#anaya's headcanons
anaya-of-wolves · 1 year
Dream/Au time: What if, after defeating Galaxia, Usagi is unable to bring back the Senshi and Mamoru since their souls had already been reincarnated once before. So, that leaves just Princess Kakyuu and her Starlights to remain in Earth with her. Which is a very not fun time for Usagi's mental state. Along with her hair turning all black as well. Almost signifying a cut-off from her original powers.
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crossaik · 3 months
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the big three
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tinderbox210 · 23 days
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Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes as a Disney musical
insp. x x
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
I know we talk about just reader with Noa, but can you imagine like? Becoming a part of his group with Anaya and Soona? The four of you doing things together? Absolutely unbreakable?
Have some headcanons I can't stop myself ANYMORE.
Noa, Anaya & Soona / Reader - Friendship Headcanons.
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Going climbing with them - Always a good time and Noa likes it when he carries you on his back. ( Shoutout to @nerdy-novelist017 for this idea, I promise I am writing a whole fic for it omg. ) He likes the feeling of your body against him and really likes that you trust him to do that. ~*Anaya decimates that for Noa ( BLOCKED essentially ) and convinces you to try on your own, laughing loudly when you were hanging upside down from a rusted beam, arms above your head, blood rushing to your face and making it appear just a shade darker. *~Noa having a heart-attack, thinking you're absolutely going to fall, Anaya is rooting you on and Soona is trying to get Anaya to stop and trying to get Noa to stop from absolutely dying at the situation as he tries to grab you and pull you down. All the while, you're just playing along with Anaya who pushes you like a swing, watching as you sway back and forth. *~ Anaya telling Noa that you're really tougher than you appear and that you don't need to be babied and for a second, as Noa watches you on the beam, anchoring enough to get yourself upwards to stand so you're not hanging upside down anymore, he thinks that maybe his friend is right. *~ Or... Maybe not. You mis-step, coming tumbling down onto a patch of grass, padded enough for the small drop from the beam, onto the ground with a soft 'umph' and a small plume of dirt. *~ Noa and Soona absolutely panic and run to you, followed by Anaya only to see that you're splayed flat on your back, arms and legs out like a starfish before raising your right arm, giving them a thumbs up while wheezing out a small laugh. Soona laughs slightly out of relief that you weren't injured, asking if you're okay and helping you off the ground. *~ Noa smacks Anaya upside the head for actually trying to convince him that you climbing around the ruins was a great idea.
Uhm Soona Braiding your hair? HELLO?!!? ~* Maybe it's for a ceremony of sorts that Noa is going to be conducting; think along the lines of blessing the young Apes who were about to go through their coming-of-age the next morning with their Eagle Eggs. This is first one since his father passed. He's incredibly nervous, worried he's going to mess up and has been secluded by himself for the entire day in preparation of not fumbling. ~* Soona asking you if it would be alright to dress your hair up. Just a few braids, she told you. It was symbolic in a way and she 100% tells you that Noa would appreciate it, knowing that the two of you have this unspoken feeling aspect to your relationship. ( She's trying to help. ) ~* You smile softly at her, letting her fingers transverse through your hair. She makes gentle comments about how thin it was compared to her own Ape fur, and even jokes that it must get cold, having most of your hair on your head and not along the rest of your body. You nod in agreement, telling her things about clothing and how it serves Echo's a purpose of insulation, to keep warm. ~* 100% Sneaks a few wooden beads and blue feathers into the intricacy of the braids. The Wooden beads? They're from Dar. Soona knows that Noa will recognize them. The blue feathers? They're from Eagle Sun. Noa's bird.
