#and I think grammy was onto something when she said that. besides
icarusredwings · 1 month
This is getting out of hand fr.
Hate to tell you guys, but NEWS FLASH going on random people's posts and telling them they're bad for enjoying a movie (in which you have NO proof they even paid for to see)
But you should because piracy is bad 😃 😉😉
Is NOT the way to get people to support your cause. Can't believe I have to say this, but you can enjoy content without supporting the producers. I thought we had this talk already about musicians? It applies to movies, too.
Anyway- I will gladly make my block list as long as a walgreens receipt (they already blocked me) especially if you're telling people they're bad for seeing a movie (for free)
And enjoying the movie. Nothing this person said had anything to do with Disney, just the deadpool movie and how it must be confusing for Wolverine to suddenly have a home. I could understand if they were trying to get people to subscribe to disney plus or something, but no. Nothing was said about disney. In fact, the only non deadpool related tag was "Marvel mcu," which is something the deadpool franchise is a part of.
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I support Palestine, and I always have. I've posted about boycotting Disney before. This is not new. No, I do not share fundraisers very often unless they are clearly marked as vetted and real because of how many scams there are. If you put a go fund me in my asks, you better have proof it's real/vetted, or I will not repost it. I would feel personally responsible if one of my mutuals got their life ruined by a scam. I also do not repost mass copy and paste messages either UNLESS vetted w/ proof.
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bechloeislegit · 2 years
Secret Love?
Everybody knows Beca Mitchell and Chloe Beale have been best friends for years. Everybody knows they have won awards in their fields (Beca as a music producer, Chloe as an actress). Everybody knows they are always each other’s plus one to the awards show. Everybody knows they share a home in L.A. Everybody knows all these things, so they think they know everything about the best friends. But do they really?
Beca Mitchell walked the Grammys red carpet alone for the first time in four years. She felt a vulnerability she had never felt before without her constant companion, Chloe Beale, by her side. Chloe was an award-winning actress, and seeing one without the other at most awards events was rare.
Beca was worried because she had no idea where Chloe was; her texts and voicemail messages have gone unanswered. 
“Beca, over here!” one of the multitudes of photographers called out. 
Beca would stop and pose before moving on to one of the many media entertainment reporters set up along the red carpet.
“How are you feeling tonight?” the first reporter asked.
“I’m feeling pretty good,” Beca responded. “It’s always exciting to be nominated.”
“Where’s your other half?” the reporter jokingly asked.
“I’m not sure,” Beca said with a chuckle. “Something came up, and she had hoped to be here, so we’ll see if she makes it.”
Beca was lying through her teeth, but she wasn’t going to let the reporter know that. After repeatedly stopping by several interview areas and being asked the same questions, Beca finally made it into the Staples Center.
Beca greeted her fellow musicians, most of whom also asked about Chloe. Of course, Beca gave them all the same spiel she gave the reporters. 
Beca reached her seat, and looked at the empty one beside her, knowing that some ‘seat filler’ would be sitting next to her for the night. She sighed and rubbed her forehead.
Beca checked the time and saw they still had about thirty minutes before the show started. She got up, made her way to a quiet place near the back, and pulled out her phone. She was going to try calling Chloe again when she noticed an Instagram notification from Chloe’s acting account.
“I said YES!” was the caption under a picture of Chicago Walp holding a hand and showing off an engagement ring. The hand was the only part of Walp’s new fiancée that could be seen. Even if she hadn’t been on Chloe’s Instagram, Beca knew that hand almost as well as her own; it was Chloe’s.
Beca doesn’t know how long she stood staring at the ring. She was brought back to the present when Stacie came up to her.
“You saw?” Stacie asked quietly.
Beca nodded and asked, “It’s her, isn’t it?” 
Beca knew she was grasping at straws and was holding onto whatever hope might tell her this was all a bad dream.
“Yes, it’s her,” Stacie said. “Her agent, Gail, confirmed it on her Twitter and Instagram accounts. I’m sorry, Beca.”
“Great,” Beca said with a strained smile.
“Are you okay?” Stacie asked. She could see how pale Beca suddenly looked.
“I’m not feeling so great,” Beca said. “If I win anything, could you accept it on my behalf? I need to get out of here. I really don’t think I want to see a picture of me puking plastered all over the tabloids tomorrow.”
“I’ll get Emily to do it,” Stacie said with some concern. “That way, I can take you home.”
“No, stay. Enjoy the night,” Beca said. “I was already feeling a little sick. At first, I thought it was just nerves, but now I’m not so sure. I probably should have stayed home anyway.”
“If you’re sure?” Stacie said, and Beca nodded. “Okay. Text me to let me know you made it home and that everything’s okay. I’ll talk to you later.”
“Thanks,” Beca said.
Beca made her way out of the Staples Center and grabbed a cab. Finally, she arrived home and stood at the front door, remembering when she first bought the house and all that had happened there.
Five years ago, Beca had recorded her first album and was able to afford what she called her mini-mansion. A year later, Chloe told Beca she was moving to L.A. to try her hand at acting, and it was a no-brainer that she would live with Beca. They had been sharing this home since Chloe moved to L.A. four years ago. She and Chloe were happy with the house, and although they could afford it, neither wanted to move.
They were BFFs as well as roommates and were always photographed out and about in L.A. Then, about a year ago, Chloe admitted she had some not-so-friend-like feelings for Beca, and Beca reciprocated those feelings. They were still BFFs, but now they were in a secret relationship, and nobody knew. Beca hated sneaking around but was on cloud nine because, duh, Chloe Beale was her girlfriend. The two were in love; at least, that’s what Beca was led to believe. Apparently, Chloe was as good an actress as her two Oscars said.
It was only because of Chloe’s career that they kept their romantic relationship a secret. Beca was okay with that until Chloe and some new actor on the scene named Chicago were cast as love interests in Chloe’s latest movie. For publicity to hype the film, they were seen out and about as if they were a couple in real life. Beca and Chloe weren’t going out as much together anymore, even as BFFs; Beca wasn’t happy about that. Chloe would smile and tell her that it was her job and just a publicity stunt. She also said it would only last until the movie came out. Besides, Chloe would tell her she would always come home to Beca.
Beca took a deep breath and walked into the house. She made her way upstairs to the room she shared with Chloe and changed out of her Grammys outfit. She then pulled out her suitcases, and without thinking about it, she started packing everything she could fit into them. She then found some boxes to put her personal belongings in. She left anything that Chloe had given her, plus all the photos that had Chloe in them, on the bed for Chloe to find. She left behind the hoodie she ‘borrowed’ from Chloe and always wore because Chloe said it looked better on her; Beca didn’t need it anymore. It was just another reminder of Chloe’s betrayal.
She carried everything to her car and made one last trip through the bedroom and the rest of the house. Then, she got into her car and drove off without looking back.
Beca was about five miles from the house before she broke down and pulled over to the curb. The tears started slowly, and she let them fall unabated.
~Secret Love?~
“Thank God,” Stacie said when she opened the door of Beca’s house to find Aubrey standing there.
Stacie had tears in her eyes and started pacing back and forth. Aubrey closed the door and walked over to sit on the sofa. As Chloe and Beca’s best friends, Stacie and Aubrey knew all about Beca and Chloe’s secret relationship.
“I should have insisted that I bring her home,” Stacie berated herself. “I knew she shouldn’t have been left by herself. She seemed way too calm when she saw the ring on Chloe’s finger.”
“And you’re sure she left?” Aubrey asked.
“All of her clothes and mixing equipment are gone,” Stacie said. “She left some things on the bed. It looks like stuff Chloe had given her over the years.”
“Where do you think she went?” Aubrey asked.
“As far away from Chloe as she possibly can,” Stacie said. “I swear to God I’m going to kill Chloe when I see her. How the fuck can she be with Beca and get engaged to Chicago? If anything happens to Beca-”
Stacie and Aubrey stopped and looked toward the front door when they heard keys jingling. The door opened.
“Beca?” Stacie called out as she moved toward the door. She stopped and glared when Chloe walked through the door.
“Beca isn’t home yet?” Chloe asked as Stacie stood with her arms crossed over her chest, still glaring at Chloe.
“No, Beca’s not here,” Aubrey said, coming to stand next to Stacie.
“Is she still at an after-party?” Chloe asked. “I really need to talk to her.”
“Where were you?” Stacie asked. “Beca waited for you at the Grammys.”
“I, um, had a meeting with some producers for my next movie,” Chloe stammered. “It went longer than I thought.” 
“Why didn’t you return Beca’s calls or texts?” Stacie asked.
“My phone’s battery died, and I didn’t have my charger,” Chloe said as she pulled out her phone. “Can I borrow yours to call Beca and see when she’ll be home?”
“Don’t bother,” Stacie spit out. “She’s not here, and she’s not coming back.”
“What do you mean she’s not coming back?” Chloe asked, confused.
“She packed up her stuff and left,” Stacie said.
Chloe’s eyes widened, and she ran upstairs to their room. Tears came to her eyes when she saw all of Beca’s stuff was gone except for what she left behind on the bed for Chloe.
“I don’t understand,” Chloe cried as she made her way back downstairs. “I thought things were going great with us. What happened?”
Stacie stood there fuming while Aubrey took Chloe in her arms and held her while she cried.
“Chloe,” Aubrey said gently. “She saw the Instagram post about your engagement with a picture of you and Chicago showing off your ring.”
“My engagement?” Chloe asked, pulling back to look at Aubrey. “What are you talking about?”
“Don’t play innocent with us,” Stacie said. “Gail confirmed it on Instagram and Twitter.”
Stacie pulled up Chloe’s Instagram account and shoved the phone in Chloe’s face. Chloe’s eyes widened when she saw the pictures and Gail’s comment about the happy couple.”
“These are photos from the movie,” Chloe said, barely containing her rage. “I’m not engaged to Chicago, nor do I want to be engaged to him. I’m going to kill that bitch.”
Chloe grabbed her phone and screamed in frustration when she saw it wasn’t working. 
“Chloe, take it easy,” Aubrey said. “Don’t do anything you’re going to regret.”
Chloe quickly plugged her phone into the charger and paced back and forth while waiting for it to have enough charge to make a call. Stacie and Aubrey stood by, watching her pace back and forth.
“The only thing I regret is letting the studio hire that bitch as my manager and publicist in the first place,” Chloe said, seething.
Chloe checked her phone and saw she had enough power to make a call. She first tried Beca’s number, and it went to voicemail. So Chloe started speaking when the beep sounded to leave a message.
“Baby, please call me as soon as you get this. That story isn’t true. I swear to you; it’s not true. Call me. Please?!”
She ended that call and wiped a tear from her eye. She then pulled up Gail’s contact name and hit send. “She’d better answer her-”
“Hello, Chloe,” Gail answered in a sweet voice. 
“Don’t hello me,” Chloe snarled into the phone. “What the fuck do you think you’re doing posting pics of Chicago and me and saying we’re engaged?”
Gail laughed. “Just more publicity for the movie.”
“Bullshit!” Chloe yelled at her.
“Chloe, calm down,” Aubrey said, trying to soothe the angry redhead.
“Chloe, look,” Gail said with an exasperated sigh. “The studio wants to hype this movie and told me to do whatever it takes to get more attention for it. This has garnered so much more attention-”
“I don’t give two fucks about how much attention this has garnered or what the studio wanted,” Chloe shouted. “You posted something on my Instagram account that I did not consent to. You will post a retraction on every social media account those pictures are on. You have ten minutes or else, so help me God, I will sic Aubrey Posen on your ass. Oh, and in case it wasn’t clear, you’re fired!”
“You can’t fire me,” Gail sputtered.
“I just did,” Chloe said and ended the call.
Chloe tossed her phone on the counter. She gripped the counter's edge and took several deep breaths to calm herself down. She wiped at a tear that had fallen down her face. 
“I need to find Beca.”
~ Secret Love? ~
While Stacie and Aubrey were with Chloe, Beca sat in their living room. She did not know where else to go so after driving around for a couple of hours, she went to Stacie and Aubrey’s.
Beca had only turned on one lamp when she arrived. She was now sitting in the semi-dark living room with dried tear tracks on her face. She needed to talk to someone and finally sent Stacie a text asking when she would be home.
Stacie’s phone pinged, and she grabbed it.
“It’s from Beca,” Stacie said. “She wants to know when I’ll be home.” She furrowed her brow and then said, “Oh, my God! She’s been at our house all this time.”
Stacie immediately texted Beca to stay put and that she’d be home in twenty minutes. Chloe grabbed her keys and headed for the door.
“Wait, Chloe,” Stacie said and grabbed her arm.
“I have to talk to her,” Chloe said with tears in her eyes. “I can’t just-”
“I know,” Stacie said, interrupting Chloe. “But, if she sees you, she’ll react badly before you can say anything. Let me go to her and tell her what’s going on. I promise to bring her back here as soon as I can.”
“Stacie’s right, Chlo,” Aubrey said. “Let her do this alone. I’ll stay with you.”
“Please, Chloe,” Stacie said. “You know this is the best way to handle this. She’ll listen to me. Please, let me do this alone.”
Chloe swallowed and dropped her keys on the table. 
“Okay,” she said and sat down on the sofa. “I’ll wait for you to bring her back to me.” Chloe let out a small sob. “Please bring her back to me.”
Stacie gave her a small smile and hurried out the door. Aubrey sat next to Chloe and put her arm around her shoulders.
“Let’s go into the kitchen,” Aubrey said. “I’ll make us some tea.”
As they walked into the kitchen, Chloe’s phone rang, and Gail’s name popped up on the caller ID. Chloe picked up the phone and answered the call.
“What!?” Chloe angrily answered.
“I did everything you said to do,” Gail said. “I’m sorry for posting it all without your permission. Now, can we talk about your next project?”
“Too little, too late,” Chloe said. “I meant it when I said you were fired. Now fuck off and lose my number.”
Chloe ended the call and checked Instagram. Gail had indeed printed a retraction and taken down all the photos. She pulled up her Instagram account and posted how the story was false and was put up without her permission by her EX-manager/publicist.
Chloe put her phone away. She wanted to shut it off because of all the new notifications she was receiving but didn’t in case Beca or Stacie tried to reach her. So instead, she sat anxiously waiting for Stacie to bring Beca home.
~ Secret Love? ~
Stacie walked in the door, and Beca looked up at her from the shadows.
“Oh, Beca,” Stacie said and hurried over to her friend. She pulled Beca to her, and Beca sat there, unmoving.
“Beca,” Stacie said as she pulled back to look at her. “Chloe came home just a while ago. She explained everything, and it’s not what you think.”
Beca stared blankly at Stacie. Stacie held Beca’s face in her hands.
“Listen to me, okay?” Stacie said. “Please respond so I know you can hear me.”
“I can hear you,” Beca mumbled.
“Good,” Stacie said. “Those pictures were fake. They were from the movie, and Gail put them up to try and get more publicity for it. Do you hear me? The pictures are from the movie. Chloe didn’t know they were out there until I showed them to her.”
“She is always checking social media,” Beca said. “I’m supposed to believe that she conveniently missed seeing those pics on her Instagram?”
“Her phone died,” Stacie said. “That’s why she didn’t call you or text you back.”
Stacie recounted what happened when Chloe got home. 
“Beca, she loves you with everything she has.”
“I read a lot of the comments,” Beca said, staring at the floor. “Chicago wrote happiest man alive.  Everyone else was congratulating her on getting engaged and how cute they were together. It was easy for everyone to believe the story because she hid our relationship. The only ones who knew about us were you and Aubrey.”
“I think you should talk to Chloe,” Stacie said. “Let her explain it all to you.”
“Why?” Beca asked, looking over at Stacie.
“What do you mean why?” Stacie asked.
“No one knows we’re together,” Beca said. “This can happen again, and it won’t be fake next time. I can’t bear feeling like this again. It’s too much. There’s nothing to explain, so I’m not going back.”
“You can’t believe that Chloe would allow this to happen again, do you?” Stacie asked.
“You said she didn’t allow it this time,” Beca said. “But it still happened. So I’m not waiting around for the next time.”
“Beca, don’t do this,” Stacie said. “Go talk to Chloe. Look, I believed everything at first. But, if you saw how she reacted when I showed her the post, you’d know she had no idea that Gail had done it. Please, Beca. I’m begging you. Don’t walk away from Chloe like this.”
Stacie and Beca’s phones both pinged with notifications. Stacie looked at hers, but Beca ignored her phone.
“Look, Beca,” Stacie said. “Gail posted a retraction saying it was false. Chloe approved it and put out her own message about firing Gail for going behind her back. See, it’s not real. She loves you, and you love her. Maybe it’s a good time to talk to her about making your relationship public.”
“I can’t,” Beca said sadly. “Her career means too much to her, and I’m not going to be the one to mess that up for her. So it’s best if we end it now.”
“Oh, Beca,” Stacie said sadly. “Her career doesn’t mean as much to her as you do. Can’t you see that?”
Beca stands and runs her hand down her face, wiping away the tears. 
“Do you think Aubrey would mind if I crash here for a couple of days?”
Stacie let out a frustrated sigh. 
“You know you’re welcome to stay anytime.”
Beca nodded her head and made her way to the guest bedroom.
~ Secret Love? ~
“Did you find Beca?” Aubrey asked as soon as she answered Stacie’s call.
“Yeah,” Stacie said and sighed. “She wants to end things with Chloe.”
“What? Why?”
“What’s Stacie saying?” Chloe asked.
“Put me on speaker, Brey,” Stacie said. “Chloe should hear this.”
Aubrey put the phone on speaker and held it out so Chloe could hear as well.
“Go ahead, Stacie,” Aubrey said.
“Chloe,” Stacie said and paused. “Beca’s inside her head right now and thinks it best if you end things.”
“What?” Chloe said, her voice quivering. “I’m coming over there.”
Chloe jumped up and hurried to the door, grabbing her purse and keys as she went.
“No, Chloe,” Stacie said. “That’s not a good idea.”
“Chloe, don’t!” Aubrey called out, but Chloe was already out the door. “Stacie, I’ll call you back.” Aubrey ended the call as she jumped up and went after Chloe. “Chloe, stop!”
Chloe stopped and turned to face Aubrey with tears streaming down her face.
“I need to fix this,” Chloe said, wiping her face.
“And you will,” Aubrey said. “Just not right now. You know Beca; her mind is made up, and if you go to her now, she’ll retreat farther away from you.”
“I hate that you’re right,” Chloe said. “But what else can I do?”
“Let’s go back inside and come up with a plan to keep you and Beca together.”
~ Secret Love? ~
It was just before six the next morning, and Aubrey was dozing lightly when her ringing phone woke her. She saw Stacie’s name on her caller ID and accepted the call, putting it on speaker and laying the phone on the coffee table near her head.
“Hey, babe,” Aubrey said.
“I was just checking in to see how you were holding up,” Stacie said.
“I’m okay, I guess,” Aubrey responded.
“How’s Chloe?” Stacie asked.
“I got her calmed down and in bed at around four,” Aubrey said. “And she hasn’t come downstairs, so I guess she’s sleeping. How’s Beca?”
“I don’t know,” Stacie said. “She went into the guest room a couple of hours ago. I was hoping she’d go to sleep, but I can hear her moving around. I don’t want to agitate her, so I’m leaving her alone.”
“What are we going to do?” Aubrey asked.
“I don’t think we can do anything,” Stacie said. “We both know Beca won’t make the first move,  so it’s up to Chloe at this point.”
“I hate this,” Aubrey said.
“So do I,” Stacie said.
“Brey, I have a plan,” Chloe said as she rushed into the living room. “I know how to fix this and need your help.”
“What can we do?” Stacie asked.
Chloe furrowed her brow and looked around for Stacie. Aubrey stood, picking the phone up as she did, and waved it at Chloe.
“Whatever you need, Chloe,” Aubrey said. “Stacie and I are here for you.”
“Thank you,” Chloe said. “Here’s what I want to do.”
Chloe spent the next 20 minutes telling Aubrey and Stacie her plan.
“What do you think?” Chloe asked as she finished explaining her plan.
“I think she’ll love it,” Stacie said.
“I have to agree,” Aubrey said. “I think Beca will love it.”
~ Secret Love? ~
It was almost nine when Stacie left her house and hurried over to Beca and Chloe’s house. Aubrey let Stacie in when she got there.
“Chloe’s getting dressed,” Aubrey said. “She’ll be down shortly.”
“Good morning, Stacie,” Chloe said as she came down the stairs.
“Are you ready for this?” Stacie asked.
“Absolutely,” Chloe said. “I need to let Beca know how much I love her, and this should do it.”
“Okay,” Aubrey said. “Sit on the sofa, Chloe. I’ll handle the camera, and Stacie will make sure everything looks okay as we go. Okay?”
“Okay,” Chloe said as she took her place on the sofa. “I’m ready.” 
Aubrey readied her phone and stood in front of Chloe. 
“I’ll count back from three, and then you start,” Aubrey said, holding her phone up, making sure Chloe can be fully seen onscreen. “Okay, here we go...3. 2. 1.”
“Surprise everyone,” Chloe said. “Chloe Beale here live streaming to all my followers. I just wanted to come on here and clear up a few things that happened yesterday. First, to make sure everyone has heard, I am not engaged to Chicago Walp. He’s a good guy and will make someone a great husband, but that someone is not me. Second, the engagement ruse was perpetuated by my former publicist to promote the upcoming movie that Chicago and I are in together. The studio told Gail to do whatever she needed to do to promote the film, and she took that to mean lying to my fans. That is unacceptable, and I did not give her permission to use my social media accounts to perpetuate the lie.”
Chloe paused and shifted in her seat.
“The second thing I need to do is apologize to you guys. I’ve been lying to you. Despite appearances, Chicago and I are not dating. And I don’t want to be involved with Chicago in a romantic capacity because I’ve been in a committed relationship...with a woman… for a little over a year. I can’t really say too much about her without her permission, but I can tell you that she has been my rock for a very long time. She kept our relationship a secret so it wouldn’t affect my career. It was wrong of me to let her do that because it made the lie of my getting engaged to a man so easy to believe. I love her so much, and she loves me; at least she did. But, after the news about my phony engagement, she left and told me she thinks we should part ways. And now-” Chloe sniffled and wiped tears from her eyes. “And now, I don’t know how I will keep going without her.” 
Chloe put a hand to her mouth, trying to hold back a sob.
“Stop,” Chloe said, waving a hand at Aubrey. “I can’t do this. I need Beca.”
“I’m here,” Beca said, walking out from behind Aubrey.
Chloe gasped and ran to Beca; Beca wrapped Chloe in her arms.
“I can’t believe you’re here,” Chloe said. “I missed you so much.”
“I’m sorry,” Beca said, pulling Chloe tighter to her. “I love you, and I’m sorry for saying we were over.”
“No,” Chloe said, pulling back to grab Beca’s head in her hands and look into her eyes. “I owe you an apology. I fired Gail, and I promise if it’s okay with you, I’ll tell the whole world about us. I never want to go through another day without you in it with me. I love you, Beca!”
“I love you, too, and I want the whole world to know about us because I want to spend the rest of my life with you. As a matter of fact-”
Beca stepped back from Chloe and got down on one knee. Chloe gasped and looked down at Beca.
“Oh, my God,” Stacie whispered. “She’s really going to do it.”
She moved to stand next to Aubrey and whispered, “Are you getting all this?”
“Yes,” Aubrey said. “I never turned off the camera.”
“Chloe, I love you,” Beca said, holding up a ring box. “Will you marry me?”
Chloe wiped the tears from her face and glanced up. Her eyes widened when she realized Aubrey was still live-streaming everything.
“Um, Beca,” Chloe said, reaching down to take Beca’s arms and pull her up. “We’re being live-streamed out to my fans right now.”
“I know,” Beca said, glancing over toward Aubrey. She waved and said, “Hi, everyone! I’m Beca Mitchell, Chloe’s girlfriend and hopefully soon-to-be fiancee.” Then, she turned back to Chloe. “I guess getting engaged during a live stream is one way of letting the world know about us. So, why don’t we ask your fans what they think you should do.”
Beca turned back to the camera. “So, what do you guys say? Should Chloe accept my proposal or not?”
Beca’s phone started pinging with notifications. She pulled it out to read them and smiled.
“Oh, look, SxyStacie says, Say YES!”
