#anatomy may be wack
ak-liano · 7 months
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Illegible hypmic doodles
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WOE !!
red orbs be upon ye !!
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arson-jellyfish69 · 3 months
Doodle I made of our sweet little baby Kryptonian boy. Just an absolute himbo
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cybrthrillz · 4 months
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wallter in this outfit for the 3rd time
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lucky-kirin · 7 months
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Ozzie is so out of my comfort zone. His whole anatomy is wack. I may tweak his design in future pages so he's easier for me to draw.
[Part 2]
[Part 4]
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kotoku · 25 days
not exactly a request, but…
Imagine being a sort of half-blood monster humanoid, perhaps even one of a handful, and spending most of your life feeling as though you don’t belong anywhere, like you just came out wrong and there’s no cure for it...
And then you meet Laios and he absolutely freaking adores you and will not let you forget it.
imagining reader just hiding every single part of their appearance that shows their half-monster side, always walking with their head bowed down in shame. they have experienced so much hate, disgust, and horror to the point they don’t have much mirrors so they can avoid looking at themself. it’s truly sad.
i could see the reader usually spending most of their days down in the floors scavenging for some items that could be sold for money, considering it’s pretty detached from the surface world. maybe the reader is like senshi, who makes the dungeon their makeshift home, navigating the ecosystem and surviving all by themself. i think a floor that may be more deeper or less populated with adventurers is where reader can safely show their more monstrous appearance/self.
and then one fateful day, the reader meets laios. whether its through helping him and his party escape a monster or simply stumbling across them by accident, you’re now bound to his little gang of weirdos. he’d enthusiastically ask if you’d like to join, not knowing your true identity since you immediately sealed yourself away beneath a hood/etc… the reader, who has nothing much going on and figured they could use a change, would join (mostly due to laios’s pestering because you were pretty petrified of these people finding out what you are).
skipping ahead, lets say during a fight your identity was revealed. your appearance shocks the entire party, some feeling a little wary of you (their suspicions were already developing because whatever the situation, you always had that damn hood/cloak on). but nonetheless, they’re accepting. especially a certain blond tall-man who had a undying love for monsters.
ahh, count your days because this man is going to be the death of you. he’s so stunned, happy, fascinated, and angry because why didn’t you tell him !? what do you mean you hated what you are !??! WHY WOULD YOU HIDE SOMETHING AS COOL AS THIS FROM HIM !?!??!
laios is so envious of you, goddamn.
he’ll use every chance he gets to study your anatomy, your biology, your whatever. he’s obsessed. the others are interested too but not as much as laios… often having to wack or chase him away from you when you start feeling overwhelmed.
besides laios’s excited self, the rest of the gang are open to hearing about your insecurities and are a great support system. senshi would like to learn more about you so that he has an idea of your diet and what nutrients you need. chilchuck, a stern fatherly figure to you, would make sure laios isn’t getting too handsy with you. he’s also there to nail it into your head that you arent weird or anything (tough love huh..). marcille, if she doesn’t have any information on your species/monster, would like to learn more about you as well. like chilchuck, she’d be sure to drag laios away when he’s got a little too close and up in your personal space.
one night, you’d explain to laios about your insecurities in detail and your history. he wouldn’t really understand it because you’re so cool ??? but i think he’d get it because he’s been in that kind of situation back in his home town. he may not exactly know what you went through, but at least he’s able to understand and if you let him, he’ll gladly help/support you.
bye, you’d cry from happiness/relief from the party, especially laios’, acceptance.
group hug ensues**
sorry this was so long, it’s a lovely concept and i love just imagining it ^^
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emmebearpaw · 1 month
…. Oops I’m back with a whole second post/probably soon to be thread because the windglider one was getting very long and now I’m talking about Tengus and Gliders together. Putting in a read more for length.
This post is in response to reblog from @canonical-transformation and asks from @followfire and @beingatoaster
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Chapter 1) How the hell does a Tengu Work?
ok that might seem like a strange place to start but I think it’s important to start off with the fact that Tengu wing anatomy is wack as hell. Typically I am the sort of person who likes to do research while thinking about my silly silly headcanons. I have learned a lot about old fabric skinned aircraft and have an appreciation for early heavier than air gliders now because of the (Wikipedia) research I’ve done to think about gliders in genshin. So I figured we’ll look up animals with 4 wings and figure out how they would fly and okay yup, early birds and flying insects. Do any of them have shorter front wings and larger back wings? No? No they are all either larger front or equal size? Excellent. Sounds great. It does seem to be a design feature used in certain types of military jets and missiles to uh… help with turning? I don’t 100% know. It’s called Canard configuration. It’s specifically for fixed wing aircraft and not… birds….
ok so I don’t actually know the motion a tengu’s wings would probably be making. It’s not like we ever get to see them fly in game. Hell, we barely get to see Sara’s wings because the game magically puts them away so they don’t have to animate them except in her idle. This is stupid and we are going to pretend she can’t put her wings away in her inventory and simply just keeps them folded a majority of the time. Anyways enough about Sara for now (don’t worry man. We’ll be back), it’s time for assumption #1: tengus fly in a mostly horizontal position and flap their wings in a rhythm similar to dragonflies (front and back set flap with off timing), but with more elbow in it like a bird. There is a flapping motion, the wings work independently of one another, and a tengu can not hover or fly backwards.
