#and I’ve been re-binging stuff bc I have free time and it’s just like
jemmo · 2 years
reveal your watch & rewatch drama list
ty to the always lovely @snimeat for tagging me and letting me rant about the gays for a hot minute (bc let’s be real what else do i watch) 💕
21 days theory - i picked this one up bc it was there and i have time to fill while i’m off work and it was enemies to lovers so… gotta say so far im not hating it and i think the leads are cute, i just don’t care for any of this side character straightness i feel happening, hoping there’s less of that going forwards
even sun - still haven’t finished this bc what even is this show. it’s just such a weird watch and i still am not fully sure what’s going on but hey bounprem are on screen and doing stuff??? i guess???? but if this was to tide me over until between us, it didn’t work
his man - this i didn’t expect to get into bc im not normally a reality tv fan but man am i invested. something about how shy and almost awkward they all are around each other and now slowly becoming more comfortable and getting closer, it’s just so fun to watch and i cant stop my stupid grin the whole time. also changyu supremacy
mama gogo - this is one of the first non-bl gmmtv shows I’ve followed week to week and omg am i glad I have. It’s just so much fun, the characters and their storylines are fun and interesting, the dancing is cheesy but you can tell they’re just having the best time and i have cried at multiple eps. just so much heart in such a fun series, i love it here
merry queer - very behind on this but it’s an interesting watch and i just wanna support what it’s doing. but also hani
minato shouji coin laundry - oh my beloved. this show has wormed its way into my heart and set up shop there. i might just be a little bit obsessed with shin and his bold, forthright flirting and how he can go from so confident and driven to so hurt and in need of love and attention. and i think the story they’re telling is very interesting, esp with minato and how he shows this post-high school queer experience that we rarely ever see, and how those experiences affect you going into adulthood. plus it’s just cute and soft and the vibes are so welcome, it’s a show i wanna snuggle
the eclipse - what else needs to be said. confident rebel gay meets uptight golden-boy gay panic in a enemies to lovers plot shrouded in supernatural mystery and system oppression. sign me the fuck up. can’t wait to see first and khao act their asses off and have their moment to shine.
vice versa - whenever im watching this show im just having the best time and that’s what i love. jimmy and sea are just the most adorable pair to watch and the series has such lovely styling and cinematography and a vibe that’s so considered and adds to the atmosphere and story so much that i can’t not be in love with it. and im so ready to dive deeper into what this story is gonna give us
war of Y - this is kind of messy but it’s too early for me to tell if it’s in a good or bad way yknow?? i didn’t watch scoy nor do i know much about it but the mains seem to have good chemistry, but also we’ve kind of just been thrown in to this world where stuff is happening and it’s kind of hard to understand what everyone’s deal is, esp when you can’t read any of the texts and such
extraordinary attorney woo - back in kdrama land! watched ep 1 a couple of days ago bc my sister wants my mom to watch it and it was cute, so yay for a good family watch
bad buddy - i can’t believe we’ve made it to this point, but both my sisters only have ep 12 to watch now and then the big bad buddy rewatch and experience for them is over. it’s been so much fun sharing this with ppl and reliving everything I felt for those 12 weeks through them again. god i miss it so much and this show will never not impress and move and amaze me, you wonderful creature
my only 12% - this was a cute surprise actually. i have no clue where the story is going bc I’ve gone in blind but santaearth have a fantastic dynamic and act so naturally with each other that it’s just fun to watch even when nothing is really happening.
starting soon:
the only thing i’ll be starting soon is whatever i try to get my sisters to watch after bad buddy. the current candidates are probably blueming, to my star and maybe kinnporsche if i can handle watching that content with someone else (but my sisters are both smut fic writers, it’s water off a fucks back to them) but any recs or votes are welcome lol
i know im late on this one but I’ll just tag @seeking-moonscapes @talaypuens and @dribs-and-drabbles so i can peek at what your watching and your thoughts on them bc im nothing if not nosy 😁😁
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biblio-bitch · 4 years
Detroit Evolution Commentary Pt. 3 [FINAL]
It’s been a while, sorry. Life sucks ass sometimes and I had to do some transferring to my new laptop. I’ll write down some more fun facts as an apology. Disclaimer: This is all stuff I noticed, inferred, or interpreted. I didn’t write the film, anything I’ve interpreted is just that, an interpretation based on things I noticed using my experiences and knowledge. 
Fun fact #1: I have attempted to write in a proper novel style at least five times. After watching DE and watching @octopunkmedia ‘s script breakdowns and such, I've started writing scripts instead. I’m much farther along in those than I ever have been in books. 10/10 amazing for my visual based concepts.
Fun fact #2: My mental health was rapidly declining and I was losing interest in quite literally everything at the time the film was released. Watching the film and fixating on it for a month straight not only inspired me but helped me regain control of my life. Watching streams by the cast and Michelle while I worked for school made my productivity skyrocket.
Fun fact #3: I recently developed a tic that I now can’t get rid of. It was out of control for about twenty minutes right before I began writing this post. However, when I began re-watching the film (partially because it’s a comfort for me and I’m quite honestly terrified of what’s happening in the US right now) it stopped. So that’s fun.
As usual, spoilers and swearing under the cut! Quick note: If there should be a trigger warning on this or anything else I post, please let me know! I’m horrible at remembering to tag triggers. I’ll also be doing some quick posts on Umbrella Academy and my severe obsession with Jason Todd soon. Have fun!
As usual, here’s a list of people I know the users of in case you’d like to check any of them out. I’m likely missing people so feel free to let me know who I’m missing so I can add them!
Maximilian Kroger - Nines (@ maximiliankroger)
Christopher (Chris) Trindade - Gavin (@ trindabago)
Michael Smallwood - Chris Miller (@ michaelsmallwoodforever)
Carla Kim - Tina Chen (@ carlahkim)
Jillian Geurts - Ada (@ jilbobaggins_nyc)
Michelle Iannantuono - (@ octopunkmedia)
JJ Goller - Lazzo (@ quasar.cos)
Brett Mullen - Cinematographer (@ brettmullendirector)
Austin Butts - Sound Design (@ austinbytts)
Tiare Solis - Valerie (@ tiareleiana)
So I decided to put all of the rest into this post. It’s a long one. Not even that sorry about it bc I love this film with my entire heart. Warning for me getting sidetracked. I use a lot of Supernatural references but it’s because I’m visiting my dad and he’s binge watching the show. I like Dean and only Dean, don’t bully me for it.
The Wrist Grip™️ in the bedroom before Nines moves back
Shoutout to Maximilian Kroger’s muscles u go dude
Lighting Symbolism™️, big theme through the movie, honestly I think it’s beautiful and they did a wonderful job with it.
The little nod from Gavin as he starts talking about his nightmare 
You can see Gavin gearing up to move, like not in a normal way, in a “oh god I don’t know if I have the energy to do this” way and that’s Relatable™️
The little smile from Nines as they sit together
Nines being domestic, making coffee and breakfast, being Soft.
