#and Horropedia looks like he wants a man
idv-sunsxin3 · 5 months
can i request a scenario where a handful of the suitcase gang accidentally consumed sotheby's potion (idk how, they just did lmao) and so turning into their udimos for a day.
w/ diggers, pavia, and horropedia pls. WHEEZE just them tryna grab your attention and you trying to decipher what they want or need 🤣
Pavia, Horropedia, Diggers // Turning into their Udimo
Note// 100% fluff. And not pun intended/ih
"Y/N!!!" A distressed, familiar voice of a lady yells as you were minding your own business on whatever you were doing(hot mc stuff ig/lh)
"Ms. Sotheby??? What's the matter?" You were nearly startled by her scream that followed after. Asking with a concerned look as you turned to face her - only to see her holding something that is trying to get out of her grip -
"Ms. Y/N!! Please help!!!" Sotheby cries as she raises this creature towards your face as you automatically flinch back in fear of colliding faces with the small one.
"Wait a minute, is that udimo my partner uses on the suitcase---" You were about to point out something once analyzing until you were cut off.
"I know, I know!!! I miscalculated;;; I was working on a potion and and- I accidentally dropped it on the suicase-- and now he is turned into this!!! It'll worn off in one day, i promise- E-EEP!!"
The young lady whines before squeaking when the creature succeeds in escaping from her grip and jumps on you. Making you quickly try to catch it.
"Wow, there!" You say, caught off-guard until you got licked on the tip of your mouth by the udimo, "H-Hey!! That tickles...-!" You say as you try to muffle your giggles while trying to get the udimo to stop licking or poking your face.
Quietly watching you get along with the udimo, it suddenly gave a lightbulb to the little lady with the big hat.
"How about you take care of him as he seems to prefer your company than mine?" Sotheby offers, "I got an earful from Ms. Sonetto on Ms. Timekeeper's behalf, so I have to clean up the suitcase anyway -" She twiddles her thumbs with a nervous cheeky smile.
"Oh, sure." You sweat as you feel unease yet sparkled by the idea, not sure how to take care of someone who is in their udimo form. But it is just one day, right? Plus, your pretty boy looks so cute in this form that you can't help but nuzzle your face on him--!!!
He licks you again...
Huh. We have to work on that;;;
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Pavia is not pleased... not even a single bit when he becomes aware of his condition.
Barks in 'M*RDE!!!'
He is already making some plans on to talk to Sotheby after that--(uh oh).
But on the brighter side--- he finally can talk to his children in their language. Now he has to run with them and other kinds of wolf pack stuff like he wished to do before when he was like... a man/lh
He was growling and barking like some edgy pup the entire time he was woth Sotheby. Who was so terrified the entire time she had to put him into a cage(hahaha) with the help of some people before coming to you.
The moment he found you, he got even more insane by barking louder. As if telling 'Y/N!!! Y/N!!! HERE!! GET ME OUT OF THIS TINY JAIL!!' until he realized it just kept scaring you away, becoming harder to ask for help.
So he ended up trying to apologize by making whimpering noises as his ears went droopy while now dropping on the floor as if trying to chill with his small angry tears - huh??? Is that really Pavia???
You eventually help im release him before Sotheby can protest - that he's now nudging his nose on to your knee as if silently asking for attention. Whimpering more with his eyes now sparkling at you.
"Aww... easy there."
He rubs his face on your leg now as you rub his ears. His tail washing and calming down...
Well, until he starts barking and trying to chase Sotheby to bite her if only she didn't immediately dash away - aiyayai....
Once you feel less intimidated by him, now he tries to tell you he wants gelato just by dragging you by the shirt and pawing a picture of it with his claws.
I guess he really wants to chill down with something cool, huh--
But then you quickly remember that the dessert won't be wolf friendly--- so you gently nag him that you can'tgive it to him---
Pavia licks your hand before licking you.
"Hey- You should stop doing that or else I'm going to be drenched with your saliva;" You whine as you try to clean your cheek. He doesn't listen and starts licking and softly biting on your arm, too, as if teasing, "Stoooopp--!"
It will be a long day...---
The next day, when he finally comes back to normal, that's when things are really getting crazy again.
You were sleeping with him, so the moment you were starting to slowly wake up from your slumber, you swear you feel strong arms around your body as if clinging on you---
You quickly wake up to notice the familiar tattoos on the knuckles of the hands--- identifying them as your boyfriend's.
But the thing is, you didn't expect to find him naked on the bed beside you.
"AH-" You were about to fall off the bed the moment you wake up and see him - LIKE WHO WOULDN'T JFHDNRNR???
It didn't take a second to catch you before pulling you close to his bare chest. Cuddling against you.
"...Buongiorno." He says with a smug look. Before licking your nose.
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Tilts head in doggo.
