#and I’m trying to work on non fanfiction wips
that-vampire-loser · 3 days
Yall I love aftg and I love writing aftg fanfiction and I want to reread the books again and I want to write more but lord who has the time these days? I’m either at school, working on college shit, working, or sleeping. I honestly don’t remember the last time I wrote.
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em-dash-press · 10 months
Drafting Your Creative Time: Your Guide to Planning a Year of Creative Writing
2024 is about to start. You’re going to venture into another year of writing incredible stories, but what will that practically look like? I feel more in charge of my creativity by planning rough writing schedules. Here’s how you can do the same without locking yourself into a too-strict calendar that leaves your writing spirit depleted.
Set One Writing Goal
Twelve months is a lot of time, but anyone can handle a single goal. Make the next year easy on yourself by picking one thing you want to accomplish (and let’s not make it “publish my novel” if you’re just starting the manuscript on January 1, given how it takes roughly 18 months of work after you get an agent) (and that can take a few weeks to a few years, depending on your querying experience!). 
Try picking a manageable writing goal like these:
I will write 10 chapters of my novel.
I will make a collection of 5 short stories I write this year.
I will submit a short story to at least 3 contests this year.
I will publish one new work of fanfiction in the next 12 months.
I will write one short story in a new genre.
Publishing a book can be a long-term goal, but your 2024 goal should be easy to break down into manageable steps you can accomplish by yourself. You’ll be more likely to reach the finish line and work toward another goal.
Establish a Stress-Free Writing Schedule
Creativity comes and goes, but your writing will never get done if you don’t form some kind of schedule. Your upcoming year could look something like this:
I’ll write every Wednesday night between 7-7:30 p.m.
I’ll use voice-to-text to get my story-related thoughts on virtual paper for five minutes every morning before school.
I’ll do freestyle writing for five minutes on Mondays and Saturdays to keep my thoughts flowing, even if I don’t find more time to work on my story that week.
Your schedule should be realistic, which means it shouldn’t stress you out. Make it match your weekly and daily routine. When do you naturally feel most energized? When can you carve out ten minutes for your craft? 
Remember, you can always (and should!) adjust this set schedule as time goes on. Your non-creative schedule most likely won’t look the same on January 1 as it will on December 31.
Save a Few Writing Prompts
You might have a few weeks here or there when you’re juggling life’s responsibilities and can’t get to your WIP. It happens to all of us!
When you’re busy, try answering a writing prompt in three sentences or less. Use your phone, a sticky pad, or whatever’s nearby. You never know if it’ll inspire you later when you’re free to write.
In the meantime, you’ll keep using the creative side of your brain so your writing abilities don’t feel so distant.
Check out these prompt apps if getting online isn’t your thing or takes too much time from your busy schedule!
Find a Writing Community
There are so many ways to build a writing community. Start a tumblr about it (guilty as charged) or join a Facebook group. Find an active Reddit thread about your favorite genre or join a Discord server with writers. 
You don’t even need to start talking to others and making friends if it makes you anxious. Read what people are saying to get inspired by everyone. You’ll naturally join in when you get excited about something they’re discussing and keep creative writing at the front of your mind.
Read Lots of Books
I always feel more connected to my writing when I’m actively reading. Artists of any kind need a source of inspiration to keep their creativity flowing. Keep an actively growing To Be Read list with apps like Story Graph (a Goodreads-type app that isn’t owned by Amazon and gives so much more information about your curated reading history!).
Visit your local library if you don’t have the money for new books all the time (who does?). As you get inspired by what you read, you’ll also pick up skills from authors you admire or note things you don’t want to recreate. Study each story’s structure and character development. You’ll return to your WIPs with renewed passion.
Embrace the Scary Editing Stage
Your first draft is your thoughts and dreams poured out on paper. The editing stage is where you refine and re-write your work until it shines. Set aside specific time for editing after completing a first draft of any story. Even if your editing phase doesn’t take very long, working on line edits and developmental edits will make your work so much better.
It’s also a normal form of frustration for writers, but one that happens no matter where your writing goes (on fanfiction websites, short story contests, a literary agent’s desk, etc.).
Schedule Your Rest
Writing might feel like a natural hobby, but your brain and body still need to rest after periods of intense focus/work. Schedule rest periods into your daily or weekly calendar. It’s time to recharge in whatever ways best suit your body, like:
Sitting outside
Walking in a park
Sitting in a hot bath
Going to the movies
Sleeping in
Keep in mind that sometimes you’ll need more rest than others. Extend some self-compassion by checking in with your physical and mental energy frequently during the next year. If you take time to rest, you’ll be less likely to burn out creatively.
This next year will be full of growth, challenges, and joys in your writing life. Embrace every second by resting and writing in new ways.
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herofics · 6 months
Knight in Shining Armor
A/N: Hahaa, guess who’s going to use their whole day writing fanfiction instead of doing school stuff? Meeeeeeeee. Guess who’s also actually going to finish only one of the WIPs they’ve started? Meeee. Procrastination for the win babyyy. Geto it is, once again… non curse au I guess
It was one of those days again, not a good one, but not really a bad one either, just bland, just nothing. You had worked on your university assignments for hours last evening, and now all your motivation was gone. You felt like it was going to be another day of procrastination.
Maybe you should text Geto to see if you could go over to his place, at least that would give you something to do. The walk would help clear your head too.
“Can I come over?” you texted Geto.
“Right now?” came an answer.
“Yeah. Or is it not a good time?”
“It’s fine, I was just about to start making dinner. I’ll make enough for two :)”
“Thanks, I’ll be there soon” you messaged back.
You put on some proper clothes, instead of the stuff you wore when you were alone. Leaving the apartment in your pajama pants and a tank top didn’t really seem like a good idea. Even though Geto probably wouldn’t mind. You gathered your things, threw on a jacket and put on your shoes, before leaving for Geto’s place.
It was a nice walk, the day was cloudy, but the sun peeked out from behind the clouds every now and then. You were listening to music on your headphones while you walked, so you didn’t immediately notice the guy that was yelling at you from across the street. You finally saw him in your peripheral vision when he started to approach you. You tried to ignore him, since it never did any good to entertain these types of people. Geto’s place was around the corner, so you were just hoping he would leave you alone. When he grabbed your shoulder, you flinched and backed away, but even then you could smell the alcohol on his breath.
“What’s up sweet tits? Come on, have some fun with me” he suggested with a raspy voice.
“No-no thanks, I’m in a hurry” you said shakily, trying to walk away from him.
He grabbed you by your wrist, stopping you from leaving the situation: “I wasn’t really askin, bitch”
You tried to pull away, but he had a tight grip on you. You were looking around frantically, but there weren’t many people around and those who were, didn’t seem to care. Then you heard a smack sound, something crunching, and the grip on your wrist went away.
“You really shouldn’t grab people like that” you heard a familiar voice say from beside you to the guy that was now on the ground, holding his nose.
“Suguru?” you asked with a clear tremble in your voice.
“Are you okay? He didn’t hurt you, did he?” Geto asked, scanning you with his eyes, making sure you were okay.
“Just a little shook up, I’ll be fine. Thank you” you muttered.
“Let’s go” Geto said, taking your hand, still glaring at the man that had dared to put his hands on you.
You were almost at Geto’s apartment, when the realization hit you. How did he know you were in trouble and where you were?
“How did you know to come help me?” you inquired.
“I was coming out of the store when I noticed you. I was just getting some groceries, because I was missing some things to make the dinner and happened to be there at the right time” he shrugged.
“So you don’t have some weird supernatural ability to know when I’m in trouble, and to just materialize there?” you joked.
“Not that I know of, at least, I just have excellent timing” he smiled.
“And what good timing you have, I thought I was about to get hurt” you shuddered, thinking about what could’ve happened.
“People like that should really learn to keep their hands to themselves” Geto huffed.
“Couldn’t agree more” you groaned, rubbing your wrist where the guy had grabbed you.
Geto noticed you rubbing your wrist, and it just made his blood boil. He didn’t let it show, but he was really angry at the guy that had put his hands on you. He probably would have hit him until his knuckles bled if he had a little less self-control. He didn’t like people putting their hands on someone without an invitation, but with you, he was even angrier about it than he would normally be, you were his partner after all.
You were at Geto’s door when he asked: “Are you sure you’re okay, love?”
“Like I said, just a bit shook up, and it’s not like this hasn’t happened before”
“It sucks that you have to deal with people like that” Geto groaned as he opened the door to his apartment, clearly annoyed.
“Yeah, but there’s not really anything I can do about it. Some people are just idiots” you sighed.
“Don’t I know it” he said as the two of you entered his apartment.
“Thanks for saving my butt, Suguru. I appreciate it” you said while taking off your shoes.
“Of course, love. I’ll save your ass any time you need it” he smiled that gentle, close eyed smile of his.
“Thank you” you smiled, looking at him adoringly.
“You’re welcome” he smirked and leaned in to kiss you.
You closed the distance between you and kissed him. Every time you kissed, it made your heart flutter. He just had that effect on you. You were so thankful that he was there to save your ass. Your knight in shining armor.
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steddieunderdogfics · 5 months
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This week’s writer spotlight feature is:  MuseumGiftShopEraser! They have 9 works on AO3 in the Stranger Things Fandom, and 6 of those are in the Steddie tag!
Our anonymous nominator recommends the following works by @museumgiftshoperaser:
Paint the Devil on the Wall
Conversations About Love
Now I'm A Stranger
An Exercise In Denial
Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me
Her fics are BEAUTIFUL. When I first read Paint the Devil on the Wall I was so obsessed I immediately recced the fic to everyone I knew who would be vaguely interested in a steddie fic. -- anonymous
Below the cut, @museumgiftshoperaser answered some questions about their writing process and some of their recommended work!
Why do you write Steddie?
I stumbled into it immediately after season 4 came out. I’ve felt very attached to Steve as a character from the beginning of the show and I think I was subconsciously waiting for someone to pair him up with. I think they’re both such great characters to explore themes of dealing with expectation (either by conforming, or fighting against it) and that’s something I always love to write about.
What’s your favorite trope to READ?
Absolute sucker for fake dating. Can’t get enough of it.
What’s your favorite trope to WRITE?
Enemies to lovers! Though now that I’m looking through my AO3 I haven’t actually written that much of it. It doesn’t have to be very intense enemies, though. I just like it when characters don’t immediately get along.
What’s your favorite Steddie fic?
My brain has been forever rewired by took you for a working boy by pukner. It’s such a gentle, nuanced queer story. It feels vulnerable to me in a way that really only fanfiction can be. Can I sneak in another one?? Because everyone should also absolutely read the shame is on the other side by scoops_ahoy. It taps into this very specific kind of queer compartmentalizing, that I’ve never seen written this well. It broke my heart and patched it right back up.