Anaya telling you things about Noa, about his childhood, some memories- much to the Eagle Clan's leaders bemusement. ~*Never any deep or dark secrets, but it's definitely ones that could be seen as embarrassing, especially since Noa did like you and did want to leave an impression. ~*Noa tends to stay quiet in these moments, but if he notices Anaya saying something that was incorrect, he does butt in and sarcastically fix the details for him. Usually garnering a rather mocking face from Anaya and Soona laughing, telling him to calm down and that Anaya was only telling a story; as long as the premise was true, the minute details that Noa could remember didn't matter in the grand scope. He definitely does it though to keep the story straight so you don't get the impression that he's well..................... Not a good match for you. ~*The way Anaya puts his stories always makes you laugh; he's got a knack for that, Noa noticed and smiles along with Anaya's voice as he's telling you about the time Noa had ultimately gotten his foot stuck in an ant hill when they were very young. Soona joins in and tells you the absolute panic that Noa went into. They begin talking over each other, recollecting the same memory in two different ways. Noa's transfixed watching you watch Anaya and Soona. He... He likes this; being surrounded by the three of you. By... By his family. ~*Moments later, that peaceful bliss that Noa was floating off into uncharted territory when Anaya told you that Noa got bit by the ants. In a lot of places. On his feet, up his leg, on his--- Noa had to stop Anaya from talking, quick to see where that was going. There was a tinge of red against your cheeks as you looked at at Noa, who looked back down at you after shutting Anaya up. Everyone knew where that was going- Anaya in his oblivious nature saying, "You... Should show Echo the scars. Maybe interested."
Soona occasionally has to tell Anaya to leave the two of you alone if she senses that you and Noa are having an intimate interaction. ~*He contemplates Soona's words but goes towards you anyway. You're all friends, what you were talking about had to be appropriate for the whole group. Right? RIGHT! ~* He is definitely more oblivious than Soona, and will find himself between the two of you, breaking apart the conversation you were having. ~* Soona giving Noa an apologetic look as she sits next to you. She tried to get Anaya to stop without flat out giving a reason, leaving it up to interpretation. ~* Noa then staring at Anaya as he starts talking to you before your eyes meet. He's empathetic with his eyes, telling you that the two of you an finish you conversation later.
Being gifted a necklace, very similar in nature to Soona's, by all three of them. ~* Happens after you had been with the Clan for a quite a bit of time. It was a symbol that you were now considered one of them, one of the Eagle Clan. ~* Soona feels like she's jumping out of her skin as you let her hands put it over your head, falling delicately onto your neck despite the rather bulky appearance of it. It was remarkably light, scaled down ever so slightly as you were smaller in stature compared to your friends. ~*Anaya thinks it looks great, and is quick to give you a compliment. He nudges Noa in the ribs with his elbow, encouraging his friend to say something. This was a gift from all of them! Not just Soona and Anaya. ~* Noa looks at you, suddenly dry mouthed. You smile at him, reaching your hand up to play along the delicate nature of the detailing and the pedants that fell right along the bridge of your collarbone. 'Looks...' He signed at you slowly, 'Good.' ~*Soona and Anaya end up watching the interaction carefully. Noa is nervous to give compliments to you, they note at the stance that Noa has, his shoulders slightly hunching in on himself. You're nervous to receive them, they note the way that your face stiffened before softening again at the acknowledgement of the words. ~*Definitely hits Anaya right then watching you and Noa that there was more going on than he initially sensed. He narrows his eyes in suspicion. Totally complains to Soona later that evening that she should have just told him that the two of you liked each other and Soona ultimately doesn't hear the end of it because Anaya felt left out.
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teojira · 4 months
Really enjoyed your headcanons on Caeser and Proximus, do you mind doing the same with Noa?? 😊🙏
[Noa and day to day life with him!] [Headcanons!]
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Summary: Noa takes you back with him to his home, and the clan accepts you as one of them. Even if you're concerned otherwise.
Word count: 1k (Jesus christ)
Warnings: None that I can think of! Can be read as Platonic or Romantic! You and Noa are attached to one another. (Yes, this is me projecting.)
A/N: Noa is so near and dear to me, I literally did not mean for this to be so long, and I STILL cut myself off. This is 1k words worth of headcanons for him, and it is not enough. I'm Noa's #1 fan, I am sorry to all my friends and family who have to hear me talk about him constantly.. Ask me for Noa anything, and I will give you the world.
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Do me a favor and strap the fuck in for this it's alot.
I am so glad someone asked about Noa bc I got ALOT to say.
Noa has had it with humans, Mae put him, his clan, and countless others at risk, he should not trust humans, really he shouldn't, but he can't help it. She also betrayed you in the process, and now you're alone.
You agreed to help him and Mae against Proximus, you're the only one who actively goes up against Proximus as well.
Swinging and trying your best to try and get Proximus off of Noa, yelling and crying while the other apes just stare in fear. (Later on they apologize, but you don't hold it against them.)
It's a huge risk to invite a human with them again, but then he remembers Rakas words, Caesars words, and decides he can't told another's decisions over you.
