she made the decision permanent.
“I really like the spot. I’m going to go with it and thankfully I’m not afraid of needles.”
Would be rather ironic if a nurse ever was.
“So, do your worst or well Pascal can in this case just as long as it comes out as beautiful as the design looks on paper. I think I want it on my right side. I wear my watch on my left and it’s almost always on me.”
She plopped her arm back down looking over the design once again.
“I wonder if my co-workers would freak when they see it. I don’t think the lot of them ever pegged me as someone who would get a tattoo. I’m practically a saint to them.”
Peri grinned at that swiveling in her chair to make the final adjustments now that she knew where it was going.
"Well they have to imagine you've got a little but of a bad streak when your best friend works at a tattoo shop and owns a club." Peri wiggled her eyebrows at Minnie with a laugh.
"It will have to be the size of your palm for the details or we can size it down and make the flowers a little simpler."
Minnie let out a little snort of a laugh as she shook her head.
“Oh please, you’re hardly a bad influence. You’re one of the kindest people I know, if anything Lily is worse and even so my co-workers get shocked even if a bloody curse leaves my mouth.”
It was something Minnie never understood, especially because she had made some questionable choices in her life. It was also something she never truly minded either. There were worse things people could get teased about being saint-like was light.
“Little do they know that I have an exceptional talent for picking locks.” She laughed a little fuller now. “I don’t know if that’s something I should be that proud of.”
Getting her mind back to the topic at hand, the brunette took another glance at the design trying to picture if she would like the flowers to be simpler.
“Would it still look as nice if the flowers were simpler?”
“Yes but visual appearance is everything and I look like a bad and tough girl.” Peri teased. “I look like i’m the one that would know how to pick locks. Which I know how to frost and break locks probably.” That was just assuming she was correct and knew how those worked but she imagine it could happen. Oh well.
“It would, it would be flatter instead of the shading since we don’t want it to blow out. I can draw it up smaller though?” Peri offered.
Minnie gave a small whiny pout before slowly nodding her head.
“You’re right. I can’t pull off looking bad or tough to save my life. I can barely say no half the time. I’m not even sure how my patients listen to me when I’m being stern. Actually, I distinctly remember one laughing at me. It was during my first years of nursing, but still it was very rude.”
If she had to sit back and recall all of her old nursing days, she would probably end up choosing an entire new profession for the present.
Upon hearing how the design would only appear flatter, Minnie made a bit of a face automatically shaking her head.
“No, don’t bother. I really don’t want to take anything away from how it looks now.”
“Let me cover you with tattoos, we’ll get you in some black, add hair dye and piercings and you’ll rock the look.” Peri teased before spinning back. If Minnie wanted all the detail and the size then they were all good.
“Well then Pascal is all ready for us. I just have to put the stencils on and make sure you’re good to go. Are you good to go? There’s no going back after this. It’s permanent.” Peri teased.
“You’re already starting the process because here I am getting a tattoo. This is it for me now, I’m on my way to being bad and tough.”
Minnie should’ve barked into a straight laughter right now because she knew even with everything she would still manage to not pull it off. Besides, it wouldn’t last long, she wasn’t much of a fan for the color black and always loved some red or pink on her. She’ll just stick to her secret pick locking skills.
“And yes, I’m good to go! I have no plans of running and I also didn’t sign myself up for any hospital shifts these next couple of days just to give myself some healing time so I definitely cannot turn back now.”
Peri couldn’t stop the laughter that escaped her at the thought of Minnie looking all bad ass. She would be hot that was for sure. But she wouldn’t be a badass in appearance. But Minnie was a badass in general and people needed to recognize that.
“That’s perfect! Especially in a hospital wouldn’t be the best place for it to heal.” Fixing the stencil on Minnie’s arm, Peri pulled it back for Minnie to tell her if she wanted it higher or lower before Peri put it on her left forearm before deciding she wanted it higher and had to adjust it.
Minnie gave Peri a mock glare as she watched the blonde laugh.
“See! Even you know that I wouldn’t be able to pull that look off. I think it’s best for all humanity if I stay with my hair color and keep the piercing to a minimum. Plus, I really like how red looks on me over black. I can live with the saint teasing.”
She placed her arm now so that Peri was able to do what she needed to do with the stencil. She moved it just an inch higher as she didn’t want it directly under her palm.
“That’s what I thought. I’m always grabbing different things and running about that I would ruin the tattoo. I probably wouldn’t even realize that it was ruined until it was too late.”  
She shrugged and stopped midway realizing that moving her arms probably wouldn’t be the best thing when Peri needed it.
“Plus, I probably could use a bit of a break too.”
Minnie could always use a break, the girl worked too hard but Peri couldn’t ever really say anything about it because she worked just as much. They both needed a chill pill. Majorly.
“Well you wouldn’t ruin it like that, more if something you wore pulled at the skin while it was peeling or it got infected. Those are more of the concerns when it’s healing.” But just like that both of them were set up.
“Pascal! We’re both ready if you are.” Peri called out nodding her head for Minnie to follow her into Pas’ tattoo room.
“Do you want to go first?”
“I’m actually relieved to hear that because now my tattoo has a shot in life. I couldn’t take off from school, but I’ll just make sure that none of the kids go poking at it.”
Her school nursing job was less heavy than her hospital one, so Minnie figured that she should be okay. There really was a rare chance that something completely out of the norm would end up happening. If she were in the hospital however, that was something she couldn’t guarantee.
Minnie began to follow Peri into a different room and gave her hellos once she spotted Pascal.
“I’m leaving the mercy of my arm to you Pascal.” Minnie teased. “Don’t let me down.” Turning to Peri now she took a moment to maul over whether or not first was best.
“You know what, yes, let’s do this. I’d rather go first and witness less.”  
Peri laughed but gestured for Minnie to take her seat. Pascal wouldn’t let Minnie down and their magic would just make it look so much cooler than Peri could every do which was sad for her but cool because this would be her second colour shifting tattoo.
“Just remember to breathe and try not to tense up. I’m right here obviously and if I can get one right under my boobs I believe in you to handle this one.”
Minnie took the seat suggested and waited for Pascal to do what he needed to do as she looked over at Peri.
“The one under your boob wasn’t your first one though, you already had previous experience.”
This was Minnie’s very first tattoo, ever. She never had any done before and even when it came to piercings she had the basic one piercing per ear, so this was all very new for the brunette. Even so, she felt remarkably calm maybe because she was always around needles so the thought of another one didn’t shake her.
“It’s funny, I tell my patients the same thing when I have to poke them.”
"Well true and technically behind the ear is one of the more painful places and I got my first there." Peri shrugged and laughed. "You'll be fine I promise."
Peri knew minnie could handle this. It wasn't some girl who would scream everytime the needle hit her skin even though there was no reason for it.
"And you better follow your own advice then."
“I’m taking you for your word on this.”
At this point Pascal had begun and true to Peri’s statement it actually didn’t feel too terrible. If anything Minnie has felt worse pain before, so this fell in comparison. At the same time, she was never one to be frightened or whine over needle pain.
She took a couple of minutes just to simply watch Pascal work. He was very concentrated in what he was doing and so the brunette figured that she probably shouldn’t stare too long.
“Distract me. Talk to me about something because I’ll just sit and stare at Pascal work just to stare and that probably isn’t very comforting for him.”
Peri grinned just as much watching Pascal as Minnie was. She could always watch her boss work. The way they worked was magical. The colours they could use. It was perfect. “Okay okay. Um how about our next trip. We have to go somewhere other than London. Maybe somewhere we have to go on a plane to. That would be fun.”
Unlike the last time Peri’s life changed she didn’t dive into alcohol. She of course drank a little more but she was determined to be moving and doing and experiencing as much as possible. While drinking and partying.
Vacation was definitely a welcomed distraction, especially since Minnie was one who hardly ever took any. She was surprised that she even knew what it was. She has been devoted to Sywnlake General Hospital from the time she was hired.
“Yes! We do! I love my hometown but I think we need a little break away from it. Didn’t we want somewhere tropical?”
She could have sworn remembering them speaking of that, and besides, who wouldn’t enjoy a nice time under the warm, bright sun, especially when the sun didn’t show it’s face too often in Swynlake.
“It could be Carribean-like. There is Jamaica, Bahamas, any of those islands really. We could enjoy the sun! We honestly don’t see enough of the sun here.”
“We can somewhere warm sounds wonderful.” Which was always a funny thing when considering Peri was a frost fairy but she really did love being warm. “And we deserve it.” If there were two people in Swynlake that deserved a warm holiday it was Peri and Minnie.”
“I always hear good things with Bahamas.”
“I will definitely be happy with the Bahamas. I have never been there before, but a least this way we can now find out if what everyone has said about it is true. I’ve heard that the beaches there are beautiful.”
Minnie was very thankful that her mind was currently occupied with thoughts of a vacation rather than the tattoo that was currently being worked on her. It wasn’t hurting her terribly per say, but if she would’ve been solely focused on it, she knew she would've felt worse then what it really was.
“Clear blue water and you can get served alcohol for a change instead of being the one serving them, probably right on the beach too. We can even go scuba diving. I’ve never done that either.”
Minnie paused a moment before letting out a small soft laugh.
“Apparently there is a lot that I have never done before.”
“I’ll be thinking about the club the entire time though.” And that idea sucked but Peri had built up a really good team too and being served instead of the one serving sounded like a great time. Peri just wouldn’t know what to do with herself.
How could they stop moving. Stop doing. It was a weird idea.
“I’ve never scuba’ed either. Though I’m not really a strong swimmer so I might need to fix that.”
“No.” Minnie immediately reprimanded.
“You will not be allowed to think about the club and I will not be allowed to think about the hospital or the school. The only thing we will be allowed to think about is beautiful blue clear water.”
Minnie hoped that will be the case, that by some miracle she will be able to pull herself away from her job.
“And just to be safe we will take each other's phone because I have a problem ignoring the hospital’s phone number when it appears on my cell phone screen so I’m going to need it taken away from me.”
There, problem solved. They could both do this. They can have a vacation without going through work withdrawals.
“It’ll be a fun thinkless free vacation with scuba diving and pina coladas.”
"We're a mess arent we?" How was it that both of them wouldnt ignore their phones even across the ocean and they would be checking in on Swynlake.
They had a problem.
"That sounds like a deal though. We can lock them in whatever safe is there and then we cant do anything about it." Glancing back at Pascal's work Peri nodded. It was clean. No surprise. It was beautiful. No surprise. And it was almost done.
"What do you think?"
“Oh, I’m not admitting to anything. I just call this having a nice strong work ethic. Nothing wrong at all.”
Of course, Minnie couldn’t keep a straight face while saying all of that but she still wasn’t going to openly admit it. It would mean she had to give an honest effort to learn how to say no and that was a lot.
Her eyes now fell over Pascal’s work. She was surprised to see that it was already almost done! It looked beautiful!
“I love it! It looks amazing! I can’t believe it’s already almost done.”
“They are amazing. I learned under the very best.” Peri grinned getting more and more excited by the moment to get her own done. She hadn’t ever gotten two tattoos so close together but she loved it. Both of them meant so much to her.
“We’ll have to find someone to look after Figgy and Nova.”
“Figaro! I hadn’t even thought of him. I’m horrible!”
Minnie really did forget all about her precious Figaro and she immediately felt like the worst person on earth. Figaro had been the only male that had never hurt her.
Goes to show how her boyfriend history looked like.
“You think Ollie would look out for them? He’s someone Figaro has seen a lot so he will feel most comfortable with Ollie. You know how Figaro is, he isn’t the most pleasant with just anyone. He has scratched before.”
“Yeah I don’t see why not. Let him stay at our place him and Isa can have the place for the week if they want.” Peri wiggled her eyebrows at Minnie all while giggling at it. “Let teens be teens it will be fun!” And if Peri could cause trouble and excitement in the kid’s life that would be fun.
“And you’re not bad forgetting him it happens. No big deal.”
At Peri’s eyebrow wiggle Minnie couldn’t help but to give a bit of a face.
“Now I just have disturbing pictures in my head on what Ollie and Isa could do with a flat all for themselves.”
Not that she didn’t trust Ollie, she did, she absolutely adored him, but hormones were very wild at their age. Minnie was once their age before so she knew.
“And it is bad! Figaro has been the only male in my life who has never hurt me and that is how I repay such faithfulness by forgetting about him. Did you know that he would always cuddle me more whenever I cried over an ex. It’s like he knew.”
 "You should have some disturbing images I'm your head." Peri laughed, working with Ollie now she got to know him more and teasing him was adorable. She was pretty certain he was still a virgin too if that truth or dare game had anything to say about it.
"He knows you, he loves you and he will always be there and one day someone will be there for you too." Peri was just sorry she thought that guy was Marzel.
Minnie immediately shook her head. “Peri! No! Not that I’m against it all.” She actually wasn’t. Ollie was of age and he has been with his girlfriend for a very stable amount of time, hell she approved.
“I just don’t need to be thinking of that in my head. It could remain in his head.”
Pascal was done with their work and so of course Minnie had to pause in her conversation to take a proper look at it. She even lifted her arm and everything.
“Oh, I love it!! Pascal, it’s perfect and so beautiful! Thank you so much!” Minnie even proceeded in giving them a hug, being careful of her tattoo of course.
