#and Bahorel gets something Gav thinks is cool because he thinks Bahorel is cool
Les Mis superhero au but Les Amis let Gavroche pick their superhero alias' for undisclosed reasons. (No one knows who made this decision)
Someone gets bestowed the name Weather boy, probably Joly because the argument could be made that he checks his pulse in bad weather, ergo weather boy
One day they're doing some sort of something and whoever got the name weather boy is like "gavroche what are we doing"
Gavroche turns, clearly having waited for this day for who knows how long. "Well wouldn't you like to know weather boy?"
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bahorell · 3 years
Les Amis (& co.) and the stuff they have on their walls
Enjolras: Pictures of his friends. I loved this idea so much I had to expand on it so it’s the shortest paragraph here but he’ll have his own post in a couple days I PROMISE
Combeferre: He has framed bugs!!! They are mostly moths but he also has some really rare expensive beetles that he’s gotten for Christmas. One winter break when he really had nothing going on he did a bunch of research on what all of the bugs were and has little hand-written pieces of paper taped to the wall underneath the bugs with all the info like a little MUSEUM OMG it’s literally the cutest thing. And if you’ve never been to his place before he makes you pick which one if your favorite.
Courfeyrac: Has a bunch of plants all over the walls. They’re so big that he has nails in the walls and any vining plants he’ll hang the vines on the walls so they look like they’re crawling up the walls. He also strategically places big plants like any trees he has or Monsteras in corners or next to dressers. He really doesn’t like putting too much stuff on his walls because he thinks it’s a lot of commitment. He doesn’t really have a lot of printed pictures of his friends and he doesn’t really have enough art to fill a wall space without making it look awkward. 
Joly: Joly is one of those really really cool guys that glues and frames all of the puzzles he finishes. Every time he goes somewhere he’s never been before he’ll go into a little tourist shop and buy the biggest puzzle he can find (the more pieces the better). There’s a separate table in the living room that he sits at and works on his puzzle at while he watches Grey’s Anatomy. He’s always rearranging things because he likes everything to have a you know that feng shui so his walls have a bunch of nail holes in them. He’s also quickly running out of wall space because now his friends have started gifting him puzzles as well. 
Jehan: Jehan LOVES to collect calendars! But not just like… monthly calendars. They have moon phase calendars, lunisolar calendars, a really really cool mayan calendar replica, a roman calendar, seasonal calendar for things like when to plant and harvest fruits and veggies!, a crystal calendar, a japanese calendar… They really like to look at how different things look from different perspectives. The months look different on a seasonal calendar than they do on a “standard” calendar. It reminds them that they have more control over their time than they think they do. Bousset: Movie posters!!!! He has posters of all his favorite movies but he really is a sucker for the movie posters that are in a retro style. He tries to make sure to buy frames for all of the posters he has because he doesn’t want them to get ruined. He’s scared not only because he has bad luck but because all of his friends are slobs and if they come over you know someone is going to somehow get beer or lasagna on the wall and some of the posters were like limited edition and he CANNOT have them ruined. He also dusts them p regularly.
Feuilly: Feuilly collects but also makes a bunch of wood art that he is very proud of. Usually when he makes something he’ll keep the first draft of it since it isn’t polished enough for him to feel like he can try to sell it. It’s not very often he can find Purple Heart stuff but when he does he really struggles to say no if it’s out of his budget. Also he has a few pieces of moss art that he ADORES
Bahorel: Collects a bunch of small random things that he finds. Pretty much he thinks if he CAN hang it on a wall that he SHOULD hang it on a wall. There’s art pieces, cards he’s gotten from people, business cards that have a cute design on them, he has a shit ton of command strips that hang things like lanyards, his go-to jackets for easy access, his towel when he doesn’t feel like walking back to the bathroom to hang it up after he’s showered. He also has like 5 sets of mini battery powered string lights that he leaves on whenever he’s not sleeping (he spends a lot of money on batteries) 
Grantaire: His walls kinda work as his sketchbook when he’s home. He’s found that sometimes working on a vertical surface instead of a horizontal surface helps get the gears turning in his head. It makes him a little frustrated sometimes because he’ll have a whole piece that’s done on one of his walls and then he basically has to repeat yet and put it back on paper but it doesn’t feel the same. Since his walls are pretty much a free-for-all, all of the amis have painted something on them at some point. He tries not to paint over those spots but sometimes he has to. 