Shirt change??? Either I’m blind or he’s wearing a different shirt in the morning (He is. He’s wearing a t shirt at night and a buttoned collar shirt in the morning. Perhaps he changed? He’s wearing normal pants so he probably changed but he’s not wearing that same shirt in the next scene)
Ada eye rolling at them being passive aggressive dumbasses. Same. Apparently Jillian kept fucking with them which is,, so valid. 
The lighting in this scene (the office pt. 2) makes Maximilian look Android-white and outlined in the CyberLife blue-ish color. Very symbolic, I have no idea if it was intentional.
Another shoutout, this time to Maximilian’s eyebrows, the expressiveness is *chef’s kiss*.
“You can thank me later, Casanova.” Nines: *confused Android noises* 
Honorable mention to Michael’s Foo Fighters t shirt in the bar, it’s vintage.
Nines is in fact wearing a different shirt now. Not the same shirt from the morning bedroom scene. I also think he’s wearing a different jacket. Less of a peacoat and more of a leather jacket. Nice.
Shoutout to Tina’s (not irl) wife, Valerie! And her weird crush on Hank! I honestly can’t wait to see her in Seven Deadly Synths!!
Ada DODGING the questions that Nines is asking because she is SHADY. 
Also, he looks to Gavin when he talks about wanting to be more human. Recurring theme of him perceiving himself as lacking because of his ace-ness/android-ness, like he can’t give Gavin what he wants. Honestly I know that the android thing is a thinly veiled metaphor for race in canon but I kinda like thinking of it as a metaphor for being LGBT+ and in Nines’ case, specifically ace. Might not make sense but it does in my brain??
Gavin Senses Are Tingling and Nines is GONE. Leaving the bar for ur not-bf to try to talk things out like adults??? King shit.
Also electric lighter, fun, I genuinely didn’t know those existed
“You don’t want to help me, you want to fix me.” What a loaded line. Because in a way, it’s almost true? Like, Nines has this entire simulation of Gavin in his ideal world, and obviously that version of Gavin has probably been idealized at least a bit. Nature of humanity, and Nines might not be human but he’s got the Brain Things. And at that moment, it’s nearly true that Nines wants Gavin to be like that ideal Gavin. Obviously Nines wants Gavin as Gavin, but there’s the edge of that simulation there, still. 
But Nines does want to help Gavin, and that’s where he’s wrong. Nines wants Gavin to get better, wants to help stop the nightmares, etc. But by pointing that out, I think it’s partially why Nines can accept letting go of Simulation!Gavin when Ada attacks him. Because he knows that the simulation of Gavin will never be the real Gavin, and this line sort of helps him understand that he can’t really keep Sim!Gavin anyways.
Again idk if that’s legit but that’s definitely something I felt from that while watching.
Nines is constantly very controlled, but when he walks away from Gavin you can see him straining to keep that composure and not let his anger show. 
Ada looking So Done With This Shit when Nines comes back from talking with Gavin outside of the bar
“I’m sure this will be like...every other time.” Oh honey. Oh my sweet child. I am so very sorry. It most definitely will not be.
Ada’s exasperated Eyebrow Raise before taking a drink. If that ain’t the mood sis.
I love Ada’s bat wings on her outfits. 
Gavin being a stalker and putting his hood up. 
“I’m...certain that most of the credit can go to you.” IMMEDIATE ANGER. Must Defend Boyfriend.
Nines has Suspicion™️...press X for doubt... 
*Only vaguely related rant warning*
I do feel that we as a fandom tend to make Connor almost childishly innocent despite him being likely one of the least kind and least innocent characters. The characterization of Nines in this--and pardon me for the off topic rant--where he’s a fully grown man and acts like it is so much more realistic. Nines is a cop, as is Connor. 
Even post deviancy, they were designed and equipped to handle murder. Nines, in a lot of fandom content, tends to come off as an exasperated older brother or a gritty and mean detective, or even worse, essentially a sociopath who feels nothing in contrast to Connor’s childish and extreme innocence. I dislike both. Seeing Nines be a normal fucking person is so relieving, I’m serious. There’s still those elements of ‘oh he’s only been properly alive for like a year, right? He probably doesn’t get Chris’ Casanova reference.’ but it’s not to such an extreme that it overtakes all of his personality traits.
Like, yeah, ok, I get why a lot of fandom content does that. In order to balance what we see Connor do (and in order to further push the Hank as a father line) we over-emphasize the not getting references and such. Honestly I see the same in content for Castiel from Supernatural. Nines, when he’s added, often HAS to be a lot darker in order to make that seem not as jarring and unrealistic.
Doesn’t mean I enjoy it. If you do? That’s great, good for you, but I don’t like seeing those characters be portrayed as such one dimensional extremes. People aren’t like that. On the off chance that someone is such an extreme, there’s still other aspects of their personality.
DE has done an amazing job at not flattening their personalities. Nines and Gavin are three-dimensional and incredibly interesting characters I find myself invested in every time I watch it.
*Onto the commentary again.*
Gavin is still being a stalker
“Particular fascination with the RK line” AHAHA funny. She’s also an RK, and she likely knows more than Nines because her programming is based on information gathering. Her fascination begins and ends with what their programming can do for her.
The little computer details in Ada’s eyes as she copies Nines’ OS, and again in Nines’ eyes when he’s in the alley alone. I believe Michelle did all of that and I am just amazed every time I watch. 
The warped voice effect.
Gavin shifting to hold Nines as soon as he passes out
The ethereal colored lighting is very good for the mood, space hospital vibes
Shoutout to the latex suit they put Maximilian in! That’s not CG! He’s wearing a full body white latex suit. I’m so sorry.
Gavin looks so tired talking to Dr. Maria. His posture is defensive, pulled into himself. Shoulders hunched, arms pulled in. Eye bags, messy hair. Boy looked messed up. Somebody hug him.
Nines’ hair being disheveled and messy in the corrupted Zen Garden, rivaling his assertion that in his ideal world (Aka the normal Zen Garden) his appearance is polished, signifying the loss of control and the loss of the Zen Garden being a safe, ideal space for him. Same concept with Sim!Gavin being corrupted.
Nines: *wakes up in his mindspace*
Also Nines, immediately: GAVIN!!1!!1
Nines believes in CONSENT!! You do not go into someone’s program without asking, ADA.
Ada’s “poor widdle baby” face as Nines is freaking out because she trapped him. Mood.
Tina wearing a low turtleneck and a flannel is Peak Gay, especially next to Gavin “I wear the same leather jacket+hoodie combo every single day and probably the same jeans for a month” Reed, aka the most disastrous and chaotic bisexual I have ever seen. Again, a mood, I honestly felt that one.
The face when Nines realizes that Ada isn’t deviant yet. 
Gavin is blaming himself somebody stop this idiot. 
“Not without Nines.” What a softie.
“The last thing I said to him was ‘I don’t need you’.” BITCH WHAT THE FUCK MY HEART.
Gavin calling Tina “T” in that soft voice is so sweet omg
Ugh the bisexual LIGHTING is KILLING ME, ESPECIALLY as Gavin sits at Nines’ bedside
Tina encouraging Gavin. WLW/MLM solidarity. 
Fun fact: Chris Trindade told Maximilian not to react at all to the big speech but Maximilian literally started crying during it and there’s footage somewhere of the Dramatic Single Tear rolling down his face while he’s still ‘in stasis’.
