#and I&E is a nice tight time travel long fic with good character bits
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1 and 3 for the fanfiction ask game.
1. Share a song that makes you think of [fic title]
Oh boy, i have to choose a song and a fic. Umm Disloyal Order of the Buffalo by FOB has really given me vibes for my lockwood fic. And I'd promise you anything for another shot at life is SO Skull
3. What’s your favorite fic that you’ve written?
I enjoy most of my fics to an extent but as for fics I really think I did well on, it would be ad perpetuam memoriam, Innocence and Experience and rise up and hear the bells.
#rise up makes me teary eyed every time#and apm for the first time I really feel I nailed the mood and theme I wanted#and I&E is a nice tight time travel long fic with good character bits
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ex finds a stowaway. what happens next may surprise you.
set in @martuzzio‘s space outlaw au, as ever. this was one of the fics i wanted to write early on and i’m super chuffed i’ve finished it. a faster pace to my previous few, but still 5.5k.
featuring: ex goes on a journey of character growth feat. someone who definitely isn’t zedaph, ex actually learns to use the word ‘friend’, some tense brotherly discussions, emotions, ex basically holds zedaph up like ‘whose child is this???’, also try not to think of zedaph as a pack creature on his own for that long with only his shawl for comfort cause that hurts a lot.
warnings: tbh if you’ve read my other fics then you’ll be fine, this is tame. very brief shoot-out. emotions. that’s all i can think of.
In all of Ex's (too many) years alive, it's never taken him this long to notice a stowaway before. He's had them, of course. It's usually kids sneaking onto ships that don't know better. They're looking for adventure. Though, they stop looking once they see him. Dropping them off to their parents or kicking them off his ship is easy enough. When it's more serious... Well, he figures it out. He's not Xisuma, but he's not heartless either. Up until now, he's always found them before he took off, or a few hours into flight.
He finds the blond in the middle of deep space.
It's not like he's hidden well, either. He's curled up tightly in the storage hold, tucked in the corner behind some boxes. His arm acts a pillow, a woollen shawl draped over his shoulders. There's only a small rucksack tucked close to torn robes. From the slow rise and fall of his chest, he's sound asleep. Ex sighs, unsure how to proceed from here. It's too late to turn back and drop him off. He doesn't look very threatening, at least. Ex nudges the guy with his toe, watching him rock back and forth. The guy whines.
"Hey. Get up." Ex gets a frown, blue eyes blinking open. He looks ahead of him tiredly, reaching to rub his face before freezing, bolting upright.
"Wh- oh. Um." Ex reaches for the gun on his hip, twirling it before pointing it at the ground. The blond's mouth falls open. "Oh, that's not good."
"Who are you?" Ex asks, keeping his sentences short. This guy looks flighty as anything, shoulders drawn in so he can lean away.
"Woo- William. My name's William." Ex narrows his eyes, tilting the gun closer to him. The guy squeaks.
"I don't believe you." Ex stares him down.
"That's it, that's my name, I'm not lying. Why would I lie to the scary man with a gun?" He swallows, tacking on, "Please don't kill me." Ex keeps his expression neutral and harsh.
"The hell are you doing on my ship?" He demands. Hopefully he'll be smart enough not to lie about that. The guy twists his hands in front of him.
"I just needed safe passage! That's all. There's some people that don't particularly like me and I just- I had to get away!"
"And what's stopping me from giving you to them?" The look of fear that enters those blue eyes would be enough on its own. The blond, Ex might as well call him William, looks devastated. His whole expression crumbles.
"You-" His eyes dart around the hold. Ex can see his arms tense, ready to push himself up.
"There's nowhere to run. We're in the middle of deep space." William doesn't even look at him anymore. He tugs the shawl tighter around his shoulders, beginning to look very small. His breathing has turned into small puffs. Ex sighs, slotting his gun back in its sheath. "What have you been having to eat? To drink?" He asks. William blinks in confusion, glancing up to him. He doesn't quite make eye contact.
"Um, there's some food in one of the crates. Biscuits. I'm really sorry- I was hungry." Ex sighs, making a decision he's pretty sure he's going to regret. He holds his hand out.
"Come on. Get up." William pulls his shawl closer, eyeing him with apprehension. "I'm taking you to the kitchen, idiot. Unless you want to fade away down here."
"Oh." William quietly releases his shawl, hand hovering. "Can I take my bag?" Ex can't imagine anything dangerous being in a bag like that, but he's no fool.
"Give it here."
"Do I have to?" Ex scowls at him. William visibly pales. He gathers up his bag, pushing it into Ex's awaiting hand.
"You can have it back after you eat. And I make sure there's nothing dangerous in it." Ex slings the bag onto his shoulder, taking some care with the contents.
"Okay. That sounds fair." Ex avoids commenting, offering his hand again. William takes it this time. He's as light as Ex expecting, falling into his front with a panicked, "Sorry!" Ex shakes his head, pushing William in front of him. As harmless as he seems, Ex knows better than to take unnecessary chances.
He was right that William looked starved. He's tall but tiny, barely any weight on him. The robe hangs off his frame shapeless, a sash wrapped into a belt keeping it on. William tells him in a quiet voice that he's vegetarian, and then eats the food Ex cooks like he hasn't eaten in a week. And if he's been in the hold only eating biscuits, maybe that's accurate.
"Thank you so much," William pushes the plate away, dropping his hands into his lap. Ex nods, only halfway through his own plate. "I- um. Can't actually remember the last time I had a cooked meal. That was really nice." Ex raises his eyebrows. He's not even going to ask. He has a feeling he won't get a straight answer.
"Did you have a destination in mind?"
William shrugs, "Wouldn't have gotten on a random ship if I did."
"Good. Because I'm not going off course for you." William laughs very gently, pressing back against the chair.
"That's- that's okay. I'll probably just find another ship. That's what I've been doing." He can see William tug at his robe. It shows how thin the fabric is. Ex furrows his brow.
"How long have you been running?" He asks. William looks surprised at the question. He tugs the robe tighter, shifting his shawl from its position. He resets it quickly.
"I don't remember." William's voice is incredibly small. Ex silently curses. He swore to himself a long time ago he wouldn't get attached to humans. He's never understood Xisuma and his ever-changing entourage. Their lives are so short. Blink and you miss it. But, here, this one, sat across from him. Ex knows how exhausting running is.
He's growing attached. Damn it.
He's proved right when Ex shows him to his room. He gives William's bag back. There was barely anything in it anyway. A spare robe, empty water bottle, a broken thread bracelet, a notepad (detailing his travels, Ex thinks), a de-tangling brush and a tiny amount of change. He's pretty confident this guy isn't a threat to him. He'll keep the bedroom door locked anyway.
"Um." William pauses at the door, cradling his bag. Ex crosses his arms. "Thank you. Again," he says, "You've been really nice to me. I appreciate that."
"It's a few weeks until the next port," Ex tells him. William nods.
"I can help out where I can?" He suggests. "I can... Clean or cook, maybe? I'm not very good at it but-" Ex holds his hand up and the rambling trails off.
"Tomorrow. I'll find something." William's shoulders relax.
"Thank you."
True to his word, Ex finds him something to do. Sure, it's dusting, but it's an easy way to keep an eye on him. Ex is no idiot. He's thought things through. He doesn't need to let William near any dangerous chemicals, he can steer him from important machinery and he's not going to do much to Ex with a duster.
He doesn't think he'd be able to do much anyway with that little muscle.
Ex tries to remember what he's learnt about humans. It's not like he's unfamiliar with them, the damn things are everywhere. Fragile yet resilient, they find their way into everything. Ex did his best to avoid them. Now, he has no idea what to do with this one on his ship.
He's pretty sure this is an adult human, at least. The children are usually smaller and talk in higher voices. Far more annoying, too. William listens to him. He stays out of Ex's way, always on the edges. Ex feels slightly reassured he's not accidentally kidnapping a child. That's the last thing he needs. His bounty is high enough. Sure it isn't kidnapping if he came onto the ship himself, but like the authorities care.
Two days after Ex found William, the blond approaches him.
"Um." He's holding the front of his shawl, tugging it tighter around him. He's not changed clothes yet. Though, what would he change into? "I was just thinking I- uh. I don't know what to call you." William shifts from foot to foot. "You don't have to tell me, of course! That's fair! But I keep calling you scaryblueishman in my head which is kind of rude." Ex raises his eyebrows, staring down at the human.
"Ex." Blue eyes narrow.
"Ex?" William sounds confused. "That's just a letter."
"E-X," he spells out, with a dead stare. William still looks skeptical but he nods, mouthing the name before he speaks again.
"Okay. Ex." He nods again, a bit more confident. "It's nice to meet you properly." Ex grunts, turning away to focus on directions. William doesn't leave, his shadow moving awkwardly in Ex's peripherals. Ex finally glances to him.
"What else?"
William takes a deep breath, "Is there a way I could clean my robe? I mean, I'm happy to just do it in a sink with water, but I wanted to check first." Ex wrinkles his nose.
"Please do." William shrinks in, tugging his shawl tight. He focuses on the ground.
"Sorry, yeah. I'll- I'll do that." William skitters away quickly and Ex is left with the feeling he said the wrong thing. He frowns, before deciding it isn't his problem. If William has an issue, he can deal with it.
At dinner that night, William is dressed in his other robe, and his hair is heavy with water. With his face clean, he has a pleasant glow to his cheeks. Ex is surprised how much healthier it makes him look. He sits at the counter with him, in the routine they've silently established.
"I'll wash this one tomorrow," William tells him. "But I needed something to wear whilst the other one dried soooo...." It's the first time Ex has seen him without the shawl on. Part of him wants to ask where it is.
"Didn't you use the dryer?" Ex asks instead, pointing to his hair. William pats it, face opening up as he remembers it's wet.
"It's wool. I have to let it air dry or it shrinks." He pretends to shiver. "That's never fun, do not recommend." Ex's thoughts come to a crashing halt. He was fairly certain humans didn't have wool for hair. He knits with wool. Is this some kind of genetic tampering again? Humans always seem to do that.
"Wool?" He questions, seeing an opportunity to prod into William's past either way. William nods, pulling out a strand of hair. It reveals the tight waves in it. Then he seems to realise what Ex is asking and blanches.
"Oh- uh." The hands withdraw back, pressing into his lap now he has no shawl to fiddle with. "You thought I was human, didn't you?"
"You're not," Ex replies, keeping a blank tone. William shakes his head, hair swishing as he does.
"Most people think I am but- well, you're already doing me a big favour by not killing me." His eyes dart to him and back to his plate. "So, uh, I guess I'm related to humans? I'm mostly human. But I'm like... Also related to sheep."
"Sheep," Ex checks, "Those big fluffy things that humans used to farm?"
"Yes! Those!" William bounces in his seat. "I look human so usually I just pretend I am. Makes life easier. But, kinda slipped up here." He fiddles with his robe. Ex can understand that. He's often thought his life would be far easier if he was just a human. But his life would be far easier if a lot of things were different. Being a more common species is a star in the galaxy against his problems.
"Does this mean I get to know your name?" Ex asks. He's surprised how pleased he is when William laughs at his teasing. There’s not a hint of nervousness in it this time.
"You're still stuck on that, aren't you?" William leans forward on the table. "I'm gonna keep it secret. Give you a reason to keep me around."
"So you admit it's not your name."
"Ah." William looks to the side. "You got me there." Ex smirks, continuing to eat. He can't remember the last time he made someone properly laugh. Probably Xisuma. William, whatever his name is, he's... He's not bad.
He finds himself trusting William as more time passes. He's given him no reason not to. William follows him into the engine room to figure out why a light keeps flashing. He sits in the navigation bay as Ex redirects around a police stop. He watches and he learns. He talks, too. Ex is amazed someone can chatter so much.
The first few times he trails off once he realises he's doing it. So Ex tries to encourage the conversation. He grunts, nods, tries all those things you usually do. Things he's never cared for before. He likes listening to William speak. The way his brain jumps from topic to topic. He's surprisingly sharp for someone stowing away on an outlaw’s ship. Ex would never admit it, but he prefers it to the silence.
"You might be able to move that wire," William points out. The damn targeting system has stopped working this time. He should’ve known better than to take the cheap junk. "Connect it directly into the power source. Seems like the surge detector is malfunctioning." William rests his hand on his chin. "Actually, test the surge detector with something else first. In case it's a problem with the power source." Ex nods, before looking at William with suspicion.
"When did you become a technician?" William laughs quietly, scratching the back of his hair.
"Um, picked it up over time," he replies. "My friends used to be really good at it so I got the basics from them. Then I kinda needed to know to survive." There's something tight in William's voice when he mentions his friends, how he skips over it quickly and continues explaining what they should do. Ex doesn't comment on it any further. It's hardly like William will be sticking around.
Until they reach the next port. William quietly asks where he's going next. Ex tells him. He doesn't bring attention to the relief in William's eyes.
They become travelling partners after that. William is there with excited comments and a bounce in his step. He has a surprising range of technical know-how, with unconventional but surprisingly effective solutions. Ex finds himself enjoying the company. He thought he'd mind more. Silence is something he's used to. Something he could retreat into for safety. William never pressures him. He doesn't expect replies. He fills a space Ex didn't know needed filling.
And Ex learns things. William speaks fondly of his family, but he hasn't seen them for a long time. He has a wide knowledge of ships, various organisations and federations. He has a sharp wit, he enjoys watching comedies, he likes napping where Ex is nearby. It's been a long time since Ex has tried to learn about another person. He writes down each small fact so he doesn't forget.
He does ask one day, "You are an adult, right?" William looks up, his smile full of cheek.
"On paper!" So, he gives up on that enquiry. He'll just assume he is.
But William never brings up his friends again. If it weren't for the brief mentions of family, Ex would assume he didn't have a life before meeting him.
That changes, one night.
Ex stopped locking William's bedroom a long time ago. It's so rare he leaves his room anyway. Ex trusts him with far worse around the ship. He wakes up too easily for William to sneak up on him. Or doesn't sleep at all. Like tonight, Ex wanders the ship aimlessly.
He finds William on the bridge. The systems are powered down for the night. It's a piece of junk, but the windows still tower over them. William is sat against one, a shadowed silhouette against the stars. His shawl is slipping off his shoulder. There's something sad in his eyes, the stars reflected in the blue. Ex's footsteps are silent. He sits across from William and blue eyes turn to him.
"Sorry," William's voice is so quiet in the open space. "Did I keep you up?"
"I didn't know you were here," Ex replies. William smiles, resting against the window again. He looks small against the stars.
His next words are quieter, "It feels so lonely, sometimes." Ex watches William tug his shawl tighter, pull his legs a bit closer. "All of this space."
"I've been alone for a long time," Ex tells him. "I'm used to it." William looks at him closely and Ex feels more examined than he has in a long time.
"I'm not sure if I pity you or I'm jealous."
"I'm not sure if I should be insulted." William smiles. It doesn't reach his eyes.
"I wish I could just not care." He breathes out, shaking slightly. "I miss them so much. It's been years." Years aren't very long to Ex, but he doesn't mention that.
"Your family?"
"No-" William turns back to the stars "-My friends."
"Can't you see them?" William's laugh is more of a sob.
"I'm pretty sure they're dead." He stands, pulling his shawl tight. With the light on his face, Ex can make out the shine of tears. "I'm going to sleep. I'm sorry."
By the time Ex can find the words to reply, William is already gone.
The next day, whilst they sit together in the common room, William speaks for the first time since that conversation.
"My name's Zedaph." Ex turns to him quickly. "My real name."
"That sounds less real than William," Ex replies, furrowing his brows. William, well, Zedaph, now, gasps in mock surprise.
"Says the person with a letter!" He cries, prodding his finger forward. He can’t reach. Ex smirks. He'll write that down later. Zedaph.
Zedaph only gets more bubbly now he's revealed his name. It occurs to Ex he could use it to look him up. He could unwrap this mystery of a person. Yet he... Doesn't. Zedaph is- Ex doesn't want to betray his trust. Zedaph has brought something new to his miserable life. He's precious. Ex doesn't want to break what they have.
Except he messes up.
