#and 'how many noises are you aware of right now'
hidefdoritos · 12 days
Am getting to know a freshman who's the same brain flavor as me, but has been too sheltered to know what ADHD is or basically anything besides "I am irredeemably weird." I got him informally peer-reviewed by myself and two other ADHD friends. Every time we got him talking about a symptom, he told a story that looped unto something else, and then he'd look up and say, "Is that an ADHD symptom too?" to three people who were already nodding.
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alexiroflife · 1 month
Okay but imagine if Sukuna's fav concubine successfully runs away from court life because she's tired of the bullying and walking around eggshells with Sukuna? (bonus points if he continues to be with other concubines) She ends up working in an orphanage or something ☠️ But do you think Sukuna will look for her or not???? 🤔🤔🤔 (manifesting that it's an angst to comfort 😌😌😌🤞🤞)
heian era sukuna, just a tad different from the exact request but with the same principle
ryomen sukuna x concubine!reader
Synopsis: sukuna wakes one morning to find that you, his favorite concubine, are nowhere to be found. now, he must make your absence everyone else's problem.
to sum it up: you do not understand your relationship with sukuna, and it burdens you more to endure the abuse you receive from his favoritism than to stay
WC: 5,760
Warning(s): suggestive themessss, destructive treatment of some concubines, violence, twinge of angst
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Sukuna’s voice is a roaring boom of thunder that can be heard even from the farthest floors of his grand estate, its bass shaking the walls as servants and concubines alike tremble upon hearing it.
The quivering hearts of those nearby are not at all settled when the sharp, alarming symphony of glass shattering and furniture toppling resounds against the wooden floorboards and into the meticulously decorated wallpaper. A line of servants stand directly outside of Sukuna's quarters with sweat beading down their foreheads, serving to provide assistance if or whenever the lord calls for it.
And those who could keep far away, they avoid stepping anywhere near the vicinity of a raging Ryomen Sukuna for fear that the next thing broken will not be an antique lamp but their heads.
Sukuna's order of women, specifically, cower in their chambers, listening carefully to muffled noises so distant from them to catch even a glimpse of what may happen next. Concubines decked in floral kimonos huddle together, staring up at the ceiling with each crumble of debris that showers from overhead as a result of the large king's monstrous frame thudding about.
Uraume stands alone within Sukuna's chambers, having been called there directly, doing their best to keep a professionally calm face despite the subconscious jolt in their shoulders every time one of Sukuna's arms thrusts down into yet another expense that they will have to add to the day's damages when it.
"My lord," the king's right hand begins pensively, sneaking a hand out from its regal place within the cuffs of their kimono as the salmon haired demon resorts to furiously pacing back and forth. The white-haired servant tries their best to keep their balance with each step he takes, which could only be described as the parade of an elephant dancing around mice. "The handmaidens, butlers, and I have searched everywhere for her. There is no trace of her left in the estate."
Another loud crash shoots throughout the room, Uraume wincing yet quickly regaining their composure once Sukuna's crimson eyes snap back to them lividly. Uraume has seen their master in many forms, including anger, but this rage levels that of which they have seen displayed in him before. Sukuna's practically a ticking time bomb, waiting to explode with his arms swinging heavily at his sides, one occasionally switching to swipe over his chin, another propping over his hip temporarily. He's antsy, frighteningly so, and Uraume unfortunately, for the first time, has no clue what to do in this situation.
Mainly because this entire tantrum has been sparked by you, a lowly concubine, who has dared to betray her king's trust and loyalty to sneak off without a word. No one knows how long you have been gone, as it is the early morning, but Sukuna took notice the moment he began his day.
The entire estate is well aware of Sukuna's selective favoritism over you, though no one is exactly sure how it started. You are fairly new as well, having been with them for about half a year when the other concubines and servants have been lingering around for far longer.
When the King of Curses was first led to you, your kneeling stance with your head bowed to your hands and your beautiful purple kimono draping over your figure to the ground, he had little interest in you. Sure, your figure looked appealing on a general basis, and granted the demon had not even allowed himself five seconds to truly look at you, but he is unimpressed until your head raises and your (e/c) eyes meet his on command.
There is something in your gaze that Sukuna decided stands out against the desperate pleas whispering in those of previous concubines. Perhaps a bit of pain... disdain... a sourness that you attempt to mask with the generous warmth of your (s/c) skin and butterfly lashes, rather involuntarily, and Sukuna has to pause as he stares down at you with indifference.
Are you angry? He knows that the concubines in his care are hardly treated nicely by those bringing them to his feet, but boo hoo. You're a woman, and a concubine at that. If you're wallowing over unfair treatment, then you surely have no place in his brothel.
But then, you hold his stare for as long as he examines you. His eyes scatter over your features, taking them in silently with no care for whether you are growing nervous under him. Even if you are, however, he can not tell. Your eyes are so clear as if they have never told a lie, and you are not challenging him but giving him the opportunity to soak you in even longer.
"Stand," he suddenly, gruffly orders, and you do with such poise. You close your eyes politely and push yourself to your feet slowly, opening your eyes once more once you are on your feet.
Hell, you're tiny, much like the rest of the women compared to all of his seven foot glory, yet you do not shrink under his shadow. You stand proud, serene, as though you know you are a rare prize, and Sukuna can do nothing but make a strange noise of unitelligible affirmation under his breath before turning on his heel and leaving the room.
"Send her to my chambers in an hour. I shall see if this lowly woman can appease me."
And by the grace of his name, you do.
He doesn't even have to be inside you for longer than a second to be completely thrown by your warmth, the way your tight cunt responds to him so obediently after he's bullied one of his lengths into your drooling hole, the plush of your ass gripped lethally within his claws and drawing strands of blood as he plows into you inhumanely.
And you take it. You whine, and groan, and cry, but you beg for more and thank him for every monstrous inch he gives you. He does not even mean to go over his normal set time with his concubines of about twenty minutes when he finds he's been fucking you for hours, and your body is still with him.
You've become a babbling, tear-stained, overstimulated mess with your fingers digging into the pillow that your face is smashed in, his second throbbing cock well situated now into your bum as he thrusts relentlessly like some sort of vicious animal. You're aching, trembling and hardly speaking a lick of sense, but Sukuna only pushes you farther, for he just can not get enough.
Consequently, you slowly begin to find yourself in his bed once a week, then twice, then about three or four times... then maybe twice in a day, and hell, why not just drag you along with him as much as he possibly can all seven days of the week?
Sukuna takes an immense liking to you, so much so that he begins to allow you to speak less and less formally with him behind closed doors. He'd ridicule you for being late, and with politeness still soaked in your voice, you'd say something smart like:
"I was not aware that thirty seconds was considered late, my lord."
Sukuna knows then that he's begun to let you get away with too much, yet as he fucks you into next week as punishment, he tells himself internally that he could get used to this.
You are far more than beauty. You are class, grace, and character that the other concubines severely lack, and the next thing you know, Sukuna is ordering you to sit on his thigh upon his throne with him as he listens to citizens or servants speak.
The salmon-haired demon has attempted to entertain other selections of his concubines, simply to conduct an experiment for himself if he can still derive pleasure from the others, but after at least ten rather boring fucks with women who are not you, he concludes that you are the best of them. Of them all.
And you are so humble, taking on his attention. You walk about the halls as though you are no more special than the others, which you are, and it has the girls boiling over the top with jealousy.
The bullying starts rather quickly after your favoritism is known.
You return to your quarters to find your bedding ripped apart, or feel elbows jab into your back as you pass by that is often brushed off as an "accident" with a conniving snicker and a toss of hair, or insults splattered in ink all over the inside of your kimonos that you can not wash out.
You have never brought this to Sukuna's attention, for you felt there was no need, especially since all of you are under his care despite the feuds spreading about. Whenever you need a new kimono or sheets, you go to Uraume, who asks no questions and simply replaces the things damaged. They already know what’s going on, and though they recognize you as a favorite, they do not share anything with Sukuna either on the direct order that he should not be bothered by concubine business unless it has to do with him.
And that is what you are. A concubine, no matter how the lord favors you, how often he tells you with his fangs dipped into your neck and his fingers gripping any limb of your body that it feels as though you are made for him. No matter how delicately he has begun to grip your waist when you approach him, dull eyes glinting with lust and interest as he stares down at you and you up at him. No matter how your heart has begun it’s pitter patter each time he addresses you by your name, something he has not bothered to learn from the others but has sworn to remember by you.
You were still one of hundreds of women here to serve only for Sukuna’s pleasure. You’re a number, and while Sukuna may not see you as such any longer, the other concubines ensure that you remember your place and who you are.
You’re a secure woman, and initially you did not allow the insecurities of others to impact you, but as the cruelty and frequency of the bullying increases, it wears down your tolerance bit by bit. Nudging turns to pinching and shoving, you can no longer eat in their presence without food landing in your hair or down your clothes, and you barely sleep at night for fear that one of them will come to harm in you in your slumber as they have on many occasions prior.
And you’re tired. So very tired. Sukuna himself even begins to notice a shift in you, how dull your eyes look when you meet him and how quiet you have become. He has demanded you tell him what is wrong, which you always reply that you have not gotten enough sleep, which is not necessarily untrue, and Sukuna has no reason not to believe it because he is not aware of the world that transpires amid the concubines when they are not actively serving him.
He is no fool, though. He has an inkling that something is going on, but he holds off on saying anything. He waits, watches.
But unfortunately, he has waited too long when you decide upon yourself that you can not take this torment anymore, that you are no more worthy of Sukuna than then next peasant. That both you and him would be better if you parted, if he no longer had a woman to favor that created such profound rifts within the community.
There is no place for you, a concubine hopelessly in love with your lord, within the estate. Sukuna feeds off of your unspoken and unknowns affections, and it has created nothing but hell for you and everyone else. So you vanish.
And Sukuna is pissed.
“You mean to tell me that she just fucking left in the middle of the night and nobody saw her?” he seethes. “You did not see her?!”
Uraume takes in a deep breath. “Unfortunately not, my lord. I was in the kitchen all night making preparations for today’s courses as usual. I’m sure the other servants were asleep as well.”
“That ungrateful brat,” he addresses you as if cursing you, your name a sweet, sick poison on his tongue. “She’s got some fucking nerve.”
“It is appalling that a concubine would do such a thing as flee your court,” Uraume instantly agrees.
“After everything I’ve given her!” he grows angrier by the second, thinking back to the privilege he bestowed upon you. You dare now to make him look weak? Another fist lands into a vase that smashes it to pieces, the memory too overwhelming to mull over without feeling as though he is going to murder someone. “When I get my hands on that girl…”
“How would you like to proceed? I have men already on the hunt-“
“Send them back.”
“…Pardon, my lord?” Uraume blinks.
“You know I do not enjoy repeating myself, Uraume.”
“I apologize. I will-“
“I want every one of them back in this estate. No one is to come or go, and if they do they shall suffer directly at my hand,” Sukuna snarls. "I will look for her myself."
Uraume bows their head. “Yes, my lord.”
“And what of the concubines?” he grunts.
“What of them?”
“I find it hard to believe that they did not hear (Y/n) take her leave, nor think it a matter not to inform me of immediately.”
Sukuna stops his pacing, standing heavily in the middle of the room as he glares to the side now in thought.
“It would be wise to inform you that when I asked them about her disappearance before coming here, they all behaved as though they were unsure of what was going on,” Uraume speaks with a hint of disdain, and Sukuna’s eyes darken.
Slowly, it pieces together that they have something to do with this.
“All of them in the throne room. Now.”
Petrified faces line before Sukuna as he uncharacteristically stands before his throne rather than sits, his personal arm candy nowhere to be found and frankly making him all the more uneased. Uraume, who has rounded up the women, stands to the side as they all kneel in rows on the floor, shivering with fear.
"Someone start talking," Sukuna's voice grumbles out, so menacingly, so deep that it shakes the women's cores. Those who bully you have lost any lick of confidence they found in your wake as they keep their widened eyes to the floor, mouths clamped shut, paralyzed with fear. "Do not play dumb with me. I know you all know exactly what I am referring to."
Silence filters the air, the concubines unsure of how to proceed or what to say.
"Where is she?"
The question ehcoes again, and "she" falls like a boulder crushing to the earth. You are so prized that Sukuna does not even need to address you by your name for everyone to know who he is talking about. It makes their blood boil, to be petrified on behalf of your absence. What makes you so special anyway?
"Your lord has asked you a question," Uraume adds firmly, fueling the tension within the room. "I suggest one of you answers it."
"Must I begin punishing you one by one until you learn to use your mouths and speak when I ask you to?" Sukuna fumes when he is still met with nothing, and this threat finally encourages on concubine to twitch her head slightly then speak.
A brunette girl. One of your abusers.
"We do not know where (Y/n) is, Lord Sukuna," she says with a trembling voice, head still bowed. "We... we woke, and she was gone-"
"And yet no one said a word until I took notice, and Uraume in turn."
She whimpers. "We did not think to-"
"Silence." She stops, for Sukuna can read rather clearly through her facade. He can read the energy of the entire room, in fact. It does not seem that any one of these women cares very much about your whereabouts or what has happened to you, almost as though they wanted you go in the first place. "You," he gestures to a short haired woman, who takes the risk of peeking upward to ensure that Sukuna is addressing her, for somehow she just knew.
She quickly looks back down. "Yes, Lord Sukuna?"
"Tell me why (Y/n) ran away."
She gulps, eyes scattering over the floor as she conjures up a response. "I do not know, my Lord."
The king's eyes slim, one set of burly arms crossed over his chest. His patience, at this point, is non-existent. He needs to know where you are. He needs to find you know, and so help anyone who got in his way.
"Liar," he says.
With the flick of his wrist, a slicing motion resounds through the air followed by a pitched scream of agony. The victim stares down in hair as her hands fly from her wrists within an instant, sprouting blood from her wrists and pooling over the floor. The concubines grow aware of the action, having no choice but to look up upon hearing such a sound and panic at the sight of blood and the woman now stripped of her hands.
"Now, let me make myself perfectly clear," Sukuna announces over the rise of cries throughout the room. Uraume closes their eyes with a deep sigh, watching everything unfold. "The next one of you who dares to lie to my face will lose more than just her hands. Understood?"
Warbled sobs of understanding and nods flutter about the room while short haired woman struggles to sit up, lifting her trembling limbs to her teary eyes with quivering parted lips of shock. It does not take long before she is passing out, and Sukuna rolls his eyes.
"Uraume, get her out of here."
Once the wounded woman is removed from the environment, a pool of blood left in her spot and trailing behind her, the concubines double down into sniveling submission.
"Why did (Y/n) leave?" he repeats.
Suddenly, overlapping voices jump out with their own explanations in desperate attempts to plead their cases. Sukuna's eye twitches as he listens on for only a few seconds before shutting it down.
"I do not recall telling you all to ramble ontop of each other. Speak one at a fucking time. Tch. You should know better than that."
The room dips into instant silence, followed by one meek voice that speaks out. “S-She never said anything about leaving,” she shivers.
"Of course she didn't, that would have defeated the purpose of sneaking away," Sukuna growls. "Clearly, however, something has transpired within this group to encourage her to leave, am I mistaken?"
"Yes, my lord. I'm sure, my lord," she is quick to go along, for she is not one of your bullies and Sukuna can tell by the look on her face and the way she obliviously rambles on. "Perhaps... she felt unwelcome...?"
And oh, there it is. The icing on the cake, the very piece that sets those guilty for your absence into a momentary state of shock and solidifies Sukuna's assumptions.
"Unwelcome?" he cocks a brow, reciting the word slowly. "By who."
The crimson eyed king's eyes do not miss the way the concubine flashes a glance over to the brunette from earlier swiftly, only to look back down and swallow hard.
With a slow tilt of his head, Sukuna follows her brief line of sight with a hum. While he may not know just exactly what has been transpiring between you and some of these women, he knows that he has identified one involved. One who likely pushed you to run off so disrespectfully.
Sukuna does not know what it is about you that has him driven onto the brink of insanity due to your absence. He knows its not just because of sex, because he can find sex anywhere. He's surrounded by women who provide those services. There's something about you specifically though that makes fucking feel less of a habit, a simple release for pleasure and more so a desire, a thrill, a need. A need with you.
It's your company that he has grown so accostumed to, his frequent access to you, and to be stripped of it so suddenly is a crime in itself. You can not deprive the King of Curses of the very thing you were hired to do. You can not just leave and expect him not to scrounge and burn every corner of this earth until he finds you and punishes you for putting him through the trouble of searching for you. You're a brat. A pain, and Sukuna somehow needs you around, so when he looks the brunette woman dead in the eye, he knows he has to kill her.
Sukuna leaves the concubines traumatized when he treks out to look for you on his own, scorching earth, terrorizing villagers, destroying home after home in search for you and somehow you still are not within his grasp.
Citizens retreat scramble about and retreat to safety, trembling in fear as your name rings out through the air like a battle cry, flame flittering into the call as though hell itself is beckoning you. There is no building that Sukuna does not plan to visit, no alleyway unsearched, no creak unexplored, and just when the demon feels he is prepared to slaughter a nation, you hear a distant cry of your name from afar.
A shiver licks its way down your spine and you jump, whipping your head around.
"(Y/n)?" a gentle, present woman's voice calls from behind you. "That is your name, isn't it?"
Your brows draw together and a pit develops in your stomach, eyes to the door of the orphanage you took shelter in miles away from Sukuna's estate. "...Yes," you say slowly, mind distracted.
"Strange. I think I just heard someone calling you from somewhere."
You don't know why you follow the voice.
You left for a reason. You'd been gone since the middle of the night, and you had promised not to return, but you follow his voice anyway as though it beckons you. You always knew better than to ignore the King of Curse's when he calls you, and you can't say that you have prepared to outgrow the habit. Not within the mere hours you have been absent.
The real reason you go back, you want to tell yourself, is to prevent Sukuna from disturbing the peace of the shelter you sought in confidence. You know that if you heard him from where you were staying, he would have continued to make his way further and further down until he found you, and you were not fond of the idea of him tormenting innocent women and children for your sake.
And while you expected to be greeted by an irritated Sukuna, you did not expect the scene that greets you when you round a street corner blocks down during your walk.
You halt in your tracks, heat greeting your skin. Your eyes go wide, your face falls, and before you lay a street aglow with the aftermath of what looks like the tosses of flame and fire. Ash flitters into the sky, windows of businesses are broken, and the entirety of the brick street is empty save for debris and dying flames. It looks as though some kind of bomb or explosion went off and those within the vicinity either fled or got caught in the attack.
Your hands go to your mouth as you study the scene in shock, your skin going cold despite the heat.
You are too entrapped with your shock to notice the shadow that envelopes you from behind when it first arrives. Its eerily quiet, save for the crackle of lingering fire ahead, and you go to take a step back in fear when you hit something hard.
You tense completely, pupils shrinking and gaze unfocusing. You recognize the feeling, the smell, the heat. You recognize the sheer unfathomable mass towering over you without having to turn around, the raw surge of evil that potrudes and surrounds you, caging you in normally so enticingly, but this time so terrifyingly.
You swipe your tongue over your lip anxiously, your heartbeat rapidly hammering into your chest. You shouldn't turn around. You shouldn't look up. You know what will happen, but you can't help yourself. You can not fight the urge as you slowly twist your head around and tilt your chin upward to meet the glowing pairs of red eyes that you'd grown to adore searing down at you from so far above.
