#ancient sacred wyvern
ADBK: Ancient Sacred Wyvern
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Epithet: The Divine Vassall of Holactie
Voice Actor: Benedict Cumberbatch
Tribe: The Fairy Kingdom
Biography: The Egyptian God Cards are a powerful trio, but they can combine together in order to make one final force against the darkness that attempts to engulf all in the Duelscape with its corrupting influence.
Enter the Lady of Creation known as Holactie, who entrusts the safety of herself and her components to select divine beings, including today's entry, Adamanta the Sacred, also known as the Ancient Sacred Wyvern.
After the exile of the Egyptian Gods, he and Blue-Eyes Shining Dragon chose to work in secret over the Duelscape, waiting for the proper time should the Gods be needed again.
He's currently the only Fairy on the Dragonian Senate, and the only Dragon-like being to serve as a commander in the Star Squad. Specifically, he works in Squad Mu, a special unit for particularly dangerous battles that require much of the Fairy Kingdom's energy.
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draconscious · 1 year
"It's impressive you participated at all," Giovanni approaches the Dragon Trainer after everything was said and done, "I thought it would be fair of me to let you know I was thinking of granting your wish for a little bit, had I won."
He chuckles, folding his arms behind him, "But in my opinion... I think you're tackling your problem from the wrong angle."
Giovanni hands over a plain business card with his new League email and contact information.
"If you really want help, don't hesitate to ask. I just have a few obligations first."
"...I don't need your help."
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By contest's end, it's become clear that Giovanni has changed, free from the dubious associations and criminalities that had clouded an infamous past. In fact, despite Clair's frosty attitude, he's been nothing but supportive towards her and the fellow Secrets participants. Charismatic, reformed, grounded.
And yet, the Blackthorn Gym Leader cannot forgive him, not yet. When Clair even looks at Giovanni, her blood boils. She does not see a pardoned man, but an enduring symbol, a grim reminder of a once-unshakeable criminal organization, now shattered into a hundred cutthroat, feral splinters.
(Blame the Clan for her present inability to change. Imagine growing up with the weight of generational lineages bearing down upon your shoulders, the sacred rules and your own role already laid out before you with uncompromising rigidity. Clair has been trying lately, trying hard to dislodge herself from the past, but she's like an ancient wyvern trying to spread her petrified, stony wings for the first time. It's hard to wrench the clocks forward when the past is so comfortable, predictable, easy.)
"I don't care that Lance trusts you. I'm not a diplomat like he is. It doesn't matter that you're not involved in Rocket affairs anymore--pardon or no pardon, monsters are still hiding behind the symbol of the organization that you led," she hisses, not afraid to get in Giovanni's face, peering up at him with narrowed eyes. "And yet you have the nerve to tell me that I'm doing things wrong? When I'm meeting you for the first time on some inane reality television set? Hah!"
Clair snatches the card out of Giovanni's hand, crushes it in her palm...but doesn't rip it in half. Her voice breaks.
"...I've been fighting this battle for months. Turning poacher after poacher over to the police. Pulling starved, mutated Dratini out of cages that are too small for them. Scouring a mile of mountainside every day," she rasps bitterly, kicking at the ground. "You don't know what it's like. You couldn't begin to understand."
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templeofthehorn · 1 year
Hymn to Cernunnos
At Taliesin
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Since the dawn of time,
Beyond the thick shadow of night,
Beyond the vibrating brightness of the day,
In power you watch and abide,
Growling and haughty, protective father.
So many times, since your advent, the Wheel has turned.
So many times, in your deep caves the waters have flowed
So many times, under your instinctive steps, the earth has vibrated.
So many times, in your name, mysteries have arisen.
And the men of old, in the mist, stood up for you.
And the women of yesterday, under a dome of stars, danced for you.
From the first tremors of the world
Any union of beings through you has become fruitful.
Wild god, who probes the night.
Now I sing to you.
I sing to you, in the ancient woods.
I sing to you, according to the wind that inspires.
I sing to you, on the sacred heights of my country.
I sing to you in front of the world.
And reaffirms the bond that unites me to You,
the Mist Slayer
The one who opens our summits.
You, the bearer of the flame of life
Masters of beasts and serpents,
You, Great Purifier
He who kneads the creative humus.
And survey our priestly dreams.
By the deer that splits the forest
By the torque and the serpent!
Womb of the mother!
Holy ground!
Force Vitale!
Dark Roots!
Let the golden sap rise!
I sing to you, flayed Lord!
I call you, fertile God!
Ô Cernunnos!
Great Horned!
Regent of the Other Kingdom!
In the right balance that ties it all together
May your power purify the Earth of all defilement,
And rekindle in us the fire of Life.