He really didn't have this on this year's bingo list. Okay/lh
The sad part is that he can not even be capable of yapping about stuff to you!!! How cruel;;; (it still doesn't spare the fact he woofs a lot as if he's talking)
But well, he was actually calm and rational enough to just follow Sotheby so she can help him find you--- the moment where he spots you is when he gets off of her grips and paws on your shirt. Wagging his tail so quickly.
Starts yapping and barking nonstop at you. Your poor self is having calculations on your mind about wth is he saying--- 'Y/N, omg, can you believe this??? I'm a dog, a dog!!! This is bad, so bad!!!' Bark bark bark bark ba-
Of course, he is aware that the potion will be worn off eventually. He just wanted to scare you by thinking he is panicking= meaning it's actually bad. Since it's rare for him to panic like that.
But spoilers= it's not really bad, lol.
It gets him desperate to want you to know what he wants, not just your attention, that he keeps pawing you gently to your forehead as if bonking you
'Noooo wrong, that's not what I meant..!' Puppy whimpering as he says that internally;;;
So far other than the noises and how talkative he usually is, it really honestly didn't make much of a difference when he is yapping at you in dog(like he gives dog energy when he is goofing or looking happy--)
But yeah, he always paws your leg whenever asking you to reach something for him many times--- like a horror novel from the top shelf, magazines, whatever that can keep him entertain without reminding himself of the predicament until it's over---
You ended up giving him a lot of books on his bed and dog friendly snacks so he can just sit there and flip the pages by himself with his nose---- smart doggo...
Now the way he is getting pampered by being helped in reaching stuff is pretty nice. Even he has a day off from work to binge on his hobby with you now!!! What a paradise.
Once he turns back to normal- he'll be shocked.
Like the moment he starts to wake up from hus sleep, he has a blurred vision of his hands caressing your neck as your back was facing him - wait, HANDS???
He takes a look at his hands as if it is a dream. He pinches himself - ouch, not a dream for sure... Then, he notices something..
Why does he feel chilly.
He slowly looked under the sheets -
He is naked, yep.
He was about to say "yikes-" but remembers you're still sleeping. Keeping that in mind, he tries to sneak away from the bed to go get some clothes -
Until your hands started palming to where he is, pulling him closer to you once they found him.
Now he is a statue. A sweating, flustered, naked statue.
Sigh... those typical aftermath scenes of a person turning back to humans from animals but ends up being naked - how typical indeed. He's gotta wake you up on this one now, huh.
Hey, he doesn't have much fear about waking you up- but accidentally flashing you with his naked slim body in the process is a different story!!!!
"Eh... eh... oh... Babe...?" He whispers as he tries to poke your sides.
... Now, this is a true horror scene in his mind.
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He really thought it was juice.
But no, it wasn't;;; 😭
He was calm enough to stay in Sotheby's arms until he decided to hop into yours--- staring intensively at you with those big eyes that seem like they're about to cry;;;
'Baby, help me,,,," 😭🥺 He pleads, but ends up sounding like he is croaking softly. Crap...
Now he's going to be a frog inside a bubble for one day - how is he going to eat now when he's hungry???
He was about to make more worried frog noises as he had to come to the conclusion he had to meditate throughout hunger;;; until you just simply popped his big bubble with a finger.
The Frog now hops into your arms now, croaking almost as if it’s purring in 'thank you'.
So far, Diggers has been a pretty peaceful frog vibing on the palm of your hands.
Well, he may also go silly and start jumping and hopping everywhere at his van - all carefree and adventurous. He would try and watch how high he is when trying to move around outdoors.
Despite him being on your palms once in a while because his skin needs to breath sometimes, he doesn't demand much from you as he always seems to take liking of stating at you work--- except that he has these big doe eyes of a tiny frog now.
I can imagine that he sometimes floats when he summons the huge bubble back to engulf him--
he would be struggling to control how to float towards you at first, but the more willing he wants to stay close to you, the better he was at it;;;
It didn't help when you told him you were just going to be off for 2 minutes for a drink, and he's already trying to follow you by blowing bubbles with his own mouth😭
His doe eyes only close for a long time whenever you gently rub his tiny head;;;;
Once he goes back to normal, he is surprised when seeing his state---- happy surprise.
He wasn't fazed by the fact that he's naked. It's so funny.
Now he sobs happily as he can finally be a man once again---!!! Freedom!!!
He giggles happily before planting kisses on your forehead once seeing you wake up and blushing from seeing him shirtless.
"Darling, I'm finally back,,,"
(also mopping on a corner.... Thinking he has been acting so chaotic around you, he couldn't forgive himself and that he won't get head rubs from you fhdhdbdb)
Oh, how much he underestimated you - you still give him headrubs!!! (He luvs them so much, my god;;)
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sleepingcup · 8 months
Touch Starved Headcanons with Horropedia
Game: Reverse 1999
Character: Horropedia x Reader
Genre: Fluff
Disclaimer: This is made for fun, be aware of the ooc.