You breathe heavily, caught in the lock of Sukuna's wild glare. He appears almost feral with anger to you, some sort of sick enraged smirk twisting onto his face that is anything but kind. You don't say a word as the street burns behind you and your hands stick stiffly to your sides.
"Care to explain what the hell you are doing?"
You know that tone of voice so well by now. It is monotone and low, almost inaudible with its bass yet it carries so crisply. It comes of as calm, but the underlying emotion is anything but. He is pissed, if that is not clear enough from his face and stature, and if you were anyone else you think you'd be dead, but Sukuna's values his possessions and his means of true pleasure far too much. He would do something much worse to you than death. He would be sure of it.
"Mm? Can't talk?" he frowns when you don't answer. You flinch when a hand comes to clasp over your cheeks and squish, sharp nails prodding into your skin as Sukuna guides your body to face him completely. Instinctively, you grab his marked wrist out of surprise. His second pair of eyes look down at the motion, the first still blazing on you. "You think you can touch me without permission after what you've done?"
"Sukuna," you whisper, staring straight into his eyes as your hand slips away. The lord always enjoyed that about you, how you stared directly into him instead of avoiding. Even now, your eyes are mesmorizing pools of uncertainty and alarm as you look at him. "What did you do?"
"Don't ask me that foolishness," he sneers. "You left behind my back, and you have lost the privilege of addressing me as anything but my proper title."
You falter slightly. "I... I could not stay."
"You do not have the power to make that decision."
"It's my decision to make. It's my life."
"You serve me. My life," Sukuna states firmly and you grimace, brows angling in discomfort as he reminds you of your place, of why you left. "I have clearly given you too much freedom if you believe this nonsense."
You feel your heart jolt with sadness, your face hardening as he holds you still. You should know your place by now, truly, but you don't appreciate how you are still treated as though you are an object of possession when your life has been turned to hell by those who are jealous of your favoritism. It's unfair, to love without the benefits, to be placed on a pedestal with no regard for the ramifications nor how it may feel for your privileges to be bestowed upon you without any promise of anything more.
It pains you to be in this position so hopelessly, and you wished to flee it but Sukuna of course refuses to allow such a thing to happen.
"What if I don't want to be your concubine anymore?" you say in a hushed voice. Sukuna's eyes flicker with subtle surprise, and for a moment you think you have caught him off guard.
"You are dramatic," he elects to say. "You are not telling me something, and you choose to take it out on me."
"If I'm just a concubine, then there's no need for me to tell you everything I think, is there?" you ask bitterly.
Sukuna's brows tilt downward slightly, and slowly he releases his grip of your face. You inhale sharply when he does, stumbling slightly and blinking harshly. "Is that what this is truly about?"
You clench your jaw. "What?"
"Wishing to be more than a concubine instead of not being one at all?" he proposes, and you feel yourself freeze. "And here I was made to believe it was solely because of the others."
"...W-What do you mean?"
"You never said anything about how the other women treated you."
You stare at him blankly as you let his comment sit for a moment, a far off look catching your eye. "There was nothing to tell."
"That is not true."
"There was nothing to tell you- you don't care about what happens with the concubines."
"You are not just another concubine."
You furrow your brows and part your lips. "I don't understand you. You want my forced subservience to you and you continue to entertain the others, but you don't think I'm like the rest of them?"
"If you believe that the way I treat you is how I treat the others, then you are much stupider than I previously believed."
"And if you cared to think of me as more than them, you would have noticed how the special treatment does more harm to me than good!"
"You can not complain because you chose to suffer in silence. All you had to do was tell me, and you still will not explain what has happened."
"Because I don't want to! I don't want to talk about it! It's humiliating, and I-" you suck in a breath of air. "I can't keep reliving being tortured for your carelessness-"
"I disposed of them."
You pause. "You- what? Disposed of what?"
"Of the women who harmed you. I assume that is what has been happening. They were jealous of you and pushed you out and treated you poorly."
You gape at him, utterly stunned. "You- you don't even know who-"
"Others confessed."
"...And you killed them?"
"They drove you away. It was a fit punishment."
You can no longer find the words, for you had not expected Sukuna to do such a thing for you. You believed his behavior around you to be temporary engagement, a fling. You believed that he would hardly care if you truly lived or died as long as you pleased him, and you certainly did not believe that he would go such lengths for your sake.
You are rattled by the mentions of their deaths, yes, but more so shocked by what Sukuna's disposal of them means for you... that he must truly value you above the others.
Sukuna raises a brow. "Are you truly surprised?"
"...Sukuna, all I've been to you is..." you trail off slowly as his gaze hypnotizes you, and you stutter over an exhale. "What am I doing with you? What am I to you? You have concubines still, and I'm not- I'm just-"
"You think too much." The salmon haired demon wraps a hand around your wrist while another finds your waist to tug you along with him. You trip into motion as you trail beside his heavy strides, watching him baffled.
"Wait, my lord, wait-" you urge, and he shockingly does. He eyes you out of the corners of his eyes and slows to a stop. "I truly don't understand. Why would you do that for me? What do you want me to be?"
Sukuna looks down at you wordlessly, taking in every crease of your face. He had been so angry, and now that he has found you, now that he sees you, now that he has you, his mind is at ease. He knows what humans label this feeling, and he is well assured that he is far beyond the useless ideal, but irritatingly he feels it there when he looks at you. He felt it at the thought of anyone treating you poorly, and he felt it the moment he lay eyes on you.
And you look terribly confused standing with his arm wrapped around you and your glossed lips pressed into a soft frown. The fire still burns behind you from a distance, and there is still something unsaid that Sukuna can tell you are hiding, but perhaps he does not want to know. Perhaps he needs to keep that barrier.
Even so, he wants you to remain his. You belong to him, with him as more. He doesn't know as what yet, but just knows that you are more, and that you should never dare to pull a stunt like the one you just did.
You jerk your head back gently when Sukuna turns into you and ducks down, meeting you as eye to eye as he possibly can from his height. His face hovers over yours and you watch him with a twisted, tormented, longing gaze, and you are so pathetic he craves it.
He presses into you without purpose, catching your lips in his and you jump against him, for he has only ever kissed you in intimate spaces and the feeling in such a setting is so foreign but your skin is tingling and your heart is thumping. Sukuna pushes in hard, keeping a set of lidded eyes open as yours slide closed and you allow him to take you within his harsh, swift kiss.
He pulls away fast, a soft smack of parting lips, and hovers over you afterward so closely. You can feel your face burning as your lashes flutter open and you look back up at him with shiny eyes. Sukuna catches the gaze. He catches what it means, and he sighs.
"We are returning now," he orders gruffly, standing up straight. "We will further discuss your arrangements at the estate, but as of today, you are no longer a concubine."
Your mind is still fuzzy from the kiss, therefore you do not completely comprehend his declaration. "I'm... not?"
"You will be under my direct surveillance at all times. Try to sneak away again, and I will be sure you are unable to walk for weeks. And do not think this will go unpunished."
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theemporium · 10 months
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[3k] too many shots and a bet leads to a very interesting night out. it's just a shame neither of them can remember it and the whole world is discovering the details alongside with them.
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The first thing you were painfully aware of was the annoying shrill of your phone echoing from some distant corner of the room. 
The second thing was the fact you had forgotten to close the blinds last night, meaning the blinding rays of the Nevada sun were doing their best job in dragging you out of your comforting slumber like irritating parasites. 
And the third thing was that whoever was trying to call you was seemingly very insistent to get in contact with you, if the three calls in a row (that you were so far aware of) were anything to go by.
“Oh my god,” you groaned as you pulled the edges of the pillow over your ears, hoping it would muffle the ringing shrills. But when the phone continued to ring and the noise only seemed to get louder, you were forced to throw your hand out and blindly try to grasp the cursed device in hopes of making the noise stop. 
Your fingers wrapped around the buzzing phone, your eyes still firmly kept shut as you kept tapping the screen until the ringing stopped before you brought it to your ear. “You better have a good fucking reason for calling me.”
“I hope you are doing something you enjoy.”
You frowned, your brain taking a few moments to process the voice coming through. “Arthur?” 
“Like, I hope you are fulfilling your lifelong wish right now.” 
“What the fuck are you on about?” You grumbled, exhaustion hitting your body just as badly as the rays of sunlight shining through the open blinds were. “It’s too early for your riddles.”
“I am just saying that I think you should be doing something you love before Charles kills you.” 
You let out a non-committing hum. “And why would he kill me?” 
“Many reasons but I think getting married in Vegas last night is easily the top of the list right now.”
Your eyes shot open when you heard the words leave Arthur’s mouth. It felt like ice had doused your entire body as you quickly sat up in the hotel bed, now painfully aware of the pounding headache that only tequila could give you. 
“Congrats, by the way. I do pity the poor guy you locked up though.” 
Now painfully aware of the situation, your eyes grabbing onto any detail that would hopefully prove your brother wrong. Unfortunately, all you seemed to find was evidence that he was telling the truth if the white dress, the horribly large costume jewelry ring on your finger and the abandoned veil with ‘NEW BRIDE’ on the floor were anything to go by. 
“Oh my fucking god,” you breathed out, feeling though as you were going to empty your stomach’s contents any moment now. “How do you know? Why didn’t you stop me?!” 
“I wasn’t with you! I just opened Twitter and found pictures of my sister outside a wedding chapel and all over some random guy!”
“I married a stranger,” you hissed out, your lips parting in shock. Tequila made you do many questionable things, but even this was bad for you. 
“He’s your husband, it’s a bit offensive to call him a stranger.”
“Arthur, I swear to god—” You cut yourself off as your eyes fell on the large lump in the bed next to you. It took you an embarrassingly long time to realise it was another human. It took you even longer to tear your eyes away from the cheap suit he was wearing before you looked up at his face. “Oh my fucking god.”
“Charles is going to kill me,” you breathed out, your heart pounding like it was lodged in your throat. 
“Yes, we established that when I called you—”
“Charles is going to kill me when he finds out I married Max,” you continued, lost in your own daze that you barely acknowledge your spluttering brother on the other side of the phone.
Unfortunately for Arthur’s sake, you quickly hung up the phone. You could barely process the fact the Dutch driver was currently passed out on the bed next to you, let alone doing so with your brother screeching in your ear the whole time. The phone was abandoned on the bed as you stared at the Dutchman, your brain working on overdrive as you tried to work out what to do next. 
So, you did what any reasonable person would do and shoved him off the bed. 
You froze for a moment before you crawled over to the other side of the bed, peaking over the edge and down at Max who was currently groaning on the floor from his impromptu wake up call. 
“What the fuck was that about?” He grumbled, blinking a few times before he realised who was hovering over him. “What the fuck are you doing in my hotel room?” 
“This is actually my hotel room,” you replied. 
“Oh,” he muttered. “Then, what the fuck am I doing in your hotel room?”
“Well, it’s what a married couple do,” you commented. 
Max’s brows furrowed together. “What?”
You lifted your left hand, the ring now on display and you could practically see the cogs turning in his head before the realisation hit him. “Do you think this counts as our honeymoon?” 
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“How did this happen?” 
“Tequila,” you muttered with your nose scrunched in disgust as you watched the Dutchman begin to pace the hotel room. If you cared enough, you would be concerned about him wearing down the carpet. Though as of the current moment, your priorities were currently elsewhere. 
Max turned to look down at the certificate he had found stranded beside your veil on the floor, your names and signatures clearly printed on the piece of paper—which took out the small piece of hope that this was just some elaborate prank set up by Arthur.
“How did we get that drunk though?” Max questioned, his brows furrowed together. If he wasn’t so confused, he would be more embarrassed at the fact he clearly couldn’t handle his alcohol as well as he once could. 
“Well, it’s your fault,” you commented casually, which had the boy whirling around to face you. 
“How is this my fault?” Max scoffed.
“You made the bet!” 
Max’s frown deepened. “What bet?”
“At the hotel bar,” you stated like it was a basic fact he should have remembered. “When I bumped into you—”
“We bumped into each other,” Max chided. 
“—you were the one to suggest shots,” you pointed out.
Max gave you a look. “How is that a bet?” 
“Because you said I couldn’t outdrink you. I said you would be a sore loser. And then you bought us ten shots each.” 
He blinked. “Huh.” 
“I’m pretty sure it was also your idea to go to another bar afterwards when we got kicked out the hotel bar,” you said in a sing-song voice.
Max scoffed. “Absolutely not. You were the one that said only losers go to bed after one bar.” 
You shrugged. “I stand by it.”
Max let out a laugh, a little breathless like he was trying to hide it. He shook his head, glancing down at the certificate one more time before shrugging. “It’s not really that bad, to be honest. A bit embarrassing, but what people don’t know won’t hurt them.”
Your expression turned sheepish. “About that…”
“Who knows?” He asked in a blunt voice. 
“Well, Arthur knows,” you started. 
“That’s not that bad,” Max scoffed, his shoulders relaxing. “Wait. Charles doesn’t know, does he?”
“Not yet,” you said before quickly continuing. “But he probably will because the paparazzi caught us last night and now the pictures are all over the internet.” 
“You’re grumpy when you wake up!” You defended, watching as the boy rolled his eyes at you.
“The whole world thinks we are married!” Max countered before sputtering out a laugh. “Well, we are married. Or we aren’t. I’m still not totally sure but I don’t need your brother chopping off my balls over it!”
“He wouldn’t!”
Max shot you a look.
“Okay, he would,” you grimaced before giving him a shaky smile. “But he doesn’t know yet so we should be in the clear—”
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“Okay, I have good news and bad news.” 
Max looked at you expectantly. “And?” 
“Bad news: Charles now knows,” you said with a shaky smile. “Good news: he doesn’t know it’s you!” 
Max pressed his fingers into his temples, trying to rub soothing circles. “Fucking hell.” 
“But also bad news: he is coming here right now as we speak so we should probably—” You started, fully set on grabbing what you needed and hiding out somewhere else in the hotel until Charles calmed down. However, your plans were put on hold when you heard a groan from the bathroom. 
Your gaze caught Max’s as you stared at each other, both with expressions mixed between confusion and surprise. A few seconds passed before you were both clambering off the bed, heading towards the bathroom where you threw the door open and scrambled to turn on the light before you both froze in the doorway at the sight in front of you.
“Now that was unnecessary.” 
You gaped at the sight of Yuki curled up in the bathtub, dressed in a similar looking suit to the one Max was wearing along with what you were certain was the shower curtain placed over him like a blanket. He had a pillow behind his head and sunglasses over his eyes, and for all intents and purposes, he looked fairly comfortable. 
“Oh my god,” you breathed out. “I married two drivers last night?!”
“I hope you at least married me before Yuki,” Max grumbled, only to let out a small wince when you elbowed him. “God, you’re a difficult wife.” 
“Kinda going through something,” you snapped back before your eyes moved back to the Japanese driver. “I can’t believe I married you and Yuki.”
The driver in the tub let out a scoff mixed with a laugh. “Please, you didn’t marry me. You’re not my type.”
You blinked, unsure whether or not you should have been offended by his comment. 
“The ring on your finger says otherwise, mate,” Max commented, the ring a matching one with the one that was currently on your left hand.
“I married someone but not you,” Yuki said as he waved you off, nuzzling his face back into the pillow. “And our wedding was much classier than yours.”
“I—” You frowned. “You remember?” 
“Yeah, you said you wanted witnesses,” Yuki grumbled, bringing the shower curtain up until it was tucked under his chin. “You also dragged Lando out so he would take your photos.” 
Max gaped. “Lando was there? Lando knows?!” 
“Yes, now can you please go bother him?” Yuki muttered under his breath. “And turn the lights off as you leave. Only wake me up when you order food.” 
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“Don’t make me an accomplice in your crimes.” 
“Shut up and let us in.” 
You weren’t surprised to find that Lando and Logan were already in the room, both with looks of amusement on their faces as they watched you and Max wander in—still dressed in your wedding clothes from the night before. 
You wanted to slap the smug looks off their face. 
“Is it really a good idea to hide here?” Max asked as he took a seat on the edge of the bed, feeling as though the headache pounding through his head had nothing to do with the alcohol he consumed last night and more to do with the mess you both had created.
“It buys us time,” you insisted. 
“On the chance that Arthur doesn’t rat you out,” Logan added. 
“You told Arthur where I was?” Your eyes widened before you turned to look at Oscar. “Do you want me dead?” 
“You know, something about the way you’re wording that makes me feel like it’s a trick question,” Oscar commented with a suspicious look on his face.
“Oh my god, I’m going to die today,” you muttered under your breath, shaking your head. 
“It’s kinda romantic that you guys will die together,” Lando chimed in as he grinned between you and Max. 
“If I survive today, I’m going to run you over,” Max threatened with a strained smile on his lips.
Lando snorted, shrugging. “Yeah but the chances of that happening are low so…”
“Your brother doesn’t even know my room number,” Oscar pointed out. “It will take him ages to convince the desk to give it to him or even hunt—” 
“This is what English teachers meant when they taught us poetic irony,” Lando laughed, all giddy and happy.
“Like you paid attention,” you grumbled, eyes narrowing on the boy before you turned back to the door. “Don’t answer it.” 
Oscar’s eyes widened. “I can’t not answer it.” 
“Yes, you can,” you said bluntly. “Just don't open the door.”
“He knows we are in here,” he hissed. 
“We don’t know that for sure.” 
“Even more reason not to open the door,” you said, pressing your lips together to hide the wince that you wanted to let out as Charles thumped on the door again. 
“Oh for fuck’s sake,” Max grumbled as he quickly stood up, ignoring your pleas to just pretend your brother didn’t exist. He reached the door, yanked it open and braced himself for the wrath of an angry Charles Leclerc.
Much to his surprise, the Monegasque barged straight past him and headed straight for Oscar instead. 
“You!” Charles gritted out through clenched teeth as he reached to grab Oscar’s collar, firsting the material in his hands. “What do you have to say to yourself?” 
Oscar’s eyes widened as Charles backed him into a wall. “What?!” 
“Marrying my sister in Vegas? What the fuck is wrong with you?” Charles continued. 
It didn’t take long for Lando to descend into a fit of giggles, practically on the floor if it weren’t for the fact Logan was keeping him on the bed. Somewhere still standing by the door, Arthur stood with an amused look on his face that only grew wider when he saw your confused and shocked expression too. 
“I didn’t marry your sister!” Oscar said to him, trying to push the boy away but he was latched on tightly. “I was literally in bed by nine!”
“Loser,” Logan grumbled under his breath.
Charles faltered, his eyebrows furrowing together. “What?”
“I wasn’t the guy to marry your sister,” Oscar repeated, finally managing to pull Charles’ hands off him. “I don’t think there is enough alcohol in the world for me to do that.”
“First Yuki and now him,” you scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest.
“If you didn’t marry her, then who did?” Charles questioned. 
It was almost comical how quickly everyone turned to look at Max, who was still standing by the door and looked like he was contemplating just dashing out the room.
“You,” Charles muttered out, his eyes narrowing on the Dutchman. 
“In my defence,” Max started as he gave the boy a smile, though it didn’t seem as confident as he was hoping it would be. “I didn’t know I married her either.”
“I am right here,” you huffed. “Jesus Christ.” 
“I am going to—” 
“Nothing. You’re going to do nothing,” you jumped in, taking a step so you were blocking his line of vision of Max. “It’s just a…phoney, fake marriage. It’s not that big of a deal, Charles. People will forget by next weekend anyways.”
“Uh,” Logan cleared his throat. “It’s actually very legal all over the US and in some other places—”
“Shut up, Logan.”