Zedaph doesn't even have armour as the authorities unload on them. Ex shoves him forward, putting up a shield behind them so they can run. Zedaph stumbles as a shot bounces off the shield. He grabs a table from outside the cafe, dragging it over onto the pavement. Ceramic shatters across paved streets, water spilling into cobbles. People are standing, with loud gasps and shouts. Zedaph looks to Ex, nodding before sprinting alongside him. Ex grabs his wrist, using his free hand to fire shots back at the authorities in the hopes of keeping them away.
They turn a corner and Ex doesn't hesitate to pull Zedaph down another side alley. He refuses to let either of them drop the pace, keeping Zedaph firmly beside him. It takes several more twists and turns until Ex is certain they've lost their pursuers. He still keeps a brisk pace, determined to get back to the ship before they're spotted. Zedaph is puffing beside him.
"I knew this was a mistake," Ex mutters. He still has his hand digging tightly around Zedaph's wrist.
"What?" Zedaph asks. His feet are dragging as he tries his best to keep up. Ex huffs, glaring at him.
"You," he spits. "You've got no armour, you could've died if they shot you. I should’ve left you at that port. This is my damn fault." Zedaph's eyes narrow into a returning glare. He tries to snatch his arm back from Ex but Ex holds fast.
"No, that's not fair," he protests. "To start with, they were after us because of me." Ex holds his arm still between them, halting them both. There's barely room to breathe in the tight alley. He hates these small towns.
"Why would they be after you?" He demands. Zedaph doesn't back down.
"They found me in their record room. I ran but they must've recognised me." Ex stares the blond down, watching as he breathes heavily. He finally yanks his arm, setting a quick pace.
"We're talking about this on the ship," he tells him, voice firm.
"Of course we will," Zedaph mutters. Ex doesn't dignify him with a reply.
"Why would you do something so stupid?" He never realised how tall Zedaph is until he's glaring back at him, hands bunched in his shawl. His bag has been thrown on the ground.
"I do it at every planet," Zedaph replies, voice raised but not shouting. "This is just the first time you've noticed."
"And you didn't think to tell me this?"
"I told you there were people after me," Zedaph retorts. Ex rolls his eyes.
"You didn't say that was the police."
"Well, they're one of them. Happy now?"
"What did you even need to be in the stupid record room for?" Ex can barely keep still for his frustration. This stupid, fragile idiot. "What's worth risking your life for?" Zedaph stalks to his bag, picking it up and clutching it in his arms.
"I have to try, okay!" Zedaph doesn't meet his eyes. He's curled around his bag protectively, twisted away from Ex. "For my friends! My best friends-" His voice breaks. Zedaph buries his face into the bag, shoulders shaking and oh god- he's crying. He's crying and this is all Ex's fault.
He barely gets his arms around Zedaph in an attempt at a hug for him to fall against Ex. The bag is squashed between them, and Ex does the best to rub his trembling back, unsure what to do or say.
"There there?" He attempts, thinking to parents and their children. A laugh bubbles out of Zedaph. He steps away but there's still tears in his eyes. He rubs at them with the back of his arm.
"You don't- you don't have to do that." Zedaph smiles at him, his cheeks still shining. "This is kinda stupid, isn't it? Oh my word, I feel like a kid all over again. Crying over things I can't change." Ex pretends that sentiment doesn't hurt.
"Do you want to talk about it?" He asks. Zedaph hesitates. He actually thinks before he replies.
"Sure-" he shrugs "-at this point, why not? "
He keeps his bag with him as they settle in the common room. He wraps his legs around it, pulling out the small book that Ex remembers. Ex sits on another chair entirely, crossing his legs.
"I should start at the start, right?" Zedaph asks, peering at Ex under damp eyelashes.
"That might help," Ex agrees. Zedaph nods, resting his head on his bag.
"I used to have a really close herd," he begins, speaking softly. "One of them I think is okay. Skizz. But I've not been able to find him." He rubs circles onto his knee. "The other two are- were called Tango and Impulse." Something pings in Ex's head. He tries to place why. "We were a team, you know? And then just- they were gone and dead and I didn't want to believe it. I don't want to believe it."
Zedaph holds his book out. Ex takes it, opening the pages and flicking through.
"Every time I reach a port, I try to see if someone matching their descriptions has gone through." He shrugs, simply looking sad. "They never have. But I can't break the habit."
"These are the two that taught you tech?" Ex asks, pieces coming together in his head.
"Yeah!" Zedaph brightens up slightly. "The two of them were incredible. They came up with such amazing designs. For everything. The three of us could fly any ship we wanted to." He squeezes his knee. "I was never really as good as them. I can't even fill their shoes."
Ex frowns, "Don't you see how impressive you are?" Zedaph blinks at him, blue eyes wide.
"Um? No?" Ex closes the book, giving it back to Zedaph. Zedaph strokes the cover before slotting it away safely. "I can't design massive machines. Or work engines. I'm just- I'm me."
Ex raises his eyebrows, "You've successfully evaded police and however many other groups. You've kept detailed records of where you visited. You're able to make things work I'd given up on. You’re funny. Don't you see that?"
"You don't know them."
"No." Ex doesn't change tone. "But I know you." Zedaph squeezes his shawl.
"I'm not going to change your mind, am I?"
"You could always tell me more about them." Zedaph smiles very slightly, sinking into the seat.
"Yeah," he agrees. "It's been... Too long. I'd like to keep their memory alive somehow."
Ex listens closely to every word that Zedaph says. He talks into the early hours of the morning, stories upon stories. Of Impulse and how he tried to keep them together but was really just as chaotic most of the time. Tango and his fire hair, it's really amazing and his crazy ideas he somehow made work. The farms they’d come up with together, pouring over schematics into the early hours of the morning.
And Ex has all the pieces.
He needs to contact Xisuma. Damn it.
Ex doesn't want to be selfish. The thought crosses his mind. He could keep Zedaph all to himself and he'd be none the wiser. Ex would have company. They'd both be happy.
How long can he keep Zedaph safe? It would be his fault if those blue eyes no longer shone as he laughs. The people after Ex are far worse than those after Zedaph. And Ex, as much as it pains him, doesn't want to be selfish. He doesn't want to be the reason Zedaph never sees his friends again.
He types out the message in silence that night.
[Ex] ive got somebody for your crew.
"And you're sure I can't come with you?" Zedaph asks, for possibly the fifteenth time that morning. Ex nods, keeping his eye on the coordinates of Xisuma's ship. It's been a long time since he's landed in there.
"You don't even have armour," Ex replies. Zedaph scoffs, spinning around in the co-pilot seat.
"I don't have to leave the ship," he suggests. "I could just sit here and look pretty."
"It'll be safer," Ex repeats, for what also must be around the tenth time. "It's a much bigger ship too. More people than just me. You’ll have space to spread out." Zedaph sighs, sliding down in the seat until he's nearly lying down.
"But what if they don't like me?" He exclaims. "At least you do."
"For now." Zed sits up at that with a noise of protest.
"Don't you start being mean," he complains. "I just don't get it. We've been fine, this works. Then we get in one firefight and you freak out!" Ex sighs, checking as they get closer.
"I've not done anything dangerous around you," Ex tells him. "And I am a dangerous man."
"You literally let me sleep on you because you're too afraid to move me," Zed points out. "You're hardly- oh, that is a really big ship." Ex looks up as Xisuma's ship comes into view in all her glory. Zedaph stares, open-mouthed at the sight. "You're putting me on that?" He asks, his face a picture of shock.
"She's a good ship, with a good crew. You'll fit in well." Zed pulls his shawl tight.
"Do you think so?" He asks.
"I know so," Ex replies. He mentally prepares himself. "You're a good friend, Zed. They'll love you." The smile on Zedaph's face is brighter than any star Ex has seen.
"Will you see me on board?" Ex sighs, before shaking his head. He doesn't want to deal with the emotions. Seeing Zedaph reunite with his proper friends. Leaving Ex behind.
"My brother will look after you," Ex tells him instead. Brother is easier than clone. There's parts of his history Zedaph simply doesn't need to know.
"I trust you."
Has anyone ever trusted Ex before?
Ex is there as Xisuma enters the ship. Zedaph looks between the two of them, eyes squinted.
"You really do look alike, huh." Xisuma shoots Ex a look. Ex shakes his head very slightly. He knows X will get the message.
"You must be Zedaph." Xisuma holds his hand out, offering a friendly smile. "Ex has told me about you." Zedaph smiles, accepting the handshake.
"You must be Xisuma." Zedaph nods. "It's a pleasure to meet you, sir." Ex snorts at the panicked look on Xisuma's face. His brother waves his hands quickly.
"Nope, none of that. Calling me sir makes me feel far too old."
"You are far too old." Ex throws his arm around Xisuma's shoulders, purposefully knocking him off balance. "You take care of the squirt, got it?"
"Hey!" Zedaph places his hands on his hips. "I'll call you a squirt if you're not careful." Xisuma laughs, shaking his head at the two's antics.
"Of course, of course. They're all excited to meet you. Are you ready?" Zedaph gives Ex a long look. He holds up a finger.
"One minute." He jumps forward, wrapping his arms around Ex and trapping him in a hug. He's gone from a twig to nearly dislodging Ex's footing. Impressive. He raises his arms, awkwardly settling into the hug. Zedaph's grip is tight enough to squeeze his lungs.
"You know I'm gonna miss you, right?" Zedaph steps back. He pokes a finger into Ex's chest. "You better stay safe out there. I want you to visit me."
"Yeah," Ex agrees, trying to hide the uncertainty in his words. "I will." He doesn't know which one he's agreeing to. Zedaph gives him a final smile. He turns to Xisuma with all of that boundless energy.
"Okay! Let's go." Xisuma nods, letting Zedaph take the lead. He pauses at the door.
"I promise to keep him safe," he tells Ex.
"You better."
It's barely two minutes until the feeling hits him. The ship feels so much emptier now.
"Why didn't you see him off?" Ex turns to find Xisuma standing beside him with his arms crossed. He stares into the distance, looking like a trademark wise old man. Ex scoffs at the sight, resisting the urge to cross his own arms.
"He won't have any trouble getting used to your ship," he replies. Xisuma looks at him, purple eyes trying to see into Ex's soul. Ex won't let him.
"That wasn't what I asked." Ex sighs, frustrating boiling over.
"How do you do it?" He demands, turning to Xisuma with clenched fists. Xisuma hardly reacts, his expression gentle as ever. "You let these people in your life knowing you're going to lose them. Again and again." It's with those words that Xisuma looks away in thought. Ex releases his fists, realising for once, he's asked something X doesn't have an immediate answer to.
"You want the honest answer?" Purple eyes lock with purple eyes.
"Why?" Ex sneers. "Are you planning to lie to me again?" For not even a second, Ex can see Xisuma flinch. It's such a minute shift in expression that the ordinary person wouldn't notice. Shame that Ex is looking at his own face.
Xisuma pities him. Even now.
"No." Xisuma bows his head. "Because you won't like it." Ex scowls at him. He gestures his hand out for Xisuma to continue. With that same gentle expression, Xisuma sighs. He takes Ex's hand into his own and lowers it between them. "I do it with great difficulty, Ex. Is that the answer you want?" Ex freezes, unable to reply as Xisuma looks directly at him with sad eyes.
Someone shouts for Xisuma inside the landing bay. The stupid admin glances in that direction, calling out a response. He squeezes Ex's hand as he faces him. Ex snatches it away.
"I'm going to send you his number," Xisuma tells him. He gives no room for Ex to argue. "It's your choice if you stay in contact."
"Why should I?"
"Having a friend isn't going to kill you, Ex." He doesn't appreciate Xisuma's dry tone. "Consider it." Ex huffs, a stray white strand flying from his face.
[Xisuma forwarded a contact: Zedaph]
[Xisuma] He speaks highly of you, you know?
[Ex] is this your way to convince me
[Xisuma] Maybe.
[Xisuma] And it's nice to hear that somebody else cares about you.
[Ex] shut up
[Ex] sup loser
[Ex] heard you missed me
[Zedaph] Ex!!!!!!!
[Zedaph] You absolutely knew, didn’t you? I hate you so much.
[Zedaph] Oh, I have so much to catch you up on.
Ex rolls onto his side on the bed, content to watch the messages roll in.
#space outlaws#space outlaws au#hermitcraft#hc#my writing#okay so i have Thoughts about this one#so like#spoilers up ahead#firstly i threw in a skizz reference#i havent seen him but i know theyre close outside of hc#also i feel like this is the start of ex teaming up with the other 'evil' hermits lmao#he finally realises friends arent like. a bad thing#i also really enjoyed writing the shift in dynamic between x and ex#from when zed is there to when he isnt#i liked writing those two anyway#i went for a more serious ex voice though#i think it fits this au#anyway thats probably enough rambling lmao#thanks for reading i hope u enjoyed
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Anatomy model Eustass Kid
By @godims0tired ♡ for my fic Life Drawing

Rating: E
Warnings: None
Characters & ships: Eustass Kid / Trafalgar Law
Word count: 2978
Summary: Law practices his anatomical drawing with Kidd as his subject. With his devil fruit abilities he can see right inside him.
Kidd finds this insanely romantic.
Read on Ao3 or below the cut. I know it's an older fic by now but I havent posted it here before so here!
Kidd jerked into full awareness as he lay sprawled in his bed. He checked around himself without moving and sensed a second heartbeat in the room, near enough that the dim echoes of its electrical impulses lapped at his skin like waves. Slow and calm. Just watching then; not yet poised to attack…
There were eyes on him.
It took him a moment to remember that the other heartbeat was supposed to be there. He wasn't used to having bedmates stay overnight.
Red eyes slid open and found keen grey ones fixed on him.
“The fuck you staring at.”
“You, idiot.”
The big redheaded sprawl snorted crassly at that and flopped over, returning the stare with sleepy menace.
Law smirked. He was wedged sideways in one of the heavy carved armchairs in Kidd's quarters, loosely wrapped in a sheet and busily scritch scritching in a large book. His gaze flicked from page to Kidd and back.
Kidd prodded him, “See something you want, Trafalgar? Come over here and take it.”
His limbs were still all loose and languid from when they'd fucked a couple hours before, but Kidd could stand to go another round. Especially with the sharp, evaluating looks Law was throwing him right now.
“Come on, c'mere.”
“Later. Go back to sleep, Eustass-ya.” The pen bobbed.
“Don’ wanna. What are you doing still up?”
“Just passing the time until my brain decides to let me fall asleep.” Law's insomniac woes again.
“A good fuck will do that for you. Lemme do the ligature thing and you'll be out like bam .” Kidd offered generously.
“Heheh. Thanks but oxygen deprivation is not the kind of sleep aid I need.”
“Your loss.”
Kidd burrowed into his cluster of satiny pillows with a sigh. For an infamously brutal pirate captain he sure liked his little extravagances. The whole room was draped with horribly clashing bits of luxurious fabrics and furs, and the odd shiny sharp thing. The manic magpie whims of past raids.
“Nah, that's no good,” Law recrossed long legs over the chair’s arm, well cushioned with some spotted pelt. “Go back to where you were a second ago.”
“Are you…? What, taking notes on me? Writing an ode to the sinful curve of my flawless ass?”
“Something like that. I'm adding my own anatomical diagrams to this medical text. It’s my favourite for reference material but the illustrations are scanty and kinda shit -- it's like they've never dissected anyone before.”
“Nice. Add a diagram of these.” Kidd kicked up a leg.
“Hah. I'm nowhere near the section on genital abnormalities, but I'll look you up when I get there. Turn on your side again, I was doing upper body musculature.”
“Ooo. I got lots of that, yeah.” Kidd complied.
The lamplight was flickering low behind Law. Kidd could see him and his book backlit dimly, the small hairs on his leanly muscled shoulders aglow like a nimbus. Tinged subtly blue.
Wait, blue?
“Do you have a Room up?”
“Yeah, so I can scan down and see the actual anatomical stuff.”
“Huh. That's handy. You don't even have to dissect anyone.”
“Yeah but it’s easier to see everything if you physically open someone up. You can isolate the individual structures that way.” Law peeked overtop of the book. “And it's more fun to do it the old-fashioned way, heh…”
Kidd gave a low laugh. Law wasn't even joking, he knew. He imagined waking up one night like this, to find some part of him delicately splayed open and the dark haired doctor sketching away with the same expression. If Law used his devil fruit power he could do it painlessly and bloodlessly, without even waking him. Kidd had seen him sever heads away from bodies completely within that blue sphere, both pieces still functioning as one. He’d never been the subject of that eerie power himself, though.
