#and I'm just like ma'am i love you but please stop I'm an adult now
shirtlessradfahrer · 9 months
My mom in October: I don't think this Finland trip is going to be feasible, isn't everything expensive there? And you don't speak the language! You don't even know when Care-ree-yeah is performing! You need to stop spending so much on fast food and fancy desserts and treats if you want to make this work!
My mom in December:
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marymary-diva17 · 8 months
tonowari x reader x ronal + sully family
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Guidance was always something that was needed in ones life, when they were facing hardships. The ones who always seem to be seeking helping are teenagers and kids as they, live their daily lives. Growing up is not easy and it extreme not easy when you are navi teen trying to live up to image of parent or older siblings that praised by everyone else and you don't get the same praise as well. Over your life of adult and when you were young you had seen, that and made a promise to always help out those who seek help when needed.
y/n " I given blessing to the great mother for my life ... I give the great mother thanks for my mates and for my children" you were doing a pray hoping for some answers on some stuff, when you heard something.
????? " leave us alone "
????? " aww little kids getting scared do you need your mommies"
????? " hey leave them alone right now or else" you heard aonung voice you soon stopped what you were doing, and made your way towards the sound. To see your sons along with the tow sully boys in fight with some visiting teens from another clan.
y/n " hey" you soon made your way towards the fight and soon broke the boys apart or they pushed each other way.
y/n " what is happening here"
lo'ak " these punks were picking on kiri calling her a freak, and I came to tell them to stop they were bothering us until neteyam and your son came"
y/n " kiri is that true"
kiri " yes we tried walking away until they insult our families"
navi teen boy " well it true all your family is weird"
y/n " enough all of you no more fighting we don't need conflict among, ourselves during these times"
teens " sorry"
y/n " you boys will start showing respect to the clan guests as they are becoming one of us, because if we were like them they will do the same for us"
metekayain teens " yes ma'am"
y/n " sully family I'm sorry for the poor behavior of the reef teens I will make sure it will not happen that much"
neteyam " it okay miss we know you can't control everyone opinion on us"
y/n " now it seems like you all might wish to explain this it your fathers" the teens soon looked to see their fathers standing there, you soon looked at your sons.
y/n " I will try to clam their tempers but you might still get scolded and some punishment, when you are all done head to the healers and get first up" you soon walked away and spoke with your mate and there males, they seem to understand a bit but the teens were still a trouble a bit.
Later on that day
y/n " so let me get this straight you had sent the boys all fishing together for what reason"
tonowari " Jake sully said it will be good for them to bond and form a friendship as well"
y/n " I hope so"
tonowari " what the matter"
y/n " I think you should spend some time with the boys a bit more"
tonowari " ......."
y/n " I'm just speaking from the heart it seems like the boys have been doing their best, to proven themselves to you lately as they idolize you ma tonowari"
tonowari " you are right my love"
y/n " thank you so please give them some time with you, and it will be good for all three of you"
tonowari " sure and maybe I can help them with their fighting after what happened today they are good but could use more training"
y/n " tonowari"
tonowari " what you told me to bond with them and I will" you soon smiled at your mate knowing he is correct.
y/n “ well I hope the boys have a good time, it seems like our boys are bonding well with the sully boys that good for them”
ronal “ what good for them is good for the clan” ronal soon sat with her mates making you smile.
ronal “ I thinks this friendship will blossom good fortune for our clans”
Y/n “ yes it will” your mates had stayed with you but soon left later on in the day. You were garage some water with a jug, when you saw your two sons with neteyam and other reef boy.
y/n” welcome home children how was the fishing”
aonung “ it was wonderful mama we caught many fish”
y/n “ that wonderful but where are the others”
neteyam “ oh we spilt up two groups my brother went with some of the other boys, one of them came with us”
Navi teen boy “ y/n I’m sorry for my rude behavior toward you and the others”
y/n “ it okay young one and it seems like you all were able to become friends that’s good, we will need this friendship in our time of need” the boys smiled and nodded their heads, you soon sent them on their way to deal with the fishes with the other hunters.
later that night
y/n “ …….” you were walking around at night after getting done with some task.
????? " I'm a freak dad"
????? " no you are not baby girl" you soon heard Jake and kiri talking, the girl was very sad.
kiri " yes I'm dad"
Jake " no you are not your brothers, spider, and aonung along with rotxo stood up for you today even y/n as well"
kiri " I know but why do I feel like a freak"
y/n " you are not a freak kiri" Jake and kiri soon looked at you, as you stood there giving them a smile.
Jake " hello again y/n"
y/n " hello I didn't mean to interrupt I was on my way home when I came across you to"
Jake " it okay"
y/n " kiri you are not freak"
kiri " then why can't I be like everyone else be normal"
y/n " because you are special my child and you have an import role to play, eywa has made you this way because she had plans for you"
Kiri “ are you sure”
y/n “ yes I’m sure young lady and it good you are different, because if we were all the same it will be boring around here” kiri gave you a smile and you smile back her, Jake and kiri had noticed fish’s were swimming around your legs as well.
Jake “ y/n right my daughter you are not a freak and will never be a freak”
y/n “ those who call you a freak are foolish and blind” kiri smiles at the comforting words, but soon everything changed in a quickly second.
????? “ aww you are hurting me let me go” the trio soon turned around to see their sons dragging, a few of the other reef boys over.
????? “ let’s us go”
neteyam “ tell my dad what we over heard you saying come on tell my father”
aonung “ tell my mother as well”
spider “ tell them don’t stand there acting like you can’t speak”
Jake “ what has happened where is Lo’ak” the boys were soon placed in front of you and jake, you could tell something had happened.
y/n “ boys speak now”the boys look like they were to scared to speak and this was making matter worst.
jake “ what has happened now someone say something”
y/n “come on everyone we are going to speak with tonowari, and ronal someone go get these boys parents now” Rotox and spider nodded their heads and soon took off, together as Kiri went to go get her mom and Tuk.
minutes later
tonowari “ you boys have done something stupid and dangerous leaving a boy, who knows nothing out there alone”
ronal “ it seems like you boys had this planned for the youngest sully boy”
navi teen “ he humiliated us”
ronal “ you did this because of some fight after you we’re bullying his sister”
navi parent “ it not our sons fault they didn’t mean any harm”
neytiri “ harm they pulled s dangerous prank on my young son, and nearly did the same to my other son and nephew let not forget tonowari sons as well”
navi teen 2 “ he was supposed to be back by now we didn’t know he will be gone this long”
y/n “ we can deal with these boys and their parents later tell us, where you left him”
navi 3 “ beyond the reef past the three brother rocks”
Ronal “ you are all fools and you know aluka are out there”
neteyam “ what is that”
aonung “ a predator of the ocean….” Neteyam soon punched one of the boys soon causing chaos in the hut.
Jake “ son I know you are mad but fighting won’t solve the solution, we need to find your brother now” you soon left the hut before anyone else could take action.
y/n “ I will go find the boy”
Jake “ I will come as well I will bring some help as well”
y/n “ no it better I go now it will be for the best”
Jake “ no this that creatures you speak about it out there I don’t wish to leave you alone” you could understand where Jake was coming from, as there was already someone lost on the reef.
y/n “ Jake sully I welcome the offer but it will be best if I go alone”
Ao’nung “ mama we are coming with you” you soon looked and saw your sons along with neteyam.
tonowari “ no you three are staying here”
Jake “ yes it will be for the best”
neteyam “ we are warriors dad we have to the right to come and look for loak”
y/n “ yes you are younger warriors but the time hasn’t come for you to act now, the time will come young ones but not now”
Ao’nung “ but mama”
y/n “ no stay here the collage and your families will need you all right now”
Rotox “ yes mama”
tonowari “ are you sure about this yawne”
y/n “ I will be fine ma tonowari I know the way, and if I’m not back soon then you all can come looking for me” tonowari knew there was no winning for him, you soon called your strimwimg and soon headed off.
???? “ my father comes from the stars see up there”
y/n “ loak” you soon saw the boy standing on creature and that creature is a tulkun, a tulkun you knew so well.
loak “ y/n” you soon dismounted off your creatures and soon went towards loak and payakan.
y/n “ are you just anywhere”
Loak “ no thoes boys left me behind I think they were pranking me”
y/n “ I know your brother and my sons caught them with spider, the truth was told but they will be dealt with later on …. It seems like you have a story to tell”
loak “ yes I almost got caught by this grey shark creature and this creature saved me”
y/n” thank you so much my friend your savor is tulkun, I will tell you more later one but now we need to get home”
loak “ yes ma’am” the group and travels the rest of the rest of way home together, until the were close to the village.
???? “ loak y/n”
y/n “ we have to go now come I will bring you the rest of the way home”
loak “ thank for saving me I hope to see you again” you had taken the boy home on your creatures, soon running into Jake and another warrior as they escorted you and Loak home. Soon everyone reached the villages and got onto the docks.
Navi women “ the boy has returned”
Navi man “ the sully boys has been found”soon Jake and tonowari had came towards you and loak.
Jake “ let check you out okay nothing that bad”
y/n “ your son is brave Jake sully he stood up against a akula”
Jake “ really”
loak “ yes that I true i did escape one and made by way back here but, soon came across y/n and she brought be home”
Jake “ thank you”
tonowari “ are you okay my love”
y/n “ I’m fine” soon the rest of the who families had come over happy to see loak was okay, and that you came home as well.
y/n “ well you will be okay but will be feeling some string pain, but overall you will be fine” you were healing up loak he soon nodded his head.
loak “ yes ma’am thank you for saving me twice in one day”
y/n “ you are welcome loak but it seems like you have done great today my boy”
loak “ thank you”
y/n “ no head off on home and loak if you have questions about your new friend, I can answer them for you or you can find out on your own but remember to follow your heart”
loak “ yes ma’am but what about the boys”
y/n “ they will face a punishment after an meeting with tonowari and your father, we will see what happens later on”
loak “ yes I understand”you soon saw loak home before you went home as well, to your family that was waiting for your return happy to see you come home safe and sound. That night you were happy that everyone was home safe and sound, but you felt like something was coming a feeling that your could understand half way and couldn’t understand as well.
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smallestapplin · 7 months
Anything for you
🔞Alpha Cyllene x omega reader🔞
Cw : wlw, omegaverse, fem bodied reader.
MINORS DNI! ADULTS ONLY! (Yes, I will check.)
Please note my requests are closed, but I'm always happy to chat! (This has been queued )
Cyllene is on the edge of her seat gripping her pen tightly, she needs to write these reports but how can she when her mind is filled with thoughts of you? Her sweet little omega at home.
You are her beloved bonded, and yet during you're most vulnerable time she can't be at your side, it angers her she has to work while you're at home about to start your heat. She's not worried about anyone breaking in, she already left Abra there with you to teleport to her if anyone did.
But she made sure the house was locked up tight, you I had everything you need, and she doubts anyone would like to face her wrath if they so much as got near her mate.
But her thoughts keep going back to you.
She wonders if you were working on making a nest or maybe you're stealing her clothes to add to it? A barely there smile crosses her lips.
you always looked so cute trying to scent her clothes.
Or maybe you already finished making your nest and are dealing with your neediness? She can picture you with your legs spread, a pair of her panties to your face inhaling her scent, while you rub your clit in tight circles, just begging for her to take you.
To mark you over and over again, to make your pretty pussy hers all over again.
Her office fills with the scent of an angry alpha.
how patheic she's stuck here because no one could fill her role for a week, her sweet omega needs her, what part of that do they not understand?
"Uh...Captain Cyllene, ma'am?" The guard flinches under her cold glare.
"What is it now?"
The corps member shakes in his place, her near monotoned voice and stern glare striking fear into him.
"W-well we have word that um-"
"Spit it out already." She doesn't have all day for this.
"Right! We have word that, uh, that professor Laventon got poisoned on the survey."
She sighs rubbing her temple.
"Set up the medical bay. And let me guess, it wasn't even from a pokemon."
"...No ma'am, he got spooked by a Bedew and fell back on some poisonous plants."
If she was home she wouldn't have to deal with this nonsense.
Just before she's able to send the guard on his ways, her Abra spawns in her office, making a soft cry.
The corps member doesn't have a chance to blink before he is lifted by the collar and thrown out of the way by a speeding Cyllene, as she's out the front door before anyone can say anything.
Her darling needs her, so why would she stay?
She skids to a stop once she reaches her home, swiftly sniffing the air and checking the surrounding area, yet by the looks of things no one has been near here, no beta and no other alphas either.
She fidgets with the locks she had in place, easily opening the door, only to tak a sharp inhale at the overwhelming smell coming from her home.
You started your heat eariler than expected.
She enters, closing the door behind her and taking her shoes off ro slip into her house shoes before entering further.
She can see the shadow of your silhouette, your ass high in the air and your hand between your legs, though your cries are muffled, she knows you probably have your face stuffed into some of her clothes.
"Mm...ah! Alpha, please it's to much!...haa-!!" You jump with a shriek as the sliding door to your room is ripped open.
Your eyes locking with your mates, which only make you relax once more and spread your legs further, removing your hand to show her your drooling pussy.
"Welcome home, love." You pant, smiling shakily at her.
"My, aren't you a delectable sight." Fuck, she can feel herself drooling.
You shake with excitement as your alpha walks closer, eyeing you like a peice of meat.
She always makes sure you're more than taken care of, especially during your heats.
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klinefelterrible · 5 months
My brain when I'm watching porn: it's your guy with a penis time I guess. I mean you're the guy and this is your penis so rub it and cum and let's get over it okay? Yeah I know this girl looks great and you'd rather be her than him fucking her but what can you do? Oh just cum already and go do something
My brain when I see Regina/Emma post: FULL LESBIAN MODE ON
My dick when I see Regina/Emma post: I'm here but I don't belong anywhere near. I'm just attached to you and you find it hot and that's how I react okay? Don't mind me, I'm just a minor trousers inconvenience, so to speak
My creativity: Oh, oh, oh! Write some more incorrect quotes you love so much!
My male part of the brain: I'll just, you know, control breathing or, I don't know, just be here so you don't fall from the chair or something
My male part of the brain: isn't that a Brooklyn 99 reference?
My female part of the brain: shut the fuck up Peralta, we're working here!
My creativity: I'm fine
My dick: ZzzZzZ I can sleep on attention
My brain: so basically you feel aroused but in a gay way towards two adult women and you're not happy with the whole dick thing... But for the record I didn't choose it for you, it's genetics and not very good ones
My genes: Brrrr XXY error shut the fuck up XXY cough cough
My creativity: everyone shut the fuck up we're doing something! So Emma is wearing this red jacket of course and Regina says something dry and Emma LOSES HER MIND AND SAYS THAT SHE LOVES HER AND REGINA ALLOWS EMMA TO JUST UNWRAP HER FROM CLOTHING AND BURY HER HEAD BETWEEN HER BUTTCHEEKS AND
My male brain: sorry I, uh—
My creativity: I get it, you and your dick just need to be a part of everything, you drama queen bitches
Male brain&dick: sorry
Creativity: I'm sure if we were a girl we'd bury our face in both of their asses and no one could say shit
Male and female brain parts: yeah, probably, I guess it's logical, since you're pansexual now and sort of an egg or maybe even already trans but not really you're kind of psycho and weirdo so probably
My female brain: you would just be a weird girl probably
My male brain: always on the pill, high school millionaire from dick sucking, brrr
My dick: I'm alive for you I'm awake because of you I'm alive
My female brain: would you shut the fuck up
My dick: you guys mentioned you being a girl and sucking dick I just instantly went into a horny teenager mode and well it's your fault not mine
My creativity: how about all of you just let me work and we'll deal with these thoughts when I'm asleep and you're both in charge of self-hatred when you're tidying up or cooking or doing something feminine with this masculine body
My self-hatred: bonjour
My dick: I don't feel like self-hate was a way to deal with these feelings
My female brain: it's because you're a dick
My male brain: he's just a dick and it's mainly my fault because I'm a dick too
My creativity: is this some kind of way to stop writing or could we just pause all that and let me finish the scene, please?
My dick: okay
My self-hatred: I don't even wanna be here
My female brain: Carry on
My male brain: I'll try to control myself
My creativity: And so Regina looks at woods and sees green and says FUCK YEAH I LOVE GREEN and Emma says I THOUGHT YOU SAID YOU HATE GREEN and Regina is like I HATE GREEN LIME JUICE BUT THIS IS NICE and Emma takes out blanket from under her SexyAsFuckRedJacket™ and Regina kneels on it and Emma caresses her hair by the ear and yeah we can stop here we all know how it's going to end
My phone: Would you like to start BATTERY SAVING
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jellicle-chants · 2 years
“W-what?” Algernonny’s eyes went wide, and Alonzo cursed himself internally. Of course his big mouth was going to ruin everything again.