So when he gently grabs your hand in his, looking down at you with a strained smile, blood seeping from his lips, you follow, back to his clans land.
Now on to the good stuff, it's kinda awkward finding your place among the eagle clan, the elders are gone, his father Koro is gone, there really is no guidance as to where to place you.
You drift mostly, either helping Dar or helping with the young ones, teaching them how to read and write, helping fish, farm, the basic tasks.
Dar loves you by the way, doting on you and making sure no one messes with you in a harmful way. She teaches you their customs and traditions, all the while playfully teasing you about Noa. She's a mom, she knows.
You're happy with your work, happy with your place among the clan. It's genuinely shocking how much they were willing to forgive and to not hold any grudges against humans after one ruined everything.
It helps that Noa takes accountability for you, somehow so trusting that you will not cause harm. His faith in you speaks volumes and you remind him everyday that it won't go to waste.
All he does is send you a sweet smile and ruffles your hair.
You find yourself helping Noa alot with crafting new tools and contraptions, being a second pair of eyes that can catch onto things he can't.
"Very smart." "Thank yo-" "For an Echo." and he does that stupid cute little sniff afterwards and it makes it tremendously hard to hit him.
He's such a little shit I fucking hate him.
You're his shadow when his duties permit, he's taken on a higher role of the clan, sometimes going out for days at a time but you're always at the edge of the Village waiting for his return, anxiously working your bottom lip until you see him in view.
You're both extremely attached to one another, Soona and Anaya become attached to you too, dragging you along in everyone's free time to go climbing, to eat, to hunt, just about any group outing has you as their fourth member.
Noa was worried about them accepting you, but they love you just as much as he does.
It makes his heart swell when he sees you and Soona together, giggling about something surely only you both understand while Anaya groans and complains about being left out.
It's like you've always been meant to be with them, to round out their group.
Soona and Anaya will offer to be the one to carry you this time, they do want to, genuinely, but Noa won't let them 99.9% of the time, He's used to your weight, he trusts that he can keep you safe the best. (Says the ape that literally almost died multiple times doing stupid shit)
"Noa worries too much, they will be fine." "Anaya is clumsy. Can't trust you to carry yourself, much less echo."
He tries not to carry you everywhere, but it is so much more convenient than waiting for you, so he scoops you up often enough that the stares don't bother you anymore.
Remember how in the movie, all the apes sleep together communally? Well you're at first extremely nervous about that, not wanting to ask what exactly are your accommodations because surely they don't want you there with them.
Actually, Noa does, so jot that down.
When you shyly move away, he raises his palm up at you, nodding to the space besides him.
When you don't move, he gently tugs you down, laying on his back and shutting his eyes. The clan hasn't really fully rebuilt and started to gather things needed for shawls and coverings, so it's not strange to him that you cuddle up to him to steal his warmth, peeking an eye open to see your face squished into his side, knocked out.
He wraps an arm around you, incasing you in more warmth.
This is a nightly routine until you finally take it upon yourself to throw yourself on him, he chokes out a breath as you make yourself comfortable.
Soona and Anaya usually join in, he cannot fucking breathe but he's so happy that it outweighs it.
When Mae inevitably shows back up, she sees you out in the distance, you look so genuine happy, so at peace with where you are. You even have some eagle feathers in your hair, integrated into their life that it shocks her.
It's enough to make her put the gun away, grasping at Rakas necklace like a lifeline, sucking in a deep breath to stop her from crying.
Maybe apes and humans can live at peace with one another after all. She hopes you prove her wrong.
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ᴛʜᴀɴᴋ ʏᴏᴜ ᴠᴇʀʏ ᴍᴜᴄʜ ꜰᴏʀ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴀɴᴅ ɪ ʜᴏᴘᴇ ᴛᴏ ʜᴇᴀʀ ꜰʀᴏᴍ ʏᴏᴜ ꜱᴏᴏɴ!
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reddesires · 2 months
Sleeping Positions Headcanons. (Caesar, Noa, Blue Eyes, Anaya, Koba.)
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You sleep coiled into his side, his arm a cushion for your head. He likes to study your softened features as you sleep, the way your mouth is slightly agape, and the twitch of your brows as you dream. You take comfort in his warmth, the harsh winter months to come blowing full steam ahead and taking hold of your bones and choking out the heat from your blood. Caesar's warmth and the safety of the nest your safety net from the harshness of the climate, he enjoys your dependence on him in your sleep, your vulnerability and softness only encourages his innate need to pull your closer into his side.
