#and I hope the writers know how much of it we notice and deeply appreciate
thecryptidbard · 5 months
ALSO can we talk about Hetty’s reaction after Flower tells her “You’re a good friend”???
Think about where she was at this point last year—having also just revealed a massive secret, one that almost irrevocably ruined one of her oldest friendships. She’d admitted in Ghost Court that friends were not something she’d ever had in life—something she hasalso just reiterated moments ago to Sam and Isaac, that one of the reasons she felt so trapped and alone and without options at the end of her life was because she had no friends.
Think about how far we’ve seen her come; in season one, it’s huge growth for her that after Jay’s possession, she admits to the other ghosts that she missed them. Or season two, how in a very un-Hetty move she’s willing to swallow her pride and apologize to Nigel (even though she’s sure she isn’t in the wrong!) for the sake of saving her friendship with Isaac. Or even earlier this season, how closely she’s clinging to Alberta in so many of the episodes, because she’s so grateful she got her friend back after being so close to losing her that she doesn’t even want to be physically separated from her.
And then now, she’s just once again revealed a secret she’s kept for well over a hundred years, in order to save Flower. She’s kept this part of herself from everyone for so long, and the very second she sees that Flower is securely out of the hole, she turns her back to everyone to gather herself and then bolts.
Isaac and Sam make her see that, yes objectively she has people here for her now like she never had in life, but Flower coming in and thanking her is when she actually gets to see and experience the reality of how different her existence is now. “You’re a good friend,” she says, and it might be the first time someone has ever said that to her. And Hetty just looks up at Flower so surprised in that moment, and so heartbreakingly hopeful, because I genuinely think that until right then, she really hadn’t considered it like that before; she just knew that Flower was in trouble and that she had to help her whatever the personal cost, because not saving her wasn’t even an option.
So much of the ghosts’ relationships, especially early on, were transactional, and, especially in Hetty’s case, built around enforcing particular power dynamics: accruing a wealth of back rubs, extorting Pete’s TV time before signing Elias’s contract, or any of the countless occasions she brought up her status as ‘lady of the house’. So the fact that she makes this sacrifice that feels like a loss of power to her is in and of itself big; but Flower acknowledging that, and making sure Hetty herself sees it too, by calling her a good friend—it’s a whole different level of meaningful.
She doesn’t just thank Hetty. She makes sure that she sees what her actions mean to her. And Hetty is so taken aback by it, because Flower saying this to her and meaning it is a gift she was absolutely unprepared for; a “good friend” is not something Hetty has ever known herself to be, up until now. But she very badly wants for it to be true.
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petew21-blog · 3 months
Just a party, part 3
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"Number 14 and 16"
"Guess it's you and me again." Ben took my hand and we went to the room we were assigned"
We left Ezra and Jason back there. Poor Jason, he was really fed up with Ezra. Hope he'll survive the night in that pip squeak body.
We opened the door of the room. I went on the bed. Ben right down next to me
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It was awfully quiet. We wanted to have a party, we were overworked, stressed and probably needed a drink to loosen up a bit. We knew immediately that we both felt the same way. And we headed to the bar of the building.
The emplyees were serving us, asking about our needs and desires. Creepy but somehow nice. I bet the studio must have pay a massive ammount to get us to this event. But they all say that this one even is worth working for Hollywood. It fullfills you.
"You know, we didn't have much time to explore our bodies by ourselves before. With the Comic Con and so on, giving out all the autographs. I'm pretty sure that all the fans that will try to sell stuff with 'your' signature are gonna be pretty sad. I tried to perfect your signature Henry, but it still looks like someone else did it."
"Even better then. Those who really appreciate it get to keep it anyway and the ones trying to sell won't be as succesfull'
"Henry? You know I'm now the one wearing SUPERMAN's body? You don't have to act like him all the time."
"I don't honestly. I am just being polite most of the time. A decent human being."
"How about you show me how my BATMAN body looks like? You know what? Let's call each other by the name of our bodies, ok? To make the experience worth it. I wanna know what it feels like to be you"
"Ok then HENRY, now I wanna show you now what it truly feels like to FEEL that SUPERMAN body"
Henry in Ben's body lowered down to give Ben a head. He unzipped his pants and took out the beautiful hard cock he was already familiar with:"I think it looks even better from this angle" And the he took it in his mouth
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It might have been the fact that I knew my cock so well. The way it responded to my tongue circling around the top, sucking his balls made me sure I was making Ben feel good. But I can't let him cum yet.
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Suddenly my phone rang. I just looked up at him. He only winked at me and picked up.
"Hey, this is... HENRY Cavill. Sure, I got time. New TV series? The Witcher? I am not sure about that"
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I looked at him aggresively. Playing Witcher is my dream, he can't deny them.
"Jeez. Ok, I really want it. When do we start? Ok, thanks. No, I can't talk that long, there is something I need to take care of. Bye."
My blow job was coming to an end. Then I stopped. Can't let him finish that easily.
"Please, go on!"
"Can't do that HENRY! You got an ass to breed. And I wanna have fun too"
I took his hand and dragged him to the entrance hall.
"The room is too far, let's go to one of the closests, I wanna fuck you there."
We took the first door on the right. Passionately making out on the way. Ben pushed me against one of the lockers. Wait, that wasn't a closet. We must have entered the lockers of the employees. We kept on going.
Suddenly we noticed voices from a room around the corner. We stopped and I showed Ben a finger on my lips to shush him. We went closer to get to hear them
"All right. As I have said before, we are now on the full capacity of our guests. They are very busy right now. Each and every one of you has an envelope with a name of the actor or other famous person they get to swap with today. For those of you who haven't read it, the reason of the swap is the Writers and actors strike. You will get a brand new life of a popular person, their money in exchange for absolute loyalty and diacretion about the swap. I am deeply sorry to everyone who wanted to go back to their bodies sometimes in the future, but we have to get rid of them. The actors in your bodies can't let anyone know about this. Is anyone against this?" nobody responded which led us to believe that they agreed"
"Ok. We now have 48 minutes until the door of the rooms get locked completely, sealing our guests inside making it easier for us. We will be going over some details with each and everyone of you. Starting with Miguel who will be receiving Henry Cavil's body..."
I looked in shock at Ben in my body. He was also horrified about what we just heard.
"We have to warn everyone!" Ben said to me
Suddenly a manly voice above us said very calmly:"Haha. But we won't let you, gentlemen" the man above us was Chris Hemsworth, holding a taser. Something was telling me, that Chris wasn't the one controlling his body anymore, or the one of his friends who swapped with him
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To be continued...
Story request from inbox by Anonymous: That Hugh and Ryan story was Great! Maybe you can do a swap involving Ben Affleck and Henry Cavill?
And also continuation for part 2.
Inbox request: Your stories are soo good, love the Chris E. and RDJ swap. Maybe a second part involving some actors from dc, like Ezra Miller and Jason Momoa swapping to try new roles & running into Henry Cavill and Ben Affleck in the rooms?
Part 2:
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blurredcolour · 3 months
What If We Just Fall?
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Oh my goodness @supervalcsi this has been the hardest secret to keep! 'Tis I, your summer exchange gift writer! Thank you for all your hard work as the moderator of HBO War Daily, we deeply appreciate you!! It's been a pleasure getting to know you and I hope you enjoy your summer as well as this lovely interlude with sweet Rosie!!!
Robert "Rosie" Rosenthal x ATA!Female Reader
Flying with the Air Transport Auxiliary has taught you many lessons – including the importance of guarding your heart carefully. It seems fate, however, has much more to teach you when you are forced to make an emergency landing in East Anglia.
Warnings: Language, Era Typical Sexism, Fear, Crying, Kissing, Inevitable Historical and Military Inaccuracies, Rating - T.
Author's note: No descriptions of reader other than the fact that she is not British. This is a work of fiction based off the portrayal by the actors in the Apple TV+ series. I hold nothing but respect for the real life individuals referenced within.
Word Count: 5729
October 1944
Meeting a man like Robert “Rosie” Rosenthal was not something you had expected when you volunteered for the Air Transport Auxiliary. In fact, you were not even supposed to land at Thorpe Abbotts Airfield until fate, or more accurately faulty wiring, intervened. Ferrying a Wellington bomber from its repair depot back to the RAF in Norfolk for use in their nighttime bombing runs, you were piloting the five-man aircraft alone – standard practice in the ATA. There was no radio, no navigator, and most definitely no guns. You were a civilian non-combatant and if any Luftwaffe fighter pilots happened to get onto your tail, you simply had to outfly them.
This was not your first Wellington, not by a long stretch, and while you preferred Spitfires for their speed and manoeuverability, these mid-sized bombers were usually fairly docile once they got off the ground. This particular aircraft, however, had been displaying a bad attitude from the moment it took to the air. How it had passed quality control inspection was beyond you. The wonders the mechanics were able to work in short turn arounds were usually feats of precision and skill, but almost immediately you noticed the rudder seemed reluctant to obey your steering commands.
A cascade of instrumentation issues followed before the left engine quit. There was a reason, however, that the ‘Wimpy’ as it was affectionately called by the boys who took the aircraft into combat, was still relied upon by the RAF despite the arrival of four-engine heavies like the Halifax and Lancaster. The Wellington could take a great deal of punishment; lose great chunks of its aluminium and linen airframe, be down one engine, and still get the crew to its destination. It was this reputation you were banking on as you pressed forward to your assigned airfield, hoping the ground crew there would treat this plane better than whomever had done it such a disservice at the repair depot.
You were, by your best guess of the landscape and quick glance at your maps, roughly twenty minutes out when the right engine began to choke and sputter.
“Shit.” You hissed under your breath, pleased no one could overhear you, and dropped your altitude to scan for a safe place to land.
During your pre-flight preparations, you had noted this area was dotted with American airfields as well as RAF; surely you could find a stretch of tarmac to keep both you and this precious piece of war material in one piece. The telltale ‘V’ of concrete, surrounded by still-lush grass waving in the autumn breeze, could not have come into view at a better time. Exhaling in relief as the indicator lights confirmed the wheels had descended at your command, you checked visually that the left was down and had to trust the right and rear were also – with no co-pilot to look for you, there was most definitely no way you could release the yoke and glance out the window yourself.
Hoping the allies would recognize you for a friendly, you lined up to make your landing, the right engine quitting on you as you decreased your speed. Holding your eyes open wide with focus, you leaned forward in your seat, gripping the yoke almost painfully, willing the aircraft to stay aloft to meet the first few inches of runway. The silence in the cockpit was agonizing, a tense ringing in your ears replacing the normal, companionable thrum of the engines, sweat stinging at your eyes and prickling in your armpits. Seconds drew out into hours until at last your tires – all three of them – bumped down to land on the runway.
With a sigh of relief, you quickly pulled up on the flaps, frowning deeply as, with no engines to throw into reverse, the large object in motion seemed reluctant to come to a stop. Mortifyingly, you overshot the end of the runway, skidding to a halt some one hundred meters in the grass like a wet-behind-the-ears trainee, and yet…and yet both you and the plane that you had been charged with delivering were still in one piece. Not at all where you were intended to be, but landed safely, for now.
The sound of several vehicles approaching from down the runway refocused your attention and you pulled off your leather flying helmet, smoothing your hair before gathering your things into your flight bag. Climbing from the dead aircraft, you were greeted by a host of astonished male faces.
“Jesus Christ, she’s a dame!” One of the younger men exclaimed, not so quietly, from the back of the crowd and you did your best to keep a straight face.
“I’m so sorry to intrude on your airfield, gentlemen, ran into a little trouble during my flight. I appreciated the safe place to land.”
Several eyebrows shot up at your distinct lack of British accent, at least one astute gaze dropping to the gold wire weave badge bearing the name of your home country just below your shoulders.
“Well, we’re just glad you’re alright, ma’am. We got very nervous when we couldn’t raise you on the radio.” The owner of said astute, piercing blue gaze spoke, a hint of…New York, was it?...colouring his tone.
“Ah, of course, we aren’t connected to radio in the Air Transport Auxiliary, sorry for the confusion that must have caused.” Stepping forward you offered your hand as you introduced yourself. “Second Officer, ATA.”
“Robert Rosental, Major, United States Army Air Force. What happened up there?”
It took a moment to register that he had asked you a question, the feel of his palm pressing against yours as he shook your hand in greeting more than a little distracting. Inhaling sharply, you turned back to look at the troublesome aircraft.
“Rudder was slow to respond, then I started losing my instruments one-by-one before the left engine cut out. I was hoping to make it on the right, but when it started to go, I knew I had no choice to put it down as soon as possible.”