Or: I wrote a little thing for Algie and Alonzo! They're just the cutest 🧡🤎💛
(If you want a visual reference for Algernonny, look no further than @the-cat-at-the-theatre-door's amazing work on him here!)
Algernonny stood, picking his crutch up from beside him. "Well, I should really be going. It was lovely meeting you both.”
"Oh, you're too kind," Jellylorum said. "I hope you will join us again for tea sometime soon, dear. You're always welcome here now, don't forget."
Alonzo stood as well, purposefully angling himself under the lowest edge of the ceiling so he had to stoop. "Yeah, I should probably get going as well. I've got important Protector things to do, you know."
"I'm sure that can wait, Alonzo.” She busied herself with the tea set, choosing to ignore the range of emotions currently playing out across her son’s face. “Why don’t you walk him home? Seeing as you're the one who brought this young man here in the first place."
“That's quite kind, ma'am, but I don't want to be taking up anyone's time—"
"No, mum, he's fine, just because you think—"
"Oh please, Alonzo, you and I both know you could really do with a friend—"
"If it's alright—I can just—"
"Mum, I'm not a child, you don't need to set me up on playdates."
"Well, I wouldn't have to if you stopped acting like one—"
"Mother, Algernonny and I are both adults, with our own lives, that we both really should be getting back to. On our own. Right, Algernonny?" He turned to the front of his mother's den, but no one was there. "I'm going after him," he announced, only held back by the feeling of Jellylorum's hand around his wrist.
"Don’t lose him now. And… be yourself. But be nice. And remember—”
“Alright, mum, I get it,” he said, pulling his hand away with a smile. “It’s in the bag.” He could hear her tutting at him as he ran off, but it didn’t faze him.
Algernonny, it seemed, hadn’t gone too far. He found him easily, sitting on a stack of old paint cans. He smiled as Alonzo came into view: it was a good-natured smile, if bashful, and Algernonny hid it away behind his shoulder as he stood up to follow him. Alonzo didn’t get that — if he had a smile as handsome as Algie’s, he would show it off any chance he could.
“Couldn’t get enough of me, eh?” he said, following his well-worn trail out of the Junkyard.
“You’re a funny cat, Alonzo.”
There was something in his tone of voice that he couldn’t quite place. “‘Funny’ how? You’re not jealous of me, are you?” He turned around to flash him a grin, but stopped when he noticed how serious Algernonny looked.
“Like that. Like how I can never tell whether you actually like me or not.” He leaned on his crutch and scratched behind his ear.
“Well, that’s something you’ll just have to find out.” Without warning, his next words slipped out of his mouth: “We can’t both be perfect, now can we.”
“W-what?” Algernonny’s eyes went wide, and Alonzo cursed himself internally. Of course his big mouth was going to ruin everything again.
“Look, it’s just— you meet my mother for five minutes, and she practically invites you into our home. You always know what to say, how to act; you’re not knocking over tea trays or misquoting Shakespeare. You’re taller than me, bigger — hell, we even look alike, but you’ve got something to show for how tough you are, unlike me.” Alonzo was practically red-faced at this point, but he didn’t know what else to do other than lay all his cards out on the table. “You’re… basically a better version of me.”
Algernonny just stood there for a second, looking at him with an unreadable expression on his face. Alonzo hoped it wasn’t pity.
“Do you really… think this makes me look tough?” He tapped the side of his leg with his crutch. “Usually I just think of it as a reminder of why I should stay somewhere safe, and not go out into the world. Because I can’t even protect myself.”
He started walking again, and Alonzo followed, catching up to his side. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have brought that up. It was unfair of me.”
“It’s alright,” he said, a smile sneaking back into his face. “I like that you think that. Really, I wish I could do all of the things you can: protecting the rest of the tribe, being responsible for them. I mean, you risked your life for me, and I was a complete stranger. I could never do something like that.”
“‘Was’ a stranger? What does that make us now, then? Friends?”
This time, Algie laughed out loud, and Alonzo’s heart jumped into his throat. “Sure, if you want. Let’s be friends.” He looked up at the buildings surrounding them, nodding to the one on his right. “Unfortunately, this is my stop.”
Alonzo managed to bite his tongue this time and stop from inviting himself inside. “Right.”
“Well, I hope I see you soon.”
“Feel free to come by the junkyard any time you like. For my mum’s sake, at least.”
He stopped on the threshold and turned around. “How about — would you come by here tomorrow? Then you can show me around yourself.”
“Great idea.” He grinned and winked at Algie, who hid a chuckle behind his hand. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
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tojikai · 2 years
Drama, Pregnancy, Cheating, Trauma, and Mommy Issues. OH HOW I MISSED THIS STORY.
(I'm apologizing now because for each chapter I'm genuinely just going to send a long ask of my thoughts and reactions that I had while reading. Beware.)
Chapter: IX
The mommy issues and trauma really shone through during this chapter. Hate how I could relate. It truly sucks having a parent who's a good person but a bad parent. Y/N love please get therapy. If not for yourself at least for your baby. You deserve to have some peace of mind. Especially after everything she's gone through.
He’d only choose you if she wasn’t one of the choices. MA'AM. You can't keep throwing sentences in here like this. You keep breaking my heart. That just hurt 🥹
Imma need Rie to shut up and not start stuff. So glad she kept her mouth quiet when talking to our mother. But she genuinely needs to realize that the person at fault is not y/n. It's Hoetoru's. He was the one in a relationship. He cheated when he was in a relationship with Y/N idk why you thought he'd be loyal with you but whatever.
When I tell you I cheered when she said you're not my boyfriend. GET HIM GIRL.
I've never liked Suguru but I like your version of him. He makes me feel things and I quite frankly don't appreciate it 😭. I just keep thinking about those tattoos. Especially when he rolled his sleeves up at the bar. IT'S NOT FAIR.
Not Hoejo saying you locked him out like he lives there or something. My guy go home, she don't want you. Be like Elsa and let it go.
Please tell me that this is the beginning of a budding romance between y/n and Suguru because honey that would be a plot twist. She never gets back together with Hoetoru, her baby has 3 parents who are all present in their life and everyone gets therapy. I feel like that's not gonna happen though. I'm going to be sad by the end of this series aren't I? Sigh.
Why does he need to know about y'all's business? Y'all are two grown adults who did a bit of the Devil's Tango. It happens. Hoejo don't gotta know what y'all be doing on the down low. You're still gonna tell him aren't you Geto? Please don't.
I need Gojo to stop acting like a boyfriend and start acting like a father. All you need to do it take care of Y/N and the health of the baby. All this other mess is extra. We don't need extra. We need you to be a responsible adult for just one day. I know it's hard for you hun but at least pretend or something.
I JUST KNOW HE ISN'T TALKING. I had to sit away from my phone after Hoetoru got mad at Geto. He really said I know I'm not her boyfriend but.... That's when he should've stopped talking but no he just had to keep going. 🤦🏽‍♀️ You mad? Aw poor thing. Could've all been avoided if you just drove her home and let it be.
Maybe it's just me. But I don't see anything wrong with what y/n did with Suguru. Maybe it's just my fury toward Gojo distorting my values but honestly I'm not seeing how this is a betrayal. But whatever, if y'all feel guilty i can't do anything about that. But I promise you that this betrayal is nowhere near as bad as what Gojo did. But to each his own. Y'all are better than I'll ever be.
Previous sentence cancelled Geto got to punch him too. Oh nononono please I can't, don't make me cry. I loved her first. *Sobs loudly* Suguru is a true friend and even if he doesn't get y/n I hope he gets some closure.
I think it's interesting how Gojo and Geto are like 2 sides of the same coin. Both are willing to go through heaven and hell for this woman to be happy. However, Gojo is selfish while Geto is more selfless. Gojo keeps trying to force something despite the discomfort and pain that he's causing y/n. When Geto was just willing to let his feelings go because he knew it'd make things easier in y/n. I'm sure there's some people out there who'd love having a partner like Gojo who's willing to fight. But sometimes the best course of action is letting go. Especially if it's for the happiness of the person that you love.
He poured his heart out to you and you still... I don't have the energy to be mad at you anymore. I'm just done.
Oh that ending. Way to keep us on our toes.
I think the main reason why I love this story so much is the way you write makes me so emotionally attached to these characters. If only Gojo didn't cheat. If only Geto didn't give up on his feelings towards y/n. If only Gojo didn't drive Rie home that day. If only. If only. If only. It breaks my heart knowing all the possible outcomes and how this story's ending is most likely going to be bittersweet. But I can definitely tell how much you love what you're doing and how hard you've worked on this. This takes a lot of skill, time, and energy. So thank you. I'm gonna cry so hard when I get to this epilogue.
wow omgg i really enjoyed reading this !! it's nice to read a new perspective about what yn and geto did. gojo's character didn't want to be angry abt it, really. he's just so hurt and he also thinks that he doesn't have the right to be hurt bc of what he did. it's like all actions that he can take can be valid yet also invalid at the same time. it opened up the situation between them and yn before all of it. AND i like how you compared gojo and geto's love for yn !! it's nice to know that someone would fight with their whole heart and never give you up but it's also great to know that someone would rather hurt and let you go if it means your happiness🥺anyways thank you soooo much for your support, that means A LOT to me <33 i hope you're doing well ~!!
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misquigleya · 1 year
hi hello, back on my bullshit that is misty fucking quigley. could have had much more of her but it's okay...i fully expect to see more of my unhinged baby in the coming episodes. as usual, thoughts under the read more <3
sure you can look and look and look for someone that you actually love but you can also find you someone that will listen to, with the windows down, fuck tha police in your minivan while you're inside being questioned about your totally not dead but def missing boyfriend....we stay stanning jeffrey sadecki in this house and i love him so much. but also rip that dash and steering wheel 'cause it got sticky af from that spit take. like shauna please...he's gotta clean that now before you go off to cult camp with your besties
i wasn't a callie stan until just recently ( annoying teenager pls forgive me for side-eyeing the fuck outta her ) but miss ma'am gO OFF MAKE THEM QUESTION EVERYTHING DET. CREEPO SAYS 'cause goddamn that man needs to go. he needs to be fed to whatever the fuck they all brought back from the woods. also "does this mean we're going to jail???" i love the sadecki family so much.
VAN AND TAI PLEASE STOP PUSHING EACH OTHER AWAY but also please explain what happened for y'all to split up 'cause i'm no longer thinking it was 'cause of the "wicca bullshit" anymore seeing as tai is leaning more into it ( though that was kinda obvious from the fact that adult tai has her little alter #ripbiscuits )
i know they all got beef / tension with lottie but what was up with lottie and misty upon lottie seeing her. like please...what happened out there other than hottie lottie being diagnosed as schizophrenic and being institutionalized and that could ya know....'cause some tension and questioning of what had happened out in the woods, bUT STILL WHAT HAPPENED. 'CAUSE WHAT DID MISTY DO SEEING AS THEY'RE ALL MEH WITH HER. aside from her general weirdness and slightly off-putting personality.
that jackie bit when shauna passed out had me clutching my pearls like sHAUNA BABY DO NOT GO INTO THE LIGHT. and also, i might get shit for this but whatever, eat my ass; thAT DREAM SEQUENCE HAD MY ASS BACK IN THE THEATER WATCHING TWILIGHT BREAKING DAWN PT. 2 like goddamn...okay this one wasn't THAT GOOD but they really had me there in the first half like i full blown thought i was gonna be able to tick off the eating of the...well you know off my bingo card. but nope, they played me, they said "yOU THOUGHT YOU SICK FUCK" so i'll give 'em that. four for you glen coco, four for you.
natalie bby do you need a hug?? yj writers...have you forgotten and or completely disregarded the whole mistnat setting up of season one and telling us to eat your asses now like ha-ha you really thought we'd give you those two?? hahahaha...i hate them and i need them to stop toying with my emotions. LET. THEM. BE. HAPPY. AND. TOGETHER. 'cause that "he was the only one i loved" and "he was the only one who cared about me" like mmmm...mmm...m'kay, i'm gonna go lay in the highway. but like i get. still going through some shit. bUT FUCKIN' RUDE.
deep breath
can we talk about misty's little goodie bag and how it was given carol in twd unloading all her shit when they got to alexandria and just...kept putting more and more on the cart? 'cause i loved that and i fucking lost it aND WALTER BUDDY BOY, YOU WAS GONNA DIE or i'm at least assuming as i don't know what was in the vial that misty had in her purse with the syringe like ma'am please. she was ready to beat the fuck outta whoever, handcuff them, and possibly do some light torturing....so i once again sAY WHY ARE YOU DICKING ME AROUND WITH MISTNAT YJ WRITERS?!?!!??! fucking hell...
the episode was good but lowkey...they need to stop hyping them up so much or i need to lower my expectations. either way...felt there could be a bit more and feel like they're taking too long with the story and they're dragging it out to an almost annoying length. like we get it, you're hoping for five seasons but i don't want to wait 'til the last season to have all questions asked or if the worse outcome happens, they get cancelled, i don't want any room for no questions being answered. so...if they could stop dragging it out and get to the point, that'd be super. but that's just me.
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casspurrjoybell-32 · 7 months
A First Chance At Love - Chapter 7b
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*Warning Adult Content*
Avery Chandler
We pull up to the front of the house, next to another visiting car.
"Your brother is here," I said, turning the car off and Aiden nods.
"Yep," he says, excitedly hurrying out.
We weren't even on the first step, when the door comes flying open and a blonde blur runs out, attacking Aiden in a giant hug.
"MY BABY," she yells.
"Quit smothering him," Mr. Carlisle tells her, walking around them and following his wife.
"I'm smothering him with love," she complains and Cassie scoffed.
"Well, that's a first."
I rose a brow at the mean sarcasm in her voice and Connie looks up from Aiden, to glare at her.
"Just cuz I don't show any to you, doesn't mean I don't have any," she sticks her tongue out at her and Cassie just rolls her eyes again.
"Whatever, you little brat."
Nash laughs pulling her into him and hugs his arms around her waist and rocks her to and fro.
"You guys are like rabid wolves, when you are around each other," Cassie sighs, relaxing back against him.
I hold in the snicker, at how ironic that was, since both Cassie and Connie, didn't know about us being werewolves.
"Avery," I hear Aiden whine.
I walk over to him and lift Connie off of him.
I then take Aiden's hand and pull him on to his feet.
"WE'RE WAITING," Grace calls out from the kitchen, the sound of plates clinging together, as she sets the table.
Once we are all at the dinner table, all I could hear was the clicking and clanging of forks and knives on their plates.
Grace was asking Aiden as many questions without reviling too much, while I sit there, quietly observing.
Their playfulness and loving relationship towards each other, makes me feel so happy for Aiden but for myself, even lonelier than normal.
I know I had Aiden now to preoccupy my time with but it doesn't stop the longing for something... I missed deeply... My family... My loving and caring Mother.
Grace kind of reminded me of her.
My funny protective Father who taught me everything he could before I left and my crazy eccentric brother and cute baby sister.
I missed them so much sometimes... I felt like running back straight to England right that minute but I knew that I couldn't... not after what I did... leaving them all like that... without a word.
But it was the right thing to do... I have to keep telling myself that.
"So, Avery?" I heard my name pulling me out of my plaintive thought to look up at Grace.
"Yes?" I ask and she smiles.
"Is there anyone special in your life?"
"Mom, please?" Aiden complains.
"What's the matter? I'm just asking," she asked turning back at me. "So, is there any cute girls or handsome guys in your radar?" she asks, wiggling her eyebrows at me, suggestively.
"MOM... Really? Stop," Aiden snaps.
"Well... You never know these days, honey," she shrugs and I smile at her.
"No ma'am. There's nobody special..."
"Ah. What did I say? Call me Grace," she warned pointing her finger at me.
"No Grace. There's nobody special," I corrected myself, grinning at her and she gasped.
"Why, Avery? You're so handsome. I bet both girls and boys, are falling over themselves, to be with you," she said and I felt Aiden's frustration from across the table.
So I looked up at him and his eyes were sad, as he watched me.
He knew there was and never would be, anyone I could connect with, not like what he and Liam have.
'Sorry,' he mouthed and I nodded my understanding.
"I'm just not interested," I tell her abruptly.
She decides to lean over and pat my hand.
"Well, all in due time, right honey? But I have a feeling it's going to happen real soon. I bet on it," she reassured me, gazing with her honest blue eyes.
All I could do was force a smile on my face and continue eating my dinner.
'I really don't think it will be.'
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harveyhawkscripts · 1 year
[M4M] The Ogre and the Butterfly Prince Pt. 1 [Romance] [Fantasy] [Series]
AN: Happy Pride Month! This month I am focusing on LGBTQIA+ scripts, naturally. This is a new series! Grahven is my new Fella that spins in my head like a microwave meal, and I love him. I don’t know what to call the prince yet, so if you have a suggestion feel free to leave it in the comments. This script is a bit heavier on direction and action than my others, which I feel is necessary, but let me know if it’s too much. Also, my next script probably won’t be the sequel to this one because I want to work on a nonbinary script next ^-^ I will update this soon, though!