Let your wild spirit penetrate this circle,
Envelop this circle,
Protect this circle.
May your free spirit, nourished by ageless instinct,
Awaken in these places the Supreme Wyvern!
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Duelists tend to get like. Spirit partners (aka just the monsters in the card), so I was thinking of the spirit partners of the Blur/Blight guys; some of these are small, while the bigger ones are either.. pocket-sized, or are their Actual Size, but they just don't appear as often as the smaller ones.
Additionally, they can have more than one, which tends to be the case as some of them may have connections to more than just their ace card! So, they have both a regular monster and their ace card as partners!
Also, some of them can talk, some are just making noises, and some are.. both. Either way, they mostly communicate telepathically.
Under readmore since there's pictures!
Hilbert : Masked Dragon & Blue-Eyes White Dragon
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Cheren : Kuribon & Ancient Sacred Wyvern
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Bianca : Naturia Cosmobeet & Naturia Leondrake
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Hilda : Raging Flame Sprite & Sacred Phoneix of Nepyths
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Nate : Red-Eyes B. Chick / Black Dragon's Chick & Red-Eyes Black Dragon
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Hugh : Blackwing - Blizzard the Far North & Blackwing - Nothung the Starlight
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Rosa : Watt Kiwi & Watt Chimera
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N : Luster Dragon & Labradorite Dragon
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Colress : Krebons & Thought Ruler Archfiend
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tenuuchlegch · 2 years
Shadowbringers HC’s
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Alriiiight! This is the moment you have all been waiting for! The one. The only, obligatory Shadowbringers headcanon dump post! Now since there is frankly a LOT to go over in this expansion, this will be divided into a couple of parts. With that being said let’s get started.
When the Exarch finally managed to establish a connection with Odtsetseg and bring her to the First, she was at the time carrying an egg in her bag. This was something that she managed to find, when helping some hunters locate their rathalos quarry in the Azim Steppes. This egg miraculously made it through the journey across the rift unharmed and then later a rathalos hatched from it in the middle of the Crystarium upon her arrival. Since au ra was the first being he saw the little, burning wyvern imprinted on her. Thus did she name her newfound friend Luu, which is ancient, auri tongue for dragon. 
While not entirely trusting the Exarch in the Stormblood patches, with him accidentally bringing the Scions over instead of her, Odtsetseg felt she had very little choice but to heed his call. Even if xaela outright refused, she felt he would still have leverage over her by essentially keeping her found family trapped in another realm. Thus did she go not for her own sake, but so her family might be saved.
Needless to say, that perspective began shifting a bit the moment she entered the First. When arriving she was deeply disturbed that the comforting night sky and glowing moon were practically nonexistent. Being a xaela who grew in the steppes, both day and especially night were practically considered sacred so seeing it all just overwhelmed in a sanitizing light was unsettling for her. This feeling was taken further when Lyna took down the minor sin eater and Odtsetseg quickly realized what had happened to the man she first met upon her leave.
Then there came the Crystarium. Upon seeing it’s jutting spire, Odtsetseg immediately recognized it to be the Crystal tower from Mor Dhona, or in the very least, it looked almost exactly like it. With that in mind, the au ra had a sneaking suspicion that this Exarch character was connected to G’raha Tia in some way. He had to be, for who else could utilize the tower’s power so thoroughly? She did not wish to potentially poke the sleeping bull by asking too many queries however, so the dancer remained silent on the matter for a time. 
When meeting Feo Ul and forming a pact with her, there was a part of Odtsetseg that wondered whether or not this would come back to haunt her later. She had never met any pixies before, up until that point so she felt skeptical about making a so-called pact without knowing her a bit more first. Regardless she DID want her stuff back and for someone at home to know her current status so reluctantly, au ra obliged. 
Learning about Minfilia’s fate in the First did comfort au ra, a bit. Though she did not have much of a connection to her compared towards the other Scions, she still was the first to welcome Odtsetseg into their group. Without hesitation, she invited her to become a part of their family and although xaela responded by emotionlessly thinking it would be a blood pact at the time, they DID become her found kin eventually and the dancer would never forget such kindness. 
Meeting Ardbert was definitely unexpected even moreso by the fact that she thought him to be essentially dead by then. Still, meeting him, somewhat experiencing the situation of his world for herself and learning about its condition when being introduced to the Crystarium she could not deny that his realm was indeed underneath dire strains. That being said, she did not bring him up to the Exarch. It was apparent that only she could espy him, from the way her baby rathalos looked confused when they talked and him claiming such facts, so mentioning the fallen warrior might make her seem insane in other’s eyes. Honestly though after that encounter, there was a part of her which contemplated whether or not she was losing it.