“Your turn now, Peri.” Minnie purposely didn’t mention anything again about their other topic. She didn’t want to say out loud how she started to believe that love simply wasn’t in the cards for her.
Peri laughed nudging Minnie now that the tattoo was finished, she didn’t have to worry about messing Pascal up. Peri moved quickly into Minnie’s spot as Pascal disposed of everything and sanitized it before starting on here as well.
“Now it’s your turn to distract me.” Although Peri wasn’t worried about the pain at all.
“Like you need one. You are a professional at this point.” Minnie teased.
Even so, she grew quiet a moment to think of a topic to bring up. Peri may be a professional but she was nice enough to distract her so it was only fair that Minnie repaid the favor.
Finally, something popped up in her head which took a little longer than usual because she was still looking down at her tattoo.
“How was that party you went to the other night? I forgot the bloke’s name who was having the birthday.” She hadn’t gone because she was pulling a night shift at the hospital that night.
“Probably but talking is fun.” She couldn’t talk at all during her chest piece which kind of sucked. But she had music to listen to at the time.
“Oh gosh that thing it was hilarious, a little awkward since Lou was there too but it wasn’t bad. Danced a bit, drank a bit got dared to switch shirts with a guy and dance in a circle but that was about it. Saw Dodger and Lou kiss.”
“Lou kissed Dodger?!”
Minnie was kind of surprised to hear that Lou even went to a house party. She didn’t think that it was his type of environment, but then again, Lou was someone Minnie was never able to fully understand.
But all in all, Minnie was glad to hear that Peri had a decent time. She deserved it.
“Maybe it was a good thing I was working. Truth or dare was never really my scene.”
She never did well in house parties, unless drunk but Minnie avoided getting drunk because she knew the type of drunk she was. It was best for herself if was drunk as minimally as possible.
“Did you end up coming home with that bloke’s shirt?”
“Lou kissed Dodger. He was dared to kiss the most attractive person in the room and of course he found that insulting and choose Dodger. Which is very weird.” Peri could only assume Lou didn’t know Dodger and Peri were friends. Or maybe he didn’t care.
“And yeah, the guy I switched with was a total perv kept daring girls to take off their shirts he def wanted to keep them if he could,”
Lou was dared to kiss the most attractive person in the room and he chose Dodger? Minnie found herself to be very upset at the fact that he hadn’t chosen Peri. Obviously, he had to be obscenely drunk, or he did it on purpose.
Minnie simply rolled her eyes and shook her head.
Then again maybe it was a good thing he hadn’t chosen Peri with all that had happened. There was no need to blur lines.
“Well, at least you had a decent time and that’s what counts. That guy wanting to keep all the girls’ shirts though, very disturbing. Who else went?”
“Ollie and Isa were there, um I think his new roommate. Um some of the Triton girls. Marzel. There was a lot of people. If they hold another one you should come with me.” Peri offered letting out a small sigh. She was fine so far with the crowd there and if she could keep avoiding Lou then everything would work out.
“It was a fun night over all.”
It did sound like a good turn out. For the most part, parties in Swynlake had a very good turn out rate and that could be because it was a small town. People did whatever they could find when living in a small town.
“It sounded like a fun night. Maybe next time I won’t be working.”
She wasn’t sure if she would’ve been a super fun company anyways, so maybe it was a good thing that she went to work. Minnie never minded going out, she liked going to Pixie’s but home parties never seemed to be her type of crowd.
“And you all played truth or dare?” 
“Well if you aren’t and you want to come that will be a lot of fun. We can go and stay together. We can leave whenever you want.” Peri didn’t mind if Minnie wanted someone to have her back then Peri was going to be that person.
“A lot of us did yeah. And if that happens again you don’t have to join either.”
Minnie gave Peri a smile as she walked closer to her to give her a side hug, her head even leaning over the blonde’s. She was very careful with the gesture so as to make sure Peri didn’t move and mess up Pascal’s concentration.
“Thanks, because I’ll go if you go. By myself, not so much.”
Minnie was super grateful to have a best-friend who always looked out for her, even in the simplest of things. Peri knew she would prefer company even without Minnie having to say it outloud.
“And this way you can keep an eye on me and make sure that I don’t drink too much. Horrible things happen when I drink.”
“You don’t have to if you don’t want to but if you ever do I’ll be right there with you. They never have anything strong enough to get me drunk unless I bring my own stuff. So as long as I don’t do that you’re in good hands.” Peri grinned nudging her friend.
“I’d keep you safe.”
“No, I think I should for the next one that comes around. I need to go out. Get out of work for a little bit. It should be good for me, right?”
Minnie knew she was buried under all of her work. A break at some point would be beneficial for her.
“I would appreciate you forever for keeping me safe. I get very flirty when I’m even a little drunk.” The brunette then looked at Pascal for a quick moment. “You aren’t allowed to judge me for this okay?”
Now looking back to Peri she bit at the inside of her cheek.
“And when I officially pass the line of good and drunk it gets worse. The last time I was drunk, drunk I had a one night stand and I barely knew the guy and it was at his place not even mine. Not very proud of it, so I have to keep myself safe from myself.”
“Only if you want to, it’s no fun if you don’t want to go. We can always just party at Pixies. I want to plan a new event soon so we can really have some fun with that.” Peri grinned laughing with Pascal but as they finished up Peri admired her arm and the shimmer of colour.
She wasn’t hiding her scars anymore. Anyone would see them now if they looked at the moon tattoo but there they were. A sun and moon together.
“But I promise if you do come out. We’re both heading home to our place that night. No one allowed.”
“Pixie’s would be fun too! I do always enjoy Pixie’s and I will hold you to that promise! Will even let you choose where we will go for next time.”
Pascal was done with Peri’s tattoo and Minnie hunched over a bit to take a good look at it. It looked just as beautiful as her’s did! She was definitely excited with the results.
Minnie then looked at her own and smiled. Sun and moon, it was perfect. Always what the other needed. She thanked Pascal with a hug and everything for their work and then looked over at Peri.
“You can tell me all about what I’m going to need to do to take care of this tattoo on the way back home.”
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angryrabbit42 · 5 years ago
Bonus Tracks 5
All for the lovely: @a-rose-by-any-other-doctor @dwsecretsanta
Read on AO3 https://archiveofourown.org/works/21925084/chapters/52331086
Track 3: Hurt 
“That’s it, open your eyes,” an American woman was saying. Her voice was pleasant, soothing until she shouted, “Doctor! Come quick. I think she’s waking up!”
Doctor? Rose’s head felt like it had been ground up and dunked in water. She blinked a few times to clear grit, her eyes practically glued together. A warm flannel was pressed over them, gently cleaning the lashes. “It’s okay, you’re safe,” the American woman said.
Rose focused on her light brown eyes. They were full of concern. Rose thought she had nice eyes, friendly, and warm. She was beautiful too with her button nose and wavy dark brown hair. Thin and pale, she was wearing a red blouse with a plunging neckline and an adorable white umbrella print. Rose opened her mouth to speak only to have a straw placed at her lips. She sipped, coughing a little. Spasms racked her whole body. Every nerve ending screamed in outrage. Rose grunted.
“Right, sorry, sorry, he said if you woke up before he got back to give you this purple pill.” She offered the pill. Rose opened her mouth. It looked a lot like the pills the Doctor handed out liberally whenever she or Jack had gotten a raging hangover. A pang of longing washed through her for those days. The pill dissolved in a hint of jam taking her pain with it. Rose sank down into the sheets. The woman smiled kindly. “There you go. I took one of those the last time he got into one of his lecture moods… Okay, I’m going to go see what’s keeping the doctor.”
“Wait,” Rose croaked. “What happened...me?”
“Um,” the woman cut herself off, “I-I- you were kind of, well not kind of, you were, you just sort of appeared in the middle of a war zone and got shot. But it’s okay, the doctor patched you up. He’ll kill me if I don’t tell him you’re awake. We’ve been waiting a week...oops. Pretend I didn’t say that, huh? Oh man,” she stood up. “Listen, I’ll be right back. You’re safe. I promise.”
“Oh, right. Peri,” she tapped her chest, “I’m Peri.”
Peri grinned. “We know. Rest now.”
Rose faded in and out. The pill had taken away all the pain and none of the exhaustion. Her body felt like lead. Speaking had almost been too much. She glanced down at her body to see where she’d been hit. A sheet was pulled up under her armpits. She felt that odd sensation creep up when you realize you are completely naked. “Just the sheet then…”
Falling back, she listened for Peri to slipping back into the room. Her ears, no, her body, no… no, it was in her head. She was hearing… “Tardis?” Rose felt a welcoming warmth trickling into her. There was a flash of worry and reassurance and comfort. Overwhelmed, Rose felt a few tears trickle out of the corners of her eyes. She was home. The Tardis agreed heartily, the lights around her dimming and then brightening.
“Well, I was calibrating the fluid links! It’s not my fault I couldn’t hear your bellow from underneath the console!” A booming, cranky male voice complained. “Besides, the Tardis already let me know that’s why I was in the hall. I can feel her singing.”
“Who Rose?” Peri asked, confused.
“No, the Tardis. She’s pleased that the girl has woken up. She doesn’t normally take too much notice of you lot.”
Rose’s heart sank. If that was the Doctor’s voice than she wasn’t in the right time again. This was yet another incarnation of him. Peri had known her name, the Tardis was here and she still wasn’t where she needed to be. Rose huffed. It was getting harder to keep hope when she kept missing her own time by miles. The Tardis hummed merrily.
“Hallo, how is our patient doing this fine morning?” he asked.
“No morning on the Tardis, Doctor,” she croaked.
Peri laughed. “Oh wow, I like her already.”
“Yes, well, she’s right. There’s no time at all on a Tardis. I just thought it sounded better than ‘how was the coma?’ How was the coma, Rose?” he asked.
Rose’s eyes widened. She tried to sit up, scream about her cannon, and her mission and her…”
“Now, now, don’t worry. I’ve recalibrated your ‘dimensional hopper,’” He explained, thickly emphasizing ‘dimensional hopper.’ “You have a day or two left,” soothed, the robust man with a head of unruly blonde curls as he slid into view. His blue eyes were bright, shrewd and curious. Rose got a hit of that bookstore shop and strange engine oils that she liked so much. He was the Doctor alright. “I feel I ought to tell you that it’s a very irresponsible mode of traveling through the dimensions. You should be in a capsule, young lady.”
“Don’t be such a nag,” Rose muttered.
Peri barked out a laugh. “I like her even more now.”
“Tough crowd,” he remarked to Peri who giggled. “I‘m going to be the bigger Timelord here since you were injured,” he said, sniffing indignantly. “Now before you go getting all worried, I’ve spoken to your ‘Control’ and I told that woman you were injured and she threatened me.”
Rose chuckled. “Sounds like my mum.”
“Yes, your mother is…”
“Be nice,” Peri warned.
“Protective,” the Doctor finished, making a face.
Rose gave him a smile. He smiled back. He slipped his hand into hers, sliding up to check her pulse. Rose enjoyed the cool touch a bit too much. He smirked as if catching the stray thought.
“Now, you are very lucky we happened to be saving the world in your general vicinity…” he began only to be interrupted by Peri scoffing. “Oh alright, I was very lucky you appeared when you did. You saved my life. Thank you.”
Rose beamed. The Doctor’s cheeks flushed. Peri snorted. “Quiet,” he hissed at her. Peri did not quiet, she snorted again, louder this time. “You’ll have to excuse her, she finds this entire experience dripping in incredulity.” The Doctor dripped his own words in sarcasm. Peri ignored it, obviously used to him.
Rose moved to sit up. The Doctor wrapped an arm around her, helping her shift so she was sitting up. The weight in her limbs was lessening. It was a relief to be more mobile. He sat back to regard her. “How’s your head?”
“Mm, normal? There’s only four of you, right?”
“Very amusing, Miss Tyler.” the Doctor said, pulling a penlight from his pocket and checking her eyes. “Pupils are normal and reactive. Muscle weakness? Headache? Spots?”
“Yes. Yes. No.” Rose was enjoying his proximity.
“Good,” he drawled. He hit a pad on the edge of the bed, and Rose felt the Tardis run a passive scan. “Another hour before you can try standing, alright? No acrobatics for another ten. Rest is what you need. Rest and lunch?”
Rose’s stomach grumbled.
“Peri, there’s a meal in the stasis booth behind you. Enough for three. Grab that for me?” He turned back to stare at Rose. “Extraordinary.”
“What’s so incredulous about this whole thing?” Rose asked as the Doctor handed her a what turned out to be sweetened iced tea.
“You fell right into the middle of a battlefield in the middle of one of his speeches!” Peri exclaimed, handing out sandwiches. “He was booming, ‘There’s got to be a better way to solve this conflict than cannons!’ And blamo! They shot at him and you appeared in front of him like a human shield. It was awesome!” Peri enthused. “S-s-sorry you got shot though… But you saved his dumb life.”
“I could have gotten through to them,” the Doctor muttered wistfully, “another moment or two… If Erikson hadn’t decided to shoot at me. The villain!”
“The Leklens killed his mom. He apologized!” Peri argued. “He even let us use that tank thing. You were in purple goo for like a day.”
“Ew,” Rose muttered.