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Noa pulls you halfway on top of him, your leg straddling his taut waist and your chest pressed against his pec. He listens to your sleep induced breathing, allowing it to subdue him from the stresses of his long day. His hand will be absent-mindedly soothe your soft skin, and he'll always be on the lookout for the soft contented sigh that escapes you at his touch, your body instinctively reacting to the touch of your mate. He lay with you until finally his mind finally eases enough that it'll let sleep completely enrapture his senses, snuggling his face into your hair.
Blue Eyes
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Blue Eyes prefers to be the bigger spoon, completely encasing your frame with his body. His head resting on top of yours, the feeling of his warmth and the safety of his arms causing a love smitten smile to slip onto your lips. His calloused hand grabs on to yours, and he emphasizes that sleep finds him easier when he's cuddled on to you. It's become routine for him and sleep will utterly evade him if your not there with him so when a hunt is longer than expected and he'll have to spend the night away from you, it's absolute hell and he wants nothing more than to have you in his arms and the comfort of the nest surrounding him.
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Anaya basically sleeps on to of you, his limbs wildly spread out, and his dead weight now the norm for you. He's an abnormal sleeper and he often moves throughout the night but you can guarantee that some part of his body is on you at all times, you'll often lay on your back awaiting sleep to finally take hold of you as you listen to the sleepy mumbles that escape him, it makes you smile but you envy how easy sleep comes to him. You'll sometimes soothe the fur on top of his head, a soft giggle emitting from you as you watch the twitch of his nose and the wiggle of his limbs at your touch.
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You often find yourself falling asleep side by side, close in proximity but not exactly cuddling. It's only when you have fallen asleep that he makes a move. When he's in need of comfort, he'll hug onto your waist, his head resting on the softness of your tummy. Sleep evades him frequently, and he's not exactly keen on asking for consolation, but the openness that you emit whilst in sleep eases him enough to pull himself closer to you. You don't mind it, and you would rather not say anything about it when you wake with him huddled into your tummy. You wouldn't want to chase him back into self isolation. This was something that didn't need to be spoken on.
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arleniansdoodles · 4 months
If you don't mind, I would like to ask:
Are there any happy or joyful moments between Noa and Mae?
Such as Mae singing childhood songs, those rhytmic ones? Or dancing around the campfire? Maybe Noa telling humorous tales from his childhood or him having contagious laugh so Mae laughs too?
It's just that they deserve some happy moments too.
I don't mind at all! I agree, they definitely deserve some happy moments :''')
I assume you're asking about my headcanons; I like to imagine Noa would show Mae how to care for the eagles! He'd teach her the clan's songs and the stories behind them; then he finds out she sings pretty well (Freya Allan has a beautiful singing voice btw) and asks about human songs.
So Mae turns to the old children's tunes and nursery rhymes kept alive in the bunker's archives (maybe her mom sang some to her when she was a kid). Maybe Noa finds the meanings funny or confusing, but either way, he's curious about human music XD
I also headcanon that she teaches Noa (plus Soona and Anaya) how to dance! I don't know if Eagle Clan has any dances, but Mae would show them the "swaying side to side" method loll In turn, Noa teaches Mae how to climb better XD
Thanks for the ask! I love thinking about these two <333
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the-silverdew · 2 months
What do the Apes prefer? Pt 2
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Pairings: Kotpota Characters x Human! Reader
Notes and Warnings: headcanons, nsfw, afab reader
What do they prefer: breasts, ass or both?
Soona: it's fascinating for her. Your sounds of pleasure when she caresses them or takes one nipple in her mouth make her giggle in delight.
Oda: they are so soft, so different from what he's used to with female apes. Likes to cup them, see how perfectly they fit in his hands and massage them, loving the sweet sounds you make.
Sylva: if he had a rough day, coming back to you and resting his head in your breasts will soothe instantly. Also, when it comes to matters of the bedroom, he really enjoys titty-fucking, seeing his cum all over your chest and mouth.
Lightning: he's very into anal and likes to squeeze it during the act, spanking too. Careful, because if he feels playful he'll bite until his teeth are marked.
Anaya: you skin is so smooth to the touch. Anaya loves how the roundness stands out when you wear tight clothes.
Proximus: somewhat similar to Noa (proxy's probable human fetish aside), he finds both attributes appealing.
