#ancestral wisdowm
healingislimitless · 4 years
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We are our Ancestors returned. I’ve said this before - our blood was once theirs, our flesh was once theirs, the only difference is the footsteps we take are new, and continue where they left off.
Some of us have the luxury of tracing our Ancestors back for generations, some of us may only be able to go back to our grandparents, if that. In either case, our Ancestors are no less a part of our history –this includes Ancestors from past lives.
When it comes to our Ancestors, some of us may have a tricky relationship with them. As with all of our family on Earth or otherwise, they have qualities we vibe with, and some we don’t. I know I do. It becomes tricky when I feel I want to look up to them, but don’t vibe or agree with them wholeheartedly. Cultural, religious, political, social beliefs can all cause divides in the relationship we have with our Ancestors. Not only that, but our Ancestors in whatever generation played an active part in creating what we consider ‘generational curses’. Now this gets in the way, especially when trying to strengthen a bond that we have to them. We may even feel guilty at times accepting their gifts and blessings, while also playing a part or being a product of those curses. Those gifts and blessings can be incredible to accept, but sometimes we may ask ourselves, ‘at what cost?’
You can accept the blessings while breaking the curses, and without feeling apprehensive about it in any way. You have a responsibility to your Ancestors yes, but also to the current world you’re living in. You decide what traditions to uphold and which ones to dismantle. Part of continuing on their legacy is that you keep evolving, so they can evolve alongside you. That is part of your responsibility to them. Though it’s not your duty to right their wrongs, but deciding to do so can help you feel closer to them by helping them grow as Spirits, beyond what their human counterparts were able to do. As with all energies, you decide what you accept into your life. You can still allow your Ancestors to be a part of your life, but you can do it on your terms.
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