“Yeah, it was real gross,” Peri enthused. “Like ectoplasm. You know? Like in Ghostbusters.”
“Take her to one movie… and it’s all she talks about,” the Doctor grumbled.
“You glowed a bit,” Peri added.
“She did! I saw it. Right before the beam hit you. You glowed a bit golden and then you crumpled. I thought you were toast!” Peri took a big bite out of her sandwich chewing with relish.
“Americans,” the Doctor muttered.
“And that’s not what I can’t believe,” Peri added as the Doctor turned a bit pink. “I can’t believe that you and he are you know, an item.”
“Peri!” the Doctor admonished.
“S’what you told me. You sensed it or whatever. It’s why you didn’t tell her mother who you were. He’s chicken. Thought she might kill him. But he doesn’t… You don’t…” Peri trailed off, waving a hand in a vaguely lewd gesture. “Well, you don’t!” she shouted when he scoffed.
Rose giggles. “What don’t you do Doctor?”
“Rose,” he drawled. “You’ve traveled with me. You’re brimming with artron energy and I remember you. You and I have met before at a party… for UNIT? I must have hidden the memory. But you and I, we…”
“Nope. I don’t believe it. He doesn’t do that. He never has while I’ve been around and I’ve been around a long time now.” Peri smirked.
“Do I tell you everything?” The Doctor demanded, indignant.
“No, you never tell me anything unless it’s useless facts about gumblejacks…”
“It’s a fish, very good eating,” the Doctor said in an aside to Rose. “And YOU never listen. That’s why you never know anything about me.”
“All I do is listen,” Peri bemoaned, eyes twinkling. “Alright, tell me, who have you dated?”
The Doctor flustered and sweating a bit glanced at Rose and then back at Peri. “I-I ah, freely admit some of my regenerations are more… amorously inclined than others.”
Rose giggled. Peri muttered, “Yeah right.”
“Ah! YES! Yes, you’ve met one of my paramours.” the Doctor announced.
Rose’s eyebrows disappeared into her hair. “Who?”
“Yeah, who? The only other you I’ve met, well, other than the nicer version of you-”
The Doctor scoffed. Peri patted his arm to show she was kidding and he was mollified.
“Wait… Jamie? Really? He was… well, a he.” Peri said.
Rose burst out laughing. The Doctor was beet red now. “Peri! All the traveling we do and that’s the issue you take with it?”
Peri laughed. “No, of course not! It’s cute! Jamie was hot. He wore a kilt,” she told Rose.
“Hush, I seem to recall a certain Pharaoh we traveled with who spent an awful lot of time in your room.”
Peri blushed. “Oh, we were, Erimem and I, she and I were… Shut up!”
Rose was going to die laughing. Great big belly laughs escaped her. The Doctor watched her, faking stern with his twinkly eyes. “My love life amuses her.”
“I’m not convinced you have one, yet. Maybe you regenerate into a real Romeo in the future.” Peri finished her sandwich.
“Tall thin, great hair,” Rose said, “really great hair, not that I’m not loving the blonde curls.”
A yawn escaped Peri. “No offense Rose, but I am going to take a nap. Been watching you for days. Good to meet you. Glad you’re awake. See you later, Doc.”
A long-suffering sigh escaped him. “Don’t call me ‘Doc.’ Insufferable girl!”
Peri hugged him. The Doctor hugged her back. Peri disappeared with a wave.
“You’re a marshmallow,” Rose muttered, leaning back against her pillows.
He harrumphed, sliding his hand into hers and squeezing. Rose’s heart eased. He was always home to her. He glanced at her sharply. “Can you hear my thoughts?”
“No, not as such,” the Doctor murmured. “Just your emotions a bit, leaking through the barriers. It’s not unpleasant, just surprising.”
“Because this regeneration isn’t as ‘amorously inclined’ as others?” she teased.
He smiled softly. “Something like that.”
They sat in comfortable silence for several moments, drinking one another in. “Rose,” he began, voice hesitant. “You were talking in your sleep.”
A frizzle of fear slipped down her spine. “Oh?”
“You mentioned stars going out,” he said, “and needing to find me, not this me, I’m assuming?”
“Sorry, no. I think he, my Doctor is a bit farther into your future.”
“The Byronic hero or the one in the Panama hat? Nooo, couldn’t be the one in the hat. He’s… No.” the Doctor shook his head. “The one in the velvet frock coat?”
“No, he’s sort of pinstriped.”
The Doctor made a face. “I like pinstripes. Never met him. He has yet to be as far as I am concerned. I know the next two after me and the previous ones of course… We meet from time to time. In the direst of circumstances…”
“Because you irritate yourself?”
“Yes,” he chuckled. “I am hard to get on with.”
“No you’re not,” Rose replied.
“Very kind,” he murmured. “Rose? What did you mean when you said… Time War.”
Rose froze solid. “You can’t know.”
“Oh, I can forget…”
“No, not this, you can never forget.” Rose stared hard at this younger Doctor, feeling nothing but sympathy. “It’s far in your future I think. Nothing to worry about.”
He nodded, resigned. “Yes, I quite understand. Rest now.” He patted her hand before withdrawing.
Rose didn’t want to be left alone. But he must have used a hypnotic suggestion in his touch because Rose was drifting off before she could form a protest. When her eyes popped open a while later, she was alone. Voices told her that Peri and the Doctor were nearby, in the corridor? She was more alert. She noticed her room had white walls with glowing round things recessed into them. It vaguely resembled the medbay.
“She was just dreaming,” Peri was whispering.
“I don’t think she was,” the Doctor argued, tone low. “She said they were all dead.”
“That’s crazy! The Timelords are all-powerful. Nothing could bump them off easily.”
“I can think of one species that can and would do,” the Doctor said incensed.
“The Daleks,” Peri agreed. “Yeah, but now that you know, you can stop it, right?”
“No, I can’t! My hands are tied. Rose is from my future. Don’t you see? That’s why she won’t tell me. She’s a good time traveler. She knows it could cause a paradox.”
“What will you do?”
“Nothing. That’s all I can do.” the Doctor said mournfully.
“You can’t just let your people die,” Peri shouted.
“Shh!! I’m sure my future selves will sort it all out…”
“No, you’re not.”
“No,” he agreed, “I’m not.”
He entered the room with a breakfast tray. Rose took in his plaid waistcoat, white button-down, plaid suspenders and yellow pinstripe trousers. “How did I not notice your outfit yesterday?”
“I know, you can see those hideous pants from space. Wait until you see his coat,” Peri said hopping up onto the edge of the bed. “How ya feeling?”
“Like I need to get up,” Rose said meaningfully. Peri laughed and looped Rose’s arm around her neck to help her into the en suite. They tucked the sheet around her like a toga. She came back out to the Doctor's fidgeting. “Out with it.”
“I’ve helped you a bit,” the Doctor said, holding up her recall disc.
“I know. I know! I can’t help myself. Your settings would keep you jumping randomly forever. I made some minor modifications to narrow down the jumps to a time closer to your own. I’ve also added an algorithm that will pick Tardis timelines, narrowing it farther. It would help if you had a Tardis to coordinate with but needs must.” He handed it back to her.
“Thank you,” Rose took it and looped it around her neck. Since she was standing on her own, she tottered into the Doctor’s embrace. He hugged back and Rose was reminded that he gave really great hugs. He squished her a bit before releasing her. He kept her hands on his forearms so she could use him to balance.
“You did save my life. It’s the least I can do if you’re going to go on to save the entire Universe.”
“Enough of the heavy stuff,” Peri grumbled. “She’s got twenty-hours left. Think you can take us shopping? Or we could get pizza!”
The memory cut off abruptly as the zeppelin dipped a bit. The Doctor was startled and his fingers slipped breaking the connection. Rose turned to regard him. “Alright?”
“Sorry, sorry, I didn’t remember any of that. I have a really strange craving for pineapple on pizza though…Oh and those fried jalapenos.”
“California,” Rose murmured. “We got pizza in Malibu… It’s sorta trickling back in. You got mistaken for a busker...The Tardis got a ticket. Images slipped past. I didn’t remember any of that either until now. I remember getting home and Mum was strange. I was put off of the rotation for a week. I was furious. Mum she, didn’t budge. Said the doctor said a week, no less.” Rose beamed. “She meant you, the sneaky old thing!”
The Doctor grinned.
Jackie appeared as if summoned by her name. “We’ve got another hour on this thing. Oof, I miss planes. Can’t say traveling by blimp is all that efficient. You alright? Both of you just been cuddled up here. Thought you’d be talking or…”
The zeppelin dipped again. The Doctor grabbed her hand and peeked out the window. “We’re alright, Jackie. In fact, we were top-notch a minute ago.”
Rose snorted. “We’re fine Mum, just tired.”
“When we get home, you’ll get all the rest you need. No world-saving for a bit, alright? Give your mother a break, sweetheart. You too, you could use some feeding up and a bit of mothering.” Jackie reached out and patted the Doctor. He enjoyed it for half a second before recoiling. He glanced at Rose to see if she had caught him out and Rose smirked.
“I’m assuming London will be invaded ten minutes after I arrive.”
“Oh, four, surely,” Rose agreed.
“You two!!” Exasperated, the two were left alone.
“Peri, she, it didn’t end well for her…” the Doctor muttered. “Or it did? I have several sets of memories for that…”
“Believe in the good one, Doctor,” Rose advised.
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totaldramafan-lauri · 5 years ago
Here we are in the future, once again!
Iiiiiiiit’s baaaaaaack~!
SU Future is back, and given how long hiatuses could get in the past, this one was honestly not that bad! Now, am I ready for the show to end? ....No, not at all. But, I WAS ready to get the ball rolling again, since we were left off on such a sour note, so....I’m glad it came back.
I’m especially glad now, since these new episodes were really really good! They brought back what I love about this show, meaning they weren’t only full of heart, but also FUN! Eat that, Little Graduation!
Not only that, but they also gave me my biggest freakout moment YET....so, th-that’s a thing, heh.....
In Dreams: This episode was a GREAT return to form, with the great mix of humor and heart that I love from my SU! I adore Peridot, so seeing her get this much focus was something I really loved seeing! And seeing her and Steven rant about their show changing too much and the main couple having no chemistry....It kinda gave me flashbacks to my original fandom on here, with how that show would change character casts every season, and having an unpleaseable fanbase......Is that a good thing? I guess, since it means it’s relatable to me? Eh, it was mainly just an observation. Either way, PERIDOT! So much Peridot! Even though the focus was still on Steven, having her around and giving her time to be her dorky, lovable self during this was just what I needed after what the last two episodes pulled. So thank you for being you, Peri! And of course, seeing a character actually console Steven and let him know she doesn’t wanna leave him was really satisfying.....he needed that a LOT. That moment between them at the end was genuinely touching, and it makes me kinda feel bad that while it was happening, I wasn’t completely focused on it....b-because of what.....c-came immediately beforehand......Even when that touching conversation was happening, what was going through my mind was......
.......S-Steven mentioned....Spinel.....
He actually said her name, for the first time since she left.
After the missed opportunities to do so in past episodes (even though her mark on city remained), we finally. Have. A mention.
.....OK, that’s not entirely true from an unbiased standpoint, but I can’t deny it.....I flipped out at that. In my last review post, I mentioned how I’ve accepted that Future is Steven’s story and that getting everything I want would be unreasonable, so I gotta start lowering my expectations. Sh-she’s not on Earth, the story is on Earth, and she likely won’t ever have another speaking role again unless they get a replacement VA which is.....a bad idea.....and given how much I’ve talked about worrying about her becoming boring due to not being a villain anymore, not getting any outright focus episodes is probably a blessing in disguise....
.....So......j-just having her acknowledged.....this is good. This’ll do....
(Until we see the Diamonds again and get a possible cameo alongside them? Heheh......>///////>)
S-so, yeah. Uh, very enjoyable episode. One of the best so far. And that’s even disregarding the.....admittedly tiny thing that made me lose it......>////////>
Bismuth Casual: Otherwise known as the Try-Not-To-Ship Challenge. This episode brought me even more stuff I missed, so it made me really happy! I’ve wanted more Bismuth for a while. I like her a LOT. Pretty much every single appearance she’s had since Made Of Honor has been awesome! And while this episode didn’t have her belting out one of my favorite songs like in the movie, it did give us more details about her......well, mainly one. She can get flustered! That’s so cute! This really tough blacksmith getting all blushy was pretty dang adorable. And her just coming to support Pearl......just.....her and Pearl in general.....UGH, I feel so torn! On one hand, they’re really cute, and watching them at the end made my shipping senses go crazy (the way Bismuth looked at her through the whole episode didn’t help), but......dang it, I thought I had decided on Pearlfriends as my “Pearl loves again” ship! Pearl and Volleyball were so perfect! Seeing her help someone else move on after she finally did, UGH, I love it! But.....when it comes down to it.....I just like Bismuth as a character a lot more. And....their chemistry is undeniable. Even back in Bismuth’s debut episode it was there. They’ve known each other for centuries....Pearl is always so happy to see Bismuth, and here, we see it’s the other way around, too. Bispearl is a good ship. No way around it. I love it. I ship it.
