#and Other Tea Rituals Lifestyle
mickandmusings · 5 months
sincerity & sonnets
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pairing: anthony bridgerton x f!reader
word count: 2.1k
summary: anthony bridgerton is blessed with many things-a warm, loving family, a well-funded lifestyle as a viscount, a beautiful wife. more notably, he is cursed with a short fuse and a sharp tongue, which might lead to his demise.
(based off of this request! to the anon who requested, I sort of wrote the argument as more of a sharp remark, but i hope it is still angsty enough for your liking! <3)
warnings: angsty->fluffy, no other warnings
As Anthony sat at his desk, scribbling away at his numerous piles of papers stacked in front of him, he noted the unusual quietness that had fallen on his study. He first thought that he had shut the door, but one quick look at the doorway contradicted his beliefs. Anthony's eyebrows furrowed in confusion-his home was never quiet.
Between his own family, and the families of his four sisters and three brothers, his home was full of life: laughter bounding off the walls, his wife and sisters' voices chatting over tea, the stampeding footfalls of his hoard of nieces and nephews assured his ears would never grow accustomed to utter silence. Even in the rare occurrence that the house was empty save for Anthony and his beloved wife, he'd often hear her humming to herself as she attended to her own business in their home, or she would join him in his study, writing her own correspondences at the smaller desk next to his own. Which is why, now, as he sat at his desk this afternoon, the silence stunned him. Anthony frowned, lifting his pocket watch to assure himself he was not entirely losing his mind. As the gold clock stared back at him, the small hand signaled it was midday.
He chuckled to himself, his wife must have chosen to sleep in entirely too long. Y/N was a chronic night owl, often keeping Anthony awake with her bedside chatter and comments on the appearance of the night sky through the window that faced their bed. Anthony would indulge her, but would still wake before the sun. His wife, however, would not budge for several more hours. He grinned and pocketed his watch, pushing himself up from his chair to wake his sleeping beauty of a wife.
Anthony bounded up the stairs two at a time, nodding curtly at any house staff before reaching their shared bedchambers. His dark eyes peer into the empty bedroom-his wife certainly was not here. He noted the dutifully made bed, the open curtains allowing the sunlight in, and, most importantly, his wife's absence. Anthony shook his head briefly before dashing back down the stairs, nearly stumbling into one of his wife's handmaidens.
"Pardon me," he addresses the woman with a sigh, a bit breathless from the unexpected goose chase his wife has taken him on. "Do you know the whereabouts of my wife?"
The younger maid looks at Anthony almost confused, but quickly takes on a professional tone:
"The Viscountess is reading in the garden, she's only just gotten back from tea with the Dowager Viscountess and the Duchess."
Anthony nodded in thanks, hastily departing for their expansive garden, his mind racing. Seeing his wife was an afternoon ritual-she would come bounding into his study after tea with his mother and respective sisters, spouting off all of the new ladies' gossip as he listened intently, all while pretending he was entirely disinterested. He enjoyed seeing her eyes grow wide with the shock of scandal, or her smile at a sweet interaction she witnessed at the park. If you were to ask Anthony Bridgerton, there was no sight more splendid than his wife in all of her extraordinary, everyday beauty. Not that he would admit that aloud, at least not to anyone but her.
Frankly, he was missing her presence today more than he cared to admit. He spotted Y/N almost instantly, her periwinkle gown shining in the sun. She sat in a chair politely under a shady tree, the book on her lap seemingly forgotten. Her expressive eyes locked onto the treeline in the distance, her face solemn. Anthony's heart seemed to fall in his chest, the sinking realization of why his home had been so soundless for the entirety of the day. His chest felt tight as he thought of his actions last night...
It had been a very, very long day for Anthony. With Francesca's upcoming debut to society, his mother had been harping on Anthony for nearly a fortnight about every minute detail. His patience for his mother was infinite, but sometimes she did manage to test its limits. Atop this hurdle was the never ending stacks of paperwork littering his desk, waiting to be looked over and signed off by his barely legible scrawl. He had neglected to write Colin back for weeks-his younger brother writing about his travels in Greece. The house staff had been in and out of his study all day, the incessant knocking severing his nerves. The heavy weight of life as a viscount was falling on Anthony, making him irritable and exhausted. His dear wife had settled his discomfort around lunch, bringing his nearly-cold meal into his study to make sure he ate. She had left him with a chaste kiss and a better mood, but Anthony had returned to her worse for wear.
Dinner in their large dining room had felt unnaturally dreary, only the sound of utensils clanking against china plates filling the air, only to be stifled by his wife's chatter. Normally, Anthony would've listened attentively, enjoying hearing about trips to the modiste or how Portia Featherington had driven his wife to near madness. Today, however, her voice had him pressing his nails into his palms to aid his irritation. He sipped his wine and shuffled his food on his plate to avoid making eye contact, he would not want her to see the frustration lingering in his eyes.
"Eloise was completely beside herself, I had never seen her so embarrassed! Madame Delacroix-"
"Must you talk so incessantly?!" Anthony's voice spat out in a low growl, dripping with fierce vexation.
Y/N's eyes grew wide, looking at her husband as if he had sprouted an extra arm and slapped her with it. She said nothing, only cowering in on herself, staring down at her lap as she fidgets with her hands. After several moments of Anthony's intense silence, she lifts a shaky hand and wipes the tears forming in her eyes as she hastily made her way out of the room, attempting to put as much distance between her and Anthony as possible.
Anthony followed suit moments later, feeling angry at himself as he slammed the door of his study shut, falling asleep at his desk hours later. Y/N had slept on her side of a bed far too large for one, her eyes tender and cheeks splotchy, her mind racing. Did she truly talk too much? Had he been annoyed by her daily talks for all these months? Her mind weaved small details into a full blown breakdown, and she quickly settled on being Anthony's perfect, quiet wife as she caved to her drowsiness.
The wind blew his wife's curls against her shoulder as Anthony approached her in the backyard, her back still facing him. He wasn't sure she had even heard him approach, her eyes still focused on the landscape sprawled before them. Anthony shuffles nervously, his hands behind him as he stands at her side, only the wind and birds chirping aiding the suffocating silence.
"Splendid weather we're having," Anthony's voice finally spoke, awkward and fumbling into casual conversation as he sank into the chair across from him. Y/N said nothing, only blinking in the same direction she had been staring at the entire time. Anthony nodded, mostly to himself, resigning himself to her silence, it was what he deserved at the moment.
After several moments of dead silence, Y/N turned her attention back to the book perched in her lap, and Anthony sat silently, wanting to spout out his apology in a hurried, bumbling manner, but he knew his wife, she would simply nod and continue reading, allowing herself to stew in prolonged silence.
He rose quietly, leaving with a small kiss landing atop her head-a touch that burned Y/N's skin. She watched Anthony leave out of the corner of her eye, sighing heavily as his presence was back inside their home. She was a myriad of feelings: angry at Anthony for being so blatantly cruel, his words had stung and left her reeling for hours. She was sad, as much as the words had fired her up, they had torn her heart, leaving her chest heavy with dejection. Y/N was nearly bursting at the seams to just apologize-even if it wasn't her who needed to apologize-just so the awkward encounters would come to an end. She wondered if Anthony even felt remorse at all.
In his study, Anthony ran his hands through his hair for the hundredth time, attempting to focus on the business papers in front of him. His efforts were fruitless-all he could think of was the empty look on Y/N's face. He had never seen her this lifeless, like her glow had been snuffed out, and it was entirely his fault. Anthony's mind raced with a million different scenarios of how he would make this up to her, ranging from flowers to begging on hands and knees, but despite his blunders, he knew his lady well. His Viscountess had never been one for showy things or frivolous purchases, she would only want his sincerest apologies. He would do it tonight, over dinner, he decided. He only hoped when the time came, she would at least spare him a glance.
Hours later, at the dining room table, Anthony found himself sitting in his chair at the head of the table completely alone. The kitchen staff came and left with plates and glasses, but his wife had yet to make an appearance. Anthony's foot tapped against the floor in anxiety, his eyes shooting up to the closest staff member, nearly shouting:
"Where is the Viscountess taking her dinner?"
The head of the kitchen staff looked at Anthony wide-eyed at his outburst, replying politely:
"Viscountess Bridgerton took her dinner in the library tonight."
Anthony said nothing, rising from his seat and walking down the hallway, coming to the door of the library and knocking lightly.
"Come in."
Anthony nearly burst into a fit of tears, happy to hear her voice.
He pushed the door open, Y/N's eyes meeting his before they dropped back down to the open book in her hands. Anthony felt guilt press heavy on his chest. He settled into the plush chair opposite her, separated only by a small end table. Anthony looked over at her, his brown eyes all but practically begging her to say something to him.
"Y/N..." Anthony's voice is small and timid, trying to coax her into at least hearing him out. Y/N's voice came out a whisper, cutting him off.
"I am sorry."
Anthony furrowed his brow, that was certainly not what he was expecting to hear. He looked over at her, her gaze locked on the moonlight coming through the window, her eyes glassy with tears.
"I am sorry I have become a burden, Anthony. I did not realize I irritated you with my ramblings. I thought you wanted to hear of my daily activities. I know my day as a woman is not nearly as riveting as yours as a Viscount, but-"
"My dear, your apologies are not necessary," Anthony's voice dripped with sincerity, his eyes warm as he looked at her, ready to grovel for forgiveness. He stuck his hand out for her to take, which she did. He pulled her towards him softly, his gentle touches coaxing her into his lap. Y/N's eyes grow soft under his gaze, her limbs melting in his strong hold. "I am the one who has been a fool. I look forward to your ramblings, no matter if they hold what you consider to be valuable or not, they brighten my day. I wait most ardently for news of trips to the modiste, or my mother's ramblings over tea-" He pauses, tucking a stray curl back behind her ear, his thumb wiping away the stray tears on her cheeks.