“You flew that all by yourself?” Another member of the crowd piped up and you nodded patiently.
“Standard practice in the ATA, just me.”
“Maybe that was the real problem.” It was hard to tell where exactly the snide comment, spoken under some ignorant boy’s breath, had originated from.
You noted a flash of anger in Major Rosenthal’s eyes before he started to scan the crowd for the source of it, but this sort of response was something you had certainly encountered before.
“I’m sorry I didn’t quite catch that, could whoever said that please repeat it? I’d really appreciate the opportunity to improve on the over seven hundred ferry flights I’ve made since 1941, including one hundred with this very type of plane, so please, speak up.” A sort of stunned silence overtook the group, several of the men wearing bemused smiles, others a look of shock, while the rest shuffled their feet awkwardly in the grass. “Hn. My loss, I suppose.”
“I’m assuming you’re a long ways from where you ought to be?” Major Rosenthal chimed in, the luscious thatch of hair of his upper lip highlighting the way his mouth hitched up at the corner in amusement.
“You would be correct, Major, might I impose upon you for the use of a telephone?”
Some directions were shouted to tow your aircraft to a spare hardstand as it seemed there were replacements planes of their own expected in a few hours and you turned to address the same man Rosenthal was giving orders to – Lemmons, you believed.
“Please be careful, its not a metal skin, it’s linen.”
The look of shock on the boy’s cherubic face framed by copious curls spilling from beneath his knit cap finally broke your control, a small grin sneaking onto your lips as Major Rosenthal led you over to his jeep. Unclipping your parachute from your waist, you tossed it and your flight bag into the back, sliding into your passenger’s seat and finally feeling the ability to relax somewhat.
“Over seven hundred flights?” He glanced at you as he drove, and you nodded softly.
“There are a lot of planes needing to be moved around this island.”
“And here I thought my boys had it rough needing to hit thirty…” He shook his head, driving past the control toward a sea of the all-too-familiar Nissen huts that populated every airfield you had ever visited.
“Ferry flights and combat missions are in no way comparable, Major, the worst thing I face up there is usually English weather.”
The pair of you shared a laugh as he pulled up in front of a long row of buildings. “My CO will want to talk with you, unexpected guest and all.”
“Of course, caused quite the ruckus didn’t I.” You laughed ruefully, sliding from the jeep to collect your gear, startled as he beat you to it.
“Follow me.” He nodded warmly, holding open the door to lead you inside.
After a brief meeting with a very busy Colonel Jeffrey where he put ‘Rosie’ at your disposal, you were ushered into an empty office to use the telephone and contact your superiors. Providing a detailed report of your flight, you were instructed to sit tight pending further directions – most likely an RAF repair crew would be dispatched to try and get the plane operational, but they were also loathe to keep you grounded and out of the rotation for too long. Providing them with Jeffrey’s secretary’s number as the point of contact, you stepped out of the office to find Major Rosenthal waiting patiently in the hallway.
“You must be starving…”
“I would not say no to some food, by any means.” You smirked and followed him back out to the jeep for the short drive to the officer’s mess. “You sure its alright for me to eat in here? RAF doesn’t usually…”
“I insist.” He nodded and opened the door for you once more.
With a grateful nod, you stepped into the space flooded with natural light where row on row of tables covered in crisp white linens stood empty. Given that it was an odd hour for a meal, somewhere between breakfast and lunch, it was no surprise that you were practically alone in there. A server in a white coat quickly approached and Major Rosenthal looked to you to place your order from the choices on offer before requesting just a coffee for himself, pulling out a chair for you to sit before setting your kit in the empty chair beside you.
“This is really quite civilized, thank you again. I apologize that I’m not really dressed for the occasion…”
He chuckled warmly and shook his head. “You look prettier than me after I fly, though I’m quite confident you start out that way, too.” He winked and you smiled shyly, busying yourself with laying your napkin across your lap.
Major Rosenthal was not the first handsome airman to cross your path in your line of work, there had been countless men who had either jeered or flattered you. But after opening your heart to several early on and promptly losing them to a ruthless enemy, you had learned better than to let yourself fall for such girlish stupidity again.
“Having a second breakfast Rosie? Oh…oh I’m sorry I didn’t see you were entertaining…”
“No apologies Croz, one of the lovely ladies of the Air Transport Auxiliary dropped in for a visit.” He grinned and introduced you properly to his friend and Group Navigator Harry Crosby who was apparently only finishing his breakfast now.
“A pleasure, well I’ll leave you two to it. Make sure Rosie tells you about his love of jazz.” His knowing grin at his friend drew an exasperated exhale from Rosenthal, but before he could protest, the server was returning with food and hot beverages that were fit to make your mouth water and Crosby had disappeared.
“I don’t think I realized quite how hungry I was…” You murmured, fixing your drink to your liking before seizing your utensils to dive in.
“Well then, please, enjoy.” He leaned back, cradling his cup in his hands to allow you to enjoy your meal.
After a few bites, once you were feeling somewhat less ravenous, you tilted your head. “Artie Shaw or Benny Goodman?”
He raised an eyebrow slowly before huffing an incredulous laugh. “Artie Shaw, if I must.”
You nodded thoughtfully as you took a deep sip of your beverage.
“What other planes have you flown in your seven hundred ferry flights?” He parried with a question of his own.
“Oh, all sorts - Tiger Moths, Hurricanes, Mosquitos, Spitfires.”
He nodded thoughtfully, smoothing the edge of his moustache with his forefinger. “Favorite plane to fly?” He inquired.
“To fly? Spitfire, without a doubt.” You answered easily, licking a bit of food from your upper lip. “That plane knows what I want it to do before I even think it. Landing however…one the test pilots famously said, ‘she’s a lady in the air but a bi–’” you quickly cut yourself off with a rueful twist of your lips “she’s something else ‘on the ground.’” You finished the quote with more appropriate language inserted.
Rosenthal’s eyes danced with mirth as he enjoyed a hearty laugh at that and you could not help but notice the reddish hue to the whiskers on his upper lip, highlighted by the sunlight streaming in the windows. You wondered if that was where he had gotten the nickname ‘Rosie.’ Jarring yourself from such dangerous thoughts, you quickly turned back to your meal and peppered him with more questions about American jazz greats, enjoying the way he enthusiastically and engagingly spoke about the various band leaders he preferred and why before turning back to you with further questions about your service in the ATA and life before that. Conversation came dangerously easy between the two of you, an undeniable overlap of interests and motivation to contribute.
You were admittedly attracted to the man as well, but for the sake of your sanity, that was something you were going to have to set aside for as long as he continued his brave yet perilous missions over enemy territory. The mess gradually began to fill as true lunch time arrived, your meal and his coffee long finished, and you were about to get up and find somewhere else to wait out the repair crew when one of the servers approached with a message that they had already arrived and were looking for you.
A short drive to the hardstand revealed the four RAF men hard at work on the Wellington under the curious eye of Lemmons and others who were occasionally drifting by.
“When I get my hands on whatever git did this to this poor Wimpy…” You could hear the threats and grumblings emanating from inside the fuselage and pressed your lips together, hoping it was the previous repairperson they had it out for and not you.
“Gentlemen?” You popped your head into the bomber and were greeted by several flustered men.
“Ah there you are Ma’am, how on earth did you keep this lobotomized plane in the air for so long?!”
“Well you know, a good old Wimpy can always get you home…or at least a friendly field.”
“We’ve got…a good few hours ahead of us but then I think you’ll be able to finish the last leg of the journey.”
“Thank you very much, I’m sorry to take you away from your more pressing work. Can I get you anything?”
“Crew Chief Lemmons has been very helpful, Ma’am, but thank you.”
You offered the young man a smile of thanks over your shoulder before shuffling over to set your belongings on the grass. The afternoon was fair, the weather still warm, so you figured it was as good a place as any to wait it out. To your surprise and pleasure, Rosenthal settled onto the ground beside you, picking up your conversation right where you left off as you listened to the men work through the thin skin of the aircraft, watching the sun make its way to the western sky to sink toward the horizon.
“You know, Major, you really ought to come visit London some time. We may not have Artie Shaw or Benny Goodman live in concert but there’s still a great deal of jazz to be enjoyed.”
“Please, you can call me Rosie if you’d like.” He smiled softly and you nodded in response, not wanting to have been so bold without his permission. “You stationed that close that you can just pop into the jazz clubs?”
You nodded quickly. “White Waltham, near Windsor Castle. Very short train ride. Used to fly with the Spitfire girls out of Southampton but I wanted a chance to fly the twin engines…maybe even someday I’ll get inside a Halifax or a Lanc…but that was definitely not going to happen in a ferry pool right next to the Spitfire factory flying only short-range flights.”
“These four engine beasts are definitely a whole other ball game,” He gestured with a thumb over his shoulder towards a B-17 looming behind him, dwarfing the Wellington with is height and breadth “would you still be alone?”
“ATA sends a flight engineer on four engine flights, but no co-pilot.”
He nodded thoughtfully, looking about to add something when the RAF repair crew suddenly emerged, grinning in satisfaction.
“Should be all set Ma’am, care to give it a whirl?”
Nodding quickly, you looked to your companion softly. “Thank you very much for an unexpectedly pleasant standby, Rosie.”
“My pleasure.” He responded with a grin, sliding to his feet and holding out his hand to pull you to yours.
Clipping your parachute in place on the back of your thighs, you slid on your helmet before climbing into the aircraft to try starting the engines. Running through an extended pre-flight check with one of the maintenance crew, they cleared you for take off, Rosie waving to you before driving off in the direction of the control tower. Beginning to taxi out, you could not help the grin as he returned to guide you down the runway, pulling off into the grass and waving once again from where he stood in the driver’s seat of his jeep.
Opening the cockpit window you shouted down to him, “See you in London, Rosie!” before taking off to the sound of his laughter.
To your delight, Rosie heeded your suggestion and made the trip to London – several times in fact, over the course of the winter, otherwise keeping in touch with you via letter. Despite the logical, cautious part of your brain demanding that you keep your feelings for him at bay, feelings that constantly threatened to swell and overwhelm you with each passing meeting and letter, you still found yourself constantly fretting for his safety. Awaiting his next contact, the next proof of life, with bated breath and firmly denied distraction whenever a friend or colleague would tease you about it.
How utterly rude it was of fate to throw such a perfect specimen in your path. Particularly one that could so very easily be taken away with the same rapidity. For not only was he breathtakingly handsome, but his understated confidence and capability in all things so far encountered simply made you yearn to discover his more hidden talents. To have survived so long in an occupation where the life expectancy was six-weeks, just forty-two days, and then sign up for a second tour after meeting his mission quota – yes, he’d had luck on his side thus far, but you had seen luck abandon far too many in the last few years.
The driving pace of your own worked helped distract you, undertaking training in the four engine Halifax bomber in December before the calendar turned to January 1945, and then onto February. Your commanding officer soon indicated you had nearly accumulated enough hours to begin flying Lancasters – much to your delight and eager anticipation. The pace of the production and demand on the frontlines required more ferry pilots for the British answer to the B-17 and you were more than ready to meet the challenge head on.
Not far into the month, however, you found yourself stranded near Diss on a weather delay, unable to fly back to White Waltham. With no trains until the next morning, you decided to hitch a ride to Thorpe Abbotts to take Rosie up on his standing offer to ‘drop by anytime.’ What greeted you, however, was a very concerned looking Crosby and no Rosie in sight. Sitting you down in the same spare office you had used to call in your emergency landing last October, the obviously under-slept man seemed to be having some difficulty getting down to the point.
“Major Crosby, I can assure you I am no stranger to the variety of outcomes of aerial combat, would you mind telling me as much as you are able before you asphyxiate from lack of oxygen?” You coaxed firmly, quite certain he had not taken a breath in over a minute as he paced anxiously in front of you.
His head jerked up at the sound of your voice and he nodded once before sinking heavily into the chair opposite you before taking a deep breath, to your minor relief, and beginning to speak.
“Rosie went up on a mission on the 3rd and we’ve had no news of him since he dropped out of formation.”
Your spine went completely rigid, snapping you almost painfully upright in your chair as you nodded in a cool, detached manner at the news. This. This was precisely the reason why you had been guarding your heart and fighting your feelings and putting every moment of wonderment and each smile of adoration you felt for the man in a small internal box for safe keeping. Because this very situation had seemed so very inevitable.
So why did it still hurt so damn much.
“No news is, is usually good news in these cases but it takes a while for us to hear…. well anything.”
