#and 2. these issues got in the way of a story that could have been way more interesting
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kit reads a comic: untold tales and alternate timelines, issue 1 (part 1)
due to popular demand (like 5 guys and some likes on the post) i have decided that on top of all the other stuff i have going on, i should add reading a bunch of comics and yapping about them to the list. now, i'm not exactly the most articulate of guys, so there's probably not going to be anything particularly insightful throughout this whole thing (the closest we'll get to that is probably going to be screaming and several emoticons) but! what i lack in brain power i make up with bingo! that's right i'm also going to be playing bingo as i read HAHA
to kick off the series of comic readings and subsequent yap fests and bingo checking, we have issue 1 of the IDW comics! the titles of the stories in this one are "when marty met emmett" and "looking for a few good scientists", so i guess the first one's going to be the comic's version of marty breaking into doc's garage! the second one i'm not as sure about, mayyybe it's doc being recruited into the manhattan project? bc i know the comics touch on that
i've never read these before so my following comments will be in real time, more or less, but. i will say. i know about and already have Opinions on the comic's version of how marty meets doc.
pre-conceived opinions and more under the cut!
so the comic begins with doc working on the time train before clara and the boys walk in. we get this exchange:
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he wants to say the title of the franchise he's in sooo bad. also i love the little model on the side
he goes on to explain a condensed version of his life story to his sons, which includes his house burning down. i've only ever heard of it being an accident or his own doing for insurance money, but interestingly he suggests arson as a reason for it burning to the ground! thinking about this a little more, this still lines up with doc doing it himself bc that is still arson, and that probably was the intention with the line? but now i'm thinking if someone else besides doc himself burned his house down? never thought of that before idk why. someone could do something interesting with that i think
HE CALLS HIS GARAGE AN AUXILIARY STRUCTURE LMAO. anyways doc's starting on his "how he met marty" story now
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marty.... my boy.... he really loves his red tshirt and jeans combo huh
needles comes in and demands his interocitor tube for guitar reasons, they scuffle, it breaks, he needs to get one back or else needles is going to beat the crap out of him, all that jazz. oh and also needles confiscates his guitar. just to be even more of an asshole
also this blonde chick needles hangs out with reminds me of spike from griff’s gang in 2015. mcflys are always getting harassed by blonde bullies it seems. get your mitts off him girl!! also also the third cronie’s face in this panel is so funny to me. dawg is thinking about getting taco bell or something his ass is NOT present in the conversation
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on his quest to get another tube we spot red the bum. hi red
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turns out doc bought all the tubes so now marty has to go to his garage to get them. marty cracks the password riddle to doc's fence (after getting electrocuted by it gbkgbjkg), to which he responds "kid's stuff." which is really funny to me for some reason. what a dork. marty i've got terrible news for what you are (a kid)
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do the walls just keep closing in? will he know if he’ll ever win?
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he's a very polite trespasser. no broken property from this boy! marty finds a key and worms his way into the window, where he comments that it's a good thing he's not as big as needles. being 2 apples tall does have its uses after all
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oh the iconic "auugh". "aiigh" edition. my man’s in air jail </3
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marty frees himself from Air Jail and immediately gets tackled by einie. doc emerges from wherever and tells him congrats! he passed the test! doc says "it's about time" which implies that he's just kind of been waiting around for some guy to solve his puzzles? like that rube goldberg was primed for a While. he wakes up in the morning and goes man i hope i get someone with my rube goldberg today. does he have to navagate around that thing? he's got a dog loose in the garage auxiliary structure. has he accidentally rube goldberged his dog? has he accidentally rube goldberged himself? the active rube goldberg at any given moment is really funny to me.
oh he put up a job listing as an assistant that's why he set up the whole thing. i thought he just did that. for fun. wait i knew this already why am i surprised? anyways he thinks marty figured out his employment ARG and asks him when can he start.
by the way. not me going "how can i make this about him being transgender" quite predictably. but i don't think once marty's name has been said by anyone so far? it's just been "mcfly".
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he starts with his last name which everyone calls him, then realizes this is probably as safe a space as you can get and gives him the name he picked out for himself! his name's not just mcfly, it's MARTY mcfly, emphasis on the marty. and doc immediately uses it!
also unrelated to this tangent look at einie. he sits so polite. marty's "uh." of confusion at einstein's name too GJBGJG
putting this entire bit here bc i have things to say about all of this:
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1st panel: this is like the one thing i like about this version of this event. einstein likes him! he's an excellent judge of character! he smelled Friend and oh yeah that is a Friend alright. good boy
2nd panel: moment IMMEDIATELY ruined. do NOT try and tell me this is how doc got his nickname!!! i know in my heart of hearts marty 100% came up with the "doc" nickname himself naturally and completely randomly one day and you can pry this hc out of my cold, dead, over-used and under-stretched hands. i’ll be so fr this is the bit i have the most problem with out of this entire version of their meeting LMAO. sure whatever you can have the inexplicable rube goldberg. you can zap people who try to ring you up and hide a password in there. but you can’t have this!! i refuse to believe!!
the whimsy in doc's step is amusing though.
3rd panel: bro looks devastated...... he was here to rob him :( ? his employment ARG didn't work after all :pensive: marty petting einie and clarifying that he would've asked "very politely" is very cute though. like i said, most polite trespasser
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they're relating their interests...... excellent. "i never discuss it!" is really funny to me for some reason. bro is so cheerful about his wretched Work which he cannot disclose for any reason. also einstein's food thing was just always Like That i guess. gross, doc
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ok wait so doc Was actually just waiting around to see if he'd catch a guy in his rube goldberg. freakish behaviour tbh /aff. also marty seems genuinely upset that there's no job! he wanted to hang out with that old man so bad :(
(i’ll be so fr. i kind of laughed when that second panel came up. it’s so dramatic for no reason BDJDBDJ.)
ends up doc just wanted the box the tubes came in. im sure there must've been a better way of doing this, doc. also when asked about pay negotiations bc doc offered him the job anyway, marty says he's just "happy to be the guy who knows doctor emmett l. brown!" which i think is cute. his payment is friendship <3
anyways marty hands over the tube to needles and goes oh yeah i stole this from doctor brown. to which needles holds it like it's a bomb LMAO
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also they drew this pic!! so cute
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verne fell asleep through the story </3 so sad. guess you'll have to start over doc
i don't like how convoluted they make the breaking and entering thing, i feel like doc would not really be all too concerned with rube goldberging someone breaking into his garage to be friends with after they solved his riddles two. i think he's fully committed himself to the recluse life at this point. after reading all that, this opinion has Not changed for me in the slightest, but it was still fun to read! i can dislike the story direction and still think it's cute. we accept all sorts of doc and marty first meetings in this household. if you want to know how i personally think it went though i have this ask i answered once
originally i was going to do the second story in this same post but i think that's enough comic for me today. here's how the bingo sheet is turning out so far:
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no bingo alas. recently i figured out that the story needs time travel or at least the delorean in order to get a bingo (where i was playing it with something else and got literally every square except any of the time travel ones and had like four almost bingos) and im going to pretend i did that on purpose bc im pretty sure i didn't LMAO. master bingo maker right here
next on kit reads a comic: we search for a small amount of decently qualified scientists
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ohsweetflips · 2 months ago
my neutral dragon age trait is that 50% of the time i'm like "the more i critique the games, the more i love them. i can appreciate each game for what they are but my criticism and frustration over what they could be are a sign of love" and the other 50% is like "this is the writing of the dragon age series. sure. why not. this may as well happen."
#post inspired by seeing a post where someone was asking a blog like 'hey ive only played veilguard what is a mage circle'#50% biting the bars of my cage over the way lore/plot/priorities have shifted and changed over time#50% along for the ride#but on that first point: looking at the plot of veilguard (stopping solas/elgar'nan and ghilan'nain)#im not surprised the mage/templar shit wasn't a big deal#and honestly any frustration i have with that is more so aimed at dai#bc dai was what first reduced the mage/templar war to 'here are some assholes fighting in the woods'#however.#objectively WILD that someone could play ur whole ass game and not know what mage circles/templars are#and then the confusion over an elven rook's backstory is honestly just laughable to me like akjdsjkdf#theyre dalish but they also lived in a town and if they're a mage they also studied somewhere#like. honestly imo not a big issue but like. a simple dialogue choice could've solved this.#it's so funny to me bc it's ridiculous but also. bring back ambient dialogue choices.#like tldr though#i super enjoyed veilguard and i appreciated it for what it did#and while not perfect. i'm a sucker for a story about friends and bonds.#and i think as an interpersonal story it works really well#and i can at the very least respect the writers/devs making the game not as open world#even though i do miss that a lot (as well as talking to ur companions mechanics)#however. the detachment from previous lore is definitely jarring.#not that i think veilguard needed to be about (for instance) the mages and templars#and honestly im happy we got companions that felt unique#bc i was getting real tired of 'here are the elves who hate each other. here is the one who doesnt trust mages'#etc etc etc#and getting to see all these factions was really nice too (though in a perfect world we'd have a legit origin quest imo)#but even just. some kind of way to bring in prev lore#tldr 2 i have my frustrations with the narrative arc as a whole and find them fun to talk abt#but sometimes im just like. it already happened. it's already written.#i will think abt what could've been while also just having fun w/ what i got#final tldr 3 i think dragon age is just the one series that im not always itching to meta essay on LMAOOO
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funkle420 · 1 month ago
severance kinda reminds me of what Player Piano by Kurt Vonnegut could've been if it was a lot better and more interesting
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creative-hanyou-girl · 1 year ago
I don't know if anyone else feels this way but I think a big reason why I'm so chill about the changes made to the PJO show from the books is because I kind of look at each other as their own seperate canon.
Like, I read a lot of anime and manga, and anime adaptations have a huge habit for changing plot points for various reasons, and as a fan of said anime and manga, I've found that I can enjoy both versions of the same story even with the differences when I look at them as their own universe or canon. That's not to say I don't want them to be faithful or true to the source material, but if a scene or situation plays out differently for a logical or entertaining reason, than I can still appreciate that deviation from the manga even if I still like the other original version of that part more. And I can even like the reversal way if I feel an anime does something better than even the manga. But if I want to, I can look at certain moments as more canon than others because I got 2 different versions of that same scene or moment.
And, I don't know, I kind of apply that reasoning to the PJO series as well, mainly with the books, the show, and even the musical (not the movies put that right back where it came from). So far I'm loving the TV show, and while I miss some of the things they changed (like the pink poodle), this adaptation really is doing a great job with staying true to the heart and spirit of the original book that I personally am not even really bothered by the changes, especially when I remember that the books will always still be there with it's own version, or canon, of events.
Like, I will say 1 thing I adore in the books that isn't really in the show is the fact that a lot of Percy and Annabeth's "rivalry" during TLT has more to do with the rivalry between Poseidon and Athena. I just really like on how this adds a level of "forbidden friendship/love" to their relationship 'cause I personally eat the forbidden relationship trope up, especially when it's done well like with Percabeth.
Yet, even if this isn't really the reason percabeth have beef with each other in the show, I can still appreciate and enjoy that according to the show's canon, they have issues because they genuinely have problems with each other as actual people rather than their parents' rivalry, because at the end of the day, that's the PJO TV show canon, and I can always turn to the books for that version of Percabeth's "rivalry", as that is the PJO book canon.
Same goes for the characters too. I will always have and love my dark haired Percy and blond haired Annabeth in the books, but I can also welcome and love Walker's Percy and Leah's Annabeth from the show. And so far, they along with Aryan are KILLING IT as those characters.
I can love both versions of the characters.
I can love both versions of the same story.
I can look at both versions as they own seperate canon or mix them together if I so wish too (especially since both versions of PJO are written by the same guy)
And that's ok. The adaptation doesn't have to be a complete copy of the books. It doesn't have to have things play out eactly the same way. The characters don't have to look exactly the way they are described as in the books. And that's ok. I will still always have the books to love and appreciate, but I can also start to love and appreciate the new adaptation for it's new spin and twists to the same story that sets it apart as it's own canon while still staying true to the spirit of its predecessor.
Anyway, sorry if I'm not making a lot of sense. I just think the people complaining about the changes in the show are looking at it all the wrong way. The show has it's own canon just as the books have their own canon, or even the musical. At the end of the day, isn't that kind of cool to have different versions of the same story and characters? Doesn't it give you so many more options to look at the story in different ways that you can prefer or choose from? Doesn't it give you new versions of canon that you choose from? And really, as long as the PJO adaptation, or any adaptation for that matter, stays true to the heart and spirit of the original story and characters, do the changes made really matter?
#anyway sorry for the long post#I've just been seeing a lot of people complaining about the PJO making changes from the books and I thought I give my 2 cents#& I thought about how the show dies make enough changes to certain events or plotpoints that you could look at it as its own seperate canon#and how that actually is kind of cool as it gives us another version of the same story and characters#it's actually really neat to have different versions of the same story ya know#its like. if I ever want the Percabeth that has more of a 'forbidden relationship' thing going on. there's always the book canon to fall on#likewise if I want the percabeth where they're rivals because they have genuine issues w/ eachother. there's the TV show. ya know?#and if I want the Athena that I can at least somewhat believe might actually care for Annabeth. there's the book canon#whereas if I want the Athena I straight up wanna strangle from the getgo. I now got the TV show for that😊#same with the characters descriptions#I personally still imagine Percy and Annabeth as they are described in the books#but I am positvely loving Leah and Walker's portrayal of TV Percy and Annabeth so much. especially in these last few episodes.#and don't get me started on how much I love Aryan as Grover. he's the GOAT (literally🤭)#anyway thanks for coming to my ted talk#I just think its neat that Ive now got 2. even 3 versions of PJO canon that I can love together and individually at my disposal now#and I just think the people who are complaining about the show aren't seeing it that way and that's why they're whining about changes#like. chill guys. we still have the books. but now we also the show and musical to give us new versions of the same story and characters#and is that not amazing when you think about it?#percy jackson series#percy jackson and the olympians#percy jackson tv show#percy jackson#percy and annabeth#athena#annabeth chase#grover underwood#book vs show#percy jackson books#percy jackson musical#percabeth
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aroaessidhe · 1 year ago
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2024 reads / storygraph
Walking In Two Worlds & The Everlasting Road
YA sff set in the near future where an opensource augmented reality is commonly used like social media, and there’s also a completely virtual fantasy game version
follows an Anishinaabe girl who who’s the top player in the VR game, and is constantly fighting to keep her place against the misogynist neo-nazi group in second place
as well as her real life, dealing with being a shy and self-conscious teen growing up on the Rez, and her brother having cancer
and a Uyghur boy who’s moved to her community from China after finding acceptance in an online community (even when he doesn’t agree with their more extreme views) - but when he gets to know Bugz, he has to decide who truly deserves his loyalty
great mix of sff and culture, the future while also very real community traumas of the past (and present)
#walking in two worlds#the everlasting road#wab kinew#aroaessidhe 2024 reads#This has some REALLY interesting and important concepts!#I just think it could have used some more development… Obvs this is YA and I’m an adult I know I’m not quite the audience!#There’s a lot of depth in the setup of the characters but I feel like it skips a lot of the progression#I think there could have been space for more development in a lot of places to make the story feel more dimensional#- but also has so many plot threads that maybe that would have bulked it out too much#It does also jump around quite a bit between the different parts but I think that makes sense with how juggling with irl / online life.#she’s got a lot of internalised fatphobia at the start (and the love interest going “I don’t think you’re fat!!” when people call her fat..#then in book 2 suddenly she’s okay about it - again I wish there was some progression!#her brothers cancer journey is. basically all offscreen lol mostly as set up for plot in book 2. so it doesn't have the emotional impact it#could have..#I liked the way it integrates her culture into the game in a really cool way (though I would have liked more detail there)#also having auto language translators but they regularly don't translate quite right / still run into issues - realistic!#the parallels drawn between his being taken from his family and put in a state education school and Indigenous residential schools#the way that a future world will never be as separate from the past as ur average sff future often portrays#but yeah anyway lots of good ideas execution not so much for me..
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great-and-small · 9 months ago
When I was in vet school I went to this one lecture that I will never forget. Various clubs would have different guest lecturers come in to talk about relevant topics and since I was in the Wildlife Disease Association club I naturally attended all the wildlife and conservation discussions. Well on this particular occasion, the speakers started off telling us they had been working on a project involving the conservation of lemurs in Madagascar. Lemurs exist only in Madagascar, and they are in real trouble; they’re considered the most endangered group of mammals on Earth. This team of veterinarians was initially assembled to address threats to lemur health and work on conservation solutions to try and save as many lemur species from extinction as possible. As they explored the most present dangers to lemurs they found that although habitat loss was the primary problem for these vulnerable animals, predation by humans was a significant cause of losses as well. The vets realized it was crucial for the hunting of lemurs by native people to stop, but of course this is not so simple a problem.
The local Malagasy people are dealing with extreme poverty and food insecurity, with nearly half of children under five years old suffering from chronic malnutrition. The local people have always subsisted on hunting wildlife for food, and as Madagascar’s wildlife population declines, the people who rely on so-called bushmeat to survive are struggling more and more. People are literally starving.
Our conservation team thought about this a lot. They had initially intended to focus efforts on education but came to understand that this is not an issue arising from a lack of knowledge. For these people it is a question of survival. It doesn’t matter how many times a foreigner tells you not to eat an animal you’ve hunted your entire life, if your child is starving you are going to do everything in your power to keep your family alive.
So the vets changed course. Rather than focus efforts on simply teaching people about lemurs, they decided to try and use veterinary medicine to reduce the underlying issue of food insecurity. They supposed that if a reliable protein source could be introduced for the people who needed it, the dependence on meat from wildlife would greatly decrease. So they got to work establishing new flocks of chickens in the most at-risk communities, and also initiated an aggressive vaccination program for Newcastle disease (an infectious illness of poultry that is of particular concern in this area). They worked with over 600 households to ensure appropriate husbandry and vaccination for every flock, and soon found these communities were being transformed by the introduction of a steady protein source. Families with a healthy flock of chickens were far less likely to hunt wild animals like lemurs, and fewer kids went hungry. Thats what we call a win-win situation.
This chicken vaccine program became just one small part of an amazing conservation outreach initiative in Madagascar that puts local people at the center of everything they do. Helping these vulnerable communities of people helps similarly vulnerable wildlife, always. If we go into a country guns-blazing with that fire for conservation in our hearts and a plan to save native animals, we simply cannot ignore the humans who live around them. Doing so is counterintuitive to creating an effective plan because whether we recognize it or not, humans and animals are inextricably linked in many ways. A true conservation success story is one that doesn’t leave needy humans in its wake, and that is why I think this particular story has stuck with me for so long.
(Source 1)
(Source 2- cool video exploring this initiative from some folks involved)
(Source 3)
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visdollie · 3 months ago
☆ having fun without me?
sum: vi isnt happy when she sees you posing on your insta story with another girl at a party
cw: wlw, angry sex, overstim, fem!reader, dom!vi, clit rubbing (r!receiving), dirty talk, slapping, name calling (slut), not proofread
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fucked is what you were when you realized the time. after countless hours of heartfelt conversations and a plethora of shots, you had gotten so distracted at the party that you forgot to get home to vi on time.
10:00 pm was the time vi told you before your friend picked you up. it was fucking 2:31 am. you already knew how impatient she could be.
"aw, leaving so soon?" a girl you met at said party whined at you with a tilt to her head as she watched you rush to gather your belongings and text your friend a quick "meet me outside" in an obvious hurry. the same girl you decided to snap a cute 'harmless' selfie with and post to your story.
you dashed out the door, leaving her a quick "so sorry we'll meet again soon!" before rushing to the parking lot, searching for your friends car with a look of fear on your face.
"im fucked, im so fucked!" you yapped her ears off, just watching her roll her eyes and drive you home.
shivers went down your spine as you steadily unlocked and opened your shared front door, avoiding making any noise in hopes that vi was just asleep, and would just penalize you in the morning.
you were practically on your tippy toes, but the creaky door did you no justice as it slipped out your grip and slammed closed.
"fuck." you whispered.
it was terrifyingly dark in your home. not a single peep or sound besides the loud ass air conditioner. you thought you were fine for the night, but no.. not until your girlfriend snaked an arm around your waist, pulling you back roughly as a yelp slipped from your lips.
"ah! vi.. you scared me." you giggled anxiously. vi could sense that you both knew the obvious issue which placed tension between the situation as she planted kisses across your collarbone.
"missed me?" she muttered on your warm, sticky skin in a malicious tone. you nodded your head, too nervous to say anything that could possibly anger her more.
she crept closer to your ear. "was having fun without me, yeah? takin pics with random girls, lettin them grab all on your ass? bet you had a great fucking time.. slut." she bit down on your neck, not hard enough to leave a scar, but harsh enough to taste the metallic flavor of your blood. you whimpered, loud.
"m sorry.. was jus having fun, n i didnt realize the tim-"
you yelped as she grabbed your wrist and dragged you down the so familiar hallway to your bedroom, muttering a rough "shut it. you saw this coming, baby."
the grip she had on your wrists tightened, her nails digging into your soft skin that made it obvious to you she was getting angrier by the second. was she angry because you got home late? or because of your oh so touchy friend? you assumed it was both.
all thoughts were snapped out of your head as she threw you on the silky, crepe pink sheets and immediately started attacking your neck with bites and bruises.
"mmh.." you whined pathetically, letting her take your brain over and dumb it down. her hand slid down your body, putting it up your skirt to rub at your clit at a rugged pace to make you more wet, as if you already werent.
your poor body struggled in determination to move away from her touch but her grip on your hips with her free hand kept you still. she lifted up from your collarbone, admiring the mess she made. "keep still, slut. shouldve been home on time, but was too busy out fuckin girls, yeah?" her pace on your clit grew faster.
"f-ffuhck.. was.. wasnt fuckin no one, vi! was jus havin fun.. d.. dont even know the girls name.. m sorry.." you babbled on and on hoping for some relief on your poor clit as she went faster each word you spoke. she had no plans of showing mercy, no way. she was way too pissed for that.
"yeah, right. she shouldnt have been touchin you like that, baby." a loud, harsh slap met your thigh, pulling a choked out moan from the back of your throat. "p-please!"
she felt you growing wetter through your panties, deciding to pause her steady motions to rip them off. she grinned at how wet you were. your pussy was glistening, practically reflecting off the ceiling light. you stuffed your face in your pillow in embarassment.
"so fuckin wet, its like you were waiting on this. prolly were, slut." she belittled you, listening to your whines of disagreement. her fingers rubbed up and down your cunt, lubricating them so she'd be able to fuck you senseless. sloppy noises of you pussy making her drip through her own underwear.
you keened at the feeling. "p-please.. fill me up vi! hurry.." vi let out a grunt of annoyance at your impatience. a rough SLAP at your pussy. yeah, that'll shut you up.
tears welled up in your eyes as you pressed your lips closed, a long whimper leaving them. "always so fucking noisy." your girlfriend quietly muttered before shoving two of her fingers deep in your cunt. "just wanna be stuffed full with my fingers, dont you baby?"
throwing your head back at the feeling, you nodded hastily. brain going dumb as she worked her digits in and out of you, thumb going at your clit. "tell me baby, did you do anything with that girl, hmm? why were you with her?" she spoke to you softly, as if she wasnt pissed a few seconds ago.
"w..was just a friend vi, promise! she.. haah.. means nothin to mme.. pleasepleaseplease.."
she snickered at your babbling, fucking you quicker as a reward of your honesty. you knew vi wasnt really worried about you leaving her. you adored her and she adored you on an unfathomable level, she just worried about your safety. (and had a big fear of other bitches growing crushes on you.)
"gon.. gonna cum.." you whined, legs trembling from how sore they were growing. vi felt you clenching around her rough fingers, thumb rubbing at your clit to loosen you up.
"cmon, baby. cum for me. let go all over my fingers.." her words made you sob out even more. you clawed at the sheets, cumming all over them with a long, drawn out wail.
she kept fucking her fingers into you, adding a third one. you started kicking your legs in overstimulation, whining for her to let up but she was relentless.