He didn’t think so, anyway.
Law untangled himself from chair and sheet, and finally came over to join him on the bed. Kidd was gifted briefly with a full view of the lithe figure. His recent handiwork was beginning to show in the mottling that ran up either thigh and the bites framing his chest tattoos.
The long limbs refolded next to him. “Stay there, I wanna do the neck muscles now.”
“Lemme see that first.”
“Don't be grabby,” Law complained, but gave up the book.
“Holy fuck.” Kidd flipped through studies of his back, shoulders, hands. “So that's how I look without skin, huh.”
He had been expecting more… yeah. Skin.
“I did say I was drawing the muscles.”
“And my bones and everything.”
“Yeah. Good skeletal structure too. Several odd calluses where breaks didn't quite set right, though.”
“You can see all of that?”
“Yeah, of course. Like I said, I can scan down to any level. Though it helps if I know already the shape of what I'm looking for.”
Something about the drawings was just so Law. The lines so precise, so sharp, somehow impatient. A little obsessive and overworked on certain details, like the hollow between his collar bones and the knobbly crook of his index finger, broken at least twice. Many practice studies on loose sheets of paper showed that Law had been trying to get these parts just right.
It occurred to Kidd that these weren't just anatomical studies using him as a model -- these were him.
Jotted notes crowded around the practice studies, but Law grabbed the book back before Kidd could read them properly.
“Trafalgar. Does that seriously say I have 8.2 litres of blood in me.”
“Nevermind that. Just an interesting fact. You have a lot of blood.”
Kidd stole another peek as Law held him off. “And that I have a grip strength of 68 kilograms in my right hand?”
“At least. That’s not something I can see; that's from uh, experience.”
Kidd leaned back with his hands laced behind his head to look at Law. “One might misinterpret this as a target profile of some kind.” Because that's exactly what it was -- a detailed map of Kidd’s strongest, and weakest points.
“Whoa, your blood pressure’s spiking.” Law grinned with more teeth than usual and leaned in to hover over him.
“Now you're just showing off,” Kidd complained.
“Does this disturb you?”
That wasn't exactly the feeling that was spreading through him, no. Or not entirely, anyway. Kidd just cracked his neck, stretching it out for Law's benefit, and raised an eyebrow.
“So you wanted some neck action? It's all yours.”
Law seemed to like the sound of that. He angled Kidd’s head away and up with a gentle press of fingers, so the ear and neck were exposed to him.
Kidd watched his shadow flicker on the opposite wall and listened to the pen scratch across paper. The undulating magnetic field of Law’s heart was so close now, washing over him. His own blood thudded in his ears, senses all on high alert from holding himself in this vulnerable position.
He could be fuckin patient. Sometimes. Well… when he had all of Law’s attention focused on him like this, he’d stay still forever. He could feel the sharp eyes on him like a touch. His own eyes started to wander back over…
He jumped a little when Law did touch him, nudging him back into place. And then trailing fingers over the mound behind his ear.
“Sternocleidomastoid,” Law mouthed to himself. “Levator scapulae…” The hand travelled down to his collarbone and rested there lightly, his thumb tracing little circles.
It was so calm. And strange. Rare for the reserved doctor to be so casually intimate. Even while they were fucking, touch was more like a struggle, hands straining against and into each other. Kidd was rough without even trying, but it was Law who seemed to flinch from any contact not resembling combat. Or medical care. Such structured things. He’d objected -- vehemently -- to being “pawed at” and “pet like a lap dog” often enough. As though anything less than bruising force would hurt more.
He was so guarded. It made Kidd greedy.
“You're hard, you know,” Law breathed onto his neck.
“Yeah I'm aware.”
Tattooed fingers ran along Kidd’s side, over the tight bands hugging the ribs (“Serratus anterior…”), and pinpricks rose in their wake. Kidd found himself arching up against the hand desperately.
“Ah, fuck, Trafalgar…”
“Mhm,” Law responded, distracted. Or pretending to be. He followed a particular cord of muscle down Kidd’s powerful thigh with his thumb. “Sartorius. Gracilis.”
“No that's not a muscle, Eustass-ya.”
“Oh for the love of GOD.”
Law made a sound that was probably a muffled laugh. “Hold still. I'm doing anatomical studies.”
“Oh is that what we're doing.”
“Where's the book.”
“It's…” Law looked around for a minute. “On the floor.”
Kidd covered his face with his hands and just laughed. Law sighed dramatically.
“Well. Guess I gotta start from the top again.”
Law could be a pushy bastard when he topped. But he kept up the slow, focused treatment this time and it was driving Kidd fucking insane.
“I'm gonna flip this the fuck around and pound you inside out if it takes any longer.” Kidd growled from under his arm, slung across his face.
This was as close as he could get to actually asking for it. Here he was laid out, so open and ready, core clenching and unclenching. Needing to be fucked, to have hands on him, in him, whatever. All of it.
“Nah you're not.” Law countered smugly.
“F-uck,” was all Kidd could come up with when a third finger twisted into his slicked up hole. His body tensed and spasmed before yielding itself open.
By the time Law was actually fucking him, Kidd had nearly popped a fucking vein.
Law pushed in slowly, slowly. Until they were pressed together as tight as they could go, breath hot on each other's faces.
“Shit, Tr--ahh…”
He was done with all the slow shit. Kidd was a shifting mass of need under him and honestly, he was even more worked up. He dragged almost all the way out only to grind back in hard, and the tight body jolted.
“Aw fuck, yeah…”
Law braced his weight on his arms, pressing Kidd’s hips into the bed. He watched the muscles bunch beneath him with each impact, Kidd straining to meet him. Watched through skin so pale it was translucent, glowing and rippling.
Kidd still wasn't entirely sure what to make of that gaze. All hunger and splitting seams, open lips and ragged breath.
He quirked up one corner of a mocking mouth.
“The fuck’re you-- ah --staring at?”
Law didn't answer for a moment. Under Kidd's skin it was like… layers of red ribbons, wrapping him up. The ribbons all pulling and straining against each other when Kidd moved (when Law moved in him), like something inside was trying to burst out. Under them, ribs curving -- jealous fingers. Wetly clinging membranes. Then under that…
“Your heart. It's…”
Their bodies collided, beaded with sweat. Harder. More. Law could see, hear Kidd's heart beating faster as he picked up his pace. God, he could feel it in his palms. In his dick. Beating so strong it echoed in his ears, drowning out his own.
“Fucking perfect. It's perfect.”
Kidd laughed breathlessly. His heart. What the hell. “...You wanna get your hands on that too?”
Law did.
He wanted to grip it, feel it flutter, make it burst …
… What if I could? he thought. He slowed, thinking, and spread a hand over Kidd’s breastbone. Not just to incapacitate through dismemberment, but to cut a piece from the whole, one vital piece…
Kidd watched the pensive eyes flicker and gave him a swift jab of encouragement with his heel.
“You'll just have to get hold of it the old fashioned way. Hahahaaa…”
“Hah.” Law shook himself from his distracted state. He picked up a pace that was slower than before, though not less jarring. “Like… I should court you or like I should cut you open?”
“Whichever ...ah ... But you should fuckin get me off first.” Kidd guided the tattooed hand down from his chest to his dripping cock, and Law obliged, finally.
They fucked with foreheads pressed together and grips slipping on sweat slick skin. Kidd thought of Law digging his hands right into his chest and came in jerking starts like it was being beaten out of him, legs clamped tight around him. Skin thrumming with the echoes of hands and heartbeat.
Kidd flipped through the last few drawings with some undefinable flutter in his gut.
“That's some shit you won't see in any other textbook.”
“Mhm.” Law allowed himself to press against Kidd just slightly as they lay sprawled out, sweat drying in the cool air. He was in a fuckin good mood, kinda dazed.
“I do look damn good without skin, I'll say that much.”
“Heh. And with. You can see the suprasternal notch really clearly even under the skin, it's nice. I fuckin love all of that. That area.”
Kidd choked a little but Law didn't seem to realize what he'd said. And that's not even what he meant anyway, Kidd told himself.
But the whole thing kinda was the same as a confession, at least as far as Law went. The drawings, as vaguely threatening as they were, betrayed an intimate preoccupation with Kidd's finer points. Maybe even admiration. Definitely possessiveness. Need.
“I wanna do you too.”
Law grinned, “Already?”
“Not that, idiot. Draw you.”
“I didn’t know you could draw.”
“Well, draft. I can draft things -- just basic. For engineering stuff on the ship, mostly.”
“Oh, nice!” Law bounced up to get fresh paper from the floor by the chair. “How does one usually draft stuff? Don’t you need a triangle thing? Compasses, etcetera?”
“Maybe. I’ll just make an outline for now.”
Law seemed right into this whole idea. “Draw me like one of your machines, Eustass-ya.” He draped himself dramatically across the bed and Kidd shoved him with a grin.
“How do you want me, though.”
Kidd appreciated that question for a moment.
“Doesn’t matter,” he shrugged. “I don’t know how to draw from life -- like perspective or anything. So it’s gonna be pretty diagrammatic. I just need a few details and some numbers.”
“Like specifications? How to build a Trafalgar?”
“Yeah, so I can make another if this one breaks.”
That made him laugh.
“Okay lie out flat and lemme measure you.”
“With what measuring tools?”
“I'll just eyeball it,” Kidd insisted.
This turned out to mean that he was going to get his hands all over him, which Law supposed was fair. He tensed and shied but stayed mostly still, letting Kidd explore his dimensions and proportions. Pages filled up with ratios and vectors of movement. Things got off track again around when Kidd was testing the rotation arc of his arms and quickly became vicious rutting. Light, skimming hands could become crushing ones so quickly.
Anyway, turned out that Law could get off while his arms were being hyperextended behind his back. Pretty effectively, in fact.
After, when they were laid out next to each other once again, and Law’s breaths were finally lengthening into sleep, Kidd dared to try another light touch. Without their thin pretense of functionality this time -- just want. He smoothed a hand over all the tattoos he'd taken such careful note of earlier. A large heart on his chest with a grinning skull similar to his Jolly Roger. Hearts on his shoulders. Kidd’s fingerprints blooming dark purple on his upper arms.
Sixty-eight kilograms of pressure and Law hadn't made a sound, but a feather touch over the marks and a quiet ah pushed past his lips.
“Whose emblem is that tattoo?”
Law mumbled with his eyes closed, “Someone who died. Long time ago.”
“Someone…” Kidd repeated to himself, but didn't probe. “You going to get any more?”
“Nah.” His breath stuttered slightly when Kidd trailed knuckles down his jaw. “I just like… your marks…”
He fell asleep with Kidd's lips against the shell of his ear.
A roll of broadsheet tied with string arrived by carrier gull when Law was back on his sub some days later. He stole away to his cluttered quarters and spread the roll out on the bed.
Inside the broadsheet was a large-format technical drawing.
There were three flat outlines of Law: front, back, side. All heavily marked out in blunt pencil, all surrounded by arcs and lines, dotted and solid, indicating measurements and angles of motion. The insides of the outlines were empty except for perfectly to scale renderings of his tattoos.
#kidlaw#trafalgar law#eustass kid#fanart#thank you so much dude i really mean it!#its exactly how I imagined laws drawing style to be ♡
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On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
it’s been a WHILE but i’m STILL HERE!!!!!!!!! also i’m a little late to the draw and also unlike w/ prior chaps i did actually read this one when it came out so i’ve had my first run already. BUT that means i actually get 2 Focus so lets get this party started
so we’re now entering into the New Umbraroot Arc which Frightens me on a deep and intrinsic scale because now i have no padding to ready me for whatever the Hell is going to occur, but i do know it will be gay(er) than the current content was (is/shall be) and here’s the proof
It had only been a day, but the sound of Cinder’s voice was a relief to Glynda’s senses.
glynda that’s gay. hey. hey. glynda have u been told yr a lesbian. lesbeeb. besbion--
“Not at all.” Thank god. It was one thing to be traveling with Cinder Fall. It was entirely another to have her checking in on Glynda’s well-being.
cinder: my well-being is SHIT but thankfully there’s someone nearby doing WORSE than me, which makes me feel better at least,
“Oh.” Our sounded strange in her mouth.
my favourite thing abt any gay media and content is that it’s gay in ways that hettie(tm) nonsense can only dream of being. when a story is abt a guy and a gal all the romantic tension comes from like. looking at a tiddy or getting naked or w/e the shit. here? it’s literally found entirely in the use of the word our. such power. i love it.
I went from unknown to one of Atlas’ most wanted overnight, which is charming… And also annoying, because they refuse to stop pasting wanted posters on every street corner.
i feel like cinder is the type of bitch to send pics of them back to emerald like ‘is my face ACTUALLY that janky??? my hair is a state. you think they’ll use a selfie if i ask nicely???’
Cinder hummed, affirmative. “Which would be unnecessary, if you hadn’t reported me.”
Glynda returned, “I wouldn’t have reported you if you hadn’t been committing a crime.”
glynda you snitch. you narc. you bootlicker. does be gay do crime mean NOTHING to you,
We left a funny taste in her mouth, almost as strange as when Cinder had said our. She tried not to examine it too closely.
again. look at this shit. this is real slowburn hours. this is how u DO IT.
Her heart was beginning to feel like a pin cushion with all the needles pulled out, little holes left in their wake.
would i be showing my age if i glanced at this and wondered if it were a reference to the inciting og offal hunt inspiration fic or. it does doesnt it. okay moving on.
“Okay.” And then, in an effort to change the subject to something lighter: “I’ve never broken into a country before.”
glynda’s complete and continuous inability to actually like. do what she plans on doing is SO funny to me. she’s going to be stealthy, she says, throwing a man aside in obvious fashion. i’m going to be subtle, she says, being as conspicuous as possible. she’s a disaster and i live for it.
"The Faunus." Cinder's voice was cold. "Don't speak to her."
this part of this fic is subtitled ‘cinder’s rank opinions time’, apparently. not that u can tell. but it is. dsfhgjsdfghjghfjdk
In the silence that followed, Glynda thought of the stunted horns jutting above Cinder's hairline at the restaurant.
Glynda murmured, "That’s a horrible thing to say."
"Don’t start." There was no concession in her words. “I mean it.”
“...I just didn’t expect that from you.”
“What’s that supposed to mean?”
There was something in Cinder’s tone that told Glynda that nothing she said would be correct. She said nothing.
cinder’s! rank! opinions! time! honestly this section victimises me the MOST as i very famously cried over an earlier section in which cinder thought abt all the faunus she grew up with, so i know that kc and diesel were looking to hurt me directly. that said i DO find it funny that cinder, yet again, looks like a pile of shit. she can’t do anything right. naturally inclined to be the villain completely unintentionally. what a moron.
A harsh laugh. “What do you think we are, friends?”
“Well, no—um. Not really, but—”
“Then, just—just listen to me. I’m going to get us there. I p-promise.” There was a soft sound, like disgust or the prelude to a gag. “Urgh, your soul—give me more space.”
cinder: i’m inclined to being an asshole glynda: every time yr mean 2 me i’ll make u feel worse cinder: ah no. ah shit. i have to be nice??? ah fuck. what the shit is this.
Glynda thought of Ozpin. It wasn’t a comforting thought—more like the memory of a near-accident, like sliding on ice and feeling the world shift beneath you. It was a flinch-thought, and it would have made her miserable instead of just homesick had she not shut it out so quickly.
god the writing in this fic is so especially pristine. everything feels so real and visceral and you just know Exactly how that feels. it’s brilliantly punchy and i adore the way u get have the exact sensation click into place. it’s SO good.
She wondered if it was the same moon Bacia and Vivienne had looked upon. If they had felt the same beneath its pale light. The Great War had seen two shatterings of the moon, so perhaps it had appeared different, but… Glynda couldn’t help but wish that it was something they shared, even lifetimes apart.
actually im a little nervous abt doing fingerguns because WHAT IF SMTHNG HAS CHANGED... but i think this bit is. safe. maybe. diesel. kc. am i safe,
Glynda closed her eyes and tried to feel out that instinctual power within her. Tried to know herself better. It resonated around her like a water in a tank, nearly palpable.
again this is just GREAT storytelling. i just LOVE how well kc and diesel turn abstract ideas into such physical manifestations it’s completely unreal. r y’all seein this shit???
upon checking his number, she’d discovered it had been blocked.
i love that glynda is abt as knowledgeable abt little jumps like this as the reader is. are we surprised as a reader? yes. is glynda also surprised? HELL YEAH SHE IS. SHE AIN’T GOT A FUCKIN CLUE MY DUDE.