Marius: Marius has a bunch of shadow boxes of stuff. Most of them are antique items like he has a shadow box that has about 50 unused boxes of matches that are from all over the world, he has a shadow box of antique flies for fly fishing. He’s never fly fished before but seeing the colors on the flies makes him want to try it at least once. He makes most of them himself also! He has one that has a bunch of wine corks in it that he had been collecting for awhile. And he has one that has one item from each Ami that he asked them to contribute to. His favorite tho is the shadow box that is filled with metal caps from soda bottles. It was the first one he made and a lot of the caps he got one summer he spent with his dad when he was a kid trying to find the best brand of soda for each flavor.
Eponine: Eponine doesn’t have a lot of stuff on her walls, she never really has but ever since she got her apartment and moved out of her parents place she got a few art pieces. They aren’t framed or anything, she always thinks that if something happens and she has to move out of her place that big framed art pieces will just be one more thing she has to worry about. It never happens and she’s accumulated enough pieces that eventually she saves up some money and gets most of them framed. 
Cosette: When she was a kid her dad bought her a really beautiful wall quilt that she never took off her wall even if she was cold. They’re pretty expensive and she’s managed to collect a few other larger quilts but she also has signed up for classes at a local quilt shop and has a couple small little baby quilts she’s done as practice that she hung up. They make her so proud and she’s loved looking at how her skills have improved since she started!
Musichetta: Musichetta doesn’t have too much stuff on her walls. She has a couple pieces that are really pretty that she has framed, but one of her walls she doesn’t ever hang stuff on because a couple years ago she bought some super cool bright wallpaper that has a bunch of citrus fruits on it. It really adds a bunch of color to her apartment and even in the winter helps makes the place feel warm and bright. 
Gavroche: Gav has two of his walls covered in chalkboard paint! He does his homework on them sometimes but mostly he uses them to draw little doodles. One of the walls he hasn’t touched in months because Feuilly and Grantaire worked together on a super big mural for it that took them like 3 days. Gav won’t ever erase it but he has bumped into it enough times that it’s getting pretty smudged. Plus he figures if he erases it they can just do another one. But because he has chalkboard walls he doesn’t really have anything else on his walls. He maybe has one or two pictures on the last wall that isn’t being taken up by chalkboard or closet doors. 
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awreckfics · 5 years
Day 2
Characters: Eponine, Courfeyrac
Prompt: brazen (it’s not really in the story, because it decided to take an other direction but it’s somewhat included)
“Can I be the next? Can I?” Courfeyrac raised his hand so violently, he almost hit Bossuet in the face.
“Okay, sure, choose a number” Grantaire nodded, then proceeded to shuffle through his papers to get to the appropriate question. “Uh, this will potentially be very awkward” he remarked.
“Ah, yes, read the question!” Courfeyrac leaned forward excitedly.
“Okay, you asked for it” Grantaire shrugged. “When did Eponine become friends with Courfeyrac?”
“Oh, come on, this one is easy! When you first brought her along to hang out with us and I ordered her seventeen-years-old self some alcohol as any responsible adult friend would do.”
“Ponine?” Grantaire turned to the girl sitting with her back against Bahorel’s at the other end of the room.
“Well, no. Actually, I rather disliked you at first” she shrugged.
“What? Are you even my friend, woman?” Courfeyrac faked a dramatic gasp, but he couldn’t fully cover the fact that he was slightly hurt by the answer.
“I think the fact that you are still alive after calling me woman speaks for itself” Eponine rolled her eyes, but a fond smile was playing in the corner of her lips.