“Yes, ma’am.” 
Charles narrowed his eyes on you. “You’re not allowed to marry him.”
“I already did,” you pointed out with a sheepish expression. 
“I don’t care.” 
“Charles,” you stepped towards him, though the boy still looked like he was contemplating parading into the paddock with Max’s head on a stick. “Charlie, please. Don’t do something stupid because you’re annoyed.” 
“I want to cut his dick off,” Charles told you.
“I know.”
“And you can no longer have alcohol unsupervised.”
“That’s a tad dramatic.” 
“And no consummating the marriage.”
“That would be difficult to do if you cut off his dick anyways.”
“Can we stop talking about my dick?” Max chimed in with his hands locked in front of him, almost protectively.
Charles sighed. “But I promise I won’t kill either of you. Today.” 
You grinned as you reached towards your brother, wrapping your arms around his neck as you pulled him into a hug. “Thank you.”
“You should tell Maman before she finds out through the internet,” he murmured, pausing for a moment before continuing. “Maybe shower first. You stink of tequila.”
“That would be kinda hard to do considering Yuki is currently asleep in my bathtub,” you commented. 
Charles opened his mouth to reply but just shook his head. “I’m not even gonna ask.”
“Good, because I don’t have answers,” you murmured with your lips turned down. “And he’s really snappy when you try to get them from him.” 
Charles snorted. 
“So, that’s it?” Lando suddenly spoke up from behind you both. “God, that was not worth getting out of bed for. I expected more drama.”
“I’m still pissed at you,” you told the Brit, who just grinned. 
“I’ll send you the photos later, don’t you worry,” he said like he didn’t just hear the words that left your mouth. “Maybe one of them will inspire angry Charles again.”
“Please don’t,” Max grumbled. 
“It won’t be necessary because we are finding a divorce lawyer,” Charles stated simply, pressing a chaste kiss to the top of your head before he began making his way to the door, nodding for Arthur to follow him. “Both of you get dressed. We are leaving in an hour.”
Both you and Max gaped at the boy, but he didn’t notice. 
“And someone take one for the team and wake up Yuki. I vote Lando.” 
Lando frowned. “Woah, wait a second–”
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liked by landonorris, oscarpiastri and 133,728 others
yourusername call me mrs verstappen
view all 12,892 comments
oscarpiastri sometimes i wonder if you just enjoy pushing charles over the edge
yourusername yes
user WHAT
user it was real?????
user oh my god IT WAS MAX?
user someone sedate me
user this is some wattpad level stuff wtf the book tropes????
user i need to know how charles reacted when he found out
arthur_leclerc badly
maxverstappen1 i mean it was an accidental name but i guess it suits you
yourusername you like meeeee, admit it :)
maxverstappen1 i think i legally have to agree because you're my wife
yourusername damn don't sound too enthusiastic about it
user i just know charles lost years of his life over this
landonorris uh photo creds?
yourusername no
landonorris rude
charles_leclerc take this down
yourusername no
charles_leclerc you are a leclerc, not a verstappen
yourusername the marriage certificate says otherwise
charles_leclerc please stop reminding me
pascaleleclerc welcome to the family maxverstappen1
charles_leclerc MAMAN?????
maxverstappen1 thank you? i think?
pascaleleclerc dinner will be at 6 when you are back in monaco
maxverstappen1 yes ma'am
charles_leclerc MAMAN WHOSE SIDE ARE YOU ON????
6K notes · View notes
luna-andra · 3 months
You were stirring awake from feeling Geto's half-hard cock rutting against your thigh. You hum a moan as your own arousal has you becoming more aware of what was about to transpire. From the foot of the bed, you could feel a dip and a rustle beneath the duvet, a mouth leaving tender kisses at your ankles, your calves, knees, on the insides on your thighs until warm hands were prying them open to frame a pretty face. You wanted to whine in protest, but Gojo was being sweet for once.
"Relax, princess." Geto whispered in your ear, leaving goosebumps across your skin as he nibbled and nipped on your lobe. The velvet tone in his voice had your nipples budding beneath his shirt. "You had a long night pleasing us. Now we get to return the favor."
You couldn't stop the way your body squirmed as Gojo planted open-mouthed kisses against your sex. His pace was slow enough to let you enjoy this with your eyes still closed, but good enough to draw out a languid moan from your parted lips. That bruise on your lower lip was throbbing again from someone biting it too hard. It was hot in the moment. Wasn't going to be fun explaining that to everyone, though.
Geto turned your face to his direction with a finger on your chin, his kiss working in tandem while Gojo splits your folds open with his tongue. You gasp into Geto's open mouth, earning you a satisfied noise from his throat. "Tell me how good he feels, baby."
Gojo didn't get to eat your pussy last night, he was too busy fucking your mouth and spilling down your throat as he praised you for taking him like the slut you are. "He's so- hah, Toru's fucking good... French kissing m'pussy..."
Geto swiped his tongue against that aching spot on your lip. "Better than me?" He teased as a grin spread across his beautiful face. "You can tell me. I know how good his mouth feels. He knows his way around some cock as well."
You keened softly as Gojo's tongue speared inside you, his slack jaw growl commanding your body to quickly tighten with an oncoming orgasm. It felt impossible to be this responsive after how many times they got you to cum, they made a damn sport out of making you cream and spill on their cocks.
Geto reached for a handful of one of your breasts, teasing the pert bud poking through the shirt. How was he so good at this? You didn't like nipple stimulation that much, but the way he did it had your lashes fluttering. Gojo replaced his tongue with two long digits, pumping and curling in all the right ways. "That's it, baby." Geto encouraged. "Let Satoru have a taste, he's thirsty."
JJK Masterlist
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lizzieolseniskinda · 7 days
LOGAN HOWLETT - not a babysitter
x FEM!reader (POC!friendly)
(requests open)
SUMMARY: when reader goes out with her friends, she has one too many drinks
GENRE: fluff
CONTENT WARNING: english is not my first language, soft enemies to lovers-ish
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the evening had started off well, jean, scott, storm and you decided to take a rare night off from saving the world and head out to take a rare night off from saving the world and head out into the city for a drinks. jean insisted on dragging logan along, you disagreed with her idea. unsurprisingly logan also scoffed at the idea of ‘playing babysitter to a bunch of kids’.
so he stayed behind, probably sulking around the mansion that he couldn’t go to his favourite bar because you were there, basked in the noise and energy of the place.
hours had passed since you left. while jean and scott had started doing shots, and storm was handling her drinks like a champ, you might’ve had a few too many. okay, maybe more than a few. you leaned against the bar, eyes half-lidded, and grinning lazily at nothing in particular. talking to a man who was as equally as drunk as you, about how you barely had any time for yourself and that you felt so free right now.
jean spotted you talking to the stranger, and stepped in the middle of the conversation. “excuse us,” jean dragged you away to sit somewhere else. “she’s… a little out of it,” storm noticed and put her hand on your warm face. jean glanced at scott, who rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly.
“yeah,” he muttered. “we should probably get her back to the mansion,” jean replied.
scott was already calling logan.
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“can't you just call anyone else?” logan growled into the phone, his voice was low as he rested against the wall in his room. “it’s your night out, not mine.”
“because, logan,” scott’s voice crackled through the phone. he sounded exasperated as usual. “you’re the only person who is awake at this hour.”
logan groaned. “and you can’t call an uber because..?”
“well, because we’re in the middle of absolutely nowhere. no ubers are available out here, and the only taxi service said it’d take over an hour.”
“and, we were planning on staying a little longer but she’s too drunk for that,” scott begged.
logan pinched the bridge of his nose. as much as he wanted to pretend he didn’t give a damn about anyone at the mansion, you were different. that might be the reason what pisses him off so much.
you two had this strange tension, maybe it was because of your big mouth and how you’d call him out on his attitude. or maybe it was the way you were always so close to jean, scott and storm- so carefree with them while you constantly butted heads with him.
it got under his skin, and not in a good way.
but still, something about the thought of leaving you drunk and vulnerable didn’t sit right with him.
logan sighed. “fine, i’ll be there in twenty,” he grumbled.
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logan arrived at the bar in less than fifteen minutes, his scott’s car rumbling. he stepped inside, his eyes immediately spotted you slouched in the booth, laughing to yourself while jean and scott hovered nearby. storm, was leaning against the wall, observing everything with her usual calm, though her eyes flickered with concern.
logan strode over, hands stuffed in his jacket pocket. “alright, where is she?”
scott sighed in relief and motioned towards you. "right here. thanks, logan."
“yeah, yeah,” he rolled his eyes, bending down to scoop you up effortlessly. “why is it always me cleaning up after you people?”
“you’re just a sweetheart, logan,” storm smirked from her corner.
“don’t you start, storm.”
you giggled in his arms, clearly not fully aware of your surroundings. “logannn.. you smell like, pine trees and… grumpiness.”
he looked at you. “that’s cause you’re too drunk to smell anything else.”
you nuzzled closer, surprising him, your voice slurred. “you’re always so mean to me.”
“that’s because you’re a pain in my ass,” he retrieved, but his words lacked the usual bite they always had.
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you were half asleep in logan’s arms, when he carried you inside the mansion. he carefully set you down on your bed, pulling off your shoes with a surprising gentleness for someone who was usually so tough around the edges.
you stirred slightly, your eyes fluttering open as you blinked up at him. “you didn’t have to come for me, you know.”
hé grunted, crossing is arms as he leaned against your door. “yeah, apparently i’m the only one who’s got nothin’ better to do.”
you squinted your eyes at him, your drunken haze making your usual sharpness duller but still present. “you really don’t like me, huh?”
logan stared at you for a moment, “it’s not like that. you just… you get under my skin.”
curiosity replaced some of the fuzziness in your mind. “why?”
“because you’re always with them,” he admitted. “jean, scott, storm, hell even hank! it’s like you don’t need anyone else. you don’t need me.”
you blinked up at him, your heart unexpectedly fluttering. “logan,” you whispered, “i don’t just hang out with them ‘cause i don’t like you. i just thought… you didn’t care.
he ran a hand through his unruly hair, sighing. “maybe i care more than i let on.”
the air between you shifted, for a moment, the familiar tension still here but now mixed with something softer. vulnerability, understanding.
you sat up slightly, leaning against the headboard. "you know, you're not as bad as you think you are.”
there was a faint smile tugging at logans lips as he scoffed. "don't let anyone else hear you say that."
you let out a chuckle, and logan couldn't help but feel something loosen in his chest. you looked at him with something different in your eyes, something less hostile and more.. fond.
"stay?" you asked quietly, surprising yourself as much as him. logan hesitated a bit, then slowly nodded. he pulled up a chair beside your bed, settling in without a word. he wasn't good at being close to people, but for you, he might make an exception.
you gave him a smile as you drifted off to sleep, and logan watched you for a moment longer, feeling a strange warmth spread through him. maybe you weren't as bad as he'd convinced himself you were.
and maybe, just maybe, this wasn't the worst way to spend a night.
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678 notes · View notes
mysicklove · 1 year
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cw: sub! gojo, heavy edging and then heavy overstimulation, hand job, crying, lots of crying and withering, gojo being cute bc i love him
wc: 1.1k
a/n: wrote this in like 30 mins. good for me. and techically by my standards this is a fic, not a drabble bc its more than 1k. wooooah
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"Make it stop!" Gojo yelps, throwing his head back against the headboard, heaving as sweat drips down his temple. His lower half was naked, and he was wearing just a simple white t-shirt, now slightly sticking to his chest from the heat.
You pull back your hand, admiring the globs of precum on it. You bring it to your mouth, kitten licking it and groaning. "You really need to eat better Satoru. Taste so bad."
"Please," He breathes, eyes lidded and watery. You take another glance at his groin, his cock weeping against his stomach. It's flushed red, dripping pathetically, but other than that, cute.
He has been just one stroke from reaching his high a total of five times now. His body has grown tired, slumped against the headboard, and twitching occasionally.
You watch his hand grab your wrists, and you raise your eyebrows, intrigued by the action. He doesn't say anything, aware of your gaze but choosing to ignore it as he cups your hand into a makeshift hole and brings it back to his cock.
You chuckle at him, letting him do what he wants for a moment. He bucks his hips up into it, eyes slightly rolling back from the feeling. It glides down without much trouble, his precum from earlier lubing his entire length, and making a lewd sort of squelching noise.
He doesn't say anything because he knows he's moments from cumming. In fact, he doesn't even make eyecontact with you, trying to almost sneak by.
It was cute, pathetic and stupid, but cute. You pull your hand away when you see his body begin to curl over.
His mouth hangs open in a broken gasp and his hands twitch. He buries them into the sheets before he gets the idea of trying to touch himself. "Y-Y'know I love you, but I fucking hate you right now," He murmurs, blue eyes peering into yours with a wobbly grin.
You laugh at him, not suprised, and ruffle his already messy hair affectionately. Then you maneuver yourself onto his lap, straddling him. He peers up at you, slightly confused, but you just hum, pressing a soft kiss to his lips. His dick twitches at the attention, and he pants into your mouth.
Your soft hand comes back down to his cock, stroking the head a couple of time, watching the way his whole body seems to jerk and the breathy gasp he lets out. Suddenly, your pace is merciless, jerking him quickly and with full force. His eyes widen and his back slightly arches, his fingers digging into the sheets as he tries to process the intense sensation.
"Oh fuck. I'm gonna cum. F-Fuck! I'm cumming, I'm cumming, dont stop please!" He pleads, throwing his head back with a high-pitched, almost feminine moan. He stays true to his word, cum shoots out onto your hand and his stomach. You watch as your lovers abdomen contracts, and the way his whole body trembles under the force of the orgasm. It was an intense one, probably due to how many times he was edged.
Your hands dont stop moving through it all, and his body begins to jerk with the stinging sensation of overstimulation. "'m done," he whispers, hand reaching over to pull yours away.
You slap him away, continuing at the same pace, and he turns to you with frantic eyes, processing the situation. "N-No. No. No. No! I cant!" He pleads, tears welling up in his eyes as the sensation gets more and more painful.
You kiss away the first tear with a soft smile. "Yes you can! Cmon Satoru, all you wanted earlier was to cum. You can do it again!" You tease, kissing his neck when he looks up to the ceiling and begins to cry.
His whole body withers under you, jerking sporatically to escape your hand, and he begins to laugh. Its a mix of a giggle and a cry, sort of like someone was tickling him. He always did this when you overstimulated him, and it was always so endearing to watch. "S-Stop. Hurts. Hah! Oh fuck!"
You are stuggling to stay on top of him, his hips moving from side to side are threatening to knock you over. But you ground your knees into the sheets and use both hands to jerk him off. Wet squelching noises fill the air, mixed with his cries and helpless laughs.
But through it all, you just admire him. His pretty body that twitches and tries to escape your hold, his wet eyes that make the light blue color even brighter, the tear stained cheeks that are the prettiest red color. Everything about him was so pretty.
"I'm going to cum. No. Oh god! Too much. It's too sensitive! Im cumming. Im cumming again!" He rambles, unable to think coherent thoughts. The words just come spewling out of him, his head spinning.
Cum oozes from the tip, more pathetically this time, and he orgasms with a sob. His whole body seems to curl into himself, withering and trying to make himself as small as possible. The top of his head accidentally knocks into your chin, and you laugh, while he cries into your chest.
Your hands jerk him through it all, and the second he feels you going even a second longer after his high was over, his nails dig into your back and he pleads, "No more. Please, I'm begging. No more."
You obey his command, and let go of his cock, watching it fall back onto his stomach. You reach to grab the washcloth, wiping your hands and his stomach off. "Well that was fun."
"Fun?" He screeches dramatically, pulling himself away from your chest and using the back of arm to wipe away the excess tears. "You almost killed me!"
He goes under the sheets, pulling the blankets up to his neck with a pout. "Little dramatic much?"
"I'm not talking to you for the rest of the day," He threatens, falling limp against the pillow and staring at the ceiling.
A couple of minutes go by, and you hum to yourself, preparing for sleep. You listen to the sounds of Gojo tossing and turning in bed, glancing at him with amusement.
He turns to you, and narrows his eyes at you. "Do you think I can cum three times in a row?"
You pick up the lube. "You wanna find out?"
His smile falls in an instant, and he is waving his hands in front of his face. "Nope. Actually goodnight. I love you, dearest!"
You bark a laugh, and set the lube down, crawling into bed next to him. "Yeah, yeah, love you too, you kinky bastard."
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lilacs-stars · 2 months
moon + tides
this is part 1, read part 2 here! pairing: james hook x fem!reader (requested) SUMMARY: you, ariel's daughter, find yourself in a strange relationship with the one and only infamous pirate captain, who's absolutely obsessed with you GENRE: yandere, a bit of angst, some comforting fluff here and there, especially at the end CW: a few mentions of violence, someone walking a plank, mentions of drowning, some suggestive material, nothing too graphic though WC: 4.2k
A/N: this req was really fun to write! I might have gotten a bit carried away, heh...this part includes the backstory of how you two got together and the first part of the req, and the second part will include the rest of it. hope you guys enjoy reading this cause I definitely put some hard work into it lol. also please give me feedback and suggestions, I'd really like to know your thoughts!
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If you could go back, would you change what happened?
This is something that you often ask yourself. 
You think about that fateful day frequently. It was the summer before your first year at Merlin Academy. You had finally convinced your parents, the famed mermaid Ariel and her Prince Eric, to let you go for a swim unsupervised. Being half-mermaid, half-human allowed you to transform back and forth at will. And although life on land was pretty good, your heart always ached to go back to the sea, to feel the cold, salty water as it engulfs you. To race along the reefs, tail swishing back and forth, allowing you to reach speeds far past what your human form can do. To leisurely swim amongst the many species of fish and plants that created the world of the ocean. To go back home.
Your parents had already gone over the rules with you hundreds of time, to the point where you could recite each one of them word for word: “Don’t go past the boundaries,” “Don’t approach any animals you don’t know,” “Don’t go so deep where you can’t see any light,” “Come out at the first sign of bad weather,” and, most importantly, “Do not, under any circumstances, interact with any humans.”
Your mother may be renowned for rescuing a stranger from the unrelenting grasps of the sea—if she hadn’t, you wouldn’t even be here right now—but that was a very rare case. Far more often than not, mermaid interactions with humans out on the waters ended up in the mermaid being tortured, held hostage, or even killed.
You knew the rules by heart, and yet, maybe it was because of your young age, you still broke them. You weren’t really aware of your actions in the moment; one second, you were swimming alongside a pod of dolphins, racing against the currents. The next, you heard loud voices and realized that almost directly above you, yet still a good few dozen meters away, was some sort of ship.
You had ducked down next to a big sponge, peering up apprehensively. It was at that moment you realized that you were far outside of the boundaries set for you by your parents. You should have turned back, should have swam back home, but there was something about the ship, something that intrigued you so much it forced you to stay in place.
A few moments passed, and seeing as there was no commotion, you let your curiosity get the better of you. After all, that ship shouldn’t even have been out there. Slowly, you crept closer and closer to the surface, making sure to remain in the shadows. The noises were becoming clearer; you could make out people’s voices now. But they still weren’t sharp enough for you to understand what they were saying.
Finally, you took the risk and poked your head out of the water near the rear of the ship. The sight before you elicited a sharp gasp, and made you wish you had just gone back when you still had the chance. 
Extended from the side of the ship was a long, wooden plank. Standing on one side of it (the safe end), was a man, gagged, blindfolded, and bound. He looked to be no older than forty, with a scraggly beard and ripped clothes.