Chloe looked over at Stacie only to have her smile and wink back at Chloe. Chloe then looked at Aubrey; she was giving her a thumbs up.
“CBealesMama said you’d better say yes, or your dad and I will disown you,” Beca read. “Thanks, Mama Beale! And based on the number of thumbs up and heart emojis coming through, everyone thinks you should say yes. So, Chloe Beale, will you marry me? Or will you disappoint us all by saying no?”
Chloe stood there with her mouth agape.
“How did you-?” Chloe stammered, looking at Beca. “I’m so confused right now.”
Beca chuckled and pulled Chloe into a hug.
“Stacie told me your plan, and I told her I was ready to propose,” Beca said. “We decided we’d mess with you a bit before I did. So, I came over with Stacie and watched your live-stream on my phone outside. When you said you couldn’t do this without me, I knew it was time to come in and surprise you with the proposal.” Beca pulled back from the hug, saying, “Speaking of, you haven’t answered the question yet.”
“Yes!” Chloe squealed and kissed Beca.
Beca broke the kiss and looked at the camera. 
“You guys all heard her say yes, right?”
Beca’s phone started blowing up with more notifications. She laughed and kissed Chloe again.
“Put the ring on!” Chloe said, holding out her left hand.
Beca took the ring out of the box and placed it on Chloe’s finger. Chloe held her hand up toward the camera, showing off the ring.
“My girl has pretty good taste, huh?” Chloe said before pulling Beca into another kiss.
The kiss went on, and Stacie stepped in front of the camera.
“Hi, I’m Stacie Conrad, Beca’s best friend,” Stacie said, smiling into the camera. “Beca and Chloe are going to celebrate their engagement now. They both thank you for your kind words of congratulations and your support. Bye for now.”
Aubrey stopped recording, and she and Stacie raced over to grab Beca and Chloe into a four-way hug.
“We’re so happy for you, two,” Aubrey squealed.
“I knew it would work,” Stacie said. “And it didn’t take much convincing to have Beca come with me this morning.”
Stacie and Aubrey stepped back, smiling at their two best friends.
“I knew I screwed up, and I was coming home to apologize anyway,” Beca said, pulling Chloe to  her. “I can’t say I’m sorry enough. I love you, Chloe!”
“I love you, too,” Chloe said, pulling back from the hug to kiss Beca.
As the kiss continued, Aubrey grew uncomfortable, so she grabbed Stacie and dragged her out of the house.
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watchmegetobsessed · 3 years
A/N: woke up and just knew i needed to write about dad Harry, bc lets be honest, he is my fav. this fic is perfectly fine as a oneshot, but if you'd like, it could be a sequel to Grammy Winner Husband and Baby Grammy, i wrote things to line up with them!
PAIRING: Husband!Harry / Dad!Harry x Reader
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The arena is blowing up, the fans are screaming from the top of their lungs and Harry is putting out a show just as good as the previous ones have been. He is blowing the stage up, singing, dancing, joking around with the fans, enjoying this time he gets to spend with the people who got him to this point in his life. He’ll never be not grateful for what he has, what he is experiencing, no matter how hard this life can get sometimes.
“Dallas, how are you feeling tonight?” he asks in the mic as he walks back to his water bottle to have a few sips. The crowd erupts, the screams almost burst his eardrums, but he just chuckles, easing his thirst with some water before he returns to the microphone stand.
“Are you enjoying yourself?” he teasingly asks, though the reaction is the same. Insane screaming. “Alright, let’s move this show on before you get bored,” he chuckles playfully, the band starts playing the next song and he is back at what he does the best. Performing.
Though not far from the arena, there’s someone who thinks there’s something he is even better at than performing. That person is you, and you’re one hundred percent sure Harry is best at being a father to your five months old son.
Owning the stage, putting out the utter best he can, Harry’s thoughts still wander away from the show he is supposed to be focusing on. He can’t help it, his instincts are just completely drawn to his baby in the hotel suit, dying to know how he is doing. Leaving for the show late afternoon was harder than usually, because baby Theo was having a fever and coughing quite badly. His heart was breaking that he couldn’t help his son, didn’t even know what could be done for such a tiny baby.
“Love, he’ll be alright, okay? The doctor is on the way, it’s gonna be fine,” you told him gently as he was cradling Theo to his naked chest, always so eager to be skin-to-skin with him. Harry kissed his soft little curls on top of his head before nodding, though you knew it was eating him away.
“Call me or Jeff if something happens, okay?” he told you, handing Theo over to you, who was finally asleep after fussing for hours.
“I will,” you nodded, but he cupped your face to make you look at him.
“Y/N, I mean it. I’ll come off the stage if—“
“You won’t come off the stage, Theo is gonna be fine, he just probably got a cold from the aircon at the greenroom in Denver. He’ll be here when you get back, okay?”
He knew this tone, this was your momma bear voice and he would never argue with you when you used it, so he just nodded, kissed you and then Theo’s chubby cheek before heading out.
Now as he is nearing the end of the show he can’t help but think about finally being back at the hotel with his wife and baby, though he won’t let it be seen how eager he is to get off the stage.
The last song passes, the whole arena blows up from the energy and he is throwing kisses everywhere as he heads off the stage, down the aisle that leads him backstage. As he puts on his mask he turns around one last time, throwing some more kisses around to his beloved fans before disappearing behind the curtains.
“Did she call?” he instantly asks Jeff instantly, who hands him his phone over, a text from you already waiting for him.
Doc just left, everything is fine, left some meds for bub. Love you Xx
Even though this is what you told him before too, he feels relieved that the doctor confirmed it, but he still can’t wait to see the two of you.
“Alright, get the car ready, I’m leaving in ten,” he tells Jeff.
“Got it,” he nods, not even daring to argue with him. He knows better than to stand between Harry and his baby.
His legs bounce nervously on his way back to the hotel and he jumps out of the car as if it was on fire, running inside in a rush. He swipes the keycard through the reader on the door and opens it quietly, scanning over the place for you and Theo and there you are, sitting in one of the armchairs with his sleeping son in your arms, your hand gently tapping on his bum. You must have just finished feeding him, because a rag is still thrown over your shoulder and your shirt is all wrinkled around your chest. Theo loves playing with the fabric while you breastfeeding him and Harry loves watching his tiny fingers grab onto it and massaging it aimlessly.
“Hey,” he breathes out, quietly pushing the door closed behind him before he walks over, kneeling in front of you. He kisses Theo’s forehead first, before pressing his lips to yours too. “How is bub feeling?”
“He is doing good. The doc gave him some meds for the fever and we have a syrup for the coughing. He said he’ll be fine in a few days,” you softly explain to him, nodding towards everything the doctor left you on the coffee table.
Harry grabs the bottles, inspecting them as if he knows anything about medicine and you can’t help but smile as he furrows his eyebrows, reading the packaging.
“Want to put him to bed?” you ask him, his head snapping up right away.
“Of course,” he nods eagerly. You both stand up and he carefully takes the little boy from your arms without waking him up. “Hey bubs, I missed you,” he coos at Theo and as you watch him sway with the sleeping baby, your heart could easily burst from just the sight of them.
You didn’t know what life would be like as a family of three. After Harry posted a picture of you with his Grammy award and your belly ready to pop, the whole world went crazy over the fact that Harry Styles is going to be a dad. Despite the buzz, you managed to stay hidden for the rest of your pregnancy and just three weeks after that post, Theodore Styles decided to come to the world. Harry cancelled everything for the first two months, it was just the three of you, showering in the joys of parenthood. You had all the ups and downs, but you wouldn’t have had it any other way.
Then tour got rescheduled and Harry was hesitant whether it was a good idea to go on the road with a five months old.
“Sarah and Mitch are coming too, she gave birth a week after me,” you reasoned when Harry was about to cancel the whole tour. It took you some time to convince him that it’s gonna be fine, though you knew he would be extra cautious with Theo.
Now as you see him gently sway his way to the bassinet next to your bed, knowing that he just performed to thousands of people and now he is here with you and your son, you wouldn’t change it to some peace at home. Besides, you’re convinced tour is gonna do good for Theo, make him get used to people around him, not just the two of you or the grandparents and aunts. During the first night in Vegas, he barely spent an hour in your arms, everyone wanted a piece of him and you gladly let them befriend him, especially because he loves meeting new people, just like his daddy.
As Harry lays him into the bassinet and stands next to it with a lovesick smile on his face, you sneak behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He smells so fresh, he surely had a quick shower before heading back to the hotel, but you’re already planning to seduce him to join you for a quick shower as well. He won’t say no.
“Watched a livestream for a bit, you were so good,” you hum, kissing his right shoulder blade and you don’t miss how he leans back against you. “Loved the shimmery outfit.”
“Yeah?” he chuckles softly. Reaching around, he pulls you forwards so he can wrap you in his arms, kissing your forehead gently. “I missed seeing you dance at the side,” he smirks at you and you don’t miss the reference to the old times.
On his first solo tour, when you weren’t even married yet he often caught you dancing like crazy at the side of the stage, it would always make him laugh mid-song and you loved hearing his giggles through the mic, so you often did it on purpose. A few nights ago in Vegas you did the same, but with Theo in your arms, a massive ear protector on his head so the noise didn’t hurt him. When Harry spotted you, he almost started crying, he mouthed I love youand then carried on with the show.
“I’ll be there soon,” you smile at him, cupping his face in your hands to pull him down for a kiss that’s more than just a peck. “Now, I need help with something,” you mumble against his lips.
“Anything, baby.”
“I need you to help me shower,” you tell him cheekily. He pulls back and stares down at you with a playful grin, his hands already wandering under your shirt.
“Oh, is that so?”
“Yeah, I need someone to wash my back and… maybe somewhere else,” you hum seductively and start pulling him towards the bathroom, peeking at Theo one last time, but he is sleeping so deep, the two of you can have some alone time.
“Alright, I could never deny anything from my favorite milf,” he grins, but you smack his chest with a gasp.
“Harry! I told you not to call me that!” you protest, the two of you walking into the bathroom not to bother the sleeping baby in the room. You start running the water right away so it can be nice and hot for you when you walk in.
“Why? You are a milf,” he smirks, so full of himself, already pulling his shirt over his head.
“Then you’re a dilf, just so you know.”
“Baby, my fans have been calling me that for years, even before Theo,” he chuckles softly.
“You were destined to be a dad,” you giggle, getting rid of your own clothes. “Hey, if Theo feels better tomorrow, we could maybe take a walk in that park we saw on the way here,” you suggest, but when no answer comes, you look at Harry and find him just standing there, fully naked, staring at you grinning widely. “What?” you ask, glancing down at your own naked body. Suddenly, you are way too aware of the weight you haven’t been able to lose after giving birth, the stretch marks on your waist and how you’re not at all freshly shaved. Just as you’d move your hands to cover yourself a bit, Harry grabs your wrists and stops you.
“You are so fucking gorgeous, baby,” he hums, dropping his head until his lips could reach yours.
“Stop being such a flirt,” you giggle, feeling your face heating up.
“It’s the truth! I have the prettiest baby mama and that’s a fact.”
He looks at you with so much love and adoration in those beautiful green eyes, it almost makes you cry, knowing that this man is your husband and you get to spend the rest of your life with him.
Wrapping your arms around his neck you kiss him hard, pulling him into the spacious walk in shower.
“Then come and get your baby mama wet,” you giggle against his lips, making him laugh with the ambiguous request as he shuts the glass door behind him, his lips hungrily kissing wherever he can reach and you’re pretty sure the hot water is not the only thing that’s steaming up the glass.
Thank you for reading! Please like/reblog if you enjoyed!
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harlowsbby · 2 years
Heartbreak on a full moon
Requested by 🌎
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Performing at the Grammy’s was a big deal to every artist in the music industry you were a new artist but you quickly rose to fame thanks to your all of your breakup hits and breakup song anthems that million of girls and boys played all over the world you grew to fame quickly like your good friend Olivia Rodrigo did and at the same time it was scary and nerve racking but you were thankful for it all.
“Y/N babe you’re on in 3 minutes okay ?” Your manger Katrina said giving you a thumps up and smiling at you and God were you nervous you were performing your hit song “I hate you” and yeah you would think what was the big deal about it well you had dated Jack as in the Jack Harlow for about 3 years but you found out he had cheated on you so basically all of your songs were based off that heartbreak that he caused you but there was gonna be a little surprise in this song that will definitely give away who you’ve been dating and it was a recorded argument of Jack and You many blogs and interview host wanted so badly to know who inspired your songs and they were going to find out today.
That night of your guys argument you were recording songs for your label to send in and you had no idea your phone had been recording the entire argument you guess you had forgotten to turn it off so your manger Katrina thought it would be a good idea to add that in to the end of I Hate You and it would definitely catch a lot of people off guard and get them talking. All of your fans have heard I Hate You but adding in your argument with Jack in the back was going to be something they never heard.
“I wanna welcome onto the stage my dearest and most talent friend the beautiful Y/N !!!” Olivia and Lil Nas X screamed into the mic as you appeared everyone looked at you awww. You had this beautiful baby blue dress on that fit you perfectly your lips were coated in lip gloss and your hair done to the God’s. Even Jack’s jaw hung open a little bit on seeing you as well did Urban.
“Shitty of you to make me feel like this. What I would do to make you feel like this.” You sang into the mic as you walked forward a bit and swaying your hips.
“I been up baby heavy on the missing you wishing it was different than the way it was lost in the lies of us lost in no fighting us and if you wonder if I hate you I do shitty of you to make me feel like this what I would do to make you feel like this.” You sang into the mic with so much passion Jack couldn’t help but smile you were always and will always be talented everyone in that room knew that your voice just flew so effortlessly like you weren’t even trying to sing.
You sat down on the chair givin to you as you looked up tears started to brim your eyes as the sound of Jack’s and Your’s voices came on.
“What the fuck do you want from me Y/N ? Huh you don’t give me what I need anymore so yeah I cheated.” Jack yelled at you as you whimpered.
“If you were getting so bored of me why drag me along for so long Jack.” You told him softly he rolled his eyes running his hands through his curls.
“Because you need me and you know that Y/N if it wasn’t for me where would you be at right now huh ??” Jack yelled and that’s when the recording cut off. You looked over to Jack as he looked at you eyes wide as well did Urban and everyone else in the Grammy’s room that night but after awhile they all stood up and clapped for you besides Jack and Urban of course.
You smiled bowing your head and blowing kisses into the audience before exiting the stage where Katrina greeted you with happy tears in her eyes.
“Oh my gosh I’m so nervous but was so happy and so proud of you at the same time.” Katrina yelled as she hugged you tightly you rolled your eyes playfully and hugging her back as well.
“Well it’s all thanks to you and your brains Kat because I would have never done that without your help and push.” You told her she smiled and squeezed your arm lightly as you went to get changed once in your dressing room you heard a knock at the door thinking it was kat you told them to come in but as soon as you recognized that Kentucky accent you regretted it.
“Can we talk Y/N ?”
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skinnyducky · 3 years
you’re a winner, baby // v.h.
I got bored doing homework and I got this idea while watching the VMAs so, yeah...here you go! Part four of Party at Y/n’s is coming sometime on Tuesday. Hope you enjoy this one! I’m thinking of doing more with a singer!reader.
vinnie hacker x singer!fem!reader
Word Count: 1115, edited
WARNING: language and mainly fluff
Nerves filled your body as you got closer to the VMAs. This was your first time going and you were nominated for not only “song of the year” but also “artist of the year” and many others. It was crazy to think that within the span of five months you blew up into one of the biggest artists in the world. You went from being known as a TikTok dancer to being seen as a force within the music industry. It was insane, and thankfully, you didn’t have to live through it alone. Your muse, your boyfriend, Vinnie, was right there beside you.
“Are you freaking out?” he asked, placing a hand on your leg.
“No, no…why? Do I look like it?” You gulped. “I’m not sweating, am I? No, I’m not sweating. You’re sweating. What are we talking about?”
He laughed, “Calm down, Y/n. You’re gonna win tonight.”
“You don’t know that. Have you seen the people I’m going up against for my awards? Doja Cat, Billie Eilish, fucking Taylor Swift!” Leaning back in your seat, you pouted. “I have no chance.”
“Babe, you’re probably the biggest artist in the country right now. If you don’t walk away with something, I can guarantee you there’s going to be riots. You need to stop freaking out and think positively.”
He was right, you needed to stop being so pessimistic about this. You had the number one song in the country, a number one album, and you were expected to win big at the upcoming Grammys. You were fucking awesome, and you had Vinnie there to remind you of that.
“Okay, kid. We’re here.” Your manager, Jen, announced from the passenger seat. “You ready for people to see that pretty face of yours?”
You nodded confidently. Vinnie took your hand and gave you a soft smile. “Just do what you do, babe.”
You returned the gesture and waited to be let out. The minute the door opened, you were met with screams and cheers from people. You got of the car with Vinnie following and Jen not to far from the both of you. You waved and blew kisses to your fans and made your way down the red carpet where you were to have you pictures taken. You had some taken of yourself, but you couldn’t take any without your date. The pictures of you and Vinnie cracking jokes and making fun of what others were wearing were sure to be all over Twitter tonight.
Once that was done, Jen took you to the interviewers, where you met with Riley Venders from Entertainment Tonight.
“Oh my goodness, I am here with the beautiful and successful, Y/n! After being the number one artist for majority of the year, how are you!?” Riley exclaimed, pointing the mic to you.
“I’m so good,” you laughed. “I’m very nervous tonight, but that’s to be expected I guess. It’s just a total honor to be here.”
Riley squealed in excitement, “That’s so amazing! Now, you’re nominated for multiple VMAs tonight. How does that feel?”
“It feels *bleep*ing incredible, y’know? I wrote an album based off of my relationship and to have it be cherished by so many people, it’s amazing.”
“Speaking of your relationship, is the boyfriend here now?”
Pointing over at Vinnie, you nodded with a smile. “He is! He’s my date tonight and I’m literally the luckiest girl on the face of the planet. He’s the coolest and most perfect boyfriend any girl could ask for.”
“That is so wonderful, Y/n! I am so happy for you, I wish you nothing but luck tonight, you look amazing, and I can’t wait to see what you do in the future!”
“Thank you so much!”
You and Riley bid your goodbyes before you had to move onto your next interview. After about three more, you finally were able to go to your seats. Even though you were pretty famous yourself, the fact that you were seated in between Billie Eilish and Alicia Keys was jaw dropping. The show started and you and Vinnie were having the time of your lives, dancing around and lip syncing to Olivia Rodrigo. Then before you know it, the nominees for “song of the year” were being announced.
You sat in silence and fear, watching as your name popped up and your hit single echoed throughout the arena. Screams and wails dwindled down as JLO proceeded to announce the winner.
“And the winner for ‘song of the year’ is…drumroll please.” She opened the envelope and with a smile, she said, “Y/f/n Y/l/n!”
The crowd went wild as your name flashed on the screen. You turned to Vinnie with wide eyes only to be met with his excitement. “I won?” you mouthed. “What the hell?”
“Jesus, Y/n, go!” he laughed, pushing you on stage but not before planting a kiss on your cheek. You stumbled up to the mic, waving to your fans, and giving JLO a hug.
“Holy *bleep*.” You breathed into the mic, picking up your award. “This is so *bleeping*ing incredible. I want to thank my family, my friends, my manager, Jen. I wanna thank the fans for your support and for loving the music. I for sure want to thank my boyfriend, Vinnie.”
Everyone awed and you laughed, moving your attention to the boy. “Without you, I wouldn’t be standing up here. You inspired me so much to make this music and I absolutely can’t thank you enough, babe. You’re the sickest, most coolest person and I’m so lucky to call you mine. So, thank you, and thank you to the VMAs.”
With that, you blew a kiss to the crowd and followed JLO backstage. When you got back to your seat, Vinnie gripped your face and began peppering you with kisses. As much as you loved him, you could’ve gone without that.
“You’re a winner, baby!” He yelled, earning a chuckled from Billie and Finneas beside you. “Also, you’re welcome.”
“For what?”
“For getting you a number one song and a number one album.”
You scoffed, “Please. Just because I thanked you in my speech doesn’t mean you’re allowed to get a big head.”
That night, you went on to win majority of your awards and in all your speeches, you made sure to mention Vinnie’s impact. And as expected, that gassed him up. You spent the entire night in your hotel room listening to him going on and on about how he made you a musical god. While he made sure to praise himself for his part in your success, he couldn’t forget to also praise you for your hard work. He was proud to declare his baby a winner.
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heyyyharry · 3 years
(inspired by happier by Olivia Rodrigo)
Word count: 2.4k
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I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
Part 1: Drivers License
Part 2: Deja Vu
A/N: I edited the original lyrics to match the POV :)
Harry had come up with a thousand scenarios of how this day would play out. Actually, he’d been thinking of this day since the moment he’d received the news. He didn’t dare to hope that she’d say yes to coming back for a sequel. He’d been sure that they would write her character off, give a lame excuse for how his love interest could not make a return and make his character forget about her completely to move on with a new girl in town. It would have been great if it was that easy in real life. Once someone was written off the script, they were gone for good. Real-life relationships were not that simple. Goodbye didn’t mean ‘never see you again’. You would still share the same friend circle and social bubbles, and it was worse when you two worked in the same industry. Harry didn’t know how he’d lasted a year without running into her, not since the Grammys.
“Didn’t you two date?”
“No.” Harry shook his head, but his eyes stayed glued on Y/N from across the room. She wasn’t looking his way, too busy saying hello to everyone else. “No,” he repeated, more to himself than to his co-star. “We didn’t.”
“But she wrote an entire album about you,” said the other twin. What was her name again? Lulu?
“Luna!” cried her sister, Lex. “You can’t ask him that!”
“No, it’s okay,” Harry said with a tight smile, slightly annoyed by the blonde twins, but he didn’t want to seem like an ass on the first day of filming. “And I don’t know if it was for me. You should ask Y/N.”
“Ask me what?”
Harry flinched when he looked up and saw Y/N padding towards them. She hugged the twins, who seemed way too excited. Harry guessed they were Y/N’s fans. They gave off crazy fangirl vibes, probably just pretending not to know the drama to interrogate him. He couldn’t blame them for assuming he was the villain and definitely could not blame Y/N for portraying him as one. It was more important that he knew who he was and how much he had changed since his last relationship. Maybe they could finally be friends.
“Were they bothering you?” Y/N asked him once the twins had left.
Harry nodded. “They’re your friends?”
“Oh, I met them last year on tour. I’m surprised you don’t know them. They were on Disney.”
“I don’t watch Disney,” Harry admitted with a smile. “Well, not today’s Disney.”
“Understandable.” Y/N nodded and bit her lip. She seemed guarded with her straight back and hands hidden behind her. She eyed him up and down, quite subtle yet noticeable. “How have you been?”
“Pretty good,” he said, nodding slowly. “You?”
“Yeah, but mostly tired because of tour.”
“You’re done?”
“Yup, last night was the last show.”
Y/N raised an eyebrow. “Nice?”
Harry blinked. “Did I say something wrong?”
“No.” Y/N giggled. “You still sound very...you.”
“Well, shouldn’t I?”
“Yeah, you should. But it’s been a year so…I mean, you haven’t changed much.”
“Right,” he said lowly, his eyes falling to his feet. Harry supposed he should say something else, perhaps bringing up another random topic to discuss, but all he could think about was what had happened between them. Things had been messy, hadn’t they? How could they go back to before that? Before her first song about him. Before he’d chosen someone else over her.
Or he could talk about her new relationship. She’d been in a happy relationship for almost six months, right? No wait, hadn’t they broke up two weeks ago? He wasn’t sure because he hadn’t been catching up. If they’d broken up, he’d sound like an ass to even mention her ex’s name. He should just stay quiet.
“I’ll see you later?” she said, gesturing at her stylist who was waiting by the door.
Harry could ask her right now -- the reason she’d agreed to film the sequel to their first movie together. He’d heard from a very reliable source that she’d specifically asked her agent to decline any project that he was in. So did this mean they were good? That she didn’t hate him anymore? He could have gathered his courage and got the answer right then…
“Yeah, see you.”
...but he didn’t.
And so she gave him a smile and a little wave, then happily returned to her stylist.
“See you tomorrow, Y/N!”