“Fair enough” Courfeyrac nodded in agreement. “But why didn’t you like me back then? I was so nice to you. I was trying to make you feel welcome with us.”
“You kind of had the opposite effect, though. I mean the first thing you did when we met was going all creepy saying how young I was and how you will help me out and buy me something” Eponine explained.
“But you drank it” Courfeyrac pouted.
“Well it was a free drink after all” Eponine shrugged.
“Did you at least like it?” Courfeyrac continued, not even trying to cover his hurt anymore.
“Oh, come on, Courf, you have to admit a guy pulling you around a bar by your elbow, saying things like good old Courfeyrac will help you out, kiddo is a bit creepy” Eponine tried but when her words made Courfeyrac only shrink in on himself more, she continued with a sigh. “Come on, Courf! It doesn’t even matter anymore. I like you now. We are friends” she ran a hand nervously through her hair as she saw that Courfeyrac was still visibly upset and Grantaire was about to apologize, because asking this question seemed like a really asshole move in hindsight, when Courfeyrac finally looked up from staring at his knees.
“When?” he asked Eponine on a small voice. “When did you start to consider me as a friend then?”
“In the year I got custody over Gavroche.”
May 2018
Eponine placed her head on the table in front of her, hoping that the cold bartop would ease some of its throbbing. The letters on her computer screen were turning into unreadable smudges if she looked at them for more than a second anyway. Well, that much was to be expected, since she was running on three hours of sleep after getting home at one from a waitressing gig on a random event Grantaire had found for her and getting up at four thirty to get to one of her day jobs in the city centre by six.
She only needed to concentrate for a few more minutes, then she could take a quick nap in one of the café’s armchairs until Gavroche got there from school and then they could finally go home and from then on she only had to stay awake for an hour until Azelma got home, then she could curl up in her bed and sleep for twelve hours if she was lucky and nothing else came up. That sounded like a dream.
But right now, she needed to finish reading through her emails, since the only reason she was in that loud café at the first place, was to get access to free internet. And because Grantaire was working there that afternoon and that meant a free coffee for Ep. Even if it didn’t wake her up at the slightest.
She was about to open her eyes again and get back to reading, when Grantaire’s friends started laughing again at something Grantaire had said over the counter and Eponine’s headache re-emerged in full force.
She loved Grantaire, she really did but sometimes she wished he could just stop making his idiotic friends laugh for one stupid second. Okay, that wasn’t fair of her. Not all of Grantaire’s friends were that bad. Joly and Bossuet were decent, she even liked Jehan, Bahorel, Feuilly and Musichetta and she, Combeferre and Enjolras were politely ignoring each other, which was totally fine by her. The only person that really irritated her was Courfeyrac.
Because even when it was plain and simple that his world was so far removed from the one Eponine was living in that sometimes she felt like they weren’t even speaking the same language, he didn’t seem to accept the uncoverable gap between them. He even seemed to be under the impression that they were friends, which was about the most irritating situation Eponine could imagine.
The laughter finally died down again and she could concentrate on the email in front of her again. It was from Montparnasse, saying that she could pick up an extra shift at the tattoo salon, because Joana was traveling to Switzerland. Third fucking time this month. Anyway, who was she to complain, she needed the money. Gavroche’s school trip shook their monthly budget a bit. She had no idea before that school took up so much money.
Right as she was about to send Parnasse a respond, the door of the coffee shop burst open and Gavroche entered, bouncing happily on his feet, not bothered at all by his bag that must have weighted at least five kilos. Eponine smiled in spite of her headache. Sometimes all she needed was seeing her little brother happy to remind her that there was a reason she was working herself to the bone. Seeing that Gavroche wasn’t dreading to go to school so much he spent more days wandering the streets of Paris than actually making it to class anymore. That now that he was with Eponine, who let him participate in after school activities and actually gave him money to buy gifts for secret Santa, he had finally managed to make good friends, who made him excited for going to school. So much so, that he hadn’t missed a single school day since October.
“Hey, Ponine” he greeted her happily as he climbed up to the bar chair next to hers. “We are celebrating Fathers’ Day with the parents at the first Friday of June in school.”