A pirate.
Another figure emerged, walking to the edge of the deck. Your reflexes caused you to duck down quickly, so only your eyes were barely above the water. This figure was much younger, with dark brown hair parted neatly and angular features twisted into a wicked smile. He donned a maroon blazer that covered a white shirt with an upturned collar. Something in his left hand shined brilliantly under the sun’s bright rays.
The younger figure laughed, but not in the way one would laugh at a funny joke. He unsheathed a cutlass from his side, using it to poke the back of the man on the plank. 
“You see, Mr. Jones? This is what happens when you cross the most feared pirate captain in all the lands!” the young figure roared as he yanked off the older man’s blindfold, revealing to him his fate. The fear and panic that spread across the man’s face has been forever etched into your mind, even to this day.
You heard the man beg and plea for mercy, watched as every move he made caused the plank to sway even more violently. The pirate captain simply laughed, his crew along with him. Finally, when you suppose he tired of hearing the man grovel, you watched in terror as the captain gave the man a good kick in the back, finally sending him over the edge.
Suddenly, it was like the world was spinning in slow motion. The man plummeting off the wooden platform, falling, falling, falling. His screams muffled by the cloth around his mouth. Then, all too soon, he made contact with the water with a loud splash. 
He sank quickly, devoured by the ocean’s waters within the blink of an eye. Your young, distraught face watched as a few bubbles rose to the surface. Then nothing. All that remained of the man’s existence, all there was to give proof that he had ever even been there, were a few ripples in the water.
That was it.
You were frozen in shock. How–what–why? Your brain could barely string together a comprehensive sentence. All you were sure of was the feeling inside you. You couldn’t quite put it into words, could barely even understand it. But it made your tail ache to move, made you feel as if you simply couldn’t stay in one place any longer.
You dove beneath the surface, frantically swimming towards the direction where you saw the man go under. You kept looking around, searching, but to no avail. You decided to dive deeper, swimming lower and lower until the water around you was near pitch-black. You were growing more and more panicked by the second, because every second you wasted was another second the man grew closer to death.
Finally, you caught a glimpse of movement out of the corner of your eye. Hope flaring, you darted towards it, the figure becoming clearer the closer you got.
It was him.
You reached out and grabbed him by the collar of his shirt to prevent him from sinking farther. His eyes were shut and he wasn’t breathing, but you could still hear a heartbeat. There was still time left.
Wrapping your arms around him, you started the difficult journey back to land. Thankfully, you knew of a small island not too far from here. Swimming with the added weight of a fully grown man was incredibly difficult, especially for a young mermaid, but you persisted. After all, this was his life on the line.
You swam as hard as fast as you could, and thankfully, by some blessing from the heavens, found a warm water current going the direction you were. You let it carry you, the rushing stream multiplying your efforts. Finally, after what seemed like hours but must have only been a couple of minutes, you reached the island.
Letting the wave wash you up on shore, you settled the man down on the soft sand the first chance you got. You rolled him to his front, which was quite the endeavor itself. His heartbeat had grown more shallow, but it was still there. There was still hope.
Using the skills your mother had taught you, you started to nurse the man back to health using your melodic voice. Ever since you were young, she had explained to you the gift bestowed upon mermaids, the power of healing through song. She taught you to sing before you could walk, and it was the one thing that you were sure you could do right.
As you sang your strange and melodious tune, it finally occurred to you that you were breaking the most sacred of rules. Not only were you interacting with a stranger, you were coaxing him back to life. Like mother, like daughter, you thought. I suppose healing strangers who were drowning at sea runs in my blood.
The only caveat to your healing powers is that it takes quite some time to have its full effects. You don’t know how long you sat on the beach, but it had been quite some time. You probably would have been there for much longer had it not been for the boom voice that sounded behind you, waking you from your trance of song.
“Well, I’ll be. If it isn’t a mermaid.”
You practically jumped out of your fins as you turned around, startled beyond words. There, towering above you, was the evil pirate captain you saw earlier. He was even younger than you had previously thought. In fact, he couldn’t be much older than you. You wondered for a fleeting moment how a kid like that could command an entire ship full of grown—and scary-looking—men, but decided you have bigger matters at hand to worry about.
A few members of his crew lurked behind the captain, and you could see a small lifeboat docked to the ground near the coastline. Further beyond that, his ship swayed in the ocean waves, dark against the bright horizon.
You followed the pirate’s gaze down to your tail, which was still out. You silently cursed yourself for forgetting to transform back into your human form, being too distracted by saving the man to pay attention to your own safety.
You wanted to yell at the cruel pirate for trying to kill this man. No matter who he was, what he had done, he didn’t deserve to die. At least not like that. But the words got caught in your throat, so while a war raged inside your mind, you were completely quiet on the outside, simply staring up at the man with wide doe eyes.
“You have a lovely voice,” the man said, with a tone that you wouldn’t quite imagine a killer using. He must have overheard me sing earlier, you thought to yourself. “Tell me, little mermaid, who taught you to sing?”
“M-my mother,” you replied weakly, your voice far more meager and small than you wanted it to be. You were still staring up at him, afraid of what he’d do to you.
“Your mother? Well, that’s quite interesting.” The captain raised his left hand to scratch at his chin, which is when you realized that it wasn’t a hand at all. Instead of a hand was a curved metal hook, with a sharp point gleaming at the end. So that must be the shiny thing I saw earlier, you thought.
“Oh, where are my manners?” laughed the pirate abruptly. “My name is Captain James Hook, leader of the Jolly Roger. And you are?”
You blinked, almost forgetting your own name. If it were a less tense moment than this, you would have laughed at the fact that his name is rather befitting for him. “Y/N,” you respond.
“Y/N…Now, where have I heard that name before?” He tapped his chin with his hook again.
“Sir, that’s the name of Princess Ariel’s daughter,” one of the big, meaty pirates behind him answered in a gruff voice.
“That’s right!” Hook exclaimed. “You’re the mermaid’s daughter. You know, rumor has it you’ll be joining me at Merlin’s Academy in the fall, is that right?”
For some reason, your voice seemed to not work anymore, so you settled for nodding. Join him? you pondered. You didn’t know that he was also a student at the school you were planning to attend.
Hook started pacing along the beach, arms crossed with his hooked hand extended, deep in thought. You watched him, fear growing by the second. A sly smirk spread across his face, which only served to fuel the flames of your worry. 
“You know, you directly defied my command by saving that man,” he started. Slowly. Deliberately. Choosing every word precisely and carefully, like a shark circling its prey. “Do you even know why I made him walk the plank?” You shook your head no, the panic in you reaching record heights.
“That man”—he vaguely gestures towards the unconscious body laying on the beach with his hook—“stole an entire week’s worth of rations from my ship. An entire week’s worth of food and rum for an entire crew. Had he gotten away with it, we likely would have starved to death out at sea. Does he seem so innocent now, little mermaid? So worth saving?”
Again, you shook your head no. Although you agreed he definitely wasn’t an innocent man, you still didn’t see making him walk the plank a justifiable punishment. Despite your thoughts, you kept your mouth shut. Angering the captain further was not going to do you any good.
“Now, if anyone else had done something like this, I wouldn’t hesitate to cut their head right off,” Hook said menacingly, and with a swish, unsheathed his sword once again. You flinched—hard—and scrambled to back away from him. 
Hook took note of this, and, sheathing his sword, crouched down to get on the same level as you. “But don’t worry, little mermaid. I won’t hurt you. You see, you’ve piqued my interest. Plus, it would do me no favors to have a little girl’s blood on my hands.”
You let out a breath you hadn’t even realized you were holding. So he’s not going to kill me, right?
“But, alas, you can’t leave unpunished, now, can you?” he added. Your eyes grew impossibly wider, your entire body shaking in fear. This was it. He was going to kill you, or do something equally worse.
“I demand”—you already felt a tear slip down your cheek—“that you write to me for the remainder of the summer.”
Wait, what?
“W-write?” you asked in disbelief. “As in…”
“Letters,” Hook finished for you. “Write me letters. I’ll give you the mailing address of the Jolly Roger. Write me everyday, and I’ll promise I’ll write you back whenever we dock. How does that sound?”
“O-okay,” you reply, still taken aback by the peculiar, and far more lenient than you’d expected, request. That was all you had to do? Write letters? As punishment for saving the life of someone he’d ordered to die? You must be dreaming.
“Oh, and,” Hook said, voice lowered as he leaned in close to you, until he was just a hair’s breadth away from your ear. You could feel his warm breath on your skin, his alluring scent of salty winds and something richer, deeper, filling your lungs. “I look forward to seeing you in the fall. Don’t forget me, my little mermaid.”
With that, he stood up, smoothing out the lines on his pants. “You wouldn’t happen to need a ride back home, would you, love?”
You shook your head no, too terrified of him changing his mind to spend another moment in his presence. You glanced back at the man lying behind you, still unconscious. “W-what about him? What will you do with him?” you managed to choke out, somehow finding your voice again.
Hook pondered this for a long minute, before finally answering, “He can live.” You let out a shaky breath. “But only because of you, little mermaid. And only this time. You go against my wishes again, and trust me, your punishment will be far more severe.”
And with that, he went back to his ship and sailed away.
You still muse about that day, thinking how different things would have been if you had changed just one little thing.
You kept your promise of writing him letters, too afraid to know what would happen when you had to inevitably face him in the fall to break it. At first, they started out simple. Ordinary recounts of your day, your favorite things, what you liked to do. As the weeks passed, you started writing more personal letters. How you felt about certain things or certain people, including your parents. You never spoke a word of that fateful day to them, knowing that you’d be grounded for life and forbidden from swimming ever again if they caught even a whiff of the danger you had put yourself in. 
Hook kept his promise, too. He wrote you back, although it was far less frequent than your letters. Even though he kept his responses short and concise, you always ended up hearing his voice in your head as you read his notes. You soon found yourself checking your mailbox daily, even getting to know the mailman rather well. The rush of dopamine you got every time you opened it to find a letter awaiting you was unmatched; you would always run upstairs to your room, lock the door, and pour over the note. Reading every line, every word over and over again, committing them to memory. 
You don’t know why you enjoyed these little letters so much. Maybe it was the thrill of having a secret that no one else knew of, or the absence of your usual loneliness every time you were reminded that somewhere out there, across the seas, was someone awaiting your letters, reading them, and writing back to you. Whatever it was, your heart started to form an emotional attachment to him without you even realizing it. 
Unbeknownst to you, that had been his exact plan all along.
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It’s safe to say that once you started school at Merlin Academy, Hook’s—or James’s, as he insisted on you calling him—grip on you only grew. Things started out pretty normal: light conversations in class and stolen looks exchanged across the hall, mostly initiated by him. After the first few weeks passed, things between you two only grew. Secret meetings during lunch hours, rendezvous after school, and small gifts exchanged between the two of you. From there, it became brushing your hands together whenever you passed by each other, soft pecks on the cheek or forehead where there were prying eyes, and more passionate kisses when the two of you finally found time to be alone.
Truth be told, you don’t really know what you two are now. Normally, you would consider two people that partake in such actions to be courting, and you kind of assume you are. But James has never said anything about a relationship to you, and in all honesty, you’re too afraid to ask him. You feel terribly confused at his intentions towards you; on the one hand, he approaches you every day without fail, even if you try to ignore him or when your schedules don’t match up. Somehow, he always finds a way. On the other hand, he never asked you to be his lover, never even vaguely mentioned anything of the sorts. So, you decided, with a heavy heart, to not be too confident and consider yourself his partner. And unfortunately, that meant that he wasn’t yours, either.
Really, you never meant to grow so involved with the bastard pirate that threatened to kill you on the beach that day. But for some strange reason, instead of treating you coldly like he did everyone else, especially the other hero kids, he was softer with you. Considerate, even. You had half-expected him to want nothing to do with you after your first few interactions, but he kept seeking you out. You often opened your locker to a note inside, or entered your dorm to find a letter slipped beneath the door.
Today was one of those days. You had gotten a note telling you to wait for him in your usual place in the evening, after classes. So here you are, waiting, staring at the water fountain in the courtyard. You’ve always been transfixed by the way the water spurts out the center and splashes all around. It seems that whenever you’re alone with your thoughts, they always end up back to that fateful day you met James, and everything that’s happened since.
“Wait for me long, my little mermaid?” a deep voice whispers in your ear from behind. You jump only a little, far more used to James sneaking up on you now than you used to be. For some reason, it seems he loves to startle you by wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you in close from behind, or speaking softly in your ear.
You twirl around, a delighted expression on your face, although you try to mask it with a feigned annoyance. “And if I say I did?”
“Well then, I’d have to find a way to make it up to you then, wouldn’t I, darling?” he purrs, using his hook to spin you around in his arms so you’re face-to-face. His lips make his way to yours, pulling you in for a slow, sensual kiss. You wrap your arms around his neck, bringing his head closer to yours, not able to get enough of his touch. 
The feeling of his skin against yours ignites something in you, and you find your mouth opening to give him more access as a soft whimper escapes your lips. One hand reaches into his hair, tugging at it gently from the base of his head, while the other one trails down the front of his shirt.
James leans into you even further, your bodies flush against each other now, as he deepens the kiss. You find yourself leaning against the edge of the water fountain, the cool sprinkles providing a welcomed contrast to your heating-up bodies.
Once you’ve completely lost your breath, you pull away just slightly, a love-drunk smile on your face. “You had a request for me?” you whisper, panting, eyes full of adoration for the man you were interlocked with. 
James breaks into a grin. A genuine one, not one of the smirks he flashes to uphold his patented suave demeanor. “Ah, yes, how could I forget, my love?”
He pulls further away to give you two enough room to breathe, yet keeping his good hand on the small of your back. “I was reminded today that it's been quite some time since I’ve heard your voice, my little mermaid.”
You give a little smile, deciding to mess with him a bit. “Whatever do you mean? You hear my voice every day. I mean, you’re even hearing it right now.”
James cocks his head to the side and raises a single eyebrow, clearly aware of your antics. “Your other voice, love.”
You giggle. “Fine, all right. Only for you,” you say, giving him a peck on the nose. 
You sit down on the ledge of the fountain, turning back to stare at the water again. Although it has been a long time since you stretched your tail and went for a swim, simply seeing the rushing water soothes you. It isn’t quite like being immersed in it, but it still gives you some semblance of comfort. 
You reach into the pool at the bottom, letting the cool water rush along your fingertips as you inhale a deep breath. Through your mermaid abilities, your voice twists into an otherworldly song, filling the space with a mellifluous sound. 
James takes a place on the ledge next to you, reaching into the water to hold your submerged hand. You don’t really feel it, too transfixed on the rushing waves. You don’t see the way James gazes at you, like you’re his entire world. The softness, the tenderness in his eyes, which he reserves for you only. He looks at you not as if you’re his sun, something too bright to ever stare directly at, something violent and explosive and harmful, but as if you’re his moon. 
As if you’re the figure he watches every night before he closes his eyes, and the one he wishes to see again when he wakes up. As if you’re the only thing he notices every time the darkness envelops him, your presence never falling off the pedestal he places it on in his mind. Never losing its worth. He looks at you, your soft glow and mesmerizing shimmer, as if you’re the only thing filling up the night sky. The stars and constellations pale in comparison to you, especially on your best nights, when you shine so magnificently. 
You are the moon, and he is the tide of the ocean, constantly being pulled in by you. Never being able to escape the grasp you have on him, the grasp you are so blissfully unaware of. He stares at you in awe and wonder, bathing in your gorgeous light, so close yet always so far away. Sitting all alone against the dark backdrop of the evening sky, waiting for him to come back to you. And without reason, you always disappear. Always leaving him wanting more, waiting till the moment he can bathe in your presence again. 
As you sing, the tide gets pulled in by the gravity of the moon. Your lyrical voice bounces off the stone walls, surrounding you both, just as the moonlight surrounds the waves on that mystical night. 
But the moonlight is only a reflection of the sun’s glow, is it not? When daylight comes, the moon will pull away from the waves, its absence in the sky all but forgotten in the sun’s presence. And as dawn breaks, so too will the pull between the moon and ocean. 
on to part 2! ->
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AN: I don't write nearly enough for Felix. Luckily, that SKZCode lab episode planted this idea in my head, and it's taken a viciously hold on me. Also, just to be super clear, despite Reader being a year old experiment, she's very much an adult. She came into the world that way. Also also, I edited this while sleepy so, hopefully it's coherent lol.
Synopsis: Your first heat hits you unexpectedly and violently one day. Thankfully, your favourite person pays you a visit in an attempt to comfort you through it. However, you both severely underestimate just how much your heat affects you. Especially around him.
General tags and warnings: Lee Felix x Fem! Reader, Scientist! Felix, Cat hybrid! Reader, lots of unethical research, Reader is an experiment, Felix tries his best to humanise Reader, doesn't really apply here but, since Reader is an experiment and Felix is a scientist there is the potential for a power imbalance, Reader is in heat, Reader is manipulative and maybe in love with Felix and not much plot.
Smut tags and warnings: heavy dubcon, mentions of masturbation and exploration of sexuality, virgin! Reader, kind of sort of fingering (f. receiving), humping/grinding, over the clothes touching, scent kink of sorts, clothes being ripped, nipple play (m. receiving), Reader takes charge a lot throughout this, little to no foreplay for Reader and a very unrealistic first time, piv sex without a condom, marking and clawing (m. receiving), biting (m. receiving), one mention of blood, possessiveness from Reader, dirty talk, praise and creampie.
Word count: 3.8k.
I will block you if you are a minor and/or have no easily visible indication of your age on your blog if you interact with me in any way.
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Everything burns. 
Your blankets are a crumpled mess on your floor because you're certain you'll shred them into pieces with your claws if they so much as touch your overheated body right now. The persistent buzz of the air conditioner brings you no comfort. Sweat dots your forehead and you'd take off the oversized shirt that clings to your body within an instant if Doctor Bang, red faced and avoiding your frustrated gaze, hadn't insisted on some sense of propriety. Aren't these men supposed to be doctors? Trained medical professionals? Have they never seen a naked body before? He's lucky that he's the only one out of the three older men that you can somewhat stomach because if Doctor Lee or Doctor Seo had suggested you cover yourself, you would have hissed and clawed at them. 
A frustrated noise builds from the back of your throat when you can feel your sheets starting to grow damp underneath you. You've already had to change them five times in the past two days and, you feel like you're losing your mind. Actually, you just might be. Worse than the burning that emanates through your entire body and the non-stop sweat that clings to your skin no matter how many ice-cold showers you take, is the perpetual ache between your thighs. You're not stupid. This lab may be all that you've known for the entire year of your life but, you have basic instincts and common sense. Coupled with all of the sessions you're forced to sit through with Doctor Bang in an attempt to understand you and aid you in understanding yourself, you're more than aware you're aroused right now. Or ‘wet’ as Doctor Lee and Doctor Seo put it, much to the dismay of the older of the three. 
You just don't understand why. 
In the rare moments that you've wondered about your sexuality and sex in these sterile walls, it's rarely gone beyond a few curious pokes and prods at yourself. It's mostly been a neutral experience and you didn't derive much pleasure out of it. You're sure your limited knowledge and experience on the matter has hindered your ability to enjoy masturbation much but, it's not as though the four men will just give you the material or knowledge to help pleasure yourself. You're not even sure you care all that much.