"I don't want you to be silent. Your voice is more pleasant than any other sound," Anthony cuts himself off, sighing, before starting again. "I should not have spoken to you in such a manner. I should not have raised my voice at you. You have my word that it will never happen again, I cannot go another day surrounded by your silence, it is torture."
Y/N smiles slightly at her husband's words, his transgressions forgiven with his sincere words. His face is close enough to hers to brush her nose against his, their lips close enough to meet.
"Are you certain you were not a poet before we met, Lord Bridgerton?" Y/N's voice is a whisper, the moment feeling far too intimate for anything else.
Anthony chuckles as his hand grasps the side of her face lightly, bringing her closer, speaking before he kisses her deeply:
"Only for you, my beloved...you inspire sonnets."
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brighteuphony · 7 months
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On the way back from Tea Country with Chakra-poisoned Kakashi tryna "casually" fish for some info before Sakura comes in with the one-hit KO on accident.
So she's got some complicated feelings for Kakashi as well, though they're a lot milder than what she feels about Sasuke.
There's a moment in my AU where Sakura goes through a deep reflection ritual, in which she has to face Inner Sakura -who is representative of all the ugly truths her day-to-day self hasn't been able to face- and come to terms with who she is.
During that time, she's got to face the music.
The music:
Sasuke is the last prodigal son of a clan that was brutally butchered. He's a genius with one of the most powerful dojutsu out there (that he has no idea how to use) and is coming in hot with more baggage than an airport terminal.
Naruto is not normal. She doesn't know what he is (as in-canon, she finds out after the time-skip and the Sakura from above is right on the cusp of Shippuden), but there's nothing normal about a kid who can pull wild orange chakra and who can fight Gaara's tailed beast and come out on top. He's got the personal attention of the Hokage, but the entire village has banded against him for some reason. He's special.
Kakashi is a war veteran turned Jounin and an infamous ANBU captain (I headcanon that some ANBU names are leaked specifically to generate a healthy level of fear/caution among other villages- which is why we know of Itachi/Kakashi/Shisui very publically) and is ALSO the last prodigal son of an old noble clan.
(No way a bookworm like Sakura didn't consume every publically available scroll on Konoha clans).
It doesn't take the big brains to figure out that he got team 7 specifically to help deal with Sasuke's trauma/teach him about the Sharingan, and put a leash on Naruto (and in the future, when she finds out that Madara was able to control the Kyuubi with the Sharingan as well as the knowledge that Kakashi was Minato's student it becomes even clearer why he got the Sasuke/Naruto combo.)
And Sakura? Sakura is a civilian. No clan, no dojutsu, nothing to her name except great chakra control. She's the literal meat in the meat-grinder of the military machine of Konoha, the acceptable sacrifice in a group of otherwise invaluable shinobi. She's just a...girl. (And it doesn't help that she was obsessed with Sasuke instead of training, furthering the gulf between her and Kakashi.)
Kakashi was absolutely not built to handle her- in fact, Kakashi has NO idea how to relate who hasn't gone through a mountain's worth of trauma or someone who hasn't been ingrained in the shinobi-as-a-tool lifestyle, and even then, he's not fully equipped to handle people who have (lmao Sasuke). Not to mention the man is a prodigy- he has no idea how to teach people who have to work hard to get somewhere in life. How do you teach someone if you've never had to 'work hard' to get there yourself?
So, Sakura understands that Kakashi was put in one of the most ridiculous situations of his career- a situation he had NO idea how to handle. She can forgive him for that. BUT, she can't forgive him for not trying his best.
Sakura spent a lot of time coming to terms with the fact that she rushed into the Chidori/Rasengan combo without a single idea of what she would do, but...Kakashi was a big reason for that.
She was HIS responsibility, and he fumbled that bag. Whatever his reasoning, whether it was to 'protect' her, or whether he thought she was worthless, whatever: he should have TRIED.
Kakashi was an adult with resources aplenty. He recognized that she had stellar chakra control but never bothered to teach her genjutsu or direct her to teachers who could pick up the slack.
And after the accident, he abandoned her again. Being forgotten in lieu of Sasuke and Naruto hurt...but she could heal. Being abandoned as some kind of martyr to Kakashi's failures as a teacher? It's gonna take a while for Kakashi to make that up to her...if he can muster the courage to face her.
Sakura finally understands why he preferred the memorial stone to the living. He already failed the dead, and it's easier to wallow in self-flagellation than it is to try and step up for the living.
Sakura stopped being a coward some time ago, and when Kakashi finally does the same, she'll forgive him.
Thank you so much for sticking with this wall of text! And thank you so much anon for the question! Once again, I really appreciate all the kind words people have been throwing my way. <3 <3 <3
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ominoose · 1 year
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𝐎𝐬𝐜𝐚𝐫 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐫𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐞𝐫𝐬 𝐃𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐜𝐡𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
Characters: Steven Grant, Cecil, Basil Stitt Summary: Oscar Characters dating a gn! reader that dabbles in witchcraft (written secularly) Warnings: None
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☽ 𝐒𝐭𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧 𝐆𝐫𝐚𝐧𝐭
+ When Steven first finds out you dabble in witchcraft, he's intensely curious. His attitude is essentially "Wot's all this then?". At first, he relates it back to everything he knows on Egyptology, comparing any practices you do to that, "Oh! That's similar to what the Ancient Egyptian's did!" or "Hm, that's not how it would've went down back in Ancient Egypt...".
+ He ends up doing a ton of research, half of which isn't even applicable to you, but he likes knowing the ins and out of things, it's his love language. He wants to show genuine interest and care both because its his way of showing he places important on your lifestyle, and because he's genuinely curious.
+ Tries to be as respectful as possible. He knows from Marc being Jewish the amount of importance certain identities or practices can have to people, so with you he's doing anything he can to take it seriously, whether its not touching things or giving you silence to work. That said, he can be a bit teasing sometimes, especially when you give him things, "Hope you didn't put a little hex in my tea." or "What're you going to do, turn me into a frog?!".
+ If he finds out you've left a little sigil note in his work bag to ward off negativity (Donna) or you invite him to join you in making a nice, charged soup, he's ecstatic. Rambling and smiling like a sap, honoured you've involved him.
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☽ 𝐂𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐥
+ "Are you... The Blair Witch?" No matter how many times you may tell him you're not the stereotypical, evil, hexing old witch that only brews evil potions in a cauldron, he doesn't fully believe you. Anytime you go outside and someone is rude to you, by cutting you off in traffic or saying a mean word, he's side eyeing you warily, mentally picturing you cackling as you put their hair into a bubbling green vial.
+ The above isn't to say he's scared of you, he's not. Cecil's quite laid back about the whole thing, it's just another facet of you to take in his stride. You're leaving water in jars outside to make moon water? Sure, cool. You need him to pick up certain herbs when he's getting shopping? No problem, (unless its anything other than rosemary and thyme, then he has no idea what the herb is). You want to weave him an intention bracelet? "Aw, babe, that's so romantic."
+ Doesn't understand how it works and perhaps never will. When he's watching sports and his favourite team loses, he'll be sighing and turning to you to ask if you can do something, "Can't you like, manifest them to be less shit? Use your moon water, the moons ball shaped, thats, like, symbolism, right?". No matter how much you try to explain the inner workings of your craft, he will not understand. In his mind, his partner does this weird stuff but it's cool and he will never get on the wrong side of them because he will end up going missing in the woods.
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☽ 𝐁𝐚𝐬𝐢𝐥 𝐒𝐭𝐢𝐭𝐭
+ Basil is absolutely stoked to have a witch as a partner. He thinks it is the coolest thing ever and romanticises the whole thing a fair bit. All of what he knows about witchcraft comes from pop culture, his mind is full of cliches. When you're forced to tell him that you cannot summon lightening or banish thunder clouds, he's quite disappointed, but quickly bounced back, "It's fine, whatever! You can still hex monkeys, right?"
+ He will watch you in awe if you do anything, asking questions about what something does, why you're doing it, why you're using that, what does that thing mean. Eventually he'll learn and get used to your practices, and it becomes part of his routine with you, he looks forward to seeing you do any rituals.
+ When he's more used to your witchcraft and it does become routine, he might even ask to join some of it, "Can we make a spell jar together? Or will it blow up on me?". When he accepts his scar and mantel of 'Lightningface', completely letting go of his ego and outside perceptions of him, he's ready to delve in and explore new things which your witchcraft helps him do. It's another thing to help ground him, its not exactly common and if he'd spoke about any of it in his past peer groups he'd be ostracized, but now he finds strength in that.
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coven-of-genesis · 1 year
Spell to increase health
Creating a spell to increase health is a personal and spiritual practice that can vary depending on individual beliefs and practices.
Here is a general framework you can use as a starting point to create your own health-enhancing spell:
1. Set your intention: Clearly define your intention to improve health. Be specific about the aspects you want to enhance, such as physical well-being, mental clarity, emotional balance, or overall vitality.
2. Choose your method: Determine how you want to conduct your spell. It could involve a physical ritual, visualization, meditation, or any other method that resonates with you.