Yes, I double checked the streams to make sure I got this right, I love the concept though.
Look I cannot get into the speech because I will write 1.5k words on it, but I will say this: It made me cry. The acting, the writing, it’s iconic. The amount of love and devotion they got without even saying the words “I love you” was amazing. Chris is so very talented. 
Tina is the best wingman ngl
The glitches in Zen Gavin are amazing. The sequence when he’s deleting the Zen Garden is also amazing. I use amazing a lot but it’s deserved.
Nines deleting the Zen Garden and Sim!Gavin is very symbolic of letting go of all of the fake stuff, letting go of the fear he was holding that kept him from confessing to Gavin and I love that
Nines sitting silently straight up. 
Gavin is highly intelligent and I’m so glad Octopunk embraces that. 
*another vaguely related rant warning*
Ok let me tell y’all a thing because this RUINS MY LIFE. People tend to take characters like Percy Jackson or Dean Winchester, whose intelligence isn’t outwardly obvious from the get-go, and remove it entirely. Percy is reduced to an idiot who can’t tie his own shoes and Dean is often shown basically unable to research without Sam. Both of those are bullshit. 
Percy has ADHD and Dyslexia, so when often we categorize smart as only book-smart, Percy’s intelligence as a battle strategist and his actual knowledge gets erased. Dean is usually the more physical and shoot-first-never-ask-questions type, and his intelligence is severely downplayed. He made an EMP detector from scratch. Made a shotgun, remembers how to kill things, is a very good hunter, especially on his own. But that’s thrown away because he’s not book-smart.
I despise when people take characters who are talented and smart in ways that aren’t just reciting the periodic table and reduce them to muscles and angst or drooling children. 
Octopunk having a scene where Gavin is working through a case, already having done the things that Chris, someone who was only recently promoted, suggests, is just affirming Gavin’s intelligence in a way I wish I could be not surprised by. Gavin is smart, and luckily I haven’t seen much downplaying that fact. He’s a detective for a reason. Unfortunately I think it might be because the fandom tends to turn Connor and Nines into actual children, but a win is a win.
Now I’m not saying I don’t love a good himbo character but I literally had to stop interacting with Percy Jackson content because people wrote him as incapable.
*Moving on*
“I think I can help with that.” Bitch why are you so dramatic I love him so much.
Nines’ t-shirt says “Detroit City Marathon” 
“You...undead asshole.” What an iconic line. I need a t-shirt. 
“I...hate you.” “You love me.” Harkens back to the beginning where the roles are reversed. Yes I used that unironically. Words are fun.
Gavin looking scared right before The Kiss™️ 
I thought that was cute when I learned it in one of the streams.
Nines’ LED spinning blue when they finally kiss asgladkaf 
“What dipshit programmed you to do that?” “I’m the most advanced android ever made, detective-“ “oh you are such a fuckin’ prick!” “Takes one to know one.” I canNOT with them, I laughed my ASS off
The little broken laugh Nines does
Nines rubbing his hands over Gavin’s while they talk about Gavin’s jacket
Shoutout to Chris’ surprised pikachu face. (Tina is also there) That was a joke take, it’s in the gag reel, too. The face wasn’t supposed to make it into the film but Michelle added it. (In the gag reel, Carla yells “Let’s go to Denny’s!” At the end.) 
And Ada’s leather pants. Honestly?? She’s so pretty. I love her. They’re all really attractive it’s actually terrifying.
Nines and Tina being a part of the Gay Turtleneck Gang
Nines’ untucked turtleneck
Tina being a Smart Girl. (Nines calling her “Officer” and her replying with “I’ll make detective someday.”
Chris being Exhausted during the whole meeting. Me too dude.
Chris and Tina doing literally nothing while Gavin and Nines have a whole heart to heart
The WHITE COAT. Tina in her blues. Chris’ Foo Fighters shirt. They’re such icons but they absolutely look like a group of gay ppl who did NOT decide on a theme.
The fight sequence is impressive, considering that they’re literally not stunt actors. I’m not a fight choreographer or stunt person so That’s really all I have to say on that.
Chris patting Gavin’s gun after he explains what he’s doing. \
As a Jason Todd lover the crowbar is unfortunate (had to, sorry)
Nines’ smirk and the TURTLENECK as he spins away from Ada with the crowbar. Iconic. The Big Dick Energy. Especially for someone who doesn’t have a dick.
Chris being a Dad when Gavin runs off to go stop the body calibration
Ada just YEETS Gavin. Iconic.
Ada: *doing the villain “you won’t shoot me, you’re too moral” thing*
Chris: Shut the fuck up *shoots her*
Deviancy sequence, iconic
“You’re awake now” bitch get your own tag line, Markus became Robot Jesus for this shit
Gavin trusting Nines’ decision immediately. Amazing. THAT’S LOVE BITCH.
The SMILES after Ada leaves!! They know they made the right choice!
Ugh the COLOR SYMBOLISM!! This is one thing that Michelle has touched on herself! Gavin isn’t wearing white in this scene because he’s not ‘fixed’, he never will be! He has trauma and he’s just barely beginning to heal from it with Nines’ help. He’s wearing grey, lighter than his usual, but still grey because they aren���t pure or innocent and they’re not perfect!! And that’s the fucking point!! It’s also a contrast against Sim!Gavin wearing white! Sim!Gavin was an idealized version of Gavin in Nines’ idealized world!! Real Gavin isn’t that!! So he’s wearing grey!!
Gavin immediately understanding that Nines is Ace and that it’s ok!! Beautiful!
“You’ve been a whole person since the day you woke up” YES!! YOU DO NOT NEED SEX TO BE WHOLE!! FUCK YEAH!!! (this is ace excitement. In the months since writing this I realized I’m aro-ace and trans so fuck yeah for ace rep.) 
Gavin being a dick and making Nines tell him about the skin thing
THE KISS!! They slowly move more into the light!! Because they’re getting better TOGETHER!!
Ok before I sign off, it’s only 3 am so I think I’m awake enough to talk about this, I like that they bring up that Gavin has like, actual issues that he needs to get through. Let’s be 100% honest here, I see Gavin as having ADHD, depression, and probably a form or symptoms of PTSD. He’s kinda fucked up and I’m gonna be real here he needs some therapy. He’s got trauma and needs to work through it. 
I like that at the end they explicitly have Nines understand and accept that that’s what needs to happen. As someone who has actually had relationships ruined because of trauma (on both sides) that we were unprepared to work through together, if I had seen something like that? Game changer. As it was, most relationships I had seen were idealized and seemed to “fix” those issues by way of just being in a relationship. Thanks major media. 
Now that the Detroit Evolution post series is over, I’m gonna be a bit sentimental and say that this film quite literally changed my life. Seriously. Michelle is such a big inspiration for me and I can only hope to be the same for someone else. 
If you ever have a chance to check out any of the amazing people who worked on this film, please do. To put into context how big this was: I changed my ideal college major from Forensics to Film. 
That’s it that’s all, ending this post at 3:24 am before I literally start crying over it. Thanks for suffering through my long-winded explanations, I hope you enjoyed. Have a wonderful day.