Except for when you do. Thinking back to quiet nights where the silence and loneliness of the lab was too much for your mind to handle and masturbation crossed it as a hope for distraction. A brief escape from the life you've been forced to endure. So, you tried it. Flashes of a kind smile and blonde hair making your stomach twist in a way that wasn't unpleasant, just unfamiliar. Full lips and memories of a deep voice causing arousal to trickle onto your inexperienced fingers. You'd even managed to make yourself orgasm once. It was one of the few sincerely pleasant moments you've had. 
The rest centred around him too. 
“–she's deep in heat right now, Lix.” You recognise the voice as that of Doctor Bang. Your ears twitch atop your head in interest at the conversation he's having with the only doctor you've grown fond of. You're always grateful for your hearing abilities in moments like these. 
“We can't just keep her in the dark,” Felix argues and your heart hammers loudly in your chest. Electricity zipping through you just at the sound of his voice and the knowledge that he's just beyond your bedroom door. The throbbing between your thighs worsens. 
“I know,” Doctor Bang sighs, “but, we won't be getting a shipment of suppressants until three days from now. We're just going to have to wait it out.” 
“We?” Comes Felix's incredulous reply, “We're not the ones suffering right now. I went to visit her last night Chris,” your eyes widen at the confession, “She was burning up and covered in sweat and, she's only had to deal with two days of it. You know it's not fair to her.” 
“What do you want us to do, Felix?” The older man argues, his voice heavy with frustration. 
“Treat her like a fucking person,” the younger man argues just as frustrated, “Tell her what's going on. We know she's incredibly smart. Maybe she has some biological way to make herself feel better that we haven't thought about or explored.” 
Silence stretches between the two for a few, long moments. 
“I don't think that's a good idea,” comes Doctor Bang's resigned reply, “Look Lix, I know that you care about her and the two of you have always been close. Too close for what could be considered appropriate,” you snort at that. Now he cares about ethics and what's appropriate? How funny. “But, Minho, Changbin and I care about her too. She's not just some experiment to us,” you find that hard to believe, “We just know when it's appropriate to step back and keep our distance. This is one of those times. We're going to try and help her through it as best as we can but, we're going to wait for the suppressants then feed them to her. That's it. End of discussion.” The sounds of footsteps echoing through the hallway are all that accompany his words. 
Well, at least you finally know what's wrong with you. You're in heat. Something they've apparently known you're capable of experiencing and have been suppressing since you gained consciousness. The fact that they're so blasé about letting you suffer in your room and wait days until you're able to find any kind of reprieve boils your blood in a way that has nothing to do with your biology. Yeah, so much for caring about you. You haven't even seen Doctor Seo and Doctor Lee since your symptoms first started. You don't even notice your claws prodding in your anger. You should have attempted to escape on those rare trips Felix had taken you outside of the lab. Consequences be damned. At least you'd have a shot at a normal life. You should have never let his warm eyes and compassion keep you coming back to this hellhole. 
Your furious, internal tirade is interrupted by your door sliding open. You don't have to turn around to know that it's Felix. His scent always betrays him before anything else. The familiar mix of bamboo and vanilla hit your senses. However, unlike the other times you'd bask in his scent, now it worsens the thundering of your heart and you notice the slick between your thighs increasing. 
“Hey,” he says gently, shutting the door behind him. All you can think to do is stare at your wall wide eyed as his scent grows closer with every step he takes towards your bed. Saliva begins to pool in your mouth just at the smell of him and the soft timber of his voice adds to the pit forming in your stomach. Your hands desperately grabbing at your arms in an attempt to calm you down. It's just Felix.  
“I just wanted to check up on you,” he adds when his greeting is met with silence. You have to fight extremely hard to not let your tail move wildly and to keep your claws retracted when he sits down on the edge of your bed. Fuck. He's so close now and his scent is overwhelming. The smell that used to bring you comfort now puts you on edge. A feeling that you've only felt sparks of now sets your entire body alight and the ache between your thighs starts to become unbearable. He needs to leave before your heat causes you to do something very, very stupid. 
“I know you've been struggling a lot lately,” the apologetic tone to his voice melts your heart and your impulses yell at you to crawl into his lap and nuzzle at him until he no longer sounds upset, “I'm sorry. We should have told you this when it started but, you're in heat. That's what's causing you to feel this way,” he explains, as though you hadn't overheard (more like intentionally listened in on) his conversation with Doctor Bang. 
“I know you're probably mad at us, at me,” you want to tell him no, you could never be mad at him but, you're afraid that if you speak now, you'll say something you can't take back, “I'm truly sorry. The suppressants will be here in a few days. Till then though, I'm here for you,” he says softly, laying a hand gently on your arm in what you assume is an act of comfort but, it has the complete opposite effect. 
Your blood turns molten in your veins and the fog that's been on the edges of your mind swallows it whole. All you can think about is getting your hands on him. Touching him. Feeling him. Mating with him. You've never felt more animal than human. 
One of the major perks of being a cat hybrid, you've come to learn, is your quick movements. Before Felix can process it, you're sitting up and pressed to his side within an instant. The confusion and concern on his handsome face is so endearing. He's so cute. You just want to devour him. 
“Felix,” your voice sounds near unrecognisable to even your own ears, “I want you to help me with my heat,” you practically purr into his shoulder. Grasping his arm and delighting in the pretty flush that spreads across his face. The ache of your canines extending doesn't bother you in the slightest. Your mind focused on nothing else but, the man that's been your lifeline for the past year. 
“I–I um I ca–can't do that,” he explains, his voice sounding strained. His attempt to pull his arm away proves to be futile. Not that he was trying particularly hard anyway. “But, Lix,” you whine, pushing your body closer to his, your breasts pressing against his arm, “Didn't you say you'd help me?” 
The way he attempts to stammer out a reply just makes him so much cuter to you. Nothing but, instinct driving you to press yourself even closer to him. Delighting in the shudder you feel run through his body when your breath hits his exposed neck. “Don't you want to help me, Felix?” You ask with a desperate edge to your hoarse voice, one of your hands travelling down the span of his lab coat until you reach his soft hand. Moving it until it's between your slick covered, inner thighs, “It hurts, Lix.” 
Felix, for his part, looks absolutely shell-shocked. Warm, panicked brown eyes staring at you unblinkingly but, he doesn't move his hand. Not even when your own is no longer holding it. Your body moves on its own. Hips chasing the brush that his fingers offer. Your lashes fluttering at the pleasure courses through you. You feel so sensitive, even his barely there touch is enough to cause you to gush further onto his fingers. 
And Felix watches it all. Watches the way you clumsily try to hump his fingers. Watches the minute expressions of relief and desire and frustration that all cross your beautiful face. Watches the way your canines sink into your bottom lip. Feels the way your sharp claws dig into his lap coat. He doesn't miss a thing. 
Impulse and maybe a fraction of ration desire push you to tug on his button up shirt and kiss him. You're moving completely on what feels natural and what you've seen a couple of movies he's watched with you. It takes him a second to kiss you back. Tentatively following the movements of your lips and guiding you in more comfortable and enjoyable directions. You swallow his stuttered groan greedily when your tongue invades his mouth. Searching for more of him to explore. To taste. To burn into your memory. 
As nice as it feels to kiss him like you've thought about far too many times in the silence of your room and, use his fingers and hand to help satiate the persistent ache that sits in the pit of your stomach, it still all isn't enough. Not even close. This time, you moan into his mouth when one of your hands snakes its way down the front of his body until it comes to rest on his lap. A particularly painful throb coming from the apex of your thighs when you feel how hard he is beneath your touch. 
“So you do want this just as much as I do,” you sigh dreamily against his lips, sparks of desire shooting through your entire body with every palm of your hand over his clothed cock. All of his adorable, little noises making your walls clench. You don't think you've ever felt pain like this in your entire, short life. Saliva pools in your mouth as his scent wafts to you. Much heavier and headier than earlier. Beneath the anxiety and fear, the arousal makes its presence known clear as day. 
“W–Wait, I–” Whatever he was going to say is cut short by you shoving him onto your bed. His wide eyes, pupils blown out and completely swallowing his irises, meeting your lidded ones as he watches you straddle his slender hips. You've always thought he was a good-looking man but, he looks even better like this, underneath you. 
Your eyes practically roll into the back of your head when you press down on him. Your drenched folds coming in contact with the evident bulge in his dress pants. Resting your palms on his stomach, you start to move. Chasing the friction against your clit desperately. Not caring all about the mess you're making of his pants. Your eyes focused on watching the way he tries very, very hard not to lose himself in the way you grind against him. His hands clenching and unclenching at his sides as he lays there and let's you use him. 
Fuck. What a cutie. 
His eyes shoot to your face when you use your claws to rip his blue button up open. While the colour looks absolutely lovely on him, you much prefer the sight of his bare chest. Your tongue running over your teeth at all the skin that you now have access to. 
“He–Hey, I think we should calm d–down a bit and–” Felix tries to interject, the drop in octave of his voice doesn't go unnoticed by you. You disregard his words easily. Leaning down to shut him up with your mouth while your hands busy themselves with exploring his chest. Your canines nipping his bottom lip when he gasps into you while you trace his nipples with your claws. Sensitive too. Perfect. 
“Why stop when I can feel how hard you are for me, Lixie?” You whisper against his full lips, fingers tracing random patterns into his nipples. His hips jutting up to meet your drenched core every time you touch him a little too harshly or drag yourself along his entire length. 
“Don't you want to just give in?” You ask, meeting his blown out eyes as your hands move their way along his lithe body until they reach his belt buckle. 
“I–I–” he stutters out when you sit back up so you can gain a better view of his frustrating belt. He must see you preparing to rip his pants off too because he stops you immediately, “I–It's okay, I got um it,” he quickly responds. You shift down him a little to provide him with space to unbuckle his belt. Fortunately, he doesn't take too long. You're sure your impatience is rolling off of you in waves. 
Much to your surprise given how bashful he's been, he tugs his pants and boxers down in one go. His hard, pre-cum covered cock slapping against his stomach in his rush, his eyes pointedly looking at everywhere but, you. 
It's one thing to feel him, it's a whole different matter entirely to have his cock right there, ready for the taking. And take, you do. It's adorable how red his face is and the way he sneaks glances at you shyly when you shift back up his body until your dripping pussy is hovering over his twitching cock. Your shirt sticks to your damp body uncomfortably and, the reminder that you're still wearing it is an unwelcome one. So, you simply tug it off. Exposing yourself freely and readily to his shy eyes. 
Not that he's all that shy when you're bare for him to fully drink in. Bruised lips parting as he watches you grasp his cock with an impatient hand and align it with your dripping hole. He doesn't stop you when you begin to sink down onto him. Strained whimpers falling from his pretty mouth with every inch you eagerly swallow. The stretch only stings a little. The sensation of his scorching cock dragging along your walls more than makes up for it. It's your turn to moan once he's fully sheathed inside of you. Your clumsy attempts with your fingers don't hold a candle to this. 
The way Felix chokes on your name when you start to move will forever be etched into your memory. The pleasure clear as day on his face spurs you along with the desire to feel him inside of you for as long as you can. To make love with him in this awful place that only he gave any semblance of meaning to. To mate with him. 
You lose yourself in the way his cock feels easily. Fluttering lashes threatening to shut every time he hits a spot inside of you that makes your pace falter and your claws dig into his soft stomach. The faint, pink lines that decorate his skin cause you to preen. They look gorgeous on his skin. They look like they belong there. Like they were meant to be there. Based on the way his hooded eyes switch from watching the expressions your face morphs into, the way your breasts bounce with every movement on his cock and the way you swallow as much of him as you can, you don't think he minds or cares all that much. 
Your skin grows impossibly hotter when his hands touch you. He's careful. Watching for any discomfort but, there's none to be found. If anything, you revel in the gentle hold his hands take of your hips. Not controlling your movements but just enjoying touching you while you bounce on his cock. 
You might actually love him. 
The thought prompts you to lean down and smash your lips to his once more. The metallic tang of blood lets you know that you nipped him too hard but he doesn't care all that much. Letting you take everything you need from him right now while he lets you. You can feel the way he throbs inside of you. He tries to stop himself but, you notice the way his hips sometimes jerk up to meet you, to move with you. And the knowledge that, on some level, he wants you just as much as you want him sends you into overdrive. 
His sharp inhale echoes through your room when you sink your canines into his neck. The punctures aren't deep but, they're more than enough to satisfy you. You're not sure why or how you knew to do that but, instinct has been your driving force all night and you're going to continue to trust it. 
“We're mated now,” you sigh, thumbing his flushed cheek. 
He just looks up at you for a moment, attempting to digest your words before responding, “Mate–Mated?” 
“Mmm,” you hum in confirmation, purring when you notice the way his twitches like crazy inside of you, “You're my mate now, and I'm yours,” you explain breathlessly. A tension you're barely familiar with building in the pit of your gut that you chase. 
“But we fuck can't–” his sentence is cut off by the drawn out moans from the depths of his chest, his eyes rolling into the back of his head when you pick up your pace. He looks so attractive like this. A bruise already forming on his neck and his chest littered with faint marks from your claws. He's gorgeous. 
“I'm ah cl–close,” he gasps out, his glazed eyes meeting yours and his hands desperately gripping your hips, “You need to shit st–stop,” he manages to stutter out. You think it's amusing that he thinks you're going to stop now. Especially when you're just about to get what you want. Leaning down to his ear, you whisper, “Why, Lixie? You look so cute like this. Why would I ever want to stop?” You smile when you hear the way he whimpers and his cock pulses harder inside of you, “Don't you want to cum inside me?” His hold on you grows tighter, “I want you to. I want you to cum inside me until it's spilling out of me,” you emphasise your point by intentionally clenching around him, “For days.” 
That's all it takes for him to break. His cock throbbing as he shoots his cum into the deepest part of you. A mix of his whimpers and strangled moans of your name tickle your ears as his cum fills your eagerly awaiting pussy. Your tail swishes in glee and your ears twitch in happiness. Your own orgasm creeping up on you when you feel the last of his cum spill into you. Truly, the late nights alone in your bed could never compare to this. To him. Your first orgasm could never hold a candle to this. Your entire body is riddled with quivers and shakes, your wetness gushing onto Felix's softening cock. Your thighs are sticky with cum and you're drenched in sweat but, you've never been more at peace. 
For some time, your shared laboured breathing is the only sound in your room. Fondness bubbles up inside of you when you glance at his flushed, sweaty face. His golden hair sticking to his forehead while he takes some time to come back to himself. Your fingers move before you can even think about it. The fog retreating slightly while you play with his hair and enjoy the simple pleasure of watching him while your combined releases trickle out of you. Much to your displeasure.  
You smile at him when he finally blinks his eyes open to meet yours. Your fingers ghosting over his mate mark as something primal and affectionate simmers in the pit of your stomach. He really is yours now. Your tail wraps around his leg without you even noticing. 
The smile he gives you is small but, it's still one of his smiles and the way your heart hammers in your chest lets you know he really was meant to be your mate. 
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Stray Kids Masterlist | Ko-Fi
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quimichi · 18 days
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Kinich lets his eyes drift from the Yumkasaurs to your face. He watches you as you watch them, mesmerized all over again.  This seems to be a habit with you— becoming enraptured with the most mundane things. It is almost endearing.
He glances to the side as a butterfly lands on a nearby branch, wondering idly how many days would pass before you noticed its presence. Kinich can't help himself, not really, and slowly, quietly, he moves closer to you. He shifts closer to sit by your side, watching your face as the Yumkasaurs hop around in the small clearing.
Kinich lets out a small sigh of resignation as he sits down next to you. "You are aware," he starts, "that they won't do anything other than jump for… probably the rest of the afternoon?" "Cute..." you mutter, you're amazed by them every time, they feel surreal. Kinich lets out a dry laugh as his eyes watch the Yumkasaurs.
"Of course you would think they're cute," he says, tone light with amusement as he continues to watch the creatures. "They're just hopping." He deadpans. As though to prove his point, one of the Yumkasaurs trips over its own paws and falls flat on its side. It stays there for a moment before it rolls over onto its back and blinks at the two of you with those wide-eyed stares of theirs. Kinich stares at it, amused. "...you're not going to say it's adorable are you?" Kinich asks, glancing down to look at you beside him.
"Please tell me you're not going to tell me it's adorable because it's on its back," he says, his tone just as dry as it was before.
"Kiniiiich, please! I wanna have one!" you say excitedly as you shake him. Kinich sighs, watching as you shake his arm. "Of course you want one," he mutters. "You want every creature you see."
He tries to look stern, staring at you with a frown, but the corners of his lips are fighting off a smile he's trying to suppress. He sighs again, the smile on his face slowly becoming more obvious as he watches you. You're staring at him now, eyes wide and hopeful.
"You can have one."
He says it as a compromise, though he knows you'll have an entire swarm of the things before the day is out. His words bring a bright smile to your face, and he lets you drag him to his feet as you start toward the one Yumkasaur still lying on its back on the grass. "One," he says again. "One." He emphasizes the word, knowing you are likely to ignore him.
The smallest of the group had been left behind while its companions had escaped into the brush. It's lying on its back, legs wiggling awkwardly. The two of you watch it in silence for a moment, before eventually Kinich lets out a heavy sigh and goes to scoop it up.
"Does it...have a mother?" you carefully ask, surely they didn't left it behind...right? The Yumkasaur makes a small noise as Kinich holds it against his chest. It curls into him, seeking out his body heat. He turns his gaze to look around, checking to see if he can spot any sign of its mother nearby.
"No," he says, shaking his head slowly. "It's probably been abandoned. "From the corner of his eye, Kinich notices you watching the Yumkbasaur, a small smile playing on your lips. He lets out a little sigh, knowing that this is a fight he won't win.
"If you're going to take it with you," he says, shifting it in his arms to get a better hold of it, "at least give it a name. I am not calling it 'the Yumkasaur' for the rest of its life."
"I'll name it...."
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charliemwrites · 10 months
Part 5 of Obsessive!johnny
(CW: extremely dubious consent; I’d go so far as to say straight non-con. No violence. Please be safe, beans! 💕)
It’s your own fault - or no. That’s a dangerous way of thinking it not your fault. But you got complacent. Got desensitized to that looming sense of danger, the threat hiding in the shadow of his eyes. That little voice in the back of your head became background noise, not the guide it used to be.
All it took was a slip of your carefully crafted mask understanding Johnny’s “love” for you. Just one careless comment, a tone too honest.
You don’t even remember what you said now. Just that the feverish light in his eyes changed instantly. Like a shift in sunlight through colored glass. What frightened you was how his expression changed, shut down hard. His jaw tensing, brows going deceptively smooth.
“Is all this not enough for you?” he asks, taking big, measured steps towards you.
You start backing up, heart tripping over itself. “That’s not-“
“How many ways do you need me to prove it, hm?” he asks. “I’ve apologized a hundred times, bonnie, haven’t I? Is that not enough for you? I’m still not worth it to you?”
You put your hands up, all your carefully crafted and scripted responses fleeing in the face of this new, unfamiliar Johnny. He’s - he’s angry at you. Not because of you, or for you, but at you.
“I’ve been patient, haven’t I?” he continues, low voice wavering with something frightening. “Do you know how hard it is, seeing you cry for a life that wasn’t good enough for you? Do you have any idea how hard I’ve been trying?”
You swallow thickly, try to rally your scrambled thoughts. He just working himself up more and more and that voice that fell so quiet is screaming now. So loud it’s hard to make your mouth work.