Not only did this episode grant us that greatness, but it also gave us more Connie! And dear GOD was this something Steven needed. I had even said before that if anyone could pull Steven out of his downward spiral, it’s Connie, and I was right! It took some time, though.....Can I just say that Steven struggling to talk to humans again was relatable as HECK? I mean, obviously, I’m not half alien, but....sometimes it FEELS like I am, or I might as well be with my social skills. Except Steven actually has an excuse - that most of his relationships recently have been with Gems, so he can’t really relate to humans as much. And that sucks, because he DESERVES to feel human again. Connie being there for him, just like with Peridot, was great. I’ve always shipped them, so seeing her pull him back up only solidified that. One of the best things about this pair of episodes is that Steven ends them off HAPPY.....
......Aaaaaaand there are a bunch of episodes left. But....l-let him have this!
I pretty much only have one complaint about this episode, and that’s that they missed an opportunity to bring back Mystery Girl as part of Pearl’s human friends. But that’s really just a nitpick.
.....Dang, these two episodes gave me a LOT to talk about......Sorry for rambling, but....I enjoyed watching these! I can’t really choose which I liked more (removing the bias toward that one tiny thing in In Dreams)! They were fun and satisfying, and brought back characters I missed! I hope the next ones will be just as good!
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timetrickster · 6 years ago
Aloha Oe X Edith Nox Crossover Episode 4: Monsters
@cometworks < -- Creator of Edith Nox, she dope af. As always hope ye enjoy it.
Tag: @coloursintheblur , @thelysstener
After the secret battle between contenders of the two universes. EDITH, NOEMI, & VIOLET were beaten during their battle with IMPERIUM. EDITH had fainted due to using her anger as her choice of emotion to use against him. NOEMI zapped out of the air from the electrical attack. VIOLET also electrocuted but managed to keep herself in the fight despite injuries.
All three of them were in beds next to each other, resting. JUSTIN is sitting a chair balanced between the three. His face sculpted with no emotion looking constantly around then finally toward EDITH first. A flashback hits him, with EDITH using her rage to help in the battle and then fainting. His head jerks snapping him back to reality. He looks at NOEMI then flashbacks to him being electrocuted and falling toward the ground.
JUSTIN’S head jerks another direction stopping the flashback. Cracks break onto his sculpted emotionless face as he starts to feel the mental pain. His face was slowly made into sadness. He sees VIOLET then flashbacks once more, seeing her electrocuted too. He closes his eyes as he thinks about the pain he caused when suddenly a shadowy figure stands to his right.
It was… JUSTIN except, he had white hair with glaring red colored eyes. Half his face was like porcelain as it was partially cracked including his left eye. He had a black shard stuck on the right side of his face on the right corner of his forehead.
Look what you did.
JUSTIN ignored his presence and kept looking at EDITH, NOEMI, & VIOLET.
I know…
His voice lacked emotion and his face was restored to emotionless. JUSTIN clenches his teeth trying to hold in something surging in him.
You see what happens when you let others into your life? Everyone gets hurt… everyone just… nearly dies? You fail to ignore their safety even though you reassure them that you would keep them safe. You are nothing but a liar.
JUSTIN finally out of surprise, he gets out of his chair and faces his dark self.
Be quiet…
His voice went from emotionless to holding anger and a roar of rage behind his voice with a grain of scratchiness.
I don’t fear you. Well… I am you… just in your head. I’m just a creation of your self-hate and disappointment and whole Atlas Complex.
JUSTIN breathes heavy and lets it all out of his nose and repeats it.
It’s your fault for bringing them here. All of them. The sweet girl Edith. A kind boy like Noemi and the tough-loving girl, Violet. You just had to bring them here! IT WAS ALL YOUR FAULT! First, it was Hoku… your siblings and now them.
DARK JUSTIN’S voice became more demonic sounding as it deepened to a certain point that would send chills down one spine. JUSTIN holds his head and he feels like his insanity is getting increasingly worse. He hears the words be repeated in his head. JUSTIN can’t take any more of the echoing voices his head shakes as if a volcano was about to erupt.
EDITH having woken up due to sensing JUSTIN’S emotions had limped slowly walked toward him.
Are you okay?!
JUSTIN looks up releasing his head from his hands and seeing EDITH up.
EDITH! No! You should be resting.
You’re angry… and sad and scared and regretful and… you hate yourself.
JUSTIN tries to speak a word but doesn’t respond.
You should rest.
No! Tell me why! Why do you feel this way?!
JUSTIN sits her down on her bed and kneels beside in front of her. Tears begin to flow down his eyes but he’s unable to say a word without having to speak his true feelings.
I… uh…
EDITH hugs him knowing he would need this to comfort him.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Look what I did…
You did nothing wrong.
But look at what happened! Noemi and Violet were nearly killed. And you! You used up your magic to the point of fainting! I shouldn’t have brought you here…  You could’ve died… all of you. I hate myself because I almost let you all die! I HATE THAT I DESTROY EVERYONE WHO WALKS WITH ME! It’s my fault.
EDITH was shocked by what she heard and feels the sadness and his pain.
STOP! Stop it, please.
JUSTIN finally stops his self-hate speech. EDITH holds his face with both hands.
EDITH (cont’d)
You can’t blame yourself for what happened to us. Please don’t ever do that.
Tears fall down her eyes this time too.
EDITH (cont’d)
You don’t destroy everything the people you come across. You’re this magnificent alien boy… who travels this entire universe. Caring about the people in need, helping anyone and everyone that needed it. You’re my friend… and your heart is always in the right place. Your darkness shouldn’t tell you otherwise. So please…  don’t ever do that to yourself again… please.
Her voice trembled within that last sentence. JUSTIN hugs her tightly, closing his eyes and nodding to her plea.
I promise.
JUSTIN closes his eyes and his blue time energy glows throughout him. EDITH feels a sense of relief.
What did you?
Time healing.
JUSTIN walks over between NOEMI & VIOLET and places both hands on their shoulders. EDITH watches on as her extreme curiosity kicks in after being healed. Their scars from the electrocution reverts and they are fully healed within an instant. He stands up and gives a small smile to both of them.
JUSTIN along with EDITH, NOEMI, & VIOLET return to the Eternity. JUSTIN says goodbye to his family first.
Come back home safe.
Yes, momma.
Knowing what you do. Please. Please be safe.
JUSTIN hugs ANGELIQUE and kisses her on the forehead.
BARA, ICARUS, & LEANA were also present.
It was good seeing you two. How’s Nala?
She’s good and she’s…
He smiles/
A baby? REALLY?!
BARA nods his head repeatedly while smiling.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
JUSTIN laughs a little.
You dummy.
JUSTIN smiles at his siblings then LEANA who is a bit withdrawn.
Do you have to go away now? You only just got here.
I know kiddo, but your big brother has to go save a universe with his new friends.
Promise me you’ll be safe?
I promise sis.
He pats her on her curly-haired mane and enters the Eternity. He makes his way to the command deck and starts the ship up and it flies into space instantly upon rising. The portal to Universe 528 opens up and the Eternity lands near EDITH’S house. It was morning, they all leave the ship and enter the house, JUSTIN diving face first onto the couch, NOEMI to the floor and VIOLET & EDITH sitting down on seats.
JUSTIN groans in the couch cushions then turn on his side his to breath.
No adventure today… rest.
They all groan in agreement. NOEMI gets up after realizing he has to go pick up his little sister.
He rushes out of the house and flies away to get his little sister. VIOLET gets up then leaves due to having the responsibilities of a princess. EDITH sits next to JUSTIN placing his head on her lap then resting herself.
Thank you.
You’re welcome.
There were a few minutes of peaceful silence. JUSTIN turns on his left side.
Did you have fun?
EDITH smiles.
Of course, I did. I WENT TO AN ALIEN WORLD!
JUSTIN smiles then laugh at EDITH’S happiness.
EDITH (cont’d)
Your mom is so wonderful!
Which mom?
Your mom.
Which one?
EDITH realizing what he meant, smirks at him.
Angelique. Your mom was wonderful.
JUSTIN turns to sarcasm.
Oh! Ange!
EDITH gives a love tap on his shoulders.
Ow. (he laughs) What else did you like?
EDITH laughs.
I loved your siblings! They’re really great! Bara has that positive spark in his heart. Icarus seems very relaxed. And LEANA! OH MY GOSH! SHE'S ADORABLE!
Yup. That’s my little sister.
How did you all meet?
My siblings?
My adventures. Met each one along the way. Lost. Without a home. They deserved love and so I wanted to give them a home.
You are a magnificent alien boy, ya know that?
JUSTIN turns on his right side just to smile at her. She smiles back at him with her nose scrunched up and her eyes squinted. He turns on his left side again and looks at EDITH’S souvenir.
I see you got yourself a flower from Gaia.
It’s so pretty!
Her eyes became stars.
Go plant it. I’ll rest up, I got some work to do later on.
EDITH gets up and puts a pillow underneath JUSTIN’S head and grabs her plant and goes to her garden. JUSTIN sleeps and takes his nap.
JUSTIN gets up from his nap and returns to the Eternity. He goes into his private quarters and sees the Crystal Containment Unit holding IMPERIUM. He sits in a chair and crosses his right leg over his left.
Hi Asshole.
Quite rude of you to say that.
Look. I’m tired. Having fought you wasted some of my strengths.
What do I owe this pleasure?
You said something to me before trapping you in there. “Something dark is coming for their universe.” What is it?
IMPERIUM laughs, it was sinister as it sort of echoed in the room. Despite being trapped within the containment unit.
When you sent me to the bottom of the ocean on this planet. I was rescued by a dark figure… he, of course, devised a plan and well… here we are.
VIOLET accidentally opens the door eavesdropping on the conversation. JUSTIN unphased by her presence, motions here to come in.
IMPERIUM (cont’d)
Your Highness.
VIOLET simply sneers.
I know you overheard that last thing he said before he was captured.
Yes… has he mentioned anything yet?
Just that a “Dark Figure” rescued him and that this was his plan. Do you guys have any known knowledge of any evil magic users?
The recent and only known threat was The Black Beast. Edith defeated that creature. There hasn’t been threats or criminals since the Old Era.
JUSTIN scratches his head then looks at IMPERIUM.
Where were you before you stowed away on the ship?
In their lair.
Where is that?!
She comes in fierce and strong which sorta scares him.
I don’t know but it smelled bad. So I’m guessing sewers, I came out of an alleyway. There were flowers there.
VIOLET turned pale white. JUSTIN was concerned and looked at her. Both realizing the place he was talking about.
JUSTIN & VIOLET both walked to the alleyway where CLEMENTINE had died. VIOLET had a flashback of CLEMENTINE lifeless and on the ground. She stops in her tracks at looks at the same spot. JUSTIN walks up to her and places his hand on her shoulder.
We can come back… if you’re not ready.
VIOLET is silent, her head tilts down look but shakes it off.
No… let’s go.
The two friends enter the sewers and follow the given path instructed by IMPERIUM.
EDITH & NOEMI along with his little sister, PERIWINKLE are having dinner together. EDITH jumps for joy with PERIWINKLE’S appearance. She picks her up.
There’s my favorite baby girl!
Hi Eddie!
Did your big brother teach you that?
She nods her head twice. EDITH looks at a smiling NOEMI.
I’ll make an exception for you.
They both hug while EDITH carries her, as she rubs and moves her face around on PERIWINKLE’S head. NOEMI smiles at the fact that his two favorite girls are having fun. He looks at the couch.
Where’s Justin & Violet?
While both JUSTIN & VIOLET walk through the smelly sewers, VIOLET uses her ice magic as a light whilst JUSTIN holding flashlight.
God it smells in here.
His voice was a bit choked up, afraid from inhaling any nasty fumes of the sewer. VIOLET with her well-trained attitude, she withstood the smell. To pass the silence, JUSTIN begins to ask questions.
This Black Beast… what was it? Magical Creature? A Higher Being?
VIOLET kept a serious face while they walked and she answered.
The Black Beast was the result of one of the Fates going rouge due to emotional outrage.
Yes, the Fates. The three known deities of our kingdom’s religion. They're the creators of our lives. To them, we’re just strings.
Sounds like they’re quite a benevolent bunch. (sarcasm)  You said the Black Beast was a Fate?
Yes, Cat. The neutral one. She had repressed anger toward both Owl & Fox. Edith with her powers had stopped her from going ballistic.
The Black Beast was the beast that killed your sister, but why?
There was a prophecy. “Magick’s greatest caster. Nature’s greatest disaster. …”
She doesn’t finish the prophecy’s saying.
VIOLET (cont’d)
Clem was the “Chosen One” of this prophecy. They moved on to Edith after her death.
JUSTIN falls silent listening to the story. They both come to a stop finding an entrance to a larger room. It was lit by violet flame torches. It had dark yet disturbing forms of magic on the tables nearby. In the corner of the room, there was a large object.
It was IMPERIUM’S ship, partially destroyed but it seemed to be active. JUSTIN rushes toward it to check out the ship.
Imperium’s ship… how is it here? Maybe this Dark Figure summoned his arrival here? But what could he need Imperium for? Violet?
He turns to see VIOLET frozen in place, looking at a specific table. JUSTIN walks toward her shouting and repeating her name. She only wakes up when he’s right next to her, she accidentally punches him in the gut.
JUSTIN groans in pain while holding his stomach on the floor. VIOLET realizing what she had done.
Oh… I’m so... so sorry.