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Gif by @llynnix
You can say that he is a strange guy, let alone being touched starved?
The man has autism for his love of horror let alone romance.
But if you happen to at least become his lover... There will be things you like must be aware.
The man needs to at least feel safe and comfortable around you, kindly give him some time to adjust when he is in a relationship with you. Be aware that he can be stubborn and will make you argue with him by accident without realizing it, just be full prepared about what he say or do. Third if you want to make him happy, pay attention to his silly ramblings and he will enjoy you, bonus point if you manage to get him blushing.
And now the moment you have been looking forward too, how you got Horropedia touched starve is one thing. If you get him completely touch starve I don’t think he will let you go after 5 minutes.
If you want him to lean closer to you in private, all you need to do is cuddle him, hold him, gently scratch the back of his head or pat his head. Soon you will feel his arms around you and leaning closer to your touch. If he is still in your arms for more than 5 minutes and he got comfortable, you won.
Horropedia is like over the moon the moment he realize that he feels safe in your arms to the point that he can also hear your heartbeat when he is on your chest.
It got so cozy that it lures him to sleep or you sleeping first and he can stare at your sleeping face lovingly.
Time will pass by and when he wakes up, he will process what happen and will find himself blushing.
The thought of you doing all the cuddling with him cause him to blush at the thought of you. He will pretty much give you kisses on your head appreciating you being there for him and will hold your sleeping form close to him.
And if you tried to get up from the cuddle to do work or go to the restroom….
“Nooo… please stay…🥺”
I don’t think you can handle if he does the puppy dog eyes.
And no its not to piss you off no, goodness me, he WILL be a menace to get you to cuddle him one way or another. And IF by chance if someone else wants you, Horropedia will be clingy to you and at the same time plotting to jumpscare that person.
Also if you gave him kisses during your daily hugs, oh will be in cloud nine.
You yourself will get bonus points IF you got him blushing or Horropedia being a blushing mess of your bold movements. Who knows, it will give him more ideas for the future.
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plangentlyre · 8 months
May we please get part two of your amazing story since oh my God I loved how you expressed the characters and wrote it!! <33
Of course!!! Thank you so much for reading, I really appreciate it 🥺 (I accidentally made this one a bit longer and sorry for taking so long!!)
Part 1
The regret comes crashing a mere minute after Jessica leaves Jennifer and as soon as she stops herself, she finds that the surroundings have changed from tinkling shop doors to the familiar labyrinths of forest trees.
Has she truly run this far or has her mind finally fallen into illusion? She looks at her hands, still human and whole and yet when she looks below, her hooves have morphed into feet. Where there was a deer below her stomach, a tangled blue skirt replaces it instead.
It is only until she is beckoned by the voice of a vendor that Jessica realizes the concrete ground and the benches scattered around her. A woman walks in leisure with her dog, children shriek in their squeaking swing sets and a wrinkled, old man calls to her with a cart full of flowers.
"No beautiful girl deserves to frown," he says, "why not buy this daffodil, dear? It is said that these fellows are the attaining of happiness, the symbol for love and hope."
Dear, Jennifer always calls her that. After what happened back there in the shop, would she still call her that?
Jessica says nothing, it isn't that she simply does not want to but rather, it isn't something she can do. Instead, a sob wracks over her body as she covers her face.
"Oh dear," the vendor grieves for her sincerely. He takes the brown cap off his head and he gathers a couple of daffodils, some yellow and some white, before offering it to her. "The youth these days are all suffering. Most lose themselves so deeply that they can only swim further down. You may pay with money if you wish, but a smile is all I ask for. Will you do that for me, dear?"
Jessica tries, truly she does but it is only Jennifer's angered face that she sees, how she must surely look once she tells her to leave. But then a sudden weight falls on her head and a sweet scent wafts to her nose. The man's hand pets her gently, so akin to the way Jennifer cards her fingers through her hair as she lays on her lap.
It soothes her until the tears stop and she slumps her shoulder. Only then she is able to procure a wobbly smile at the old man.
She takes the flowers and with a worn but rested heart returns to the shop where she and Jennifer parted. Upon entering, all eyes are immediately on her alert. Her body has returned to its original form.
The intrusive lady from before, now with a purple bruise on her forehead, sneers at her distastefully when Jessica implores her about the bag that Jennifer wanted. "There is no way this precious handbag is going anywhere near some freakish arcanist. Unless of course, you can afford its original price."
Jessica is a word away from bursting the place with poison when a gloved hand swoops between them, holding a black card towards the lady. "I'll pay for her," comes the sardonic voice.
She lightens greatly upon the person's entrance, "Joshua!"