"tell me, baby. tell me who you belong to."
you doubted you could even speak properly due to the aggressive fingerfucking, but you made an attempt, tears dripping onto the sheets at this point. pathetic.
yet you tried anyway. "y..you vi.. belong to.. you.."
she faught back a laugh, removing her fingers from your cunt and planting a kiss to your forehead. you laid back onto the bed, immediately squeezing your thighs closed.
"you did so well, cupcake. but you arent going out for a while."
you frowned, rolling your eyes at her. secretly though, you didnt mind. if it means being able to spend more time with your girlfriend, you dont mind.
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@ visdollie 2024
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physalian · 4 months ago
3 More Character Types the World Needs More Of
Or at least, I do.
1. The denied redeemed villain
I need this. So badly right now. So, so, so many “redemption arcs” are half-assed and carry undertones of guilt by the heroes, gaslighting them into thinking the villain “wasn’t all that bad” right before they make some big heroic sacrifice, as if that’s ever enough to make up for the damage that was done.
But you know what I never see? A villain who’s done some awful shit, wakes up to reality, tries to apologize and… is denied. No, it’s not enough to be sorry. No, you’re not absolved of your crimes just because you cry really hard on your knees. Yes, you have to work for it. Yes, even if you work for it for the rest of your whole life, those you hurt are not obligated to forgive you.
Example that sadly did not happen in canon: Enji Todoroki
2. The liar revealed who loses
This fucker lies and cheats his way into his lover’s arms (and liars revealed are always men, because their love interests are always women put in the place of “but he tried really hard and you need to forgive him uwu” unless it’s gay). Similar to above, no, you do not get rewarded just for feeling sorry.
This character builds an entire relationship (and it’s specifically romance that I take such an issue with) on a lie. They are not who they say they are, specifically, they lie about their identity because they know their lover would not let this happen if they knew the truth.
It’s one thing to lie about something inconsequential, or to lie about something unrelated, but to lie deliberately to present yourself as the perfect suitor—and these are never little white lies, these are usually entirely false identities, or secrets so damning that risking the truth could mean arrest or even death—just. Why?
Yeah, okay, you never thought you’d get this far. Cool. You don’t have to tell her the truth, but you have to leave before you trick her into sleeping with you.
It’s just. So squicky. And the lesson always is that he deserves love, that he makes up for it with everything else, that he’s just got a winning personality. She always forgives him, even if they fight about it, it’s so, so predictable.
Examples that did not lose: Aladdin, Evan Hansen
3. The paragon who loses faith
I don’t know that we need a whole bunch of these characters, but so many paragons are painted as heroes with unshakable loyalty to their causes and I’d love to see a devolution of character where they just can’t keep smiling and pretending it’s alright. That there is a limit to how much shit they can take.
They don’t have to go full villain, but maybe they just stop caring, maybe they get cynical, maybe they just don’t show up for work the next day, maybe they’re not there when they’re needed the most.
There’s a few stories I can think of where the masses realize they’ve screwed up and show the hero that their faith has been rewarded (Nolan Bats being one of them) but I mean really a hero who just cannot take it anymore, throws in the towel, and walks away knowing it’s the hardest thing they’ve ever had to do.
Example: (kind of) Captain America
Sorry this list is kind of a bummer. It’s a bummer kind of week.
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no-144444 · 7 months ago
family issues-l.norris (no.4)
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pairing: lando norris (no.4) x fem! sky presenter! reader
summary: lando (and his mum) are there for you during a difficult time.
P1. Pole position. Incredible. 
“Well done,” you smiled, hugging him close as he entered his driver’s room. “You did really well.”
You could feel his smile against your neck. “Thanks baby.”
You stayed there like that for a moment, just holding each other, then he pulled back with a big smile on his face. “OH! My mum is here, you can finally meet her!”
A part of your heart sank, and another part lifted. You’d met a good portion of his family and they were all lovely. It’s just that every time you met a part of his family, he wanted to meet a part of your family. You’d been dating for a year now, and up until 2 months ago, yeah, he could’ve met your family. But then… they decided to go no-contact with you. They just told you not to call or visit anymore. You weren’t their daughter anymore. Whatever, that was fine. Your parents were emotionally unavailable due to your sister’s mental health issues, and your sister didn’t treat you well at all. You were the glass child. 2 months ago you’d gone to dinner with them and your sister brought up all your ‘happy memories’, but all of them were moments without you, or moments where you were the joke. You’d gotten upset at them, and apparently that was all they needed to kick you out of the family. So much for love. So much for blood. Lando couldn’t make it to that dinner, and he was so upset that he couldn’t. He was worried your parents thought he wasn’t serious, or that he was dodging meeting them, but you told him not to worry, that they’d meet ‘another time’. Now, you were out of chances. You didn't tell Lando about the fight or everything that came after, he’d been struggling enough with his own mental health without you having to burden him with yours. So, you just swallowed it and told yourself you’d tell him over the summer shutdown. Then, Lando was having so much fun that you didn’t want to ruin it, so you decided you’d tell him after Singapore. Probably. Maybe. 
“Awesome!” you smiled. Even you could tell you didn’t sound right, too pitchy, too awkward, too surprised. 
He raised an eyebrow. “You alright?”
“Fine,” you nodded. “Where is she? I want to meet her.” 
He nodded, still sceptical but obliged you and led you to his mother. Cisca was warm and welcoming, funny and kind, and just a good person. You saw so much of her in Lando. He was beaming as he watched you two interact, so happy that two of the most important people in his life got along. You spent the whole afternoon together as Lando went on with his duties, chatting about your lives, sharing stories about Lando and yourselves, you even got to see some embarrassing baby photos of Lando.
“So what about your parents? Do they ever come to the races?” She asked, a big smile on her face. 
“Well, no actually. We don’t talk much,” you chuckled. 
She raised an eyebrow, the same way Lando does. “Really? Lan told me that you were quite close with them?”
You sighed. “Can I tell you something? And you can’t tell Lan.”
She nodded and took your hand. “Of course.”
“2 months ago my parents disowned me. Lan has been begging to meet them and I have no idea what to tell him. I feel awful about it, and I didn’t want to add to his stress so I just keep lying to him telling him they’re busy. I just feel so… guilty,” you admitted. 
She sighed. “You poor girl. It's awful that you have to go through all of that on your own.” 
“Well, it’s not that bad,” you chuckled, trying to lighten the moment.
“It is. And that’s ok. It’s ok to be upset,” she smiled warmly. “I know my son, and he has not shut up about you since he met you as a sky presenter 2 years ago. Lan is a family-oriented person, and he’s just excited to be a part of your family and have you be a part of ours. He’d want to be there for you, the same way you’re there for him.”
You could feel yourself tearing up. You’d never had someone be so kind to you, never had someone treat you like a daughter. “Thank you,” you smiled sadly. 
“And anyways, your parents suck, you can be my daughter now,” she smiled.
And you definitely cried. But, they were happy tears. You’d found your family. 
After your eye-opening conversation with Cisca, you decided you’d come clean to Lando. As you two entered your room he wrapped his arms around you and kissed your cheek. 
“How was my mum today?” he asked, his voice deep with tiredness, and eyes heavy with sleep. 
“She was amazing, we had a bunch of fun,” you smiled. “Can I talk to you about something?”
He nodded. “‘Course baby.”
“It’s about my family.” 
Lando woke up slightly, sitting on the bed as you stood between his legs. “Alright.”
“2 months ago, after that dinner I went to, they cut contact and disowned me. It was up to my sister why and well, we know how much he hates me. So yeah, I have no family anymore, and I’m sorry I didn’t tell you. I just didn’t want to burden you with it.”
You looked at Lando and his face was a mixture of anger, guilt, and upset. He cleared his throat and his grip around your waist got tighter. “Number one, I’m so sorry that happened to you. That’s fucking shit and your parents don’t deserve you. Number two, you will never ever be a burden to me. Ever. You’re the most important person in my life. I love you Y/n, more than anything. I always want you to come to me about things that are happening and how you feel. Number three, fuck your family, you’re my family, alright?” 
You chuckled sadly, running your fingers through his hair. “Right. Thanks Lan, I love you.”
He smiled. “I love you more.”
“I feel it,” you smiled. He stood up and kissed your cheek. 
“Seriously, I’m here for you, always. Never forget that.”
You pressed a kiss to his cheek. “I know. I won’t.”
navigation for my blog :) (masterlist)
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gynnnicsworld · 9 days ago
You know Sterek has been frequently 'cancelled' and attacked for basically being the most popular ship in the TW world, right?
Because of the age gap between them, right? Well, I have to complain about it, because it really pisses me off that they're discarding the beautiful, slow-burning love story that exists between Stiles and Derek in CANON. Because damn it, they liked each other.
It bothers me that they tarnish Sterek's image for things like being a "pedo" ship when NO, they're not. They're trying to lump us all into a "sick shipper" category.
If we're being honest, Sterek has probably been the story with the most backstory, where we've seen how each season has seen the closeness between Stiles and Derek grow, where they've gone from 'hating each other and having to deal with each other because of Scott' to genuinely caring for each other to the point where Derek would take a bullet for Stiles or Stiles would go against the entire FBI to protect and get Derek out of whatever mess he was in.
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They care deeply and genuinely for each other, so much so that Derek preserved and fixed Stiles' Jeep, keeping it in his garage as a sort of memento or anchor for him.
It bothers me so much that they talk shit about Sterek when this couple exists:
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sorry but parrish/lydia was a canon pairing between a teenager and an ADULT and if that wasn't enough, an adult from the sheriff's department.
Why aren't people talking about this more? Why are they attacking Sterek instead? Sterek: a couple that wasn't canon during the show's run, and we only got confirmation of feelings for each other through the actors and through obvious hints in the show. But directly, it was never a canon couple between a teenager and an adult guy. They were together.
I put the adult that way because Derek's age was never confirmed as such. At the beginning of the series, Stiles says Derek is only a couple of years older than him and Scott. So at the beginning of the series, Derek was between 18 and 19 years old. But later on, they address the fire, so they change the age again, but they never say exactly how old he is, so canonically Derek could be 2 to 5 years older than Stiles. You choose what age gap to give them.
While Lydia, about 17, and Jordan Parish, over 20, are a CANON couple.
Anyway, hypocrisy and homophobia, right?
But there is a VERY important theme between the Derek/Stiles relationship, which if you ask me made the possibility of a relationship between the two of them impossible while Stiles was still a high school student and perhaps only when Stiles was older could something exist between them.
The existence of this damn bitch and what she did to Derek.
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I hate her as much as you do, and it disgusts me to have to watch Teenage Derek with her.
But it's important to what I wanted to say; it's why I think Derek repressed his feelings for Stiles.
According to the Teen Wolf book, Kate was Derek's substitute swim teacher, who used certain hormones and scents to attract the teenage Derek to her. YES, that was not only a relationship rife with manipulation, power imbalances, and pedophilia, but she also ended up orchestrating the murder of Derek's family at a moment of vulnerability for Derek because Paige's death hadn't happened long before.
We all know Derek blames himself for the death of his family, and he hates Kate. He knows what she did to him. He knows he was manipulated by an older woman and that he fell for her.
Derek has serious trust and self-confidence issues.
He doesn't believe he's worthy of love or peace.
His anchor until Season 2 was anger because his life was infested with anger/hate/rage.
So he sees himself as something bad, something that hurts, someone who destroys what he loves. He's a victim of sexual abuse, even though he doesn't admit it.
But Stiles became that little glimmer of light annoying, but a light in his dark life filled with negative things. Stiles earned his trust. Stiles fought every step of the way and broke down that wall Derek built around himself to keep people away from him, because trust means giving someone the power to hurt you. Oh well, Derek's mind worked that way. Unbeknownst to him, Stiles earned that trust.
And that's where we have this scene.
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This is where Derek lets us see how important Stiles has become to him, Stiles became his anchor.
At this point, it's undeniable that Derek already has feelings for Stiles. He trusts Stiles blindly. But then, why didn't Derek do anything to have Stiles? Because Derek is a victim of sexual abuse by a woman who took advantage of him in high school. And Derek never dealt with that trauma, or we were never shown to have it that way.
Derek dates women, of course—Jennifer (who also manipulated him), Braeden, etc.—whose relationships didn't end well or were never serious.
But not with Stiles, because Stiles is like that extremely important thing where he can't ruin that connection they have, he can't taint or sully this relationship he has with Stiles. It's too important to Derek. Plus, the untreated traumas surrounding his abuser are a clear impediment to starting something real, something serious. And everything seems to indicate that Stiles is THAT person his unconscious heart has chosen.
That is, to start any romantic relationship with Stiles, Derek has to face all of his demons, all of his traumas first, in order to give Stiles what he believes Stiles deserves.
Kate ruined Derek's heart and mind a lot, plus Derek already had a wounded and bleeding heart since Paige.
So, a relationship as such didn't exist in the series between S/D, and it was quite unlikely that it would, but the feelings were always there.
That's why I don't understand why they keep attacking a couple who has SO MUCH backstory, and who if they ever dated, it was definitely when they were already adults and able to deal with their own issues.
The sheriff's line about the jeep and Derek always makes me think that the sheriff was always aware and noticed everything. He never disapproved; on the contrary, he supported them, because he knows there's no one who deserves each other more than those two. It was also a clear confirmation that Derek always had feelings for Stiles, complicated feelings he didn't know how to address, but whose feelings led him to treasure and fix Stiles's jeep.
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erodasfishtacos · 26 days ago
Wedding Band Cuts
prompt: YN goes into a massage and things go haywire quickly
word count: 8k (oooops)
warnings: this is all filth, i couldn't get this concept out of my mind
author's note:
I upload a piece of writing every 1-2 days.
I recently started a second tier called The OG Tier where 2
one shots (1-4kish) are posted a week.
There are currently 350 + pieces available to read
Tier I - $3 USD where you get access to main stories, everything except the mini one shots.
Tier II - $5 USD where you get access to every piece of writing!
you can check it out here
first fifteen to click here can get a free $5 membership for a month<3
YN may or may not have a slight crush on the owner of the health club that she belongs to.
An boujee, exclusive type of place that there was a waitlist for membership and the prices to join were insane.
The only reason she could attend was because she got a massive discount because of her work.
He wasn’t what someone would imagine the typical gym owner to look like. 
No, he wasn’t a meathead with bulging biceps, thick veins protruding from his forearms, and  a protein shake in hand at all times.
Harry was lean.
Built in a way that was quietly powerful, his strength evident but not flaunted. 
The kind of muscular that didn’t demand attention but commanded respect nonetheless. 
He was intimidating in a different way—not because he towered over people or grunted loudly when lifting weights, but because he moved with an effortless grace that made everything he did look easy. 
The men who spent their time flexing in the mirror and slamming weights to the ground were often left in the dust by him. He bypassed them without so much as a labored breath, but he was never condescending about it.
He didn’t rub it in their faces or attempt to show off.
That, somehow, made him even more attractive.
YN knows that she has never, in her whole life, found someone as attractive as Harry. 
It was almost embarrassing how her stomach flipped whenever she caught sight of him in those tiny workout shorts, the ones that made it impossible not to stare. 
She wanted to drool like a dog when he lifted weights shirtless, every muscle in his torso shifting in perfect harmony. 
But she wasn’t the only one who felt this way—every woman at the gym seemed to have the same not-so-subtle admiration.
The issue was with her (and the other women) she was married.
Despite being the owner, Harry was always around.
 Sometimes he was doing administrative tasks, other times he was covering for employees who had called in sick. 
Hiring college kids meant dealing with last-minute schedule changes, so he often found himself playing the role of front desk attendant, janitor, or—on rare occasions—masseuse.
It was a health club, after all. 
The gym offered more than just workout equipment; there was a spa with facials, manicures, and, of course, massages. While Harry wasn’t an esthetician and couldn’t fill in for those services, he was a certified masseuse.
However, he rarely stepped in for that role because his staff was dependable.
That didn’t stop the women from hoping.
It was common knowledge among the female members that if someone called out, there was a slight—very slight—chance that Harry might step in. 
None of them had been lucky enough for it to happen, though. 
And when news spread that Jerry, a seventy-one-year-old man, had received a massage from Harry when his assigned therapist had to leave due to a stomach bug, the collective jealousy among the women was almost comical.
Jerry, blissfully unaware of the silent resentment directed his way, had wobbled out of the building looking loose-limbed and content, oblivious to the scowls of women who had never before envied an elderly man quite so much.
Tiffany, one of the braver women, decided to test her luck. 
With a sickly sweet smile, she had approached the front desk where Harry was working, tilting her head just so as she asked if he might be able to squeeze her in for a massage.
Harry, ever professional, had simply glanced up from the computer screen, offered her a polite but firm smile, and informed her that since the therapist had left early, they unfortunately wouldn’t be able to accommodate her request. 
He didn’t offer to step in himself, and Tiffany had to swallow her disappointment as she rejoined her friends, shoulders slumping in defeat.
YN was excited for the massage because she kept such tension in her lower back, her thighs, her glutes.
And she definitely didn’t get them regularly enough because life was busy so the strain and stiffness built and built until her body ached enough to have her make an appointment.
It was last minute, they were able to squeeze her in at the last session available, eight in the evening.
The gym was closed at that point but the spa was open until nine.
When YN steps into the dimly lit lobby of the building, she immediately notices how quiet it is. 
The usual low hum of voices or the distant clinking of weights from the gym is missing.
 Instead, the only sound is the faint buzzing of the overhead light and the gentle click of the door settling back into place behind her. She makes her way toward the receptionist’s desk, her steps echoing slightly against the polished tile floor.
The desk is empty. 
No receptionist in sight, no signs of life beyond the unlocked door. 
If the entrance hadn’t been open, she would have assumed the place had already shut down for the night. 
It’s unsettling, the stillness of it all. 
There had been only one other car in the parking lot—a sleek black sedan parked near the entrance. 
She could only hope it belonged to her massage therapist because if she didn’t get the relief she was craving, she might actually scream. 
Her shoulders ached, tension coiled tightly along her spine, and she needed to feel like jelly by the time she walked out of here.
YN lingers at the front desk, her fingertips lightly tapping along the smooth oak surface as she chews on the inside of her lip. 
She glances over her shoulder toward the hallway leading to the massage rooms, her nerves prickling when she hears footsteps approaching. 
The rhythmic sound of sneakers hitting the linoleum floor grows louder with each step.
She fully expects to see Pedro—her regular massage therapist. Pedro, who always greeted her with a knowing smirk and a shake of his head, chastising her for letting herself get so tense.
But it’s not Pedro who steps around the corner.
No, it’s Harry.
Harry, the owner of the gym.
He’s always been effortlessly charming, the kind of man who draws attention without even trying. 
Women often mistook his friendliness for flirting, but that was just his nature—engaging, attentive, and naturally likable. He had one of those faces that made it hard to pinpoint his exact age. 
Deep-set dimples softened the sharpness of his jawline, giving him an almost boyish appeal, while the light scruff and the fine lines at the corners of his eyes betrayed his real age.
“Hello, I’m sorry about that,” he says as he moves behind the desk, leaning down to click around on the computer, hiis voice is smooth, deep, the kind that makes you want to lean in just a little closer, “You must be… YN, right? Here for your massage with Pedro?”
“It’s okay,” YN reassures him with an easy smile, a bit fluttery because he was cute, “Yes, that’s me,”
“Pedro had to leave earlier due to a family emergency,” Harry informs her as he clicks around a bit more before looking up at her, “I should have called to cancel but I got distracted with some paperwork. Are you comfortable with having one with me? Or I can reschedule and give you a free massage on the house for the inconvenience.”
YN hesitates. A free massage sounded tempting—nearly $200 worth of pampering for nothing. 
But then there was the other option: a paid session with Harry, the hot gym owner with broad shoulders and an easy smile. 
She hadn’t expected to find herself in this predicament, but now that she was here, her stomach gave a nervous little flip.
“I really need one. I’m really stiff,” YN’s eyes darted away nervously, something akin to the feeling when you’re about to drop down on a rollercoaster creeping into her stomach, “But I don’t want to inconvenience you at all.”
“It wouldn’t be an inconvenience to massage you,” Harry replies, his words slow and this morbid monotone that somehow works for him, his eyes narrow just the slightest, and even though nothing he said was inappropriate.
The way he says it sends a shiver down her spine. 
It’s not the words themselves—it’s how they linger in the air between them, heavy with something unspoken.
 YN presses her thighs together instinctively, pulse quickening as heat creeps up the back of her neck.
YN rolls her lip between her teeth, she doesn’t know when she got so brazen but she gives him a small, unsure smile, “Hopefully you’re as good as Pedro.”
Harry’s grin falters slightly, eyes narrowing at the challenge, “I’ve been told I’m good with my hands.”
“Pedro’s hands are amazing though, not just good, you know?” YN keeps her tone casually like she’s not trying to bait him but she’s pretty sure that she’s not misconstruing the sexual tension for him just being nice, he wasn’t like this all the time. 
“I'm sure you’ll be satisfied with my services. Are you hard to please?” Harry asks with a tilt of his head, a slight smirk she's never seen before.
YN lets out a breathy laugh, tapping her fingers against the desk, “Most people would say no. My husband, on the other hand? He might say something different.”
Harry’s eyes flicker down to her left hand, his expression tightening almost imperceptibly when he finds her ring finger bare. 
His jaw clenches just the slightest bit before his tone turns cool, more businesslike,  “I’ll show you to the room we’ll be using.”
YN wonders if she shouldn't have mentioned she had a husband, maybe she had led him on with the fact that she didn't have her wedding band on.
She knew she would have to take it off anyways, and didn't want to get the lotion rubbed into nooks and crannies that are difficult to clean.
He steps out from behind the desk.
YN’s eyes drop to do a full body scan, she often subtly checked him out when she was here but now with a bit of arousal pooling in her tummy - she had a whole other perspective on him.
How his legs were such a sweet juxtaposition of lean but thick at the same time, she could easily imagine herself sinking her nails into them.
The shorts he wore showed them off entirely too well, he absolutely knew what he was doing when he stepped into those short shorts that morning.
And when he turns to start walking down the hallway, YN can appreciate how broad his shoulders are, and they're accentuated by the way they lead down into narrow hips.
The definition of manly.
As they walk down the hallway, YN peeks into the other offices—empty, confirming that they are, indeed, alone.
 It shouldn’t matter. 
This was a professional massage.
 Nothing more.
“I didn't know you were certified in massages,” YN chimes in as they walk, just to break the silence that had fallen in between them.
YN deemed it awkward but she didn't know if he did.
He doesn't turn around but he does reply, “I got a certification when I got my doctorate in exercise science and kinesiology. It was an elective. I did them more when I started the business but now I have employees for that.”
“So you're rusty, is what you're telling me?” YN teases, she should stop baiting him because he seems easy to react and not always in a good way.
YN has seen Harry yell at grown men over poor form that could have seriously injured their backs or throwing them out for not respecting the gym rules.
He was intimidating to say the least.
“Did I say that?” Harry turns to look over his shoulder, “My wife requests them enough that I don't get to become rusty.”
“Oh,” YN replies lamely, eyes darting down to see that he did in fact have a gold wedding band on his ring finger, hard to miss, and proudly shining.
 It’s hard to miss.
And yet, for a moment, she had.
“Oh?” Harry questions, still glancing back, “Is there an issue?”
YN swallows harshly, his eyes were laxer focused and challenging her to say something that she shouldn't.
She shouldn't because he's married.
She shouldn’t because she’s married.
“N-no,” YN stammers at the sudden question, tightened uncertainty winding in her belly - mixing with the hot, subtle arousal.
“Good,” Harry nods before he's stopping one of the last doors on the left, his hand curls around the knob, “Undress to your comfort. Some people prefer keeping their bra and underwear on, others go nude. Whatever you feel best doing.”
YN hesitates, her fingers twitching at her sides.
 Normally, she’d strip off her bra but keep her underwear on—just enough coverage to maintain a sliver of modesty. 