3. Gather materials: Select any materials that you feel represent health and healing to you. This could include candles (white or green are often associated with healing), crystals (such as amethyst or clear quartz), herbs (such as lavender or chamomile), or any other objects you associate with well-being.
4. Create a sacred space: Cleanse and prepare your space to create a focused and positive environment. You can burn incense, use essential oils, or play calming music to set the mood.
5. Cast a circle (optional): If you follow a tradition that involves casting a circle, you may choose to do so to create a sacred and protected space for your spell.
6. Visualisation on and affirmation: Close your eyes and visualize yourself in a state of vibrant health. Imagine energy flowing through your body, revitalizing and healing every cell. Repeat affirmations or mantras related to health and healing, such as "I am healthy and strong in mind, body, and spirit" or "Every day, I grow healthier and more vibrant."
7. Symbolic actions: Use your selected materials in a way that feels meaningful to you. For example, light a white or green candle to symbolize healing and well-being, hold a crystal in your hand while visualizing your body's vitality, or create a healing herbal bath or tea to consume.
8. Gratitude and release: Express gratitude for the health you currently enjoy and for the healing energies that surround you. Release any doubts or negative beliefs about your health. Trust that your body has the innate ability to heal and restore itself.
9. Closing the spell: Conclude your spellwork in a way that aligns with your beliefs. This could involve thanking any deities or spiritual entities you work with, closing the circle if you cast one, or simply expressing gratitude and sealing your intentions.
Remember, creating a spell is a personal practice, and it's important to trust your intuition and adapt these steps to suit your own beliefs and preferences.
Additionally, while spellwork can be a valuable tool for healing, it's important to take practical action in your daily life to support your well-being, such as maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking medical advice when needed, and nurturing positive habits.
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femmefatalevibe · 2 years
tips on how to change to a better person and be a new person both physically and mentally. i want to transform into a new person within a few months but don’t know how or where to start
Hi love! While everyone's lifestyles and goals are different, here are some general tips that can only make your quality of life better:
Eat A Predominately Whole Foods, Plant-Based Diet: Unprocessed non-animal foods like fruits and vegetables, whole grains, plant proteins (peas, beans, edamame, etc.), nuts and seeds, root vegetables, and healthy whole fats (like avocado) should make up around 80% of your diet. Stick to water, black coffee, and tea either plain or with lemon, too to avoid unnecessary sugars.
Get In Your Steps & Gentle Movement: Try to average around 7-10K steps a day to feel the benefits of walking. Incorporate a light strength training exercise (pilates, yoga, a YouTube body weight or free weight workout, etc.) into your routine 2-3 times a week for around 15 minutes each.
Read Daily: Commit to 10 pages of book reading and 30 minutes of article reading at different times of the day to learn, stay updated on the world and strengthen your cognitive function/ability to focus.
Take Time To Self-Reflect: Journal for at least 10 minutes a day. Either practice morning pages (free writing 3 pages in the morning) or choose a prompt or two from a therapist, shadow work journal, and a blog post. See my latest Femme Fatale journal prompts to reset for 2023 in this private membership post.
Carefully Curate Your Circle of Influence: Be mindful of who you spend time with, what topics you discuss, and what information you share with each of these members of your inner circle. You're always allowed to set boundaries around who you want to speak to outside of work (and children who are minors, of course, if you have them) and what information you want to disclose with them. Protect your peace at all costs.
Set Intentional Goals: Create well-defined goals with a clear action plan in the major areas of life (career, finances, health, relationships, personal development). Consistency, not intensity, is essential for goal achievement. So, make sure to do little tasks each day or week to ultimately achieve your desired results.
Keep Track of Your Tasks: Have a to-do list for professional tasks, items to buy for the house, errands to do, grocery lists, appointments to schedule, bill due dates, invoicing timelines, etc. Keep track of these items on your Notes App, Reminders, or within Google Calendar/Keep – depending on how time-sensitive a task might be.
Make Time For Self-Care: Block out an hour or so of your day to purely focus on yourself. This ritual can include your daily non-negotiables like a shower, skincare, reading, journaling, etc., and can include other indulgent activities like a face mask, exfoliating, doing your nails, watching your favorite TV show, etc. Prioritize yourself.
Create An "I Love" List: Stealing this tip from Jessica Garner (sex educator on TikTok) because I love it so much. Whenever you find an activity, meal, experience, song, item of clothing, etc, add it to your "I Love" list (on your notes app, etc.) to remind yourself of the things in life that bring you joy. This list can serve as a source of inspiration when you're feeling down and give you a built-in list of ideas to lift your spirits in some type of way on your more depressing or stressful days.
See the rest of my best habit ideas to implement for 2023 HERE.
Hope this helps xx
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lullabyes22-blog · 7 months
Forward but Never Forget/XOXO - OC Contest
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Calling all lovely peeps who submitted their delightful OC's for the OC Contest<3
I've begun plotting and outlining the chapter where the journalist dives into Zaun. They'll interview a bunch of people who comprise the daily bulk of Zaun's diverse cityscape.
As such, please submit a little paragraph - via reblog or comment - as to why your OC enjoys living in Zaun - or at least finds it tolerable or suited to their skillset/nature/lifestyle.
Template example:
"Well," said a fanfiction writer who chose to go unnamed, over their sixth cup of green tea, their tongue painted a nauseously dull viridian, "it reminds me of many a hellhole I've passed through - but with better drugs. I say that's the start of a promising future. Or, at least, a fine alternative to boredom." A sip from a mug shaped like a severed skull. "Come to think, I'm never bored in Zaun. Too many folks shooting at me. The Eye of Zaun's pissed because I'm writing an unauthorized biography on his past, and am refusing to pay him a dime in royalties."
The interview scene is as follows:
Whatever the arrangement between the Eye and the Fixers, they had cleared the way for you to enter Zaun's deepest recesses.
Now, all that was left was to make good on the journey.
Over the next few hours, you would be privy to secrets by the dozen: places and people heretofore unknown to you. Never before had you ascended the jumble of rooftops above Drop Street to observe the Solar's secret midnight ritual known as the Midsommar Farewell: colorful kites looping through the smoggy night sky as groups of giddy sumpsnipes raced across the firmament, tugging on strings in symbolic mimicry of the sun's eternal rise and fall. Or mingled, in the glassed-in gem of a cultivair's hot-house, with a languidly supercilious chem-baroness whose botany was the pinnacle of Zaun's genetic engineering: a profusion of ferns, vines, blossoms in a palette of chromatic vibrance that exquisitely perfumed the humid air. Or perched, cross-legged, in the suffocating walk-up of a tailor's shop, where an angel-faced girl labored over the stitches of a tycoon's suit: her fortieth for the night, but with no shred of self-pity in her smile, because her talent had made her a princess in the only kingdom that mattered. Or chorusing, blotchy-cheeked, with a crowd of laborers in a dimly-lit ale-house, their foam-topped tankards overspilling cheep beer as freely as their dirty tavern ditties, while others lounged in the quieter pockets, smoking cigarillos between hushed debates on everything from politics to poetry.
Zaunites, you observed, were as prone to waxing lyrically as they were to swearing. Their passions were strong; their fuses short. Their love of the absurd was matched only by their defiant optimism.
Self-determinism was, to them, not simply an integral facet. It was an article of faith.
It was a quality rarely glimpsed in their complacent counterparts across the river. The Undercity was once plagued by shootings, drug epidemics, floods, fires and bombings. Yet in barely two years, it had begun snapping into shape. There were offices and emporiums. New schools. Maternity clinics and rehabilitation centers. The ports had been rebuilt, and each day, a rich tide of tourists, merchants and migrants poured across its docks.
Zaun's cosmopolitan ethos welcomed newcomers. In Piltover, many districts remained honeycombed by bloodline. In Zaun, different creeds, classes and clans thrived side by side—albeit tempestuously. A cheap standard of living paired with easy access to food and medicine in an unregulated market meant that up-and-coming professionals, aspiring artists and rebels could flourish here. You spoke to a pretty Reiki masseuse who had rented an apartment at Entresol without, as happens in Demacia, being evicted on grounds of witchcraft. At a crowded tavern, you chatted up a cloaked Shuriman refugee exiled for worshiping the Great Weaver, a figure shunned abroad but tolerated in Zaun. Refilling your chem-filter mask at a breather station, you listened as the heavyset owner boasted of starting his own business from scratch after fleeing penniless from the war-torn trenches in Ionia.
Here, aristocratic antecedents counted for little. Wealth was the true determinant of success.
Or as Lock put it, "Money doesn't just talk in Zaun. It never shuts up."
Indeed, there seemed no end to Zaun's potential as a towering Technopolis. No matter how far you ventured through different zones, you never came away empty-handed. There was virtue and vice in every corner. Zaunites seemed the externalization of escape velocity: everyone was constantly pushing themselves toward the stars, even as their origins were grounded in the gutter.
It was a city of extremes: in ambition, in style, in attitude. What united them was not their origins. Rather, it was a sense of belonging to the city, as if each had claimed a square inch for their own.
OC's interviewed:
Avi - @silcosmoke
Hugo Nikolo - @the-blue-quetzalcoatl
Iris - @juniper-sunny
Rea - @lbulldesigns
Kayla - @catgoblinchelly
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areyoudoingthis · 11 months
Some days he feels like he never woke up from the dream where magic was real and Stede was a mermaid. Not because this -their relationship, their life together- doesn't feel real, because it does, it feels real like the breeze on his face and the ground beneath his boots and the immensity of the sky above him, but because he never knew any of what he's experienced with Stede over the past few weeks was possible. In his wildest fantasies, maybe, he dreamed of sweet tea and fine fabrics, the warmth of good brandy sliding down his throat while the fire kept his feet cozy and Stede's voice spread like wildfire through his chest. But his imagination failed him so completely when it comes to Stede Bonnet. - Stede takes Ed dancing.