“Cool” Eponine nodded, opening her next letter distractedly. “I’ll be there.”
“But you aren’t my dad” Gavroche remarked.
“Would you like me to tell your real dad to come?” she snapped back. still paying more attention to the emails than the little boy. She just wanted to get it over with.
“No, but I thought you could maybe, get a boyfriend or something.”
“Am I embarrassing to you?” Eponine felt herself getting more pissed by the moment. She sure as hell didn’t sleep enough for this.
“No, but I’ve already told everyone that my father would be there and…”
“I won’t get a boyfriend for this, Gav, I don’t have time for that right now” she gripped the edge of her chair with whitening fingers. She needed to keep her temper in check, she didn’t want to shout at Gavroche but the whole boyfriend topic was a bit of a touchy topic for her on a normal day.
“But please Ponine! It doesn’t have to be anyone new. You could just ask one of the guys that pick you up in the evenings someti…”
“That’s enough!” Eponine broke, unable to contain herself anymore. “What I do with my evenings is none of your business. I’ll go see your Fathers’s Day show and if you want someone else there, you can talk Zelma into coming.”
“If you say one more word you can go and live with your father again” Eponine shut him off.
“Fine!” her brother shouted as he jumped off of the chair. “I’ll just live on the streets then, because I hate both of you anyway!” he shouted back red faced from the entrance of the café, before he shut the door behind himself with a loud bang and ran down the street.
Eponine’s anger left her as if it was never even there, instantly giving space to her worries instead. She quickly pushed her computer into her bag, sent a quick glance towards Grantaire, who pointed desperately at the clock on the wall behind him, and right, he still had two hours of his shift and he was in alone that day. Doesn’t matter, it wasn’t his fault she screwed up anyway.
Eponine was already at the door when someone grabbed her arm before she could exit. She turned around to find Courfeyrac looking down at her with a sympathetic expression.
“What?” Eponine asked as rudely as she could, because she needed to go after her brother, and she needed to go right then.
“It’s just that you seem exhausted lately” the boy continued, though he seemed a bit less sure of himself than a moment before. “If there’s anything I can help with.”
“I don’t need help” Eponine stated drily as she pulled her arm out of the boy’s grip and hurried down the street after her brother, desperately trying to forget Courfeyrac’s words, because he noticed – and if he noticed, everyone else had noticed as well – that she wasn’t enough. And if he offered his help that meant he knew the thing Eponine was desperately trying to push out of her brain ever since she got custody over her siblings, that she would never be enough.
June 2018
Eponine took a quick detour to the bathroom of Gavroche’s elementary school to put on another layer of corrector under her eyes and fix her dark lipstick before she went on finding her brother. She always put on heavier makeup when she went to Gavroche’s school. She wanted the other parents to take her seriously, which meant she needed to look older than her age. It didn’t take a lot of time anyway and made a world of a difference in how the moms in Gav’s class addressed her.
Thankfully, she discovered as she entered the gymnasium where the celebration was taking place a few minutes late, the play hadn’t started yet. She even spotted Gavroche standing at the side of the room, talking to his teacher, so she made her way over there to let the kid know she had arrived.
“Oh, Eponine, you’re here, that’s wonderful” Gav’s teacher hurried to her as soon as she saw her approaching, which was rather unusual. Eponine had known the woman to be rather cold actually. “Do you know when your father will be here?”
“My fa…” Eponine stared at the woman in shock, then Gavroche caught her eyes behind his teacher, looking repentantly at his feet and she remembered their conversation from a few weeks ago. “Oh, I’m sorry but Gavroche’s father won’t be here today.”
“I’m so sorry to hear that. What happened?”
“He was never planning on coming” Eponine answered drily, watching closely as her brother visibly paled after her words.
“He was never… You brazen little div” the woman turned violently towards Gavroche, towering over him. “You said you will have your father will be here.”