Remembering the notes to herself not to trust Winter, Glynda opened the log hesitantly.
glynda no yr sending read receipts to yr future gf and thats a bad move on everybodys part
The indicator showed this wasn’t the first time Glynda had accessed the message. She couldn’t remember doing so.
“Special Operative Schnee, things are…” Glynda paused, searching for something suitably vague to say. “Proceeding.
do you see what i mean abt glynda’s ineptitude. it’s slapstick levels of ridiculous and i’m living for it.
Do you suspect she’s attempting to cross the border?”
‘sure,’ glynda says. ‘you could word it like that if you wanted to.’
“Bold of her, if nothing else. She should know there will—” Glynda skimmed through the rest of the paragraph to reach the end, the corners of her mouth curling. “—can make arrangements. Let me know if there’s anything else you need.”
its like in fallout 4 when someone tells u important info and when u click past it the main character just goes ‘uh huh’ ‘yeah’ ‘okay’ ‘sure’ ‘mm-hm’ as the text boxes whizz by GLYNDA PLEASE
Bubbles appeared, showing that Cinder was typing. Glynda waited.
And waited.
And waited.
The bubbles appeared and disappeared four times.
She flipped back to Cinder’s conversation and found that, after all that time, Cinder had finally settled on a reply.
It said:
i just had to pair these up for a second if only to say: dis me lol
okay let’s double back for a second just to cover this Juicy Lore:
If you’d like, I can arrange a bouquet of flowers to be left at your mothers’ memorial site. My thoughts are with you.”
For a long moment, Glynda simply stared at the screen. [...] In quick succession, she realized that it had been sixteen days since she’d met with Cinder in the restaurant and that it was soon to be the anniversary of her mothers’ deaths.
WHAT IS THIS LORE MA’AM AND MX??? **MA’X**??? firstly idk what the HELL the Black March tragedy is but im fascinated but also: did u have to do that. can ONE person in this fic not have [spoilers redacted cant say that yet no sir] problems??? no??? die. dsfhjgghjkfsddf
Glynda picked herself up from the armchair, neat and tidy, and disassembled into bed, pulling the covers up to her throat. With her Semblance, she turned off the lights. She closed her eyes.
It was quiet. Cold. The only thing she felt was the weight of her soul.
Her Scroll buzzed. Glynda answered it.
“Glynda.” It was Cinder. “I can feel that.”
okay following on from cinder’s text message, i just. love that cinder’s having such direct repercussions to her shitty shitty actions. like this is all tying together in some 👈😎👈 instances but having cinder be her usual callous self and having to literally turn around and start fucking Being Nice For Once is VERY gratifying. fuck you you lil round-faced one-braincelled baby. time to learn to have some Manners. jgdsfghsdfghfjd
She’d simply resigned to the loneliness of having no one to trust but Cinder, and then, not even having her.
... thats gay. hey lads is that gay? its gay. it feels gay.
On the other end of the line, Cinder let out a tight sigh. “Yeah. Okay, well—I’m in a difficult position right now. I’m balancing a lot. So, that wasn’t, you know, directed at you or whatever… I’m just trying to deliver you to Atlas. That’s all.”
“Yeah,” Glynda said. “This apology sucks.”
this feels like a reference to 👈👈👈😎👈👈👈 (IS IT. AM I RIGHT. IT IS ISNT IT) but also: LOOK AT CINDER GO. TRYING. BADLY. BUT TRYING. i love her she sucks so much shes such a dumbass. feel the consequences. feel them.
Glynda chided herself; Cinder Fall wasn’t capable of remorse, but she was more than capable of simple math. It seemed the worse she treated Glynda, the worse she herself would feel.
glynda: she’s doing this because it makes her feel better, not me cinder in like idk 20 chapters down the line:
(i guess thats another 👈😎👈 moment but for GOOD REASON)
There was a shift, like Cinder was rolling over, or maybe propping herself up. Was she in bed also? It triggered the remembrance of Glynda’s own physicality, and she turned over as well, searching in the dark for the nightstand and the lamp upon it. The light clicked on. The room brightened. Glynda settled in, ready.
OOOOOH THE PARALLELS. glynda turning the lights off and sinking into darkness and the void versus perking up and sitting up and turning the lights on when talking to cinder!!!!!!! POETIC CINEMA. OOF. OOF. HOW DOES FIFTEEN POINTS OF LOVE TASTE.
“Great! Lovely. Glad to hear it.” Fangs rounded out the words like scissors. A pleasant sense of satisfaction unfurled in Glynda’s chest. “So, once upon a fucking time—”
there were two gays and they were enemies to lovers but didnt know it yet. but they will be.
THATS CHAPTER 14 BABEY!!!!!!!! i LOVED this chap and i can rly feel kc and diesel gearing up for umbraroot. its great being able to like. feel the shift of focus goin on here and im SO ready to see this arc play out. once again offal hunt is the best fic ever made. this is a fact.
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I need you
Summary: Happy new year everyone!!! Sougo and Kagura need some time alone <3 This is my first real smut, I’ve written lime, but this is the first lemon. Feedback is appreciated : 3 I hope you enjoy!
Pairings: Okikagu, Kontae (vaguely mentioned)
Rating: E for sexual content, swearing, domestic fluff, domestic sex, aged-up
Disclaimer: I don’t own Gintama or it’s characters, Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Author’s notes: I have a link to my fanfiction masterlist on my profile. Please check it out for more chapters and fics!
I need you
”Okay, we're here! Who wants to knock the door?” Kagura asked.
Two enthusiastic hands rose up and a choir of ”Me, me, me” filled the Yorozuya balcony. Kagura laughed a little and shook her head.
”How about you do it all together, yes?”
”Wait for Kanna-chan,” Sougo said from the stairs leading up to the balcony. Kanna was the youngest of the bunch, still so small that Sougo held her hand as she climbed up the stairs.
”Come here Kanna-chan!” the oldest and the only boy, Souichiro said to his little sister.
Kanna's step on the stairs was a little wobbly and her older sister Mitsuna hurried to hold her other hand. ”You can do it Kanna-chan!” she cheered on.
Sougo's eyes were glued to watch over his daughter's safety. He was so focused that he didn't see Kagura's adoring gaze pointed directly at him. Finally Kanna made it to the balcony and dashed straight for the door.
Souichiro and Mitsuna followed their younger sister to the door. Sougo stepped to stand next to Kagura. They didn't share a word, as both were too interested in watching their children do their thing. The trio exchanged looks and nodded to each other. Then all three began to bang the door with both hands.
A loud thud and a grunt came from inside. Sougo snorted a little. Kagura leaned closer to Sougo. ”I bet that was Gin-chan falling from his chair,” she whispered.
”No doubt about it China.”
After a short while the Yorozuya door opened up. ”Oi-” was all Gintoki got out of his mouth as he scratched his perm.
”GIN-CHAN! GIN-CHAN! GIN-CHAN!” All three kids chanted and rushed to hug the silver-perm samurai.
Gintoki's eyes softened immediately and he tried to greet all the kids attached to him. Kagura and Sougo followed their children inside, but they stayed by the door.
”Thanks for doing this Gin-chan-aru,” Kagura said.
Gintoki looked at Kagura and smiled. ”How can I say no to these little ones if they want to see the old Gin-chan”, he said and patted Souichiro's head.
”Take good care of them Danna.”
Gintoki's eyes switched to Sougo. ”Ah, nice to see you too Sofa-kun.”
Sougo was about to correct him, but...
”It's Sougo, Danna!” All three kids said in perfect unison. Gintoki, Kagura and Sougo were stunned for a moment, but then laughed it right off.
”Kids really listen to everything we say, don't they,” Gintoki laughed and shook his head.
”Yes they do, so watch your language Danna,” Sougo said and placed a small bag on the floor.
”There's everything they need. Clothes, toothbrushes and-”
Gintoki waved his hand to stop Kagura's explanation. ”Kagura-chan, I know what's in the bag, I know who falls asleep first, I know what they like to eat. I know these things so you don't have to worry about us.”
Kagura smiled. ”Yeah, this isn't their first sleepover, I know that.”
”It's okay Kagura-chan, you're their mother, it's your job to worry,” Gintoki said and turned to look at the kids. ”Now go say good night to mami and daddy.”
He didn't have to tell them twice. Kanna giggled and she was the first one to rush to her parents. She was such a daddy's girl and she ran straight to Sougo with open arms. He was already expecting it and kneeled down to catch Kanna in his arms.
Sougo got up with Kanna, who was smiling and giggling. Souichiro and Mitsuna hugged their parents together. Kagura ruffled their hair and kissed Kanna's head. Sougo poked at Kanna's small nose and smiled for her. ”Be a good girl and sleep tight little munchkin.” Kanna's round cheeks blushed a little and she nodded shyly.
Sougo put Kanna down and Gintoki waved for the kids to go to the living-room and get comfortable. ”So I drop them off some time tomorrow, probably around noon.”
”That's fine,” Sougo said.
”But please Gin-chan, don't give them any strawberry milk, it's bad for their teeth, yes.”
”Of course not,” Gintoki said and gulped secretly. He might have already bought a few extra cans just for the night. Usually it was a secret between uncle Gin and the three young Okitas. ”Ah, I invited Pachi-kun and the gorillas so the kids see them too,” he said to change the subject.
”That's nice Gin-chan,” Kagura said. ”Have fun and let us know if they misbehave, okay?”
”Yeah, yeah. Get going already you two!”
Kagura nodded and smiled. ”Good night kids!” she said before leaving.
”Good night!” at least two of the kids shouted from the living-room, one was already distracted by a pile of JUMPs on the coffee table.
Kagura and Sougo stepped out of the Yorozuya. ”See you tomorrow,” Gintoki said and slid the door close.
Sougo knew Kagura was always a little gloomy after leaving the kids to someone's care. She trusted Gintoki, she just loved her kids so much. ”Hey”, he called.
Kagura sort of snapped out of her mood and looked at her husband. ”Let's go home China,” Sougo said with a twinkle in his eye.
Kagura knew that twinkle, it was the reason she became pregnant six years ago. ”We should hurry, yes?” Kagura said and gave him a flirty smile.
Sougo and Kagura got into their car, ready to go straight home. Their kids loved visiting Gintoki and sometimes he even took them in for a sleepover. These were the nights Sougo and Kagura had time for themselves. With three young kids and jobs, time was a rare luxury.
It had been three whole months since Sougo and Kagura got to spend some quality time with each other...if you know what I mean. Three long and painful months. Usually they found time and energy for the occasional quickie, but for the past three months there was no such luck. Sure they shared a couple of quick kisses here and there, but that was it.
Sougo was about to start the car, but he happened to glance at his wife. Kagura wore her long red cheongsam with those sinfully high side slits and her hair was under her hair ornaments. She was looking outside with a neutral look on her face. Kagura inhaled deeply and Sougo couldn't stop his eyes from dropping down to her rising chestal area.
Kagura didn't know she was being observed like some pray, she just minded her own business. She sure was exhausted from taking care of the house, the kids and a couple of odd-jobs with the Yorozuya. Her neck felt a bit sore and she rubbed it a little.
Sougo's mouth watered just by looking at her, eyes closed, relieving her tensed neck. A soft breath of relaxation flowed through her slightly parted lips. Kagura dropped her hand and stretched her neck from side to side. Sougo had his hand on the car key, but his focus had gone out the window.
Kagura realized that the car's engine wasn't running and she swiftly turned to Sougo. His eyes were burning and she felt shivers travel down her back. ”W-what? Why are you looking at me like that?”
Sougo exhaled and tried to concentrate. He leaned closer to Kagura and traced his fingers on her cheeks. Her breath hitched under his simple touch and those lustful red eyes. ”Ne China...are you trying to seduce me or what?” he asked and blew gently into her ear.
Another hitched breath escaped her lips. ”Ah, no...what do you mean?”
Sougo brushed his lips against her ear. ”Yes you are. Moving that sexy neck of yours right in front of my eyes.”
He dragged one finger against the pulse on her neck. ”Massaging your tense muscles all by yourself.”
Kagura's eyes closed up and she breathed again, this time louder.
”And making me jealous of not being the reason for your breaths of satisfaction?” Sougo murmured. ”Unacceptable.”
With that he licked her earlobe and nibbled it with his eager lips. Kagura wrapped her fingers around his wrist and moaned softly. Three months was a long time for both of them. Every touch felt unreal. ”N-no...I wasn't trying-”
”Shh...” he hushed into her ear. Then he guided her to face him. Kagura opened her eyes and drowned into his eyes right away. His piercing gaze made her focus solely on him. Just the way he wanted.
Sougo kissed her without further warnings or suggestions, he needed her, right now. Kagura answered the kiss and cupped his cheeks. The kissing felt wild and unstoppable. Hot breaths were coming out as their kisses turned more and more heated.
Kagura broke their kiss, breaths coming out very disheveled. ”But...huh....we...”
Sougo leaned to her ear. ”Let me love you Kagura.”
His words sent sparks down her spine, all the way down to her womanhood. Sougo latched his lips to her neck and his hand was already fumbling to unhook her cheongsam. Kagura's hands dropped from his face to rest over his shoulders.
Kagura found herself surrendering to his plead, but then she remembered something very important. ”Ah, no...” she whimpered. ”Not here.”
Sougo pretended he didn't hear her and bit her pulse. Kagura gnawed her nails into his jacket from the teasing pleasure he gave her. But she had to get herself together, she had to resist him, no matter how impossible it felt.
Kagura pushed him off her firmly, yet lovingly. She looked him deep into his crimson eyes. ”Not here. Don't you remember what we talked about Chihuahua?”
Sougo did remember, he just couldn't control himself against his wife's undeniable charm. He felt thirsty for her, he couldn't describe it any other way. Sougo sighed a little. ”Yeah...but I-”
”No buts, let's go with our plan, yes?”
”But what? Do you hate the plan?”
He sighed again. ”No...I don't.”
Kagura squeezed his shoulders a little and smiled. ”All I want for us is to have a nice home night alone, eat dinner, talk about stuff, get in to the mood, you know.”
Sougo grabbed her wrists gently and pressed his cheek against one of her hands. ”I know, I'm sorry,” he said.
”It's okay, just wait a little while longer, yes.”
”Yeah...” he said and looked her straight into her eyes. ”I'm just so fucking horny, you have no idea.”
Kagura pinched his cheek a little and cocked an eyebrow. ”You think you're the only one huh?”
Sougo snorted at her and lifted his head off her hand. ”Judging by the way you kissed me, we're on the same boat,” he said and let go off her wrists.
Kagura withdrew her hands and rolled her eyes at him like he had said something stupid. ”Would you just drive us home, yes?”
”Yeah, yeah,” he said and turned on the car engine.
Kagura crossed her arms and glanced at Sougo from the corner of her eye as he was driving the car. ”You know we don't get these nights a lot, when it's just the two of us-aru.”
”I know.”
”So this isn't going to be one of those sleazy and dirty quickies, yes.”
”Oh, I thought you liked them.”
”I didn't say I disliked them,” Kagura huffed. ”I just want some romance, is there something wrong with that-aru?”
Sougo glanced at her briefly. ”Of course not.”
Kagura relaxed her arms and smiled a little. ”Well good.”
Sougo returned his eyes to the driveway and smirked a little. He loved her, but he couldn't help himself. ”It's all your fault for getting me so worked up right here in the car.”
”Oh shut up,” Kagura laughed at the grinning husband of hers. She knew he was just teasing. Kagura looked at the window beside her. It's surface was humid and she wiped her fingers on it, leaving a trail behind them. A moment ago, the car was full of panting, lustful kisses, pent-up yearning. A concrete proof of that was the still spread across the car windows.
Kagura stole a quick glance of Sougo and bit her lip. She could only imagine all the things they were going to do to each other. The car ride wasn't long, but for Kagura it felt like a small eternity. I'm going to show him just how much I appreciate his patience, she thought to herself and placed her hand on his thigh.
Sougo inhaled and took a quick look at her hand. ”Now I'm confused China. Do you want me to drive this car into a wall or do you want me to throw you on the backseat and fuck you right now?”