Rather than burden the Exarch with raising her new rathalos companion immediately, she decided to take him along when reconvene with the twins. He was still young, after all and Odtsetseg did feel a tad guilty for bringing unfamiliar life into an apocalyptic world. The least she could do was make certain it was taken care of. Plus keeping an eye on him did well for her mental state, throughout the journey. That being said, the Exarch and twins did babysit him when they entered Rak’tika.
Now for Alphinaud and Kholusia. From the beginning Odtsetseg could tell that something was amiss in the atmosphere. The barren lands, the people quitting honest work to enter this “paradise” of a city, the old not having a chance of peace it all felt so wrong somehow. The exploits with elezen boy followed by meeting the discarded painter proved that this place was more of a dystopia than a blessed heaven. 
Odtsetseg TOTALLY brought up Estinien, when they finally entered the city. How could she not? What was even funnier to her was the fact that Alphinaud acted like she and him remained in touch. [This can be either true or false depending on how one makes their Estinien interact with her.]
While Odtsetseg could not claim to be immediately fond of the Chais, she supposed Dulia-Chai at least was kinder than au ra expected. 
When meeting Vauthry, Odtsetseg was immediately disgusted. He reminded her of a Doman legend her mother used to tell when she was young. One about a cruel tyrant of Doma who was so greedy and heavyset that when he died his body burned for days because of his greasy fat. This Vauthry was the culmination of hubris, greed and selfishness so full glad was she to quit that area. 
Now for Amh Araeng. She was relieved to know that not all societies save the Crystarim’s were like that of Eulmore. When she did the cracking of the coin purse and given so much skewered frogs, Odtsetseg was tempted to take it as a challenge and eat all of them, but she decided saving much for her hungry rathalos hatchling would be best. The nice thing about having a baby carnivore around was that it ensured no meat would be wasted. 
The revelation that some eaters infected other people and made them their own, reminded Odtsetseg of those tempered by Ifrit and how there was nothing to do but simply kill them. Here however it was an eerily slow process and Odtsetseg would be lying if she claimed witnessing such events unfold firsthand did not raise some concerns for her. Then there came Tesleen.
While she did not know the woman as much compared to Alisaie, au ra could not deny her genuine kindness which made her tormented transformation into an eater all the more horrifying to watch. That being said, she knew the elezen girl likely took it harder than her, so when they went home dancer allowed red mage to pet Luu for comfort.  
When learning of the Lightwardens and being told that Hydaelyn’s blessing was capable of protecting her from their infectious light, Odtsetseg did not even think twice about questioning it. Despite not being able to communicate with her personally for so long, her powers still assisted former bard when it counted so she had little reason to doubt it at first. 
Once they went through Holminster Switch and Odtsetseg opened a path towards the night sky, au ra’s doubts about being here dispelled with the fading light. Thus when the Exarch approached her humbly and expressed his gratitude, Odtsetseg decided then and there to fully commit herself towards this cause. 
The whole reincarnation of Minfilia struck Odtsetseg as surprising for it made the kind girl she once knew almost similar to that of an ascian. To her it seemed out of character for the benevolent woman she once knew to resort towards their enemies’ ways. Yet when meeting the new Minfilia for the first time, she could not deny that they looked exactly alike in terms of physical appearances. Despite this she never once treated the girl as anyone other than her own person. Since she did not know the Source’s Minfilia as well as some other Scions did, it was easier for Odtsetseg to accept that this young lady wasn’t her. The Minfilia she knew perished in the bloody banquet; whisked away into some unknown realm because of divine intervention. 
Full glad as Odtsetseg was in seeing Thancred again, she did find his reprimanding of the blond girl to be somewhat jarring. Mainly because from what little she knew, this girl had lived a very sheltered existence until his intervention and she was still young. So witnessing the depravity of this world might effect her more than others. Despite her initial thoughts, she kept them to herself as they searched for Urianger. 
Luu definitely tried nipping at various fae folk a couple of times. Il Mheg was also the place where he learned how to fly. Though at the time he still wasn’t big enough to ride on. He also learned how to hunt a bit as well, while there. 
While she was still unsure if what Urianger saw in the rift was even real, his explanation or at least theory on how the ascians made the calamities was most enlightening. 
Due to his aetheric alterations in being exposed to the rift, Luu can breathe underwater just as Odtsetseg can. Thus when the Fuath attempted to drown his rider, the young rathalos was quickly found by the Scions unscathed.  Speaking of that though when Ardbert described the people of Voeburt and Odtsetseg thought back to the Fortemps she became even more determined to save the First. Even if Urianger’s vision was not false, she could not bring herself to risk failing the family again. 