Horropedia grimaces. It has been his greatest pain for Jessica to discover his name. "Please, you can't keep calling me like that."
He gives the shopping bag to Jessica once he receives it. "Anyways, it's good that you're here, it would really mess up my schedule if you've lost yourself in the woods or something. Totally uncool."
"Oh," she bows her head sadly, "I'll apologize to Vertin for burdening her. She's already so busy, I don't like making her overwork."
"Uh-huh," Horropedia taps the side of his forehead with a raised brow. "Any other name that rings a bell? I'll have you know that a certain blondie has been clawing through the streets looking for a, well, deer girl to apologize. I had to physically stop her from murdering some innocent bystander with a chainsaw while looking for some movie tapes so I'd say you get to it and resolve whatever," he waves vaguely, "lover's quarrel you guys have."
"I see. Thank you, Joshua!"
"H-Hey! No calling other people's names like that unprompted, geez."
It's easy to locate Jennifer with her heightened senses and points her back to the park. What is not simple though is the amount of courage she musters before approaching her.
Jennifer heeds her no mind at first as she busies herself looking to the same forest trees Jessica has seen. And while she tries not to, she can hear the irritated mumbles of Horropedia's name along with a string of curses.
With shivering hands, she calls, "Jennifer..."
A loud gasp emits from the girl's throat and Jennifer startles at her appearance. "Jessica! Oh thank God you're here!" She runs to her and catches her in a tight hug. Jessica allows herself to relax upon the familiar scent of Jennifer's rose perfume and warm, soothing touch.
"Do you-" she chokes in her tears, "do you have any idea how much I've looked for you! I've been worried sick, I-I-"
"Don't cry, Jennifer." Jessica pushes her back then she pulls out the handbag from the shopping bag. "Look! I got you that handbag you wanted and a kind friend offered these flowers to me. He says that these will make you happy."
"You... You bought this for me?" She takes the bag in her hands, gaze wide.
"Of course! And, um," Jessica fidgets, "I don't like making Jennifer upset and I did something really bad. I'm sorry."
There is a pause that deafens them as she waits for Jennifer's response. Then suddenly, the bag drops to the ground. Jessica flinches at the sound of its impact and when she turns to look at Jennifer, the girl was looking at her with a conflicted stare.
"Jessica..." her jaw clenches, lips trembling as she speaks, "you didn't have to do that."
Jessica panics. "But-"
"No. Listen to me, I-I should be the one apologizing to you. I didn't really understand why you were so upset but after a... consultation, I know now." She takes a step near to Jessica and she holds her hands. "I'm sorry for ignoring your feelings. It was selfish of me to get mad at something so small. I would never want you to leave, ever."
A relieved, giddy laugh escapes her throat. A large smile tugs on her face. "You won't leave too, Jennifer?"
Jennifer sighs fondly as she shakes her tousled hair. "Bad news, dear, but you're stuck with me. Hope you don't mind my horrible personality."
Jessica giggles, "Jennifer's being ridiculous now. If not for you, I wouldn't be so happy. That's why, I love you, Jennifer."
She takes her hand and kisses it, "I love you too, Jessica."
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idv-sunsxin3 · 8 months
Pavia, Horropedia, Diggers // Bites as Love Language
Note// when you happen to bite as a gesture of affection, and you mostly do that on your boyfriend-...Also guys don't get me wrong, some of you want to bite them, too-*gets bonked*
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You were not certain why you like biting your loved ones, and especially your man Pavia- probably they were so loveable to the point you just want to chomp on them without needing to communicate-
or because you wanna claim them as yours. Lol
I guess is just your way to show affection.
nonetheless, the time you first bit him not so hard by the arm, the freaking boy bites you back....- but harder.
....crap, you just helped him discover a new habit. Congrats.
"Mmm... Such tender skin~"
...And your arm bled.
He helped you patch you up though, kinda...
Not the type who would say sorry in the spot, but he kisses the spot where it hurts before buying you Gelato to make up for it. He doesn't seem to regret it though, by the fact he keeps rubbing where he bit you with a proud smirk---
He finds your bites endearing, having the believe that he shows it better if he bites harder;;; <//3
You gotta control this feral wolf, bestie- how can you get to give him love bites if he keeps making you bleed through his teeth 😭🫠
Of course, you can bite hard on him. He likes that too. But you still won't be spared;;;
Oh, right, the silent treatment you get. Bad puppy. (lol)
It won't amuse him though, so he'll keep annoying the heck out of you until he gets what he wants; which is your attention.
