#and I could call them to arrange to have it mailed to me
goatsandgangsters · 1 month
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1800-lemonadeg1rl · 4 months
Part two of the craving you series (part 1)
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Dark! Wanda Maximoff x reader
Minors dni!! Masterlist°•☆
Summary - you settle into your new job while Wanda undos your life
Warnings - manipulation, dark Wanda, obsessive Wanda, unhealthy obsession, breaking and entering, theft, bribery, catnapping, Wanda calls herself mommy, not proofread again srry
Words - 1.8k
A/n - this took me ages to write srry, I still think part one is better tbh
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When you first got the job as Wanda's personal assistant you expected it to be strange like the meeting you'd had in her office prior, the one in which she'd has you begging on your knees. Much to your surprise however Wanda was more professional than ever, keeping to herself and only talking about work matters. Little did you know this was because she was too busy eyeing you up to make conversation.The job itself wasn't much too difficult either perhaps even easier than your original job and for the same wage. Your days consisted of planning phone calls, picking up mail, getting her lunch and coffees, taking notes in meetings, arranging taxis, responding to emails and then collapsing in to bed with your darling cats.
Wanda watched on eagerly as you slipped into a blissful false sense of security over the weeks working. Enjoying every second especially since she got to gaze at you every second of the day. The way you did your hair each morning, how you rolled around your wheeled chair had you been sat too long, the same pen you always fiddled with in meetings, how your nose scrunched when your were confused, the cuteness of your little yawns when you were tired. It was all the little quirks she hadn't got to see in you before that she grew to love now.
Her obsession love for you only grew the more time you'd spent with her. Your little smiles and nervous way of talking had her fighting back blush. Wanda was always ever so excited for you to go out on some pointless errand so she could take a look in your bag, one time even being lucky enough to find your treasured journal. Her favourite page, which she took photos of so she could re read it anytime, read as; 'my boss Wanda has been more kind than I could ever wish for, with giving me a new job instead of just throwing me out onto the streets. I wish she could know how grateful I am to still be employed as she could have easily had rid of me. I've always had such a good gut feeling about her as a boss and it's finally been proved correct.
I'd never admit this aloud as I don't think it's appropriate for work but I think Wanda is possibly one of the most pretty women I've ever met, she always has a radiant smile when she looks at me joined with such cute freckles.' Oh if only you knew how Wanda swooned when she read that entry.
Slowly though this new found closeness was not enough for Wanda, she felt as if your gratefulness was dwindling and the time you spent together was hardly enough for what she craved. For what she needed.
Wanda needed a new way to make you come to her to make you rely on her. She needed something you loved, she just had to think of what. That's when she figured it out, she was watching you through her computer one night as you lay in bed peacefully sleeping beside your cats. She knew how much you loved them, how lost you'd be without them.
Her plan was simple, tell you she was going out for lunch with a friend when really she was heading over to your flat to take Marlo and Nixie. Arriving at your flat she saw the front door unlocked and tutted to herself, how silly you really were lucky she was looking out for you or someone could have just waltzed right into your home. Stepping through the front door she was overwhelmed with a euphoric feeling of being surrounded by you and your things. Briefly forgetting about the cats she went around your room, going through your wardrobe, admiring your jewellery and lying down in your bed. But all that wasn't enough for Wanda she wanted a little souvenir from her trip and that's exactly what she got. Going back into your wardrobe she carefully went through your underwear drawers deciding to take a matching red lacey set with rhinestoned buckle, you wouldn't need them anyway the only person you should be trying to impressing was her.
After successfully stifling your underwear she moved onto getting the cats. She'd brought her own little carriers for them, Wanda was no monster of course she'd never harm the small animals you held so close she'd just keep them safe and away from you for a while. Marlo was easy enough to convince to get in the carrier being friendly and easy going almost just like you however Nixie was another story hissing and trying to claw at Wanda anytime she tried to pick her up. Lucky for her shed planned this having overheard you discussing with a coworker several weeks ago about how Nixie didn't tolerate strangers unless she had some catnip. Needless to say she'd prepared for this event. Smiling to herself as she poured the catnip into the carrier and trapping the unsuspecting Nixie inside.
The next day at work Wanda hid her smirk well when she saw you shuffle in with puffy bloodshot eyes with big dark circles underneath, deciding to feign concern instead.
"Oh darling, what's up? You can tell me anything." A comforting smile on her face makes you sure you can talk to her about the cats.
"My.. my cats went missing and no one can find them." Your voice is hoarse from crying as you speak and more tears threaten to fall from your eyes.
"That's no good at all sweet girl." She stands from behind her desk walking over and engulfing you into a strong hug. "If there's anything I can do to help you at this difficult time don't hesitate to let me know." She tells you in a warm voice as she pulls your head closer into her chest making it hard for you not to become flustered.
"Thanks, thank you miss Maximoff." Your stumble through your reply while burying yourself into her strong body.
A few days later and your cats still haven't returned and you find yourself further falling into despair.
That's when you find a letter in your house. One that pushes you over the edge. The one you never wanted to see. An eviction notice. It felt like the life you'd fought so hard for, one you'd dreamed of since childhood was being torn apart before your eyes. As if God was punishing you for some unforgivable sin.
Wanda watched on eagerly as she saw you find the eviction note in your pile of post, a sick grin contorting on her face at the sight of your misery, at the knowledge she'd be the one to bring you back up. The one to heal you. The one you'd grow to adore, worship and crave as she did you.
Of course she was at fault for that letter after having heavily bribed your landlord to get rid of you. At first he was much opposed claiming you to be 'one of his best tenants' and how you never missed rent but after seeing the cash being offered to evict you he couldn't help himself. Wanda knew he'd break easily after all Money really is the root of all evil.
When she saw you sobbing at the kitchen table, shaking hands clutching the eviction notice she wished she could comfort you and tell you it'd all be okay. To hold you tight like she did not a few days ago. Wiping the tears from your delicate face, once you were hers you'd never feel this kind of pain again. Your suffering was only temporary but still it broke her heart to see you so down. Obviously she'd never regret what she'd done. It was all for you.
When you were next in work you felt and were sure you looked like hell. All your energy had been spent trying to find somewhere new to stay but all properties nearby were so expensive or just boxes. Your regular floral dresses had been replaced with knit sweaters and plain black trousers as if this was your autumn, the beginning of your end. When you saw Wanda it didn't help the way you felt when she appeared more put together than usual, her suits crisper somehow and jaw sharper as if while your life fell apart hers had blossomed.
"Darling, you look ill has something happened?" She asks with a practised act of sympathy, she already knew exactly what had happened after all she'd orchestrated the undoing of your life.
"My landlord evicted me for no reason and-.. and-.." You felt yourself becoming choked up as you struggled to tell Wanda what had happened. She picked up on your feelings almost as if in tune with your mind and quickly pulled you into her before beginning to stroke up and down your back in comforting patterns.
"Its okay, I'm here darling. Nothing bad will happen just tell mommy what's wrong." Your eyebrows raised at what she called herself but for some inane reason decided against questioning her.
"And.. I cant find anywhere to stay and my-.. m' cats are still missing and I'm gonna be homeless." She knew youd begun crying when she could feel damp on her blouse where your head lay. Wanda pulled your head back to face her and stroked across your cheeks in such a gentle fashion that you felt you legs may give out beneath you.
"Well you could always.. nevermind it wouldn't be appropriate." She says with pause to look down at your face. "Oh screw it. I can't stand to see you go homeless over some stupid eviction, y/n if you wanted you could stay in my home until you find somewhere permanent." What Wanda hadn't quite anticipated was the way your eyes lit up at the suggestion, she thought you'd have needed much more convincing than you did.
"I.. if your sure it wouldn't be a bother."
"Sweet girl you could never bother me."
That night Wanda took you over to her house and gave you a tour. It was the biggest and fanciest place you'd ever been. More things existed than you thought one person could need. She had everything from pools to inside tennis courts, acres full of forest land to a sauna. You finally understood what it must feel like to be rich. Wanda claimed her guest rooms were under renovation so you'd have to share her room for now. When you accepted sleeping next to her she was so ecstatic she could barely hide it behind the mask of sympathy anymore.
Tags: @reginassweetheart @alexawynters
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milktei · 1 year
Hold me Tight
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Kamisato Ayato x fem!wife!Reader
Genre: Arranged Marriage au, idk if it can be called a slow burn but that’s what I’m calling it, fluff, smidge of angst.
Warnings: unconventional relationship, Reader is described to have long hair that is brushed through. not edited
Requests: Open
a/n: another one out! :o Had to indulge myself a little bit before getting back to requests. arranged marriage au’s are my guilty pleasure and i just felt like writing for genshin again. Hair brushing and physical affection is also just such a big thing for me I had to write it. So if it isn’t obvious i wrote this mostly for selfish reasons and that is the reason why it may be sort of all over the place lol. I hope it’s enjoyable either way!
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A hug is all you longed for really. For someone to wrap warm arms around you and let you completely melt into them.
Being married it should be an easy ask
How unfortunate it is for you that your husband wants nothing to do with you.
Although the more you thought about it, perhaps that wasn’t entirely true. He did agree to the marriage hadn’t he?
He was the head of his clan, the Yashiro commissioner. Throughout the entirety of the process of arranging your marriage, Kamisato Ayato had every right, and more than enough chances to stop it from going through.
He had nothing to lose if he decided he wasn’t ready for marriage, which was an excuse many citizens of Inazuma had heard over the years.
He really had nothing to gain from it either.
It confused you from the day the elders of your clan elatedly told you that by some insane amount of luck, the Kamisato Ayato had accepted “your” marriage proposal that had been sent in as almost an obligation.
There was no harm in trying and you were now living proof of that.
Why you? out of all the suitors he definitely had, he had chosen you. While your clan was one of the head producers of tea leaves in the country, you still couldn’t wrap your mind around his acceptance, it was not like the Kamisato’s needed the tea, they could have afforded it anyways.
There was no political gain for him either as he was already a tri-commissioner, you weren’t even in line to become heir! Your uncle was the head of the clan and your cousins would follow in his footsteps.
The gossip about you flew all over inazuma like a storm cloud, and you heard it all, people weren’t always subtle in their curiosity or distaste in you after all.
Some of the talk was harsh and negative, and yet you couldn’t help but partially agree with what some people were saying about you.
You were a nobody as far as nobility went. The only reason you could think of as to why Ayato chose you, was likely to reduce the amount of mail that he got, as the marriage proposals had virtually stopped after your wedding. Aside from some particularly desperate people.
Perhaps you really were the best candidate for him. You weren’t a prominent figure in the public eye, you weren’t after the Kamisato’s fame and fortune, and you weren’t the type of person to fawn over your husband 24/7 and demand he shower you in riches and attention.
Although you almost wish that you were. Maybe then you wouldn’t be longing for a hug as badly as you currently were.
While it was true that being married to Ayato meant that you had nearly everything you could ask for at your fingertips, and that it was rare for you to be denied anything—not like you asked for much anyways—the one thing you could not ask for, was your husband’s affection. How ironic. the one person you spewed rehearsed vows to about being his rock and what not, was the one person you could not get an ounce of love or affection from.
Of course you had never really had the chance to try at this point, as despite being married for 6 months already, you can count the amount of times you had a full conversation with the man on one hand.
“I hope that you can find it in you to excuse my lord. He is a very busy man.” Thoma had told you the day you had moved in and your husband was no where to be seen. The look he gave you the mixture of empathy and a wince.
That was the day reality set in. He looked at you kindly on the day you got married. Soft smiles graced both of your features during the ceremony, and you two spoke amicably during the extravagant reception. But this was an arranged marriage, a contract more than a relationship, and you both had duties to fulfill.
A smile that had been drilled into you since your etiquette classes from your youth crossed your face “There’s no need to worry about me Thoma, I understand.”
So you had to learn to get used to being alone in an estate bustling with people. You opened your wedding gifts alone, sorted them accordingly and even sent out an astonishing amount of individual thank you cards to all the guests you had at your wedding.
You often ate alone, save for the times Ayaka and Thoma had time to accompany you. Aside from being reached out to for second opinions or approval you weren’t given a formal job on the estate. Instead you were given an allowance, and were free to spend your days doing whatever you wanted, so long as the Kamisato name was protected.
Yes that was another thing you had to get used to, “Kamisato y/n”, “My lady Kamisato.” Hearing the latter was especially hard, that title felt as if it was reserved only for your sister-in-law, she definitely represented it with more grace than you thought you were ever capable of.
The name and all the responsibilities it came with weighed down on your shoulders unlike anything you had every experienced prior, and here you pushed against it alone. Forced to go through the transition into married life without the other half of the partnership to support you.
That led you to your predicament now. You were coming to the realization that you were horribly touch starved.
It was even worse on cold windy days, or when it rained. All it did was remind you about how your late parents would use those days to curl up with you, a warm blanket, and a book to laze the day away and wish for nicer weather the next so that you could go out on a picnic.
you longed for those days of warmth and love again. Your family had been quite affectionate with one another. While Ayaka would come and spend time with you, treating you like an older sibling. Nothing could reach the craving deep within you.
You sighed to yourself as you walked through the streets of Inazuma, ignoring the whispers of people who passed and recognized who you were.
Or rather who you were married to.
“My lady Kamisato!” greeted the Yae publishing house worker. “You’ve come at a great time, the new volume of your favourite series has just released.”
The worker handed you the book in question and you couldn’t help the excitement that rose within you as you quickly flipped through “I was hoping that I’d be able to pick something up today. I’ve been needing more things to do when the weather doesn’t permit me to go outside. Any other recommendations?”
The worker smiled at you sweetly and handed you another book “Surely Lord Ayato, is able to keep you from getting too bored at the estate my lady?”
Your smile faltered ever so slightly, you couldn’t let it drop in front of the worker, the last thing you wanted was for anymore rumours to spread. You pretended to read the synopsis of the book that was handed to you. “Yes of course, but there are still times where he is not available. My husband is a very busy man.”
My husband, you didn’t think you would ever get used to referring to him as that. He felt like nothing more than a stranger who’s house you happened to live in, who you shared a family name with, who would grace you with a soft smile and a nod as you passed each other at the estate each making your ways to your separate rooms.
A gust of wind blew through the streets and both you and the worker shivered. You looked at the sky and frowned at the dark clouds rolling in, you flinched as a singular rain drop landed on your cheek.
The worker also looked up “it really is rainy season isn’t it?” they looked to you “I would recommend you head home soon my lady, looks like it’s gonna come down any minute now and you’ve got a long walk back to the Kamisato estate”
You sighed, “what a shame, I was hoping to run a couple more errands today.” you payed for both books and placed them into your bag with a smile “thank you for the advice I’ll head out now.”
You walked away from the shop in the direction of the estate, waving behind you as the worker told you to stay safe.
Perhaps you should have stayed in town.
You come to this realization as you’re halfway to the estate. Komore tea house would have been much nicer than the weather you were experiencing currently.
The singular raindrop you had felt earlier had slowly progressed into a little more than a drizzle and you groaned to yourself as your clothing grew heavier as it absorbed more and more water.
You should have grabbed your umbrella
It was practically pouring by the time you had gotten to the estate, the trees of Chinju forest providing surprisingly little shelter against the rain.
Quickly, you rushed under the cover of the roof of the estate and sighed in relief once you weren’t being pelted by water. You looked down at you clothes and cringed at the water dripping from the fabric and your hair onto the dark wood
Wringing out what you could beforehand, you opened the front doors of the estate as quietly as you could, albeit in vain as Thoma and your husband were having a discussion right at the entrance.
Both men turned to look at you as the door closed and you could only stare back awkwardly as the sound of water dripping from you clothes and hair, along with your shivering filled the room.
Thoma was the first to break the silence and began fussing over you not unlike a mother hen.
“My lady you’re soaking wet! You’re going to get sick! I’ll have the maids draw a bath for you. Please allow me to grab your belongings. I’ll have tea ready for you once you’re done.
Before you knew it, you were standing in your bathroom with a steaming tub waiting for you. Still bewildered at what had transpired moments before.
Still, Thoma and his efforts were never unwelcome as the bath was exactly what you needed.
You took your time in the bath, taking in the scent of the flowers and oils put in by the maids, appreciating how well the water warmed your once cold body.
Once finished, you were quick to dry off and get dressed, still towel drying your hair as you entered your room.
As promised, Thoma had left a tea set on the table in your room with a container holding tea leaves, knowing you liked to brew it yourself.
The only thing out of place was an extra tea cup.
As if on cue, the door to your room was gently slid open and your jaw nearly dropped at the sight of pale blue hair.
“My lord!” you greeted, the words leaving you mouth before you could even try to stop them.
Ayato paused as the two of you made eye contact, it was almost as if he was surprised himself that you were in your own room.
Ayato was the first to regain his composure after clearing his throat. “Majority of my plans for today have been cancelled due to the weather, I was hoping you could allow me to join you for a bit.”
Your head was spinning, not able to wrap itself around the fact that your husband was in your room and actively trying to spend time with you.
“Of course if that’s how you wish to spend your free time my lord.” you stammered, part of you still believing that this was some sort of dream.
A small shiver ran down your spine and you were reminded of the damp hair that ran down your back. You looked to the vanity in your room and then back at your husband.
“I hope you don’t mind, but I would like to fix my hair situation beforehand.”
“Of course y/n there’s no need to worry, it’s just me.”
That was precisely why you were panicking on the inside at that moment. It was only the man who was so busy, that his presence in the house on a daily basis resembled that of a gust of wind.
You sat down at you vanity and picked up one of your combs, beginning the task of untangling the mess you had created both in the rain and bath.
You nearly groaned out loud to yourself, you had kept your hair long to be able to use the multitude of flamboyant hair accessories you had acquired, but brushing it had always been your least favourite part of the entire process.
A awkward cough caused you to look at the man in your room.
“if you are comfortable with it…I could help you brush your hair.”
You stared in shock at the man in front of you. His face was genuine but you could tell by the reddening of his ears that he was flustered, the most you had ever seen from him.
The combination of being a witness to such a rare site and the fact that you were still in shock that he was there in the first place, had you speaking without much thought.
“That would be very helpful my lord, thank you.”
The surprise on his face was visible You could only hope that your whirlwind of emotions wasn’t as obvious.
Still, not one to go back on his word, Ayato gently took the comb from your outstretched hand and began to work. His powerful presence behind you almost causing you to curl in on yourself.
He was gentle, his hands warm as they followed your comb, a warm feeling spread throughout you chest as he so carefully detangled your hair, taking his time.
You hoped that he wouldn’t be able notice through your reflection just how flustered you were at this moment. Your face was hot, your breathing was slightly rapid and you couldn’t find it in yourself to look up at the mirror in fear that your eyes would connect.
Yet this moment felt so intimate, so tender and domestic. You could almost believe that you two were much closer than you really were.
A soft chuckle broke you from your thoughts.
“This brings me back.” Ayato sighed wistfully, “when we were younger, Ayaka would let me do this for her. Though she seemed less than impressed when I would try different styles on her. I wonder if she would trust me with her hair again after all this time.”
You smiled down at your fidgeting hands “I’m sure she would if you promised no more experiments my lord.”
Ayato hummed in contemplation “I suppose you may be right, but at the same time maybe I won’t need to ask her if I already have yours within reach.” He leaned closer to your ear, “After all, am I wrong to assume that you are enjoying this my dear wife?”
Your face felt like it was on fire, you had never heard him call you that to your face before. You could feel the smug smile that was currently gracing his features as he leaned back and continued his actions.
“Well?” He urged after a moment
“No you are not wrong to assume that my lord.” You managed to stammer out. Your hands clenched into fists in your lap as you forced yourself to say the truth, knowing well that he would be able to see through any lie.
He sighed. “Please y/n I think we’re at a point where we can drop the formalities.”
Your eyes widened at his words and you spoke the first thing that came to mind.
“Are we really?”
His hand that was holding the brush froze mid stroke, the room was suddenly filled with a chilled silence and you cringed at the amount of malice an anger that you managed to fit into one simple question.
This was no way to talk to the man you were married to.
“Forgive me my… Ayato. I did not mean to sound so harsh I just-“
“No no there’s no need to apologize.” ayato assured. He raked a hand through your hair and chuckled bitterly, “I supposed it is my fault that you feel this way about our…situation
You opened your mouth to protest but nothing came out. What he said wasn’t a lie to make you feel better for snapping at him. It was entirely the truth and you were grateful that he understood where you were coming from.
“Finished.” He stated softly before placing the comb back on your vanity. “I hope that I haven’t worn out my welcome.”
You paused for a moment, thinking about the situation you found yourself in, while wanting to get yourself out of the awkward moment, you knew that a chance to spend time with him again would be rare.
“You haven’t, don’t worry,” you stated as you slowly rose from your seat. Still refusing to look up at him you gestured to the low table where the tea set sat, “Please have a seat, I’ll brew the tea for us.”
It was quiet as you worked, the only sounds in the room being the clink of tea set, and the crinkle of tatami mats. You thanked Thoma in your mind when you saw that he had prepared leaves that were better steeped in lower temperatures, as the water had cooled down since he first boiled it.
“We’ll have to wait a couple minutes.” You said as you closed the lid of the teapot. Ayato nodded and an awkward silence filled the room.
“I don’t want to use me being busy as an excuse.” Ayato suddenly blurted out.
You finally look up at him in surprise “Pardon?”
Ayato cleared his throat “My apologies. It’s just that I know that everyone has been using me being busy to excuse me for being absent in this relationship. While I know that lin its simplest terms, what we have between us is a contract, part of me still hoped that I would be able to get to know you well and we could be much more than strangers. There are many times where I could have put my work aside and spent more time with you, but I for some reason I never found myself taking those opportunities.”
He looked almost guilty as he continued. “Now here I am, months later knowing next to nothing about you, and on top of that I expected you to be comfortable with speaking casually around me when we have barely even spoken before.
You pondered to yourself as you poured tea into his cup “Well if it makes you feel any better,” you poured more into your own “I also know next to nothing about you.”
“Unfortunately that only seems to add salt to the wounds my dear.” Ayato grumbled.
Your eyes widened at the pet name and you quickly lifted your teacup to your face to hide your embarrassment.
Ayato followed suit and hummed in satisfaction as he drank. “Well I do know one thing now. My wife is excellent at brewing tea. It must run in your family’s genes.”
You waved him off “it’s just something that comes with experience, my uncle is the true master.”
“I also now know that my wife finds it hard to accept compliments.”
Ayato smiled at you teasingly as you glared at him, though there was no anger behind it.
“Well now that’s unfair,” you stated “I should get to learn something about you now.”
Your husband raised an eyebrow, “well what would you like to know?”
You faltered for a moment, not expecting him to relent so easily, “well…” you stuttered, “what type of tea would you consider your favourite?”
“Really digging deep are we y/n?”
“I couldn’t think of something straight away!”
Despite the teasing, the questions continued, it was as if you were on a first date.
Except you were already living together and married.
One question was asked after the other. Ranging from you asking him about the daily life of a tri-commissioner, to him asking about the books you had bought earlier in the day.
It was only after Thoma had brought dinner to your room, that you had finally asked.
“So why me?”
Ayato’s chopsticks paused mid air “Why what?”
You narrowed your eyes at him, he was playing dumb.
“Why did Inazuma’s most desired bachelor, Yashiro commissioner, leader of the famed Shuumatsuban, and the man who brought the Kamisato Clan back to its former glory, the Kamisato Ayato. Decide that a nobody from a tea producing clan was the one you would want to spend the rest of you life with.”
Ayato looked at you in exasperation “You aren’t a nobody y/n there’s so much more to you.”
“We don’t need to get down to the specifics, don’t avoid the question!” You exclaimed, ignoring the pleased smile on his face as he took in your flustered state.
Ayato put a hand to his chin and hummed as if contemplating something grand. He took a moment to respond. “Would you believe me if I said that I found you to be a very interesting person y/n?”
You stared at him blankly.
“Don’t lie to me we didn’t even meet until the wedding.”
The smile that he sent you sent a chill down your spine “Well I suppose that’s true in a sense, but we have been in each other’s presence on multiple occasions.”
You couldn’t mask the your surprise, “we have?”
Ayato looked at you incredulously. “Surely you know how often the Yashiro commission requests supplies from your clan for the multiple events we host.”
You fiddled with your teacup “Well sure but that doesn’t mean that it was a guarantee that we bump into each other. I’m sure I would have remembered being in the presence of you of all people.”
Ayato shrugged, “Being in the public eye is much more my sisters domain. I tend to stick to the shadows during bigger festivals that I’m interested in. During one of these times… you caught my eye.”
Your eyes widened “I did?”
He looked bashful as he continued his story, you were sure that you were the first person to ever see him in this state.
“I always knew of you, as I often meet with your uncle for business. I don’t know if you know this but he often worries about you and tends to talk about you during these meetings.” Ayato hummed in contemplation. “Perhaps it was a tactic to make me say yes to the upcoming proposal”
You groaned in horror at the realization that the two men had been talking about you “I apologize for my uncles actions.”
Ayato waved dismissively “Thats not the point. At a festival is where I first saw you and was able to put a name to a face. What I didn’t expect was the fact that everything about you had fascinated me. The way you danced and had that kind of sparkle in you eyes as you wandered around in wonder. The way you kindly greeted everyone you met. I found myself looking for you at following festivals to see if that was always how you looked…it was.”
“So it was only my looks” you teased
he sighed exasperated “Of course not”
You laughed “I’m kidding. Keep going.”
“Then at one point I was due for a meeting at your estate with your uncle and I might have listened in on a deal you were striking with a business man. The confidence in your voice was obvious and the way you negotiated with grace and kindness, yet still with firmness, had me intrigued within the first couple seconds of me hearing it. My interest only grew when your meeting had concluded and I saw you step out. with an accomplished smile on your face”
You gaped at him, you very rarely took part in your family’s business deals, only helping with what your cousins or uncle were too busy to handle. For him to be there at that time on that day was truly a great coincidence.
“You really piqued my interest that day. Although it was not my first choice in ways to get closer to you, when I saw the proposal sent by your clan, everything seemed to fall into place.” Ayato laughed but his tone soon turned solemn.
“Unfortunately not everything worked out for me, because look at how things are going. I left you to fend for yourself against the public, we rarely see each other, and this is the longest we have ever spoken despite being married for months. I think I was just afraid of crossing any boundaries, after all this marriage is arranged and I had no idea as to how you felt about me.”
Without thinking you reached over the table and grabbed one of his hands in both of yours, touched by how vulnerable he was being with you, “I wouldn’t have agreed to the marriage so easily if I thought ill of you in any way, while I may not have known you, you also piqued my interest. I won’t lie I was- still am extremely shocked, but I saw nothing bad coming out of this marriage really. It started off slow but we’re talking now, and well, don’t you think we’ve made some great progress?”
He smiled endearingly at you, “yes, I am grateful for this opportunity and hope that we can continue on this path.”
You laughed, “now you’re making it sound like a business deal.”
After that, you and Ayato finished your dinner making pleasant conversation. The sun had long gone down when he made the call for the both of you to retire for the night.
He once again stood in the doorway of your room, only this time you were standing right in front of him.
“I’ll have a heavier workload tomorrow but I think I’ll be able to join you for dinner again.”
You smiled up at him “I would like that, please let me know if there’s anything I can help you with, I’m part of this clan too you know.”
“I’ll keep that in mind, thank you y/n.”
There was a pause and Ayato reluctantly continued. “Well I should take my leave for the night.”
As he turned, something seemed to overcome you, and you grabbed at his wrist,
He froze and turned to look at you curiously. you shyly looked away, “before you go. May I have a hug?”
He gave you a teasing smile, “this is all happening so fast, what will everyone think?”
“Oh please we’re already married.”
He laughed and his smile softened.
Without anymore words, Ayato opened his arms.
You couldn’t hold back the giddy smile that crossed your face and without hesitation you allowed yourself to melt into his embrace for the first time in what would become many.