But something inside her stirs, something unfamiliar yet enticing, daring her to step beyond her usual boundaries.
She bites her bottom lip, the decision swirling in her head as she looks at Harry.
 But his expression gives nothing away, his patience unwavering as he waits for her to step inside.
“I'll give you a few minutes to get settled. Please lay face-down under the sheet, pull it up to your lower back. Do you have any questions?” Harry asks as he flips on the light, the beautiful room already set up, and a twinkling zen music filters through the built-in speaker.
“No,” YN says again, quiet as she steps past him into the space, “Thank you.”
Harry dips his chin in a silent nod before stepping back, allowing her to move past him. 
The door clicks shut behind her, leaving her alone with her thoughts.
It takes longer than she expects for him to return.
At least ten minutes pass, maybe more. 
She can tell by the way the medley of soft instrumentals has shifted two or three times, a seamless transition of calming melodies. 
She breathes deeply, inhaling the mix of essential oils perfuming the air, but the stillness is beginning to make her twitch.
The way that she can feel her nipples against the sheet, the way that every part of her skin is touching it actually.
It’s warm in the room, enough that she can feel the perspiration start to prickle at her lower back, and she can’t decipher whether or not it’s from the temperature of the room or the flush of her body.
YN digs her fingernails into her palms momentarily, to ground herself, to get a hold of herself.
She’s not in some fucking fantasy novel.
Harry is a professional. 
He’s probably oblivious to the thoughts swirling in her head.
He’s married.
She told him that she is married.
The last thing he probably wants is a client sexualizing him in the middle of his job.
Before she can scold herself enough to feel guilt of her rather debach thoughts - the door opens and her heart squeezes with anticipation.
He cracks the door before stepping in, “Ready?”
“Yes,” YN swallows as she squeezes her eyes shut, the door clicks closed behind him.
YN had pulled the sheet up over her shoulders, every masseuse had different protocol, and as soons as he steps over - she realizes that she already hadn’t been great at following his very simple instructions.
She hears his measured footsteps approach before feeling his hands on the sheet—his fingers brushing against the warmth of her bare back as he carefully folds the fabric down.
 It settles just above the swell of her bum, exposing the curve of her lower back.
He stills for the briefest moment.
Then, a deep inhale.
It’s almost imperceptible. A barely-there intake of breath that might be nothing—or might be something.
YN convinces herself she’s imagining things.
He’s probably adjusting his stance. 
Or stretching his fingers.
 Or something entirely mundane that has nothing to do with the fact that he just discovered she’s completely bare beneath the sheet.
“I'm going to begin. Please, let me know if anything is sensitive or sore during. Is there anywhere you would like me to focus in particular?” Harry inquired, he sounds formal, professional as he should.
“My glutes and calves,” YN responds after a moment of thought.
The calves part was true - they were tight and sore from her legs days at the gym.
Her glutes, however, did not need any work but she couldn't get the imagine of his hands massaging her there out of her mind.
“Noted,” Harry replies with a gruff, clipped agreement like he was gritting his teeth at her answer.
The beginning of the massage is as normal as anything, his fingers press deep into the knots lining her shoulders, working out the tension that she hadn’t realized she’d been carrying. 
The pressure is firm, methodical.
But the moment his palms cup around the nape of her neck, a shiver bolts through her spine.
She tries to squeeze her thighs together subtly, a feeble attempt at quelling the heat pulsing low in her belly. 
But it’s impossible, her legs already splayed relaxed on the table.
Harry notices the movement.
“Are you uncomfortable? Do you need to reposition?” Harry asks when he notices her fidgeting, concern in his voice that makes her feel even more guilt at her thoughts.
“No, I'm good,” YN’s reply isn't more than a strained squeak.
Harry doesn’t comment on it, but he does press his thumbs deeper into the base of her neck, a silent cue for her to relax.
“Try to relax then. You're tight,” Harry continues to move his fingers and all she can hear is that last sentence on repeat.
He's talking about back muscles, she has to remind herself.
You’re tight.
YN does finally listen, relaxing into the soft, heated cushion of the table, and purposefully clearing her mind.
“There you go, good girl,” Harry murmurs when he notices her shoulders start to loosen, neck letting her head hang more into the face cushion, and her thighs melting into the table too.
Good girl.
YN’s clear mind is now filled once again.
Her muscles should be turning to liquid under his touch, her mind blank with relaxation. 
But all she can focus on is the phantom sensation of his voice curling around those words.
By the time he finishes her back—nothing but completely professional work thus far, she’s half-certain that if she were to open her mouth, she’d be panting like an overheated dog.
“I’m going to start on your calves,” Harry informs her, shifting his stance beside her, “Then I’ll work my way up to your glutes. Since you requested them, I just want to confirm you’re comfortable with my hands there.”
YN knows he’s only being professional, ensuring her comfort.
If only he knew the absolute filth running through her head.
If only he knew just how much she wanted his hands there.
“Yes,” YN replies shallowly, she had been laying down for at least the last twenty minutes and she felt like she’d just ran a marathon, her throat parched and aching.
Harry’s tone sharpens, more assertive than she’s ever heard before. 
There’s a domineering edge to it that sends a shiver down her spine, “Yes, what? Yes, you are comfortable with that, or yes, you do want to change your mind?”
YN feels embarrassment flushing her at the miscommunication, it blends into the heat she already has seeping from her skin so there’s no difference.
“Yes, I am comfortable with your hands there,” YN manages to get out, she wonders if Harry thinks she’s an absolute basketcase or if he even has any awareness of the situation.
If he notices, he doesn’t show it.
 Instead, he resumes his work, his hands slick with the massage oil he had been using. The scent of sweet almond fills the space between them, subtle yet intoxicating.
 It’s her favorite scent—always has been.
 It reminds her of the raspberry almond cake she and her husband had shared on their wedding day, the same one they’d made a tradition of enjoying every anniversary since. 
Her train of thought was interrupted by an involuntary groan that she lets out when he presses on a tight spot right in the center of her calve.
The pain is sharp and sudden, and instinctively, she tries to yank her leg from his grip, but Harry’s grip is firm, steady.
 He doesn’t even struggle to keep her still. 
His hold is effortless, almost dismissive of her attempt to squirm away.
“You should stretch for longer than five minutes before you work out,” he chides, his tone laced with knowing disapproval,“Especially when you’re doing legs. You need to be warming up your hamstrings, groin, calves.”
He punctuates his point by pressing into the same tender spot again, and she lets out a similar sound—somewhere between a whimper and a gasp as the ache flares up once more.
“How do you know I’m not?” YN challenges, trying to regain some semblance of control over the situation. 
She hadn’t even realized Harry was paying attention to her.
 She hadn’t thought he noticed her at all, let alone enough to critique her habits.
Harry chuckles, the sound low and rough, curling at the edges with amusement, “That reaction, right there.”
YN is about to deflate because it wasn’t because of him noticing her until -
“I’ve seen you stretch. You sit on your mat and scroll on your phone for five minutes while barely trying to touch your toes,” Harry calls her out.
His assessment is shockingly accurate, and she doesn’t have much of a defense.
 Instead, she deflects.
“I’m plenty flexible without stretching,” YN quips, allowing a teasing edge to slip into her tone. 
The innuendo is obvious, intentional.
Harry doesn’t rise to it in the way she expects.
 He doesn’t laugh or smirk or falter.
 Instead, his response is delivered in the same flat, unimpressed drawl. 
“Are you?” His thumb digs into her calf again, pressing into another tight knot of tension, “You’re just as tight as you are flexible.”
She doesn’t realize just how tightly she’s been clenching her thighs until Harry’s palms press flat against the backs of them. 
Firm but not forceful.
“Spread your legs for me.”
His voice is steady, authoritative, yet devoid of hesitation. 
There is no question in his command. 
She obeys without thinking, parting her legs easily, pliantly.
 But as soon as the sheet shifts—just slightly, the reality of her own arousal crashes over her in a suffocating wave. 
Embarrassment sinks its claws into her as she wonders—can he see?
 Can he tell? Is there enough of a telltale sheen on her inner thighs to give her away? 
A visible wet spot on the table?
“Why are you clenching—” Harry starts, but then he stops.
A sharp inhale.
It’s as if something clicks into place, something he wasn’t expecting, and it cuts off his line of questioning entirely.
“Wha—” YN begins to ask, shifting slightly to glance behind her, but before she can move too far, a hand comes down to the base of her neck.
His palm cups it, firm yet controlled, pressing her back down into the face cradle. 
The pressure isn’t rough, but it’s purposeful.
 It’s the first real slip—something that isn’t professional, not even close.
The way he grips her isn’t the neutral, detached touch of a masseuse simply guiding their client. 
This is something else entirely.
“Don’t move.”
His voice is rougher now, deeper.
 There’s something strained in the way he speaks, his accent thickening as if he’s forcing himself to remain composed.
 It takes her an extra beat to process his words, to pick them apart through the weight of his tone.
“Jesus. S’ridiculous. Just trying to do my fucking job.”
The words aren’t meant for her, not really.
 He’s speaking to himself as much as he is to her.
And yet, they hit her like a slap.
Embarrassment rattles through her, her heart climbing up into her throat. 
He sounds frustrated. 
With her. 
The realization makes her shrink, makes her feel small—like a child being scolded.
“I’m s-sorry,” YN stammers, her mouth suddenly dry, her tongue thick and useless in her mouth. 
She doesn’t even know what she’s apologizing for—only that she feels like she should.
 Because whatever he saw, whatever he realized, it was enough to shift the entire dynamic between them in a matter of seconds.
To Harry’s credit, he doesn’t stop, he doesn’t pull away. 
His hands remain on her, though now they focus on her glutes, kneading into the muscle with a more methodical, calculated touch.
Subconsciously, she starts to clench her thighs again, as if trying to ground herself. 
As if trying to remind herself that this is just a massage. 
That she isn’t some… deviant, reacting to something as simple as his hands on her.
She isn’t.
But then…
His hand moves.
It grips the soft flesh of her ass, squeezing just hard enough that the tips of his fingers press deep into the skin, surely turning it white beneath his grasp.
The gasp that rips from her chest is instant, shocked, sharp.
Because this isn’t just crossing a line.
This isn’t just towing the boundary of professionalism.
This is tearing right through it, shattering it to pieces, leaving nothing behind.
“Stop apologizing and stay still,” Harry orders, his voice rough with unspoken tension.
His fingers remain where they are, digging in just enough to make a point, to drive something unspoken between them.
“Do you understand me?”
YN swallowed hard, her heart was trying to escape her chest at the moment.
Yes, she understands.
The massage resumes, thumbs pressing into knots, trading the ache for a different kind.
Should she end the appointment? 
Apologize and never show her face in the gym again?
YN does better, she does, she lasts at least another five minutes as she tries to stay as stock still as possible.
His touches are back to professional and she’s starting to question herself, start to question whether or not he had even squeezed her ass like that.
But then her thoughts start to spiral again, horny and desperate in a way they’ve never been.
It must have been a wiggle of her hips, maybe even a subtle attempt to see if she could find any friction against the table, but whatever it was—Harry had noticed. 
He had noticed, and she knew it the moment the air in the room seemed to shift, thickening with the weight of his attention.
“What the fuck did I just say?” Harry scolded with no more softness in his voice, that upbeat bubbly man that everyone around the gym knew and loved - nowhere to be found and it was as intimidating, thrilling as it was frightening.
The smack comes fast, hard, landing squarely on her left ass cheek with a force that makes her gasp before she even realizes what’s happened. 
The sharp sting spreads out in waves across her skin, the heat sinking into her already sore  muscles. 
She jerks, instinctively trying to sit up, but she doesn’t get far before his palm is at the base of her neck, pressing her face back into the cushioned cut-out of the massage table.
The stinging sensation lingers, blooming like fire just beneath the surface of her skin
 It’s different, though—not just the typical burn of an open-handed slap. 
It’s sharper, pinpointed.
And then she realizes—
His wedding band.
It had cut her. 
Only slightly, just enough for her to feel the tiny scrape, but still, the knowledge of how it had happened made her stomach clench.
 Her cunt shouldn’t pulse around nothing at that thought, but it does.
 It totally does.
“You’re ruining my sheets,” Harry observes, full of judgement and disapproval, like she was inconvenience more than anything.
YN stays quiet because he had told her to stop apologizing and is she pouting about because she just got smacked? 
Harry leans forward, his body heat radiating against her back. 
The soft cotton of his t-shirt brushes against her skin, and she can feel the cool chain of his necklace ghosting over her shoulder.
 When he speaks next, his voice is quieter, deliberate, “You have four options.”
Her breath catches.
“You can either stay still and get your normal massage. You can keep moving and have an ass that aches for the next week. You can end the massage right now and walk out the door. Or…”
YN waits for him but she realizes that he’s teasing it, edging it, her voice is barely above a whisper,  “Or what?” 
“Or you can tell me exactly what you want me to do to you and I’ll do it,” Harry hums as he stands back up, his hands gripping the back of her thighs, and pushing them apart from where they started to drift together once again.
She could tell him. 
She could put it into words, could give voice to the heat curling low in her belly, but the thought alone makes her want to squirm in embarrassment. 
She’s already acted desperate enough—she refuses to push herself further into that category.
The tension in her stomach, the feeling of his wedding band leaving a mark on her ass.
“I’ll stay still,” YN replies with as much of a steady voice that she can manage.
Harry laughs, deep and mean, amusement tinged with something almost cruel. 
It makes the humiliation simmer hotter beneath the surface of her skin.
“Do you soak Pedro’s table?” he asks conversationally, like he’s discussing nothing more than the weather, “Because he’s never mentioned it. And I think I’d remember something that pathetic.”
She knows exactly what he’s doing. 
He’s trying to break her, to make her react. 
His hand twitches against her skin, like it’s itching to leave more marks. But she refuses to give him the satisfaction. 
She clenches her jaw, grits her teeth, forces herself to keep still even as his hands press into her muscles with increasing pressure.
YN doesn’t bite, has to squeeze her eyes shut but she doesn’t, teeth gritting as the pressure of the massage increases.
Then, he revisits the small cut, pressing his thumb against it, rubbing over it in a way that makes her tense involuntarily.
“Does your husband not fuck you?” His voice is scalding, lips brushing her cheek as he speaks, “You’re squirming like you’ve never been touched before.”
The impulse to shoot an insult at him is hard to not take but she’s staying still out of spite.
Harry’s hands start to dip further in between her inner thighs, his fingers swipe against the damp skin of her thighs, and he then rubs it on her asscheek, “Can’t tell when the massage oil ends and your slick starts.”
Her thighs part slightly wider, a silent offering, even though she knows better than to expect mercy. 
She should have anticipated it—the punishment that follows.
The next smack is harder, sharper.
 It radiates through her lower half, a forceful enough hit that her nipples brush against the sheet below her. 
She swallows back a moan, biting her bottom lip until she nearly draws blood.
“You should be thanking me, do you know how many women wish they were in your position right now?”
Even though it was true, he didn’t have to be a cocky prick about it.
YN stays silent, she didn’t know how he still managed to get up the massage at this point.
“I said thank me.”
Another slap. 
Same spot. 
This time, the band on his finger catches her skin just right—or just wrong. 
She feels the sting of it cutting into her, nothing deep, just enough to make her gasp softly. 
Her breath shudders as she exhales.
YN gnaws on her bottom lip to prevent herself from speaking.
Harry’s patience snaps.
His hand knots in her hair, jerking her head up so that her cheek is exposed to him.
 His lips hover on her cheek, just near the corner of her mouth, but he doesn’t close the distance, “Speak the fuck up,” he growls, “or I’m stopping.”
She can’t believe she’s in this situation.
With a married man.
As a married woman.
But when she speaks, her voice is even, measured.,“I would like my massage to continue.”.
Harry exhales sharply, nostrils flaring.
 He unwinds his fingers from her hair, pushing her head back down onto the table.
“Fair enough.”
He does exactly as she asked.
He massages her like nothing happened, his hands working over her shoulders, the backs of her arms, expertly kneading out tension.
 It’s frustrating. 
Because he has more energy for edging, doing things out of spite than her.
And fifteen minutes later—she’s the one struggling not to move again.
Harry actually starts to hum, an annoying tune from an old game show, completely out of place in the dimly lit room. 
It breaks into the soft rhythms playing from the speakers.
YN squirms.
Harry smacks her again, sharp and precise, the sound echoing through the space, echoing in the thick air between them.
 It stings.
Of course it fucking does.
 It leaves heat blooming across her skin, a reminder of his control. 
But he does not speak.
 Instead, he returns to the slow, methodical touches that are driving her mad—too firm to be teasing, but nowhere near what she needs.
She breaks.
She fucking breaks.
"Touch me, please," YN throws her pride out the fucking window, off a bridge, down into the deepest black hole where she doesn’t have to face it again. 
Desperation drips from her words, heavy and undeniable.
Harry exhales a long-suffering sigh, unbothered by her distress, "I am touching you," he bleats, his voice laced with indifference. 
His fingers trace aimless patterns along her skin, not nearly enough, "We have about ten minutes left of the hour. Where would you like me to focus the rest of the massage?"
“I need something, please,” YN asks with a pathetic plead starting to work her way into her tone.
Harry, ever unyielding, remains unaffected, "You came in with the complaint of calves and glutes. Are you still not—"
YN wants to cut the shit.
“Please, fuck me. Please,” YN feels like she’s on the line of sobbing for relief at this point, she doesn’t know if she’s even been this worked up, and the inability to see him somehow makes it worse, makes her feel more vulnerable, more desperater, “Please.”
“You could have had it fifteen minutes ago,” Harry chastises but his hands - they slide down her body, teasing the sensitive skin, but they don’t go directly to where she needs them the most.
“Harry, I -”
A smack.
Unraveling her like that wedding band on her sensitive skin.
Then his hands are gone entirely. 
The loss is immediate, unbearable. 
The air crackles with unspoken tension before she realizes—he’s just looking at her.
"Knees," he commands, his voice sharp enough to slice through the thick fog of her arousal.
“I-” YN begins to asks but he’s not patient any longer.
“I said get on your fucking knees,” Harry repeats, louder and thankfully, no one else is here.
Before she can fully process, he takes it upon himself to move her, gripping her hips and lifting them effortlessly. 
Her knees slide inward, bringing them closer to her chest, forcing her body into a position that leaves her fully exposed, fully at his mercy.
He winds his fingers into her hair again, fisting the strands tight enough to pull her out of the cradle of the cushion. 
Her cheek is smushed sideways against the table now, breaths coming in shallow, uneven pants.
“Fuckin’ hell,” Harry has no manners, taking what he wants by spreading her cheeks to get a better look at her.
There is no manners left in him. 
No pretense of control.
YN realizes belatedly that there are fat tears rolling down her cheeks, that Harry must now be able to see, and in a break from the thick tension in the room.
He does something oddly sweet, it reminds her of her husband actually, he presses his lips to her cheek.
His voice is soft, more so like she hears around the gym or when he greets her in reception, “Okay?”
“Okay,” YN nods in agreement, her voice cracks, and she can see him smile before slipping back into a scowl.
She appreciated him checking in, warming  her up in a different way.
“Never seen a needier thing in my life. God, your husband must not do shit for you. You're clenching around nothing—both holes,” Harry murmurs thoughtfully, his tone a perfect blend of mockery and amusement. 
His words are crude, biting, but they set her nerve endings on fire.
YN barely has time to react before she feels it—his spit landing on her tighter hole, warm and slick, quickly chased by the rough pad of his thumb spreading it around.
Her skin prickles, her breath catches, and then he continues, his voice dripping with sinful amusement.
“Everyone around this gym thinks you're this sweet, kind person. I hear them talk,” He pauses, tilting his head as if considering something. “What would they think if I told them about this? A bored housewife coming into a massage and begging to be fucked decently.”
It's a monologue, she knows he isn't expecting an answer.
“Spread out on this table, showing me everything with no shame.”
Two fingers—his index and middle, drag lazily through her folds, teasing, pressing at her entrance but never quite pushing in.
YN is trembling, trying not to move but everything aches.
“I would have subbed in much soone for Pedro if I knew I'd get such a sweet cunt out of it. I should have known you'd have the prettiest one I've ever seen,” Harry accentuates it with tucking his fingers into her, the slight stretch of his two thick digits were welcome with how ready she already was, “Those little bike shorts you wear hide absolutely nothing.”
YN pushes back, pulling him in even deeper, and luckily, he doesn't scold her.
But he makes her work for it.
“Ride ‘em. My hands are tired from the massage,” Harry curls them forward against her spongy front wall, hitting her spot head on like he had it memorized on a map.
YN was sweating, hair matted to her skin, and visibly droplets of west gathering around her temples as she started to push back on him.
She couldn't believe what she was doing right now.
“You hear that?” Harry asks, thrusting his fingers a few times to make the sound even more obscene, slick and lewd in the quiet room, “Should record that and make it the spa soundtrack. S’that sound like a good idea, baby?”
Her head drops forward, a loud moan tearing from her throat when his thumb presses into her tighter hole, sending pleasure ricocheting through her body. 
She’s never been this full before—never felt this close to unraveling without even having her clit touched.
Harry’s laugh cuts through the haze of her pleasure.
“Fuck, you’re filthy,” he groans, watching her. “You like your ass played with too? This is my lucky day, huh? Is that how you’ll tip me? Let me choose?”
“Yes, yes—you can choose,” YN babbles, her voice high and desperate, her stomach tightening, her body coiling tighter and tighter. 
She’s grinding now, less controlled, more frantic, chasing something she’s not sure she could explain, “Please, I just need to come. I need it, please—”
But Harry pulls his fingers out.
The loss is devastating.
Tears sting at her eyes, spilling freely, mixing with sweat, with spit, with the sheer mess of her. 
Her hair is frizzy from where he’s pulled it, her cheeks damp, her mouth parted as she gasps through the absence of him.
Harry grips her hip harshly, not giving her choice as he helps flip her over until she's on her back.
And it's the first time in all of this that she's been able to really see him.
It was nice to see that he was affected too with huffing breaths, nostrils flaring, and sweat on his temple from the heat of the room.
And then he’s peeling his shirt off, tugging it over his head in a way that looks effortless.
His body is all sharp lines and defined muscle, the kind she sees every day in the gym but never gets to touch.
Her legs automatically close, a futile attempt to shield herself, to protect her most vulnerable spot.
 But Harry frowns at that, smacking her thigh sharply, silently telling her to open back up.
He tuts, shaking his head as he looks down at her, “Puppy, if you were this desperate for cock, you could have just asked me. You’re cute enough. I’d fuck you in front of everyone—bend you over a weight bench, let those little biker shorts trap your thigh and watch your squirms.”
YN can tell he’s about to put his mouth on her—but she can’t. 
She can’t take any more teasing.
Her hands shake as she reaches up, fingers pressing to the side of his neck, thumb pressing beneath his jaw. 
She’s sniffling, trying to speak through her sobs of frustration.
“I can’t—I need you to fuck me. Please, H, please.”
The hour of foreplay was more than enough.
Harry blinks, his gaze locking onto hers, searching. 
And then….
He moves up the table, his hand cradling her jaw as he kisses her, slow and deep, melting away her desperation for just a moment.
“You want me to fuck you?” he murmurs, the rasp was thick in his tone, “You’re ready?”
She nods frantically, clinging to him. “Yes. I’m sorry, I can’t—”
Harry kisses her quiet before pulling back just enough to push his shorts and briefs off. 
She doesn’t get a chance to look at him before he’s guiding himself to her core, pressing in, inch by thick inch, until their pubic bones meet.
He lets out this euphoric, beautiful low moan when he pushing in until their pubic bones meet, and he's big - really fucking big and she's so fucking full that it's insane.
Don’t need to wait,” she breathes, voice trembling with urgency, her fingers digging into the thick muscle of his shoulders. 
Her legs wind around his narrow hips instinctively, locking him in, heels pressing into the firm curve of his bum as if to keep him right where he belongs,“Please move.”