Google Doc
- Okay for monetization
- Please credit me as Harvey Hawk :)
- Tweaks, improv, and pronoun changes are okay! Just please do not rewrite the script completely.
Synopsis: Synopsis: The speaker is Grahven the Ogre. Grahven runs the Zinnia Inn, an inn catering mainly to migrating Butterfly Folk. When he receives word that the Monarch's son is due to visit to meet with suitors, he is nervous but determined to give the prince a luxurious stay.
[SFX and Action]
(.) Short Pause
(...) Longer pause
(Voice instruction)
Word Count: 1274
Synopsis: The speaker is Grahven the Ogre. Grahven runs the Zinnia Inn, an inn catering mainly to migrating Butterfly Folk. When he receives word that the Monarch's son is due to visit to meet with suitors, he is nervous but determined to give the prince a luxurious stay.
'Morning, ladies. How was your night? Room to your liking an' all that?
(.) Good to hear. Will you be taking your tea in the garden?  
(.) Of course. And what are we in the mood for?
(.) Purple coneflower and lemongrass, and a poppyseed loaf as well. Honey with that? Yes ma'ams, I'll have that out in a jiff.
Hm? Oh, so you’ve heard. That’s right. The Monarchs of the Butterfly Folk are sending their second son on his migration journey. He’ll be stopping here to meet some suitors and take a rest.
Is that so? I heard the migration journey is a large step in a young adult’s life; it must be an especially celebrated event for a prince.
Parties for weeks! What a thing to imagine! I hope the Zinnia is up to his expectations…
Why thank you, ladies. The brothers and I do our best to bring our guests the best experience!
(.) Well met, Sir Kingpage. What can I do for you?
(.) Oh, you're here to see the prince? Well, his royal highness isn't here yet, but I'd be happy to bring you some refreshments while you wait. I just got a shipment of citrus from the Sungold Groves.
(.) Yessir! This way to the garden, then. [Trumpet fanfare] That's him! Whoa, look at those guards! And that carriage!
(.) Ah, if you'll excuse me, sir. Oi, Dawl! C'mere and show this gentleman to his seat, yeah? [Footsteps] Your royal highness! Welcome to the Zinn Innia - er, the Zinnia Inn. It sure is an honor to have you. May I help you out of your carr- [Guards rush to intercept] Ah! Those spears sure look sharp. I'll just, uh, back up a smidge.
(.) Right, right. Sorry 'bout that.
(.) Your royal highness, this humble orc begs your forgiveness. Allow me to bow in your presence. Urgh...
(.) (Grunts in pain) I'm alright, your highness. Just this ol' knee of mine actin' up. [Approaching footsteps] Huh? Please, no need to trouble yourself your... (In awe, softly) Highness... Gods, the way the sun hits you from this angle... [The prince helps Grahven up, maybe a grunt of effort from Grahven] T-thank you, your highness. Both for helping me up and, uh, calling of those guards.
(.) (Clears throat) Now then! May I offer the grand tour, or would you like to start with refreshments? Of course, your highness. You must be exhausted from your long journey. Allow me to escort you to the garden gazebo. Uh... will your guards be coming along?
(.) (Relieved) Right then. (To the guards) Don't worry, you lot. The prince will be safe with me. Dawl will tend to you until the prince is ready to meet his suitors.
(.) Dalin, my good dwarf, bring a platter out for the prince, yeah? And make sure you brew the tea before you chill it this time.
(.) Right this way, your highness.
(.) Dalin? Yeah, he's a good friend. He and his brother, Dawl, helped build this place. They also made the gazebo. I tell you; those dwarves know a thing or two about adding a homey touch. They even put in a bench swing and hanging planters.
[Footsteps stop] We met in their village. I was there to buy materials and Dawl and Dalin were the only ones who would sell to me. The rest of the village either ran and hid or tried to attack me since… you know. Ogres aren’t exactly welcome in most places, on account of the tyrant and all that.
He may be gone now, but people haven’t forgotten. Thankfully, I’ve made a good reputation for myself here with the Inn. Of course, that’s thanks to the brothers and my patrons. Without them, I’d… well, I’d really have nothing.
Yeah, I’m lucky to have ‘em.
Ah, here comes Dalin. Huh, he’s got one of your guards with him. Everything alright, gentleman?
Wait, really? Someone really tests your food for you? I thought that was a myth!
Huh. Well, I hope he enjoyed it. Hey, food-tester! We’ve got plenty, and none of it’s poison, so eat all you like!
[Dalin sets down the platter]
Thank you, Dalin. This looks delicious.
I hope it’s to your liking, your highness. Let’s see, we’ve got fresh Milkweed salad, wild berry tarts, and my own specialty summer blend of tea. Everything is picked fresh from the garden, save for the Honeybells. Those don’t grow so well here, so I buy those from the Sungold Grove.
Honeybells are your favorite? I knew I made a good call on those! Well, dig in, your highness!
Oh, I’ve been running this place for… hm, five odd years. It started out as just a garden stall. I’d sell fruit and flowers – mostly to the Butterfly Folk during migration. It was a safe place for them to camp, ‘specially with my protection. It was slow going at first, but once Dawl and Dalin came along people were keener to trust me. The garden got so popular with migrating Butterfly Folk we decided we ought to give them a proper place to stay, and the rest is history.
What did I do before this? Before this, I… Forgive me, your highness. I’d rather not talk about that, if that’s alright. ‘S a bit personal, is all.
No, no! No need to apologize. It’s alright. Let’s change the subject. Are you enjoying your journey so far? The Painted Ladies say the Monarchs go all out for their migration. I’m not even sure how it’s supposed to work, in all honesty.
Oh, really? So, it’s not like the insect butterflies at all then? It’s more of a self-discovery thing. Oh, and to find a mate of course. Can you do both on one journey?
Seems like a tall order to me. Then again, you do have your fair share of suitors to choose from. The dining room is just bustlin’ with ‘em!
Are you alright, your highness? You look nervous.
Whenever you want to meet them. You are the prince, after all. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind waiting if you want to rest up a while. I can have Dawl show you to the royal suite–
You want me to show you?
No, it’s no trouble, your highness. I’d be happy to. May I offer you my arm?
Heh, your touch is so delicate. Guess I should expect that from royalty. Right this way, then.
Don’t worry, your highness. You’ll have plenty of time to rest and freshen up as ya like.
(A bit hesitant) Draw you a bath? Of course. Whatever your highness needs, I’m happy to deliver.
(Flustered) C-comb your hair? I could – (gulp) – yeah, I could do that. But are you sure you want me to do it? You wouldn’t rather one of your royal assistants or –
Oh, okay. Then, uh, it would be my honor, your highness. Ah, here’s your room. I hope it’s to your liking, your highness.
[Door opens]
I’m glad you enjoy it. It’s the room with the most windows, so there’s always plenty of light.
Oh, you want me to come in now?
Of course! I’ll just, uh, get that bath started. Please make yourself at home, your highness. I’ll only be a moment.
[Door shuts]
(Softly) Gods. Grahven, you big oaf, you’ve done it now. Went and cozied up to a prince and now look at ya. Blushin’ in the mirror like a schoolgirl. Get your head out of the clouds and focus!
Nothing, your highness! Just getting your bath started!
[Turns on water]
(Sighs) Just give it up. It’s not like a prince would ever love an ogre, anyway.
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I'm not Mad
A/n: Hello, My 🍓Little Strawberries🍓! I'm back after 5 days? Of being away. Also, I know this pic is from "Defending Jacob" but this was the best I could find. (Totally not because I'm lazy to find another one.)
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Chris Evans x Boyfriend reader
Warnings: passionate smut?, no kinks, and fluff
Requested from @nighthunter241
They requested: Male reader is at work while his boyfriend Chris is at the infinity war premiere (their relationship is a secret, so he did not go). While at work he hears some of the other workers talking about how Chris accidentally announced him having a boyfriend. After some days have passed, Chris goes back home and talks to the male reader apologizing about how he exposed the relationship (thinking the male reader was angry with him) But the male reader is relieved that he does not have to be a secret anymore. They celebrate by having a dinner date which ends with the two having a steamy moment (smut).
M/n: Male name
Word count: 2534
If you like what I write, check out my Masterlist.
Hope you enjoy it! Sorry if it's bad! Sorry for any errors that are found.
You were currently at work just doing serving the masses. Everything was going amazing but early a Karen decided to make a fuss.
You were just minding your own business, helping some employees until out of the corner of your eyes. You see a woman, who looked like she was in her mid-30s, with blonde hair pushed to the side with some strands on the other side, and wearing sunglasses.
She was yelling and screaming at the poor woman. It looked like the young lady was going to start crying. She was causing a scene, everyone was just pretending like they weren't seeing or hearing anything. Only giving a few glances and some were recording.
"How about you go back to Mexico!" now that's where you cross the line. Well, you crossed the line a long time ago.
"Ma'am, that is highly offensive, and I suggest you leave immediately!" you butted in.
"NO! I won't leave until I have the manager!" She yelled at you, even though you told her to leave in a calm voice.
"I. Am. The. Manager!" You said in a slow tone. Your left eye was twitching and the smile you were giving was twitching. You were this close to losing it.
"Well, sir, this damn immigrant fucked up my food!" you just looked at her like "really?" She was mad over that?! "Okay, ma'am, you could've just ask instead of throwing an adult tantrum."
Her face looked like she was offended. Then she went back to yelling and screaming. "Listen here! I gonna have to ask you to leave or I'm calling the police."
She just screams and screams, annoying the over customers who have to sit through this whole problem. Then she yelled, "He hit me! Stop hitting me!" She said that while she reaching behind the counter to hit ME.
"Y'all are seeing this right? I'm not evening hitting you! My hands are right here!" You just lost but thankfully the police arrived and escorted her out.
"Finally that woman is gone."
(Don't be a Karen, if you don't know what a Karen is then look it up.)
Flashback over.
But other than that, your day was going amazing. Especially since your boyfriend, the famous, Chris Evans was coming back home after the Infinity War premiere. Yes, you were dating the one and one Chris Evans.
You were still at work on your break until you overhear one of your employees. "Really?" "Yeah, apparently Chris Evans has a boyfriend!" two girls were chatting and looking at the other's phone. "Lucky to whoever is dating him! He is literally daddy material."
"Yeah, but they must be cute together! I wonder who it could be?" the two girls began to squeal. They didn't know that their own boss was dating Chris.
Now, you didn't know that he leaked your guy's relationship but you're not mad at him. You're actually relieved and happy that it's not a secret anymore.
All you could do was wait for his return.
Time Skip (2 days)
Chris was driving his way to yours and his place. Yes, you and he live together. Many thoughts were running through his head. 'What if he leaves me? What if he's mad at me? Will he still be with me?'
Chris just couldn't stop thinking all about the negative thoughts. He knew you wanted to keep your guy's relationship a secret but he accidentally let it slip.
"So, Chris- do you have a girlfriend or boyfriend? Or are you in a relationship?" someone asked.
Chris wasn't thinking properly and accidentally said, "Yes, I do have a boyfriend-" Chris stopped himself but it was too late. His eyes widen but tried to play it off.
Everyone was now talking. It was at that moment Chris knew, he fucked up.
Flashback over.
Chris finally arrived at yours and his place. He approached the door and took a deep breath before ringing the doorbell.
You were sitting on the couch just minding your business watching videos on YouTube until the doorbell rings.
'Chris is here!' you yelled in your mind excited to see your boyfriend. He finally arrived from the Infinity War Premiere.
Once you opened the door, you were immediately engulfed by two large hands and the sounds of Chris crying? He held you tight until he spoke.
"Please don't leave me M/n! I didn't mean to say that! I know you wanted to keep it a secret but- I just-..." Chris said crying his face off. You looked at him confused until you remembered what he meant.
"Please don't break up with me! I'll take you out to dinn-" You cut him off there.
"I'm not mad Chris. I'm actually glad that you told everyone." You said in a soft voice as you wrapped your arms around his neck calming him down a little.
"So, you're not mad?" you shake your head no. "Can I still take you out?" you rolled eyes and smiled, "Whatever makes you happy."
You and Chris just ended up cuddling on the couch for the next 4 hours. Chris was scheduling your guy's date at someplace. You hoped it wasn't any of those places cause their food is awful and tastes horrible.
You were cuddling into Chris's warm muscular arm as it was wrapped around your waist. "Hey, baby?" You hear him call out to you. "Yes?" You responded rubbing your head against his muscular arms. Chris smiled at you before speaking.
"Well... I found this place- and don't worry it ain't fancy- So, how about we go?" Chris said scratching the back of his head. You smiled at your nervous boyfriend. "Yes, you lughead."
"Alright, let's get ready." you nodded your head as you got up from your position to get ready. "Oh, and try to be cautious about the paparazzi. Everyone now knows about our relationship."
You nodded your head understanding what he meant. the Paparazzi can be a pain in the ass. bombarding celebrities with cameras and annoying the shit out of them.
After about 30 minutes you both were ready for dinner. Chris also had something else in store for you when got home.
Time skip (end of your dinner date)
Everything was going amazing besides the bombardment of the paparazzi, questioning us about our relationship.
Once we got home, Chris said he had one more thing to show you. You wondered what it could be.
"So babe, I know you're not mad about me telling everyone about our relationship but I want to give you the ultimate apology," Chris said while snaking his arm around you.
"Oh? And what's this ultimate apology?" You replied knowing what he meant.
(Disclaimer: I'm not good with writing passionate smut. Message me if this is good.)
"Oh, you'll see baby," Chris said before latching his lips against yours. You kissed him back while wrapping your arms around his neck pulling him closer.
You opened your mouth to allow him to have access to your wet cavern. Your tongues fought for dominance with Chris winning. He explored every nook and cranny of your mouth.
Chris pulled back."How about we take this to the room?" "Yes!" Chris smirked before gesturing for you to jump. "Jump baby."
You complied wrapping your legs around his waist and arms around his neck. Chris grabbed your plump ass for more support. But also because he just wanted to touch it.
He carried you to the room still making out. Once there, he sat on the bed with it sinking under his weight. Chris began to move his hands up and down your sides as the kiss was getting more intense.
(Chris is sitting down, with you on his lap.)
You pulled back with a strand of saliva connecting your mouths. You both took deep breaths before you slowly began to undress Chris. Chris did the same.
"You're so hot." You said, kissing down his neck leaving love bites. Chris groaned as a response. You got up and removed pants and boxers hopped back onto Chris's lap.
Your hard cock slapped your stomach as you hopped back onto his lap. This time it was Chris's turn to leave marks on your smooth skin. "You're so soft..." Chris said with his face buried in your neck leaving his love bites on you.
You whine as Chris pulled back before latching his lips back onto you. You pushed him back onto the bed and began to lick his erected bubs.
You moved your hand across his chiseled abs and massage his left pec. You traced your tongue down to his abs, leaving behind a trail of slick down to his lower part.
You have gotten to one of the best parts of Chris's body. His crotch area. You removed Chris's pants to reveal a large bulge. You licked your lips as you removed his underwear.
Chris's cock slapped his stomach after you removed it. You held his 8-inch cock in your hand. You could feel the heat radiant from it and thick heavy meat.
You gave your lips one final lick before stuffing your mouth with his meaty cock. Chris lost his breath and threw his head back as you took him whole.
Chris liked your wet and warm mouth. He felt like he was going to cum right then and there but he held himself back. You lick his sides and swirling your tongue around his fat tip.
You could taste his delicious and creamy pre-cum. You could feel his cock pulse and twitch meaning that he was close.
"Now, Chris, don't cum now or that will ruin the fun! We haven't even gotten to the best part!" You exclaimed pulling away from his cock. Chris just chuckled, "Sorry, your mouth was just too good."
You smiled at Chris before laying down with your ass pointing towards him. Chris immediately got the gesture and approached you.
Chris wet three fingers with his saliva and traced them around your tight muscle ring. You whimpered as you felt one go in. The first finger was to find your sweet spot.
After moving it around for about a minute you felt shocked run through your veins. "That's where it is," Chris muttered to himself. Then you felt a second finger go in.
Chris was stretching you out properly cause he doesn't want to hurt you. Your small moans were muffled by the pillow you were holding tightly.
Chris noticed, "Am I hurting you? Do you want me to stop?" Chris asked. "N-no... I'm fine. Please... continue." Chris nodded his head before pulling his fingers out.
Chris then placed his cock on one of your cheeks. "Tell me if it hurts. Okay? I don't want to hurt you." You nodded your head in response. This was it, you finally losing your virginity.