You gulped once, twice in rapid succession as you nodded again before clearing your throat forcefully. “Well, Major, I have to go but,” grabbing a piece of paper from the desk, you scrawled the contact number for Ferry Pool No. 1, rapidly blinking as your eyes threatened to cloud over with tears “will you call if you hear anything? That you can share of course.”
“Of course I will, did you need a ride somewhere?”
You shook your head almost violently, looking forward to the walk to the pub in Diss, a good roadside cry would fix everything surely, before you had to show your face in public. Practically dashing out of there and off the base, you barely made it out of earshot of the gatehouse before your tears bubbled over. Fine lot of good all your cautious and careful planning had done you – you had been half a person in Rosie’s presence only to have the very emotions you willfully denied snap back at you tenfold now that he might very well be…and you never once got to see how his eyes might light up if you had told him how you really felt. Feel.
All the logic in the world could not save you now as you blindly sobbed your way towards town, stubbornly wiping at your nose with your handkerchief. If you had really lost him, a very real possibility that twisted your gut painfully and drew an extremely dramatic series of hitching sobs from your breast, he had deserved better. He had deserved to know that he was cherished and admired rather than just a friend to you, and on that front, you had failed so miserably you just might never forgive yourself.
The weeks of watchful waiting were long and painful. No news came, no messages awaited you at Pool Headquarters, no gossip on the bases you visited. Until the morning of the 26th when, to your great relief, and amusement, you learned that the man was alive and well, enjoying a hero’s stay in Moscow, of all places. The newspaper article quoting the absurd volume of vodka he had endured consuming brought a long-absent smile to your face and lightness to your chest, the news beating Major Crosby’s phone call by, at most, thirty minutes. All as you were on your way with your flight engineer to your first routine Lancaster ferry flight.
Climbing into the cockpit, you took the brief moment of solitude to close your eyes, inhaling deeply as you whispered words of gratitude to whatever higher entities had clearly been watching over him. Perhaps luck was never going to run out for Robert Rosenthal. Clearly you were a fool for thinking that was the eventuality here.
“Ma’am?” The timid voice of your flight engineer, Naylor – though everyone called him Tiny Tim for the young man hardly ever spoke above a whisper, pierced through your thoughts and you jolted back to reality quickly, offering him a reassuring smile.
“Let’s pop over to Wales and deliver this bird, shall we?” You did your best to display nothing but confidence in the task before you.
He smiled back with a nod, just as eager as you to get this great beast of a plane into the air. To say that heavies became the primary planes on your delivery roster would have been an overstatement, but they were most definitely a constant. As was the ever-present thought that someday soon you would find yourself face-to-face with Rosie once again and just how to handle that day of reckoning was certainly something you found impossible to decide upon.
Should you confess and apologize on sight? Wait for a few weeks for him to settle back into life on base before unloading your feelings onto him? Or continue on as you had before? The way your stomach plummeted like a wounded bird at the last option was a clear illustration of how impossible it would be to pretend you simply regarded him as a friend. But there was a growing fear as well. For all of your focus on concealing and compartmentalizing your own feelings, you had not once allowed yourself to consider how he might feel for you. Aside from some flattering comments that may have been construed as flirtatious, he had never displayed anything but the highest calibre of warmth and social graces towards you. But you found yourself constantly pondering just how Rosie might react to a confession of what had flickered into an irrepressible blaze in your chest.
In the end, you spent more time sitting with those concerns than those for his very well being, the unseasonable warmth of February continuing on into March, with more sunny days than you had grown accustomed to after living in England for so long. April was only a few days away on the calendar when your next ferry run took to you St. Mawgan to deliver a Lancaster to the RAF Overseas Aircraft Despatch Unit. Where exactly the aircraft’s journey would end was a point of mystery and you were admittedly envious of the pilot who would sit in the lefthand seat next and take it beyond the relative safety of England’s shores – territory that was strictly off limits to you as both a civilian and especially as a woman.
Parting with your flight Engineer Martens in the all-female WAAF mess, the girl avidly ensconced in a conversation comparing beaus with the girls stationed in Cornwall, you headed back out to pick up a damaged Spitfire that had just arrived from France, desperately in need of a visit to the repair depot. In the process of inspecting the aircraft, to ensure you knew precisely what damage you would be needing to overcome, a remarkably familiar voice broke through your concentration.
“She certainly still looks like a lady on the ground…rather mistreated, but definitely a lady nonetheless.”
Straightening and turning far too quickly, you cracked your head on the underside of the fuselage, earning a look of sympathy as his hands cupped your shoulders to pull you closer, out of danger of inflicting further harm to yourself.
“Rosie…” You whispered, staring at him, unable to stop your fingers from reaching out to brush his cheek, to confirm he was real.
The muscles of his face crinkled beneath your touch as he broke out into a smile, an expression you immediately echoed despite the unbidden prick of tears in the corners of your eyes.
“Hi there.” His throat bobbed as he swallowed sharply, face growing slightly solemn as he lay his hand atop yours, pressing your palm fully against his warm skin. “I’ve been a complete fool, and I’m not sure if you can forgive me.” You tilted your head, brows furrowing in bewilderment. “The world out there is dead set on tearing itself apart and I…” His tongue darted out to wet his lips nervously, an emotion you were quite confident you had never seen overcome him before. “The entire time I was struggling to get back here just to tell you. To tell you how much I care for you. You are much more than just a friend to me, and I was an idiot to think I was okay with putting this off until the war was over.”
Eyes widening as the man seemed to be stealing the very thoughts from your head and putting them into words before you even had the chance, you sniffled playful and wiped at a stray tear that had managed to sneak down your cheek. “Don’t you go taking all the credit now, Robert.” You chided warmly, earning a stunned look from him in return. “It has taken two complete fools to deny what we’ve become, wouldn’t you say?”
Huffing a soft laugh, Rosie conceded your point with a nod as he grasped the unbuckled ends of your leather flying helmet, tugging your face closer. “I love you, you incredible woman.”
Taking a notably shaky inhale, you nodded quickly, a few more tears spilling over. “I love you, too, Rosie.” You struggled to speak around the knot of emotions in your throat, fully intending to reciprocate with some sweet term of endearment, not quite certain you could manage.
Mercifully, his lips had the grace to press against yours and save you from trying to say anything more. Grasping the fleece collar of his bomber jacket, you pressed closer in the shadow of the plane you ought to be inspecting, but the Spitfire was doing a fine job of shielding you from prying eyes and five more minutes in the arms of the man you loved – yes, it was love – and had been separated from could easily be made up courtesy of the stiff tail wind you expected on your flight to Southampton.
The rasp of his facial hair made you shiver at the slightly ticklish sensation as he maintained a firm grip on your straps, delivering kiss after kiss as if to make up for lost time. An uncontrollable grin stretched across your lips, making it nearly impossible for him to continue and so he shifted to focus on erasing any trace of tears from your cheeks, only encouraging your grin to curl wider until you were simultaneously giggling and trembling at the feel of his moustache against your jaw.
“Someday, we’ll have a lot more time, and I’m going to spend every second of it kissing you…” His eyes were filled with a fiery intensity that made it awfully difficult to draw breath and you shifted forward to press your lips to his flushed cheek in turn.
“I’m going to hold you to that, Robert Rosenthal.” You nodded firmly as you pulled back, arching sharply as his hands slid to rest against your shoulder blades, his mouth landing on yours fiercely.
“First Officer, are you quite ready?!” The shrill bark of an encroaching member of St. Mawgan’s ground crew wrenched the pair of you apart as effectively as a physical intervention, a shared look of reluctance passing between you as you quickly straightened your clothing.
You noticed his eyes flick to your shoulders to admire your new rank badges.
“You’ve been busy.” He murmured and you smiled with quiet pride.
“Fly Lancasters now, too.” You nodded and pointed over his shoulder to the plane you had flown in that morning before turning to address your intruder as he called your name once more. “Nearly ready, thank you so much for your patience!” You poured on the sweetness in your tone, noting the way Rosie’s eyes narrowed slightly as they returned to your face.
Biting back a giggle you blew him a kiss before emerging around the nose to greet the harried RAF man. “Major Rosenthal of the USAAF has never seen a Spitfire before, he asked me to show him around.”
“Thank you again for your indulgence, Ma’am, they are definitely fine planes. But I will let you get on with it.” Rosie played his part admirably, the set of the intruder’s shoulders easing somewhat.
“Yes, yes, well we need you out of here in five.” He turned to look at the clipboard in his hand and your gaze met Rosie’s once more.
“It was my pleasure, Major. I’d best be off.”
“Of course.” He nodded firmly, eyes remaining locked on yours as he mouthed ‘love you’ making your heart lurch erratically for a few beats as you mouthed it back. “Safe flight.” You spoke aloud.
“You as well.”
Noting the RAF man was once again paying attention to his surroundings, you turned to finish your quick once over of the plane before stepping up onto the wing and slotting into the narrow cockpit before pulling the side flap closed and starting the engine. Once the coast was clear, you blew one last kiss to Rosie, laughing brightly as he made quite a show of catching it and tucking it into his pocket.
“Until next time!” He shouted and you nodded brightly, pulling the canopy closed.
Because there most definitely would be a next time for you and your man of endless luck, and that was something that you no longer wished to deny.
Masters of the Air Masterlist
Postscript - thank you ever so much to @precious-little-scoundrel for proofreading this for me!!
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blurglesmurfklaine · 2 months
4, 7, 9, 12 for the ask game <3 (all glee if possible)
Yay, thanks for these Crys! 7 was previously answered so I went ahead and skipped it :)
4. say something nice about a ship you don't ship (it can be another ship in your fandom, a mutual's OTP, etc)
I don’t ship St. Berry, but I am of the opinion that if it couldn’t be Finn, I’m glad it was Jesse. He and Rachel really are two sides of the same coin and they seem to love each other very deeply and I hope they’re happy together!
9. a ship that isn't your OTP but that you enjoy
Samcedes 😭 they are my emotional support heterosexuals your honor. But also, they are two genuinely good people who care deeply about one another samcedes you will always be endgame to me
12. compliment someone else in your fandom
Okay this is gonna be a lot because I AM going to do all the active fandoms I’m in! So under the read more!
First of all you, Crys! And @backslashdelta You are both so talented with your gif making that it kind of drives me insane.
@kurtsascot is probably one of the most talented writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of interacting with. I feel so lucky that we’ve gotten her so late in the game! I feel similarly about @rockitmans and @thelegendofjenna
@esilher @twinkkurt and @justgleekout make the most BEAUTIFUL fanart I’ve ever seen, and I also wanna thank @carsonphillips for klainegifs and keeping the fandom interesting with their events!
@somefeministtheatrepls is not only an amazing friend but the most thoughtful beta reader and honestly partner in my writing?? Writing is much less stressful because I don’t even worry about things being clunky or weird because I know her ass will help that chapter SHINE
@nancysgillians @kurthummeldeservesbetter also get shoutouts because they are wonderful people to have in your life
I could fill novels with how much I love and appreciate @somanywords! Their amazing storytelling and also volunteering to make art for the MiniBang I hosted earlier this year??? On top of listening to my insane ramblings?? They don’t make em like this anymore folks
@one-paper-bag is also SOOOOOO incredibly talented with their art, and their lovely comments on my Spider-Man AU keep me going (on GOD we are gonna get you another chapter ON GOD!!!!)
@livesincerely and @agentsnickers are some of the most prolific and INSANELY TALENTED writers I’ve ever had the pleasure of reading, and also genuinely lovely people! You know when you see someone on your dash and ur just like “wow. I hope they are having a FANTASTIC day and life. They deserve one.”
@piedoesnotequalpi and @regina-cordium are also so incredibly FUNNY and have the most correct takes on every single newsie and that’s on that ❤️
I’m relatively new to this fandom, so I don’t know a ton of people yet, but there are def people I see on my dash that I have noticed!
@cranberrymoons @lesbianrobin @insertlovelyperson have written some of my absolute FAAAAAAVE fics! I feel like they really have a handle on who the characters are in a way that’s true to the show and kind of difficult to pull off!
@texasbama makes amazing gifs and honestly anytime I see her on my dash I laugh bc genuinely she’s so funny. Also on the list of hilarious contributors is @buckgettingstruck
And a couple of people who I think have genuinely great vibes are @buckera @leathercouchcushion and @yaz-the-spaz
And of course I can’t talk about 911 without a second mention to @regina-cordium who puts up with all my Texas!Buddie nonsense andbansndbsk
Okay yeah so that was a LOT sorry!! I didn’t mean for it to get so long BUT I do mean every single word! I’m really blessed to have met so many amazing people through fandom and my experience on this site has been nothing less than superb because of yall ❤️
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babyhatesreality · 2 years
Hi if you take request I just have this in my mind:
Sometimes when you are somewhere outside (like in a mall) you get distracted by all those people and colorful stores. And if you don’t hold your daddies hands you will easily go another way.