Noa: he feels so curious about your human figure, but can't really decide wich one he prefers, so he settles for adoring both.
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ofapesandmen · 23 days
Of Apes And Men — Masterlist
last updated: 5/9/24
—★ Finished:
NSFW HCs - (ao3 link)
Makers Marked- drabble [watersports, humiliation, hate sex] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Ride the Donkey - oneshot [size difference, dubcon, m/m] (ao3 link)
Dating Oda - headcanons [human reader, ape reader, sfw, nsfw] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Proximus Caesar
Good Boy - drabble [praise, power dynamics, m/m] (tumblr link) (ao3 link)
Through Flesh - drabble [painplay, nipple piercings] (tumblr link) (ao3 link coming soon)
Before the Thunder - multichapter [voyerism, hate sex] (ao3 link)
1960'S POTA:
Dr Cornelius
Due for a Thorough Probe - drabble [medicalplay, petplay, prostate milking, m/m] (tumblr link) (ao3 link coming soon)
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see what to expect next:
—★ Posting Soon:
Koba/Reader/Rocket(/Caesar) - drabble [double penetration, cucking]
—★ Currently Working On:
Spoonful of Sugar, Proximus Caesar/Reader/Anaya - multichapter [love triagle, cucking, threesome]
Caesar SFW & NSFW Alphabet - headcanons
Bad Dog, Koba/Reader - oneshot [petplay, bdsm]
Dating Blue Eyes and Ash, Blue Eyes/Reader/Ash - headcanons [human reader, ape reader, sfw, nsfw]
—★ Next In Line:
Savoury but Sweet, Caesar/FTM!Reader - oneshot [period sex]
New Lovers New Experiences, Blue Eyes/Reader - oneshot [first time]
Warrior's Lesson, Oda/Reader/Anaya - oneshot [pseudo-cucking, threesome]
Sweetness, Dr Cornelius/Reader [fluff, cuddling]
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the very long list of future fics:
—★ In The Future:
Caesar/Koba [hate sex, jealousy]
Rise!Rocket/Caesar [power dynamics, hatesex]
Proximus/Noa/Anaya [dubcon, exhibitionism]
Lightning/Noa [dubcon]
Human Reader
Blue Eyes/Reader [teasing, public]
FTM!Blue Eyes/Reader [heat cycle, cunnilingus]
Ash/Reader [rimming]
Rocket/Stone/Reader [double penetration]
Koba/Stone/Grey/Reader [dubcon, exhibitionism, foursome]
Anaya/Reader [overstimulation]
Anaya/Reader [edging]
Oda/Proximus/Reader [dubcon, cucking]
Proximus/Reader [petplay]
Proximus/Reader [watersports]
Proximus/Reader [edging]
Proximus/Reader [topping Prox]
Proximus/Reader [genital piercing]
Proximus/Sylva/Reader [exhibitionism]
Dr Cornelius/Reader [lobotomy, power dynamics]
Ape Reader
Caesar/Reader [cheating, age difference, Reader is dating Blue Eyes]
Rocket/Reader [first heat]
Pre-Dawn!Koba/Reader [fluff, babysitting]
Grey/Reader [cheating, Reader is dating Koba]
Spear/Donkey!Reader [hate sex]
Noa/Reader [comfort sex]
Koro/Brat!Reader [age difference, daddy kink]
Sona/Reader [childhood best friends]
Oda/Rival!Reader [competition, edging]
Proximus/Royal!Reader [arranged marriage]
Sylva/Reader [size difference]
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damnflirtyape · 3 months
ngl I kind of headcanon Noa's almost bafflement when Mae asked him if he liked Soona romantically was because he couldn't imagine a scenario where it wasn't Soona, Anaya and himself. It's always been the three of them, ever since he can remember, and he loves them both.
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lunasdestiny · 4 months
How would the sunset trio raise their baby eagles? Any cute headcanons with their adorable chicks? I like to picture Anaya baby talking his eagle and getting flustered when the other two hear him.
Anaya is a dedicated eagle dad. Also is determined his grows up just as cool. Probably teaches it tricks lol
Soona is protective and very nurturing to her eagle. constantly singing to it and giving it the best food. A lot of the times helping parent the other two's lol
Noa does his best with his new eagle. Sun probably adopts the chicks as well. Noa just wants to raise them right like his father was so good at. Dar helps him out and reassures that hes doing great
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maarslovesmonkees · 2 months
Hello and Welcome ape lovers🦍🦧💞
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Hi!! My name is Marquis (any pronouns)!! Ive been brain rotting about these cgi apes for like a year and ive been SCRATCHING an itch to finally write about them!! :D Read below for rules!