Once Ryne expressed her woes involving Thancred to au ra, she began wondering if the man really saw this girl as her own, separate person, rather than his late friend. Granted she knew more than most that her loss effected him at a deeper level than others, but still he should not discount the fact that this new Minfilia was not the one he knew. 
Feo Ul taking her place as the new Fairy King, instantly gained Odtsetseg’s respect, because unlike some she had no desire to live for eternity. Her only regret was not seeing the Eulmoreans get their butts kicked by the fae, for herself. 
Enter the one, the only bastard man of the hour Emet Selch. Yeah, she did NOT enjoy encountering him at all. Not only did she distrust him because he was ascian, but au ra also felt that he was personally insulting the entirety of her mother’s side of the family by still being around. You see, her mother was once part of a royal Doman line which adamantly opposed Garlean occupation. As a result, all of them were sentenced to death when they took over, while her mother was in the Azim Steppes. So to say there was already bad blood between them, would have been an understatement. 
Luu shared his rider’s dislike for the ascian, as he was not hesitant to growl or snap at him.
She found it unsettling that the Unsundered ascian would continue his insistence on them cooperating with one another. Not only that, but the way he looked at her... stirred something within the au ra, though she simply shelved it as suspicion at the time. 
Surprised as she was when discovering that Emet pursued them to Rak’tika, it briefly turned into amusement when Thancred did not hesitate to sass him.  The moment Y’shtola failed to recognize her own aether, Odtsetseg KNEW something was up. Her suspicions were confirmed, when she overheard the miqo’te confronting Urianger. This of course made the au ra worried, not for herself but for this world and everyone around her. If she failed, there was a high chance all would fall, so her mind began working on making a contingency plan. 
While a part of her was definitely disinclined to seek an ascian’s help when plucking Y’shtola from the lifestream, she could not deny the lack of other options. That being said she didn’t want to be caught unawares should he suddenly betray them, nor did she wish for her friend to appear... bare before the others. As a result, Odtsetseg brought a blanket and sharpened weapons to their meeting point. Luckily, Emet Selch was courteous enough to return the sorceress’s garments. 
She totally shipped Runar and Y’shtola, don’t @ me. 
The secrets revealed in Qitana Ravel, definitely shocked Odtsetseg. Not only did it almost challenge her belief in Nhaama and Azim, but it also made her question Hydaelyn herself and the origins of her Echo abilities. Was she REALLY blessed? Or was this a form of being tempered? And her world being the shattered remnants of an ascian home? It sounded all insane to her at first, though eventually she came to realize there may have been a bit of logic to it.
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ceityradicalfem · 2 months
ancient beings and are granted access to the sacred an oppressive aura, suffocating in its intensity, and entity that feeds on the fear and despair of its With a newfound sense of compassion, Goku and Vegeta cloaked in shadow, emanating an aura of malevolence mystical creature—the Golden Wyvern.
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silverasks · 6 months
new lore-told from Charlotte’s pov (anything typed in brackets is a fourth wall break as any info shared there is not yet known by the character at the beginning of the first book)
Abris is a sacred ritual that combines the soul of humans with a spirit's core power. By knowing oneself you know your soul, by focusing on who you are inside people are able to conjure forth runes, using the might of a spirit companion together you could do fantastical things like moving water in the air, flying, moving the earth, bending fire to your will (etc.)but those who don't know who they are, have a bit more difficulty. (looking at Chen who will have a character ark about this)
Spirits will always have a core connecting them to a key element, for example, Dazzling cobalt-winged luklor who have augua cores can almost fly by manipulating some water from whatever mass it calls home to fill their wings and lift them up, allowing them to fly short distances without any wind needed. 
while a nimbus cloud racer who have cores of troposphere can travel faster than the tides by manipulating the air around them And an ingenious hide wyvern has a core of fire and earth allowing them to manipulate the magma inside the volcanoes they call home to give them a hide tough as obsidian that fits them perfectly, with them only needing to forge new ones when they grow out of an old one. 
Spirits are marvelous beings that can manipulate core parts of our everyday lives, but with the help from a human caster together they can create marvelous things, while spirits can only speak to those close to them or in the same core-type as them humans can talk to all, by bonding to a human a spirit gains the protection of an entire village instead of having to fend for themselves. 
But silver changes everything we know about spirits, they can talk to all sorts of spirits regardless of their fiery core, and their ability to look just like a human poses questions to how smart spirits could really be. 