And Harry fucks like he weightlifts.
Hard. Determined. Precise.
Every powerful thrust sends electric pleasure sparking through her veins, his strokes deliberate and deep, like he’s got something to prove—like he won’t stop until he’s got her unraveling completely beneath him. 
His pace is relentless, the force of his movements pushing her up the table in tiny, helpless jolts before he’s tugging her back down onto his cock without missing a beat. 
The friction is dizzying, intoxicating, and YN feels herself slipping closer and closer to the edge with every merciless snap of his hips.
“I’m gonna—if you rub my-” she pants, but she doesn’t even need to finish.
Harry already knows.
With a low grunt, he shifts, his weight shifting back slightly as his hand snakes between them.
 His fingers find her clit with ease, with skill, and he presses down, rubbing tight, fast circles with a very specific intent in mind.
 His voice is rough and coaxing as he groans, “Yeah, fuck, yeah. C’mon, baby. I deserve it, don’t I? Soak me.”
And that’s all it takes.
A sharp, wrecked cry tears from her throat as her body gives in completely, pleasure overtaking her in a crashing, uncontrollable wave. 
YN’s limbs go boneless, loose like a marionette with its strings cut, as her orgasm seizes her, dragging her under with white-hot intensity. 
The overwhelming sensation floods her lower half, a gush of wetness spilling out between them, coating both of them in the aftermath. 
The slick, obscene sounds of him fucking her through it echo in the room, each thrust impossibly louder, wetter, filthier.
“Holy shit,” Harry growls, his voice thick with awe and arousal, “That’s the hottest fuckin’ thing I’ve ever seen.”
His breath hitches, his control slipping,“You just squirted on me—look at you, all swollen and puffy for me.”
His gaze is locked on where they’re connected, utterly mesmerized, before something shifts in his expression—something primal.
 He grips her hips tighter, holding her open as he starts pounding into her even harder, chasing his own release with ruthless determination.
The force of it knocks the breath from her lungs, and before she can even process the sheer intensity of it all, he’s surging forward, crushing his mouth against hers in a desperate, bruising kiss.
 It’s messy—more teeth and tongue than finesse—but it’s everything. 
A claiming, a surrender, a moment of pure, unfiltered need.
He pulses inside her with a deep, guttural groan, spilling into her with a final, shuddering thrust, his body going rigid before finally melting against her. 
He stays there, buried deep, chest rising and falling against hers as he slowly comes back down from his high.
For a long moment, the only sound in the room is their mingled, heavy breathing. 
Then, Harry huffs out a breathless chuckle, forehead pressed to hers, body warm and weighty on top of her.
“Told you,” he murmurs smugly, voice thick with satisfaction, “Told you you wouldn’t be patient enough for foreplay.”
YN scoffs, though there’s no real heat behind it.
 Her fingers find their way into his damp curls, scratching lightly at his scalp as her lips twitch into a lazy smile. 
“The whole massage was foreplay,” she argues, pressing a kiss to his temple, “I think I did okay.” 
A playful smirk tugs at her mouth as she adds, “I don’t have the patience you do.”
“You never have,” Harry murmurs, his thumb brushing her slick hair off her forehead with a tenderness that makes her stomach flip. 
He presses a slow, lingering kiss to the corner of her mouth, voice laced with affection as he murmurs against her lips, “You’re an impatient little thing for orgasms.”
His tone is teasing, but the warmth in his gaze, the soft adoration in his touch - it’s so much love and fondness interwoven between them.
“Don’t like this one bit,” Harry grumped after a moment, pulling her hand up and giving a pointed gaze towards her bare ring finger, “Made me almost break character.”
YN giggles as she allows Harry to pull her up to sit, he slips off the table, “I didn’t want to get massage oil on it. It makes the diamond all foggy and I have to take it to the jeweler to get it cleaned then.”
“Hey,” Harry grips her chin, buttoning their lips together for a long moment, “Happy anniversary. I love you and I hope this met your expectations of the scene you were fantasizing about. I’m just glad your fantasies are with me.”
“I’m in love with you, have been for ages and never plan not to be. It was absolutely perfect but now I’m worried I’ll get greedy for more,” YN laughs as she spreads her loegs once again, letting Harry start to wipe her off with a warm towel he takes from the towel warmer that’s conveniently in the room.
“You’re always greedy,” Harry argues gently, blinking up at her, “I don’t think I’ll ever be able to walk into this room again without getting a hard-on.”
YN shakes her head with another bout of laughter, “You’re going to be fucked. I have a lot of fantasys about fucking a gym owner.” “Mm,” Harry rumbles as he tosses the towel, his touches getting more full of intent once again, “Lucky you’re married to one, hm?”
whew. i hope you enjoyed!
now if you are confused about anything the synoposis - harry and yn are a married couple, they own a gym, and yn wants to roleplay masseuse/client for their anniversary. there is no cheating!
now i recommend going back and reading it and finding all the little hints that they were married couple the whole time.
i would super love to know your feedback on it
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rowie264 · 3 months ago
If someone criticizes something, it doesn't mean that they hate it. It also works the other way around. If you like something, it doesn't mean that it's done well from an objective point of view.
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I love Jinx. Her design, her story, her personality, her character arc... I was just fascinated by her. Jinx has become one of my favorite characters in media in general. It was the continuation of her story that I was waiting for the most.
Jinx is still my favorite character in season 2. I love almost every scene with her. How she did Sevika's arm and the subsequent fight with the Smeech, the fight with Vi in Act 1, the prison break, search for Vander in the mines, epic appearance during the battle against Noxus.
I got a lot of positive emotions while watching s2 and especially during Jinx's appearance on the screen. But… an emotional response and objective assessment are two different things. And objectively, Jinx's character in season 2 is OOC and poorly written.
Removing very importand part of her story and personality. Her mental issues almost completely disappear. This is a very important aspect of her character. And no, Isha's presence and a "more favorable environment" would not heal her, the whole 2nd act is completely unrealistic and looks stupid, since all her problems with her mental health were magically solved off-screen;
Irrelevant piece of plot. Her arc of "Zaun symbol" passes by her - she becomes a symbol by accident, ignores the consequences and directly encounters all this revolutionary mood only during Isha's saving from Stillwater (at the same time saving her followers - an indirect action, not a purposeful one). So this arc is kinda about her, but she doesn't seem to participate in it herself, and it ends with literally nothing (like the whole Zaun revolution);
Making her more appealing to wider audience. Her hatred of Piltover and Caitlyn just disappeared. Yes, while she was with Vi in the mines she said "piltie goons who murdered mom and dad," but… that's all? Jinx doesn't kill a single enforcer in the entire 2nd season (although, for example, she could have in Stillwater) and tells Caitlyn "I didn't know your mother was there." Let me remind you that Jinx literally giggled in s1 when she killed a dozen enforcers during gemstone kidnapping, killed enforcers on the bridge without any care, she hated Caitlyn fiercely because she "stole" her sister from her, and she couldn't not know that Cassandra was a councilor. It isn't showed how and why she changed her opinion and this is important thing to her character, you can't explain such change with microexpressions or parallels;
Unrealistic happy family reunion. The reunion of Jinx, Vi, and Vander is a spectacular moment from Disney. Do you remember how Jinx reacted when Vi returned? Yes, she was happy but as soon as she spotted Cait she freaked out and immidiately thought that Vi betrayed her. Imagine what would happen if her supposedly dead - bc of her btw - father had returned and now looks like some animal;
Silco mattered much more to Jinx. A very "subtle" replacement of Silco for Vander in the role of father (Jinx calls him father, sniffs Vander's jacket and not Silco's), although Silco played probably a bigger role in this? And Jinx remembers about him like 2 times? Although it's been about 7-10 years since Vi's "death" in season 1, Jinx was still triggered by just a similar appearance. Apparently, Silco wasn't that important to Jinx (which is not true); I could still keep talking about Jinx, but let's leave it at that.
I love Jinx even in season 2. I like watching scenes with her. But my emotional attachment doesn't stop me from seeing that Jinx's character in s2 is not a continuation of Jinx's character of the end of s1. Her image is broken, the arcs are not completed, the relationships with other characters are poorly written.
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cherry-pop-elf · 4 months ago
Kiss it Better Pt:2
Curly x Reader
AN: Holy shit I did NOT expect all the love and support from the original like god damn! People begging for a part 2 and everything (I’ll make sure to tag those who asked for one at the bottom) Like oh my god thank you guys so much! This means the WORLD to me! As a disabled person trying to make his medical issues more accurate it means so much that yall love it and how I write in general! Thank you!
SUM: You and Anya were busy dealing with changing Curly’s wrappings together. Sharing stories, and just trying to stay positive. That’s when you just had to ask. What’s going on between her and Jimmy?
Warnings: Jimmy, sexual assault, Anya sharing her trauma so pls take care of yourself, medical gore, medical situations, light violence,
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“Thank you again for handling Curly’s medication. I’m sorry I just-“ Anya would try to explain again how sorry she was that she was struggling to do her job. A job you could never blame her for. She’s been through a traumatic event of the ship crashing, and already had to try and save a near corpse. She deserves to breathe.
“Anya it’s fine, really. I’m his romantic partner as well. It be weird if I didn’t pick up some responsibility and tried to take care of him. You also deserve time to rest. You’ve done so much for him, and saved his life. Give yourself more credit. It’s not a sin to ask for help.” You would try and comfort her, as you would grab the fresh bandages for Curly.
He needed a lot of them, and they had to be changed out relatively often. He’s basically just exposed meat after all. The risk of infection was high, which you were wondering how he didn’t even catch any yet, so he needed alot of attention and care.
If only Pony Express had packed more, because the med bay was running out of them fast. Very very fast. Might be only able to maybe re wrap him a few more times now. Had you terrified because as much as you wanted to take care of him you had to leave some bandages for the rest of the crew. In case of another emergency.
You wish you could be doing more.
“We’re going to undress you. Is that alright?” Anya would ask Curly, who in return would give two blinks to indicate that he consented to being stripped. Was gonna have to be done but it was still so kind of Anya to still ask before hand.
The two of you would soon get to work on changing out his bandages. A very slow, careful, tedious job. One that normally took over a hour to do properly. So it’s time to kill some of that empty space.
“Ya know, this isn’t the first time over had to wrap up a certain someone because they got hurt. I remember a time when we were at a Ski resort with his family. Someone wanted to try a path that was meant for experts and before you know it someone’s returning to the lodge with his leg bone sticking out of his pants.”
Anya gave a little ‘oh my’ as you just laughed at the memory. Curly just adored sports. Especially the winter variety. You felt so blessed that he had a job that paid so well. Well enough that the two of you, and his own family sometimes, could go and enjoy vacations like that.
You wonder if the two of you will ever see the snow again.
“That sounds rather nice, minus the whole breaking his leg. To share a cabin together with someone. Cuddle for warmth together by the fire place. Sounds really nice.” She would speak dreamily. As if she knew it was simply that. A dream. Something that will never happen again. No matter how hard she tried.
Like something was wrong with her.
“I bet you’ll get that moment. When we escape here you’ll have a flooding of men and women coming your way. The brilliant woman who managed to fight death and win. Again and again. The most brilliant woman to ever live.” You would praise her, as you were very mindful of Curly’s catheter. As if that needed to be messed with.
“Yeah…..Maybe……” Anya didn’t really seem to actually respond. Was like she was just saying words for the sake of words. Had you wondering.
Even before the crash she had just started acting off one day. From being a cheerful woman who was gentle and full of smiles, to being so quiet and scared by the littlest of sounds. Like she expected someone to jump from around the corner and attack her. Any feeling of safety and comfort vanished.
You were worried.
“Say, Anya-“ You began to speak, while disposing the bandages safely into the bio hazard bag. “-Is everything ok? I mean duh we’re not doing to hot with being, ya know, crashed and all. But besides that. You just seem…..different.”
Anya seemed to not hear you. She simply worked on checking over Curly’s body. Hunting down any infections, looking for possible bed sores, monitoring his healing, and getting ready to do the ever so gentlest of sponge baths.
Anya did always get in the zone whenever someone was hurt. You figured she didn’t catch what you said because of it.
So repeated yourself, as you stood next to her. Impossible to miss what you were asking, as you would help Curly sit up and just move his joints to better reach with the sponge.
The only sounds in that room were Curly’s whines of discomfort. Whines to indicate truly how much pain he was in when even the pain killers can numb it.
“Anya….I know you can hear me. Is everything alright? Not to be rude but I’m kinda asking you a question.” You would be gentle, but she still couldn’t help but looked distressed.
“Anya what’s-“ You would reach a hand out, to comfort her, but the second it was raised towards her she would immediately flinch. Her startled reaction ended up even making her drop Curly’s leg on the table.
Oh that’s gotta hurt.
For a fleeting moment you put Anya on the back burner, and just focused your attention on comforting Curly. How he gave a weak sob from the intense pain.
“Shhhh I know Curly Fry. I know. It’s gonna be ok. It was an accident. You know she didn’t mean it. Shhh.” You would kiss his forehead, as Curly had a muscle spasm through his body from the intense shock to his system. So exhausted and in so much pain.
“It’s gonna be ok. I promise. I love you so much. Just think about our future. How we will get off this ship, and have that family. Have our own baby-“
The moment you said baby, that’s when Anya finally cracked.
Her hands were now covering her face, as she just broke down into sobs. Sobs that sounded so hoarse. Like she’s done it so many times that her body was just abused from it. Left you so worried and confused.
What the hell is going on here?
“Anya, what’s wrong? What did I say?” You would gently guide her to a chair, and worked on stroking her hair. Giving her as much comfort as you would to Curly. The same gentle love as he would get. Love she deserved.
It took a while for her to catch her breathe, and you didn’t rush it because it really seemed she needed it, but her own trembling body was finally able to quite down.
“I need to tell you something. I need to tell you something about Jimmy-“
You were quick to kneel down infront of her, and was ready to take in every last word she was going to say. Maybe what secrets she held could finally explain why the hell you all were crashed here. Why Jimmy crashed you all.
“Jimmy ra-“
That’s when the door opened.
As if that bastard had a sixth sense for whenever people were talking about him. That same annoyed expression, same sneer, same empty eyes.
All three of you kinda froze in time now. Looking at him, as he looked back at you all. Scanning you. As if judging to figure out what was being said before entering.
“Hey….Captain….” You swallowed, as you would return to standing. Anya herself remained in her chair, with her head down. Didn’t seem she trusted herself in showing any expressions right now.
“What were you guys talking about?” He asked, as he seemed slightly on edge. Like he hasn’t been sleeping well or had too much caffeine. Just this tension of paranoia was in the air. Like he was worried about something.
“Just about the bandages. We’re starting to run low, and Anya is just getting worried about having enough.” Wasn’t a complete lie. The best lies were the ones with truth sprinkled in.
“Of course he’s wasting our supplies.” He scoffed, before walking over to the table. You were trying to give Curly some respect with grabbing something to cover him up with, but it was like Jimmy wouldn’t let you. The stare he gave you, when you grabbed the clean hospital gown, made you just freeze in place.
It was just so full of hate.
It was just so full of disgust.
It was just cruelty in dark eyes.
It was just focused on you. As if Anya didn’t even exist right now. Like she meant nothing to him. Nothing but the wind in the air. Something you don’t even bother in registering every day. Like how you breathe in air in your lungs.
You don’t notice until it’s gone.
“Has he been given his medication?” He would ask you, as his hands would be firm on the bed side. Just seeming to assert his dominance with standing over the man. Like some got over the little people.
“Yes Jimmy. He’s been medicated. We are actually in the middle of washing him. It would be nice if there was some privacy-“ You tried to gently hint at, only for it yo fall on deaf ears.
"The crash really did do a number on you. You don’t even have a dick anymore. Just holes huh-?” Jimmy would scoff, as that was your final straw. You would give Jimmy a hard hip bump, and quickly covered Curly up. To give him dignity and respect.
“Hey-! Watch it! Don’t think because you are Curly’s little eye candy doesn’t mean you can go pushing people around-“ Jimmy would bark at you.
You didn’t feel fear.
Jimmy was messing with YOUR man now. Curly deserved dignity and respect. He doesn’t deserve to be called a ‘set of holes’ no way in hell. No one deserved that and ESPECIALLY not Curly.
“Will you just shut up?! What the hell are you even doing here?! Aren’t you the Captain now? Captains are suppose to be doing whatever it takes to help the crew. All you’ve been doing is walking around and insulting everyone! It’s like you don’t want us to be saved. Be a Captain and take some responsibility already-!”
The anger that he had for you was terrifying. You swore it was like a switch. He suddenly seemed taller, bigger, angrier, more intense. You felt like you were shrinking more and more. Like you would melt into a puddle under that heated stare.
But you refused to.
For Curly.
“Listen here you-“
You smacked him across the face. Was like the world went mute. No one was so much as breathing. Just the stares of shock from Anya and Curly.
“Get. Back. To. WORK.”
You ordered, and he listened.
He would hold his red cheek, and walked away like a dog with its tail between its legs. As if he was all talk and no bite. That he couldn’t bring himself to be more than an angry voice.
Someone needed to keep him in his place.
“Can this damn ship get any more hectic?” You sighed with your fingers to the bridge of your nose. Just trying to think clearly.
That’s when Anya found her voice.
“I’m pregnant.”
You opened your eyes wide, and was frozen in place.
Did you hear that right? No no. No way. Why would she be pregnant? How would she get pregnant? Who would get her…
“Oh my god.”
You slowly turned around to Anya with the puzzle pieces falling into place. You finally realized what had happened.
Jimmy never was a responsible man.
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@meheheasasa @letmebedelutional @trashcansally @balanahala562
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distantdarlings · 3 months ago
HIS OWN MEDICINE Pt. 2 // t. nott x e. berkshire x m. riddle
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Mattheo Riddle x Theodore Nott x Lorenzo Berkshire x Fem Reader Insert
+ SUMMARY - *Requested, based on this* After Theo cheats on you one time too many, you go to his and your friends seeking comfort.
+ WARNINGS - (whoo boy, this is gonna be a lot) SMUT! Foursome (reader x 3 guys), Unprotected PIV, sub!reader, softdom!Theo and Mattheo, slightly roughdom!Enzo, oral (f! and m!receiving), fingering (f!receiving), fem reader, Eiffel tower moment, voyeurism, masturbation, mentions of weed, smoking weed, mentions of alcohol, drinking alcohol, mentions of Theo cheating, Mattheo talks about beating someone up (not graphic), language, not proofread (lmk if I missed any)
+ MUSIC (listened to while writing) -
HEAVEN AND BACK - Chase Atlantic
***Can be read as a standalone, but I’d recommend you read Pt. 1 to have the full story! Read it here.
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You hadn’t learned your lesson. That much was painfully clear.
After weeks of little to no issue from Theo, you’d rounded the corner on the way to class to see him—arm raised flirtatiously, with his nose almost pressed against some random girl’s. The way she giggled in response to whatever he said led you to believe that he was talking some smooth shit.
You could still feel the way your cheeks flushed with heat like a fire. Your fingers had gripped so tightly around your books that your fingernails had pushed back against their leather bindings. Blood had pricked at the edge of your cuticles.
How many times were you going to let him treat you this way? Pansy’s question flashed through your head. Obviously, too fucking many.
You set your books down on one of the stone benches that lined the hallways and stomped right over to Theo and that stupid girl. You shoved him away from her, childishly knocked his books from his hands, and slapped him across the face as hard as you could manage.
A collective gasp spread around you like wildfire, silencing the mindless chatter almost instantly. Your breath heaved ferociously.
“See if I ever try to make this work again, Theodore Nott!” You shouted. With one last huff, you turned, gathered your books, and pushed your way back down the hallways to your dorm.
By the time Pansy found you, your sheets were already soaked through with salty tears that slipped onto your tongue every once in a while. Your lips were reddened and swollen, as were your cheeks. You probably looked like you’d been hit by a train.
“Oh, honey,” she sighed, collapsing against the bed beside you. This time, she didn’t try to hold you or talk you through it. She just rubbed your back and listened to your quiet sobs. She must have heard what happened earlier. There was nothing that happened in Hogwarts that Pansy Parkinson didn’t know about.
“I finally did it,” you gasped. “I finally ended it. Theo pushed me too far. How many times did I beg him to stop acting that way? I mean, even if he wasn’t seriously flirting—he upset me, so why couldn’t he fix it?”
“I know,” Pansy sighed. “It sucks, but I’m glad you stood up for yourself.”
“Me too,” you sniffled, turning your head to look at her. At this point, you just wanted to change into your pajamas and drink a couple of gallons of Firewhisky with her.
She turned and leaned over the bed, reaching past the mattress for her bag. When she got ahold of the strap, she lifted it and set it on the sheets. She pushed it toward you.
“I figured you’d need a pick-me-up by now,” she shrugged.
You rummaged through the bag before producing one large bottle of Firewhisky and a box of chocolates. It was as if she’d read your mind. You smiled in relief.
“Only if you enjoy them with me,” you said. She smiled in return, preparing to pop the cork off of the bottle.
If you could have gone back and time and punched yourself in the jaw, you would. It seemed that, lately, you’d had a habit of doing things in the heat of the moment—whether that heat was actual passion or the influence of alcohol, it didn’t matter.
Because at this very moment, exactly two hours after you finished off the bottle of Firewhisky with Pansy, you found yourself parked outside of Theo’s dormitory.
Your hand was poised, prepared to knock. Embarrassingly, you’d been standing like this for at least a couple of minutes, debating whether or not you should actually do it. You were definitely one to handle your liquor, but, you had to admit, you were tipsy.
A pleasant warmth was spread throughout your chest, making all of the lights feel just a bit softer and all of your thoughts just a bit bolder. The effect that searing drink had on your confidence was always one of immense power.
Finally, you swallowed what pride and sobriety was still cooped up in your head and knocked on the door.
A few moments passed—enough so that you had almost turned to leave, retreat to your dorm, and lick your wounds with another bottle of Firewhisky. But, just as you decided to ramp up for your walk of shame, you heard footsteps, a thunk, then the door swung open.
On the other side, leaning comfortably against the door like he owned the place—which he sort of did—was Enzo Berkshire.
“Well, hi there!” He smiled cheerfully, eyes tracing quite conspicuously down the length of your body. You could see every ticking movement they made as they halted and started over every curve on your figure. Your cheeks burned. “Have you come to talk to Theo? Because he’s not here.”
Your face deflated like a sad balloon.
“Oh, well, I guess I’ll try to catch him later. I’m sorry to—”
“Why don’t you hang out with us until he gets back?” he interrupted, eyebrows flying up innocently.
“Who’s ‘us?’” you chuckled nervously, wringing your hands before your legs.
He pushed the door open farther and stepped out of the way to reveal Mattheo Riddle leaned up against his pillow—one hand thrown so nonchalantly behind his head and the other nursing a half-burnt cigarette against his lips. He was undeniably one of the most gorgeous boys you’d ever seen. The only other competitors in the lineup were your stupid ex and Enzo—who just so happened to be his roommates. It’s like they put all of the tens into a bowl, shook it up with no other options included, and drew them to be dorm mates. It was fucking irritating.
But, besides that whole fiasco with you fake-flirting with Enzo and Mattheo a couple of weeks ago, they were still your friends. You had gotten to know them quite well alongside your relationship with Theo. They were great, funny guys. They just also happened to be devastatingly good-looking.
“Er, sure,” you finally said, nodding your head politely. “You sure I wouldn’t be intruding?”
“Not at all—we’re just having a smoke. Join us?” Enzo cocked his head towards the other boy farther into the room.
“Sounds great. What exactly are you smoking?” you joked, allowing Enzo to lead you across the threshold and into their dorm.
No matter how many times you were in this room, you could never quite get used to the overwhelming ocean of cologne that ripped through the stone bricks. It was overwhelming, but at least it was a good kind of overwhelming.
Enzo pushed the door shut behind you and locked it back. You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, waiting awkwardly on him. Mattheo’s eyes were burning through you from the corner, but you chose not to look over at him quite yet.