A scent that was uniquely his filled your nose, and as you pressed against his chest you could feel and hear his heart pounding just as hard as yours. You nearly sighed in satisfaction as you wrapped your arms around his waist. A need you had been suppressing for months had finally been fulfilled. His hold was strong and comforting, his hold making you feel like you again.
Ayato chuckled to himself as his grip tightened, “well now I’ve found myself in a predicament.”
Still holding onto him, you turned your head to look up at him. “What is it?”
“I don’t want to let go.”
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fillinforlater · 1 year
When is the next part of Eleven to One: Hate You Lots coming? I am dying to see Chaewon become the next cum slut.
Eleven to One: What's to Hate?
Male Reader x Ahn Yujin, Kim Minju, Kim Chaewon
Length: 4294 words
Tags: Daddy kink, nudist kink, submission, teasing, teaser, trap, making out, passionate kissing, being watched, girl on girl kissing, girl on girl action, fingering, loss of voice, loss of mind, breeding kink, hate sex, choking, riding, cowgirl, reverse cowgirl, emotional manipulation, degradation, emotional hurt, everything is fucked up af, doggy, breeding doggy, self-restraint, female orgasm, creampie, good_girls!Minju and Yujin / broken!Chaewon (?)
TW: degradation, hate sex, emotional manipulation, the story is already very fucked up, what are you still doing here lmao?
Credit: @sooyadelicacies for being my co-writer!
(A/N: Finally, another part to this... series. I don't even know how to describe it, but we'll go down a spiral and completely out of control lol. Here is the previous part btw, here is the rest of the series)
"Daddy, I found a letter in the mail."
Yujin's nude body slides through a small gap in your office door. Oh, what a life you're living. All your insane previous work hours reduced to two six hour shifts in your own apartments. Hyewon prepares, executes and delegates everything, you only need to check and sign. She is great and makes you millions in mere weeks.
"Thank you, Yujin. Put it on the pile with the others, right there." You point at a corner of your desk, but Yujin hesitates.
"I think this one is... special," she says and shows you the large envelope. "Look at this playful Emoji on it. Something seems to also bulge it, definitely not paper; something round I think."
"The Emoji looks more like a smiley, don't you think?" you ask, looking past the white, definitely filled envelope to your smocking hot girlfriend. She shrugs her shoulders, you almost believe her.
"She'd never put a smiley on there for you!"
"Maybe she is mocking me?"
"Oh, Daddy," Yujin chuckles. "Just read it after work. I have to head out now, dance practice."
"Sure, but can I ask you a favor?"
Yujin turns around again and smirks. Her amazing thighs jiggle when she steps a bit closer again. You could ravage her every single fucking seconds of your life, if only that was a possibility.
"Yes, of course, Daddy~"
"Try to get both Chaewon and Minju here at 9pm—scratch that, 8pm. I want them both freshly exhausted."
Yujin ponders for a second, playing with her long hair, before leaning in close to your ear, her heat radiating straight to your face.
"Hm, I think I can arrange that."
“Hello? Yujin? I'm here."
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Chaewon's loud voice comes from the front door of your apartment. It might still be enough to fill the vast confines of each room, but you can hear it slowly dwindle from hours and hours of vocal and dance practice. Surely she won't be able to keep this volume up for long.
"Should I call her?" Yujin whispers in your ear, obediently sitting on your thigh. 
"Let her look for you. Where is Minju?" you ask and take a look at your watch. 7:58. Interesting. Minju not being early isn't a surprise, but Chaewon being here before the time? She must have hurried.
"I told her to be here, 8pm flat," Yujin murmurs and fiddles with the collar of your shirt. You grab her wrists and look at her somewhat intensely.
"Try calling her. Hurry."
"Yujin! Where are you?" Chaewon calls again, then her voice cracks. "I don't want to play these games, not with this pig around—"
"What pig?" you shout back, making even Yujin shudder as she rushes towards your office to hide and look for a phone. "I do not allow such animals in this house."
You could practically hear Chaewon's face morph into a scowl at your voice. 
"You heard me! You're a pig. I am only doing this because Yujin invited me over!"
"Well then, come on in!" you sarcastically laugh back, making sure to be louder than her, to urge her not only to walk further into the trap, but also to raise her voice at you.
“Fuck you," Chaewon hisses and enters the living room. In the flickering light of your fireplace you see her hatred filled eyes stare at you. God, she tries so hard to kill you with just that look, but it's all futile. 
The white dress makes her look like an angel, a sweaty angel that has the fabric stuck to her small body. Her hair is a mess, her faint makeup is a mess, now her voice is a mess mess mess.
"Fuck you, where, where is she?"
"Oh," you mock her with a pout and reach for a glass of wine on a side table. "Your voice... you should drink something, hm?"
Suddenly, Yujin bursts into the room. Chaewon's features turn from gloomy to delighted, but just as quickly she just looks lost and, judging by the light pink hue on her round cheeks, horny. 
"She'll be here in a minute, Daddy," Yujin purrs and grabs the glass from your fingers. "Hi, Chaewon. Nice to see you~"
“Minju is a part of this too?" Chaewon asks. 
You ignore her and continue on. 
"I must admit, you do look quite stunning in that outfit. It's a pretty dress." 
"I'm not here for you to gawk at." 
"Hmm. No, I think it's quite the opposite." 
You turn your attention back to Yujin and motion for her to sit back on your lap and give you a sultry searing kiss. As she does, you fixate your eyes for one second on Chaewon. Oh, she is gawking. She is so focused on it, the way Yujin's bountiful curves melt into you, how willingly she becomes your good little baby girl, to be played with. You can hear her gulp and the revealing dress becoming too warm.
"Daddy, your tongue," Yujin quietly moans, trying to get more from you, but your ears have already picked it up: the arrival of Minju, hectic and clumsy as per usual. The front door crashes open, it hits the wall and almost comes back to haunt the poor girl.
"I-I'm here—Chaewon-unnie!?"
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"Minmin, look at who I personally invited over,” you boast from your couch and take a final sip of wine. “You're right on time, but try to be early in the future." 
"Yes, Daddy! Oh, I want to kiss you too, Daddy..." Minju says with longing, seeing Yujin on your lap.
“No, Minju, don't," Chaewon barely crooks out past her dry lips, her gentle red lipstick almost peeling off of it. She uses the remnants of her energy to put both a foot and an arm in the large door frame, but it won't be enough. Her blockade is too small, Minju could still get past it. 
In desperation, Chaewon resorts to other means. She grabs her taller friend and with a knee between her legs pins her against the door frame. Minju yelps, her own hands trying to avert the attack.
"Please don't go to him! Stay here, stay w-with m-m-me..."
Endearing, it makes you feel like the heartless animal Chaewon probably envisions you being. A pig, greedy for only the most beautiful, submissive, willing girls, never stopping. No, Yujin isn't enough, perfection isn't enough. You need Minju, on you—but there is something even more fun right now.
"On second thought," you say in the general direction of the two, Yujin's saliva still fresh on your tongue, her soft fingers on your cheekbones. "Don't kiss me, Minju. Go kiss her. Kiss her now, right on the lips."
"Wha—" Chaewon stops to breathe.
"O-okay, Daddy."
Suddenly, the roles are reversed. The hands that pressed, the knee that pinned, the eyes that begged; the dynamic falters. Chaewon, only wanting Minju to look at her, can't bear the adorable, loving features coming closer, the puckered lips, oh they look so soft…
"Minmin, time to put your training to use. Make Chaewon feel good," you say gently as Yujin keeps kissing your neck. You watch the show unfold before you.
First a peck. Simple, disarming. Chaewon's weak arms bend more and more, she can't keep her friend away. Of course she wants this, but you cannot be the one in control of it. Feel adrenaline rush through your body as Chaewon caves in, nothing compared to Minju's unstoppable approach.
Secondly, the tongue. Minju's prise open her Unnie's lips and you hear, see, even feel her squirm and willingly lose the battle when Minju wraps her arms around her waist. Chaewon becomes one with the doorframe, seemingly one with Minju when their legs brush and tongues twirl like greedy tornados. Chaewon even follows Minju, when she backs off a bit and disconnects their lips—just to adjust her hair, smile brightly with her huge blush and dive back in.
You turn to Yujin in disbelief.
"How—since when is she so good? Our little Minmin..."
"We trained her well, I guess~" Yujin smiles lewdly, another torrent of sloppy kisses.
"You lewd slut. Get me out of these clothes."
"Of course, Daddy."
"Yes, Daddy?"
"You're still the best kisser, Yujin."
She smiles from ear to ear, her hand already popping open your buttons and belt.
"Thank you."
You allow Minju to keep pleasuring a little longer Chaewon, to bring the elder to the brink of bliss. Like the test ride of a new sports car, Chaewon gets to feel every extraordinary, expensive curve and benefit of what she can never have. Not when you’re still pulling the strings.
"Minju, you're such a good kisser," Chaewon says softly. 
"Daddy's been teaching me well and—" 
"That's enough Minmin,” you call her and consequently bring Chaewon down from cloud nine. “Come here." 
Minju merely nods and without a care in the world, she moves over to you as you plant a sloppy kiss on her lips. Chaewon’s hands tremble as if she’s feeling the withdrawal of a drug.
"Daddy, did I do well?" Minju gleefully asks.
"Yes you did, baby girl." 
"What the hell?" Chaewon's eyes glaring daggers. 
"Oh. Did you think Minju was into you? That she was enjoying it? Why don't you tell Chaewon the truth." You command Minju.
"Unnie, I," Minju hesitates, her stammer only interrupted by Yujin slurping on your cock and drowning it in her drool. "I like you but... you are not a g-good kisser. I liked yo-your fingers but Daddy and Yujin are—"
"No! They are using you!" 
Chaewon has lost her voice, tears spark in her orbs as she reaches for her throat. She wants to shout at you, scream her love back at Minju, but it hurts. It's not coming out.
"Minju," you groan, your voice teasing. "Why are you still wearing clothes?"
"Oh, sorry Daddy. I'll lose them asap."
"Very good. And then you can get your prize."
In the flash of an eye, Minju is naked, her clothes spread all over a tearful Chaewon and a cockhungry Yujin, who you quickly guide next to you on the couch.
"I give you a choice," you tell your girlfriend. "You can masturbate while watching us or you can try to keep your hands off your body and then I'll fuck you the whole night. Your call."
Yujin's eyebrows furrow. It's rare for her to not touch herself when naked on any occasion, but around you and her hot former bandmates and all the sex that's about to happen, it is close to impossible.
You don't think about her for another second. Minju finds her way on your lap, your stiff, lubed up rod in her always curious hands. Grab her by the waist and spin her around so she faces Chaewon. A disappointed moan.
"But I can't kiss Daddy like this."
"Just turn your head to the side, Minmin. I can kiss you from every angle. Now spread your legs and show her how I fuck y—"
"No, I don't—"
You interrupt Chaewon by spitting at her pathetic figure kneeling on the ground. Her nerves must have been broken; confusion, anger and never before felt horniness all wrestle for control in her delicate body while she can barely speak.
"You know what you need to do," you growl and push your cock upwards into Minju who desperately searches for your lips as groans escape her own. "But just watch, I guess."
You begin to pump into Minju and kiss her with pure lust and dominance. Her entire being submits to you, becomes obedient and willing to take your cock faster, harder, deeper—you know the drill and so does she. Minju’s lips have an addictive taste, it might stem from Chaewon, whose sweet loss you can (metaphorically, of course) nibble from her friend.
"Minmin, you know Chaewon loves you right? Like loooves you? How do you feel about that? Do you think you can ever love her back the same way?" 
"Yujin… make him stop..." Chaewon all but cries out.
Yujin however is in her own world. Her struggle is real, no matter how deep she digs her nails into the couch, they try to sneak back and touch her needy spots. The three aroused nubs, her clenching pussy, hell, her entire body has become an erogenous zone at this point. She reaches for some of Minju's clothes to maybe tie herself up, but all she finds are panties, stained with love juice and perfectly smelly.
Chaewon looks back at you as you ravage her friend. Your thrusts go harder, your grip on Minju's hips and tits gets tighter, your tongue licks faster—has it always been this close? Chaewon wonders, her eyelids flickering.
His cock is... right there. Oh God, she is taking it so well, Minju's pussy looks so good, so stretched... and her midriff is so smooth.
"I-I," Minju's screams get Chaewon out of her dream. "I loved Unnie! Her fingers, her lips, but... she has not been th-there for mee—
"Ah, Daddy, I'm cumming!"
In the midst of her climax, you pinch Minju's nipples and bite her ear. Your cock stretching her to the max, you ask:
"What do you love? Say it!"
"Daddy's cock! Daddy's cock is the best."
"I'll do it." Chaewon unzips her dress, face pale and blank, voice fragile and pleading. "I'll fuck you. Please."
"And then?" you respond, a babbling Minju unceremoniously dropped onto a still restraining Yujin, who shrieks at the touch of hot skin, sweat and saliva on her own scorching body.
"I—what more do you want?" Chaewon asks shakily. 
"You don't get it do you? I don't care if you fuck me or not. I don't need you. No. I want you to beg for it. I want you to realize whose fucking house you're in right now. Your Yujin is mine. And your Minju? She won't ever love you unless I give her permission. So first, you're going to apologize to me. You're going to get on the floor and beg me for forgiveness and then you're going to beg for my perfect fucking cock, Kim Chae-won."
Chaewon, struck by lightning, hesitates to respond. Whatever sentence her brain is scrambling to create, it's not a worthwhile response. In fact, nothing is. She is a puddle, absolutely destroyed by your authority, her every weakness now used against her.
All that can work now is taking action. Fighting back, literally.
In a single motion, Chaewon rises from the ground and the ashes of her dignity like a phoenix, digs her fingers into your jaw and pounces on your lap. There is a new fire in her eyes, blue flames of frustrated rage that show that she is indeed no celestial, but a woman filled with vengeance.
Panties pulled to the side, she guides your cock behind the curtains of her short dress and like a magician makes it disappear in her tight entrance. Feel that she is a lot wetter than last time right from the get go; her pain resistance due to your size seems to have risen as well.
What can you do in the face of this power, this unbridled will, her hips that smash down on you with the force of a falling anvil, the pointy ends of her nails in the skin of your cheeks, piercing like arrows, her hateful moans of victory? Chaewon will fuck you senseless, squeeze out every word of a long apology and show Minju that serving you is a waste of time. You're a pig after all.
At least that's what you make her believe.
Your face twists into a smile. 
"A whore who can't control her urges. Who is the pig now? C’mon then, fuck it out of me, if you think you can! I'll tell you what: If you make me cum before I make you cum, I'll release Minju back to you. You'll both be free to go and I'll never bother you again. 
"You're sick,” Chaewon hisses back. “I want Yujin free too." 
Yujin looks at you for a moment, wondering if you would really give her away like that, fingers on Minju’s body to distract her from the juices leaking out of her pussy.
"Listen here," you viciously whisper and pull away Chaewon's hand which bothers your face. "Try to get some leverage in this position, before making absurd demands. As of now, you have nothing on me."
"I-I'm on top," Chaewon moans, continuing to bounce on your cock.
"It means nothing. I can easily make you cum like this. I can also make you cum by folding you in half and pressing you into the couch or picking you up like a human fleshlight or... fuck, I could order your friends here to force a hundred orgasms out of you, all before you can even think of satisfying me.
"Do you understand, Chaewon? Earn yourself the spot above me, because right now, you're nothing but a toy."
Chaewon's face contorts in pleasure and embarrassment. She can't let these insults get to her, but at the same time, she gets off to them. Her pussy clenches around your cock, needily sucking it back in, wanting it to fuck upwards and claim every inch of her hot, velvety insides.
"At least your body is honest." You smirk.
"Wh-what—ah, no!"
You get a hold of Chaewon's hips, her dress spilling out of your hands as you hold her steady and thrust into her. Unlike before, you make sure to give her every inch every time. Chaewon's eyes roll up in her head, then down to your body, easily overpowering hers from below. Her voice breaks at every moan and scream, and she can't bear the sight of her friends, who look on closely. 
Their Unnie is becoming stupid for this cock.
Minju pouts sadly. 
"Chaewon-unnie, you should enjoy it. Daddy's perfect cock...it's the most special thing," Minju mumbles, drool in the corner of her pretty mouth.
"Unnie, maybe you should apologize to Daddy. He'll make you feel good," Yujin says sincerely.
"N-never! I-I will n-not—"
All it takes is you swiping her clit, found under her dress. The tiny bundle of nerves had it coming and now the fearless leader is cumming on your cock. However, it is not this grand, cathartic orgasm for her, just a demonstration of your power. Frankly, this is what you think Chaeeon deserves: A pleasureless loss, pathetic for the woman she wants to be. So much on the line, yet she did not even come close to achieving her goal.
In a well-timed outburst of your horny rage, you pull out of her and throw her on the couch. Giving Yujin a teasing brush on her flexed thigh and then a kiss because she needs to hold out just a little bit longer, you then focus on Minju.
"Get on top of Chaewon," you order. "I'm gonna fill you in Doggy for being a good girl."
"Thank you, Daddy," Minju excitedly says and once again traps Chaewon with her body.
You push inside Minju's sweet pussy and tug at her hair. 
"Minju, how would you feel if I bred you tonight? How badly do you want to be bred?" 
Yujin almost became distraught, before remembering her place and knowing this was a part of your plan. You wanted to show Chaewon what was truly yours. 
"Daddy… I don't know if I'm ready to raise a child, but I want to carry yours so badly," Minju whispers and looks right through Chaewon’s hazelnut eyes. 
Perfect. You would fuck Minju, break her while Chaewon would be right below her, helpless to watch as you filled Minju with your seed. 
"I want you to tell Chaewon the truth,” you tell Minju and caress her smooth back before pushing it a bit closer to Chaewon. “Then you can be filled to the brim."
"I want Daddy! I want his Daddy cock and his Daddy seed deep in my pussy! I want him to breed Minju every day!"
Minju has never clenched harder around your dick than at this moment. It's not a hyperbole, because for the first time you find it irresistible to not cum in another pussy that isn't your girlfriends'. This moment right here, this impeccable, cruel set up is Minju has finally becoming ethereal truth and beauty: on all fours, drooling on her former lover's face, sweat pouring out everywhere, nothing can fill her heart like you.
Fill her, you do. The way to Minju’s heart is through her desperate, empty pussy—try to rephrase that at a different time, because now, it’s quite befitting. The breedable girl won’t be able to keep herself upright for long, that’s the measurement of power for how hard your thrusts are. You don’t really want her to anyways. She is allowed to freely fall on top of Chaewon, who constantly fails to close her eyes to Minju’s face.
A face of desire, of pleasure; a tongue hanging out, hoping to suck the same cock that’s rearranging her insides—also something that should be rephrased. One day, but not today. Today you give Minju loving spanks for being the good, rod-taking girl that you and Yujin envisioned her to be. After the fifth slap, her legs go weak first, her midriff meets Chaewon’s, but her pussy still sucks you back in. Minju is thirsty.
Thirsty for cum, and you give it to her greedy pussy that wrings you viciously. Minju is a vacuum, getting your balls dry and although you make sure everything is dumped deep inside her cavern, huge amounts still drip out of her and onto Chaewon, who shrieks at every impact of cum on her skin.
You're still dreamy, Minju's deep breaths are the only thing audible to you, her ass the only thing in your line of view. It seems you forgot something, a promise you have made.
"D-Daddy!" Yujin calls for you and shakes your shoulders violently. "I haven't touched myself, please, please, please fuck me now! I'm a good slut, use me, fill me, I need your cock."
You turn towards her. This poor girl is standing there, shivering, her wrists awkwardly turned to prevent her from touching her already squeezing pussy. In a moment of thrill for you and catharsis for her, you grab Yujin's hand and pull her into your bedroom. The door shuts and moments later, Chaewon and Minju hear their Dongsaeng cum, loud and proud.
"Yujinie is—" Minju whispers, wanting to start a conversation, but Chaewon interrupts her. 
"A-are you really going to be pregnant?" Chaewon quietly cries out, tears and snort on her face. Minju props herself up and smiles down at her dear friend.
"To be honest," she starts and blushes. "No, I'm protected. But it feels so good, so right to say it."
"Th-that is fucked up, Minmin," Chaewon whimpers.
"Unnie, sex can be so much fun. Here, put your finger in me, like you used to! He feels so warm, and there is so much."
Minju guides Chaewon's fingers to her freshly fucked, leaking entrance and although she hesitates for a bit, Chaewon starts to finger more and more cream out of her friends cunt. Minju softly moans and they both watch a downpour of white fall on Chaewon’s navel in the middle of August. 
"I was unsure at first too," Minju continues and cups Chaewon's face. "But it can feel so good, the best feeling ever. I won't leave that. 
"I still love you, though. We all do. Yujin and Eunbi-unnie and Hyewo—"
"What do you me—oh my God."
Suddenly, Minju kisses the beyond shocked Chaewon before the latter loses her mind to the most absurd scenario that is imaginable but also so immoral, it should not be. Instead Chaewon melts into Minju's lips and decides to stay quiet. She could never be part of such a fucked up game, it’s just wrong, filthy, absolutely disgusting. He is such a pig!
"Unnie, come here more often. Daddy can be so soft, he will train you, you will be better at sex and one day, he will cum in you and you will love it.
Minju, you are out of your mind… but what if—
"Trust me~"
The luxury of getting up at 11am and still making more money than most people do in their life time should be appreciated by you, but instead you whine over the fact that after three more rounds with Yujin after the initial, massive filling of Minju and eight hours of sleep, you have to get back to ruling your business empire. 
That's when you find the envelope Yujin brought yesterday. You finish a boring phone call and pick it up, still very much unsure of what the round thing inside it is. Tear it open and a letter slips right out—along with a cute little collar. Intrigued you begin to read while you pick up the round object.
Dear you,
yes, you. Yujin told me that you exist. You're her boyfriend and although she doesn't talk about you often, I can tell she really loves you. You seem like a very wise person, especially when you can get along with Yujin.
I wanted to ask you something: could we maybe chat a little? Talk face to face? I know it's a weird request, but I kinda want someone to talk to right now. I feel I can trust you, more than other people around me. If you can keep your relationship with Yujin a secret, this will be easy-peasy, right?
Feel free to talk with Yujin about this first, but you both keep quiet! I don't want the others to be worried.
Thank you very muchie!
Yena, meow
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Things Learned and Unlearned Ch. 15
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Series Summary: Y/N has spent her life trying to outrun her mother's reputation. When she meets the rich and successful playboy, Dean Winchester, how quickly can he get her to stop running?
Pairings/Characters: Dean Winchester x Y/N, Sam Winchester, Jessica Winchester, Lucy Winchester (OC)
Warnings: Each chapter will have it's own warnings, but there will be smut, seduction, virgin!reader, playboy!dean, Edwardian era BS attitudes surrounding sex and women. (Technically it's set in 1900 and the Edwardian era started in 1901, but you get it.) Angst, Fluff, all the good stuff that regularly pops up in my series. 😁
Chapter Warnings: None. Just angst and fluff.
Word Count: 3,343
A/N: So, here it is - Chapter 15, and the end of this series. I've been so grateful for all the wonderful reblogs and encouraging comments this fic has received as it's gone along week by week. Your support is the reason why it's finally completed.
It began life as just a few chapters from an orphaned fic of mine over on ff.net and now it's a fully completed Dean fic that I'm very proud of. 😊 So thanks again, and I hope you enjoy the end of this story, and feel it was worth the investment of your time. ❤️
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Four weeks later. January 1901.
Dean sat down heavily behind his mahogany desk and picked up his morning mail before immediately throwing it back down in annoyance. 
It will just be invitations and invoices, Dean thought, who cares?
He leaned back in his chair, closing his eyes and digging his fingers into them. He was hungover and had barely slept. He felt like he'd been hit with a brick building.
With a deep sigh, he opened the file in front of him and ran his hand over the top page. It was his copy of the deal that he’d finally signed a week ago.
Two weeks ago, George Taskett had called his secretary to arrange a meeting. When Dean showed up at the appointed time, George apologized profusely for what had happened at the theater.
“It’s taken me a little while to reach out to you because I wanted to be able to tell you that Byron Temple had been fired, and before I could do that, I needed to speak to the board about it first. But I can assure you now that he has been permanently removed from his position, and fired from our company. It seems that the board shared my concerns with his lack of moral character.”
George had told Dean that when they investigated a little bit, they’d discovered that the incident at The Manhattan hadn't been the first such incident for Temple. Dean was not surprised, and he was glad that the board of Northern Freight had been all too happy to show him the door.
So with Temple out of the picture, the deal had gone through as originally planned and all three companies were now set to make a lot of money. Winchester Shipping and Lumber was in the best shape it had ever been in.
But he still couldn't sleep at night.
As he tucked the file away, he heard a knock at the door and then Grant's voice when he opened it. Dean couldn't make out what he was saying to the visitor, but if it was anything other than, “come back another day”, Dean might have to fire him.
A minute later, however, Grant was in his doorway to announce his guest. But Dean didn't need the announcement, as he saw his baby brother's towering frame standing behind his butler.
Dean stood up with a frown, walking out from behind his desk as Grant left, and Sam entered his study. “What's wrong?” He asked without preamble.
Sam shook his head. “Nothing's wrong.”
Dean's scowl got deeper. “What do you mean ‘nothing’s wrong’? Then what are you doing here?”
Sam shrugged. “Just wanted to visit my brother.”
Dean crossed his arms over his chest, leaning back against his desk and fixing Sam with a look as he took a seat on one of the leather chairs across from Dean.
“You just wanted to visit?” Dean asked, his voice incredulous. “You thought you'd take a six hour train ride to just…drop in and say hi?”
“I just wanted to see how you're doing. See if you're alright.” Sam said innocently.
“Why wouldn't I be?”
Sam sighed. “Cause Y/N isn't.”
Dean's heart beat double time as he scowled again at his little brother. “Sam, honest to god…” He ran a hand through his hair. “This better not be the real reason you're here.”
“It is.” Sam said calmly.
“Well, then I'm sorry you wasted your money on a train ticket, along with six hours of your life.” He held up a finger. “No, twelve, actually, cause you're gonna leave now.”
Sam just continued to stare at him, annoying him profusely. Finally his little brother had the audacity to shake his head and scold him.
“Dean, why did you let her go? I saw you with her, saw you at Christmas. I know you love her.”
“Bullshit!” Dean barked at him, angrily. “You are imagining things, Sam, and I'm not interested in dredging up this same asinine conversation I already had with your wife.”
Sam nodded. “Yeah, she told me about it. Just made us even more sure that you were completely in love with Y/N. What we couldn't figure out is why you were so furious about the very idea of loving her.”
“Dammit Sam, drop this!” Dean shouted at him as he straightened up from the desk. 
Sam pointed at him. “Yeah, furious like that.” He shrugged. “But then…I think I figured it out “
"Oh, did you?" Dean asked with a death stare, feeling the panic start to rise up in him.
Sam's voice softened as he looked Dean in the eye. “You're afraid you'll end up like Dad.” 
Dean clenched his jaw and refused to respond.
But eventually Sam just shook his head. “You won't though.”
Fear and panic sat thick in Dean's throat, clogging his voice as he spoke. “You don't know that.”
Sam scoffed. “Yeah, I do.”
Silence reigned for a moment before Dean shuffled back and sat down behind his desk again. His head was pounding harder than ever.
He watched Sam for a while before he shook his head. “You don't remember him the way - I mean, obviously you couldn't remember him how he was. Before. But…” 
He scrubbed an exhausted hand down his face. “I remember. The way he was. I remember him laughing and smiling. The way he'd pick me up when he walked back in the door at the end of the day, ride me around on his shoulders…I remember all of it. And I remember when it was gone. He was like a completely different man. He might as well have died with her, cause he was gone and he never came back.”
Dean closed his eyes. “So, I swore to myself, I swore,” he emphasized, “that I would never do the same. I would NEVER love someone like that and then lose myself completely when they were gone.” 
He shook his head again and opened his eyes to pin Sam with another glare. “I just won't do it.”