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butterflydm · 4 years
2020 (what a weird year)
I did not get very much done this year at all. The business I work for got us all classified as essential workers which... tbh, I did not agree with as a categorization. It’s meant that hours per week stayed the same, but my anxiety levels at work skyrocketed. And most of the time, after getting home, I basically had enough energy to check some stuff online but I mostly needed to decompress by doing something familiar, which I’ve been doing by replaying FFX and FFX2, and my brain mostly hasn’t had room for anything new. Which is a shame for all the plans I had to watch tons of new media! I had a long list of things I wanted to check out and I haven’t really watched any of it.
I did get a chance to watch a few new things (as always, tbh, any recs of mine are basically ‘you will like this thing, if this is the kind of thing you like’):
The Old Guard: Really enjoyed this movie. It’s been out for a while now, but if you haven’t had a chance to watch it, it was a fun, easy watch that also made me think some interesting philosophical questions about life. A good time! It’s honestly the only movie I watched during the 2020 pandemic period, unless I get around to watching anything else in the next couple of days.
MXTX’s Scum Villain’s Self-Saving System: I love love this story. I’ve watched the donghua (looking forward to S2!) and read the translation by BC Novels, and the story just has so many things that make my heart go ‘yes!’: it’s funny, with a charming PoV character who both doesn’t take himself too seriously and also seriously misunderstands himself in a lot of ways -- very relatable. It’s dramatic AF, with romantic lead Luo Binghe at the heart of a lot of that drama. It’s clever and I love the way the premise is used for both humor and pathos.
Tone-wise, it reminds me of works like Galaxy Quest or Northanger Abbey. Honestly, that light tone helps in some of the later chapters, which have content that is actually very dark and very heartbreaking if taken seriously, but because of the momentum of the story and the tone of the narrative, I didn’t feel like I got lost or bogged down in the darkness.
And I love the relationship between Shen Qingqiu and Luo Binghe a whole heck of a lot. I think the way it’s structured is clever and sweet and sad and makes for an interesting story. There is an element of an unintentional romantic obsession that SQQ created by the way he flipped between kind and cruel (against his will, which is what makes it forgivable for the audience, imo, because SQQ wanted to always be kind, though not always for the most selfless of reasons) and how LBH had to try to mentally justify/rationalize how the same man could act in such completely opposing ways. And the narrative symmetry between how SQQ thinks of LBH as the center of the universe because he’s the OP Protagonist (!) but LBH thinks of SQQ as the one that everything revolves around and how that’s narratively true because, of course, in the story that we’re reading, SQQ is the protagonist and LBH is his love interest.
I also actually really appreciated the bad sex near the end of the novel -- sex-to-save-the-world is a trope that can easily get romanticized but here it’s (literally) painful and ugly instead, as all of LBH’s trauma pairs with the influence of Xin Mo on his mind. Even through the translation, it definitely feels like bad sex written well, rather than badly-written sex that is supposed to be good, if you know what I mean. Sex can be an important narrative tool in stories and I feel like MXTX uses it very effectively here.
I think I burnt through the entire translation in just a few days. I’ve been reading a lot of fanfic afterwards and I think my favorite so far is I Wish You Were My Husband by Feynite. It’s an AU but it keeps the same kind of vibe as the original story.
Bridgerton: Goodness, so enjoyable! Julia Quinn is not My Most Favorite of the various romance writers that I read but she was one of the first writers that really got me back into reading romance and it was delightful to see her world on screen. I don’t picture people when I’m reading novels; I have to have a visual first and then I can carry that into the reading, so it was nice to be able to assign faces to some of these characters that I’m already very fond of. Simon and Daphne had a nice amount of chemistry and I loved the Bridgerton family relationships.
I hope they get to cover all the romances in the series and continue to do some updating as well -- I generally liked the changes they made to Simon and Daphne’s romance (a few I wasn’t as into but could see why they’d done it -- mostly For The Drama). And I really loved what they did with Simon and Lady Danbury’s relationship. It took me some time to tell the three older Bridgerton brothers apart but that’s pretty much canon, lol. Anyway, I was invested enough in it all that I stayed up all night on Christmas eve to watch it all and I had no regrets afterward.
I started watching S2 of TharnType but then my work schedule changed and I was working on Fridays and (see above) I just didn’t have the energy to watch anything after work. I might wait and binge the rest of the series once it’s all out, now that it’s gone this long without me being caught up.
I do think I’ll take a break from Critical Role for a while, after it comes back. I’ve just come to an unfortunate place where the show literally cannot win with me re: the romances, as I’m annoyed when they happen but also, perversely, annoyed when they get ignored because my brain goes “they gutted beaujester for this limited amount of inferior romance? At least commit to giving an adequate amount of the romances that I dislike!”. And so it becomes a vicious circle. Good sign that it’s time to take a break. My unhappiness with one part of the show is overshadowing everything else and maybe some time away will change that. Or maybe I just need to pick it up again with campaign 3. I guess I’ll see how it goes. I also admit that I’d hate to pick up the show again only to have Lucien get killed off in a few episodes.
I want to try to watch some more shows in 2021, and maybe I’ll have time, if I’m freeing up several hours every Thursday.
I want to watch Heaven Official’s Blessing and I’ve had a translation of the novel on my phone for the entire year and I really do want to read it as well. I’d like to watch Xiao Zhan and Wang Yibo’s new shows (The Wolf & The Legend of Fei) as the gifsets I’ve seen have been interesting and enjoyable, and there are a bunch of shows that I’d gotten recommendations about after watching TharnType that I still want to check out too. Plus, I have the new Stormlight Archives book and I want to read that as well. So, there’s quite a list.
It’s still probably gonna be quite stressful at work for a while, at least until I’ve had a chance to get the vaccine, but at least I am going back to Thursdays & Fridays as my days off at the start of the year, so I’m looking forward to that. I’m also hoping to get back to my detailed rewatch of The Untamed, because that was so much fun but I did not have enough brain this year to do any more of it.
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vagarius · 5 years
uhhhhHHHhhhh i have been lurking since i re-watched (i.e. binged) mbav in may so uhhh here are some bethan hogwarts hcs
(primary/secondary stuff from sortinghatchats on tumblr)
hufflepuff ethan who was sorted based on his primary, i.e. his need to protect the world (or at least its innocents)
ethan with a ravenclaw secondary so shameless that it looks like a slytherin secondary, sometimes
slytherin benny sorted for his solid slytherin secondary
benny who is also a slytherin primary, but only has hufflepuff level feelings of loyalty to his "group" bc anything more intense and he'll end up like his dad, chasing someone who isn't willing to share that level of connection
ethan is the one exception bc he was there for it all
benny is actually a pureblood but grew up with muggles under the care of his grandma and his dad after his mom up and left
ethan is benny's muggleborn neighbor
benny and ethan try to find ways to tell each other they won't see each other much anymore when they get their letters bc they presume the other is non-magical
end up seeing each other at platform 9 and 3/4 and are overjoyed
when ethan realizes he can't call his parents from the school he spends almost all of his free time frantically researching and making modifications to his phone and manages to get cell service and a working cellphone in about a week and a half
doesn't tell anyone about it except benny who was sworn to secrecy
sarah and erica find out about it in ethan and benny's 4th year when ethan uses it to get the two girls out of a pinch
sarah: do you have any clue who could be tracking that?