“I-I know. I’m sorry,” you manage. “Im just… I lost my temper and said something I didn’t mean…”
His eyes narrow. “Oh, no, hen. I think you meant it.”
He up close to you now, barely a centimeter of space between your bodies. The heat of him is suffocating. You’ve never been so aware of how much bigger than you he is. It thrilled you when he’d loom over you at the bar, cocky confidence and easy smiles.
You meet his eyes.
And for a moment, he softens. You have the briefest golden flicker of hope.
And then he sighs. Deep and resigned. Your stomach flips.
“It’s my fault,” he mutters finally, shaking his head. “Haven’t been treating you right, have I?”
You don’t dare answer.
“Treating you like you’re one thing when you’re really everything.”
You open your mouth, try to speak, to reason with him. He just shushes you with a hand on your cheek, thumb pressing your lips closed.
“Always spoiling you like the princess you are, when sometimes you need to be treated like a slut.”
He jerk’s you around and shoves you onto the bed, plants a big hand between your shoulder blades and presses.
“Hush up, baby, it’s alright. You don’t have to pretend to be all prim and proper,” he soothes, knocking your feet apart. “I don’t think any less of you for needing cock. Only natural.”
Your underwear rips like wet paper, accompanied by your high-pitched squeal of alarm. He makes a low, rough noise. Pure, animal lust. The fabric of his pants chafes against the backs of your thighs.
“Oh, there she is,” he purrs, “just like I thought.”
You cry out as rough fingers drag through your slit, gathering the slick you can’t believe is leaking from you.
“I’ve been so bad to you, bonnie, not treating you the way you need. No wonder you got all fussy and snappy.” The hazy thought that he might not he talking to you at all anymore burns through you. When you shift, trying to close your legs self-consciously, a sharp slap to your clit collapses your knees.
“We’re gonna set you right, babygirl,” he growls. “Won’t be able to worry your pretty little head anymore.”
He plunges two fingers into you without preamble. The stretch is vicious, but it doesn’t hurt. Not really. You’re too wet. Still, you scream - because Johnny’s spent so many hours playing with you, learning you, that he knows exactly where to press and curl and rub his fingers.
“Wait, wait,” you gasp, tears already collecting in your eyes because he’s being mean about it, twisting to grind his thumb against your clit. It’s too much, you’re not ready no matter what your body says. “Soap, don’t- ngh!”
“Gonna show you why you’re better off here. Right here. Gonna give this pretty cunt what it needs.”
The third finger is a stretch. You try to get away, try to crawl onto the bed to run, but he stomps a boot onto the chain around your ankle and flattens you to the mattress.
“Keep pretending if you want, baby,” he murmurs, “I know what you really need now.”
He’s withdrawing his fingers while you’re still pleading and babbling. You’re horrified to realize you don’t know if you want them back. It doesn’t matter though. Because Johnny’s cock is splitting you open before you can decide, thicker and longer than you’ve ever taken. He curses and groans as he pushes into you, inch by hot inch. Until you feel the fat leaking head tap at your cervix and he grinds, balls kissing your clit.
“T-too much!” you sob. “‘S too much!! Johnny, Johnny, please!”
Heat floods you as he shudders, hips jerking hard and rough. By your head, his fist is white-knuckled in the sheets.
“Did… did you just…?”
“Say my name again,” he snarls.
You blink wetly. “W-wha…?”
“Say. It. Again.” Each word punctuated by a brutal thrust. Something drips down your thigh.
“J-Johnny,” you keen, trying to beg for mercy.
“Jus’ like that.” He’s still hard. Still so fucking hard it’s like you’ve been edging him for hours. Like he didn’t just flood your poor pussy with cum.
“Been dreaming of you saying my name. Haven’t all this time,” he pants, rocking into you hard and fast. Any semblance of restraint is long gone. “Now I know why. Finally fuckin’ earned it. Gonna keep earnin’ it from now on.”
He fucks you so hard the bed leaves dents in the wall. Forces a hand beneath your pelvis to pinch your clit between two fingers and hurtles you shrieking into an orgasm. He doesn’t stop, doesn’t pause for a single beat. Just hitches your knee up onto the mattress and somehow fucks into your harder, faster, deeper. His fingers rub cruel circles into your oversensitive clit and you burn.
“No, no, wait, Johnny- ah! No, I’m gonna - it feels like-”
Wet heat gushes from you, spilling down your thighs, all over the bed and floor. You - you -
“Fuck, you squirted everywhere, good fuckin’ girl, princess.” He slows just a bit, presumably to appreciate the mess you’ve made. You’re too far gone on shock and awful pleasure to do more than sniffle and hiccup pathetically.
And then a death sentence.
“Do it again.”
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tododeku-or-bust · 5 months
could you elaborate a bit on that post abt (not) wearing headphones in public/playing your phone out loud? i was under the idea that it was nice to not play stuff aloud bc ppl might have migraines or be sound avoidant, but didn't realize i might just be seeing it from a white perspective, and id love to learn more
All right! First, check this link out: Xochitl does a far more eloquent job of explaining the idea than I would:
I assume that you're specifically honing in on my tag about the "white right of comfort".
Okay, so here's the thing. You're allowed to find public noise annoying. I too, find public TikToks and music annoying! And if you have migraines and such, I can understand how it would be impolite and inconvenient.
But what you're NOT allowed to do, is feel entitled to the public and prioritizing your OWN comfort in it over everyone else to the point of DEMANDING that it conforms to you or it's "bad". Especially when there are things you as an individual can do to prevent this discomfort.
While this gross sense of entitlement is very first world American in nature, it is extremely White American in nature because white Americans actually have the social power to enforce what they believe is the "right" thing based on their own standards.
For many cultures around the world and for many people of color, noise in the community is a GOOD thing. It's part of being a community. I feel safer if the people around me feel safe enough to be outside, to exist and to be, visibly in public.
And you got to understand, while many white people think they're genuinely in the right for believing that being loud on public transit or in the public is worth enforcing as a "bad" thing, people of color have literally already been killed for it. A Black teenager was shot in the face for playing music that a white man didn't like. A Black mentally ill man was murdered in front of EVERYBODY on a train because he was having a mental breakdown. This sort of policing ALREADY HAPPENS to us. Hell, even white gays with any sense of community should be aware of how queer gatherings would be shut down for "noise" (when in reality it was bc it was homophobia).
And now people want me to empathize that YOU'RE oppressed by... noise? On Public Transit?? IN PUBLIC?? Kiss my ass lmao.
I've been on trains where a man was legit growling at me like he wanted me dead. Another i saw Teens high on crack. Another where people beg and people sleep and people listen to music. And you know what I did? I turned my OWN music up and went on my way. Because at the end of the day, the only person I control is me!
And if people were REALLY concerned about others welfare, they would COMMUNICATE. no one is willing to say "hey, I have a headache, do you mind-" bc they're afraid of the rejection, so it's easier to demand "well EVERYONE SHOULD BE LIKE ME". Mhm. Learn to confront your issues. But you're not "unsafe" bc music. You're just annoyed, and you'll get over it.
In summary it really gives me "I can give you something to cry about" energy. Bc y'all swear y'all don't understand the existence of an HOA but here yall are replicating the same Karen behaviors, and y'all don't even realize (or maybe even care) how racist you sound. But why would you lmao, that makes you uncomfortable! And damnit, you have a right to comfort!!
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josephquinnswhore · 2 months
hiking - joel miller x female reader
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summary: as a family, you go on a hike with your daughter.
word count: 1k
content warning: joel wanting to have another baby omlll, NO smut. Fluff!! Dad joel.
a/n: the second photo (of the waterfall) is my own. Do not edit or repost without permission!!!! Took this today while on a hike hehe.
The burning ache in your calves serve as a reminder to you that you’re not the woman you once were. Activities like this, hiking, walking along a perfectly cured tar track was more of an effort than it had ever been. You’d grown a bit slack in your usual adventures, ones that are demanding now; were so simple back then.
Now, there’s the ache in your back that hasn’t left since you’d entered your third trimester years ago, it’s a constant reminder of why you haven’t had a second child after Sarah.
An ache constricts in your chest, pneumonia wracks your lungs, burning and causing strain on your breathing. You carry a small bag on your back, a few water bottles and some snacks for Sarah, not to mention your asthma puffer. Joel had insisted, in case you’d collapse, he was more worried than your mother most days.
He didn’t want you out of the house, his face almost turning white when you’d brought up the idea of going hiking like this, for the first time since Sarah had been born, nonetheless. She was almost three now. He’d been keeping a close eye on you, turning back to make sure you’re okay. Offering that subtle smile, supportive.
The tar track is slippery, bright green moss has grown in between the cracks of the concrete, making it slippery. You’re conscious of it now, making a mental note to watch your step.
“Nearly there darlin’, you’re doin’ great.” Joel praised softly as he stopped, turning back to wait for you, where you linger a few paces back, keeping a mindful eye on Sarah to make sure she didn’t wonder off track. Joel had her though, he did. He was always aware, always scanning for anything that could or might be a threat or hazard to his little girl.
“C’here baby girl. Hold daddies hand.” He’d murmur for the tenth time, his giant hand contorts around her own, and Sarah giggles.
The sight warms your heart, swelling with pride and adoration. This was your family, your husband. You’d picked the right man, you’d known it since you met him.
“Come on mommy!” Sarah fleets with joy and excitement. It’s enough for you to push through the burn on each inhale.
“I’m gonna get ya baby!” You put your hands up, mocking a monster, roaring as you take big stomps towards her as she tries to drag Joel along to run.
“Run daddy, run! Mommy’s a scary monster!” Joel plays along, gasping dramatically as he lets Sarah lead him up the path.
The sound of water is thunderous and distracting, too loud for Sarah to keep up her charade of playing monsters. She tilts her head. “What’s that noise?”
“That’s the waterfall, baby, what we came to see.” Joel explains, pointing to the huge waterfall. It’s hundreds of meters deep, the water is brown, rushing through the rocks down into the pool of stagnant water below, where the water begins to foam. A small family of ducks occupy the water.
Sarah squeals in joy as she sees a peek of the waterfall from her height, the trees obscure her view. “I wanna see! I wanna see more daddy!”
“Just a few more steps baby, then we can get a real good look.” Joel encourages with a big toothy smile, turning to you, ensuring you get the hint that the encouragement was meant for you too.
The lookout is stunning, fenced all around, and safe. You remember the view, from before you fell pregnant. It hadn’t changed a bit. The rain sprinkles down onto you, and Sarah rushes up to see the waterfall.
“Wow. Water!” She exclaims, trying to show Joel. “Look daddy, a bird!”
It’s clear she was in awe of how many animals she’d seen, pointing out every duck, bird and bug she could see.
Lifting Sarah up against your chest, you give her a better view, clear of the obstruction of the fence. One her little body couldn’t yet compromise. “Ain’t that pretty?” You murmur softly to her, pressing a small kiss to her cheek.
“Turn around darlin’.” Joel calls softly, getting your attention, you turn around and Joel’s getting his new phone out. An iPhone he was still learning to use for work.
He fumbled for a second before snapping a family photo of all of you. “We’re gonna have to find room on the wall for this,” he hums.
“Show me that,” you scold lightly, and you grimace once you see the photo. Your cheeks are red and you look sick. You are sick—but that’s besides the point.
Joel knows you’re about to protest, to whinge or huff. “You look beautiful. This is us remaking memories with out little girl. Maybe good enough to have another?” He pries softly.
He’s been bugging you for another baby. You almost give in.
“My backs already killing me,” a simple reminder and he makes a noise of resignation. “But I didn’t say no,” you murmur. The thought of a second baby was on your mind too.
His brown eyes twinkle with hope. He’d have to bring this up later at home.
The rain trickles down a little harder, and Sarah starts to get a little unsettled. It’s cold and wet and the wind is picking up. “Come on baby, let’s walk back to the car.” You offer your hand out for her to hold, and Sarah shakes her head, tears welling up in her brown eyes.
“No! Cuddle!” She demands, holding her arms up for you to pick up her.
“I can’t baby, you know mommy can’t carry you all the way back,” you explain softly.
Joel steps in. He won’t allow you to pick Sarah up while you’re sick, or while your back hurts.
“Daddy will put you up on his shoulders, how’s that sound baby?” Sarah looks up at him and nods, her cheeks and nose are turning red.
He swings her up, and she sits on his shoulders, she clings onto the curls on top his head. Your fingers fumble to find your phone in your jumper pocket, snapping an image, unbeknownst to Joel.
“You gonna make it back?” Joel asked, concern abrupt in his tone.
“I’ll be okay.” You reassure softly. “Let’s get going.”
Maybe—you would do this more often from now on.
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academiaviktor · 4 months
“Do you like this position?”
[alternative title: JJK men and their favourite position to have you in]
[including: Gojo, Nanami, Ino, Choso, Sukuna]
[warnings: nsfw, f reader, cum references, v descriptive, some bullying/teasing, etc.]
[wc: 3.6k]
Satoru Gojo—Heels to ears
Satoru always has you pressed into the surface below, folded in on yourself until your feet are practically touching your own ears while he sinks himself impossibly deep inside you.
With a hand wrapped around your thigh, he keeps your legs pressed against his front while he uses the position to his advantage, watching just how much his dick fills you, pussy drunk and relentless from the sound of just how wet you are for him.
"You're full to the brim of me, baby," he murmurs with a dazed lilt to his voice, hips frantic as he pumps into you again and again, drinking up your whimpers and moans. He places his spare hand against your belly, feeling the bulge of where his cock plunges into you. Satoru hums his approval, bordering pure ecstasy at the thought. "See that, princess? There's nothing better..."
His satisfied hum turns into a possessive noise from somewhere deep in his chest as he feels constricted by your pussy clenching around him, milking him for all he's worth.
"Feeling greedy tonight, hmm?" Satoru teases as he leans forward, pressing his pelvis into you, somehow reaching even deeper inside you. His hand leaves your thigh and falls next to your head, caging you against the bed.
His smirk curls even tighter at your cry, so overwhelmed and all consumed by him. He slows his movements deliberately to take in just how needy and perfect you look. "Don't worry, my love. You aren't going anywhere, and you'll cum for me as many times as I want, right?"
Through the harsh waves of pleasure, body squirming and clenching around him, you nod with tears pricking your eyes. "'course, 'toru..."
"Good," Satoru hums again, lips at the side of your mouth with endless teasing in his tone. His hand slips between your interlocked bodies, dipping down to brush his dextrous fingers against your clit, tracing lazy circles as he picks up the pace of his hips again. "Because I'm ready for number two...don't be shy for me now."
The additional sparks of pleasure are too much as his fingers work in tandem with his excruciatingly deep thrusts, making your mouth fall open as you whine for him, clenching around him still.
"Fuck, baby," he murmurs, feeling himself faltering through his rough thrusts, letting that teasing dominance slip for a moment. Your velvety walls, already slick with one release, have such a profound effect on him that he can't help but grunt, trying to hold off. "So perfect, just for me, hmm?"
Satoru is always mouthy during sex, but there's something about the way his teasing falls away to genuine fluster—when he fucks you so good that even he's beginning to fall apart.
As his cock rams against your cervix, pushing you closer to the edge without any sign of giving in, your body trembles, eyes squeezed shut as your belly tightens. "...'toru..."
Your whimper is enough to make his hips stutter, quickening his fingers against your clit as he huffs out a breath, aware of the coil tightening within him too.
"Fuck—I know, baby," he murmurs against your lips, gripping you hard as he bucks into you, driving his pelvis closer with every thrust. "Be a good girl and cum for me."
His words are the catalyst as your whole body tightens, orgasm crashing over you in such a quick rush that you can't even make a sound louder than a whimper.
Satoru grunts breathlessly as his cock is squeezed by your tight walls, driving one last thrust into you before he cums hard, groaning into your neck.
As he fills you with that familiar warmth, he stays there for a beat before lazily moving his hips, pushing his seed further into you, and listening to how perfect it sounds.
"'s always perfect for me," he mumbles with a smug smile, breath fanning against your cheek before leaving light kisses there.
You've been reduced to a dirtied, fucked out version of yourself as Satoru lays on top of you, refusing to pull out yet. So full of his cum and shaking from how intense the whole thing was, you hope for a moment of reprieve.
But as his hands roam your body, exploring every inch and kissing down your neck before suckling on your skin, you already know it's going to be a long night before Satoru is fully satisfied.
"Ready for round three?"
Kento Nanami—In his lap
As a working man, Kento will take every opportunity he can to de-stress in between meetings and ceaseless documents—and his favourite way includes having you perch in his lap, cheeks pink while he has two fingers inside you already, listening to how you squelch so beautifully around them.
With a pleased hum, his spare hand glides up and down your hip, squeezing affectionately whenever he feels like it. "So wet for me already, sweetheart? How naughty of you."
You whimper against his lips, silently begging for more of him as his fingers bully their way inside, pushing you closer to the release you crave despite not being what you really want from him.
"Ken...please—" your breath hitches when he reaches that gummy spot inside you, fingers curling expertly. "We only have...five minutes."
"Don't worry about that," he murmurs, using his spare hand to give several lazy pumps of his cock before lining himself up with your needy hole. He swallows back a grunt at the slight stimulation he offers himself before removing his fingers and gripping your hips. "We'll make this quick."
Letting go of a shaky sigh at the feeling of him entering you at last, your walls mould around him, greedily sucking him up. Your thighs tremble from the way he stretches you, and your arms instinctively wrap around his neck.
Nanami groans breathlessly, letting his head drop back against his chair while he takes in the sight of you—blouse half undone and lopsided, skirt hiked around your hips, and swallowing his cock so eagerly, he contemplates canceling the rest of his meetings for the day.
As always, you're so perfect for him, and he can't wait to make even more of a mess of your perfectly tailored work appearance.
"Fuck..." Nanami mumbles, giving your hips an affectionate squeeze as he bottoms out. "Ride me, doll. Like you always do."
Too pent-up and eager for release, you do as you're told and start lifting your hips, using the seat as leverage to bounce on him.
Immediately, his grip tightens as you surround him so beautifully, pumping his cock with your slick walls as you have numerous times at work. He thanks every higher being in existence for his private office.
"You're too good at this..." he utters, grunting at how perfectly you trigger every nerve-ending in his sensitive cock.
Your pace quickens, both aware of the passing time and how horny you both are, given how you've taken this intermission mid-day to get your next fix.
A loud moan slips past your lips as Kento loses his patience and starts guiding your hips, slamming you onto his cock with a relentless pace.
With a shocked squeal, you feel his fingers come up to clutch your jaw in his grasp, commanding your full attention as he kisses you hard.
"As much as I'd love to hear your pretty sounds, that will have to wait until later, sweetheart," Nanami mumbles against your mouth, still guiding your hips at a mean pace. "Can you keep quiet for me?"
You nod, overwhelmed by the intense waves of pleasure as they ripple through you, making your thighs shake all the while you take every brutal thrust.
"Good," he murmurs, brushing his thumb against your lower lip before letting it slip inside your mouth.
Nanami shivers as you greedily wrap your lips around his thumb, maintaining that sinful eye contact, even as you falter due to his bucking hips.
Even if it would be easier to fuck you in bed at home, he has a soft spot in his heart for that position, knowing it's used during moments of peak desperation—when neither of you can wait until the work day is over to satisfy those primal needs.
Ino Takuma—Missionary
Ino is a simple man—he loves to gaze at your pretty face while he has one hand on your hip and the other just above your head as he drives his hips into you, awestruck by your pretty sounds and the way your fingers claw against his back for more.