Sam sat, quietly nodding for a moment before his brow wrinkled in thought. “Hmm…” He took a deep breath and spoke as he exhaled.
“Do you love me?”
Dean stared at him for a heartbeat before a red flush began climbing up his neck as he answered in a growl. “What are you talking about?”
But Sam just waved away his brother's words. “Nevermind, I already know you do. You love me a lot.”
Dean continued to glare at his annoying little brother, not sure what to even say to that.
“And I know you love Jess and Lucy too. Also a lot.”
“What is your point Sam?” He barked at him, although he thought he'd started to figure it out.
“I know this too, though.” Sam continued without answering him, “If anything ever happened to me or…Jess, or…” He didn't seem able to finish the horrible idea, and Dean felt his stomach churn and his chest ache at the mere thought. 
But Sam pushed on. “If something ever happened, you'd never abandon the ones left behind. You'd never leave us on our own.”
Dean bit his bottom lip, feeling his throat ache from his trapped feelings. 
“Oh yeah?” He asked doubtfully. “And how could you possibly be sure of that?” He smiled without humor. “I am my father's son, after all.”
Sam shrugged. “That may be, but you're also just Dean, my big brother. And he's the most selfless man I've ever known.”
Dean scoffed, but Sam continued over him. 
“You've never put yourself first. Not while you were raising me. Not when you went toe-to-toe with Dad for me, so I could go to law school. Not when you worked a second job outside the business, so that you could pay my whole tuition when Dad refused to pay for it with ‘company money’ as he called it.”
Dean couldn't look at Sam any longer, dipping his head to stare at the wood grain in his desk as his brother continued to heap undeserving praise on him.
“And ever since you took over the company, you've always put your employees first, you take care of them, you work twice as hard as you need to, and pay them a lot more than other companies do, to make sure they can live good, happy lives. I've seen your books, I know it's true.”
“So?” Dean cut into Sam's diatribe, rubbing his hand over the back of his neck. “Even if all of this praise was true, which it isn't, none of it proves that loving and losing someone wouldn't change all of that. Dad was a good man too, until he loved a woman and lost a woman.”
Sam tightened his jaw. “Maybe he was, but he was also a selfish bastard for abandoning us, for just going off to live alone with his grief and anger. You weren't even five years old, and you'd just lost your mother!” Sam huffed angrily. “He should have cared about that too. He should have cared about you, about us...not just the wife he lost.”
Dean's instinct was to defend their father, but he didn't. He'd begun to see that Sam was right; it had been pretty selfish.
“And I'm telling you,” Sam said with conviction, “if you and Y/N were lucky enough to be blessed with children, you would NEVER abandon them for any reason. Not ever. Because you. are not. our father.” 
Dean heard his little brother's words, and the freedom he found in them, surprised him. It felt like he could breathe deeply for the first time in a very long time. He felt a tear escape and he dashed it away quickly, turning his chair away from Sam and staring at the wall. 
After a moment of quiet, Sam spoke solemnly. "But none of this speculating about how you'd act IF you fell in love with Y/N really matters anyway. Because the plain and simple fact is, you're already in love with her.”
The words still made Dean's stomach clench, and he turned back to Sam and shook his head. “No, I refused, I wouldn't let myself love her.”
Sam rolled his eyes and breathed out harshly. “Damn! You really are a monumental idiot.”
Dean scowled at him, unimpressed with his opinion.
“Dean, you can't stop yourself from loving someone. You can't just control something like that.”
Dean felt the old, familiar panic start to rise in his chest. If he couldn't control it...if he really did love her already…then he'd already lost, and he'd never be free of her hold on him.
I don't wanna be free.
The intrusive thought leaked into his mind and he closed his eyes, trying desperately to deny it but-
“She's leaving.”
Dean's eyes popped open to stare at Sam. 
“What do you mean?” He asked quietly.
“She gave us her notice. She's leaving. Catching a train in a couple of days. That's why I came to shake some sense into you before it's too late. She's going west, says she wants to seek some adventure, but I know it's really because we're all just a constant reminder of you. She's been miserable this whole last month - trying very hard to hide it - but miserable.”
Dean felt a different kind of panic rising as he contemplated Y/N being on the other side of the country, living her life a million miles from his.
She'd get married to someone else - someone who didn't become paralyzed with fear at the thought of needing her in his life. He'd win her over, he'd make her smile, make her happy. He'd give her children; he'd be the damn compatible husband she'd always wanted, and give her the little cottage and respectable life she deserved. 
The exact life he'd told her to go and live just before he made love to her and then snuck out of the room before she woke, like a coward.
He looked at his little brother, desperate now for his help. “Shit. I walked away from her Sam. I left her a goddamn note cause I was too much of a coward to say goodbye to her face. Cause I knew if I spent another minute with her, I'd be so tempted to do anything she wanted, say anything she wanted, just to get her to stay. And I couldn't risk it.”
Sam gave him a scolding look and just shook his head.
Dean's voice was slightly forlorn. “What are the chances she forgives me for that?”
Sam shrugged. “Won't know till you try, coward.”
Y/N clutched the handle of her leather bag tightly, gripping it over and over, wearing it smooth from sheer worry. She recognized that traveling alone, to some remote California town she'd never been to was ludicrous and dangerous. But she just couldn't take it another day; she needed to get as far away as she could. 
Living with Sam and Jessica everyday, watching them in their happy, loving marriage, was simply more than she could handle. The fact that occasionally, when Sam smiled or frowned or laughed a certain way, a tiny piece of his big brother would appear on his face, well, that was just the knife in her heart that made leaving quickly a necessity.
So, here she was, on a bench on the train platform, waiting for a train to roll in and carry her away from endless reminders of Dean. But even just sitting on the bench reminded her that she'd first met him while she was sitting on a bench - on that cool day last fall, when he'd burned his way into her life, into her heart and then into her bed. Unfortunately, he'd also burrowed his way into her soul, and she knew he'd never leave.
Even now she imagined that she heard him calling her name over the screaming whistle of the steam engine that was pulling up beside her; it was the train that would take her away from everything she wanted to leave behind. Though she knew she'd never manage it completely.
Y/N frowned slightly as she looked up; she thought she heard his voice again. Was she truly going mad?
But then she saw him, running through the steam on the platform, coming towards her. She jumped up, completely confused, but somehow feeling like she needed to be on her feet.
“Dean?” She asked as he reached her. “Why are you…? What-”
Dean interrupted her. “Don't get on that train. Don't go. I have a proposition for you instead.”
Y/N felt her heart plummet. “Dean-”
“Marry me.”
Her words died in her throat and she just stared at him, her eyes bulging as she tried to work out what was going on.
“Oh,” she said almost sadly, “I've actually gone completely mad now.”
But Dean was shaking his head. “No, sweetheart, I was the crazy one. I was the one who thought I could simply wish away, or will away loving you, but I should have known it was never gonna work.”
Y/N returned to being simply speechless, eyes wide and staring once again, as Dean continued, his voice sincere and ardent.
“Sweetheart, I'm so sorry I didn't stick around to say goodbye. Hell, I'm sorry I even tried to say goodbye in the first place. I'm sorry I was too much of a coward to let myself love you, or admit to it anyway. Seems like I didn't really have much say in the matter. Apparently trying desperately to not love someone, doesn't actually stop you from loving them. Who knew?" He said with a lopsided smile and a shrug.
Still smiling, he took another step towards her and his voice was strong and sure. "But I'm mostly sorry that I didn't wrap my arms around you the very first time I saw you, and absolutely refuse to let you go.”
“That's actually kidnapping!”
Y/N whipped around to see Sam and Jessica standing behind her on the platform with Lucy between them. Jessica slapped Sam's arm for his sarcastic comment. 
“Shush. He's trying.” She waved at Dean and called to him. “You're doing great, champ! Keep going!” 
“Give her the ring, Uncle Dean. Ladies like rings!” Lucy shouted.
Y/N started crying and laughing in the same breath, and nearly choked. But as Dean nodded at his niece and got down on one knee, tears won out and she started crying noisily.
He gazed up at her with a soft smile and slightly glassy eyes. “I wasn't planning to do this with an audience, and I have a lot to explain to you, I know, about why I was such an idiot and how stupid I was to be afraid of loving you.”
“Quit reminding her she'll be marrying a moron!” Sam called out again, and Y/N heard Jessica smack him again. But she couldn't take her eyes off of the massive ring that sat in the velvet box Dean opened and presented to her.
It was a Tiffany's box, she noticed, and inside was a beautiful diamond ring, with a small round emerald in the very center.
“I love you so much, Y/N, and I know I don't deserve you, but please say yes anyway.”
“Yes!” She shouted, taking the box from him and then throwing her arms around his neck, letting him stand up and twirl her around, laughing with him through her tears.
Everyone on the platform clapped happily, as Dean kissed her. 
Sam covered Lucy's eyes but she pushed his hand away, clapping loudly at the little fairytale that had played out for her.
As Dean pulled back, he slipped the ring onto her finger and ran his thumb over her knuckles, before raising her hand to his mouth and kissing the back of it, just like he did the very first day they'd met. It still had the power to make her stomach flutter.
“Do you like it?” He asked, touching the emerald in the center of her ring.
Remembering her prediction that emeralds would always make her cry, brought on even more of those predictable tears. She was happy beyond measure that she'd been both right and wrong about that.
“Yes, I love it.” She said as she kissed him sweetly and then gazed into his bright green eyes. “And I love you, Dean. So much.”
“Thank God. Just...just don't stop. Please?”
Y/N nodded. "Promise." She whispered.
Dean sighed against her lips before claiming them once again.
The St. Louis World's Fair. Spring 1904. 
“Lucy Winchester! You've had more than enough of that spun sugar now, come back over here and hold your brother's hand.”
Jessica ran after her six year old with her two year old in tow, until Sam grabbed him up and settled him against his chest. With her hands now free, Jessica grabbed a protesting Lucy away from the cotton candy cart.
Y/N laughed at her former student's frustrated little face and decided to try and help her sister-in-law out. “Luce come here; your cousin needs your help.”
Jessica let go of Lucy's hand so she could run back to her aunt and uncle. Y/N and Dean walked behind them a little ways, with their one year old, Melody, toddling somewhat unsteadily between them.
Y/N let Lucy take Melody's hand. “She loves walking with you and you're so good at showing her just how a real lady walks.”
Lucy beamed proudly as she immediately slowed her pace to allow Melody to keep up, and then walked very sedately to help her little cousin learn how to be a lady.
Jessica smiled brightly over her shoulder and mouthed, thank you to Y/N who laughed lightly. Dean reached over and took her hand now that it was free, swinging it gently back and forth.
Suddenly Y/N remembered Christmas day three years ago and how she'd imagined going to the World's Fair, and walking hand in hand just like this.
There were no cherry trees beside them and the crowds were fairly thick on the pathways around the fair, which meant they were jostled around a bit more than she'd imagined in her idyllic fantasy.
But the feelings she'd imagined back then were exactly the same. Family. Love. Belonging. She stepped closer to Dean and rested her head on his shoulder, squeezing his hand tighter.
He kissed the crown of her head and then whispered to her. “Happy, sweetheart?”
She looked up at him and gave him a mischievous smile. “Happier if you'd kiss me.” 
He pretended to be scandalized. “Mrs. Winchester? In public? In full view of the children?”
Y/N laughed happily, making her in laws look back at them and smile.
Dean leaned down and kissed the tip of her nose. “That's all my strict moral fiber will allow for.” He said in pretentious tones.
Y/N pouted at him playfully and he dipped his head to whisper against the shell of her ear, making her shiver.
“But Mel is sleeping in her cousins’ room with the nanny tonight. So later, in the privacy of our hotel room, I plan on kissing every writhing, shaking inch of your body until you -”
“Auntie!” Y/N was yanked back to reality as Lucy called to her, excitedly. “Melody said my name!”
Trying to ignore the raging fire her husband had kindled within her, Y/N smiled down at Lucy. 
“Well, I'm not surprised. She loves her big cousin.”
Lucy smiled widely before she dropped Melody's hand to run up and tell her parents her good news. Melody started to fuss over her cousin leaving, until Dean scooped her up to sit on his shoulders; then she squealed happily, thrilled to be up so high.
Y/N just watched Dean for a moment, her eyes watering slightly as she thought about how heartbroken she'd been on that Christmas day so long ago, when she'd believed this life was forever beyond her reach.
Dean looked down at her and she picked up his hand again, pressing close to him.
“I love you, you know.”
His beautiful green eyes were warm and overflowing with happiness as he bent his head slightly, holding Melody tightly so she didn't slip, and kissed Y/N senseless. Despite his earlier moral protestations, his kiss was slow and deep and it stole all the air from her lungs.
He pulled back from her and the look of love in his eyes stole her breath all over again as he answered.
"I love you too, sweetheart." He kissed her forehead and spoke softly, for her ears only. "Thanks for teaching me how."
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Jensen RPF and Any/All Characters:
Dean Fics Only:
Any/All Fics Regardless of Character or Fandom:
Everything Incl. Fan Edits:
116 notes · View notes
starryevermore · 7 months
the house of snow (8) ✧ coriolanus snow
the house of snow ✧ a royal coryo au | pinterest board| ao3
pairing: king!coriolanus snow x fem!reader
series summary: the king of panem is in search of a bride. and, for reasons you can never understand, coriolanus snow has set his sights on you. it would never be a happy marriage, you’re sure of that. but none of that matters, because when snow decides he wants something, he will do everything in his power to ensure it is his. 
chapter summary: sejanus crosses a line. 
word count: 5,961
series warnings?: 18+ MINORS DNI, royal au, regency au, arranged marriage, rivals to lovers, obsessive!coryo, jealous!coryo, protective!coryo, eventual smut, eventual pregnancy, more tags to be added later
chapter warnings?: scheming sejanus, jealous!coryo, angry!coryo, arguing, threats of execution, pet name (petal), not proofread
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Thank you for the invitation. Though it was signed by Coryo, I imagine that you are the one who advocated for my presence at tonight’s opera. I appreciate that you hold our friendship in such high regard. That is why I write to you now. Ma has already confirmed our attendance for tonight, but I was hoping that I might be able to speak to you in private. During intermission, please meet me—
A knock at your door startled you out of your thoughts. 
“Are you nearly ready?” your father asked from the other side of your door. 
“Just a moment more!” you called out, hurrying to return the letter to its envelope. You rose from your seat at the vanity, sparing a glance at your reflection to ensure nothing was out of place, before tucking the letter in your trunk at the end of your bed. 
When you reached your door, you took a breath. Your father was a perceptive man. If he saw your nerves were jumbled, he would have questions and you could not handle questions at this moment. 
Your father smiled as you opened the door. Then he frowned, glancing around the room behind you. “Where is your lady’s maid?”
“I dismissed her after I finished getting ready. I wanted some time to go through my correspondence.” It was perhaps best to tell the truth in that regard. What your father didn’t need to know what that you were just reading the one letter, over and over and over again, trying to surmise if it was real, if there was a trick being played against you. 
“I should hope you were not writing any replies. The last thing you need is to get ink everywhere.”
“No, Papa, I was only reading them and sorting out which ones needed to be replied to first.” Well, that was a lie. But it was harmless enough. You hoped. 
When you received Sejanus’s letter in the mail, it confused you. You were never the sort of friends that wrote to each other. It certainly would have been presumptuous if you had. But when you read the contents of the letter, learned of his proposed plan, it only served to confuse you further. You had spent the entire day reading the letter as your lady’s maid pinned your hair into an elaborate updo, applied your makeup, and even as you dressed. You were half sure that if you read it enough times, Sejanus himself might materialize to tell you it was all just a clever joke. That he didn’t really mean it. You knew Sejanus well enough, though, to know that he was quite serious about these sorts of things. 
Your father nodded, then extended his arm for you to take. You slipped your hand around his arm and allowed him to guide you downstairs. He was silent for a moment while you walked, but when he reached the top of the stairs, he stopped. 
“Is there something wrong?” you asked. Had he already caught on to your ruse? Would he demand to see the letters and know that there was only one? Would he tell Snow? 
“I wanted to thank you for your cooperation,” he said. “I know this match was not what you hoped it to be, but I swore when you were born that I would do everything in my power to ensure that you are taken care of for life. You may not have gotten the love match you wished for, but you will be marrying into a reputable family with the resources available to provide you the best life imaginable. His Majesty will take care of you. He will be a good husband to you.”
“You cannot possibly know that.”
He sniffed, then conceded, “No, I suppose I don’t. But His Majesty was incredibly persistent. He had been asking for your hand for some time—”
He blinked, as if he was surprised you didn’t know. But how could you? How could you have known? “When you graduated from the Academy, he asked for your hand. I suppose he hoped for you to join him on base while he served as a Peacekeeper. That certainly wouldn’t have been an appropriate life for you, so I told him no. Then when he returned, he asked again. I told him I wished to see him prove himself to be a worthy husband for you. I never imagined that he would become King, of course, but it was a pleasant surprise. A welcome one, really, all things considered. Just before the season began this year, he asked again. I had no reason to tell him no, except that I wished for him to properly court you before we reached any firm agreement.”
You did the math in your head. If what your father said was true… “I’m four and twenty. If he has been asking since I graduated, then he has wanted to marry me for five years.”
“Longer, I presume. He already had a ring when he asked for your hand the first time.” He looked down at your hand. “The same one, if memory serves well. Cleaner, though.”
That…You didn’t know what to do with that. How long had Snow been vying for your attention? Even with Sejanus’s revelation that Snow’s feelings for you had been genuine, you assumed it was a recent development. Certainly not something that extended back to your schooldays. Had the bickering always been one-sided? No, that couldn’t be…
“We hated each other in school. We tormented each other,” you said, more to yourself than your father. 
But he laughed as if you spoke to him. “Sometimes, boys are mean to the girls they are interested in. Any attention is better than no attention, in their eyes.”
“I don’t know what to do with this,” you admitted. 
“Know that you will be loved. I have never seen any man be so dedicated to something, someone, for it not to be done out of love.”
Downstairs, the butler announced Snow’s arrival. Snow entered the room, his blue eyes immediately finding yours. Your father moved to start down the stairs, but you remained planted firmly in place. A question nagged at your mind. If Snow had been asking for your hand for five years…
“Why did you act like I had to convince Snow to marry me when the season started? If you all but promised him my hand?”
His eyebrows raised. “My little dove, you have never done what you were told. If I said that you were to be wed to His Majesty, you would have all but runaway to avoid it.”
“But why act like it was my responsibility to get his attention? To throw myself at his feet when he already wanted to marry me?”
He was silent for a moment, contemplating his words. Finally, he settled on, “If you thought that you were serving your family by pursuing His Majesty, I had hoped that you would have seen his intentions were pure and good. It might not have been a love match in the traditional sense, but it would not have been a loveless arrangement.”
Nothing, you thought, about Snow was pure and good. “My fate was already set in stone. It didn’t matter what I did, you would have married me off regardless.”
“Don’t put it like that, little dove—”
You dropped your father’s arm, gathered your skirts, and walked down the stairs alone as Snow moved to wait for you at the bottom. A smile grew on his face as he watched you. It looked so genuine. You supposed it was. 
Snow held his arm out to you as you reached the last few steps. You slipped your hand into his, letting him guide you down the final steps, before holding onto his bicep when you reached the ground floor.
“I like that color on you,” he said, eyeing the blue fabric. 
“You should. It took Tigris hours to find the shade closest to your eyes.” Your mother was insistent that, as the future Queen, you should build your wardrobe to complement your future husband as much as possible. 
“I shall send her my compliments then. Are you ready to leave?”
You nodded. 
“Good. We shall be riding alone this evening. Will that be alright?”
It wouldn’t have mattered if it did. Everyone else in your life was making decisions for you. Choosing what was best for you without ever asking what you wanted. What you desired. But you were angry at your father. Angry at both of your parents, because you were sure your mother knew something about this, too. Angry that they both would keep this from you instead of just telling you that you were to marry the King. You might have respected their decision more if they had. 
“I should kill my parents if I have to spend a moment with them tonight.”
Snow blinked. “Should I be concerned?”
“If you value your life, then you shouldn’t be.”
At that, Snow let out a huff of a laugh. “To kill the King would be treason.”
“Is a threat worth the same weight?”
“I would imagine so.”
“Then string me up at the gallows.”
He shook his head at you. He looked amused, like he didn’t take your words seriously. He probably thought you were just bickering to get on his nerves like you always did. “I would make an exception for you, petal.”
You turned your head, looking back up at your father, who still stood at the top of the stairs, dumbfounded. You turned back to Snow. “I wouldn’t kill you, for what it’s worth. As it turns out, you are the only person who has been honest with me recently.”
A frown settled on Snow’s face. “Is everything alright?”
You rolled your tongue over your teeth, contemplating whether you should tell him or not. It would be nice to vent, even to someone like Snow. But you didn’t wish to do it in front of your father, the source of your ire. And you weren’t sure you wouldn’t cry if you did talk about it. “I don’t wish to ruin my evening any further. Shall we go?”
Snow looked you over. Seeing nothing that would demand his immediate concern, he said, “We shall. But if you change your mind…”
“I will tell you if I do.”
The ride to the opera house was quiet. You weren’t sure if Snow was silent because he was giving you the space you asked for, or if he was concerned that your ire might soon turn on him. But he held your hand the entire time, his thumb stroking over your knuckles. Ordinarily, you would have been annoyed at the action. It was merely another way for Snow to exert a level of control over you. This time, however, it brought you some modicum of comfort. 
“I invited the Plinths per your request,” he murmured.
That should have lifted your spirts, but it only made your stomach churn. You couldn’t let Snow know that, of course. As hard as you fought for the Plinths’ presence, he would be less than pleased if you revealed you wished he hadn’t extended the invitation. “Thank you.” You squeezed his hand, more for your comfort than his own. “I appreciate that.”
Even if you didn’t appreciate it in the moment, you probably would appreciate his willingness to abide by your wishes in the future (though, you supposed you did have to coerce him to do it). 
Snow smiled and squeezed your hand back. “And I appreciate your vivaciousness. Even if it makes me want to pull my hair out.”
“That would be a shame,” you said before you could really think. 
Well, you already got this far. You might as well finish the thought. “The nicest part about you is your hair. If you pulled it all out, you wouldn’t have anything going for you.”
Snow laughed—a genuine laugh. “If my hair is the key to gaining your affections, then I shall be sure to not pull it out.”
You laughed, too. It was…odd. How light you felt with Snow now. Though you still objected to how he asked for your hand, how your father gave you no choice in this matter, it was different knowing that Snow might not be doing all of this as some way to spite you. To get back at you for all the fights you had with him over the years.
The pit in your stomach burrowed deeper. If Snow found out about Sejanus’s letter, Sejanus’s plan, you could not imagine it ending well. Any semblance of goodwill he held for you could be ruined in a matter of minutes. Would you be set up for a miserable marriage if you withheld the information from him? 
“Snow, I—”
The carriage lurched to a halt. Your words died in your throat as the door opened. Snow stepped out first, then held a hand out for you to take. He helped you out of the carriage, his hands settling on your waist as you gained your footing. Your breath caught in your throat at the feeling. 
As you moved to take Snow’s arm, he asked, “Would you like to wait for your parents or would you like to go our seats?”
You glanced back, seeing your family carriage in the distance. The idea of seeing your father again made you grind your teeth together. “Let’s go inside.”
Snow led you to one of the Lord’s Rooms where you would sit in the upper balcony of the opera house. It had been some years since you had been able to sit in one of the Lord’s Rooms. Since your time at the Academy, you supposed. These seats were saved for the upper echelon of the Capital’s elite. While your parents certainly were wealthy and titled, they could not quite afford such expensive seats. Truthfully, for a long time after the war ended, only the King and some dukes could afford it. It was only in recent years that marquesses, earls, and viscounts could begin sitting there again. 
You took a seat front and center of the Lord’s Room, Snow taking the seat to your left. A smile tugged at his face as you tried to not let your jaw fall slack. 
“Are you pleased with the seats, petal?” he asked. 
“It’s perfect,” you admitted, because it was. 
When you looked over at him, his smile had grown, his chest ever so slightly puffed out. Oh, he was proud of himself for this. You supposed he should be. If he had been vying for your attention for as long as your father insinuated, you imagined there was no limit to the lengths Snow would go to make you happy. 
You were curious, though, to the lengths that Snow would go. “What would you have done if I was displeased?”
“Erect an opera house to your exact specifications.”
You couldn’t help the laugh that escaped your lips. To suggest such a thing was absurd. You were an intelligent young woman to be sure, but you hardly had the education required to design an opera house that both functioned as necessary and would not topple over in a gust of wind. “Then we should be thankful I am content here or else we might have to test the limits to the royal family’s protection from liability.”
Snow waved that off, though he still smirked at you referring to yourself as part of the royal family. “I would send anyone who would even think to sue you to the gallows.”
“So protective,” you teased. There was silence, for a moment, as you looked at Snow. Conversation was flowing easily, with none of its usual bite. Perhaps talking about your conversation with your father would be nice. To at least alleviate the stress you carried in your shoulders. “I am upset with my papa because of you.”
And that, perhaps, was the worst way to begin the conversation when you saw the way Snow’s smile turned into a frown. Oh dear, he probably thought you were trying to pick a fight. “I beg your pardon?”
“What I mean to say is, at the beginning of the season, when it was announced you were seeking a bride, my papa told me that I had to do whatever it took to win you over, even sacrifice my ideals. He made it seem as if it was something I had to do for the family. I refused, of course, but that did nothing to stop you from seeking me out. I wondered why for a long while, spent a long time convinced it was because you were trying to get back at me for all our quibbles over the years. But then I remembered Sejanus had told me that you were interested in me when we were children.”
Snow’s jaw ticked at the mention of Sejanus, so you quickly continued before he could spit some vitriol about your shared friend (for now, at least). 
 “That made no sense to me at the time he told me, of course, but the longer we courted, it started to feel real. Then, this evening, my papa told me that you had asked for my hand three times before. That you fought with me because you liked my attention, not necessarily because you had substantial disagreement with me. And when I asked, he said he lied to me about my needing to sacrifice my ideals to win you over, because he knew that I was already going to be your bride by the end of the season. I cannot respect a man who withholds things from me.”
“I apologize if I disrespected you, but—”
“Not you, my papa. It is clear now that, as far as this season was concerned, you had always made your intentions known. I can admire that. But my papa…I don’t know if I can trust him again. Or my mama, because I am sure she knew something about it, too.”
Snow considered you for a moment, before admitting, “If I had known you were kept in the dark, I would have told you. I assumed you knew I had spoken with your father and that that was part of the reason you kept fighting me. Telling me that you would rather marry anyone else but me.”
“No, I was, for once, clueless.”
He reached over for your hand. You allowed him to take it. “Well, you can rest assured that I will not let you be clueless as long as I can help it. We are to be partners in this marriage. There is no one that I could trust more to run this kingdom and raise our family than you.”
Your stomach twisted. All of this talk of honesty…It made you feel ill. You knew you should tell Snow about Sejanus’s letter. If he ever found out, any trust he had in you would easily be broken. You imagined he would lock you away in the palace, never let you see anyone but the staff and the heirs he would have you produce. And Sejanus…You shuddered at the idea of what Snow would do to him. It would make isolation look kind, you were sure. 
Knowing you had no other choice, you tried again to tell him. “Snow, I wish to tell you one more thing—”
You were cut off by the sound of Sejanus greeting you and Snow. You prayed you did not look as ill as you felt. 
“You look radiant this evening,” Sejanus said to you as he came to your side. Oh, Sejanus, he should not say those sorts of things. Not in front of Snow. Not when you knew how he felt. 
Snow rose to his feet, dropping your hand. It was the polite thing to do as a gentleman, but you knew it was more a power play than anything else. And, though Sejanus towered over Snow, something about the way Snow held himself made him seem like the giant. “She does, doesn’t she? It must be the pre-marital bliss.”
You ignored Snow. Well, if you couldn’t tell Snow about the letter now, you might as well make polite conversation until the next opportunity arose. “Thank you, my lord. You look quite dashing yourself. Did Tigris design your suit?”