Request: Open ✅
Wait time: on hiatus.
Blue eyes
Bad ape
Proximus caesar
Any that aren't included, please ask :)
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Sfw is allowed
Angst, fluff, hurt/comfort, etc!
NSFW is allowed
No scat or fart. Literally anything else is chill with me 🙏
Please specify what gender terms you want me to use (Female, Male, non-binary, TM, TF, etc!)
Please specify what type of writing you'd like as well. Oneshot, headcanons, etc.
Character x reader/ character x character/ poly characters x reader/ character x OC is all allowed!
Please be specific of what you'd like me to write!
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Important notes
I do have the right to refuse any request for any reason, however please do not take it to heart!
Dont like the content? Just block/ ignore. Not here to cause any dramas!
Do not be shy to message/ask me any questions 💞
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historicalvandal · 3 months
Fandoms and requests! ✎﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏﹏
Said I'd make a post about this, so I can't slack off rn and not do it- plus my blood is sufficiently boiled at COD so I need something to let off steam lmaooo-
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ This is going to be a pinned post about fandoms I'll write about/characters I suppose! Although you can always request any character! Fandoms ; PoTA/KoTPoTA, RDR2, Kingdom of Heaven, ATLA, Avatar (blue ppl) and MW2/3. Not many fandoms but I don't want to be completely swamped lmfao- Characters I'll more then likely write for ; Noa, Soona, Anaya, Proximus Caesar, Caesar, Rocket, Winter, Koba, Blue eyes, Ash, Bad ape (platonic), Maurice (platonic), Arthur, Dutch, Sean, Hosea, Lenny, Micah, Sadie, John, Kieran, Charles, Eagle Flies, Baldwin, Tiberius, Salahuddin, Aang, Sokka, Zuko, Toph, Katara, Ozai, Azula, Ty Lee, Mai, Hakoda, Neytiri, Jake, Kiri, Ao'Nung, Neteyam, Lo'ak, Spider, Quaritch, Tonowari, Tsi'reya, Ronal, Tuk (platonic), Lyle, Simon, ⍰⍰⍰⍰⍰⍰, Price, Gaz, Valeria, Rudy, Alejandro, Graves, Nikto, Makarov, Nolan, Horangi, Farah, Alex, Gromsko. (No I will not write for Konig, I know that's mad but I just don't enjoy his character that much, no hate to the Konig lovers though! He's a great character he just isn't a fave for me :PP)
⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ ୨ ♱ ୧ ⏝̅⏝̅⏝̅ Please feel free to send me in any asks, bring me stuff about headcanons, drabbles just anything you'd like to share! My asks are always open :]
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the-monkeies-girl · 3 months
Noa Masterlist. ( Kingdom of the Planet of the Apes. )
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➤Customary Series. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) ➤Summary: You were found by Noa, Anaya and Soona - on the brink of the death - healed back to health, you were faced with being let go, or staying with the Eagle Clan. Food, shelter and safety. The catch? Their Leader wanted to know about Echo ways of living and never bargained feelings into the transaction.
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Imagines and Headcanons.
➤Noa x Human! Reader Imagines. ( Set One. ) ➤Noa x Human! Reader Imagines. ( Set Two. ) ➤Noa x Human! Reader Imagines ( Set Three. ) ➤Courting Imagines. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) ➤Noa / Eagle Sun / Human Reader. ( Headcanons.) ➤Noa/ Anaya / Soona / Human! Reader. ( Headcanons. ) ➤Noa / Human! Reader Body. ( Headcanons. ) Warning: Is very NSFW and implies sexual relations. ➤Noa x Human! Reader ( Period Headcanons. ) Warning: Talks of blood, menstruation. ➤Locked in a Small Space. ( Intimacy Prompts. ) ➤Listening to Someone's Heart Beat. ( Intimacy Prompts. ) ➤Kisses When They're Mad. ( Intimacy Prompts. )
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➤Terror. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) ➤In a Hurry. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) ➤Waterworks. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) ➤Yours, Mine, Mine. ( Noa x Human! Reader. ) Warning: Does include smut. ➤Noa x Human!Reader Smut. ( nsfw, 18+) Warning: Does include smut. ➤Sequel to Untitled Smut Above. ( nsfw, 18+) Warning: Does include smut.
