#and I'm angry they have done that
Netflix ads for One Piece on Tumblr trying to be even more embarrassing than the 4Kids dub
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titfairy · 2 months
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ruporas · 2 years
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post ep 11
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simplykorra · 1 year
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ava + every episode - episode 12 “colossians 3:9-10″
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furiousgoldfish · 4 months
my parents: punishing and humiliating me under duress and torture for having any kind of reaction, for crying, for complaining, for getting angry, trying to fight back, breaking down or showing any kind of pain and fear
also my parents: increasingly annoyed when they can't easily get a reaction out of me and stooping to worse and more horrid provocations and violence to still be able to get a reaction
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blackhholes · 2 months
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teen wolf meme: [3/6] creatures -> kitsune
There are thirteen kinds of Kitsune: celestial, wild, ocean, thunder... But there is one, a dark Kitsune. They call it void, or Nogitsune.
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ruvviks · 3 months
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"Project Cobra revolved around experimental encephalic chips used to alter a subject’s stimulus processing and gain temporary control of their actions when activated. The chips, better known as Cobra chips, would be installed in the frontal lobe and served as filter for any stimuli and signals, amplifying and reducing them to alter the subject’s reactions, reflexes, and alertness to the user’s needs. Through correct installment and use of various cybernetic enhancements, implants, stabilizers and stimulants, the subject could be turned into a shell of a person without any free will, essentially turning them into an obedient supersoldier." — Excerpt from the article on Arasaka Special Programs
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a0random0gal · 2 months
I know that right now we're all pissed at the horrendous character assassination Alicent has gone through this season (God I'm the first one who still can't believe her eyes), but this awful representation of the green Queen on screen has at least given me some newfound appreciation for book!Alicent and all she stands for.
Alicent, the young girl who stood by Jaehaerys's side as he passed.
Alicent, who became queen against all odds and watched in horror as her foolish husband dismissed her sons' claim to the throne in favor of her step-daughter.
Alicent, who knew what she wanted for her family and fought tooth and nail against Rhaenyra to protect her children.
Alicent, who demanded Luke's eye in exchange for Aemond's when she realized Viserys didn't care for the wellbeing of their son.
Alicent, who cleverly plotted Aegon's ascension and put her plan in motion the moment her useless husband kicked the bucket, disregarding his wishes in order to save her kin from the blacks.
Alicent, who witnessed the atrocity that was blood and cheese, helpless to do anything as her grandson was butchered and who then later on said she wishes to bathe in the blood of the men who had committed this horrible act.
Alicent, who remained loyal to her side till the bitter end, and kept taunting and threatening Rhaenyra even after she took the capital.
Alicent, who never recovered from her children's deaths and lived only to erase Rhaenyra's legacy, trying to convince her granddaughter to kill Aegon III despite the end of the war.
Alicent, who spent her last days in imprisonment, seen as a remnant of the past, a grief stricken woman fueled by vengeance, unable to see a future with Rhaenyra's blood on the throne.
Alicent, who died alone and defeated still thinking of her happy teenage years and her beloved family.
She was fierce, she was loving, she was manipulative, loyal, clever, brave and even fucking evil when she had to be, but at least she felt real.
She had agency, knew what she wanted and how to obtain it.
Never forget what they took from us.
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ray935sworld · 1 month
Okay serious question, how do I keep a friend away who I stopped seeing as a friend due to dismiss and ignoring of my feeling and he has romantic feelings and asked me out multiple times/ made hints about a what could have been despite knowing I'm not into men?
Edit: Okay! He is blocked now and yes I had a ray that's not normal moment
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iamumbra195 · 5 months
Live picture of my reaction every time I see someone make a headcanon that Tyler is an irresponsible student like this kid isn't trying his best to keep his grades up really high while being a star athlete to get a college scholarship, despite being stuck in a nightmare dimension with creatures that want to kill him for seven whole hours every day and not knowing if he or his sister will survive long enough to actually have a future:
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armandposting · 2 months
also I just think it's really unintentionally cruel to look at armand's life and go, see this piece, which is the only piece where you felt safe and happy and loved even if bad shit was also going on? actually it was rotten to the core and there is no part of your life that was ever safe. and the anger and terror you feel about the entire rest of your life must also be applied here because there was nothing salvageable about this time. which could in fact be a very in character thing for daniel to do lmfao but that's not how I ever really see it presented
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swan2swan · 3 months
Going to sleep, but first, I just remembered the way the animators worked with Brooklynn's hair in Camp Cretaceous, gosh, this detail was fantastic:
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ilovereadingandstuff · 10 months
Excuse me!! Have you seen the official english translation of bnha 408!!??