“She did,” he beamed. Oh, Sejanus, don’t smile at you like that. “She is the only one I trust to not make me look like a fool.”
“Funny,” Snow muttered. 
You looked at him, your brows furrowed together. Was he trying to suggest Sejanus was a fool? Did Snow know something you didn’t? Your heart skipped a beat. Did he somehow already know of the letter? “What is?”
Snow blinked, as if he hadn’t expected you to hear him. A smile twitched at his lips. “You had said something similar, once.”
“Ah. Well, she is the best. Many people feel quite strongly over her,” you said. You smoothed a wrinkle on your dress. All of the kind talk between you and Coryo made you feel uneasy now that Sejanus was here. “It must be infuriating to know people like Tigris while they tolerate you.”
“Don’t be cruel,” Sejanus chided as Snow’s jaw clenched and unclenched. Don’t join in on the teasing. It will only make things worse. 
“But it’s so easy.”
Sejanus took the seat to your right. From the corner of your eye, you watched as Snow’s hands flexed, as if he was restraining himself from lashing out at Sejanus. Knowing that no one could see your face but Snow and Sejanus, you allowed yourself to roll your eyes. The corner of Sejanus’s mouth twitched up into a smirk. In any other circumstance, you might have been laughing with him at Snow’s expense. This all felt too confusing for you—something you would rather attempt to process in private rather than search your feelings in the moment. So you moved to the edge of your seat, propping your arm against the railing, leaning your cheek against your palm. Snow, as he sat back down, reached for your other hand, and you allowed him to take it. Jealous little thing, he was. But you couldn’t find it in yourself to mind. 
The performance soon began with little more spoken between you, Snow, and Sejanus. Mostly talks about your upcoming nuptials, which made it feel like a knife was being twisted in your stomach. If you didn’t know better, you would have thought that Sejanus was trying to be cruel. Sejanus, though, was something of an angel, and you were sure he didn’t have a mean bone in his body. Perhaps that was why you were so nervous about this. You knew how Snow would read Sejanus’s actions. You knew it would be far from good. 
You tried to push those thoughts away as the performers sang. It had been so long since you had been able to go to the opera, and you wanted to enjoy this moment. Snow would likely bring you to more performances, but just in case, you wanted to have fun while you could. Yet, Sejanus could not leave your mind. He felt entirely too close. It was almost suffocating. And when you dared to glance at him from the corner of your eye, and you saw the way his hand was placed on the arm of his chair, his palm face up, you felt ill. 
So ill, you could not stand it. 
When you dropped Snow’s hand, moving to leave the Lord’s Room, Snow rose to his feet. “Is everything alright, petal?”’
“I’m not feeling well. I just need to step outside for a moment,” you said. 
Sejanus, too, stood. “What’s wrong?”
Oh, don’t do that. Don’t give Snow anymore reason to get upset or concerned.
You waved Sejanus off. “It’s too stuffy in here. I just need a moment.”
Snow watched you, his brows pinched together. You again wondered if he could read your mind, if he knew what you knew. Or perhaps he was acting as if he cared in his own weird way, trying to ascertain if he needed to go with you just in case this was something more serious. “If you wish to leave early, we can. I don’t want you to feel as if we must stay even if you are ill.”
Don’t be kind. You’re not sure you deserve it. “I don’t believe it’s that serious. Please, sit. I shall be back before you can even think to miss me.”
Somewhat reluctantly, Snow sat down. Sejanus remained standing, watching as you turned to leave. It was not until you left the Lord’s Room, sparing a glance over your shoulder, that you saw Sejanus sit down, too.
It was easier to breathe outside of the room. Not much by much, but certainly easier. Being sat between Snow and Sejanus, even if had been something of your own doing, had become something of a personal hell. Damn Sejanus. Damn him. This evening wasn’t supposed to be like this. You were supposed to have a nice evening at the opera. You were supposed to get on Snow’s nerves. You were supposed to laugh with Sejanus and not worry about his insane ideas. It was supposed to be nice, not…whatever it was about to become. 
You found a somewhat secluded area of the foyer and leaned against the wall, trying to steady your heartbeat. You did not know if Snow or Sejanus or both would follow you. If they did, you worried about the other people who were invited eavesdropping on the conversation, realize that there was more than meets the eye regarding your betrothal to Snow. Oh, you would not be able to handle that scandal. 
After a minute or two, the sound of the opera singer ringing in the background, you pushed yourself off the wall. It had been long enough that Snow would become concerned and come looking for you. And it was close enough to intermission that Sejanus—
“You look like you’ve seen death.”
You sucked in a breath. “You need to leave.”
Sejanus stepped closer to you. Too close. He reached out, brushing a loose curl away from your face. You fought the urge to flinch away. “We can go—”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “You cannot truly believe I would leave with you, can you? Sejanus, Snow is the King. He would do everything in his power, utilize every resource at his disposal, to find us and bring us straight to the Capital. You would lose your head, and I would never see daylight again.”
“That should not matter if we love each other. We could find somewhere no one could ever find us. We could live a life all of our own, never have to worry about anything else.”
“But I don’t love you.” 
“Coryo told me that you would rather marry me. That you thought I am an easy man to love. Is that not enough?”
You squeezed your eyes shut. It was so hard to look at him and not cry. Why was he making this so difficult? Why was he putting you in this position? “I might have loved you. In a different life, maybe. But I do not feel what you feel for me. I will not risk my life and yours for a maybe.”
“But you will risk a life of unhappiness with Coryo?”
Why did no one listen to you? 
Why did no one care to ask you what you wanted and actually listen? 
“It is not as if Snow hates me. He cares, in his own way. Even if he shows it in his strange ways. I would want for nothing with him.”
“Can you love him?” Sejanus stepped even closer to you. He cupped your face in his hands. You squeezed your eyes tighter. “Tell me you will be happy with him, and I will leave you alone. I won’t bring this up ever again. I will leave—”
Sejanus was ripped away from you before he could finish speaking. Your eyes flew open. What was happening? Why—
Oh no. 
Snow’s face was blood red, his knuckles nearly matching as he gripped Sejanus’s jacket. “What the hell do you think you’re doing?” he spat. 
“Coryo, I—”
“You said you didn’t wish to marry her. You said you wouldn’t try to take her from me. Was that a life? Were you trying to catch me with my guard down? What happened to not wanting to hurt me?”
You had never seen Snow so angry in all your life. Not even when you would spend every day at the Academy arguing with him. Not even when you had told him that you considered marrying Sejanus. Was Snow going to hurt Sejanus? He looked angry enough to kill. You couldn’t let that happen. 
“Snow—” you tried to say, but he did not hear you. 
“I should have the Peacekeepers drag you through the streets, throw you in a cell, and let you rot. I should have you executed,” Snow hissed. “This is treason.”
“Please, Snow—” you tried again. 
You tried to think. Tried to figure out something, anything, to say that could quell Snow’s anger. But you couldn’t even get through to him. It’s like he didn’t even realize you were speaking to him. Oh, what could you say?
“I should make your execution a fucking spectacle. I should make everyone watch as you are hung—”
“Coryo, stop!”
Snow’s head snapped to you. His pale blue eyes looked you up and down, as if he was trying to determine if he should direct his ire to you. He let go of Sejanus’s jacket with a push. Ordinarily, it wouldn’t have made Sejanus stumble, but the sheer weight of everything brought the man tumbling down. Snow took a step towards you, his voice dangerously low as he asked, “Why should I?”
“I was telling him no. I don’t want to go with him,” you said, careful not to say Sejanus’s name. Saying his name in ordinary circumstances drove Snow insane. You hated to imagine what he might do if you did so now. He might just kill Sejanus with his bare hands. His hands. You glanced down, then reached for one of Snow’s hands. It was clenched into a fist, but he allowed you to open his hand, intertwine your fingers with his own. “I want to marry you, Coryo. I want to be your wife.”
Snow stared at your connected hands. He squeezed your hand. It looked like he couldn’t believe this was real. “He followed you out here. Were you planning to run away?”
You couldn’t lie to him. Not now. “He sent a letter this morning. He wanted to run away at intermission, when it was easy to disappear in a crowd. I…I tried to tell you, before he arrived this evening. I never intended to go with him.”
“He followed you.”
I didn’t ask him to, you wanted to say. But you knew that wouldn’t do anything to diminish Snow’s anger. Instead, you said, “I wish you followed me instead.”
When Snow looked at you, you could see his eyes softened ever so slightly. “I thought you might want some space.”
Though you did not wholly believe in what you were saying, you knew it was working to calm him down. “All I want is you, Coryo.”
For a second, a smile began to tug at Snow’s lips. But it vanished all too quick as he heard Sejanus begin to rise to his feet. “He needs to be punished.”
“Don’t have him killed.” When Snow’s eyes narrowed, you quickly added, “I don’t want the death of your friend, your best friend, to weigh heavily on your conscious. I-I know you’re upset now, rightfully so, but that should not mean you send him to the gallows.”
His jaw clenched and unclenched as he weighed your words. “Then what do you suggest I do? If we are to be partners in life, you shall have a say in carrying out punishments.”
Oh, he was being cruel. Perhaps rightfully so. Snow would not harm you physically, but he would not be so above hurting you emotionally. You had not told him about the letter, and in his eyes, you were sure that put you on a similar level of treason as Sejanus’s actions. 
You fought the urge to look at Sejanus. “He shall enlist in the Peacekeepers,” you decided. “You can ensure he has an assignment far away from the Capital. Give him time to consider his betrayal.”
Snow said nothing. You worried he would dismiss your suggestion and call for the Peacekeepers anyways. That he would force you to watch as Sejanus was hung. You stepped closer, pressed a quick kiss to the corner of his mouth. “Please, Coryo?”
When you pulled away, Snow was blinking a mile a minute. You prayed that was enough to convince him, to show him that you were loyal to him. To spare Sejanus’s life.
“Go,” Snow spat at Sejanus. 
Sejanus gave a shaky nod. He dared to look at you, his mouth beginning to open. Whatever he intended to say, though, was lost. 
“If you are going to say anything, it should be to express your gratitude to her for sparing you from an execution.”
Sejanus swallowed. “Thank you.”
“If I learn that you have not enlisted by morning, however, I will follow through with stringing you up at the gallows.”
Sejanus nodded again and quickly left before more could be said. For his sake, you prayed he went straight to the enlistment offices. You weren’t sure if they were open at this time of night, but if he went now, he might be able to enlist first thing in the morning when they did open. 
You let your head fall against Snow’s chest. His heart thump’d, thump’d, thump’d quickly. You wound your arms around his waist. “Thank you,” you whispered. And as he hugged you back, you added, “And I apologize for not telling you of his plans. I…I didn’t think he would be so foolish to try to follow through on them. Or, I suppose, I hoped he wouldn’t.”
“You truly wouldn’t have left with him?”
“I only want a life with you, Coryo. You…may not be an easy man to love, but that does not mean I cannot love you.” Maybe if you said it enough times, you mused, it would become true. 
Snow pressed a kiss to the crown of your head. “I want to move up the wedding date.”
You shut your eyes. “You’ll work poor Tigris to the bone trying to finish my gown in time,” you tried to tease. Your heart wasn’t quite in it. 
“You could show up at the altar in a dressing gown for all I care. I don’t want anyone else trying to steal you away before I can make you mine.”
If this was the sort of anger you would have to grapple with should anyone else try— “Nor do I.” You pressed a kiss to his chest, just over his heart. A print of your lipstick left behind a stain. “I truly am sorry, Coryo.”
Maybe if you called him by his pet name enough times, he would forget this ever happen. 
“Don’t let it happen again.”
As you stood there in his tight embrace, people began spilling out into the foyer. Intermission, it seemed, had arrived. And not a single one of them were aware of events that just transpired. 
How lucky they were. 
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l33bang24 · 4 months
OMG It’s You (Part 6)
YouTube! Fem reader x Stray Kids
Summary: Y/N’s YouTube channel is taking off after her reactions to Stray Kids MV God’s Menu. Now she’s making videos nonstop along with working a full time job. What would happen if she got offered a job of a lifetime and met the boys of her succession?
⚠️Warnings⚠️: rambling, rambling, and more rambling
🏷️: @laylasbunbunny @weirdowithaphone @silverstarburst @jusanontstuff @anxiousskylar @drewsandsebastianswife @amararosesblog @niaalove (Taglist open)
Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 2.5 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6.5 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9
I felt a sense of being overwhelmed as I attempted to set up the PO Box address. Gasping for breath, I went to my desk to power up all the necessary devices. I sank into my chair while waiting for my computers to boot up. I had just started reading an email when I received a call from the post office. After logging into my laptop, I returned to the email to continue reading.
Dear Y/N,
We closely follow your channel and greatly appreciate your insightful reviews on K-pop albums. On behalf of everyone here at JYP Entertainment, we are pleased to offer you exclusive access to Stray Kids' newest mini album, Oddinary. We kindly request that you refrain from releasing the video until the official release date. We would also request early access to the video to arrange for Stray Kids to watch it together before the release. We sincerely appreciate your continuous support for Stray Kids. Thank you.
Park Jin-young
I almost wanted to roll my eyes when he asked me not to release the video until everyone could access the mini-album. Like, I would even think about doing that anyway. I click on the attachment below where the mini album sits, waiting to be listened to. I look back at all the stuff I brought from the post office and drop my shoulders. ‘Do I want to record this video first, or wait and make a video about all the stuff I got from the fans?’ That thought alone was already making my head hurt. “On one hand, if I go ahead and listen to the mini album, all I’ll have to do is edit it. However, I’ll have all these packages and letters littering my room.
On the other hand, if I do the stuff from the fans, I might be unable to record the mini album video before it releases.” I say aloud to myself. I knew that no longer sitting here would prevent me from doing anything.
After making up my mind, I decided to make a short video showing all the stuff I got from the post office and then review the mini album. So that way, I can edit it and have it ready. In the meantime, I can start opening up the mail I’ve gotten from the fans. Satisfied with the plan I’ve conjured in my head, I get started on executing my plan.
Before I go any further, I type up a professional email to JYP thanking him for the access and promise not to release the video until everyone else has access.
After creating a brief video showcasing the items I received and promising to film myself opening the packages, I uploaded it to my channel. Next, I retrieved the attachment for the mini album. I reached for my headphones from the rack on my desk and plugged them into my laptop. After conducting thorough sound checks to ensure the viewers and I could hear the music clearly, I proceeded to freshen up and grab something to eat once everything was set up to my liking.
Returning to my seat, I feel refreshed after showering and having a satisfying meal. I lean back and settle in, cleaning my teeth thoroughly with brushing and flossing. I need to present myself well to my audience, and I want to avoid any distractions, like food stuck between my teeth, that could detract from the experience. The thought of it gives me chills.
Grabbing my favorite pair of over-ear headphones, I carefully place them over my ears, ensuring they fit snugly. I double-check the microphone to ensure it's picking up my voice clearly, adjusting the distance as needed. Taking a moment to compose myself, I settle into my chair and take a deep breath to calm my nerves. With everything in place, I press the button to turn on my camera and count to five before flashing a warm smile and beginning my address to everyone watching.
“Hello Lovelies! So, I have some fascinating news for all of you. I received an email from a certain company and have been given early access to this artist's mini-album. That’s right! JYP has given me early access to Stray Kids newest Mini Album!” I start excitingly clapping to myself and smiling as wide as I can. “Now, while I may be getting to listen to this early, this video will not hit my channel until the actual release date comes. I will also upload this video once everyone has access to it. As most of you know, I listen to the whole album and then talk about it—what I like about it, what stands out most, etc. Still, in the end, I will give this album an honest review and rate it from 1 to 10. So, let’s get started.”
Third Person POV
The boys were called into one of the offices, and you could say they did not feel this would be a good meeting. Even when they get to the room, they see their boss already there with a laptop. Chan, getting ready to take the heat from their boss for the group, gets stopped by JYP. “I didn't call you here because you did anything. I called you here for quite the opposite.” The boys were about to ask him what they were called in for, but their boss beat them. “I have something that I want you boys to watch. I think you will enjoy this. Leave the laptop when you’re done and press play when ready.” He tells them, leaving them with the laptop. Once he leaves the room and the boys can no longer hear his footsteps, they rush to the computer. They hesitate before pressing play, but what they see leaves them speechless.
It’s a video of Y/N, and they see that their boss gave her early access to their comeback album. Before they get too far into the video, they get chairs to be comfortable while watching her listen to their music. Changbin brings up the idea of connecting the laptop to the projector so it's not crowded around a small screen. They all agreed and fixed everything; all they had to do was press play on the laptop. Once everything is set, Chan clicks on the play button. All attention turns to the screen showing their favorite YouTuber.
“So, Stray Kids newest comeback album is called Oddinary and I will edit in a picture of what the cover looks like.” Before talking about it, she adds a picture of what their cover looks like. “Just from looking at it, I would say it looks pretty dope, like a screen-like mannequin head with screws showing out of it. Their color scheme is green, black, silver, and maybe purple. The titles on the album are, in order, Venom. Maniac. Charmer.Freeze. Lonely St. Waiting For Us with Bang Chan, Lee Know, Seungmin, and I.N. Muddy Water with Changbin, Hyunjin, Han, and Felix. I like all these song titles. Waiting For Us will be a tearjerker, so I must have my tissues on standby.”The boys start laughing and nudging each other. She bites her bottom lip while moving her cursor to the first song. “I’m going to listen to the songs in order, and I might save Waiting For Us last since I want to make sure Muddy Water gets a fair chance. Plus, I would cry in the end. Okay, without further ado, let’s get started.” The boys watch and gauge her reaction to each song. She tells them that she will talk about each song after listening to them all. When she reaches the end, she stops playing the last song. “Wow. I’m trying to save all my thoughts until after I listen to Waiting For Us. Why am I so nervous about listening to this? I know it will be a good song, but this one might knock it out of the park.” She shakes her head. “Alright, let’s do this. I’ve got my tissues on hand.” The boys laugh with her. The music starts to play, and her reaction changes right away.
Chan sees her go ahead and grab a tissue. Lee Know sees that her eyes start to look shiny. Changbin says that she’s gripping the tissue in her hand tightly. Hyunjin notices that she’s trying to keep her face neutral but fails to smile. Han watches as a stray tear falls down her face, even though she’s happy. Felix’s eyes follow her hand as she wipes her face with the tissue. Seungmin looks as she replays the song again. I.N. watches as she closes her eyes, listening deeply to the words, and tears stream down her face. At the very end, she removes her headphones, looks off to the side, and then laughs.
“I told you I was going to cry. I knew it was inevitable.” The boys smile at the girl on the screen, waiting for her review. “I will give this mini album a 100 out of 10. It has some great aspects to it. I love how each song fits and feels with the album title. There was a reason why I left Waiting For Us last: because I knew I would fall in love with it and did not want to listen to the other tracks. As it turns out, I was right.” She and the boys laugh.
“One thing about listening to a song for the first time is that not all click with you immediately. Everyone is different. Sometimes, it may take a few listens before you think, ‘I dig this song.’ Others will like it right away. I would say that I loved each song, but a couple of songs that didn’t click right away were Venom and Muddy Water. Now, does that mean I don’t like those songs? No, I enjoy them. That’s like the IN LIFE album. At first, The Tortoise and the Hare didn’t click with me. I loved the lyrics and the music, but a couple of parts in the song threw me off. Now that song can be put on repeat, I wouldn’t get tired of hearing it repeatedly. The moral of all the nonsense I’m saying is that sometimes songs don’t click right away but end up promising.”
The boys, watching her intently, wait for her final words. “I made two edits of this video since I knew I wanted to send one to the guys.” The boys freeze up as she looks straight into the camera before continuing. “Stray Kids. If you’re watching this right now, I want you to know how proud I am of all of you. You’ve come this far, and you’re still doing an amazing job. You keep showing Stays daily that you still have tricks up your sleeves.” She smiles at them. “Keep up the good work, but take care of yourselves. That means taking breaks, ensuring you eat, and getting the necessary sleep.” She points at the camera, “That means you too, Christopher.” She raises her eyebrows. “Don’t make me fly over there and force you to sleep.” The boys start to tease their leader with her mocking words. He waves their hands away, trying to listen to what she has to say. “Well, that’s it for the video! I hope you enjoyed it as much as I did until we meet again. Bye!” She smiles, waving at the camera.
(A/N: I decided to add this in because why not 🤷🏻‍♀️ The reader gets first access to Stray Kids mini album and Stray Kids get early access of the reader reacting to their newest comeback. I’ll be doing a second part to this chapter specifically to the reader videoing herself opening the packages from her fans (Including the boys 🤪)
(With a special surprise 😏)
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drdemonprince · 9 months
When other people say that they do not have enough time to get something done, they (often, if they're quite healthy) mean they are taking into account the time it takes to do the laundry and arrange new pieces of furniture and cook dinner and meet up with friends to see a movie and run to the post office or the hair dresser and take the dog for walks and do the dishes and paint their nails and drive to the store and go to their cousin's wedding and go to the barbecue their friend is throwing on the weekend
they don't winnow their life down to just spending time at the computer, working from when they wake up until they cannot focus their eyes anymore, granola bars, coffee, and bottles of water all around them because of course they did not take time to have lunch or breakfast, only dragging themselves away from work when they are truly too exhausted to do any of it anymore, and then lacking the energy to do much of anything that remains of life but to eat a tiny bit more, sponge themselves off, and go to sleep.
i just saw a video of a fursuiter on their bed, legs kicked back, head propped on their hands, delightedly announcing that after many years of hard work they had finally finished their Master's degree. And some part of me, some sick withered part, thought really? you had time to do a Master's degree while also getting a fursuit done? and going to conventions, presumably? you had time in the day to research fursuit makers, have a sona designed and drawn by someone else (or to draw it yourself), to contact a maker to make a duck tape dummy of yourself, and to have a friend over to help you make it and to cut it off of you, to send it in the mail to the maker, to then get it and make videos? you had time to set up this beautiful bedroom that i see in your video, with a soft pink sham on the bed and LED lights behind your bookshelf and lamps and all kinds of stuffed toys? you had a life? you were out playing, and dancing, and pursuing your hobbies, and you did a master's degree?
because when i was working on my doctorate, there was nothing. three layers of foam on the floor with a fitted sheet over it. a folding card table from aldi that had cost $40 that my grandparents got me. no food in the fridge. no time to even get the internet installed, just stolen wi-fi when my laptop could pick it up. i woke up, got dressed, and slunk into the office. i sat alone in the dark working until my hunger made me furious and i could not write another word. and then i walked to the grocery store, got something to subsist on, went home, ate, kickboxing video, went to sleep. every day. with almost nothing breaking the routine.
and ive gotten better, so much better, but my brain still kind of works that way. i feel like i have to quit my job and stop being a writer if i want to have hobbies. to paint my bedroom. to marinate a meat for longer than fifteen minutes. to get a driver's license again. to take a trip. but i dont want to be like that any more. how do people know when to stop? i feel like i have to give everything my absolute all until there is nothing left or else i have done nothing. i feel that i would have to treat a hobby like a job to get it done. I feel that anything that takes more than two minutes is a huge waste of time i must feel guilty for. i am working on all these things. jesus i have been working on them for years at this point. but because i have been so successful at telling people to do less, i get pulled in. interview. workshop invitation. email. urgent in the subject line. call from my agent. meeting request from my boss. new book idea, better sell it now while my sales figures still look good. recording studio session. deadline. writing. can you talk about this. can you talk about that. tag. email. book idea. deadline. long heartfelt email. still so often i have to take my own damn advice.
and this is why i am getting a fursuit made!! and going to cons! and going to leather and latex events! and making socials that are separate for these things!! i am going to let myself be silly and soft and do frivolous things. i am so sick of what i do to myself, all the pursuit of seeming like a strong mature adult.
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writeforfandoms · 10 months
Waking Lions 20
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We're changing things up a little this chapter! I felt you guys needed a POV switch to really get a better picture of what's going on.
So, let's check in with Price and see how he's handling this, shall we?
Warnings: swearing, yelling, game typical violence, war crimes probably, Price needs his own warning, canon typical violence against nameless goons.
Word count: 2.3k
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In his defense, Price had a lot on his mind. 
But no. That was no kind of defense. 
Especially not when it came to you. 
He'd sent you away because he had to, because otherwise you'd be too distracting. He had to focus on the task at hand. 
Not on thinking about everything he'd just learned about you. Everything you'd let slip in your fluster. 
He knew you well enough to know that you'd be mortified, later. You kept so many things to yourself that knowing an entire room full of people had heard that would probably send you into hiding. 
From the way Laswell glanced at the door after you left, Price knew that she was thinking the same thing. 
But there would be time later to console you, to apologize for being an ass, to make sure you were alright. 
For now, he had work to do. 
Now that there were three groups involved, it was easier to split up the targets. Easier to send Soap with Alejandro and Rodolfo, to keep Ghost with him and Gaz, to let KorTac keep to themselves. This wasn't the kind of mission he wanted to test by putting together potentially explosive personalities. 
(Price could admit, if only to himself, that he didn't trust himself to work with those three. Not right now, not with the new intel still so close to the surface, not with his own curiosity burning a hole in his stomach.) 
The three targets were, of course, not near each other. 
“I can arrange transport,” Laswell said. It was not an offer for the 141 or the Vaqueros, but it was an offer for KorTac. 
“We've got our own,” Declan said, a relatively gentle refusal. “Timing will be tight.” 
“Just have to coordinate,” Alejandro said, unbothered. “We won't give them a chance to warn each other.” 
“Give me a little time to coordinate the flights,” Laswell said, stepping closer to Declan. It was as close to a dismissal as the rest of them would get. She didn't need them hanging over her shoulder while she worked her magic. 
So Price stepped out of the room, his boys behind him. 
“Think Ace is alright?” Gaz asked softly. He was a smart, perceptive lad. Cared so much still. Probably too much, sometimes. 
“I'll check in on her,” Price murmured. He still had one phone number that worked for you, fortunately. 
It rang through to voice mail. 
Okay. Not to panic. Didn't mean anything. 
Soap and Ghost ran off to get lunch for everyone, since planning was best done on a full stomach. 
Price tried calling again. No answer again. 
It could be a thousand things. You could have your phone on silent. You could be mad at him and ignoring his calls. You could be busy with something else. 
But his paranoia was rearing its head, undeniable and ugly. 
You were right in the middle of all this, of course he was going to be concerned about you. 
So he went on a little walk. To help clear his head. 
He didn't see any sign of you. Every bit of his hard-won paranoia was screaming that something was wrong. That this wasn't like you. 
One more phone call. One more. 
Then he'd move on to more drastic measures. 
The third call also went to voice mail. You weren't picking up. One he could excuse, two was iffy. But three calls?
Something was wrong. 
“Gaz,” he called as he strode back into the building. “Need the laptop.” 
Gaz was quick to produce it, giving Price a curious look. “Need any help, sir?”
“Maybe.” Price pulled up one of the programs Laswell had given him. Normally this kind of work was more up her alley - CIA shit, as Simon more or less affectionately referred to it. But Price wasn't clueless, or useless. 
Gaz behind him, watching over his shoulder. Price didn't discourage him, focused on putting in your number and letting the program do its job. 
Let this be nothing. Let him be paranoid. He could handle your temper, your hiding, your embarrassment. 
So long as you were safe. 
The tracker put your phone in a mostly residential area, well out of the way. Not near the hotel, not near anything the two of you had talked about. 
Something was wrong. 
It didn’t take him long to pull up CCTV in the area, flipping through them. There wasn’t a lot, and his jaw tightened in frustration. 
“Wait,” Gaz said over his shoulder. “Go back one.”
Price obliged, going back to the previous angle. 
“There, in the grass on the far side of the street.” Gaz pointed, shifting closer. 
Price’s heart sank right down to his boots. A cell phone lay in the grass, abandoned. He knew you well enough to know that you wouldn’t just leave your cell phone. Not without reason.
Wordlessly, he backed up the footage until he found you. He paused for a moment, taking in the scene. The car. You, standing back just a little. The man clearly encouraging you in. 