The all eyes allegiance is quite insistent that nothing other than the great fox of light (Kon) can be as intelligent as humans, all spirits and other gods are just mindless beasts in their eyes. Oh yeah gods, haven't really explained that one huh. Well, they're basically just really powerful spirits who control the elements all cores stem from, like Keotira the god of earth whose form changes with the seasons or warka the god of the ocean, legends say she used to be part of an ancient kind of water spirit called Agua Inayah before she became a god.
 but the allegiance swears it's simply sacrilegious to say a god could be anything other than born into its power. how else would the great fox of light be so powerful? Spirits are born with power, they can't just gain it over time. At Least we think, no ones ever seen a newborn spirit or ever seen one be created so no one has any ideas. 
I think the key to finding out might be in the ruins from before the cataclysmic meteor storm that wipes out all who lived in Hadon before mer’ka citizens colonized the desert land. Some even think that the Augua Inyah lived here before, at least some that still believe they exist. 
Though better hints may be the process of corruption, when a spirit dies their form becomes solid instead of its usual smoky, wispiness and their bodies begin to rot. No longer can they regenerate and the wound that kills them slowly dissolves their form, until a shadowy void-tentacle thing we call Gea’qua. 
Gea’qua are formed when a corrupted spirit goes anywhere near a reflective surface, the surface will turn black and a Gea’qua will rise from it. There is no known way to stop a Gea’qua however certain scientists have been studying ways to stop them and return corrupted spirits back to normal, however no such luck. 
There's actually not much known about spirits, that's why I'm studying to become a Magusologist (person who studies magic) maybe if we better understand the spells we better understand spirits and the powers they hold. 
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landsofaruin · 7 months
Rise of the Tazarids
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"The coming of our great Khaganate was foretold by our sacred ancestors, for we emerged from the ashes of the ancient empire of softlanders, which once dominated the continent but fell due to their own arrogance.The birth of Tazaria was a result of a strategic alliance between our formidable nomadic tribe, the Aven, and the Kingdom of Olugat.The kingdom was known for its architectural marvels and advanced knowledge in magic and warfare,inherited from their time as a client of the Softlanders. But this success of the northern kingdom was a beacon constantly threatened by marauding tribes of Ogres. These Ogres, massive and grotesque mutations of man and animal, along with other dark creatures, posed a relentless threat to the kingdom's existence.In response to these threats, the mages of Olugat, working in the enigmatic Sapphire Tower, undertook a daring magical experiment. They created the dreaded Black Wyverns, terrifying winged creatures much smaller than dragons but no less deadly, with their poisonous breath and spiked tails. The successful deployment of these Wyverns turned the tide against the Ogre invasions, securing the kingdom's borders and paving the way for a period of relative peace and stability. This peace, allowed for the two peoples to come together and through this alliance emerged a figure destined to be a legend, great and mighty Khan Tazar. As he grew, the mighty Tazar embodied the best of both his heritages – the nomadic fierceness and adaptability of his mother, and the refined military strategies and cultural sophistication of his father. Tazar quickly ascended as a leader, uniting many of the disparate tribes and the kingdom's forces under his banner. Tazar led his brothers across the continent, subjugating many former territories of the old softlander empire. His conquests were marked by both brutal battles and strategic diplomacy, as he integrated conquered realms into his growing empire. The tactics used by Tazar often involved the strategic use of Wyverns, which became a symbol of his reign and the terror it inspired." "Ballad of the Khans", Imperial Scholar Batu of the Silver moon Clan, 500 PI
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paincorpsrarefinds · 1 year
Yu-Gi-Oh! Ancient Sacred Wyvern - ANPR-EN043 - Ultimate Rare - 1st Edition
COLLECTIBLES: Seller: fabianfrabs (100.0% positive feedback) Location: DE Condition: Gebraucht Price: 74.97 USD Shipping cost: 14.11 USD Buy It Now https://www.ebay.com/itm/125860088128?hash=item1d4dd88940%3Ag%3AeDUAAOSw-35kKeR6&mkevt=1&mkcid=1&mkrid=711-53200-19255-0&campid=5338779482&customid=&toolid=10049&utm_source=dlvr.it&utm_medium=tumblr
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trident-dragion · 2 years
Over the Nexus Deck Profile: Nordic Beast