They're having dinner together at a lovely eatery Stede found during their most recent supply run, a place with some pretty decent seafood and a great atmosphere. It's date night again, a new tradition Stede introduced two days into their relationship. It never falls on the same day twice, not with their unpredictable lifestyle, but he's been committed to finding time for them to spend alone together doing something special at least once a week ever since they found each other again, and he's never missed a single one so far. It does something to Ed's insides to know Stede is so determined to spend time with him, romantic time, relationship building time. Candlelit dinners and picnics under the sky and dressing up for each other and all the pageantry they could want.
He thinks maybe he should have known their life together would be like this, full of warmth and good food and happiness. It was impossible to believe in at one point, even when he wanted it with every atom in his body. But of course Stede would want to come up with fancy elaborate ritual after fancy elaborate ritual for them to share, that's who he is. And Ed's discovering maybe that's who he is, too.
Some days he feels like he never woke up from the dream where magic was real and Stede was a mermaid. Not because this -their relationship, their life together- doesn't feel real, because it does, it feels real like the breeze on his face and the ground beneath his boots and the immensity of the sky above him, but because he never knew any of what he's experienced with Stede over the past few weeks was possible. In his wildest fantasies, maybe, he dreamed of sweet tea and fine fabrics, the warmth of good brandy sliding down his throat while the fire kept his feet cozy and Stede's voice spread like wildfire through his chest. But his imagination failed him so completely when it comes to Stede Bonnet.
Their days together go like this: they have breakfast together every morning (unless there's an emergency with the crew, and there's a fair bit if those aboard the Revenge), work on fixing what still needs repairing around the ship, go on raids that Ed mostly ignores, hang out with the crew, have story time where Stede does the voices again to everyone's delight. All of that is already entirely unfamiliar to him. Even during their first run on the Revenge, in what he thinks of as the Before Times, he wasn't allowed to take things slow, to sit out raids, to stay behind helping with meals or fishing or tending to things instead of being expected to destroy them.
There are also all the little glowing moments he and Stede spend together throughout their day. Lazy mornings in bed, meals just for the two of them, a few moments here and there to catch up with each other. The nights are his favorite, when he's tired from a job well done and sleepy and warm in their bed, still feeling a little vulnerable from everything he's been through and is still going through, and Stede makes them a cup of tea and then tucks him in safely, his warm and solid body wrapped around Ed like a blanket, making him feel like maybe nothing will ever hurt him again.
And in between all that they talk, and talk and talk. They learn each other's life stories. Ed finds out about Louis and Alma, about Mary's new husband and how good he is to them, how much Stede misses his kids but doesn't regret his decision, because this is the life he wants to live, the man he wants to be. And Ed offers the memory of his Mum in return, tells Stede about the one other person in his life who ever showed him how to be soft. Stede holds him while he cries and covers his skin in tender kisses until he feels okay, less like he's tied to a rock and drowning all over again.
He learns about Stede's favorite books (adventure novels most of them), his favorite color (purple), his music tastes (he needs to get out more), and when Stede brings him a whole entire harpsichord back from a raid to replace the organ that went overboard, Ed plays for him when he's in the mood, and Stede watches him with a besotted expression every time.
And then there are the dates. Sometimes they happen on the ship, in front of the fireplace in their cabin, on deck under the moonlight. But whenever they make landfall, Stede makes sure there's enough time left after the business of unloading loot and purchasing supplies to take Ed somewhere nice he sought out for that specific purpose and spoil him rotten. Beautiful sights, good food, great music, Stede pulls out all the stops.
Ed supposes, in a world where a man can turn into a seagull, magic might be a little real after all.
Tonight, a small band is playing, the patrons are clearly enjoying themselves, animated chatters fills the air around them and some people are dancing in a small cluster near the band. Ed's stomach is full of good food, Stede is regaling him with a story of his adventures on their most recent raid, and Ed's entire being feels at peace. This, also, is absolutely new. Sometimes he doesn't know what the fuck to do with this feeling, it turns sharp edged in his own mind, terrifying in its novelty. He thinks maybe he's not afraid of it, he's afraid that it won't last. Or maybe that it will, he doesn't fucking now.
But right now the fear can't reach him - Stede is the torch in the dark that keeps it at bay. He laughs when Stede describes in vivid detail the way he and Frenchie teamed up to send a couple of bratty merchants scattering in fear. He will never tire of the way Stede enjoys the world, finding adventure and daring wherever he goes. He has equal amounts of fun taking over ships as he does coming up with new voices for story time to entertain the crew. And Ed loves him, loves everything about him, too, loves being near him and breathing the same air and holding his hand and kissing him and he wants to spend the rest of his days doing this.
Stede finishes his story and smiles coyly at him, and Ed immediately knows he's going to say yes to whatever comes out of his mouth next, and he's going to love doing it.
"Would you like to dance, darling?"
Warmth sweeps through his body like a tidal wave, and he gets up and pushes his chair away from the table without hesitation. No one's ever asked him to dance before. He can't wait to be in Stede's arms again.
It turns out dancing is, in fact, a fucking wonderful excuse to be held closely. Stede places a hand securely on his waist, tangles the fingers of the other one with Ed's, pulls him tight against his body, and they sway in place among the other couples, just two men in love with each other enjoying their night out. Ed would crawl inside Stede's chest and make his home there if he could, safe and warm forever next to Stede's heart.
He wonders, as Stede guides their bodies together to the music, if he will ever get used to this, to Stede being a permanent presence in his life, to being someone who is cared about so thoroughly, cherished in countless, infinite ways from the second he opens his eyes and finds himself alive to enjoy another day to the moment he shuts them to go to sleep. Wonders if he will ever stop feeling like the world is spinning and spinning around him, like he's just a small sloop caught in a storm, like some day he'll be overcome by the vertigo and go overboard like a deckhand with three days experience on the job.
He feels oddly overwhelmed, like his own heart is a few sizes too big and is rapidly filling up with water, like every nerve ending is alive and on fire and the world is just too much -too loud, too bright, his own skin too tight.
Stede gives him a peck on the lips and Ed's knees go a little weak, his weight shifts more heavily onto Stede as his legs fail to hold him upright. Stede catches him without effort, the hand on his waist curling around his back to press him even closer. Ed feels like he can't breathe, like his entire body is overheating, like he's too full of sentiment and it's all gonna spill out of him any minute in some catastrophic way.
"Can we go back to the ship, babe?" he asks. Whatever's going on with him, he'd rather not do it in public. He feels scarily close to falling apart just from a little bit of dancing.
"Of course, love." Ed wonders if he will cry in front of all these strangers.
The trip back to the ship gives him time to settle down somewhat. Stede holds his hand all the way to the dinghy, and he only lets go so he can row them back to the Revenge. He chats the whole time as the strong muscles of his arms bring them home, and the constant sound of his voice mixed with the oars hitting the water grounds Ed back into his own body. He doesn't remember much of what Stede says afterwards, but he doesn't think Stede minds, gets the feeling that the talking was more for Ed's sake than his. He takes in deep lungfuls of ocean air once they're back on deck, the familiar salty smell cleansing his head and slowing down his heartbeat.
By the time they're back in their cabin he feels almost normal again. Almost. And then Stede cups his cheek in the palm of his hand, tangles his fingers through his hair, scratches his fingernails over his scalp, grips the back of his neck and strokes it with his thumb, and all the previous weakness rushes back into Ed's knees.
"Take me to bed, please?" he asks, voice small and coming out of him like his throat is full of glass. Are those tears running down his face? What the fuck is going on with him tonight.
Stede hugs him, just holds him tenderly in his arms for a few moments, and then he does as Ed asked and pulls him by their joined hands towards their bed.
Once he's lying down on the silky sheets, Ed feels a lot less worried about falling apart and a lot more concerned with getting his hands on Stede. He reaches for the waistband of his pants, untucks his shirt to touch hot skin, tugs on it a little impatiently and whines when it gets stuck on Stede's arms.
"Take this off." He's inordinately pissed at the fancy bit of fabric. Stede chuckles but does as he asks.
"Bit impatient today, are we?"
"Don't fucking trifle with me, Stede. I need to feel you. I'll fucking die if I don't."
"Now that would be a terrible tragedy, wouldn't it, darling? I would never deprive you like that." He just says shit like that all the time, like it's nothing, like it doesn't make Ed's brain feel like mush every time he hears it.
The sex isn't new, okay. He's had sex before in his life, as much of it as he could, actually. Sex is nice, it feels good, he likes that. But the hunger that eats at his bones every time he's near Stede like this is a complete fucking discovery. He doesn't understand exactly where it comes from, just that if he doesn't start touching him soon he will float away and disappear into the sky.
Stede discards his shirt on the floor and lifts Ed off the bed so he can take his off, as well. The leagues and leagues of their skin that are now in contact make him feel a bit less starved. He spreads his legs open to make space for Stede between them, drags his hands up and down Stede's strong back, digs his fingernails down in the way he knows Stede likes to hear him whimper.
"Hmm, always so lovely," is the response he gets. Again with the saying that shit like it's nothing.