“See you, Annie!” Y/N said as she put the rest of her things into her tote bag. Her new driver had got her schedule mixed up, and so she had to wait here for another half an hour. She was in no rush. It had been a light first day, and she’d had a fun time getting to know the new cast members and catching up with old friends.
She sat on the sofa in the lobby, legs crossed, texting her best friend about her day. She’d purposely left out the short off-screen conversation with Harry, and her best friend didn’t even bother to ask. In their world, he didn’t exist, and his name was censored in every conversation like a curse word that was even worse than ‘cunt’. Nevertheless, she didn’t hate him anymore. She was doing just fine on her own, being busy with her career, and she’d been in a happy relationship after her fall out with him.
She and the guy, a model, had broken up two weeks ago due to long distance and some differences that they could not change. They had ended on good terms and decided to stay friends. They said you could only stay friends with your ex when you still had feelings for each other, or you had never loved each other that much in the first place. For her, it was probably the latter. Her previous relationship had been more platonic than romantic, apparently. So she had nothing but the best to say about him.
As she was going through her camera roll, just reminiscing about the past, she heard footsteps approaching and looked up to find Harry. He offered a smile and gestured to the spot beside her on the sofa. “May I sit here? My ride is late.”
“Yeah, sure.” She hurriedly scooted over.
“Good job today,” he said. “You were great.”
“Thanks, so were you.” She smiled, and they both looked away at the same time. This was so awkward. She hated small talk. She’d never had to have small talk with Harry. Conversations with him used to be so easy and natural and silly. Whatever this was, it wasn’t them.
“Can we just be normal?”
At first, Y/N thought she’d been the one who’d said it, so when she realised it’d been Harry, she was speechless.
He swallowed and sat a bit straighter, still not looking at her. “I don’t want us to be weird and awkward.”
“Okay,” she said.
He cleared his throat. “Wanna try again?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“Okay, not to sound like an ass but when Joey kept forgetting his lines, I was so pissed off, I could throw a chair at the wall.”
“Right?!” exclaimed Y/N, feeling free to have finally broken out of her shell. “Like, he doesn’t even have many lines. I know he’s new but damn...you can’t get far if you don’t learn your goddamn lines.”
Harry shook with laughter. “Oh God, we sound like dicks, don’t we?”
“Maybe.” Y/N laughed, covering her mouth. “But you know what? We can’t be nice in this industry. It’s impossible.”
“Shhh, if someone heard this, we would be into big trouble.”
“Oh please, I’ve had worse articles written about me than ‘Y/N speaks facts about her lazy co-star’.”
Harry tossed his head back and cackled. “The worst one I’ve got this week was ‘Harry Styles hates therapists.’”
“What?!” Y/N gasped. “No way! That’s so stupid!”
“Right?” Harry rolled his eyes. “I could get all my therapists to speak up for me but I’m kinda immune to bullshit now.”
“Therapists? Like plural?”
“Yeah, one in every city.”
Y/N rubbed her hands onto her legs. “Rough year?”
Harry’s eyes rolled to the back of his head as he leaned back. “You have no idea.” Then he swept his hair out of his eyes, sucked in a breath, and finally looked at her. “I wish I could have talked to you, though.”
She bit her tongue, knowing what she was about to say next would disappoint her best friend so much, but she had to. “So do I.”
Harry looked taken aback before his lips curled into a smile. “It’s silly, isn’t it? I haven’t talked to you in a year, and I feel like I know everything that’s happened to you except that I don’t.”
What he’d just said might make no sense for most people, but Y/N knew exactly what he meant. She nodded and wetted her lip. “You only know as much as everyone else does.”
“Yeah, I got updates on you from the news and our friends.”
“Same.” Y/N smiled back. “I hate how they write articles about your new haircut but not mine.”
“I like your new hair colour.”
“Thanks. I like your new car.”
Then they both burst out laughing. It was fun and also a little bit strange that Y/N didn’t feel the same anxiety talking to him as she used to. It must be because they had grown and were now meeting again as better people.
“Damn, my ride's here,” Y/N said as she read the text from her driver. “I gotta go now.”
“Oh, okay.” Harry stood up and followed Y/N to the entrance. “Hey, just wondering--”
“Am I...am I still blocked?” He looked a bit flustered as she tilted her head and squinted her eyes. “On your phone. Because I remember you having my number blocked--”
“I unblocked you on your birthday.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah.” Y/N shrugged. “I should’ve sent you a happy birthday text but...I didn’t want your girlfriend to get the wrong ideas.”
“My ex.”
“Yeah, I know.”
They smiled at each other one last time before saying goodbye. Y/N knew it was silly, but she was hoping he would go after her.
A notification popped up when she was in the car. She was almost home, and it was from Harry’s number. He’d sent her a link with a message that said, “Hope you like it :)”.
Curious, she tapped on it and was directed to an audio file titled ‘Track 5’. The upload date was last year. About two weeks after their short conversation at the Grammys.
Hurriedly, she fumbled inside her bag for her iPods and put it on before she pressed play.
“Hey, Jeff, I couldn’t sleep so I wrote this song. Listen and let me know if it should go on the album.”
Then came the piano intro. It sounded good, so Y/N wondered how it hadn’t ended up on his last album.
But when he started to sing...
We ended a while ago Your friends are mine, you know, I know You've moved on, found someone new One more guy who brings out the better in you
And I thought my heart was detached From all the sunlight of our past But he’s so nice, he’s so funny Does he mean you forgot about me?
Oh, I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
And does he tell you you’re the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen? An eternal love bullshit he might not even mean Remember when you were with me I meant it when you heard it first from me
And now I'm pickin' him apart Like cuttin' him down will make you miss my wretched heart But he’s charming, he looks kind He probably gives you butterflies
I hope you're happy But not like how you were with me I'm selfish, I know, I can't let you go So find someone great, but don't find no one better
I hope you're happy I wish you all the best, really Say you love him, baby Just not like you loved me And think of me fondly when your hands are on him I hope you're happy, but don't be happier
The song was for her. He’d written it when her new relationship had gone public. Y/N sat there, staring blankly ahead until the honking of a car tore open her inner peace, and reality came crashing back in. The driver dropped her off at her house. Instead of going inside, she stood on her front steps and replayed the song one more time. When it ended, she decided to text him: Why didn’t this make it to the album?
She didn’t know where he was now, but it showed ‘typing’ in less than a second, as if he’d been waiting in their chat since he’d sent that link.
You would’ve hated me, Y/N.
True, she replied. Still, I would’ve loved the song lowkey. And added, I love it btw.
He took so long to type that it was driving her crazy. She flopped down on the concrete stair with her phone clutched in her hands, her heart thundering against her ribcage. Anxiety popped like a balloon when his message appeared: Were you happier?
She reread it again and again.
I wasn’t either, he responded. I kept getting deja vu.
Ha, nice reference.
That song is my guilty pleasure. Love listening to you roasting me on loop.
That last message made Y/N bury her face into her palm and giggle like a fool. She thought for a second and wrote: I could come roast you in person now if that’s what you prefer. I think we’ve never had a proper roasting.
Can we meet, Y/N? Or are you busy now?
No, not busy.
Great, I’ll pick you up.
Just tell me where, she responded with a smile on her face. I got my drivers license now :)
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rafesgfs · 4 years
side to side
Warnings: swearing
Word count: 4.6k
Summary: In which you're performing your hit single in front of your fellow Avengers cast-mates and Chris can't seem to take his eyes off of you, catching the attention of a few cameras.
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"I'm here with the biggest pop-star of this generation, and she plays the very talented daughter of Tony Stark," the interviewer announced your name, smiling brightly at you as the camera panned your way. The hundreds of thousands of fans at home screaming when your face appeared. "How do you feel with all your nominations tonight?"
You smiled at the camera, giving a small wave at the people watching at home. "Honestly, I'm just glad I was even considered for these nominations. I mean, my girls Taylor, and Billie...they're amazing and I'm so happy to be put in the same category as them."
The lady grinned at you, her eyes twinkling. Or maybe it was her sparkly dress, the fabric nearly blinding you with how it shined under the lights. "If you ask me, you've got a pretty good chance at winning. I mean, your hit single—Side to Side—surpassed, like, a billion views in just a month? That's impressive."
"Well, I couldn't have done it without my fans." you replied, winking at the camera.
It was that time of the year again, where every artist, actor, and YouTuber hit the stage for the People's Choice Awards. With your crazy schedule, and the lack of sleep, you had planned to skip the award show until your friend, and co-star, Chris Evans—Captain America himself—convinced you otherwise. Even with the categories you've been nominated for had been more than a handful, but it was the begging and constant complaining from Chris that made you get off your tired ass and put it into a tight dress.
Your hit single, Side to Side, had everyone anticipated for your performance, unsure if you would be performing until the producers had put your name into the advertisement, making fans blow up Twitter. You were sure they had advertised your own song, along with your movie nominations, more than you ever had.
With nominations of Movie of the Year (Avengers: Infinity War), Action Movie of the Year (Avengers: Infinity War), Female Movie Star of the Year (Amara Stark), Female Artist of the Year, Song of the Year (Side to Side), Music Video of the Year (Into You), Beauty Influencer of the Year, and Social Celebrity of the Year, you had your hands full, which had only made your manager glow with happiness.
"Of course!" the interviewer agreed, glancing at the teleprompter filled with tiny words. "It was rumored that you wouldn't be coming, and a lot of us were upset, including me. Was that just a rumor or..."
"Actually, it's not that far off. I'm fucking—oh, shit—oh no!" you gasped, covering your mouth before anymore foul words could come out on live television. Instead of correcting you, the lady laughed, patting your arm softly. "Can't say that on tv. My bad. I, uh, with everything going on, I've been really tired, and I haven't slept in a week. I just wanted to chill, and accept my nominations at home but someone convinced me to come. So, if I say or do anything ridiculous tonight, I'm blaming him and my lack of sleep."
She nodded, clapping slowly. "I think that's fair. Is that someone, your onscreen father, RDJ?"
"He was one of the many people who unsuccessfully changed my mind, but no, it was Chris Evans. He promised me a day with his adorable dog, Dodger, and I couldn't refuse." you said, grinning at how his face had changed from hopeless to cocky as soon as he brought up Dodger.
"If I'm remembering this correctly, Chris Evans is that very handsome man you had kissed in your music video earlier this year. Into You, right? How do you feel kissing one of your co-stars outside of the movies your working on?"
"Technically, it was still acting, and I have kissed him before, so it wasn't awkward at all." you answered, glad Chris had accepted the role. Not only had it sky-rocketed the views and streams, but it made you feel better that it was his lips you were kissing and not a random model's. Yet, it didn't feel as professional as it had before when you pulled away after a take.
In scenes where you had to kiss the Boston actor, it was as professional as kicking Anthony Mackie's ass in Civil War but the kisses you shared on the set of the music video was definitely more personal. At the time, you had brushed it off as Chris being recently single, but now that you had broken up with Henry, you started questioning it again.
The interviewer nodded, squinting once more to read the words off the teleprompter before asking you another question that would certainly make the headlines. "I've been reading up on all those juicy tabloids and I've got one question that would satisfy my curiosity. Was Into You written about Henry Cavill or Tom Ellis?"
Usually, that type of question made you change the subject or altogether avoid the matter but this time, you wanted to joke about your failed engagement. "Henry, but Side to Side was written about Tom since I wanted more Grammy's considering the last album I put out won me a few. But this time, I'm gonna do it without an engagement."
The woman faked a laugh, surprised by the blunt honesty of your answer. "Um, you certainly do have a thing for British men, eh? I don't want to keep you up, but one more thing, for the fans. They've been dying to know if there's anything going on between you and Chris Evans. Any tea you wanna spill?"
"There's none to spill. We're just friends but it's always amusing scrolling through Twitter to find these edits of us." you replied, fidgeting slightly with the hem of your dress. Like usual, you had wondered if you should've worn something less extra but you had let your stylist play dress up with you for the past few months.
"Of course. Well, good luck to you, and I can't wait to see your performance." she said, giving you a little pat on the shoulders before announcing your name once again.
You got off the little platform, immediately taking Chris' awaiting hand, holding onto it as you climbed down the steps in your dangerous stilettos. Sighing, you leaned on him, trying to avoid the blinding camera flashes. "That was more exhausting than I thought it would be. You need to get me some caffeine after this is over because there's no way I'm making it to the after show without at least a few cans of Red Bull."
"So dramatic." Chris grinned, childishly sticking his tongue out as he guided you down the red carpet, stopping when told to take a picture. He let go of your hand, only to wrap it around your waist as you posed for the pictures. "Are you going to the after party?"
Posing seriously for a few seconds, you let your smile back on your face, facing the man beside you. "I was thinking about it, take a few photos, and head back home. Aren't you?"
"Actually, I was thinking we could ditch it and just hang out. You know, I did promise you some time with Dodger and you could waste a couple hours sleeping." he replied, his hand tightening ever so slightly on your waist. Flashing you a shit-eating smirk, he nudged you a little, pulling you away from the blinding flashes. "What do you say?"
You opened your mouth to answer only to be cut off by your manager, Alexandre coming out of nowhere to rip you away from Chris' arms. The latin man sighed in annoyance, glancing at his watch while giving you the look you've seen too many times before. "You're supposed to be in wardrobe right now. Get your ass backstage, and change before you miss your own performance. As for you, Mr. Evans, Megan wants your ass in a chair."
"I'll see you after." you say, getting dragged by your manager, winking at the actor before walking towards the changing area, the cameras following you until they couldn't enter the area.
Getting ready before a huge performance always calmed you down, maybe it was the smell of makeup or the feel of designer clothing made especially for you, but something about it made you feel comfortable and cozy. It was like a routine, especially with all the music videos and movies you had to film, the makeup, the hair.
They made you sit back, giving you your phone like a child while they made you even more sparkly than before, making sure you'd stand out against the flashing lights during the performance. A performance you made sure no one would ever forget. Smiling, you let your thoughts drift back to a certain super soldier as you were pampered.
"Welcome to the People's Choice Awards!"
The room darkened, the blue and pinks lights focusing on the stage as cameras all turned towards your shadow. Making sure your mic was set properly, tried to see past the darkness, to see a familiar face or two but with the headache coming on from the tight half-ponytail didn't help your case. The music started, the beat vibrating, you flipped your hair, and started.
"I've been there all night
I've been there all day (Nicki Minaj)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Let then hoes know)"
You rode the bike, belting out in your microphone, the attached headset limiting your movements a little. Gripping the handles, you made eye contact at the camera to your left, winking at it as you pedaled.
"I'm talkin' to ya
See you standing over there with your body
Feeling like I wanna rock with your body
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'
I'm comin' at ya
'Cause I know you got a bad reputation
Doesn't matter, 'cause you give me temptation
And we don't gotta think 'bout nothin'"
As you had sung, your eyes had adjusted to the bright spotlight focused on you, seeing a shadow of the one person you wanted to make you walk side to side. While you had answered the reporter's question, you hadn't been completely honest. Some of the lyrics had been written for the Bostonian; or to be more exact, your sex fantasies. With the chorus coming up, you let go of the handles, trying not to fall on your ass as you clapped your hands above your head, the claps matching the beat.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I..."
Trying to be bold, you stared at him, his face in particular. The spotlight had blinded you so much that you couldn't see what his reaction was—or anyone's for that matter—but maybe it was a good thing. After all, his gaze always made you blush no matter how hard you tried not to. Pedaling faster, you threw your head back, hoping the motion would draw everyone's—Chris'—eyes on your chest.
"I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side"
With the help of a shirtless dancer, you got off your bike, taking the sheer jacket from him, and putting it on as you walked towards the front of the stage, moving your hips in to the beat of the song. Resting a hand on a shirtless dancer, you positioned yourself so you were grinding your ass against his crotch, throwing back an arm around his neck.
"Been tryna hide it
Baby, what's it gonna hurt if they don't know?
Makin' everybody think that we solo
Just as long as you know you got me
And boy, I got ya
'Cause tonight I'm making deal with the devil
And I know it's gonna get me in trouble
Just as long as you know you got me"
Sashaying to the little balance beam at the front of the stage, you made sure your hips swayed more than usual.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give you up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...
"I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side
I've been here all night
I've been here all day
And boy, got me walkin' side to side"
A few seconds after your note ended, you strike a pose on the balance beam, posing for a few more seconds while the cameras turned their attention away from you and onto the queen of rap herself: Nicki Minaj. The leather, pink bodysuit was identical to yours except for the color, her attitude fitting the badass outfit. She began to walk towards the stage, never breaking eye contact with the camera in front of her while the men pretending to work out to the choreo.
"Uh, yeah
This the new style with the fresh type of flow
Wrist icicle, ride dick bicycle
Come through yo, get you this type of blow
If you want a ménage, I got a tricycle
All these bitches' flows is my mini-me
Body smoking, so they call me Young Nicki Chimney
Rappers in they feelings 'cause they feelin' me
Uh, I-I give zero fucks and I got zero chill in me
Kissing me, copped the blue box that say Tiffany
Curry with the shot, just tell 'em to call me Stephanie
Gun pop, then I make my gum pop
I'm the queen of rap"
By the time she had finished her verse, you had caught up with the multitasking of both working out and singing, able to use your full singing capabilities for your high note. Nicki joined you on stage, hyping up the crowd while you built up for the high note, almost every camera pointed at you except for the one focused on capturing the headline-worthy expression slapped on Chris' face.
"These friends keep talkin' way too much
Say I should give em up
Can't hear them, no, 'cause I...
"I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)
I've been here all day (Been here all night, baby)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)
I've been here all night (Been here all night, baby)
I've been here all day (Been here all day, baby) (Ooh, baby)
And boy, got me walkin' side to side (Side to side)"
Both you and Nicki motioned for the dancers to come towards you, curling your index finger at the sexy men. Singing the refrain, you both made them drop to their knees in front of you, as if they were kneeling at your command.
Just as the last note was sung, everyone clapped, the majority standing up, and more cheered. You noticed Chris hadn't done either, still sitting in his motionless while two camera men pointed their cameras at him. Your eyebrows furrowed, thankfully after the spotlight had shifted over to the miniature stage where the two hosts were babbling about nominations.
You were ushered off the stage along with the queen of rap herself, taking a few backstage photos before quickly returning back to your dressing room to change into your tailored dress. Your mind had wandered to why Chris hadn't applauded—not that he was obliged too, but a little something would've nice, especially with all the days put into the performance.
Taking a deep breath, you entered the big room, filled with your co-stars and other A-list celebrities. Little did you know you'd find out the reason to your question in the morning.
The loud ringtone woke you up, the sound obnoxious and borderline abuse to your ears. Beside you, Chris groaned, rolling onto his stomach, trying to muffle the sound of the call with his arm draped over his head. Putting him out his misery, you lazily reached for your phone, pressing the green button with dread, seeing the name across the screen.
"You're trending on Twitter." Alexandre announced, happy with the results of the previous awards show. While it wasn't something as big as a Grammy or Oscar, judging by the amount of awards you had taken home, you became the people's favorite. "Hold on, lemme rephrase that. You and Chris are trending. Number one, world wide."
Glancing at the man sleeping beside you, you sat up, confused by the information given to you. You blamed Chris for making you stay up so late for your confusion. "Um, why? Did I accidentally have another nip slip?"
"What the hell?" Chris mumbled, rolling onto his back, his arm grazing your bare stomach. He immediately took it back, sitting up to look over your puzzled face. "What's going on?"
You shrugged, putting your phone on speaker so Alexandre could explain. Your manager chuckled, knowing you had stayed the night with Chris. He was just waiting for the day you'd finally have the guts to speak about the growing sexual tension. "Okay, Alex, explain."
"As much as I would love to go into full detail, I have other stuff to do so, I'm going to give you the basics. Chris' reaction to your performance went viral, people are shipping the both of you, and there's been thousands of memes made." Alexandre replied, a smile evident in his voice. "Anyways, I have to go. Got some interviews to schedule. Have fun getting your way out of this, Chris."
Your phone screen went back to the home screen, a picture of your family dog, Buster, smiling widely. Looking at Chris, you saw his eyes widened, his hands coming to rest of his face in embarrassment as he fell back onto the bed with a bounce, his head nearly hitting the headboard. "Oh, fuck."
"Are you going to show me what your face looked like or do I have to scroll through Twitter until I find it? Oh! Maybe they edited it in my performance." you thought out load, tapping on the YouTube app. You hadn't trusted yourself enough to log into your official account, knowing you'd probably make a mistake so you opted for having a secondary account where you could watch cat videos without the anxiety of posting something stupid.
Chris' hand snatched your phone away, tucking it in his pocket, the sweats he had slept in was somehow wrinkled, and his shirt damp from the warmth. "You wanna get some food? I'll cook some bacon but you'll have to make the pancakes 'cause the last time—"
"I wanna see your reaction." you whined, reaching across his stomach for your phone. Chris turned his body away from you, shielding the phone from your reach. "Chris!"
He waved your attempt away, rolling off the bed, his feet hitting the floor before you could fall back on the mattress.You poured, getting on all fours, crawling towards the edge. Chris took a step back, brows furrowing. "It's not important. Let's get you some food."
"Fine." you mumbled, an idea making you light up. Rolling off the bed, you glanced at his phone on the nightstand, exposed and easy to take. With quick reflexes, you grabbed his phone, rolling back on the bed until you reached the other side, making it impossible for him to reach for his phone back.
"Hey!" the Bostonian shouted, launching himself on the bed in attempt to get his phone back. He made a noise as you rushed out of your room, locking yourself in the nearby bathroom, laughing evilly when he threw himself at the door. He yelled out your name, his fist banging on the door. "I'm serious! Don't!"
Ignoring his begging, you opened his phone with your thumbprint. How ironic how much he didn't want you to look at his phone when he was the one who insisted you have the password to it. His arguments became louder as you opened up his Twitter, immediately heading to the trending section, seeing both your names at the number one spot.
"Damn, I look hot." you joked out loud, making Chris silent for a second before pleading for you not to continue. You smirked, scrolling through the tweets, trying to find his reaction. "Jesus Christ, what the hell happened to you? Did you fall on your face or something?"
Chris groaned, banging his head on the door in defeat as he heard your almost inaudible gasp, that quickly turned into little giggles. If he wasn't so embarrassed, he would've broken the door down to hold you in his arms. "Oh, no."
Bursting out into hard laughter, you fell into the large bathtub, hitting your head on the wall but you couldn't care less. The expression on his face during your performance had been borderline comical, the wide eyes, the jaw hanging open, the open hand resting on his chin while his eyes stayed strained on you the whole time, never wavering from your body, the sexy choreography making his jeans tight.
Cackling like the Wicked Witch of the West, tears ran down your cheeks, your stomach cramping from the maniacal laughter. Lifting yourself up from the tub, you stumbled to the door, your loud laugh ringing out towards the whole house. You let Chris in the bathroom, his phone quickly taken from your hand but it was too late. The blush on his cheeks wasn't going away anytime soon. You leaned against him, your head resting on his chest, while you panted out a question. "Why did you look like you were trying to attract flies in your mouth?"
Chris groaned again, covering his eyes with a hand while the other rested on your back. "You're not going to let me live this down, are you?"
"Oh, God, no." you giggled, wiping the tears away, beginning to calm down. Glancing up at him, you noticed everything above the shoulders was gleaming red, the embarrassment too unbearable for him. "Chris, you looked exactly like the first time we were forced to share a bed together."
"Yeah, you have that affect on me."
"You gonna tell me why you looked so ... shocked? Or do I have to search through Twitter and go with whatever fan theory makes the most sense?" you asked, unable to keep the smug grin off your face. Chris closed his eyes, wishing he hadn't made you come to the awards show in the first place. You raised an eyebrow, fingers itching towards his phone. "You know I'll do it, Evans."
The man raised his hands, taking them off of you as he paced around the bathroom, deciding if this embarrassing moment was the right time to finally confess. "It's just, you know, the dance was so ... sexual and hot that I probably wasn't the only one looking at you like that. You can't exactly blame me for being shocked, watching the girl I'm in love with—"
Chris stopped as you be watched the colors drain out of your face, immediately freezing when he realized what he had said. Both of you stared at each other, eyes wide, not moving a muscle, barely blinking; the atmosphere so tense neither of you were breathing, waiting for the other to talk. But neither of you wanted to go first, terrified.