He backed up until you came into frame. 
But you weren’t alone.
The door slammed open and Laswell was at his elbow moments later, leaning over his open shoulder. “Fuck,” she hissed, which was all the confirmation Price needed. 
The man with you was Gray. 
“How did he get her into the car?” Gaz, quiet and reasonable. 
“Threats,” Price grunted. 
“Me,” Laswell added, lips tight, fury in the crease of her brow. “He’s using me against her.” 
Price scowled. Gray needed to be taken out. Immediately. But they couldn’t give up the mission, either. 
“Track the car,” he told Gaz, pushing the laptop to his sergeant instead. “I need to know where they’re going.”
“Sir?” Gaz blinked at him, even as he pulled up the program. 
“I need some supplies.” He looked to Laswell next. 
“I’ll have them for you.” Laswell glanced back at Gaz, putting things together a little faster. “The op?”
“Needs to move forward.” Price shook his head. “I’ll be back in time, or I won’t. Gaz, you and Ghost are still on.” 
Gaz frowned but didn’t object. Good lad. “Car’s left the suburbs,” he reported, a map pulled up on his phone. “Heading south.” 
“We’ll find it again,” Laswell said, nodding to Price. “Here. Go here, take whatever you need.” She handed him an address scribbled on a piece of paper. “I’ll update you when we find the car.”
Price took the note with a nod and strode away. He didn’t wait for the elevator, hitting the door to the stairs hard enough it bounced off the wall of the stairwell. He didn’t slow, even as he hit the front door and just sidestepped running into Soap.
“Captain?” Soap called.
“Ask Laswell!” Price called over his shoulder, car keys in hand. He didn’t have time to stop and explain. 
It took very little time to get to Laswell’s supply stash, and he took what he needed. Fortunately, she was well supplied, and he made a mental note to thank her for it.
But for now, the only thing on his mind was you. 
You’d been gone for hours by now, and from the time stamp on the CCTV, you’d been in the car with Gray at least an hour. 
He stopped at the curb next to where Gaz had spotted your phone, getting out. And there it was, still sitting in the grass. 
Still open to show a new recording. 
Price listened the whole recording, jaw clenched tight, fingers gripping the steering wheel so hard his knuckles were white. 
Gray knew more than he should. He had sources, clearly. 
But Price couldn’t bring himself to care much about that. No. 
He cared about the little waver in your voice, the way he could hear you putting up a brave front. 
You were terrified. And he wanted to rip Gray limb from limb for making you so scared. 
Gaz called. Price barely glanced at the phone before he connected the call. 
“We’ve got a location,” Gaz reported, voice even. Almost too even. Price could hear the stress he was hiding. 
“Tell me.” Price didn’t even pause as he memorized the address, just in case. “Picked up Ace’s phone.” 
“Anything?” Gaz tried not to sound hopeful.
“Ace got a recording before she got in the car.” Price had to pause for a moment, clenching his jaw. “He knows too much. Knew about us, said he’s got something planned for Laswell, too.” 
“Fucking hell.” Gaz drew in a deep breath. “Sure you don’t need backup, sir?” 
“I’ll keep you updated.” Price barreled through a yellow light, ignoring everything not an active danger to him. “How are your preparations going?” 
“Laswell’s got the flights arranged,” Gaz said, a little reluctantly. “Timing is coordinated. We’ll be leaving in a few hours.”
“Rog.” Price doubted he’d make it back in time. And if, by some miracle, he did, he didn’t know if he’d be in the correct frame of mind to be on mission. 
“Take the next left.”
Price obeyed without question, only breaking one or two traffic laws. (It was fine, Laswell would clear it up later.) “The others?”
“Up to date,” Gaz reported. “Had to talk Soap out of going after you.”
Price snorted. Surprising - he hadn’t known that sergeant had much fondness for you. Then again, Soap could just be reacting because Price was fond of you. Sometimes that was enough. “I trust Ghost is behaving.”
Gaz huffed. “Define behaving,” he grumbled, overly dramatic. Breaking the tension a bit. 
“He hasn’t killed anyone yet or there’d be a lot more yelling.” Price scowled at the driver ahead of him, who was going exactly the speed limit. 
“Laswell’s on top of everything,” Gaz assured him. “Go right, cut up two streets, and then left.”
Price grunted as he followed Gaz’s directions, pushing his foot down as soon as he was out from behind the slow driver. “How far?”
“Rate you’re going? Fifteen minutes.” 
Price breathed slowly. You’d have been alone with Gray for near two hours by that point. He had no idea what condition he’d find you in. If you’d even be alive. The thought sent pain through his chest, clenching and sharp, but he forced himself not to shy away from it.
It was a possibility, even if it was one he did not want to face. 
If it was true… if you were already gone…
He’d burn Gray alive. 
Price switched from the call to a comm unit he tucked in his ear before he headed out of the car. He’d parked a little ways away, just in case. The abandoned hotel was in clear sight, fortunately no taller than the surrounding buildings. Still too many hiding places, sniper spots. 
That was fine. Price would just clear the entire fucking building room by room until he had you back.  
“Careful, sir. I count six outside.” 
“Together?” Price crept forward, using a parked van as a hiding spot. 
“Spread out. Three teams of two.”
Price’s lips thinned. Time to thin out the herd, then. 
The first two fell so quickly they were almost simultaneous. Price moved around the van, keeping low and creeping towards the next pair, the silenced pistol firm in his grip. This was normal, easier. It was easy to view these people as the enemy, easy to clear them out systematically, coolly, silently. And they were the enemy - they were working for Gray, who had clearly allied himself on the ultranationalists and terrorists.  
Which all meant that Price felt no guilt, no remorse, not even a flicker of hesitation in taking down every single man between him and you. 
“I have no cameras inside,” Gaz told him as Price finally approached the door. 
“Copy,” Price grunted. “Going dark.” He breached the door as quietly as he could, looking around. 
So far, so good.
The ground level of this building was an absolute wreck of furniture, graffiti, and rubble. Dust, dirt, and debris covered most of the floor. The main area was a mess of footprints and an open crate of supplies.
No good hints as to where Gray had taken you.
Price cleared the ground floor methodically, cold rage spurring him on. He didn’t spare any of the bodies that hit the ground a second look.
They were nothing more than obstacles. 
The last door was more than just a room, though. There was a half-open door, with a staircase going down. Maintenance, at a guess. 
And soft voices from down there. 
Too far away to tell if you were down there. But if Price had to bet, he’d guess that you were. Gray would keep you contained and out of danger, at least until he got what he wanted from you. 
“John,” Laswell said over the comm.
Price paused, pulling back from the open doorway, pitching his voice low so it wouldn’t carry. “Laswell.”
“I found some backup for you. You’ll recognize him.” 
Price blinked but didn’t allow himself any other sign of surprise. “Copy that. I’m headed downstairs - room near the back of the building has stair access.”
“I’ll pass that along.” Laswell drew in a breath, and Price waited. “If you can, bring Gray back alive.”
His lips pulled back from his teeth. “No promises.”
“Good hunting, John.” Laswell clicked off the comm. 
Price breathed in deep. Someone would be coming behind him, backup. He just needed to not shoot his backup. And possibly not shoot Gray. 
That would depend entirely on how you were when he found you. 
Price nudged the door open enough to slip through, descending silently. 
The first guard went down silently, and Price dragged the body out of the hallway and into a closet. That would buy him a little time if any other guards came through. 
A double tap through the com got his attention, and Price half-turned to find a familiar face walking down the corridor towards him. 
Price grinned, probably showing a few too many teeth. “Good to see you again,” he murmured. “Let’s get on it, sergeant.”
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loveroftoomanyfandoms · 7 months
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Sweet on You, Chapter 3
Pairing: Matt Murdock x F!Reader
Story Summary: HERE
Warnings/Tags: Sugar Daddy!Matt Murdock, Idiots to Lovers, No Age Gap, Alternating PoV, No Use of Y/N
Word Count: ~1850
A/N: I had entirely too much fun writing the terms of Matt and Reader's contract, lol.
As always, if you'd like to be tagged in this or any of my other stories, please let me know!
Divider by @theradioactivespidergwen
Tag List (struck-through blogs could not be tagged): @danzer8705 @capylore @shouldbestudying41 @atemydadforbreakfast @peachy-flxwr @sleepysleepymom @fishinsuits @milkbummm @lazyxsquirrel @beezusvreeland @caughtthefever @bohemianrhapsody86
Thank God it's almost time to go, you thought to yourself as you began to get ready to leave work on Monday afternoon. Wish they'd hurry up and replace Roxy and Tabitha soon.
You had been one of three admin assistants until two months ago when Roxy, the junior admin who had told you about Sugar and Spice, had moved across the country for a job that would actually utilize her college degree, and Tabitha, a glorified intern with no administrative skills who you suspected had only been hired because one or more of the partners had thought she was hot, had gotten fired for showing up to work still wasted after a night of partying. Now you were on your own and doing the work of three people with no relief in sight.
From the moment you arrived at the office at 8 AM that morning until right then when it was time to leave you had been going non-stop. You had fielded phone calls, made appointments, arranged travel, greeted clients, fetched water and coffee, filed for permits, picked up lunch for all three partners from three different restaurants, ordered flowers for your actual boss's girlfriend's birthday, made copies, and printed and mailed invoices -- all with a smile on your face and without a word of thanks from anyone. 
Needless to say, you were looking forward to a drink and a nice, pleasant dinner that you didn't have to prepare yourself and could actually sit down and eat rather than have to quickly inhale like you had had to do with the sandwich you had procured from the deli down the street for lunch.
At 5 PM on the dot you shut down your computer and unlocked your desk drawer to grab your purse.
You went to the bathroom to freshen up before poking your head into your boss's office. “Hi, Mr. DiStefano, I just wanted to let you know that I'm leaving for the day.”
“Okay,” Mr. DiStefano replied without looking up from the floor plans he was studying.
You waited for a moment to see if he was going to say ‘thank you, have a great evening ’ -- or anything else for that matter -- but he didn't. “Okay then, see you tomorrow.”
You stopped by the other two partners’ offices to let them know that you were leaving, receiving very much the same non-response from both.
You sighed as you left your office and headed towards Nelson, Murdock, and Page. You were feeling extremely unappreciated and underpaid, especially since you were now having to fill the admin assistant role for all 3 partners at once. Maybe it's time to start looking for another job…
You shook your head. You weren't going to even think about trying to find another job until after you got your mother's medical debt paid off. One thing at a time.
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“--Yo, Matty, we hitting up Josie's tonight?”
Matt looked up and shook his head as Foggy stopped by his office. “Actually, I can't. I have plans after work.”
Foggy gasped. “Do you have a date ?”
He poked his head out of Matt's office. “ HEY KAREN, MATT HAS A DATE TONIGHT! ” he yelled down the hall.
Matt sighed. Here we go. He was glad that you and he had already come up with a cover story on how you had met so he wouldn't have to think of one on the spot.
“So, what's her name and how'd you meet her?” Foggy asked.
Matt said your name. “We met at The Brew Towers on Saturday.”
“Ooh, coffee shop meet-cute,” Karen gently teased as she joined him and Foggy in his office. “How romantic.”
“Yeah, tell us more,” Foggy added. “Did you spill your coffee on her? Accidentally grab each other's order? Brush hands across the condiment station?”
Matt chuckled. “Actually, we struck up a conversation while we both were waiting in line to order and since it was busy and tables were scarce we decided to sit together. We hit it off, so I asked her to have dinner with me tonight.”
“So where are you taking her?” 
Foggy huffed out a laugh. “Ooh, fancy.” 
Matt shrugged. “It was close to the office.”
“What time are you meeting her there?” Karen asked.
Matt shook his head. “Actually, she's meeting me here in about 10 minutes and we're going to walk over together.” 
“Well, I'm really happy for you and I hope everything works out with her.”
“Yeah, same,” Foggy added. “It's good to see you putting yourself out there again, buddy.”
Matt inwardly cringed. After everything he, Foggy, and Karen had been through he hated lying to them, especially when they seemed so genuinely happy for him. “Thanks.”
“Guess it's just us at Josie's then, Kare. Let's go before she gets here -- I’m sure Matt doesn't want to scare her away by introducing her to us too soon.” Foggy rapped his knuckles on Matt's desk. “I expect a full report on your date tomorrow morning, Matthew.”
Matt chuckled with a nod. “Will do. ‘Night, guys.”
He waited until Foggy and Karen had left before pulling up his and your contract and printing copies in both standard and Braille print.
A few minutes later he heard your footsteps approaching the office, so he walked out into the lobby to greet you. 
“Hi, Matt,” you said as you entered.
“Hi,” Matt replied. “How are you?”
“I'm good, and you?”
“I'm good too, thanks.” Matt gestured towards his office. “Let's go to my office.”
He led you down the hall to his private office. “Have a seat. Would you like something to drink? We have water, soda, tea, juice…”
“No, I'm okay,” you said as you sat. “Thank you though.”
Matt sat across from you. “Alright…”
He picked up the print copy of your contract and handed it to you. “Here’s the contract. I'll read through it, just let me know if you have any questions.”
Matt cleared his throat and began to read. “Memorandum of Agreement. This memorandum of Agreement is made by and between Matthew M. Murdock and…”
He could hear your quiet, steady breathing as you followed along. He had tried to make the contract as simple and straightforward as possible in order to protect both himself and you.
“...Shall provide the following obligations,” ��he continued. “Accompany Matthew to lunch and/or dinner at minimum twice weekly. Accompany Matthew to business-related events as requested with minimum 72 hours prior notice. Accompany Matthew to non-business events as requested, dependent on availability.”
“Wait, what does that last part mean?” you asked.
“Just that every once in a while I might ask you to do something with me that doesn't involve a sit-down meal,” Matt replied. “But also that I'm not going to make you drop everything just to have a cup of coffee or take a walk with me.”
“Oh, okay, that's fair.” You paused. “Sorry, go ahead.”
Matt nodded. “In exchange, Matthew shall provide the following obligations: Monthly stipend of $1,500 --”
“Wait, wait,” you interrupted again. “We only agreed on a thousand a month.”
Matt shrugged. “Yeah, but I thought about it and decided that fifteen hundred was a more fair amount for your time.” Especially since you're using it to help your mother.
You sucked in a soft breath. “Oh.”
Matt could tell you were torn between arguing with him and just accepting the higher amount and waited until you decided which path to take. 
Finally, you sighed. “Okay.”
“Okay. ‘Payment for all outings and events, including but not limited to meals, beverages, gratuities, tickets, souvenirs, and gifts. In the event of a professional obligation, arrangement and payment for appropriate garments for said obligation. Accompaniment to requested events with minimum 72 hours prior notice, dependent on availability.” Matt paused. “I figure it's only fair in case you have a work event or something else you'd need a plus-one for.”
You huffed out a mirthless laugh. “Even though I have to plan and set them up I never get invited to actually attend any of DiStefano, Williams, and Abbott’s events, but that's good in case I ever do.”
Matt's brow furrowed at your slightly bitter tone. He'd have to find out more about your job. “Anyway, ‘Confidentiality: Each party shall treat as strictly confidential the nature of said Agreement as a result of entering into or performing duties outlined in this Agreement’. ”
“Snitches get stitches,” you quipped. “Or in this case, sued.”
Matt chuckled. “Relation of the Parties: The relationship between both parties is that of a platonic nature and of partners in a business transaction. No other nature of relationship is obligatory herewith.”
He continued on with the rest of the contract -- termination of the agreement (that either he or you could terminate the contract for any reason at any time with 30 days prior notice), remedies on default (that if one or both of you failed to perform your duties or otherwise broke a clause in the contract, the contract as a whole would be rendered null and void) and finally, amendments (that the contract could be amended at any time with the express written agreement of both you and Matt.)
“Governance: This contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of the State of New York,” Matt concluded. “Signed by both parties stated here within and effective as of date first written above.”
He tilted his head back up towards you. “Everything sound fair to you?”
You were silent for a moment. “Yeah. Yeah, I think it's fair.”
“Okay then.” Matt handed you a pen and the second printed copy of the contract. “Just so we both have signed print copies.”
“Okay, yeah, no problem.” You signed your name on both copies of the contract. “Am I signing the Braille one too then?”
Matt nodded and handed you the Braille copy, quickly feeling the text below where your signature would go. “Sign right above here.”
“Okay.” You quickly signed your name. “All done.”
Matt signed his name on all three copies of the contract and set both his Braille and print copies into his desk drawer before locking it, then he folded your copy and put it into an envelope. “Here you go. Now that business is settled, how about we celebrate our new arrangement with some dinner?”
He heard you tuck your copy of the contract into your purse. “That sounds wonderful,” you replied.
Matt stood. “Shall we, then?”
He retrieved his coat from the coat rack and took his cane out of the inside pocket, then you both headed back towards the lobby.
Matt turned the lights off and opened the door for you. “After you.”
You stepped outside. “Thank you.”
Matt followed you outside then locked the door behind the two of you. “This way.”
You headed down the sidewalk to what Matt hoped was the first of many get-togethers, a comfortable silence between you.
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possessivedesires · 9 months
Ownership Part 2
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Yanderes: reverse harem (Mikey, Draken, Chifuyu, Baji, and Mitsuya)
Reader: street racer, ex-gang member
Warnings: fighting, some nsfw themes because this is the dark world- but not in detail to keep everything g/n, murder, mind break, childhood PTSD from gang involvement some ooc Emma drama because of Draken being involved.
Guide: each of the boys have their special names for you. That's the only thing they'll call you (unless you're good and they're giving you praise) and of course it has something to do with you being their lap dog. Mikey's mutt, Draken's pup, Baji's bitch, Mitsuya's puppup, and Chifuyu's puppy.
Your hand gently moved in the water, your eyes watching the ripping in the water; feeling the steam in the air on your skin. Mitsuya pressed his lips gently against your neck, moving his hands over your hips. Chifuyu was gently scratching your hair, having that relaxing spot of yours memorized by now, your eyes shutting as you tricked your body to just relax into a small daydream. That none of this black mail ever happened… That this was some fairytale ending…
But sadly that wasn’t the case, your body was still sore from the last session they had on you. Mikey and Baji are always the rough on you, but even Draken was rough on you last time… The blonde had been frustrated and using you to his advantage. But at least you could always depend on Mitsuya and Chifuyu for the gentle aftercare.
“You did so well for them.” Chifuyu whispered, breaking you from your little fantasy. He moved his hand over your cheek, your body wanting to curl in. Mitsuya continued littering your collarbone and neck in gentle kisses; being soft and careful with you as you were in his lap. E/c eyes blinked, finally opening back to glance at Chifuyu.
The door opened, the sound catching your attention. Mitsuya finally lifted his head from your neck, glancing at the doorway where Baji was holding the door open with that large grin of his. A grin that haunted your dreams, especially paired with dangerously glittering eyes. “Hurry it up with them already! You know what day it is, we’re waiting for our bitch.”
It’s Friday… Everyone knew what Fridays were, something that they called hunting days, where they enjoy chasing you down to see who gets you for the entire weekend.
But you were exhausted… All you wanted to do was sleep… Leaning against the side of the tub, resting your head on your folded arms as you tiredly stared at the tiled floor. Baji narrowed his eyes, making his way over and crouching down. His rough voice whispering in your ear, “I wouldn’t mind chasing down that bastard Hiro and finishing him off if you don’t feel like running tonight.”
And there was the fight that Baji wanted to see again. His body leaning back to avoid the way you stood up quickly, the burn in your e/c eyes and jaw tightened. He glanced down your exposed body, seeing the bruises from him and Mikey; licking his lips in delight. Oh he couldn’t wait to have you for the weekend…
“Don’t know why you’re so happy; I’m winning tonight and going to have them all to myself this weekend.” Chifuyu said as he sat on his knees, wrapping his arms around your waist and those words made Baji start laughing loudly. Glancing at the blonde like he lost his mind. “Is that what you think?”
Chifuyu nodded with a soft pout, he already had such a cute weekend planned for the two of you. Your fist tightened by your side… Mikey and Draken are usually the winners, but those weekends aren’t too bad. Baji usually are the worst weekends, but sometimes he’s chill. As long as you’re warming him with your mouth, he can get cruel if you don’t. But Mitsuya and Chifuyu always takes you on little dates if they win.
As if they’re trying to make you happy in this arrangement you’ve been forced into. But they really did want to do anything that made you happy, except leave them.
“Fine… just… let me get dressed.” You mumbled, Mitsuya standing up to show Baji out of the room. Chifuyu grabbed your chin, kissing your lips before leaving after Mitsuya. They didn’t care to leave the room naked, knowing it was only Mikey and Draken out there. That there was some clothes waiting out there for them.
The back of your hand wiped your mouth, getting out of the bath to dry off. As you grabbed your clothes from the shelf, something clattered to the ground and catching your attention. Kneeling down on the tiled ground, pressing your fingers against the metal. Thumb nail digging under the latch, opening it to trace your finger over the pictures. Nine on one side and Hiro on the other. As long as you’re safe…
“Hurry up in there! We got a weekend to plan!” Mikey called out, your hands pulling the hoodie over your head. Then the boxers and shorts, picking up the locket from the ground to put around your neck. As you left the building completely, they were all standing outside.
There was a light drizzle, it actually felt refreshing. Taking a deep breath, leaning your head back softly to feel the light mist on your face. Baji was bouncing his weight between his feet, loosening up as he gave you an excited grin. He wanted you this weekend. “Your three minutes starts… Now.”
Draken announced, starting the stopwatch. That sent you running, panic clutching at your throat and bare feet hitting against the asphalt. Jumping over the boxes in your way, turning around the corner to try and get as much distance between you and them as you could. They always have given you a head start, giving you a chance. At least, that’s what you thought…
But no, this was to make the hunt more worth it for them.
“Y-Y/n?” Your body seemed to freeze, your head turning to see Fox standing there with grocery bags in his hands. His eyes were wide, reflecting your own wide eyes- unsure of what to do. This is the first time in months since you’ve seen any of your once large family.
Months… It’s been months since you’ve become their lap dog. How you have your sanity, how you still have your fire, is something you still don’t understand.
Fox didn’t understand, he was scared to know if this was real or some messed up dream. “W-we… We thought we wouldn’t see you again! We were so worried about ya! You-you just disappeared without a trace?? What the hell happened? No call? No note? Nothing! Do you understand how much Nine has been worrying about you?!”
His voice was raising the more he rant, his blood pressing rising and that was making you panic. Especially because you knew the time before the started chasing you was ticking, you didn’t get as far as you wanted to, and you didn’t want them to hear his raising voice. Fox noticed your panic, noticing the way you were trying to shush him. “Y/n… Whats going on?”
“I…” You saw Mikey turn the corner, making you quickly turn around to take off running again. Instead of continuing to run in the open street, you aimed into one of the store and running through the aisles. But Mikey had seen you, quickly grinning and pushing Fox out of the way to get into the store.
You were crouched down behind one of the small freezers holding fish. Sneaking through the store by sneaking to hide behind the end freezers as you could hear his steps, using them to know when it was safe to cross the aisles.
You could see the back exit door out of the corner of your eye, the panicked feeling of being hunted made you immediately book for the door. Though, you didn’t know if Mikey saw the sharp movement of you suddenly running but you also didn’t have time to care. As the door opened, you ran out and seen a broom to which you helped stuck the door with it.
“There you are puppup.” Mitsuya’s voice made you silently cursed, turning your head just a bit to glance back at him. He had just turned around the corner, but was immediately coming closer. No… No, you couldn’t get caught. This was the day you win…
Before his hand could grab you, you dashed right- not giving yourself a chance to catch your breath. Your lungs were beginning to hurt, feet becoming bruises and making you curse inwardly about not having enough time to grab your shoes.
Mitsuya’s fingers had just skimmed past your hoodie, swearing he could momentarily feel the softness of the fabric of your hoodie. Running after you, chasing you down the street, he wanted to give you a sweet weekend date!
Y/n…? An older man thought, eyes wide under the hat that had been hiding his face but allowing him to see things. He had been sitting on the edge of the curb to watch for any information, but he wasn’t expecting you to run by.
"Gotcha puppy!" Chifuyu yelled as he saw you, running after quickly. Smoke had been staring at you and Chifuyu in shock, watching you run into a smaller shop. Running to a back room, slamming the door behind you and locked it. Leaning against the wooden door, refusing to let go of the handle. Chifuyu immediately grabbing at the handle, “C-come on puppy, don’t ya want to have a nice weekend? You know I won’t hurt you, just open the door.”
Chifuyu tried to sweetly coax you, wanting you to unlock the door. Your hand tightened on the handle, bottom lip beginning to quiver. Of course… Chifuyu and Mitsuya would be your best option… They would treat you sweetly, especially with you already being so exhausted, you just wanted to collapse.
Your hand was shaking, some part of you wondering why you were still fighting. Maybe you should just give in… What’s the point… Months were taking a toll on you, unnoticed of the figure sneaking in. Black eyes watching the way you were beginning to unlock the door, eyes dulled while staring at the door.
“Hello pup.” The hand covered your mouth, making your eyes widened quickly as you realized you had just unlocked the door. You were pulled back from the door, into Draken’s chest as he smirked. Your head turned, feeling your body shaking lightly and he cooed before booping your nose. Suddenly pulling you over his shoulder.
Chifuyu’s smile brightened when he saw the door opened, quickly falling into a pout when he saw Draken carrying you. The taller one only smirking. “They’re mine for the weekend.”
Fox glanced at Smoke when your old uncles watched the way you were carried out from the small store. Smoke nodded, even the older man sitting on the side of the curb got up to make his way to Smoke and Fox. Your three uncles leaving the neighborhood.
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“We saw them!” Fox exclaimed while he threw open the door, Ratchet jumping from the loud noise. The sharp clattering sound of him dropping his wrench echoed in the room, Ratchet making some annoyed sound before he getting back to work on the radiator.
“The hell ya talkin ‘bout ya two?” Nine’s voice was a bit slurred, pushing his empty cup away. Ever since you disappeared, he’s been stuck between the fight of drinking his pain away or grieving with his emotions. Sometimes, like today, the drinking wins; and Ratchet was here to make sure that he didn’t drink too much. Already had been cut off by his friend, leaving him with an empty cup.
Hiro glanced over at hearing his uncles, pausing in the hallway. Both of his legs were in casts, a gift from Baji. He had been trying to stumble to the bathroom, but now he was curious from the urgent voice of his uncle and loud noises. Pain scrunching up his face, leaning against the wall to listen in on the conversation. Is… he… could he really be talking about Y/n…?
Hiro thought to himself, hand reaching out to brush his fingers over the frame of a picture where your captured smiling face was seen. This was actually one of the last good pictures before Hiro had left in the first place, when it seemed like all of them were together. If he hadn’t gotten so jealous of you, if he hadn’t been so rash, and desperate for his father’s attention… He should have never left…
“Listen to me Nine!” Fox snapped, slamming his hands on the table and giving the drunken man a glare. Nine just lazily waved him off, looking to his cup as if more alcohol was magically gonna be in there. Hiccup in annoyance and trying to find his body, Smoke sitting at the table. “Nine… They were running, chased… And a blonde with a tattoo on the side of his head caught them.”
“Hah! Runnin… If that was the case…” He hiccuped, shaking his head and almost falling out of the chair from the way shaking his head seemed to take off his balance. Hand trying to grab at his class, instead accidentally hitting it and the glass rolling off of the table. Shattering on the ground, Ratchet sighing while fixing the radiator. He should have stopped his friend earlier… “Th-they would’ve come back… stupid fuckin glass.”
Tattoo on the side of his head…? No… Draken… He-he was serious. Hiro thought, first in confusion before his eyes widened in realization. Hand reaching up to grab at his shirt, feeling like his chest was hurting… Remembering that day that he was let go from them.