So what if she is to distracted by something and Steve and Bucky just further without noticing that she didn’t follow (maybe they are stressed or smt like that) and she just follows someone who looks like one of her daddy’s and she only notices later that this was not her daddy and she was lost.
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Okay so first things first, I'm old and don't know how to put the two similar asks together nicely so here’s a screenshot and get off my lawn. :P (edited to add: Also for @justme1234456 who requested this too!<3)
Second, I had to alter both asks a bit to align it with what I see as canon in my AU. I really hope that’s okay, and I’m sorry if this isn’t what you were looking for. I have to be honest about what I think could actually happen in this little world I’ve created otherwise I just can’t write it truthfully. If that offends anyone, I’m truly sorry for hurting feelings, and I encourage you to find what you’re needing with many of the other insanely-more-talented-than-I-am writers on this site. 
Break Away
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Pairing: Daddy!Stucky x little f!reader
Warnings: DDLG (SSC), language, pet names, praise, scared reader, angst, tears, large and pushy crowds, overprotective Papa and Daddy, fluff fluff fluff and did I mention fluff? 
What started as a nice walk in the park quickly turned into one of their worst nightmares. 
It had been raining for days in New York. Normally you wouldn’t have minded, having a massive pile of toys to play with and books to have read to you, and an endless supply of other family members in the tower to keep you entertained. But you were fidgety, constantly needing to be on the move. Your daddies had taken you to the big gym floor and set you loose on the giant running track, they’d taken you to the Olympic-sized indoor pool, and they’d even managed to convince Tony to let them take the Quinjet on a quick spin around the state. All of which managed to keep you satisfied...for that day. Then the next day they’d find you with your nose pressed up against the sliding glass door to the patio, watching the pouring rain, asking politely if you could go outside. Four thousand times in a row. 
Finally the rain let up right before your bedtime, and the ground became okay enough to not be a giant puddle by morning. You were so excited about going outside, wiggling around so much, that Bucky later grumbled to Steve that it had been easier escaping from the German army than getting you into your coat and rain boots. 
“We goin’ to the park, we goin’ to the park, we goin’ to the PAAAAAAAAAAARK!!!” you sung at the top of your little lungs, running back and forth with joy as you held onto Steve and Bucky’s hands, walking through the hallways of the tower. You squealed in delight when they both lifted their arms in tandem, swinging you into the air. “Again again please!!” you begged, laughing uproariously with delight when they obliged. 
Steve grinned down at you as you giggled gleefully. He was craving the fresh air just as much as you were and felt as joyful as you did. “Okay, so when we get to Central Park, what are you going to do, angel?” he asked you. 
“Hold your hand always!”
“That’s my smart girl. You hold my hand or Daddy’s hand at all times. And what happens if we get separated and you don’t see us?”
“Look for a ‘Venger to help!” 
“Right again! I’m so proud of you!” You giggled and blushed, wiggling around extra hard to let Papa know how happy his praise made you. “Now. Last one. If you don’t see someone who can help you, what do you do?”
“Light up shoes and stay PUT!”
“Great job, baby!” Steve cheered, suddenly swinging around and lifting you up into the air while you laughed crazily. All the littles in the Avengers Tower had light up shoes with tiny trackers in them, so if anything ever happened to them outside the tower and they were in little space, they’d always have a tracker on them that a caregiver could follow. It wasn’t too hard to convince any little to wear the shoes that lit up when they stomped; in fact, you all had gone through several pairs of light up shoes, delighted at the light up features. Hey, the system worked. 
Bucky grinned at the two of you, reaching back out for your hand the moment your feet touched the ground. “Good job remembering the rules, Trouble,” he said. You wiggled with joy and blushed again, making him chuckle. He looked up at his husband. “You sure you wanna try this without caps and glasses?” he asked again, raising his eyebrows. “No disguises at all?”
Steve smile warmly at his worrywart husband. “We’re not undercover, Buck. We live in this city too, and everyone already knows it anyways. It’ll be okay, and if it’s not, we’ll just ask people to respect our space or we’ll go a different direction. It’ll be fine.”
Bucky kept the smile, but tightened his grip on your hand. 
A little while later, the three of you were enjoying the birds singing, the fresh, cool breeze blowing through the trees, and the hum of human activity all around you. It was so lovely, it seemed like everyone in New York City was trying to get outside to see the sun. You held tight to your daddies’ hands, but your head was constantly whipping around, trying to take in all the sights at once.  
Suddenly, there was a scream in the distance. Bucky and Steve’s heads snapped in the direction of the sound automatically, their grips tightening on yours. Out of nowhere, this group of seven or eight teens came barreling at the three of you, all with their phones out, screaming about Captain America and The Winter Soldier. With the speed of light, Bucky tucked you underneath his vibranium arm, cuddling you against his body to keep you safe. This meant you had to let go of Papa’s hand, and you tried to turn your head to make sure he was okay, but Daddy’s grip on you was too strong and you couldn’t see him. 
Before you knew it, the crowd grew suddenly larger, and you heard people pointing at the group of teens in recognition- they were something called a...’influencer’ or a ‘TikTok star’ or something...you didn’t understand all the yelling. You got very, very still, hanging desperately onto Daddy’s shirt as he tried to be polite- Avengers had an image to maintain, especially the ‘reformed’ ones like him- but get these people to back off. 
One of the boys grabbed onto the vibranium arm that was holding you, screaming about how cool it was. It scared you so badly, not seeing this boy until his hands were reaching right where you were at and the loudness, that you stumbled backwards, causing you to slip out from underneath Bucky’s arm.
 Bucky’s head whipped around the second he lost contact with you. “Steve!” he hollered over the melee as he tried to move the kid away from you. “Get her!” All you caught was a glimpse of Steve’s searching blue eyes before a tidal wave of people crashed into you. It was insane- some sort of mob mentality had taken over. Between the two famous Avengers and the internet sensations surrounding them, everyone lost their minds. You tried to push against the tide, tried desperately to keep your eyes on either of them, but the crush of the crowd was too much. Your throat choked up in fear- you couldn’t even call out for them. You were carried away by the wave. It seemed to go on forever and you couldn’t stop it as it pushed you farther and farther away. 
Finally there was a break in the people that had been crowding you, and you pushed with all your might to get free of the mob. Trying to keep calm and be brave, you looked around, remembering Rule #2 as hard as you could. Your heart leapt when you saw a long mane of red hair a distance away, and you instantly ran towards it, thinking it was Aunt Natasha. Just as you were about to throw your arms around the woman, she suddenly turned. It wasn’t Auntie Nat. You mumbled an awkward apology and ran in the other direction, embarrassed. 
Gulping hard to try to keep your scared sobs inside, you came to a halt. You looked around and didn’t see anything you recognized. There was a pretty, tall fountain with an angel on top close to you, but you didn’t remember it from before. “Light up shoes and stay put,” you whispered to yourself. “Light up shoes and stay put.” You stomped your feet as hard as you could, seeing the rainbow lights activate. You looked around desperately, waiting for them to come and rescue you. You stomped harder and harder, the tears building in your eyes. No Papa. No Daddy. You slowly walked the few steps to the fountain and carefully sat down, the tears now running down your face. Every now and then, you stomped your feet to keep the shoes lit up. “Please find me,” you whispered tearfully, pleading into the air. 
Suddenly, there were shrieks and gasps coming from in front of you. You looked up to see people suddenly rushing to the sides, looking like they were dodging to get out of the way of a speeding train. And they were. A speeding train in the form of Daddy. 
Bucky came racing towards you faster than you’d ever seen anyone run. You could almost see the flames coming off his feet. The crowd parted for him, but he didn’t give two flying fucks if he ran any of them over. With barely a bend of the knees, he came flying over the stone balustrade walls surrounding the fountain, his eyes locked on your tiny form. All you could do was reach your hands to him before he reached you, scooping you up and crushing you to his chest like he was never going to let you go again. 
You just clung to him, still too frightened to do anything else. “Hey, it’s okay baby, it’s okay, Daddy’s here. Daddy’s here and he’s not letting you go,” Bucky was murmuring into your ear, so fast you could barely make out the words. “I am so sorry baby. Daddy will never let that happen again, you hear me? Never again. Never, never again. I’m right here.” You just whimpered and nodded, your tears soaking the front of his shirt. You heard another set of feet come to a screeching halt near you, but you were still too worked up to turn to see if it was Papa. You knew if it wasn’t, Daddy was going to keep you safe, and that was all you could handle at the moment. “Deep breaths, baby, can you do that for me? Can you take some deep breaths?” Daddy asked frantically, tilting his head back to look at you. “Can you take some deep breaths with me? Some deep breaths with Daddy?” You managed to nod again, and relief flooded his face. “That’s my good girl. Okay, we’re gonna sit down and take some breaths together.”
Bucky sat on the edge of the fountain where he’d found you. He turned you in his lap so you could see Steve sitting next to the both of you. Your left hand shot out instantly, needing to touch him too. Steve took your hand, covering it with his other, stroking and patting it, his eyes a warring storm of fear and relief, while Bucky held you tight, 
“Okay, baby, let’s breathe together. You remember how we breathe when we’re scared?” Daddy asked, looking down at you, his tone a bit calmer now. You could see he was still struggling too, and that gave you the nudge to be brave enough to breathe together. You nodded. “We can do it. We’ll do it together, Daddy and Baby. Okay, here we go. Breathe in.” You two locked eyes and breathed in, Bucky counting as he inhaled. “One, two, three, four,” he said on the air, then nodded at you. You held your breath with him as his lips moved, counting to four again, but not letting any air out. “Breathe out, one, two, three, four, five, six,” Bucky said, keeping his eyes locked on you while you went through the exercise together. He silently counted to six as you held your breath again. You went through the cycle three times together, feeling better and better each time. When you finished, Daddy smiled proudly at you. “I knew you could do it, Baby. Daddy loves you so much.”
“Love you too Daddy,” you said, tucking your forehead into his chest again, happy that he was okay now too. You brought Papa’s hand up to your face. “Love you too Papa.” You squeezed his fingers, pressing them in to your cheek.
“Papa loves you so much,” Steve responded, his voice tight with emotion. “Are you okay honey?” You pursed your lips for a moment, but nodded. 
“M’okay. Big peoples.”
“Yeah, that crowd was crazy, right?”
“Too loud.”
“Definitely too loud. I’m so sorry baby, that should never have happened.”
“They all go away?”
“Yeah, they’re all away now. You remember how Uncle Tony says that he can watch everybody everywhere?”
“Well, he saw on his cameras that the mean crowd was bothering us and his flying suits came to help.”
“We’ll have to thank him when we get home.”
“Okay, I help.”
Both your daddies chuckled, relieved that you were starting to sound like you again. “What do you think, Baby? Do you want to go home?” Bucky asked, bouncing you a little, trying to gauge how you were feeling. 
“Um,” you said. Now that you were over the fear, you weren’t QUITE ready to be back inside just yet. “We look at duckies please?” The men exchanged a quick look, checking in with each other, before they turned back to you, smiling. 
“Okay, Trouble, we will go look at the ducks,” Bucky said softly, before placing a kiss on your forehead. “Good manners.” He stood up and was about to tell you that you were only staying at the park if he carried you for the rest of the day, but the iron grip you had on his tee shirt and the way your legs locked around his waist let him know that you had no intention of being set down, anyways. He pressed another kiss into your hair. 
They walked to a quieter section by the water, grinning and laughing as you insisted on pointing to each and every duck, naming them one by one. After about ten minutes, Steve got a pedicab to get you all back to the street so you wouldn’t have to walk through all the people again. You’d made a full recovery by the time you all got back to Avengers’ Tower, babbling excitedly about all the ducky friends you’d made today and making plans to bring them bread tomorrow.
But Bucky still didn’t set you down for the rest of the evening. And you were okay with that. 
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dayseternal-blog · 2 years
Hi Days! Hope you're doing well. I asked this to bornonthebreakofdawn too, but which NH fic writers do you really like and what do you like about their fics? (I'm not asking for fic recs, I just mean, like what do you appreciate about their writing styles, like characterization, plot, humor, angst, etc.). Thanks and I hope this finds you well!