He probably would have been mad about someone biting his cheek if they're not you- he just happens to have this tiny but unstable amount of patience whenever you do;;; otherwise, he'll trap you in his arms tightly and never leave you do anything else until you say sorry;;; like what do you mean, man- what about you hhhh- 😭
He doesn't care about hiding the marks that you make on him though, he is shameless and mad proud enough to flex them on anyone around him,,,, he even gives you the hard time for you to hide the marks on you if you’re not the type to attract attention,,,
Besides biting you, he often gives you teasing kisses on the cheeks or on the shoulder in response to your random love bites. He can be a loving goof when he wants to, no objections/ih
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Sometimes... you can't help, but find your boyfriend quite mesmerizing. Not just listening to his honeyed-voice ramble whatever he desires, but also the way he sparkles while at it- He seems old-school... But your type of old-school <333
"when a series of bizarre murders occur on the outskirts of the fictional Midwestern town of Raccoon City, the Raccoon City Police Department's S.T.A.R.S. team are assigned to investigate." He rambles on as you doze off, your gaze slowly shufting from his eyes to his neck.
"After contact with Bravo Team is lost, Alpha Team is sent to investigate their disappeara- A... Ah?!"
He feels a small sharp feeling on the back of his neck.
He flinches as he gasps, before turning around to give you a confused look. One big flustered, confused look.
Horropedia scolds you, his ears start to grow a red hue while brushing his fingers on the sore part.
"H-Hey, don't just do that behind me! That's weird...!"
It really caught him off guard yet seems to have brushed it off minutes later when the bite suddenly reminded him of one scene from the horror game...- (help-)
..However, when the night comes, he'd be wide awake thinking about what you did. His thoughts just running wild as he contemplates, still remembering the feeling of your bite on his neck;;;
His brain be braining but also not braining for awhile;;;
At this point, he eventually doesn't seem to mind- he starts to seem to feel pleasant about it, especially if they're just soft bites.
He can't help but get a bit nervous when you do that because it's usually the times when he's not even mentally prepared sbshsn- he'll have these different shades of red on his cheeks, lots of sweating, and lots of occasional glances at everywhere but you to see if there some kind of killer about to jump on you both like in those horror movies---
If anyone ever asks why there are bites on his arms or neck- or even on his face... He'll jokingly answered he got kissed by a vampire, and it went wrong;;;😭/ih
He's not the type to bite, he would push away if it's not the right time at first- until he realizes it's just one of the ways you show this special affection for him, and that makes him feel a bit better so he eventually let them slide... sometimes- it takes a while to get used to it for him hhhh-,,
He would end up either giving you headpats as you do your silly biting sessions or occasionally just pull you close with him in one arm and starts messing your hair playfully;;; of course, all the silliness ends with one kiss on the nose <33
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Diggers would most likely let out a shriek or a gasp the moment you bite him-
Oh, how his reactions tend to get escalated at first;;;
Once in a scenario, you two were having their moment alone. It started with one kiss on his cheek, then two kisses on his lips, then one long kiss-
and then one very long kiss to the point you were now pinning Diggers on the ground as he was holding on to you closer.
You then started planting cute kisses on his chin and neck, making him muffled some giggles by the ticklish feeling-🥺
...Until you started nibbling and biting him softly.
"E- Y/N????" He squeak in an embarrassed tone as he shivers in his own grip.
Whenever you bite him, he tends to get so confused- He would be starting to feel less sober than usual every second while you keep biting him.
It wasn't exactly a negative reaction, he was just very surprised---
Not to mention, you keep doing this to him pretty often after that- preferably behind close doors.
Diggers, at this point, will get high and addicted to your soft bites. Weirdly and silly, they're sometimes used by him as inspiration- even giving him some spark of motivation whenever you stub a bite on his wrist--
He would have a more passive approach while finding himself covering you more with his kisses. He would still peacefully yawn as he has his arm around you. Cuddling while you do it.
Slowly, he eventually gets used to your affectionate gesture that his reaction will start to gradually seem to become a bit calmer.
He wouldn't flinch nor pull away if you lightly bite his lip. But he'll surely shiver again as the sensation is overwhelmingly good.
Yet- He honestly can't bring himself to bite you back as he doesn't want to do any form of harm to you- So he can't speak your love language, "i'm sorry, my muse,,, 😭🥺" he would say;;;
Nonetheless, he won't stop give you kisses and the occasional nose booping... your touch is all the same intoxicating. <33
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idv-sunsxin3 · 8 months
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// How Horropedia & Philocalist(my OC) first met
Note// Canon x OC. In my main blog, I did say I was gonna write it here lol
Mm... Another morning, another tomorrow.
The ravenette with the black face mask who just happened to wake up from her idling mode is Philocalist.... Why Philocalist?
As a way to keep her personal name a secret, Vertin named her, after the flower entity's creator dropped off the ravenette when she was still in the state of a flower pot.
Vertin asked Philocalist to escort her and Sonetto to the St. Pavlov Foundation so she gladly served them under her protection.
That's why she is here in this world... to serve Vertin by her creator's orders.