You could feel the tip move past the ring as it pushed deeper then it stopped. "Is it you hurting?" You shake your head no. "N-no... it doesn't hurt. C-continue."
Chris nodded his head before pushing deeper into you. His cock was now fully into you, it was touching your sweet spot. Your cock was twitching at the pleasure even though he didn't start thrusting.
He let you adjust yourself to his large size. He's going to wait until your truly prepared. After about 5 minutes you felt ready.
"You... c-can start to move now." You said whimpering and whining a little. Chris nodded and began to thrust. He started off by giving small thrusts but he already was kissing your sweet spot making you moan.
Chris gave more small thrust, waiting for him to go faster. "P-please go faster..." You begged Chris wanting to feel him more. "Are you sure, I don't-"
"Stop it. I can take it... probably" You muttered the last part. Chris sighed and did what you want. His thrusts then began to go faster. His cock repeatedly began to hit your sweet spot.
Your plump ass was tightening around him as he pushed deeper into your warm love hole. "F-feels... so... g-good." You now know what it's like to have sex after your friends talked about how they had sex.
Your cock began to twitch wanting to release a hard load. You could feel Chris's cock pulse and twitch inside. "I'm... c-close." "Me too," Chris responded, throwing his head back as you tighten around him.
"Let's cum together." You nodded your head. Chris began to go faster, hitting your sweet spot over and over. And you began to tighten around him as his thrusts began to go faster.
The room was getting foggier. Sounds of skin slapping, moaning, and groaning were heard too. You and Chris reached the end.
"I'M CUMMING!" You both yelled at the same time. Your cock busted all over the sheets while you could feel Chris's hot cum fill you up. Painting your wet walls with his paint.
Chris pulled out to see some of his cum pouring out and your twitching and doing a grabbing motion. You never felt so empty before.
You two sat there regaining your breath. Chris laid down and soon you followed. You got up from your position and cuddled into Chris's strong arms.
You laid your head onto his pecs while his arm moved to enclose. It was comfortable laying on him. "I love you, Chris." You said kissing him forehead.
"I love you too, M/n. I'm glad you're not mad at me." Chris replied, planting a kiss on your forehead before falling asleep.
You both laid there snuggling into each other's hold.
ANNOUNCEMENT 1: Request is now opened and I will be changing the capacity of requests. 3 requests to 8 requests.
ANNOUNCEMENT 2: I would like to say, thank you! Thank you to all of you. I reached 200 followers, I thought I would never reach this. I guess this could be a 200 follower special?
A/n: Again thank you all. Bye my 🍓Little Strawberries🍓 see you next time
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afro-hispwriter · 3 years
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After Ricks disappearance (twd) and Fixing the plane era(ftwd)
F/I- first initial
Warnings- language, implied smut
a/n- i wrote this a long time ago, its been posted on on wattpad for a while so i decided to post it on here… Enjoy!
Rick was gone, things were falling apart. Your dad, Daryl left the communities to join search parties all the way until he was the last one searching. Michonne and you wanted to keep looking but her pregnancy was to far along, and you basically took care of her and Judith. The atmosphere feels familiar just like when Carl died, you and him were best friends, you supported him in every one of this decisions even helped him get with Enid.
But this felt worse.
The person who has made sure everybody survives is dead. The man who was a mentor to you, the man who saved your father in countless occasions is dead. Morgan left almost 2 years ago and nobody heard from him. You knew Rick and him were close, he helped Rick when he came out of hospital. He deserves to know what happened and you will make sure of it.
"I want to go out and see the world for myself and I want to find Morgan." You said at dinner to Michonne and surprisingly who joined your dad.
"Excuse me what, you want to leave a whole state and travel to Texas just to see the world and find Morgan and for what?" Asked Michonne raising an eyebrow. Your dad sighed and leaned back in his chair.
"I agree kid. Why?" He asked looking at you.
"Ok first I'm pretty sure I'm 18, I'm supposed to be enrolling for college planning out my life, seeing what else is out there. I can take of myself of the time I have been surging in this world I can make it I'm sure if it. And second all of us know how much Rick meant to Morgan, I can go to Texas and tell him what happened maybe he will even come back even if it's for a little bit." You said enthusiastically. The adults shook their heads taking in the information.
"I'll think about it." Said your dad and Michonne nodded going back to eating.
"There's gotta be another reason you wanna leave." Said Daryl as you walked to your home.
"I already said why Dad." You said looking ahead
"No, you didn't I know ma own kid." He said stopping and he grabbed your arm so you would stop as well making you roll your eyes.
"I hate the atmosphere that is going on, it's like when Carl died but worse and I hate it. I just need to go, I need fresh air Dad, i need to see whats out there maybe even help people." You said throwing your arms in the air looking up at the sky. Daryl smiled, you would always talk about helping people when you were just 4 years old. But now that the apocalypse happened he never thought he'd actually have to let you be on your own anytime soon, maybe it was time.
"Alrigh I'll talk to Michonne tomorrow, I'll get ya that trip." He said and you smiled before pulling him into a big hug.
"Thank you father." You said and he chuckled.
"Ok y/n, ya have a high range walkie(i know those don't exist for very long distances)for when you get farther and farther away from ere and you have food to last a month or so and water for a week or two. And gas in the car to last Ya couple miles at least to get out of Virginia. A map, a gun with 2 rounds, and please try to put notes or something out there to tell me your alive, please I don't want to go out lookin for ya. Cant loose you kid." Said your dad who it was clear was very nervous on letting you leave.
"I'll be fine dad, I have been taught from the best of the best." You said and then you saw his eyes water.
"No, no dad don't cry because then I will. We have to be strong i promise I'll be fine. We agreed on 2 months if I'm gone more than that or if you don't hear from me when those months come to an end you come looking for me." You said holding back the tears.
"I know kid, I know it's just ya growin to fast." He said looking at you.
"Fuck it come ere kid." He said and pulled you in for a tight hug. You hugged him back hard, soaking up his affection, which definitely doesn't come everyday. You pulled away and looked up at him.
"I'll be fine dad ok, I'll be back." You said and backed up, everybody stood around and you waved before looking at Michonne and pointed at her belly.
"I better be godmother when I come back." You said smiling
"Yes ma'am." She said with a smile on her face. You got in the car and turned it on, you had some doubts on leaving but knew this has to happen. Your dad came to the window and leaned on it and you took in a breathe.
"Please don't loose yourself, if you have to stop stop. Don't leave the people who care about you." You told your dad and he sighed knowing exactly what you meant by that. He was looking for Rick so much it was taking him away from you. Daryl stepped back and you smiled at everybody and waved.
"I'll be back in 2 months I promise." You announced and they all smiled, you put the car in drive and drove off watching the gates close behind you.
"Y/n can you hear me." Your dad said over the walkie and you grabbed it.
"Yeah dad I can hear you."
You got to Tennessee right before the car stopped. You sighed and looked around to see if there was anything a car or a store. You grabbed the walkie and took in a breathe, please work, you thought.
"Dad can you hear me?" You asked and heard static then his voice.
"Ya I can, ya alright?" He asked
"Ya I'm fine, I'm in Tennessee but I think that soon probably a couple more miles you won't be able to hear me so im starting with the notes." You said and held back tears.
"Alright I love ya." You heard him sniffile before the walkie went out.
"I love you to dad." You said and out the walkie away and grabbed the pack. You opened the pack and grabbed the note book and pen. You wrote, STILL ALIVE- F/I, and looked for a place to put it. After an hour you found a gas station and put the note on the counter under a rock.
"Dad not sure if you can hear me but, if you do come for me I'm leaving notes in stores." You put the walkie back and grabbed your knife and stabbed a walker that came for you.
Almost 13 days (that's what google said). 13 days and nights of running and hiding from herds. Avoiding people, some you had to kill. Your feet hurt even after taking a days break in Arkansas but you finally have reached Texas. Not knowing where Morgan is you decided to use the walkie every few miles in. You looked at the map and Texas was huge, it could take a few weeks to find him, if he is even alive. But you needed a break so you needed to find somewhere safe. You found a house that looked safe enough so you cleared it, only 3 walkers where in it.
You set up a fire and out a can of beans over the fire. You grabbed the map and decided where you should head to next.
(A/n- I read that season 5 of fear is filmed in New Braunfels, Texas and its near Austin soon)
Austin, Texas, in school in Alexandria the teacher said Austin is pretty popular. Morgan could be there so that's where you would start. You took a 2 days rest and even found a lake to bathe in, after getting supplies you made your way to Austin. You left a note at the WELCOME TO TEXAS sign and left another at store the another. There was a hotel a little father form the house and out another there.
After a day or so you were closer to Austin and decided it's time to try with the Walkie.
"Morgan, it's Y/n I'm in Texas, I don't know if your alive but I'm here." You said and put the walkie away after no answer. You walked for what seemed hours when you saw the Austin sight and grabbed the walkie.
"Morgan I'm in Austin." You said into the walkie and decided to start trying different channels as you repeated the question though each. You tried the last channel and was about to put it away when you heard voices and your heart sped up.
"Morgan?" You asked and kept moving the circle to hear it more clearly.
"John, June you there." Someone said, it was a deep voice and noticed it was Morgan's voice.
"Morgan, Morgan, it Y/n Dixon from Alexandria, please hear me." You said pleading to yourself.
"Y/n wha-." He started. "What are you doing out here so far, where are you?" He asked.
"Umm I'm by the Welcome to Austin sign. Where are you maybe I can find you." You said and out down to the ground pulling the map out."
"I have two people close to you y/n, don't be alarmed their names are John and June." He said and you sighed.
"Ok." You said wearily.
"John, June did you hear that." Asked Morgan and a female bodice came through.
"We hear you Morgan, on our way Y/n." A man said.
"Hang tight y/n." Said Morgan and you sat back. You grabbed a paper and pen and wrote. FOUND MORGAN. You sat there for a while when a car approached and stopped next to you, you raised you knife reading to attack of nesassary. The window went down and the man and woman out there hands up.
"Hold on hold on young lady I'm John and this is June, we come to get you." John said and you hesitated.
"We won't hurt you i promise." June said. You nodded and grabbed your stuff and opened the car. You sat down and watched John and June's every move.
"So where did you come from?" Asked John and you sighed.
"Long story." You breathed out a laugh and they smiled.
"Guess we will know about it after you meet Al." Said June and you cocked your head to the side.
"Who's Al?" You asked wearily.
"She was journalist before and she interviews everybody on their stories." Said John and you nodded.
"Morgan, who is y/n?" Asked Alicia as she and Luciana approached him.
"She's comes from Virginia and Alexandria like me, she's around your age Alicia." Said Morgan smiling and Alicia rolled her eyes.
The car came to a stop out some gates and they opened. The car pulled in and people crowded around. John and June got out and your door opened revealing Morgan. You got out of the car and hugged him before pulling away to look over all the people. It was a whole bunch of little kids then a whole bunch of adults.
You looked around and your eyes fell on a very pretty girl with brown hair and hazel eyes. Her eyes where on you but they seemed defensive like yours at the moment. You felt uncomfortable and Morgan said to clear a path so you could sit down.
"I have been walking for almost 20 days, Car broke down when I reached Tennessee." You said to Al and she smiled. Everybody else was sitting around eating dinner as they heard your story how you arrived here.
"You have any family, back in Virginia?" She asked and you nodded.
"I have my dad, and more people who became my family, we have lost some but they will never be replaced." You said.
"Lover?" She asked and you shook your head no.
"Nope pretty much a virgin." You said and they all laughed.
Alicia started at you slowly relaxing that you were not a threat, all of them did.
"Why did you come here?" Asked Al and you sighed.
"I was 12 when the world started, I'm like 18 now. I'm supposed to be enrolling into college now, planning out my life going to go see what's out there. The apocalypse may have happened but I still want that chance. And Morgan I need to tell you something, privately." You said and he looked at you concerned. He gave Al a look and she shut the camera off then got the film. He stood up and you followed, he stopped just a few feet from everybody and waited for you to speak.
"Ricks gone." You said. "Gone not dead, just gone it's like he disappeared." You said looking down, thinking about that day.
"Wha- what how, what happened." He asked.
"Bridge explosion, he saved everybody." You said and Morgan nodded then you heard someone clear their throat.
"I'm sorry Morgan." Said June, you looked at him confused.
"I told them about Virginia, they how me and Rick go back." He said and you nodded.
"They haven't the body?" He asked and you shook your head.
"No, my dad, he has been looking out there by the bridge everyday, Michonne is pregnant with Ricks kid and she's about to give birth so she can't look anymore. And I was practically taking care of Judith so I couldn't either. And others have their own thing." You said and Morgan nodded again before walking off. You sighed and and smiled at the group.
"Anything else you guys want to know about me?" You asked and Al came forward.
"I want to know about the king and the tiger." Said Al and you nodded walking back to the fire.
You told everybody what you needed to know. Your guard was down long ago, you kept sneaking glances at the girl who's name is Alicia and she looked back at you as well. You got ready for bed when you were approached by Alicia.
"We never had a formal introduction, I'm Alicia Clark." She said holding her hand out and you shook it.
"Y/n Dixon."
You talked the night until you fell asleep from exhaustion. You learned about her family, all the things she has been through and you shared hers. She told you about her boyfriends and you felt a pang of jealousy, 'Gosh y/n you don't even know this girl,' you told your self. You fell asleep after an hour and Alicia put a blanket over you and whispered goodnight and left. You woke up the next morning feeling refreshed and got up. You looked in the mirror and braided your hair into two. You went outside and the people started building some type of plane. You approached Alicia as she was talking through a microphone looking at parts. She saw you approach and she smiled, you then looked up and saw a plane.
"Hey what's with the plane, didn't see that last night?" You asked Lucianna as you approached her, she smiled and sighed.
"A few weeks ago we were on a plane and we crashed landed a few miles from here, we actually came from here at first so we came back. Those kids they left biters out there tied up to keep us away, because it's not safe. We gained their trust and we are building this plane so we can get out of this place." She said sun you nodded you looked over the people and your eyes fell on him.
"Dwight?" You said sternly and he looked at you eyes widening.
"Mini Dixon, what are you doing out here?" He asked and you glared at him grabbing your knife when you felt a hang go to it, you saw Morgan shaking his head to stand down.
"What are you doing here, I thought you were dead?" You asked him.
"I'm lookin for Sherry, my wife, not trying to cause any trouble." He said and raised his good arm as a surrender. You nodded and stood down every body who watched went back to what they were doing. Alicia came in-front of you with a concerned look.
"So what's your story with him?" She asked
"He served the man who killed two people of my family and kept my father in a cage keeping him like an animal." You said looking at her with hard eyes.
You lended you knowledge on fixing things with the plane. It's clear they were grateful on your help, you fixed the engine to the best of your ability.
"Y/n want to come with me to a ware house, we need more parts." Said Alicia and you nodded. You made your way down and smiled at her.
Small Alicia POV
Gosh she is so beautiful. I met her yesterday and I feel like I have known her since forever. Call me crazy but I'm starting to get feelings for her already.
Regular POV
The butterflies in your stomach were almost painful when you were near Alicia. She was gorgeous, you felt like you could tell her everything and you almost have from Atlanta to now. You grabbed your backpack, emptying it out of anything that was worth leaving just encase. You took your knives and gun and left to find Alicia. She was waiting outside a car and got in when she saw you. You sat in the drivers seat and looked to see if anybody else was going, luckily no one was there.
"Anybody else going?" You asked and she shook her head.
"Do you have a problem with it, because I can get someone to come with us may-." She started but you shook your head no.
"I have no problem at all." You said and winked making her cheeks flush red. She drove to the warehouse and she told you the parts to look out for as well as food. You took out two walkers with your knives and looked back to see Alicia looking at you with awe.
"Never taken out biters with knives really." She said chuckling. You looked down and saw a metal pole that was sharpened at the edges.
"Well I mean that pole is badass, where did you get it, might need to get myself one." You asked.
"A water park." She said smiling and you nodded.
"Alright tell you what I teach you how to fight with knifes and we stay a little longer to find a pole similar to yours. Deal?" you asked holding your hand out. She thought for a second and took your hand and shook it.
"Ok come here stand in-front of me." You said as two walkers approached you both. She stood infront of you and you handed her your knives, you stood close to her.
"Now, you going to want to dodge them, go in between them. Remember you have to use strength to kill them just cant push it in. I'll be here just encase." You said. The walkers go closer and Alicia tightened her grip on the knives.
"Go you said." And she ducked as they swung at her, you backed up out of reach then one by one they were both put out.
"That was great, remember you gotta faster and if you have someone behind you, let's say as kid you have to push them back, maybe use you leg or arm. Even an adult if they don't notice you have to act quick." You said and she nodded cleaning the knives.
"Thanks I'll definitely use that, after I find knives." She said.