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The Nordics are an archetype containing three different sets, each corresponding to a different Aesir. The other two, Nordic Alfars and Nordic Ascendants, aren't very good. Thor and his Nordic Beasts however, are pretty neat! The idea is having Tanngrisnir (the white goat) get destroyed by battle while you have Tanngnjostr (the black goat) in hand, as doing so will cause Tanngrisnir to summon two tokens with its effect, and Tanngnjostr will summon itself with its own effect, in defense position. Then, by switching Tanngnjostr to attack position, we can special summon Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts from our deck, then use that and the two tokens to make Thor, Lord of the Aesir. A surprisingly simple setup! We'll usually have a token or a Tanngnjostr left over, so if we have a Goldfaxe in hand we can summon that to make Ancient Sacred Wyvern, which pairs well with Thor as both are exceptionally stubborn Synchros, and Thor inflicting battle damage to the opponent will likely make Wyvern's attack stat skyrocket! Those aren't the only cool monsters this deck has either; this is a beast deck, so Green Baboon, defender of the Forest fits perfectly and combines well with Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter, and Plaguespreader Zombie, which also combines well with Ryko, can be used with a token or a goat to make Frozen Fitzgerald, an obscure Synchro monster with extremely specific summoning conditions! It's well worth the effort, as Fitzgerald, like Thor and Wyvern, has a useful effect and a sizeable attack stat while ALSO having a condition for special summoning itself back from the graveyard! I'd say it was done on purpose, if it weren't for how unrelated the three Synchros are. This is an exceptionally fun deck that offers a lot of exciting, non-generic Synchros you don't get to use often, especially not in the same deck! MONSTERS (19): Glow-Up Bulb x1 Gorz the Emissary of Darkness x1 Green Baboon, Defender of the Forest x1 Guldfaxe of the Nordic Beasts x3 Plaguespreader Zombie x1 Ryko, Lightsworn Hunter x3 Sangan x1 Super-Nimble Mega Hamster x3 Tanngnjostr of the Nordic Beasts x3 Tanngrisnir of the Nordic Beasts x2 SPELLS (12): Book of Moon x3 Charge of the Light Brigade x1 Dark Hole x1 Giant Trunade x1 Mind Control x1 Monster Reborn x1 Pot of Duality x3 Scapegoat x1 TRAPS (9): Call of the Haunted x1 Gleipnir, the Fetters of Fenrir x3 Mirror Force x1 Solemn Judgment x1 Solemn Warning x2 Torrential Tribute x1 EXTRA DECK: Ally of Justice Catastor x1 Ancient Sacred Wyvern x1 Black Rose Dragon x1 Brionac, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1 Colossal Fighter x1 Frozen Fitzgerald x1 Goyo Guardian x1 Naturia Beast x1 Red Dragon Archfiend x1 Scrap Dragon x1 Stardust Dragon x1 Thor, Lord of the Aesir x2 Thought Ruler Archfiend x1 Trishula, Dragon of the Ice Barrier x1
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yugiohcardsdaily · 7 years
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Ancient Sacred Wyvern
“1 LIGHT Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters
While your LP is higher than your opponent’s this card gains ATK equal to the difference. While your LP is lower than your opponent’s, this card loses ATK equal to the difference. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard: You can pay 1000 LP; Special Summon this card.”
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phoebelovingcare · 3 years
Kirby characters are so much all the time. There's a time traveling levitating wizard sailor catboy from another dimension who is also a traitor that wholeheartedly believes in the power of friendship and uses big sophisticated words just as often as he says "dude". And he's one of the best characters I've ever seen. I think we should all learn a thing or two from Hal when it comes to characters. He flies an ancient boat he may or may not have stolen that quite possibly has a mind of its own and picked a fight with the sacred guardian of his home planet that just so happens to be a four headed wyvern with a source of unlimited power on its head. Proof that you can have a character with a lot going on that's still super lovable and fun
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hochgouez-nerzhus · 3 years
Hymn to Cernunnos
By Taliesin
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Photographer and artist unknows found on pinterest articles
From the first cries,
Since the Dawn of Time,
Beyond the thick shadow of night,
Beyond the vibrating brightness of the day,
In power you watch and abide,
Rumbling and haughty, protective father.
So many times since your advent the Wheel has turned
So many times in your deep caves the waters have flowed
So many times under your instinct the earth has vibrated
So many times, in your name, mysteries have been revealed.
And the men of old, in the mist, stood up for you
And the women of yesterday, under a dome of stars, danced for you.
From the first tremors of the world
Every union of beings through you has become fruitful.
Wild god, who searches the night
Now I sing to you.
I sing to you, in the ancient woods.
I sing to you, according to the wind that inspires.
I sing to you, on the sacred heights of my country.
I sing to you in front of the world
And reaffirm the bond that unites me to You,
the Mist Slayer
He who opens our heights
You, the bearer of the flame of life
Masters of beasts and serpents,
Thou Great Purifier
He who kneads the creative humus
And survey our dreams as priests.
By the Deer that splits the forest
By the torque and the serpent!
Womb of the Mother!
Holy Mound!
Life Force!
Dark Roots!
Let the golden sap rise!
I sing to you, Flayed Lord!
I name you, Fertile God!
O Cernunnos!
Great Horned!