Stede brushes his hair aside and kisses his neck, sucks tender skin between his lips and then soothes it with his tongue. Ed bites down on his shoulder with a gasp.
"You're a needy little thing tonight, aren't you?"
Ed almost cries. He wants to say yes, please, anything. He feels cracked open, made of want and need and desperate and absolutely not above begging.
"Please, please touch me, get your fucking hands on me, please."
Stede holds himself on his elbows above him, still so fucking calm and level-headed when Ed feels like his heart is a wild creature and his mind is about to run away from him, taking his sanity with it for good, bye bye.
"Anything you want, love. Especially when you ask so nicely." And there goes Ed's sanity after all.
He undoes the buttons of Ed's pants and pushes them down his hips, then sits up in bed to slide them all the way off. The drag of fabric against his skin feels so good, and his cock jumps when Stede's pants join his on the floor quickly afterwards and he's bare in front of him.
Ed's a little bit delirious by now, hard as a rock and leaking precome, and Stede's dick is so pretty, hanging heavy against his stomach, all pink and red and framed by all that curly blond hair that Ed wants to runs his hands through.
He blinks up at Stede from underneath his eyelashes, makes his eyes as wide as he can, and it works as it always does. Ed knows the power of that look, okay, and he's not ashamed to use it to his advantage. He's delighted by the results he gets when Stede braces himself above Ed and takes his cock in hand, tugs on it a couple of times, like he has all the time in the world.
"Was it the dancing, darling?" he asks. "If I'd know my skill as a dancer would work on you this well, I may have tried it sooner."
"Shut the fuck up." The absolute gall on that man. There's no bite to his words, though, even when his whole face and chest have turned red.
Stede laughs and kisses him, tightening the hand around his cock and moving it up and down in earnest now. He spreads the precome gathering on the tip over his shaft to smooth his movements, creates the most delicious friction. His hands are a blend of softness and hardening callouses, and Ed loves them so much, loves the way they feel on him and all the things they create.
He holds onto Stede like he's a life raft, hot breaths passing into his mouth and nails biting into his arms. The sensation of Stede's hand on his feverish skin is so much it's almost unbearable. He's dying for more.
He needs to touch him, needs to feel him pulse in his hand to know that this is real, that Stede is just as into this as he is, that he's not the only one who craves him so much every second of every day. So he reaches out for Stede's cock, and an odd calm settles over him when they're fully joined like this. Stede's hand on his dick, his tongue inside Ed's mouth, his cock heavy and lovely in Ed's palm. He's floating in calm waters again, safe and warm and loved.
"Hnng," is Stede's response.
Ed is infinitely pleased by the sound. He strokes him the way he knows Stede likes, fast and a little too tight, swipes his thumb over the head, fumbles for the oil on the windowsill with one hand and nearly spills the whole bottle on himself trying to open it without looking. Stede giggles and helps him pour some on their palms, and soon both of their hands are back on the other's cock, the slide smooth and absolutely divine now.
"Ah- darling, yes! Faster, please." This is what he wanted. He loves how loud Stede is during sex, how obviously and candidly into it he is. He makes love like he does everything else, all in without reservations.
And Ed knows he's not a whim to him, if he ever was. Not when Stede worships his body like this, takes care of his heart, tends to his soul. He feels dampness on his face and realizes he's still crying -Edward Teach crying during sex, what a fucking marvel. Stede kisses the tears from his cheeks, presses his lips delicately over his eyes, all while his hand is still making him see stars.
Ed rolls his hips up into Stede's fist, hooks a leg around his thigh, needy and unafraid to show it. He wants Stede to take him apart just like this, to brand his hands on Ed's skin so he knows where he belongs and he can never forget. He pulls Stede down to kiss him hungrily, all tongue and gasping breaths as he pours the desperation he feels into his mouth.
He feels his orgasm building from the roots of his hair, crashing over him like a wave in a storm. He will never drown while Stede is pressed against him like this, though, this is where he's safest. He buries a broken whine into Stede's skin as he comes, holds on for dear life as Stede keeps rocking into his hand, until he spills all over Ed's stomach with a moan of his name. Ed feels so lovely like this, covered in both of them, in the evidence of the joy and pleasure they bring each other. He wants to live in this moment forever.
Stede rests his weight more heavily onto him, and Ed feels so relaxed and secure he would never leave this bed and the embrace of Stede's arms if it was up to him.
He clings to Stede, winds every limb around him to keep him from getting up. He knows Stede will want to take care of him, clean up the sticky mess so they can get ready for sleep. "Don't go yet," he pleads.
"I'm not going anywhere, darling. Let me just-" he reaches down, plucks his shirt from the floor and wipes them both down with it as best he can. How he knew that if he went even an inch away from him Ed might shatter on the spot, he doesn't know. He understands him in ways Ed doesn't understand himself yet.
He lets Stede maneuver him around once he's thrown the shirt back onto the floor, settles contentedly on his chest and lets Stede wrap him in a soft blanket. He rests his head against Stede's heart, hair fanning all around him and tickling Stede's chin. Stede plants a kiss on his head, smooths down his hair and combs his fingers through it.
"I love you so much, Stede," he whispers it like a secret, just for Stede's ears.
"I love you, too, darling. To the moon and back."
Ed doesn't remember falling asleep.
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everywitchway · 7 months
Routines and Rituals
Though our routines are usually only jokingly referred to as "daily rituals", I see no reason we can't make the colloquialism a reality. Injecting a little magic into our consistent actions can bring a deeper connection to one's craft- and own body and lifestyle!- through mindful repetition... And possibly create other benefits through simple cause and effect... or via magical focus. Is this not using will to shape reality? ;)
Beverages and Hydration
Anything that can be safely imbibed orally can be considered a potion. Any tea? Potion. Apple Juice? Sure, it's a potion, too. A Sparkling Water Beverage? People before carbonation's invention wouldn't know what to call that but a potion of some sort. I almost tried to justify in my mind that water or juice couldn't be potions alone, but potion ingredients... But each ingredient generally does have its own property on its own, and can be used alone, can it not? Water seems, to me, to be the great carrier, and somewhat analogous to clear quartz in application.
"Breakfast is the most important meal of the day," as they say... especially if it's one of the ways you start off on a magically mindful foot.
Lunch is the mid day respite from- or peak of- our daily energy. A good energy for magical lunch is usually one of recooperation and regeneration. It may also be a time for socialization if you go to school or work, so creating communicative and relative energies may assist in comfortable interactions with others.
Snacks are little blessings to our bodies throughout the day, and can be celebrated as such with small ritual actions. From small mental notes to full gestures and prayer, quick acts of magic can boost the impact of your snacks and pick-me-ups
Dinner is (usually) the largest meal, and (usually) the time we re-center after a long day. Grounding to the home is important, and I can't think of anything better for that than a hearty meal. If living with others, this is a great time to reconnect with your housemate(s), partner(s), family member(s), pet(s) etc. Many connections have been formed around a dining table, and this has helped humanity share with and get to know each other for as long as it has been.
Dessert is a great magical option for celebration and for special occasions. It can also be a reward for oneself after accomplishing a goal, magical or otherwise. Perhaps it's an act of self care and self love, a treat to lift the spirit.
Self Care
Brushing our teeth and washing our faces are cleansing activities, I think we would all agree. Cleansing with a shower or a simple wash of the hands can be a magical action of its own when done mindfully. Hand sanitizers come in a wide variety of scents and varieties, and these can be used with common magical correspondences quickly, on the go... maybe even on a keychain or in a spray or foam form! Face washes come with different bases and organic/botanical additives, and in various strengths and applications. (Be mindful to care for your skin, and if anything feels or looks not okay, see a dermatologist.) Body washes, bubble baths, bath bombs, and more can be viewed through the lenses of correspondences, too... the applications and possibilities are endless!
Moisturizers and Lotions are great applications for spells as invisible sigils, while coming in a variety of bases and scents and sorts that can be viewed with correspondences. If you're cleansing your face, be sure to do something to moisturize it as well!
Perfumes or scented oils can be utilized magically via scent correspondences, and crystals or herbs can sometimes be inside the jar or bottle. Some are even roll-on, and can be used to draw sigils or choose specific points to apply to. Dab-on perfumes and oils and such can be used perfectly just as well.
Make up can be a perfect way to apply some variety of glamour spell, even if one does not do much. Color correspondences are great for this, and the same magical approach can be used when painting one's nails or dying one's hair. Especially effective with nails are mindful choices: shapes, sigils, patterns, accents, etc that mean something. Hair styling can also imply a lot, energetically, and impact us just as well; as a hair stylist myself, I have a lot I want to say on the subject... but this is not the time nor place. This post is already quite long.
Anything you do regularly, big or small, can be made into a quick charm or spell with a bit of mindfulness. Walking a regular route daily can become a meditative experience with the right music and mindset... or perhaps a spell casting experience with the right incantation (internally or aloud) or charm. A regular drive can become a charging-up experience on your way to work or school with the right soundtrack and approach. Cleaning your room or taking out the trash is cleansing. You might wish to ground in the garden after dinner every night. You could do something less frequent, weekly visits to a nearby park to connect with nature... Something even less frequent, monthly outings with more purpose... Perhaps an annual big thing, if you like. The possibilities are endless.