Is there a trope you’re excited to explore in a future work but haven’t yet?
I’ve been stupidly busy with my masters lately so there’s probably not a lot of writing on my horizon. I do have a wip called Doll that I’m slowly chipping away at. It’s a little darker than stuff I’ve written before. I know ‘dark’ isn’t really a trope, but I’m excited to see if I can push these characters a little further. 
What is your writing process like?
Absolute chaos. I write non-chronologically, without an outline, all in the same document. I keep writing snippets and scenes until the whole thing slowly comes together. 
Do you have any writing quirks?
Italicizing words for emphasis. I love it so much, you can rip it from my cold dead hands. It accidentally makes its way into my academic writing for my degree sometimes which is a little embarrassing, but I just love the flair of it. 
Do you prefer posting when you’ve finished writing or on a schedule?
I don’t really do schedules, it doesn’t work for me at all. I try to make sure I have a decent amount of the story written before I start posting to give me a bit of a head start, but forcing myself to finish something by a certain date is a surefire way to kill my motivation.
Which fic are you most proud of?
Probably Paint the Devil on the Wall. It was the first time I’d written the entire story before I started posting so it went through way more rounds of editing than normal. I think you can really tell. It’s also the longest story I’ve ever written (in general, even outside of fanfic). The whole project gave me a lot of confidence as a writer.
How did you get the idea for Paint the Devil on the Wall?
I knew I wanted to participate in the Bigbang and the deadline was coming up, but I still didn’t have an idea. I decided to work backwards and try to think of something that would be fun for the artist(s) to draw. I had a vision of Eddie wearing dungarees without a shirt, absolutely covered in paint and I knew I had to write something to make it happen. I set the story in 80s New York because neo expressionism is really the only kind of art I could see Eddie making. I think it suits him very well. I do actually have a background in art, though! I’m currently getting my MFA, but I’ve worked full time as an artist for several years before that. I had a lot of fun working my passion for art (and all those art history classes I had to take) into the fic.
When writing Paint the Devil on the Wall, what was something you didn’t expect?
All of Steve’s character, to be honest. The fic is written from Eddie’s POV and for a large part of it he has a very hard time figuring out what Steve’s deal is. Right alongside him, I also had an incredibly hard time figuring out his character. It wasn’t until I was working on the final chapter that he finally clicked for me. I realized very late, just like Eddie, that Steve liked him from the very beginning. Most of the enemies to lovers premise was all in Eddie’s head.
What inspired Now I'm a Stranger?
Oh boy, that was forever ago! I remember I started writing it while I was camping with friends because I liked having something to do after everyone went to bed at night. I think I had the idea for that very first scene where Steve doesn’t remember Eddie and it all sort of spiraled from there.
What was your favorite part to write from An Exercise in Denial?
That was the very first fic I wrote, right after season 4 came out! I’ve never written something that fast, I think the whole thing took me less than a week. My favorite part was probably Robin being completely exasperated with both of them. They’re such complete idiots in that fic.
How do/did you feel writing Baby, You Were Meant To Follow Me?
Ahhh… I never got around to finishing that one. I probably never will, to be honest. I wrote the first two parts quite quickly and then the idea I had for the plot spiraled out of control and I realized I didn’t actually feel like writing the rest of it. There were going to be a lot of misunderstandings and I learned that I find that an incredibly frustrating trope to write (when done for drama at least. For comedy, I’m a sucker for misunderstandings.) So I guess I felt a little in over my head.
What was the most difficult part of writing Conversations About Love?
The ending! That fic is so incredibly personal to me and I knew from the beginning that I wanted it to have a very sappy, happy ending. It was important to me to write an aromantic character getting everything they wanted, but I realized as I was writing it that I don’t actually fully know what that means. So it took a bit more soul searching than fics typically do, but it was very much worth it. 
Do you have a favorite scene and/or line from any of your fics?
I still think the short little prologue for Paint the Devil on the Wall is the best thing I’ve written. “You don’t draw on things that aren’t yours, baby” is probably the best summary I have for that story.
Do you have any upcoming projects or fics you’d like to share/promote?
Not really!
Thank you to our author, @museumgiftshoperaser, and our anonymous nominator! See more of @museumgiftshoperaser works featured on our page throughout the day!
Writer’s Spotlight is every Wednesday! Want to nominate an author? You can nominate them here!
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wangxianficfinder · 2 years
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I'm in the mood for...
1. Is there any healer WWX au? I have read up somewhere but can't remember what's the title a while ago because they were too many.
Uh hello.. I'm currently trying to find a healer WWX fanfiction. But I can't find one and can you help me find one?
there are 4 WIPs in the 'Healer Wei Wuxian' tag on Ao3. I haven't read them to vouch for them, tho.
A Heart Made of Jade by makkurokuro93 (E, 67k, wangxian, historical au, ancient China, politics, drama, romance, love triangles, one-sided LXC/WWX, slow burn, angst w/ happy ending, switching, fluff, eventual relationship, Doctor/Apothecary! WWX, Heroic Jianghu Bandits! (and Fugitive Princes!) LWJ and LXC, and Emperor! JGS)
fairy tears by pastelace (tyunyangies) (M, 4k, wangxian, canon divergence, fix-it of sorts, angst w/ happy ending, WWX not rised with Jiangs, good adult figure YZY, miracle healer WWX, bamf women, everyone lives, slow burn, WIP)
flowers wilted in death, blooming in the waters by TricksterKat (T, 5k, wangxian, JYL & WWX & JC, drabble series, time travel, angst, fluff, healer WWX, WIP)
BETWEEN TWO WORLDS by FongLian (Not rated, 23k wangxian, found family, humor, two worlds, healer WWX, not everyone dies au, WIP)
A Star Fell by CordialCoroner (CordialCrow) (M, 71k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, No Golden Core Transfer, POV Multiple, Bad Parent YZY, Bad Parent JFM, Not JC Friendly, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, Slow Burn, Sunshot Campaign, WWX becomes a medic, Mutual Pining) WWX, after having suffered disabling injuries at YZY’s hands, becomes a medic
My Love is a Pyre by UseMyMuse (M, 49k, wangxian, JL/LSZ, major character death, witch WWX, reincarnation, angst w/ happy ending, fairytale AU, WWX’s familiars are Cat! WN and Crow! WQ, not JGY friendly hurt/comfort, temporary death, mentions of torture, miscommunication, found family) Spanish translatoin available in ao3 by evirtual3 and wattpad.
Just a Tiny Mistake by Dudette_Mal (T, 56k, WIP, WangXian, Time Travel Fix-It, Family is precious)
Amarre by Guanacowriter (T, 1k, in spanish, modern, argentina) has WWX as a curandero (Latin folk healer/magic-worker); although WWX doesn’t appear in the story (centered upon XY as his client), the author hopes to turn it into a series if it’s well-received enough.
2. Hello! For the next ITMF, can you recommend me some more WQ-centric / character study / fics that explore Wei Wuxian & Wen Qing's dynamic? I've read 'Three Surgeries and a Mercy Kill' by MarbleGlove and 'Two Phrases You'll Say' by hauntedotamaton. AU fics are welcome too. Thank you very much for all your wonderful work 💖
here comes your ghost again by yuer (vintageblueskies) (T; 4k, wangxian, WQ & WWX, post-canon, nightmares, embroidery, angst)
hid that love up with my bones by heyitsathrowaway (E, 4k, WQ/WWX, WQ & WWX, non-romantically, dom WQ)
🧡 With Surgical Precision by metisket (T, 20k, WQ & WN, WangXian, Time Travel, Families of Choice)
Tumblr fic by @hunxi-guilai​
Departure in Autumn ch1 by chomrafy (Not rated, 6k, WQ & WWX, WWX & JC, WWX & WN, angst, golden core transfer, whump, food, family, xuanwu cave,  fall of lotus pier, first siege of burial mounds, hurt/comfort, hurt no comfort)
don't pick the roadside flowers ch 9 by chomrafy
civilized by chomrafy (Not rated, <1k, WQ & WWX, WQ & WN, burial mounds settlement days, soft whump)
Myopia by rustycol (G, 67k, WIP, Water Margin crossover, Canon Divergence, Canon typical violence, Wen Qing lives)
Your Shadows in My Room by GravityWinsAgain (M, 2k, WWX & WQ, WQ/WWX, WQ pov, burial mounds settlement days, non-canonical relationship, non-explicit sex)
3. Hello! Thank you very much for the fic recommendations.
If it's not too much, can you recommend fics that focuses or has a part of wei Ying's childhood, where he was a quiet child because he was afraid he would be thrown out? Thanks again!
4. modern AUs with Wei Wuxian raised by other sects or taken in by one after living with the Jiangs, please and thank you!
Come Around and Stay by trippednfell (M, 160k, WangXian, NieLan, Modern AU, Slow Burn, Kid Fic, Found Family, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, PTSD, Blood and Injury, Dissociation, Angst with a Happy Ending, POV Alternating, Yunmeng reconciliation (eventually), Friend Zoning, Literal Sleeping Together, Hurt/Comfort, Panic Attacks) don't know if this is what you mean, but wwx is kind of adopted by the Nie brothers after being thrown out from the Jiang family. No real sect dynamic tho
5. Weirdest fics you have read that were also good?
Happily single by moonwaif (T, <1k, wangxian, crack)
so, your roommate's an alien by ariskamalt (Not rated, 11k, wangxian, modern, roommates au, mpreg, eggpreg, aliens, alien LWJ, dream sex, mildly dub con, oviposition, somnophilia, male lactation, established relationship, body modification, aphrosidiacs, crack treated seriously, gendered language)
you're a bird in the water / i'm a fish on the ground by plonk (Not rated, 8k, wangxian, canon era, merpeople)
Squid!Sangcheng Series by Anbessette (T/E, 33k, SangCheng, Crack Treated Seriously, Shapeshifting, Squid!NHS, Friends to Lovers, Interspecies Romance, Cloud Recesses Study Arc, Fluff, Alcohol, blink and you'll miss it wangxian and nieyao, Xenophilia, Tentacles, Light Angst, Interspecies sex, Fix-It, Somebody Lives/Not Everyone Dies, WN Lives, Golden Core Reveal) featuring Squid!Huaisang
The Teenage Girl's Self-Saving System by mercyandmagic (T, 108k, WLJ/WC, NMJ/WLJ, NMJ/OC, background ships are songxiao suxun ningsu and sangyu, more explored ships are xiyao wangxian jiangqing and mingjiao, OC in WLJ's body)
truly a love story for the ages by sweetlolixo (E, 4k, WangXian, Modern AU, Dark LWJ, Dark WWX, Alpha LWJ, Omega WWX, Dark!Wangxian, Power Couple, Happy Wangxian Ending, slight daddy kink, Humor, Crack, Pregnant WWX)
Grandmaster of Cultivation: Walkthrough and Guide by athylia (Not Rated, 4k, WangXian, Social Media, Dating Sim AU, RPG AU, Romance)
6. Hi love u ♥️ I searched for this but could not find it, is there any fic where the Jiangs arrange a marriage between Lan Xichen and Wei Wuxian and it eventually ends up as Wangxian?