Regent of the Other Kingdom!
In the right balance that ties it all together
Let your power purify the Earth from all defilement,
And rekindle in us the fire of Life.
Let your wild spirit enter this circle,
Envelop this circle,
Protect this circle.
May your free spirit, nourished by ageless instinct,
Awaken in these places the Supreme Wyvern!
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Taliesin is an important figure in Celtic mythology and Welsh literature, both a sixth-century historical poet and a mythical bard of Welsh literature.  It is not always easy to tell them apart, especially since the latter is sometimes equated with Myrddin.  His name is also associated with the Book of Taliesin, a collection of manuscript poems from the tenth century but thought to be contemporary in composition with the historical bard.  Legend makes him the "Chief of the Bards of Brittany".
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lumilasi · 3 years
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UPDATE: Decided to completely redo the shading today because I just honestly hated how this looked originally lmao. Also re-drew Avara because I didn’t like her portrait. This now looks infinitely better.
Some random facts of these ocs below:
Azul is not a dark mage himself technically, but knows a lot about the magic type. He is also a direct descendant of Amaros, and thus has access to the kind of magic he offers. Azul’s most typical thing to say is “So who fucked up now?” Because he’s basically the grumpy problem solver for his close ones. He has a little brother Reuben who is a fire elemental. Azul is the love interest of Diojas.
Miriam Is a medium who lives with her childhood friend Maxwell, a wyvern she basically raised since finding his egg as a child. Miriam is one of Azul’s closest friends, and has the same vibe of “tired of your shit/will sip tea while silently judging you.”
Jurou is the epitome of sassy flamboyant antagonist, who likes to taunt his opponents. He’s also a dad and despite being a “villain” he’s genuinely a good parent to Caelan. His Jorogumo mother’s spirit lives within his soul and sometimes comments on things happening around him. 
Amaros is the ancient king of a warrior Kingdom who performed a sacred ritual to turn himself into a Deity in order to protect his empire. He’s seen as a bit of a devious Deity, whose power can be both a gift and a horrible curse.True to his title his personality is a bit sinister and psychopathic, although he does take his position as a Deity and protector of his own citizens seriously, even though his kingdom was destroyed eons later and now the members of it wander across lands all over the place.
Rayna is the epitome of relaxed playful big sister, who doesn’t take shit too seriously. Despite her goofy nature, she takes her job of protecting her kingdom’s weaker ruler (oc named Helias) very seriously, and is very skilled and strong fighter. She’s got a girlfriend who’s a librarian
Caelan is the last member of a long lost clan with extremely powerful elemental storm powers. His vengeful ancestral spirits often try to possess him to extract their revenge, but his adoptive parent Jurou typically stops them from causing too much harm needlessly. Caelan has feelings for Claude, but it’s also an awkward situation given Claude’s clan was the one who mostly destroyed the elemental one century ago. Calean mostly comes off kind and polite, but can react very extremely. (basically he has slight yandere vibes)
Avara is an Astral sorceress, meaning her magic is themed around night-sky and stars. She has a non-blood related sister Lumi, who is very protective over her. Avara was almost forcibly married to a horrible man, whom Lumi helped her escape from. She’s another good friend of Azul and Miriam. She’s pretty flirty but rarely genuinely means it, usually doing it just to tease people.
Claude is a surviving member of a telepath clan who caused their demise by being forced to do a ritual with his twin brother that went horribly wrong. His powers and mind are both kind of unstable now, and he works for Araknos who promised to find a way to fix him. He has feelings for Caelan, but is hyper aware of the bad blood between their clans. 
Diojas is the eldest child of the Vermonte family, and known for his dramatic temper and perfectionism. Despite his sometimes difficult personality, Diojas genuinely cares for his loved ones and their citizens, his perfectionism really just wanting to make sure everything works properly. He was also cursed as a baby unknowingly to his family, which partially resulted to his difficult personality. He’s Azul’s love interest. 
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goldenornstein · 4 years
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Even after the Everlasting Dragons were exterminated, the knights of Anor Londo would still slay drakes, wyverns and other draconic creatures as a sort of spectacle for the masses.
In lieu of the ancient hunt and attempting to continue the exalted tradition of slaying dragons, this practice became a popular sport. An open arena was set for all people to witness the event, oftentimes as part of the sacred festivities celebrated in Anor Londo. Even common warriors would participate, wishing to earn the Gods’ favour by proving themselves in the manner of the ancient holy knights --- defeating the descendants of the Everlasting Dragons was considered a glorious honour.
These creatures weren’t as dangerous as their dreadful ancestors, but they did possess enough power to be a real threat. Some fighters were severely injured, or even died trying. The stakes were high, but the prestige and wealth one could win made it worth the risk.