It wasn't until you started to feel dizzy that you realized you hadn't been breathing, letting out a huge breath, trying to relax while Chris did the same, his hands shaking, a nervous tick he got whenever he was anxious. You got the courage to speak first.
It was better than nothing.
Chris was so nervous he nearly ran out of the room. There wasn't some kind of handbook or script he could read, helping him tell one of his best friends how head over heels he was for her. So, he said what his brain was stewing. "What?"
"What—what?" you replied, unsure if he even said the L word, so lightheaded by the sudden confession.
The actor stilled, eyes widening even further, while his eyebrows shot up his forehead. "What?"
"Say what one more time, Evans, and I will make nothing but mac and cheese for the rest of your stay." you threatened softly, getting tired of not having an answer to your one-worded question.
Chris took a deep breath, hands trembling as he clasped them together, hoping to find the right words, hoping his inner thoughts would come out clear, giving you the answer you asked for. "I'm sorry. What do you want me to say?"
"What you were saying before. You know, before you looked like you saw a ghost and almost stopped breathing. I think that would be a good start." you replied, backing up to take a seat on the plush chair. Chris mirrored your actions, putting down the lid to the toilet before sitting down.
"This isn't the way I wanted you to find out." Chris whispered, his blue eyes trained on the emotions that flashed on your face. Your uncertainty of the situation didn't help his anxiety.
"Okay, um, were you going to tell me in the first place?" you asked, playing with the hem of your shirt—it had been a borrowed Patriots shirt from him. Looking back, you realized all the little things he'd done hadn't been because his platonic love for you. "Or were you just going to keep letting it be this way?"
Fidgeting with his hands, Chris peered through his eyelashes, seeing the hurt flash across your face before you quickly composed it. "Scott was hyping me up, trying to convince me to tell you before you got into another relationship. Do you know the real reason I broke up with Jenny? It hurt like hell when you announced you were engaged. Fuck, I couldn't even pretend to be happy because you were going to have the life I wanted with you, with someone who wasn't me. It was selfish and I got really mad at myself for being a dick."
"And then the horrible, horrible relief I felt when you called off the engagement." Chris continued, his heart clenching. "Truth to be told, that was the day I found out I was in love with you, breaking things off with Jenny. Of course, I wanted to wait until you moved on, hoping to be the friend you went to but with my schedule, that was impossible. So, you seemed out comfort in Henry fucking Cavill."
"You're in love with me?" you whispered, hoping this wasn't some kind of cruel dream. If it was, you wouldn't mind staying.
The actor nodded, waiting for you to call him names and rush out. "Yes. You can leave or slap me or whatever you want to do but I love you."
You got up, running a hand through your hair. "Okay."
Chris' heart sank, wishing for any other kind of reaction, wishing you'd do something. Taking a deep breath, he got up. "Is this a goodbye?"
Frowning, you walked up to him, taking his face between with your hands, pressing your lips softly to his. You could feel his heart beat, the little organ beating so hard. You pulled away before he could recover from his shock, before he could kiss you back.
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thatbangtanbloom · 3 years
petals | bts [1]
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petals | bts
teaser | [1] (could be read without the teaser)
characters: kim namjoon, kim seokjin, min yoongi, jung hoseok, park jimin, kim taehyung, jeon jungkook, reader
pairings: ot7 x reader
categories: angst, fluff, (light???) smut
genre: idol!bts, idol!reader (fem!reader)
warnings: reader is a bit sensitive but comes out of her shell slowly,, uhh,,, grinding???, making out ;) , sad kissing????, hoseok is lowkey whipped for reader, so is jimin,,, taehyung is a little mean for like 2 sentences
a/n: this first chapter introduces the reader, j-hope, and jimin! more members will be introduced with reader next chapter :]]
The seven of them may not have been bound by blood, but they were in every other way. Their interests often aligned and common actions were shared where sometimes they did not know where one began and one ended. They began their days together as they made their way to the practice room and ended it when they loaded into vans to make their way back to their shared dorm.
It wasn’t as though they had never noticed the fundamental difference between the seven of them and you. They were keenly aware of it whenever the stylist squeezes you and your other girl group members into shorts opposite to their pants or the added slits to accentuate your figure when suits were the dominant style. Yet, your performance was the tipping point.
Each of them had drawn silent as they watched you move like a siren across the stage. The male dancers seemingly falling at your feet while your white chiffon hugged your every curve, floating like water with each move to the beat. Never mind that you were in a group with seven other girls, all of their eyes could only be glued to you.
They would like to think that it were the performances that had them glued to your every move - that it wasn’t the remnants of false dreams that led them to watch you like a hawk. Almost like wolves, they would be eager to pounce at you if there was one misstep. Yet, you made none.
Hoseok was the proudest of them all. He purposely would stay up to watch you practice, giving helpful tips to evoking further emotion.. but this? Seeing you move this sexily as an enchantress almost made him feel weak in the knees.
They had attempted a lot to make you feel welcomed into their tiny home of seven. When BigHit informed them that the top trainee from Produce 101 would be joining their company left a sour taste in their mouths, but after learning it had been you who captivated millions, their worry lessened. BigHit had provided themselves on growing from the ground up - working organically to cultivate each trainee with precision, sincerity, and perseverance. Their own premonitions of how you functioned as an artist did make them question your credibility. It was only a matter of time before their watchful eyes looked after you since your pre debut days. The trainee girl division of BigHit had been long gone, but BigHit could not let go of you, not after so many monthly evaluations, tearful performances, and years going down the drain.
It was not as though you were coming into the group empty-handed. You had your own fan base from the show and project group who swore to stay by your side no matter what. Admittedly, your fan dynamic was a bit more mixed - guys eagerly flicking to see you and the other girls in school uniforms while you belted your heart out. The latest addition was the reassurance that BigHit needed to their girl group that they intended to put together.
“She doesn’t belong here.” were the first words you heard when your bags finally were placed down. It had been Taehyung who had uttered such words. You instantly find your blood run cold from the words. You could not quite understand why Taehyung was so against you. The two of you had never spoken more than three words to one another outside of promotional shoots where you were slated as an MC for the few shows variety was on.
Nevertheless, you tucked your head down and followed your other group members to the practice studio where you would dance for hours on in. You would practice until your limbs ached, taking every moment of a break as one step closer to the solace of your bed when comeback preparations were soon approaching. But every time you rested for just a moment, you could remember the echo of Kim Taehyung’s words. She doesn’t belong here.
Unbeknownst to you, not every member of BTS was antagonistic towards you. In particular, Jung Hoseok admired your tenacity more than anything. The two of you spoke in quick words, him congratulating you on your variety show appearances and complimented the way your freestyle had improved over the years. He was in complete awe of you.
“You’re here again?” His soft voice greets you at seven in the morning on the fifth-floor practice room of BigHit Entertainment. You would be embarrassed that you are currently laying on the floor looking utterly disheveled with your gray sweatpants loosely hugging your hips and the way your shirt is drenched with sweat if this were the first time.. but it had not been. He has two iced Americanos in hand and his lovely heart-shaped smile to match. “I swear.. you’re one of the hardest working people I know.”
His words lift your heart and you scramble to stand up and bow deeply to him, “Thank you, senior.” You say before bending a full ninety-degrees to show your respect.
“There’s no need for formalities… aish… are we not close?” Hoseok teases playfully as he places his keys onto the television monitor’s counter and shrugs off his jacket. He has always been one of the more friendly members of your senior group. Most likely because he catches you in the practice room four days out of the week when your leader, Roa, has not realized you snuck out of the dorms in exchange of the four walls. “You can just call me Hoseok. Or j-hope if it makes you feel better.”
You shyly rub the back of your neck, “I.. I suppose we are.” You admit sheepishly as you watch him pass you the iced americano into your hands. His hands are soft and gentle as they overlap over yours. “Congratulations on Billboard and the Grammy’s…. It must be very exciting,”
“Yah, yah, you said that yesterday.” Hoseok has always teased you as his hand raises to your head and pats it gently. In particular, Hoseok has always found your shyness cute. He thought it was sweet that despite years of being an idol, you still never lose the softer parts of yourself. “Let’s talk about you. And Reverie, huh?”
Your girl group, Reverie, had ultimately been a successful feat despite Korean netizens eager to question the validity of putting former IOI members and BigHit trainees as the first girl group the company would produce as opposed to using ‘fresh’ talent. Reading article after the article had made you insecure when they commented on your rather ‘boring’ facade compared to the other members that had charms that seemed to overflow. Were you that bad?
As though reading your thoughts, Hoseok gently clears his throat. “You should show me your dance.” He contends with a warm smile.
Despite only having these secret times in the practice room, Hoseok felt as though he could read you. He noticed your demure way of approaching things that were unfamiliar to you - the sharp contrast for when you performed on stage. If anything, he wanted to help you find the same confidence you felt on stage. He wanted you to find it with him.
“I can do that,” You say as you take another sip of your iced Americano and rush to place it in front of the mirror. You steal a peek from the corner of your eye as the older man settles into the chair and shrugs off his jacket. The other members (most likely Jimin since he tended to be as much of a practice fiend as he was) would not join for another half an hour, so Hoseok was eager to spend this time with you.
His eyes follow your every moment as he leans forward like a man entranced. He’s always admired the fluidity in your movement; the way that you texture changes without warning and how sharp each move is when it needs to be. Like water, you move as one with no disconnecting movements until you want it to be. Quite literally, he thinks your poetry in motion.
The latest comeback is equally as alluring as it is power-based. BigHit quantifying that girl groups should not be held to a double standard meant the choreography being just as difficult as your male counterparts. More than satisfactory for you, it let you feel a greater sense of accomplishment when you hear Hoseok’s claps of approval.
“You’ve improved a lot.” Hoseok remarks with a bright grin as he stands to his feet before walking over. “Though… I would say that this one move could be drawn out more. You’re focusing more on the timing rather than the execution.” He watches as your features contort at his words as you try to piece together what move in particular was he talking about. Could it had been the pas de bourrée? “Here,”
He moves closer to you with a reassuring look in his eyes as his hand rests on your shoulder and slightly presses down, “You’re supposed to have your shoulder go slack, right? You shouldn’t be so tense. Relax.” He says as his fingers trap down your arm to graze over your elbow and tuck it in more. “Your arm was taking away from the focus on your legs. You know the choreography, so why do you dance like you don’t?”
“Ouch,” You say with a forced laugh. You knew he meant well, but from to time, Hoseok did tend to critique you more like you were a member of his own group rather than a junior. Regardless, you were still thankful for his key eye for detail. You never would have deduced it was because he was looking out for you far more than just as a senior, but as something more. “You said last time you wouldn’t be so harsh,” You joke after mustering the courage after fixing your posture and your eyes reclaiming Hoseok’s.
Hoseok chuckles softly, “If I knew you couldn’t take it, I wouldn’t say it,” He remarks gently before turning on his heels beside you. “You’re practicing for the partner stage within the comeback, right? Then you should do it properly.” His voice lowers ever so slightly when he speaks, “With me.”
This hadn’t been the first time you had practiced with Hoseok. Early morning practices often consisted of him arriving at roughly the same time each day, if not earlier, with his small critique prior to him opting for a more hands-on approach. You saw it as nothing more of a senior looking after his junior, but Hoseok saw it as far more than that. How could he not when you were this cute without realizing it?
He wanted to ruin you.
Your thoughts melt away when you feel Hoseok’s hands settle onto your waist, pulling you closer to him as the two of you make eye contact. The way that he looks at you, his pupils slightly dilated with an intensity you can not quite discern, makes you let go of the breath you had not realized you were holding. How come it never felt like this when you were dancing with the actual backup dancers?
“Your leg should rest on my hip, like this,” Hoseok says as he purposely tucks his hand in the dip of your waist to press your waist against him. He’s warm to the touch, much like the sun itself and you have to bit back the blush that threatens to paint on your cheeks. “There, you’re doing good. You’ve always been good at listening.” He praises you as he guides you through the next move. Each moment you spend closer to him has you nearly buckling in the knees when his voice tickles your ear. Did he have any clue what the hell he was doing to you?
You may not have realized it, but Jimin ultimately did. The shorter man has grown familiar with the scene as he tucks his bag under his arm and lingers by the door to watch. He’s not surprised that Hoseok had shown up an hour early for practice in the wrong practice room when he leads you across the room. Jimin has to wonder if being attracted to you is infectious when it seems he is equally infatuated with you. Perhaps even more than Hoseok.
Jimin chuckles to himself as he pauses the music and leans against the door frame with an amused grin. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you two were star-crossed lovers.” It’s almost biting the way your face changes of recognition when your eyes meet Jimin.
You immediately pull away from Hoseok to bow deeply to Jimin out of respect, “It’s not like that. He was helping me-“
“You should let me help you too,” Jimin almost pouts as he repeats the familiar action of discarding his jacket and strolling over. “I can dance too, you know?” He teases as he notices the chuckle that Hoseok had been holding back. Both of them found you being flustered adorable, especially when this normally wasn’t like you. What happened to the alluring siren on stage? They practically craved to have you put them in their place.
Unlike Hoseok, your history with Jimin runs deeper than your ties to BigHit Entertainment. The younger man had known you at your lowest point, kissed away your tears on the night that your first group, I.O.I, had disbanded after the project’s deadline came and went.
You had never mentioned it, but you remembers the last night in the IOI dorms like it was yesterday. You had never wanted to know the pain of your group disbanding again. You had called Jimin that night because you didn’t know who else to call. Somi had been crying in the bathroom for hours, saying how it felt like SIXTEEN all over again, and you could only console your dongsaeng for so long. Kyulkyung and Nayoung already were going to be debuting in PRISTIN with eight other girls as though IOI never existed and was another project group. The time zone left you unavailable to call you parents and Jimin was all you had…
“I’m always going to be here, you know that, don’t you?” Jimin had whispered into your ears as his fingers gingerly stroked your cheek. He looks into your eyes, hoping that your words give some semblance of comfort when your heart ached to no return. How many times would it be that you had to build yourself up to be strong just for everything to fall apart outside of your control?
You sniffle when Jimin makes you look into his eyes, “I-I-I know,” You stammer out as you try to regain your control over your emotions, but it hurt. It hurt so bad that your head was pounding and it felt like you could hear the blood rushing to your ears. “It just.. I just want it to stop hurting, Jimin..” You grip the fabric of his shirt as though he were the one person in this world that piece you back to gather.
“It will take time.. but I will be here until the very end.. you hear me?” He whispers as he stares into your eyes. His soft monolids drip honey when they meet yours. “YN-ah… look at me.”
With a sniffle, you nod, “I am.. I am…” You whisper as your eyes scan his own. You never quite realized how long his eyelashes are or the way he holds the entire galaxy in his eyes up so close. You never have clung to him this much either, so it leaves you a bit breathless when Jimin says nothing for a while, just admiring you. “Jimin?”
“Mmm?” He asks as he does his best to wipe away your tears and not think about how pretty you look right now. He was here just to comfort you, but why can he not stop himself from looking at your lips? From thinking about how badly he wants to help you forget and kiss you?
“You’re pretty,” You say simply as you sniffle slightly and wipe away a stray tear with your sleeve.
“You’re prettier,” He tells you with a soft laugh as his thumb brushes against her chin. He wonders how close it would be for him to close the distance between the two of you with just a kiss.
Jimin has always complimented you, reassuring you of your every perfection, but this time he seems to mean it a little bit more as he presses you tighter against his chest to hold you close.
“Jimin…” You whimper as you hug him closer to you. “Please.. please help me forget,” you whisper softly for just the two of you to hear.
So without thinking, you cup both of his cheeks to close the distance between the two of you. Your arms snake around his shoulders to pull him closer as his arms instantly wrap around your own waist. He is warm to the touch, but fits like a perfect puzzle piece.
Jimin can not say how many times he had thought of this moment - the way you would fit around him like missing puzzle piece. The way he would kiss away every worry from your pretty little head as his hands bunch up the sweatshirt at your waist as he would kiss up your stomach before peppering kisses along your thighs. He’s dreamed of what it would feel like to finally hear your soft moans for him and him alone, but he still holds back as he lets you take the lead. Especially when you are this sensitive.
His lips are soft and pouty; they feel like the inside of a rose as his jaw slacks to let your tongue brush against his own. The taste is sweet with a bit of a tangy flavor: much like that of strawberry lemonade when each finger that presses against your side feels like keys being paid against a piano. For the first time in a while, things feel stable, sure, certain.
You’ve never wanted anything more in your life. You have no doubts as your hips grind against his own on the floor of your dormitory. His moans are soft each time your hips rhymically brush against the hardening tent within his pants. You like this reaction from him, the way his hips buckle into your own as your own teeth begin to nibble along his plump ones to elicit another mewl of pleasure from him. He feels like a dream, the way his hold on you tightens to bring you closer to him ; a sneaky hand that brushes along your hip to graze against the strap of your bra and tug it down in anticipation. You’re thankful that your door is locked in case one of your fellow members were to walk in on you grinding against your best friend after a fit of tears. God, you want him. You want him. You want him.
“YN-ah….” He groans as you begin to paper kisses along his neck. “I.. I want this… you have no idea how badly I want this… but I don’t want this if you’re just trying to forget,” He whispers as he forces you back to look at him. “Do you understand that?”
You grow silent as you watch his chest pant up and down in excitement. You know he wants it as badly as you do. You would be a fool to not see the way that he looks at you like you are the only one in the room. But you feel ashamed from how quick you are to close the gap between friends and lovers in the blink of an eye. Would crossing this boundary ruin things for you?
Jimin wonders if you remember those memories as vividly as he does. Sure, it had been a couple of years since that time, but he could not forget the way you fit perfectly around his lips. The memorable roll of your hips that nearly had him crying for him to be inside of you. He could remember all of this when you stared at your figure years later no longer as just friends, but with you as his junior and him as his senior.
Was it incomprehensible that he would wish to cross those paths again?
- - -
Don't be a silent reader! Let me know what your thoughts are! How do you feel about Taehyung not liking the reader very much? What do you think about the reader with Hoseok and Jimin? Let me know your thoughts :)
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BTS Scenario || You Find Out They Were Nominated For A Grammy
HELLO!! In honor of BTS being nominated for a Grammy, I’ve decided to make a drabble thing where you, an American, are their significant other and you get told that they are nominated for a Grammy. 
Hope you enjoy!!!
>>>Admin JiHyeon<<<
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It was round 2 o’clock in the morning and you woke up to an empty bed beside you. Only a few hours ago Jin had been asleep alongside you and now he was gone. With an eyebrow raised, you climbed out of the bed and slipped on your slippers before making your way from the room and toward the living area of the apartment. The kitchen light was on and it illuminated the living room. Sitting on the couch with the biggest smile on his face was Jin. 
“Jin-ah? Are you okay?” You asked him and he glanced up at you when you spoke. He nodded and stood, making his way over to you. 
“I’m great, jagi. More than great actually,” he chuckled and wrapped his arms around you, picking you up and spinning you. A giggle left your throat and you held onto him as he spun the two of you.
“You’re in a good mood,” you smiled as he set you down. “What’s got you so happy?”
“Dynamite was nominated for a Grammy jagi!” He exclaimed and you felt a sudden wave of excitement wash over you upon his words.
“Oh my god that is amazing! That is so exciting! I’m so proud of you jagi!” You screamed with a laugh before you wrapped your arms around him and kissed him. This was something he has wanted for a long time and now that it was happening, you were probably the proudest you’ve ever been of him and to call him yours.
“You’ll be my date to the show right?” He asked suddenly and you giggled but nodded nonetheless.
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You were curled up in his side as the two of you laid on his bed at his parent’s house. Neither of you were sleeping. He was on his phone and the room was quiet as you laid there. You were slowly finding yourself slipping from consciousness listening to his calm heartbeat and his rhythmic breathing. Suddenly he sat up excited, forcing you to roll off his chest and onto the pillow.
“What’s going on?” You asked him as he chuckled to himself.
“I wish I was in Seoul right now,” he said, the smile on his face not faltering at all. You raised your eyebrow as you sat up and ran your hand up and down his arm.
“Why? You look like a serial killer right now,” you chuckled and he turned his head to look at you.
“BTS was nominated for a Grammy y/n!” He exclaimed and it took a second but when the realization hit you, your eyes widened and you wrapped your arms around him.
“That’s amazing Yoongi!” You said before you covered his face in kisses. He was giggling himself the entire time before he wrapped his uninjured arm around you.
“This just proves it,” he started and you looked at him.
“Proves what?” You asked and he smirked.
“That what I want, I get,” he said and you rolled your eyes.
“You just have really good luck, don’t get get pompous,” you smacked his shoulder playfully. 
“I’ve got to call the members, share my excitement,” he said as he climbed off of the bed and dialed a phone number. You watched him fondly, proud and excited for him and his band. This was something they had wanted for years now, and you had a good feeling that they would win. 
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The apartment was silent as you were curled up on your couch. It had been a boring few weeks since you had flown back to America to be with your family during these uncertain times. Being a nurse meant your family was constantly calling you at all hours of the day when you were in Korea, so you chose to fly back to help ease their worries. You had just gotten home from an overnight shift at the hospital and you were exhausted, but you had to get some things done around your house and you were meeting your mom for lunch at 1pm, which was in about two hours. 
You knew that today was the day that the Recording Academy were announcing the nominations for the Grammys. The livestream was up on your TV as you pulled your blanket up to your chest and held your coffee in your hand. You looked up as they were announcing the nominees for Best Pop Group Performance. The second they said Dynamite by BTS, you jumped off the couch and your cup of coffee was thrown over your hardwood floors, but you didn’t care about the mess. Immediately you dialed Hoseok’s number and put your phone to your ear. As you waited, you danced around your living room excitedly.
“Jagi!” He answered and you laughed.
“I am so proud of you!” You exclaimed and heard him let out a laugh.
“So you heard?” He asked and you snorted at him.
 “Of course I did. I’m sitting in my living room with the live stream on my TV,” you told him and he was quiet for a second before you heard a sniffle on the other end. “Hobi-ah? Is everything okay?” You asked him, concerned.
“I’m fine, yeah. Just really happy. This is something we have wanted for so long,” he said quietly and you smiled to yourself.
“It is and you got it. I’m sorry I’m not there to celebrate with you, but I’m gonna have a glass of wine and blast Dynamite when I get back after lunch with my mom,” you told him and heard him chuckle.
“Facetime me when you do, it’ll be nice to see your face while you celebrate,” he told you and you nodded.
“Anything for you Hobi-ah,” you said as you sat back down on the couch. 
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You sat in your shared apartment with Namjoon, waiting for him to come home. Though you knew that it wouldn’t be for a while since the Grammy nominations were being announced today. After showering you pulled on one of Namjoon’s shirts and grabbed your phone before sitting down on the couch. As you were making yourself comfortable, your phone started ringing, signalling you were being facetimed. When you saw Namjoon’s face you smiled and answered.
“Hello aein,” you told him and he smiled at you.
“I was going to wait to call until after we got the news but I couldn’t wait,” he chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his neck.
“It’s fine, I just got done with a shower and now I’m sitting in the living room,” you smiled at him. “You think you guys got the nod?” He stared at you and shrugged.
“I hope so but if we don’t, it’s not the end  of the world,” he said and you nodded. Then you fell quiet and watched him as he glanced away from the screen, nervous. You watched his face for a moment silently before you watched  him jump up and suddenly his phone was tossed onto the couch and there was screaming and laughing on the other end.
“Joonie? Everything okay?” You asked and waited for a response. After a few moments of silence, you called out again. “Namjoon, hey, what’s going on?” A second or two later his phone was picked up and you saw Namjoon’s face with the biggest smile spread across it.
“We got a nomination!” He exclaimed and you smiled at him.
“That’s amazing aein! Congrats, tell the others I’m proud of you guys,” you told him and he smiled at you with a nod.
“I’ll be home soon jagi, and don’t think I didn’t notice you wearing my shirt,” he smirked at you and you raised your eyebrows and smirked back at him. That was the plan after all.
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You sighed as you fastened the last button on your work uniform and pulled the hat on your head. Your shift started in a little over an hour but the drive was 45 minutes. From the hallway you heard your mom walk past, humming to herself. Your dad was downstairs making breakfast for the three of you. Another sigh left your chest as you left your room and headed downstairs. 