Kagura glanced at him with a devious smile. ”I just want you to take us home-aru.”
Sougo gulped at her answer. He was surprised that she didn't get even a little flustered at his suggestions. ”Will do darling”, he said and pushed the gas a little harder. Kagura enjoyed the power she held over him just by strategically placing one hand. This night was going to be like no other.
When Sougo and Kagura got home, they both knew what to do. Sougo was responsible for dinner and Kagura's duty was to set a romantic mood everywhere in the house.
They ate together. They talked, flirted and laughed together. It was romantic, just like Kagura had hoped for. Unfortunately, Kagura's hunger for romance was getting thinner by the second as other thoughts bulldozed her brain. She just wanted to jump on him and show him just how much she had needed him.
Sougo picked up the empty plates and took them to their kitchen. ”Thanks for dinner, it was amazing-aru,” Kagura chirped from the table. Sougo hummed and placed the plates with the other dishes. Before he could say a word, Kagura's hands appeared around his stomach.
”Well hello there”, he said and interlaced his fingers with hers.
”Thank you for being so patient”, she said and pecked his shoulder-blade.
”Heh...it's fine China.”
”Good”, she said and took in the familiar scent from his jacket. Just his smell made her blood gush. ”Sougo...” she purred against his back.
He knew very well that Kagura's engines were burning and ready to go just by the way she said his name.
”I've missed you” Kagura husked. He exhaled deeply, he knew exactly what she meant by missing him. Kagura didn't give him time to answer and slid her hand down. She felt his hardness and shamelessly pressed it with her palm. Sougo's breath hitched roughly, sensitive was a mild way to describe his state of senses.
Sougo released her hand, so she could focus better on caressing his growing erection. He dipped his head back and closed his eyes. Kagura continued to tease him, feeding her need to hear his breaths of pleasure. ”Kagura...” he breathed. She kissed his neck and he stroked her cheek with his free hand.
”Fuck...” he grunted. Kagura giggled with a very seductive tone, pushing him right off the edge. ”That's it.”
With swift motion, Sougo pushed her hands off him and turned around. Kagura inhaled strongly as he lifted her up. She allowed him to do so and by reflex she wrapped her legs around him. He hoisted her up better and moved towards the kitchen counter.
Sougo placed her on the counter and pushed his body as close to hers as possible. Kagura gasped as she felt his hips so close to hers. He was panting and glaring at her like she was his to claim, which she surely was. There was something deeply animalistic in the way he acted and it turned her on like crazy.
They kissed almost desperately, like their time was running out. Sougo broke their kiss and left her unsatisfied lips to kiss her jaw line, unhooking her dress as fast as possible. Kagura let out a moan as he grinded his aching erection against her equally needy sex.
As the last hook on her dress opened up, Kagura needed to act fast. ”Mmh, Sougo?”
”Yes?” he said in between kisses.
”I know you're going to hate this, but...” Kagura said and whimpered as he grazed her skin with his teeth.
”But what?”
”...not here...”
Sougo stopped his kisses and lifted his eyes up to her level. ”Are you kidding me?” he asked with a ragged breath.
”I'm not...I don't want to do it here,” she said. It was all thanks to her own stubbornness that she managed to stop him (again). She had imagined everything to go down in the bedroom. Kagura wanted to go there to experience all the nasty thoughts she had about him. Otherwise she would have demanded to be fucked right there on the kitchen counter, that's how hot he made her feel.
Sougo breathed a couple of times. Then he huffed roughly. ”My god, woman...” he said with a frustrated voice.
Kagura frowned a little with an apologetic smile. ”Give me five minutes and come to the bedroom, yes.”
Sougo inhaled deeply and exhaled through his mouth. Then he backed away from Kagura to let her jump off the counter. He seemed to be a little annoyed and Kagura didn't want to play with his sexual frustration any further.
She hugged him softly to get his eyes back to hers. ”Are you angry at me?”
”No...” he said and touched her soft cheek. ”Just, promise to make it up for me China.”
Kagura smiled with lust blurring her vision. She thought of all the great ways to ”make things up for him”. She settled for the one she knew he would love the most. Kagura kissed him lightly and leaned closer to his ear. ”Anything you want”, she purred, making his chest rise heavily.
”You're forgiven China. Now go, you have four minutes left.”
”But I said five, yes.”
”Three minutes left.”
”Okay, okay horndog”, she slurred. Sougo laughed at her choice of words and watched as she walked towards the bedroom. ”Your yukata is on the couch, change into it. Okay?”
Kagura disappeared from his sight and he took in a calming breath. ”You can be such a tease”, he mumbled to himself as he grabbed his yukata.
”I heard that!” Kagura shouted from the bedroom.
”I meant you to!” Sougo snarked playfully back at her.
Now, what would I want for her to do, he thought to himself. He felt a jolt go down his spine just from thinking about all the different possibilities. He liked the fact she gave him the power to request anything, but really, all he wanted to do was to love her until she was too out of breath to scream his name.
”Can I come in now?” Sougo asked behind the bedroom door.
”You may enter-aru.”
Sougo opened the door and took a quick look around the room. Kagura had planted lanterns all over the place to give the room a warm atmosphere. She had laid out their futons on the floor and there she was, waiting for him with a wide smile on her face.
Kagura wore a red mesh kimono and red underwear, bra without straps, panties with tiny ruffles. Her long vermillion hair was undone and wildly spread on the futon. She was a sight all right. Kagura was laying on her side, resting her upper-body on her elbow. ”Damn...” he said as he stared at her, eyes telling of his overjoyed approval.
Kagura used his staring to her advantage. Slowly and sultry, she rolled on her back, crossed her wrists above her head, pressed her thighs together as innocently as possible, arched her back a little and parted her lips just enough. ”What are you waiting for..?” she said with the sexiest voice she could pull off.
Sougo let out a deep breath, eyes taking in thousand of pictures of her to burn into his memory. ”I'm just...enjoying the view.”
Kagura giggled. ”If you don't come here right now, I'll start without you.”
His eyes flashed as he practically ran to her. He crouched over her hastily and Kagura could only laugh at his silliness. He laughed too. Then a silence settled between them. Sougo studied every inch of her and Kagura enjoyed the attention.
”You know you didn't have to dress up for me.”
Kagura pushed herself higher. Sougo backed down as she sat up completely. She had a suspicious look on her face. ”Oh, you don't like it?” Kagura asked and hopped on to his lap without any warnings.
She wrapped her hands on his neck and looked deeply into his eyes. Sougo was mesmerized by her, she was still the same breathtaking woman he had fallen for all those years ago. ”I mean, you look smoking hot in that thing...that's not the issue.”
Kagura tilted her head a little. Sougo slid his hands under her kimono to feel her bare skin. As she focused to feel his roaming fingers he leaned into her ear and said... ”You look better naked.”
Sougo returned to look into her blue eyes, her gaze was full of need. Kagura bit her lip and smiled. ”Uh-huh...what are you going to do about it?”
Sougo chuckled. ”Maybe I-” he said but abruptly stopped to yawn loudly. He realized right away how his yawning looked like to Kagura. Sougo's eyes were wide but not as wide as Kagura's were.
”Did you...did you just yawn?”
”Oh? Am I really that boring?”
”No, no, no. I'm sorry, it was an accident”, Sougo said hastily, trying to recover the situation before Kagura would lose her temper. Though a bit of anger from Kagura gave always a little extra to their love-making.
They were the champions of make-up sex. Well, they used to be when they weren't so busy with everything else. Nowadays they had like 27 arguments to vent out before they had the time to have sex.
Kagura was still a little offended, but Sougo wasn't giving up. ”Look at me,” he said and cupped her cheeks. Their eyes locked. ”You're not boring, you're the most beautiful woman in this entire universe.” Kagura rolled her eyes at him, she was as easy to piss of as to calm down. ”I'm so lucky, you're-”
”Shut up already,” Kagura ordered and kissed him to make sure he understood his yawn had been forgotten. She dragged her fingers against his chest, simultaneously trying to push the clothing off him. He smiled into their kiss as he noticed her agenda.
They took turns in dominance, but tonight Sougo wasn't going to settle for anything less than being on top. He wanted to literally take her. To control the pace, to control the position, to give her the satisfaction she deserved. Just thinking about her surrendering completely to him made his member remind him of its presence.
Kagura was sitting on his lap, legs folded on each side of him. To him, it was an easy position to turn to his advantage. Without breaking their kiss, Sougo dropped his hands off her cheeks, running them around her body. From her collarbone to her sides, from her sides to her lower back, from her lower back to her butt.
Then he rose up to his knees and lifted her up. Kagura hummed into their kiss, she liked how strong he was, it was a major turn on for her, always had been and always would be. Sougo broke their kiss for a second. His eyes demanded her to look at him and she had no other choice but to obey. Him looking at her that fiercely made her heart pound harder. ”Get on you back,” he husked.
Kagura didn't feel like putting up a real fight, so she settled on teasing him. ”Excuse me, I am the only do-S in this relationship so that for I-” she slurred like she didn't mean a word she said. Sougo grunted at her and tossed her on the bed.
Her back thudded against the bedding and he followed right after her, hovering over her. Kagura giggled at him, easily making him laugh too. He stroked her cheeks and softly gazed into her eyes. After all the years, after growing up, after raising their own children, there were those rare times when both Sougo and Kagura felt like those two dumb brats they once were.
Sougo kissed her with a tender pressure, putting aside all the sexual desire pushing him. He wanted to focus on just kissing her, tasting her, loving her. Kagura hummed into his mouth, she felt the pure affection.
After the kiss, under the dim light, Sougo rubbed his nose against hers. ”You know, I'm not sure do I say it enough, but I-”
”I know,” Kagura said and giggled a little.
”Oi, you don't know what I was going to say”, Sougo said with a smile.
”Of course I do”, Kagura said and cupped his cheeks. ”I just like it when you show me how much you love me instead of telling me, yes.”
She really knew what he was going to say and it warmed Sougo's heart greatly. Was he really that obvious in his wifes eyes. Sougo leaned to peck her cheek softly and shared his thoughts with her. ”I think we've always been better with actions rather than words.”
Sougo smiled and kissed her again. Then he pulled away to look at her with a mischievous smile.
”Now then...how about we get these unnecessary porn star clothes off you, ne?”
”These are not porn star clothes”, she huffed, trying to act all serious.
”Yes, sure. What ever you say,” Sougo said and pulled her kimono open.
”No, no. You're not listening to me,” she said as Sougo tried to expose her chest by pulling the fabric with his teeth.
”Oi! You-” she said, but stopped to yawn. Now it was her turn to feel the agony of yawning in the wrong place. Sougo rested his bodyweight on her and leaned his cheek on his hand. Kagura felt so embarrassed, she had just scolded him for doing the same damn thing a moment ago.
Sougo couldn't wait to hear how Kagura would try to get out this mess. ”Oi? Did you just yawn?” he asked, keeping his voice annoyingly calm.
”I uh...I umm...maybe.”
”Well now you have offended your husband's feelings, what are you going to do about it?”
Kagura knew he was just playing with her and she frowned her brows at him. ”I'm sorry, I'm just a little tired, yes.”
”Oh...so I'm so boring that you are too tired to commit to your wifely duties?” he said and smirked with the satisfaction of watching her skirm in her embarrassment.
”Oh come on! That's not what I meant!”
Sougo felt like he was on top of the world, but then he fell into his own pit and yawned again. Kagura's eyes widened and her lips curled up. ”Well, well. Who's tired now, huh?”
”Apparently the both of us.”
”This can't be happening. It's all your fault!”
”My fault? How the hell is it my fault?”
”That dinner you made, it was so good that it made me drowzy-aru.”
Kagura shook her head. ”We both know it's not your fault, we're just tired, yes.”
”I guess,” Sougo said and rested his head into her soft bosom.
”This is our special night, I don't want to spend it by sleeping.”
”Me neither China, we have to find a way to get energized again,” Sougo said as he nuzzled his head against her. Without even realizing it, Sougo had closed his eyes.
Kagura felt her eyelids getting heavier too. Without any rest, the fantastic sex she had dreamed about wasn't going to be that fantastic. ”Hey, I know!”
”How about we take a quick nap-aru?”
”Mmmh...sounds great miss Okita,” he mumbled.
Kagura wrapped her arms around Sougo, who cuddled up next to her. ”Yeah...when we wake up...zzz...I'm gonna rock your world, uh-huh.”
”What the hell are you talking about China? I don't like rock music,” he mumbled as his mind was somewhere between dreaming and Kagura's breasts.
”Shut up Sadist, I'll wake you up in a few minutes...”
And both Sougo and Kagura fell asleep. Sleep-deprivation and perfect silence in their house won this time. As one could guess, neither woke up in a few minutes. Both were sleeping like logs untill the morning sun rose.
Kagura woke up to the sunlight beaming in from the bedroom window. She squinted her eyes and grunted quietly. Kagura forced her eyes to open, no matter how much she prefered to keep on sleeping. As her eyes adjusted to the light, she saw Sougo sleeping right next to her.
Her eyes softened and she stroked his cheek, careful not to wake him up. Then Kagura glanced at her clothes that unfortunately were still on her rather than thrown across the floor. ”Dammit...” she said almost soundlessly as she realized they had slept through the night.
Kagura got up from the warm futon as quietly as possible. She knew how exhausted Sougo was and the last thing she wanted was to force him up on his day off. Kagura walked to their dresses to check the time. A deep sigh of defeat was the only sound coming out of her mouth as she learned that it was almost noon.
There was nothing left to do but to change into her normal clothes and get ready for the kids to come home. Maybe in another three months they would get the next opportunity. The mere thought of waiting for so long made her feel extremely frustrated, a little angry even. Still Kagura wasn't angry at her family, she just felt that the lack of time wasn't fair for her and Sougo or their needs.
Kagura pushed her free hair behind her ears and tried to forget about the slight bitterness in the back of her mind. She pulled a drawer open to dig out some clothes. Then, out of nowhere a pair of hands wrapped around her waist. Kagura gasped as the two strong arms pulled her into a tight hug.
She hummed as the familiar warmth from their bed was now surrounding her again. Sougo held her silently, nuzzling his face on her silky hair.
”Good morning-aru”, she said and embraced his arms.
”I didn't know you were awake.”
”I wasn't untill you left my side.”
His voice was low, but sweet, like sugar for her ears. Sougo placed his chin on her shoulder and looked at the clock on the dresser. Kagura knew he felt the same as her as a deep breath came out of his nose.
”It's almost noon. We should get dressed before the kids and Gin-chan get here, yes.”
Sougo didn't answer he just planted a few butterfly kisses on her shoulder.
”Oi, did you hear me?” Kagura asked and glanced at Sougo.
”All I heard it's not noon yet...” he murmured and smooched her neck.
Kagura's eyes fluttered shut as he kissed her neck harder. ”Mmh...we can't.”
Sougo moved his lips to her ear and let out such a ragged breath, it made her feet feel weak. ”Listen, I know last night didn't go as we planned, but...”
Kagura turned her head to look at him. ”But what?” she said and realized her breathing had gotten a little heavier. She partly blamed his eyes, red with fire and intensity, luring her in too easily.
”I think I might go crazy if I have to wait even a second longer to be with you,” he said with lust dripping from his voice. Then he kissed her, softly savouring with the taste of her lips. Kagura answered his passion and cupped his cheek with one hand. Sougo's hands started to move too, he searched for her kimono's robe.
Kagura whined a little as Sougo pulled her kimono wide open. He didn't waste any time and traced his fingers on her bare skin. Their kiss deepened as his hands travelled up on her sides. Kagura moaned a little into their kiss as he passed by her covered breasts. She felt him press his hips against her backside, she knew he was weak for her cries of pleasure.
Sougo's hands settled to hold her waist firmly. Then he broke their kiss to shift his attention to her neck. His breaths against her pulse quickly changed into wet kisses. Kagura's eyes closed again as he sucked the sensitive skin on her neck.
Her hands settled to grip his shoulders. Sougo paused his kisses and leaned to her ear. ”Now Kagura, I need you now.”
His voice was unbearable, she exhaled heavily as the desire to surrender to his plead grew inside her. His words sent sparks all around her, she felt her whole body screaming for him, she needed him too.