"If you can get a hunting knife there much stronger and lighter." You said and she nodded. You found a majority of the parts needed and headed back to the car.
"I found this." She said and handed you a metal pole with holes in it. You grabbed it and smiled at you, you got one of your knives and it's holster and handed it to her.
"Thank you Alicia, as a true thanks here's one of my knives, work with one just for now you will go better I just know of it." You said and she smiled brightly.
"Thank you, now let's get back and we can sharpen the edge." She said and started the car.
You kissed her cheek and pulled back getting a red face. You looked at her though the corner of your eye and saw her face was red.
When you arrived back to the truck stop, she helped sharpen the metal pole. You and her had a flirty thing going on for the rest of the month until you started feeling sexual tension start to arise. The stares would last long as well as lingering touches, she thought you how to use the pole and you taught her knives. Everybody shared their knowledge with you and you did with them.
The plane was just about finished when you realized if they finish the plane you may loose them, loose her.
"So, where do you guys plan on going after getting the rest of your group?" You asked Alicia as she ate dinner, sitting on the ground.
"Not sure, definitely leave this area." She said and you nodded seeing how bad the area is, you sat down next to her and she offered some of her dinner but you waved it off.
"Maybe fly to Virginia." She said lowly and you looked at her like she was crazy.
"I'm just playing can't risk another crash, especially where the girl I likes home is." She said and looked at you. Your face went red and the butterflies in your stomach, she grabbed your chin and pulled your face closer to hers.
"Y/n Dixon I like you a lot, it's ok if you don't but-." She said but you silenced her with a kiss. She pulled you in harder making you moan, she set her dinner down and you pushed her on the ground, straddling her. You looked up and saw there were people still around so you pulled away.
"Want to take me to your tent?" You asked and she nodded, you got off her and held your hand out which she gladly took. She led you to her tent opening it and pulled you inside. You slid your shirt off and she did the same.
She looked at yours left arm and stomach and noticed a beautiful tattoos.
(This but all around the forearm)
(Something like that)
"Didn't know you had tattoos." She said and scratched her head.
"Oh yeah... do they bother you?" You asked.
"No no they are actually really hot." She said making you blush. You walked over to her and pushed her onto the makeshift bed.
"Wait crap I've never had sex with-." She started and you kissed her.
"It's ok, I'll teach you." You said and she looked at you confused.
"After Carl died, his girlfriend, Enid, and me got close and we ended up in bed together. It was just one night didn't mean anything." You said and stroked her hair.
"Didn't say that in the interview." She said and leaned back letting you crawl on top of her.
"Some things are just not to be meant to be said." You said and winked at her. You went down and captured her lips, she raised her hands and caressed your sides. You laid down on her putting your weight on her body making her moan.
"Just relax let me do the work." You said and trailed down her stomach.
a/n- once ftwd season 6 comes to hulu I’ll be able to continue my part 2
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amberrskiies · 2 years
Comfort Crowd - MC! Monday Prompt #5
Prompt : MC decides it’s time to introduce their favorite to the ones they’re closest to in the human world. What happens? Do they know the favorite’s not mortal? How do MC’s loved ones react?
Characters : Amber (MC), Leviathan && Three Original Characters
Pairing : Leviathan && Amber (MC) [ Romantic Relationship ]
Status : Dating
Timeline : Somewhere in Season 3 of the game
Prompt provided by @obeythedemons ! For the full MC! Monday List, it can be found here!
"I'm kind of nervous..." The words left Levi's mouth as he and Amber walked on the road of the Human Realm where she decided to make him meet her closest one.
"You don't have anything to be nervous about. I'll be honest when I say Miss Vivien is a kind lady." She reassured him, lightly squeezing his hand as he sighed.
"I-I know it's just... It's just feels like I am meeting your family..." He breathed out, nervously as the female giggled.
"Well I guess it's kind of like that since she took care of me till I had to leave the orphanage. But trust me, it's going to be okay." Levi listened to her but he couldn't help but feel nervous but for her, he had to pull through.
"Alright. I guess I'll take your word for it." He said, smiling a little.
"Great! Now let's get going! We're not far from our destination." She said, pulling him along as he followed behind.
After some time they came across a house-like building where there was a small playground in front of it and some of the children where playing around.
Levi took a good look at the place. Everything seemed to be well kept and the building in front looked like it has been repainted a month back or something.
Amber then walked over the front steps and knocked on the door as they both waited around for somebody to open it, especially Miss Vivien. After awhile the door opened to reveal a small girl who seemed not older than 10.
"Hello?" She spoke up.
"Hello kiddo. Is Miss Vivien here?" Amber asked slightly crouching down to the little girl's level.
"Yes! She's slightly busy but you can come in." The little girl said, moving out of the way to let the two in.
"Do you want me to get her for you?" The girl asked.
"Oh no it's fine! We can wait arou-" She started but was interrupted by a new voice, belonging to a middle aged lady.
"Ena? Who was that at the do-" The middle aged lady stopped midway as she saw the familiar young adult standing in front of her.
"Hello Miss Vivi! I hope I am not interrupting your work or anything..." Amber said, smiling a little.
"Oh heavens no you aren't! It's so great to see you!" Miss Vivien came over and hugged the tall girl before looking over at the demon beside her.
"Now who's this handsome young man?" She asked Amber as Levi instantly felt embarrassed at the compliment.
"Oh this is Levi! The one I've told you about a couple of times." Amber said as Miss Vivi's eyes lit up.
"Oh! You are her boyfriend. It's very lovely to meet you." Miss Vivi said as Levi nervously smiled.
"I-It's nice meeting you too, ma'am..." He said.
"Please no need for formalities! Just call me Vivi." She told him like a mother a would to their child's friend or partner.
"How have you been Miss Vivi? I hope things haven't really been difficult." Amber spoke up.
"Oh no worries. Some problems are easy to handle. Besides I have some help from time to time so it's no problem." She said and just then a another voice was heard from behind.
"Miss Vivi! I am done stacking the bo- huh? Amber?" The person looked to be a boy who was about five inches taller than Amber but the same height as Levi. He had sandy blonde hair and dark brown eyes.
"Do i look any different than Akito? You're just getting older and older." Amber said in joking manner but she too was surprised to see him after three years.
"Haha! Good to see you too Munchkin! You've grown taller!" The male said, ruffling her hair as she protested.
Levi stared at the two. He had heard about Akito a couple of times when Amber would mention him about how he took care of her when she was in the orphanage. Seeing them like this made him think they were both siblings even though they aren't but act like it.
"So who's this?" Levi snapped out of his thought as he saw Akito looking at his direction.
For some reason this made him a little nervous but he stayed relaxed since he was probably overthinking it.
"Oh! This is Levi! I told you about him a couple of times!" Amber said as Levi was stunned that she told Akito about him.
"Ah! You're her boyfriend. Nice to meet you Levi." He greeted the demon, extending his hand.
"L-Likewise." Levi said, shaking his hand, still slightly tensed.
"While you two talk with each other, I'll just steal Amber for a bit to help me with somethings around here." Miss Vivien said as Amber nodded.
"Sure I'll help out! See you two in a bit." Amber said, following Miss Vivi at the back, leaving the two boys alone in one spot.
"So... You're Akito? I heard many good things about you from Amber." Levi spoke up after a bit which caught Akito's attention.
"Hm? Oh yeah it's the same with you. She said really good things about you too." He said before continuing.
"I am honestly glad to see her happy with someone who cares about her. Though I never expected that someone to be of a different specie." He said, which instantly made Levi's eyes widen as he looked at him questioningly.
"How do I know? She told me. She pretty much has my trust so she told me. She didn't know how Miss Vivi would react upon finding out so she told me instead. Don't worry, your secret is safe with me." He told the avatar of envy who had relaxed.
"Demon or not, I'm glad that you're taking care of her well along with your brothers and friends. I think you know about her ex-crush and so-called friends back in highschool?" He asked him as he slowly nodded.
"Yeah she told me about them." He confessed.
"Yeah. It was pretty hard for her to make friends afterwards. But I see how happy she has become after befriending you and your brothers and how she's happy with you. I hope it stays like that. I'd hate to see her heartbroken all over again." Akito said as Levi nodded.
"I'll keep my word." Levi told him as Akito smiled, fully knowing that he will stay true to his promise.
"Good to hear." Right at that moment, footsteps were heard.
"Aki! You never told me you recently got engaged to your girlfriend!" Amber said, looking betrayed in a joking way.
"You never asked." He said, laughing a little.
"Well you better let me know about when the wedding will take place and then you're forgiven." She said.
"Sure sure I will." He said, patting her head as Amber's D.D.D. went off as she saw a text from Lucifer.
"Do you have to go now?" Miss Vivi asked.
"Ah yeah sadly. Wish we could stay a little longer but we have to go." Amber sighed, putting her D.D.D. away.
"Well you're welcome to come back anytime. I always love it when you visit." She said as Amber smiled.
"Of course! You're on the top of my list for visiting! There's no way I'll forget!" She said, making both Miss Vivi and Akito smile.
"Come on Levi, let's go." She told him as he nodded.
They both bid Vivien and Akito farewell as they exited the orphanage and were now on their way home where everyone was waiting.
"It was a really nice visit. Did you enjoy it?" Amber asked Levi who nodded.
"Yeah. I guess you were right. I was worried for nothing." He admitted as she smiled.
"Told you! So... what did you and Aki talk about while I was gone?" She asked.
"Eh well somethings I guess. It's kind of between him and me." He told her as she rolled her eyes playfully.
"You're no fun." She said, letting out a small smile before grabbing his free hand on the side.
"We should get going or Lucifer will have our heads for being late." She told him as he sighed.
"Yeah let's go." He said, holding her hand the entire walk back to her home.
A/N - yeah no I feel like I butchered this one ;-;
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sincerelyasomebody · 4 years
Mama || Leticia "Letty" Cruz
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(GIF: @angels-reyes)
A/N: This was created because I've seen some speculation that Letty may not make it to the end of Season 3 (😭🥺). My mind needed something fluffy to combat this and so this piece came about. Apologises for grammatical errors and please let me know if the Spanish translation needs correcting.
Characters/Pairing(s): Letty x Reader (mother-daughter relationship) ▪︎ Coco x Reader (mention) ☆ Mayans MC (brief mention) ▪︎ OCs (receptionist, mother and son duo) 
Summary: Just a mother protecting her daughter. 
Warnings: brief mention of altercation (male and female), description of injuries, fluff, language, nicknames, painkillers (reference to injury) 
Word Count: 1755
- ♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ -
(Y/N) couldn't believe how busy the roads leading to the local high school were. It was a Wednesday, a little after ten and the streets were just packed with cars. She thought it was ridiculous considering people were usually at their jobs and children were in their age appropriate schools. There was no reason for people to be out and about. 
"The light's been green for five seconds!" she yelled and honked her horn, "move!" The driver in front gave her the finger before taking off, "you're so fucking lucky I've got somewhere to be, asshole!" she called out as she drove in the opposite direction. 
When her phone rang during her break, the last person (Y/N) expected to hear from was the receptionist for Santo Padre High School. According to the woman, Leticia (Letty as she was mostly referred to) had been in an altercation with another student and her parents or caregivers were requested to come and meet with the principal. Rachel, the receptionist, mentioned trying to reach her father but going straight to voicemail. With (Y/N) being listed as an emergency contact she was called. 
(Y/N) immediately asked about Letty, but was told that specific details couldn't be discussed over the phone. She found that odd, but accepted it (for the time being) and informed Rachel that she would be there as quickly as she could. After hanging up, she grabbed her belongings and told her manager she had a family emergency to attend to. She was cleared and (Y/N) informed him that she would be taking a week off as well and would keep them updated on her situation. 
From the moment she received the call to the time she pulled up in front of the high school, her thoughts revolved around Letty. Being with Coco for several years allowed (Y/N) to gain some insight to the type of life he had been subjected to. Through a lot of tears, constant reassurance and love (Y/N) was able to break through his tough exterior and get him to believe she was in it for the long haul. When (Y/N) was told by him about his daughter being in a similar environment to what he was in growing up, she demanded him to bring her home.
The second she laid eyes on Letty she saw Coco's features and personality shine through. (Y/N) didn't expect the teenager to respect or trust her right off the bat, but she made sure to let her know that she was here if she needed someone to talk to and gave her space. With every door slam, harsh comment and glare sent her way, (Y/N) continued being herself and showed Letty she wasn't a threat. It was challenging, especially when Coco left on runs, but she pushed through. Eventually the teenager began to accept her father's girlfriend without second guessing her. 
(Y/N) stepped into the main office and found a woman standing beside a teenage boy, who held some paper towels to his nose and had a couple of scratches on his face. She moved closer and realised the pair were towering over Letty who sat in the corner and was looking down at her lap. Clenching her jaw, she strode over to the trio. 
"Get the fuck away from my daughter!" she glared at the duo and turned around to Letty, who was now standing, "mi niña, are you okay?" she kissed her forehead and cupped her cheeks, "Leticia?" 
The teenager nodded, "uh… y-yeah, I'm fine," she went to move (Y/N)'s hands but winced, "completely fine." 
(Y/N)'s eyes widened at the state of Letty's hands. They were most likely bruised and what shocked her even more was that there was no ice-pack beside her seat. The boy clearly had been given assistance, but her baby girl hadn't and that pissed her off.
"Rachel!" she called out and a woman appeared around the corner, "you're the one who called me right?" 
"And, you said you couldn't go over specific details of what happened over the phone?" 
"That's correct." 
(Y/N) nodded and gestured towards Letty's hands, "well I'm here now and would like an explanation on why my daughter hasn't been treated and that young man has?" When the mother tried to give a reason, she raised a hand in her face, "this doesn't concern you, this conversation is between Rachel and I." 
Rachel gulped and could feel the anger radiating off of (Y/N), "well… uh, he was bleeding and –"
"Were there other staff members present?" she asked and when she was given a nod, she continued, "why couldn't they have provided medical assistance to my daughter?" 
"She… didn't tell us she was hurt, ma'am, she said she was fine so –"
"Bitch do her hands look fine to you?" 
The mother scoffed, "at least we know where your daughter gets her attitude from." 
(Y/N) turned to her, "shut up, nobody asked for your ass to speak," she gestured towards her son, "the reason your son's looking like a fucked up tomato is completely justified I can vouch for that." 
"Are you kidding me?" She shrieked and pointed to his face, "he's most likely got a broken nose and there's scratches on his face!"
"Exactly, be glad my daughter didn't have a screwdriver on her." (Y/N) replied and almost laughed at the disbelief on the woman's face, "your son deserved every scratch, bruise and possible broken bone."
"Excuse me!?" 
(Y/N) ignored her and turned back around to face Rachel, "Letty and I will be leaving now."
"Mrs Fraser hasn't seen –" 
"My main concern right now is my daughter's well-being," she told her, "and you've got my details on file so I'm sure Mrs Fraser can contact me at a later date." 
Rachel spoke again, "please if you'd just –"
(Y/N) picked up Letty's bag and walked over to the desk, with Letty trailing behind her. She quickly signed out on the tablet and the pair walked out of the building. Reaching her car, (Y/N) unlocked it and helped Letty into the passenger seat. Closing her door, she rushed to the driver's side and got in. 
She helped Letty buckle up, before buckling herself in, "everything okay, sweets?" 
"Yeah… uh, thanks." was the response she received, before she started up the car and pulled out of the school parking lot while explaining where they were off to next. 
-- ♡ -- ◇ -- 
"He's always talking shit," Letty explained to (Y/N) about the guy in the office, "it was about time someone shut him up." 
"And you were the person to do so?" 
She shrugged her shoulders, "he ran his mouth and then touched me, so I beat his ass." 
"Two for one special?" 
"Pretty much." 
(Y/N) chuckled, "when your hands heal up, we'll ask one of the guys to teach you a few moves in the ring, thankfully your hands are just bruised and not broken." 
"They still hurt like a bitch." 
"You've got another two hours before you can drink some more painkillers." 
"What would've happened if Coco answered the phone?" Letty questioned.
(Y/N) shook her head, "honey, I don't even think I wanna know what would've happened," she noticed the teen wince, "are you okay?" 
"Are you sure?"
She huffed, "I'm fine, okay? I was fine when you picked me up. I was fine when we went to the doctor's office. I was fine at the grocery store and I was fine the last time you asked me." 
(Y/N) nodded and pulled into their driveway, putting the car in park, "I'm not gonna apologise about asking how you're feeling. I'm just – I just want to make sure you're okay. But, now I'll stop because I can see I'm annoying you." 
"Yeah, you are." 
She chuckled, "okay, I'll stop, but you'll tell –" 
Letty sighed, "yes, I'll tell you. You really take this parenting thing seriously. I mean… you've been referring to me as your daughter all day and I–I'm not. But you defended me –" 
"And I always will." 