“Make yourself comfortable—you’ve been here a million times.” Enzo placed a large hand gently on the small of your back and led you toward Mattheo’s bed.
Besides the boy, there was also a multitude of objects strewn across the duvet. A couple of snack bags, a few cans of soda, a packet of cigarettes, three or four lighters—all depicting women of varying modesty—and a large wooden box with a collapsible lid that Enzo called his “rolling box.” It didn’t take a genius to deduce the contents within.
In fact, upon closer inspection, Mattheo wasn’t smoking a cigarette at all. Stuck gently between his fingers was a neatly-wrapped bundle of herbs that blossomed through out the end, creating a yellowish-tinted haze about his head. You inhaled, the familiar scent clouding your lungs.
How bad was it to drink and smoke weed at the same time again? You couldn’t remember. Without truly considering the consequences of the actions you were one hundred percent about to perform, you let Enzo sit you down on the bed beside him. Your back was pressed against the oaken footboard and your legs were crossed tightly against your body. Enzo threw an arm behind you on the footboard just like he'd done a million times before, but only this time, it felt different.
Whether it was the alcohol buzzing through your veins or the smoke that just filled your lungs through the joint Mattheo had leaned forward to place against your lips, you weren’t sure.
You inhaled deeply on the small thing, Mattheo’s fingers brushing your lips ever so slightly. His eyes watched you intently while his mouth parted slightly. You stared at the beautiful boy as he held the joint still for you.
Had they always been so affectionate and patient with you? Of course, they had. That's why you got along with them even when Theo wasn't around. You were pretty sure, anyway.
Almost immediately after blowing the yellowed smoke into the air, your vision started to haze over. Enzo had always had access to strong weed in general, but being a wizard came in handy, especially when there was a tincture he could brew to increase the potency of the already bold herbs.
Mattheo smirked as he watched the substance seep into your brain. He leaned back against the headboard and watched through lidded eyes. You could see the redness already blooming around them. You figured you weren't far behind.
Enzo shut his rolling box with a tight slam and placed a new joint between his lips. His fingers gathered a yellow lighter from the bed and snapped it a few times, slowly producing a flame.
With his free hand, he protected the light as he lit up. His jawline accentuated perfectly as it jutted forward to hold the blunt still over the fire.
The tension in the air stirred around like a heady blanket. Between all of the different things swirling in your system and the natural hormones firing off inside of you, you were just about ready to grab Mattheo and kiss him as hard as you could.
You'd had a thing for him since you met Theo and Enzo—Theo had just snatched you up quicker. But your relationship with Theo had only slightly dampened your desire for the dark boy. Perhaps that made you as bad as Theo. The main difference was that you would never have actively pursued Mattheo while still in the relationship. Except for the one time you were trying to prove a point. Even then, it was faked. Mostly.
But now, you were no longer in a relationship. You had free run of the boys of this school, though there was only one you truly had your eye on. And he was smiling lazily at you through the smoke, lighting a fire beneath your abdomen.
Though you'd only taken a single puff of the herb, you were already feeling the effects pretty excessively. Mattheo and Enzo however continued to take multiple drags, building up their high. They'd obviously done this much more often than you.
“How often do you guys smoke?” you asked stupidly, trying to make conversation.
“As often as we can,” Enzo chuckled, leaning his head back against one of the footposts. His eyes closed comfortably and his throat jerked with his laughs. You'd love to just take a bite out of him.
You shook that thought away and turned back to Mattheo. “Could I have another?” you asked, gesturing lazily.
“Anything for you, mama,” he whispered.
He leaned forward just as he had before. This time, he placed his free hand beneath your chin and tilted your face up slightly. Your eyes met his with a hard intensity. Balancing the blunt against his thumb and forefinger, he placed the end of it between your lips.
You inhaled again, feeling the buzz light up your head. When he pulled it away from you this time, he placed it directly into his mouth and traced a stray drop of saliva off of your bottom lip with his thumb. His fingers still cupped your jaw.
Liquid confidence overtook your body and you darted your tongue out to caress along the pad of his thumb. His signature crooked smile cracked across his lips. At the split of your mouth, he pushed his thumb in and pressed down on your tongue.
Muscle memory from Theo kicked in. That, mixed with the fuzziness in your mind, had your lips closing around his finger and sucking. Your eyes held contact with Mattheo’s.
He clicked his tongue and smirked. “There it is,” he whispered. “Good girl.”
“You called that,” Enzo said. Your lips released Mattheo’s thumb.
“Called what?” you asked.
“That you’d listen so well,” Mattheo answered. “I knew from the minute you started going steady with Theo. You were always so obedient and loyal to him.”
“I wasn't—” you started.
“You were, baby, but that's okay,” Mattheo cooed, fingers tracing your jawline. He placed the blunt between his lips one more time, took a deep inhale from it, before reaching across the bed to sit it down on the ashtray in the corner.
Enzo appeared behind you suddenly, your back nearly pressed against his chest. You gasped slightly as his hand came forward to gently brush your hair behind your ear.
“It’s more than okay—girls who are obedient are rewarded.”
As if testing the waters, he pressed a gentle kiss to the connection between your neck and shoulder. You softly whined at the sensation, not having expected it.
Then, Mattheo was reciprocating the action on the other side of your neck. Both boys graduated from light kisses to hot, open-mouthed ones that sent chills throughout your body. You shuddered.
“Wait,” you whispered.
Immediately, they both pulled away and looked at you, eyes widened and waiting.
“Am I meant to take both of you?” you asked shyly, nearly giggling in the middle of the question.
“Only if you want to,” Enzo shrugged, moving out from behind you to garner a discussion. “We can each do something different.”
“It’s up to you, sweetheart,” Mattheo whispered, moving back toward you. He placed a slow trail of kisses from your shoulder to your jawline, where he paused and spoke directly into your ear. “Though, I know Enzo has been dreaming of your mouth.”
You pulled away and looked at him. “And you?” you whispered.
“What?” he asked, eyebrows knitting together ever so slightly.
“What have you been dreaming of?” you ask. His eyes flickered down to your lips then back up again.
“Let me show you.”
He pressed his lips to yours suddenly, muffling a gasp of surprise on impact. His hands slipped along your jaw and curled into your hair. You sighed against him as he leaned you backward.
He caged your body in against the bed. There was no escape from him—everything around you was simply Mattheo. His scent, his taste, the aggressive outpour of his sweetened breath as his hands began to slide down your body.
Sneakily, his knee separated your legs at the thighs and began to claim its position there a bit more astutely. Just as he was about to make contact with your core just beneath your skirt, Enzo interrupted.
“Don’t be greedy,” he demanded, shoving himself into the space Mattheo had been in.
He hovered over you, overlooking your face with pupils blown absurdly wide.
“Have you been planning this?” you chuckled.
“In my fantasies, Mattheo usually wasn’t present. It was just me and you.”
“What were we doing?” you teased.
He leaned down and licked a stripe from the base of your neck to the shell of your ear. You shuddered at the feeling, eyes fluttering closed. “I was helping you forget all about Theo, baby.”
“Shut up,” Mattheo groaned, shoving the boy’s shoulder roughly. Enzo giggled in response before placing his lips against yours.
His kiss was worlds different from Mattheo’s and even moreso from Theo’s. Still, it almost wasn’t comparable. Enzo was bold and dominating in his body language and the way he acted in any social situation, and it was clear that he was a similar type of lover. At least, that’s what you’d gathered so far.
Your hands curled into his hair, tugging gently at the chestnut strands. His tongue slid against your bottom lip, forcing its way into your mouth. He tasted like butterscotch. It seemed as though you recalled a jar of sweets settled somewhere on the bed when you walked in.
Mattheo’s fingers suddenly sank through your hair to your scalp. He massaged them along your skin, sending shivers down your body.
“What was that about being greedy, En?” Mattheo said. Enzo pulled away with a growl and glared up at the dark boy. Your lips were already swollen and mourning the loss of his warmth.
You looked up. Mattheo hovered over you, eyes gliding down the rest of your body. It seemed that, no matter how confident the boys were, they couldn’t quite find it in them to tear into you. As nervous as you were, their obvious nerves seemed to spur you on just a bit. With butterflies swarming your stomach, you made a decision on what the next move would be.
“So, when were you planning on starting?” you laughed. Neither of them said anything. You rolled your eyes and reached your fingers down to place against your buttons.
Enzo stifled a gasp and you began slipping each one through its eyelet. Once the pieces of fabric were completely split, you pulled them apart, revealing your body to the two boys. Nerves pounded in your chest.
The both of them stared for what seemed like hours, before Mattheo leaned down to press his lips to yours once more and Enzo began sucking rough bruises across your stomach. The two of them slowly worked the nerves out of your system like a knot in a muscle.
You rolled and turned over, facing Mattheo head-on but refusing to separate your lips. At the change in position, Enzo leaned back briefly onto his knees. He helped you pull the uniform shirt down your arms, while Mattheo’s tongue split you apart.
Enzo’s hands softly glided down your back, tracing the shape of your curves with the tips of his fingers. They moved lower and lower until they reached the waistband of your skirt.
You could feel him linger for only a second when his warm fingers pursed against the zipper and began to pull it down. A sigh left you as the zipper hit its base and loosened the material just enough to slip it down your thighs.
Enzo’s hands wrapped around your hips and pulled you back onto all fours. Mattheo’s head craned to continue to press his lips to yours. His kiss was hungry and demanding, like you were sustenance he craved. His fingers cradled your jaw, keeping your head pinned upwards.
“Matty,” Enzo groaned. “I don’t think I can wait much longer.” His thumb slowly traced down your slit through your underwear. Your back arched against him, heat blossoming within your core. You moaned against Mattheo’s lips.
Finally, Mattheo’s fingers gently pressed to your chin and he pulled away from you. He wished you could see how beautiful you already looked—with your cheeks red, eyes lidded, and lips swollen with his saliva.
“You want her mouth?” he asked, looking above you. His hand was holding your jaw, lovingly stroking along your cheek. Your forehead pressed against his abdomen. His free hand moved to your hair, nails scraping lightly against your scalp.
You felt so submissive beneath the two of them, almost reminiscent of that of a pet. You couldn’t believe how willing you were to do whatever these boys asked of you.
As they conversed above you, you thought of nothing regarding Theodore Nott. The only thing flying through your mind was Mattheo’s hands in your hair and Enzo’s fingers massaging your hips. You waited silently as they decided how to fuck you. Merlin, you were pathetic.
“Alright, sweetheart,” Mattheo whispered, tilting your head up to look at him. “I’m gonna fuck you and you’re gonna suck Enzo off, okay? Is that okay with you?”
You nodded, eyes stuck on his. He smiled softly—the warmest expression you’d ever seen printed on his face. As soon as Mattheo had gotten a taste of your skin, something changed in him. He was softer, gentler.
Enzo kissed a slow line up your naked spine. “Ready for us, baby?”
You nodded once more and, at that, they began to rearrange their positions. Mattheo pushed to the back of you whilst Enzo replaced his spot just before you. His hands replaced the other’s, caressing slightly calloused strokes across your cheek.
His thumb travelled down your lips, spreading them slightly in the meantime. When he pushed through your teeth a little bit and towards the back of your throat, he didn’t miss the small gag you stifled. The pad of his thumb traced a line from the back of your tongue to the tip, before placing it on your lips again. He smiled roughly, all sharp canines and snickering laughter.
Behind you, Mattheo’s hands mimicked Enzo’s previous movements. He traced your hips and the curvature of your ass, massaging the muscle and acquainting your body with his touch. Subconsciously, you leaned toward him, bumping gently against his core. You could feel his hardened length brush against you. He sucked in a small breath through his teeth at the sensation.
It was already nearing an impossibility for you to breathe just as they teased—you were almost frightened for the effect they would have on you whilst actually fucking you. You swallowed thickly.
“Ready, baby?” Enzo whispered, placing a gentle slap to your cheek. You nodded pathetically, desperate to get a taste of them in any way.
His hands fell to the tie around his waist that fastened at the top of his pants. He wore graying checkered pajama bottoms that framed his growing length so perfectly. He looked to be about average length but he seemed way thicker than anyone you’d ever had before. The thought of him working his way down your throat made you nervous.
His pants dropped and his briefs were soon to follow. His length sprung free and pressed against his abdomen. He groaned at the relief of pressure and pressed his hand against himself, rolling the skin about gently.
There was a moment of silence when he pushed down on himself to allow the tip to brush against your lips that Mattheo also slid your panties down your legs. The cool air slammed against your heat like a wave.
As you moaned at the sensation, Enzo took the opportunity to push himself into your mouth. Your next sounds were muffled.
Not a millisecond after Enzo had bottomed out halfway down your throat, Mattheo pushed himself into you from behind. You yelped and subconsciously moved away from the sudden intrusion, only to shove Enzo further down your throat. You gagged around him as your nose brushed his abdomen. He moaned aloud and curled his hands in your hair.
“Fuck, you’re perfect. I can’t believe Theo’d ever let go of this perfect fucking mouth.”
Mattheo began to build a slow, deliberate pace. He was so much gentler than you’d ever imagined. The reputation he had managed to obtain was one of a rough lover who didn’t kiss and only fucked from the back, but rumors didn’t always carry truth. It seemed that care punctuated each of his thrusts into you.
You moaned against Enzo as Mattheo hit every spot Theo never could. The vibrations from your throat caressed the boy before you in a way he’d never felt before. He gasped at the sensation, fucking his hips against your face desperately.
His complete disregard for the integrity of your throat led you to push farther back against Mattheo, forcing him farther inside you as well. It was a deadly cycle.
The consistent thrusts you were getting from both ends were almost enough to prevent you from hearing the loud crack that echoed through the room. Almost. Your eyes opened and glanced to the side to see Theo standing against the door.
He must have Disapparated into the room. Perhaps he’d been knocking and the three of you just hadn’t heard. Though, through the rushing of blood in your ears, it was a surprise you could hear anything at all.
Still, you saw him and he saw you—being torn apart from the inside out by his two best friends. You could hardly move your body, let alone try to alert the two of them that you had an audience. They had clearly not heard him, as they both continued their previous paces.
Theo watched—eyes widened, mouth agape—as your eyes began to roll to the back of your head. Mattheo worked you closer and closer to your orgasm.
Your eyes peeked at him, tears pricking the corners, to see something wildly different than you expected. You had been sure you were going to open your eyes to Theo storming forward, ready to beat the shit out of both of his friends.
That is not what you saw.
Theo’s uniform trousers were unbuckled and split apart, revealing the edge of his briefs that had been tugged downward. His cock was pulled from its confines and clutched tightly in his fist. He pumped it rapidly as he watched the three of you. The sight itself was enough for you.
You cried aloud as your finish washed over you in a giant wave. The clenching of your lips and the vibrations from your throat pushed Enzo over the edge.
“Fuck, perfect girl,” he groaned to the air. His head tilted back, golden earring glinting in the candlelight that cloaked your bodies.
Mattheo worked you through every second of your orgasm, which worked Enzo through every second of his.
Once the boy in front had completely released his spend down your throat, he pulled himself from your mouth. You let him go with a gasp—thick strings of saliva stretched between your lips and his body.
“Such a good girl,” he whispered, cupping your jaw possessively.
Before you could manage to wipe the spit from your flushed cheeks or warn the boys that your ex was in the corner jacking off to your current escapades, Mattheo quickly flipped you over onto your back.
You squealed at the motion, having not been at all prepared. He immediately caged your body in, hovering over top of you with a snide smirk on his lips.
“Can I have you all to myself for a minute?” he whispered against your ear, placing a gentle kiss to your earlobe. You giggled at the sensation, chills being spread down your arm.
“Whatever, man,” Enzo said. “I’m gonna light up again.” He leaned back against the head of the bed and grabbed the abandoned blunt that was placed carefully on the ashtray in the corner.
Having almost completely forgotten about Theo—between the drug in your system and the boy on top of you—you wrapped your legs around Mattheo’s waist and tugged him in closer to you. Slowly, he reentered you with a soft groan. The sensitivity below pushed a whine from you.
He placed a soft kiss to your cheek. One hand grasped onto your thigh as he fucked himself into you. His nose hovered just above yours as he watched your every reaction to his movements.
With every gasp and moan you let slip out, he’d mimic your sounds softly, but not in a mocking way—more like in an agreement.
“Do you know how long I’ve wanted you?” he groaned. His pace was steady and unyielding. It was agonizing even, almost as if he intended on driving your pleasure out as long as possible.
“Do you know what it felt like watching Theo touch you every day? Watching him kiss you? Watching you sit in his lap?” he growled lowly, his nose brushing along yours with each thrust. You moaned at his words.
“That day you came up to me in the Great Hall…when you called me ‘Matty’…oh,” he groaned, crooked smile showing off his canines. “I knew I had to have you. Whether I had to wait a few days or months, I was going to have you.”
“Ugh, wrap it up,” Enzo said, holding his hand against his forehead, lit joint resting beneath his fingers.
You giggled just a bit at the stupid boy, before coming back to your senses a bit. Was Theo still in the corner?
Mattheo’s pace picked up a bit. Your head craned to look behind you. Enzo blew smoke toward the air. Your eyes attempted to adjust to the darkness in the corner where Theo had stood. Mattheo was hitting every spot you needed.
“Bite her neck while you fuck her.”
All three of you seemed to gasp. You paused and looked over, finally locating the looming boy.
“Shit!” Mattheo pulled out and scrambled to cover the both of you. Enzo tugged his briefs back up. You sat and stared, waiting for his next words.
“I don’t know why you’re all freaking out now,” Theo chuckled. “She saw me a good, long while ago. She knew I was watching.”
Mattheo and Enzo both looked over to you. You felt absurdly small beneath their huge gazes, like a little kid getting a slap on the wrist.
“I didn’t really mean to not say anything—I did try, I just tend to…forget things when I’m high.”
“And when you’ve got two dicks in you—ayo!” Enzo said, putting his hand up as if waiting for a high five from Mattheo.
The three of you stared at him in disbelief. At the realization that nobody was going to high five him, he shrugged and returned the blunt to his mouth.
“Yeah, well, did you enjoy the fucking show, you perv?” Mattheo scoffed, keeping the sheets pulled tight over you and him.
“What, you guys can have a threesome with my ex-girlfriend, but I don’t get invited?” he asked.
“Um, I think the important word in that sentence is ‘ex,’” Enzo piped up once again. You rolled your eyes and pressed your hands to your face. This had to be a nightmare.
“Ex or not, I still know what she likes,” Theo explained. “Now, if you want to make her cum quickly, you should bite her neck. Trust me.”
“Do you want me to ask him to leave?” Mattheo asked you, nuzzling his nose gently against the side of your head.
“No,” you said decidedly. You turned to Theo. “But, if you’re going to be here, you’re going to join.”
“What?” Mattheo and Enzo both echoed.
“I think it’s only fair,” you said. “Plus, it was you that suggested we have a foursome.” You pointed at Enzo. He shrugged and nodded as he recalled his previous discussion on the matter.
“I say, if everyone’s okay with it, he should join. Because if he tries to tell anyone, he’d have to mention he was a part of it. Or we could just tell them. He won’t tell anyone if he could criminalize himself.”
Theo’s eyebrows raised slightly. You didn’t want to admit that, after everything, you still missed his body and the familiarity he had with yours. But it was true. He wouldn’t tell anyone if he was a part of it. Granted, he likely wouldn’t have said anything anyway. Despite the end of your relationship, he still seemed to care about you. And you cared about him.
Mattheo and Enzo stared at each other, seeming to weigh their options. There was a moment of silence before they agreed. They nodded their heads.
You turned back to Theo. He approached slowly, eyes trained on you. Your stomach seemed to float within your abdomen as you recognized the look in his eyes.
No matter how many times he fucked you over in your relationship, he still knew his way around your body. He stopped before you. His fingers slowly lifted to cradle your jaw and tilt your face upward. His thumb slowly caressed over your bottom lip.
“I’ve missed you,” he whispered. You shuddered beneath his touch.
It wasn’t long before nearly everyone fell back into the previous headspace. Enzo came up behind you once more and began pressing loving kisses against your neck. Theo kneeled before you and watched your eyes closely.
He gently moved the blanket covering your naked body away, just slowly enough so you could stop him if you needed to. His head dipped slowly between your newly exposed thighs, his hot breath lingering so closely to your core.
“Theo,” you whispered in a kind of warning. Out of the corner of your eye, you could see Mattheo watching the boy with an iron stare.
After what Theo did to you, you’d briefly spoken to Mattheo about it. It was only a small conversation in which you were crying so hard you barely got the words out and Mattheo just listened and let you sob against him.
Mattheo was there for you when Theo had let you down. And the fact that Theo was preparing to pleasure you like he always had before had Mattheo’s jaw clenched so tightly you thought it might snap.
When his lips made contact with you, you gasped aloud. Your head fell back against Enzo’s shoulder, his mouth still sucking bruises into your flesh. His hands clutched at your breasts, massaging them strongly. The combined sensations were enough to make you lose your words.
Distantly, you could hear Mattheo huff. When your eyes opened to check on him, you noticed that he was looking toward the ground with his hands hovering between his knees. Jealousy pulsed through his body.
You wondered why he’d not been jealous until Theo walked in. You’d made it clear that you’d only included him to protect all of you. The last thing you needed was rumors of the three of you fucking each other floating around the castle.
He hadn’t cared that Enzo was touching every bit of you, because he knew that you didn’t care for Enzo in that way. But the wound from Theo was still raw, and your care for him still lingered.
“Matty,” you moaned, reaching your hand out to place against his cheek. He turned to look at you, eyes flickering over the pleasure contorting your face.
Enzo still rolled your breasts in his hands and Theo devoured you like a man starved. You reckoned Mattheo didn’t see a use for himself, but you did.
Sliding your hand down, you gripped onto the thin metal chain around his neck and pulled him close to you. Your lips pressed against his just as they had earlier. Your fingers tangled in his dark curls, urging him closer against you.
He pulled away from you. “‘Don’t want him touching you.”
You stared into his eyes, watching the affection in them swirl with anger. Theo’s mouth continued against you. You could feel your heat building to a point. Enzo had begun to roll his hips against your back, thrusting his length against your ass. He moaned lightly against your neck.
“He’s just getting me ready for you,” you teased, watching the flare light up in his eyes. You giggled softly, pressing your lips back to his.
Mattheo’s hand wrapped gently around your throat, caressing his fingers around the side of your neck. Enzo’s fingers delicately tweaked each of your nipples. Theo’s mouth consumed you openly until he pressed two fingers inside of you.
Your back arched and a moan left you at the sudden intrusion. Mattheo’s tongue split you apart as Enzo worked himself closer to his finish. You could feel his desperation in the thrusts he pushed against you.
Between the three men and the individual pleasures they each dealt, you found yourself closer and closer to your release. It felt like your entire body had been dipped in fire and storms echoed overhead.
Blood rushed in your ears as your brain began to shut off. Your eyes rolled backward as electricity sparked within your abdomen.
“I’m gonna—” you started.
Just as you were about to fall over the edge of your orgasm, Theo’s lips and fingers stopped. He pulled away from you.
You whined disappointedly and separated your lips from Mattheo. “Why?” you cried, your release teetering on the precipice. Your legs shook at the denial.
“Thought you might need a bit more,” Theo shrugged. He nodded toward Mattheo, and got to his feet. Was he serious? Honestly, you were a bit pissed at the thought of him passing you off like a gauntlet, but at this point, you just wanted to cum. It didn't matter who did it.
Mattheo stood slowly, letting the blanket fall away from his lap, and allowed Theo to take his place beside you. The dark boy settled between your legs, keeping steely eye contact. Your cheeks burned.
He slipped his hands beneath your thighs and gently perched them around his hips. He leaned in against you and hovered before you.
“Is this alright?” he asked. You nodded desperately, so ready for your release you couldn't stand it.
Finally, he pressed in and sank within you all the way up to the hilt. You moaned aloud, hands clawing at his back. Your eyes fluttered shut.