Hello :)
Thank you for being sensitive to my request when you sent this! I didn't answer right away because to me, recommending fics or recommending authors is the same thing. If I'm recommending a fic, I'm basically trying to get people to check everything out that the writer has written. I'm not thinking about the fic so much as I am thinking about the writer behind the fic. I am a fan of fandom more than I am of the characters at this point... I am a fan of storytelling and using fandom for expression and connection, and NaruHina is our common choice of medium, if that makes sense. That's why it's important to me that I'm recommending authors, not just fics. Anyway, with all that said, I think I'm ready to try to get back into this.
I've answered an ask like this before, but I do want to answer this again!! Here we go.
Nevermind, I'm going to cry.
No, I'll be fine.
My favorite Hinata characterizations are -
Szajnie AO3 Here. Szajnie's Hinata stands out because it feels the closest to canon to me. Szajnie's Hinata is strong, vulnerable, and determined. Inner strength is not easy to write. I think a lot of people write strong!Hinata as someone who always wins. Someone who is "badass" and can fight or can be sexy and that's all fine! That's fine. I think Szajnie goes a step further, creating a depth of character that I don't often see.
@peppercornpress AO3 Here. Peppercorn's Hinata stands out to me because it feels the closest to the epitome of Japanese femininity. Within canon, the Hyuuga demonstrate the most classy Japanese culture. Their house, the way they dress, the way they speak to each other. Hinata is that girl. She is the old-fashioned Japanese It Girl, all while never being egocentric. She has hobbies like flower-pressing, knitting, and cooking. Fandom calls her a princess not just because she's the Byakugan Princess but because I think even us cultural outsiders can tell that Hinata has been raised to be different from the rabble. Peppercorn is able to capture that Japanese elegance in Hinata that is missing in most fanfics.
My favorite Naruto characterizations are -
Katarinahime AO3 Here. I've said it before and I'll say it again. No one writes a sexier Naruto than Katarinahime. Try. Just try. Look around. Read as many fics as I have and try to build a case against my opinion. Katarina's Naruto is strong. He's funny. He's flawed. He matures. It's all written words, so how exactly does she manage to make him sound like a dream guy? Katarina's Naruto has a character development I wish I could write.
Peppercornpress. Peppercorn's Naruto also feels the closest to canon to me. He's just the silliest. Headstrong and kind of weird, like no one actually knows what's going on in his rationale, and that unpredictability, that spontaneity is not easy to write in terms of being truly, convincingly character-driven. Peppercorn's Naruto has a temperament I don't even know how to approach? And I have tried, re: In Between Drinks NH. Notice that I didn't give Naruto hardly any original lines in my version of the fic because I was afraid I would stray off of Pep's characterization.
My favorite character studies -
@bunny-hoodlum / Missachua AO3 Here. It's no secret to anyone who's been following my blog and stories for awhile that I am bunny's self-proclaimed Biggest Fan. You think you're a bigger fan than me? We will fight to the death. Bunny writes such complex, deeply-flawed characters. That takes bravery. I can list very few writers who have their characters just literally screw themselves over CONVINCINGLY. Anyone can write angst. But to write angst so that it makes complete sense for the characters to make the mistakes they did? That takes skill. I have never felt like Bunny forces a situation to happen. She takes the necessary time to create the background, the world that has formed her Naruto and Hinata. Bunny draws out aspects of their characters and amplifies them under a magnifying glass. Yes, they are still Kishimoto's characters. But now they are also Bunny's. Her approach to characterization is liberating.
Story Structure
Katarinahime. If anyone actually reads everything I write, well, you knew this already. At this point, I've said this so many times. I have based my story structuring off of Katarina's writing. Her deep approach to Limited 3rd Person Point of View makes a huge difference in reader immersion and setting up some serious angst. The unreliability of one character's pov keeps the reader in suspense because you never know the whole story. Second, her use of present tense instead of the traditional past tense in storytelling makes the story feel much more immediate, much more urgent and present, perfect for angst. Third, her scene transitions are the smoothest I have ever seen. Katarina makes everyone else using line breaks to change scenes (me) look inept. It is so hard. My first long-fic "It's No Secret" uses none of Katarina's techniques, but after reading her "Serenity Prayer," my fic "Nightdreams" uses all of these techniques. You can compare "It's No Secret" and "Nightdreams" and notice quite easily my technical growth.
BunnyHoodlum. Bunny uses flashbacks strategically. Not just to explain what happened in the past, but to draw parallels and symbolism to the present and to fortify character development. I used flashbacks in my fic "White Lilies" to strengthen Naruto's and Hinata's relationship, and honestly, without Bunny's technique, "White Lilies" would not be nearly as effective of a fic since the first half is basically them avoiding each other lol.
@sessakag AO3 Here. Sentence breaks. Fragments. Using sentence structure to create emphasis and rhythm. To speed a scene up or to slow a scene down. Sessakag has fantastic use of sentence structuring to create urgency when she wants, which is a technique I picked up from her while studying her fics. A non-native English speaker commented on one of my fics that this strategy of having shorter lines also makes it much easier for them to read and engage in the fic.
Language / Voice
Sessakag. I've mentioned this before, too, but I learned how to write by focusing on smut, and one of those writers who basically taught me how to write is Sessakag. Sessakag has an emphasis on descriptive, physical sensation that takes smut from basic "insert body part into other body part" into a Whole Body, Whole Mind, Immersive Experience. The smut is not about the doing. It's about the feeling. Phew. Hot stuff. Her technique of using physical description in response to emotions can be applied to all parts of the story, making an angst scene especially charged or a fluff scene especially heartwarming. Her language immerses the reader's body into the story. You'll see me using Sessakag's voice in practically any smut I've written since "Nightdreams," and in emotionally-charged scenes in "White Lilies" and "Friend of Mine."
BunnyHoodlum. Did I mention I'm Bunny's biggest fan? She uses imagery to create a sense of awe that the characters have for each other. It's difficult for me to explain...I think her imagery is sometimes metaphorical and sometimes it's just this sense of once-in-a-lifetime. You'll see me trying to channel Bunny's descriptive voice most obviously in my fic "That was the plan."
@utsus AO3 Here. Utsu is the GOAL. Folks, I am striving for utsu's level. Utsu's use of language is so high tier, I privately dubbed her the Queen of Capturing the Moment. Every description has a magnetic pull. The reader feels just as observant as Hinata, as though we were all given the Byakugan and can see beyond appearances. When I first starting writing fanfiction, I have to admit that out of all the writers I admired, I couldn't study utsus as an example because her voice is way too natural to try to imitate. Grab some tea, bundle up in a blanket, and sink into the vibrancy of utsu's world.
Worlds / Plots
There are so many writers who have written amazing fics, and I can think of many that had me reading nonstop. But there are just certain writers who wrote THE FIC for me. A fic that I would reread again and again or wrote the fic that would inspire me to write my own. Including the writers I already talked about above, the following writers gave me this sense of this is why I love fandom, this is why I love fanfiction.
@magmawrites AO3 Here. Magmawrites's stories are so imaginative and daring. Have you read a NaruHina zombie au before? Or a NaruHina dystopian scientific experiments on children au before? And they're...still romance? What always gets me about Magmawrites's stories is just the simple fact that I could never write fics like that. Never. Nope. And Magmawrites did not just write one or two original, interesting fics, but that nearly every fic has some crazy plotline of drama, action, or suspense. Like, how did Magmawrites manage to think up all of that? Oh, you know the real kicker? They're all ✨complete✨.
@chloelapomme AO3 Here. Chloe has the closest energy I have seen to magmawrites in terms of writing a ton of imaginative, unique AUs. Let's never forget her Bourne AU and Akatsuki!Naruto AU. But Chloe's energy is a bit more 😳🙈 hehe there is no one else out there who writes as wide a variety of tropes as Chloe. Sunshine family fluff to Soulmate au to Age difference and Threesomes??? I'm just wondering if there's any trope that Chloe wouldn't write.
@badluckbrebis / Imanga AO3 Here. Imanga consistently allows her fics to have a personal shine. What I love about fanfiction is the platform to tell stories that only you can tell and no one else. Imanga writes fics that are culturally personal or contain niche background knowledge from her own life. Things that she has seen or personally experienced, and that real-life stamp makes her fics so much more special to me. I would totally love it if more writers set NaruHina in their home country/city or just with a different heritage, which Chloelapomme also does! Let NaruHina be multicultural!!!!!!!!
@mmmbuttery / emmykay AO3 Here. Emmykay's NaruHina fics are....NarutoDays's origin story lol. I was absolutely blown away by emmykay's fics, like "Lady Usagi" and "Tsutsudori," and especially "Torch Song." You mean NaruHina can look and sound exactly like...my family, like me? "Torch Song" changed the game, turned fanfiction on its head, made me realize that I am my most important audience, that fanfiction can be made for me, and that such a story is worth telling and sharing even if I think no one else will read it, understand it, or care about it. Fanfiction can be minority representation, fanfiction can be historical yet written entirely for entertainment, fanfiction can be educational yet imagined, fanfiction can be all these things and anything else I want it to be, I just have to write it.
agitosgirl FFN Here. Another fic writer who inspired me to write my own fics is agitosgirl. Newer writers recently have been very daring like her, but back in 2017, agitosgirl was one of the few I saw writing just several very taboo tropes and with zero self-consciousness. She wrote fics and started new fics like changing clothes, following wherever the inspiration took her, and what I got out from her style is a strong sense of fun, as if she was never taking anything too seriously. Fanfiction is fun. And it's absolutely best when the writer is having fun. Agitosgirl's world is simply very fun.
BunnyHoodlum also inspired me to write my own fics because of her commitment to making Naruto and Hinata distinctly and convincingly Japanese, literally set in Japan, which back then, no one seemed to be doing...well. I'm serious. Read fics from just 5-10+ years ago, and it's BunnyHoodlum, Peppercorn, and Emmykay holding down the fort of "culturally Japanese NaruHina" without sounding...uh...weird... This was important to me because my heritage is Japanese.
Katarina, Szajnie, and Sessakag seem to approach fanfiction at times with a goal beyond entertainment, perhaps a stance on educating readers, or at least for the reader to come out of the fic with a new understanding of people's differences. That's how it is for me. When I read their fics, I feel like I matured or learned something new.
There are several other writers who I love!!!! SEVERAL. I could seriously go on and on about every single writer in this fandom that I have read and tell you exactly what I love about their writing. Send me another ask, and maybe I'll make a part II 🌺. It's just that these folks listed here were either formative to my own "voice" or have qualities in their writing that I particularly admire and prioritize.
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loudstan · 3 months
So, I think I'm a day late to the party, but let me just say, that you have done it again 👏👏!! That chenle fic was AMAZING!! The want, the love, the desire, and especially the PAIN was soooooo real!!
I also, was going through your other fics today and I can't help but notice how much you've grown as a writer too. Like from the first chapter of epiphany to writing more smut centered fics with little plot as for jisung and mark, to now creating an actual complex universe with good plot lines, and not just werewolves but witches, faes, and now sirens too!
(And I'm also feeling weirdly proud of myself for being here for so long to witness this growth of community too🤧🤧)
I also, have a looooot of questions too. And I haven't read all of your replies to the asks, so I don't know if someone has asked you this before, but do you have any plans for writing an epilogue-ish drabble for chenle again? Because I'm so curious to see how the dynamic will play out after they've been mated. Cause I feel like it's going to take the reader a loooong loong time to adjust to what happened and feel normal about it again.
Also, I wanna see the reaction of the other members when chenle tells them what happened and when they meet his mate for the first time. (I bet jisung will be ready in position with a frying pan and ear plugs in case she decided to manipulate chenle or any of his pack members again 💀)
But anyways, I hope you know how good of a writer you are, and how deeply some people like me appreciate your work. And I saw your posts saying that you don't have any plans for writing for any more members as of now, and I just wanted to say that it's alright. Take your time and rest, and whatever decision you make, just knowing that you're still loved and supported! 🥰
Signing off 👋
I’m getting so shy at people saying my writing has grown 🤭 I think writing became an addiction and now I just need to add unnecessary details and plot
I’m now 90% sure I’ll write a short (who am I kidding? I can’t write short stuff anymore) especial chapter for Chenle’s story in which we can see how things go after his rut.