The heads of the slain dragons were placed on the walls of a special room in Anor Londo’s castle, which was dedicated to preserving and exhibiting them as valuable trophies.
Ironically enough, Ornstein would only partake whenever Gwyn ordered him to do so. He supported these shows in terms of being suitable entertainment for the people, while evoking Anor Londo’s triumphant origins. Yet, at the same time, he found the whole thing far below his own prowess. Fighting the lesser kin of his defeated enemies felt pointless. 
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monster-huntologist · 5 years
Monster Ecologies: Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre
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Entry 27 - Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre
Name: Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre
Aliases: Sparky, Bolt, Thunder Wolf Wyvern, Jinouga for Zinogre and Hellhound, Emporer of Hell, Hell Wolf Wyvern, Jinouga Ashu for Stygian Zinogre.
Classification: Mammal, Fanged Wyvern
Biology: The first Fanged Wyverns ever documented, Zinogre are large quadrupeds with distinctly canine features. Their bodies are covered in bright-blue scales with areas of white fur alongside yellow plating, spikes and horns. Its forelegs and tail are packed full of muscle, making them its primary weapons during combat. Despite its huge size, they are very agile and can perform numerous maneuvers both in the air and on the ground. By combining specialised muscles just underneath its skin and conductive lipids located in the numerous spikes (known as shockers) that line its back, Zinogre are capable of generating and storing electricity. This electricity is rather weak by itself and nowhere near as powerful as the types generated by monsters such as Lagiacrus or Astalos. To remedy this, the Fanged Wyvern is in a symbiotic relationship with a species of electricity-producing insects known as Thunderbugs. In exchange for nesting on its body and protection from their own predators, they skyrocket the level of voltage the monster is capable of producing. The insects that have bonded with the monster will then become known as Fulgurbugs. This relationship seems to be ingrained into the brains of Fulgurbugs, as they will flock to the call of any Zinogre in the area even if they've never encountered one before. Juvenile Zinogre are much fluffier compared to adults, as the increased amount of hair helps to protect the developing shell and speed up the storage of electricity. A subspecies known as Dracophage bugs can instead produce the Dragon Element due to feeding on Dragonfell Berries, which in turn results in a Zinogre subspecies known as Stygian Zinogre. They are usually larger than their normal counterparts, and have a new color scheme of black, red and white.
Behaviour: Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre, while still easily agitated, aren’t as aggressive as most monsters. They will still fight any intruders in their territory, but their imposing presence is often enough to drive smaller creatures away. Unlike many canines, they are solitary hunters due to being strong enough to easily take down prey by themselves. The only time they’ve been known to form packs is when pups are born. All Zinogres in the current habit will gather together to raise their pups and will attack anything they see as a threat to their offspring. These “breeding packs” have been sometimes known to contain both members of the species if their respective habitats are close enough together.
Habitat: Zinogre tend to prefer either forested habitats or mountainous habitats and are most often found in areas that consist of both. First documented in the New World in a region known as the Guiding Lands, they can can also be found in the Ancient Forest and Coral Highlands. Stygian Zinogre instead can be found in more extreme habitats like volcanic or arctic areas, as this is where Dragonfell Berries grow best. In the New World, they can be found in the Elders Recess and Hoarfrost Reach alongside the corresponding areas in the Guiding Lands.
Diet: Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre are carnivores, feeding on prey both big and small. In the New World, they have been known to hunt Aptonoth, Kestodon, Gastodon, Kelbi, Raphinos, Barnos, Cortos and Mernos. Fulgurbugs and Dracophage Bugs are omnivorous, so they will feed on both plants and the carcasses left behind once the monster has eaten its fill.
Attack Method: Despite their large size, both Zinogres are very agile and able to perform many acrobatic maneuvers. Spinning and flipping around opponents, they primarily fight using their muscular forelimbs and tail. These attacks are often boosted by the respective elements of each species. The Fulgurbugs and Dracophage Bugs can also be used as projectiles, sent out by the Fanged Wyvern while emitting bursts of electricity or Dragon Element.
Place in the Food Chain: Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre are apex predators, topping the food chain in their respective habitats. This is a difficult position to keep however, as they will have to contend with numerous other species. Zinogre often face Rathalos, Yian Garuga and Legiana while Stygian Zinogre often face Brachydios, Tigrex and Barioth. Numerous Zinogre in the Old World have been known to harbour a deep hatred for the Elder Dragon Amatsu. This is due to one specimen attacking a breeding pack and driving them out of their prior habitat near the Sacred Pinnacle.
This has been a report on the Zinogre and Stygian Zinogre. Thank you for reading.
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