#and I don’t want to shave my head
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frnkiebby · 5 months
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i want to simultaneously fluff his hair and pull it all at the same time~🎃
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unawakening-float07 · 10 days
i’m freaking myself out over my hair. i can, for sure, see i have more coverage on my scalp than i did prior to starting the meds (wow was i bald), the problem now is that my existing hair got completely destroyed. Whatever is left is so thin and wispy, i’m seriously debating just shaving because it’s looking so uneven and patchy.
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lewmagoo · 3 months
y’all ever get the urge to just shave your head?
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petalpetal · 6 months
The female urge to shave your entire head
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actually i might just shave my whole head
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macroglossus · 29 days
man i have so many short hairs at the top of my head and i cannot at all tell what’s frizz and what’s new growth
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ghostzzy · 2 months
i can Feel my will to live rotting in my gut like a sick organ
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crustmanthedog-barks · 4 months
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i’m like a whole other guy without my bangs
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fieldsofbone · 6 months
i’ve gotta get out of here (my own skin)
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Cato, mess with my concepts My inner vision/ Like a strobing light Please confuse my every decision I can't even pretend that you are my friend What has happened to you and I? And don't say that I have changed 'Cause man, of course I have Are you far too depressed Now even to answer the phone? I guess you just want to Shave your head, have a drink and be left alone (Is that too much to ask?)
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torchickentacos · 2 years
God is actually those TikTok girlies who make tutorials on how to make safe fake diy piercings for people whose grandmothers insist septums make you look like cattle. By the way. Pray to them instead
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boo-cool-robot · 2 years
Went to the dermatologist and they confirmed that I’m having androgenic hair loss already, wah wah. Guess I will start minoxidil…..I don’t want to inhibit bottom growth yet so I will hold off on finasteride….
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emeraldbabygirl · 1 year
If fucking trump gets away with this shit and becomes president again I swear to god. R.I.P every law ever put in place, say hello to the permanent purge. Like what the fuck is the point of having laws and things that presidents shouldn’t do if they aren’t going to get in trouble? Like? People should get punished for doing bad it shouldn’t matter what your status is or your whatever. Nixon and Clinton got impeachment for doing stuff that is nothing compared to what this cheeto is doing. The stupid trump supporters are gonna think they can do whatever the hell they what and not get jail time or whatever because trump didn’t. As if we didn’t have enough shootings and enough break-ins and enough crime as is and it’ll only get worse and even more so if people have the mindset of “well trump got away with it so I can too 🤡”
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teruthecreator · 2 years
some like mua came on my fyp talking abt her experience doing makeup for a bridal party and it just made me think like. goddamn im gonna pay some lady like $100+ FOR BASICALLY NOTHING bc like. i don’t rlly like foundation i just do spot coverage and minor color correction (bc im naturally very freckley so i like to let those all be visible still), i HATE bronzer i think it darkens my face too much esp when i’m so pale, i don’t do contour bc i don’t see the point, the only highlighter i like is like. body glitter essentially. and i have never in my life ever done a natural/neutral-toned eyeshadow look on myself. AND i hate lipstick i don’t think it looks right on my lips. so basically all i’m paying for is winged eyeliner and false lashes. but i HAVE to bc i was SPECIFICALLY TOLD im not allowed to do my own makeup >:-(((((((
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quiteunpersuadable · 28 days
I hate stress. I wouldn’t even know that I’m feeling it except my chronic pain is turned up 1000000% and I want to be crushed and melted and not feel like an aching every single touch sensitive raw ending of a nerve creature.
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