“You wouldn’t have let me play the main role otherwise” Gavroche answered on a small voice, which made Eponine’s stomach twist. She should have known it was important for Gavroche to have someone he could call his father in attendance beyond wanting a dad there.
“I’ll never give you a main role ever again, you’ve just made sure of that young man” the teacher shot back. Eponine twisted her hands into fists behind her back. She was about to open her mouth to say something that would have probably got her banned from the ten-meter radius of the school, because no one should talk to her little brother in that tone. But before she could say anything, someone slipped past him and stopped at Gavroche’s side to place a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, kiddo, I’m sorry I’m late, I was coming as fast as I could” Courfeyrac said. The words died at Eponine’s throat as she looked over at the boy, panting slightly from probabl running there, but looking perfectly formal in his light blue shirt and expensive pants.
“You came?” Gavroche asked excitedly and if Eponine didn’t know him so well, she would have easily fallen for him and though Courfeyrac was invited all along.
“And who are you again?” Gavroche’s teacher straightened to give Courfeyrac a distrustful look over.
“I’m Gavroche’s father, Oliver de Courfeyrac” he held out his hand politely. “Okay, biologically, I’m his cousin” he leaned slightly closer as if he was telling a secret to the woman. “But I’m kind of a father figure to him.”
“Eponine didn’t mention you were coming” the woman tried to resist the boy’s charm with one last desperate attempt.
“I wanted it to be a surprise. I’m sorry, did I cause some kind of inconvenience? It didn’t intend to” Courfeyrac managed to look genuinely terrified by the concept, which made any mistrustful thoughts vanish from the teacher’s mind.
“Oh, no, not at all. We haven’t started the show anyway. Why don’t you two find a seat until I get the kids in order?”
“That would be lovely” Courfeyrac gave the woman one last charming smile before he pulled the shell shocked Eponine after him to two empty seats in the back.
“What are you doing here?” Eponine asked as the play started and she was finally able to get her thoughts in order.
“I was really sorry for stopping you the other day. I realized that my timing was entirely wrong, and I figured I should make up for it somehow” he admitted, looking sheepishly at his knees in front of him. “Also, I wanted Gavroche not to feel left out today. He’s a good kid.”
“Yeah, he is” Eponine nodded, turning her gaze towards the stage where Gavroche entered, wearing a purple bucket on his head for some reason.
“You raise him well” Courfeyrac added next to her. “Do you know why he has a bucket on his head?” he asked the next moment, genuinely confused, totally ruining their sentimental moment and Eponine couldn’t fight her smile any longer.
“Oh my god, Eponine, can I hug you?” Courfeyrac asked as Eponine finished telling the story, wiping tears from his eyes.
“Okay, fine” she rolled her eyes, but it didn’t take a genius to see that she was extremely touched by the boy’s reaction.
“Aw, come here!” Courfeyrac was on his feet in an instant, stepping over the amis in his way to pull Eponine into a deep hug. “It was totally worth missing that European Law seminar for the Fathers’ day then” he whispered into the girl’s shoulder.
“What?” Eponine pulled away suddenly to look Courfeyrac in the eyes. “You missed a lesson for it?”
“He had to retake EU Law next semester, because that was his fourth missed class” Combeferre chimed in from his place on the floor before Courfeyrac could dodge the question.
“What? You idiot!” Eponine hit him on the head rather forcefully before pulling him back into the hug. “Thank you” she whispered. “I’m glad you forced your friendship on me.”
“Me too” Courfeyrac whispered back, pulling her even closer. “Also, ouch. That hurt” he added, which led to the whole room breaking into laughter again.