“Has that boyfriend of yours called you today yet?” Your dad’s voice sounded when you entered the kitchen.
“Not yet but he’s busy,” you shrugged and sat down at the counter.
“Aren’t the Grammy nominations being announced today?” Your mom asked as she walked into the room with you.
“Yeah but I, sadly, doubt that they will get nominated, America isn’t exactly accepting of other countries or music,” you sighed and your mom shrugged.
“I heard that they have a chance. Wouldn’t hurt to check it out, maybe call Jimin?” She suggested and you nodded before pulling out your phone and doing a quick Google search. Suddenly your eyes widened and you screeched. 
“Oh my god! They were nominated for Best Pop Group Performance!” You said excitedly and your mom patted your shoulder.
“Told you they had a chance. Go call that boyfriend of yours and make sure he knows and isn’t sleeping,” she told you and you immediately pulled up his number and FaceTime’d him. It rang for a few seconds before his face appeared on the screen, a smile on his face.
“So you heard?” You asked before even saying hi.
“Yeah, Namjoon-hyung, Taehyung, and Jungkookie are here with me. We watched the livestream. I’m so happy,” he rambled and you smiled softly at him.
“I’m so proud of you! I’ll be watching the Grammy’s from California on the day of, don’t you worry. I’ll take the day off just to devote my whole attention to it,” you told him and he chuckled.
“Well, we got the nomination so, even if we don’t win, it’s an accomplishment,” he said and you stared at him for a moment.
“Look at you being excited but still remaining humble,” you chuckled.
“This is something we’ve wanted for a long time, if only Yoongi-hyung were here to celebrate with us,” he sighed.
“Yoongi-ssi is probably losing his mind in Daegu right now,” you reassured him.
“Probably,” he smiled and leaned back on the couch. It warmed your heart to see him so happy after this year of negativity.
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The Emergency Department floor was quiet as you sat at the intake desk with your favorite co-worker. Your shift at the hospital started about 6 hours ago and you 6 more to go. The salad you brought was sitting in front of you as you had your head leaned back on the chair and spun.
“Become a nurse, they said. It’ll be fun, they said. Did they forget to mention that it’s like deader than dead most of the time?” Your coworker complained and you looked at her.
“I mean at least we can relax for a bit,” you said and she nodded.
“So, how’s you and Taehyung doing?” She asked and you smiled.
“Good, he hates that I’m doing my residency in America and not Korea but we are good,” you chuckled as you took a bite of your salad.
“How’s he handling the whole Covid situation on the entertainment business?” She asked you and you sighed.
“He is bored a lot of the time but we also FaceTime a lot,” you smiled and got quiet as your coworker scrolled on her phone. Suddenly she let out a snort and leaned over to you.
“Seems like your boyfriend isn’t happy about the nod,” she said and you furrowed your eyebrows and grabbed her phone. You watched the video that BTS tweeted out and watched Tae’s reaction, or rather lack thereof.
“What the heck?” You chuckled and pulled out your own phone to text him. A moment later and you felt your phone vibrating. You let out a chuckle when you saw his name trying to facetime you. 
“Hey,” you answered it and he looked confused.
“What was with that text?” He asked.
“What was with your lack of reaction to being nominated for a Grammy?” You asked him and he raised an eyebrow.
“What?” He asked and you switched the camera around to show him the video off of your coworkers phone.
“Oh, I was surprised. Didn’t expect to be nominated,” he shrugged.
“Oh come on, you guys have wanted this for like ever!” You exclaimed and he shrugged.
“Yeah but it’s also 2 in the morning here,” he said and you nodded.
“You get a pass, this time but I expect a full reaction once you’ve gotten sleep okay?” You asked him and he nodded. It sucked that you couldn’t be there with him to celebrate this accomplishment but you were proud of him nonetheless.
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You sat quietly behind where the camera was positioned so that you weren’t seen, watching Jungkook as he sat on the couch. When he had told you that he was going to the dorm to watch the Grammy nomination live stream with his hyungs, you tagged along, not wanting to sleep alone. But now it was 2 in the morning and you were tired and cold. The blanket you stole from Jungkook’s room at the dorm only helped a small amount. You glanced up when you heard Namjoon say something about the live stream starting. Jungkook was happily sitting there, staring at you as they began naming off nominees. As the categories went on and BTS wasn’t mentioned, you felt discouraged. But then you heard them mention Dynamite and you nearly fell off your chair from both your own excitement and from being startled by their screams. 
“We did it!” Jungkook exclaimed excitedly and you smiled at him. The camera was still rolling so you knew you couldn’t say anything but then after a minute or two, Jungkook got off the couch and walked over to you, wrapping his arms around you tightly.
“Congratulations Kookie,” you said to him with a smile.
“Thanks jagi,” he smiled before kissing your nose.
“Guys, this is such a big step for our careers,” Namjoon said and you smiled over at the leader.
“Someone call Suga-hyung,” Jimin said and Namjoon nodded before he pulled his phone out and left the room.
“Where’s your normal excitement y/n?” Jimin asked and you looked at him.
“It is 230 in the morning, it’s asleep,” you chuckled and he nodded.
“I forget you’re not used to being up this late,” he teased you.
“I’m up this late a lot but usually it’s cause I’m in my own home and watching a movie or getting lost on the internet,” you smiled and he rolled his eyes.
“You Gen Z kids and your internet,” he joked and you almost threw something at him.
“I am not Gen Z, I am a 90s baby, so, you can suck it,” you said back and Jungkook rubbed your shoulder.
“Okay kids, let’s calm down. I should get this one home anyways, I’ll see you guys later for schedule!” Jungkook called out as you stood and the two of you left the dorm, heading home.
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captain-josslett · 4 years
Broken Melody - Part Eight
Part One, Part Two, Part Three, Part Four, Part Five, Part Six, Part Seven, Part Eight, Part Nine, Part Ten, Part Eleven,
Summary: Grammy Award winning Emma Danvers is the first to say she has a pretty good life. But what happens when it implodes around her and it looks like things will never be the same again?
Words: 7k+
Warnings: Fluff, Smut, 18+
Pairings: Emma Danvers x Lena Luthor
This Part: Emma spends the day with her sisters and Lena before heading back to the tour the next day.
I obviously needed to write more before the angst started. But... This is officially and I mean OFFICIALLY the last part before the angst hit. 
So enjoy and get ready.
As always B!D is named.
Thank you for reading and let me know if you wanna be tagged or any general feedback will be greatly appreciated.
Taglist: @thewitchandtheassassin, @finleyfray, @life-is-hella-unfair, @natasha-danvers, @supergirl-writingz​
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“What do you think she’d like?” Emma hears Alex’s voice whisper behind her.
“Why don’t we just order everything?” Kara whispers in front of her.
“Cause unlike Emma we don’t have hundreds of thousands of dollars.” Alex chuckles quietly making Kara grumble.
But Emma frowns slightly, realising this was not the position she fell asleep when she sang to Kara during the storm.
“Em?” Kara whispers causing Emma to slowly open her eyes.
“M’ning.” Emma smiles sleepily at her blonde sister.
Kara grins back at her. “Morning sleepy head.” She leans over and kisses her baby sister’s forehead making Emma hum happily.
“Peanut? Do you want American style pancakes or crepes?” Alex rests her head on Emma’s shoulder while looking at her phone as she orders their food.
“Crêpe.” Emma yawns.
“Ha! See! I told you Emma would want a crepe!” Kara laughs loudly and Alex pokes her tongue out at her.
“Hmmm, they taste so yummy.” Emma stretches  and kisses Alex’s cheek. “Morning.”
The redhead smiles and kisses Emma’s cheek back. “Good morning.”
“Urgh, I don’t wanna get up.” Emma leans back into Alex and pouts. Emma is always more groggy the morning after a gig. Especially when she crosses a few time zones and stays up with her sisters until the early hours of the morning.
“Then don’t.” Kara shrugs and carefully flops into Emma’s arms.
“We can eat here.” Alex finishes the order and wraps her arms around her baby sister.
“How much do I owe?” Emma asks as she plays with Alex’s red hair.
“You owe nothing.” Alex says determined to not allow Emma to pay for the meal. But knowing Emma, she will find a way to slip money into Alex and Kara’s clothes at some point. Or leave it around their apartments.
“It’s our treat.” Kara boops Emma’s nose causing the blonde to scrunch her nose up. “Especially with the triumph of the tour!”
“Thank you.” Emma smiles at her sister.
“Been meaning to ask you.” Alex draws Emma’s attention to her, leaning her head back so she can partly see the redhead. “I saw a few camera’s yesterday, what’s that about?”
“Ah yea, they are recording each show and hopefully at the end we can put it all together.” Emma explains and her sister’s nod. “And do a behind the scenes thing. Kind of like our final farewell to the fans.” Emma finishes sadly. She was excited about her solo career but for years all she has known is life with the band. Maybe it won't be that different or it will be completely different. One thing Emma does know is that she doesn't work well with change.
“Hey.” Alex says softly, feeling the waves of unease roll off the blonde. “It will all be okay. We’re in this with you.”
Kara reaches around and holds Emma’s hand. “El Mayarah.”
“El Mayarah.” Alex repeats and smiles.
“El Mayarah.” Emma says softly as her eyes glisten. “I don’t know what I’d do without you two.” She smiles down at Kara and rests her head against Alex’s cheek.
A knock on Kara’s door has the Superhero quickly look round but she didn’t want to interrupt the moment.
“Go Kar, it’s fine.” Emma chuckles, releasing her sister and wiping the tears from her eyes. Sighing happily in Alex’s arms.
Kara zooms to the door and zooms back with the bags of food. Alex places a kiss on Emma’s head before letting her go and sitting up. Emma whines and pouts slightly.
“Come on Peanut, you can’t eat like that!”
“I know…” Emma grumbles and sits up against Kara’s headboard. She watches bemused as Kara dishes out the food. “I forgot what a Danver’s brunch looked like!”
“The best kind!” Kara smiles brightly at her and hands the heavy plate over.
“Preach.” Alex laughs and reaches for her plate.
The sister’s dig in, laughing and chatting.
“Hmm, speaking of which.” Alex starts before shoving some more food in her mouth. Emma rolls her eyes at Kara and waits patiently for Alex to finish her mouthful. “What are your plans with Lena later?”
“Oo yea! What do you have planned?” Kara asks excitedly.
“Nothing really.” Emma looks out one of Kara’s windows. “As it’s nice I may suggest a walk in the park, maybe get some ice cream.” Emma shrugs. “Honestly I’d be happy to do anything with Lena as long as we’re together.”
“Awww!” Kara says warmly.
“Sickening.” Alex shakes her head and Kara throws a cuddly toy at her. Emma and Kara both laugh when it hits her right in the face. Alex retaliates and throws it right back.
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Emma holds her plate and fork up. “Precious food in the vicinity!”
Both Alex and Kara stick their tongues out at each other before settling back down.
Emma chuckles and shakes her head at her sisters. “So, what have you two planned for later?”
“Nothing really, eat, work, eat, relax, eat, sleep, get up, eat, work, then see you tomorrow for lunch.” Kara lists off.
“Sounds like a great day planned.” Emma grins at Kara and looks at Alex.
“Much of the same thing.” Alex shrugs.
“Are you seeing Kelly?” Emma tilts her head slightly as she takes a bite of her crêpe.
“No, she’s got important meetings today.” Alex says sadly and Kara gives her looks of support.
Emma narrows her eyes, sensing something off with the red head. “Are things okay between you?”
“Yea.” Alex says too quickly.
“Alex.” Emma sits up straighter.
“We’re fine. Just-” Alex huffs. “Things have just been a bit rough lately.”
Emma immediately lowers her plate and fork. Her stomach drops at the guilt of not noticing Alex’s turmoil. “Alex…”
“No, I’m okay. You’ve been busy and stressed and it’s not a big deal.” Alex rattles off but her shoulder sag and tears fill her eyes. Which she unsuccessfully tries to hide.
Emma places her plate on Kara’s bedside table and grabs Alex’s which Kara takes. Emma lifts Alex onto her lap and holds her sister close, which causes Alex to sob.
Emma looks over at Kara who watches them sadly. She closes her eyes as the guilt floods through her. Even though she keeps in regular contact with her sisters, the fact she hadn’t known Alex was struggling is tearing her apart.  “It’s okay, let it out.” Emma whispers into Alex’s ear as she rocks her gently. Kara places the plates somewhere safe and shuffles over to her sisters. She wraps her arms around the both of them and sighs sadly.
Eventually Alex’s sobs die down and she lifts her head from Emma’s shoulder. Kara moves beside Emma so they are sat in a triangle.
“Sorry, I got you all wet.” She says while rubbing the tears from her face.
“Yea, well I needed a shower.” Emma jokes while rubbing Alex’s back. Kara and Alex laugh and Kara reaches out to wipe a few tears Alex had missed. Emma takes a deep breath as she watches them. “I’m sorry I haven’t been here for you.”
Alex’s head snaps to Emma so quickly that Emma is worried the redhead got whiplash. “What you talking about?!”
“I haven’t been here to support you.” Emma looks deep into her sister’s eyes to press her point. “But I’m never, ever, EVER, too busy or stressed for you. Okay?”
Alex nods slightly and Emma hates how vulnerable she looks.
“Please Alex, if you need to talk to me just text me and I’ll contact you as soon as I can. I mean it.”
Alex gives her a watery smile “I know.”
“El Mayarah.” Emma says firmly. “We are stronger together.” She looks over at Kara and holds her hand. “All three of us.”
The sisters spend time talking more about what Alex can do to save her relationship. But Alex quietly admits that the relationship probably can’t be saved. Emma hates seeing how defeated Alex looks, knowing how long it took the eldest Danvers to get over Maggie. Emma has a sneaky suspicion that Alex still hasn’t gotten over the detective.
As Alex goes to use the shower the sister’s move into the living area. Emma takes the plates over to the kitchen and looks over at Kara sitting on the sofa. Emma slowly approaches, chewing her lip. “Kara?”
Kara looks up with a smile as bright as the sun. “Yea little one?”
Emma tilts her head and flops down on the sofa. “I thought we got rid of that nickname?”
“You’ll always be little one to me Em.”
Emma smiles weakly and places a pillow in her lap. She plays with a loose thread until looking up at the other blonde. “How are you? Really?”
“I’m fi-”
Emma interrupts her with a raised eyebrow which makes Kara look down at her hands.
“I’ve been better. Been on a few dates but with work and, other things-” Kara trails off and shrugs.
Emma watches Kara closely. ‘And the worst sister award goes too!’ Emma thinks sarcastically. She’s already planning things she can do with her sister’s once the tour is over in a few months time.
Emma reaches out and holds her sister’s hand. “And what I said to Alex, the same goes for you. Contact me whenever you need me okay?” Kara looks up, her blue eyes glisten and Emma cups her face. “Kara I mean it. Heck fly out to me if you have too. You both mean the world to me.” Kara smiles and wraps her arms around Emma, holding her close.
“Shower’s free.” Alex says a few minutes later as she goes into Kara’s room to change. Looking over at her hugging sisters and a small smile spreads across her lips.
“You wanna go in next?” Emma asks softly. Not really wanting Kara or her to move.
“No you go.” Kara lets go of Emma and sits back on the sofa. Picking up her phone and starts scrolling.
It doesn’t take long for Emma to shower and change into the clothes Kara brought over from her apartment. Blue skinny jeans, a grey t-shirt, black converses and Emma puts on her trusty red leather jacket. She hears music coming from the living area and when she exits Kara’s bedroom she smiles at Alex and Kara dancing. Grabbing her phone she starts a video and points it at her laughing sisters.
Kara looks over at her. “Emma! Come on!” She beckons her sister over. Emma smiles and places her phone on top of the tv to capture her dancing with her sister’s. Their laughter and happiness shining through.
-- -- -- 
The sister’s walk over to L-Corp. Enjoying the clear blue sky and each other’s company as they chat about the rest of the tour. Kara and Alex quietly figure out when they can next come to a gig. At one point Emma links arms with both her sisters, Kara smiles and Alex squeezes Emma’s arm. They walk insync along the pavement. When they are half way on the walk Alex’s phone rings causing the sisters to halt.
“Danvers.” Alex answers the call. Her face becomes hard and Emma recognises Alex morphing into the Director of the DEO. “Okay, we’ll head in now.” Ending the call Alex takes a breath and nods her head towards an alleyway. The sisters quickly walk towards it. “There’s been a disturbance at an old Cadmus facility.” Alex looks at Kara. “Can you fly me over to the DEO so I can get suited up? We are going to meet the others there.”
“Sure.” Kara nods and turns to her baby sister. “It was so good spending time with you!” She hugs Emma close and squeezes enough that she won’t hurt her sister.
“Yea we should do it again sometime.” Emma says sarcastically causing Kara to laugh loudly. Emma holds Kara a bit longer than normal. Hating the fact her sister’s are heading into danger. Again. “Love you.”
“Love you too little one.” Kara says gently.
Finally she breaks away and turns to Alex. Pulling her into a tight hug. “Please stay safe.”
“Of course we will peanut.” Alex says softly. Knowing she shouldn’t promise something that she can’t control. Knowing that on missions, anything can happen. Especially when Cadmus is involved.
“Love you. Let me know when it’s over.” Emma repeats and squeezes her sister.
“We will and I love you too.” Alex smiles and squeezes back.
Emma steps away from the redhead and sees Supergirl has taken Kara’s place. Emma gives her sisters a smile before Supergirl picks Alex up and shoots off into the air.
When Emma can no longer see her sisters she takes a deep breath and heads out of the alleyway. Emma continues her walk towards L-Corp, putting her ear buds in and listening to music. A few people gawk at her or wave and she smiles and waves back. No one stops her this time, not that Emma minds being stopped by fans.
When she approaches the L-Corp building she is immediately ushered through by the heavy security. She smiles and nods her head at L-Corp employees while entering the elevator. She presses the button for the top floor while taking out her ear buds.
Butterflies start fluttering around Emma’s stomach as the elevator ascends, knowing she’ll be seeing the woman she loves soon. Her mind is still in a state of shock at how Lena Luthor, the badass CEO who Emma is in awe of, who Emma felt lucky calling her best friend, could have the same feelings of love for her. Emma Danvers, who barely passed high school as her talents didn’t lie in academic work but in music. Who didn’t go to college, much to the displeasure of her Mom, but immediately joined the band which changed her life.
Her phone pings and she looks down at it. Opening the message quickly when she sees it’s from Alex.
Alex: Was a false alarm. Back at work and Kara heading to Catco.
Emma breathes a sigh of relief and sends a message back. The elevator doors slide open on the top floor and Emma tries not to sprint out of them.
“Good afternoon Ms Danvers.” Jess smiles at her as she approaches.
“Hey Jess!” Emma returns the assistant's smile and pauses in front of the desk. “So, how long have we known each other?”
Taken aback Jess blinks at the blonde.
“A while yeah?” Emma tilts her head, still smiling and Jess nods. “Okay, so please call me Emma. Ms Danvers just doesn’t sound right and makes me feel old.”
“Right… Sorry Ms- I mean, Emma.” Jess smiles again.
“Lena free?” Emma asks, knowing she can’t just waltz in.
“Yes she’s finished her meetings for today, you can go through.”
“Awesome!” Emma turns and walks towards Lena’s office door. She pauses for a split second and then lifts her hand up to knock.
“Come in.” Lena’s muffled voice calls out.
Emma enters and her heart leaps at the sight of her girlfriend. She closes the door behind her and leans against it. Just watching as Lena continues to work. A smile spreads across Emma’s face.
Lena lifts her head and as their eyes connect, they feel like their breath has been taken away.
“Hi.” Emma says shyly.
“Hi.” A smile like Emma’s spreads across Lena’s face. She watches as Emma struts over to her and sits on the desk. Emma leans down and kisses Lena’s lips in a passionate kiss. When they break away Lena blinks and looks down at her work. “Sorry-” Lena looks back up at her girlfriend. “I’ll be done in a moment, I just need to write these last few notes.”
“No worries.” Emma removes her backpack and leather jacket. Placeing it behind a chair facing Lena’s desk. She sits and scrolls through her phone while partly watching her girlfriend work. Soon a memory filters through her mind.
“Tell me what you want love.” Emma says seductively as she watches Lena squirm through her computer. She’s tempted to crank up the remote to full power but she also wants to prolong Lena’s release.
“I-I want you to, urgh, get on your knees and, and, eat me out, fuck! Under my desk.” Lena gasps out her fantasy as her hips buck as she rubs her clit.
Emma moans at the thought and files the request away for when she’s next in Lena’s office.
Emma licks her lips and is immediately turned on. She squeezes her legs and decides to wait until Lena is finished with her work. The wait gets Emma more and more excited.
When Lena closes her tablet and starts gathering up the papers around her she doesn’t notice Emma standing. Or how the blonde sways her hips while making her way around the desk.
Emma smirks when she notices how Lena is still in work mode and hasn’t lifted her head. Emma leans down and kisses an area of Lena’s neck, behind her ear, that she knows drives the raven haired beauty crazy. Lena gasps out and moves her neck so Emma has better access.
“Remember that fantasy you told me recently?” Emma whispers seductively before continuing her kisses.
“Yes.” Lena moans as she closes her eyes and tightly grabs the handles of her office chair.
Emma pulls away. “Well, how bout we make that a reality?” Lena opens her eyes and watches as Emma kneels under the desk. She shifts in her chair as Emma runs her hands up and down her thighs. Lena reaches down and presses a button that locks her office door. Not wanting any interruptions.
Emma slowly pushes Lena’s pencil skirt up and pulls Lena towards her so she’s on the edge of the chair. Causing Lena’s breath to hitch, arousal surging through her. Which intensifies as Emma plants kisses up and down her thighs. Emma smirks when she feels her girlfriend tremble.
“Em?” Lena asks hesitantly, stopping Emma’s movements.
“Yea?” Emma responds, worried she’d overstepped.
“I want to see you.” Lena rolls her chair back slightly and Emma shuffles forward but is still partly hidden by the desk. Lena opens her legs wider, pulling her pencil skirt above her ass. And Emma is greeted with the sight of a pantless Lena.
Emma grins and raises an eyebrow at the CEO and who bites the corner of her lip. Watching her intently. Keeping the eye contact Emma leans forward and slowly licks her tongue up Lena’s folds. Causing Lena’s mouth to drop open and gasps in a light moan. Emma grins slightly and stops just before she gets to the clit and repeats from the bottom of the labia again.
“Em… Please.” Lena breathes out as she tries to widen her legs further. Lifting her right leg onto the desk, papers be damned and her left legs over Emma’s shoulder. The shift causes Lena’s chair to roll slightly but Emma stops it as she holds on.
Emma presses her face more into Lena and licks the clit. Causing the CEO to slam her head back against her chair and a deep moan reverberates around the office. Lena reaches out, running her fingers through Emma’s hair and keeping a hold of her head.
Emma continues to kiss and lick Lena’s pussy and clit. Savouring the wetness building as Lena’s hips start moving with Emma’s tongue.
“Fuck, Emma. Don’t stop.” Lena moans out. This spurs Emma on even more. She applies more pressure and quickens her pace. This causes Lena to moan even more and she pushes Emma’s head further into her. Soon Emma feels Lena’s body tensing and her hips grinding even harder against Emma’s mouth.
“Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!” Lena yells, closing her eyes as Emma keeps licking at her release. Lena spasms a few times before collapsing back into her chair. Her chest heaves as she catches her breath and gently caresses Emma’s head.
Emma laps up Lena’s cum and lifts her head. Resting it on hand as she leans against the office chair. She watches her girlfriend come down from her high. Taking every detail of Lena’s coloured cheeks on her pale skin. Green, dilated eyes open and connect with Emma’s.
“Hi.” Emma smirks, knowing she isn’t done with her girlfriend.
“Hi.” Lena breathes out and goes to lean forward to kiss Emma. But she freezes when Emma dips her head again and kisses Lena’s dripping pussy. Humming at the taste and the build up of cum there.
Emma licks her way up to Lena’s clit again and the CEO’s hips jolt as she’s still sensitive from her recent orgasm. Lena’s moans fill the air and her hands go back to Emma’s head, caressing and holding it in place.