He holds his hand out while trying to get back up. On his knees, he struggles to breathe. His voice was straddled with each breath he had to take.
No… (breaths in) You’re good… (he breathes in again) it’s fine.
VIOLET helps him up and he finally gets his breath back.
JUSTIN (cont’d)
Please don’t do that again.
VIOLET showed a face of worry and agreed. She points at the table she was looking at. Her face became frozen once more as she looks at it. There was a glass dome with a marble bottom holding a dark goo.
It can’t be!
JUSTIN looks at it for further inspection.
What is that thing?
The Black Beast… or at least a remnant of it.
A noise is heard coming from the distance of the entrance. JUSTIN takes a quick photo with his phone and hides with VIOLET behind IMPERIUM’S ship. The “Dark Figure is there with an underling, it was this frog man of sorts.
Where had the alien gone Vodnik?
I’m not sure mistress Neydolya, I have not seen him since you sent him after the Patho Witch and her friends.
NEYDOLYA the name of the “Dark Figure” and she was a woman hiding behind a dark cloak. She groans with anger and her clenched fist hit the table. Which scares VODNIK very much.
VODNIK nods his head and bows before leaving. JUSTIN hands VIOLET a device.
It’s the stealth device that’ll make you invisible. Let’s go.
He whispers to her. They both turn invisible and slowly walk toward the entrance. NEYDOLYA turns her head for a bit feeling the sense that someone was watching her. They both stop trying not to make a sound as she actually walked toward them without knowing they stood in front of her. She turns back after a few seconds of the frightening silence.
They leave immediately but the echoing noises of them running caused NEYDOLYA to send out a dark spell to chase them. JUSTIN freezes time then brings VIOLET into the frozen time. They run back to the entrance of the sewers the spell eventually catches up with them coming out of the sewers forming what looks to be a new monster born from ugliness and goo from the Black Beast. Both on their backs and looking at it form slowly, JUSTIN & VIOLET raise both their hands blasting her ice magic and time powers. Freezing it in a block of ice and reverting itself from creation to nothingness.
They both breath heavily and look at each other.
What just happened?
I… (breathes out then in) Have… (breaths out then in) no idea.
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moreaugriffins · 3 years ago
17, 30 and finally 83? (DW Ask.)
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the fact that it says 'best', makes me feel like i need to be objective with my answer here. Y'see, i have a major soft spot for 'The Two Doctors', and i'd say it's probably my favourite, due to the fact that it contains 2 and 6 and jamie and peri and i just really like how stupid the story is. however, i know it isnt a good story. it has pacing issues, and feels rather ridiculous. long story short, i think the best multi-doctor story is 'The Three Doctors'. 2 and 3's interactions are hilarious, as well as UNIT's and Jo's reactions to the whole situation. it feels rather well paced, and an interesting story (if you can get over the terrible 70's effects). also, Omega. that says all. (or, if i can include non tv dr who stories - the one doctor. big finish did wonders for 6's character, and seeing how far he has progressed from him post regen, to where he is in the story - theyre almost like two separate doctors!)
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Peri. Just, Peri. I don't know, i think when i first saw her, i thought she was rather whiney, and falls a lot, and can seem rather dim at times (i saw her in attack of the cybermen, back when i was, like, 13) but rewatching 6's run, made me actually enjoy her character. I must thank Trial of the Timelords for doing most of that work, ngl, because just like 6, the script did her no favours in terms of making her an engaging character, and her and 6's hostility towards each other early on, is funny for a short time, before it gets awfully tiring. At least trial of the timelords (in my eyes) made them warm up to each other, she seems to become more of a person, than someone who mopes and falls (also the books and audios help her character a lot. honestly, i will never not get frustrated at how little her botany knowledge was used in the show (that extends to all dr who companions. they have skills, but the shows constantly ignore it!)) (oh, honourable mentions - frobisher, the shapeshifter stuck as a penguin, adric, ben and polly, graham)
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tough question. I would've said 6, however, he can be arrogant and stubborn, and his preference to insult people (even if he likes their company) wouldn't be great for me.. besides, he doesn't like hg wells, so there's no hope there. I would have similar problems with 3, he's stubborn, likes to think of himself as the smartest in the room (which is true most of the time), unwilling to admit when he's wrong half the time.. but he's nice to his companions, only being rude when he's stressed. I feel like his rebellious nature, and love of science would work well for me, plus his sometimes childish behaviour is amusing (and his fashion sense is perfect).. so travelling with him would be fun 2, is much more of a clown than the other two. tumbles a lot, tends to do things on the fly, certainly jokes around a lot more than the others. Underneath all that, he is a very intelligent man, with a wealth of knowledge (and has interests) in many areas. I think travelling with him would be a joy, i mean, i love my puns, however, recorders can hurt my ears sometimes, so that's a major problem... hm.. it's a toss up between 2 and 3
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universal-kitty · 7 years ago
   I should be sleeping, but instead I’m gonna listen to SU music w/ a music box style and tell y’all about my SI for SU, Watermelon Tourmaline instead.
5′2″ with pink-to-white hair. Skin is a light green that looks white in bright light. Wears red framed glasses all of the time. It’s technically not logical why she’d do this, but that’s like questioning Peridot’s visor or Garnet’s shades; in the end, nobody really cares.
Was mostly owned by White back on Homeworld, but wasn’t uncommon to see her in the other courts, as well.
Not...100% on her “official” powers, but so far, I’m working with: slight mood control (can calm raging gems; however, doing an entire court would drain her; best done in a small group or a single gem; fusions are more difficult, especially with the more components that make the fusion), slight plant control, and slight strength (a bit more sturdy, making her harder to poof).
Eventually served the Diamonds well enough to be honored with a Pearl of her own: Powder Pink.
Once Pink was allowed Earth, Watermelon Tourmaline found herself gifted to Pink’s court, hoping that her experience would benefit Pink’s first attempt at living up to her Diamond name.
That went...incredibly well. [/sarcasm]
It started with the Rose Quartz at the Kindergarten. It’s not like Tourmaline knew who was being made, but... The other gem struck her as...odd? Friendly, but extremely weird.
The rebellion rose to power. WT got nervous, but Pink was surprisingly unfailing...or so it would seem. WT knew enough of empathy to know not to trust that aura!!
Of course, that was nothing compared to the war. Pink shattered. Gems fighting everywhere. Homeworld versus the rebels. WT and Powder got separated. Despite her best efforts, WT was poofed by an Amethyst.
Luck was on her side, though: managed to be where Rose would protect Garnet and Pearl in the final stretch against what would be called “the corruption song”... Saving her, but who knows how many others corrupted.
She reformed much later, to a still-empty battlefield, new outfit blank of alliance... Knowing Homeworld was out of reach now and the CGs didn’t know she existed.
WT eventually made her home in the forest not too far off from Beach City. It was an old place, but learning how to fix it wasn’t so bad... Nabs stuff from town, on occasion. Has since made it a comfortable life.
...She’s learned how to sleep on her own due to depression. It’s the best way to waste a few thousand years; sleeping comfortably in darkness.
Rose never finds her. However... Steven does, funnily enough.
If it was canon, the episode would be a filler-type and set before “The Heart of the Crystal Gems” arc, but after “The Return.” Called “Forest Wanderer” Steven and the Gems hear reports of an odd girl in the forest. Not knowing what to expect, they prepare for the worst...but find a rather skittish gem, instead. She keeps largely to herself and- at first- is terrified of the Crystal Gems having finally found her. Steven gets her to calm down, but though she toes around her past, she never gets to the point of it. The group are interrupted by a corrupt gem’s roar- a corrupted Tiger’s Eye. WT admits to not even knowing her own gem summons during the battle’s heat, but with the beast giving everyone a run for their money, WT gives it a shot....hand behind her back and summoning dual chakrams. Helping the gems, WT manages to assist in the poofing...but largely decides to stay behind.
She would become a minor gem character from then on, largely missing key events until later in the series, but always giving Steven a shoulder to turn to when things are getting tough in filler episodes.
Speaks fondly of friends back on Homeworld... Labradorite ( @madamethana ), Tabu Tabu Jasper, and Hematite ( @mayxwolf ). A group of Off-Color Topazes ( @half-fox-demon1020 )...and her Pearl. Worries that she may never see them again.... It’s tough, but Steven does what he can to help ease it a little.
Steven: It’s dramatic and not what he’d want, but she’d shatter for him. Steven teaches her so much about humanity... WT can’t help but feel like she owes him so much for that. Plus, she’s apparently got some maternal instincts of her own; her support is upfront and incredibly humanlike, for her long-running disconnect from others. One of her charms, as Steven would say!
Pearl: She’s a bit...uptight, but WT can respect that. In fact, her strictness helps WT in some ways! Largely in keeping up the upkeep in her forest home and doing better in other certain aspects... Like training! WT has a lot to catch up on, after all.
Garnet: A...fusion? Good stars, how much one can miss in a few thousand years.....!!! However, there’s no beginning disgust (just lots of surprise and confusion) and- with time- WT only respects Garnet more! ...And wishes she could have a relationship like Ruby and Sapphire do... There might be a small, hopeless crush there.
Amethyst: Despite being poofed by an Amethyst, WT’s got nothing against them. If anything, this gem in particular is loads of fun! Overwhelming a lot of the time, but still makes learning of humanity a little more fun...and exciting! So many new foods they’ve tried!! It’s really something incredible.
Bismuth: Never met before, but they sure hit off a first meeting well enough! Enjoying the puns, amazed by the forge, starry-eyed at the upgrades... WT was honestly a little charmed by the larger gem. Of course, hearing that she was bubbled for her stance on shattering Homeworld gems.... That did rise up some nervousness in her; if the CGs had been shattering gems... What would have become of her? Of Powder? It makes their next meeting a little awkward, but that’s what words are for; they’re doing much better since the chat before the wedding.
Peridot: An oddity through and through, WT wasn’t too sure what to make of the shortstack the gem sub-race had turned out to be, but as she got to know the other gem... WT simply found someone a little like her old self; not seeing the real beauty in the world yet and taking too much of Homeworld to heart. Peri’s growth since has only made her happier and the two better friends.
Lapis Lazuli: Cautious at first, these two were much like wolves meeting each other for the first time. If not for Steven, the outcome would’ve surely been concerning, to say the least of it... Still, they did eventually buddy up, especially since Peri had already warmed up to WT by the time Lapis showed up. Meep-morps abound, WT cheering them on during her short visits... It was nice. Y’know, up until Lapis ditched Earth in fear of the Diamonds. WT couldn’t help but be...bitter at that. At the cowardice of it all. She really can’t...be that mad, but it bothers her, regardless.
Jasper: The two never really...had a solid gem-to-gem so far, but considering Jasper’s attitude and Steven’s tales, it’s no wonder. However, WT has a sinking feeling about the gem. Empathetic abilities let her know there is more to this “brute” than most people might first realize and it’s...a little unsettling to feel. It still only endears WT to Jasper...and in a way, fosters a sort of care-love for the gem. (Now just to hope she’ll survive knowing the truth...)
Pink Diamond: A childish, but still somewhat respectable leader, in WT’s opinion. Oh yes, another Diamond, doing their duty...but also noticeably pleased at the small things that’d get anyone else shattered. Every once and awhile, WT would expect Powder to be on approach and greet the Diamond casually, no salute or “my Diamond” in sight; yet it seemed...to make her happy? She was odd....and no wonder things turned out like they did.
Yellow Diamond: Respectful, but absolutely terrifying. Not belonging to Yellow’s court is the best thing that happened to WT, in her opinion. The pressure alone to perform as to the peak of her abilities would’ve made her self-shatter from the stress millennia ago!!
Blue Diamond: A pleasure to serve and be around. The Blue Court tends to be a fairly empathetic, well-thought out place. Makes WT feel at home and gives her enough room to be herself in a way that best benefits her role. A rather homely court, despite not being “hers” at all, honestly.
White Diamond: The air is uptight, but you get used to it after awhile. Dedication, loyalty, and focus always. It felt...like a home. Wonderful, really. Yet after experiencing Pink’s court and finding Earth it’s....difficult to imagine how “home” felt like there. It was empty, devoid of life, and the Crystal Gems have since become all the home she’ll ever need. Never going back to White Court; not ever again!!
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geochic03 · 7 years ago
Amber Sunrise: Chapter 5
Previous Chapter                                                                          Next Chapter
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Pairing: Gladio x Female OC, Ignis x Female OC
Rating: T (For now)
Words: 5,428
Read on AO3
A/N: So just a heads up, heavy OC content ahead.  One day I might post my Ignis x Female OC story but until then, you can enjoy pieces of her in this story.  I think it's important for Peri to bond with another female other than her sister.  I feel like Juliet will fill that role nicely.  Plus I love papa!Ignis.
Two days later…
 “So as friends huh?  Well that progressed quickly.” Sera said with a smile as she wiped down the bar.
 Peri rolled her eyes as she finished her beer “Just whatever…since I can’t seem to shake him I figured I would humor him.”
 Sera smirked “Right...humor that’s it.  I don’t understand why you can’t just admit you have a little bit of a crush on him.  I wouldn’t blame you yah know.”
 “I don’t have a crush on him.  Yeah he’s easy on the eyes but nothing more than that.” Peri responded hopping off her bar stool to join Sera behind the bar.