Burning Bridges by Keysmashed (E, 12k, wangxian, arranged marriage, misunderstandings, pining, angst w/ happy ending, family drama, swordfighting, non-graphic smut, emotional rollercoaster, love confessions, everyone lives au)
Not That Great a Sacrifice by Winglesss (E, 37k, wangxian, historical fantasy au, arranged marriage, marriage of convenience, elemental magic, pining, UST, forbidden love, miscommunication, weddings, fluff & humor, light angst w/ happy ending) 
The Sacrifices of Love by may10baby (E, 5k, wangxian, F/F, female wangxian, ABO, omega/omega to alpha/omega, studding, breeding kink, knotting, rough oral sex, mating bites, LXC/WWX fake engagement) this one is technically that but might not be what you want? Xixian is a ploy from the Lan, wangxian is always intened.
7. I’m in the mood for fics where Lan Wangji is pining so hard and like ANGSTY pining like full on unrequited love type beat and then eventually Wei Wuxian confesses and there’s crying and fluff and smut maybe??? @chaoticgoodmess
Tempo Rubato by Spodumene (E, 107k, WangXian, Modern AU, Angst with a happy ending, Persuasion AU, Mutual Pining, Eventual Smut) second half is a masterpiece of angsty pining
operational amplifier by chinxe (T, 7k, WangXian, Angst with a Happy Ending, Pining, not nearly as cracky as the premise makes it sound unfortunately, Character Study, of sorts)
8. Hi. For the itmf, I'd like fics where ppl assume wwx is dating one of the Jiang siblings bc they don't understand their relationship. Preferably focused on the effect of the rumors or jealousy if it's wangxian. Thank you!!!
times stolen by laceyarchives (M, 11k, wangxian, LWJ & JYL, JC & WWX, teen wangxian, canon era, lotus pier, rivals to friends to lovers, pining, falling in love, first times of sorts, teenage angst & sexuality, demisexual WWX, WIP) i'm only sharing bc no one else has given any recs, but chapter 2 of my teen wx fic does make a reference of people (and lwj himself) believing there was something between wwx and jyl, but it's a very very small part of this fic, not the main subject of it.
Deep Dive by MimiSpearmint (E, 24k, wangxian, JC & WWX, modern, therapy au, twin prides of yunmeng feels, angst w/ happy ending, career ending injuries, counsellor LWJ, eventual smut, crack, discussion of domestic abuse) LWJ thinks JC and WWX are in an abusive relationship due to a misunderstanding
SIMILAR! breathe in the air, the last of its kind by wereworm (T, 27k, WangXian, Modern AU, assumed cheating, Miscommunication, gc transfer modernised as hand-wavey illness (referenced/implied), 5+1 Things) LWJ thinks A-Yuan is WWX's boyfriend due to miscommunication
❤️ By Any Other Name by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 31k, Wangxian, Canon Divergence, Crossdressing, Misunderstandings, Identity Porn, Identity reveal, [PODFIC] By Any Other Name by sakizar)
9. Hii! Are there any fics similar to "Of Destruction and Rebirth" by @demoniqt ? @purhplet09
🧡 Vow by draechaeli (E, 216k, Canon Divergence, BeliefGod!WWX, Adoption but WWX birthed them all, Pregnancy Kink, Mpreg, minor male lactation, Consensual Non-Consent, Light Bondage, Non-Graphic Rape/Non-Con because JGS, Mentions Canon Typical Incest, Canon Typical Violence)
Wuqian, the Local God of Yiling by Grace_ShadowWolf (TaubeLePigeon) (M, 77k, WIP, WangXian, Angst with a happy ending, Canon Divergence, Gods, Chinese Mythology & Folklore, Ghost WWX, Mutual Pining, Temporary Character Death, Baihu WWX)
10. Hello! I’m sorry if this has been asked before, but I’m looking for a wangxian fic with sect reversal, I mean, where LWJ was raised in Yunmeng and WWX in Gusu. If that’s not possible I’d also like something like YLZ!LWJ and Gusu Lan WWX, or just Yunmeng Jiang LWJ in general. Thanks and happy holidays!!
Call Me By Your Name by DizziDreams (E, 52k, WangXian, Modern AU, America, University, Smut, Dubious Consent, Misunderstandings, Masturbation, Semi-Public Sex, Edging, names have been swapped, Mutual Pining, Pining while fucking)
11. Hi to our lovely mods! 💖 I was wondering if you might be able to help with an IITMF - it's not strictly speaking wangxian, but I'm not opposed to them being a background feature. Would it be possible to ask for people's favourite fics focusing on Jin Ling and his best angry grape Jiujiu? Preferably with no character bashing? Feel free to ignore if this is a bit outside of the blog's purpose! @katonahottinroof
climbing up that coastal shelf by Sour_Idealist (T, 15k, JC & JL & WWX, Post-Canon, Mutually Unrequited Forgiveness, Yunmeng Brothers Reconciliation, Family History, Generational Trauma, Discussion of Canonical Abuse, Awkward Attempts at Communication, mentions of past ChengQing, Fairy is a good dog)
Out of Mud by blackelement7 (T, 48k, JC & JL, Good Uncle JC, Good Nephew JL, POV Outsider, JC-centric, BAMF JC, Minor WangXian, pre-shuangjie reconciliation, Minor panic attacks, Minor Anxiety)
Tea Party by JiangChengLotus (T, 3k, XiCheng, JC & JL, Humor, Crack, Developing Friendships, Family Bonding, Chaos, LJY is JC and LXC's Child)
12. Helloo! Thank you for all your work! For your next ITMF post, can you guys help me find some fics where WQ lives but WWX does not? Preferably WQ-centric but not necessarily. Thank you so much! 💗💗💗
The Twin Ghosts of Yunmeng by sandupommelfrog (T, 130k, WIP, JC & JL, ChengSong, ChengQing, Mer AU, jiaoren au, Canon Divergence, JC & WWX Reconciliation, Hurt/Comfort, Angst, JC-centric, Angst with a Happy Ending, Chronic Pain)
a needle, a whisper, an insidious dream by pale_and_tragic (M, 19k, wangxian, WWX & WQ & LWJ, post-canon, fix-it of sorts, case fic, horror elements, nightmares, hallucinations, pining, hurt LWJ, aroace WQ, platonic relationships, suicidal thoughts, angst w/ happy ending, hurt/comfort, sleeping beauty)
ius in bello by Lise (T, 2k, Yunmeng Siblings, Canon Divergence, Tearjerker, Sad Ending, Heavy Angst, Grief/Mourning, Not A Fix-It, POV JC) WWX is killed in the Qiongqi Pass ambush, and the Jiang Sect assumes protection of the Wen Remnants
13. Hi!
I'm looking for fics where either or both wangji and wuxian are forced into prostitution/courtesanship by certain people or circumstances. They story has to be heavy, and it'd be good if they can get revenge. Can be ancient or modern setting.
Fics that are similar to [lotus flowers rising from the dark mud] by nu_breed
out to get you (to get you) by iliacquer (E, 41k, wangxian, graphic depictions of violence, switching, top/bottom LWJ, top/bottom WWX, power play, courtesan LWJ, assassin LWJ, dark lord WWX, bondage, happy ending, past slavery)
忍辱负重 | to bear the burden of humiliation by dragongirlG (E, 92k, wangxian, LWJ/WX, WWX/others, WWX/WC, mind the tags, graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con, canon divergence, sexual slavery, domestic violence, qishan wen indoctrination, prisoners of war, warprize, humiliation, non-con bondage, non-con bodymodification, dual cultivation, revenge, whump, hurt little comfort, protective LWJ, protective WWX, hopeful ending, WIP)
glittering, red and gold by hauntedotamatone (M, 3k, wangxian, mind the tags, graphic depictions of violence, rape/non-con, dark au, dark wangxian, past torture, past rape/non-con, murder husbands, revenge, protective LWJ, protective WWX, necromancy, mild gore, minor character death)
often through the purple night by cqlorphan (E, 23k, WIP, WangXian, Canon Divergence, Courtesan LWJ, Angst with a Happy Ending, Getting Together, Non-Consensual Voyeurism, First Time Blow Jobs, Attempted Sexual Assault, Blood and Violence, Assault, Non-Consensual Touching)
14. hellooo do you have any fics about demonic cultivator jc, jyl, lsz, or lxc? no bashing please and thank you
Keep Holding On by abCEE (M, 286k, JYL & WWX & JC, wangxian, canon divergence, demonic cultivator JYL, YLLZ JYL, yunmeng siblings dynamics, role reversal, ghost general WQ, sunshot campaign, angst w/ happy ending, established relationship, accidental baby acquisation, PTSD, WIP)
as i stumble homewards by the_pretzel (T, 27k, wangxian, canonical character death, canon divergence, demonic cultivator LSZ, found family, food issues, canon-typical violence, LSZ pov, angst w/ happy ending, fluff)
The Song and Dance of Shadows by wangxiansmelody (masterofghosts) (M, 48k, wangxian, JYL/JZX, canon divergence, demonic cultivator JC, demonic cultivator JYL, blood & gore, war, marriage of convenience, angst w/ happy ending, yunmeng siblings dynamics, fix-it, revenge, graphic depictions of violence)
silent prayers and whispered ends by ShootMeDead (T, 2k, JYL & WWX & JC, canon divergence, fix-it, sunshot campaign, demonic cultivator JC, demonic cultivator JYL, platonic soulmates)
We Can Haunt Each Others' Dreams. by arahith (E, 10k, XiYao, post-canon, angst w/ happy ending, case fic, experimental style, canon-typical violence, unreality issues, implied gender dysphoria, animal sacrifice, WIP) a despairing LXC performs an experimental Empathy/Inquiry to commune with JGY’s soul.