They didn't have a lot of time, but there was nothing that could stop them, the raw carnal need was truly undownable. Sougo watched his wife's face as she swallowed and parted her perfect lips just a little bit.
She chose her words carefully. ”Take me”, she begged, with a slightly demanding voice.
Sougo's eyes flashed, nothing was hotter than hearing that. He exhaled heavily, hardly containing his excitement. Sougo guided her to face him. She narrowly opened her eyes to look at him. ”Gladly,” he said with a smile and kissed her.
Without any further delays, he began to pull the kimono off her. Kagura dropped her hands to her sides and the red piece of clothing slid to the floor. His hands were everywhere, enjoying the smoothness of her milky skin, admiring the firmness of her muscles, he enjoyed his wife's strength as much as she did his.
Sougo was kissing her earlobe as his hands rose up to her breasts. Kagura wanted to get things going so she wanted to help him. She began to unhook her bra, but was quickly stopped by Sougo. ”No time for that,” he murmured into her ear.
Kagura gasped as Sougo pulled her bra down to rest on her waist. He glanced at her and she blushed a little. ”So impatient...” Kagura teased, despite how much he turned her on with his actions. He gave her a sly smile and kissed her again, those puckered lips were just too delicious to be left alone. One hand caressed Kagura's breasts, but the other began to drop down. He went all the way down, hand slipping under her red panties.
Kagura broke their kiss with a loud moan as she felt his fingers touching her folds. Though it wasn't a surprise for Sougo, it always felt amazing to feel her already soaking wet before doing much of anything. She was ready for him, she was pretty sure she had been wet since yesterday.
She felt his dick throb against her back as he positioned his fingers to tease her clit. With slow circular motions he turned Kagura's hopeless panting into a steady moaning. ”Ah, Sougo, stop teasing me”, she pleaded and tightened her grip on his shoulders. Sougo paid no mind to her words and continued to kiss her neck.
Sougo kept warming her up despite the strict time limit. Kagura wiggled against him, she couldn't keep still as the sensation was too intense. Sougo added just the right amount of speed, making Kagura's moans turn down right desperate.
She hadn't been touched by him for so long, his kisses on her neck, his skillful fingers giving the friction she needed. Kagura threw her head back to lean against his shoulder as she rested her hands on Sougo's nape.
Sougo's intention was to tease her a little, but he was absolutely addicted to hear her pleasure. Kagura moans got louder and more rapid. ”I-I'm...” she cried.
Kagura was on the edge of her release and Sougo was happy to grant it to her. He added a tiny amount of pressure on his motion and watched as Kagura gasped for air. All of a sudden she slapped her hands on Sougo's arm, halting his actions for a moment. She opened her eyes to look at him, her face was flushed and Sougo loved how deeply she glared at him, eyes oozing from sexual energy.
”Please stop,” Kagura commanded.
Sougo felt a little puzzled for a moment. ”Why? You were so close”, he said with a tint of disappointment in his voice.
Kagura swallowed and pulled his hand out of her panties without breaking their eye contact. ”I don't want to come like that...I want more,” Kagura whispered and kissed Sougo's neck a little. He hummed in appreciation, her words clearly had an impact on him. ”I need you.”
Sougo felt shivers jolt around his back. ”I can make you feel more...” he husked.
Kagura huffed a little and turned around in his arms to face him. She tugged his hair from the back of his head with both hands. ”Then stop talking and show me, yes,” Kagura said and pulled him into a kiss.
Her kiss was so demanding, she was clearly driven with pure carnal need. After all she was on the verge of orgasm a moment ago so any sort of teasing or delay would be out of question for her.
Sougo wasn't any different from her, he too was aching with need. Effortlessly as ever, Sougo lifted Kagura up to sit on the drawer. She spread her legs to let him come closer to her. Kagura moaned wildly into their kiss as Sougo traced his fingers all over her thighs and pressed his hips to hers.
She began to undress Sougo from his yukata. After the piece of clothing dropped off him Kagura's hands roamed around his toned upper body. She took a peek at him during their kiss and to her pleasant surprise he didn't have any underwear. He surely came to bed prepared last night, she thought.
Sougo broke their kiss and leaned to nibble on her ear. ”Be a good girl and take off your panties,” he ordered with a sultry whisper.
”No, I can't wait any longer Sougo...just pull them to the side,” she breathed as he kissed her neck. Sougo's breath hitched, he thought Kagura couldn't get any sexier than she already was, but apparently she could.
Sougo did as he was told and pulled those damned sinful panties out of his way. Kagura yelped as Sougo pulled her hips closer to the edge of the drawer. He pressed his erection against her slick folds and grunted at the contact. He moved his hands from her hips to her thighs and pushed them to spread her legs wider.
Kagura arched her back and pressed her palms firmly against the wooden drawer. He stopped kissing her neck and returned to her pink pout, just tenderly tasting her lips. His crimson eyes weren't on fire anymore, they were ablaze.
”Please, I need to feel you”, Kagura whispered.
She didn't have to tell him twice. Sougo located her entrance with his dick and the warm wetness felt so inviting. Then after all the waiting, he entered her. She was so wet and willing that he slid all the way inside with the first move. Sougo exhaled heavily, the first thrust in was always the best. She felt perfectly tight as her walls welcomed him in.
Kagura moaned loudly as he entered her, she was ecstatic to feel the friction she had missed. After she adjusted to his size, she bucked her hips a little and tightened her inner walls around him. ”Fuck...you're so...” Sougo moaned and dropped his head to rest on Kagura's shoulder.
Kagura stopped her motions and wrapped her hands around his waist. ”Huh, what's wrong?” she panted.
Sougo chuckled in between his panting. ”Nothing, I just sound like some cherry boy having sex for the first time.”
Kagura giggled a little at him. ”Oh, poor you,” she said and tightened her walls around him again, making him grunt with pleasure.
Sougo let go of her thighs and Kagura positioned them nicely against his legs. He bucked his hips again to get the idea of thrusting into her again and again feel irresistable. ”You just feel so fucking good,” he husked and hungrily claimed her lips.
Kagura gnawed her fingers onto his shoulder blades as Sougo began to find the rhythm with his hips. He was eager to fuck her as hard as he could, but at first he wanted to keep everything nice and slow. Deep thrusts, each savouring in the feeling of filling her pussy.
Sougo wanted a better angle to hit her pleasure spot easier. He took a firm grip of her hips. Kagura was so overwhelmed of feeling him after a long time of waiting, she allowed him to move her as he liked.
With the angle corrected Kagura started to lose focus with kissing, she was lost in the feeling of utter ecstasy. She had to break their kiss to scream from the satisfaction. Kagura moaned and gasped for air as Sougo picked up the pace of his thrusts.
Sougo was as lost in the euphoria as his wife was. Neither could hardly kiss with all the panting and moaning. The more he hit her spot, the closer Kagura came to feeling the familiar feeling pooling inside her. She was close to her well deserved release.
Sougo had always been proud of his stamina, but this time he could have peeked almost immediately after entering her. Still, there was no way in hell Sougo was going to let that happen. Kagura was going to come first, no matter how hard it was going to be for him.
He felt Kagura's walls pulsating around him and it could only mean one thing. Her breathing was incoherent and her moans were coming out with rapid pace.
With a loud cry oh his name her mind went blank from her intense release. Sougo felt her walls squeezing around him, her nails grazing his skin, her hot breaths telling of her state of mind. With the next thrust he finally allowed himself to follow her orgasm with his own.
Kagura exhaled deeply as her peek began to sizzle down to a wonderful feeling of relaxation. Both were still panting, bodies slumped against the surprisingly sturdy drawer, sweaty fore-heads pressed together.
”Huh...I...I...” Kagura breathed.
”What? Huh...”
Kagura swallowed and tried to get her words out. ”I love you...huh...and your dick.”
Sougo laughed as he simultaneously pulled himself out of her. He kissed her gently and Kagura felt his smile through the sweet affection. ”I love you too...and my dick.”
Kagura snorted and tried to hold in her laughter. ”Shut up stupid.”
Sougo rolled his eyes playfully at her. Kagura rested her head against his bare chest, still basking in the afterglow of her orgasm. She closed her eyes and hummed deeply.
”I'm gonna nap here real quick, 'kay?” Kagura said and nuzzled her head against him.
”Are you sure about that?”
Sougo shook his head a bit. He swooped his wife from the drawer into his arms and carried her bridal style to their bed.
Kagura wasn't putting up a fight when he placed her softly on the futon, laid right next to her and pulled the covers over them. Sougo tried to spoon Kagura, but she muttered something to herself before he even touched her.
”Are you okay?”
*more quiet muttering*
Kagura stretched one hand behind her and unhooked her bra. ”These are so annoying, yes”, she said and flung them somewhere far away. Then she scooted her butt against Sougo. He chuckled a little and pulled her closer.
His other hand settled to caress her soft belly. Kagura loved the silence around them, she could focus solely on being there with her sadist of a husband. Suddenly she snapped out of the soothing bliss.
”Oi, we can't be sleeping right now.”
”Why not?”
”Gin-chan and kids are going to be here any minute now, yes.”
”You know he's always late.”
Kagura looked back a bit, memorizing all the times Gintoki was dropping off their children. ”Hmm...I guess you're right.”
Sougo kissed her nape and nuzzled his head against her wild vermillion hair. ”Close your eyes,” he said quietly. Kagura inhaled deeply and relaxed her whole body as her eyes shut close.
”I'm really glad we had enough time to...you know-”
”To bang?”
”You're so crude...”
”Oh, and you're not miss foul mouth?”
”I'm miss Okita and I'm a real lady.”
Sougo laughed quietly. ”I can't argue that.”
He knew Kagura was smiling, she had a cute habit of squeezing her toes a little when she smiled genuinely. Kagura glanced at him behind her shoulder. ”Can you hold me closer?” she asked sweetly.
His answer was to do just that.
”Alright, we're here,” Gintoki said as he stepped closer to the front door of Sougo and Kagura's house (50 minutes late). He used his spare key and opened the door.
The house seemed to be very quiet despite it was already mid-day. Gintoki announced their arrival and squinted his eyes with suspicion as no-one was there to welcome them in. Souichiro, Mitsuna and Kanna sat down to take off their shoes.
”Wait here kids”, Gintoki said and kicked his shoes off.
”Is something wrong uncle Gin-chan?” Souichiro asked.
”No no, I'm just going to check something real quick.”
Gintoki entered the living-room, which was empty. Then he checked the kitchen, empty as well. From there Gintoki walked to Sougo and Kagura's bedroom door. No matter how much older Kagura grew up, she was still the same 14-year-old girl in Gintoki's eyes.
Kagura had been pregnant three times already, but Gintoki had convinced himself that the babies were delivered by storks. His little innocent Kagura would never make babies with the old-fashioned way.
Gintoki pressed his ear against the door. He didn't hear anything too alarming for a foster-father. Without thinking about it further, Gintoki opened the door a little.
There he saw the two sleeping in a spoon. Gintoki's eyes ignored all the clothes around the bedroom floor and found the sight of them sleeping together adorable. He didn't want to disturb their rest, he imagined how tiring it was to raise three children with Sofa-kun.
Gintoki closed the door as quietly as he could. He returned to the kids and scratched his natural perm.
”Apparently mami and daddy are runniing some errands,” Gintoki lied. ”How about we take a ride on Sadaharu around Kabukicho, ne?”
”Yay!” All three cheered.
And just like that the house was quiet for three more glorious hours.
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Magical/Mage/Spark Stiles fic recs (90%Sterek, 5%Steter)
A Moving Sea Between the Shores by foxtricks (knightofbows) M. 26k. Complete. They're so fucked. They fucked up so bad. And it's all Stiles' fault." // Love one another but make not a bond of love: let it rather be a moving sea between the shores of your souls." - Khalil Gibran
What delicious torture and pain and mistakes and regret and fear and suspense, unf. Stiles, it turns out, is quite a powerful mage, but he DOES make a small miscalculation... which very nearly leads to the deaths of the whole pack, to his imprisonment and torture. If only he and Derek had Bonded first, they might not have fallen to this point. But they hadn't....
Chapters alternate from what leads up to the Fuck Up and what follows. Derek is a good Alpha, Stiles is a good Emissary, but each thinks the other deserves better than what they could offer. Fully satisfying ending with sufficient comfort.
Dream of Life Again by BarlowGirl E. 18k. Complete. “You better be ready,” Lydia says as she cleans dirt out from under her nails with an antiseptic wipe. Stiles can smell the lemon scent even from where he stands a few feet away. She’s probably going to end up covered in blood in a few moments, but she likes to be in control in any way she can, so he doesn’t tease her about this. “It’s time to start.” // “I’m ready,” Stiles says and he’s pretty sure it’s not even a lie. Hopefully. // Scott, Stiles, and Lydia each sit at one point of the triskelion that Lydia’s drawn on the tarp. The center is a tight knot of some language Stiles had never even heard of before this, written in ink in tiny writing. It’s beautiful and also makes him slightly nauseated. Lydia makes both cuts, so the blood drops from Stiles’ arm and Scott’s, too, into the center of the triskelion. There’s wolfsbane on Scott’s knife, not enough to make him sick, but enough to keep him from healing too quickly. // It’s a surprisingly simple thing, after that, for what they’re doing. Blood, a few words, and a little magic. // Just those things, and, for the first time in three years, Laura Hale gasps in a breath. // Or: Resurrected Laura!!!
What an interesting story. It felt strangely... clinical?... distant, maybe. Stiles is very removed from everyone, and there's alot of teasing in the beginning as to why (we never DO learn the full story there). Any road, Stiles has a connection to some veerry powerful magic, but doesn't really want to think about it too much, much less admit it. Meanwhile, he continues with his distant-yet-close relationship with the pack, and his strange dance with Derek, and just. It was very interesting.
Such Things Don't Bear Repeating by Allizane E. 25k. Complete. A wizard, a wolf, and a boy. Or: spells and magic can never truly substitute for strength. (Harry Potter AU, in triplicate.)
This was beautiful, flowed like poetry, kind of. Three parts, three points of view, and we slowly watch Stiles grow, watch his powers develop. I never did figure out what he was supposed to be: he's a bit sociopathic, but has every reason to be (he's missing his tongue when Deaton first finds him.) I probably wouldn't have read it if I'd noticed the dark!Stiles tag, but the story didn't really come across that way. More wild!Stiles, and the future's wide open. ******* So Derek takes the twisted threads of blood and bone and fire (because they’d all tasted like ash to the wolf, like someone was already burning them up), he takes them and ties the loose ends to Stiles, because what else is there to do?
The Long Way Round by exclamation E. 180k. Complete. A magical accident sends Stiles back in time. Now he's stuck in New York, living with Derek and Laura, and the only way to get back to his own time is to learn to use magic. Meanwhile, he must figure out how much he can tell them about their future. Can he warn them about the dangers they face? Can he change his own past?And can he trust the creature known as Bookworm, who seems to know him better than he knows himself?
oh. my. fucking. god.
this is astonishing.
The one where Stiles is MAGIC, whoa, that is such a focus, and he's powerful, and you get the learning montage and everything. (He's also the ouroboros, which explains how he got sent back in time to hang out with Derek and Laura when they're living in New York.) The one with the dragon, Bookworm, and the magic shop, and the accidental coven, and the vengence ghost, and where Derek is a dancer at a club (lol) and ALL THE GOOD THINGS.
i am addicted to death (so remind me what it’s like to live) by cywscross T. 18k. 1/2 but it reads like it’s complete. Stiles is sixteen years old. He has already died seventy-eight times.
Holy shit. (This says 1/2, but it's tight and complete, no worries.)
Magic Marker by Batwynn G. 3k. Complete. Look, just because he’s magical, doesn’t mean Stiles has to be an adult, right? // Where Scott keeps quoting Spider Man when he comes in the room, his dad keeps getting that pinched look around his eyes when he accidentally turns the microwave into a portal to another timeline, Lydia has stopped wasting her breath by heaving great, disappointed sighs at him, and Derek… Derek tells him to get it out of his system somewhere not here. Which is actually pretty nice, for someone with such judgmental eyebrows.
I would SO love to get a bigger peek into this world, heh.
In Which Stiles is Secretly Magic by apocryphal T. 27k. Complete. All Stiles wants from life is to learn to control his magic, keep his grades up, and not die horribly while saving Beacon Hills from supernatural threats. It's all going pretty well until Derek Hale, werewolf extraordinaire, has to go and ask him on a date. That asshole.
lol... stiles is a hoot.