 Sera sighed as she placed her hand on her sister’s shoulder “Peri, I’m worried about you.  You’re a smart, attractive girl…there’s been a ton of guys I have seen hit on you or try to get close to you and you’ve pushed them all away.  I know how tough it was for your after Ollie died but do you really think he would want you to continue on like this?”
 Peri bit her lip as she thought of her fiance, the only man she thought she would ever love “No…he wouldn’t…”
 “So what’s the harm in seeing where things go with Gladio?  I mean it’s not like he’s asking you for commitment.” Sera asked her.
 Peri sighed in defeat “I guess you right.”
 Sera smirked as she wrapped her arm around her older sister “Besides when was the last time you got laid?”
 “SERA!” Peri yelled at her sister, flushing at her comment.
 Sera roared with laughter at her embarrassment “What?  You need to live a little sister you’re not getting any younger you know.”
 “You don’t need to remind me.” Peri groaned.
 “I’m not saying you’re an old maid or anything but Gladio seems pretty interested and pretty available.  Besides, you know dad is dying for grandchildren.” Sera said matter of factly.
 Peri narrowed her eyes in suspect “If that’s the case why aren’t you jumping at the next guy to take you off the market?”
 Sera shrugged “I told you, after that ass-hat Dillon I was swearing off men until I was thirty.”
 “Right…that’s why I saw you giving googly eyes over at that guy by the Justice Monster Five machine…pretty sure you aren’t going to last another seven years.” Peri said with a smirk.
 “Hey no one said I wasn’t going to stop having fun.” Sera said with a wink.
 “Nope, didn’t need to know any of that.” Peri said blocking her ears.
 Sera laughed “Well…if I’m being honest, there is this one guy I met a few weeks back.  Came into the bar for a drink…actually he seemed to be a friend of Gladio’s.  He introduced us and we seemed to hit it off.  He was sweet and funny in that weird awkward kind of way, had some crazy stories to tell and cute to boot.  He had these amazing innocent blue eyes…like when he looks at you it’s like he thinks your the most gorgeous thing in all of Eos.”
 Peri raised her eyebrow in interest “Wow sis, that might be the most detail I have ever heard you go into about any guy you’ve dated before.”
 Sera shrugged “Well, we aren’t dating.  Only met the once.  I gave him my number but haven’t heard a thing from him since.  He’s a hunter or something so I just figured he was busy.  Maybe he will mosey his way back in here someday.”
 There was silence between the two before Sera looked over a Peri with a smirk.
 “Oh no…I know that look…whatever you’re thinking…no…no way…one hundred percent no!” Peri said waving her hands.
 “You could you know, maybe ask Gladio to bring him around again…” Sera said with a hopeful smile.
 “Sera I’m not doing that!” Peri said angrily.
 “Oh come on Peri!  I never ask you for anything!” Sera pleaded.
 Peri scoffed “Umm false, you ask me for everything.”
 Sera rolled her eyes “Ok, fine you’re right.  But you’re my big sister and you love me and want to see me happy and…”
 “Ugh fine ok, when he’s back in town I will mention it to him ok?” Peri said finally conceding.
 “Yay! Peri did I ever tell you you’re the best?” Sera said coming around and pulling her into a hug.
 Peri rolled her eyes “All the time, but you owe me.”
 Sera pulled away “Ok deal!”
 “Whats the big deal with this guy anyways?  Usually you never need my help when it comes to guys.” Peri asked curiously.
 Sera tapped her chin in thought “Well…I don’t really know.  He’s definitely different from most guys I’ve dated.  Just something about him…sometimes you just know something is worth pursuing you know?”
 Peri bit her lip knowing exactly what she was talking about “Yeah…I know…”
 Maybe Gladio was someone that could end up being worth pursuing.  She hated to admit it but maybe her baby sister was on to something.
The next day
Peri sighed as she made her way through Patella Market.  Before the darkness it was filled with vendors and people, but now with the shortage of supplies and goods there were more people than vendors.  Even on off peak hours the market was packed to the gills.
 Working a full day at the power plant and closing out the family bar the previous day had done a number on her and she was feeling the repercussion today.  All she wanted to do was get her supplies and get out as fast as she could.  
 Speaking of crowded, Peri suddenly jolted forward as a fellow shopper roughly bumped into her.  Rubbing her back she turned to yell at whoever was careless enough to bump into her but stopped short as she observed a young woman with long bright red hair struggling to balance her basket of items and a baby girl in her arms.  She couldn’t help but notice the brilliant green eyes and tufts of red hair the baby in her arms had, it was rare you saw that type of coloring around.  She wonder if they were refugee’s from outside of Lucis.  The woman looked up mortified as she adjusted the baby in her arms.
 “Oh! I am terribly sorry!  I didn’t mean to bump into you are you alright?” she asked fretting.
 Peri looked at her shocked at her apology before giving the woman and her baby a small smile “Don’t worry about it…you have your hands full.”
 The woman gave a nervous laugh at her statement “Yeah, I guess I am still getting used to balancing everything with my boyfriend gone so much.”
 Peri looked on as the woman tried to gain her composure back.  Peri pursed her lips remembering the conversation she had with her father a few weeks ago.  Feeling for the woman, she couldn’t help but utter her next words “Did you need help getting back to your place?”
 “Oh no, I couldn’t ask you to do that…I’ll be fine.” She said as she dropped another package.
 Peri couldn’t help but laugh as she bent down to pick it up for the woman “I really don’t mind, besides, she is quite the little cutie.”
 The woman looked back at her and gave her a warm smile before looking down at her daughter “Well what do you say?  Shall we accept this nice young woman’s help?”
 The baby girl cooed happily in response reaching out for Peri.  She took her tiny hand in response and shook it.
 “Well I think we have our answer.” Peri said with a smile, taking some of the woman’s packages and following her out of the market.  She was never usually this open with strangers, but something about this woman felt comfortable and familiar.  Besides, she figured she could do one good deed for the day.
 “Thank you again for your help umm….” the woman said trying to think of her name.
 “Uh Peri….and you are…” Peri said nervously.
 “Juliet…and this is Isabelle…well, Izzy for short.” Juliet said smiling at her little girl.
 Peri continued walking “Well it’s nice to meet you both.  And nice to meet such friendly people now a days.”
 “Tell me about it….” Juliet added as they continued.
 “So your boyfriend is gone a lot?” Peri asked making idle conversation.
 Juliet nodded “Yes…he’s a hunter of sorts…it’s a long story really.”
 “I know all about long stories…” Peri responded with a nervous laugh.
 Suddenly Peri looked up to see Juliet starring at her as they walked.
 “What?” she asked confused.
 “Oh, uh nothing just…nah you’ll think I’m crazy.” Juliet said waiving her off.
 Peri shook her head in disagreement “Trust me I doubt that.”
 “Well…I feel as though our meeting may have been fate, don’t you think?” Juliet said contemplatively.
 “I don’t think you’re crazy…but I can’t say I believe in fate.” Peri responded as they approached a blue door at the end of an alley way.
 Juliet smiled as she readjusted her grip around her daughter “Well maybe I can turn you into a believer…”
 With that she turned the key and opened the door that led to a large staircase.
 “Well this is my place…why don’t you come on up?  I made cookies earlier…although I can’t say how many may be left as I left Cid to his own devices.” Juliet said with a small laugh.
 “Cid?” Peri said confused.
 “He’s my surrogate grandfather of sorts.  Now come on.” Juliet said not even bothering to wait for her answer.
 Peri followed her up to the 2nd floor flat, surprised by how well she managed to balance her remaining bags while holding a baby.
 Noticing she was staring Juliet looked back and smiled “I’ve had some practice.  You would be amazed by how easy carrying a baby is after you’ve done it a hundred times.”
 Peri laughed nervously “I uh, wouldn’t know.”
 Once they reached the top Juliet opened the top door to reveal a modest but aging apartment.  Once they walked in Juliet pointed to where she could leave the bags and waited for her to return.  While standing in the small living room she noticed a group of photos on a small shelf to her left.  In one of them was Juliet, posing with three very familiar looking young men, one of them with the same scar markings on their face as Gladio.  Did she know him?  There was no way she would run into one of his friends…right?
 As she continued to look through the pictures she noticed another one, taken in what looked to be an aging cabin.  There stood figures she immediately recognized, Cor, the immortal Marshall, Monica the woman who was in charge of dispatching the newly restored Kingsglaive, and three men who she definitely remembers seeing years ago briefly as she left Meldacio to move back to Lestallum.
 Was Gladio one of those men from all those years ago? Peri thought to herself. 
 “Well, I didn’t know Julie was bringin’ a visitor with her.” a voice said behind her.
 Peri turned to see an older man slowly walking into the room, he was dressed in a leather jacket with cargo pants, a cap flattening out his gray locks.
 “I uh…” Peri began before the old man extended his hand.
 “Cid Sophiar…mechanic extraordinaire.” Cid said with smirk.
 Peri reluctantly took his hand as he shook it.
 “Are you a new friend of her’s?  I’ve been tellin’ her it ain’t no good being cooped up in here with the baby all the time.” Cid lectured.
 “Oh hush, you know that’s not true” Juliet said as she returned.
 Cid frowned “You know I’m right.  Cindy would agree with me too if she were here.”
 “Cindy if off repairing a few of the dispatch trucks for the Kingsglaive.  And besides, I get out you know that.” Juliet said waiving the older man off.
 Cid shook his head “You know I really should have a word with Cor about sending Ignis out on all those missions.  He’s gonna regret missin’ all this time with the little one.”
 Peri looked on as the two bantered back and forth, more confused than ever by their conversation.  Who was this woman she just met, and clearly she seems to be friendly with Gladio.
 “You know Ignis has been working hard over these last seven years to even get where he is now.  I’m not saying he doesn’t wish to be with his family more, but you know how things are with the current state of the world.  So will you relax, you’re scaring my guest with your nonsense.” Juliet said sternly.
 Peri’s attention snapped back to the two who were now looking at her “No it’s ok I can just go and…”
 Juliet surged forward and grabbed her hand “Nonsense, come on I put the kettle on.  You could at least stay for a few minuets for a cup of coffee…or tea if that’s more your speed.”
 “I uh…ok…” Peri didn’t know how to say no to her.
 As Juliet turned to make her way to the kitchen Cid approached Peri once more “So you got a name kid?”
 “Peri, sir.” She said turning towards the older man.
 Cid raised his eyebrow “Just Peri…”
 Peri bit her lip before responding “Lorenzi…”
 Cid rubbed his chin as he processed he information “Lorenzi huh?  Don’t happen to know of a Frank Lorenzi do yah?”
 “Yeah he’s my father…” Peri responded in shock.
 “Well I’ll be damned what a coincidence.  Frank and I go way back, all the way to my day’s in the Crown City.  Tell me how’s he doin’ these days?” Cid explained.
 “He’s still chugging along I guess.  He’s here in town.  My family runs a tavern not far from here.” Peri responded.
 Cid smirked “Don’t tell me it’s Frank’s Place?”
 Peri nodded in response causing Cid to laugh.
 “Well I’ll be damned all this time….tell you what, tell your old man that he better stop by here one day and visit an old timer every now and then, I’d come to him but I ain’t able to get around like I used to.” Cid grumbled.
 “I’m sorry to say neither is he…but I’ll let him know…” Peri said looking away from the older man.
 Cid rubbed his chin in deep thought “Well that’s too bad,  Frank’s one of the good ones.  We sure had some good times way back when.”
 “He doesn’t talk much about his days back in the Crown City so…” Peri said not knowing how to respond back.
 “I’ll tell yah it’s bull shit what how all that played out.  But enough of talkin’ bout the past, now tell Juliet I’ll handle the babe while you girls go talk about whatever it is that you two came here to talk ‘bout.” Cid said walking way.
 Peri nodded before turning to enter the small kitchen behind her.  As she walked in she saw Juliet quietly pouring two cups of hot water into mugs.
 “Have a seat, I put out tea and instant coffee so help yourself.” Juliet said turning to her as she placed the cups on the table next to a plate of home made cookies.
 “You really didn’t have to do this….” Peri said looking down into her mug.
 Juliet gave her a warm smile “Yes I did, you really helped me a lot at the market.  And like I said, it’s hard to find nice people like yourself these days.  It’s like this darkness has turned people into animals.”
 “Yeah…I guess and apocalypse will do that to people…” Peri responded as she mixed her instant coffee.
 “I hope you like that kind, it’s hard to find the good stuff these days.  My beau is kind of a coffee connoisseur if you will, so this stuff shouldn’t be too bad.” Juliet said as she handed Peri one of the cookies she had spoken of earlier.
 As Peri took a bite into the cookie she couldn’t believe how good it was.  It was a perfect balance of salty and sweet.
 “Holy crap that’s good…” Peri said inspecting the cookie.
 Juliet smiled “Well I’m glad you like it.  It’s a recipe Ignis perfected while we were traveling around Eos.  I think he got this one from some time we spent out in southern Cleigne.  If you want I can give you the recipe.  Ignis won’t mind.”
 “Ignis is your, uh boyfriend right?” Peri asked quietly as she took another bite of her cookie.