Emma sucks and kisses the clit as she gently rubs a finger through Lena’s folds. Covering it with the slick wetness there. She looks up at Lena in permission and her girlfriend nods while biting her lip. But Lena is soon calling out Emma’s name when the blonde pushes two fingers into Lena’s pussy. Pulling out slightly before slipping in further.
“Fuck! So good! Emma!” Lena repeatedly chants as Emma continues thrusting into her, finding her g-spot and licking her clit.
Soon Emma feels Lena’s pussy muscles tighten on her fingers and Lena’s whole body tenses. Her hips jolt forward and her back arches, lifting her off the chair.
“FUCK!” Lena screams totally lost in the ecstasy of her orgasm.
When Emma can remove her fingers she lowers her head, sucking and licking the sweet, sticky cum from Lena’s pussy.
Totally spent, Lena collapses against her office chair. “Em.” Lena gasps trying to catch her breath by breathing deeply. Emma looks up and smiles. She pulls away, running a finger on her chin covered in Lena’s juices.
The raven haired beauty watches as Emma licks her fingers and she groans at the sight. A fire ignites inside her. Shakily she pushes the, now very wet, office chair back and removes her legs from the desk and Emma.
“Lee?” Emma asks while grinning.
But her girlfriend doesn’t answer. Instead she stands and pulls Emma up with her. She quickly slams her lips onto Emma’s and moans at the taste of herself. Lena tugs Emma further into herself and quickly turns them around. Pushing Emma against the window and deepening the kiss.
Emma moans and her need heightens even further. Lena seems to sense this and wedges her thigh in between Emma’s leg. The blonde moans even louder into the kiss and starts grinding against her girlfriend.
“Lee!” Emma yells as she holds tighter onto Lena’s shoulders. Her head hits the window behind her and she chants Lena’s name over and over.
“That’s it Em-ma.” Lena’s husky voice whispers in Emma’s ear causing her pace to become frantic with need. Her underwear was already soaked and ruined. The friction causing Emma to get to her release quickly.
“I’m coming!” Emma yells as her hips buck wildly as she grinds even harder into Lena’s thigh. Emma gasps and quivers as the orgasm rocks through her.
Lena observes Emma with a smirk, making sure Emma doesn’t fall. When the blonde starts to slow her pace the raven haired beauty leans by Emma’s ear. “Do you know another fantasy I have?”
Emma shakes her head as she still grinds against Lena, hoping for another sweet release..
“What was that? I need to hear you Em.” Lena orders.
“No. What, oh Rao, what is your, fuck! Other fantasy?” Emma gasps out.
“To fuck you on my desk.”
Emma’s brain short circuits and her grinding halts. Lena smirks and lifts Emma’s face to hers. “Would you like that?”
Emma nods.
“I need to hear you say it.” Lena kisses around Emma’s face and reaches out. Moving Emma’s hips against her thigh.
“Please.” Emma groans.
“Please what?”
“Please fuck me on your desk!” Emma cries out.
Lena kisses Emma and immediately the blonde deepens the kiss. Lena spins them around and moves towards the desk. Papers fall to the floor as Emma falls against it. Lena hitches her up further onto it and rests between her legs. She breaks the kiss and her hand hovers over Emma’s jean button. “May I?”
“Yes.” Emma gasps out in anticipation.
Lena quickly unbuttons Emma’s jeans and pulls the tight jeans down so she has the access she needs.
“Do you know what else I fantasise about?” Lena gently rubs her fingers over Emma’s drench underwear.
“Hmmm, what?”
“People being able to see us but not being able to say anything due to the NDA they were made to sign.” Lena quickens her pace and bites her lips. “God Emma you're so wet.” Not waiting another moment she pulls the underwear down, Emma lifting her ass to help. Lena then leans down and buries her head between her girlfriends legs. Humming at the taste of Emma's juices.
Emma is already over sensitive and jumps when she feels Lena’s tongue lick her folds.
“Lee!” Emma yells as she slams her head back on the desk.
Lena gently moves Emma’s outer labia and licks at the juices already seeping from Emma’s pusy. Causing Emma’s hips to buck and her back to arch.
“Lee! So good!” Emma moans, placing a hand on top of Lena’s hand and head.
Lena moves up to Emma’s clit, sucking and kissing it gently before applying more and more pressure. Emma’s deep moans filling the office like Lena’s did earlier. It was truly music to Lena’s ears.
Emma’s hips buck more and more until finally her thighs clamp around Lena’s head. Deafening the CEO briefly as Emma rides the waves of her orgasm. When Emma is able to loosen them Lena looks up at Emma and grins. Slowly she stands and leans over her girlfriend. She kisses Emma’s neck, whispering loving words and her hands roam Emma’s thighs. Getting closer and closer to Emma’s pussy. She finally trails her fingers along Emma’s folds, gathering up the juices there.
“Lee.” Emma’s voice sounds strained.
Lena stops kissing her neck and looks at the blonde. “Yea?”
“Fuck me! Please?” Emma whines, making Lena chuckle.
“Well, as you asked so nicely.”
Any resort coming from Emma dies when Lena inserts two fingers into her pussy. Emma groans and holds on tight to Lena’s shoulders.
“You like that love?” Lena asks seductively as she watches Emma’s writhe under her.
“Yes! Fuck! Lena! So good!” Emma moans as her pussy responds to Lena’s fingers. Tightening and relaxing with each movement. Lena adds another finger, using her hips to thrust deeper into Emma. Causing the desk to sway and creak. She kisses and sucks Emma’s neck again, making the blonde’s moans escalate further.
“Lee! Don’t stop!” Emma yells, her hips matching with Lena’s. Her girlfriend reaches down and starts rubbing Emma’s clit.
“Fuck! Lee! Fuck!”  
Soon Emma’s hips jerks as her walls tighten around Lena’s fingers and the build up of pressure finally releases.
“Lee! I’m coming!” Emma groans loudly and Lena watches her girlfriend come undone. Emma’s back arches off the desk and she tenses as all her nerve endings light up. She almost forgets to breathe.
Collapsing back to the desk Emma lays in a blissful daze. The raven haired beauty smirks and removes her fingers, licking Emma’s sweet, sticky release from them.
Lena kisses Emma’s lips before moving away into her office bathroom. She runs a washcloth under warm water and rings it out. After cleaning herself up she grabs another two washcloths, wets one and heads to her girlfriend. Lena pulls the rest of Emma’s skinny jeans off, not wanting to get them anymore wet. She starts cleaning and drying the blonde’s thighs and pussy.
Once Emma is more with it she leans on her elbows and her heart melts as she watches Lena take care of her. When Lena finishes Emma grabs her wrist, stopping her from heading back into the bathroom.
“Hi.” Emma grins, sitting up fully and pulling her girlfriend towards her.
“Hi.” Lena smiles back and wraps her arms around Emma’s neck.
They kiss which slowly gets more and more heated until Lena stops them.
“As much as I’d love for this to continue.” Lena quickly kisses Emma’s lips. “I think we should move this somewhere else?”
“Hmm okay.” Emma kisses Lena again. “Mine or yours?”
“Let’s go to yours.” Lena rests her forehead against Emma’s.
“But your apartment is closer.” Emma looks deeply into Lena’s green eyes.
“True, but, as much as I love having sex with you. I also want to spend time with you.” Lena kisses Emma lightly before pulling back. “Why don’t we get some ice cream.” Lena kisses Emma again. “Enjoy the day and-” Another kiss. “See what happens?”
Emma chuckles and bites her lips at Lena’s sultry tone. “Sounds like a plan.” Lena smiles at her before heading back towards the bathroom. Emma gets off the desk and picks up her clothes. Looking at the state of her underwear. “Oh er… Lee?” Lena pokes her head around the door. “Do you have any underwear I can borrow?”
-- -- --
The girlfriends soon get themselves in order, Emma in a pair of Lena’s dry underwear and they leave Lena’s office.
“Have a good day Ms. Luthor, Emma.” Jess smiles at them brightly and Emma’s face becomes beet red when she realises Jess will have heard them.
“You too Jess, don’t work too hard!” Lena jokes as she walks to the elevator and presses the button. Her smile fades when she sees the horror on Emma’s face. “Em?”
“She… Jess, would have heard us?” The doors slide open and Emma rushes in. Holding her head in her hands.
“Oh love.” Lena chuckles pressing the buttons for the lobby and turns to her motifided girlfriend. She slowly leans into Emma’s ear. “My office is sound proof.” She pulls away and smirks at Emma’s relieved face. Taking Emma’s hand Lena holds it tight. The doors open and then walk in sync out of L-Corp and towards Emma’s penthouse apartment. They grab ice cream cones along the way, Emma’s cone being a lot bigger than Lena’s, and wander through the park. Taking their time and enjoying the spring sunshine.
“Hmm Lee! You gotta try this!” Emma holds out her cone and points at the mint choc chip. They stop and Lena slowly licks at the ice cream and moans, causing Emma to bite her lip. “Of course you would do that.” Emma narrows her eyes. An idea enters her head and she quickly presses her ice cream to Lena’s nose.
“Emma?!” Lena yelps and her eyes go wide. Emma laughs and takes a step back while still holding Lena’s hand. “Oh you’ve done it now!”
“Lee! Now think about this.” Emma implores her girlfriend but ends up with a load of ice cream shoved in her face.
The two squeal and laugh as they end up smearing more ice cream on their faces. They laugh so much they fall into each other and soon tears stream down their faces. Emma wheezes and collapses onto a bench with Lena. Taking her back pack off and placing it between her legs. She rubs her eyes and smiles at her girlfriend beside her. Lena smiles lovingly back before wiping the ice cream off her and Emma’s face with a napkin.
“You know I was saving that for later.” Emma says sarcastically.
“I do apologise.” Lena chuckles before resting her head on Emma’s shoulder. 
They continue to eat their ice creams and watch the world go by. Emma is fascinated as the wind gently blows through a tree, causing the blossoms to slowly fall to the floor.
“So, what did you do at sister night?” Lena asks while finishing her cone.
Emma sighs. “We got food and mainly talked.”
Lena frowns and lifts her head up to see Emma properly. “What’s the sigh for?”
“Promise you won’t tell anyone?” Emma asks and Lena nods. “Alex and Kelly aren’t doing well and I’m worried about Kara.”
“I’m sorry to hear that.” Lena says sincerely, this news about Alex did surprise her. She thought Alex and Kelly were a great couple, but, like with anything, the outside can show a different story to what's going on inside. “And what are you worried about.”
“I just… With both of them they’ve both not told me how they are really feeling. I mean I message them and we facetime-” Emma sighs deeply. “But they didn’t want to stress me out while I’m on tour. Which is such a kick to the gut. I thought they knew I’d drop anything for them, you know?”
“Yea, but I can see where they are coming from. A lot of people depend on you Emma.” Lena thinks about the many other people that work on the tour. The sound and lighting technicians, the stage hands that get the stage set up and the truck and coach drivers.
Emma scoffs. “A lot more depend on them. They’re real life heroes. Saving people's lives daily and I-I just sing and play my guitar or piano.” Emma says while rubbing her forehead. Lena reaches out and turns Emma’s face towards her, looking deep into Emma’s hazel green eyes.
“Now, I know you have received tons of fan mail stating you saved someone's life. That they didn’t end it because of your songs.” Lena swallows, knowing herself how Emma’s music has been there for her. “You’ve given them hope, a light in their darkness. To me, that’s pretty heroic.” Lena says passionately and Emma’s eyes glisten as she takes in her girlfriend’s words.
“Thank you.” Emma says gratefully and kisses Lena.
“You’re welcome.” Lena holds Emma’s hand and squeezes. “Ready to continue?”
“Yep!” Emma wipes under her eyes and stands putting her backpack on while pulling Lena up to her feet. They hold hands and walk to Emma’s apartment, stopping at a store on the way to pick up essentials. With Emma going back on tour tomorrow night they are making a healthy meal. Lena even insisted they buy chicken for Emma to eat. Knowing the blonde needs her protein and not taking Emma’s no for an answer.
-- -- --
When Emma opens her apartment door she smiles at being home. Remembering how her sister’s helped her find an apartment and how all three of them fell in love with it as soon as they walked in.
The pair place the shopping bags on the kitchen island and change into comfortable clothes. They head back into the kitchen and get to work. They move around the space effortlessly and Emma twirls Lena a few times with the music that's playing. Making Lena burst out laughing and smiling as she kisses Emma.
They eat at the table and talk about Lena’s up and coming projects. As always Emma is blown away by Lena’s ideas and passion.
“How’s the project going where you, like, heal people quickly?” Emma blushes at not remembering the details fully.
“It’s going.” Lena rolls her eyes slightly. “I mean something so ground breaking you’d think there’d be a lot more interest.” Lena takes a sip of her wine. “Unfortunately there isn’t.”
Emma shakes her head. “But you are continuing with it?”
“Of course.” Lena says quickly. “It may even help with my plans to help cure cancer.”
“Like Edison.” Emma takes a bite of her meal, watching as Lena tilts her head at her. Emma swallows her food and continues. “I mean in the way it took him over three thousand tries until he successfully developed the lightbulb. For you it may take loads of tries, but, I know you’ll get there.” The smile Lena gives melts Emma and she smiles back.
“Thank you.” Lena reaches out and holds Emma’s hand.
“You’re welcome. I can be your personal cheerleader! Along with many others!”
“Not that many.” Lena rolls her eyes and takes another sip of her wine.
“Hey! Lena, look at me.” Emma waits until green eyes connect with hers. “You have many who love you.” Emma squeezes Lena’s hand. “Remember, it’s not the quantity but the quality. The Superfriends and I have your back.”
Lena gives her a small smile and they continue eating. Intertwining their fingers and sitting in comfortable silence. When they finish Emma picks up the plates and takes them over to the dishwasher to load them. But she doesn't, instead figuring she can do it tomorrow.
Turning round she sees that Lena is watching her intently. Sending a spike of excitement through her.
“So, I wanted to show you something.” Emma asks shyly. “If that’s okay? You don’t have to. I mean we can do something else-”
Lena gets up and cuts off Emma’s rambling with a gentle finger on her lip. “I’m fine with whatever we do love. What is it you want to show me?”
“Go make yourself comfortable on the sofa.” Emma nods to them across the apartment. Lena raises an eyebrow and grabs her wine, Emma’s drink and the bottle. Lena sits and Emma goes to grab her backpack she dumped by the door. Walking back she unzips it and pulls her MacBook Pro out.
“So… Erm… As you know the record company wants me to release an alarm soon after the tour…” Emma sits next to Lena and opens her Mac. A picture of the Superfriends at Christmas appears and they both smile at it. Emma unlocks the computer with her touch ID and opens her album folder. She syncs her speakers with her mac so the sound quality is better. “Well… I’ve been recording while on tour and somehow got over forty songs.” Emma laughs as Lena’s high brows shoot up. “But we’ve narrowed it down to these twenty five. Which is still too many!” Emma takes a nervous breath. “Are you okay to listen to them and give me your opinion? You can say no!” Emma says too quickly.
Lena blinks at her but then smiles. “Of course I want to listen! I’m touched you want to share this with me.”
“Well, you are the most important thing in my life.” Emma says softly. Her finger hovers over the play button, but she sits back grabbing a cushion and hugging it close. “I can’t do it! You have too!”
Lena chuckles and presses play. She sits back and listens. When the song ends Emma reaches out to stop the next song from playing.
“That song was so good!” Lena says excitedly, beaming at her girlfriend. “Will that be the opening song in the album?”
“I honestly don’t know. I mean it’s always good to open with an upbeat song. But there’s still twenty four songs to go.”
Emma starts the next song and settles back into the sofa. She watches her girlfriend nervously. Reading the slight changes in her facial expressions, the tapping of her foot or sway of her head and what they could mean. After each song they discuss the song further, Lena giving a detailed analysis of what she liked or didn’t like.
But before Emma plays the last song she closes the Mac. Causing Lena to look at her confused.
“I want to sing the last song to you.” Emma says softly. Lena nods and Emma pulls her to her feet. Emma leads the raven-haired beauty to her wooden upright piano. She grabs a chair for Lena to sit on. Lifting the lid Emma settles on the piano bench. Taking a deep breath she starts the first chord.
That summer sky burnin' in your eyes You look at me and, babe, I wanna catch on fire It's buried in my soul like California gold You found the light in me that I couldn't find
Emma thinks back to the summer and the time of the beach with the Superfriends. How beautiful Lena looked. How Lena, her best friend, became the love of her life. How she has changed Emma for the better, even in the early days of their friendship and was always there to support her.
Emma’s emotions start to get to her and the next few lines come out in more of a croak.
So when I'm all choked up But I can't find the words Every time we say goodbye Baby, it hurts
Rao yes it hurts so much whenever Emma has to say goodbye to Lena. The last kisses and longing looks as they walk away from each other feels like Emma’s heart is ripped in two every time.
When the sun goes down And the band won't play I'll always remember us this way
Lena watches Emma with tears in her eyes. The passion the blonde is given each note takes her breath away. The fact she’s singing about her sets her heart ablaze.
Emma continues the song. Giving it her all and getting lost in the music and the words.
After the last chorus she looks over at her girlfriend. Emma smiles softly at the emotion on Lena’s face. The few tears that have slipped from her green eyes.
When you look at me And the whole world fades I'll always remember us this way
As the last chords fade away they sit in silence. Emma bites her lip in worry and straddles the piano bench.
“Lee? You o-” Emma can’t continue as Lena’s lips are against her own.
Lena kisses Emma deeply and climbs onto the blonde’s lap. She starts grinding into Emma who hums happily. Lena gasps in surprise when Emma lifts her up as she stands. Lena quickly wraps her legs around Emma’s middle as the blonde carries her to the bedroom.
Emma carefully lays Lena on the bed and hovers over her, breaking the kiss.
“So you liked the song then?” Emma asks cheekily.
Lena scoffs, pulling her girlfriend on top of her and kissing her passionately. When they need air they break the kiss and Lena cups Emma’s face. “I love it and I love you.”
“I love you too.” Emma says as she looks deep into Lena’s green eyes. “Lee, you have no idea how much I love you.”
The rest of the night is filled with their moans of pleasure until the early hours of the morning.
(Part Nine)
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Control the Noise {General One Shot}
Requested by: @lunchawx Wordcount: 1807 Summary: You’re a songwriter with quite a bit of acclaim but you tend to hide behind a pseudonym to keep your private life private. But it doesn’t stay that way for long.
In your rather spacious apartment, you played the piano softly. The Grammies were being premiered tonight on the television, but you weren’t paying attention just yet. The cameras were all focused on the glamorous people that were walking down the red carpet. Beautiful gowns in every color, suits with different color ties. A few of the men chose to wear something that wasn’t just a simple black suit, and people applauded them for it. But you didn’t care for the politics of the music industry. You were in it for the music itself. The lyrics. The chance to have someone with an amazing talent showcase the words that you wrote.
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You were feeling inspired tonight. Your fingers glided across the piano, coming up with a melody - and the words were just popping into your head. You stopped playing and reached for the pen that you kept cocked behind your ear, and the notebook that you kept in place of the sheet music. You wrote down a couple of words, then continued on. It was that constant back and forth which took up a large part of your day today.
“Welcome to the Grammies!” The host of the night said, their voice coming from the television. You pressed your last couple of notes, then looked over your shoulder to where bright and smiling faces were looking down upon you. The host was someone that you had written for, actually. One of his major hits only two years before, but you have both since moved on. You had written three of the songs that were up tonight, which was the only reason that you were watching this. You’d be receiving a phone call at the end either way, but you might as well see how people responded to your music.
You were not the type for the famous life. The musicians that you worked with, save for a special few who had become friends, were given an alias. You wanted your personal life separate from your professional. Your neighbors just thought that you played music for fun, and knew nothing about your career. All in all - life was actually perfect this way. You got the money without the cameras.
It all seemed to go off without a hitch. You had a glass of wine, and some food delivered, so you could enjoy it all from the comfort of your couch. Your manager was texting you every once in a while, asking if you were watching, your opinion on some of the other songs, and some gossip on the big music couples that were there that night. You joined in - it was a little fun to gossip.
The night was going swimmingly. One of your songs had just won an award. You were up on your feet and dancing around, excited at the bit of a pay bonus that you were going to be getting from this. And the fact that the song would sell more now, and you’d be getting a little bit more of a percentage. It was nice to have your work recognized, even if only a small handful of people knew that it was someone else who had written the song.
The beautiful singer went up to the stage, among all of the applause. There, she was given the award. You were down on your knees in front of the television, all sparkling eyes and happiness. You had both put a lot of work into this, and she definitely deserved the fame and attention. The song had been written with her voice in mind. With her background in mind. You were especially proud of it.
“It’s an honor to be nominated alongside so many incredible female artists this year,” The beautiful young woman said into the microphone. “I guess this year we really stepped up. I have my mom to thank, my best friends obviously, y/f/n y/l/n for writing this amazing song, and the rest of the team....”
You fell back onto the carpet beneath your feet. Your name was the last thing that you had expected to come out of her lips. It was the last thing that you had wanted too. Your real name had been told to her in confidence. And here she was just spreading it out there.
You could just barely hear your phone ringing from behind you. You reached for it, without removing your eyes from the television. Nobody on the screen seemed to realize that anything had been wrong. People were still cheering, and the singer walked off of the stage after her speech. You raised the phone to your ear to hear your manager in an uproar.
“No - you tell them that this is unacceptable!” He was shouting at someone, that wasn’t you. “Y/N? Hey, just saw what happened - hold on - No, you tell her that we’re never working with her again! They broke the confidentiality agreement! Y/N, you still there?”
“Unfortunately,” You said, holding the phone a foot away from your ear. You could hear him sigh. He sounded as stressed as you felt. “What was she thinking?”
“She wasn’t. That’s the damn problem. All of that fame goes to their heads and they forget about the business side of things! Goddamnit - why do these award shows have to be live when so much can go wrong.”
“So what do we do?” You asked, turning off the television. You didn’t care about who won what anymore - you were just exposed for the world to know. No doubt your neighbors were watching. It was the biggest thing that was happening tonight, and plenty of people were going to see it. Oh God, even your friends who didn’t fully know what you did were going to find out.
“I’m going to call in a publicist, see what we can do. Don’t worry, it won’t be on your dime. The diva can take care of it,” He grumbled. “Just hold on tight and we’ll figure this all out.”
It had been three days. You didn’t leave your apartment. There had been a lot of phone calls but you only answered the ones from your manager. It was too late - the world knew that you were behind some of the biggest hits of the last couple of years. Your real identity had been discovered. It was unravelling. This was why you never went public, because of this sense of having no control.
You had to leave the house eventually though. You had to go out and get groceries. You psyched yourself up, picking a rather dull outfit from your closet so you wouldn’t get much attention. Even Lady Gaga sometimes gets her own groceries. Brad Pitt has been seen doing it. Besides, it’s not as if a lot of people would connect your name with your face, unless you had to show some identification. Hopefully it wouldn’t come to that.
You kept a hat low over your eyes nonetheless as you went through the aisles of the supermarket, picking out the things that you would need for the next two weeks. It seemed to be going well, no one was looking twice at you. It was when you went up to the check-out that things started to go awry.
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Right on the cover of the tabloid magazines which were always surrounding the check-out counters, was your face. And your name. ‘Star Songwriter’s Identity Revealed!’ The picture wasn’t the most flattering one either. It was taken off of your personal instagram account, which as private. You maybe had fifty followers on there, all people that you know, but somehow, one of those pictures had gotten leaked.
While trying not to bring any attention to yourself, you picked up the magazine like you were inspecting it. Then you set it down, facing the wrong way. Instead of your own face, what you saw now was an advertisement on the back. Then you did so with the rest of them, making sure that each one was turned around. Some poor salesperson would have to fix them but it was horrifying nonetheless.
You got out of there as soon as possible, moving from using the check-out counter with a smiling person behind it, to the self-check out. At least there you didn’t have to talk to people. And you could get out with your head bowed and no one looked at you twice.
Once you were back in the safety of your car, just one of the many in the parking lot, you called your manager again. He had been getting a lot of calls from you lately. Most of the time he wasn’t picking up because he was too busy trying to fix this problem. You caught him at a spare moment though.
“There’s no use,” You sighed into it. “My picture is on the cover of the magazines. Like I’m Madonna or something.”