15. Itmf: what if Wei Wuxian's grandmother (Wei Changzei's mother) was a Wen, and how would that change the story? Like say she was a low rank Wen oc, and he might even have relatives among them oc &/or cannon (but she married out which is why he's Jiang) and post sunshot they call for the death of all Wen (and maybe his fam isn't common knowledge whole 'son a of a servant' thing?) (Just started/on ch1 of "the stars in the hazy heaven tremble above you" by Cicer, and thought of it).
16. i went through the tags pretty much Your Sweet Beginning by Endings-and-Nocturnes (UniqueChimera), so i was wondering if there are more hypnofics or mind control/manipulation fics that people can rec?? i would really appreciate top lwj/canon dynamics, thank you!! ♥♥
17. hi lovely people <3 for the next itmf, are there any fics where jc calls wwx 'ge' or 'gege', like, consistently? i read and loved a lot of fics where he calls him that once in a moment of distress, or after much internal conflict.. but i would love to read about wwx being ying-ge or da-ge or whatever to jc <3 thank you!
Lynchpin by ShanaStoryteller (Not Rated, 103k, WangXian, JC & WWX, Time Travel, Fix-It, Lynchpin [PODFIC] by Opalsong) i would like to suggest lynchpin! its kind of adjacent to the prompt, in that jc constantly (almost aggressively lol) keeps referring to wwx as his brother in his mental narration, and also he does announce it to people a few times, but i cant remember if he actually calls wwx by the term..
If you didn’t get an answer to your ask here, don’t forget to make use of @mdzs-kinkmeme and MDZS KINK MEME on Dreamwidth. Authors actually do use them for ideas. You may get what  you order!***Your prompt doesn’t have to be kink! Fluff, crack,  whatever - it’s all good!***
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martsonmars · 2 years
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Hello friends! First SSS of the year for me. Also an early post because I want to write after sleeping and maybe some validation early in the day will help 💖 I have six snippets from six WIPs to share (only the fifth one written today, which makes me sad because I really wanted to share new new words, but it's okay) and I want to talk about them, so I'm throwing everything under the cut with the tags.
You can vote for the WIP you'd like me to continue the most (except Like We Had A Clue, because I know people are waiting for an update and it would skew the vote hahaha). Pick one of the other 5! Though as always I'll follow inspiration and not what the people want.
Love you all <3 hope you're taking care of yourself in these trying times.
1. First EGF WIP. I have many ideas for EGF, but considering a) possible writer's blocks, b) exams, c) other non EGF related WIPs, I honestly don't know how much I'll manage to write. This one is the most “urgent” one because it's a collab with @aroace-genderfluid-sheep and he's already done so many cool things for it and I'm so excited!!! The snippet I'm sharing is all I've written for this fic. Oh well!
“You could've at least sent us to Dante's inferno. That would've been intellectually stimulating.”
“This place is plenty stimulating.”
Of course it is. It's a fucking sex dungeon.
2. Second EGF WIP. I shared something from this already. There's hope I'll finish this one because it's short, but knowing myself I can't make promises hahaha.
“I’m sorry,” they say. Their voice is deep and smooth, like I imagine a cello would sound if it could talk. “I don’t think I can have dinner with you tonight.”
I can’t hide how much it stings. Of course my monster under the bed would come out just to reject me.
3. Like We Had A Clue. Chapter 5 is outlined in detail but I'm still struggling so much with it. Have some sentences I might have shared already in the past because I wrote them months ago!
“Are you trying to trap me, Snow? Keep me here to make food for you forever?”
“What if I am?”
I raise an eyebrow. His hand is still on my arm. He lets it fall.
4. WIP I shared from a couple of weeks ago. I want to have fun with this so I'm not forcing myself to write it, but I also really want to finish it. It's a struggle, always 🤣
(There's nothing innocent about four thousand words of Fangvald having a pity wank after Cherry spat on his face and demanded to know the true motives behind his betrayal.)
But it's fanfiction. Exploring fictional worlds and fictional characters and fictional relationships.
It would say nothing about me if he hadn't also linked two of my longest 4am rants about loneliness and deserving love.
5. Mystery WIP. I started plotting it yesterday and I've already lost steam. We'll see if it ever gets written.
25/12, 11:27AM
basiltea: Of course I'll help you.
basiltea: You can't be trusted to handle this alone and make it work.
Excalisbury: I LOVE YOU
basiltea: I'm just saving you from yourself.
6. Picture book story! The issue with this one is that I have to rewrite it completely. I have @johnwgrey's super useful notes, but I hate rewriting and editing with a burning passion, and this story needs so much work it hurts. But I'll do it!
Of course Snow had no reason to trust him. The fact that Baz had decided he’d never even try to hurt him again couldn’t erase five years of antagonism. Especially because Snow didn’t know about his change of heart. (It would’ve been ridiculous. Hey, Snow, I decided I don’t hate you anymore. Quite the opposite, instead. Can I kiss you?)
That was a lot. I feel like Simon and Baz are possessing me because I want to write SO MUCH, I literally can feel the words pushing to get out, but the second I open a doc it all fades out. Ugh. Hopefully I'll be more motivated in the morning.
So many no pressure tags for you lovelies:
@wellbelesbian @urban-sith @tea-brigade @sillyunicorn @mostlymaudlin @facewithoutheart @palimpsessed @otherpeoplesheartachept-2 @you-remind-me-of-the-babe @forabeatofadrum @fatalfangirl @prettylightsbigcity @whatevertheweather @jbrrring @confused-bi-queer @moodandmist @bookish-bogwitch @letraspal @dragoneggos @captain-aralias @takitalks @excalisbury (stealing your @ for Simon's Discord username hahaha) @otherworldsivelivedin @cutestkilla @ileadacharmedlife @gekkoinapeartree @bazzybelle @basiltonbutliketheherb @messofthejess @ivelovedhimthroughworse @nightimedreamersworld @artsyunderstudy @foolofabookwyrm-activated @ionlydrinkhotwater @yellobb @orange-peony @ic3-que3n @whogaveyoupermission @katmiscellanious @yeonjunenby @erzbethluna @larkral @chen-chen-chen-again-chen @shrekgogurt @raenestee @onepintobean @stitchyqueer @hushed-chorus
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junkdayz · 22 days
Most of this is copied but it still works to be honest—
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Hiiiiii I’m remi, Mia or zita (Zeeta), 18, any prns, dominican, pansexual.
Just in case for roleplay purposes: Non-binary. has a slight athletic build due to being on the gymnastics team when he was in high school. 6'3. he's very shy and awkward unless he's around someone he enjoys talking to. no matter the fc i will always use any prns and have a penis. i am NOT a girl. please don't call me one lol
Kinks are found here
DNI ୧ʕ •̀ᴥ•́ ʔ୨
if you cannot handle mature themes, if you're racist, homophobic, misogynistic, transphobic, if you're often involved in drama, if you support negative and hateful behaviour, if you kink and/or fetish shame, people who are dishonest, negativity, being interrupted, loud and crowded places, close-mindedness, unfair treatment, lack of respect for personal boundaries, being pressured into things, judgmental attitudes, procrastination, unnecessary conflict, insensitivity to others' feelings, lack of ambition, laziness, unreliability, people who are overly critical, feeling unappreciated
likes ʅʕ´•ᴥ•`ʔʃ
music, dancing, hanging with friends, trying out new foods, watching movies, video games, fashion and styling, photography, traveling, exploring new cultures, reading books, writing lyrics or poetry, collecting sneakers, practicing new dance routines, going to concerts, playing sports, cooking or baking, watching anime, painting or drawing, learning new languages, attending fan meet-ups and events, visiting cafes, shopping for unique clothing and accessories, participating in charity events or volunteering, listening to podcasts, yoga or meditation, going on nature walks or hikes, watching reality TV shows, doing makeup tutorials, visiting art galleries and museums, playing with pets.
I am an unpublished author, teen author, fanfiction author, beginner author and possibly many other things!!!! These factors don't make me or anyone less of an author, because you can write fanfiction and still be an author! You can be unpublished and still be an author! And you can be younger than most and still be an author!!!
Guess what! I will do requests!!! If you want to, send in a prompt for a one-shot! Look at the bottom for my request info!
What I write?
• I wanna write a lot of k-pop fanfiction's as of right now
• I write my own stories, and I would one day like to be an actual author
• I specialise in romance-type and heavy smut stories
• One-shots
• Multichapter fics
• And I'm gonna write/make a lot of WIPS (the list is endless!)
• Request reminders!!!!!
• I have a right to refuse requests!
This isn't me being rude and I'm sorry if you feel that way! It's just that I'm trying to stay safe online and if I'm not comfortable writing something I won't write it.
• I can write one-shots or mini-fanfics!
• I will do: Ships, SFW, Angst, LGBTQ+, one-shots, mini-fanfics, NSFW, Alcohol, _________ x reader, raceplay, gender-bent, alternate anatomy: boypussy | girlcock, regular stuff
• When it comes to requests try to send in ones that align with the fandoms I'm in!
• This is an LGBTQ+ safe place, everyone is welcome!!!!!
• If you don't like, don't interact, please!
Fics written as of now
Pillow talk | reader x Femboy dosie (purple kiss)
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jo-harrington · 10 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers Game
Thank you for the tags @the-unforgivenn @wroteclassicaly @onegirlmanytales @word-wytch
It's always fun to learn more about friends through these games.
1) How many works do you have on A03? - 10, technically.
2) What's your total AO3 word count? - 206k
3) What fandoms do you write for? - Currently Stranger Things. I used to write for The Vampire Diaries. I have a lot of half-abandoned never published fics for a bevy of fandoms though.
4) What are your top five fics by kudos? - The Store Manager Verse, Freaky Friday, Heaven, Hymns, Hell
5) Do you respond to comments? Why or why not? - Uhm...AO3 is pretty new to me...so I haven't responded to them on there yet really. On Tumblr I try to respond/reblog most comments. Lately I've fallen off the wagon, see my earlier post about my brain being broken.
6) What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending? - I would say As Above, So Below is pretty angsty as a whole. All 3 prequels- Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory.
7) What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? - As of now, Freaky Friday because it's the only fic that has an ending, truly.
8) Do you get hate on fics? No.
9) Do you write smut? If so, what kinds? - Yes, I'm very poetic with it. I'm not writing smut for the sake of smut. There are writers on here that do it very well. Smut as a plot device, smut for symbolism...that's me. We're about to get into 3 smut-heavy chapters of AASB and sorry but every time someone cums, it's going to have a lot of meaning behind it. Earth shattering orgasms can also potentially shatter the earth here.
10) Do you write crossovers? - Yes, a long time ago a friend and I tried to flesh out Auror Ron Swanson (Parks and Rec/HP). It never went anywhere.
11) Have you ever had a fic stolen? - Not that I’m aware of.