 Juliet nodded as she got up to get a piece of paper and a pen “Yes.  And don’t mind Cid.  He just worries about me, especially after we had Izzy.  Iggy really is a great father.  I know it kills him to be away from myself and our daughter for so long, but we both know he has a duty to fulfill...we both do.”
 “A duty?” Peri said confused.
 “Like I said, long story.” Juliet said with a wink as she sat down and began writing.
 Peri looked down again “Uh, right…”
 “Besides, we both want a world for our daughter where she doesn’t have to worry about what lurks in the dark at night, or when the next invasion is going to be.  We want her to know what it’s like to have a sunburn, and see the light shine off the sea midday, and experience a sunset.  We know to achieve that there are sacrifices.  In the end, it will be worth it.” Juliet explained as she handed her the paper with the cookie recipe.
 Peri took the piece of paper and folded it into her pocket as she looked back at the woman now in deep thought.  She couldn’t help but admire her fierce determination and will to stay strong during such dark times.
 “So…have you guys been together for awhile?” Peri asked curiously.  Why was she suddenly asking her such a personal question?
 Juliet nodded “Yeah…about seven years.  As I’m sure you can imagine, Isabelle wasn’t exactly planned but we both couldn’t imagine life without her.”
 “She is pretty cute.” Peri commented as she took a swig of her coffee.
 Juliet smiled, brushing a strand of her bright red hair behind her ear “You think?”
 Peri nodded “Yeah…I’ve never seen such bright green eyes before.”
 “Well she got those from her father.” Juliet rebuffed.
 “Oh…” Peri said awkwardly.
 There were a few moments of silence between the two women before Juliet spoke up again.
 “So I heard while I was in the kitchen your family helps run a tavern?” Juliet asked curiously.
 Peri nodded “Yeah, my father owns the place but my younger sister for the most part runs it.  I just help out sometimes, I work full time at the power plant.”
 “Oh so you’re one of Holly’s girls?” Juliet said intrigued.
 “Yeah…do you know her or something?” Peri asked curious at her familiarity with her boss.
 “Kind of…she’s more of a friend of a friend.” Juliet said as she sipped her tea.
 There was silence between the women once more as Peri thought back to the pictures she saw in her living room.  It looked like she had a pretty loving and happy family but Peri couldn’t help but wonder why she and ‘Ignis’ weren’t married.
 “Uh, I hope I’m not being to forward but…why haven’t you and Ignis married?  I mean you guys seem happy and you have a kid and all…” Peri asked quietly.
 Juliet smiled “Don’t worry you’re not.  It’s not that we wouldn’t want to get married in the future but with everything go on, a wedding is the last thing on our minds.”
 Peri nodded “Got it.”
 “Besides, we both know where we stand.  We very much love each other, we don’t need a piece of paper to prove that.  Anyone who is important to us knows anyways.” Juliet continued.
 “I get it…kind of hard to plan a wedding during an apocalypse anyways right?” Peri responded.
 “What about you?  Anyone special in your life?” Julie smirked at her.
 Peri almost choked on her coffee at the question “What I…umm…not really…”
 “Well, I am sure one day you will find someone who is.” Juliet said with a friendly smile.
 Peri shrugged in response, specifically not mentioning Gladio, or his heavy presence in the woman’s living room.  Why would she mention him anyways?  It’s not like they were even a thing…were they?
 “What about you would you ever get married?” Juliet asked her honestly.
 Peri as jolted from her thoughts hearing Juliet’s question. She sighed as she thought about her deceased fiance “I…yeah…well I…umm…I was engaged…once…”
 Juliet raised her eyebrow “Oh?”
 Peri nodded “Yeah…I guess you would say we were high school sweethearts.”
 “Oh…what happened?” Juliet asked curiously.
 Peri paused for a moment before taking a deep breath “He…he died…umm about seven years ago…”
 Juliet frowned, taking her hand in hers and squeezing it “I’m so sorry…that’s heartbreaking to hear.”
 Peri attempted to shake her comment off “It’s ok…it’s in the past so…”
 Juliet nodded, taking her hand and giving it a small squeeze, seeing how deeply affected she was by the loss “I’ve lost people very close to me too, it’s hard.  But then one day, you wake up and realize that the world keeps going and you have to keep going, otherwise it will drive you mad. It’s ok to always love them and to miss them…no one will ever fault you for that.  If I’m being honest, it took me a long time to come to terms with that.  But I did, and you will too. ”
 Peri looked back at her, stunned by her comforting words of advice.  Here was this woman who she barely knew baring her soul and making an effort to reach out to her.  She knows everyone has been telling her to move on from what had happened all those years ago, but hearing someone else, someone she barely knew, who has seemingly also gone through something similar really affected her.  It had been seven years since Felix was taken from her…and six and half since Ollie…the world had gone to shit but here she was pushing everyone away from her.  Maybe she needed to start listening…maybe it was time to finally start opening up.
 It was at that moment that Peri saw the several missed phone calls from her father on her cell phone. She quickly unlocked the screen to see how late it was getting.  Peri quickly finished the rest of her coffee before standing up from her seat.
 “Well thank you for the cookies and coffee…and the hospitality and what not but I uh, gotta go.” Peri said pushing her chair in.
 “Going so soon?” Juliet said slightly disappointed.
 Peri nodded “Yeah I have to get back to my dad…he’s been expecting me.”
 “Right, no problem.  Maybe we will see each other again?” Juliet said with a hopeful smile.
 “Yeah…maybe…” Peri said giving her a small smile back.
 At that moment Peri turned to see the door to the apartment open and a tall man with tawny hair make their way in.  As he lifted his head up, Peri couldn’t help but notice the man’s prominent scar on his left eye, covered by his dark visors.  She noticed how he seemingly didn’t may eye contact with her as he carefully took off his shoes by the door.
 “Iggy!” Juliet said as she speed towards the man.
 Ignis smiled in the direction of Juliet as he placed his dark jacket on the coat hook by the door and turned to embrace her.  Peri looked on as the couple shared a tender kiss before pulling away, still holding on to each other.
 “Has Isabelle already gone down for the night?”  Ignis asked her as he ran his hand through Juliet’s long hair.
 Juliet shook her head in response “No, Cid is with her in the other room while we have guest. ”
 “A guest?” Ignis said cocking his head.
 That was when Peri realized it.  Anyone who still had their sight by now would have at least acknowledged her presence by now.  Juliet’s other half was blind.
 “Uh…yes, I was just about to leave actually.” Peri stuttered out, feeling guilty for intruding on such a private moment between the two.
 “This is Peri, she helped Izzy and I at the market today.  She works at the power plant for Holly.” Juliet said with a smile.
 Ignis turned to her direction, going simply buy the sound of her voice from her statement before and held out his hand “Well, it’s a pleasure to meet you Peri.  Ignis Scientia, thank you for helping my Juliet and Isabelle today.”
 Peri reluctantly took the man’s hand and shook it “No…problem.”
 “I had no idea you would be so soon.  I figured the daemon nest would take you guys at least another day or two.” Juliet said to him crossing her arms.
 “Well, we were able to break through and make headway much quicker than the Marshall had calculated.” Ignis responded as he folded up his sleeves.
 Juliet smiled “On the bright side, I hope we get to have some time together as a family before you have to head out again.”
 Ignis nodded “Yes, Talcott isn’t due back for another two days.”
 Juliet leaned in and gave Ignis a quick peck on the lips “Great, wait here I’m going to get Izzy.”
 Peri watched as Juliet left the room.  She turned her attention back to Ignis.  He went to take out the daemon nest?
 “Umm, Ignis?  That daemon nest you help with…was it near Cauthess?” Peri asked hesitantly.
 Ignis nodded “Yes it was.  Did you hear about the mission?”
 “No just…someone I know said they were going to help out with it.” Peri said trying to be discrete.
 Peri watched the man as he seemingly made a connection in his mind before giving her a knowing smile “Well, not to worry.  There were no casualties.  I am sure Gladio will be reaching out to you shortly.”
 It was in those very few words that Ignis had confirmed what she had been suspecting the majority of the time she was in their apartment.  They knew Gladio, and clearly knew him well enough that Ignis went hunting with him.
 Peri’s eyes widened from his statement “I…”
 At that moment Juliet returned with Isabelle in her arms.  Peri’s focus returned to the little family reunion as she could have sworn she felt her heart melted as she watched the little girl instinctively reach for her father, with Ignis readily taking her from her mother’s arms.
 “And how are you my love?” Ignis said placing a loving kiss to his daughters forehead.
 The baby girl cooed as she grasped at Ignis' finger.
 “I uh better go…thanks for the coffee and cookies Juliet.” Peri said finally taking her leave.
 Juliet smiled “I hope I’ll see you around, and thank you for your help.”
 Ignis held his daughter close as he lifter her tiny hand “Say goodbye Isabelle.”
 Peri watched as Ignis moved the baby girls hand in a waving motion as she giggled.
 “You’re welcome…have a good night and uh, thanks for the recipe.” Peri said finally leaving.
 As she walked out of the apartment building Peri couldn’t believe what had just happened.  What were the chances that she would run into someone who clearly knew, or at the very least seemed very close to Gladio.
 At that moment Peri looked down to see she had a text message waiting for her.  As she slid open her phone she couldn’t help but shake her head at the message.
 Gladio: Now about that dinner…
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sharethisgemwithme · 7 years ago
“Back to the Kindergarten” instant reaction
Kinda making a trilogy of these "Back to..." episodes. First "Back to the Barn", where we learned Pearls are servants, but our Pearl can punch Peridot in the face. Then "Back to the Moon", where we learned Rose shattered Pink Diamond (probably), and saw the return of Sardonyx. What will going back to the Kindergarten bring us?
Well, previous visits have rarely been fun, all the way from "On the Run" and "Marble Madness" through Peri being a little shit in "Too Far" and a trip to the Beta Kindergarten in, well, "Beta". Those are all the visits I can recall off hand, though.
Note: I watched all six episodes on Sunday, but I’m spacing out the reaction posts. I meant to do one a day but didn’t remember to queue them up.
My predictions: The synopsis is "Steven, Amethyst, and Peridot try to spruce up the Kindergarten", so it's the return of the Shorty Squad. How they intend to spruce up the Kindergarten is a mystery to me, but I wonder if they will be trying to set up defenses of some sort for the next attack. I don't know, it's been a long weekend and a long day, so let's just watch and see, shall we? That said, whenever the Connie thing resolves, it will be an entire episode, so I don't think it's happening yet. Presumably the upcoming episode with a certain recurring character in the title will be when that happens.
I'm watching via on-demand, and will start the clock with "We!" As always, first time I'm watching straight through with no pauses or rewinds. For the benefit of those on mobile who can’t blacklist, the rest of this post is behind a cut.
0:00 - No, I'm not gonna download the Match.com app. Stop advertising it to me. 0:21 - Katie and Paul, and a bright pink background. 0:32 - Good morning, bright and early at 8:00. 0:40 - Reminiscent of "Catch and Release" with the bathroom. But not in the bathroom because Peri's there. 0:59 - Oh. Boy. Wouldn't Ame tell you to do it in the ocean? 1:17 - Amethyst all about the tough love. 1:24 - The fuck? 1:30 - Listening to country music sad songs? 1:40 - I feel like captioning wouldn't really help me. Those weren't words, were they? 1:54 - Her face is comically messed up. 2:15 - Seems like a fair reason to visit. 2:34 - We're on the run. Again. 2:46 - Nostalgia for its own sake. 3:05 - Wow, she's depressed as all hell with Lapis's departure. 3:40 - See, Peridot, you get to look smart. Isn't that fun? 4:20 - "Life doesn't start in a Kindergarten. It ends here." Oof. 4:38 - JESUS that's brutal. 4:45 - Umm. That flower is growing. 4:57 - 5000 years, if she came out after the war, that's an upper bound. 5:14 - Hey, a replacement for the barn. 5:30 - This is doomed to failure, isn't it? 5:52 - I was expecting a spindash to tear up the soil. 6:04 - The return of the Amecopter. 6:15 - They won't last a week, will they? 6:30 - And good morning again. 7:03 - Taking the long route again. How long of a train ride is it? 7:15 - I think you melded multiple flower names together there. 7:35 - Oh this is gonna hurt when everything's dead again. 7:40 - YUP. 7:58 - Peri knows the whole point is to take away all the life energy from the area. 8:28 - Ranting helps sometimes. 8:38 - Of course it's a star. 8:44 - What? 8:50 - oh. Great. 8:56 - FUCKIN HELL? 9:12 - HEY, SMOKY'S BACK! 9:35 - OK then. 9:52 - Yeah we got that this was a distraction from the Lapis thing. 10:06 - "Nothing will ever be able to grow again." Hope that isn't subtext for Steven/Connie. 10:34 - For now... 10:48 - Thanks for explaining the joke, Steven. 11:09 - Well... she cares again.
IMMEDIATE THOUGHTS: Steven and Peridot have both lost an important relationship, for the time being, but they're reacting in very different ways. Steven is keeping himself occupied elsewhere, but Peridot was almost refusing to let herself think about anything other than Lapis. The Lapidot shippers, while despondent over the separation of the two, will take comfort in the fact that their partnership was clearly pivotal to Peridot's being. The Amedot shippers, while frustrated by the previous sentence, will take some satisfaction in the end of this episode. The poly-shippers, well, I don't know what their reaction will be, but I'm sure it will be complicated.