ethan, after taking a deep breath: i've had this phone for over 3 years, i think i do have an idea of who could be tracking it. and the answer is no one with authority. no high-up wizard is willing to consider stuff like this.
everyone (but benny) thinks the phone was a gift or smth as opposed to ethan making it himself and ethan doesn't bother correcting anyone
everyone underestimates ethan (and to an extent benny) and ethan being ethan just makes it a part of his knowledge base and uses it to his advantage
benny and ethan seem horrendous at everything magical bc theyre both too curious for their own good
but they are actually both really smart
mcgonagall realizes this about ethan when he comes up to her after class with questions about things most students don't give a second thought about
ironically (or unironically) snape realizes this when he makes benny remake a potion during detention and although the boy won't stop talking he makes an excellent potion and at least 1/2 of his rambling is about modding different recipes or techniques to make potion-making more efficient
"if you are able to make a potion of this caliber, then why must you blow everything up while you are in class?" "because it's more fun that way, professor snape." snape isn't sure whether that was the most or least slytherin thing he has heard out of mr. weir's mouth
ethan is oddly good at divination
benny and ethan with top scores in arithmetic and close to failing literally every other subject
benny and ethan unironically failing muggle studies
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xtsyb4by · 5 years
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if ur a bored bitch like me here’s some shit u can do to occupy ur mind with, these r just things i do/im tryna do to help pass time cuz ik it’s fkn difficult being at home with nothing to do but think lmao: (feel free to add to the list)
- clean yo room!!! no excuses bitch, u have time now. clean room = clean mind. i’m not saying you gotta do a full deep clean but idk change ur sheets, organise ur closet, vacuum the floor, clean ur mirrors. it doesn’t have to be major, anything is better than nothing.
- make, edit or re arrange your music playlists. i do this a lot bc it takes a while. go to ur playlists and delete any songs you don’t listen to, add some new ones you like, make a whole diff playlist for different moods and settings. maybe change the name or cover pic if you want.
- exercise. now bitch i’m not a fitness junky so i’m not telling you to do some 30 min work out bs lmao, if that’s ur thing u do u but if ur lazy like me then opt for something shorter. i found a 3 min workout on yt for a smaller waist, the girl goes thru the exercises in real time so you can do it as the vid plays. ofc u don’t have to do everything on the list maybe challenge urself to complete 2 of those exercises every couple of days. don’t set ur standards so high, work your way up. link - https://youtu.be/UmjecVlllCk
- clean up your social media. unfollow people you don’t talk to/inactive accounts, delete posts you might not like in comparison to others. maybe make a new post? remove inactive followers.
- clean up your camera roll. i hoard so much crap on my photo gallery idek why, but go thru that shit and delete the stuff you know you’re never gonna use. or download google photos, it saves all ur photos/vids on the app so you can delete them off the photo gallery without actually losing them (idk if that makes sense but yh) everything’s backed up on the app so when you log on the things that have been on ur photo gallery are on the app.
- binge watch a new tv series. yes ik not everyone has netflix, amazon prime, hulu idk what else ppl use. theres plenty of dodgy sites that you can use (i’m not gonna list them) *cough, 123movies, Gostream* but some things i’ve enjoyed watching are; rupauls drag race, shameless (usa version), prison break, on my block, skins uk, russian doll, orange is the new black, top boy summer house, you, sex education, when they see us, narcos, the good place, the act, rick and morty, no jack horseman, the assassination of gianna versace, the end of the f***ing world, black mirror.
ok my minds gone blank so yeah, ik the list isn’t very long so pls feel free to add stuff to it! - xtsy
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dcrothy · 6 years
hello friends !! it’s ya hoe moose (she/her) & i’m 21 and chillin over in the cst. i’m jazzed af to join this lovely group and rp with u all !! my gal dorothy here is a semi-new muse & i’m still working some stuff out with her but.....hopefully u like her anyway lmaooo. i would love love love to plot with u all so feel free to HMU or just LIKE THIS and i’ll come to you !! if you prefer to chat on discord just hmu on there instead, that’s chill with me. also bc i am such a.....pinterest hoe u can catch her board HERE !! more info abt her under the cut of course~
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[ kristine froseth, cisfemale, she/her, 20 ] GINGER by THE FRONT BOTTOMS? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of DOROTHY LINDVIG. maybe because they’re VIVACIOUS but also ALOOF. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since AUGUST of 2016 in 410 and have 1 ROOMMATE. 
tw: trauma, eating disorder, drug use !!
ok so !!!! first thing’s first, she usually does by the nickname dolly. but she doesn’t care too much abt what u call her u can call her fuckass and she’d just be like what’s up
she’s a town native !!! grew up in a shitty area w a kind of shitty family. parents were never around, always off on benders or just....generally bein shitty parents. dolly & her older brother had to learn how to take care of themselves when they were pretty young and they’ve always done just fine. they didn’t have a lot of money so dolly got pretty good at playing up the cute lil girl role and getting free stuff out of ppl
as much as she claims she relies only on herself, she also relies heavily on the kindness of strangers bc without them she definitely would have gone hungry for real
in order to stay away from her house as much as possible she would hang out at the skating rink as a kid & eventually after stealing a pair of skates from the lost & found she taught herself how to skate & eventually figure skate as well. she’s always wanted to go pro but.....obviously couldn’t afford the training
her brother used to throw pretty big ragers in their place when their parents were gone so......she started drinking & doing drugs at a pretty young age & just generally hanging out with ppl who were much older than her & v bad influences.
trauma tw !! it was at one of these parties that she had a traumatic experience w one of her brother’s friends. she was 13 and she still hasn’t told anyone about what happened. it happened on more than one occasion and her brother is still friends w this boy so she just.....does her best to avoid him & pretend that nothing ever happened bc she refuses to acknowledge her trauma
she was pretty popular in school but never rly felt like she had any true friends ??? none of her relationships were all that deep and she mostly just hung out with people to get free stuff LMAO and like rides places i guess
but she does have her lil group of friends that she truly cares abt and when she actually cares abt u.......she’s around for LIFE u cant get rid of her sorry
she got emancipated when she was 16 and has been living on her own ever since. at first she’d would just stay at friend’s houses and sleep on their couches, but that stopped when she finally got a job at the skating rink teaching kids how to skate & got a new place to live. she’s been chillin working there and living in the apartment building for a couple of years now
despite the fact she has a job, a good portion of her income doesn’t even rly come from that ??? she has......a sugar daddy who finances most of her spending
that is.....a v brief outline of her life up until this point but imma talk a bit abt her personality now
she is.....very magnetic tbH. knows how to draw in a group and keep them interested
knows how to bat her eyelashes and flirt if it means she’ll get something out of it
she’s kind of mean, kind of not ??? she is v moody a lot of the time tbh like it’s either hit or miss with her. sometimes she’ll be in the mood to have a big long chat and in a split second she’ll be telling u to fuck off
likes to know everyone else’s drama but doesn’t like having drama of her own
kind of does her own thing ???? marches to the beat of her own drum. doesn’t rly follow any rules. she’s just out here
does most things out of spite. even if she doesn’t want to do something, if someone tells her she cant do something she’s gna do it no matter what
very animated and lively. the type to dance in the middle of the grocery store if a song she likes is playing
also the type to dance on tables at the club
doesn’t rly care what ppl think about her but.....does at the same time ??? if ur important to her she cares deeply abt ur opinion but if not........she doesn’t give a FUCK
makes homes out of people far too easily & it’s fucked her up!!!!!