" – against Kyle, his mum and even the receptionist. I–I've never had that before. And, even at the doctor's office you made sure I was seen by a female because you knew it'd make me more comfortable." 
"You treat me like I'm yours and you called me your daughter and I… I don't know, I just," she took a deep breath, shook her head and looked out of the window.
(Y/N) waited for her to continue, but she didn't. Thinking back on today's events, she realised she had referred to Letty as her own. She had been doing it in her mind for so long and didn't realise she had said it out in the open. Letty had heard her reference and it seemed to make her uncomfortable and that was something she vowed she wouldn't do. 
"When I started dating your dad he told me about the kids he had. He told me that he wasn't involved in their lives because being away from them was for the best. I asked him what would happen if one day a kid reached out and his response was "if they do, they do. I ain't gonna turn them away", (Y/N) spoke up, "and then you reached out, sweetums. You reached out and your dad took that as a sign. From the moment you entered our lives, it's been a whirlwind of emotions. We're not this picture perfect family, but we're our own version. Despite being almost an adult, Coco still views you as his baby girl. And, honestly, I've been viewing you the same way."
Letty sniffed and looked up, "really?" 
"Absolutely, gorgeous. The moment you stepped through that door you became mine as well," (Y/N) pointed at the front door of their home, before turning to her, "but that doesn't matter if you're not okay with it. I'm not trying to force you to be –" 
"I'm Coco's daughter," she cut in and smiled at (Y/N), "and now I'm yours too." 
(Y/N) beamed with joy and unbuckled her seatbelt, and Letty's, reaching over the middle console to bring the teen into her arms. Letty wrapped her arms around (Y/N), breathing in her (scent). The woman chuckled and kissed her cheek, "I love you, baby girl." 
Letty pulled her closer, "I love you too, mama." 
-♤ - ♡ - ◇ - ♧ - 
Spanish Translations: 
Mi niña - my girl / baby girl
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lokis-army-77 · 3 years
If You Please
Chapter One
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 1644
Hi everyone this is my first fic, so please feel free to as constructive criticism.
I'm bad at writing descriptions, so this is basically a reader insert into The First Avenger and then we'll see how it goes from there.
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It was 1943 when my life changed dramatically. The second world war had been going on for a few years now and with Hitler quickly rising to power it felt as though every young man and woman wanted to help the war cause. This included Steve Rogers, my brother, and James 'Bucky' Barnes, my secret fiancé.
We had all grown up together in Brooklyn and later on Bucky and I started to have more romantic feelings for each other. We've been engaged for two years now but Steve still doesn't know, no one knows. We've planned to tell everyone once Bucky gets back from the war, whenever that will be. Tonight is his last night in New York before he gets shipped off with the 107th to the front.
Currently, unknown to my brother and fiancé, I am working under Agent Peggy Carter in the Strategic Scientific Reserve or SSR for short. They believe I work as a full-time secretary for one of the many recruitment offices in New York. The SSR's work dealing with Hydra is highly classified and very dangerous. Agent Carter and I are not only the only two highly regarded women here but we're both two of the youngest agents.
Now enough with the back story, let's get into how this whole mess started.
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It was the day of the Stark Expo, Bucky had decided we would go there for a date and maybe a dance or two before we had to meet Steve. When I had gotten off of work at 5 pm sharp, Bucky was outside the recruitment office waiting.
"James I thought I told you not to wait for me outside of my place of work," I said to him as I walked over to him. He pulled me in close and kissed the top of my head.
"I know, but what kind of fiancé would I be if I didn't come to meet my best girl?" I try to push away from him but he just holds on tighter, chin resting on the top of my head and swaying us side to side.
"Shh be quiet or someone will hear you. We definitely don't need Steve finding out we're engaged yet."
"Fine," he said, letting go of me to then grab onto my hand, "I hope you wore your dancing shoes doll because that's all we're doing until I have to let you go." I giggled and nodded as we crossed the road on our way to Queens, where the expo was being held.
"So doll, did you have a good day at work?"
"Yeah, I just filed more recruitment papers and mailed off important documents. You know, the usual." We turned a corner and headed down to the subway. We walked in a comfortable silence until we got into the subway car. "How was your day today, anything exciting happen?"
"If you call saving your brother from being pummeled to death again exciting then no. Although, seeing you this afternoon has made my day a whole lot better."
I turned to look Bucky in the eyes, "Again? What happened this time?"
"He said he was at the theater and some punk was being disrespectful to the video of the troops overseas. Steve said he spoke up to the man, but you know how that always ends up for him." He unwrapped his hand from mine to then put the same arm around my shoulders.
"I wish he'd lay low, you're not going to be here to break up the fights anymore, and you know how he gets when I try to step in and help."
"Oh one more thing, he tried to enlist again. From New Jersey this time," He chuckled and shook his head.
"I have no clue what I'm going to do with him, James. I know he wants to go fight, but I can't risk having both my best men out there. I don't know what I'd do with myself if both of you left me here." I shifted closer into Bucky's arms. "Come on, our stop is just up ahead."
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When we entered the expo all I could do was stare. The lights and technology that Stark had put on display were amazing. Soon I felt a tug at my hand.
"Sweetheart come on I want to get at least one dance in before Steve shows up. I think I see a place we can go over here." Then I was quickly taken to a brightly lit dance floor where couples were gathering to dance to a slower song. Bucky slowly did a little bow and I followed with a small curtsy of my own. I couldn't keep myself from laughing. "Ma'am may I have this dance," he asked, holding his right hand out to me.
"You certainly may," I replied while placing my left hand into his outstretched one. He then wrapped his left arm around my waist and held our entwined hands upright in the air, and my right hand went to rest upon his shoulder. He smiled his signature little smirk.
Then the band started to play and we started to twirl around the dance floor.
After a minute I rested my head on Bucky's shoulder and wrapped my arm under his. "I never want this to end Buck. I'd dance with you forever if that meant you didn't have to go so far away from me."
"Oh, Doll I dread the end of this night. What am I going to do without you by my side every day," Bucky said as he gently rubbed the small of my back. "Somebody's got to go off and protect you and if that means fighting in this war, I'll gladly do it one hundred times over." He looked down at me and then kissed my temple. "Come one I think I see Steve over by the stairs." He let go of my hand and waist more quickly than I would have liked.
"Steve! Look who I found," I called and Bucky and I made our way over to the set of stairs my brother had been wandering about at. I ran over to give him a tight hug. "I heard you had a little scuffle again today and that you tried to enlist. Again." Steve stood there awkwardly and smoothed his hair back with his hand.
"Buck, I thought we agreed that we weren't gonna tell her this time," he said through his teeth at Bucky.
"Hey man it's not my fault your sister is crazy scary when she's trying to get something out of you," he said while putting his hands up in defense.
"Fair enough. But next time you tell her something like that I'll hurt you."
"I'd like to see you try there pal," Bucky retorted while trying to grab at Steve but I interjected before they could make a scene.
"Boys please act like adults, we're at a science and technology expo NOT a playground." They both stopped to look at me. I moseyed over to stand between them both and hooked my arms into theirs. I looked to the right at Bucky then to the left at Steve. "So boys, what should we look at first?"
The night progressed smoothly from there, with us going to see Stark's new flying car invention and many more new and exciting things. We laughed and joked, Bucky and Steve bickered, which I had to intervene in before it became an actual argument. Pretty soon 9 o'clock came and all three of us headed home to Brooklyn. Bucky walked with us to our door and we said our heartfelt goodbyes. After a rather tight hug, he left, strutting down the sidewalk towards his own home, but quickly turned to give a stiff-armed salute. Steve and I turned to go inside.
"Goodnight Stevie, I'll see you tomorrow," I called out down the short hall from my room. I waited for his reply before I shut my door and turned the light off. Gathering up my nightgown I slipped under the covers of my bed. It had been a good day, but the fact that Bucky was leaving in just a few hours kept coming to the forefront of my mind. I laid awake thinking of when I was ever going to see him again. At that moment the window to my room quietly creaked open. I sat up quickly reaching for the bedside lamp. When the weak yellow light filled the room Bucky was standing in the room, tangled in the curtain.
"Bucky what the hell are you doing," I whispered yelled at him.
"Well I thought I'd at least spend my last night stateside with my fiancée, but if you'd like me to leave then I will." He stated matter of factly and turned to go back out the way he had come.
"No don't go," I crawled over to the edge of the bed and reached for his hand, "You just surprised me is all. You haven't come through my window since we were kids." He laughed and let me pull him up to the head of the bed. He fell not so gracefully onto the sheets and swaddled me up close to his chest. I could smell the soap on his skin and the freshness of his nightshirt. I could hear the beat of his heart loudly in my ear as I started to drift off.
"Will you wake me up before you go," I questioned, snuggling further into his chest.
He was quiet for a long time, just laid there with his right hand playing with the ends of my hair. Then he nodded silently and gave the top of my head a long kiss goodnight. "I love you Doll," he mumbled into my hair.
"I love you too Sweetheart," I replied almost quietly enough to not hear.
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nemir · 3 years
𝕤 𝕡 𝕝 𝕖 𝕟 𝕕 𝕚 𝕕
» pairing; haurchefant greystone x rhen {my wol}
» word count: 6k!!! EXACTLY.
» content; mutual pining, mixed messages, adult themes,
» an; written over the course of a few days while listening to Kiss from a Rose by Seal on repeat fjgdkljd (also huge shoutout to the Haurchefant I've been hanging out with, you're an inspiration to us all)
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"Curse the twelve for this weather! It's too damn cold." A viera woman pushed her way through the front doors of a stone building at Camp Dragonhead, giving little care to the volume - and tone - of her voice. She shivered once inside, pulling the large hood from her cloak back off her head. Jet black ears sprang up immediately, to which her hands lifted to smooth out her choppy black hair. "Right. Where is he?"
The sell-swords and infantrymen who were keeping warm by the fire inside blinked, heads tilting. "Er … Who, ma'am?"
The woman balked. "What do you me--" She stopped herself short and let out a short breath. "Pray, forgive me. My name is Rhen Hrafna, I'm looking for Lord Haurchefant Greystone. Is he in?" She crossed her arms beneath her cloak, the tiniest hint of a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips; one that nobody would be able to see unless they were up close.
"M-my lady! Our deepest apologies!" The men and women who stood suddenly straightened their backs and saluted, and the ones who remained seated bowed their heads in both shame and reverence. "He's stepped out for but a moment! I-is there anything we can do for you in the meanti-"
"Leave." A single word. It was curt and blunt, but it wasn't filled with malice or meant to cause harm. It was a simple request, as made evident by the viera's smile. The infantrymen took it as an order, and all let out a breath of relief. It meant they were able to go to the mess hall to eat and kick their feet up for a time. A short time, as peace was not something the Highlands knew much of, but it was welcomed nonetheless. "And please," she spoke as they filed out, passing by them as she made her way further into the room, "only return if it is an absolute emergency. Important Scion matters, and whatnot." Rhen rolled her hand in a nonchalant circle, to which some of the infantrymen snickered and rolled their eyes but nodded in understanding all the same, and finally Rhen was left alone.
It wasn't for long. As she hopped up onto the long desk that stood at the far back of the room and leaned forward with her palms pressed into the solid wood, the front doors opened again letting in a blast of cold winter air. "Best to keep bundled up out there, my friends! The wind is blowing something fierce!" A tall elezen man had come in and quickly closed the door behind him. His silver-blue hair tumbled out from his helm as he pulled it off, giving his head a single shake before turning around to a near-empty room. "Ah."
"Lord Haurchefant." Rhen remained on the desk, her legs crossing at the knee. "Braving the weather, I see? And what, pray tell, was so important that made you late for our meeting?" She was teasing him, of course. Even if she could keep a serious tone, her face would give it away in an instant.
"If it isn't my favourite champion! I do so sincerely apologize for the delay, and I hope you are willing to forgive me. It was not very noble of me to keep a lady waiting - especially one as important as you." His lips grew into a long, thin smile, brilliant blue eyes practically glimmering beneath the lights. He strode across the room, arms opening wide as he drew closer to the viera woman. "Could you find it in your heart of hearts?"
"Hmm... I'm not so sure, my Lord." Rhen's head canted to the side, her own grin growing to match his. She pressed a finger to her chin and tapped it a few times, "Perhaps," she started, noting his crestfallen face, "a hot cocoa will do the trick? You look as though you could use one, too." When he was within reach, she opened her own arms and pulled him into a warm - albeit slightly awkward due to his armor - embrace. "I've missed you." Her voice was soft, evidently content and feeling at peace in this moment.
“As I have missed you! Every time you leave the camp, I start wondering when I will be graced by not only your presence, but your shining and beautiful face again. It pains me so, to see you leave through those doors, you know.” His voice was friendly, not as deep as one would imagine upon first looking at him. It was jovial and bouncy, and it was clear he could make anyone smile, or break them out of a sour mood with just a few kind words. Haurchefant was sure to give her an extra squeeze before pulling away, resting his hands on her elbows as he got a good look at her. “Just as beautiful as the first day I met you. Right! Let’s get some of that cocoa going, eh?” He pulled away completely, still beaming at Rhen, then quickly turned on his heels and hurried through the door that led to his private stores.
“Halone preserve me.” His words were hushed and quick as he sank back against the door. His hand lifted, wrist pressing to his forehead. What was he going to do? He had always been shameless in his flirting with the Warrior of Light - he didn’t exactly keep his feelings a secret. But… Did she know? Was he too forward just now, with his words and his actions? No, he couldn’t have been! She’s the one who welcomed, and even initiated, the embrace! Did that mean she felt the same…? “Pull yourself together, man!” His hand dragged down his face, and he let out a long breath he hadn’t realized he was holding. “There is no way she could… She would ever...” He stopped himself and shook his head. “Hot cocoa. Right.”
“Why didn’t I kiss him.” As soon as she heard the door shut behind him, Rhen’s expression dropped and her hands immediately shot to cover her face. She let out a long groan of frustration, kicking her feet a bit off the side of the desk. “Gods dammit, Rhen.” Her hands fell back down to her lap and she sighed. She was getting ahead of herself. Sure, she could have kissed him. But would he even want that? Did he even have feelings for her? But the way he spoke to her… No, he talked to everyone like that didn’t he? Well, perhaps not everyone, but surely - “Ugh!” She hopped off the desk and started pacing up and down the length of the desk, arms crossed under her chest. Was she really in any position to develop feelings, especially for one with whom she worked so closely? It could potentially become a conflict of interest, and Rhen knew she wouldn’t hear the end of it from Alphinaud… not to mention Tataru would have that rumour spread faster than one could say ‘Hydaelyn’. No, no. Best to put the thought to rest. For now.
Finally, the water was ready and he carefully poured the water in. He gave each mug a good stir, then lifted each mug and held one out to Rhen. “For you, my lady.”
As if on cue, the elezen pushed his way through the door with two tin mugs in one hand, the other holding a sack filled with powder and a small jug of milk. His usual, friendly smile was plastered on his face and he seemed no different than he had before he walked into his store room. “Shouldn’t take too long, now! Just need to boil the water.” He moved fluidly across the room, retracing the same steps he had taken many times before on occasions just like these, be they with friends, random adventurers, and even on his own. He dropped the supplies on the desk, moved to the hearth to grab a small black cauldron which he brought over to another room which held a small fountain of water. He scooped some in, and with ease, carried it back and hitched it onto the short chain that hung right above the fire. Soon enough the flames were licking the bottom of the cauldron, and a small bit of steam rose from the lightly bubbling water. In the meantime, he set to prepping the mugs, spooning out generous portions of the cocoa powder into each, followed by a good splash of milk.
She took it with a smile. “Thank you.” Though it was hot, she cupped the mug with both hands, thankful for the warmth it provided her. The stone buildings of the Highlands, which were respite from the freezing temperatures outside, did not do well in terms of insulation and there was always a chill, regardless of how long a fire had been going. She moved closer to the hearth and sank down onto a bench that had been haphazardly pulled up by the infantrymen earlier on. Rhen lifted the mug closer to her face, taking in the smell of the decadent cocoa before blowing softly at the rim and taking a small sip. “Mmmn.. Delicious, as always.” Her head turned slightly, “The best hot cocoa this side of Ishgard. I could never have a better cup.”
He beamed in response, taking a small sip of his own. “Oh, you flatter me so.” He leaned back against the bench, resting his arm against the top, his fingers just inches from Rhen. It took everything he had to resist the temptation to reach out and gently stroke her back. “But if you insist. I’ve had a lot of time to practice making it. Not to mention countless cold and thirsty knights.” His eyes darted from her to the warm glow of the fire. “I couldn’t be happier, knowing someone as splendid as you, enjoys such a simple little treat.”