The long and the short of it is: Anything can be made magical. Mindfulness can surround us with magic if we will it and live it. What do you already find yourself doing regularly? What don't do you do regularly that you should? Can a little magic help? If not, what blockages are you facing? It's okay to struggle, even when trying desperately to be mindful. The important thing is to start anew at every chance you can. The "I've blown it for the week/month" mindset that we(I?) get with planners or goal-work isn't an option; every day/moment is another chance to check in with ourselves, take a breath, forgive ourselves, and try again.
We all struggle, but I believe in you; thank you to anyone reading this who is still believing in me. I'm working every day to take a breath, do the same, and try again.
Love, Health, and Safety to Everyone!
EveryWitchWay (5Y2Y6Y)
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sidewalkchemistry · 1 year
💚🦋✨What You Really Need on Your Wellness Journey (Your Starter Kit for Holistic Leveling Up)✨🦋💚
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see: How to Begin Your Holistic Leveling Up Journey?
herbal teas you enjoy for tea time rituals
a space outdoors to connect to the elements
a willingness to cultivate a pure heart
clean hygiene & beauty products (switch over to items with little to no synthetic ingredients to avoid compromising your health, eg. clay masks, organic tooth powders, organic body butters, high quality essential oils)
solid morning & nighttime practices focused on shielding and cleansing your energy
a desire for peace (not drama or turbulence)
a copy of The Mucusless Diet Healing System by Prof. Arnold Ehret (the edition annotated, revised, and edited by Prof. Spira is highly recommended. It will provide a good basis of understanding of your internal health. Just approach the book with an open mind)
a deeply curious mind
a kitchen continually filled with fresh fruits and veggies (they have a unique ability in keeping us connected with our higher self. get hold of the best quality you can. if that's organic homegrown heirloom produce, that's great. if you have to have some canned or jarred produce from time to time, that's miles better than junk food. try to find options with little to minimal preservatives)
a true friendship with yourself
a journal, colorful writing instruments, and other crafty tools (journaling is a means to connect to your higher self)
an absence of fake friends (it's an uphill struggle to learn to love yourself in the presence of people like this)
a playlist that genuinely recenters and uplifts you
flower essences, garden plants, indoor plants, or other means to connect to plants for assistance in clearing traumas
inner work practices (inner child work, shadow work, emotional healing, archetype work, dream work, etc) which resonate with you and catalyze your character growth
a lifestyle in harmony with the seasons
disconnection from the 'rat race' mindset for a fearless & heart-centered mindset
a desire to be no one but your true self...not someone you saw online. Your. True. Self. Otherwise, the whole world will miss out on whoever that is. And I promise you, that's a grand beauty the world will be lacking.
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mrzeecon · 19 days
My Hardcore Addiction to Chai
There’s a running joke among my friends and family that my blood is probably 50% chai by now. And honestly, they might not be wrong. My love affair with chai isn’t new, but ever since I embarked on my career as a marketer, it’s become a full-blown addiction. I’ve tried to cut back, really, I have. But let’s be real: when life gives you stress, deadlines, and back-to-back meetings, you make chai. Lots and lots of chai.
The Origins of My Chai Love Affair
Chai and I go way back. Growing up, the smell of freshly brewed tea leaves mixed with spices like cardamom, ginger, and cloves was a staple in my household. It was more than just a drink; it was a ritual. Mornings started with a cup of steaming hot chai, and evenings wound down with the same comforting brew. It was a family tradition, a sign of comfort and home.
But what was once a casual love affair has intensified into something more serious since I took up the fast-paced life of a marketer.
Marketing: A Career Fueled by Caffeine
Marketing isn’t just a job; it’s a lifestyle. The constant brainstorming sessions, the pressure of coming up with the next big idea, and the never-ending to-do lists can be exhausting. And what’s the one thing that seems to make everything better, clearer, and more manageable? You guessed it: chai.
For every campaign launch, there’s a cup of chai. For every client pitch, another one. Every time I need to focus on creating a new strategy or pulling off a successful social media plan, I find myself reaching for that comforting cup. It’s almost like my creativity flows better with every sip. Or at least that’s what I tell myself.
Attempts to Break Free
I know what you’re thinking: “Why not just cut back?” Trust me, I’ve tried. I’ve tried switching to green tea, convincing myself that it’s just as energizing (it’s not). I’ve tried drinking more water, hoping it would fill the chai-shaped void in my heart (it didn’t). I’ve even gone cold turkey, which resulted in a grumpy, caffeine-deprived version of myself that no one wanted to be around.
But here’s the thing: chai isn’t just about caffeine for me. It’s a moment of calm in the storm, a warm hug in a cup, a few minutes of peace amid the chaos of a busy day. It’s the one constant I can count on when everything else is swirling around me at a million miles an hour.
Embracing the Addiction
So, I’ve made peace with my chai addiction—for now. I figure if I’m going to be hooked on something, it might as well be something that brings me so much joy. Until I find a permanent solution (or until a miracle chai substitute is invented), I’m going to enjoy every single cup.
Maybe one day, I’ll find a way to cut back. Maybe I’ll discover some new miracle drink that gives me the same sense of comfort and clarity. But until then, you’ll find me with a cup of chai in my hand, ready to tackle whatever the marketing world throws at me next. And honestly, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
After all, life is too short to deny yourself the simple pleasures. And for me, that pleasure just happens to be a perfectly brewed cup of chai. So here’s to embracing our addictions—at least the harmless ones—and enjoying every moment of it.
Cheers to chai, the unsung hero of my marketing journey. 🫖
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fangirl-on-fire3 · 1 year
Taking my bestie @rattle-em-spooky-jones‘s idea and making a list of all my WIPs!
Feel free to send an ask if you’d like to know more about any of the fics ^.^
My Hero Academia:
1. Teeth
This fic is an accompaniment to one of my previous fics, ‘Lifeline’. It’s about Izuku and his deteriorating mental state after the war, as well as his extreme protectiveness over Katsuki because of what they went through together.
2. Love Mix-Up Gone Wrong (Not Clickbait!)
This is a Kieta Hatsukoi AU - essentially, Mina writes Katsuki’s name on Izuku’s eraser (considered a good luck charm to make your crush like you in Japan) and drops it in front of him, hoping Katsuki will realize Izuku has a crush on him. However, Shouto picks up the eraser and assumes Katsuki wants to fight him. Shenanigans ensue.
3. Steampunk [Not Titled]
A steampunk AU in which Izuku is a sheltered pianist and Katsuki is a mechanic, set to the backdrop of a war.
4. Assassination Classroom
Class 1A plays a game of Assassin, where they are given a ball with their victim’s name written on it and must ‘kill’ that person by hitting a receiver stuck to their body with the ball. The game lasts for more than a week and gets increasingly chaotic.
5. Hiking [Not Titled]
Izuku, Katsuki, Kirishima and Kaminari go hiking together. It’s a paraquel to ‘Assassination Classroom’ but works as a standalone.
6. Fantasy [Not Titled]
A fantasy AU in which Katsuki is the Dragon King and Izuku is an adventurer. They keep meeting over the years but never get together officially because they both care about their lifestyles too much to change.
7. Bakugo Dead [Not Titled]
Izuku starts hallucinating Katsuki’s presence after Katsuki has died during the war. Major angst.
8. Foundations of Decay
An intricate multi-chapter Bioshock AU. Shouto is going through the main storyline of Bioshock, with Dabi taking Atlas’ role, while Katsuki is scavenging for survival in the underwater city of Rapture. Izuku is a splicer, Eri is a Little Sister that Katsuki has unofficially adopted, Iida is the police chief, and Uraraka is the head of a crime smuggling ring.
Each character has an important role in the storyline and the chapters will be from different viewpoints.
9. Callsign Deku
A Top Gun AU, where Izuku works his way up through the Flight Academy U.A. to become the greatest pilot. He and Katsuki are rivals, and later friends with benefits. Of course, it gets complicated.
10. War of the Roses (Posted, completed)
Izuku and Katsuki are getting a divorce after over 15 years of marriage and two kids. They start acting extremely petty towards each other, escalating from social media feuds to prank wars.
11. Earth and Fire [Not Titled]
A sequel to my fic ‘Firelight’. In a fantasy setting where elemental magic exists, Izuku and Katsuki are courting each other. It follows them through different courtship rituals and traditions.
12. Break-up [Not Titled]
Izuku realizes that he and Katsuki will only hold each other back after graduation, so he suggests they break up. Katsuki counters him with a suggestion that they break up if they truly want to by then, so they proceed to attempt to annoy each other enough that they’ll break up with them.
13. Shipwrecked
Izuku, Katsuki, and Shouto end up shipwrecked on an island together.
14. midnight [Not Titled]
Katsuki starts feeling really anxious during the night, so Izuku makes him tea and comforts him.
15. turn back time (Posted, Completed)
Izuku gets hit by a quirk and swaps places with his future self, so Middle School Izuku is sent to the future to meet Pro Hero Katsuki.
16. Take a Break
A Hamilton AU where Izuku (taking Hamilton’s role) is married to Melissa, but he’s really in love with her brother, Katsuki.
17. How to Train Your Dragon [Not Titled]
A HTTYD AU with dragon racing instead of fighting. Izuku wants to become a dragon racer, but is so physically weak that he keeps losing on even the easier tracks. Eventually, he discovers a Night Fury (a dragon only All Might has been able to tame) and starts training to be strong enough to win races. Katsuki, who is essentially Astrid, resents him at first, but then agrees to helps him.