 ➝ Also included in the following Scenarios:
➤Star Gazing. ➤Berry Foraging. ➤Snowball Fights. ➤Favored Forms of Affection. ➤Jealousy. ➤Early Mornings. ➤Snoring. ➤First Time Admitting You're Beautiful.
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hotchocolatefanfics · 3 months
Do you have any headcanons for some of the ships like Lightning and Sylva or Noa and Soona?
For both ships: They grew up together as childhood friends and know each other inside and out.
Sylva and Lightning:
- Believe it or not, Sylva is capable of being gentle and soft. It’s just hard for him to show it because most apes are afraid of him and he doesn’t want to show any sign of weakness. Lightning is the only one who has ever seen that side to him but those moments are few and far in between.
- Lightning isn’t as violent as Sylva, but he loves the action and thrill of it!
- Similar to the first one, Lightning is probably the only ape who can get through to Sylva; if they argue Sylva will listen, if he went too far or the brutality isn’t necessary Lightning can tell him to stop, and so on.
- Both are loyal to Proximus but they will pick each other over him if it came to that. Sylva will destroy any ape that harms or threatens Lightning (which I think is why he went after Noa; He couldn’t kill Mae so he wanted to kill Noa, the next best thing in his mind at the time) and Lightning will halt an entire hunting party to make sure Sylva is alright.
For Soona and Noa:
- Soona is the wise one out of the Sunset Trio. This often means that Noa (and Anaya) go to her for advise or a shoulder to cry on when they need it.
- While Noa used to hate it whenever Soona challenged the laws, he was very sad when she seemed to accept the laws under Proximus. Seeing her strong and rebel spirit broken and so hopeless was like seeing part of her die.
- Sometimes Noa wonders what he would have done if Mae hadn’t intervened when Soona’s life was threatened. If he could have done more to protect her or if he could have saved her on his own. It haunts him every night and he has since swore to her that he wouldn’t let that happen again (even though Soona doesn’t resent him for it).
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teojira · 3 months
POOKIE! I’m so happy that you’re doing planet of the apes stuff.
Please can you write a what happens when you get hurt badly like you got into a fight with a another human and we got are shit rocked. but we end up surviving how would Caesar acted, and proximus maybe noa?
Thank you! Can you make us human please? As well
[Bleed it out] [Caesar|Noa|Koba| Proximus x reader headcanons]
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Summary: How do the Apes handle it when you're attacked unprompted by another human? Not well tbh!
Warnings: Reader gets hurt in this one so TW for choking, blunt force trauma, blood, murder, Proximus' being a little unhinged, general stuff you can imagine with a prompt like this. Possibly out of character.
A/N: WOOOOO I am so fucking sorry this took ages anon, I struggled with this prompt for a good while bc I wanted it to be well thought out. I am SO sorry for the wait! I hope you're still around 😭
I also threw in Koba because he came to mind first and his drabble got done with ease. Idk what that was about but welcome back Koba.
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- Caesar immediately goes to attack the human, hooting and screeching for some other ape to come to him, it doesn't take long for Rocket to come barreling towards him with Blue eyes not far behind.
-He damn near barks at Blue eyes to go to you, who's laid out on the ground choking for air, hands around your throat as you try and take in oxygen. Blue eyes gingerly pulling you towards him, hooting softly to get your attention on him.
- Returning his gaze to the human man in front of him, it takes every ounce of composure Caesar has to not rip him into shreds, his mind flashing with images of you being choked out against a tree.
- Whether this was Dawn! Caesar or War! Caesar, will decide the outcome of if he kills the man or not.
- Younger Caesar wouldn't, at most roughing up the man, letting Rocket handle dragging the man off to do whatever he deems fit after the Ape king gives him his permission. He doesn't ask what Rocket does, trusting that Rocket followed his words in not killing.
- Older Caesar isn't as merciful, the man is dying. After all he's been through, he is just not willing to take a chance, there is no way he will put you at risk again, nor will he let the other apes possibly be harmed. It's a no brainer.
- Once he finds you being tended to, curled in on yourself with the boys by your side, does he finally sigh a breath of relief.
- Cornelius is hugging you, latched onto your chest as Blue eyes sits by your side, protective of both you and his baby brother.