The viera scoffed, “Please. I’m not that special, Haurchefant.” She turned herself slightly on the bench, facing the knight a little better now. “I’m just an average adventurer.” Those words would hit a chord with him, and she knew it. It was said on purpose, as she loved how passionate he got when it came to her. It made her heart skip a beat, and her stomach turn in welcoming anxious knots.
“Average?! There is nothing average about you, Lady Rhen! You are malms above average! Imagine, the Warrior of Light, Hydaelyn’s chosen, arguably the most important member of the Scions of the Seventh Dawn being just average!” Here it came. That passionate, near heated retort. He nearly spilled his cocoa with how animated and excitable he got. “The things people would do to be included, or even acknowledged, by you and yours! Why, I had to pinch myself after I met you the first time! I could hardly believe that someone I had heard so much about, someone who had beaten primals, waltzed through my door!” His free hand had lifted to his head, a finger and thumb pressing against his temples. “The… the very notion that you, after all you have done, would think you are av-”
“Haurchefant.” Rhen hadn’t expected this much. She had no idea he’d take it so personally. “R-really, you don’t need to go into so much! A lot of what I’ve accomplished is because I haven’t done it alone, or even by mere coincidence! Luck, even.” She leaned her shoulder against the bench, looking up at him bewildered, one hand pressed to her chest.
“No! Rhen, you don’t-” He stood up, and took one step before turning slightly so his back was to her. “I mean.” A deep breath steadied him. “You truly are splendid, Rhen Hrafna, and that is something I will not argue.” He glanced to the hearth again, his hair falling over his eyes in such a way that blocked them from Rhen’s view.
She sighed, and reached out toward him. “I appreciate your kind words, really, I do. They… they mean a lot to me.” Her gaze was still steady on his face, though struggled to read it. She took a moment to ponder her next words carefully, sipping at her still-hot cocoa. “...You-”
“I apologize for my outburst, my lady.” He hadn’t meant to cut her off, but the silence was killing him. “Ah, but I forget myself. You came here to discuss important matters regarding the Scions, correct?” He turned back around to face her and sat down on the bench once more, that usual smile on his face. Truly, he wasn’t himself without it.
Rhen bit her lip, looking away for a brief moment, then retracted her hand the moment he turned around. “You’ve nothing to apologize for, Lord Haurchefant.” She shook her head, and returned the smile. “But, yes,” her body shifted slightly, “that is why I came here. It… really isn’t anything terribly important. Alphinaud just wanted me to relay some information, catch up with how things are progressing here.”
“Ah! The young Master Alphinaud! How is the lad? Chipper as always, I expect!” Haurchefant let out a chuckle, “As for how things are here, they are the same as ever, I’m afraid! The occasional threat, but nothing we haven’t been able to handle I can assure you! I trust things are going well over in Ishgard? You had an audience with Ser Aymeric, didn’t you?” It was time for Haurchefant to shift his body, though it seemed a bit more tense, more stiff.
“Yes, that’s right.” Rhen sipped her cocoa, “He was gracious, and a very kind host. I can see why he’s held in a relatively high regard. I look forward to meeting with him again, and hopefully working together toward not only rebuilding Ishgard, but reestablishing an alliance. They would prove to be an incredibly valuable ally. Alphinaud is still there, actually.”
“I see.” His words were uncharacteristically short, and lacked the usual vim and vigor. “It seems you have your hands full. To be expected, of course.” He nodded once before bringing the mug to his lips to take a long drink. “I…” the knight started to speak, and Rhen tilted her head, waiting for him to finish. “I hope you still remember your friends,” the word was stilted, “back here at Camp Dragonhead. While there isn’t much more you are able to do for us - not that we wouldn’t appreciate any help, of course - I… these halls would feel empty without a visit from you, whenever you are able.”
She felt herself recoil. Friend. There it was. The word she had been dreading. So, that’s how he really felt. She inhaled from her nose, sharp and short. “I could never forget you. All of you,” she added. “You have done much for me, and for the future of all Eorzea, Lord Haurchefant. Don’t discredit yourself and your accomplishments.” Tentatively, she reached a hand out and pressed it on top of his. Skin meeting skin sent a jolt through her body, and she wanted nothing more than to curl her fingers around his, squeeze his hand tight and confess everything, here and now. She would give up everything, if it meant being with him. “Politics are slow-going. It’s not as if I’ll be meeting with Ser Aymeric day after day, night after night. Things need to be put into motion, to pass through… I will have plenty of time to come back here.”
“But surely he set up accommodations for you in Ishgard?” Haurchefant hadn’t meant for the words to be bitter, but Rhen felt the bite, and pulled her hand away. Desperately, silently, he begged himself to remember the warmth and how it felt.
“Well, yes.” She blinked, confused by his reaction. “But it’s just a free room at the inn, nothing fancy.” Her hand curled around the tin mug again, no longer hot to the touch. “In fact it was your father, Count Edmont, who offered me private chambers in his home.” Her brow lifted, “Are you going to take up issue with that, too?”
“Father did? Well,” he chewed the inside of his cheek for a moment, running the thought through his mind, “no, I don’t have a problem with that, my lady. You will be well taken care of and safe at Fortemps Manor.” And he would know where she was, Halone forbid anything happen. “My apologies. I am merely looking out for you and your safety.”
Rhen’s tongue clicked. “It is fine.” Finishing the rest of her cocoa, she pushed herself up from the bench and moved to the desk, resting the mug on top. “I do believe that was all we had to discuss.” She didn’t turn back to face him, and instead kept staring straight ahead; she didn’t want him to see the tears that were stinging the corners of her eyes.
Haurchefant sighed. “For the time being, yes. It is late, my lady. While I am sure the comforts of House Fortemps are calling, I would feel better if you remained here for the night. That blizzard has surely only gotten worse as the night progressed.” He, too, rose from the bench and made his way to a door off to the side, leaving his mug on the bench, ready to prep a room.
“... Thank you, Lord Haurchefant. That would be greatly appreciated. I’ll take but a moment to contact Alphinaud and let him know.”
Haurchefant had the right idea. All through the night, Rhen could hear naught by the wind whipping and whistling around outside, rattling the single-pane glass windows. She was incredibly thankful for the hearth that had been lit in her room as she curled beneath the heavy dodo feather quilt. Still, sleep eluded her. She had been fed - it was a quiet and rather awkward dinner - the room had been set, and Haurchefant had even drawn a hot bath for her to help ease the chill. He even remembered that lavender helped her sleep, and had a sachet of it resting atop her pillow. Perhaps that was why.
The creaking of the door caught Haurchefant's attention, and he spun on his heels. He squinted in the low light, "My lady?" He froze in his spot, unsure if it was just a trick of the wind or if the Warrior of Light was really standing there in the doorframe, in nothing but a silk robe and cloak. "What are you doing out of bed?" He blinked, and remembered stubbing his toe a few minutes prior, "Ah- I hope I did not wake you? I was simply… cleaning up, and managed to catch my foot against the bench." He waved a hand, trying to brush the small lie aside.
Her mind was racing. Something had seemed so… off about Haurchefant tonight. At first, he was his usual eccentric self! It was a relief to see, especially after dealing with the stuffiness of the Holy See. But as their conversation went on, it was as though something happened, and he just changed. The only thing she could pinpoint was when the topic turned to Ser Aymeric, but surely… No, there was no reason why Haurchefant would get so upset over that. Rhen pushed herself up in the bed, pulling her knees to her chest. This. This is what was keeping her from resting.
Down the hall and through the door, Haurchefant remained in the main room, resting on the bench next to the hearth, elbows on his knees and his hands together. Why did he let himself lose control of his emotions like that? It wasn’t like him to get so… irrational. Yet, something about the way she spoke so highly of Aymeric - it was to be expected, of course, he was indeed a generous and kind soul, but… Haurchefant gripped his own hands tighter together. “Gods dammit…!” He cursed, and pushed off the bench again, this time his foot connecting with the heavy wood. He grumbled out - of course this would happen after he had changed into more casual, comfortable clothes. He bit his lip, trying not to make too much noise.
A moment passed, and he opted to pace about in a circle, keeping close to the hearth. He didn’t know what to do and for the first time in a long time, Haurchefant wasn’t feeling like himself. On one hand, he was so incredibly honoured and proud to be a friend to Rhen, the illustrious and sought-after white mage. His chest swelled when he spoke of her, or heard others speak her name and of her glorious deeds! But on the other hand he felt almost selfish, like he wanted to keep her all to himself, run away together where nobody could find them. Alas, he knew that would be impossible. She had her duties, as he had his own and it wouldn’t be in either of their characters to just leave that all behind. Not after they had both spent so long and worked so hard to get to where they were. They both had people who relied on them. He sighed, “... as I rely on her.” His words were whispered into the darkened room, hushed and barely audible.
“I need to talk to him.” Rhen spoke aloud, to herself. She needed to be clear of any doubts, any worries. Even if it meant losing him, Rhen needed to tell him everything that was on her mind, everything she felt, and ask him what happened, why he was acting that way earlier in the night. She threw the covers to the side and slipped out of the large bed. Her feet touched the cold stone, and her toes curled, but she pushed through how much it bit into her skin. She grabbed her cloak and tossed it over her shoulders before leaving her room. “I wonder…” She wandered down the hall, first stopping at Haurchefant’s private chambers. Before knocking, she pressed an ear to the door, listening for any sort of noise. Nothing, not even the crackling of a fire. She knocked regardless and pushed open the door, peeking through the small crack. “... Haurchefant?” She whispered into the darkness, but could see nothing. There was no response, no ruffling of sheets or soft sleepy grunts. There wasn’t even a shadowy lump on the bed to mark his presence.
She sighed and moved on from his room, sure to close the door as she left. Where could he be? Surely, he wasn’t called out for some sort of nightwatch? In the middle of this storm? She frowned; if he had, there would be words in the morning. The viera continued to tiptoe her way down the hall, peeking through various doors until she came to the end of the hall. The next door would lead to the main room. Suddenly, she found herself nervous; she didn’t know what she wanted to find on the other side. If he was there, would she be able to go through with this? Rhen bit her lip and opened the door without anymore second thoughts. If she was going to do it, she just had to do it.
"No, I just couldn't sleep." She stepped into the room, arms crossing over her stomach, to keep herself from shivering but also as a way to keep herself grounded. Her head turned slightly to the left, using her one good eye to peer and squint into the slowly darkening room. "... Is your foot alright? Do I need to heal-"
"No, no, thank you. Nothing is broken or bleeding, and I've handled much worse." He chuckled lightly, and for a moment all the tension between them was lifted. They both felt as though they could breathe easy again, but when the room got quiet and neither of them spoke, everything built up from the evening returned. It was thick, and nauseating. "But, you must needs get back to your room where it is warm! You'll end up sickly if you stay out here, threadbare and in the cold. I would hate to be the one responsible for the delay in Eorzea's saving!"
But as he moved closer to usher her back to her room, the moaning wind outside picked up whipping the door wide open. The pair of them lifted their arms to cover their faces, both letting out a sharp gasp as the penetrating cold hit them. "S-stay there, I'll get this." The blizzard was strong, blowing in the snow that had accumulated in front of the door inside in drifts, small pellets of ice mixing into the mess. But Rhen hadn't listened, and was already ahead of Haurchefant, bare feet leaving tiny footprints in the snow in her wake. He clicked his tongue but didn't dare try to argue. Instead, he moved at her pace and they reached the door together, using their combined strength to fight against the wind and push the door shut, latching it and keeping it barred shut with a thick plank of wood.
Rhen could feel her feet burning from the snow, and her lungs felt as though they were on fire. It took her a moment to come down from the slight rush and jump away from the snow, moving back toward the hearth, which the fire within nearly died completely and was now just a burning pile of embers. "That… wasn't my most prudent decision."
Haurchefant watched her, a sympathetic smile on his lips. He considered Rhen his charge, and even if his developing feelings drove him to overreact or overthink, her and her safety was his first priority, above all else. "I shall take you back to your room." It was a statement, and he wasn't going to give her much room to say no, as he was by her side in an instant and picked her up bridal style, the long train of her cloak and robe tangling together and draping over his arm.
He did as he was instructed, though hesitated for a split second, and sank slowly onto the bed next to her. He wasn't sure what to do with himself; his feet were planted firmly on the floor in case he needed to spring back up, but his torso was twisted slightly. His arms he kept low, hands resting on the tops of his knees, fingers drumming against them. "Rhen? Is everything alright?"
She made to protest, but found herself unwilling. So she let him scoop her up without a word, and rested her head on his shoulder, arms wrapping around him. If she could have just this moment and nothing else, she would be satisfied. "Don't feel like you need to rush." She murmured, unsure if he'd even hear her, but when she felt his pace slow she smiled.
“What were you doing wandering about so late?” They had made it back to her room, and Haurchefant was letting her down on the bed. He reached around her and pulled the cloak from her shoulders to hang it back up. “I can’t imagine such a strong, world-saving viera like yourself would be kept up from some howling wind and a bit of cold?” His head turned slightly, stealing a glance at her from over his shoulder.
Rhen sighed; she knew this would come up. There was a fleeting moment where she thought that maybe, just maybe, she wouldn’t have to bring it up, that she could just forget that she was going to open her heart entirely to him and just leave things how they were. But then, how long would she be able to keep it up? There was always the chance that it would be too late, and she knew it would be something she'd regret her entire life. "Come, sit beside me." She motioned to the bed and shifted, pulling one leg up to lay it flat against the mattress, turning so she would be able to face him directly.
"Do you care about me?"
Haurchefant's expression twisted, a mix of confusion and surprise. "Of course I do! You're my dearest friend! What would possess you to think I don’t?"
"Haurchefant, you aren’t listening. Do you care about me?” Rhen leaned forward, taking his hands in hers. Her eyes were wide, brows turned upward as she waited for him to understand, to respond.
The elezen was silent as he processed the question, his eyes staring down into hers, searching the mismatched grey hues. He felt her thumb drag along the top of his hand, and he blinked. “Wait, you don’t mean…”
Rhen inhaled deeply, and nodded. “I do. Haurchefant, I… That is to say--” She was stumbling over her words, finding it hard to concentrate over the pounding in her chest. She chewed her lip for a moment before continuing, “When we first met, you were kind and your words were… Well, a bit much if I’m being honest. But, they were flattering all the same, and it was refreshing to hear.” She saw his lips part as he went to speak, but she shook her head, wanting to finish before he said anything. “Over time, I found myself thinking of you more often, how I wished you could be on this journey with me - physically, with me, about how I couldn’t wait to come back to see you here… and I found myself starting to wonder if the words you said, all the compliments… If you truly meant them.” She could feel her cheeks growing hot by the second, and she dropped her gaze, opting to look at their hands.
“Rhen…” Haurchefant tilted his head to the side slightly, still watching her intently. He licked his lips and lifted a hand to her face, stroking her cheek with the backs of his fingers before cupping her chin to tilt her head back up. “Halone, forgive me for taking so long.” He whispered before closing the gap between them, pressing his lips to hers. It wasn’t forced, or rough but gentle, and what one would expect from someone like Haurchefant. He could feel her body tense for just a moment and was about to pull away when he felt her melt into his touch, her hand squeezing his, fingers curling together. He didn’t want this feeling to end.
For months he had been thinking of her nonstop. Since the moment he first laid eyes upon her, he knew she was special - and not just because of her deeds, her title. Just, her. She was plaguing his thoughts, not that he was complaining. At night, he dreamt of her, of moments like these and moments that would make brothel workers blush. Anytime the doors opened to his office, he would snap his head up in the hopes of seeing her walk through. There wasn’t a time he wasn’t worrying about her, and her safety. The relief and butterflies he would feel when he did see her were beyond compare, and unlike anything he could describe.
And right now, in this moment, he didn’t need to speak a word of that; she knew. All it took was that one kiss, which neither wanted to stop. Rhen’s arms lifted and draped over his shoulders, bending so her hands could comb through his hair. He complied, and leaned forward slightly, his own arms moving in to grab her from the waist and lift her slightly and pulled her into his lap; he could feel her smiling against his lips. The kiss deepened as Haurchefant dared to pry his tongue against her lips, begging entrance. She complied and their tongues met. His fingers dug into her skin slightly, and a shiver ran down Rhen’s back. “You have no idea how I’ve longed for this moment.”
Daybreak. The sun was streaming through the single-paned glass window, flits of dust drifting lazily about. The fire in the hearth had long since died, no longer even smoldering. Rhen stirred, the sheets rustling slightly. Slowly and sleepily she blinked and pushed herself up onto her elbows. It took her a moment to gain her bearings before she looked around at the room; right. She remained at Camp Dragonhead because of the blizzard. That would also mean…
“Lay back down.” Haurchefant’s voice was muffled, his face buried into the pillow. He was peeking up at her with one eye, the corner of his mouth visible and turned up in a soft smile. He lazily lifted an arm and curled it around Rhen, dragging her back down to the bed. “Mmm… splendid.”