18. Hotel Transylvania [Not Titled]
A Hotel Transylvania AU where Izuku is Jonathan and Shouto is Mavis. Endeavor is Dracula and doesn’t want a human to date his son (though Shouto couldn’t care less about his father’s opinion) while Katsuki is a werewolf and absolutely done with everyone. Izuku and Shouto keep trying to date each other, but all their attempts to spend time alone are thwarted.
Welcome To Night Vale:
Sick [Not Titled]
Esteban has a fever. Cecil and Carlos take care of him.
2. Starfall
Stars start falling from the sky. Carlos investigates. Cecil reports. It’s interspersed with radio segments from Cecil’s show.
Attack on Titan:
where the spirit meets the bones
A The Summer Hikaru Died AU where Armin is Yoshiki and Eren is Hikaru, who disappeared to the mountains and came back looking the same but acting entirely different. Very surreal. Angst.
2. sepulcher [Not Titled]
So far this is a paragraph where Armin has a dream in which he’s locked in a sepulcher with Eren, ‘Annabel Lee’ style.
3. pomegranate [Not Titled]
Eren speculates upon his relationship with Armin and the effect that he has on his best friend. Focuses on the changes in their relationship after they discover Marley.
fake dating [Not Titled]
A Daredevil/Marvel fic. Matt and Foggy send out fake wedding invitations to billionaires, hoping for free wedding gifts, but Tony declares that he wants to plan their wedding. They decide to go through with it to save face, but with everything from cake tasting to engagement parties, it’s a much more elaborate lie than they thought. Very chaotic.
2. tattoine [Not Titled]
Star Wars. Han and Luke are on a mission in Tatooine when they get caught in a sandstorm and have to take shelter in an old house. I went back and forth on including smut in this, but I do have an extract written where Han and Luke argue over who tops. Still, it’s yet to be decided.
3. Biohazards, Ballistics, and Global Political Tension: An investigation into the impact of bio-organic weapons on modern society (Posted, but still updating)
Collab with @rattle-em-spooky-jones ! A collection of accounts about different events in the Resident Evil universe in the format of a draft of a PhD report. 
4. Jujutsu Textin’ (Posted, but still updating)
Another collab with @rattle-em-spooky-jones featuring the characters of JJK as college students interacting on Twitter.
And I think that’s all of them for now! I will be updating this list as I come up with more :D
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hakodate-division · 1 year
"Peace of mind is the meaning of life."
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Kotan Anchikar is the leader of the Hakodate rap battle team, Kuma no ie. He is known by his MC name, Kamuy. The newly-appointed chieftain of the Ainu people after his father sadly passed, this young man has very large shoes to fill as he tries to lead his people the right way in a world that is ever-changing. With Chuohku exerting their influence over all parts of Japan, can he and his tribe continue to maintain their way of life in this constantly shifting landscape?
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As a member of the Ainu people of Hokkaido, Kotan has sunbaked skin, which is ironic considering his people thrive in cold climates. He has black eyes that are very keen and perceptive. Underneath his eyes are red lines that symbolize his heritage. He has black hair that is tied in a short ponytail that goes down past his neck, stopping at the top of his back. He doesn't have noticeable muscles but is in shape due to his lifestyle.
He dresses rather formally, as depicted by his attire, which is due to his job as the chieftain of his tribe. He dresses in the Kinagashi style, wearing a light blue haori with an olive-colored nagagi underneath. His nagagi is fastened with two haori himo. He wears tabi socks and a pair of zōri over them. On the back of his haori, there is an imprint of a bear's face. Finally, he has a charm earring in his right ear.
Name Meaning
Kotan (古潭) - means 'owl god' and has the numerology number seven.
Anchikar (アンチカル) - means 'evening', is one of the famous last names used by the indigenous people in the Ainu culture.
His father's son
Big Brother/Onii-Chan: His younger sisters
Biographical Info
Gender - Male
Age - 26
Birthday - November 27th
Ethnicity - Ainu
Hair Color - Jet Black
Eye Color - Black
Height - 178 cm/5'10"
Weight - 71 kg/156 lb.
Star Sign - Sagittarius
Piercings - Charm earring in his right ear
Markings - Two matching red lines under both his eyes. Plus, faded scars on his arms and legs.
Mother (Deceased)
Father (Deceased)
Younger Sisters
Voiced By - OZworld (Rapping)
Fun Facts
MC Name - Kamuy
Occupation - Chieftain/Spokesperson of the Ainu People
Division - Hakodate
Team - Kuma no ie
Position - Leader
Favorite Food - Cep Ohaw
Least Favorite Food - Sea Lion
Likes - His heritage, his way of life, his younger sisters, bears, snow, his people, hot tea, hunting, mountains, skiing, rituals, festivals
Dislikes - Poachers, people who insult his way of life or heritage, people who insult or hurt bears, hot days, his sisters teasing him, people comparing him to his father
Hypnosis Microphone
Kotan's Microphone is a ribbon mic on a stand. Both the mic and the stand are made entirely out of wood. The stand is based off the inau sticks that the Ainu people use during rituals. The stand is also decorated with yellow feathers.
His Speaker takes the form of a spectral bear that stands up on its hind legs. In its paws, it is holding onto a speaker.
His rap ability, Blessings of Kim-un-kamuy, allows Kotan's speaker to fuse with him, drastically improving his attack, defense, and stamina. It also makes him immune to any negative effects the enemy may use on him. The downside is that he can only stay like this for up to three minutes. If he and his team haven't won the battle by then, he is automatically eliminated.
Kotan's rap themes are centered around the Ainu people and his way of life. He often raps about how the world is evolving or changing too quickly and that people need to slow down and enjoy life as it comes. He also raps about the struggles and rewards of responsibility, and about his love for his family and friends.
A humble and somewhat soft-spoken young man, Kotan is not exactly what one would expect as the chieftain of his tribe. He often appears to be meek, innocent, kind, moderate, and nice in contrast to many other people in Japan. A pacifist by nature, he dislikes violence and arguments, often seeking other methods of trying to resolve a conflict. His father, who was a skilled talker, always instructed him to never resort to violence, unless it is a last and final resort. And maybe not even then.
That's not to say that Kotan will not defend himself or his people if needed. Despite disliking violence or arguments, he will gladly fight to protect his home, his family, his tribe, and his way of life. He does not suffer insults or being mocked gladly, and won't stand by while someone degrades him or his people. He also will not tolerate poachers preying on the animals. If they are hunting for food, then that is one thing. But he won't tolerate or forgive people who kill animals for sport or, worse yet, for fun. However, he will not reciprocate and kill them as it is his principle to never take a human life.
As stated, Kotan deeply respects the Ainu culture. The Ainu revere nature and consider animals godlike beings kamuy, so he always honors his prey and everything he uses as gifts from the kamuy. Because of his love for people's way of life, he often struggles with new-world ideas or things that conflict with the Ainu way of life. However, he knows that the world is constantly changing and evolving, and he is not so foolish as to believe that he and his people will outlive the rest of the world. This makes sticking to his ways all the more difficult. He often wishes there was a way for him to preserve his people's independence and a way to ensure that the Ainu will never be forgotten or erased.
As the current chieftain of his tribe, Kotan often feels the pressures of his position. Though he is dedicated to leading his people, he often suffers from self-doubt and stress due to his bad habit of trying to handle everything by himself, or by trying to appear fine when he really isn't. He wants to be a great leader like his father and often finds himself comparing himself to the former chieftain, which only helps to stress him more. It often takes his grandmother lecturing and chastising him to bring him back to his senses. She frequently chides him to 'stop being someone that he is not, and just be himself.'
Though he often appears cold and withdrawn, around those he is comfortable with, Kotan is very jovial. He loves his younger sisters very much but wishes they wouldn't tease him so much. And he always looks to his grandmother for some sort of wisdom or guidance. He is good friends with his family friend, Ted Bridges, and has a good relationship with Kokomi, who taught him how to ski, which helps him with hunting. Though he is cautious around outsiders, after warming up to them, he is a good friend to have.
*Coming soon*
His sisters frequently tease him about the fact that he hasn't shown interest in a girl before.
When he is stressed, he'll often disappear from the village for a time to walk through the mountains and forests to calm himself.
He owns a wolf and a hawk, both of which help him to hunt.
The land that he and his people live on was given to them by the former Japanese government.