Your left hand blindly reached for Theo’s waist. When the four of you had begun to discuss everything, he'd pushed himself back into his trousers. He seemed to get the message, however, and pulled himself from his waistband.
Your fingers wrapped around his length and began to pump as Mattheo worked your orgasm back to its peak.
“Matty, I'm—so close,” you moaned aloud.
“Me too,” Enzo groaned against your ear. His hands gripped your hips as he fucked himself against your back.
Your thumb swiped over the top of Theo’s cock a few times, building that sensitivity he was so vulnerable to. If the four of you came at the same time, you imagined the room would start floating or something like that. Theo groaned at the sensation.
Then, seemingly taking Theo’s advice, Mattheo leaned in as close as he could go on the opposite side of you as Enzo and began to pound into you harder. His canines closed around the softest part of your neck and sucked. The sensation sent jolts of lightning down your body. You gasped aloud and arched into him.
Like a train, your release hit you harder than ever and spread across Mattheo’s stomach. Your eyes whitened for a moment, rendering you blind to everything that was not him.
Before you, Mattheo released a choked groan against your jaw and came within you, mixing your spends in a hot storm. You whimpered at the feeling, your nails scraping against his flesh.
Theo groaned as your hand rolled over his tip for the last time before his release was spurting against your hand and the bedsheets.
And finally, behind you, Enzo had rutted himself against you enough that he came against your nude back. He moaned breathlessly against your ear, his fingers stuttering restlessly on your breasts.
Several minutes passed before any of you even attempted to move.
Theo had fallen to his side on the bed and was borderlining a sharp snore. He rested with his hands splayed out and his shirt still partially buttoned.
Enzo had laid back with his arms spread above his head and sweat glistening down his chest. Deep pants pushed from his body. The way he had leaned had caused you to fall back as well. Your head rested against his thigh.
Mattheo had collapsed on top of you, his breaths heavy and lips pressing soft kisses to your chest every now and then. Your fingers absentmindedly brushed along his hair.
The boy laid over you waited until gentle breaths came from Theo and Enzo to start talking. When he was sure they were both asleep, he turned his head and rested his chin against your chest. His eyes watched you.
“Are you angry with me for asking Theo to join?” you asked softly, fingers still tracing through his hair.
He shook his head. “No, mama, I'm not mad at you. I understand why you did it.”
His fingers reached up to trace along your arms and collarbone. Again, his gentleness came as a bit of a surprise to you.
“What I don't understand is how you could keep going back to him when he kept treating you like that,” he scoffed. You sighed, leaning your head back against Enzo’s thigh.
“I can't explain it. He made me feel…special. I never felt that way unless I was with him. It was like… I felt like the only girl in the world until I got proof that I wasn't. But, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't get that feeling from anyone else. So, it was to stay with Theo and feel on top of the world for a while, then occasionally get my heart broken. Or I could be in a relationship I didn't feel good in, and constantly think of him.” You sighed, embarrassed at how pathetic you sounded. You never wanted to rely on the boy, but your self-esteem had aligned itself with Theo’s loyalty.
“Hey,” Mattheo whispered. You glanced down at him. His eyes were trained on yours. “As many times as you've probably heard it, I would never do that to you. You are everything I have craved for months and for every time I shoved that dumbass against the wall and threatened to beat the shit out of him—”
“Wait, what?” you interrupted.
“What, you think I just sat by and let him act that way? I tried to beat some sense into him a thousand times over, but he just didn't listen. The fucker was persistent with his disloyalty, I’ll give him that.”
“You defended me?” you asked, laughing just a bit.
“Of course, I did. Even if I didn't have the hots for you, I can't stand that shit,” he chuckled, shaking his head.
Finally, he rested his head back against your stomach and you swore you felt him smile against you. He seemed pleased that he'd finally admitted to all of those things.
And, though you'd just participated in a fucking foursome with some of your best friends and would quite literally never live it down, you felt pretty good where you currently rested.
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Tag List: @lilymurphy03 , @mypolicemanharryyy , @angelfrombeneth , @clairesjointshurt , @bunbunbl0gs , @acornacreacure, @niktwazny303 , @thestarlithideout, @sarahskakskskskajakwwnwjw , @yhiiil, @xxrougefangxx , @thatblackthorn, @robinyx , @starsval , @jolly4holly , @blvebanisters , @chgrch , @ilovehotmenandwoman , @smutnyrobocikwrakiecie , @synicaljah , @abaker74, @2dloveshp
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everyonewooeverywhere · 5 months ago
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chapter 1 : oh shit. a cowboy.
summary: when you come into his shop to get your boyfriend's car fixed, yunho can help but wonder what a hardworking, pretty girl like you is doing with someone so...pathetic. and maybe, just maybe, he feels like he could treat you better.
pairing: cowboy mechanic!yunho x female!reader
genre: non-idol au | strangers to lovers | angst | fluff (no smut yet, but there will be eventually)
rating: 18+ (for the whole series bc there will be smut eventually)
word count: 4.9k
content/warnings: pet names (sweetheart, doll), strangers to lovers, toxic relationship, yeonjun slander 😗 (sry baby), yj and reader get into a pretty big fight
notes: literally thank you so much to @ateez-main-yapper for helping me write this! like this would not exist without her letting me yap in her dms. or letting her help build the story up. or asking her to help edit. this was a two woman job 🙂‍↕️ so thank you baby 💗
ALSO there have been a couple changes and edits from the teaser, so not everything of the first 1k words is the same ☺️
and YES there will be a part 2 (& 3 💀) so PLEASE don't ask for it 😭 she will come when she's ready
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Where the fuck was this place? You took another turn down another shaded alley, the sky strangely overcast for two in the afternoon.
The tapping of your fingers on the steering wheel was the only music since the stereo had broken months ago when Yeonjun slammed his fist against it in a fit of rage when you asked him to skip his gig this weekend to attend your sister’s wedding. Now it just blinked periodically when the car hit a bump, giving it miniscule signs of life. And for a man who focused his whole life around his music, he seemed uncharacteristically uninterested in getting it repaired. And maybe it would never get fixed because you could only afford to get the big issues fixed today.
After six wrong turns you finally pulled into the parking lot. Your friend had recommended this garage when you’d told her this car had been having all sorts of issues, and she insisted on here. You had your doubts when she pulled up the Instagram of one of the mechanics to show you the shop and ended up going on about how hot he was for several minutes, but you didn’t really have any other options.
It looked official enough. The brick building was large enough to house two large garage doors that opened up the shop to the dusty parking lot. Peering inside, you could see that there weren't many people inside the garage. There were only two mechanics in your line of sight, the closer of the two venturing back and forth between his toolbox and the taillights of an old Chevy, and you were their only customer as far as you could tell. You shrugged, Maybe they’re understaffed. 
You shrugged before swinging the car door open and grabbing your purse out of the passenger’s seat, brushing off your pants before you made your way in. There wasn’t a front desk or a receptionist to talk to, and you got the feeling that this shop was solely run and staffed by the men inside. 
You spent several moments hovering by one of the garage doors, shuffling your feet and trying to catch the eye of one of the mechanics, but neither of them looked up. Entirely too absorbed in their work to notice your presence. They must not get very busy. 
“Um…hello?” You spoke, trying not to startle either of them. 
They both turned to you, and the man who’d been fixing up the Chevy opened his mouth to speak. But he was cut off by his coworker, who jogged over from where he'd been partially hidden from view behind a rack of miscellaneous parts, putting a hand on his friend’s shoulder and muttering a quick, “I’ve got her, Min.” 
“Min” chuckled and rolled his eyes, returning to his work.
Oh god. 
“Hey Doll, what can I do for ya?” Something about the way he sauntered up to you and smiled so gently immediately filled your stomach with butterflies, but you chose to ignore them for the sake of your own sanity.
Doll. That was a new one, and you felt that anyone else uttering that word toward you would’ve disgusted you to your core. But something about this stranger was strangely comforting. Maybe it was the way he tilted his head as he waited for you to speak. Maybe it was the baseball cap strewn backward on his head. Or maybe it was the strands of his taupe hair that fell in front of his face, strands you imagined yourself brushing up under his hat.
Your fingers fidgeted with the strap of your purse, “I’m, uh, having some car issues.”
The laugh he let out, and the curve of his lips that accompanied it, made the tips of your ears burn, “‘Course you are, sweetheart. Anything in particular, though?”
“Oh,” you chuckled softly along with him, “Well, he mentioned that the acceleration’s been kinda weird, and I thought the engine was a little loud when I drove it here today. Sorry, I don’t really know a ton about cars.”
He hummed and tapped his foot a couple of times, “Which one is it?” 
You pointed across the lot. 
“Alright, let me pull it into the garage,” he put his hand out in your direction. 
You stared at it, confused, and when you looked back up at his face he was smiling at you again. Stupid smile. He made your heart flutter more than you would’ve liked to admit.
“Keys, sweetheart. Your keys.”
“Oh,” you scrambled around in your purse before handing them over, embarrassed. 
He took them from you with a 'thanks doll' and a tip of his head, hand hovering over his forehead in a way that made you think he was used to wearing hats much bigger than this simple baseball cap. Before you could even question it further he was jogging across the lot and pulling the car through the big garage doors. 
When he stepped out of the car he looked at you curiously, “This your car?”
You shook your head, “No it’s my boyfriend’s. He’s been…busy…lately, so he hasn’t been able to bring it in. He keeps complaining about it, though, so I just decided to do it for him, I guess.”
He raised his eyebrow at you, nodding slowly. 
“What?” you asked, moderately offended.
He shook his head, waving a dismissive hand, “Nothing. Sorry. You just seemed a little unsure is all.”
“Yeah…I don’t know. I honestly think he just kept complaining so I would get tired of his whining and go on and get it fixed myself,” You chuckled awkwardly. Why the fuck were you telling him this? You started to feel a little embarrassed.
And that feeling only got worse when you saw the mildly horrified look on his face. 
You shook your head and ran a frustrated hand through your hair, “Can you just fix it?”
That pretty fucking smile came back, and your grip on your hair tightened just a little in frustration. “Of course I can. Glad you brought this in when you did, honestly. Seems like your boy toy’s got a bit of an exhaust leak. Could be pretty dangerous, so it's good to get it off the road.”
“Ah, perfect.” You shifted on your feet, “How long will it take, do you think?”
He lifted his hat and ruffled his messy hair before readjusting it on his head. Why did every little movement he made drive you crazy? “Unfortunately, issues like this take a couple days. I doubt I could get her done any sooner than tomorrow.”
You nodded, “Okay. I’ll try and get a ride home then.”
“Alright, Doll. Let me write down your number real quick so I–so we can call ya when she’s ready.”
You wrote down your name and number for him on a pink sticky note that he stuck to the dash. 
“Perfect!” He smiled at you, “We’ll call ya tomorrow.”
You couldn’t help but smile back, “Awesome! Thank you…Oh. I’m sorry, what was your name again?”
“Yunho. My name is Yunho, sweetheart. It’s nice to meet you.” He stuck out his hand for you to shake.
And you couldn’t help the ramming of your heart in your chest when he took your hand into his own.
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Yunho watched as you stepped out into the parking lot to call someone, presumably that questionable boyfriend of yours who seemed to be way more trouble than he was worth. He couldn’t help how his heart had dropped when you told him you had a boyfriend in the first place. After a long while of singleness, he was kind of hoping to test the waters when he saw you, and it even seemed like you responded positively to his obvious flirtations.
“So a boyfriend, huh?” Mingi startled him from behind.
Yunho let out a small sigh, trying not to let himself get too worked up about it. You had only met twenty minutes ago for fucks sake. “Yeah, seems like a real piece of work though.”
“Really?” MIngi gave his friend a skeptical side-eye, “Or is that the jealously talking.”
“No, seriously! This is his car. And she said it’s been actin’ up for a while, but he never made the time to bring it in. She only brought it here ‘cause he wouldn’t stop whining ‘bout it.”
“Huh. Sounds kinda child-like to me, but who are we to judge? We haven't even met the dude,” Mingi pat his friend on the back, “Try not to let it get you down, man. I’m sure there’s a cowboy-lovin girl right around the corner waiting for you.”
Yunho nodded, moving along so Mingi would let the whole thing drop. But no matter how many times he repeated in his head that you were taken, he just couldn’t stop looking over in your direction. You just seemed so…tired. He didn’t want to assume, but he got the feeling that this boyfriend of yours might be the main cause of that. And try as he might to reign in his ego and keep it in check, he couldn't help the part of him that knew that, whatever this man was providing for you, he could do so much better. That wasn’t really his place, though. So he let you be. 
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“Yeonjun what do you mean you’re busy? You were on the couch when I left an hour ago,” you sighed through the phone.
“Baby, come on. You know I have a gig tonight,” You fought the urge to roll your eyes. “And I need to get in the right headspace, so I can’t leave the apartment. It’ll ruin the mood.”
“Is that really more important than picking me up? I’m stuck here.”
“I don’t know. Call an Uber?” Oh, you were gonna kill him.
“What? Why would I pay for an Uber when I have a boyfriend at home with my perfectly functioning car who could drive his ass over here and pick me up? For free!”
You hated how difficult it was to get him to help you out in any way. Why did he have to be so stubborn? “Listen, I really can’t break my flow right now. Maybe wait a couple hours, and I’ll come pick you up, okay? Or maybe have one of your friends pick you up.”
“It’s 3 pm on a Tuesday, Jun. Most people are at–” He hung up on you, “Work..” You trailed off.
God, this is so embarrassing. What the hell were you going to do now? You could call an Uber, but you could barely afford groceries this week. And getting this car fixed was gonna drain the last of your paycheck. 
You bit at your lip anxiously, wracking your head for options. Your friends would be more than happy to pick you up, but most of them wouldn’t get off work for another two hours. So maybe you could just wait until then. Or maybe you could hitchhike? The highway was miles off. And your gut wrenched at the idea of a stranger knowing where you lived…But maybe that could work. Or maybe you cou–
“Everything alright out here, sweetheart?” 
You jumped at his voice, “Oh! Yeah,” you scratched at your head, trying to force a smile, “My boyfriend’s just really busy, so he can’t come get me.”
“Do you…need a ride?” He offered sincerely, “I don’t wanna overstep or anything, but I could help ya if you need it.”
“Oh god no! You don’t have to do that.”
He grinned softly at you, “It’s really nothing at all. I’ll tell you what, I’m leaving here in about an hour. If you can’t find a ride before that, you’ll let me give you drive you home.”
Just say ‘yes.’ Your brain was practically begging you to speak, but you knew this would cause an argument with Yeonjun. A random handsome man bringing you back to the apartment? Oh, it was a recipe for disaster. But what other choice did you have? It wasn’t like he was gonna pay for an Uber to help you home or pick you up himself. No, he left you stranded here with a shit reason, so you were gonna get home the best way possible, and, if it pissed him off, that was his own damn fault.
“Ok,” you smiled up at him, “If you really don’t mind.”
“Trust me, Doll, it’s no problem at all. Let me just finish a couple things up and change, and then we’ll get going, okay?”
You sat on the bench inside the shop while he finished his work. Trying to give yourself a moment to breathe. This was supposed to be your day off. You had finally been able to get a break from both of your jobs, and this is how you were spending it. Trying to fix the car of your boyfriend who couldn't even put his “pre-show ritual” on hold to make sure you got home safe. Part of you was mad at him. Livid that his priorities were so far in the gutter. But you were mostly angry at yourself. Because at the end of the day, when all was said and done, you were the one who had spent six whole years of your life bending over backward for a man who wouldn’t even reach out his arm to catch you. 
You worked two jobs to support the two of you. Your paychecks paid for groceries, rent, insurance, everything. And what did he pay for? Nothing. Because he didn’t have a job. He played two gigs every month at the dingy bar two miles from your apartment, which somehow justified not even bothering to look for employment. 
How did you even get here? A deep sigh rose out of your throat. What the hell were you doing all this for? Your head hurt just thinking about all the times he’d let you down and all the stupid little arguments those let-downs had caused. And yet you were still out here paying his bills and running his errands.
“Alright, sweetheart, ready to go?” You broke out of your spiral when he called for you, and you looked up to see him no longer in the denim and baseball cap he was sporting earlier. 
Lord help me. You silently prayed to whoever might be listening, swallowing around the sudden dryness in your throat. He was sporting a light blue button-down shirt with the top two buttons left open so his collarbones were exposed and a light brown cowboy hat that almost exactly matched his hair. A cowboy. Of course. You couldn’t help the racing of your heart as he reached to adjust the brim of his hat. Unsure of whether you wanted to praise or curse whatever fate had sent him your way.
You cleared your throat and stood up from the bench, barely pushing a ‘yes’ out of your mouth. 
He grinned and motioned for you to follow him to the parking lot. The innocent gesture left you lightheaded as you focused on the way his index and middle fingers curled towards his wrist.
As you approached, he gestured to a baby blue pickup truck, “Here she is. My baby.” You chuckled, endeared by the pet name, the image of him gently patting the hood of 'his baby' as he walked around the front of the truck with you reminding you of cowboys in old westerns, leaning their foreheads against their mares as they gently stroked their manes. 
It was sweet. So sweet that you almost missed the fact that he was coming around to the passenger side of the truck with you.
He brushed past you, reaching for the passenger-side door. Swinging it open, he held out a hand to you, and you took it without much thought. 
“Up you go,” he said with a playful lilt to his voice, helping you hold your balance as you climbed into the truck.
“Thank you, Yunho.”
“It’s not a problem at all, Doll. I got ya.” He was going to be the death of you for sure.
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“Ten years. You’ve been working there that long?” you looked over at him, amazed, “How old are you?”
He let out a hearty laugh, “Twenty-five. Mingi and I used to come up after school every day and help out. His grandpa used to run the shop but he retired a few years back and left it to him.”
“Oh, that’s sweet!” The thought of a little Yunho sweeping the floors and vacuuming cars made you smile. 
He hummed, “Yeah, it’s been a real nice job. Flexible hours, good pay, get to meet pretty girls from time to time.”
The tips of your ears burned at his blatant flirting. You looked over to see him focused on the road in front of you. The rays of the late afternoon sun shone on his face, letting you see the tan glow of his skin up close. 
Why did you have to meet such a seemingly perfect man today? Why couldn’t this opportunity have fallen into your lap six years ago? 
And fuck you knew you needed to end things. But more than half a decade of your life had been poured into this relationship and you couldn’t find it in your heart to let that go so easily.
Yunho noticed you looking over at him in his periphery, expecting some kind of playful rebuke, but was more than a little worried by your silence. Afraid he'd crossed a line, he was quick to apologize, eyes sincere and tone sober when he chanced a proper glance your way. “I’m sorry, sweetheart. I don’ mean to make you uncomfortable.”
“No! It’s fine,” You assure him, unconsciously threading your fingers through the ends of your hair, “I just don’t usually get this kind of attention. I know you’re just being playful.”
He nodded, some of his playfulness seeping back into his expression as he cleared his throat, adjusting the brim of his hat as he fixed his attention back onto the road in front of him. “I promise I’m not lyin’ about the ‘pretty’ part, though. I hope you know that.”
You scoff, but you can feel the heat in your cheeks rise, “Thank you…”
Silence enveloped the two of you after that, but he didn't seem to mind. Drumming his fingers on the steering wheel and humming along to the music playing out of the car's stereo. In another life, one where the man waiting for you back at your apartment wasn't hell-bent on driving you insane, you wanted to believe that you could be strong enough to look away. To ignore the butterflies filling your stomach. To ignore the way he made your heart flutter. But you just couldn’t find it in you to look away, but he didn’t seem to catch on.
He thinks it's cute that you think he doesn’t notice. He’s very keen on noticing your every little move. The way you tucked a strand of hair behind your ear when he called you pretty and the way you awkwardly fidgeted with your bag when you told him that you didn’t normally receive that kind of attention.
It took every ounce of self-control in his body to keep him from prying. But he couldn’t help the way he started to hate this man that he’d never met even more. What he wouldn’t give to have a partner who was willing to go get his car fixed without asking. Someone who was so dedicated to the relationship that they were willing to sacrifice the little free time they had just to help out.
As he pulled into the parking lot of your apartment complex, he glanced over at you and met your eyes for a second. You quickly whipped your head away, embarrassed that you’d been caught red-handed. He couldn’t stop himself from smiling, smiled, “Here we are.”
“Mhm,” you nodded awkwardly, busying yourself with checking that you had all your things set to go. “Thank you for the ride. It means a lot.”
“Not a problem at all, Doll. Need me to walk you up?” he asked, leaning forward to try and meet your eyes.
You shook your head, “No, I’ll be alright.” You gave him a smile, “So you’ll call me tomorrow?”
He nodded, the tip of his hat dropping slightly, “Yep, I should be done with ‘er around noon.”
“Perfect! Again, thank you so mu–”
You were cut off by the sound of someone pounding on the passenger side window. Both of you turn at the sudden commotion. 
Yunho watched as you hurriedly swung the door open and slid out of the car. And he heard a muffled, “Jun, what the hell!?” after you’d slammed the door of his truck.
Ah, the boyfriend.
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“Are you insane? What the fuck is your problem?” You yelled.
Yeonjun glared at you through the wild strands of his crimson hair, “My problem!? Who the fuck is that?”
“Oh, that’s your issue? That I had to have the mechanic drive me home?” You seethed, jabbing a finger into his chest, “This could’ve easily been avoided if you had picked your sorry ass off the couch to drive me home yourself. Like any decent partner would.”
Your not-so-subtle jab seemed to go over his head, his mind too focused on the image of you smiling and blushing in response to a man that wasn’t him. “You really couldn’t have found a woman to drive you home? It just had to be this dick.”
“No, Yeonjun, I couldn’t find a woman to drive me home. You know why? Because it’s a Tuesday afternoon and all of my friends have jobs. Unlike you who can’t even take the time to take a break from whatever the fuck you do all day to give me a ride.”
He gawked at you, clearly offended, “I have a job.”
“Oh my god. This again?” You ran a frustrated hand over your face, “No. You don’t. Practicing with your bandmates twice a week and playing a single gig a month is not a job. You make $100 a month.”
“How many times do I have to tell you that I don’t want a nine-to-five? I like my schedule the way it is.”
You could feel angry tears forming at the back of your eyes, stinging as you held them back, “You think I DO!? Yeonjun, I work sixty hours a week trying to keep us afloat. I pay for our food, our rent, our insurance, your fucking car! And I can’t even get you to pick up the damn apartment when I’m gone.” The tears started falling before you even realized it, shocking both of you. It had been a long time since he’d last seen you cry. Because you always chose either anger or an eerily calm response to his childishness. Knowing deep down that he wouldn’t be able to comfort you if you slipped into vulnerability. “I’m fucking tired Jun. This was my first day off in three months, and I spent it trying to get your car fixed. And I can’t even get a ‘thank you’ out of you. I don’t know how much longer I can do this. You aren’t nineteen anymore, and I think it’s time you grow the fuck up.”
He didn’t say anything. The anger in his face replaced by a mix of shock and awkward discomfort, one of a man who was embarrassed to even be in this situation.
You stayed like that for a beat, holding your breath, praying for the moment when he realized everything he’d done wrong. Where he woke up from the immature daze he’d been trapped in since you were teenagers. But you supposed that was all wishful thinking, the tension broken not by either of you, but by a honk from behind him. His bandmate was here to pick him up. 
He couldn’t even look you in the eyes. “We’ll talk about this later,” he mumbled before jogging up to his friend’s car and sliding into the passenger seat. You watched him give his friend one of their ridiculous handshakes, the sound of blaring music and feminine laughter spilling out into the parking lot before the car door slammed shut. The scene was so ironic in the face of everything he'd just yelled at you for that you really couldn't stop the laughter that bubbled up through your tears, bitter as acid on your tongue.
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Yunho sat in his truck as he watched your asshole of a boyfriend leave the parking lot. He stayed like that for a while, watching you wipe at your tears and try to compose yourself. When you’d calmed down enough for his conscience to let him leave, he looked down at the passenger seat and noticed you had left your purse behind.