Her creator and Vertin happen to be closed friends despite being "business partners", Philocalist witnessed their conversation herself about how they both grab each other's hands tenderly as a way to say goodbye... her creator planting a gentle kiss on Philocalist's petal before departing through a portal.
Even once arriving at the location and having to wait for the pair to finish what they need to do, the flower one finds herself in the middle of an artist's block, her digital drawing pad resting on her lap with a bright screen on as she is sitting on the stairs of the St. Pavlov Foundation's heaquarters..-
Why does this always happen to people? What did the artist block even do to her? She even planned to write something awhile ago, but writer's block got to her soon after writing only 3 paragraphs of a mystery genre story she came up-
'The only way to wiggle it out is look around... and find an object of focus.' She mentally notes as she sighs, before looking at the design the ceiling and then studying the structure of the hallways.
Ahh.... She cannot help but admit how well designed the floors and the walls look in the establishment. She can only connect the design with only one certain monochromic building that she have saw once in Manhattan...
Having to try and study some digital architecture sketch, she observes the shape and value of the walls, pillars, and the floors lighting before trying to capture them all in one screen with her pen.
In the process, Philocalist wonders if she should sketch the small cameos of Vertin and Sonetto...- wondering if that would make their day.
She then looks up to where Vertin is, her temporary guardian, who seems to be discussing with Sonetto matters about some kind of a letter from a stranger that was found today...she sadly cannot help them as she is not even a local to be familiarized with the maps. Just it’s history.
She then stares off for a bit on where the 2 ladies are who seem to happen to bump into a brunette man with a pretty tall stature- His posture seems to resemble a shrimp.
He is also wearing glasses- wait... those glasses seem familiar. As if she has seen it from one of those movies she watched.
Was it the "X-Ray Monkeyman"???
Philocalist would probably be wrong- but if she has the permission to talk to other arcanists in this organization, maybe she will go and ask the man.
But... oh... dear.
He looks... interesting. A perfect subject to study on that seems too good to be real.
He seems eccentric. His crooked glasses and demeanor. The way he moves his hands as he speaks and moving his mouth to form words- despite that she can only catch like 80% of what he says, being a bit far from the group...
It seems she got saved entirely for now.
Slowly, the digital artist finds herself completing the blank space of the background with the silhouette of her 2 friends, along with the figure of the mysterious man with glasses. Philocalist later happen to learn that he is also known as... "Horropedia", despite that she also got the suspicion that he has a name he doesn't want to be addressed by Vertin for some reason-
Oh, Ms. Tooth Fairy joined in the conversation as well. Interesting.
Philocalist erases a certain space of the background of her drawing before quickly replacing the blank with a cameo of the dentist
But well... The artist will have to go and ask Madam Z about the strange man that Tooth Fairy seems to know him as well- ... Madam Z is the nice lady with glasses who gives her stashes of candies whenever she visits her. Despite that the plant arcanist is in her early 20s, the physicist keeps taking her as a "sweet child of a flower"...
Meanwhile, Horropedia has just finished telling a certain updated story about a Campsite... before sensing someone staring from afar. He glances through Vertin's back to see a lady sitting on the stairs, looking so calm as she switches between glancing at the group and going back to her drawing pad to capture their features...
"Who is that?" Horropedia says as he notices the unfamiliar technological device the stranger is using, "I almost thought I have seen a ghost- but is just a doll.."
"Mm?," Vertin hums before following his gaze to where Philocalist is, "Oh, she is not a doll.. I have her under my wing and kept her as my security escort."
"She is reliable when it comes to security," Sonetto agrees with the Timekeeper's statement.
"...What's her name?" Horropedia hasn't stopped looking at the artist with an unreadable look.
"We call her Philocalist," Vertin simply answers... crossing her arms as she studies Horropedia's strange reaction.
Just after hearing that, Horropedia automatically seems to start walking towards the oblivious ravenette- raising confusion to the other 3 ladies.
"...I can already sense their first embrace." Tooth Fairy calmly says with a smile.
"R-Really?," Sonetto asks in confusion, worried that Horropedia might scare Philocalist away instead.
"Is alright, Sonetto... our girl is strong, and horror-proof." Vertin rassures calmly as she still glances at the pair along.
While Philocalist was having a train of thoughts, she couldn't get the chance to process from hearing footsteps approaching her.
Just as a shadow looms over her, that's when starts to look up while pausing from coloring the certain silhouette of a brunette...
Which happens to have caught her staring.
'Oh... oopsie.' Philocalist mentally panics once making eye-contact with Horropedia by accident before looking everywhere that is not his face, out of habit.
"Is that a drawing of me?" The horror fanatic asks as he merely gives the other a dork grin. "It's weird to stare at people, you know."
From her point of view, he looks intimidating through this angle due to his height--- while she looks like a tiny creature beneath him.