“Seems like today is your lucky day, good for you.” Draken spoke as he walked up, arms crossed. Black eyes looking down at Hiro sprawled out on the floor. Blood pooled around his head from the busted skin; the result from Baji’s insane punches. And the pain he felt from his broken legs… It was unlike anything he’s ever felt before…
“H-how…” He coughed, blood spitting across the asphalt as he wheezed. It would be a miracle if there was no broken ribs, but Hiro had a suspicion that they were… But Hiro didn’t understand where this was coming from, he thought he was going to die with them… “Y/n made a deal with us.”
“Y/n?! The hell you do to them?!” Hiro suddenly yelled, letting out a wheeze like cough from the way that Draken kicked him. Spitting out more blood, feeling like he wanted to get sick. He should have felt annoyed that you were saving him once again, should have felt that anger he usually felt whenever you solved his problems.
But yet… He didn’t, no, he felt something different… Those times, all those times that he snapped at you for taking care of him, all those times he was an asshole for you saving him. He was never upset at you, no, he was upset with himself. That he put his little sibling in possible danger as they protected him, that he couldn’t be the solver of problems. But he didn’t understand the anger he felt to himself, instead taking it out on you for so long… He shouldn’t have done that…
“You’ve been given a second chance. Don’t fuck it up by tryin to play hero, you never were anyways.” Draken said as he was kneeling down besides Hiro, darkly glaring at him. Hiro felt tears pooled in his swollen eyes, staring at Draken. “Wh-what… What are you going to do to them…?”
“We’re going to keep them, they’re ours now. Our little pet.” He stood up, nodding to Baji who picked up Hiro by the collar of his shirt. Hiro’s breath caught in his throat, terrified of what Baji was about to do. “Take him back home Baji, he won’t do anything rash.”
And the worst thing that made Hiro feel sick… Was the fact that Draken was right… As Baji was dragging him out, not caring by the way Hiro’s broken legs were in pain from the dragging on the ground. “Wh-why?! Why would they do that?! M-make a deal! Why?!”
“To save your pathetic ass.”
Tears fell down Hiro’s cheeks, feeling his fist clenched by his side. He was the only one who knew where you were… But yet, he never told his dad or his uncles about it. Even when his father begged him to know what happened to Hiro when he was taken, Hiro didn’t want to say anything in case he accidentally spilled about what you did…
Hiro didnt understand you. Though Hiro acted like the worst brother you could have asked for… You still gave up your freedom for his and didn’t understand it. No matter how he looked at it; he couldn’t wrap his head around it. And he hated how the guilt tore him from the inside.
“Think about it Nine… come on man, think. They were caught! It must have been what they were dealing on their own before they disappeared.” Fox was arguing with the drunk Nine, Smoke immediately freezing in his seat. Ratchet stopped working on the radiator at hearing that, paling where he was sitting. Smoke quickly shaking his hands, silently mentioning for Fox to shut up.
“What are you talking about?” Nine asked dangerously, Ratchet turned his head to look back at Fox. Ratchet had been one of the ones that had been trying to find out what you had been fighting on your own; but they had trained you well growing up… If you didn’t want someone to know something, they wouldn’t.
“Look, they came to Ratchet wanting parts. Their bike was crashed. They were unfocused, biting their nails, they were fighting something on their own.” Nine’s unfocused eyes widened at hearing that, beginning to cry at hearing that. His friends’ eyes widened at watching him beginning to cry, tears falling down his cheeks. “I failed them!”
It was no secret that biting your nails was a nervous habit of yours, when you’re carrying too much on your shoulders. It was a sign that all your uncles knew it was an unconscious silent cry of help. None of them knew how to get Nine to stop crying… Ratchet spoke up, “Did you see where they went?”
“No…” It made the others’ mood drop, Fox’s eyes widened at watching them before quickly trying to cheer up the mood. This was the first sign in months they’ve seen you, this should be good news! “B-but I’m sure we’ll see them soon!”
“Yea, yea of course! Look, we know how much they fight back and how stubborn they are. They’ll find a way to reach out to us soon and we’ll bring them back home.” Smoke agreed with Fox, trying to make the situation lighter.
They shouldn’t have given me this life… It didn’t belong to me, not after I hurt dad. But you… you took care of dad and the uncles, you deserve to be here more than anyone. I shouldn’t be feeling the warmth from my uncles, I should have never been able to leave those psychopaths. But what the hell can I even do…? Hiro finally thought defeatedly, slumping to the ground. Hanging his head, hands holding his head as he silently sobbed.
“Just trust them Nine, they’ll be home before ya know it.”
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The bike slowed to a stop, engine getting cut off. Your body was caged by Draken, since he wanted to let you sit in front of him so he could make sure you didn’t try anything. Plus when you held onto the handle bars, it always gave him the excuse to hold your hands- keeping his hands over yours.
“What are we doing here…?” You asked softly, looking over at Draken in confusion. This garage, you didn’t recognize it. He hummed at your question, only giving you a smirk. “You’ll understand when you get inside.”
Draken’s been waiting for his weekend to show you this, wanting to be the one to get the praise for what he did. But all you wanted to know is what he was planning, confused as you watched him open the door. Mentioning you inside, every internal warning and alarm going off as you made your way through the door.
Blood stained the floor, the metallic scent was thick in the air. It could like you were choking on it, hand reaching up to grab at your mouth and help cover some of the scent. It seemed like forever since you had smelt something like this.
“Since you’ve given yourself to us to save that bastard, no reason to keep letting them freely crawl around.” Draken explained as he kicked one of the guys sprawled out on the ground. These… These were the guys you had raced, that had put you in this position. But hearing his explanation made his stomach drop.
They only made that deal with me to get me to willingly work with them… They knew where these guys were the entire time, it was all a game to them! They-they were like pawns… But since I made the deal to take Hiro’s place and get him home… They didn’t need these pawns, this deal couldn’t be held above my head. If I had found them… Before I gave myself up for Hiro, I could have been free.
“Buuuuuut, they still owe you money.” Draken said, annoyed that someone had the idiocy to steal from you. Sure it was before they all met you, but still, these scum still did it. Your eyes widened as you could the guy under Draken screaming in pain, watching the way Draken was stepping on the already wounded head. “So, where’s their money?”
“Wh-what are y-y-you-“ He screamed again as Draken leaned down against his knee, pressing more of his body weight. But the injured guy’s eyes widened when he saw who walked over to look at Draken. He was the one that raced you… They never thought they would have seen you again, so why… “Don’t play dumb with me.”
Draken growled, your body turning away from the screams. Everything in your mind seemed jumbled, you couldn’t pinpoint why it was happening. You were upset that someone stole from you, even if it was months ago and you’ve had bigger things to worry about, you were upset that there was a chance you could have escaped this hell earlier- and you never realized it till now.
You looked around the garage, hand reaching out and running along one of the crates. Feeling a steel rod resting on top of the wooden surface, one of your fingers trailing over the spiral like design. This was usually your go to weapon if you had business to take care of.
“This is the fourth time ya’ve come in with wounds.” You mentioned as Hiro snuck into the garage. He would rather get caught sneaking in by you than his father. Hiro tried to brush you off and walk past to the house, when the monkey wrench was held out in front of him. “What are you doing?”
“What happened to you? Why do you keep getting hurt?” You asked, concerned, but his jaw clenched at hearing you already ready to get fight. “I don’t need any help from baby brother/sister.”
He snapped, pushing your arm down roughly and not caring when you fell back of your chair. Narrowed e/c eyes glared at him, watching him disappear through the doorway and you waited even just a little bit more for everything to go quiet.
You stood up, brushing the dirt from the back of your pants. Just by one look, you had made up your mind. Reaching out to grab the steel rod from the corner of the garage and leaving.
“Did you see that idiot? Can you believe that he says his dad used to be a gangster?!” One of the boys laughed, lightly punching his buddy. Your eyes watched them, having a feeling that if you stuck around here then the culprits would show up. “There’s no way! I think he made it all up for attention.”
“Do ya? Is that what ya think?” Your voice asked behind them, making them jump from your sudden appearance. First they were worried of being caught, but then they saw it was a smaller kid. “Who let in the shrimp? Come on kiddo! Run back before your parents cry about curfew-“
His buddy’s eyes widened when they saw the one talking fall to the ground, blood seeping out of the wound. You had a big grin on your face, eyes seeming to sparkle a bit at the adrenaline beginning to spike. Blood now covering your favored steel rod.
“Pup? What are you doing?” Your eyes blinked, seeing one of the guys on the floor in front of you. When did you move…? The metal rod that you had been looking at was in your hand; and now had a little bit of blood.
“Well… I’ll be damned pup, look at you. You protected me.” The pride that Draken felt… Oh he couldn’t wait to tell Mikey about this. But you were stuck staring at steel rod, wondering why you had moved. Did… they break you already?
“Ya guys took our pup’s money after racin’ on our turf. So how about this, ya give them everythin’ ya got. Dead men don’t need riches anyways.”
“Dr-Draken… I…” You tried to speak out, maybe to argue about your actions, maybe to stop all this. You really didn’t know why you were speaking out or what you were going to say. But he only gave you a small look, “Hush pup, we’ll go out once we’re done. You need to be rewarded anyways.”
But I didn’t do it on purpose… You thought, shoulders slumping. But Draken only grinned at seeing you listening to him, not realizing you were just in your thoughts, and look at where the injured guy was pointing. “It better be there or I’ll make things even more painful before your death.”
Draken stepped off of his head, kicking him away before making his way over to he had been pointing at. Grinning at seeing the money, looking back at the dazed you. “Ready to out pup?”
The rod dropped from your hand at his question, clattering on the concrete with an ear ringing sound. Your eyes were staring at your hands, just a couple drops of red against your s/c skin. After months… Months of being treated like a little lap dog… You still had your fight.
“Pup, are you listening to me?” Draken asked, pulling you from your thoughts as he pulled you to his chest. His hand buried in your hair, pressing you against his chest. All the money was in his pockets, sending a text to Mikey that he had news to share- telling him where to meet the two of you.
“There we go pup, your attention back on me. Come on, I said we’re leaving. The others will come to finish them.” Draken said as he was pulling you out of the garage, keeping an arm wrapped around your shoulder. You swung your leg on the back, following the routine you’ve come to know and Draken leaned his head on your shoulder. “Let’s get going, I’m starving and you must be too after today.”
You’ve learned how to properly survive with each of them, knowing what each of them wanted. Mikey likes a little spitfire with them, but ultimately likes you listening to him. Mitsuya is chilled, he doesn’t like ordering you around so much and loves living in the delusion of a happy relationship. Chifuyu is clinging; he loves the affection and wants to be close to you. Baji is always a wild, it takes careful precision to know which mood he’s in- from wanting a brat to put in their place or a sweet little pet he can dote on.
“You’ve been zoning out today, this isn’t a very fun reward weekend.” And then there’s Draken. He’s soft, unless he’s frustrated, always showing that he wants to protect you- in his dark and twisted ways. Showing you his dedication to you, he loves rewarding you when you’ve been good in his eyes. “Sorry Draken.”
“It’s okay pup, but we’re here now. So you can make it up to me by sitting in my lap for dinner.” He said with a smile as he parked the bike, leaning back to stare at you. Wondering how perfect and how lucky he was for universe to have sent you racing on their turf. You’re everything he could ask for, glancing down at the collar around your neck.
You got off of the bike, Draken following after you. He held out his hand, wondering if you do it without him having to say anything. And to his surprise and pride, you slipped your hand into his. “Good pup.”
He praised you, walking into the restaurant. You were surprised to see that Mikey was already sitting there and Draken gently pushed you into the booth. Draken sat besides you, glancing over at you while patting his thigh. “So what happened? What’s the big news?”
Mikey asked as you moved to sit in Draken’s lap. At first; he was thinking that he was gonna have to punish you. The dark excitement grew at the thought, but the annoyance bubbled at thought of fighting back still. Draken hummed, gently brushing his fingers over your jaw. “Pup deserves a reward tonight.”
“Oh yea? What’da they do?” Mikey asked, interested and leaning forward to rest his chin on his hands. Draken smirked, wrapping his arms around your waist. “When we went to get their money, ya know the ones that those bastards still had. Pup had protected when one of those assholes got up to get me from behind.”
“Wait, really?” Out of all the things that Mikey had been thinking of what we was about to hear, that definitely wasn’t one of them. But he couldn’t fight the grin that was growing on his face, excited at the thought to have you finally broken in. The perfect little pet.
“I’m so proud of you baby.” You looked up quickly at hearing Mikey, surprised. They’ve called you anything but their pet, so to hear a pet name… A sweet praise, it sounded so… Affectionate. You weren’t used to this, you didn’t know how to respond. But yet; you craved for more. “Continue being this good and you’ll be rewarded nicely.”
If… If I continue to hurt people for them, I can get good things… Could I even get… freedom? You thought to yourself, trying not to let the smile grow on your face at the thought. You couldn’t let them know what you had planned.
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Your hand spun the baseball bat in your hand before cracking it against the skull of the guy standing in front of you, pretending the skull was a baseball. Baji grinned at seeing you, letting out a loud laugh. He had heard it from Mikey and immediately wanted to test you the first chance he had gotten.
So of course he didn’t give you a chance the next hunting day. With his weekend, he had a fight set up. Of course not letting you know about his plan. You had just reacted when you saw someone running up to Baji to attack him.
Of course Baji would have no problem taking out this guy, could easily defend himself. But no, he wanted to see what you would do. And he loved it.
He walked over to you, grabbing your hair with a harsh grip. Once you would have winced at the pain, but now you seem to have gotten addicted to it. Grinning at Baji in response and Baji was addicted to see your response. He wanted more. “Atta boy/girl.”
You seem to vibrate with his growl of a praise. Slowly you’ve lost that goal of freedom, trickling away till nothing was left. Every praise you had gotten made your brain feel fuzzy, you were addicted to them. “Don’t worry anymore my lovely bitch. Let me take care of this scum and we’ll go do something fun, yea?”
He hummed, leaning close to nip at your lip and feeling your smile grow. With one last tug on your hair, he let go of you to drag off the poor son of a bitch away. You watched him, still in that delicious haze you’ve grown to enjoy when around the people who own you.
Footsteps caught your attention, they were coming up behind you. Not Baji’s pattern of footsteps, or any of your other owners. So, all you could tell, that it was threat. Tightening your grip on the baseball bat, quickly swinging it as you turned.
A hand snatched it, golden eyes stared at you with a small ring of a bell sounding out. The bell on his earring, catching your attention to watch it momentarily. He smirked softly, “I was wondering when you would finally be left alone. They’ve been clinging onto you forever.”
There was a giggle from him, but you glared at him. All haziness from Baji’s praise was gone, leaving you sober and alert to this danger of a newcomer. You didn’t know who this person was or what he wanted. You demanded, “And you are?”
“Name’s Kazutora, nice to finally meet the lap dog of Toman. I’ve been wanting to see what kept ya ‘round so far.” He leaned down, getting in your face but you didn’t shy away from him. You weren’t scared of him, he didn’t intimidate you. Instead, you tilted your head to the side- almost mocking him, “And you’re not just here to taunt, are you?”
Kazutora was curious, he wanted to test you. Enjoying that cold look in your eyes, it made an excitement in him stir. “Nope~ I wanted to see what got them all fired up, but here I find a little… nothing.”
You let out a breathy chuckle, shaking your head. Kazutora smirked at you, growing excited at the thought of seeing what you would do. “I wish it was nothing, then I wouldn’t be stuck here.”
His grip tightened on the baseball bat, wondering if you wanted to leave. Your eyes narrowed, remembering their praises and whose collar was around your neck. Suddenly head butting Kazutora, making him lean back in surprised pain before your leg kicked his out from under him.
Excitement sparkled his eyes, staring up at you. The baseball bat was pressed against his chest, but there was nostalgia beginning to dig its claws in your chest. This is how you were before Toman, you craved to go back to the way it used to be.
“Babe! We’re leaving!” The crave to be how it used to be disappeared, leaving with the haziness happiness. Instead you were instinctively perking up, tossing the bat to the ground and leaving Kazutora on the ground as you left to go find Baji with a smile. Babe? That’s a new one!
Holy shit… I want them. Toman doesn’t deserve them. He thought, sitting up and feeling the unstable grin stretching across his face.
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Your fist swung, watching the blonde easily dodge and you kicked back. Baji grabbed your ankle, yanking towards him and making a small yelp coming from the sudden movement- hopping on your foot to keep up with the pull.
Ever since you showed loyalty to them, they’ve been testing you more and more. Curious to see just how far you would go for them, Draken finally figuring out the secret way to. He’s the one that basically studies you, noticing the way you were addicted to their praise. So you best believe that they took advantage of that.
Some part of you wants to please them, to have them proud of you. Like the eager pet they’ve trained you months to be.
Your body spun, pulling your leg out from Baji’s hold. Mikey grinned, grabbing your arm to pin it behind your back, his other arm wrapped around you. He loved the the feeling of your body pressed against him.
“You did so good.” Baji praised with the growl of his rough voice, his hand loosely wrapped around your throat. Watching the way you looked up with those shimmer e/c eyes. He loved seeing the way you melted for them, they all loved the way they could see you fall deeper in their clutches.
You grinned, already wanting to hear more praises from them. Your wrist, that was in Mikey’s hold, twisted ever so slightly as you flexed your hand. Your free hand knocked down Baji’s loose hold, suddenly jumping up. They were surprised at your sudden movement; your feet pressing against Baji’s chest to use him to push your weight back onto Mikey. Sending the two of you to the ground suddenly.
“I win.” You said proudly as you were straddling Mikey, grinning down at him as you sat victorious. He glanced down at where you were straddling him, a devious smirk tugging at his lips. “Sorry mutt, but I’m always on top.”
“What-“ You didn’t get to finish your confused question before Mikey reached up, hand grabbing your throat and flipping to the two of you. Manhandling your body like a rag doll, pinning you face first into the ground. You whined in protest, his hips pressing against yours. “Don’t whine mutt, we’re proud of ya.”
He nipped at your ear, watching the way you shivered and grinned. Baji groaned loudly, already annoyed that he wasn’t the one pinning you to the ground. He wanted to feel you against your hips, watching the way your face would get red from his teasing movements. He wanted to be the one to squeeze your hips, wanted to be the one leaving oh so pretty fingerprints on your waist.
“Mikey, we still have to go out today. Remember? We’re going to be late.” Baji grumbled, only mentioning it because he didn’t have you under him. Your eyes opened, feeling Mikey’s teasing touches retreat. Of course, you remembered what they had been talking about they were sparring with you. Another gang wanted to meet up, to talk about racing turfs and even possible a challenge. This was the meeting night.
“Think mutt should tag along for their reward? We could always entertain them if they ever get bored.” Mikey asked he was getting up, easily pulling you up. Your eyes lit up, listening to Mikey talking to Baji. He hummed, smirking while licking his lips. “They’ll definitely be better than whatever those idiots will want to talk about.”
Usually, you’ve been left with one of the others or even locked up for the time they’ve had to meet the others. Of course the lock up was when you were constantly fighting them.
An eager nod came from you, wanting to go! They both grinned at seeing your excitement, Mikey cooing about how you wanted to stay with them. “Let’s stop by Draken’s then, he’ll definitely have something nice for ya to wear.”
“I vote leather.” Baji growled excitedly as Mikey pulled you to sit in front of him. The other narrowing his eyes with a small huff as Mikey grinned cheekily, pecking your lips. “Win next Baji!”
And with that, Mikey was racing off with Baji behind him. Once they arrived at Draken’s place, Mikey called the said blonde and explained that you would be tagging along. Baji was holding your hand as you were dragged inside. Your body hiding behind Baji, Mikey laughing at your undoubtedly shy nature when it comes to being affectionate in public places. They thought it was adorable.
“Hey pup.” Draken greeted, making his way over to you. Grabbing your cheeks, tilting up your head to kiss your lips. Sighing softly in happiness against them. “Missed ya, hope they played nice with ya.”
“They pinned Mikey down~” Baji chuckled, Draken giving you a small look with a surprised him. You shyly explained how you had done it; that it wouldn’t have been possible if Baji wasn’t there. Because you needed a sturdy surface to hold your weight. “Sturdy~? My, if you just wanted to feel me up, you don’t even have to ask bitch.”
While the three of them bickered playfully between each other, you were looking between each of the women. Remembering the women that you grew up interacting with, the kind of women who made things difficult for you.
“Who let in this stupid little brat?” One of the woman asked, poking your forehead harshly. Her fake nails scratching your skin, making your small hand slapping away her hand. Giving her an annoyed look. “How dare you? Don’t you have any respect for your elders? So disrespectful.”
“You look like you should be in a grave already, hag.” You commented, looking around for Nine. She gasped at hear that, anger boiling at your disregard and disrespect. Raising her hand sharply, aiming to hit you. But all you saw was a threat, quickly grabbing the little Swiss Army knife you always had on you.
She screamed loudly, in pain. Her scream caught the attention of others, different people quickly making their way into the room and closer to you. She was cradling her injured hand, your grip tightened on the bloodied Swiss Army knife. Some part of you wanted to go for her vocal cords.
“Nine!” You yelled out when you saw your father figure, quickly running over to hug him. He picked you up, your eyes watching the woman cry about how she was just trying to help you find your parents. Acting like she was so nice and sweet, pretending that she was in the right… And all you could do was watch this lying hag get everyone on her side, Nine having to take you somewhere else.
It was then… That you realized the women in the world you knew were vicious. That they would screw anyone to wrap around their finger, that they could torment and get away with things easily… All they needed to bat their eyelash and spread their legs.
“Pup? What’s the matter?” Draken asked, noticing the way you had stopped walking. You had mentally checked out, no longer paying attention to anything around you. But at Draken’s question, the other two glanced at you.
Your unfocused eyes darted between each woman, swearing you were seeing women that you only saw your childhood. That this place itself didn’t look the same anymore, looking like the one you’ve been in years ago. The same place that held the same women who would torment you, the ones that would hurt you- or your aunties by messing with your uncles. The ones-
“Mutt.” Mikey’s commanding voice and tight grip around your throat grabbed your attention from the fog you had been stuck in. You released a breath, blinking and reaching a hand to grab at his around his throat. Your fingers dug under his, getting the oxygen back but smoothly hiding the action to raise his hand to your face. He watched you, watched the way you nuzzled into his palm. Blinking under your eyelashes and wanting to make him forget that you had been stuck in your memories. “Thank you, master.”
“Little minx… Draken, get us all of us a room.”
By the time you had actually left that place and arrived to where you needed to be. Your skin was decorated in bruises and hickeys, the leather top and some ripped denim shorts showed off the marks you gained from them.
The boys appreciated seeing all forms of ownership on you; from the collar to the personal markings. Chifuyu brightened up when saw you arrived, quickly running over to wrap his arms around you. Tucking his hands in your back pockets playfully, squeezing your ass. His lips were attached to your neck, pulling you close to his body and adding more to the hickeys. Making such a sweet sound fall from your lips.
“Missed ya puppy, so so so much.” He panted in your ear softly, getting drunk off of your scent and the feel of your body. Mikey placed a hand on Chifuyu’s shoulder, making the excited blonde whine as Mikey pulled them back. “We have a meeting to attend to. Let’s go Chifuyu. Mitsuya, you’re in charge of them.”
Chifuyu complained while he was being dragged away, Mitsuya wrapping an arm around your shoulder and tucking you against his body. Kissing the side of your head with smile. “You look so perfect puppup.”
And all those marks were a cherry on top. You smiled softly at him, leaning into him as the two of you walked into the club. The music was loud, bass vibrating the floor and your eyes glancing at the bodies grinding on each other; drinks being shot down at the bar; couples sloppily making out; a couple people passed out.
“You want to dance?” Mitsuya asked, moving a hand from your shoulders to grasp your hand. His hand guiding and spinning you, pulling you along to dance to the bass filled music. There was a smile on your face, starting to get into the music and swaying along. And seeing your smile was the best feeling in the world for Mitsuya, his chest fluttering in happiness.
“I’m thirsty.” You said while the song changed, Mitsuya nodded and was about to leave and get something to drink for you when you shook your head. You didn’t want to bother him for that, holding his hand and kissing his lips softly. Immediately feeling him smile against you. “I’ll go get it, just stay here and I’ll be right back.”
And since you’ve gained their trust, showed your loyalty, they didn’t care to let you go off sometimes. Always knowing that you would be back, you were just as addicted to them as they were to you.
There was a crowd at the bar, leaning against the bar. Flagging down the bartender when you had a chance to order a sprite, leaning against the wooden surface as you waited. Everything seeming to freeze as you heard a female voice introduce herself to someone, “I’m Emma.”
And it felt like a cold water splashed down your spine, the music seemed to have faded out nothing. Everything felt wrong…
“He- he messed with Emma! Draken’s girl and- and Mikey’s sister.” “E-Emma has been… been pinning after Draken for years…” “She- she always flirts with other guys… trying- trying to get Draken jealous.”
You remembered the information you had gotten from Chifuyu… Hand grabbing your sprite, turning from the bar. She’s the reason Hiro was brought into this in the first place… The reason that I’m stuck in this… That whore.
“And I’m Y/n.” You spoke, sliding between the two of them easily. Leaning against the counter while glaring at Emma coldly, who froze at your entrance before glaring when she recognized your name. She knew of you, that you’ve been hanging out with Draken- you’ve been all over him. She hates it. Always seething in jealousy.
“Scram.” Your voice was cold, authoritative. This is was the you before Toman, the one who could have been your own gang leader. He had been intimidated by you, quickly leaving and almost tripping over his feet. “You bitch… What the hell do you think you’re doing?”
Emma demanded, watching the way you sat in that guy’s abandoned seat. Sipping at your sprite, her eyes narrowing at the air you held yourself with. She didn’t like the inferior feeling bubbling in her chest. You smiled, unnerving and made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. Every nerve in her body told her to run.
“Me? Oh nothing, just wanted to see how cheap of a whore you are.” You commented, watching the way her face flushed in anger. She tightened her hand on her glass, the hatred burning her chest. The thoughts running of things you’ve done with Draken. “Why you-“
“Fucking these men? Really Emma? Just to get one person to look at you. Pathetic… If ya ask me. But ya dragged my brother in this mess of yours, that’s something I won’t forgive.” She hated the way Draken won’t look at her, she hated the way that he always seemed to be focused on you. She hated how you felt like you were all that.
Your head turned to the side suddenly, Emma had just slapped you in anger. The lights of the club bounced off of the reflective surfaces, creating unique patterns on the moving bodies. But yet, you still couldn’t focus on the music or the crowd. Your only attention was now focused on hurting Emma.
“I’ll break your legs in return.” You mumbled to yourself, tongue swiping over your lips to feel if she had busted your lip. Emma was terrified at the look in your eye when you glanced back at her. But when you lifted your hand to do anything, moving your body to hurt her, a sudden force harshly pinned you against the counter.
Your arm was pinned to your back, feeling the familiar feeling of a knife pressed against your skin of your neck. And this knife was a familiar one too… But that could only mean one thing… “The hell do you think you were about to do?”
Mikey growled, any hint of playfulness or adoration gone from his voice. His grip harsh on your arm, your eyes widened at this feeling. This… This felt like nothing like you were sparring with him and Baji. That clicked something for you… They had been playing with you, there was no way you could really beat them.
“Th-they threatened to break my legs Mikey!” Emma cried out, looking for Draken to cry on. You noticed her action and gave out a harsh laugh, your eyes a bit wild as you gave her a grin. “He ain’t here for ya to leech on sweetheart! He don’t care for ya whore!”
“Watch. It. I may love you, but this is my sister.” Mikey snapped, pressing the knife closer to your skin. Usually this would give you such a pleasurable fire under your skin at feeling the blade… But now? It only gave you the cold feeling down your spine. But you couldn’t believe what you heard… L-love…? He… loves me…? Do they all…?
You thought, confused. You had thought you were only a toy, a pet to have by their side… Glancing at Mikey through the corner of eye, he looked so… distraught. You didn’t understand, his voice was so cold, but he was so torn in his eyes.