12) Have you ever had a fic translated? - Again, not that I'm aware of.
13) Have you ever co-written a fic before? - See #10. I am also currently (i.e. have been since 2017) co-writing a original story with an IRL friend. It's a passion project kind of situation/escapism. We don't get together very much and she is very much the type to want to rewrite every scene 4 times and that's not my thing.
14) What's your all time favorite ship? - It’s a tie between Steddie and Ronance.
15) What's a WIP that you want to finish, but doubt you ever will? - My Vampire Diaries Fic that sits at 500k in a Word Document somewhere and no longer exists online. I even made a TikTok about it once upon a time. FUNNY HOW THAT WORKS.
16) What are your writing strengths? - I don't know. I'm not too critical of myself in this work. I know when I'm doing something right? How about that. My confidence. It isn't misplaced. When I strike gold and I can really mine that vein and I am always proud of my work when I hit post. (Cut to my friends who are like "really Jo? you asking me about xyz at 3am isn't very confident.")
17) What are your writing weaknesses? - I don't edit anything. Probably more than that. Like I said, I'm not too critical of this work.
18) Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? - Is it integral to the story? Are you using that dialogue to emphasize something in the story? Do you know the language? Do your readers know it? Something something, I could talk about this more in-depth, if you're really interested in my thoughts on it it's gonna have to be on another day. I've used a handful of non-English words in AASB as a whole, but there's a reason for them. Lets just leave it at that.
19) First fandom you wrote for? - YuGiOh.
20) Favorite fic you've written? - As Above, So Below. It's my baby, it means a lot to me. Once it's done, I'm going to be incredibly sad. It doesn't get a lot of love now, and honestly I'm kind of ok with that. Because the love it does get...I know the people who are reading it are aware of all the weight it holds, and they're able to pick up on all of the complexity of it. It isn't fanfiction in the traditional sense, I don't think. Our favorite characters just happen to be in it.
No Pressure Tags: @deathbecomesthem @dr-aculaaa @deadboyfriendd @abibliophobiaa @loveshotzz @pinkrelish @icallhimjoey @wheels-of-despair @shenanigans-and-imagines
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digitalsatyr23 · 1 year
A late Writeblr Introduction
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Beautiful art of Selena by the wonderful @extremely-nervess
Hello! I’ve been wanting to break out of my shell and interact more with the writeblr community, so here I am! Feel free to interact with me, whether in the form of asks, tag games, writing/WIP/OC questions, or similar stuff. Also if you would like me to take a look at your work, feel free to ask! I am a very slow reader, but I do enjoy reading quite a bit.
About my writing
I am primarily a dark fantasy writer who has been writing stories and running D&D/Pathfinder games out of my setting Arachnia for well over a decade by this point. (Although more work is on the gaming side, I’ve been trying to expand my library of literary works little by little.) I also dabble in horror, sci-fi, and mixtures of those genres. My works tend to be very character-focused with (relatively) simple plot lines. Very A -> B type stuff, though I have been experimenting a bit more as of late. Morality varies by the character. Some of my characters are heroes, others are... Not so much. Some are just regular people trying to figure themselves out. If that sounds interesting, quite a few of my stories are posted here. I also have a fanfiction I’ve been meaning to get back to.
About myself
I’m a 32 year old guy who has a great love of stories, art, and self-expression. I’ve recently shaken off a writer’s funk that kept me from really doing... Anything. If I’m being totally honest, I’m not in the best of places mentally. I deal with schizophrenia and depression on the regular, and I do what I can to deal with the day-to-day. Stories are... My passion. My life. I use them as a form of escapism, yes, but they help me cope. That’s just how it is. I also quite enjoy video games, cartoons, anime, music, and just about everything else I can find different kinds of stories and characters in. I sometimes talk about those things, so you might see non-writing posts on my blog.
Saria, Hero of the Forest: An Ocarina of Time fanfiction set in an alternate timeline where Saria of the Kokiri has to take up the mantle of hero. In the beginning, the story follows the events of the game almost to a T (including existing dialogue), however events begin to shift and change as the story progresses... I also use this story to explore fan theories and expand on characters I really like that didn’t get much screentime, as it were. There are currently six chapters available, with the 7th that’s been waiting... Waiting for me to get my act together!!
Bebop Bayou Tales: Stories about a self-proclaimed protector of the swamp, Rina Woodshed! She’s a gator girl that goes on adventures with her friend Lafayette, a grey fox boy. The bayou and its surrounding lands seem to attract all sorts of wayward monsters and spirits, and Rina does everything she can to keep her home safe from harm. There’s already one story in this series that’s finished, but many others are going to be added to the series!
The Book of Songs: A long term project I’ve been working on every so often for quite some time now... It’s the story an immortal assassin trying to escape their past and live a normal life as well as a young girl who is saved from being burned at the stake. Together, these two try to find a place they can call home. The first book in the series is already finished (though I have yet to find a publisher for it), and the second book has been pending in the 2nd draft stage.
Collab Story (title unknown): Another long term project that involves me and three other friends creating a collaborative story involving our characters (including Rina, since her setting is a part of the collab setting as a whole). It begins with a young mage performing a dark ritual, despite the many many warnings of the school faculty. The next thing she knows, she’s dead... But it seems an enchantment she put on a family heirloom gave her a second chance at life, so she awakens as a lich, though her memory seems to be damaged. Soon after waking, she finds the family heirloom missing, and in her quest to get it back, she learns of a terrible plot and dark forces trying to gather a set of four ancient artifacts... One of which is her family heirloom. This particular story has a whopping 29 chapters to its name, though since it’s a very friend-to-friend work, I don’t think I’ll be allowed to show it until it’s finally finished.
What Keeps Me Going: A short story (or possibly novelette) I’m currently working on as a commission for a friend that takes place in my setting, Arachnia. It’s about a young adventurer named Reah Fenae who stumbles upon a village that has been beset by vicious boarmen called porga. After rescuing a child from imminent danger, Reah puts her life on the line to save the villagers from a fate worse than death.
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Wonderful art of Rina by the very talented @delightful-69​
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rowanwriting · 2 years
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— about;
since I’ve changed the url of my writeblr as well as my pen name, I thought I’d create a new intro post with links and the like. so here we are! I’m Rowan. I’m 31, gray aro/ace, non-binary (she/they), and I’m an aspiring novelist. I’m also a part time student. I’ve got adhd and I’m exploring a possible autism self-dx, and I deal with chronic pain and anxiety.
I love writing all sorts of genres, from fantasy to science fiction to horror, and I love trying new concepts. my biggest challenge is actually finishing a wip, but I hope to get better at that with motivation from tumblr. I also enjoy dabbling in fanfiction, especially when my original stories hit writer’s block. 
please feel free to join me on other social media, linked below, and I look forward to getting to know more people in the writeblr community!
— links;
about // wip page // twitter // instagram // wattpad // archive of our own // gaming twitter // spotify // pinterest // nanowrimo
— works in progress;
lost in death —
Cassidy Sullivan is dead.
He's  been dead for five years, watching his girlfriend move on without him. He's been dead for ten years, watching his parents mourn. He's been dead  for thirty years, as the world changes around him and he remains the  same, in the small apartment he died in. He's been dead for fifty years,  and everyone has forgotten him.
Tristan Kent is a psychic.
More  of a curse than a blessing, their so-called gift has ruined their life.  Unable to go to school or work, they eke out a meager existence be  exploiting their abilities from a small metaphysical shop. They don't believe in most of the things they sell, neither gods nor demons nor angels, but they know that something must be real, else they wouldn't be haunted.
When a regular client of Tristan’s volunteers them for a local ghost hunting reality show on the extremely haunted Wentworth Street House, Tristan takes the job only for the money. They have no interest in proving the supernatural to be real — they already know that it is. But the presence that haunts the house is like none they’ve ever sensed before, and their not sure what to make of that, save to find out more.
As the reality show commences, the ten so-called psychics come to exorcise the house. Tristan must discover who is genuine, who is faking it, and whether to  help Cassidy resist expulsion. But there is more to the Wentworth Street House than even Cassidy knows, and soon he’s the only thing between  Tristan and a sinister force that has remained hidden from his sight all these years.
the kraken —
Fifteen years ago, the love of Marisolle’s young life was discovered and brutally executed by her father, the Prince-Regent, for crimes against the Crown. Hardening her heart, the princess swore never to love again.
Now queen in her own right, married, and with children of her own, Marisolle is content, if not happy. She rules well and is beloved by her people, and her country is more prosperous than ever. But there are enemies on the horizon, and Marisolle soon must seek desperate help if her rule is to survive.
Theovold left his home almost ten years ago to join the queen of Mavacia in an arranged marriage. He loves his children, and adores his wife, even as he feels the deep chasm between them, the pain of a love lost. But his attempts at wooing her may come to a stop when Mavacia is attacked, and a new man comes into her life.
Vincenze is a pirate, nothing more and nothing less. When the Queen of Mavacia offers him a Letter of Marque, permission to sail under her name and banner, in return for his aid in the coming war, he knows that he cannot run from his past any longer.
And as Marisolle, Theovold, and Vincenze come together to face their enemies, the Sea Witch watches, pieces falling into place.
the beyond —
The year is 2284. Humanity has long ago risen to the stars, joining a galactic community of ascended species. No longer alone in the universe, the Helios Accord brought the countries of Earth together into one united government, The Sol Federation.
Emelyn Kane is a washed up soldier, a mercenary working solo. Born far from Earth, she spends most of her time on her ship, going from job to job and trying not to think about how she ended up disgraced and discharged from the human military.
When her ship crash lands on an uncharted planet, Emelyn believes her life, such as it is, has ended. But the planet is life bearing, inhabited by a sentient species. And the indigenous people, the Vescai, have strange abilities — abilities that have kept their massive empire hidden from the rest of the universe.
Even when she gets used to life on the beautiful planet she is now stranded on, Emelyn knows that she is the last person who should be seen as a vanguard of humanity, let alone an ambassador for the entire ascended galaxy.
As the Vescai debate her very appearance on one of their planets, Emelyn must decide if she wished to remain with them, or allow them to wipe her memory or send her home. But her choice might be taken out of her hands, as she soon begins to develop the very abilities the Vescai treasure.
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folkloristico · 7 months
2, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12 and 13 👀
2. What is your least favorite trope to write?
Cheating. Whenever I’m writing about a non-canon pairing—that would be, most of the time—I prefer breaking up the canon pairing(s) or even glossing over them altogether. I do enjoy toxic relationships in fiction, but only when it brings interesting conflicts to the story and not for the sake of shipping drama.