“Oh honey, Madonna is never on the covers anymore. You’re like Taylor Swift now,” Your manager said. This did make you smile a small bit but it was still unfortunate. “But I hate to say that you’re right. You’re trending all over right now. You made it big - so now it’s up to you what you do with it.”
“I guess I should get a publicist,” You groaned. You liked it when it was just you and your manager, who was the one who worked with the record labels to get your song out there. It wasn’t the size of your entourage, it was the quality. And after so long of it being just the two of you, you were reluctant to bring another person onto the team.
“Leave that to me,” Your manager grunted. “At least then I’m still good for something.”
“None of this is your fault. I shouldn’t get close to the artists, I know, it’s mine,” You let out a long sigh. “I guess I have some thinking to do.”
“Maybe you’ll find some inspiration and come out with some new songs, eh?” Your manager said, flipping the conversation to work, as they always managed to do. “Your last few were absolute hits. And now that your name is going out there, people are going to be looking for it. Lots of offers already. Just think about it.”
“Okay. Thanks - for everything.” You hung up your phone and checked yourself out in the rearview mirror, slapping your cheeks to get rid of that blood-drained look that seeing yourself in the magazines had given you. At least your manager was right about one thing.
Inspiration really was running through you now.
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dc41896 · 4 years
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So I’ve been wanting to write something based on the song pov by Ariana Grande and then a certain someone decided to attack my heart strings yet again playing the piano so this is an idea I thought of lol. Also this is a sequel to Between the Lines.
Pairing: Chris EvansxBlack Reader
⚠️: None, all fluff! (Well maybe a teensy amount of sad times because of the lyrics)
“There she is,” Chris smiles entering the small make shift studio holding two steaming mugs. Joining your bundled form on the grey loveseat, he hands one to you before sweetly kissing your cheek and moving your legs to stretch across his lap. “So how’s my two-time Grammy nominated superstar doing?”
That’s pretty much all he called you now, besides his usual baby and honey, ever since the list of nominations were announced a couple months ago. Every time the words left his mouth, you found yourself giddily smiling and feeling as if you were in a dream you were bound to wake up from any moment.
Like other artists, winning a Grammy was always one of your ultimate goals and now that there was a possibility you could take home not one but two, you felt immense pride and excitement that your hard work was paying off. This excitement soon turned into stress though with the added preparations you needed to complete as the big day quickly approached. Since you were also performing, you and your team had been busy thinking of what the perfect song choice would be as well as concepts that would match.
So far everything was perfect until your pianist had an unfortunate accident requiring him to have surgery on his wrist. Now you were even more stressed wondering if there were any other people you knew that could fill in.
“A little overwhelmed honestly,” you sigh placing your phone down before noticing what exactly was in your mug. “How did you know I was craving cocoa?”
“Well knowing how stressed you’ve been lately, I figured you’d want some since that’s when you crave it most.”
“Aww thank you baby,” you smile leaning over to wipe his mini chocolate mustache before kissing his lips.
“Still looking for a piano player?”
“Yea but with it coming up so soon, we might just have to do the backup song which isn’t entirely a bad thing, but then I’d have to think of a totally new concept, outfit, then we have to rehearse, I’d have to tell the producers at the show we changed it-,”
“Hey let’s take a break from that okay?,” he speaks trying to calm your rambling and very apparent nerves. Taking your hand, he pulls you closer to sit on his lap guiding your head to fall on his shoulder. “I know things aren’t going how you want, but everything will work out. You’re gonna have an amazing performance that people are gonna talk about for the rest of the year, and no matter what, me, your family, friends, and fans will be so proud of you.” Bringing your hand to his lips, he peppers kisses along your knuckles and fingertips making you smile as you snuggle closer to his neck.
“Thank you.”
“No problem, you know I’m always here.”
Soothingly rubbing circles in your back the way you loved for him to do, you nearly let the vibrations from his humming lull you to sleep before an idea makes you sit up, staring at him now confused.
“Honey? You okay?”
“Yea...yea I just thought of something. What about you?”
“What about me?”
“You play piano for me! I mean you know the song you’ve heard it plenty of times, heck you even helped with the melody. Then that way nothing has to get changed!,” you excitedly answer holding onto his shoulders.
“Yea all of that is true, and I’d love to help but are you sure? Y/N that’s your night, I don’t want anybody trying to say I’m somehow tied into your success when that’s not true.”
“Chris, you and I both know people are gonna talk no matter what, and as long as I’m with you sadly someone’s gonna think that and try to spread it everywhere. But I don’t care what anyone says, and you shouldn’t either,” you smile moving your hands to rest on his partially bearded cheeks. “Like you said it’s my night and sharing it with the man I love will make it even more special. Especially if he’ll be right beside me the whole time.”
“Whether I was physically on that stage with you or not, you know I’m always beside you.”
Closing the gap between you, his lips capture yours in a quick yet passionate exchange before he rests his forehead against yours.
“Now if you win, does that mean my name goes on it too? I mean as you said I helped with the melody and I am providing my services,” he states as you both laugh holding onto each other.
“I don’t know about the name inscription, but we can work that out later,” you answer.
“Alright five minutes guys!,” Gina announces fluffing your curls one last time. Noticing your infamous lip bite as your knee rapidly bounces, Chris places both hands on your knee quickly kissing your cheek before being swatted away by your best friend giving you a much needed laugh. “Hey relax, no smudging the makeup until after they say cut.”
“Two minutes!,” a voice yells as you try your best to breathe.
“You got this alright? You’re gonna do great!” Giving you a quick hug, she disappears behind the cameras and soon you hear the cheery presenter in your ear as she begins introducing your performance.
“Alright now I’m not trying to be biased, but this next performer is one of my favorites! She’s been killing it this year with the release of her highly anticipated debut album which led to her two Grammy noms tonight. Performing from her personal studio, here’s Y/N.”
The piano softly plays in the background as the camera focuses on you perched on a wooden bar stool. Pulling the sleeves of your pullover sweater over your hands, you take a quick deep breath as your cue to start approaches.
It's like you got superpowers
Turn my minutes into hours
You got more than 20/20, babe
Made of glass, the way you see through me
You know me better than I do
Can't seem to keep nothing from you
How you touch my soul from the outside
Permeate my ego and my pride
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Glancing over at Chris in his backwards cap, grey tank, and sweats a small smile forms on your lips watching his fingers delicately press against each key. He could feel your eyes as he looked up with a smile himself winking at you and making you innocently giggle.
I'm gеtting used to receiving
Still gеtting good at not leaving
I'ma love you even though I'm scared
Learnin' to be grateful for myself
You love my lips 'cause they say the
Things we've always been afraid of
I can feel it startin' to subside
Learnin' to believe in what is mine
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me
The way that you trust me
Ooh, 'cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
Standing from your seat, you slowly make your way beside him on the bench resting your head on his shoulder while the camera pans around to catch your cute exchange.
I couldn't believe it or see it for myself
Know I be impatient
But now I'm out here, fallin', fallin'
Frozen, slowly thawing, got me right
I won't keep you waitin', waitin'
All my baggage fadin' safely
And if my eyes deceive me
Won't let them stray too far away
I wanna love me
The way that you love me
Ooh, for all of my pretty and all of my ugly too
I'd love to see me from your point of view
I wanna trust me, ooh
The way that you trust me, baby
'Cause nobody ever loved me like you do
I'd love to see me from your point of view
As he plays his last few notes, your arms gently wrap around his bicep and your chin rests on his shoulder before you peck the corner of his mouth. His lips twitch into that adorable smile you love so much after mouthing “I love you” and all those around cheer with claps and whistles.
“You did amazing honey,” he whispers cupping your cheek with his warm hand.
“Thank you, and you too Mozart.”
“Nope, we’re not making that a thing. We both know I literally could never,” he replies making you both laugh before being startled by Gina’s squeals.
“Girl you won best new artist!”
“Wait what?”
“You won! They just told me so you can go ahead and make your acceptance speech! They’ll play it when the category comes up.”
You have to be nudged by a chuckling Chris being in such a state of shock. Oh course you hoped and wished you’d win, but you didn’t expect it to actually happen. Returning to your barstool, you try to collect yourself as the signal is given that the camera was rolling.
“Wow, um hi everybody! I honestly didn’t think this would happen,” you nervously laugh. “Um first off thank you mom and dad for your support even though I was probably really annoying singing all over the house all hours of the day. Thank you to the fans, of course, for your support as well from streaming to buying my music and all the other ways you guys have been so amazing to me. I may not be able to respond to every single post, tweet, or DM but I see you guys and from the bottom of my heart I truly thank every single one of you. My friends and my team, I love y’all so much and appreciate all that you guys do to help and keep me sane.”
“And to the one who inspired the song that helped me get this award,” you sigh peering past the camera to see a glossy eyed Chris leaning against the wall. “Thank you for being exactly what I need when I need it, whether it’s a cuddle buddy, a partner in crime for late night food runs, or a friend to remind me to love myself when I’m doing the opposite. I love you and I can’t wait to spend the rest of my life with you.”
Rotating the silver band on your ring finger, you hold up your hand with a shy smile to reveal a sparkling princess cut diamond making everyone around beam with excitement, and surely those who would be watching at home.
Taglist: @fumbling-fanfics @honeychicanawrites @honeychicana @lady-olive-oil @themyscxiras @melinda-january @lovelymari4 @maxcullen @literaturefeen @damnitaa @curlyhairclub @plokyu23 @fullofmelaninsarcasmandepression @nunubug99 @felicity-x0 @ellixthea @jojolu @jnk-812 @brwn-sgr @captainsamwlsn @wildfirecracker @nina-sj @iammyownlover @chaneajoyyy @scoop93535 @secretmysteriousperson
If anybody wants to be tagged, has asked to be tagged but don’t see your name, only want to be tagged for certain people I write for, or no longer wish to be tagged just let me know🤓!
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penwieldingdreamer · 4 years
Caring Makes You Weak
So, as there are too few Harvey Specter Stories and inspiration finally striked again while rewatching Suits I decided to rework an old story of mine and post it on here, too.
Hope you guys will like it. Let me know what you think. If you want to be tagged, just let me know.
Also shout out to my beta @fortheloveoffanfic​
Summary: Harvey Specter, best closer in New York City and Senior Partner at Pearson Hardman, the man most females in the city want, yet he himself doesn't want commitment, because caring makes one weak. Enter Elle Howard, a woman he met a long time ago. Will she be the one to break down his walls and make him care?
Words: 1704
(Coverart still pending)
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"Mommy? Can we see daddy today?" the three-year old's question sounded from the back of the car as the young mother was on her way to drop her two children off at daycare and school. 
A deep sigh left Elle's lips when she stopped at a red light. "I don't think he's got time today." she said, keeping her mouth shut about her ex-husband's questioning ability to spend more than five minutes with his kids. 
"He doesn't have time because he doesn't want us anymore, Izzy, he's got a new family." her son ranted angrily. Ever since Travis and her had split up, the seven year old pulled away from her. He was easily irritated and his grades were suffering. Elle wasn't able to spend as much time with her children as she used to when she was still married to Travis Tanner. During that time she used to be a stay-at-home-mom, but now she had to work odd jobs to keep her kids in the same facilities as they were right now. She didn't want to take that away from them when they already had so much on their plate. 
"Charles Henry Tanner, stop it. Don't talk like that to your sister." she called, only just taking her eyes off the road for the fraction of a second. It was enough time for the light to change again and another car speeding towards them. 
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Mike raced towards Harvey's office, the files tightly gripped in his hand. His heart was racing, reading through the Pro Bono. Donna looked up from her desk, her eyes widening when she saw the associate come running down the hallway. 
"Mike!" she called, getting up from her chair. "What's going on?" 
He held up his hand and stormed into the office. "Harvey, I need your help." 
Looking up, the closer opened his mouth but closed it again when he saw the wild look in Mike's eyes. "What the hell are you doing storming in here?" Ever since the younger man had lost his beloved Grammy and the problems with Daniel Hardman, Harvey had been irritated to no end, not even Donna being reinstated had helped lighten his mood. 
"Louis gave me that case. I can't take it." he answered, putting the folder onto his boss' desk. He raked his hands through his hair, pacing in the office, his long strides taking him from the corner window to the door and back again. 
Harvey took the files, reading through the case notes, cursing on the inside, while not showing his own reaction to his associate. "So? What do you want me to do about this?" 
"This is a custody case. I never did that and it's Tanner's ex-wife." the younger man argued. "He's going to rip this case apart. There's no chance I can beat him." 
Leaning back in his chair, Harvey Specter watched his associate. He knew what he was capable of, but Travis was a pitbull in court. "How about you talk to his ex-wife and get started, I'll look into the rest of the case." 
"Elle's my neighbor, Harvey." Mike told him, falling down into the chair in front of the desk. "When I lose that case, she's going to lose her kids. Tanner doesn't even want to spend time with his kids anymore, he's got a new family now. They might as well end up with a foster family." 
Rubbing his chin, the lawyer turned around and looked out of the window. "What exactly happened?" 
"Actually I would have loved to have you come with me to ask that question." 
"Mike, I can't" 
"I cleared your schedule, Harvey. You should go with the puppy." Donna's voice sounded over the intercom, the smile on her lips clear as a day. 
Harvey turned to the glass wall of his office, seeing his secretary looking at him. He raised his eyebrow, giving her a warning look. "I thought we had an agreement about you listening in." The redhead just shrugged her shoulders and gave him her typical 'Donna' look. "Right, let's go ask some questions." 
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Together, the lawyer and his associate stood in front of Elle Howard's apartment, the one just down the hall from Mike's. 
"Harvey, please be gentle this time. They took the kids from her as soon as they were checked out from the hospital." he told his boss, fidgeting with his tie. 
Rolling his eyes, the closer hit him in the chest. "Stop it, Mike. You know her, what are you nervous about?" He raised his hand and knocked on the door. 
"I just don't want to let her down, you know." he answered, looking at his boss and friend. 
Before he could answer, the door opened and Harvey felt his breath catch. It wasn't that he was shocked by the beauty of the woman leaning in the doorway watching them closely, not that she wasn't beautiful even with the cuts and bruises on her face and body, but he remembered those eight years ago. "Elle." 
Swallowing, the closer and his rookie entered the apartment after the redhead. Mike gave his friend a questioning look before he shook his head. "You know her?" he angrily whispered, pointing his thumb at Elle. Harvey just shook his head and walked over to the couch where the younger woman was already seated. 
"So, Tanner and you?" he opened his questioning, leaning back on the couch next to his associate. 
Chuckling softly, Elle looked over at the lawyer. "That's what your first question is going to be? I thought you'd at least have the nerve to ask me how I am doing." 
"Elle, listen, I'm sorry that we showed up like this, can you tell us what happened the day of the accident?" Mike intervened, sending his boss and mentor a dark look. 
Brushing a loose strand of hair behind her ear, the mother-of-two sighed. "I don't know what you want me to say? I'm just happy that my kids are fine and didn't get hurt. Do you have any idea when I can see them again?" 
Clearing his throat, Harvey watched her closely. "Your ex-husband has filed for custody, Mrs Tanner, also banned you from seeing the children until trial is over."
"I'm going by Howard now, already done that for the last two years." Elle bit back, fidgeting in her seat, when she felt tears spring to her eyes. "I didn't do anything wrong for that jerk to deny me my kids. He didn't even want them in the first place, Travis gave me sole custody but no money for Izzy and Charlie." 
Getting up from the plush couch she moved over towards the window, looking down at the numerous picture frames showing her wonderful children. They were her life and not having them here with her was tearing her up inside.  "It was only a second." she started, crossing her arms in front of her chest. Harvey watched her closely, remembering the weekend they had spent together, while his associate rested his eyes on him. Never in his life would Mike have believed that the notorious Harvey Specter would show emotion, besides that one time they were smoking pot in his apartment. "Izzy wanted to see Travis, I told her that he didn't have time, like always and Charlie, he's been so angry ever since we split up. I just, the light was green when we drove off and it, I only just turned my head to look at Charlie. Next thing I know both my kids are standing outside, next to the car with the EMTs while the FDNY is pulling apart my car."
"Okay, please don't think I'm being rude but I have to ask." the associate started, earning raised eyebrows from his boss. "Were you drinking or taking medication that would lead to any failure of sight or control of your body." 
Shaking her head, Elle turned back to the lawyer and his protégé. "There were no drugs and no alcohol, the only thing I took was some mild medication for my headache."
"That, that's good. We can work with that. We'll have to check the traffic cameras, there might be something there that police missed in the beginning." Mike told her, adjusting his shoulder bag before both Harvey and he stood up. "We'll get back to you as soon as we got something for the case." 
The lawyer buttoned up his jacket and nodded at his associate to wait outside. "I'll be right there, Mike." 
"I'm glad he finally got his life together." Elle said, looking over at the closed front door. 
Clearing his throat, Harvey watched the mother-of-two. "How have you been doing?" It had been a while since he saw her but she hadn't changed one bit. "It's been a while, Elle."
"I got married to a dick head, he screwed me over with his secretary and now he took my kids away. I'd say I'm doing quite good." she pointed out, crossing her arms in front of her chest. 
He shoved his hands into his pants pockets, knowing if he'd move just one muscle he'd compromise everything they'd need to work for. "I'm sorry about Tanner, I had the privilege to meet him twice now and the last time I decked him." 
"Good for you, Harvey, he probably deserved it." Elle whispered, not knowing how to act around him. "So - uhm - do you think I got a chance to get my kids back?" 
"We're going to try everything in our power to win this." 
She raised her eyebrows at the dark haired lawyer. "Try?" 
"Do." he corrected, "We'll do everything to win. Mike is the best and brightest associate Pearson Hardman ever had." 
Giving him a small smile. "I'm glad you took my case. I trust Mike, and I trust you. All I want you to do is give it your best, I don't want my kids ending up with a foster family." 
"I promise." Harvey said moving toward the door, opening it and watching his associate fidget in the hallway. "Ready to tackle Tanner?" 
Mike turned to his boss, already seeing the determination written across his face. "We're tackling him?" 
"He ain't gonna know what hit him." 
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A surprise
3 weeks earlier:
“Congratulations, and we will see you back here soon for your next appointment.” 
“Thank you.” You take a deep breath and walk out to your car. Once settled in the drivers seat you take another look at the picture. It didn’t look like much but you were able to make out the small bean shaped blob of a baby. You smiled, biting your lip. This was something you and Harry had always talked about....but how would he actually react? He was about to start his world tour, he had plans for One Direction to work on projects again, and there was talk of him being nominated for a grammy. It all seemed like so much at once, you weren't sure he would be as excited as you were. You also didn’t know how or when to tell him. Part of you wanted to wait until you were in the safe zone, knowing the baby was growing healthy just as it was supposed to...but what if something happened to it? You didn’t want to go through that alone.... What if he wasnt excited though....what if he didn’t want a baby right now? What if he thought it would just be an inconvenience to his life at this point in his career... You sighed, placing the ultrasound picture in your purse and deciding to hold off on telling him.
“Babe....” Harry called out from the kitchen. He was concerned... you had been in bed all morning due to the insane morning sickness you had been having lately. Harry was convinced you were dying. Every morning waking him by dashing to the bathroom and heaving everything in your stomach into the toilet. You had tried hiding most of your pregnancy symptoms, but its actually insanely hard to hide. Along with morning sickness, you were also moody, emotional, not sleeping well, and would get nauseous at any given smell throughout the day. 
“I’m okay.” You called back, rolling over in bed. You heard his feet pad into the bedroom and looked up. Harry was standing next to the bed with a cup of tea. He set it on the table and sat next to you. You curled up into his chest and and smiled. “If I had known not feeling well would get me some extra snuggles this morning, I would’ve faked it long before,” you joked.
Harry chuckled, relieved to see that you were feeling better. He pressed a kiss to your cheek and relaxed into the blankets with you. His fingers trailed up and down your arm softly. “Are you sure youre okay to come with me to mum’s later?”
You nodded. “Of course! You know I would never miss an opportunity to have some of those chocolate chip cookies she promised...” Ugh....cookies..... Your mouth started watering immediately. Maybe I can have cookies for breakfast too...
“You know she only makes them because you love them. I think she secretly loves you more than me...”
You laughed and kissed him softly. “Stop. Your mom loves you.”
“I know, I’m just saying she loves you more.” Harry laughed. He looked down at you and grinned. “But it’s okay because I love you more than she does....” he kissed you, his lips pulling away slowly.
You grinned, shaking your head. “I sure hope you love me more than your mom does. Besides-”
Harry cut you off, his lips attacking yours. Your hands wrapped around his body which was moving over yours. It had been almost 2 weeks since you and Harry had actually had sex. Before your symptoms had shown up, Harry had been away for work only to come back to you throwing up every morning. His hands slowly stroked the inside of your thighs, tugging at the panties while his lips stayed glued to yours. “Shh...” He whispered against your lips. “A little less talking please...”
You laughed, tugging at his boxers until they slithered down his legs. Harry tugged the t-shirt of his you were wearing off and moved his lips down your chest. He pushed himself inside you, earning a groan from you. You had almost forgotten how big he was... Harry moved faster, pushing in deeper and hitting your sweet spot. Your walls clenched around him. “I-I’m cl-” your words were cut off as he moved faster. You watched his eyes roll back and new what was coming. His lips sloppily moved to yours, and he froze breathing heavy. You could feel the warmth of him inside you, causing you to release as well. Harry sat still for a minute, before pulling out and sliding you up onto his chest with a lazy smile. You pressed kisses along his jawline, still feeling heat between your legs and that itchy feeling in your stomach not satisfied. Harry got the hint and laughed, moving his way down and cleaning up everything. His tongue pressed into you, sending your back arching and shivers down your spine. He had a finger in, moving quickly when his phone rang. “Ignore it..” You whined breathlessly. Harry did ignore it, continuing what he was doing until it rang again. Sighing, he removed the fingers, licking them clean, and pressing a warm  kiss to your lips before padding over to the dresser to answer the phone.
“Hi mum,” Harry answered giving you a roll of eyes. You laughed, sitting up and moving toward the bathroom. “Yes, we are both still coming over. We just need to shower and get ready and we will be over okay? Okay. Love you. Bye.” Harry hung up and walked over to you, pressing a kiss to the shoulder not covered by your hair. “Mum is very excited to see us.” he mumbled. 
You turned and grinned. “I’m very excited for it as well.” You had decided today was the day. You were going to tell Harry and Anne about the baby. Specifically today because you know Harry had been telling Anne how sick you had been and it would only be so much longer before she realized what was happening. She was good like that, very intuitive. It’s why Harry was such a bad liar now. His mom always knew what he was up to as a kid, he never stood a chance. “In fact...” you mumbled turning to him. “So excited that I have a surprise for her. And you.” You poked his chest with a smirk.
“A surprise?” Harry asked with a grin. “What kind of surprise?”
“If I told you it wouldn't be a surprise...” You kissed him once more before turning back to the bathroom. “Now I’m going to shower and get ready and I suggest you do the same.”
“Well....how about we do that together....” Harry asked softly while his lips pressed to your neck. 
“Well then we better get going.” You laughed grabbing his hand and pulling him into the shower. 
After the two of you were cleaned up and Harry was getting ready for the day you ran into the kitchen and pulled out the two boxes you had wrapped yesterday. One had Harry’s name neatly written on the top and the other had Anne. This is what you had come up with for your reveal. Harry’s box contained a note that said “I’m having your baby, it’s definitely your business.”  A knock off of his Kiwi lyrics and something the two of you constantly joked about. It also contained the pregnancy test you originally took, an ultrasound picture, a onesie that said “if you think I’m cute, you should see my daddy”, and a bear. Anne’s box had a note that said “Mimi, Nana, Granny, Grams, or Grandma, please decide by January 2020.” Inside contained a onesie that said, “Pass me to my grandma”, a baby bottle, binky, and a copy of the ultrasound. You had debated the ideas for a while, but this one was the most unsuspicious because you and Harry had to also give her a birthday present that had arrived much later than expected. 
Harry walked downstairs, eyeing the boxes on the table. “Maybe I could open mine now..” He grabbed the box and you grabbed it back quickly laughing.
“Nice try Haz, but because you took so long to shower we are already going to be late.”
“Who’s fault was that? Hmm...I vaguely remember you the one dropping to your knees and-” You blush and laugh biting your lip softly.