“M-Mikey? Wh-what do you mean love? Haven’t you seen them cheating on you with your buddies?? Why would you love something like that?!” Emma cried out, not understanding why her brother fell for someone like you! You could only laugh loudly, wincing at feeling the grip tighten on your wrist. “Cheating?! I’m not you! I’m not jealous and fucking men. I belong to them!”
This was the first time Mikey heard you admit it. They’ve always told you… But oh to hear you say it with your addicting voice… Oh fuck it made it him excited, oh what he wouldn’t want nothing more than just show exactly that. You belong to them.
“My sister isn’t like that.” Mikey argued with you, having to protect the last of his family, Emma quickly agreeing with her brother’s naive defense. She definitely didn’t want to be on the end of Mikey’s wrath. But you were confused, glancing back at Mikey. For someone who seemed to know or find out about anything… “Wait… you don’t know?”
“Know what mutt?” Mikey asked lowly, narrowing his eyes. You couldn’t fight the way that his low growl of his voice seemed to make your chest do a flip. Emma’s eyes widened, fearing that you would expose her. “Th-that Y/n was trying to flirt with someone at the bar! And- and when I tried to tell them to stop, they threatened to break my legs to keep me quiet about their betrayal.”
There they go… always like clockwork, always the same dance. You thought, letting out a harsh breath as your fist tightened. But by the way that Mikey pressed more of his weight on you, you knew that you weren’t going to win. So instead… “Is that true mutt?”
With a bat of their eyes, these women who have men so far wrapped around their fingers can get away with anything. For they do no wrong…
“Would you believe anything I would say?” Your monotone voice took him off guard, glancing down to see you look so… distant. You decided that you would protect yourself, cutting Mikey as one of your owners, shutting down. “Mikey, let our pup go.”
How many times those snakes would take people away from you…? You thought to yourself, still keep your pressed position at the bar even when Mikey stepped back. Draken hand brushed along your cheek, noticing the light in your eyes were gone. Swiping his thumb along your lips, easing you to come back to him as you sat up.
Why won’t he look at me?! Emma cried in her head, watching the way you curled into Draken’s side when you noticed he was standing there. Frustrated tears pooling in her eyes, wondering what was going on, why was nothing work in her favor!! “Draken-“
“Not the time Emma. Let me see pup.” His voice was so annoyed when he talked to her, easing your head from his side to tilt up your chin. He enjoyed the way that you immediately hide in his side when you noticed it was him, but he hated to see you so hurt… Emotionally… and physically. “Not good Mikey, you know the one rule we all created and you broke that.”
No blood is to ever be drawn on your body.
“But they were threatening Emma! She says that they were flirting with someone here. They belong to us, not some stupid scum and need to be reminded-“
“And do you believe Emma? Because I certainly don’t.” Emma’s eyes widened at hearing that, glaring at your eyes that were blankly staring at the countertop. Her fist tightening in anger, she hated you. Hated you so much, how you could take him away from her…?
“Come on man… You really think my sister would lie about something like that? She has no reason to!” Mikey argued, Draken tucking your chest in his chest. His fingers gently rubbing soft circles in his neck, giving Mikey an annoyed look. “And you think our pup would betray us when they’re addicted to us? It’s your sister Mikey, think about it. The same sister who’s been sleeping around. So yes, I think she would.”
Emma’s eyes widened at hearing Draken call her out, freezing and silently wondering how Mikey would react. Mikey narrowed his eyes at Draken. “Whoa, whoa, whoa, back it up man. Don’t talk about my sister like that.”
“You’re the only who refuses to see it Mikey.” That was the last thing Draken had said, picking you up and carrying you sit in one of the rooms. And… you just sat that, silently wondering what you had done wrong to make one of your owners not trust you anymore. Well… ex owner in your mind.
“We’ll fix this, okay… come on… look at me pup.” Draken whispered, rubbing at your cheek softly. But you didn’t react, adjusting your thoughts, not glancing at him when he crouched down and was in your line of sight. It was like you were catatonic… “We’ll fix this…”
Draken said to himself, nodding and standing up. Mumbling about waiting for Mitsuya and left the room to text which room you were in, going to end the meeting.
“Lookie here, a lap dog abandoned by its masters.” You knew that voice… And the soft ringing of the bell. Though the music was loud outside of the room, you could hear the bell so clearly and for the first time- you moved your eyes to glance at the door where Kazutora was walking to slide into the booth across from you.
“What do you want?” You spoke, making him giddy because he knew you didn’t even speak to Draken- one of your so called owners. So in his delusional mind, he was different- no he was special.
“I watched that stunt earlier, came to check on you and see how ya were feelin. Getting betrayed by your owners must suck, hmm?” He leaned over, brushing his thumb over where the blood was on your neck from the nick of Mikey’s knife. Your eyes narrowed, watching the way licked your blood off of his thumb, shivering in delight. “Might I say… Red’s such a good color on you.”
“I don’t like you.”
“That’s a real shame because I like you, ya know?”
“Forget it. I belong to them only.” He felt his eye twitched, glaring at you with the annoyed shimmering momentarily. Of course, you had to fight against him… He loved it and hated it at the same to him. But, he knew how to get things he wanted. And the best way to get you was make you feel like you’ve been betrayed by all your masters. “Tell Mikey to kill her.”
And the first step was the leader himself, Mikey. He wanted Mikey to suffer. Losing his sister and his pet. Two birds, one knife. But you were confused, looking at him in confusion. He grinned, smiling at you oh so innocently psychotic. “He said he loved you, right? Tell him to prove it.”
Your head shook, you didn’t want to ask someone of that! Kazutora leaned forward, hands pressing against the table as he could see you struggling. Fighting back against the giggle bubbling in his throat. “Maybe he doesn’t really love ya. Ya know, he lies just like his sister. They’re the perfect siblings.”
“I would’ve done it for you.” Your eyes widened at the confession, staring at him. He flicked out his switchblade, putting it under the collar and jumping the original steps. But that rushing triggered your fight, immediately snatching his wrist and pushing it to the table. “Cut this off and you’ll make a target on your back, I won’t hesitate to kill you.”
“Feisty… that’s why I want you so bad. Such a pretty thing, you have no idea…”
“Leave.” You let go of his wrist, watching the way he slid out of the back of the room. By the time Mitsuya had walked in the room, you had already laid your head back on the table. His hand petting your hair lightly and feeling the bandaid covering the small, bleeding scratch. “Oh baby… How do you feel?”
He asked he sat down, his chest tightening when you silently crawled into his lap while curling up against your chest. Sad, you felt hurt… And Mitsuya could see that. Frowning, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your back gently. “Can you tell me what happened?”
Someone really wants to know my side…? But no one ever did before… You thought, your eyes widened before feeling yourself breaking at hearing him. “I- I saw Emma… She… was with another guy at the bar… B-but I could only think about what she did to Hiro… That maybe this man was someone’s brother, how sad they would be without them… So I stepped in…”
You had been unconsciously testing the waters, slow in story telling. Ready to stop if he seemed to be reacting badly, but he only nuzzled against your head gently. Whispering about how proud he is for you telling him and asking for you to continue.
“She slapped me… But when I went to hit her back, Mikey had the knife against my throat.” His eyes widened at hearing that, immediately pulling you a bit from his chest to look at your cheek. Being able to see the red mark on your cheek now that you weren’t laying on it or hiding it in his chest.
“Oh baby… I’m so sorry you had to go through with that, we’ll deal with her.” He promised you as his thumb brushed along the sensitive skin, making you wince softly. The door opened, Mitsuya letting you laid back against his chest as Baji leaned against the doorframe. “How are they?”
Chifuyu ducking under Baji’s arm to snuggle up to your side, Mitsuya wrapped his arm around Chifuyu to pull him close to you. Feeling protected with your owners made you slip into a sleepy state, barely conscious.
“Well… Emma slapped them.” Mitsuya explained, already knowing of Baji’s protectiveness when it came to you. It was violent for the poor fuckers who ever said something about you, so to hear that someone had the audacity to lay a hand on you? “I’m breaking her hand.”
“You know Mikey’s not gonna like that…”
“You really think I care ‘bout what Mikey’s gonna like? Who’s more important? Because no one gets away with slapping our bitch. She should be lucky that’s the only thing I’m doing.” Baji said with a scoff, glancing over at Draken who was walking up to the room. Stopping Baji from leaving to the bar. “Move Draken.”
“I’m stopping you from doing something rash-“
“That fucking whore slapped them!” The most sadistic one to you was also the one most protective over you, oh the irony. Draken took a sharp breath, glancing at you and his eyes softening when he saw that you were barely even conscious, resting on Mitsuya and Chifuyu. “We’re heading out, end of story Baji.”
“Mikey won’t be coming with us, nor able to see our pup for a while.” They all glanced at Draken who looked firm on his decision. It didn’t matter if Mikey was his best friend, he had hurt you and Draken wouldn’t allow that.
Draken picked you up from Mitsuya, a sweet whine slipped from your lips at the movement. He cradled you to his chest, watching the way you snuggled your head in his neck, falling back asleep. They always loved the sleepy you, you were always so clingy when you were tired.
“I still want her to suffer.” Baji mumbled, glaring at where he could see Emma still talking to Mikey at the bar. Where the girl was still trying to convince Mikey that she had seen you with someone else, that you were the bad guy in the situation. About how you needed to disappear and she was innocent.
“I know you’re angry.” Chifuyu said behind Baji, placing a hand on his shoulder and getting a glare in return. But Baji was surprised to see the cold look in Chifuyu’s eyes as he looked at Emma. No one had really seen Chifuyu so angry… The silent anger just brewing, like a dangerous storm. And he didn’t know how to react.
“Don’t even waste your time on that whore, come back to the house with puppy. Mitsuya’s gonna be cooking curry.” Chifuyu said while looking at Baji, all the anger seem to have disappeared like it was never there. The gentle eyes of Chifuyu looking at Baji as Baji wanted to laugh. Of course his buddy was silently a killer, look at all of them. “Fine Chifuyu, but I’m lockin out Mikey.”
Chifuyu smiled at hearing that, laughing in agreement with a nod before running after Draken carrying you. Mitsuya was walking besides him, Chifuyu catching up with a happy hum as Baji walked after him. Giving a dark glare to Mikey through the corner of his eye.
Leaving Mikey there at the club, no goodbye or where they were going.
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“I’m not weak.” Hiro spat at your figure as you hopped over the railing, sitting besides him while swinging your legs. His hand wiped the blood from his busted lip and he hated the way you smiled at him so carefree. “No ones saying your weak.”
“They are…”
“And they’re also currently in the hospital.” You made your point, grinning at him and seeing him roll his eyes. He’s always hated how you took care of his battles, he didn’t need you! It always seemed like you shoved it in his face how you’re so much stronger than him! You didn’t, but his jealousy made him feel that way. “Leave me alone.”
“Hey… I just took care of your bullies… Why are you mad at me?”
“No one asked you to! Why are you always butting in places where you don’t belong?! No one wants you here!” Hiro yelled at you, wanting you to be just as upset as he was. Watching the way your fingers momentarily tightened on your pants before releasing as you gave him a joking grin. “My parents didn’t want me either.”
How could you still smile at him? He didn’t understand you! And seeing you smile just made his jealousy and anger worse… “I’m serious! You’re always in places you don’t belong! If- if… if you were never here… then I would have my father!”
He yelled at you, standing up to climb over the railing and storming away. His eyes widened when he past the blood stained rod. You were left alone, leaning back against the railing as you could feel the night air. The joking smile fell from your lips, dropping that mask as you were quiet.
Your eyes opener, your body feeling heavy and swear you could still feel the stinging on her skin. One of your hands rubbed at your cheek softly, standing up and noticing you were wearing a large shirt and a pair of boxers. You weren’t surprised to see that they had changed you while you were sleeping, it was the first time that it’s happened and you were happy to be out of the clubbing outfit.
Moonlight was seeping through the curtains, your eyes glancing over at the clock to see the digital red numbers. It was 3:28 in the morning and you were alone in the room… That was new for you, usually you were never left alone in the night.
“They’ve been crying since they got home, they’re going to wake up with a headache.” You could hear voices as you silently padded down the hallway, pausing just outside of the living room. Your fingers reached up, feeling the puffiness of your eyes. Crying… You had been crying… When was the last time you cried…? Right, when you were begging for Hiro’s freedom.
“Mikey’s been blowing up my phone.” You heard Draken sigh, your mood dropping at hearing that name. Feeling cold as you lowered your hand from your eyes as Chifuyu huffed. “He’s the one who broke the rule and he even made them upset! So why should he get to see them??”
“Yea, I got banned for a bit for prettying them up in bruises.” Baji complained; slamming something on the counter. Mitsuya’s voice scolded, “No slamming sodas on my counter, now can someone go wake up them so they can eat?”
“I’m awake.” You announced softly, Draken had been sitting on the couch with his arm over his eyes. Chifuyu was laying on the floor, Baji sitting at the island. “Come over here pup.”
You made your way over at Draken’s command, his hand pulling you to sit in his lap. Chifuyu immediately shuffled over on the floor to sit besides you on the floor, holding onto your leg and laying his head on your thigh. Rubbing gently circles to comfort you silently. “How are you feeling puppy?”
“Fine. It’s his choice, he’s no longer my owner.” Every movement stopped at hearing your words, all four of them staring at you. Mitsuya was the first to move, carrying over the plate of curry and rice to sit in front of you on the coffee table. Feeding you some of the curry.
He was happy to take care of you, giving a cute smile. They were still surprised at your own cold voice, not knowing that you could just cut someone like that… And Baji was watching you, seeing you this relaxed with them, it makes him want to destroy the world for you- just to know that you’ll stay safe and protected. Just like this, in their arms.
“We can’t avoid Mikey forever…” Mitsuya said the one thing that everyone else was thinking. Knowing that Mikey was going to snap sooner then later for you. Baji scoffed, downing the rest of his drink. “Watch us.”
“Tag me.” You suddenly spoke, catching their interest immediately as your fingers reached up to press against your collar. “And… a proper collar… Tag me owners, please.”
Who were they to deny you of such a beautiful request?
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“What did you find out about them?” Hanma asked, interlacing his fingers together as Kazutora was pacing on the floor. He had been muttering to himself of how your conversation with him, muttering your words over and over.
It drove him insane. And he loved it. Hanma had sent Kazutora to get information about you while he was in the meeting with Mikey and the others. Walhalla was challenging Toman, but of course they were going to meet up again to talk about the bets. What they were putting on the line.
“Them. Make Toman put them on the line.” Kazutora said cheerfully, looking at Hanma with sparkling eyes. Hanma was honestly a bit worried about his unstabled state, but curious to see how it’ll play out. “Yea? Why?”
“Toman will go crazy, rip themselves apart, be lost without them. I want to watch them suffer by taking their treasured little lap dog.” Kazutora said, clenching his fist. Imagining how you would look lounging at his feet, how your leash would feel in his hand. How you look with his name across your neck.
Hanma chuckled, pulling out the burner phone with only two contacts in it. Draken’s and Mikey’s. Kazutora spun the knife in his hand, remembering the fierce look in your ear. He couldn’t wait to hear you say the words. “I belong to Kazutora.” He will make you say them if he has to.
Your lap dog’s on the line.
109 notes · View notes
shinestarhwaa · 1 year
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Genre: Smut
Pairing: Virgin!Seonghwa X Escort!reader
Word Count: 3K
Tags/warnings: Non idol!AU, reader is older, graphic design student!Seonghwa, Dirty language, virginity loss, sub!hwa, dom!reader, oral sex (f and m receiving), fingering, masturbation, mommy!reader/mommy kink, unprotected sex
@anyamaris @a-soft-hornytiny @whatudowhennooneseesyou @star1117-archives @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @pyeonghongrie-main @woosanbby @dreamlesswonder86 @lemonhongjoong
Seonghwa's fingers trembled as they dialed your phone number. His breath was shaky when he brought his phone to his ear. His heart was beating loudly in his chest, so loud he thought you might hear it through the phone.
"Hi, this is Chanel Jordan from Lady Of The Night escort services, how may I help you?"
Seonghwa felt like his throat was closing up, choking on his words. "H-hi, this is...uhm... Seonghwa, I'm calling to...uhm... make an appointment." His voice came out much more shy than he wanted to. He sighd and mentally slapped himself for coming off as so insecure. The woman on the other side of the line let out a little grinning noise.
"That's definitely possible, young man. Have you looked at our website? You can check out the services and experiences we provide."
She called him young man. Oof. And yes, he surely had checked out the website. He had looked at the profiles of all the workers. There was a nice variety even though the business wasn't a big one. There were 5 women available this Saturday night, and he decided to shoot his shot now.
"Yes, I have, I have seen the site and your...uhm... escorts." "You have seen our ladies? Okay, did you have a preference?"
He looked at his laptop screen once more, seeing the women's profiles. There was a gorgeous 22 year old Japanese woman; Yui, looking like a model. Then a Thai and Korean woman; Zora and Eunbin, both 23. One Afro-American woman of 23; Alexis, which he had considered, but when he saw your profile he had to pick you, the only one older than him. He wanted that. He wanted someone who was older, sexy and experienced.
Your hair was beautiful, shining and your eyes spoke to him when he saw your pictures. He nearly immediately got a hard-on in his pants. Your legs looked long on the picture, the heels on your feet making you look dominant. Seonghwa shifted as he felt himself getting excited.
"Yes I'd like to choose Y/N."
"Very well then, when would you like to book your appointment?"
"U-uhm, Friday or Saturday night?" He stuttered as the looked through his agenda. "Saturday night can be arranged. Are you free at 9?"
Seonghwa looked around his apartment as if someone would come in and say 'Aha! I know what you're doing there' and laugh at him. "Yes 9PM is great, thank you."
"Alright then, I have to register who she's meeting so it's... Park Seonghwa, right? What's your age, dear?"
"I'm 25, ma'am," Seonghwa said, but almost whispered. He could practically feel this woman laughing at him for his awkwardness. "Alright... 25... and the address?"
Seonghwa told the woman his address and floor number as he fidgeted with the bracelet on his wrist. "Noted, thankyou, now do you want a special service? The girlfriend-experience, the extra long appointment..."
He took a look at the special services written on the website. Some of them scared him, but he tried to put on a brave tone. "Virginity, ma'am." "For you or for her? Although, I think I can tell."
Seonghwa felt mortified. Did he sound like a virgin? "Yes, me, ma'am," he confirmed. "Alright, that is not a problem at all. Further questions or things you want to do in your session can be discussed with Y/N. You can contact her via the E-Mail address on the website, or wait for your session."
"Thank you so much, have a good day," Seonghwa said before quickly hanging up the phone. He sighed deeply as he rubbed his temples. Was this a bad idea? He'd have to find out.
It was finally Saturday night and Seonghwa had showered twice in a time-span of an hour and touched up his hair about a million times. He had never been this nervous before in his life, and he really wanted to look good for his 'date'.
He sat on the darkgrey couch, legs trembling with anxiety. He stupidly undoes his pants and checks if his genital area looks okay enough. He sighed as he buttoned his pants up again, taking a deep breath. You must've seen worse than this, Seonghwa was very hygienic.
The doorbell suddenly rang, startling him and making him jump up. He took a deep breath before walking into the hall, opening the door. There you were, looking like a modern day Goddess. Your black satin dress hugged your figure, black fuzzy coat making you seem somewhat rich, fancy.
A smile played on your glossy lips as you greeted him. "Hi, Seonghwa is it? I'm Y/N, nice to meet you." "H-Hi," Seonghwa stuttered as his eyes lingered on your exposed collarbones. "Come in."
You stepped into his apartment, taking off your coat and hanging it on the coatrack in the corner. "Do you want a drink or anything, Ma'am?" His stance was cute, hands intertwined behind is back, bouncing on his legs anxiously.
"Some water would be great babyboy, let's sit down and discuss before we get started," you said, walking into his living room. You sat down on his sofa, dragging your hand over the soft cushions. Seonghwa was quick to put some water on the table before sitting down at the other side of the couch.
He fidgeted with his fingers, obviously nervous, making you smirk a little. "So baby, you're a virgin. And you do not wanna lose your virginity to a sweet little girlfriend?" His head shook. "I don't have one and... I am in my senior year, I don't... wanna graduate and still be a virgin, I wanna... I want to have sex and be good at it. I wanna learn."
Your smile softened, feeling for the boy. "Well, it's not something to be ashamed of, but if this is what you want then I am happy to help. So you have no experience?" "I have only kissed before and... touched myself." You couldn't help but smirk at the thought of the shy boy playing with his cock.
"Alright, is there anything you wish to do? Kinks, fetishes, positions?" You said as you drank your water. "Uhm, I just... hope to... get the whole... thing yk, learn how to... do the foreplay stuff and... have sex and yk... make you feel good."
"Sweetheart, it's not about you making me feel good. It's about you feeling good." "Yes but, I also wanna learn... how to please a woman, so I know how to do it next time," he said quietly, sipping on his water. "Hm, okay, you basically want a bit of a sex masterclass," you smirked, "alright sweetie. Tell me about the stuff you're into... What gets you hot and bothered?"
You leaned back into the couch, crossing your legs. Seonghwa's eyes slid from the heel of your shiny black boots all the way to your thighs. "I... I want to hear you moan my name... and I... I want to cum inside you."
"Mhm, you enjoy affirmation and breeding, okay, well that's good to know. I think you're unsure of your likes and dislikes, obviously, so I'll help you figure that out. Do you want to start?"
Seonghwa nodded, standing up and guiding you to his bedroom. It was lit romantically, making you smile softly at his attempt of pretending he didn't hire a hooker to get his dick wet. He's a cutie.
You sat him down on the edge of his bed, standing in front of him. "You got any sexy music on your phone sweetie?" He nodded and put on a sexy playlist, placing his phone on the nightstand before getting back to his original position.
You twirled around, feeling the music as you sexily unzipped your boots, giving the boy a little stripshow. He visibly gulped, his cock hardening in his pants as you slid your dress off, letting it fall onto the floor. You were left in just a black thong as you walked over to him, sitting on his right thigh. You ran your hands over his chest before placing your lips on his, deciding to ease the guy in.
His plush lips were so smooth against yours, it made your body flutter. It had been a while since you had a client this beautiful, especially with such beautiful velvety lips. You kissed for a minute or two before you slipped your tongue into his mouth. He let you take the lead completely as your tongues discover each other.
You broke off the kiss and unbuttoned the buttons of his black blouse, revealing his toned upper body with lightly carved abs, leaving you pleasantly surprised. "You look good baby boy, you work out?" Seonghwa nodded shyly. "Sometimes."
You got off his lap, getting on your knees as you took off his pants and boxer in one go, revealing his semi-hard cock. "Don't overthink it, okay?" You said as he noticed he was really nervous about showing you his naked body.
You figured he didn't want your sexy 'pornstar' type of vibe most guys enjoyed. This boy really cared about your pleasure and your softness. He smiled softly as you peppered kisses down his abs to his pelvis. He felt safer now with you, as you slowly dropped your act.
His cock twitched as your longue lapped on the tip, wet with pre-cum. You licked a stripe from the base of his length all the way back to the tip before taking him into your mouth. Your head bobbed up and down on him, making him moan out and throw his head back.
"Holy fuck, h-holy fuck," he whined out as you took his balls into your hands, working on them too. You stroke the base of his cock slowly as you focussed on his sensitive tip. ''O-oh, mommy,'' he moaned out. You pulled yourself off his cock, letting it go with a pop as you smirked at him. ''Mommy?''
''I-I'm sorry, it just slipped,'' he quickly apologized. ''No, no, no, don't apologize, I'll be mommy tonight baby boy, don't you worry,'' you said, stroking his cock slowly. ''Were you embarrassed to tell mommy what you like?'' you cooed, placing a kiss on the tip of his cock. He nodded, biting his lip as he felt his dick twitch once more for you.
''M-mommy... take me in your mouth again.'' You nodded and lowered your mouth on him, taking his entire length into your hot mouth. You deepthroated him, sucking his cock as if your life depended on it. You were determined to make this an experience he'd never forget.
''Oh my God, so close, I'm so close! I'm gonna fucking cum!'' he moaned out loudly it startled himself. You looked up at him as you worked his cock, admiring his beauty. His chest was flushed red, sweaty, rising up and down rapidly as his breathing picked up. Normally you would've stopped and dragged his orgasm out, but you found it quite cute he felt so good he was cumming just a few minutes in.
His eyes rolled backwards and his brows furrowed slightly. Seconds later, he came hard, spilling his seeds into your mouth as he let out the most beautiful loud, long moan you've ever heard from a man. He panted as you swallowed his load, hissing when you licked his cock a final time.
''Wow,'' Seonghwa breathed out as he ran his delicate hands through his dark soft hair, ''God, you're so amazing.'' You smirked as you got up, sliding off your panties. ''Oh sweetie, I know, it's my job. Now it's also my job to make you a god-sent lover for your future girls, isn't it?''
You laid down, legs spread for him, displaying your wet pussy. ''Come on here, lover boy, I'm gonna show you how to use your pretty mouth,'' you said as you gestured him to come closer. Seonghwa positioned himself in front of your pussy. ''No, no, no, my babyboy, we don't immediately dive down there the first time. We work from the top down, start at my neck,'' you suggested. Seonghwa nodded and moved his lips to the sensitive skin on your neck.
His kisses were gentle and soft and it made you smile. What an innocent boy. ''Come on baby, be a little more... sensual, intense, use your tongue, bite me softly, switch it up.'' Seonghwa's a fast learner, immediately following up your advice. He used his velvety tongue to run from your neck to the valley of your breasts, gently biting your soft skin. ''Don't mark me up baby, cannot go too far.''
Seonghwa took his hands and cupped your tits, squishing them closer and dragging his tongue over your nipples. You moaned at the feeling of his hot, wet muscle crossing over your sensitive nubs. ''Very good... that's a good boy... now kiss down my stomach, lick my pussy,'' you smirked, spreading your legs further apart.
The male moved his face down your body, leaving kisses on your torso, down to your hips and thighs before lapping at your wet pussy, tasting your juices for the first time. It was like he felt enlightenment when he kissed and licked your pussy, receiving soft moans from you as he licked at your sensitive clit. He felt his cock harden again, noticing he got horny from this. This encouraged him, made him more confident as he explored your cunt with his tongue.
''Yes, good boy, lick mommy's pussy, put it in baby, put that tongue in there, fuck me with it,'' you panted out as Seonghwa pushed his tongue into your hole, slurping up your wetness. ''Yeah, fuck, rub my clit too baby, rub my clit as you fuck me with your tongue!''
Your moans got louder the more he stimulated your pussy, feeding his building confidence. He was a natural, following every comment you made, eager to pleasure you. He rutted against the sheets, needing to release himself. Seonghwa felt his cock ache for you as he listened to your melodious moans. You noticed he got sloppier, distracted when you heard his muffled moans.
''Are you touching yourself babyboy? Are you getting off on eating mommy's pussy?'' you smirked. Seonghwa whined and nodded as he licked your clit. ''Yes mommy, fucking love it, love it so much!'' ''Come on, show mommy how hard my pussy makes you, show mommy your beautiful cock.''
Seonghwa got on his knees, showing you his hard pre-cum coated cock. ''Jerk off. Jerk yourself off for me, and moan for me,'' you said smirking as you pinched your own nipple, letting out a high-pitched moan. Seonghwa groaned as he started to fuck his own fist, looking at your sensual body.
''Yeah baby, you like that? Watching my naked body as you touch yourself? Do you wanna cum on my body?'' you smirked. ''Yes, fuck mommy, wanna cum, wanna cum so fucking bad,'' he grunted as he jerked himself off quickly. ''Wanna cum on my pussy, Hwa? Cum on mommy's pussy, come on, give it to me!''
Seonghwa's lewd moans filled the room as he pumped himself through his orgasm, emptying his cock just above your pussy, coating it in his white slick. ''Your sounds are so fucking beautiful angel, you're such a good boy... Wanna put your cock in mommy's pussy now, angel? Wanna fuck mommy's delicious pussy?''