she always has to keep herself busy or else she’ll lose her mind :))))
will do.......literally anything to get something for free ??? doesn’t matter what it is or who u are. she can HATE u but.....she will still blow u behind the 7/11 for a free slurpee u know
i wouldn’t say she’s hypersexual but she is highly sexual thx to her trauma !!!
she is friendly yet distant at the same time so like......while she will happily talk to u and hang out with u and whatever she avoids deep conversation topics ig ??? she always finds a way to leave or change the subject when it gets serious or make a joke out of things bc she can’t.........talk abt stuff ajsdfjkgdjgk
a very witty & clever girl. she’s v smart and would have done well in school had she had a slightly better life & didn’t have to worry abt whether or not she would starve
some extra tidbits abt her !!!
p much all of her clothing is vintage/thrifted. she likes to re-purpose old clothes and make them her own. but her aesthetic is v vintage. shoes are her fave & she’s always wearing some funky type of boot or platform shoe
just a real fashion bitch !!!!
catch her online shopping at almost any given moment
mental breakdown haircuts at 2am are her Mood
she loves going to cute lil vintage diners & drinkin a cherry coke. she....actually is lowkey addicted to pop 
can’t keep a relationship to save her life. will date someone and put herself FULLY into the relationship but.......will either get bored or cheat on them or put them up on a pedestal so it’s destined to fail after one lil mistake.
she is a self-sabotager like that bc she doesn’t believe she’s deserving of love or any good things really
smokes cigarettes
drug use tw !! smokes a lot of weed probably. also does a lot of cocaine. has a coke addiction, in fact
her fave colour is red
she has a cat named freddie who she adores more than anything else on the planet
likes to play poker & gamble
will literally try anything once
hates herself & is rotting inside!!!!!!!!!!!!
eating disorder tw !! another symptom from her trauma is the eating disorder she developed as a teen. food is.....one of her few things in life she can fully control so she controls it a Lot. she’ll go days without eating just to feel more in control & then often times after restricting a certain food for a v long time she’ll go on a massive binging and purging and it’s awful :////// 
just wants to have fun and forget abt how disgusting she feels on a daily basis & how much she hates herself :))))))))))
generally just.............a messy bitch
this is......a LOT. i don’t have a full wc page or anything yet but here r some ideas ig ???
friends !! ppl that don’t actually know her all that well but she pretends they do anyway
exes !! ya girl puts her whole entire being into relationships even tho she runs away from them right after bc self sabotage ???? so she prob isn’t on good terms with any of her exes but......she’s my bi queen so this is open to anybody!!!!
a drug dealer
party buddies
fwbs & hookups, that kinda thing
maybe someone she cheated on a partner with ??? for Drama
or like....someone who’s relationship she fucked up idk
maybe someone who has a crush on her or something & she’s like.......pls don’t what r u doing
someone she has a crush on & avoids them like the plague bc feelings are gross
a good influence
idK i want angst & cute fluffy stuff so just.........everything pls thank uuuu
and ofc.............the song connections i’ve sent to the main~
that was a LOT im sorry y’all but..........come plot w me pleaseeee :’)
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loghainmactir · 6 years
For the OC asks: 1, 6, 12, 14, 18, 21, 28 :)
there r so many here 😱😱😱 thank u sm…. i love love love love talking abt my OCs but i can never do it unless someone prompts me and this one is gonna get LONG so buckle in kids!!! (I’m also on mobile, so the questions have been shortened bc I just wrote ‘em down before I got into bed I’m sorry 😭) I’m also going to do 6 as a whole seperate post bc I wanna talk a little about my D&D world, tbh!
1. Three useless facts about your favourite OC.
I can’t 100% choose a favourite OC (… ok its Padril) so! I’m gonna do one useless facts for three characters:
A) Padril once tricked Tamlen as a kid into believing he’d gotten his hand bitten off by the Dread Wolf by sucking it into his shirt and wailing. The clan was not impressed, lmao.
B) Braewyn and her twin, Bradley, often binge-watch Golden Girls when they’re together and have free time
C) Irving owns a set of dragonbone dice and he has no idea how to play dice games. Like, none.
12. Favourite relationship between OCs?
I’ve done this already BUT… my other favourite relationship is between my character, Leon, and his daughter, Jordan, who’s a teenager.
Leon’s essentially got the role of Cullen for modern-day Inquisition mixed w some Leliana stuff, but he’s the one who trains everyone and orders about spies/troops. He’s an incredibly thoughtful and kindhearted guy, though a bit married to his work and sometimes it’s difficult for him to remove himself from it.
BUT… Jordan is the apple of his eye and encourages him to go out and socialise and do things Not Involving Work. They were estranged for a bit bc his work’s dangerous, but now she’s older so they spend time together offen. Similarly, Leon tries to set a good example for her and tries to encourage self-love; Leon’s black, and so is Jordan, n he knows she’s been bullied before so he tries his hardest to encourage self love re: natural hair & dark skin & imperfections like scars (bc he has a lot himself) (He’s also so fuckin awkward lmfao, he tells so many dad jokes when they’re together)
14. Which OC is most like you?
Ok so I have two. Bradley and Raul: Bradley has always a LOT of my ADHD/BPD traits and shares a decent chunk of my trauma even before I knew about it all myself. He’s also bi like me n helped me realize I was, too. Bradley’s much older n more Out There than me, though, but he really is a comfort character in the sense that it’s kinda like “u can and will be ok, he was so u can b too”.
There’s also Raul, who’s like me personality-wise; he’s a smartass, a writer, a feminist, and he really just wants to help people. He’s also afraid of large bodies of open water (like me), and he’s fuzzy n chunky like me too. I swear to god he is his own OC though akgkakf
18. Favourite things to research about OCs?
I rarely research OC things anymore, tbh, unless I’m REALLY uneducated on topics that cannot Just Be Made Up (like Harry and his world— I haven’t researched shit for that, lmao). One OC I researched a tonne on was my OC, Anthony (who’s Bradley’s child). They’re nonbinary, so I spent hours researching what that meant and how to politely portray them… and then I realized I was trans through that. I love them bc of that.
21. Describe each OC as shittily as possible.
God, I won’t do All of them, but:
Padril: that friend from university who’s now dating a man twice their age and is an “artist” (though it’s not going anywhere)
Jakeem: Gaudy Local Man Can’t Stop Bringing Dead Dogs Back To Life; Click For The Full Story! (clicking requires u to sign up & give yr credit card details lmao)
Harry: (to the tune of Hit Me Baby One More Time) MY LOWER BACK / IS KILLING ME / AND I / I MUST CONFESS / SO ARE MY KNEES (are my knees!)