Attach me to your world by artisan447 E. 27k. Complete. Turns out Stiles is magic. He's as surprised about that as anyone.
Sweet, sexy and intense: everything you want a surprise bonding fledgling magic fic to be.
Growing Up, Growing Strong by cywscross T. 10k. Complete. Stiles is adopted by the Hales.
Lovely series of snapshots. Stiles at 10 saves the Hales, but loses his dad, and Talia takes him in, but it's Peter he attaches to. There's selective mutism, slow integration, kidnapping, self-rescue, discovery of magic (spark), and he's 16 in the end, but I think the rating could have easily remained a G. (We'll have to use our imaginations for the rest.)
Red Witch by rootbeer T. 34k. Complete. The red hair of a banshee. The red eyes of an alpha. The red hoodie of a mage. The red of fire burning.Derek Hale has been a prisoner to the hunters since they burned his family alive. But now someone has come to save him: skinny, defenseless Stiles--147 lbs of skin and fragile bones. Turns out, sarcasm isn't his only weapon.
Ah, this hit the spot. Derek's a mess, poor baby, he's spent years locked in a cell in isolation being taunted by Kate when Stiles shows up as a captive in the next cell. It's about everything you'd want. (I love the protective fire around Derek, it's perfect.) Stiles is a BAMF, Derek is a beta. And those stories about the Red Witch and his/her companions? Not just fairy tales.
Children's Tales by artemis69 G. 5k. Complete. Be careful, little girl. // Don’t go causing troubles in Beacon Hills, because the Hales live there, little girl. // Keep away from Beacon Hills, little girl, or the Hales will destroy you. // --Or: In a world where the Hales are alive and the protectors of the town of Beacon Hills, the humans politely fake ignorance of their not-really-human status, and they all live happily ever after. // Then Kate comes in. // Well. // Tries to.
How much did I love this story, omg, it's kind of hilarious: Kate (POV) goes Hale-hunting and is thwarted at EVERY TURN because the whole damn town knows who she is, and who Derek is, and the character descriptions are so funny: "The annoying other kid is still there and both of them are mowing the lawn of a little white house. Hale is very focused, working methodically in parallel strips. His friend is running in circles around a rose bush like a rabbit on cocaine."
Inhuman History by Amazonia_8 E. 32k. 7/? Stiles doesn't remember much about what happened the night he was to be introduced to the mysterious Hale family. He knows his mother is dead, but nobody can tell him why. He thinks it might have something to do with the things that happen to him, or that he can make happen, even though he's never been able to control it. Now it's just him and his father, an invalid he must spend all his time caring for, scraping by in a run down house in a run down town, miles away from the life he once knew. // Until strange things begin to happen, starting with the great black wolf that shows up at his door and the stranger man that claims he knows his father. Claims that Stiles is in danger and that it is his duty to protect him.
Hooooly guacamole. This one is a RIDE, I'm pretty sure I only breathed once in the whole first half. Only 7 chapters written, and it looks like it'll stay that way, and the story isn't NEAR complete, but you do get to end on a very satisfying sex scene, and this author is so good that even a glimpse into this world she's building is worth the time you put in to read it. The first chapters are such a tease, with references to things like John being paralyzed and mute, and Stiles having flashing memories of 'before', and it doesn't get explained for a while (it does eventually, tho, don't worry), and wow, it's just fantastic.
The Road Less Traveled by gryvon E. 25k. Complete. Stiles doesn't want to die in a basement. No one is going to die in the Argent's basement, not if he can help it.
ALL the Stiles!whump and hurt/comfort (although the comfort for the first round of hurt is rest-of-pack rather than Derek, but it's totally emotionally satisfying. This is the one where Stiles starts practicing magic by twiddling a pencil and then gets to firebomb some ghoul-things in the cemetery.
Night Owls Early Birds by Lissadiane T. 24k. Complete. Confession: Stiles is afraid of having magic. // The Spark had been cool. It had been small, manageable. He could do some funky stuff with Mountain Ash, all with the power of belief. // And now here he is, his Spark blown wide open, apparently coming down with a fatal case of magical overload, and all that stands between him and bleeding out is a grumpy owl that looks suspiciously like a feathered version of Derek Hale. // (In which Stiles learns he's a witch, but instead of a wand and a trip to Diagon Alley, he gets blood magic, a grumpy and reluctant owl as his companion, and an accidental blood bond with Derek Hale.)
Oh. This was... really intense, I wasn't expecting that, somehow, the summary made it seem kind of funny. Stiles' magic is no fucking joke, and it LITERALLY tears him apart sometimes, like, peeling his hands inside out and crushing them kind of thing... and all the extraordinary pain that goes with it. When they say blood magic, that means there's gallons of it everywhere. Which is AMAZING, and the intensity is wonderful, don't get me wrong, it's unique among the 'Stiles discovers he is magic' stories, because it really does seem more like a curse than a gift. Steve the owl is a hoot (lol), and Derek's quiet loyalty and fierce protectiveness is lovely. It's a fantastic read, and so is its sequel.
In Which Stiles Finds He Much Prefers When Interesting Things Happen to Somebody Else by Zoom Zoom (PaperLillyWebs) T. 21k. Complete. “Finish what you start,” the skull rasps at him, making him jump. When he looks up, the skull is just as still as before.Loosely based on Howl's Moving Castle by Diana Wayne Jones.
What a fun story! Stiles the apprentice is every bit of adorable, his Master Hale is a shadowy, mean kind of figure, and something's going on where none of the ends match up. The story borrows the Howl's Moving Castle world, but that's all, none of the story or characters. I love it.
How to please your house spirit by Lesatha M. 14k. Complete. Derek startled awake in the middle of the night. For a split second he didn’t know why, then as he felt a strange weight on his chest, he raised his head and looked down. And stayed speechless. // There was a tiny creature, barely the size of Derek’s whole hand, sitting on him. It had a human shape, from what Derek could see.It looked furious.
ohmygod this is infinitely adorable, Stiles is a (murderous, multitasking, shapeshifting) little shit (so is Peter) and Derek is utterly wrapped around his (occasionally) tiny finger.
Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede E. 173k. Complete. Stiles Stilinski and Scott McCall, childhood best friends who were separated, now reunite to get to know each other again. Since Scott's a werewolf and Stiles is a new graduate of Miskatonic University (which is proving strangely attractive to Peter-Hale-shaped werewolves), they've got quite a bit to catch up on.
So glorious. A lot of fun to read, lots of action and complexity and I know basically nothing about Lovecraft, and that didn't matter at all. Stiles is great in this, very pushy, very much an asshole, and still got that old insecurity inside... which, coincidentally, is very much what Peter is like. They're a lovely match. (The fifth story introduces Derek into their dynamic, but only in the end, and, sadly, we never get the sexin' for that -- aside from some strange dreams in Part 6 -- cause it would be delicious.)
And what are the odds that I'd read two sentient house fics in the same month? (The other being the equally fabulous When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22. Sentient house is in Part 5 and isn't very friendly.)
The Foul Rag and Bone Shop of the Heart by WritersAreLiars M. 35k. 6/? “Stiles. Did I just watch you sell that man a hex-bag full of crushed caffeine pills and rocks from our own parking lot?” // “I threw in some sage too.” // -Stiles may have lost his job and his place as Alan's Mastery student, but at least his former teacher had the decency to set up an introduction to Peter Hale, werewolf and necromancer. // It looked like Stiles wasn't as done forming impossible infatuations on his teachers as he thought. // (At least this time he's legal.)
Entirely delightful and unique... author creates a fantastic world and Stiles' blithe abandon of traditions works very well with Peter's scheming. Worth reading even if it's never finished.
You Only Live Once...or Twice by WonderWolf E. 33k. Complete. “Anything,” Derek’s eyes are determined, boring into Stiles’.Stiles huffs a laugh, “Careful there, big guy. Don’t want to be promising anything to every necromancer you meet. Some might ask for your soul or someth—” // “I’ll give you my soul to bring her back,” Derek says, his voice steady and strong with resolve, “if that’s what you want.” // Stiles’ mouth gapes open for a moment before his brain kicks into gear and he stutters out, “N-no, I don’t ask for that. I only ask for money.” // (Or the one in which Stiles is a necromancer who needs help stopping a rogue alpha and Derek is the solution, but at what cost?)
Interesting premise.
Red String verse by gryvon E. 13k. Completed works, incomplete series. Peter had given up hope of ever finding his soulmate until the red string on his finger leads him to a four-year-old. He's going to Hell. Or jail. Or both.
Everything about this series is perfection. How Peter is so utterly astonished and appalled at the age difference. How Stiles turns out to be tremendously and precociously magic. The sexual tension when Stiles gets tired of waiting (and Peter goes to the station to turn himself in, lol.
Those Are The Days That Bind Us by s_a_m M. 63k. Completed works, incomplete series. His father wasn’t stupid. He was an officer of the law, trained to look for patterns. He confronted Stiles about werewolves and they shouted and Stiles tried to explain but his father was so, so, so mad, more mad than Stiles had ever seen him, ever in all his life and then his father looked at him and said,“It’s like you’re not my son anymore.” // And Stiles broke.
Really good. Poor bb Stiles, life generally sucks hard. When he leaves, he has a lot of adventures and new friends that I DON'T instinctively dislike (what can I say, I'm very loyal to my OTP: I generally hate it when they split up and one of them seems to move on). There's VERY little Derek in this, even though about 50% of the story is in Beacon Hills both before and after the 7 years of running away. Maybe part 3 will have a little more Sterek. But, yeah, Stiles is badass, so that's awesome. The author writes well and the story moves quickly.
Professional Werewolf Witch by reptilianraven G. 5k. Complete. "Are you going to buy anything else?" Professional Eyebrows says and Stiles would like to buy him. A cup of coffee. On a date. // He just ends up pointing at the crate of whatever the fuck is behind Professional Eyebrows' head and says, "Uh, a box of that stuff." // P.E. turns, glances at the crate, and raises an eyebrow at Stiles. "You want a box of charmed rattlesnake tail?" God, magic is so fucking weird. // "Yeah." Stiles nods because he's making an ass out of himself. The hipster vampire browsing in the corner is not so subtly laughing at him. The sooner he leaves the better. // -The one where Derek Hale is a Professional Werewolf Witch who owns a magic shop and Stiles fails at being smooth on a regular basis.
so fucking funny
I Know Where Babies Come From, Derek by DiscontentedWinter M. 52k. Complete. Stiles finds a baby on the porch.It looks exactly like him. // Well, this is awkward.
Funny and unique and gripping (and there's one part that's simply fucking heartbreaking, god every.time. I bawl like a baby). I love this so much. It's totally one of my return-again-and-again-comfort-fics (even though there's very little that's slow-paced and domestic about it).
When sparks fly by LunaCanisLupus_22 E. 87k. Completed stories, unfinished series, but that doesn’t matter. “Derek,” Stiles thunders. “Were you ever going to tell me your house is trying to hook us up?” // Derek's head snaps up, eyes wide and scenting the evident crackle of magic in the air. // Or the one where spark!Stiles moves into an enchanted apartment block owned by a grumpy alpha and is completely oblivious to the building's efforts to matchmake them.
OH, golly, I love this, it's so funny and fabulous and unique and THE HOUSE, GOD, I LOVE THE HOUSE, it really is all up in everybody's business. Don't worry about the chapters x/? Each chapter is its own complete storyline, so feel free to jump in any time, you'll never feel like you've been left hanging. I absolutely LOVE the irreverent (and yet, very well-conceived and detailed) urban fantasy vibe. And I love every character just the way I like to.
(Just read another fic with a sentient house (fifth story) and urban fantasy tones: Of Werewolves and Tentacles by Guede, which was a delight.
Untamed by rosepetals42 T. 28k. Complete. Of course, the transfer kid gets mentioned because transfers are rare, but the news isn’t that exciting. In fact, according to Laura, no one even seems to know his first name. The only thing anyone has really figured out about him is that he’s American. And that’s not exactly hard because he obviously has an accent. // The only thing Derek really knows is that, despite other reports, he seems quiet enough, prefers to work alone, and has the most amazing shade of amber eyes that Derek has ever seen. // Not that he’s looking. Obviously. // OR: A Harry Potter AU where Stiles is a Slytherin transfer student and Derek is the grumpy Gryffindor who falls in love with him. // There are also potions, elves, and falcons involved. Oh, and illegal use of magic. Obviously.
Best. This is the best Hogwarts/Teen Wolf AU I've ever read, hands down. All the feels.
A Wild Heart's Desire by mikkimouse T. 13k. Complete. If there's one thing Stiles Stilinski knows, it's that Deputy Derek Hale absolutely Does Not Like him. The only reason Derek even tolerates him is because their kids are worryingly codependent. // So Stiles is understandably confused when a very feral Derek shows up in his backyard after a call gone wrong and proceeds to move in with him.
Aw, feral!Derek is so sweet. And so is Stiles. And both of them are hella oblivious.
A Life for a Life, Makes the Whole Wo rld Bound by augopher M. 91k. Complete. Stiles was lonely; there was no other way of putting it. The Nogitsune had left the pack a wary of him, not that they thought it had been his fault. No, they worried it would happen again. Once bitten, twice shy. // The morning after his 18th birthday, his torso was covered in mysterious green tattoos. He hadn’t been that drunk. He'd definitely remember that. Great. Something else to make him feel like a freak. Insomnia led him to his mother’s diary and a tale of how she helped an odd man once who gave her the warning, “Be careful of your wishes three." Everything clicked into place. // So...he was a djinni. He subtly changed things about himself. More muscle? Done. Better hair? Done and done. End his crippling insecurity? Done, done, done. He hid his new gift until he found himself bound to Derek. // With Deaton’s help, they translated meanings in his tattoos, but they were incomplete. A passage of his 'Rules and Regulations' was missing. Everything was fine dandy until Stiles’ new powers and penchant for mischief and karmic retribution threatened to destroy him, fracture his mind, and turn him into something which couldn’t be contained. // Could the pack save him in time, and at what price?
Court of the Bitter King by The Feels Whale (miscellea) T. 7k. Incomplete series, but that’s okay. There’s a reason Stiles refuses point-blank to take off his shirt in public. That reason would be the massive number of …somewhat illegal tattoos he’s had done over the years. // It’s not that his dad doesn’t know about the tattoos, it’s more that his dad doesn’t like to think about them. It’s a mom thing or more precisely, it’s a ‘mom’s side of the family’ thing and Stiles’ maternal relatives make his dad very, very nervous.
Interesting. Dreamy and a little surreal. Third part is unfinished, but then, so are dreams, often.
The Time Travelling Werewolf's Confused Spirit Guide by The Feels Whale (miscellea) G. 5k. Complete.
Normally you don’t imagine yourself as living in the dystopian future that hapless time travelers accidentally stumble into. // Or: that one where Stiles learns the hard way that reality is not static, time is not a river, and sometimes the way things are is not the way they were supposed to be.
Sweet and weird. And it all worked out in the end, but I'd miss asshole Derek.
Her Blood on His Bones by secondstar E. 123k. Complete. Stiles may be cursed but that doesn’t mean he’s going to lay down and die. He’s going to fight. He won’t stop, he can’t stop. If he does, they win. [Daemons, Dark Materials universe.]
Aching for you by LittleRedEmissary T. 45k. Complete. When Stiles tries to cast a protection spell on Derek and accidentally casts a spell much stronger than either of them expected, the duo has to relearn everything that they've learned about protecting the pack, because the old methods won't do anymore. With the infamous Winchesters coming to town Derek hopes that the hunters will just drive through town, but the pack has never been good that laying low.
Love this. God, Dean's an asshole. But he gets better.
Writ in Hecate's ink on willing skin by Lenore M. 6k. Complete. "As you're always so fond of pointing out, you're the alpha. When bad shit happens to you, it affects all of us. If someone wants to use your alpha mojo or your wolf force or," Stiles waves his hand, "whatever you want to call it for diabolical purposes? We need to be ready."