''Please, please let me in your pussy, let me fuck you full with my cum,'' he begged. His beautiful big brown eyes could not be resisted, so you pulled him closer. ''Alright baby, slide it in then, make sure you're comfortable.'' He nodded as he positioned himself between your legs. He took the base of his dick in his hands before slowly sliding it into your cunt.
Seonghwa slowly moved his dick into you, thrusting deep. ''Try to create a rhythm, baby, make it consistent, not sloppy,'' you guided him, placing your hands on his hips. When you noticed he found a steadier rhythm you let go of him, letting him rut into you. His brows furrowed again and you were worried he was already cumming for a second.
But Seonghwa just let out beautiful moans as he thrusted his hips into yours, hitting sensitive spots deep in your wet pussy. He whined as he felt your tight walls clenching around him. You smirked as you played with his nipples as he kept fucking into you. Suddenly he thrusted against your g-spot, seemingly awakening every nerve in your body.
''O-Oh, Seonghwa, that's it baby, fuck me right there, just like that, fuck me, harder, fuck me, fuck me, yeah baby!''
Your sounds were hotter than any moans Seonghwa had ever heard in the porn he's seen, and it brought him closer to the edge. ''Mommy, I'm so close, I'm gonna fucking cum, gonna cum in your pussy, gonna fuck you full of my cum,'' he moaned loudly.
''That's it baby, talk dirty to mommy, fuck me full of your cum sweetie, fill me up, breed me, breed mommy's pussy! F-Fuck you're gonna make mommy cum, make mommy cum with you baby, give it to me!''
With a few more thrusts you felt a wave of pleasure washing over your body. You clenched around Seonghwa's cock as you orgasmed, pushing him over the edge. His thrusts got sloppier as he spilled his seeds inside you, filling you up entirely. He cried out as he emptied his load fully, milking himself dry in your tight cunt.
You panted as he pulled out, laying next to you. You smiled as you placed a kiss on his lips. ''You did amazing babyboy, you're gonna be an incredible lover.'' Seonghwa smiled but was too shy to bring out a word. He was happy with his choice after all. You were worth his first time.
''Do you have to go now?'' Seonghwa asked a few minutes later. ''Why? Do you not want me to?'' ''I know I had you for just an hour and you probably have other clients... But I want you to stay... I wanna... feel good, together, with you, I want more, please stay, give me more of you,'' he begged.
You grinned and nodded, cause how could you resist this sweet boy?
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coraniaid · 4 months
I remember reading a good post on here a year or two -- which I'm afraid I've been unable to track down again -- which pointed out that the Buffy writers' retroactive creation of a central coordinating "Watcher's Council" in Season 3 makes the fact Kendra wasn't expecting to meet Buffy when she visited Sunnydale in Season 2 rather strange. Surely Giles would have been sending in reports about Buffy's vampire-slaying to the Council, and surely the Council would have passed these on to Kendra's Watcher when he became worried that something bad was about to happen in Sunnydale. The post suggested as an explanation the theory that, after Buffy died and Kendra was activated as a Slayer, the Council just assumed Giles was coping really badly with losing his Slayer and dismissed all of his follow-up reports about her out of hand as a sad delusional fantasy.
In the same spirit, I'd like to propose that the fact Faith clearly is expecting to meet Buffy when she arrives in Sunnydale in Season 3 suggests that, inverting the pattern above, Giles has been lying to the Council about Buffy all summer and pretending that she's still in town doing her duty as a Slayer (and that he isn't spending all his time flying around the country desperately trying to find her).
This gets a bit long, but bear with me.
Faith knows about Buffy and she's heard at least a few stories about her (she calls her "infamous" and asks: "so, B, did you really use a rocket launcher one time?"). Faith can only have heard about past Slayers from her Watcher, who must ultimately (indirectly) have heard any details about Buffy through Giles sending reports back to the Council.
But Faith isn't just aware of Buffy as some abstract former Slayer. She comes to Sunnydale looking for her ("you're ... uh, Buffy, right? [...] I figured this was my chance to meet [you]") and, I suspect, deliberately arranged her fight with a vampire at the Bronze to make this happen (in particular she only seems to start fighting back once she has an audience...). Why didn't she head to Jamacia in search of Kendra? Well, clearly her Watcher must have told her that Buffy Summers was alive and that it was Kendra's death, not Buffy's, that had led to her being called. (Clutching at straws, but if you go back and watch the episode, Faith does nod slightly when Cordelia talks about Kendra dying; maybe her Watcher told her a bit about Kendra too?)
But how could Faith's Watcher (or anybody else), knowing that Faith has just been called as a Slayer, be sure which of the two previously alive Slayers had just died? (The show later retcons that only Kendra's death would have called a new Slayer, and Buffy's wouldn't, but I don't believe the writers had decided this was the plan before the end of Season 5's The Gift. The Mayor doesn't seem to think this is how it works, for example, and there are some things the writers said at the time that seem to rule it out too. But even if that was always what would have happened, if two Slayers at a time is unprecedented, as the show suggests, how could the Council be sure?)
The simplest answer must be that somebody told them that Kendra died. "Somebody" being, of course, Giles. But when did he tell them? The earliest he could have done it was at the end of the Becoming two-parter (Kendra dies in part one, but Giles is a prisoner for most of the following episode and I doubt Angel was letting him mail postcards back to England).
But the end of Becoming is also the point where Buffy leaves town and goes into hiding for months. Any report that Giles sent the Council from this point should have mentioned this, surely? The Council have all sorts of resources that they could have used to find her. It didn't have to be just Giles himself haring off after every false lead. But apparently, it was.
So, I think Giles wrote to the Council after Kendra died to let Sam Zabuto know and (whether actively or through omission) just ... let them think Buffy was still in Sunnydale. And then when it was time to send his next report in, he just ... kept pretending Buffy was still in town. Once he failed to tell them she was gone, he could hardly admit that she'd actually vanished weeks ago, could he? The Council generally have a pretty hands-off management style, but I don't think they'd have kept paying him if they realized he didn't actually know where his Slayer was or what she was up to. They might have decided earlier than in canon that he wasn't up to the job and needed to be replaced. Or even that this technically made Buffy a "rogue Slayer" who was refusing to follow her Watcher's orders. I think it makes sense he wouldn't tell them.
Which is why, over the summer, Faith's Watcher was telling her stories about Buffy Summers, the Slayer with a rocket launcher, stories which made Faith think she was living and Slaying in Sunnydale. Even though, for most -- maybe all -- of the summer Faith spent with her first Watcher, Buffy wasn't in Sunnydale at all.
(The show's a little bit vague about how much time passes between the start of Dead Man's Party and Faith's arrival in Faith, Hope & Trick but I don't think it's credible that it was enough time for Giles to be reunited with Buffy, for him to tell the Council she was back (and them to believe him), for the Council to tell Faith's Watcher, for Faith's Watcher to tell her, for Kakistos to murder Faith's Watcher and for Faith to flee Boston and travel over 3000 miles to Sunnydale through whatever combination of hitchhiking, freighthopping and motor vehicle theft she's meant to have used to make it there (she can barely cover the costs of the cheapest motel in Sunnydale: I don't exactly think she could afford a cross-country flight). When Giles gets through to the Watcher's retreat in England, enough time has passed for them to have found out about and confirmed Faith's Watcher was dead, and that can't have been quick either: Faith wasn't exactly rushing to tell them.)
So, all in all, Faith is pretty lucky she arrived in Sunnydale when she did. A few days earlier, and she'd have missed Buffy entirely. Maybe eventually one of her attempts to stage a fight so she could look cool in front of another Slayer would lead her into meeting the Scoobies and Giles and figuring out what was going on, but maybe not. Maybe Kakistos would have caught up with her first.
And, even if it's not intended, I like the symmetry of Kendra not knowing Buffy would be in Sunnydale (because Giles truthfully told the Council she was and they didn't believe him), versus Faith going to Sunnydale specifically to meet Buffy not knowing she might not even be there (because this time the Council did believe Giles but this time he was lying to them).
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heavyhitterheaux · 2 years
Smoking On My Ex Pack
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Liked by jackharlow, urbanwyatt, druski2funny, latto777, mariahthescientist, arilennox, sza, and 645,098 others
yourinstagramname: happiest of birthdays to my love and my forever smoking partner urbanwyatt I love you even when you give me a headache 🥴🙃
urbandjackupdates: sis, delete this. he doesn't even claim you. you deserve better 😭
yourinstagramname: that's funny since he just got finished eating my ass like it was his last meal 🥴
druski2funny: I knew those damn twitter likes weren't far off
yourbestfriend: oh so you can smoke with the dude who looks like he could be a walking advertisement for head and shoulders with that long ass hair and not your best friend?
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend your birthday was two weeks ago, please act accordingly. it's my favorite pisces turn
jackharlow: y/n, did you forget my gift? did it get lost in the mail? and the role of your favorite pisces is ME
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you got a nip slip from me once, that was one gift to last you a lifetime. don't ask me no more. and you iight, you not my favorite tho
cozane: 😭😭😭
jackharlow: yourinstagramname that's funny because you act like me and urb didn't share you that night but imma leave it alone
2forwoyne: I KNEW IT
urbanwyattsource: NOT THEM SHARING Y/N
yourbestfriend: urbanwyattupdates she likes all of her holes to be filled at the same time, urb in the back while she's riding jack lmao
urbandjackupdates: yourbestfriend but, one hole isn't spoken for?
yourbestfriend: urbandjackupdates yes it is, that was the night I sat on her face 🤭🤭🤭
urbanwyatt: all of yall talk too damn much 🙄
urbanwyatt: but I'd do it again too
druski2funny: urbanwyatt lemme watch next time
urbanwyatt: druski2funny no.
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Liked by yourinstagramname, jackharlow, yourbestfriend, cozane, druski2funny, champagnepapi, nemoachida, and 803,462 others
urbanwyatt: best birthday gift that I could ever ask for. Love you baby 💕
urbandjackupdates: I never thought that I would see the got damn day. HE ACTUALLY POSTED HER 😭😭😭
yourbestfriend: lemme eat that ass
urbanwyatt: yourbestfriend back the fuck up, me first
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt love you my urby
jackharlow: not yall fighting over who gets to eat her ass first, goodbye.
yourinstagramname: jackharlow you mad that you didn't get another nip slip? it can be arranged
urbanwyattupdates: Y/N IS FOR THE STREETS!!!!!
jackharlowsource: I mean I'm not mad at her, but how did she bag BOTH jack and urban? me when?!?
yourinstagramname: jackharlowsource this pussy got them in a trance oh and my throat game but I just bagged urban, yall can have the other one. but if I get tired of urban, I might have to switch
jackharlow: 👀
yourinstagramname: jackharlow don't start because I will call your ass out
jackharlow: yourinstagramname I DIDN'T EVEN SAY ANYTHING
yourinstagramname: jackharlow is a liar yall. 'I don't cum from head, but you can try though' headass. I HAVE DEBUNKED THE MYTH. I TRIED AND SUCEEDED.
urbanwyatt: yourinstagramname this was a post talking about I loved you and your ass just causes chaos underneath it 🙄😐
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I'll suck your dick to make up for it
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Liked by theshaderoom, arilennox, mariahthescientist, latto777, estgee, nemoachida, and 239,754 others
siennawatts: late birthday post for my baby daddy urbanwyatt 🥰
can't wait to meet this little girl we created and I hope you see many more birthdays. Love you 💕
druski2funny: ahhhh shit 👀
jackharlow: somebody better hide urbanwyatt from y/n because....
druski2funny: jackharlow ain't you his best friend!?!
jackharlow: druski2funny look y/n goes axe throwing and her aim is good. I don't want NO PARTS.
yourbestfriend: urbanwyatt ain't enough ass eating in the world you can do for her to forgive you for this
cozane: urbanwyatt SHOW YOURSELF
yourbestfriend: and jack is right about the axe throwing part, I almost got in the line of fire and she woulda knocked my head clean off
urbandjackupdates: Y/N! I TOLD YOU! STAND UP BITCH! STAND UP!
urbanwyattupdates: I mean at this point y/n needs jack to get her pregnant
claybornharlow: jackharlow urbanwyatt I can take y/n off of both of your hands because when she sees this, she's coming for blood. jack you may not have had a hand in it, but since you're the best friend, you're guilty by association
Two weeks later, you heard the door to your apartment open and you had a vase in your hand ready to go to throw it at Urban's head. He had you fucked up and you couldn't believe he thought that he could get away with cheating on you.
You were hiding behind the couch and when you heard Urban's footsteps coming closer, you stood up and threw it at him.
"OH SHIT!" Urban exclaimed and jumped out of the way before it hit the wall.
"NO!" You said looking around for something else to throw and your eyes landed on the lamp that Urban had gotten you from Australia and you made a beeline for it which ended in him ducking to try to not get hit.
It shattered against the wall behind him and all he did was look at you in disbelief.
All you did was take a deep breath and slowly lowered it and Urban took this as an opportunity to snatch it away from you.
"She's doing this for attention because I haven't been texting or calling her back."
"Why does she still have your number is the question. If I talked to all of my exes, your ass would have a coronary."
"I- it wasn't the best idea."
"How am I supposed to know it's not yours?" You questioned while raising an eyebrow.
"Because I haven't slept with her since we started dating."
"Hmm, don't believe you."
"What is it going to take for you to believe me?! I only want you!"
"Even though it took you over a year and a half to fucking post me on social media, but the only one you want is me?! I fucking love you, but it only seems like you keep me around in order to keep your bed warm and at the end of the day, I don't mean as much to you as you say I do. I deserve better than that! I see the way you look at other girls when we go out and only pay attention to me when it's convenient for you."
"That... that's not true."
"You don't sound so sure, so until you are, get the fuck out of my apartment and out of my life. Find someone else to suck your dick as good as I do."
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Liked by yourbestfriend, jackharlow, latto777, 2forwoyne, quiiso, nemoachida, urbanwyatt, and 906,524 others
yourinstagramname: I miss my old boo, but I ain't gonna tell him
jackharlow: 👀
jackharlow: I mean you could always call him....
yourinstagramname: jackharlow who said I was talking about urban?
jackharlow: yourinstagramname uh you did when you text me last night
yourbestfriend: well damn jack, just throw her under the bus
urbandjackupdates: not urban liking this pic, he got some nerve
druski2funny: has the baby been born yet?
urbanwyatt: druski2funny fuck off and y/n come on and answer your phone
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt I don't speak to cheaters and I know you see what that cake says above. go be a daddy to that baby because you aren't mine anymore
cozane: y/n! lmaoooooooo
urbanwyattupdates: but can y/n really get mad? she fucked his best friend
yourinstagramname: urbanwyattupdates yes I can get mad because he approved of it and was there the entire time. I never homie hop without approval.
yourbestfriend: no the fuck she didn't lmaoooo CITY GIRLS UPPPPP!
yourinstagramname: selenosunni you up next my boy
selenosunni: wait, now why am I in it? 👀
yourinstagramname: urbandjackupdates and then it's cozane. trying to plow all through PG too by the end of the year. actually give me a month.
urbanwyatt: real mature of you 🙄 do me a favor and check your phone in five minutes
yourinstagramname: urbanwyatt sure I'll open it right after I open the dick pick that jackharlow sent me
jackharlow: NO I DIDN'T!
yourinstagramname: jackharlow love you my new boyfriend 😘
yourinstagramname: yourbestfriend no. I like the new me who doesn't give a fuck because clearly my ex boyfriend didn't
You rolled your eyes as you went to open the text message that Urban had sent you. You hovered over it for a few minutes before finally deciding to click on it.
Urban- I admit, I did fuck her but it was only once. Let me make this up to you.
You wanted to stop reading right then and there, but you decided to keep going.
It was a DNA test.
And it was negative.
You- No thanks, I'll just fuck all your homies instead. City girls up 😘
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backtothe99 · 4 months
(18Trip Translation) Tao Kinouchi Novel: Back to the 99 - Track 4
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all novels have spoilers for information about the characters revealed in the main story, proceed with caution!
CW: Tao's parents' religious fanaticism reaches a Snake-goes-missing-esque (999) climax
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Wednesday, June 30, 1999
— Wednesday, June 30, 1999
I involuntarily let out another sigh.
I didn’t go to school today.
Taiki’s fever had gone down, but he still seemed under the weather.
“Tao-nii, enough… Go to school…”
Taiki told me in the afternoon, after his condition had calmed down.
“I already skipped the morning classes, there’s no point in me going now.” I said and stayed home.
And in case you’re wondering, our parents hadn’t come home at all since the night before.
After Taiki fell asleep due to the side effects of the medicine I had given him just in case, I sat alone in the living room, just staring at my phone.
Should I call Goz, or no? Even if it’s by mail, should I apologize? 
“... What am I even gonna do tonight?” I muttered.
I actually had plans with Goz tonight.
About two months ago, while the two of us were having lunch at school, we started talking about King Anglomois’s prophecy, and I told Goz:
“I don’t know what my parents will do the moment July arrives. They seriously believe in that prophecy.”
There are people out there who believe in this prophecy so much that they become desperate, and there are people who vow they’ll spend all their money by the time June ends. There’s even TV specials.
Our generation has been hearing about this prophecy all our life, and even if we don’t believe it, we still feel a vague sense of fear when we hear the words “July 1999”.
I may be a skeptic myself, but I honestly don’t know what will happen to my parents, who believe in it blindly.
“I don’t wanna be home on that day.”
I had complained to Goz, and as if he just had a great idea, he said, “You don’t gotta be!”
“Let’s sneak out in the middle of the night and jump together the moment July hits!”
“Jump…? This ain't New Year’s Eve.”
“It’s cool, maybe the King of Terror will let us off the hook if our feet aren’t touching the ground?”
It was a silly, ridiculous suggestion.
But the way Goz talked about it with so much excitement somehow comforted me. I knew jumping the moment the clock struck midnight wouldn’t help me figure out what to do with my parents, and it wouldn’t alleviate Taiki’s pain.
But seeing Goz smile as he talked about it… I felt as though my problems were so simple that just jumping could solve them.
“Then, let’s do it. If I remember.”
“Huh? What’s that, Tao? You want me to write our plans on your forehead? Make sure you remember.”
It was just a light-hearted promise, so Goz might have already forgotten about it.
Just as I was at a loss about what to do, my phone’s notification rang, and a mail came through.
“Minami-cho Park. 11:55PM. If you don’t come, I’ll beat the crap out of you.”
The mail was from Goz.
A smile spread across my face.
I was happy that Goz remembered our promise, and was trying to suggest we make up.
I was determined to apologize properly for what happened yesterday when we met.
— I haven’t been able to talk about this with you until now, but truth is, Taiki hasn’t been going to school.
I can’t rely on my parents.
What can I do for Taiki?
This time, I’d be honest and ask for advice.
Goz is a good guy, if I explain the situation with Taiki and our parents, I’m sure he’ll understand.
And just like when he laughed and said we should jump, I’m sure he’ll make me feel better this time, too.
I looked at the time, it was already 11:30PM.
There wasn’t much time left until the arranged time, so I just got changed and ready to leave the house.
When I opened my room’s door, Taiki stood on the other side.
“Taiki, you’re awake? How’s your fever?”
“... It’s gone down. Are you going somewhere, Tao-nii?”
I lied and said I’m going to the convenience store.
I figured I’d be home in about 20 minutes, anyway.
I didn’t think I had any reason to tell him about my promise with Goz.
“Do you want me to buy you something? Like an ice cream?”
Just as I was thinking of really stopping by the convenience store, a loud noise rang from the entrance.
“Tao! Tao, where are you!?”
The next sound I heard was our parents’ screaming.
Taiki’s face suddenly stiffened.
They came into the house with heavy footsteps, looking for me. They’ve always been aggressive people, but they’re especially bad today. 
I hurried downstairs, not wanting to get Taiki involved.
“What are you doing here? Don’t yell, you’ll disturb our neighbors.”
When I got downstairs, my parents, who I hadn’t seen for some time, were running out of the living room.
Honestly, their behavior was strange–
Their hair was messy, their clothes were rumpled, and their eyes were bloodshot.
“There you are! Come on! Hurry!”
My mother screamed as she grabbed my arm. She put so much strength that I felt my bones were going to crack.
She pulled me and I stumbled a step forward, my phone slipping out of my pocket.
“Hold on, what are you doing…”
“Hurry! There’s no time!”
It’s okay. I’ll be back in no time.
I didn’t say that out loud, but I tried to convey it with my expression.
I figured that if I resisted, they’d make a commotion and scare Taiki, so I obediently followed them.
I barely had time to put on my shoes, and I was taken to a park near our house. It was a dark place filled with trees.
A huge coffin was placed there.
“By God’s will! As God’s child! You have the right to board this “Ark”!”
“You don’t have to worry, this is a machine created by God that can transcend time by channelling the energy in space. The church inherited this “Ark” from space!”
“No matter how much we paid, they wouldn’t lend it to us, so we brought it here in secret! Mom and Dad don’t mind becoming sacrifices, Tao is the only one who has to go to where God is!”
I couldn’t understand a thing they were saying.
Their eyes weren’t entirely here, but I couldn’t match up their strength–
Before I knew it, I was shoved into the coffin.
“Hey, hold on, I…”
— I made a promise.
And I have to stay by Taiki’s side.
I wanted to say that, but I couldn’t.
My parents closed the coffin’s lid.
Once I heard a loud noise and realized the lid was locked, I blanked out and everything went dark.
What? Are my screw-loosed parents finally going to kill me?
My parents were still making some kind of noise on the other side of the coffin, so I banged on the lid and yelled, “Let me out! Let me out!”
I’m late for my meeting with Goz. 
I don’t have my phone on me because I dropped it when my parents dragged me. I haven’t even replied to the mail.
— I want to meet him, I want to apologize and make up.
… And there’s also Taiki to think about.
If he starts crying…
Just as I thought that, a sharp pain struck my head.
My vision started to falter, and I felt my consciousness fade.
I can’t remember anything after that.
When I woke up –
I was thrown into an unfamiliar city in the future.
Novel directory: Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 1 | Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 2 | Tuesday, June 29, 1999 / 3 | Wednesday, June 30, 1999 | Souta Gozu
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echo-goes-mmm · 10 months
Silas and Wren #8
Warnings: dissociation, panic attack, implied past non-con, past conditioning
Note: Felix (Silas’s brother) uses they/them pronouns and masculine family terms
Silas paced up and down the room. 
“You think they’ll read the letter?” he asked out loud.
“They’re your brother,” said Wren, “I’m sure they will.”
Silas sighed. “I just don’t know why Felix didn’t tell me. It’s not like my parents are the type to arrange the marriage, so they had plenty of time.”
He sank into an armchair. “I mean, I don’t expect to be told everything. But still.” He ran a hand through his hair.
“Maybe I'm just making a mistake. I just know I’m going to worry about this for weeks like I always do.”
“What do you mean?”
“Mail is so slow,” He stared up at the ceiling. “If only I could just get an explanation just like that,” he snapped, “instantly, y’know?”
There was a thud, and the sound of heavy breathing.
“Wren?” he glanced over.
Wren was on his knees, forehead pressed into the wood, bent in a bow. He could hear him crying.
“Wren?” he knelt by his trembling body. “What’s wrong?” He reached for him, but Wren flinched and sobbed.
“I’m sorry, Master!” he cried, “Please, don’t!” Silas stared at him, at a loss.
“It’s me,” he said, “It’s just me, Wren. I- I’m not going to hurt you.” He put his hand over Wren’s. Wren shuddered, but didn’t move away. He wept, and Silas didn’t know what to do. 
“Could you sit up? Please?”
Wren pushed himself up from the floor. His arms shook and he was flushed with tears. His eyes were unfocused, and they shifted back and forth.
He whimpered, shaking his head. “Please, don’t.” 
“What do you think I’m going to do?”
Wren looked back to the floor. “You’re going to punish me, Master. I’m sorry.”
“No, I’m not.”
“Y-you’re not?”
“No, I- Wren you didn’t do anything wrong!” He cupped Wren’s cheek, tilting his face upwards. “It’s me, Silas. I’m not going to hurt you, Wren.”
Wren’s eyes searched his face, and recognition sparked in his expression. He wrapped his arms around himself. “I don’t- I don’t understand. What- what’s happening?”
Silas hesitated before placing his hands on Wren’s shoulders. Wren tipped towards him, into his chest. 
“I don’t know,” said Silas, wrapping his arms around him. “We were just talking. Or, I was just talking. And then you were just… on the floor.”
“I’m sorry.”
“It’s not your fault. I must have freaked you out or something.” He gave him a little squeeze, and Wren sighed into him. 
“I dunno,” he said, after a moment. “There was this sound and I wasn’t Wren anymore. And I thought- I thought you were someone else.”
A sound. The snapping?
“Did one of your old Masters snap at you?” Wren pulled away, looking up at him.
“How did you know that?” he asked, hurt written all over his face. “I never told you about him.”
“I guessed. I snapped my fingers right before you… well, before. I’m sorry Wren.”
“It’s not your fault, Master.”
“Do- do you want to talk about it?” Silas wasn’t well practiced at being a friend, but Wren had listened plenty to his complaining.
“I’d rather not, Master.”
“Okay,” he said, “and… you don’t have to call me that. I know I… bought you but it’s really okay.”
Wren bit his lip. “You’re the best Master I’ve ever had. It’s different. Respectful.”
Silas had never really been respected before, but the novelty seemed so far away. Here he was, blabbering on about simple family drama, while Wren had to deal with so much worse.
They sat shoulder-to-shoulder on the floor in silence. Wren laid his head on Silas’s shoulder.
Silas was so good to him. Fantastic, really. It was past time Wren was good back. It wouldn’t even be bad like he thought that first week. Silas was too sweet and awkward to be brutal in bed. 
In another life, they could have been dating. Maybe they’d even end up husbands. Silas was compassionate, generous, empathetic, and handsome. Even when Wren wasn't ideal, he was understanding. He was so kind during the nightmare and the 'snapping incident'.
That, and everything else, was exactly what Wren would look for in a partner if he had the option.
Unfortunately a silly little crush didn’t make reality, and slaves didn’t marry, or get to love. Especially not their masters. But sex was a good replacement, right? He was pretty sure happy couples had nice sex. 
He’d be able to pretend Silas loved him back, at least for a little while.
It wasn’t going well. Ordinarily he didn’t have to seduce his way into his master’s bed. Sometimes sex happened as soon as they brought him home.
Wren tried really hard to do every romantic gesture he’d ever heard of to get Silas interested, that it was okay to have sex with him, but it wasn’t working. Silas just didn’t understand hints. 
He trimmed some roses (from the back of the bush, so it wouldn’t mess it up) and put them in a vase on Master’s coffee table. 
They had dinner together (or rather he ate and then Silas drank from him) under candlelight Wren had strategically lit. 
He gave Silas bites of his food and desserts. Apparently vampires could eat small amounts of human food (too much could upset their stomachs), and Silas enjoyed a variety of things .
Wren sat close to him during games, and even closer at reading lessons.
None of it worked. Sure, Silas blushed when Wren curled up on the couch next to him, but that was a far cry from seeing him blush from a good blowjob. 
Maybe Wren was just ugly. He couldn’t compare to vampire beauty. Master had a few fashion magazines, and the vampire models in them were prettier compared to humans, and especially compared to him. 
His hair was a nice color; he could do worse than sort-of red. But his eyes were plain brown. Not even a gorgeous dark, or especially golden. 
He’d always just been ‘good enough’. Never expensive, never cheap. Perfectly middle.
Wren had always been fine with that, before. It kept him safe. A high price tag came with high expectations, and a low price tag meant brothels. Objectively worse than serving one master at a time.
Silas deserved better and prettier. But Wren was still damn good at his job. He just needed to give Silas a bigger hint. Something that screamed 'please have sex with me', and hopefully everything would work out.
taglist: @just-a-whumping-racoon-with-wifi @secretwhumplair @freefallingup13 @mylovelyme @whumpzone @paintedpigeon1 @haro-whumps @whumpthisway @fanastyfinder @extemporary-whump @susiequaz12 @keepingwhumpwiththekardashians @the-cyrulik
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