“Okay, okay...we may be equally guilty today. But come on let’s go...” you laughed pulling him to the door. “I’m ready for some cookies...”
You and Harry arrived around 30 minutes late and Anne was standing on the porch waiting. You both climbed out, leaving the gifts in the car and running up to the porch. “Mum!” Harry happily called out, running up and giving her a hug.
“Why are two always late?” she scolded lightly with a laugh.
“It was (y/n)’s fault, she’s always taking so long to get ready.” Harry laughed.
“Oh yeah, blame me.” You laughed walking up and giving Anne a hug.
“Don’t worry dear, I know how long it takes Harry to get moving.” You laughed and gave Harry a smirk, mouthing ‘she loves me more’. He just rolled his eyes and followed the two of you inside. You and Harry sat down, catching up with Anne. Harry told her about the tour, the new songs he was working on, catching up with Liam, Louis, and Niall, and about the praise his album had gotten. You talked about work and how you were planning on touring with Harry. “What about marriage plans...when do you think that will happen?” Anne asked with a smile. You looked over at Harry who blushed and shrugged his shoulders. You and Harry had always talked about getting married but with everything going on, there just didn’t seem to be a lot of time for him to actually consider it or make moves on it. 
“Eventually.” that was Harry’s answer every time. While you wanted to be married, you weren't actually rushing the issue either. You trusted Harry more than anyone else in your life and never had once doubted his love in the 5 years you had been together. When he was ready, you would be too. You just enjoyed having him in your life. Changing the subject Harry looked at you, “What about the surprises?” 
“Oh yeah!” You jumped up, running to the car and grabbing all three gifts. You handed Anne her birthday gift first. It was a large canvas painted with her, Harry, and Gemma. 
“Oh this is lovely.” She smiled. “Thank you both.”
“I have one more surprise for both you and Harry.” you placed the boxes in each of their laps and smiled nervously.  “Harry you might want to go first.” Your heart was beating and your hands sweating. Harry opened his box, his eyes widening at the message and the objects. Tears threatened at his eyes as everything sunk in. The symptoms, the emotions, the onesie and lastly the ultrasound.
“Is this real?” He asked looking up, wiping the falling tears. You nodded, tears also in your eyes now. Harry jumped up and hugged you tightly, still crying. Anne, now curious also opened her box. Her mouth fell open and tears spilled over her cheeks as well. “You’re actually pregnant?”
“Yes.” you cried. Harry didn’t let go, he just held onto you with a smile. He pulled away, wiping your tears and laughing. His hands pressed gently to your stomach. 
Anne also stood up, pulling you and Harry in for hugs. She wiped her tears and looked over at Harry. “I told you.” She laughed.
Harry shook his head with a small laugh. “What?” You asked confused, trying to stop yourself from crying. Anne pulled you back in, rocking you with her.
“I told Harry weeks ago that you were pregnant. He called and said how you were sick every morning and just knew but he said there was no way.” She wiped her eyes again and smiled. “I’m so happy for both of you. Congratulations.”
“Thank you.” You smiled, also wiping your cheeks free of tears. You looked over at Harry who was sat back on the couch going over the ultrasound picture again. You were suddenly very worried he was not happy about it. 
Anne was also watching Harry. “Well, this calls for celebration. You two wait here and I’ll grab the cookies.” 
She left the room and you sat next to Harry quietly. “H?”
“Hm?” he mumbled not looking up from the picture.
Your heart was pounding and tears were now falling down your cheeks again, scared he wasn’t happy. “Are you upset?” you mumble, resting your head on his shoulder.
Harry looked over at you confused. “Upset?” He laughed shaking his head. “Why would I be upset?”
“Idontknow...” you mumbled.
“Babe, this is like the best thing ever. I mean, I’m a little upset you didn’t tell me sooner, but this is something we’ve always talked about, something we have always wanted.”
“I know...I wanted to tell you right away. Like before I even took that test but you were out of town and I- I don’t know I didn’t know how you would react. I mean you have so much going on right now with tour and your music and career...” 
“(y/n).” Harry stopped you, pressing his lips to yours. “I would never have been upset with you. I have a lot going on but nothing is more important than you and our relationship and now our family.” You smiled. “We will do what we need to do with my career.”
“So...you’re happy?”
“Babe.” Harry laughed. “Happy would be an understatement. I mean look at our little baby. Oh my god, I’m going to be a dad. You're going to be a mum. We are adding a baby to the family..” He pointed at the picture and smiled. He turned and kissed you softly. “I love you.”
“I love you too.” You kissed him back, relieved and excited. Anne came back with a plate of warm cookies and you grabbed three, biting into the warm, chocolate gooeyness. 
“So how far along are you?” Anne asked with a smile. 
“Only 8 weeks..” 
She smiled and Harry laughed. “It all makes sense.”
“What does?” you asked eating another cookie.
“You’ve been SO moody. So overly emotional and the cravings I mean it explains everything.”
“Cravings?” Anne asked amused.
“Mum, we went to the store the other day and she grabbed pudding. I have never in my life see her even want pudding and she was like obsessed with it at the store. And, the other day we were watching tv and she cried like three times during the movie.”
“It was sad!” you defended.
“Not that sad.”
“What movie?” Anne was enjoying the conversation.
“Dunkirk mum, we were watching Dunkirk.”
“To be fair, I cried the same amount watching the first time so, and who wants to watch their husband, and father of their child, drown!”
Harry laughed and you shook your head, snuggling into his chest. “I just can’t believe I’m going to be a grandma.. oh my gosh, wait until the fans and everyone in the press finds out. They will lose their minds.” Anne grabbed Harry’s box looking at his items and smiled. “I love this.” She laughed at the lyrics and the onesie and then pulled the two of you into another hug. “Oh I just can’t wait.”
You smiled and Harry kissed your cheek. “A baby Styles. Who would’ve thought?”
After another hour discussion of everything the two of them had missed, you called Gemma, and told her the news. She cried and you cried and Anne cried and Harry laughed at everyone, taking in all of the moments. 
You and Harry finally left, driving home and crawling into bed exhausted. Harry cuddled close, bending down and pressing kisses to your belly before looking up with a smile. “Have I told you I love you?”
“Yes, but I don’t think you could ever do it enough.”
“I love you.” He kissed you softly. “And I love you little one.” he whispered to the belly.
“We love you too.” You smile, snuggling into his chest, falling asleep to his heart beat and the little butterfly feeling in your stomach.
Got this request and loved it. Hope I lived up to your expectations lol
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kook-bish · 5 years
Unprofessional l jjk
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⤏Pairing l Jungkook x Reader
⤏Genre l boyfriend au, fluff, some drama
⤏Word count l 2.1 k
⤏Summary l When you visit BTS while they’re practicing for their Grammy performance you coincidentally meet Ariana Grande and a friend of her. Everything would be great and all if her friend would finally stop clinging onto Jungkook.
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“Where are they?” You mumble as you walk around every corner, becoming desperate as you look inside every room, dancing room, studio, dressing room and whatever the hell there is more.
You came here 20 minutes ago, walking from your hotel room towards the huge building as you grew bored, but now you regretted coming here. People were rushing past you, bumping into you but that wasn’t even what frustrated you.
“Excuse me have you seen BTS somewhere?” You ask as you see a woman speed walking beside you, stopping as she heard your question.
“Who are you? If you’re some crazy fan, get the hell out of here!” Says the woman, her eyes as big as saucers, alarmed at your appearance.
“No! No! I’m friends with them, I’ll show you my ID wait!” You say as you look through your purse, fishing out the card the staff gave you as you and the boys entered the building yesterday.
Watching her read it carefully, you see her body visibly relaxing, making you feel at ease because you were actually afraid she’s gonna throw you out.
“Why didn’t you say that earlier... I know where they’re practicing, I’ll take you there.” She says as she gives you the card back, not even looking at your astonished expression before she makes her way upstairs, not minding the elevator you so desperately wanted to use.
“Thanks..” you mumble but she probably didn’t hear you while looking at the room numbers.
“And...there it is! I’ll leave now, bye!” Says the woman not even once glancing at you as she walks downstairs, leaving you in the empty hallway.
You knock three times, before poking your head inside, silently looking around to notice the boys practicing their performance for another special event, but this time in America.
Entering the room quietly to not interrupt them you sit down on the floor, watching them dance while mouthing the lyrics, facing the mirror which also reflects your body on the floor.
Jungkook immediately notices you and throws a smile your way, and you couldn’t help but hold up a peace sign, making him smile while shaking his head, hair bouncing softly and you wanted to rake your fingers through...guess you’ll have to that later.
Not even two minutes later, the song ends, the room now silent expect the sounds of breathing and your clapping, cheering your boys on as they one by one lay down on the floor, chest going up and down as they try to catch their breath.
“You did great!” You say as you stand up, not forgetting to bring some water bottles with you that were on the floor beside you as you give each one of them a bottle.
“Thanks Y/N.” Says Namjoon and the others nod, still trying to breathe properly while gulping down the water.
“No problem.” You say as you reach Jungkook, crouching down to finally rake your fingers through his hair, even though they were damp from sweat. You couldn’t help but coo at his expression, lazy smile on his lips, eyes closed and muscular chest going up and down.
You feel Jungkook’s hand on your waist, caressing your covered skin as he looks up at you, his lips now forming a pout, waiting for you to kiss him because he’s too lazy to sit up.
Not even protesting for a second you lean down, hands on his chest, supporting your weigh as you give him his requested kiss, ignoring the groans coming from the others.
“Missed you..” mumbles Jungkook against your lips, slightly leaning up again to peck your lips.
“You literally saw her this morning you horny little shit!” Says Yoongi from behind you, making you giggle because that’s just so Yoongi.
“Leave us alone hyung!” groans Jungkook as he sits up, pulling you onto his lap, his arms wrapping around your body as you face the boys, Jungkook’s hard chest pressing onto your back.
You feel Jungkook’s hands stroking your thighs, your skirt doing nothing but letting his hands have free access to them.
“Is that new?” Whispers Jungkook in your ear, kissing your cheek because he loves having you in his arms, his big body covering you, while you stay still, loving the warmth that is radiating off of his body.
“Yeah, it’s that one we bought two days ago.” You say and you feel Jungkook's body vibrating lightly as he hums.
“I knew it would look really good on you, fuck it’s hot and cute at the same time.” Whispers Jungkook, trying to not let his hyungs now what both of you are talking about.
“Thanks babe..” you mumble as you look up at him, seeing him already looking at you, bunny smile evident on his face before he leans in, reaching down to give your lips a proper kiss, humming into it because he just loves the taste of your lips, having the honor to feel them for 4 years now and he still can’t get enough.
Breaking the kiss to breathe you turn around again to stand up. “I need to use the restroom I’ll be right back!”
And with that you go out of the room, looking around in search of a restroom and you immediately find one, this one is right next to their practice room so you’re sure you won’t get lost.
Two minutes later and you enter the room again, not looking up until you hear a familiar voice. “It’s so cool to see you here!”
No, it can’t be...omg there’s Ariana grande standing right in front of BTS and you’re kinda...freaking out right now.
Not trying to go in full panic mode you try to calm down, looking around to see one girl with her, probably her friend or some other famous person you don’t know the name of.
Noticing your entrance the unfamiliar person turns around, furrowing her eyebrows as she scans you, while you bow, greeting her silently.
“Oh hi!” You hear Ariana’s cheerful voice, directed at you.
“Hey...I’m Y/N, nice to meet you!” You say to her and the woman, smiling as she introduces herself even though you know exactly who she is.
And by the looks of it, she already knows you too, probably from all the photos and videos Jungkook posts on twitter and Instagram.
“Could you maybe take a photo?” She asks and you immediately nod, taking her phone she holds out for you to grab before waiting for everyone to pose. You take a couple of photos, trying to get the best angle as everyone smiles, some holding a peace sign up. The girls you still don’t know the name is kinda close to Jungkook, but you don’t mention it, letting it be as you shoot another photo.
“I think there are some good ones.” You say as you give Ariana her phone back, smiling as you see her looking at the photos, giggling at some before she thanks you.
“I kinda want a coffee right now...does someone else want one too?” Asks the woman, looking at everyone in the room except you, waiting for a response.
Counting the amount of how many people want a coffee she turns to you.
“There’s a Starbucks five minutes away from here, could you buy us two coffees, two latte macchiatos, and one hot chocolate, thanks!” Says Ariana's friend, well you assume she is her friend but that attitude of her literally pissed you kinda off, but you didn’t show it.
You widen your eyes a bit, not expecting of her to say that.
“Oh-uh..yeah sure...I guess.” You say, your voice now a tiny bit quieter.
Turning around to go to your purse, you took some money with you, you kinda expected her to give you some but it seems like you have to pay with your own money..for her coffee.
Not noticing the distressed expression on your boyfriend's face you bid goodbye, taking your phone with you just in case you get lost, but something, rather someone stops you by grabbing your wrist.
“I’ll go with her.” You hear Jungkook’s voice from behind you. His arm now wrapping around your small waist as you look up at him, smiling lightly but before he was able to say anything someone interrupts him.
“No, wait! I kinda wanted to talk with you Jungkook.” You hear the girl say, turning around to face her you look at her confused. The other members looked like they weren’t expecting to hear that from her too.
“About what?” You hear Jungkook reply, trying his best to communicate with her without any help from Namjoon or you.
“It’s kinda private and I don’t want your stylist to listen to our conversation.” Says the woman and now you were hella confused, okay maybe it was your fault for not introducing yourself as Jungkook’s girlfriend but you kinda thought she already knew, I mean she obviously knows Jungkook and she probably follows all his social media too.
“Oh um..I’m not his-“ you say but she didn’t let you talk.
“I don’t really care who you are but can you please go out and buy some coffees. And can we please talk Jungkook...alone?” She asks her eyes widening a bit and a small pout forming on her lips.
You notice Namjoon trying to speak up but you just shake your head, telling him that it was okay while the others look at Namjoon, waiting for him to translate the whole conversation.
You expect Jungkook to let you go get the coffee alone to talk to her because you kinda thought he didn’t understand a word or two she said, but it seems like his studying paid off.
“Girlfriend.” You hear him say from beside you, making you blush because fuck his English is so cute especially with that accent.
You see Ariana smile at you from the corner of your eye, but your focus was still on that girl.
“Wait...that’s your girlfriend?” Says the woman, clearly confused at that statement.
“Yes.” Answers Jungkook while he leans down, kissing your cheek, not to prove a point but just because he wants to.
“Whatever.” You hear her mumble under her breath, looking down on the floor instead of facing you both.
Trying to go out and buy the coffee to avoid the awkwardness you hear her say something, shocking you and everyone else in the room.
“What do you even see in her, you literally could get every fucking woman on this planet yet you still decide to date her?!” She says, now a bit louder, startling you but Jungkook’s hand on your waist, which was grabbing you a little bit tighter now calms you a little bit.
It’s not like you can’t handle some bad words thrown at you but with everyone being there while it happens live kinda embarrass you.
“I think it’s best if I just go back to the hotel room.” You say, ready to leave the whole scene with or without Jungkook at this point you don’t care, you just want to be somewhere else without that girl in sight that just insulted you.
“No, wait stay! How could you say something like that? That’s really mean of you.” You hear Namjoon’s voice speak out, ever the professional you think as you watch him, staring down at the girl, who just shakes her head, looking down at the floor instead of facing Namjoon’s stern face.
“Baby...you okay?” Whispers Jungkook in your ear, kissing your forehead before hugging you closely and soon after you feel someone else caressing your head. You look up to see Jimin and the rest of the guys standing there, looking down at you guiltily even though none of that whole disaster was their fault.
They all joined you for a group hug, whispering sweet encouraging words which made your heart flutter in your chest...you were so lucky to be friends with them.
After Namjoon gave the woman a lecture of respect and whatnot you finally made your way back to the hotel room, dreading to finally have a movie night with your favorite boys.
“I only want you, you know that right?” Asks Jungkook from beside you, his hands playing with your fingers, trying to be as quiet as possible because of his members that were watching the movie attentively.
“Hmm...I love you.” You hum as you lean in to give him a quick kiss, trying to be as subtle as possible to not disturb anyone but of course someone had to notice what the two of you were doing.
“Here we go again.,” exclaims Yoongi loudly as you blush, covering your cheeks as you hear the others laugh.
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Only Mine
A/N: So I’m going to warn this ahead of time, I used Taylor Swift songs. So all credit to Taylor (she’s absolutely incredible and a genius ngl), but all these songs are hers. Just pretend for this story like they’re not and like you wrote them and sang them or something. If you don’t know them then listen to them if you want. They’re all great. And yes, I know some of them are her pop songs and from different albums and eras. But her lyrics are masterpieces. Pairing: Gerard Way x F!Reader Warnings: Mentions of sexual doings, not the actual action though. Word count: 1,535
Gerard’s birthday was fast approaching. And you couldn’t wait.
Of course, you didn’t make it obvious. He never got too excited for his own birthday, to him it was just another day. With cake and presents and such included, but just another day nonetheless. “Gee?” You called into his tour bus, walking up the stairs.
“Hey Y/N.” You heard Ray, who you saw sitting on the couch on his phone.
“Oh, hey Ray.” You smiled in response. “Do you know where Gee went?” “No,” He sighed, “Talking to some manager, I think.” You nodded, sitting next to him, “What’re you planning on getting Gerard for his birthday?” He asked, you smiled at the masterful plan you had.
“You just really can’t tell him.” You said, laying back, “Like this is actually something that if you tell him I may have to hide your dead body.” “Got it.” He lightly laughed.
“So I’ve made this collection of songs over the years, since we started dating. And I put them into an album. About him.” Ray looked slightly surprised. “What? Is it dumb. Oh no is it dumb?” “No, actually no.” He smiled, “It’s brilliant to be honest with you. I mean you’re an incredible singer but an even better song writer. You’ve won Grammy’s so I think anyone would be more than grateful to have an entire album written about them. By a Grammy winner.”
You weren’t known for love songs, at all. You had written and released a few which many fans raved as your best, but you weren’t necessarily known for your song.
“Have you named it yet?” Ray asked. You shook your head.
“I don’t know if I will. Or if I will maybe it’ll just be ‘To Gerard’.” He lightly smiled and shook his head, “What?” “C’mon, you’re so creative. And the best you can come up with is ‘To Gerard?’“ You nodded. “What about something more creative? Like something he reminds you of?” “Cigarettes, coffee, comic books, horror movies, having nothing to say.”
“Those are terrible.” Ray said, “What about something super nice about him?”
“I don’t know, I need to think.”
And you did. For days and days and days. You had the CD ready to give to him, in a blank case. You couldn’t stop thinking, day and night. You were staying at a hotel for a few days, his birthday falling right in the middle of the stretch.
The only thing written on it was on the back, displaying each song name in order in your handwriting.
1. Paper Rings 2. Miss Americana And The Heartbreak Prince 3. Gorgeous 4. Cruel Summer 5. King Of My Heart 6. Dress 7. Lover 8. So It Goes... 9. Afterglow 10. Delicate 11. Call It What You Want 12. cardigan 13. False God
Gerard held you close at night, having not held you in a few weeks due to being on separate tour buses. Strands of his growing black hair were scattered across the crevices on his face, soft snores leaving his mouth occasionally. You rolled over to see the clock next to you display 11:58. And that’s when it hit.
You carefully crawled away from Gerard, quietly going through your bag and finding the CD case and a sharpie. On the front you wrote, “My Midnight Boy”.
“Babe?” You heard him ask.
“Yeah?” You lightly said back.
“What’re you doing?” You could tell by his groggy voice that he was only half awake.
“Just had to make sure something was here, it is.” You said, carefully placing both items back in your bag and crawling into bed with him again. He immediately wrapped his arms around you, pulling you to him.
The next morning you woke up to the sound of the shower starting. Gee was taking a shower you knew, so you decided to browse on your phone for a few moments.
“Hey, sugar.” You heard Gee’s voice as he walked out of the bathroom.
“Hey, Gee.” You lightly smiled. “Are you excited?” You asked him, smiling like a fool. “For what?” He asked, confused.
“It’s your birthday tomorrow!” He gave a small smile.
“Yeah, well that’s tomorrow.”
“That’s my point, babe, it’s tomorrow.” “Well there’s no need to get excited for today.” You rolled your eyes.
“You’re something else Mr. Way.” You told him, standing up to go get in the shower yourself.
-A time skip because I’m lazy-
Finally it was Gee’s birthday. You could easily tell you were more excited than Gerard, considering he had the same attitude towards it as literally every other day of the year (besides Christmas maybe).
You both woke up around the same time, so the minute your eyes met you knew he was awake. “Happy birthday.” You lightly smiled, leaning to him in bed and giving him a soft kiss on the lips.
“Thanks.” He smiled back once you released.
“How does it feel to be 30?” “Don’t remind me,” He said and you lightly laughed, “I’m an old man.” “Well,” You said, “Kinda.” He lightly laughed.
“The only positive is I have a super hot 25 year old girlfriend.” You chuckled.
“Don’t bring up the age difference,” You sat up, he was already standing on the other side of the bed, “The media’s attacked both of us for that enough.” He sighed. “Do you want your present now or later?” “Well that depends, what it is?” He smirked. You rolled your eyes.
“If you’re implying a blowjob, that would be later.” He let out a sigh, “Jeez, Gee, let a girl prepare.” You got up, placing your feet on the cold carpet of the hotel floor, “But your other present, which I can nearly guarantee you is better than a BJ, I can give it to you whenever you want.”
“Better than a blowjob? That’s hard to be beat.” You rolled your eyes, going to your luggage to grab some jeans and a shirt.
“You are such an immature boy sometimes Gee.” “Hey, it’s my birthday, don’t insult me.”
“The truth is not an insult.” You said right back. You walked to the bathroom, shutting the door and quickly brushing your teeth and changing, before brushing your hair and walking back out. “So, when do you want your present?”
“Mmmmmmmh,” He hummed for a moment, “Now?” “Of course, my dear.” You smiled, walking over to your bag and picking out the CD, “It’s not much, but I really do hope you’ll like it.” You handed it to him, he took it and looked at it briefly, studying the look of it.
“A CD?” He asked. You nodded. “By you?” You nodded. “Unreleased?” You once again nodded.
“Just listen to it Gee,” You smiled, “I to go meet with my manager, but I’ll be back in two hours.” “But-” “It’s your birthday, babe, I know. But Will is being an asshole and said I have to go to this. So I gotta go.” You gave him a long kiss, “I love you.” “Love you too.” He replied.
-Another time skip-
You walked back in to the room, taking off your light coat and shoes. “Hey Gee.” You announced your arrival. No reply. “Gee?” You called out again. You walked further to see him on the bed, laying there, tears in his eyes. “Baby, what’s wrong.” He picked up the CD. “Did you mean it?” He asked. You gave a puzzled look, “The lyrics, the everything? Do you mean it?” You nodded and lightly smiled.
“Of course, Gee.” He looked away from you for a moment, sighing before putting his hand in his pocket and ruffling it around for something.
“I was gonna do this later but I need to do this.” He got off the bed, his eyes still slightly watery, and kneeled down. There in his hand was a silver ring, with a tiny diamond in it. “Marry me?” He asked. You were taken aback slightly.
“Um, yes, of course Gerard.” He quickly slipped the finger on the ring, getting up and slamming his lips onto yours.
“Good.” He said, his hands on your cheeks, faces less than two inches apart. “I want to spend every damn moment of the rest of my life with you.” You lightly laughed.
“I do too, Gee.” He gave you another long kiss.
“You need to release it.” He stated, letting go off the kiss but his hands still rested on your cheeks.
“What?” You aksed.
“Release the album. You have to.” “I, um,” You began, “I- are you sure? I mean it was kinda personal Gee-” “It was a masterpiece!” He said, letting go and picking up the CD, “You have to. You absolutely have to! Do you know what this would do to your solo career? Do you know how many Grammys you would get?” “I-” You were taken very aback by this, “Gee, I didn’t do it for awards-” “Yeah, but it deserves them. Ask anyone who listens to it.” You sighed.
“Fine,” You said, “I’ll think about it. But are you 100% sure? I mean it kinda talks about our sex life too-” “Yeah, well all the better. I want the entire world to know you’re mine. Only mine.”
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