Irving: You Won’t Believe How Much This Bear Can Cry!
Braewyn: “Hehehe! Got your nose!”/“Got your wallet!”
28. If they had tumblrs, what kinds of blogs would they have?
Padril: aesthetic art/travel blog…. occasionally posts selfies of himself on Loghain’s lap. Extensive tagging. Hashtag nature, hashtag beautiful, hashtag art, hashtag daddy (HE WOULD THOUGH)
Harry: completely untagged personal blog. entirely in lower case. probably black w red font. lots of complaints, lots of depressing posts, the occasional COMPLETELY indecipherable meme reblogged by @ltsarahkerrigan’s eustace (occasionally he’d post selfies of them, too). Has, like, 3 followers lmao
Jakeem: fashion/dogblr blog. Has a decent amount of followers because he often posts outfit photoshoots, except most of the outfits are from KMart/Walmart and are cleverly disguised. Definitely gets called out on a regular basis. Basic tags, still gets a tonne of notes.
Irving: a mish-mash of fandom (at least, art, photosets and gifsets), photography, and recipes. Is That Person who always leaves actual comments on posts (and often they’re irrelevant) and uses tags but uses them all wrong (for example he does them in all caps and there’s never a break in them, like: YUM RECIPIE FOOD STEAK BACON VEGGIES). Probably shouldn’t be on tumblr but he’s enthusiastic about it at least!
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bey0nd-my-thoughts · 7 years
1: 6 of the songs you listen to most?
-- Bad at Love // Halsey, Don’t Play // Halsey, Alarm // Anne Marie, Bonfire // Childish Gambino, Deadroses // Blackbear, Jump // Rihanna
2: If you could meet anyone on this earth, who would it be?
-- Halsey
3: Grab the book nearest to you, turn to page 23, give me line 17.
-- But then someone explained to me: “that’s what editing rooms are for.”
4: What do you think about most?
-- Getting Wrigley soon
5: What does your latest text message from someone else say?
-- “I get off at 2 and then could come pick ya up”
6: Do you sleep with or without clothes on?
-- with clothes on
7: What’s your strangest talent?
-- i have no talents lmao
8: Girls… (finish the sentence); Boys… (finish the sentence)
-- Girls are hot af. Boys scare me.
9: Ever had a poem or song written about you?
-- yea
10: When is the last time you played the air guitar?
-- yesterday
11: Do you have any strange phobias?
-- I hate elevators
12: Ever stuck a foreign object up your nose?
-- yea
13: What’s your religion?
-- i don’t really do much with religious stuff
14: If you are outside, what are you most likely doing?
-- going to my jeep or leaving my jeep
15: Do you prefer to be behind the camera or in front of it?
-- behind it
16: Simple but extremely complex. Favorite band?
-- not a band but halsey is my love
17: What was the last lie you told?
-- that i wasn’t hungry
18: Do you believe in karma?
-- absolutely
19: What does your URL mean?
-- i think everything i have done in my life or shit that has happened is beyond what i could have ever thought i’d do
20: What is your greatest weakness; your greatest strength?
-- love for both..
21: Who is your celebrity crush?
-- amber heard
22: Have you ever gone skinny dipping?
-- no
23: How do you vent your anger?
-- i smoke weed and get petty af
24: Do you have a collection of anything?
-- not really
25: Do you prefer talking on the phone or video chatting online?
-- facetime is my fav
26: Are you happy with the person you’ve become?
-- not really
27: What’s a sound you hate; sound you love?
-- hate knives on a plate. i love music.
28: What’s your biggest “what if”?
-- a girl i was with end of last year who i fucked over for my shitty ex all because i was at same college as my ex
29: Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
-- yes and no
30: Stick your right arm out; what do you touch first? Do the same with your left arm.
-- right; wall. left; water bottle
31: Smell the air. What do you smell?
-- mouthwash
32: What’s the worst place you have ever been to?
-- a college in iowa i hated
33: Choose: East Coast or West Coast?
-- west
34: Most attractive singer of your opposite gender?
-- justin bieber
35: To you, what is the meaning of life?
-- love
36: Define Art.
-- getting your emotions and thoughts out into the world in a beautiful way
37: Do you believe in luck?
-- yes
38: What’s the weather like right now?
-- 72 and sunny
39: What time is it?
-- 9:10am
40: Do you drive? If so, have you ever crashed?
-- i do, and no but other people have crashed w me in the car. i hate ptsd from an accident and i am a miserable passenger so that’s why i always ask if i can drive places
41: What was the last book you read?
-- i have been reading “if i did it” about OJ Simpson
42: Do you like the smell of gasoline?
-- yea
43: Do you have any nicknames?
-- tay, tay tay, tator tot, tator thot, twat, tdub, waterfountain
44: What was the last film you saw?
-- i went and saw Rough Night last night
45: What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
-- I broke my cheekbone and eye socket area two years ago on 4th of July playing softball
46: Have you ever caught a butterfly?
-- yea
47: Do you have any obsessions right now?
-- halsey’s new album
48: What’s your sexual orientation?
-- lesbian
49: Ever had a rumour spread about you?
-- yup
50: Do you believe in magic?
-- depends
51: Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
-- yes
52: What is your astrological sign?
-- virgo
53: Do you save money or spend it?
-- save then binge spend
54: What’s the last thing you purchased?
-- a tattoo gun..
55: Love or lust?
-- love
56: In a relationship?
-- nope
57: How many relationships have you had?
-- only one really serious, official one
58: Can you touch your nose with your tongue?
-- no
59: Where were you yesterday?
-- all over going shopping and going to movie 
60: Is there anything pink within 10 feet of you?
-- yes, my shirt is pink
61: Are you wearing socks right now?
-- yes
62: What’s your favorite animal?
-- dog
63: What is your secret weapon to get someone to like you?
-- my personality sometimes is pretty great
64: Where is your best friend?
-- one is in wisconsin and one is in arizona
65: Give me your top 5 favourite blogs on Tumblr.
-- i cant name any now
66: What is your heritage?
-- idk
67: What were you doing last night at 12AM?
-- stick and poke tattoo
68: What do you think is Satan’s last name?
-- idk
69: Be honest. Ever gotten yourself off?
-- nah
70: Are you the kind of friend you would want to have as a friend?
-- yes bc i go above and beyond for those closest to me
71: You are walking down the street on your way to work. There is a dog drowning in the canal on the side of the street. Your boss has told you if you are late one more time you get fired. What do you do?
-- get my ass fired. i would save the dog
72: You are at the doctor’s office and she has just informed you that you have approximately one month to live. a) Do you tell anyone/everyone you are going to die? b) What do you do with your remaining days? c) Would you be afraid?
-- a) yes ; b) i would travel as much as i could ; c) yes..
73: You can only have one of these things; trust or love.
-- trust. love isn’t anything without trust..
74: What’s a song that always makes you happy when you hear it?
-- jump // rihanna
75: What are the last four digits in your cell phone number?
-- 5117
76: In your opinion, what makes a great relationship?