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sunnytastic · 2 years
I’m very very new to the always sunny fandom and I stumbled across a post of yours about macdennis and your prefaced it with saying rob is a loser and people in the tags were agreeing/saying they’re a rob hater and hate to give him praise/credit. My question is, why does everyone hate rob? Is it because of the offensiveness of the show or something else? When I say new I mean like this week new so I really don’t know anything about the actors/creators. Thank you very much for any information you can give me, it’s greatly appreciated. ❤️
omg hi!!! welcome! sunnyblr is by far the best fandom i ever been a part of. i hope you have as much fun as i do.
something very unique about sunny is how integral the creators are to the lifeblood of the show. rob, charlie, and glenn (rcg) are not simply it's creators, they are the show themselves. sunny was born out of rcg's desire to give themselves the opportunities they wish they were being offered. before sunny, none of them had any major roles or been a part of a hit production. and so they a created a show, written by them, starring them with themselves being the target audience. and it has turned into the longest running live-action sitcom on television, with one of the most passionate and involved fanbases (i can not stand the sunny sub reddit but no one can deny their love for the show).
beyond rcg themselves, sunny is an important part of the lives of their closest family and friends. rob met kaitlin olson, the actress who plays dee, on the show and they are married now. charlie's wife, mary elizabeth ellis, plays the waitress, and jimmi simpson, his old roommate, plays liam mcpoyle. david hornsby, one of the funniest people alive and the actor who plays rickety cricket, was very close friends with rob, glenn, and charlie long before the show started and is also one of the head writers for the show.
also, and, this isn't quite relevant to the rest of this response, but if you do continue down the sunny rabbit hole, you will find that six names repeatedly pop up in terms of episode writers: rob mcelhenny, charlie day, glenn howerton, david hornsby, scott marder, and rob rosell. you will also notice that during seasons 13 & 14, arguably sunny's weakest seasons, glenn howerton, scott marder, and rob rosell were absent from the writer's room, which really speaks to how enmeshed sunny and it's writers are.
ok so here is the thing about rob... i've written about this before but rob is both overwhelmingly confident and deeply insecure, which are two sides of the same coin. funny enough, i think rob would be the first person to agree with me on this statement. he's said many times that he knows he walks around with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove. most times, this attitude works in his favor. he is passionate, determined, and persistent, and every person in his life will speak to how great of a leader and friend he is.
but sometimes, I find it very easy to get frustrated with rob because he will say something and I will be hit with how much he has become the hollywood he was originally very critical about. with charlie and glenn, there is less of the feeling that hollywood "got" them. he is also the most defensive about sunny's use of blackface (& other racial caricatures), a decision I already vehemently dislike made worse by rob's attitude of "whoops, just a little mistake we made."
but then again, he has given one of the most nuanced and heartbreakingly real portrayals of a gay man in television, while also still being very funny in the process. in another of his shows, mythic quest, the only romantic pairing in the entire show is a lesbian couple, who get together very early on and avoid the stereotypical catty behavior seen in most tv lesbian couples.
so my feelings on rob are very mixed. on one hand, i am in awe of his creative talent & artistic direction and grateful for his fight for better queer representation. on the other, he can be so irritating i find myself wanting to bang my head against the table.
i hope this answer is helpful! if you have any more questions, any sunny blog and I would be happy to answer them. if you are looking to learn more about the show, i highly recommend listening to the always sunny podcast. rob, charlie, and glenn talk about the show episode by episode, often bringing in other cast members to join them. while they don't always stay on topic, you will definitely see how much this show means to them and how much of their personalities are reflected in the characters.
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obsidiannebula · 6 months
but when I put my work out there no one gives a shit. even the AI gets more of a reaction out of others, even if its purely negative. admit it, people only started to pretend to care about smaller artists and writers to stick it to the AI techbros
You're experiencing something that every creative on the planet has been struggling with since forever: the crushing disappointment of "I worked really hard on this but nobody even seems to notice it."
We've all been there. It sucks. We tend to feel a need for recognition and validation when we do or make something. Just about every artist or writer on here has experienced that disappointment, and wondered in despair if it's even worth continuing to make and post the things they make. After all, why put in all that effort to make something and share it, when nobody seems to care? Why keep investing so much into something you love, only to share it and find that no one else appreciates it like you do?
Well, if you've been in creative circles for a while, you've actually probably seen some answers to this question. See, we HAVE cared about our fellow small creators since long before """AI""" was really a concern. For years we've been making and sharing posts to help and uplift each other. We've told each other, don't create with the hope of getting fame and adulation, or you'll almost certainly be disappointed. We've told each other, create for your friends, for the 3 people who are as deeply invested in your rarepair or niche fandom as you are, create for yourself, create for the joy of creation. We've spread posts reminding people that a like is nice, but if you really enjoy someone's art, it helps the creator much more to reblog it, because it increases the work's visibility and reach. We have encouraged people to commission artists- and we have actually done so! See my little icon in the corner there? I commissioned that from a friend, who is a small artist themself. (@oriathura here and on the website formerly known as Twitter, in case anyone would like to commission them!)
The creative community has been supporting each other for a long time, whether you were aware of it or not. I've been on Tumblr since 2017, and have been following artists and writers that whole time, and began posting my own art and writing soon after joining. I have seen thousands of posts of the sort I described, trying to help motivate, reassure and uplift other creators. I have seen friends and mutuals get discouraged by the lack of response to their art, and wonder if they should give up. I have seen them carry on anyway, and I have seen them grow and develop as artists. I have posted my own work and gotten silence in response, and I have persisted anyway and continued to improve my craft and make work that I am proud of, regardless of how many people saw it or validated me through praise.
Because I wanted something to exist, and I made it exist, and I deserve to be proud of that. No matter how many people saw it or liked it.
You didn't ask for advice, but I'm going to offer some, and you and any other creatives reading this can take it or leave it, as you like:
*Find community. Follow some creative people, maybe acquire some creative mutuals. Join a Discord server for artists and/or writers. Get involved with a small group of fellow creators and hype each other up!
*Learn how to tag your posts. Don't spam a bunch of unrelated tags, of course, but learn how to add plenty of relevant ones. Lots of people follow tags for characters, fandoms, and even the "my writing" and "fiction" tags- I know I do. That will put your post on the dash of some people who are following those tags. The more people who see it, the more likely it is to reach the people who will enjoy it- because no matter the subject or even quality of the work, there IS an audience for it. Following and posting in these tags may even help you find community!
*Make something with no intention of ever sharing it. If you love to create but find yourself discouraged and frustrated by a lack of positive response when you share your work, make something just for yourself and keep it to yourself. Learn to appreciate creation for creation's sake, for the joy you can bring yourself. If you're feeling really bold, make something and then destroy it. Rip it up, burn it, hit delete. Art is valuable even when it is fleeting.
*Create for an event. One of the best things that ever happened to my writing was participating in TAZ Pride Week 2018. I wrote a new fic every day for 8 days, pushing the limits of my creativity and writing skill. I tagged each work with the event tag, allowing others to find it and the organizer to reblog it to the event blog, which lots of people were following. Many people saw and enjoyed my work as a result. I saw the work of numerous others and was inspired. I even gained my first artsy mutual (aside from my irl friends) because of this event, so this can also help you with building community! People organize art and writing events all the time, especially for fandoms. Seek these out and see how you can get involved!
Sometimes, creating can feel like thankless work. But that doesn't mean it has no value. If it meant something to you, it was important. And it may become important to someone else one day. Some of my works that flopped hardest on publication are the ones that still get the occasional note or AO3 comment here and there months and years later, because they appealed to very few people, but those few people are very excited on the rare occasion they find something that scratches the particular itch they have!
When I was in 7th grade, we read Summer of My German Soldier. I don't know that I'd recommend the book to anyone else; in truth I don't remember much from it, aside from the main character getting a bad perm. But one quote from that book has stuck with me my whole life. It led to me the understanding of creation as a powerful, almost sacred act, regardless of how many people view it. For "there is more nobility in building a chicken coop than in destroying a cathedral."
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itsana004 · 2 years
ANA I AM CURIOUS ABOUT HOW YOU THINK OF GUACHE/NISTRO I know you greatly appreciate droite but what about her partner in crime? 👁️
Omg I did realise at one point that I almost never talk about that guy as much as I should, so here lays my truest thoughts on Gauche/Nistro
•How do I feel about this character
I ABSOLUTELY ADORE HIS CHARACTER! He's so fun to watch and I feel deeply ashamed I used to feel differently about him at the beginning because of a stupid ship and that was such an embarrassing phase (I didn't engage in any ship drama thank god about that but my notp clouded my judgement AGHRHHH) but my taste improved luckily overtime and better late than never to make amends of my past mistakes
His upbeat personality is fun and all but SERIOUSLY GET A MAN LIKE HIM WHO CAN DO BOTH! This man can be a dork, high spirited, an idiot and be a hilarious character giving this big dumb energy muscular man while also being super skilled, intelligent in his own way and writers bothered to give a little bit of backstory and NOT be this one dimensional comic relief character like I thought he would be at the beginning??? LIKE?? I LOVE THAT??? AND FROM THE RECENT POLL HE'S A CERTIFIED MALEWIFE SO THERE'S THAT
And his interactions with Droite omg (I LOVE MY BABIES SO MUCH MUST PROTECT THEM AT ALL COSTS) WE. NEEDED. MORE. BANTER AND MORE SCENES OF THEM DOING THEIR JOB WHERE THEY JUST SQUABBLE (please why they never showed at least one frame of Droite and Gauche dueling tf, I'm not satisfied by that mind controlled Gauche tag duel only).
His design is so cool as well! I love he just discarded his work outfit as soon as he quit, like finally a character that proves me wrong about Zexal characters not having a wardrobe with the same smelly outfit in their home other than Kotori and few others (I'M LOOKING AT YOU CASWELL).
Also the Starmann costume...sorry but I can't take it seriously 😂 but I love the message behind it and how it is tied to his childhood where he and Droite lived in the streets and dueling became their star of hope.
•All the people I ship romantically with this character
Sorry but I don't ship him romantically with anyone, not even Droite and I'll explain why in a bit. For the other characters he has interactions and chemistry with they are all minors so nope.
•My non-romantic OTP for this character
This has to be Droite and Gauche. I can't see them in a romantic lens, to me they share more of a familial bond/sibling relationship more than anything, and the fact Droite found love in someone else kind of furthers my case.
The thought of Droite being the only family he ever had in a world where he was born with none feels more meaningful to me than any common romantic tropes. It also means they share a stronger bond as in family always comes first and would be there for eachother no matter what. The media lacks this kind of friendship and bond between a man and a woman who aren't related and seeing them in this light feels like a breath of fresh air and I'm here for it! Also did you guys notice the matching bracelet they share?? I would love to know the canon meaning behind it, but for now I interpret it as a symbol of their relationship which I interpret it as familial, just like Shark and Rio's rings.
•My unpopular opinion about this character
Honestly I'm not sure... I don't think I have any other than the fact I don't ship him with Droite romantically?
•One thing I wish would happen/had happened with this character in canon
Oh hohoho, I guess I have only a few things to say
I just think ending up liking a side character in Zexal is just hell, period, but goodness
Umm, Zexal, when were you planning to ever show, or rather, why hide, the fact GAUCHE HAS HIS OWN NUMBER CARD???
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Also I would have loved to see more interactions between Gauche and Alito. Despite their rocky start it is clearly shown they would make good friends. There were even drawn parallels between them where past Alito was a lot like Gauche, and they share the same fighting spirit. Anyway they would be good friends... too bad them being in good terms was never shown...
Also this is not a criticism but more of a wish where they expanded more in his and Droite's past and how they became elite and how he got that scar in his face. They never explained it or even shown a flashback of it. And because of how underdeveloped and mysterious they left it out to be I'm really having a confusing time understanding the true nature of his relationship with people in the Tower - they showed him having this big rivalry with Kaito and them being pissed around each other but in Spartan City, once Kaito saw him and Droite, he was smiling to the point his eyebrows became straight?? I want to know the lore stuff basically that I'll never get to knoww
Sorry if I missed anything but here is my answer!
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YIOOOO I NEED TO ASK FOR ONE OF YOUR WRITINGS JEWELRY <3 aa do you remember that you once wrote for akyr with a snow white reader?? you know, a reader with the beauty of Snow White and her features, well I've been wanting to request something similar for BAE ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝ please and thank you for so much<//3
Writer's corner: Aww- "writing jewerly"- anon..! qwq don't make me cryyy-- Thank you for your support! I'm glad you like my writing ♥ Also of course I do remember, hehe! And sure I can do it! I hope you'll like it! Please, let me know if there's anything you want me to fix or change!♥ Enjoy~
mc's pronouns: SHE/HER
Warnings: sfw
⭐𝐁𝐀𝐄⭐ 𝐡𝐚𝐯𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐚 𝐜𝐫𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐨𝐧 𝐚 𝐒𝐧𝐨𝐰-𝐖𝐡𝐢𝐭𝐞-𝐥𝐢𝐤𝐞 𝐟𝐞𝐦!𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫
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⭐Let's be honest about it..