They changed Bakugo's words AGAIN and it shows a completely different message AGAIN!!!!???
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You see?!?!
The unofficial translation shows a Bakugo who is basically mocking AFO, convinced and sure of his victory, that he will not lose this time.
The official translation, however, shows a Bakugo who's afraid, doubtful and uncertain of how he will face what AFO is doing...
Which one, then, it's the correct one?? The one that Horikoshi wanted us to keep??
I'm convinced that the unofficial one is the correct one, but WHY?!?!!?
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clau1r9i · 21 days
I just remembered how a few days ago I was browsing reddit and I found some posts of people crying about the lack of romance in mahoyome
No joke at first I was a little confused, I had completely forgotten that this manga is going to have romance at some point.
Well, I hope they buy the most comfortable sofa possible and popcorn because it's going to be a long time.
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littlefankingdom · 4 months
Jason faking his death is funny simply for the heart attack he gave to Bruce. His brothers knew he was faking, but not Bruce (I hope). Make the old man pay for all the time he faked his demise or disappeared without telling anyone.
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problemswithbooks · 6 days
So, I recently watched Helluva Boss and as always I've been prusing the tags for it on tumblr to see what other people think about the story and characters.
Something that stuck out to me is when people say Striker is a hypocrite because he hates the Royals, puts down Blitz and Fizz for being with Royals, but he, himself, works for one. Also that his pitch he gave to Blitz about teaming up to take down Royals was all a lie.
Now, I'm not going to say he's not being a bit of a hypocrite, especially given how much he hates Royals. What I will say is that I understand why Striker wouldn't see it that way (besides the fact he has a seemingly desperate need to feel superior to other imps).
Striker wants to kill Royals--that is very clear. A huge hurtle to that goal is that they are immortal. The only thing that can kill them is Angelic Steel--something that is rare and expensive. Yes, Striker is supposedly a well known assassin, but it's doubtful he'd ever make enough money to afford Angelic Weapons without taking on extremely wealthy clients. The wealthiest would be those at the top.
We don't know if Striker has worked with Royals before. If we assume Stella was the first Royal he was hired by, that makes his choice to work with her make far more sense. Particularly when we take into account who her target is--her equally Royal husband.
Unless stated otherwise later, Stella must have provided Striker with his Angelic Weapons so he could kill Stolas. She doesn't just give him a single weapon, either. She gets him a sniper rifle, pistols, a knife and a rope so he can incapacitate Stolas and take his vast magic abilities away, rendering him helpless. On top of that, she is also paying him money.
Given Stella never brings up the fact he lost the sniper rifle, or demands he return the weapons she provides, this deal he's making, although hypocritical, is only a benefit for Striker. He's getting paid to kill someone he wants to anyway, and a new arsenal that gives him the capability to kill Royals afterward.
This is why I don't think his offer to Blitz was a lie. I think what he told Blitz is his long term goal/plan, and was simply offering Blitz to join him since he found Blitz to be somewhat equal to him after Blitz did so well in the harvest games. Once they killed Stolas, got Stella's money, they would turn around and start using those funds and weapons to kill more Royals.
The reason Striker doesn't see himself as on the same level as Blitz and Fizz with their relationships with Royals is because he sees himself as using Stella, where he perceives Blitz and Fizz as being used. It's true that Blitz gets similar benefits from his relationship with Stolas (if Striker even knows about Blitz using Stolas's spell book for his business, I can't recall) but given what Striker saw of their relationship, he would see Stolas using silly pet names despite Blitz disliking it and see that as Blitz debasing himself publicly for Stolas. Yes, Stella doesn't treat him with the upmost respect, but it's over the phone, without witnesses. Nor does he give her anything in return except a dead husband--someone he would have targeted anyway.
He sees Fizz as even worse because, to him, it appears Fizz has given up his own autonomy to live a cushy lifestyle. Yes, Fizz gains many benefits from being with Ozzie, but Striker views it as letting Ozzie take advantage of him, to let Ozzie treat him like a pet (which some people do, do to some imps). He doesn't know Ozzie loves Fizz--franky I don't think he'd believe a Royal could love an imp at all anyway.
Yes, he may work for a Royal, and take her orders, but he does so to pilfer more and more Angelic Weapons from her as well as take her money, all of which I'm sure he tells himself he will later use against her and the rest of the upper class. It's a business transaction that he actually holds all the cards in. Unlike Blitz and Fizz he doesn't have to publicly debase himself to get the benefits he seeks. At least that's how he sees things.
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