First chapter || previous chapter
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gazelonger · 6 years
hi!! these are just some headcanons for jehan that I haven’t seen before but I think are nice uwu
- jehan really loves the mcu
- they really like loki in particular
- they tend to forget to drink water for days sometimes because they’re busy gardening or helping their friends
- (fear not, bahorel to the rescue)
- the best baby sitter for gav, bc they’re so chill
- they used to be uncomfortable around children bc they thought kids thought they were weird, but then they were in the park one day and a little girl with orange hair and fairy wings came up to them and asked them if they were a real life fairy
- they teared up
- and said yes
- and spent the afternoon on an adventure with the girl looking for the Guardian of the Forest. by some odd chance, they saw grantaire, proceeded to point at him and scream “IT’S HIM! THE GUARDIAN!” and they and the little girl ran up to him and just hugged him. (grantaire was a good sport around the girl, but then made jehan buy him starbucks)
- they tell really good ghost stories (which is why gavroche likes them so much) which eponine thinks are hilarious and which absolutely terrify marius.
- the first shakespeare play they really got into was hamlet and they could honestly go on for hours about it
- they give really good hugs but they’re always cold??? always. grantaire complains about it but he always goes to jehan first for a hug
- they have no specific taste in music. one time they were handed the aux chord (a Mistake) on a roadtrip, and it varied from lady gaga to old seventies hair bands to vance joy
- can recite every line from the movie ‘elf’
- loves going to museums with enjolras and taking candid pictures of him standing next to statues (& sends them to grantaire)
- loves going to museums in general
- they actually worked in a museum one summer & was a tour guide. when they didn’t know the answer to a question they would make something up that sounds obscure enough to be true (and sometimes they actually say something that is true, and eponine calls them jehan baxter)
- they are scared of heights & has never been on a plane for this reason
- is usually a really good mediator and usually has a cool head, but when they get angry, they get angry
- angry jehan includes: hands shaking for the duration of their rage, clenched jaw, and loud comebacks that somehow always manage to be eloquent, insulting, and emotional. they once got in a row with someone at a rally that got out of hand, and courfeyrac and grantaire had to drag them away and then on a walk to cool down
I might make some more! and I wanted to branch out from the normal jehan headcanons I usually see. these are more little things, but if you want more about their identity I can totally whip some up because I love my sunshine child <3
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grantairelibere · 8 years
Modern Amis (and co.) Coming-Out Headcanons
(I don’t even remember how the subject came up but @beatlemaniacinthetardis and I were taking about the Amis getting together at someone’s house and telling each other stories from when they came out of the closet. We stayed up way too late last night coming up with these so we felt the need to share) 
Bahorel comes out to his family when he goes downstairs in the rainbowest of rainbow shirts, announces that he’s going to Pride, and just sort of stares at each of them until they understand.
Courfeyrac realizes he’s gay in his preteen years and it takes him like a year to work up the courage to come out to his friends (Enjolras and Combeferre) and family (mom and dad). When he tells them they all just go “sweetie, we know”. Enjolras and Combeferre bake him a confetti cake that says CONGRATS in edible glitter. Courfeyrac cries. 
Feuilly doesn’t really have anyone to come out to, since he has no living relations and he went straight into a job at a young age. He kind of...forgets to, to be honest, so he’s not out to his co-workers. They only find out when Bahorel comes to get him from work one day and he kisses Feuilly hello.  
Like in canon, Cosette grows up into a pretty girl who loves attention. She’s very meticulous about the way she looks and is like nice when she notices guys checking her out. One day, though, a pretty girl smiles at her and does the checking-out thing and Cosette is like oh no when she feels her heart do the THING. She tells papa later that evening, and he’s amazing and supportive because, well, he’s Jean Valjean. He joins her marching in the Pride parade the following summer. 
Enjolras’ coming out doesn’t go so well. He’s pretty much known he likes boys since forever ago, but only tells his parents at the end of high school. His parents are cold and arrange a Nice Girl for him to marry at the age of 25 or whatever. Enjolras fights with them on it, but when they continue to stand firm he decides they don’t deserve to be in his life anyway. He moves in with Combeferre, who he came out to years ago.