⭐If Allen saw a you, he'd totally blush due to your beauty
⭐Allen is shy due to his own awkwardness when it comes to social situations..
⭐So I can totally imagine him being blushed and nervous around someone as beautiful and kind as you
⭐At first he'd notice your physical appearance..
⭐your skin as white as snow, your hair as dark as ebony and your lips and cheeks naturally as red as apples..
⭐After that he would surely notice how soothing your voice is and how kind-hearted you are- even towards animals and plants!
⭐Allen would surely appreciate hearing your softly humming a song while petting your pet or taking care of your plants
⭐He would also blush heavily if you noticed him while he's staring at you
⭐"U-uh!... I-I'm sorry for staring, y/n!!..."
⭐Then he'd hear your cute chuckle and your pale skin getting redder on your cheeks as a response.
⭐His eyes would glow in admiration and love while his heart would start pounding like never before
⭐I'm 100% sure that Allen would also ask you to sing with him sometimes!
⭐Maybe even helping him creating new songs for BAE
⭐Because we all know that BAE has a more modern rap style.. They like to try new music styles- mixing every kind of genre to create their own one!
⭐So.. Why not trying adding your soft and cute voice too?~
⭐I can imagine how happy Allen would be, seeing you singing with him, hearing your voice with his one and, why not...?
⭐.. Maybe even holding hands and squeezing them slightly and lovingly..?
⭐If you're lucky, he'd find some courage in himself and finally show you his feelings for you..
⭐He'd prove that he's your Prince Charming somehow!
⭐"Haha! W-wow, y/n!.. You.. You really never stop to surprise me..!!.. You're so talented and.. Charming.. I.. Heh.. I like you.."
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⭐Just like every other guy meeting you for the first time..
⭐Hajun would be surprised to see how beautiful you are
⭐Even if deeply sarcastic and proud (even if he's unconfident, actually), he'd look at you from afar and smile softly with his usual grin
⭐He'd think that.. Yes.. You're definitely cute and charming in your way..
⭐That innocence and pureness of yours, mixed with all your physical appearance, would make you one of the most beautiful woman he has ever seen
⭐your skin as white as snow, your hair as dark as ebony and your lips and cheeks naturally as red as apples..
⭐Hajun would felt charmed by all of that.
⭐You both would meet casually and some of those tailors and stylists, who usually organizes photoshoots getting Hajun as a model, would show interest in you
⭐That's how you'd start talking to Hajun, actually.
⭐But.. Let's be honest.
⭐You're not so interested in becoming a model, but you'd try anyway 'cause you think it'd be fun giving it a try!
⭐"So.. You're telling me that you're an ordinary girl.. Heh.. That's interesting, actually.."
⭐Being sarcastic and thinking that nobody has hopes in life if they are "ordinary", well...
⭐I'm sure you'd kinda manage to get him interested in you
⭐But that doesn't mean that you wouldn't see his sadistic self, though..
⭐But a part of me suggests me that you'd be blessed with cute parts of his that nobody has ever seen...
⭐Hajun would get surprised by hearing your singing voice and would definitely think that he has never heard anything like that..
⭐I don't know why, but a part of me really imagine him having a sort of mental breakdown due to insecurities- due to the fact that he has been unwanted..
⭐But then there would be you, comforting him, maybe even patting his head while humming and whispering a soft melody.
⭐You'd wipe those tears you would have never thought to see on his face away, while complimenting him and telling him that he's your Perfect Prince Charming..
⭐"Your Perfect Prince Charming, y/n...? You... You really like me that much.. To think.. That I'm really that flawless...? I... Thank you, love... You're the fairiest of all for me.."
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⭐Dear y/n, do you believe in love at first sight?
⭐'cause Anne would fall for you immediately in my opinion!
⭐Since they are someone who really stan people expressing themselves freely, being themselves without any fear etc..
⭐And since you're definitely special and unique in your own way..
⭐Anne would find themselves meeting your eyes, even while going shopping, and feel their own heart pouding
⭐your skin as white as snow, your hair as dark as ebony and your lips and cheeks naturally as red as apples..
⭐Anne would think that..
⭐"W-wow... She is... Very beautiful."
⭐Of course you'd notice their reaction immediately, 'cause Anne can't be fake and would show their surprise
⭐I don't know why, but I even imagine them getting all flustered and even a little bit clumsier (since they already could set the kitchen on fire-)..
⭐They would try acting normally but tripping over their own feet..
⭐After knowing you better, Anne wouldn't hesitate to support and compliment you each time they get the occasion
⭐"Y/n, sweetheart! Damn! You're so cool today! That dress fits you so well! I like it a lot!"
⭐"Oh my- sweetheart, your makeup looks so cute! Your cheeks are all blushed and adorable!"
⭐"Aw, come on, y/n! Don't underestimate yourself, please! I'm sure you can do it! I believe in you! And I'm already proud of who you are!"
⭐You can imagine how stunned and flustered Anne would look while listening to your voice singing..
⭐Also, even if always supportive and energetically kind-hearted, they would have their own sad days, maybe losing themselves in thoughts and in the past
⭐And I feel that that's when they would notice and fully understand that you're special.. That your kindness is as precious as the most valuable treasure.
⭐Anne likes supporting their friends with sweet and energetic sentences and compliments- even if sometimes they even like to tease and bother them (poor Hajun)-..
⭐But I'm sure they would be grateful to receive at least one sweet compliment or supportive sentence from you.
⭐Their eyes would fill up with tears and their heart would racing like never, while they would open their arms to hug you tightly.
⭐"Y/n!! You're making me cry...!! Thank you, love.. I.. I love you!! I really love you a lot!! You're my treasure.. The fairiest of all!"
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©hebimoonlightwrites_tumblr Please, do not copy my contents nor repost it without my permission.
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gacmediadaily · 1 year
From Bill Abbott's latest email:
While of our next two Saturday movies are both strong in their own way, on Saturday, September 16th One Perfect Match with Merritt Patterson is a movie we think you will love.  Merritt is a world class talent, and even a better person, and she lights up the screen in this role as a matchmaker.  A little spoiler alert - we felt so strongly about the film that we licensed Michael Buble’s hit, “Haven’t Met Yet,” for use in the movie!  We actually hoped to have it as the title for the film, but legally it got messy and we ended up just having to settle for the song.  Great music in content creates emotion and memorable moments when utilized well, and I hope this addition puts an added touch on a special movie!
Your feedback to these notes, and our “We Car What You Think Campaign,” has been terrific and is much appreciated, both good and bad!  Therefore, I thought I would go to the mailbag and answer two of the most prevalent questions some of you have had over the past couple of weeks:
Many have noted there is an inappropriately shaving commercial that is very graphic on our channels, and this is deeply upsetting to us.  As I hope you know, we take great pride in having family friendly content and we also work extremely hard to ensure our commercial environment is pristine (as history has documented in our past lives!)  Unfortunately, in this case, we do not control the advertising on the providers carrying the advertisements such as Philo-TV, FRNDLY-TV and FUBO-TV.  With all of our other distribution partners, we control everything but two minutes per hour, but I know even there we have had a few issues, an example being ads that promote the supernatural.  We do our best to make noise to distributors to prevent this, so your feedback is helpful.  To a degree though, it is out of our hands in these few places, and we regret the discomfort this has caused.
The writer’s and actor’s strike is ongoing and there does not appear to be a quick path to a resolution.  Many of you have asked how this will impact our Christmas line-up, and the good news is that it will not!  We filmed our movies with Candace, Trevor Donovan, Merritt Patterson, Jill Wagner, Jen Lilley and many more early in the year in anticipation of a potential strike, so our line-up is ready to go, and better than ever!  We are planning a surprise regarding our celebration of the season – some of you will like it, others I know won’t, but we hope everyone can understand our thinking and at least give us credit for being aggressive!  More to come on that one at a later date!
In closing, many of you have come to our website to review Saturday night’s movie, Learning to Love, and we are thrilled with the reaction!  We have also taken note, and heartened, by the positive feedback of how faith was an important part of the movie.  It is a core principle of our organization to reinforce faith, family & country, so we are energized that you noticed it and enjoyed it!  You will see a lot more of this in the months and years to come!     
If you have any thoughts or suggestions, I am always open to them and I try to respond to as many as possible so please feel free to reach out.  And if anyone subscribes to Pure Flix and wants to register their opinion, I would love to hear it!
Thank you again for all your support and enjoy the weeks ahead!
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hi! been reading goomt and got to the end of ch62 - i was kind of sad about james being so mean to harry and his weight in it tho :[ is that something that needs to be in there? i wasn't sure if you might revise things at all! i want them to kiss but poor harry!!!! anyway, can't wait to read more! hope ur well! :D
hello!!! :3c and thank you SOOOO MUCH for reading GOOMT!! i REALLY appreciate your time reading it and also coming to ask me a question!! 👀 thank you so so much that means a lot :3!! but oooh you've gotten to the library arc i see >:3c!! you're in for a pretty dense smattering of chapters (in case you haven't maybe noticed LOL) and i hope you enjoy them (as well as pack a snack and remember to hydrate, LOL)
to answer your question and concern: yes - i'm sorry to say - it does need to be in there.
(quick note: i'm gonna sound all formal pretty soon here, and as such, my tone may come across as kind of stiff, defensive, or upset to some, and i just want to quickly say that i am NOT upset, stiff, defensive, or intending to be at all LOL. really honestly deeply we are soooo super chill here, it means a LOT to me that people feel comfortable to come forward with questions and concerns like these and i just want to try to answer as best as i can!! this is me taking u seriously as well as this topic and just trying to get my words out good and comprehensible LOL.)
now believe u me!! i DID have some hesitation. i've thought very hard on how and why i depict the characters the way i do. they are each their own mess of roses and thistles and thorns and black widows. but i don't want to do myself any injustice as a writer by holding back on character traits and my developmental intents with the character just because the character is doing something i personally do not condone, and know might make some readers uncomfortable. it's unfair to the story i'm telling, unfair to myself, unfair to readers, and unfair to the entire process of growth and my choice to tell the story as a glacial slowburn in general to withhold the ugly side of a person.
because GOOMT is an enormous glacial slowburn. it's a transformative piece in the effect that the characters are going to need so much time to learn, to practice, to confront, progress and regress, stifle and bash barriers, and all in order to transform themselves - and it is a constant battle.
James is not the same person as he was all those years ago. to say the town changed him is a gross understatement. his ongoing trend of fatphobia towards Harry is 100% intentional from me as a writer, and from him as a character. this is an ugly piece of James that i thought hard on before including, and wouldn't remove.
cuz see, i've done my deep dive masters thesis on the psychology of James Sunderland GOOMT, but this stupid blond sad wet idiot doesn't know a gat dang thing!!! LOL
James sucks. he's kind of a shitty person. and there are reasons for this. MANY reasons, MANY factors, and many that are interconnected intricate!! but one thing to remember is this one piece of complicated, albeit common human nature:
people are mean. they will think mean things about other people, or even say it to their faces with the intention to hurt. there can be any sort of reason WHY they are mean, too.
James is thinking hurtful fatphobic thoughts about Harry because that's how he feels about Harry on the surface level. he's fat: it's disgusting. it's a reason not to like him. has he always felt like this about fat people? who knows :) is this something that has subconsciously altered him with origins that can be connected back to Eddie..?
oh.. who knows? :) ;) but the fact of the matter is that James himself is only taking this on surface level. he's thinking mean things to be mean. it's distancing behavior; and it's absolutely crucial to his character development that i show his ugliness.
all in all, these threads go deeper and farther than simple fatphobia for James. it's superficial and it's stupid and it's so mean and so ugly and it's crucial character and human development to have, and then work through.
i understand and totally sympathize, as well as respect, any opinions that this would seem out of character for James, or would turn anyone off from him or the story somehow, or any other characterization choices i've made in GOOMT thus far. total respect!! this fic is a whole 'nother partyinthemysterymachine in itself and there are totally likely to be plot points and pieces of character development and/or portrayal that could have some people going :\.
and that's totally normal and natural, even if it sucks all around.
but just want to make a quick note here too that should anything in GOOMT ever not jive anymore, that i 100% encourage, and 100% prefer people who are not enjoying GOOMT, or find something that turns them off at any point, to stop reading.
hit the brix!! unbookmark!! never click it again! that's all perfectly okay with me, because your enjoyment factor of what you read or consume should be more important than trying to stick with something just because of whatever. i'm not bothered. i'd be sad to see anyone go, but MUCH happier knowing that they bowed out for themselves. there is no reason to read GOOMT if it doesn't jive or hits the wrong notes on a topic or if the story takes a turn that feels too much to bear.
anywhoo. so maybe we got A Lil Serious at the end there LOL, BUUUUT i really like to make sure i just. Clarify Things sometimes LOL and like. just let you and other readers know that we're all just here to have fun, maaaaann...... we're all just here to boogie :3c!