Grabbing the bag, he exited the truck and approached you. Trying his best not to startle you, he cleared his throat. 
Surprised by the sound, you turned around to find Yunho standing there awkwardly, holding out the purse you now realized was missing from your shoulders, “You left your bag.”
“Oh…thank you.” You mumbled, closing the distance and grabbing it from him with a bit more force than you meant to. The mechanic didn’t so much as flinch.
How could he when his heart hurt for you? This woman he could barely even claim to know. He hated the fact that you felt the need to respond defensively, the pain in your eyes, and how you could barely look at him. You shouldn’t feel ashamed of this. It wasn’t your fault. But Yunho knew without you having to say anything that you were incredibly embarrassed. 
“Oh god. Please don’t”
His shoulders dropped, “I just wanted to–”
You lifted a hand to stop him, “Yunho, please. You’ve been so kind to me, and I really appreciate your help today. But please for the love of god don’t make me dump my relationship problems on you.”
“Hey now,” he said, holding both his hands up in a calming motion as he spoke in a voice so deep and steady in contrast to your own that it caught you by surprise, “I don’t mean to push or pry, Doll, you just look like you could use someone to talk to is all.”
“I just don’t want you to think down on me,” you sighed.
He looked at you sincerely, slipping the hat from his head and placing it on the hood of the truck, “Now, have I given you the impression that that’s somethin’ I would ever do?”
The appreciative smile you gave him almost made him melt. You leaned back against the side of his truck, tilting your head back until it hit the window with a soft thud, “I’m just so tired.”
Yunho slid next to you, awkwardly scuffing his boot into the pavement, “Would it be too rude to say I could tell?”
You chuckled, “I just don’t know what I’m doing wrong. I’ve been trying for years to get him to just put in an ounce of effort, but he won’t budge. But we’ve been together so long I don’t know if I have it in me to end things.”
“You know it’s not your job to teach him how to be an adult, right? He’s a grown-ass man. You shouldn’t have to beg him to help you out.” 
The somber look in your eyes when you looked up at him made Yunho want to pull you in and hug you to his chest, but he respected your boundaries. 
“I know. I just…” you trailed off, no longer finding it in yourself to argue for your relationship.
Yunho took a deep breath, bracing himself for what he wanted to get off his chest, “Look, Doll, I don’ wanna overstep or anything, but I’m gonna be blunt with you.” He paused, giving you room to tell him to stuff it and save it for someone else if you wanted to. But you were looking up at him expectantly, teary eyes nearly pushing his little speech clean out of his skull. He had to clear his throat a little before continuing. “The way that man treats you is just disgusting. For everything you do for him? The least he could do is make sure that your apartment is spotless and you never have to cook again. And I’m not saying it’s me who should give it to you, but you deserve worlds better than that.”
“Yeah…” was all you could get out before you felt a tear fall down your cheek, and you tried to wipe it away before Yunho saw. But of course he noticed.
Tentatively, he placed a hand on your shoulder in comfort, running his thumb along the fabric of your t-shirt. You surprised him, though, when you turned into him and started sobbing into his chest. Your fingers desperately gripping his button down.
“Oh sweetheart,” he whispered, wrapping his arms around you and rubbing your back. Holding you with so much warmth and sincerity that you felt safer than you had in years. In the arms of a stranger, no less.
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general taglist: @swimmingkpopblog @oddracha
ateez taglist: @certifiedmoa @wooyoungmybelovedhusband @curiousgworge @hyukssunflower @hotteokisms
@sushiinmidnight @atiny-dime-p1ece @mismatchfluffysocks @vic0921 @vampzity
@breadpuddingboys @woolysium @desirehorizon @im-ovulation @pommelex
@dancingwithdeities @maidens-world
ok cowboy: @saintriots @ateezswonderland @fairyofhueningkai
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vivwritescrappythings · 5 months ago
anything you ask
knight!könig x plus-size!fem!reader
part 1 - part 2 - part 3 - part 4 - part 5
despite all odds, it is your wedding day (final part)
tw: fem reader, afab reader, plus size reader, body image issues, drinking, kissing, oral (f receiving), p in v sex, loss of virginity, breeding kink, creampie, not proofread.
wc: 10.2 k
Your father sequestered you to your chambers immediately after your makeshift proposal, a knight you did not recognize posted outside your doors to keep visitors away. 
It was remarkable how quickly you turned into a prisoner, only allowed to fetch books from the library and have dinner with your father in his private study. The meals were silent, his disappointment in you clear as you kept your gaze trained on your plate. 
You tried to speak to him once. It was a pathetic attempt at an olive branch, some silly apology for ruining his plan with Lord Fischer. You stumbled over the words in your efforts to sound sincere. On some level you were sincere, knowing you embarrassed him and hurt his reputation. But you were rebuked just as quickly, his glare silencing your stammered excuses. 
His disappointment was hard for you to swallow. While your sister was your mother’s favorite, you had always been your father’s. When you were little he took you riding and told you stories to fall asleep and always had the patience to play with you. Your personality had never irked him, he simply called you spirited. He said you got it from his side of the family.
To be outcast from his good graces hurt more than you could describe. 
The days in your confinement were long. There was only so much time you could spend reading before you wanted to gouge your own eyes out. You found yourself missing your idle conversations with the other ladies at court over your embroidery–you had taken talks of dress styles and weddings and how to properly put together a dinner party menu for granted, always rolling your eyes and sticking your nose up in the air. You missed the other girls, the way they anxiously giggled at your sarcasm and how Mary always made space for you. 
Above all, you missed König. His crystal-colored eyes and smile had been haunting you ever since your father yanked you up off the staircase by your arm and escorted you to your room himself. The knight had been your constant companion for over half a year, it was odd to no longer have him by your side.
Although, you had no idea what you would say to him if you were able to speak with him. You were still reeling from all that had happened, it felt like you had been thrown from a horse rather than gotten engaged. Of course, you had fantasized about marrying him, but you had never imagined it to be under these circumstances. 
You still could not decide if you wanted to embrace him or rebuke him. His plan had risked everything for you–your reputation, your freedom. Rather than let you two marry, your father could have easily just sent you off to a convent for the remainder of your days.
König would have lost nothing. He was too skilled of a knight to be executed, and you were not important enough for his titles to be stripped. Even if he had not been permitted to marry you, he would have been let off with a slap on the wrist.
You never knew there was a part of him so selfish. Or so calculated. 
It was not until after that you realized everything he did had a purpose behind it. If getting his mouth on you was his goal, he could have just as easily knelt before you where the two of you had been tucked behind the curve in the wall. 
Instead, he spread you out on the stairs in plain view of any passers by. But he allowed himself to nearly suffocate beneath your skirts rather than hike them up around your waist and sacrifice all of your modesty. 
It was an enigma to consider his motivations: did he actually want to pleasure you or just force your father’s hand? You knew he was a second son and that you had foolishly informed him of your absurdly high dowry amount. The two of you got along reasonably, and matches had been created on less. The leap to marrying you was not a difficult one to make.   
You often found yourself sitting at the window seat, counting the days away as you watched the flurry of motion in the courtyard. König was out there with the other knights and squires once. Your eyes had nearly popped out of your head when you spotted him, your hand flattening against the cool window pane as you pressed your forehead against the glass.
He was only wearing his black hood and trousers, his thick torso on display as he showed one of the younger squires how to spar with wooden swords. It was unfortunate that your room was too far to see the fine details of him clearly, you could see the covering of dirty blonde hair on his forearms and chest, the faint line of it beneath his navel that disappeared into the laces of his trousers. You should have been ashamed by how you were ogling him, watching each movement and the way his skin moved over the ridges of muscle.
But, he was your soon-to-be husband, after all.
You could ogle as much as you wanted.
An odd sort of thrill ran through you at the thought. Your husband. In all your dreams about being married, you had never considered that you could marry someone you would want to ogle at. You expected a man like Lord Fischer: far your senior with no other prospects. But König was unlike anything you had considered realistic.
He looked up at you from the training field, making you nearly fall back from your window in shock. You were too far to make out any expression in his eyes, only able to see the way he tilted his head a bit to one side. A laugh, you guessed.
It had even been a week since that one shred of contact with him. You sat at your window every day since then as you vied for another peek of him. But you had no such luck, just knights and squires you had never bothered to pay attention to before. You kept looking, hoping to see a man who towered over the others.
You were at your window when your father came to your rooms to tell you to pack your trunks. He hardly spoke to you, informing you that you were both headed east to the Kilgore estate for your wedding.
The week before your wedding went by in the blink of an eye.
It was a blessing your mother and sister had arrived at the Kilgore estate before you did. It was a flurry of activity when you arrived, they had gotten the servants into a frenzy cleaning for guests. They had taken over most of the planning, ordering flowers and sampling bolts of fabric for your gown and putting together a menu for the feast. 
You had been told that the eastern peoples enjoyed festivities as fantastic as their monumental architecture and rolling hills of green, so your wedding ceremony surprised you.
The hall was grandiose: tall buttressed ceilings and two long rows of pillars along the main walkway. A breeze carried in through the open terrace doors, fluttering the hem of your deep blue gown. The air smelled thick of oakmoss incense, you could see the smoke floating through the rays of orange sunlight.
You steeled yourself, forcing yourself to tear your gaze from the polished marble floor and look up.
At the end of the hall, König was there with the priest. 
The ceremony was nothing you expected, only your family and your sister’s husband were present. König’s brother was overseas on some trade expedition and he had no other family, so a knight he had grown close to during his time in battle stood on his side of the room.
König’s shirt was of the same blue fabric you wore, embroidered elegantly with silver thread. His hood was nowhere to be seen, a mask covering his face from forehead to nose. His hair was the color of sand, half of it drawn back away from his face into a thick bun with the rest curling around his shoulders. A few loose pieces fell over the silver forehead of the mask.
It was more of him than you had ever seen before, your gaze greedily taking in the shape of his profile. His nose had been broken a few times, the ridge of his Roman nose exaggerated from being set in the field. His jaw was sharp, the familiar scruff of his stubble covering it. 
You finally willed yourself forward, the fabric of your dress heavy as the train dragged behind you. Each step was measured and careful, your mother and sister had drilled into you the correct walking speed over the week. It seemed ridiculous at the time. But you found yourself counting each step in your head. 
The aisle was long, it gave you far too much time to think. THe still had not uttered a word to you since that day in the hall. There was so much you wanted to say to him, the words bubbling in your throat as you swallowed thickly.
You stepped onto the dias, turning to face König. 
His smile surprised you. It was faint, it almost felt like a secret between the two of you. His eyes were so open, every flicker of joy clear to you as you found yourself grinning back.
He reached out and clasped your hands, the rough scrape of his callouses against the tenderness of your skin. Your hands told of a life of privilege, his told of a life of work despite the luxury his family’s estate exuded. 
Thumbs ran across the backs of your knuckles, feeling the delicate bones of your hand shift under the gentle pressure.
The priest began to speak in a language you did not understand, the same lilting accent and harsh consonants recognizable from König’s voice. You glanced at the gnarled old man, trusting König to guide you through the ceremony that was so foreign to you.
You could hardly hear what the man was saying over the thundering of your own heart. It just took a squeeze of König’s fingers to prompt you when to nod and agree, to clumsily repeat his words. 
He slipped a beautiful ring set with an emerald onto your left hand, its weight already feeling familiar on your finger. It was easy to admire, your lips parting as you watched how it sparkled in the sunlight. The air felt thick with marjoram and incense smoke. You struggled to breathe.
It took the priest clearing his throat to pull you from your reverie. The room cleared, breath coming easy once more. König’s gaze was on you, eyes sparkling with fondness as they dropped to his own ring finger and back to your face.
Oh. You clumsily produced the thick silver ring from the pocket sewn inside your dress sleeve. There were etchings in the metal, swirls of filigree pressing into your fingertips as you grabbed his hand to bring it toward you. A drop of molten lead moved through your stomach as you realized that you could fit both of your hands into one of his.
Buzzing filled your mind as you pushed the ring onto König’s finger, relief warming you as it settled into place. 
The priest tutted, tongue clicking against his teeth as he was seemingly satisfied.
He moved off the dias first, König taking your hand in his and leading you to follow the painfully slow pace. “Meine frau,” he murmured in a low rumble. 
You hardly even looked at your family, feeling lightheaded as you glanced up at König. “What does that mean?” you asked softly.
“My wife.” He brought your hand to his lips, placing a kiss as soft as a petal on the back of it. You warmed at the term. Wife was a word that you were convinced would never belong to you.
His knuckles ghosted along the gooseflesh lifting on the back of your arm before lifting it around you. You tucked into his side easily, naturally. His hand settled on your waist, drawing you close as he steered you into a private room. The doors clicked shut behind you.
“Are we wed?” you whispered, brows drawing together as you looked up at König. You could see the distorted reflection of your face in his mask, the silver polished handsomely. 
He laughed and nodded, his smile genuine as he tucked a loose piece of hair behind your ear. 
It was the first moment the two of you had been alone. After a moment you pulled your hand from his grasp, taking a few steps back. You could see the confusion in his expression as he stood, watching you curiously.
Your anger had not dissipated, your arms crossing over your chest. “You could have informed me of your plan, you know,” you said, your glare earnest across the room. “I confided everything to you, trusted you with my life and you repay me by risking my reputation and what little freedom I have as a woman to force my father to accept your proposal.”
It was hard to pinpoint the moment when you started to shout at him, gesturing wildly with your hands. 
König was smiling, aggravating your further. You huffed, lurching forward and shoving at his chest. His lack of an answer made you want to scream. “It was selfish! You knew that and you did it anyway.”
His big hand cupped your cheek, thumb stroking along the bone as you snarled at him. “There she is,” he murmured, voice soft as he directed your gaze up to him. His smile was soft, the scars on his lips pulling taught. “I missed seeing the fire in my mäuschen, it has been quite some time.”
You scoffed, caught off guard by his words. Disbelief made you shake your head slightly, the warmth of his palm still curved to fit your cheek. “König…”
He stepped closer, his other hand curling around to the small of your back. “It was not my intention for your father to catch us,” he said, dipping his head toward your own. A kiss was stamped to your forehead, another to your cheek. “I was going to ask for your hand in marriage without any dowry–he would have been a fool to deny it.”
The skin beneath your earlobe prickled with sensitivity as König’s teeth nibbled at it. “The other day… I simply was too eager to give you pleasure,” he whispered into your ear, walking you back until your spine pressed against the stone wall and he loomed over you. “And I have thought about it almost constantly ever since.”
Your cheeks heated up like they were set on fire, your hand covering your mouth as you glanced away from König. “Constantly?” you asked, the word muffled in your palm. Something between embarrassment and flattery pounded in your chest.
His fingers nudged your jaw until you were looking at him once more. “It has been hard to focus on much else,” he murmured, a smirk twisting his mouth. The pad of his thumb ghosted along your lower lip, making you part them slightly. “You tasted so much better than I had ever even dreamed of, I could have kept my mouth between your legs all day.”
He may as well have lit you on fire.
“König!” you scolded lightly, shocked that he would say something so scandalous. “What if someone is listening?”
His laugh was warm and affectionate. “Well, mäuschen, then they will hear how much I desire my wife.” The pride in his voice was so obvious that you felt like you were glowing. 
König finally bent to capture your lips with his own. You hummed into the kiss, letting your eyes close and your hand find his neck. The curls at his nape were soft as you tangled your fingers in them, pulling gently. 
You had never kissed him without the bulk of his hood before, the smooth press of the silver mask covering his nose far different than the scrape of canvas fabric you had become used to. 
His hand seized the fabric of your skirt, bunching it in his fist as he started to lift the hem. The feel of the embroidered edge sliding along your leg invoked your ire as you remembered why you had started the conversation in the first place.
You pulled away, shoving your husband’s chest to put some space between you. He let you, taking a step back and releasing your wedding dress. The air felt thick as you took a breath. “Do not think you can just kiss me and compliment me and I will forgive you,” you said, brows drawn. 
König nodded, lips twitching as he tried to school his grin. He stepped toward you, palms lifted toward you like you were a cornered animal. “I will beg on my hands and knees if you wish.”
You scoffed, rolling your eyes. König took your hand and brought it back to his lips, letting them skate across your knuckles. “I will spend the rest of my days attoning for it if that is what my beautiful wife desires,” he murmured, looking up at you through his blonde lashes.
He disarmed you easily, making you turn your face as you fought the urge to grin. “Perhaps I do desire that,” you mumbled, the threat of a laugh tickling your throat.
There was a warm puff of air over your hand as König snorted softly. “The rest of my days, I swear. But first we must get through our wedding feast.”
You had forgotten there was still a feast to get through. The anxiety of walking down the aisle had taken up the forefront of your mind, the rest of the day had hardly occurred to you. The feast. The consummation.
Thoughts about consummating your marriage made you feel dizzy. Your mother cornered you a few days ago to discuss it with you, whispering in low tones as you both sat close on a window seat. Her words floated in your head: no man wanted a weeping, unexpired bride on his wedding night. She told you that if he showed you his face to tell him he was handsome even if you did not believe it, and to hide the fact that it hurt. 
But she would not say what would cause you pain.
König gently tugging on your hand pulled you back to the present. “Yes, the feast,” you said, scraping your teeth over your lower lip as he brought you under his arm.
You leaned into his warmth as you exited the room, letting him pull you toward the large double doors at the end of the hall.
At his nod, the footmen pulled the large doors open to a room full of raucous clapping and shouts. 
The feast was lively–far more people than you expected were present. The great hall was full of long tables, they even spilled out into the courtyard through the open doors across the room. Lords and locals and family and friends sat amongst them, eating and laughing and talking as though they had known each other their whole lives.
It had run long, hours upon hours of feasting and drinking and talking. You watched the plates before you were filled and cleared and filled over and over again. Seemingly without end. The food was delicious. Roasted meats and basted potatoes and honeyed pears, bread that flaked apart with the most gentle of touches. Cups remained full of ale and mead and wine, your drink strong enough that you were forced to sip it slowly.
People keep coming up to wish you both well, you and König sitting at the center of a long wooden table. The somber man you knew him to be was replaced by a man who remembered the name of each person who approached and clinked together mugs and laughed in loud barks. 
You had been processing the ceremony still when you noticed the local blacksmith asking how König was liking the mask with a genuine smile on his face. It had been forged specifically for the wedding.
It was easy to feel smitten with König, the more you learned of him over the course of the evening making you soften from your previous anger. 
His big hand landed on your thigh, squeezing gently as he turned to face you. Your eyes went wide as you looked up at him. “Is the food to your liking?” he asked softly, head dipping low toward yours so he could whisper over the din of the room. “You have not eaten much, it is unlike you, mäuschen.”
You almost felt embarrassed, warmth coming to your face. It was hard for you to eat when you were so anxious. “It is wonderful,” you assured, inclining your head toward his shoulder. There was no way you could share your anxiety for what comes after with him. “The honeyed pears are divine.”
He smiled, leaning in to press his lips against your temple. They were soft and warm, his breath puffing against your hairline before he shifted his weight back into his seat. 
Before you quite realize it, another plate of honeyed pears sit before you on the table
It was only when the moon was high in the sky that König whisked you away from the feast, an arm looped around your waist as he pulled you from your chair and out the side entrance to the room without so much as a farewell. He shushed you softly when you stammered that you needed to say goodbye, assuring you that the party would still be going on for the next few days as was his people’s custom.
The next few days, you could hardly imagine being able to stay awake for it.
Your feet were already stumbling, you struggled to keep up with König as you leaned against him. He took you through what felt like a labyrinth of stone hallways, making you get hopelessly turned around. 
“It has been a long day,” he murmured, stopping for a moment to pull you closer to his chest. You sighed, sagging against him and taking in his familiar scent. It was pleasant to feel the slight give of his flesh as he embraced you–you had only ever encountered him when he was wearing armor. Without it he finally felt real beneath your touch.
You nodded, forehead pressing into his sternum as you let your eyes shut. Only one thing was left, your mother had impressed upon you how important it was for you to let König take you to bed no matter what. She feared he would wake up and change his mind in the morning.
You found your feet after a few moments, fingertips wiping at the corners of your eyes as you stood up straight. He only released your arms once he was sure you were steady, tucking a piece of hair away that had escaped your elegant braided style. You leaned into the scoop of his palm, letting your cheek squish into it. 
You stretched to your toes, hands linking behind König’s neck to pull him down. He answered your silent plea eagerly, mouth slanting against yours. The crackle of lightning behind it reminded you of the first kiss you shared in the library of the royal palace. It took no coaxing from him for your lips to part, the flavor of the spiced mead he had been drinking all night filling your mouth as he licked into it.
His hands settled on your hips, fingertips digging into your soft flesh as he pulled you close. One of them migrated dangerously, smoothing over the curve of your ass just before taking a handful of it. You giggled into the kiss, pressing your body against his as you moved in toward him. His pinky dug into the line where your ass met your thigh, pulling a genuine laugh from you.
“I am ticklish there,” you protested between your lips meeting, trying to defend yourself with a hand. König chuckled, using the newfound knowledge to his advantage as he hooked his fingers into the crease. 
You lurched, scrabbling at the thick muscles of his arms as you tried to escape his grip. “You should not have told me that, mäuschen,” he threatened affectionately, continuing his assault in spite of your protests. Your laughs turned breathless as you weakly shoved at his shoulders, your legs kicking as you attempted to twist from him.
Voices echoed from around the hallway corner. “He was quite eager to pull her away from the feast.” There was a bout of conspiratorial giggles as unseen companions agreed with the man who spoke.
The distraction stopped your husband from tickling you, letting you stamp your lips to his once more. You would have been content to stand and exchange open-mouthed kisses without worry, no longer caring of who stumbled upon the two of you. 
But König pulled away, blue eyes meeting yours before he took you by the hand and you raced breathlessly next to him to his chambers.
You sucked in desperate breaths as the door clicked shut behind the two of you. His chambers were opulent and extensive, furs and velvets and fabrics embroidered with silver thread strewn across the furniture. The fire crackled merrily across from the large, four poster bed along the center of the largest wall of the room. It was still unmade, the twisted mess of quilts making your body warm to the tips of your fingers and toes.
König began to undress himself as instinct took over, kicking off his heavy boots and removing the belt secured about his waist. You were in his rooms after all, the thought a molten ball of lead in your stomach.
You stood in the center of the room, hands clasped together in front of you as you looked around. The smell of marjoram filled your nose, undercut by a familiar musk that always seemed to cling to König’s skin. Goosebumps prickled along your arms as you considered the room, unsure whether to disrobe or not. Your confusion forced you to freeze in place.
A sigh from behind you forced you to turn to look over your shoulder. His shirt had been entirely removed, tossed over a plush settee with little care as he raked his fingers through his hair. Your lips parted, mouth drying as your gaze shamelessly fell to the thick muscles of his torso.
He noticed your admiration, letting his hands fall from his curls as he stepped closer to you. “Is there something you wish to ask, meine frau?” His head tilted to one side, his form towering over yours as he stopped before you.
You swallowed thickly, lips parting as you tried to find words. Scars crossed over his torso just as they did his neck and lower half of his face. You hesitantly reached forward to touch one, the gnarled skin smooth beneath your fingertips as you traced the slash mark down the center of his sternum. There were more slashes and stab wounds, a burn mark over the meat of his hip and disappearing into his trousers.
The ridges of his abdominal muscles were firm beneath your touch. You were breathless, wetting your lips with your tongue as your forefinger followed the trail of thick, curling hair beneath his navel. 
You looked up to him through your eyelashes, still feeling like you were choking as you tried to think of something–anything–to say. The room felt too warm, the fire burning in your belly hotter than the one in the hearth.
His blue eyes were dark as he met your gaze, mouth twisted into a smirk that made it feel as though the ground had dropped out from beneath you. It was easy to see that he was pleased.
The silver mask reflected the glow of the room back onto your face, hiding the rest of his expression from you. Your fingers itched to take it off, to untie the strap of leather that held the metal snugly to his face and reveal it after so long.