Second watch notes: These will be shorter. I want to at the very least get episode 5 in tonight.
I like how every method of transportation is a "ship" to Peridot, the same way every article of clothing is a "shirt".
As I rewatch, all of Peridot's ranting about how everything in the Kindergarten has had the life sucked out of it is making me nervous.
There's something about the Kindergarten that just makes Peridot need to insult Amethyst.
It feels like it's been far too long since we saw star-eyed Steven.
That entire time they were setting up the garden, it was so obvious it was all going to die. It's hard enough watching it the first time, the second time, knowing that's exactly what happens, is also tough.
OK, I take it back, hydrangeas are in fact a thing. And they're most native to China, Japan, and Korea, but also parts of the Americas.
Even the plastic pelican was gone.
"Nothing's ever going to get better! Everything is just ruined forever! We can't get any of it back!" I am getting EXTREMELY nervous about connecting Peridot/Lapis with Steven/Connie.
Peridot just getting one-shot eaten is funny, even if it's to lighten the mood of her sad, angry rantings.
Smoky doesn't speak (and Natasha Lyonne isn't credited), and her bubble is a pale color that's not quite pink or purple. But given that I'm watching in not HD, and there have been some very clear color fading issues, I can't be confident in that.
I completely missed the point of "I need to go to the bathroom" the first time around. She's literally saying "Take me back to the bathroom because I'm never leaving there again."
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frostskader · 4 years ago
Hey peri thoughts on your staff ?
I love them!
Everyone works together so brilliantly and I know how lucky I am truly for that.
Olaf - He’s a treat and he’s always got a smile and a hug waiting to make sure everyone is okay. And that’s something that shouldn’t be overlooked.
Ollie - He’s a sweetheart, he tries to act tough but he’s really so gentle. I’ve seen him look out for so many people and get them rides home if needed even if no one else is paying attention.
Marlin - I worry about him a lot but I don’t think i can help much more than offering a safe place to be and income for the human world.
Tod - He’s a sweetheart with a wicked humor when you get to know him.
Meg - Confidence! Meg has it and she’s so clever honestly it’s a great time talking with her and I never worry about anyone taking advantage while she’s around.
Lymantria - Ly is so soft but she’s got this brilliance i can see in her. I usually let her and O’Malley figure out the details and they are always so cool
Vidia - Sassy! But I love her confidence, I’m a little worried about her but she’s so cool that I just hope she likes me too and can think of Pixies as a home as well.
Sindri - Very quiet but he’s really dedicated to his work I think he puts his best foot forward and I always appreciate it.
Flik - New to the team but it’s nice to have another Tinker around, just they way his mind works I think is so interesting.
O’Malley - He seems like he’s an asshole but he’s really soft. Don’t let anyone know I said that though.
Dodger - I mean i love him so that’s that. He’s just someone who’s very strong, he does his best with whatever comes to him while looking out for those that he cares about. I just think that’s kind of amazing.
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collective-space-place · 7 years ago
4, 9, 14 for the system ask thing? :)
Wah thank you so much for the ask! Since Im on my computer I can answer these better dafadfsds 
it got rlly rlly long bc of that tho so Im going to put it under cut!
4: What’s switching like for your System?
Sometimes switching can be rather smooth- so smooth i don't really notice when an alter is there/takes control; when i do notice it tho, i get kinda like a brief dissocative feeling that lasts like 5-10 minutes and that usually clues me in that someone else is gonna front.
Only when something bad triggers us can an alter like… quickly/suddenly take front to deal with whatever triggered them out
9: What’s your earliest memory of interacting with a systemmate?
My earliest memory would probably be in the very beginning of 2016 (like in January) because that’s when I first met Pigeon! I think the only reason I clued in was because I actually was doing some research on DID (this was spurred on because I was wondering why I always said ‘we’ instead of ‘I’ as a personal pronoun, and it pointed me in that direction)
I remember I was really in denial and thought it was me pretending I had this disorder just because I was reading about it. But on Feb 6 is when Pigeon first fronted for the first time, she was out all day and did a pretty good job at it; this is when she picked her (original) name because while fronting she bit our lip and it started to bleed, she said it tasted like a copper penny, so she chose the name Penny to refer to herself! (On a side note- as I nickname I started calling her Pigeon as a cute pet name :P But we just started to call her exclusively Pigeon more and more until she wanted to be refered to only as that)
I still didnt accept Pigeon as an alter (nor the few alters brave enough to pop up in that time) until around June/July of that year- thats why on my system page there are very few alters until around August of that year, and then alter birthdays kinda start to pick up in pace and become more and more frequent
14: Say something nice about one of your systemmates!
To Pigeon: you’ve been with me the longest through so so many things, even though I sometimes take advantage of your kindness and optimistic nature you mean the world to me and outshine me with your light in every possible way
To Omi: my littlest alter, I know it can be really tough living in a body thats so much older than you, without any toys or colouring books or accommodations, but I love you a lot and I want to create a place where you can be yourself safely
To Mithra: you’ve grown so so so much Mithra! You’ve blossomed into a beautiful lady who’s strong and kind in equal measure; you are no longer plagued by fears and insecurities, you are so selfless in every possible way. Im so glad you’ve found Azura who sees the very very best in you and loves you so much and encourages you to keep being brave and growing
To JD: you formed in one of the worst times of my life to help keep me alive and going. You used to fight so much with Vee (mostly physically), but Im so thankful you were there to help keep me alive and to take onto yourself emotions/feelings that I couldn’t handle. I know its so hard for you to be out bc of dysphoria uyet you do it regardless. Im so so so grateful you’ve found a family/parents in Fuyumi/Myra as well as friends with Dallas, Vee, Annette, and others
To Peri: I am eternally grateful to you Peri, for continuously taking on the task of doing plays despite them being so taxing and so emotionally stressful. You are so brave and resilient and such a hard worker. I know this recent play has been especially destructive for you and that you’re still recovering from it, but you’re always in my thoughts and I hope the Christmas present of the red scarf can help you to feel a little more safe/at home in this body
I have so much to say about all my alters but I think I’ll stop here bc with every new one it gets longer and longer ;;;;
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micoamkurts-blog · 7 years ago
Reviews and Poems
Food Review
           The Peri Peri chicken is one of the newest chicken house here in Iligan. This one in the picture is one of their branch at Robinsons Place, Iligan City. As far as I am concerned, I had a good dining experience with them. They told me that the chicken would be serve in 15 minutes and just like they said in less than 15 minutes my order had been served.
           However I have noticed things and wished that this restaurant will do or implement in order to improve more. First of all is that they should have brought service water during the time their customers wait for their orders in order to make sure that their customers would not get tired of waiting since they have something that can quench their thirst. Second is that I hope the price for their drinks will decreased since 35 pesos alone is pretty much expensive along with 100 pesos of chicken especially for students. I hope they would have combo meals that would be much cheaper. Lastly, as a maranao and Filipino, I hope that there would be chilis in the table since we would love to mix them with the sauce and in order to add more flavor. Overall, I had a quite nice experience and hopefully they would implement some of the listed things above soon.
Movie Review
           For me the movie “COCO” is one of the most underrated movie this year I think it is because of the trailer which is not quite as good as the movie itself. Honestly, it thought that it would be a movie with a cliché story plots just like other Disney animated films. However, it was not what I expected the story was full plot twists, it shows how death could really affect a family especially if they have committed a mistake in the past. The movie also emphasizes the love of each family member for one another an example is the story of Hector and his family where they thought Hector had abandoned them where in fact he was murdered by his best friend Mr. Dela Cruz. One of the best scenes that emphasizes the love of Hector for his daughter is when he wrote a song for her which was sung by Miguel to his great grand mother(Coco). It was a heart melting scene for me since all the time Coco would not speak due to old age and because of the song of his father she was able to recall everything especially the love of his father. As for Miguel I loved how he pursue his love and passion for music even though many people tried to stop him which is also his family members but still he chose to fight in what he believe which is a hard thing to do in the very first place, Overall, I love everything from this movie from the graphics and especially the ost which is very good. For me it shows that a person may lose a loved one but not his/her love for that person.
(Book Review) The Magician’s Nephew
By C.S Lewis
 Summary of the plot
          The novel is all about how the land of Narnia was and created and how evil takes over the land. The book includes plenty magical series and it depicts the battle between good and evil.
             The story begins when Digory and Polly meet and become friends one cold, wet summer in London. While the children attempted to get into an empty house which happens to be the house of Digory’s Uncle, Uncle Andrew Ketterly, the children happen to see yellow and green rings on a table in the house. Uncle Andrew decided to offer a ring to Polly. At the moment she touches it, she suddenly disappeared. Digory was then told that the rings happen to be special and that they were made from magic dust. He was told that the yellow rings allow a person to be transported to other world while the green rings has the ability to bring a person back to the present time. Due to the fact that Polly does not have the green ring, Digory must use one of the yellow rings for him to be able to bring back Polly.
 Eventually Digory was able to find Polly in a place called Wood between Worlds. The pair then decided to explore the space which allows them to explore different kinds of worlds. They found themselves standing in a place known as the Charn. Charn is a place in where no life can be found. However, the two still decided to explore and ended up at the Hall of Images. They have found out that there is a bell with a warning at the hall. Despite the warning, Digory still rang the bell which causes the awakening of the Queen as soon as she was awake the building started to fall down and ended up being destroyed.
 Digory and Polly learned that it was the Queen’s fault in why the Charn’s been ruined and because of her greediness and thirst of power she killed her sister and everyone in the Charn. The children are frightened and tried to go back to London but the Queen had managed to grab a hold of them and was transported to London as well. The Queen had cause chaos and destruction in the entire London. She told Uncle Andrew about her plans of taking over the whole world and later on steals the jewelry as well as the horse and the carriage. Due to how complicated the situation is, Digory and Polly uses the ring to transport the Queen which was also called the witch but the problem was that all of them was touching the ring and they all ended up at a strange and dark place. Later on, they heard a voice singing which comes from a large lion. Horrified, the witch managed to escape and runs away. As the song is continuously sung flora and fauna had also appeared from the earth.
 The lion who was called Aslan, instructs some of the animals to protect Narnia. Digory followed Aslan to know if the witch has already entered Narnia. He was then commanded to bring Cabby’s wife to tell the couple that they will be the rulers of the land.  Digory was then given a mission to go and help protect Narnia. He was ordered to go to a hilltop garden to get an apple from a tree. As soon as He and Polly arrived, they noticed that the witch was already there eating an apple. She tried to catch him and tried to convince him to transport the apple to London in order to save her mother. Even with the temptation of the witch, Digory was still able take the apple back to Aslan. Digory was told by Aslant to bring the apple with him. Aslan then returned them back to London. Digory’s mother was able to get better. The children then decided to bury the rings along with the core of the apple. After sometime, a tree grows out from the rings and apple. However, a storm had destroyed the tree and causes it to be knocked down. Some time later, Digory made a wardrobe out of the tree in where a new adventure will soon begin.    
    The book was actually interesting and was well written. It had the fantasy that I want and it was just simply amazing. I was just surprised to learn that the there is a sequel that can already be read. The author has done a great job in capturing his audience’s attention and has actually greatly entertained me. Overall, the book deserves to be recognized and be acknowleged by other readers.
    I would recommend  the book to readers who are greatly fond of fantasies. I would also be happy to share it with my family and friends knowing that the book has already been transformed into a movie.  I also would whole heartedly share it to those new readers.
Diamond Poem
You look happier,
Sadly, I was not the cause
Your smiles have returned
Those smiles were not meant for me
They are meant for someone else
Most people seem like giant towers
Reaching books from the shelves takes forever
Often mistaken as elementary students
Hoping they can find their way through the crowd of high school students
Blessed  are they not, Height is just a number
will already grow
out of nothingness of trees
Like how these wounds would
turn into scars of our hearts, Everything
will be alright in time. In the end everything was worth
the fight. Never regret everything we had. Leaves
will soon cover the bareness of trees. Just like
how you came into
my life
Free verse
Life, what makes it worth remembering?
It is mostly the small things which we never noticed,
Or which we often take for granted
 What makes it memorable?
It is the efforts of other people that made you smile and
Have brighten up your day no matter how down you are
 What makes it worth living?
It is often the moments of your loved ones
Which you have learned to cherish and treasure
Do you remember those days?
When we are allowed to roam around with nothing to fear
Hoping we can reminisce those days
 Laughing without thinking of the incoming days
Children playing near the streets without fear
Do you remember those days?
 Enjoying the view of the bay
Visiting your loved ones with nothing to fear
Hoping we can reminisce those days
 Wishing and looking at sky of blue and grey
Listening to deafening music with your peers
Do you remember those days?
Hoping everyone would find the right way
Without anyone sacrificing their blood and tears
Do you remember those days?
Hoping we can reminisce those days
Her eyes, dark as the mysterious night sky
Her skin is as white as the winter snow
Her smile is my sunshine after the rainy skies
Her long hair is like a river that flows
 She is the first one whom I want to see
And the last one whom I want to be with
She always know what is the best for me
And often treats me like a childish kid
 I may not be as perfect as it seems, But,
I will give her the sweetest chocolates
And the fragrant roses that she have sought
I shall give her my love and not my hate
 In the end, she is someone dear to me
She is the someone that no one could be
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