ALL IN ALL THO DON'T WORRY LOL, and thank you SOOOOOO SO SO SO much again anon for this ask!! 🥺🥺💖💖🙏🙏🙏 it means so fuckin much to me that you sent it. i hope that i have explained myself and my intents coherently and well, and if there's anything else u might have questions or concerns about PLLSSS don't hesitate to let me know!!
stay healthy and happy and safe and hydrated out there, and mayhaps i'll see you later in the fog!!! :3c!!!!
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desiderii-fic · 1 year
For the writer asks (there were so many good ones! I had to limit myself!!): 💫 🌈 💕 🕯️
I don't...interact much because I am very shy, but :points at eyes, points at you:. You are a delight and I need you to know that I appreciate you immensely. Whenever I see your name pop up around this tumblr, it always encourages me. :)
The questions tho!
💫what is your favorite kind of comment/feedback?
Honestly, I'm delighted by every kind of comment so I have...less of 'favorites' and more of 'kinds that stick out in my memory'? And those kinds are 1) 'reread' comments that state or imply that they're leaving this on their second+ time back (!!!), 2) the 'I am commenting on every chapter because I am very enthusiastic' comments that I am always so shy about replying to, and the 3) rambles. I REALLY adore rambles, because sometimes they're not very coherent, which I find just...really delightful and charming. They're just full of stuff that someone liked and give me a little glimpse into the person who left it.
🌈is there a fic that you worked *really fucking hard on* that no one would ever know? maybe a scene/theme you struggled with?
Oh, yes! The entire fic of Our Corners Start To Curving 'Til We Shine. It's set in the John Wick universe, but after the second movie and before the third, so it's a little older and I'm sure no longer canon compliant. It's all OCs since it was for a worldbuilding challenge and it's one of my shortest fics, too, so you wouldn't think it would be anything special, but it was a deliberate exercise in writing something short, sharp, and concise that was also a complete and finished story. At the time, those traits made the writing style an active departure from my regular style (...in 2018, wow. It feels like much longer ago.). I was stepping out of my comfort zone on purpose, and I'm deeply pleased about how it came out. Finishing it and polishing it up affected my writing style in a lot of ways, tbh, and made me a better writer in general. My fics before it are in some ways denser and more sprawling and my fics after it are planned tighter and with an eye toward using a limited page more effectively.
💞what’s the most important part of a story for you? the plot, the characters, the worldbuilding, the technical stuff (grammar etc), the figurative language
I think this is the double heart one that you mean! The most important bit, for me, is the interactions between characters. So a little bit of character, a little bit of plot, a little bit of dialogue, but most specifically all of it revolving around how characters respond and react to one another, because that's where I find the most crunch to explore when I write. There's a...it's sort of a vibrating tension between the lines/characters when I get it right, and that's something that I specifically chase whenever I'm setting words down on the page. When the note is hit just right, I can feel it like a shiver somewhere in the vicinity of my emotions, and I'm always hoping that it comes through even just a little to a reader.
🕯️how do you think engaging with each other through tumblr, twitter, comments, kudos, creates healthy fandom experiences? How do you deal with that if you’re not a social person/experience social anxiety?
(ETA: oh shit there are two candles? If you were thinking the other one, ping me and I'll answer that instead? Ahha.) Oh! This is such an interesting question (if a bit leading, lol, I hadn't noticed that before trying to answer it). I'm bad at interaction and engagement because I'm definitely in the 'shy' and 'tired' categories, but it's... I think interaction is a big part of what makes fic and fanart and other fandom stuff into play. I share things I'm enthusiastic about. I take them apart and put them together and tell stories about them and then save the results for later. I CAN do it on my own, and I honestly write more because I can't get ideas out of my head than I do because I need interaction about them, but it's a deliberate choice for me to make the Stuff I'm Getting Out Of My Head into something for the community. Because I want to participate in the sandbox everyone else is playing in, because that's where the people are, and I like people. Plus, half the fun is yes-anding, or finding someone with a wildly different interpretation that you think you could make something out of, or getting a new angle off of something you would never have thought of otherwise because of your particular lived experience vs their particular lived experience. Without interacting, you get YOU out of it, but you don't get anyone else, and I find a great deal of joy in the fact that other people are producing NEW stuff about a thing I love. So. The thing with me is that I'm super reserved, and the 'shy and tired' means I'm more likely to go 'ah, I simply cannot just now' and make a mental note to respond at some later date (andthenIdidn't_johnmulaney.gif). So I don't...honestly interact much as a creator. I interact way, way more as an audience member. Which, from the PoV of a creator, I think is pretty dang valuable, yanno? But I do what I can in a more...hrm. So, I reblog things I like, I comment when I have the bandwidth, and I don't stress about how I as an individual am somehow be responsible for aggregate trends in not commenting or something. All this is play: I join the game when I can and don't sweat when I can't. (I also have a vague tangent about how the ability to be seen and found by literally the whole world instead of a small niche subcommunity has made everything just...so much different, but I think that's for another time. :))
Thank you so much for the ask, @opalynne!
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flameblessed · 1 year
OKAY BUT TOPAZ. Here have a letter for ur birthday bc I love u and treasure u a lot klajslkgj I am so late I’m sorry but I really wanted to put brain into this and I had absolutely no brain otherwise LKJASKLGJ
BUT LISTEN im so glad I met u. frick when did we meet. Last year?? Has it been a year omg. Almost a year I think!! But man I’m really thankful to have you as a friend and in my life ;w ; hearing about your experiences and knowing that you’re still pushing through despite all the bullshit in ur life just shows how amazingly strong you are and how much you persevered and I really do admire you for that! You try to constantly improve yourself and are very honest about how you feel, which is just so refreshing and awesome to see!!
You’re also so fun to play games with and just chill with on vc too >w> I hope we manage to hang out again sometime!! Because I always appreciate people who are genuinely just chilling and are out to have a good time and honestly the way you roast people sometimes is so funny KLJASLKJG and the jokes you crack are pretty awesome, and I really treasure those moments too since it means you’re enjoying yourself and you’re happy, as you deserve!!
And gosh do I talk about your writing. I know I’ve said it again and again but I really do admire your writing T__T I feel like our writing styles synch so well and im always so invested and reread your replies to me because they’re so well thought out and so in-depth that it touches me kokoro. You have a very beautiful writing style and it’s only going to get more amazing from there!!
I also love your character creation?? Like. Obviously I love Roi and all the OCs you have told me about but GOSH do you make it all so GOOD and realistic!! Its so refreshing and really inspiring to see. Its hard to explain, but you have a way of writing that touches every character you write deeply and its so clear how much you think about your characters and interpret them, and how they develop throughout the story. Like I really do love Roi’s development from HW to EW… it’s so fucking beautiful okay I love him T__T
And not to mention ur canon characters like hello!! I remember specifically one time I was admiring your writing and you were writing a thancred reply – and like. Believe me when I say I was so impressed! Idk how to describe it. It really felt like a realistic portrayal – you did mention some headcanons that differed but felt so true to him and that shined through in your writing. AGAIN IDK HOW TO DESCRIBE IT BUT ITS AN AMAZING SKILL YOU HAVE OKAY.
AND ALSO. Well. You know how much I love our babygirls KJAKLSGj and the toxic shit we come up with :pensive: I love dark stuff and I love that we’re able to discuss that freely and just be chill about it lkjaslkgj anD WRITE IT TO VERY POG LENGTHS AND GETTING INTO THE NITTY GRITTY WILD SHIT. Its great. Thank u for being such a fun rp partner too kljasklgj AND FOR BEING SO OPEN TO SHIPPING DIFF CHARACTERS TOO I really do appreciate it and I can only hope you’re enjoying yourself with your new characters as well!! ;w ;
BUT ANYWAY HAPPY BIRTHDAY FOR YESTERDAY THANKS FOR BEING MY FRIEND AND FOR BEING AN AMAZING ROLEPLAYING PARTNER AND BEING A FANTASTIC WRITER AND PLOTTER AND ALL AKLJSGKLj I also appreciate you reaching out as well and asking if im okay if you notice ajksljg that’s honestly so sweet and you’re honestly one of the kindest people I know ;; you have such a great heart despite all the pain you’ve been through and I know you’re going to continue being your amazing self ;w ;
// So I have been staring at this all day. Just rotating it in my mind. Thinking about getting it framed in my house.
This means so much to me because like... I can never actually accept that people actually like me or enjoy my company. I just cannot wrap my head around it. So like... This is genuinely so nice. Thank you so much for being my friend.
It has been around a year since we met. I am SO HAPPY that we started interacting and stuff. My life is better for having you in it. Thank you so much.
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strangerquinns · 3 years
idk if you are taking requests, but I saw you post something about how all you have is smut requests in your inbox but you weren’t feeling particularly ~smutty~… would you consider writing something cute and fluffy? Maybe Dylan takes care of the reader when she’s on her period, or Mitch shows his soft side when his girlfriend brings home a stray kitty? Both sort of cliche, I know. Not sure if either of these tickle your fancy, but you’re a great writer! Write what you want/what you feel and I’ll happily read it. Hope you’re having a good day ❤️ (also, for the record, I absolutely do not find your smut to be repetitive, but I understand it can feel that way when you’re writing it, I struggle with that as well; there’s only so many positions, only so many euphemisms for dick, thrust, etc lol)
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Dylan O'Brien x Female!Reader
It's that time of the month and Dylan does everything to help
short and sweet concept
you're so sweet, anon, thank you so so much!! sometimes as the writer, we get into our heads - but it feels good to hear from someone else about stuff. This was deeply appreciated
The moment you woke up, you felt the painful cramps that seemed to wrap around your middle. You slowly pulled your knees towards your chest to try and add some relief, but it only made the pain a dull ache. A small cry of pain left your lips before you sat up to get out of bed. From behind you, Dylan slept soundly and you didn't wanna wake him up.
After going to the bathroom to take care of yourself, you slowly waddled down the hall towards the kitchen to start on some tea. The first day of your period was always a bad one and hit you hard. All you wanted was to sit on the couch and watch some tv, praying the pain killers to kick in soon.
But the moment you left out of bed, it wasn't long till Dylan slowly woke up. He was never really able to sleep when you weren't beside him. His brows pulled together in confusion when he saw that your side of the bed was empty, before getting up himself.
When he walked out into the main part of the house, Dylan saw you standing in the kitchen slowly stirring whatever was in your mug. The soft pad of his feet drew your attention up towards him. Dylan smiled softly towards you, rubbing his eyes slightly and hair disheveled from sleep before he bent down to kiss you.
"What's got you up so early?" He asked, voice still deep and rough from sleep.
"Mother Nature came this morning," You sighed, wincing slightly as another cramp moved through you.
Dylan frowned and grabbed your tea from the counter with one hand and lacing his fingers with the other. He knew how hard your period hit you. He watched over the years the two of you dating and felt bad every time. So, Dylan made it his mission every month that he made you as comfortable as possible.
Dylan led you back towards the bedroom and gently helped you back in, before setting your mug on the bedside table.
"You lay back down and relax and I'll make you some breakfast. While you eat, I'll run to the store and make sure to get some more pain killers, tampons, and a couple Reese's for you."
"How'd you know I was low on tampons?" You asked, looking up towards him in amazement.
"I make sure to keep notice when I know your period should be coming soon. Don't want you to go in one day and they are gone," He spoke nonchalantly. "Want Tony to come and cuddle with you while I cook?"
A small smile tugged at the corner of your lips as you nodded your head. Dylan bent down and kissed your forehead before walking out of the bedroom, only a moment later coming back with Tony in his arms.
"Keep mama company, little man." He spoke before setting the small dog on the bed.
Tony quickly rushed to your side the moment he was on the bed, curling up next to you as you began to pet him.
"Also thought maybe you'd need this." Dylan reached into the closet beside the bathroom and pulled out the heating pad.
You watched with wide eyes as he bent down and plugged it in, before laying it across your waist.
But before he could walk away, you grabbed his hand and pulled him back towards you. You reached up and caressed his face before pulling him into a deep kiss. Dylan moaned for a moment before relaxing into you and deepening it a little more.
"I love you," You spoke as he slowly pulled away. "And thank you,"
"You're welcome, baby." He kissed you again. "Always gonna take care of you."
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