5. The fic you’re most proud of writing?
As for now it must be All the Old Places. I’m still on chapter 6 (of… I don’t even know anymore), but I’ve already written most of it already and outlined the rest, and I’m very proud of it for all the work I did, and because it’s the first long thing I’ve ever written that actually feels good to me. (I do have some old long-ish fics, but they’re quite terrible to say the least.) 
7. Favorite ship to write? 
I’m very much enjoying writing Gen fics lately, but ofc I love shipping as much as the next person. It heavily depends on the spirit of the moment, but I think I can safely say Shinichi and Shiho because of how long I’ve been a fan of them, and writing about them feels like going back to my roots. At the moment, however, I’m having lots of fun with Cassunzel, so honorable mention to them. 
8. Least favorite ship to write? 
How much am I exposing myself here if I say Ran and Shinichi? I just can’t get a knack for them, Idk.
10. Best/funniest comment you’ve ever gotten on a fic? 
‘Not enough gay sex for me.’ I guess some people might find it rude, but I straight up snorted lol. 
12. First fic ever written? 
I don’t remember if it was my first ever because I’ve been writing fanfiction since before I knew what it was, but the first I ever posted was a Pokémon/Naruto crossover lmao. Zero plot, just self-insert OCs and vibes.  
13. Latest fic written/latest WIP?
An Adult Adrienette OS which is a half-rewrite of Duetto spaccato—that it because that’s one of my favorite MLB ideas, but I’m not quite happy with how that fic turned out, especially the last chapter, and because I’ve matured a lot as a writer, I want to give it another try. 
Thank youuu for the ask <3
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fanby-fckry · 1 year
📌 Welcome friends, foes, and passersby to my personal piece of fandom hell.
About My Blog:
18+ only; minors will be blocked
Please, please put your age in your bio!
No further DNI, but I will block bigots, bullies, and blank blogs. Terfs, aphobes, and exclusionists please exit the blog and find a hobby that isn’t bullying queer people on tumblr.
This blog was originally created as a way for me to share my fanfiction and accept requests, but has since expanded to incorrect quotes, memes, and occasionally non-fandom bs.
It runs pretty much entirely on queue and scheduled posts. I don’t have notifs turned on for the app, so I may take a while to respond to messages and asks.
The Amazing Devil (Band)
Doctor Who
Fullmetal Alchemist
Harry Potter – I do not support JKR
Hazbin Hotel
Helluva Boss
Steven Universe
The Witcher
I tend to cycle through them based on the whims of my ADHD brain, and when each is posted is unknown even to me.
#Fanby’s Fuckery – All original posts (minus ramblings)
#Fanby’s Fics – My fanfiction
#Fanby’s Headcanons – My headcanons and occasionally a few scattered plot bunnies
#Fanby Answers – Answered asks
#Fanby Adds – Reblogs where I add something (that I think is) significant
#Fanby’s Ramblings – Rants, ramblings, screaming into the void, and other general mumblings of madness that I don’t want clogging up my main tag
#Not OSHA Compliant – Content with kink and/or sexual and/or suggestive themes; original posts may also be marked with the mature filter
#Undescribed – Posts with images that do not have image descriptions
#Functionally Described – Posts that don’t have dedicated image descriptions, but describe the image in the post
#Not Fandom – Any posts not related to fandoms or fics
Posts and memes about my fics are tagged #Fanby: [fic name]
Common triggers are tagged #[trigger] cw
If you’d like something tagged, please don’t hesitate to ask.
I’m currently going through old posts for an accessibility update, but once that’s done…
Original posts will all have image descriptions
IDs under two-hundred characters will be in the alt text.
IDs over two-hundred characters will be in plain text.
If an image is meant to be reposted – for example, a meme template – then the ID will be in plain text for easy copy-pasting.
If you find my content inaccessible or have a way to make it more accessible, please please tell me. I’ve been doing research, but there’s a lot to learn – not to mention the conflicting information. Criticism in regards to accessibility is more than welcome.
Refs, Recs, and Resources:
#Fanby’s Ref Folder – Catchall tag for things I want to save to revisit later (working on phasing it out)
#AO3 Tips
#Crisis Tips
#Donate Here
#Fic Recs
#Internet Tips
#Life Tips
#Palestine Resources
Black-and-white thinking in fandom and resources for CBT, DBT, and addressing cognitive distortions.
About Me:
My name is Nico, I’m 25, and I write fanfic. I use they/them and xe/xem pronouns, and have a whole heap of queer labels I fall under. For more info on my labels and term preferences, check out my pronouns.page.
I’m part of an real life love triangle made up of myself, my fiancé, and our boyfriend.
If you wanna read more of my work, I’m on AO3 as fanby, and have some exclusive fics posted there.
Blog’s new, but I’m not. I was on this hellsite back in the ‘go nuts, show nuts’ golden age and when they finally shut this place down, staff will have to call animal control to remove me from the air vents like the rabid little raccoon I am <3
I have a twitter, but there’s literally nothing there that isn’t here. Check it out if you prefer Musk’s bird app, I guess?
Fanfic Masterlists:
Harry Potter – WIP
Hazbin Hotel/Helluva Boss
The Witcher
AO3 Exclusives – Links to the AO3 collection
Requests are currently open for mutuals only. I’m trying to limit requests at the moment, but will make an exception for mutuals if I think I can swing it.
Will Write:
Angst with a happy ending
Familial relationships
Found family trope
X reader
Canon x OC
Any relationship style: platonic, queer platonic, romantic, sexual, D/s dynamics
Most kinks
Explicit kink
Non-explicit sexual content
Might Write:
Hurt/no comfort
Non-canon disabilities and mental illness *1
Alastor as a Voodoo practitioner*2
Explicit sexual content *3
*1 If I’m going to represent a marginalized group, I’m going to do my best to do so respectfully, even in fanfiction. If I’m not confident in my ability to do that, then I may choose not to.
That being said, I’m down to research and I have lived experience with chronic pain and a few mental illnesses. I am extremely confident in my ability to project my own experiences onto my blorbos, and do so quite frequently.
*2 This is mainly for the same reason I won’t write non-canon disabilities. Voodoo is highly misrepresented and I don’t want to contribute to that. I may write him as a past practitioner depending on the circumstances and as long as his current magic is not Voodoo-based.
My personal headcanon is that he grew up practicing Voodoo and ancestral magic, but burned bridges in the pursuit of power and lost support because being a serial killer is generally frowned upon. I usually write his current magic as non-specific, demonic, or Eldritch in nature.
*3 My ability to write explicit sexual content varies, so I’ll be taking this on a case by case basis.
Won’t Write – This Fandom-Specific Content:
Note: These are due to personal preference, deeply ingrained headcanons, and nunn’yuh (none ya business). I am not judging or condemning any of these ships/headcanons/etc. or people who make fanworks involving them; it’s just a comfort thing.
Hazbin Hotel:
Rosie in an NSFW context
Alastor x Niffty
Angel Dust shipped romantically with women
Vaggie shipped with men
The Witcher:
Yennefer bashing
Ciri (including adult!Ciri) shipped with any Wolf School Witcher
Ciri (including adult!Ciri) shipped with Jaskier/Dandelion
Won’t Write – This General Content:
Note: A good deal of this section falls under Kinktomato or YKINMKATO (Your Kink Is Not My Kink (And That's OK)) and DLDR (Don’t Like, Don’t Read) – just like, with writing instead of reading.
I’m not here to take sides in shipcourse or police other people’s writing; this is, again, about my own comfort level with writing certain topics. That’s it.
Scat/watersports/emeto kink
Adult x minor ships
Underage NSFW/smut/explicit, including any underage kink
Incest, including adoptive/step family
Detailed or romanticized non-con *1
Detailed or romanticized dub-con *1
Detailed or romanticized suicide *2
Detailed or romanticized self harm *2
*1 I can write aftermath of non-con/dub-con or attempted non-con/dub-con, but will not go into detail or portray it as in any way positive. I won’t write the reader or a canon characters as the perpetrator, unless it’s already in canon – AKA: The Valentino Exception. This does not include negotiated CNC, which I would consider writing under specific circumstances.
*2 Any time I write content involving suicide or suicidal ideation, I write with the National Recommendations for Depicting Suicide in mind.
The way suicide is portrayed in fiction can have real world consequences:
“Studies have shown that both news reports and fictional accounts of suicide in movies and television can lead to increases in suicide. In contrast, when depictions are done responsibly, the media can help to encourage help seeking, dispel myths, and reinforce hope – and ultimately save lives.”
(Source: Alliance for Suicide Prevention)
I am a suicide survivor and have lost loved ones to suicide as well, so this is deeply personal to me. If you’re struggling with self harm or suicidal thoughts, please hold on, and don’t be afraid to ask for help:
International Suicide Hotlines
Australia Lifeline: 13 11 14
Canada Talk Suicide: 1.833.456.4566
UK Samaritans: 116 123
USA Suicide and Crisis Lifeline: 988
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candycandy00 · 6 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
Thank you so much for tagging me, @scary-grace! This was a lot of fun!
1. How many works do you have on Ao3? 
18, though I’ve only posted a fraction of my BNHA stuff on there and there’s even some JJK stuff I haven’t posted there yet. 
2. What’s your total Ao3 word count?
217,870. And wow it took me way too long to find that lol. I didn’t even know about the Statistics page! 
3. What fandoms do you write for? 
Currently, Jujutsu Kaisen and Boku no Hero Academia. I wrote for a ton of different fandoms back in my “previous era” I’ll call it lol. I wrote for One Piece, Naruto, Final Fantasy (mostly 7 and 12), Death Note, Gundam Wing, Harry Potter, Durarara!!, and lots of other things (almost all of it featuring non canon ships like Cloud x Yuffie and L x Misa). I’d like to try writing for Bungou Stray Dogs and Demon Slayer at some point. 
4. What are your top five fics by kudos?
The Doll House (2,280)
Human (390)
The Offering (377)
How to Seduce a Gamer (300)
Little Miss Nobody (234)
5. Do you respond to comments?
I try to! But sometimes if it’s a comment on an older chapter of something I might not or if I got several close together I miss a few and then I’m too embarrassed to go back and respond later. Or if they just comment with an emoticon, I’m not sure how to reply lol. 
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
In my current era, it’s definitely the Mr. Compress chapter of The Dark Carnival. I have other fics that end badly for Reader but this one felt very tragic to me. 
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending? 
Most of mine have pretty happy endings! 