From that position, he can see all of you: your eyes, your perfect tits, and how your body convulses for him as if it were the first time all over again.
He sets the pace slowly so he can catch every twitch and reaction from you, letting it fuel the burning need inside him. He loves how your eyes close when he reaches the perfect spot, and how you capture your lower lip between your teeth.
Day and night he worships you, and that sentiment is applied tenfold when he has you like this, perfectly caged by him against the bed and wriggling for him to go faster.
Ino can't help but shudder the moment your legs wrap around him in an attempt to pull him closer and deepen his thrusts. It makes his breath hitch as he's forced further inside your perfect pussy, begging him for more.
He groans, dipping his lips down to pepper kisses against your neck, inadvertently slowing his movements more.
"Ino—" you gasp, head tipping back as you feel a mixture of raw pleasure and impatience. "Please, baby...faster..."
"I know, baby," he hums against your neck, losing himself in the moment as he lazily thrusts into you, not getting enough of you. "You're just so perfect, I can't help it."
The moan that escapes you the moment he quickens his pace hits Ino hard, encouraged by how erotic it sounds. He swallows back a whimper at how greatly it affects him, tightening his grip on you as he gives you exactly what you want.
"Fuck—" he utters, struggling to breathe from how incredible you look beneath him, taking him so well and moving your hips to meet him halfway. His eyes squeeze shut tightly, overwhelmed by how enthusiastically you clench around him.
You're both a mess, moving frantically to take in every moment and every drop of pleasure despite the more sensual position.
But that's exactly why he loves it so much.
Not only can he drink you in completely, but your urgency always gleams through, reminding him of how badly you want him, and how much he needs to dirty his perfect girl.
When his name starts falling from your lips like a chant, he pulls back just enough to catch how your arousal gleams around his cock in a little ring.
It makes him groan as he thrusts harder, leaning back in to capture your lips with his. All the while his cock slips even deeper inside, you're crying out for him, spurring him on with every moan and whine—with every tight grip of your pussy around him.
That sweetness in him dissolves into raw lust, determined to give you every ounce of him as he pins your wrists above your head, using long, deep strokes to push you closer to the edge, all undercut with a brutal force.
You're whining and begging all the while he feeds his length to you, using everything in his power to keep himself from ending it too soon.
Luckily, his stamina is better than most, and with how pent up he has been all day for that very moment, he has no plan of stopping early.
Choso Kamo—Riding him
Choso was new to sex when you two got together, which led to you taking the reins and showing him how it’s done. Choso internalized that first time you rode him, and ever since, he’s been obsessed with seeing you above him, taking control as you lift your hips again and again with your hands against his chest.
He can hardly breathe every time—oxygen sucked away as he watches you ride him with prowess, taking what’s rightfully yours. The sight of you alone is enough to make him feel like he’s on the brink the entire time, fighting the urge to cum inside you without warning.
He feels nothing but comfort and reassurance with you, which is why he admires your every movement and how you command him in that position.
Choso finds twice the pleasure when you place your palm against his throat, larynx bobbing as he swallows back a groan. He savors how the slight restriction of breath mingles with the sheer pleasure you give him with every rock of your hips.
His hands are gripping you hard, fingers flexing against your ass as he maintains as much of his composure as possible. But from his place, nestled in the pillows with his legs stretched across the bed, he already feels intoxicated by how you ride him, head tipped back as you moan.
Choso has never seen anyone quite as expressive or as beautiful as you, and every time his cock sinks further into you, disappearing in the warmth of your fleshy walls, he counts his lucky stars.
You're greedy above him, taking as much from his aggravated arousal as possible, yet you do it with such ease. You return that pleasure to him with finesse, making him gasp and stutter over his breathless words.
"Yes..." he utters, feeling so useless that he can only grip your thighs and offer himself as a guide. His cheeks are brimming with color, and his skin feels like it's on fire. But he savors every moment of it. "Yes, my love—fuck..."
At the sight of your faint smirk, moaning from the intoxicating pleasure, Choso feels his restraint crumbling.
Already, there's so much fluid between your bodies—sticky evidence of his first load and your unrelenting arousal. His head is hazy from how his cock squelches inside your needy pussy, battering against your gummy walls.
God, it's too much for him to take in, especially when paired with the blush on your cheeks and how eagerly you move above him.
"You like it when I ride you like this, baby?" You ask him, voice akin to that of a siren.
It makes his brain feel like mush in tandem with your generous movements, clenching around him as you moan.
Choso nods uselessly, losing himself completely in how drunk he is from being inside you—from feeling how close he is already.
"I do...more than anything," he murmurs, head lulling back as he groans, fingers tightening on your hips. "You're perfect, y/n...please—"
Leaning forward, his cock shifts slightly inside of you, making you both gasp at the sudden surge of pleasure it brings. Shuddering through it, you capture his lips with yours, tightening the space between you.
Choso is in complete heaven as he feels so surrounded by your embrace, holding you close and lifting his hips instinctually to chase after that next release.
"Fuck—" Choso mutters against your lips, bucking into you again and again, making his resolve tremor. "Fuck, fuck, fuck—"
Just as you squeeze around him with a broken cry, clutching onto him for dear life as you come undone around him, Choso groans with a final burst of thrusts before his hips quiver, and he's shooting another load deep inside you, gasping for breath.
He's addicted to the feeling of filling you with his cum, watching how it seeps out when it's too much, and how it gathers between your bodies.
Even if you're slumped against him, catching your breath, Choso feels just as hard, already fiending for the chance to pump you full of his seed again, regardless of the next position.
Ryomen Sukuna—Ass up
Nothing makes Sukuna feel more in control than when you’re shaking beneath him, back arched to the point of aching, tits pressed against the black silken sheets on his bed. His strong hands map your body with ease as he admires how small you look beneath him, barely able to contain your whimpers in anticipation.
He lets go of a cruel, low chuckle as he grabs the fat of your ass and props it up higher while he makes those slow, languid movements with his hips, letting his aching cock slide through your dripping pussy—but not yet giving you what you’ve been whining for.
“So you wanna be all docile and needy once I have you like this, huh?” He asks, smirk seared into his face by then. “What happened to that mouthy brat from earlier?”
It's true—you were back-talking him before, egging him on until you wound up in that exact position, handled roughly until your ass was in the air, awaiting the cruel punishment you love so much.
But with him so close to giving you what you want, that urge to be mouthy is completely gone. Instead, you're shaking for him, shuffling your hips back with the hope of securing more friction from him.
"I bet that stunt was to get my attention, wasn't it?" Sukuna teases as he deliberately slides his cock against your clit, watching how your thighs tremble for him, moaning at the contact. "Yeah, that's right. I can tell from how much you're dripping for me, brat. How you can barely hold yourself up from how much you're shaking."
You whimper in response, feeling his thick head brush against your entrance, just barely slipping inside before resuming its previous course. "Kuna...please—"
"Please what?"
That harsh tone of his makes you clench around nothing, whining for relief. You were already so turned on before, but thanks to his relentless teasing, you feel like you're on the verge of exploding.
Sukuna pauses his movements, hand coming down to slap your ass. "Use your words."
You squeal more from the loud crack of his palm against your skin rather than the faint sting of it, fighting back tears. "Please...Kuna. Punish me—"
He chuckles again, the sound low and reverberating in his chest as he grips your hips, slowly guiding himself closer to your soaked hole. "I'd torture you a little longer, but given how nicely you asked—" without warning, he sinks into you, forcing you to spread for his impressive size. He lets go of a satisfied sigh, smirking at how well you suck him in. "...I'll make an exception."
You hardly make a sound as you stretch for him, immediately overwhelmed by the wave of unadulterated pleasure and pain. The force of his initial thrust nearly makes you topple over, but thanks to his solid grip, you aren't going anywhere.
Another whimper leaves your mouth as you're pinned there, feeling how he withdraws enough to slam his cock back inside you, bullying its way into your pussy, slamming against those sensitive walls.
"K-Kuna!" You cry, eyes rolling back at the relentless pace he establishes, mean about his thrusts.
Sukuna chuckles to himself, pleased by your genuine reaction, and how your pussy seems to suction around him, squelching with every forceful movement. "This is exactly what a brat like you deserves. Wouldn't you agree?"
You swallow hard, throat dry as you try to form the words, forced to accept every brutal flick of his hips. "Y-yes—"
"That's it," he hums with a brief glimmer of encouragement as he parts your ass to give him an uninterrupted view of how well you swallow him up, eager despite being rendered useless beneath him. "My favourite fuck toy taking me like the brat she is...maybe I'll give you more."
"P-please," you whimper, clutching the sheets beneath you with every rock of your body.
Sukuna's eyes bore into you with interest as he picks up his pace, leaning his body against yours and sliding in impossibly deep, bumping against your cervix mercilessly. With his great size, he looms over you with a dark edge and the promise of the ground-trembling orgasms he's about to offer you.
"This what you want?"
You shiver from his venom-dripped words, nodding frantically. "Yes, Kuna...yes—"
With every deliberate buck of his hips against your ass, he savors how your skin slaps together, and how you're already clenching around him, crying out from how incredible it feels.
Before long, he's already edging the first orgasm out of you, keenly aware of every twitch and tremor of your body as you cum around him, slicking up your walls.
You're sensitive all over, vision bordered by a black haze as you fight to catch your breath. His strokes slow just enough to guide you through your release, elevating every sensation by keeping you full of him.
"Giving up already?" He asks, chuckling with pride from how quickly he could push you over the edge.
Still staggering through the aftershocks of your orgasm, you whine from how roughly he handles you, dragging his cock through your plushy walls despite how sensitive they feel.
With a particularly brutal thrust, you gasp, lurching forward before his arm catches you, securing you beneath him.
"Where do you think you're going?" Sukuna asks, letting his teeth graze against your neck, breath tickling your skin. "I'm just getting started, sweetheart."
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superblysubpar · 4 months
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thank you so much for requesting @bradshawssugarbaby this is quite literally not at all what you asked for I'm so sorry 🫣🫣🫣🫣
Warnings: teasing, "denying orgasm", a twinge of a little "Mr. Harrington" kink if you squint | my blog is 18+
1335 words
You were aware the way it came out sounded a lot like the word “More” instead of the attempt to remind him you should be working. 
He hummed from the crook of your neck, lips molded around your pulse point while a hand tilted you open gently and the other ran up and down the inside of your thigh. 
The same thigh that was draped over his lap, skirt pushed up it a little indecently for the activities you were supposed to be doing. There were notebooks and pens left open and blank on the coffee table. The snacks and a stack of VHS tapes next to them, a promise of a movie night to him as a reward, but all your brain could do was remind you to be relieved you put on the new Calvin's you got. 
Your fingers clutched at the collar of his navy polo, pads slipping lower and toying with the little button as he pestered more kisses down your neck. 
“We…oh,” you sighed when his tongue traced your collarbone and his fingers squeezed your inner thigh.
“We?” Steve murmured over the column of your throat, nose skating higher on your jaw as his thumb soothed circles over the back of your neck. 
“We should be studying. The test is tomorrow.”
Shut up! College isn't important, what's important is what this boy is doing with his mouth!
“I am studying,” Steve spoke directly into your ear, low and raspy. 
A shiver danced down your spine and right back up when the ghost of his smile against your skin lingered. 
“Oh really?” You huffed, hand limply gesturing to the coffee table as the boy finally removed himself from your neck to meet your gaze, tips of your noses almost touching.
His eyes were bright with that sort of look that told you he was up to something and you were probably gonna really like it. 
A cocky sort of smirk twisted up the corner of his lips, the one that lifted the two little freckles on his cheek and made the laugh lines around his eyes crease. 
Fuck, should be illegal to look this cute.
“Mhm,” he nodded around the hum, nose tapping yours. 
This time, you gestured a little more confidently, down towards your lap draped ungracefully over his. 
“Please explain to me how this is studying, Harrington.”
Steve smiled, delighted you asked, falling directly into his trap. 
It happened quickly, and with a loud ‘Oof' from you as he pulled you over his lap further, now straddling it. 
“Let's start with math, yeah?” He grinned at you, cocking his head and raising his eyebrows confidently. 
You held your breath as his hands squeezed your hips and roamed slowly up your body. His eyes tracked their movements, and you couldn't deny he was definitely focused. A look of determination in his eyes you'd never once seen directed towards a textbook.
“If Steve kisses his girlfriend once…” he whispered before leaning in and doing just that. Lips slotted against yours in one lingering press before they pulled away. His eyes remained on your mouth in a pout now, hands squeezing at your ribs when you leaned in for more. 
His lips quirked up before he gave you one more, just as chaste and just as frustratingly cut off as he added, “And he gives her another one. How many kisses is that?”
Steve laughed, your scrunched up nose knocking his as you attempted to get your third one. He turned so your lips hit his cheek as he made a buzzer noise.
“Wrong. It's two, baby.”
Your fingers curled into the back of his hair, a huff hitting his jaw as you adjusted yourself on his lap lower. When wet cotton hit his denim covered bulge, you made a soft noise. 
Steve's lips parted at the sound, his hands tracing your curves till they were back to your hips and he could watch the way you try to fight against his hold. 
“How about some Science?” He asked, feigning nonchalance. 
Steve slowly grinded your hips down against him, helping you roll them so the zipper on his Levi's could hit your clit in a way that had you gasping and clutching at his shoulders.
His voice comes out strained, but still amused, “Hypothesis: If we keep doing this, you'll come before I even get inside you.”
The sentence made you groan, forehead tapping his in defeat as he kept your hips rolling in a perfect rhythm. 
“Steve” it really did come out like “More” that time. 
“You're right,” he lets his smile when you groaned as he stopped you from moving. “Science is boring.”
His hands guided you down, back pressed to the couch so the silk of your skirt could glide higher up your thighs while he lowered his head between them. 
His lips skimmed the inside of your thigh, brushing against it as he spoke, “Spelling more your subject?”
Your breath hitched as he pressed his nose into the damp cotton between your legs. His groan vibrated against you before he was moving over your clit in an odd shape. 
Too focused on the feeling of finally getting some more friction against the throbbing nerves, you almost missed it when he asked, “What's that letter, honey?”
You gulped, hands tugging in his hair as he tutted softly, “Missed it? I'll do it again. Pay attention. There's a test later.”
He made the same movement, and your eyelids flutter as you gasped out, “M?”
He hummed his approval and pushed your thighs wider when they tried to close as he licked one long stripe up you. He waits until he hears your quiet whimper of the letter ‘I’. 
Your hand clutched his shoulder, back arching off of the couch as a finger hooked your soaked underwear to the side. A barely there touch, the tip of his tongue, traced another letter. It started on the outside, skimming up skin, dragging through your slick diagonally, before it dragged up the other side.
You practically moaned it, tugging on his shoulders, aching him to keep going, to get closer.
“So good baby,” he praised you, watching the way you fluttered around nothing. Then his thumb pushed into your clit and made long and hard brushes over it in the shape of the last letter.
Your stomach tightened, something in your chest ached as you said ‘E’, and Steve asked with a murmur against your thigh. 
“What's that spell?”
“Mine,” you whimpered the word, fingers digging into his shoulders and desperate for more. 
Steve kissed your clit, the nod of his head bumping his nose against it as he praised you again. 
“Good job, you're gonna ace that test.”
And then he was sitting up, facing the coffee table and uncapping a pen. 
You watched, your mouth dropped open in shock and annoyance as he ignored you. Your elbows propped you up as you asked, “Are you serious right now?”
Steve smirked, looking down at the page of his notebook and seeing not a goddamn thing as he shrugged.
“I'm always serious about studying, honey.”
You waited, sure he'd look up at you, break before you did, but when his pen scratched across the page your fingers curled into the couch cushion, until you realized you'd studied Steve just as much. 
Lifting yourself back up to sitting slowly, you let the tips of your nails scratch up his thigh. As you leaned in to his profile, you let your nose bump his cheek as your fingers did the same to where he was painfully straining against his zipper. 
You pouted, lips against his jaw.
“Are you going to give the test Mr. Harrington?”
Steve's pen twitched, missing the line on the paper as he swallowed, the ball not in his court anymore. 
Your name came out of his lips in a whimper as you squeezed him through the denim.
It sounded an awful lot like the word “More”. 
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sageispunk · 2 months
foolish (18+)
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pairing: Lewis Hamilton x black!reader
↳ "cause i can't seem to break away from your foolish love"
wordcount: 1.8k+
warnings: rpf 🫣, angst, infidelity, smut, bathroom sex, cunnilingus, fingering, mention of squirting, situationships, the word "bimbo" used derogatorily, asshole!Lewis in a sad boy way
A/N: wrote this off an edible and no sleep, slightly inspired by @ham1lton 's toxic Lewis AU drabble and my ongoing need for some good angst, hope u enjoy <3 || like, reblog + comment pls!! follow my notif page @sageispunklibrary to be notified when i upload new writings 🫶🏾
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You always found yourself back here. Hiding away from everyone with your hands over your mouth as Lewis knelt between your thighs. His gracious tongue traced circles around your swollen clit before he sucked the bud into his mouth, becoming your own personal rose toy. The suction his pink lips provided had you squirming and shaking as you leaned against the bathroom counter. “Lew, please…”
His eyes fluttered shut as one of your hands grasped his braids in a failed attempt to pull him away from your core. You could feel him whine into your pussy in protest, his own hands strengthening their grasp on your hips. Your muffled cries echoed in the bathroom, and your mind wasn’t clear enough to take the hint to keep fucking still so you continued to thrash against his hold. 
“Fuuucckkkk…” The whine left your mouth as you threw your head back, unable to keep your eyes focused on the beautiful man currently eating you like you were his last meal. Lewis suddenly released your clit from his mouth, landing a swift slap on your pussy which caused you to jump and yelp, bringing your attention back down to him. Before you could even get a word out, he began, “Eyes on me, sweetheart,” He left a soft kiss on your right inner thigh. “...and stop trying to run from me, y’know this pussy is mine.” You wanted to roll your eyes at the smirk growing on his face but those thoughts were erased from your mind as you watched him switch to your other thigh, kissing and biting your soft mahogany skin hard enough to leave a mark. 
With a pout on your face, you decided not to be too bratty, keeping your focus on Lewis as he replaced his tongue on your pussy, alternating between flicking your clit and tongue-fucking your needy hole. You sucked your bottom lip into your mouth, biting down onto it a bit too hard just to keep from making too much noise, even with the music vibrating through the walls from the main floor underneath you two.
He watched you from below, in complete adoration at the dewy, sensual, flustered look on your face. Although he was never one to brag, Lewis was very aware of how talented he was in the bedroom, especially with you. Having been off and on for several years, and best friends for years before that, there was almost nothing that he didn’t know about you, including how to pleasure you. He knew which pattern to trace with his tongue to make you cum the hardest, he knew how many fingers it took to make you squirt three feet across the room, and he also knew the exact angle to fuck you in just to get you creaming around his dick in under a minute. 
Something Lewis didn’t know was the fact that his current “girlfriend” was currently walking down the long hallway in search of him, considering he’s been missing from the party for a good fifteen minutes or so already. He wanted to take his time with you tonight, after having not seen you for months–since he began dating this new girl. She was just a distraction, truly…both of you were tired of the back and forth, and after the last time you ended things with him, he didn’t know what to do with himself besides busy himself with work and whatever new bimbo he got a hold of. Now, he was craving you, and you were craving him, so it wasn’t much of a surprise when he whisked you away upstairs, cockily smiling at the fact that you followed him away from the crowd. Like old times.