Beacon Hills Mysteries by miss_aphelion T. 80k. Complete. Stiles appears alone at the doors of the emergency room the morning after the full moon, covered in blood with a deep slash torn across his left side. He's suffering from hypovolemic shock and barely conscious and he won't tell anyone what happened—not his hospital appointed psychiatrist, not his father. Not even his pack. // The list of suspects is disconcertedly short. There were only seven others in the woods with Stiles that night: Derek, Scott, Boyd, Erica, Isaac, Jackson and Allison. And none of them remember the night in quite the same way.
My note for the second story: Whoa, so intense and stressful and simply amazing. Really, this whole series is the bomb. (Even with no sex!) And super!magic!Stiles like whoa.
Patterns of Intention by drunktuesdays E. 17k. Complete. Derek looked like the stuff of his deepest fantasies. His shirt was rumpled where Stiles had his hands in it, and he was breathing hard as well, chest heaving. His eyes—his eyes were glazed over and he looked stunned, like he’d been—like Stiles had—“No,” Stiles said, blood draining from his face. The word was croaky and felt like it had to be wrenched out of his chest. “God, no.”
The one where Stiles' magic is expressed verbally, and he starts to think he magically is making Derek want him back.
No spell quite like your smile by charimiel T. 29k. Complete. "I’m Stiles by the way. I’d shake your hand, but the stuff on my hands isn’t actually ink and I don’t want to subject anyone else to that.” .... Derek’s really just exuding an aura of ‘what the fuck is wrong with this guy’. Stiles gets that a lot actually.OrThe one where Stiles owns a magic shop and Derek probably regrets coming back to Beacon Hills right about now.
From Here On by Isa_Iadel M. 97k. Completed stories, incomplete series. Stiles Stilinski hasn't been Sheriff for very long and dealing with the aftermath of the attack against the Hales ends up being far more complicated than he ever could have imagined.
Crazy good story, incredible and original world building (really, SO original), and Stiles is magic! to the max and totally wonderful protector of the town and all the characters, OCs and those well-loved, are just amazing. (Derek is underdeveloped, which is a pity, but everyone else is so riveting that it's alright.) Can't wait for the next installment.
B.S.T.P.H.T. by dornfelder E. 27k. Complete. Before Derek has the presence of mind to object, Stiles pushes the paper in his hands and makes for his jeep. “Just read it, okay?” is the last thing he says before slamming the door shut. // He starts the engine, and drives away in record time with gravel scrunching under his tires while Derek stands there dumfounded. He accelerates unusually fast, and the jeep’s back lights disappear into the night.What. The. Fuck.
dream-walker by hoars E. 5k. Complete. This is not the behavior Stiles was expecting from a werewolf he’s been dream invading. To be honest, Stiles expected more blood, bruises and begging. He was not expecting creepy Derek to go to sleep next to him.
Vision without action is just a dream. by Mynuet T. 17k. Complete. Vision without action is merely a dream. Action without vision just passes the time. Vision with action can change the world. (Joel Barker) // Stiles has never known how to leave things well enough alone. If the root of their unhappiness is Derek losing the love of his life, then that's the problem Stiles is going to fix, no matter what it takes. He probably should have realized that things never go according to plan."
How I Met My Werebunny by Moku T. 20k. Complete. “This is going to end in tears,” Scott told Derek while he watched the man easily lifting Stiles’ desk up with one hand and driving nails into the ceiling with the thumb of the other. “Probably mine.” // Or:When a Stiles and a Failwolf love each other very much, they’ll engage in a prank war. Basically, it's a mating ritual for dorks in love.
So precious!
Shakespeare Was a Wolf by mommymuffin Unrated. (I’d rate it an M.) 40k. (Incomplete series, but that’s fine.) Derek gets turned into a wolf by a witch. Naturally, he expects Stiles to fix it.
“To say that Stiles flailed before he hit the ground in the most spectacular display of falling down the world has ever seen would be a gross understatement.”
Spark by rispacooper M. 10k. Complete. Derek had never actually seen Stiles in his full dragon form. If he was being honest with himself, he wasn’t sure he wanted to. The first time Derek had properly met Stiles, spoken with him, he’d had a hard time not reacting to the heat of him, far too reminiscent of the lick of flames at Derek’s skin. Dragons exuded heat, Derek had known that, intellectually. They might look like cold-blooded reptiles but they were creatures of fire.
Derek did not have good memories of fire. Stiles couldn’t have been expected to remember that, but it hadn’t helped that he’d focused on Derek with those impossibly wide eyes of lustrous brown and then let out of a puff of marijuana-scented breath and announced he’d take Derek instead of a sandwich.
Lord knows it would be the first time by uraneia E. 12k. Complete. Stiles is home from Berkeley for the summer, but only because he promised the pack. He'd rather not see Derek, because whatever the thing was that they were doing, they're not doing it anymore, and it sucks. // Unfortunately, he doesn't have a choice. The betas tried a magical remedy for Derek's melancholy, and now Stiles has a three-year-old who looks like Derek. Stiles doesn't know how to deal with that, and he definitely doesn't know how to tell the betas he and Derek were secret fuck buddies for a year and a half.
Another kidfic: ending has a nice twist.
Of Bananas, Babies and Buzzkills by calrissian18 T. 25k. Complete. “Are you, um—What are you doing back?” He looks as uncomfortable as Stiles feels and that’s some small consolation.“You know, the usual. Witches, I’m the highlander now, magic bananas.”
Oh, god, the one where Stiles magics up Protozooey, and he's SOO CUTE.
I was a little disappointed in the ending (little rushed), but ALL the rest of it is so delicious it's ok.
(Once in a) Blue Moon by clarkoholic, skywardsmiles E. 60k. Complete. Stiles and Derek are getting along, but they’re not a family, and they’re sure as hell not mates. Christ, they’re basically just two stupid guys who happened to get pregnant because of a full moon and sheer dumb luck.
Oh, the angst, the pining, the guilt, the blame, the anger. Total pain-fest while we watch Stiles nearly die from the burden of the pregnancy. Lovely sweet ending, of course.
A Heart is a Heavy Burden by lielabell T. 41k. Complete. In Which Stiles: is accosted by unhappy witches, becomes friends with fire demons, is rescued by darkly handsome wizards, discovers hidden inner depths, is introduced to princes, and finds true love. Though not necessarily in that order. // (Or the Howl’s Moving Castle AU fusion fic you never knew you wanted but are delighted to have.)
Hale's Moving Castle. (I need say no more.) -- not magic!Stiles, but wizard!Derek is just as good.
Haven't Forgotten My Way Home by tryslora E. 101k. Complete. Stiles walked away from Beacon Hills and never planned on coming home. Now he needs help, and there's nowhere else he can go other than back to his childhood home and the pack he left behind.
Great story: intricate, suspenseful and unique. It stands well on it's own, no need to read others in the series if you don't want to.
Stiles, why is Derek Hale passed out on our front porch? bymarguerite_26, mothlights E. 4k. Complete. Stiles doesn't hear the knock on his front door, but he figures there must have been one, because now his dad's calling out to him, "Stiles, do you know why Derek Hale just passed out on our front porch?" // Stiles freezes, carton of milk half way to his mouth. He looks around the empty room, wondering if it has any answers. Derek Hale just passed out on his front porch -- sounds like one of the signs of the coming apocalypse.
Breathe Me by mommymuffin Unrated (I’d give it T or M) 127k. Complete.
Stiles tries desperately, but the air just won’t come to him. He can’t do it himself. He needs someone. Someone to help him.
And Scott left him.
Fabulous series. Starts as a kind of one-shot, just Stiles-Derek-panic attack, but then the author, lo, encounters plot, and what a plot it is. I love this one, it's fast, doesn't stint on violence, the whole second half is one stressful situation after another, and there is Cor, the amazing wolf made out of the blood spilled between Stiles and Derek, which is a concept I haven't encountered before.
I would rate it an T or an M... there's sex, but it's not described in any detail.
Last Call by grimm E. 6k. Complete. He doesn’t come to The Beacon to pick up people. It’s precisely the reason why he doesn’t go anywhere else. People in this neighborhood know him, know he’s not interested in being hit on, which allows him to have a drink in peace. Derek knows he’s good-looking, but the type of people it attracts disgust him. At least other werewolves can smell the unfriendliness on him and stay away, but that doesn’t stop everyone. He went to a gay bar with his coworker Isaac once and it was horrifying.
Dragon's Breath by trilliath E. 56k. Complete. Between the hunters and the monsters that have interfered with life in Beacon Hills, the pack has had to learn a lot in the last few years, including Stiles teaching himself to practice magic in private. It's not exactly a secret from the pack, but it's not something he's shown much. When it comes time to put his skills to the test, Derek is the only one who finally gets to see Stiles's wild magic put to use saving Erica's life from a new threat in town. // The aftermath changes something between them, and those tenuous lines tangling them together may mean the difference between life and death for them both.
Lovely, vivid and intense.
In Sanguinem Scriptum Est by secondstar E. 31k. Complete. In order to stop a new onslaught of nightmares from plaguing him, Stiles decides to become an emissary. No longer defenseless, he begins to realize that not everything is as it seems.
Strut on a Line, its Discord and Rhyme by xiaq T, 73k.
“Carry me,” Stiles says. // “No.” // “But I’m injured.” // “You have a rash,” Derek says. “On your arm. Your feet work just fine.” // “Please?” // “No. You weigh almost as much as I do. And you ate a pound of chicken at lunch.” // "Well, yeah, but I pooped like an hour ago, so.” // “You’re disgusting.” // “Don’t play, you love me.” // I do, Derek thinks, relatively horrified. I really do.
Oh, wow, this was so fun: such a fast read, it just never lagged for a moment. Not that it's action-packed, because it isn't, but just because the story is so interesting and kept moving right along. Lots of OCs in this (Paidrag, Teagan, Walsh) and they're fully realized and wonderful. Stiles is a human adopted into a wolf pack that's been slaughtered a year earlier, and Derek and his dad are in Beacon Hills to help him recover from an extended kidnapping from demons. Both of them are young (fifteen and later sixteen), so their interactions start out innocent. Stiles is his usual self: brash and loud and weirdly confident in himself. Derek is shy and quiet. They make a good pair. Scott is the big brother who is suddenly a guardian. I pretty much loved every part of this: especially how Stiles magic just got stronger and stronger.
The Walls Are Breathing In by secondstar E. 42k. Complete. Nothing could go wrong. It was just supposed to be a safe trip to the Nemeton. But this is Beacon Hills and things are rarely that simple. Welcome to the life of Stiles Stilinski. // Or, that time that Stiles accidentally became a sorcerer against his will.
good story, and I loved the art (great colors)
Out Of Milk... by 74days M. 88k. Complete. Derek Hale moved in with the Stilinskis after acting a hero, much to Stiles distress. However, things take a turn for the strange when his arrival coincides with some strange happenings in Stiles life - that will change the course of the pack forever.
Sooooo magic!Stiles. EXCELLENT story. The angst is strong in this one...
Salutations or Something by ravingrevolution E. 155k. Complete. He needed an actual hobby outside of work where he would interact with actual people who did not live with him or talk to him through the internet or his phone. // Like yoga? His stupid mind supplied in an annoyingly accurate imitation of Scott’s voice. // Stiles sighed. // Like yoga. // “Fuck.”
"He was pretty sure that before he started doing yoga his life had not been an action movie sub-plot, but apparently things had changed. He really would have preferred to have starred in a romantic comedy, but he didn’t often get what he wanted." (Spark Stiles)
What I Did On My Summer Vacation by grimm E. 119k. Complete. There's something weird about Beacon Hills that Stiles can't quite put his finger on. The way everyone in town knows his name the day he arrives. The way they insist the melancholic howling that echoes through the forest every night is just a dog. The way his dad denies getting a dog, even though Stiles comes home to find one sprawled across his bed, some big black thing whose eyes gleam red in the right light. The way that massive oak tree out in the woods vibrates under his touch, pulsing with sickly life. // There's something weird going on in this town, and Stiles is determined to get to the bottom of it.
hope is the thing with feathers by ShanaStoryteller T. 29k. Complete. Stiles is ten when he saves the Hales from their burning home and Derek from a wolfsbane bullet, and this establishes a pattern that seem to continue indefinitely."Then he's facing a burning home, and he wraps the hood of his sweatshirt around his mouth before he pushes the door open and steps inside. There's Mr. Hale asleep - he hopes asleep - on the couch, next to - Stiles thinks that's his brother but there are so many Hales, who can keep track. He rushes over and starts shaking him, can see the rise and fall of the man's chest so he knows he's alive, but he's not waking up. // He shoves away his hood so he can shout, "Mr. Hale! You have to get up, there's a fire! Mr. Hale, get up!" Nothing, he's not even twitching, both of them taking in deep even breaths like they're having the most peaceful of rests, and Stiles is going to cry. "Wake up, wake up, wake up!" // There's a moment, where all Stiles can hear is the blood rushing in his ears and not the roar of the flames or the creak of wood, then with a violent, silent pop it's all back and both of the men are gasping awake, eyes open and jumping to their feet. "
This is awesome: It starts when Stiles is ten, and he finds himself drawn int the woods in time to pull the Hales from their burning house, and much magic is used on that day, and lo, Stiles is an extremely powerful mage. For all that he's very brave and snarky, he's also very laid-back, and so he rolls with the punches and allows himself to be adopted (more or less) into the Hale clan, even tho they're very, very weird. So for the next five years, he tags along, fights the good fight, discovering new powers along the way, grows a bond with Derek (who hates words, and hates feelings and hates combining the two even worse), keeps his oldest and bestest friend Scott (who is similarly chill about the whole thing), and just blossoms before your eyes. It's fabulous. (So is the whole series.)
Beltane by DevilDoll E. 8k. Complete. "Watching Stiles heal someone has always been a little uncomfortable for Derek, like he's seeing something intimate and private that shouldn't have an audience. That's nothing compared to how it feels." This is an AU in which Stiles has magical healing powers.
Taking Leave by coyotl M. 91k. Complete. Stiles leaves. It's not like he wanted to, ever, but he had to. Sure, there were choices, always. It's just that, sometimes, all the choices were bad ones.
fucking fantastic. stiles resembles a gaiman-esque saint or a god or something, on a dubiously moral killing spree for half the story. the writing is magical and gripping, and the story moves fast: gritty and bloody and unapologetic. unique and lovely.
Didn’t See That Coming by knittersrevolt E, 84k.
Stiles leaves Beacon Hills in the dust after he catches his husband cheating on him. // He finds his way to New York where he starts working for the Hale House Nursery, accidentally adopts a werewolf baby (through no fault of his own thank-you-very-much), and somehow starts training to be an Exorcist Emissary. So, in general, life was going good. // Then he hears that demons have found their way into his hometown. Can he face his inner demons and go back to save the day?
I love this story so much, it’s such a fast and engaging ride. Plus, accidental baby acquisition, who doesn’t love that? The one where Scott's a cheating jerk so Stiles basically runs away to upstate New York and gets a job at Hale's Nursery Preschool with Laura, and after a few months finds a woman giving birth in an alley, takes her to the hospital, and comes home with her baby when she dies. Her werewolf baby (not that Stiles has any idea about that). So now Stiles is the proud single parent of baby Sam. He eventually moves in with Derek (because a hotel is no place for a newborn and Derek has an extra room). Things develop over the next few months, and then the Alpha Pack shows up and Peter starts acting suspiciously. Meanwhile, Stiles is getting magic lessons from Mee-Mee, who is a Demon Puller in addition to being the local supernatural pediatrician and druid.
They discover that a demon escaped the Alpha Pack and went to Beacon Hills -- along with Peter and the twins he kidnapped -- so Derek and Stiles have to pack up and follow it, right on the heels of his dad and Scott, who hired a private detective to find him. Beacon Hills is interesting, Stiles starts up a body shop selling (magical) creams and ointments and navigates the social waters of a town who seemed not to care that he was cheated on.
Stand Fast in Your Enchantments by DevilDoll, Rahciach E. 77k. Complete. "Stiles knew damn well what a pissed-off wolf sounded like, and every hair on the back of his neck was telling him that somewhere in this room was a very pissed-off werewolf." // An AU in which Derek is feral, Stiles is magical, and they eat a lot of fast food.
Love this one so much!
#Teen Wolf fic rec#Sterek fic rec#mage Stiles#magic Stiles#magical Stiles#fic recs#I spent WAAAYY too long on this#spark Stiles#spark stiles rec list#magic stiles rec list
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