8. Do you get hate on fics? 
Current era, I occasionally get people complaining that certain Readers are wimpy or stupid or whatever. I even had one person on AO3 write out a huge wall of text about how one of my Reader characters was a Mary Sue (they simultaneously complained that she was too weak and useless in a fight but also too perfect). But I tend to shrug off those comments. Readers are supposed to be Mary Sues. They’re literally Reader/Writer self inserts! Part of the appeal of x Reader fanfiction is the fantasy of Reader being an idealized version of yourself. So yeah she can hang out with the League of Villains and be the only girl Dabi has ever liked, or she can be old high school buddies with Gojo and Geto and they’re both crazy about her. It’s all fantasy. 
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind? 
Yes! And I write pretty much all kinds that don’t involve my three “big no’s” (minors, animals, or scat/pee/vomit). 
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written? 
Not since I was a kid, writing Sailor Moon/DBZ crossovers lol. 
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen? 
Not in my current era, not that I know of. In my previous era, I wrote a Gundam Wing fanfic that got really popular in the fandom and was ripped off twice. Not exactly copied word for word, but very close in both cases. They basically changed the wording around a bit but kept the entire plot the same (and it was a very unique AU with a big, sprawling plot). 
12. Have you ever had a fic translated? 
Not that I know of!
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before? 
Like 20+ years ago a friend and I were co-writing a very fucked up DBZ fanfic together. It was actually pretty good, but it was unfortunately lost to time. I’d give anything to find it and be able to read it again, but she’s the one who was posting it and she deleted her account a few years later. 
14. What’s your all time favorite ship? 
I’m just gonna go with my current fave ships of my two main fandoms: BNHA (Spinneraki) and JJK (SatoSugu). 
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will? 
Probably The League of Villains Heroes. I love it dearly but it gets practically no notes so I have little motivation to keep working on it. 
16. What are your writing strengths? 
I’ve always felt like dialogue is my strong point. Probably because, until I was up into my 20’s, I rarely read actual books and almost exclusively read comics/manga (which tend to be dialogue heavy). I think I’m pretty decent with plotting as well. 
17. What are your writing weaknesses? 
Descriptions! 😩 I am so bad at describing things. Or rather, I’m bad to just… not do it. I literally forget to. I’ve had friends read my work and be like “what does this place look like?” Or “what does that guy look like?” And I can see it all so clearly in my head that I forget readers can’t see it as well. 
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic? 
I sometimes toss in some honorifics just because it seems weird to have certain characters not use them. Other than that, I try to avoid throwing in random Japanese (the only other language I would even consider using, just because these are Japanese characters). I did have Sukuna say his famous “Gambare, gambare” line once but it’s just too iconic! 
19. First fandom you wrote for? 
First I wrote for: Sailor Moon. First I actually posted a fic online for: Dragon Ball Z. 
20. Favourite fic you’ve written? 
I’m going to pick one from each fandom, only among completed fics. 
BNHA: Trending Topics
JJK: The Offering
Tagging @missrosegold and any other writer friends who would like to do this!
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finderedacted · 1 year
i have no idea what the convention is for posting fanfiction on this website is, but i've decided to share something i'm working on (something i can't get out of my head) here before it ends up on AO3. i'd love to hear what people think.
WIP - proofread but may have some consistency errors for now
working title: Usually (part 1 of ?)
rating: Mature content includes: descriptions of violence, references to trauma and abuse, references to sex, mentions of blood (typical of BG3), BG3 spoilers word-count (this part): 2,451 words summary: this is what happens when Astarion and Caorann break from their routines of fucking and feeding sometimes and start having feelings - it's difficult.
context notes: i'm writing this to explore the dynamic of Astarion and my character from my first full-release BG3 playthourgh. Caorann /kɯːrəN/ ("koo-run") is a goody two-shoes half-elf druid who finds themselves having to become shrewder and meaner to survive and deal with the tadpole and the Absolute while balancing that with their moral compass. i specifically built them to look a bit more mature, thank you to the maturity slider in BG3 character creation. imagine a green-haired light-skinned non-binary person who looks like they're in their mid-late thirties, with a messy ponytail and kind but weary eyes, and you have what you need.
below the cut are the first two parts of whatever this is becoming.
Usually, when Astarion is done with his night-time feed on Caorann, he doesn’t linger. He is an imperfect gentleman – he stays to clean the wounds on Caorann’s neck, and to make sure they’re not suffering too much from the now-routine blood loss. But he usually leaves quickly afterwards, creeping into the night to seek a more filling quarry.
There’s usually a set routine. Caorann lets Astarion know he can feed on them tonight, and then he comes to them quietly in the night after everyone else in the camp is fast asleep. Caorann lies down and makes themselves comfortable, Astarion bites their neck and drinks just enough, and the transaction is complete with little fuss.
Tonight should be no different. After the bite and the ceremonial clean-up, Caorann is doing their customary final checks on the neck wound, assuming Astarion has already disappeared into the darkness for his meal; they’re sleepy and off-guard so it’s perhaps a moment longer than they’d like before they realise they’re being watched.
Caorann stiffens, then turns to look upwards to find Astarion still nearby, lingering a few metres away and watching Caorann with narrowed eyes.
Astarion flinches when Caorann blinks at him, then blusters, “Ah, sorry, I should--”
He turns away, then turns back, then huffs when he sees Caorann still tensed and staring at him. He spits, “What are you looking at, druid?”
Caorann blinks again. “I’m sorry, I don’t think I started it,” they reply, at which Astarion huffs again. “Did you want something? You don’t normally stick around this long.”
Astarion puts a hand on his hips, the pose of a petulant child who refuses to believe they’ve been caught.
Caorann sighs. “What, Astarion?”
Astarion frowns; it’s like he’s fighting himself, muscles coiled not in preparation for a kill but as if he’s trying to stop himself from lashing out. Suddenly, Caorann’s tadpole throbs; they can feel the edges of Astarion’s consciousness as he struggles with something that feels like a question that he hates. Astarion knows Caorann’s there, too; he tries to hide from them, and in that moment Caorann hates the tadpole for how easy it makes it to overstep and overstay – hates the control the tadpole has and the control it offers. Caorann balks and backs away from the tadpole’s prying instincts, but not without a struggle. “Gods, sorry. It’s still so hard to stop it before it starts.”
Astarion grimaces, but then waves a nonchalant hand. “Don’t mention it. Look, why don’t I--” “I mean, you don’t normally stick around after you feed, and it seems like there’s something on your mind. Are you okay?”
Astarion huffs again but this time his muscles relax too. “Ugh-- you damned-- fine.” He pauses, then crosses his arms.
Caorann stands up and takes a step towards him. “So,” they say gently. “What is it?” Astarion screws his face up and then after so much hesitation it suddenly tumbles out, a sharp hiss that would definitely be a shout if he weren’t worried about waking up the rest of camp, and he’s jabbing a finger at Caorann as he stage-whispers, “I just don’t get you! At all!”
Caorann is startled at the jabbing finger but also bemused. They give a lopsided smile – Astarion looks so offended by that but he’ll cope, Caorann is sure. “What do you mean?”
“I-- just-- why in the Hells are you so kind to everyone? All the time?!” Astarion’s arms are all theatrics and big, exasperated gestures as he continues, “You agreed to help those tieflings, you tried to rescue some silly dog, you insisted on helping that brat who was caught up with the harpies, and sure I get all that, you’re a goody two-shoes druid and your whole job is being nice to innocents or whatever the Oak Daddy taught you, but--” – he pauses to breathe after the first act of this tirade, then puts both his hands on his hips and glares at you for act two – “but why would you be so kind to me? Do you have no sense of self-preservation? Do you not realise how stupid this is? Why would it be good to help someone as--”
Astarion chokes abruptly and draws back – Caorann doesn’t need the tadpole to know that Astarion’s suddenly scared of going too far, of whatever is under his mask suddenly rearing its ugliness into view and right in front of some silly grass-munching druid he barely knows. There’s something he doesn’t want to say, but maybe he does want to say it, maybe he needs to say it, but not yet, not to this generous shithead, and Caorann couldn’t possibly judge if Astarion should say it now but certainly wants Astarion to be comfortable, at the very least, so Caorann holds out their hand to try and create a sense of calm as Astarion’s eyes widen like a cornered animal’s. “Look,” they say, quietly. “It’s okay.”
Astarion scoffs. “Is it? Is it? I’m a vampire spawn. I’m a monster. I drink your blood most nights and you--” – he jabs his finger right into Caorann’s chest this time, his voice rising – “you let me. You let me! What the Hells is wrong with you?”
The question ripples in the night air while Astarion breathes raggedly, reeling slightly from his explosive speech. Then his expression shifts to something more guarded, more like the mask he wants Caorann to see, though not before Caorann catches a flicker of fear in his eyes.
Caorann lets the question dissipate, lets the night reconfigure into stillness, and lets Astarion’s breath get less ragged. They try to reply carefully, gently. They know a bit about Astarion’s wounds and a bit about the damage wrought upon him by his old master, but they also know not to push. Yet they’re also feeling hazy from the blood loss and tired from yet another long day, so the words aren’t as tidy or slow as they’d want them to be.
“Astarion. I don’t know if I understand where this has come from, but, look, I believe in giving help where I can and sharing the beauty and kindness of nature in my actions. Maybe you don’t expect a druid to stand by a vampire spawn, and yes, there are druids who won’t. But they follow the letter of the law and I… I just can’t anymore, not when I could turn into something outwith our laws any second now.” Caorann pauses, scared of their own babbling. Astarion’s lips are pursed, his eyes strained with skepticism, but so far there is no witty retort, no snarling rebuke, so Caorann swallows and continues.
“And I – well I believe we shouldn’t turn our backs on people when something has happened which isn’t their fault, like what happened to me, right?” Caorann sways slightly, then tries to slow down their speech. “I didn’t ask for the tadpole. Neither did you. And you happen to be a vampire spawn and you need blood. And I can make the choice to help you feed, so that you can be strong and no one else gets hurt. It’s maybe not the ideal we talk about as druids when it comes to nature and balance, but--”
Astarion cuts in, “So it’s pragmatic, sure, fine. But look, you still--” – he stops, and the mask wavers again. His eyes darken and he turns away. “You are trusting someone who is already a monster. Someone who could kill you like it’s nothing, and you’ve let me into your camp and you let me near your neck.”
“Yes, that’s right. Because I believe in having your back,” Caorann replies.
“Well,” Astarion snaps back, “What if you have someone’s back and then they turn around and stab you right in the intestines anyway?”
Caorann sways again, too woozy to feel as threatened as they should be. “Why? Is that your plan?”
“No, I--”
“Astarion, I do like you, you know. It’s not just pragmatism.”
The muscles in Astarion’s shoulders tense. The pause is long but loaded, heavy, and Caorann could swear they feel the gears in Astarion’s mind shift into place.