- Caesar settles himself beside you, a hand running through your hair as you sleep off all the pain and adrenaline that you've suffered through.
- Gets even more protective than thought possible, if you thought it was overkill before that Caesar wouldn't let you be alone without any other ape present, he himself personally will follow you around like a shadow now, to the best of his abilities.
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- Noa goes to you first, swooping you up into his arms to make sure you're still alive, cradling you against him as he bares his sharp teeth at the human.
- Noa doesn't like killing in general, hes never agreed with taking a life unless necessary. but he considers it when he hears you whimper from the pain, eyes scrunched shut as you bury your face into his chest.
- Anaya and Soona have the the human pinned down, squirming against their hold but it's to no avail, there is no way for them to escape their grasp.
- He has to make a decision on what to do, and eventually calls for Anaya to come and grab you and take you back to the clan, it takes everything in him to let you go, ignoring that you keep whining for him to not leave. But he has to, so Anaya carries you as fast as he can back to the clearing where the horses are, trying to comfort you and crack jokes as best as he can.
- He nods at Soona to let him take over, now looming over the man who put his disgusting hands on you and the growl that escapes him is spine chilling.
- Soona won't tell you what Noa did, nor will He himself. Your questions go unanswered and you realize it's not worth it. Do you really need to know? Noa handled it, he saved you, that's good enough.
- Takes care of you himself, fetching you whatever you want without any hesitation, his duties on hold temporarily until he's seen improvement. Humans are just, so fragile and he's terrified that your injuries will cause permanent issues.
- Noa lets you cling onto him as much as you want, usually one to tease you about you being so physical with him but after the scare you both had, he's the one who wraps himself around you, tucking you into himself so tightly as if to protect you from any threat once so ever.
- Never let's you out of his sight, and while he may not hate humans as a whole, he definitely doesn't the thought of more being out there, you're the only good one, and he has to protect you at any cost.
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- Koba is immediately killing the human, there is no other way he's gonna go about it.
- Despite what the Bonobo may feel about you, no matter how much he said he'd let you rot and die because the only good human there is a dead one, you're apart of the colony.
-He justifies the overwhelming pit in his stomach from worrying about what Caesar would go through if you were killed, no it isn't due to him secretly enjoying the affection you still bestow him, no, he doesn't care.
- The reality that the other human is dead, covered in warm sticky blood doesn't set in until he turns to make his way to where you lay eerily still on the forest floor.
- He hears other apes coming towards you both, he can hear his heartbeat in his ears and he hears screeching.
- It's coming from himself, his chest rapidly rising up and down as he panics.
- For the first time, Koba is afraid to touch you, scared that if he does, there will be no pulse, and he's yelling for Caesar to do something, his hands moving to painfully grab at his own fur, almost tearing clumps out.
- Koba won't carry you back to the colony, but Luca does. The gorilla trying his best to ignore the tweaking Bonobo following him.
- Doesn't visit you while you're recovering, ignoring everyone's attempts to convince him to, the fear he felt when he thought you were gone was too much, unexpected emotions filling his mind.
- Old man is stressed the fuck out over you, save him.
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- You're off with Sylva on am excursion, permitted by Proximus. It's a common occurrence at this point, so there isn't any cause for alarm.
- The Silverback has to leave you just for a moment, and that's when you get attacked, and he feels his heart drop.
- Has to make a choice to either hunt down the human who attacked you, or bring you back to Proximus and have medical treatment.
- He scoops you up as carefully as he can, taking you home, dreading what the leader will say when he sees that Sylva had failed ro protect you.
- When Proximus sees you knocked out, blood pooling at your temple, he fucking loses it.
- Snarling and snapping orders for apes to come and help you now, his fur standing on end, his eyes feral as he looks down at you on your cot, growling.
- Sends a search party out for the human that attacked you, he doesn't care how long it takes, he's gonna exhaust every ape if he has to.
- He himself doesn't leave your side, fingers busy with brushing your hair from your forehead, only moving when another ape who's in charge of treating you comes by.
- When whoever attacked you gets inevitably caught, he doesn't get his own hands dirty though. He's not above it, but gives you the choice in killing the person, or Sylva himself doing it.
- He won't judge you on either one you choose, but he does force you to watch. He's kinda fucked up for that but it proves to everyone just how important you are to him, so no one ever thinks they can get away with bringing you harm again.
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