Joly and Bossuet, who have basically known each other since birth, come out to each other before anyone else. They then make a pact to come out to their friends and family on the same day. Bossuet’s parents don’t take it so well--his dad is pissed, and his mom tries to push him to go back to church. His friends, too, say “yeah that’s cool” but he can tell every time he says something that even approaches the subject of his sexuality that they’re weird about it. Joly’s, on the other hand, went well. His friends start teasing him like “yeah man I bet you thought you had appendicitis the first time you saw a guy you liked” and stuff, but they’re cool with it. Joly’s family ends up pretty much adopting Bossuet, too. Bossuet’s parents come knocking for him one day and Joly’s four younger siblings work together to slam the door in their face. (Bonus: since those two have a hivemind, they tell each other about being poly the same day.)
The subject of their combined affections, Musichetta, was a total badass about her coming out. She told her parents straight up that she was poly/pan. They were not sold on the idea, but she told them to accept her as she was or she’d leave without a second thought. It takes them a while to get used to the idea, but Chetta answers whatever questions they have. They grow to understand her, and come to love Joly and Bossuet once the three of them start dating.
Jehan has a hard time with it all. They WANT to come out, to family and friends alike, but they want to understand themselves before they try and explain it to anyone else. They tell this to the Amis who are all just like...you don’t have to ever figure it out. It’s alright. No matter who you are or what you do or who you love, we’ll be here to support you. Jehan cries really hard because they’ve been so confused for so long and their found family is saying that it’s okay to be unsure forever because who needs a title anyway? The greatest of group hugs happens that day, Jehan smiling in the centre of it. (Bonus: shortly after that, Jehan asks the Amis to start saying “they/them”. Grantaire buys a ton of neutral-looking clothes with gross flower print that he knows Jehan will LOVE. Enjolras falls in love with R a lil bit more since he knows he doesn't have all that much money but he spent a bunch of it for Jehan to be happy and comfortable anyway).
Combeferre comes out to all his friends shortly after he meets them, but he never comes out to his family at all. He knows they’re homophobic, and a) he doesn’t like to start fights, and b) he decides that they don’t deserve to know. In an act of silent rebellion, he secretly gets a part-time job as a sales guy at a boot shop for drag queens. Courfeyrac’s the shop’s #1 customer. (Kinky Boots AU someone back me up here)
While Marius is almost entirely on the straight side, but every so often he’ll meet a man who sets his little Pontmercy heart aflutter. Courf is one of those guys and when they end up roommates Marius kind of...”aksdjasgkdhdh Lord save my poor bisexual soul”. But then he meets Cosette. He doesn’t tell her for ages because he’s terrified of what she’ll think, but eventually he works up the courage. She laughs because hey she’s bi too!! From that point on, they point out attractive people of various genders to each other while they’re on dates. (Bonus: one day, Marius and his grandfather get into an argument about politics over dinner. In a moment of passion, Marius stands and yells “LONG LIVE NAPOLEON! ALSO, I SOMETIMES LIKE BOYS!” His grandfather faints into his chair.)
Eponine never really had friends, so she has no frame of reference for what romantic attraction feels like. When she meets Marius, she figures instantly that what she’s feeling is romantic love. Shortly after, she meets Cosette and feels the same way. Now she’s confused. And then she meets the rest of the Amis and feels the same way about ALL of them. It’s very strange to have a crush on everyone, she thinks. With Grantaire and Jehan’s help, she comes to understand that what she’s feeling is, in fact, platonic love. And god, is she relieved to know. The only family members she tells about being aro/ace are Gavroche and Azelma. Azelma is like “I think that might be me too” and Gav is like “sweet, more lovely ladies for me”.
FINALLY, Grantaire. He’s never really given a shit about what gender his lovers were, and never given a shit about who knows about it. He doesn’t know or care whether or not his parents know. But oh, god, then he meets Enjolras, and can no longer imagine loving anyone else of any gender. When the Amis share their coming out stories, he just snorts and says ‘does it count if you’re only attracted to one person?’ and he accidentally stares at Enj as he says it and the Amis collectively suck in a breath because if they didn’t know who he was talking about before, they certainly do now.  (Bonus: Everyone braces themselves when Enj stands up and goes to R, thinking Enj is going to try and start shit, but they start applauding when instead Enjolras grabs Grantaire’s face and kisses the life out of him). 
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