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blurbry · 1 year
Rambling Day 1:    AO3 WARNING!!!! LONG POST AHEAD!            FIRST BULLET POINT!: I have a Pseud now. For when I have the feeling or need to write *EHEM* fics. However I Most likely won’t go into too much detail as said things actually make me flushed sometimes.(While I’m Not repulsed or uncomfortable talking about it or writing about it, I just thought I’d touch on the fact that I’m still experimenting with sexuality and am not too sure if I’m actually asexual or not.) A small warning, It may contain oc x character shippings, not just head-cannoned shippings.  I will most likely not post them Publicly as most of them would be physically for me to reread and improve my writing skills, rather than to cause discourse with one who may be Uncomfortably settled with such a subject.  Even if I do Post them Publicly on tumblr, They’ll be tagged Respectively and placed on a Main blog and art blog separate blog. still so the tag can be blocked and ignored. Tumblr added nsfw Content filters for the reasons sole for you to be able to browse your content without being hit in the face with a discomforting subject.   SECOND BULLET POINT!: I’m rewriting all my old fics.  Those of you who followed my AO3, whether you ended up there through lost in dysphoria, or perhaps you were there from my very first fic Broken Glass Shattered Spirits, You’ll notice they’ve all been deleted (except for the ones I’m particularly proud of.) This is because I’m freshly applying a new coat of paint!!  Rather than a baby tiny 1000 word fic, There will be more words, more filler text to make it more interesting. More Development in situations rather than a Rushed feeling of Needing to get this out. While doin so will take me a few months, due to having the most ADHD brain in my family, I assure you when a project has been begun it hasn’t been forgotten, it’s just been pressed aside for a later date. All I ask is Im not rushed or demanded to write faster, because that’s what leads to my sloppy 1000 word writing. Schedule for writings:    Begin Lost Family Au Writing and Master Explanation. Lost Family: An Au I Made which is a Link Separate Au. All the links have tragic Life stories about Siblings or parents or how their lifestyles effect them, Leading up to the events of the Four swords being pulled, and the four meeting each other. IN this AU, the swords are four elemental blades locked deep within Temple systems, that each of the four are called to pull when the time is right.  Begin Raptured Hyrule: Raptured Hyrule is another AU I began working on in 2021 with my friends, and finally decided to publicize in 2022. This AU is if darkness was never fended, and in a way, if Zelda was corrupted by dark cloud rather than killed. It’s very angsty........     Rewrite dancing in the starlight(bluexErune) so its less short and develops more to the relationships. Dancing Scene will still apply.     Rewrite Bluebird(Blue x Vio) Blue at war, Vio is a damsel in distress waiting for him to come home, only having letters and little embroideries and crochet projects to litter the house with.     Rewrite Broken Glass Shattered spirit.(Vidow) Vio is ignoring Shadow for deep studies, Shadow goes off to find something interesting to do and has a run in with a few threatening old friends. Rewrite Angels Flying High, Originally this fic was a RedxShadow Pure angst where Red Died, and Shadow destroyed the mirror a second time just so he could get that final ounce of happiness with him. However, I’m going to change its full aspect and Make it Angel!Red Au. It will still be Shadow x Red. Rewrite Sunsets and Lavender tea (Blue x Shadow) Poor Blue is suffering nightmarish trauma from being frozen alive and Shadow is there to help *cool~* his spirits (I’ll go back in the bad berry corner again) Rewrite Darkness Within: Green/Red Corruptive AU. At a last ditch effort to save the dying light that Red brought to the world, Green performs a dangerous and irrational ritual which results in Red becoming a creature of darkness. At first Red is weary, and its oh so torturous trying to tango with such a creature when He can only come out during the hours that one needs to sleep, but its so worth it when people suddenly become less afraid of Shadow because of Red’s doings. (Look lorulians can be nice people too, don’t fight me ) Rewrite: Everything is okay (Vidow Angst) Vio sustains injuries on the battle field by a mob of Moblins, Blue took his eyes of his back for only a second, only to turn and watch him be run through with a lizzal spear. Blue has a panic attack, He promised Shadow he’d make sure vio came home unharmed.. Vio almost dies, but miraculously was saved by a fairy and a very, Very upset travelling shadow.  These will not be redone in the exact ordering of this post.    
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witchyfashion · 2 years
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Tamed Wild Box
Monthly delivery of magic & earth medicine. Each month includes items for the earth spirited and the lovers of all things mystical and natural. Deliveries can include crystals, herbs & teas, ritual tools, altar items, jewelry, essential oils & other lifestyle pieces. Intention setting lunar ritual available for each month!
Every delivery includes 4-5 items and also includes a ½ oz of artisan blended tea. Perfect for yourself or to give to a loved one!
Grow your practice, craft and spiritual path with monthly intention setting rituals and tools.
Learn the medicinal, magical and historical properties of herbs, crystals and other earth items.
All products are carefully designed, blended or curated using only high quality & organic ingredients. Everything we curate is handcrafted, hand poured, & hand chosen with intention.
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susantaylor01 · 8 days
How to remove back fat?
Everyone needs body fat -we need it to survive .
Fat provides energy ,keeps us warm ,supports the immune system and plays an essential role in brain and heart health.
But if you have extra fat in one area, like your back ,you may be  wondering how to lose it .
While spot reduction is impossible , a combination of diet and exercise can help lower fat overall.
Back fat :
“ The concept of targeted fat loss -the idea of shedding excess weight from specific areas of the body such as your face, back ,arms -is persistent myth”.That’s because the  body  utilises fat cells uniformly throughout your body .
Here’s the breakdown on how fat is stored and used by the body : 
Adipocytes : 
                        Body fat (adipose) is a loose type of connective tissue that is primarily composed of adipocytes,or fat cells. Visceral fat is stored around the organs ,in the breast tissue and inside the bone marrow and subcutaneous fat is stored under the skin. 
Triglycerides : 
            Most of the fat in your body is stored within adipocytes as triglycerides that can be released when energy is needed . When we lose fat,adipocytes release triglycerides into the bloodstream for energy ,causing them to shrink.
Exactly where you store fat varies based on several factors,including :
Gender: Where Men typically have more visceral fat ,while women usually store more subcutaneous fat in the butt and thigh region.
Age : Body fat tends to increase with age. 
A combination of proper nutrition ,regular exercise and healthy lifestyle choices can make a significant difference in improving overall body composition.
Causes of back fat : 
Like excess body fats in other areas ,back fat primarily results from an imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure .
Other factors play a role in excess body fat include : 
Poor sleep
Certain illness and medications
Nutrition to support losing back fat : 
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7-second “tea ritual" eats through 57lbs of belly flab
1. Create a calorie deficit : Eat fewer calories than you burn .
2.Protein intake : Ensure you’re getting enough protein.
3.Eat a balanced diet rich in nutrients : Prioritise whole foods like fruits ,vegetables,lean proteins and whole grains while lower the processed and sugary food in diet.
Exercises to lose Back fat : 
1.Pull-ups : while pull-ups target the upper back muscles .
2.LAT pulldown : This exercise works the largest muscle in the back ,the “latissimus dorsi” .
3.Seated Rows: To work your upper back and larger muscles.
4.Face pull : 
5.Bent-over rows 
Other than this lifestyle changes to prevent back fat, like: 
Stress Management 
Adequate sleep
Limit alcohol 
Avoid smoking
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Tea Packaging Mastery: Fusing Tradition with Cutting-Edge Innovation
Tea, a symbol of relaxation and tradition, holds more than just a comforting flavor; it represents a cultural ritual and a connection to a timeless legacy. Yet, before that aromatic brew reaches your cup, the journey of tea leaves is shaped by a meticulous process, where tea packaging plays a crucial role.
Let’s explore how Nichrome, a pioneer in packaging solutions, transforms tea packaging into an art form that harmonizes tradition with contemporary convenience.
Preserving Freshness with Precision
The essence of tea lies in its freshness, which is why Nichromes’ automatic sachet packaging machines are engineered to preserve the delicate flavors and aromas. The airtight seals created by these machines ensure that each package maintains its premium quality, delivering an exceptional tea experience to your customers.
Unmatched Precision and Consistency
Nichrome’s packaging technology excels in precision, ensuring accurate measurement of tea portions. By eliminating the risks associated with over- or under-packing, these machines help maintain consistent quality and effective cost management. This precision is crucial for ensuring that every package meets the highest standards.
Versatility for Varied Tea Types
Whether it’s fine leaves or larger blends, Nichromes’ pouch sealing machines are designed to handle a diverse range of tea types. This versatility enhances production efficiency, allowing you to seamlessly package different varieties while streamlining your workflow.
Boosting Productivity
The introduction of automatic tea packaging machines by Nichrome has revolutionized the industry. By significantly accelerating the packaging process, these machines improve productivity, allowing your team to focus on other critical tasks and enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Sustainable Packaging Practices
Nichrome’s commitment to sustainability is evident in their machines’ design, which optimizes material usage and minimizes waste. This approach not only supports environmental responsibility but also contributes to a more efficient and sustainable packaging process.
User-Friendly Operation
Ease of use is a hallmark of Nichrome’s machines. The intuitive touchscreen interfaces simplify operation, reduce training time, and decrease the likelihood of errors, making the packaging process smooth and efficient.
Commitment to Quality Assurance
With Nichrome’s packaging solutions, every tea package is sealed to perfection, ensuring the highest quality standards are upheld. This dedication to quality is integral to maintaining the integrity of your product.
Innovative Technology Integration
Nichrome continually incorporates the latest technological advancements into their machines, ensuring you benefit from cutting-edge solutions. This commitment to innovation keeps you ahead in a competitive market and enhances your packaging capabilities.
Comprehensive Support and Service
Nichrome’s support extends beyond machine provision. Their expert team offers full support, from installation to ongoing maintenance, ensuring your tea packaging process remains seamless and efficient.
Enhancing Lifestyle with Multilane Stickpacks
Nichrome’s Stick Pack machines are tailored for non-free flowing powders, such as tea and coffee premixes, providing unmatched efficiency and flexibility. With the ability to package between 30 to 35 packs per lane and quantities ranging from 2 grams to 20 grams, these machines cater to the needs of food chains, travel, and hospitality industries, blending efficiency with lifestyle needs.
Nichrome’s tea packaging solutions ensure that the essence of traditional tea-making is preserved while adapting to modern demands. From the meticulous design of automatic sachet packing machines to the innovative multilane stickpacks, Nichrome bridges the gap between the age-old art of tea and contemporary lifestyles. Next time you enjoy a cup of tea, remember the sophisticated journey it undertook—from the plantation to your cup—thanks to Nichrome’s dedication to blending tradition with innovation. Learn More: https://bangladesh.nichrome.com/blog/tea-sachet-packaging-mastery-tradition-with-innovation/
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