“Will I ever know my husband by the entirety of his face?” you asked in a moment of boldness, gaze flickering from his eyes to his mouth and back again. “Or shall I only know you by your eyes?”
König hummed, seemingly contemplating as his large hands brushed over your shoulders and down your arms. “And if I did not wish to show you?” His thumbs circled over your wrists, slipping beneath the sleeves of your gown. Affection seemed so natural to him, as though he had spent the previous few months touching you whenever he desired.
“I would not force you to.” You allowed him to turn your hands over in his hold, thumbs pressing along the fine bones of your inner wrist before massaging the meat of your palms. 
He was looking at your hands, blonde eyelashes fluttering against the bottom rim of the eyes in his mask. “And if you do not find me handsome?” he asked, so quiet that you almost missed it. Your heart ached, the fear undercutting his tone making your brows bunch together.
“I find you handsome now,” you assured him, cupping his cheek. It was hard to imagine a man like König to be insecure. He had always seemed so assured of himself before, exuding confidence in the halls of the royal palace. 
“Promise you will not leave.”
It felt like he had seized your heart in your chest, fingers squeezing around it as you stepped closer to your husband. Your brow furrowed as you nodded. “I promise, König,” you said softly, trying to soothe the flicker of fear in his expression. “I am your wife, I will not leave.”
He sighed, a slight nod bobbing his head as he leaned toward you. You bit your lip, reaching up carefully to the knotted leather cord. It was easy to pull apart, your stomach turning with anticipation as the two halves of the cord fell away. He moved the mask away from his face, hardly breathing as he set it down on the same settee he had discarded his shirt onto.
You stopped breathing altogether, hands flying up to cover your mouth. 
König was handsome. 
Almost ridiculously so. 
Of course he was rugged. His bright blue eyes were framed by thick, straight eyebrows and high cheekbones, his nose crooked from being broken so many times. It suited him, your husband both exactly what you expected him to be and nothing at all. One scar cut from the left side of his nose and curved up toward the outside of his eye, this skin jagged and puckered. The scar on the other side of his face looked like lightning, bisecting his eyebrow and meeting the cut running from the inner corner of his eye into a Y that dragged almost all the way down to the corner of his lip. 
You must have been silent for quite some time, König clearing his throat prompting you to blink and shut your mouth. His cheek matched the cup of your palm, a shiver running up your arm as you touched his face for the first time.
“I am glad you did not take your hood off before now,” you murmured, watching him lean into your touch. 
His eyes shut tightly, his expression bracing for you to say something worse. “I would have had to fight the other ladies at court off of you if they knew this is what you were hiding underneath that fabric.”
You grinned as his broad shoulders slumped, his relieved exhale puffing over your face. He leaned forward, pressing his forehead to yours as he wrapped his arms around you. “You exaggerate,” he mumbled, almost sounding bashful. Color flooded his cheeks, dusting them with pink as the firelight illuminated him in gold.
It was hard to tame your fascination, your fingertips tracing the shapes of his features just as your eyes did in a foolish attempt to memorize them. You were greedy, wanting to make up for every moment you had wondered what he looked like. 
“I would not exaggerate,” you whispered, wetting your lips once more. He shivered beneath your touch as you traced a scar across the bridge of his nose. 
He grumbled something beneath his breath, bending his knees to grab you at your thighs and lift. “König!” you yelped, the sensation of the floor no longer beneath your feet making you balk as your hands pressed against his bare shoulders to keep yourself steady. “Put me down! I am far too heavy for you to lift like this.”
His laughter was genuine as he carried you with ease. For the first time in your life you felt as light as a feather, not even a hint of strain visible in König’s expression. “Too heavy? You seem to underestimate me, mäuschen.”
He turned, sitting on the edge of the bed and arranging you so your knees were on either side of the broad expanse of his thighs. König’s hands slipped beneath your heavy skirts, pushing the royal blue fabric out of the way so he could smooth his hands over your bare thighs. You still had the urge to shove his hands away from the dimpled flesh on the outside of your legs. 
If your insecurity was obvious, König did not let on that he knew. His expression melted into one of desire as he squeezed handfuls of your soft thighs. The press of his hand on the small of your back pressed the two of you close.
Your bodies slotted together like they were made to, your thighs spreading wide over the bulk of him as he tugged you down hard. A whine pulled from you as you felt the swell of his clothed erection between your legs, snug against your quickly dampening undergarments. 
The feeling of arousal was still new to you, your heart fluttering as König rolled his hips against yours. You tangled your fingers into his hair, now loose from the half-up style he had worn during the day. Twisting the soft strands around your fingers kept you tethered to earth as your bodies moved together, quiet moans filling the charged air between you.
Your nose dragged against his scarred cheek as you clumsily found his lips, teeth mashing against his as your hips rocked to the pace that he set. 
The thin fabric of your undergarments started to stick to your inner thighs, the ache between your legs starting to make you desperate. You leaned back to better look at him, his eyelids heavy and lips parted as he took you in.
His gaze dropped from your face to your chest, tracing the square neck of your gown. There was a flash of his pink tongue as he licked his lips. Your fingers curled around his wrist, pulling his hand from your thigh to the bodice of your gown. It was all the permission he needed.
König’s thick fingers slipped into the front of your dress, pulling it down enough to make the stitches creak before your breasts spilled out of the fabric. Pride flickers through you at the way his eyes widen, jaw going slack as he stared with an expression that resembled awe. 
It seemed he did not notice the stripes of stretch marks along the skin, the calloused pad of his thumb already strumming across your nipple in a way that made you sigh. His mouth moved to the other before you could quite register, lips closing around your nipple and sucking. You whimpered, arching your spine as you used your grip on his hair to pull his head closer.
“Christ,” you sighed, head tilted back and eyes screwed shut. He nosed along the thin skin of your sternum, his hot breath making gooseflesh rise on your arms. A bite on the side of your breast made you squeak, his tongue laving over the sting.
His big hand between your shoulder blades anchored you to him as he flipped the two of you over gracefully.
A few attempts were made to just pull your dress off like a brute before you were scolding him and flipping onto your stomach. “Be careful or you will rip it like that,” you hissed, moving your hair off the back of your neck. “There are such things as buttons, you savage.” 
He only laughed, already working each button through the loop of thread holding it in place. “It should be a crime to have this many buttons on a wedding dress,” he mumbled, fumbling with them. 
It gave you a moment to breathe. Despite not having touched a single cup all day you felt tipsy, the edges of the room a bit fuzzy as you tried to calm your heart.
Hands hooking beneath your shoulders flipped you over onto your back, earning a giddy laugh from you. König moving you like a ragdoll felt hard to reconcile with–you had grown up thinking that you were simply too heavy to be treated like the petite thing he saw you as. 
Eagerness was glowing in his eyes as he pulled the sleeves of the gown off your arms, exposing your upper body to his greedy gaze. You had to calm yourself, breathing in and out and reminding yourself of your mother’s words: he had no time for a weeping bride on his wedding night–you just needed to make him happy.
You lifted your hips to help him pull down your dress and undergarments in one swoop. He tossed the gown onto the same settee with his shirt, the royal blue fabric ballooning in a heap.
His profile was outlined in the golden light of the fire, making him look ethereal for a moment. 
You were thankful that he looked away to untie his trousers, letting you take in the rolls of your body without his reaction. You sucked in your stomach, breath locking in your chest. Perhaps sitting up would help, if you pulled your knees up it would at least cover the softness of your belly. You wished the firelight was dimmer, the shadows catching in each crevice of your body and exaggerating them. 
You decided upon sitting up, awkwardly holding yourself with your arms as you tried to twist into a position that seemed natural. The press of your belly against your thighs took up too much of your focus, the rest of it preoccupied by the crease of extra flesh you knew existed just above where your hip met your back.
It was hard not to hyperventilate, each stretch mark and dimple on your skin magnified so much that you hardly remember that König was in the room with you.
You had no idea how many times he had to repeat your name before you actually heard him, blinking slowly as you looked up at him. His brows were furrowed as he observed you, a slight frown pulling at the corners of his lips.
“Sorry, I was preoccupied with my thoughts,” you murmured, smiling sheepishly. Your throat felt like it was squeezing closed, the anxiety you had been forcing out of your mind all day finally rearing its ugly head. The smile on your face tightened, your discomfort obvious.
His frown deepened. The laces of his trousers were forgotten, hanging open as he knelt on the mattress. Fingers nudged your jaw up to look at him, blue eyes seemingly staring through you and into your soul.
“What is bothering you?” he asked, thumb pressing your lower lip.
You felt like you were choking, your eyes wide as you tried to think of a plausible lie. 
König’s gaze dropped to your body, lust shadowing his expression. His fingers twitched beneath your chin. “I am so lucky you accepted my favor that day at the tournament,” he said, a faint smile on his face. 
He moved closer, slowly forcing you onto your back beneath him. His touch was delicate as he moved the hair out of your face. You let your eyes close as he pressed a kiss to your brow. “I worried that I would make a fool of myself and lose, I thought you were so distracting. So beautiful.”
It was hard to pay attention to his words when his mouth was dragging down the column of your throat, his teeth scraping over the delicate skin as he spoke. 
He continued down your body, taking care as he felt the fullness of your hips and stomach and thighs. You grabbed his wrists, trying to pull them away as he shushed you. “I have been lucky enough to marry the most beautiful woman I have ever seen, please allow me to touch her,” he pleaded softly, voice muffled against the skin next to your navel. 
His expression was so earnest you could hardly deny him, slowly letting go as you lay back. You could feel his smile as he lifted your legs onto his broad shoulders, smattering kisses and bites onto your inner thighs. 
There he was, looking at you and still wanting you, still pressing his mouth to the ache between your legs. You gasped, grabbing a fistful of hair at the crown of his head as his scruff scraped against the insides of your thighs. He flattened his tongue over your sex, muscular arms curling around your legs to grab your waist.
He dipped lower, tongue teasing your entrance as he collected the wetness pouring from you. You bucked against his face, heel digging into his shoulder blade as you twisted to press the sensitive bundle of nerves against the ridge of his nose.
You were keening, biting your lip to keep from moaning too loud. König moved to wrap his lips around the bud and sucked with small pulses of his tongue. His fingers pet over your entrance, making you clench around nothing as your spine arched. “Please, König,” you begged through clenched teeth, not quite sure what you were asking for.
Then one of his thick fingertips caught at your entrance. Your whole body buzzed as he thrust up to the second knuckle. Breathing was hard, the tightness a foreign feeling as you tried to relax.
He never even bothered to pull away as he hummed contentedly, surely suffocating by now as you kept pulling him impossibly closer. The press of his finger inside you eventually became comfortable, your muscles releasing as you willed yourself to relax into the feeling.
As soon as you felt comfortable with one, he added another. Both curling inside you made your breath punch from your chest, his digits feeling each and every ridge inside of you as he worked you higher and higher. The building feeling he had introduced you to last time was starting to knot in your stomach. 
Two fingers turned into three, making you sob as your arm covered your face. 
It was hard to get used to the feeling of being so full. Your moans were pathetic, pitchy and breathless as he found a spot inside of you and curled the tips of his fingers over it mercilessly. His other hand held firm just above your navel in an attempt to force you to be still.
It was too much, the rhythm of his fingers matching the tightening of your muscles until everything finally just released. The relief was instantaneous, all-consuming as euphoria buzzed from the crown of your head to the tips of your toes. You pulsed like a heartbeat around König’s fingers, still feeling dizzy as he pulled them from you.
His lips were wet with your slick as he pressed a kiss to the crease between your thigh and hip, wet fingers smearing against your waist. One leg fell to the bed, then the other as he crawled over your body. 
You were limp on the tangled sheets as you looked up at him, his downturned eyes partially lidded as you ran your hand over the scrape of his stubble. It was wet around his mouth, his lips still shiny with your arousal as he buckled over you. His forearm braced next to your head, holding him above you.
It was hard to say who moved into the kiss first, but noses pressed into cheeks and teeth clicked together as you licked the taste of yourself off his lips. You ached for more, trying to pour your request into König through the touch of your lips.
He used his free hand to shove his trousers down his legs, kicking them off and onto the stone floor. The backs of your thighs were snug against his hairy quads as he shifted back over you. 
You were almost scared to look at it–the only naked man you had ever seen was a drunk man who had been arrested just outside the palace gates. Even then, it was just glimpses and flashes through the bars.
The feel of a hot brand against your thigh caught your attention. You sat up slightly, propping yourself up on an elbow as you looked down at the gap between your legs. The flushed tip bobbed against your thigh under your gaze, smearing wetly against you. It was hard for you to tear your eyes away.
He fisted his cock, groaning as he worked the length of it in his hand with a practiced stroke. The girth was impressive, still looking thick even in his own hand as you watched clear slick trickle from the weeping head and over his knuckles.
This was the only part of the consummation that seemed to match what your mother warned you about. It was supposed to be the painful part, when she advised you to simply imagine you were somewhere else until your husband decided he had enough. You had no idea how his cock was supposed to even fit inside of you.
“Do you… do you think it will fit?” you asked, naivety coloring your tone. You never intended to flatter him, but the breathless laugh you earned made your cheeks warm. He dropped his head forward, lips pressing against your temple. 
“Yes, mäuschen, it will fit,” he assured you gently as he tried to fight his grin. 
Smooth callouses swept to the back of your thigh, your knee pressed toward your chest beneath his firm grip. The wet sound of your sex splitting against the press of his cock made you want to hide, arousal twisting deep in your abdomen as you lifted your hips toward his. You both sighed as he rubbed himself up and down the seam.
The blunt catch of the head at your entrance made König groan, his eyes screwing shut. He moved toward it on instinct, slowly pushing against the ring of muscle. The feeling was not painful as much as it was uncomfortable, the pressure of you stretching wide around him made you draw tight like a bow.
Your hips tilted through each strained press, trying to find a position that felt more comfortable as he kept pressing into you. It was hard to understand that he just kept going, seemingly taking up all the excess space inside your body. 
Heat burned between your legs when he was finally seated fully inside you, the coarse hair at the base of his cock tickling the backs of your thighs. 
Your breaths were shallow and quick, the intrusion overwhelming as your fingers twisted in the bedding beneath you. The press of his fingers was not enough to prepare you for the width of his cock, the length feeling like he was buried all the way through you and in your throat. He filled every inch of you, plugging you up until you felt like you would burst.
“Relax,” König breathed, his voice sounding strained as he kept himself still. He rubbed two fingertips up and down your sternum, the motion eventually coaxing your breaths to slow to match the rhythm.
He shifted against you, a minute movement jostling the two of you against one another. The sensation made the world drop out from beneath you, muscles tightening as your sex bore down around him. You were stubborn in your attempts to grind your hips against him. There was a strangled sound from his chest, deep and rumbling as he squeezed your thigh so hard you were sure it would bruise.
“Please, meine frau, you must calm down.” His hand moved to splay over your hip, forcing you against the mattress as he pinned you down. He nodded approvingly as you stopped moving, your head starting to clear as you settled with each breath.
Sweat dampened his forehead and the nape of his neck, wisps of his hair stuck to his pale complexion as he hovered above you. It was still hard to wrap your mind around the fact that König was your husband, the band of the ring on his finger digging into the flesh of your thigh to serve as a reminder. The scars marking his features already seemed so familiar to you, the tilts of his head and pinch of his eyes lending themselves to memorizing the expressions he had kept secret under his hood.
His thumb moved to press tight circles against your sex, a satisfied smirk contorting his features as he watched you gasp. The discomfort was quickly pushed to the back of your mind, your sex squeezing tight around him as you mewled. You kept squirming, making him groan each time your hips moved.
Another hot squeeze of your core had his head sagging forward on a groan. He rooted deep, hips stuttering as he nudged even further inside you. His eyes were dark as they found yours, your nod of encouragement frantic.
“Yes, please,” you breathed, hand finding the curve of his jaw. Your thumb traced the jagged line of the scar near his lip. “Please.”
He hummed his agreement, turning his head to press a kiss to the center of your palm. His breath was hot over your fingers as his hips bunched against yours. 
It was only the first taste of him inside you, gentle rocks of his pelvis to get you used to the feeling. The hot slide and press of his cock deep inside you unlocked something in your mind, something primal and instinctual you never knew existed. 
You clutched at his bicep, gasping for air as he got more confident in his movements. The squelch was loud in the room, you were absolutely soaking. You could feel yourself leaking all over König and the bedding and your inner thighs. But the way he looked at you like you hung the moon in the sky made you forget your concern.
He leaned back, his wide palm smoothing over the back of your other leg and pressing until you were nearly bent in half. You almost choked, surprised your body could even contort so much. His lips were parted, his breaths labored as he stared at where you were stretched tight around him. The swell of your stomach made it impossible for you to see so you settled on watching his expression grow heavy with lust.
A long, sinuous motion made your eyes roll back. König pulled out and plunged back inside you in steady thrusts from tip to base, his skin slapping loudly against yours. The muscle of his hips bumped hard against your pelvis, his hands pressing down on your knees to rotate your hips up toward his.
He looked up at you, the sight of your nod making him bear down further. You had to force yourself to keep breathing, each hard thrust making you sigh softly as you tried to keep your head above water and stay with him.
He rutted into you so firmly that your teeth clacked, sweat starting to form at every juncture of skin touching skin. You reached for his shoulders, making him gather the backs of your knees on his biceps as he moved in closer to you. His brows were drawn, cheeks flushed pink as he grunted softly.
The air in the room was humid, your shared breaths dusting over one another as your eyes remained locked together. 
He fucked into you with grit teeth, sweat starting to roll down his temple. Each thrust of his hips made the knot in your belly tighten, a syrupy warmth blooming through you. The pressure of him around you scratched an itch you never knew you had–you would crave this for the rest of your life. 
You lifted your hips even further, his cock reaching a spot that made lightning start to build between your legs as you cried out. 
“König, there, please…” you begged, voice breaking. 
He obliged, pressing his belly to yours as he caught your mouth in a searing kiss. The merciless rhythm of his hips continued, the ocean waves building in your belly starting to crest and break. His lips opened over yours, hot tongue twisting into your mouth and licking along your teeth. 
His weight shifted, head of his cock pressing so firmly inside you that the frantic wave of pleasure smashed into a million pieces as you fell.
Your legs twitched as you came with a scream, back arching stiffly off the bed. It felt like you were on fire, hot and unbearable as your muscles locked up. You struggled to think, your pleasure syrupy and warming as you floated somewhere else.
König stilled above you, keeping you speared on his cock as you writhed beneath him. His moan was deep, vibrating against you as your sex squeezed down on him like a vise. The press of his hands held you there, as strong as steel as he ground into you through the throes of your orgasm. You surfaced, your eyes wide as they met his, the sight of him forcing a moan out of you.
He looked like a predator above you, eyes gleaming with arousal. They were the color of lightning, the blue so intense that it was almost crackling as he searched your expression.
Your body started to jolt, your orgasm wringing you dry as you panted beneath him. He ground into you, cock twitching inside you as your hips stuttered of their own accord. The bedding twisted in his fists as his knuckles turned white, forehead dipping into the hollow of your throat as his breath fanned over your chest.
It occurred to you that he was close to spilling his seed inside of you, the whole point of consummating your marriage returning to you as you thought of carrying König’s child. You gasped, hand flying to your stomach all at once as you rubbed the skin there and imagined.
Soon you would be pregnant. He wanted you to be. You wanted to be. 
His eyes followed the movement of your hand, his own fitting over yours, thumb stroking over the backs of your knuckles. He groaned, pressing your hand down against your soft flesh as it became clear to you he understood. 
Your name was on his lips, repeated like a prayer as his hands fitted to your waist and pulled you further onto his cock. 
“König,” you replied, your voice breaking as he set a reckless pace.
Your world spun, fuzzy around the edges as you drew harsh breaths that ended in soft ahs. The full wave of his body was gone, a staccato rhythm that was quickly turning sloppy replaced it. He stopped withdrawing fully, fucking into you with an urgency as he pounded you deep.
Delirium took over you as he used your body for his own pleasure. Overstimulation made tears well up on your lashline and slowly roll down your cheeks, you moaned your husband’s name as you fought to keep your eyes from squeezing shut.
König was running his mouth in his native language, guttural words twisted around your name with his harsh breaths. You loved listening to him talk, you found yourself wishing you understood what he was saying as he muttered words under his breath. He snapped his hips against you once, twice, and then he made a wounded sound as he finally found his release. 
He kept shoving into you, hard and unrestrained as he fought to get even deeper inside you as his cock spit come that felt like molten iron deep. His hips stuttered thoughtlessly to fuck it even deeper inside of you.
You were awed as he held you there, watching his eyes squeeze closed as his breaths came hard. One hand left your waist, pressing into the sweaty bedding beneath you to stabilize himself. He moaned under his breath, exhaustion and satisfaction mingling in the sound as he bowed toward you. 
It was only a moment more until he collapsed, pressing you into the mattress with the bulk of his body as his nose pressed just beneath your jaw. You were both suspended in time as you gasped, your eyes wide as you stared at the ceiling.
His hand pressed beneath you to the small of your back, holding you close as he remained buried deep inside you. 
The weight of him on top of you made you wheeze, your palm pressing against his shoulder finally bringing König back to life. “You are crushing me,” you said with a laugh, voice breathless. 
He was moving before you could say anything more, arms curling around your waist and over your back as he rolled. The world shifted as your cheek came to rest on his barrel chest, ear pressed against his strong heartbeat. His arm fitted around you, pulling you closer as he stamped kisses on your damp hairline.
“My love,” he sighed, almost sounding awe-struck. You looked up at him through your lashes, your palm pressing over his ribs. 
He shifted, both of you hissing as he slowly pulled out of you. His fingers traced down your body, gathering his come as it started to leak from you and pressed it back inside of you. You yelped, nerves frayed as you squeezed around his digits. 
“Get that smirk off your face,” you said, your smile betraying your tone as you attempted to scold him. He looked satisfied with himself, eyelids heavy as he shifted his gaze to you. His eyes were back to the color of a clear pool of water, his calm affect returned.
“You did not seem so upset with me at the moment,” he teased, calloused fingertips tracing up and down your arm.
You rolled your eyes, mashing your cheek into his chest again as you curled into him. 
The silence between you two was comfortable, your gaze roving over his chambers. There were shelves with trinkets from travels, books and scrolls amongst them. It was so cozy, furs and rich fabrics across the furniture and tapestries on the walls. You lifted your head slightly, the rounded ear of a stuffed bear visible behind a basket with odds and ends of fabric sticking from it.
“I have to ask,” you started, a wide grin on your face as you propped yourself on König’s chest. He smoothed his hands over your waist, thumbs rubbing circles into your skin as he looked up at you, waiting. “Did you make that bear you gave me at the tournament?”
You had always found it hard to imagine him stitching it together, big hands working a needle through the fabric. 
König laughed, a sharp breath of air leaving his nose as he nodded. “I did,” he said softly, cheeks turning pink as he looked a bit sheepish. “After the war I needed something to do with my hands that did not feel like murder. That was the best one I made, I wanted it to go to my future wife.”
You hummed, biting your cheek as you tilted your head to one side. “You thought I would be your future wife?” you asked, nose wrinkling. Affection warmed your cheeks, your hands pressing flat on his chest as you looked down at him.
“Oh yes,” he breathed, reaching up to tuck some of your mussed up hair out of your face. “I knew I would have no other. It seems that the gods agreed with me.”
You leaned into the touch of his hand, his thumb stroking over your eyebrow and down your cheek. “Would you make another one of those bears? For our child?” you asked softly, resting your chin on his sternum. You traced hearts on his chest with your fingertips.
König smiled again, his scarred face looking soft in the firelight. He bent down to kiss you, fingers hooked beneath your chin to lift your mouth to his. It was sweet, just a stamp of his lips to yours.
“For you, my lady?” he asked, eyes roaming over your face as he spoke. My lady. You were elated that he would now be calling you his wife. “Anything you ask.”
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