He removed his mouth from your throbbing cunt once more, this time bringing his middle and ring fingers up to his lips. Your eyebrows furrowed as you watched him soak his tattooed fingers with a mixture of his saliva and your pussy juices, leaving them slick and shiny before placing them onto your lower lips. Your hips circled lazily, craving him inside of you, whether it be his fingers, his dick, or even his tongue again. 
“What d’ya need, baby? Hm?” 
His fingers slowly and softly trailed a figure eight pattern over your pussy lips, careful not to make contact with your ever needy clit. Without halting his teasing, Lewis slowly came to a stand, caging you in on the counter. The lack of space between your faces had your heart rate increasing, all of your air seemingly getting sucked out of the room as you felt the strong urge to kiss and hold and love the man in front of you. His brown eyes captivated you, wiping from your mind all the reasons that you should not be here right now. 
Your right hand flew up to his face, caressing his left cheek with a gentleness that he’d been missing for far too long. He leaned in more, not stopping until your foreheads were mushed together, both of you breathy and surrounded by an air of tension. “Tell me what you need.” Whispered this time, his words sent a shiver down your spine, your body subconsciously jolting up and being reminded of his soaked digits right outside of where you needed him the most. 
“Please fuck me, Lewis, I need to feel you–” A loud gasp escaped your lips at the feeling of Lewis suddenly plunging his long fingers deep into your core. He was through taking his time, an urgent need to see and feel you quivering around him overwhelming his mind. His dick throbbed in his pants, tightly straining against the fabric of his expensive briefs. The gushing sounds emanating from his movements in and out of your pussy had the both of you swooning, you creeping up to your peak already. He kept up the pace, notching his fingers at the perfect angle to get you right where he wanted you, falling apart for him on this countertop.
Lewis used his free hand to pull you in by the back of your head, allowing your lips to mash together with a frenzied passion. He stole each moan and whimper straight from your mouth with his own tongue as you came on his fingers, your core tight and legs trembling. All you could focus on was the softness of his lips against yours and his fingers slowing down inside you, everything fitting together nearly perfectly. 
Knock knock knock! “Lewis are you in there?!”
Both of your eyes widened at the voice right outside the door, bodies frozen as you came to a sobering realization of what you were doing. Fooling around with a taken man, a man who happened to be your ex? Your ex-situationship? Ex-something, but that didn’t matter as much as the fact that he had a whole girlfriend now. 
She knocked again a second later, and Lewis returned his gaze to you, silently urging you to say something, whilst his fingers remained inside you. You sighed, closing your eyes and shouting through the door, “He’s not in here, I think I saw him heading out back earlier though!”
“That’s the first place I looked… but okay, he’s probably around here somewhere.” You stayed put where you were until you heard her further down the hall, checking other rooms for him. 
Lewis let out a sigh of relief. “That was close..” He leaned back in to resume your previous activities before you turned away, obviously unsettled by the close call and reality check. “Baby…” His eyes softened as he pulled his drenched fingers out of you. 
“Don’t–don’t fucking ‘baby’ me, you have a girlfriend Lewis! What in the actual fuck are we doing here?!” You whisper-yelled, all the frustration of your current situation and the entire context of your relationship with Lewis all of a sudden hitting you like a freight train. You avoided his eyes as you hopped off the counter, looking around for your handbag and phone. Both were dropped on the floor in a frenzy and you’d only hoped that your screen wasn’t cracked. 
“C’mon, d’you really think she means more to me than you do? Really?” He stepped back and watched you attempt to gather yourself, eyes focused hard on your face as if he was trying to read through your now hardened demeanor. 
“I don’t fucking know, you what, made her your official girlfriend after fucking her for two weeks, but I–who you claim to care about sooo much–couldn’t even get a proper label after TWO YEARS of loving and caring for you?? I don’t know Lewis, what does that look like to you?” 
You were hurt, still hurt over no longer being with him the same way you’d been for so long, and this little meeting of yours didn’t do much to help with those feelings. Your eyes met finally and you could read the hurt written across his face as well, but as soon as you saw it, it disappeared even quicker, replaced with his usual cocky, unbothered expression. 
“Y’know what? You’re right, I shouldn’t have even brought you in here, it was a mistake…” His words sent a pang of sadness through your chest, and even more so the way he was just ready to let you go. Again. 
You scoffed and rolled your eyes, checking yourself one last time in the mirror above the sink. “You’re an asshole, Hamilton.” You turned and he silently stepped to the side, allowing you to make your way out of the small bathroom. “Have a nice life.” Your heels clicked down the hall, the direction opposite than where his girlfriend went. You held back your tears for as long as you could, managing a quick Irish exit from the loud and crowded party before they finally fell, clouding your vision as you typed away on your phone to request a ride home. 
In the five minutes it took for the car to arrive, you allowed your brain to give you a slideshow on every reason you and Lewis wouldn’t work out, from your busy schedules and constant butting heads, in addition to his avoidance of claiming you as his own. You finally decided on hitting that precious block button on every app you could find on your phone, your method of ceasing all contact with him, a way to prevent you from experiencing this pain all over again. 
On the other hand, Lewis remained in the bathroom for a few moments, not knowing exactly how to proceed from here. He knew that messing with you while in his current predicament wouldn’t necessarily score him any points with you, but he couldn’t help the natural gravitation that pulled you two together every time you were in each others’ presence. His goal definitely wasn’t to hurt you more than he already has, but he couldn’t help but think that maybe this was the only way to make sure you wouldn’t come back, to ensure your peace and happiness, even if it meant he’d never see you again. 
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i do not give permission for anyone to copy, translate, or repost any of my works. 18+ ONLY -- i am not responsible for the content you consume.
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nothomegal · 1 year
"Flashing warnings"
Pyramid Head x GN Reader
Summary: you've been with the executioner for quite some time, enough for you to have your own special bond. You were his, and that fact alone was enough for the whole Silent Hill to avoid you, well aware of what they'll find out if they mess around. However, this little rule is unknown for any unfortunate newcomers that get trapped in this cursed town, and today you've met one of these newcomers... One would think, seeing monsters avoiding you like fire should be enough proof to do the same, but... Eh, some people are way too stubborn and blind.
Warnings: typical violence and gore, (Y/N) getting mistreated by meanies >:(
Word count: 2.9k
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(Y/N) been sitting on this old matress for quite some time, they've already tried any possible sitting position yet non made the book they're reading more interesting.
Pyramid Head, or how they began to call him, 'Pyra', left to hunt and punish whatever soul putrid enough to get his attention. He's been gone a good amount of hours and they haven't heard a single sound of his in the distance, no metal scraping against the concrete at the distance or any screams of agony from his victim, nothing. How many hours it been? Three? Five? It's tough to tell, specially when this town knows no day/night cycles and it's always foggy. Even though they're not sure how long it been, they can tell it's the longest Pyra's been gone.
They switch into a laying position as they begin to think about what to do now. They could totaly go out and take a walk if they wanted, but they're concerned they'll end up bumping into the people Pyra is hunting. No, they won't get punished but they don't want to witness a literal slaughter neither, and whenever something (literaly anything) dares to interact with (Y/N), the pyramid headed beast seems to go wild of fury.
This is some very serious issolation, but (Y/N) became fine with it and Pyra is not as bad of a company as he initialy was. Feel him close to them, his big palm resting against their body as a reminder that he's there, the random noises that come out his helmet whenever he seems content or wants to get their attention... To be honest, these little things became more than enough at this point, and it's not like they've used to be the most social butterfly anyways. And even if they were... Well, arguing with Pyra is useless, he never budges, and if (Y/N) starts to get unreasonable or the argument goes nowhere, he simply brushes his togue across their face, purpously waiting for the moment their open their mouth. And ta-da! Argument solved since (Y/N) is too shocked and flustered to continue and Pyra simply let's out a deep and amused rumble.
(Y/N) chuckles to themselves at this memory, when it happened the first time the face they made was probably priceless, and the way Pyra allowed them to hide their face in his chest so the shame goes away... Sigh, they hope he returns soon.
The hairs on the back of their neck stood up when they began to hear the sound of numerous people run and hurriedly yellsomething to each other. (Y/N) of course panics a bit, and to avoid any possible interaction with the group of people they sneak into the corner of the room near the door, so if anyone of the group peeks inside they won't notice (Y/N) right away. It also seems like the people are running away from something, something that is not Pyra because of the lack of known bulky footsteps and scraping sounds.
Unfortunately, their little plan went town the drain when the group of around five man bursted through the old door and attempted to close it, while the creature outside of it was desperately slaming itself against the wooden surface. (Y/N) turned completely still as they shrunk in their place, internally hoping that due to the intense moment these people wouln't notice then and would simply brush off their form as some inanimate object.
Unfortunately, one of the men did noticed them.
—"Hey Dave, there's another one hidin' over he-"—
The man couldn't finish the sentence as the creature from the other side managed to burst through the door, throwing the men on the ground in the process. Some of them stumble back, others pull out their weapons and point at the creature, who resulted to be a monster known as ‘Slurper’, take a guess why it's called that. Not the most difficult creature to deal with but definitely the trickiest, it’s very fast and definitely can handle or dodge some shots and hits from the group.
The monster crawls inside of the room, it’s elongated face making some slurping noises as drool and blood drips from its mouth. But the beast suddenly freezes mid-step, and very slowly and subtly turns it’s head towards (Y/N), making the men look at them as well. The monster suddenly lets out a whine, similar to that of a dog, and practically runs away at high speed, completely terrified.
The group stare at the door in shock, their mouth gaping a bit. (Y/N) remains stiff, their knees pressed to their chest as they think what to do now. The answer comes when one of the man, who seems to be the leader, stands up and starts walking towards them, his expression indescifrable, but his gaze definitely holding malice.
So (Y/N) jumps to their feet as fast as they could and make a run through the doorway and down the hallway. They can hear the group yell something as they chase them, their voices angry and irritated, which only motivated them to keep running since it’s now clear that these people weren’t kind at all.
Things turn significantly worse when they get grabbed by the back of their clothes and then tackled down on the floor, the impact was rough and quite painful which made (Y/N) release a pained whine. The man above them grabs a good chunk of their hair and presses their head agains the dirty and cold floor as he looks at them.
—“The fuck was that? How did you do it?!”— he exclaims strictly, his tone demanding.
—“D-Did what?… S-Scaring the- the monster th-thing?”— you nervously reply, your voice a bit shaky. —“I-It’s not really me, it’s the being tha-that ‘owns’ me.”—
(Y/N) knew they sound like they’re crazy, like they’re out of their mind, but it’s the best way they can explain their unusual situation. It is true, the executioner practically owns them, he has the power to claim and to keep them with him, to keep anyone and anything away from something his, to keep them eternally by his side, his and no one else's.
As expected, the man on top of them only scrunched his face with confusion and disgust, definitely thinking that (Y/N) is just another crazy ex-resident of this hellish town.
—“Yeah… Right.”— he slowly says.
—“Mathew, do you still have the tape? Bring it.”—
A clear sound of a duct tape being unwrapped made them shiver, uh-oh, they’re in a big-time problem. They attempt to wiggle out and keep running, but the man above them slams their head agains the floor.
—“Keep it still bitch, we just want to figure out what the fuck is wrong with you.”— he grumbles angrily and slams your head again.
(Y/N) could feel blood start dripping from their nose. Being forced to calm down since these men clearly aren't fooling around and are not afraid to hurt them if they need, they relax and allow another one to tape their wrists together behind their back, as well as their ankles.
—“You have no idea what you’re getting yourself into, the executioner will not have mercy…”— you comment, not even bothering to elaborate, knowing that these people are dead meat already.
—“Pff, executioner. If you’re of his property, then why were you in that room just chillin’ all by yourself?”— another man asks.
—“Because he can allow himself to do it, and because any smart creature knows to not fuck around me because of what they’ll found out.”— you say, your tone a bit sassier by the end.
—“Any smart creature, huh?”— the man that was on top of you suddenly grabs you by the throat. —“In my understanding, a smart creature will learn to shut the fuck up, I could easily cut your tongue off right now if I wanted but not sure if that will affect whatever effect you have on the monsters, so I'll give you one last chance to remain quiet, understood? You farm animal.”—
The grip on (Y/N)‘s throat was tight and it was hard to breathe, the male’s eyes were dark and cold, no hesitation in them as he said these threats, definetely not the first time he makes them. Believing his words, (Y/N) nods hurriedly as the lack of oxygen began to affect them. The man grins and let go of them roughly, basically throwing their body on the floor.
—“Aight, who’s going to carry their ass?”—
The men discuss for a short moment, until agreeing that the biggest one of them should do it. Ones everything was sorted out and (Y/N) was being manhandled in his grasp, the group resumed their walking.
The men were shocked, some of them even got smug, at the way the creatures avoided them now. What’s that? A monster does have guts to attack? A single sound or movement from (Y/N) was enough to set the creature from fight into flight. Each time something run away, the men would laugh and cackle loudly, clearly feeling like they've beat the system and are some sort of untouchable beings.
Silly bastards, they don’t know what awaits them.
It’s unclear how long they’ve been roaming around, but it was long enough for the group to get lost, again, and decide to take a rest. The man carrying (Y/N) carelessly (throws) puts them on the ground, face first, as the rest settle down as well. Non of the five bothered to talk or acknowledge (Y/N), though sometimes they would throw some random questions at them, but of course they'd never been able to finish the answer since one of the five would end up rudly interrupting them.
At some point (Y/N) began to ignore them, aware that they're nothing but a gag to these people. The youngest of the group seemed a bit pissed at being ignored, so he stands up and walks towards (Y/N)'s lying form, who was still paying no mind, and out of nowhere kicks them hard on their stomach, making the air inside of them leave in a violent exhale.
—"You talk and look at us when we speak to you."—
They say nothing, still trying to regain their breath. The man above them sighs and rolls his eyes before crouching down and grabbing them by their hair, to posteriorly pull them to their knees.
—"Listen sugar, just because you scare away the crap that lives here, it means shit to us. You're fuckin' helpless and at our mercy, so you do and act as told and when is told, understood?"—
Before (Y/N) could do anything, a sudden deafening roar resonated through the whole building and from an unknown direction. The noise similar to some huge unknown beast fiercely howling through something metallic. A shiver of anticipation ran through (Y/N)’s spine, Pyra must’ve found their drops of blood and figured out what happened, and now he’s on his way to take them back.
The other five noticeably tensed up and frantically looked around, as if trying to locate the creature through the walls...
(Y/N)'s gaze was already focused on one of he walls, knowing that their lover would't waste his time in searching for an entrance. The man, who's still holding them by their hair, slowly drags his gaze to the same wall.
—"Guys..."— he says uneasily.
—"Yes, we heard that too, dumbass."— one of the other four hisses back.
—"No, guys, get away from the fuckin- "—
A loud crashing sound resonated behind the mentioned surface, followed by the well known heavy footsteps and scraping of metal. The other four quickly get behind the fifth and (Y/N), who was currently having the brightest grin on their face, relieved that he came for them.
—"{The fuck was that?!}"— one of the males yells half whispers to you.
—"That?"— you let a little hum as you close your eyes and look away so the dust doesn't get directly into your face. —"That is the reason why everything in here avoids me."— you say with the calmest tone possible.
—"Wha- "—
Another loud crash and a huge wave of dust cut off his question completely. While the dust was still on the air, the previous heavy footsteps were quickly approaching, making the floor shake with each step. When the men saw the silhouette of this massive unknown creature they paniced, since it showed no hits of stopping, quite the opposite actually. The one, that been holding (Y/N), pushes them roughly forward without thinking, actin on some desperate instinct.
—"Here! Take them instead!"—
The five were ready to run, but got stopped by their own shock when the monster reached out and caught (Y/N) before they fall on the ground. It was still hard to see what exactly the beast did, due to the still thick layer of dust, but the sudden loud and deep metallic growl that the beast let out was enough for them to defrost and set into running. They don't get too far though, since their legs get suddenly caught and tangled into a bunch of rusty wires and thorns coming out of the floor, whick held them still and cut their soft flesh with the mildest movement.
A small chill jolted through (Y/N) at the sight of the mysterious thorns. They knew it was Pyra's doing, he rarely used that hability of his and they learned that he only uses it when he's trully pissed. And he wasn't just that, he was livid. The sight of bruises on (Y/N)'s neck from the previous grab really railed the monster up, just how dares that filty mortal touch and mark something his? Only he has the privilege to touch (Y/N), to hold them, to look at them, to hear their voice and all the things they say in that calm and sweet tone they always use when they're happy... Just how dare they attempt to take all of this away from him? The executioner.
The monster tears the tape off (Y/N)'s wrists and ankles before putting them down, his movements a bit rough due his agitation yet he did his best to keep it under control.
He then rises to his full height, sword in hand, and slowly walks towards the group. The closer he got, the more desperate the man acted, pulling their legs out of the sharp wire-mess just for it to tangle around their limb even tighter.
The beast's first target was the youngest one, the one who had the guts to hold (Y/N) by their hair and threaten them, Pyra really didn't like that one.
The male has no time to even inhale to start begging, as the monster simply cuts him in half with his sword. (Y/N) of course didn't want to see the gore that is about to happen, so they carefuly and quietly leave the room through the hole their beast of a man made durning his enrance. The last thing they've seen before leaving was Pyra practically tearing one of the man up apart like paper, going specially slow to inflict even more pain.
(Y/N) is unsure how long it took Pyra to finish them, they simply remained sitted on the floor with their legs pressed against their chest and covering their ears to silence the screams and the wet gory sounds of muscles and bones breaking. They let out a yelp when their body is suddenly pulled up by a pair of large arms and is pressed agains a broad torso. Pyra held (Y/N) in this posessive embrace for quite a while, the mildes movement from them would make the beast growl and press them even closer.
(Y/N) however, still attempted to soothe their lover by gently nuzzling agains his chest and rub it with their hand.
—"I am so sorry..."— you apologize, though you both knew it wasn't really your fault. —"I was just hanging out in that room we've been before, and... And these people entered there while running away from another beast, and- "—
They couldn't finish the explanation since Pyra suddenly shoved their face further into his chest, muffing the rest of their little rant. The action, which embarassed (Y/N) a bit, also made them understand that their lover doesn't need any excuses or explanations, he's content to have them back and unharmed. They sigh softly and eventually relax in his grasp and going practically rag doll, in response and after some time, Pyra's body also relaxed a bit, yet his grip on (Y/N) remained strong and firm like iron, refusing to let go.
—"Pyra."— you manage to move yout head just enough to say it.
A low grumble resonated from his helmet and chest, though it didn't sound hostile, more like his version of 'hhmm?'.
—"I love you, thank you for being around."— you say honestly, as you move just enough to reach his neck area and kiss the little skin exposed between his clothes and helmet.
The little sweet gesture was answered with a low purr as Pyra's large hands roam around their body for a bit, caressing and feeling each curve through their clothes. The touches weren't suggestive surprisingly, which meant that this affection was genuine and not the product of his monstrous lust towards them.
They both stay like this for a while longer, (Y/N) saying and whispering things in a soft tone that Pyra absolutely adored to hear, and he kept holding them against himself, pawing their body time to time just to feel them more. Their warmth, their pulse, their breathing...
To feel them.
To feel them being all H̸̫̥͙̮͍̮͋͑Ḯ̴͓̦̻͈̜͍̇̃͋͠S̴͖̘̍̓̉̑.
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