Nonetheless, despite Philocalist feeling this sense to hide away slowly; she manages to stay calm as usual.
"Yes... sorry." She responds, apologizing as she realizes she is drawing a cameo of a stranger- "I wanted to capture the scenery.... the lighting seems perfect. I.. Didn't have the heart to remove you, Ms. Vertin, and Ms. Sonetto from the frame..."
In the digital drawing, it seems like his face is covered with a thick cross line. As if meaning to hide his facial identity respectfully. It strange to see that the figures' face that were passing by in the drawing were also crossed(Philocalist happen to have a picture memory by only one glance if she manages to catch them walking by). Except Vertin and Sonetto, who happen to be the only ones Philocalist knows they are okay with her drawing their faces.
Even after answering him and trying to resume on her drawing, the beautiful stranger just happen to give himself freedom to sit next to the digital artist. He continues to look at what's on her drawing pad. She may not be facing him directly, but she can sense that his eyes are also burning her skull with curiousity-- what a familiar yet overwhelming feeling...;;;
Only a few seconds have passed, but Horropedia decides to chirp once again.
"You even draw the background and added lighting to it! I never expect someone to be this talented- also why is my face crossed out in the drawing like the others except Tooth Fairy, Vertin and Sonetto???" Horropedia blabs as he studies closely at the pad that is now zoom out. Not taking much in mind by the fact Philocalist seems to have her left hand trembling as she uses it to hold the apple pen.
"... Ms. Vertin, Ms. Tooth Fairy, and Ms. Sonetto gave me consent to draw their faces, I don't like giving out strangers' facial identities... Drawing people is like taking photos of them." She politely answers, her voice passive, soft, and quiet. Yet, her face didn't show anxiety, unless the mask is hiding it.
"I don't know anyone here besides the two ladies you talked- and señorita Tooth Fairy. I hope I haven't trespass your privacy." She apologizes once again.
"Oh... No no no! I'm actually alright. I truly understand, I honestly find it fascinating the way you draw people, as if the drawing tells how you see peers and strangers. You even managed to picture them clearly! I think I even recognize some of them just by the clothing and hair...-" Horropedia assures surprisingly before muttering the last part. He then hands out his hand for a handshake. As if meaning to start a proper introduction.
"Actually, I don't mind you drawing my face... I'm Horropedia! You must be "Philocalist", pretty cool name."
"...?" Philocalist blinks before stopping to take a glance at the gloved hand. Before accepting the handshake with her unoccupied hand, "Oh, pleasure to meet you... señor Horropedia."
"Horropedia. " He repeats.
"Señor Horropedia." Philocalist repeats too.
"It's Horropedia....
Just call me that, and I'll be there."
He jokingly replies. Causing Philocalist to suddenly spill a giggle.
"Alright... Horropedia." She obliges with a sweet twinkle in her eyes. Strangely warming Horropedia, he can't help but mirror her eyes too for a bit.
"That’s the spirit." He chirps.
Horropedia's face then quickly morphs into one of realization.
"Oh! If you ever ask how I know your name, is because the "great" Vertin told me,” Horropedia suddenly points out before gesturing at the said grey-haired woman from the background, who seems to be still talking with Sonetto but also watching the pair from the corner of her eyes like a blank eagle. “I was about to ask you if you want to join us.”
Is this... Guardian instincts? Well, thank you Ms. Vertin- Now this guy's knows her and she doesn't know what else to do. (Especially the fact that she barely interacts with guys before since her arrival-).
"Oh, I see now..." The girl with the face mask nods, "I... I guess I have to somehow restore your facial expressions-"
Philocalist was about to finish her sentence until she stops to catch the female pair from her corner of her eyes. Who seem be now approaching them woth a familar woman, Tooth Fairy. This seems to cue that they'realready done with collecting what they need to know.
"-Well, In a different time, of course... and yes, I don’t mind." Philocalist now lowky finishes her phrases as a hint of change. Before waving at the girls once she fully faces then, "Hello... anything new?"
"We took time hearing Mr. Horropedia's story about a campsite called Green Lake... which is suspected to be haunted." Vertin explains, "Ms. Tooth Fairy explained otherwise that it's hard to wipe out the young campers easily, because it was also used as a military site for the Youth Force."
"Oh, so señorita Tooth Fairy came back from the trip?" Philocalist walks in to hug her dear senior, Tooth Fairy, as a way to say welcome back.
In response, Tooth Fairy laughs softly before returning the lovely hug like how a mother embraces a little one. Unknowingly, Horropedia feels a light feeling on his stomach by the sight of the twinkling eyes Philocalist is giving to the woman she is holding.
"I’ve rerouted for a new destination
.. My companion suggested to come back to the Foundation first, so I came back earlier." Tooth Fairy explains to the young girl. Before looking at the others.