He turns back to look at Caorann over his shoulder with a pained expression that snaps in a flash into a grin. “Oh, oh. Is this because--”, Astarion’s back straightens as his whisper shifts into his customary bedroom drawl, “– because of that night we spent together? When I wasn’t just busy with your neck?”
Caorann’s brows furrow. “I mean, yeah, that was a very welcome way to let off steam, but it’s not the only reason I--”
Astarion turns fully back to face Caorann. His smirk is full and his eyes are glittering. “I see. Well you know what, this whole conversation was just so unnecessary, wasn’t it? Really I was making a fuss for no reason.”
“Darling, you need your beauty sleep, and I need my second helping, so why don’t I get going and we can forget about all this?”
“Goodnight, dear little druid. And thanks once again for the meal.”
Then he’s gone, cloaked in the darkness as if he had never even been there.
Caorann sways once again, then crumples onto their bedroll. They exhale slowly, then inhale twice as slowly, letting still earthy air fill their lungs. This is fucking stupid, they think.
They struggle to meditate that night.
They don’t talk about it. Well, Astarion doesn’t talk about it, acts like he doesn’t even remember it; why would it even be relevant when they’re busy driving daggers into duergar skulls and meeting a friendly fucking mind-flayer in the middle of the Underdark?
He knows Caorann wants to talk about it; Caorann’s got those kind eyes that say “let’s talk” in a soft voice without even a whisper on the wind. Astarion hates it. He wants Caorann to fuck off.
This ridiculous gaggle of freaks he’s travelling with make him want to talk about everything and he hates it so much. His first time in the sun in 200 years and still he sometimes wants to crawl back into the darkest corner of his old palace-prison so no one ever looks at him again. Even Lae’zel is trying to check on him nowadays and sometimes he just wants to run away.
Don’t look at me, he mouths at the ceiling of his tent that night. Don’t touch me, he snarls silently. Keep your distance, darling, he spits in his mind. He lies on his bedroll, scowling at nothing.
Astarion has continued to feed on Caorann since his outburst. Caorann has continued to be accommodating – once, maybe every three or four days, without question, without complaint.
When is the punishment coming?
When will they run--
“No,” Astarion hisses. Then he jumps out of his skin, a soft question at the entrance of his tent completely blindsiding him. Gods, how embarrassing.
“Astarion?” Caorann’s gentle whisper comes again. “Are you in there?”
Astarion closes his eyes. “Go away.”
“Sorry,” whispers Caorann.
Oh fuck off.
“Ugh, fine. Come in,” Astarion mutters, opening his eyes to watch.
Caorann tenderly pulls back the tent fabric and steps inside. You would never know they sometimes stomp around in the shape of a bear. Astarion marvels, for a moment, at how carefully and sweetly Caorann can move, then cuts the thought off like he’s taking steel to a goblin’s neck. Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop it.
Caorann squints at Astarion, then casts their eyes on a patch of ground next to him. “Do you mind if I sit down?”
“Do what you want,” he mutters, looking away.
Caorann hums, then lowers to sit cross-legged half a metre from him. “Do you want to deal with whatever is wrong? Everyone is asking me and we all want to help. Even Lae’zel.”
Astarion’s eyes burn and now he turns fully onto his side to face anywhere but this stupid kind druid. “What does it matter, Caorann?”
“Ugh, Astarion, fine. Do you want me to be angry with you?”
The burning in Astarion’s eyes rises something akin to what Karlach’s chest must be like, and is that-- are his eyes-- wet?
“If you don’t want to talk then at least let me say what I want to say,” Caorann continues. “If you would rather I didn’t, tell me to fuck off. I’ll go.” Astarion stays silent. He can’t say anything. He can barely breathe.
He chokes. “Talk, then,” he manages.
He feels Caorann exhale behind him. “Are you being off because of the other night? When you yelled at me? You’ve barely spoken since. People do like your little comments and it seems like something’s not right with you. You barely even had anything to say about the myconids, and that place was just begging for your commentary.”
Astarion has nothing to say right now, either; or, really, he can’t, because he’s focusing all his energy on crying as silently and as motionlessly as possible.
Astarion tries to surreptitiously wipe his face. But Caorann isn’t stupid.
“If you need to cry about something, you don’t have to hide it, you know,” they say, and Astarion can hear their kind smile as they do, and then he--
Well, he’s not really sure what noise it is that escapes his throat, but it’s choked and strangled, and then he’s bawling and shaking and his mind is screaming no, no, no, not this, you can’t--
Caorann’s hand is on his shoulder, inviting him to turn over and face them with the most delicate little pull. Astarion makes another of those pathetic choking noises he apparently can’t control now, then turns around.
Caorann’s eyes are reflecting the moonlight that shines through a gap in the tent, glittering kind stars breaking up the darkness. Their expression is soft, though their eyes are strained with clear concern and showing off those lovely crow’s feet around--
Astarion wants to scream.
Instead he sobs.
Caorann doesn’t say a word. They just keep their hand gently resting on Astarion’s shoulder as sobs thunder through his body.
It might have been two minutes or another two hundred years before his crying slows, his shaking abates, and he can finally say something.
“Get out.”
Caorann stares right into Astarion’s eyes, a sympathetic smile on their lips. Astarion could lean forward and kiss--
“I said. Get. Out,” he growls, confidence slowly returning and taking back over his wretched, sob-wrecked muscles.
Caorann’s eyes crease with sadness. They close them, nod, then get up and leave without another word.
Astarion kicks himself immediately afterwards. Then, with barely a thought, he takes a sleep potion and sinks into nothing until first light. [tbc]
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extra-v1rgin · 9 months
🍉 What character/story trope do you love
Ok I’m not just saying this to suck up to you but I really do love de-aging fics. I love it when you find out trauma simply through the act of a character acting like their younger self
Obviously Once More w/ Feeling by you (tiny_peach)
Chapter 5 of Five things learned about Tomioka Giyuu, and one thing forgotten by vexfulfolly
and the pint sized pillar au by @ghostbite0
🍙 What story (fanfiction or published work) had the biggest impact on you?
Going Postal and Crow Mail by Sciathan_file are some of my favorite works maybe ever (probably yes ever) they’re oc x Tomioka Giyuu but honestly work as reader inserts (that’s how I read them lol). It’s what inspired me to write my first ever long fic (even though I don’t really like the fic anymore, I finished it like 2 years ago) and also they reply to every single comment left on their works. Like seriously they will respond to every single point you make in a comment which is why I try to do the same with my works :)
🥫What's a scene you've really enjoyed working on?
This is a really hard one… obviously I enjoy writing anything to do w/ Giyuu (despite my fav character being Rengoku, but Giyuu is easier to project onto). I would say I enjoy writing smut the most? Not just bc it’s smut lol but I think exploring how a character would act during sex is really really interesting. For anyone who’s seen The Boys you’ll notice that the characters have sex in very different ways that line up w/ them as people!
Anyways I’m giving two examples, this is from Consumate (part of my Giyuu x Reader series)
There’s a cute little pout on his face as he tries to understand your nonsense. “Should I stop?” His fingers settle back together, giving your walls a chance to relax.
Distracted by his red face and slick lips it takes a few moments to create a proper response. “N-no! I wanna do this with you. It just feels like, like there’s fingers inside me.” You giggle again. Most of the shyness has been washed away, instead replaced by a mixture of pure admiration and desperateness.
(Side note but I love the phrase “cute little pout” and struggle not to overuse it in my fics lol)
and then this is from a current shinogiyuu wip where Tomioka gets turned into a woman
“I can’t seem to get it on.” The problem is immediately clear. Tomioka looks pretty, leaning back on the bed with a hand covering his chest. When she had given him the undergarments instructions had not been included. The bra was both too loose and too tight, handing oddly on his body. For what it’s worth the fabric does manage to cover the majority of his newfound breasts. That doesn’t cure his embarrassment however, a soft pink blush highlighting perfect cheekbones.
(Skipping some non-important in between stuff)
“Does that feel better?”
“Sorry, that’s just how it is. Now you know the horrors of womanhood.” Despite her light tone Tomioka nods solemnly.
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fierymiasma · 1 year
〔⪩ Miasma’s Writings ⪨〕
Hi everyone!
Thank you so much for checking out my work!  I’m taking a moment to list my general writing info and rules that I request you check out before sending your request and ideas.
|| Masterlist || AO3 || WIP
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1. I write reader insert fanfiction and do my best to make the reader as inclusive as possible.💕I have a personal ick of seeing “MC” or “Y/N” or “Reader” so I try to avoid it as much as possible.  I have a tendency to write female Hufflepuffs but that doesn’t mean I don’t write for any gender or any house!  Feel free to specify house or genders in your requests!
2. I only write for Sebastian, Ominis, Silver Trio / Sebastian x MC x Ominis pairings. I truly love all the Hogwarts Legacy characters unfortunately I feel like I am not able to write romance for the other characters (such as Garreth) with as much justice as I want.  Thank you for your understanding!🐍
3. I love discussing my fics, reading every comment, looking at every tag in the reblog. I HIGHLY value any feedback, so please feel free to leave some!  
4. I can only write content I feel like I can do with justice.  Unfortunately sometimes my creativity is limited, and I’m not as able to come up with a fic for an ask, no matter how amazing that ask might be.  In these cases, I will privately DM you and explain my shortcoming (as long as you’re not on anon).  It is **not **because I don’t like your ask, simply because I feel like I cannot deliver quality content that is up to my standards.  
5. Lastly, please, please be patient with me.👉👈I am as slow as a turtle and sometimes my writing takes a much longer time than I wish.  I read and reread every single one of the asks that get sent.  I did not miss yours.  I am simply a slowpoke, please be patient.  Feel free to drop a friendly reminder, and I can update the status.
How will I know if you’re working on a fic I requested?
I will post and frequently update a Works in Progress list.  If you’re wondering if your ask is being worked on, please check it out!  
💋What about NSFW 18+ content?
Absolutely!  Feel free to send those requests.  There are some kinks I may not be able to honor (see rule 4) as my creativity is limited, but I will privately DM you back if not on anon!
Is there anything you are uncomfortable with?
Thank you for asking!  Not very comfortable with non-con, abuse, incest, or cheating.
Who are you?  
✶ Miasma
✶ 26 She/Her/Hers
✶ Virgo♍, Bisexual
✶ Hufflepuff/Slytherin
✶ What I Do I Real Life: Medical Student, Studying to be a Doctor
Most importantly, please have fun reading.  Don’t hesitate to leave comments, send asks, or just stop by to say hi. Thanks for reading! 💞
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