-- trust and communication. be my best friend as much as you are my girlfriend
77: How can I win your heart?
-- be honest with me and compliment me sometimes and get along with my family
78: Can insanity bring on more creativity?
-- yes
79: What is the single best decision you have made in your life so far?
-- moving to arizona
80: What size shoes do you wear?
-- 8.5
81: What would you want to be written on your tombstone?
-- something about how i have overcome so much shit in my lifetime
82: What is your favorite word?
-- supercalifragilisticexpialidocious
83: Give me the first thing that comes to mind when you hear the word; heart.
-- love
84: What is a saying you say a lot?
-- wow
85: What’s the last song you listened to?
-- deadroses // blackbear
86: Basic question; what’s your favorite color/colors?
-- purple
87: What is your current desktop picture?
-- me and two of my friends from asu
88: If you could press a button and make anyone in the world instantaneously explode, who would it be?
-- my abusive ex
89: What would be a question you’d be afraid to tell the truth on?
-- “what drugs have you done?”
90: One night you wake up because you heard a noise. You turn on the light to find that you are surrounded by MUMMIES. The mummies aren’t really doing anything, they’re just standing around your bed. What do you do?
-- ask wtf they are doing there
91: You accidentally eat some radioactive vegetables. They were good, and what’s even cooler is that they endow you with the super-power of your choice! What is that power?
-- fly
92: You can re-live any point of time in your life. The time-span can only be a half-hour, though. What half-hour of your past would you like to experience again?
-- i went a huge rave festival in arizona and it was the most fun i’ve ever had so i’d go back to that
93: You can erase any horrible experience from your past. What will it be?
-- everything my ex did to me and also my car crash
94: You have the opportunity to sleep with the music-celebrity of your choice. Who would it be?
95: You just got a free plane ticket to anywhere. You have to depart right now. Where are you gonna go?
-- florida
96: Do you have any relatives in jail?
-- yes but i think he recently got out
97: Have you ever thrown up in the car?
-- yes
98: Ever been on a plane?
-- yes
99: If the whole world were listening to you right now, what would you say?
-- get trump and pence out of the goddamn white house
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goldenscript · 7 years
i love crying so anything emotional is an instant read/watch for me ;;; AHH I KNOW I NEED TO WATCH AVATAR I HEARD IT'S AMAZING highkey hyped about it bc of zuko, heard his redemption arc is the best. and im a bitch for characters looking for redemption!! hit me with that character development shit!! and lmao nah gsnk is the funniest shoujo anime ive come across. oh yeah that winter sadness came in real strong for me this year too i was just so unmotivated? AND HAHA AJ RAFAEL'S WE COULD (1/?
HAPPEN HAUNTS ME TO THIS DAY BC EVERYONE PERFORMED IT AT THE TALENT SHOW. it was a bop back then tho. and ofc i’d notice bby!! honestly that song gives me such good vibes like :-( let me be in the mcu universe pls :-( omg wow thank u i’d love to have a friend like u tbh!! rbf duo lmao but HAHA THE OTHER DAY I WAS SO WEAK IN THE LIBRARY bc i went on my old aff account (come on i kno some of yall read/wrote fanfics on there) and i was cringing soo hard. my stories were so embarrassing (2/?       
and i just cringed bc who would reaD THIS??? APPARENTLY A LOt oF PEOPLE?? Mind u this was in like middle school-freshmen year. lmao but at the same time i was like…. mildly impressed bc….. wow i had a lot of shit saved up that could’ve been so much more. It was all like bts, exo, bap, and block b hahah and being the fantasy nerd that i was, i made my own world and terms and?? there were also a bunch of angsty sad stories?? like damn who hurt past me?? thinking about going back to rewrite (3/?            
them tbh. and i saw a convo between me and this writer and we were complaining about the lack of bts fics during the time LMAO this was probably like 2014? anyways, im so into the supernatural, dystopian, fantasy genres man!! like imagine bts (or anybody) bein some head ass demigods/high beings that are being punished for various reasons and the punishment involves them working mundane ass jobs lmao like mcd cashier, retail worker, cafeteria lady, janitor, delivery boy, etc on earth -sjsu             
honestly, forgive me for being so crap about not responding to this yesterday! i was so tired i actually slept at 11 like my energy was so depleted, i didn’t want to sit up on my laptop or really open my eyes. it’s a first. usually i’m up until like 3 AM on weekends bc i get so energetic? but anyway, i hope you had a good friday!!!!!!!!! and i hope saturday’s treating you kindly :D
okay, me. i hate crying about emotional / personal issues, which is why i don’t really cry over that stuff?? like it’s too painful for me. but crying over shows???? idols??? done and done kjsdfhksjfha i cried like a bitch BOTH times i watched haikyuu!! and kuroko no basketball and…. ok i cried when i watched the second season of free! and voltron (did you know season 5 is up cuz i haven’t binged through it yet but aHHHHH!!!!) so you can see my priorities tbh. and yeeeeeeeees! i love redemption arcs too. i love anti-heroes bc they’re so multi-faceted like i know that’s expected but seeing them reveal different parts of themselves is just so nice and you come to love them bc some of their motivations are just so mislead i.e. zuko and wanting to please his father like he tries so hard and still it isn’t enough and he’s precious ok :( love him.
broooooooooooooo, same! i could do 9 AMs no biggie fall quarter (and one 8 AM discussion) but this quarter just having three of ‘em throughout the week is so hard. winter depression really hit me too. i don’t mention it on here a lot but it’s there and Strong. my coping mechanism is to just distract myself and keep busy tho.
WE COULD HAPPEN JFGKSHDKFJSH i remember when the mv dropped and all the uke players like………………….. died and ascended into another plane bc aj was the uke god back then. still talented af tho so good on him!!!!!!!! & (’: even just commenting on that change of my makes me so happy so thank you!!!!!!! i’d die to be in the mcu universe ok, lemme see a filipina hero or antihero pls n thx - that way i can truly say i’ve lived tbh. grhsgoshduj lmao yes let’s be the rbf duo!!!!!!!! me and you!!!!!!!!!!!
i actually never had an aff but my best friend read some stories on there LOL. i posted on quotev and fanfiction.net tho. like ff.net was how i got my start into the world of fanfics back in like 3rd grade??????? so 2008???????? but omfg when i posted fic on tumblr it was 5sos n teen wolf n yes sports anime…………………….. i kinda cringe with the pieces just ‘cuz i read this one 5sos one and it was just Cringey kdsjfhsjkhf the sports animes were fine-ish just cuz they were a little more recent but god just thinking about my older writing both horrifies and gratifies me bc i came such a long way to where i am now. i totally support going back and re-vamping them tho!!!!!!!!! i have a story from high school that was kinda a fanfic / venting piece and i posted it on my old account but never re-posted it here so whenever i touch it again i might just re-vamp it.
GIRL YAS. i fuckin’ love that!!!!!!!!!!! i love slice of life pieces cuz that’s my shit but i really want to do more fantasy pieces. i feel like i don’t have the guts to bc i have a few fantasy / dystopian wips that i have yet to touch but i aim to whenever the inspo’s there
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