"Anything wrong with the original destitation?" Vertin asks.
"It's fine, and safe... However, knowing from the myths and danger in the new route, I learn that there once lived many adolescents, Tooth Fairy replies, "With any luck, I will embrace a harvest of baby teeth."
"...That’s wonderful." Philocalist vaguely seems to be smiling at the said woman with braces gratefully,
"No way... The place you are hearing is-" Vertin starts.
"Yes. The Green Lake Campsite." Tooth Fairy nods.
"But... wasn't it a story? A story made up by Mr. Horropedia?"
"He just made up a part of it... Such as the blody hand underneath the bed and the midnight screaming..." Philocalist points out, who seems to be familiarized with the history as well but feeling sorry as sge notices Sonetto's same scared look she has as the one minutes ago, "The rest is exactly the same as i know... unfortunately."
"But... if it was a training base... It's almost impossible for the Youth Force to be.." Sonetto trembly says.
"It proves that the Green Lake Campsite is out of this world... a place worth visiting, Tooth Fairy calmly says.
"You're 3 minutes and 15 seconds late, Miss Tooth Fairy." Horropedia says, "No worries, I didn't waste my time waiting."
'So señor Horropedia is señorita Tooth Fair's said partner,' Philocalist points out internally.
"We need more people to join us. Angie and Dolf have turned me down, but Vertin and Sonetto haven't walled away yet. I'm trying to win them over- I think I'm almost there. They already seem attracted to the Green Lake campsite, so we are starting off soon!-" Horropedia excitedly takes out his gun with a hopeful smile before looking back at Philocalist, "Oh, and I was about to ask if you want to join us too! The more the merrier."
"Oh..? Ah..." Philocalist wears a tiny skeptical look, looking at Vertin and Sonetto if they even said yes to the invitation. "If Vertin and Sonetto is up for it 100%, of course."
"Attracted?! Pardon me, Jo- ... Mr. Horropedia. We did not plan to go there, and we certainly do not feel any strong attraction to that place!"
Sonetto protests as she trembly comes to hold Philocalist's hand and squeezing it as means of comfort. Who innocently just squeeze her hand back in return after separating from Tooth Fairy.
"Oh? Really? But Vertin and Philocalist seem to be very attracted. Or am I mistaken about the look on their faces?" Horropedia replies as he focuses his gaze on Philocalist after noticing the hand holding for a millisecond.
"Timekeeper..? Philocalist..?" Sonetto quietly asks as she looks back at the 2 ladies. Vertin having a blank look as usual. Philocalist merely playing with Sonetto's fingers wanderlessly in her unoccupied hand, drawing pad clenched firmly in the other.
"I am kind of attracted, indeed." The English lady agrees.
"If Vertin agrees, I'm happy..." Philocalist strangely replies, "The location seems interesting enough for a journal entry... It might give me some inspiration. "
'I once tried to explore a campsite from the Soviet Union era- hope that's not weird.' Philocalist internally thinks.
"See that? I am right." Horropedia says with a victorious grin. Now having his turn to throw big pats on Philocalist's shoulder, who squeaks quietly by it. Yet not flinching away either.
The brunette with glasses seems more happy now...
...Philocalist feels funny.
"I'm glad to see you in an adventuous spirit, Ms Vertin, Philocalist. " Tooth Fairy says with a smile through her braces.
It is decided, then.
"Great! Take your suitcase, pack your clothes, don't forget to bring two novels to kill time." Horropedia advice as he readies his equipment.
Philocalist can only stand there as she takes another glance at her drawing pad.. it's the only thing thay she has with her.
"Now, let's take the hands of our three new partners. Journey on!" The horror fanatic cheers.
Before Horropedia gets to hold hands with Philocalist, Vertin throws a quick glance with her who immediately got the message. Quickly turning herself into a camellia flowerpot that is just standing on the floor. Not sparing the time to notice Horropedia's intentions.
"Philo- huh?" Horropedia turns to look midway. The flower pot as his hand was stretched out midway.
"We tend to bring her along this way to occupy less space." Sonetto replies as she smiles warmly at how adorable Philocalist can be in her flower pot form, now holding her carefully in her hands.
"Ah.. Fascinating." The guy in glasses mutters as he studies the flower that is in the ginger's hold. Starting to grown even more fascinated by the "mysterious" Philocalist.
"Hey? I'm not sure if you can actually hear me in this state but- don't forget to finish drawing my face as we get there." Horropedia pushes teasingly at supposedly Philocalist, before hearing the ring emitted by the plant. As if it's saying "I will..."
'Mm... She is not a doll... but a beautiful flower meant to behold.'
Horropedia thinks without a second thought, wearing a goofy smile at the plant as Sonetto and Vertin are looking weird at him.
This might be the start of these two's fascination towards one another... it can even be deeper than that.
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