She giggled and wiggled about slightly, getting into a comfortable position, turning just enough so they were facing each other. She buried her face into the crook of his neck, leaving a trail of kisses down from his jaw. “Good morning.” Her arm draped over his side, fingers tracing gentle and soft lines up and down his back. So it hadn’t been a dream… good. She smiled and let out a content hum.
“And a good morning, it is!” Haurchefant stirred a bit, allowing Rhen to get comfortable before wrapping his arm back around her, holding her close. He was basking in this feeling, in this moment. “I trust you slept well?” His lips pressed to her forehead in a tender kiss. His legs, as well, shifted slightly so as to entangle their bodies even more. He wanted to feel as one with her, and he wanted to stay just like this forever.
Rhen nodded, “And you?”
“Best I’ve slept in ages.” Another kiss to her forehead.
“Haurchefant?” She paused for a moment, and he grunted in response, “What does this mean for us?”
He pulled back slightly so he could get a better look at her face. His expression was gentle and soft, the sweetest and most sincere smile pulling at his lips. “Well, if you would rather keep this a secret and never speak of it again, I would understand. I would be terribly heartbroken, I won’t lie.” He chuckled, and pressed a finger to her lips when he saw she was about to speak. “But,” his expression changed slightly, still sweet but a little more serious. Blue eyes shone in the sunlight. “Rhen Hrafna. Would you grant me the highest honour of staying with me, by my side, as not only my dearest and most cherished friend, but as my partner?” The arm that was around her moved, hand grabbing hers and pulling it up to his lips, “Say you’ll be mine.” He kissed her fingers, each one individually, and so delicately.
“Haurchefant Greystone.” She was beaming, her cheeks red and warm, “I am the one who will be honoured to call you my partner. Forever, and always.” She could feel the tears begin to prick the corners of her eyes, but this time they were of joy. Of a sweet relief, feeling all the weight finally lift from her shoulders. “I am yours, and I always will be.”
“Those words… They are music to my ears. You’ve made me the happiest man alive on this day, you know!” Haurchefant laughed, and it was like a chorus. It was joyful, radiant, filled with love and life. He pulled her in close once more, tightening his grasp around her in an embrace. “This feeling… this excitement. Ahhh, it’s splendid!” Haurchefant took a deep breath and let out a long, happy sigh. His other hand, burdened by being under Rhen’s frame, moved slightly to absently stroke her hair.
“That’s a bold claim, my Lord.” She teased, and the pair chuckled. “But I’m glad. Truly, I couldn’t be happier!” Her hand pressed against the middle of his back. “Long have I waited to hear you say those words, and to hold me just like this.”
“As have I, Rhen. I have dreamt of moments just like these. You’ve never once left my thoughts.”
“I guess that means we’ll be staying in bed a bit longer then?”
He hummed in response, “Please… just a bit longer.” He kissed her again, softly.
“Anything for you.”
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aidanrgallagher7 · 4 years
Love in The Midst of Doomsday ~
Five Hargreaves × Reader
Story Summary: When Five joins the commission after the apocalypse, he meets you and falls in love. When he finds out that he can go back and save his family, he does so and leaves you behind. Only to find you again a couple days before doomsday.
Word Count 3.1k
Warnings: none for this chapter
When you joined the Commission five years ago, you had no one. Everyone avoided you because they saw you as a threat. You are one of the top assassins in the Commission you see, so when you came along, people were afraid of you. The Handler, however, favored you the most. She took you under her wing when she found you in an alleyway all alone and nowhere to go. She calls you her "minnie me" because of how similar you are in cleverness and strength. So when the day the Handler came to you, telling you that she will be taking in a man without a real name, shocked you to say the least.
"I am your assassin Handler, why do you need another one?"
Handler "Oh I know sweetpea," she puts a piece of hair that has fallen into your eye behind your left ear, "but he needs a home just like you did. He has been stuck in the apocalypse for forty five years-"
"Are you serious?"
Handler "Yes, do you see why we need to take him in?"
"W-why doesn't he have a name?"
Handler "It is complicated. I am sure that he will tell you all about it when he meets you, hmm?"
Handler "That's my little minnie me." She kisses your forehead and then takes your hand to lead you to her office. When she opens up the door, sitting in one of her chairs is an extremely handsome gentleman. So handsome that it takes you aback for a moment or two.
Handler "Five, this is Y/n. Y/n this is Five." When he looks into your eyes, it is like the whole world stopped. 
Five "Hello, i-it is nice to meet you." He stuttered. He reached for your hand and you gratefully took it. 
"It is nice to meet you too." In that moment he smiled, and you could feel your heart start to race. Five's smile is the most beautiful smile that you have ever seen. His whole face lights up as his smiles at you and the Handler notices it as well. 
Handler "Well, Y/n is our trained assassin here in the Commission. She has done many jobs for me and every single job has been completed successfully. So Y/n, you will be training Five to be as skilled if not more skilled than yourself in the field."
"You want me to train Five?"
Handler "That is right."
"But you trained me, why won't you train Five?"
Five "No it's okay, really. I would like for you to show me your skills. The Handler has told me a lot of your work, I'd be honored to learn from you." You try your hardest not to blush but it is very hard. He isn't just handsome, he is kind and sweet. 
"Okay, when should we start?"
Handler "Now. I have cleared your schedule so you can start his training now."
Five "Perfect." 
"I'll meet you outside in the field, can you just give us a moment please?"
Five "Absolutely." We smiled and then walked out the door. As soon as the door is shut, you squeal like a child even though you are an adult. The Handler bursts out laughing, laughing so hard that she starts to snort. 
"You hired him on purpose!"
Handler "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." She shrugs her shoulders. "I had to do a little somethin-somethin for you! You're like my daughter besides Lila!"
"Thank you, I don't really know what else to say.."
Handler "You don't have to say another word," she boops your nose, "now go on, he's waiting for you." You giggle like a schoolgirl in love, about to go meet the jock on the football field. 
When you get your training bag from your room, you meet Five in the training field: it is basically an arena for people in the Commission to train for whatever tasks the Handler has given to them. You are a nervous wreck but that is only because you don't want to make a fool of yourself in front of the new guy. 
"Hey, are you ready?"
Five "As ready as I can be." 
"First, you have to learn the basics."
Five "Which are?"
"One on one combat."
Five "I have to hit you?!"
You laugh, "You won't hurt me, but if you do, that is good. That means that you will be able to move onto the second stage."
Five "I don't want to hurt you."
"I am your trainer Five. Do not worry, I won't take it personally." He sighs and puts his hands up, preparing to fight. As soon as you swing once, he ducks and kicks your leg, making you fall to the ground. 
"Good." He offers you a hand up.
Five "I'm sorry." He helps you off of the ground and you get close to each other.
"I am not mad Five. I want you to fight. When you are on a job, you can never make it personal."
"Yes ma'am." His training went on for an hour or two, you are not exactly sure. It was more fun than any of your other training sessions that you have done in the past. Of course, Five did not make it easy for you to beat him in combat. He is way stronger than you took him for. All you know is that you are definitely going to be bruised and sore in the morning. 
Five "Did I pass?" He asked, out of breath.
"Yeah, yeah I'd say so." You say as you wipe a bit of blood off of your mouth. He takes your hand and uses his own hand to finish wiping it away.
Five "I'm really sorry..I didn't mean to hurt you like this."
"It's okay, I promise. You did really good, I am impressed. Especially on the first day."
Five smiles, "Well I am not like everyone else."
"What do you mean?"
Five "I am..let's just say, different."
"In what way are you different?"
Five takes your hand in his own, "Do you trust me?"
"...Of course"
Five "Okay, don't let go of my hand." And before you could answer, you were engulfed in a blue light. And in that light, Five ran you both through it and in no time at all, you were on the whole opposite side of the field. 
Five "Yeah-"
"H-how did you just do that?"
Five "Maybe we should go inside. It's going to be a long conversation." He takes your hand again and just like last time, he blinked you into his room. Your head is spinning and you have no idea what to think. Five seemed like everyone else: a regular human being. But that is far from the truth.
"What are you?"
Five sighs, "I am one out of seven siblings. Specifically, I am the fifth sibling to be born with special abilities."
"So there are six other people like you?"
Five "Yes but my siblings have different abilities. Mine just happens to be blinking."
Five "I can time jump to anywhere at any time. That is why I showed you on the field."
"And your siblings?" He explains to you all of their abilities and it is a huge pill to swallow but you are amazed. He tells you all about his father and how he got stuck in the apocalypse. You find Five so interesting and he amazes you with new information that you thought only existed in tv shows and movies.
Five "I didn't mean to get stuck there. I was just trying to show my father that I was strong enough to time jump into the future. Sadly, I was able to jump into the future but I just jumped too far."
"Why couldn't you jump back?"
Five "With my powers, I have limits. The more power I use, the more tired I get. When I am weak or drained, I cannot blink. But believe me, I tried everything I could to get back to my family."
"I am sorry."
Five "Thank you. Then the Handler found me and brought me here.. now you know everything."
"Does the Handler know about your powers?"
Five "Yes. That is why she even hired me in the first place."
"Well I am glad that she did. It's been pretty lonely here in the Commission before you showed you." He blushes and smiles from ear to ear.
Five "It is nice to see a woman as beautiful as yourself after being alone for forty five years." You start to laugh.
"I must say I have never heard that one before." He starts to laugh along with you, then he blushes.
Five "Sorry.."
"No, don't apologize. I'm really glad that you are here."
Five "Me too-" the Handler cuts Five off by knocking on the door. 
Handler "Sorry to interrupt you two but I was wondering how his first day of training went?"
"If you can't tell by my lip, he did very well."
Handler "Ahh I am so glad to hear it!"
"He can go onto the next stage of training tomorrow."
Handler "Wow Mr. Five I must say that I am impressed."
Five "Thank you." 
Handler "Well, dinner starts in a bit..I'll see you two downstairs." She smiles and then closes the door. Five sighs and sits back down onto the bed.
Five "I really hurt you didn't I?"
"I have been hurt a lot worse, trust me. A cut lip is nothing Five."
Five "Well I'll make it up to you, I promise."
You blush, "Okay." You ended up getting cleaned up before dinner and Five did the same. You feel yourself fallen for Five Hargreaves, fast and hard.
Four Years Later:
You and Five have been married for a year and a half now. Ever since the first day you two met, you have Five have been inseparable. You and Five are also the strongest unit the Commission has ever seen. In fact, the Handler has put up a plaque of yours and his face on the wall of honour. It is crazy to realize how far you and him have come, not just as a couple, but also in your jobs. However, recently Five has grown tired of working in the Commission. He has killed more than he can count and he is grown sick and tired of killing for the Handler. He has come to you in confidence, telling you how badly he wishes to leave the Commission and find a way to go back in time to save his family. 
"You should speak to her, maybe she can find a way."
Five "Even if it is possible, I don't think that I would be able to take you with me."
"I love you Five. You know that I do, I want you to be happy."
Five "I am happy with you babe, I just miss my family."
"I know you do, so go talk to her. If she can make that possible, then go save your family."
Five wipes away a stray tear, "I love you."
"I love you too." He kisses you long and hard, before off of the sofa and heading out the door.
When Five returns, he has a smile on his face. He explains to you that it can be done but it will take a few weeks to make absolutely sure that the briefcase will time jump back to that specific day. 
"That is wonderful, Five! I am so happy for you." He kisses you but when he pulls back, his face turns to sorrow. "What, what's wrong?"
Five "I can't bring you with me Y/n."
"She told you that?"
Five "Yes." You bring his face to yours and you rest your foreheads together.
"I want you to be happy Five. Truly happy. You are my husband and I love you. I know that you love me just as much, but I also know that you love your family. And you miss them. So if you want to, I will let you."
Five "If I could-"
"I know."
Five "Remember our vows?"
"In this life and the next."
Five smiles, "I will find a way to get back to you, Y/n. I promise." You nod.
The day Five left, was the hardest day of your life. Watching the love of your life, disappear right before your eyes, was hard to say the least. You know that there is a great possibility that you would never see Five again, and that broke your heart into a million pieces. 
Handler "Oh come on sweetpea, you will find love again!"
"I did find my love, Five is my husband!"
Handler "I know that, but why did he leave you if he loved you so much?"
"What are you talking about? You told him that I couldn't go with him."
Handler "Y/n, more than one person can time travel at once. You know that."
"Yes but the jump was too far back.." the Handler gave you the 'come on really?' face and your heart just sunk. "Did he really go back to his family?"
Handler "Yes, that part is true."
"Why would he lie?"
Handler "I don't know honey, but it is time to focus on the Commission again. That was your passion before Five came along." Little did you know that Five never lied to you, the Handler has hated the fact that you have been putting jobs second to your marriage. So she took care of the problem.
"You are right. When is my next job?"
Handler "Tomorrow morning-" she hands you a folder with all of the details that you need to know in order to complete your mission.
"I will get it done."
Handler "There's my girl I know and love!" You force a smile walk out of her office. You do not fully believe that Five lied to you, he has never in the past so why would he start now? Nonetheless, you pushed on and started working again.
Five Years Later:
Five never came back, even after all these years he has not come back to you. Your heart has never fully healed but you have come to the realization that he was never coming back, and have made peace with that. Yes, you have your sleepless nights where you cry yourself to sleep. But thankfully you have a job where you can take out all of your hate and sadness on clients that the Handler wanted gone. Today, the Handler came to you with a job that involved you going back in time and you gladly took it.
Handler "This briefcase will take you back to November 15th, 1963."
"And why this date?"
Handler "There is a plot to kill John F. Kennedy and I want for you to stop that."
"Why, the last time Five did that, you almost fired him!?"
Handler "That was two years ago! I have changed my mind, now..do you want the job or not?"
"Yeah, yes of course."
Handler "That's a good girl, here you go." You take the briefcase from her hands and take it to your room. When you think back on that date, you realize that your father will still be alive in that time period. Are you really going to be able to see your father again? You asked yourself. You lost your father in 2014 due to old age (natural causes). When you lost him, you lost your home, your friends, everything. That year, the Handler found you and took you under her wing. Maybe you will be able to see him, that would bring you so much comfort that you so desperately need. So without any more hesitation, you take a deep breath and open up the briefcase.
November 15th, 1963:
When you arrive at the designated time period, you arrive right on your father's doorstep. Before you can knock, a man opens up the door. That man is your father.
Elliot "Oh my god, Y/n! Where have you been?!"
Elliot "You've been gone for hours, you didn't leave a note. Where have you been?"
"S-sorry I went to the diner to get some food."
Elliot "Oh okay." He said as he shut the door behind him.
"Dad, will you excuse me for a second?"
"Yeah! I have to get back to my research anyway." You rush to your bathroom mirror and find your younger self staring back at you. You scream out in shock, alerting your father.
"Y/N?! HONEY?"
"I- I'm fine! It was just a spider!" 
"Oh, don't scare me like that!" You think to yourself, how is this possible? How did this happen? You take deep breaths and try to calm yourself down. Not only do you have to save the president, but you are now home and stuck in your sixteen year old body and your dad thinks that you are his teen daughter, coming home from the diner..wonderful! 
"Okay Y/n..you've got this. Pull yourself together. Do what needs to be done and get back into your adult body." You pep talked yourself in the mirror.
When you get out of the bathroom, you find your father going around the apartment like a madman, looking at scraps of paper. 
"Dad, what are you doing?"
Elliot "You know what I'm doing silly."
"Tell me again..I kind of forgot."
Elliot "Uhm..okay.. come here and I'll show you." When you look down at the scraps of paper, you find a group of six people, lined up next to each other. "Okay so, you know how every year for the past year or so we have seen a blue flash of light coming from our window?" 
You lie, "Yeah."
Elliot "Well I am trying to piece together these people that have come from this blue light."
"Do you know their names yet?"
Elliot "I've only gotten Allison and Diego so far." And then it clicked, those people your father is trying to figure out is Five's siblings. But before you could open your mouth to speak, there was a knock on the door. "I'll get that sweetie. How about you get yourself a cup of coffee, you look tired." Without hesitation, you agree and pour yourself a cup of coffee and take a sip as your dad opens up the door.
Elliot "What do you want?"
"Hi, I'm selling encyclopedias for my youth group-" before the person could finish, your dad slams the door in his face. You burst out laughing, that is until the person comes into your house. But he did not open up the door to come inside, he blinked. Your father screamed out in fear of not knowing how the boy did what he just witnessed, but you knew exactly who the boy was. You panic and drop your coffee mug and it cracks on the floor. 
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The boy looks at you and makes direct eye contact.
"F-Five?" That is all he had to hear.
Five "Y/n?...Y/n!" 
Elliot "..y-wait what?! How do you know this kid?!"
You both "Long story."
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