Assumption 2: the larger bottom set is likely responsible for most of the lift. The smaller top set is likely responsible for steering? Especially sharper turns and maneuvers? I don’t 100% know. I really feel like they should be reversed so I can take inspiration from proto-birds like micro raptor but instead we have that. So we are going to work with it.
assumption 3: the human form isn’t really meant to sustain flight? But we know they can fly, and it’s described as flight and not as gliding in lore, and thus they must be able to, for some amount of time, generate enough lift to gain elevation. In order to help reach that goal, a few other things I presume about tengus are that they have extra musculature in and around their wings to support them, they have bones that are more hollow than the average human, both to reduce weight and to store oxygen so that anaerobic metabolism is delayed and thus lactic acid production, allowing tengus to perform athletic feats for longer without exhaustion than an equivalent human, and that their builds tend towards lean and muscular without excessive weight. Sara is a decent example of a tengu build I think! Sort of lanky and isn’t muscular like Itto, where it’s very obvious, but she is muscular and very strong.
those assumptions are going to form the backbone of what a theoretical prosthetic glider may need to accomplish. It needs to be able to move independently from the other wing on the same side, and flap! Either to provide lift or to help steer. Now, let’s get onto
Chapter 2: Construction of a Second Wing.
I say as if there would be one construction. Because. You know. It’s a mobility aid. There would be varying levels of need and thus varying types made so let’s go through them in rough order of least involved to most involved. Anyways I’m still not an engineer so uh fuck.
but first we have to start with the common elements. While I tend to think normal gliders for people without wings are unframed devices, I firmly believe that tengu wing prosthetics (which I’m going to call second wings I guess. I made up that name for the chapter title but do like it) are articulated framed constructions. Realistically I think bamboo would grow in Inazuma despite it not being there in game because trees can’t appear in two regions if they don’t have fruit, but, I think bamboo frames are the most common material due to its lightness.
I was originally going to draw pictures depicting the framing but it’s too late and I’m comfy cozy in bed, because past midnight is the only time I write insanely long tumblr posts. Diagrams may be added later but please use your imagination for now.
ideally I think the frame would follow the leading edge of the wing, acting almost as a second skeleton in order to minimize motions the wing is incapable of, and to provide a way to attach these things to the body harness. Realistically a frame on just one side of the wing may be impractical, and if that is the case then the wing is probably fully surrounded by a light bamboo frame. This probably depends on the needs of the user.
My general thought on the design of these would be a wing by wing approach. The trailing edge of the wings are not sewn close all the way, allowing the user to slide their wing in from the bottom before closing it with snaps, buttons, knots, etc. The wing would then be connected at the… shoulder I guess? The back? By an attachment to a harness. This prevents the wing cover from loosening or moving mid flight and secures the wooden framing against the skeletal structure. The idea would then be that a user could flap their wing normally, but with a larger impact than their wing could usually provide. The wing by wing nature of this general design allows for users to only have 1/4 wings be a second wing, or as many as they need in whichever combo. A more permanent harness attachment would likely be used in those who need both wings in a pair or both pairs, though the single wing approach may also be more practical for those with mobility issues in their wings. Basically, if the problem is lift generation, you can retrofit a wing over top and have a new wing! User cases: those with problems to wing shape (caused by injury or congenital) that hampers flight potential. Tengu with any other problem that does not limit range of motion below what one would typically need to fly with. See chapter 3 for more detail, because I do have a reason why this is the version I have thought about the most.
But speaking of those with mobility problems. What about people who can’t move their wings to the extent needed to fly typically. This is a much harder problem to solve with a second wing obviously, but I have had a few thoughts. To begin, these ones are definitely probably closer in framing to a full frame, because the frame will likely have to act as a brace. This is also the time to tell you I’m not a physical therapist. Anyways I don’t know how to solve this problem but there are a few options
A) the glider acts more like a brace and solid wing. The tengu’s wing(s) is still inside but does not bend, and is likely supported by more internal straps to fasten their wings tighter to the bamboo framing . This likely limits the ability to fly as flapping would not be an option. Though in individuals with upper wing injuries that limit mobility, I really do thing external control with strings controlled by arms or other body parts may be an option for sharp steering that is hard to do by body position alone.
B) Single wing injuries may be able to have rigging of some sort to have the motion of the opposite wing move the injured wing. This would likely be better if the injured wing was tucked away somewhere else and a new wooden boned wing was created.
use cases: those with atrophied ring muscles (though they may be able to move to previous one over time. Those with injuries limiting range of motion.
The last category is for those missing parts of or entire wings. These prosthetics would be the most intense, and would involve not only rigging wings to be able to flap and move via strings or whatever but also a different attachment system custom made to the user’s body. This… I don’t have enough engineering knowledge to imagine this I’m gonna be honest.
Chapter 3: hey why have you even thought about this and how does it pertain to characters (you can stop I’m just oc rambling. But also Kujou Sara)
So I’m gonna be honest and say I have a genshin OC who is a tengu. She is learning to make second wings because her nephew (who is like her little brother!) is a half tengu, and thus his wings are too small and aren’t growing primary feathers at quite the rate to support flight. She thinks that flight is one of the essential qualities that makes a tengu a tengu and not just a human with wings. She thinks he should get to be a tengu, and is thus making prosthetics from scratch even though she is very much not educated to do so.
This would eventually also lead her to talking with Kujou Sara. Thinking about Kujou Sara is a large part of why I have the oc, and also why I basically made her to be a foil to Sara. I don’t think Sara can fly, due to combination atrophy from not using them since I doubt Takayuki would let her go flying really, and injury (from falling off a mountain and whatever else she may have accumulated). Now. I don’t think Sara would like the concept of a mobility aid but also, like, I think it would be good for her to get her feet off the ground and to not have anything bad happen. Kujou Sara should have nice things and maybe one of those things can be talking to someone more immersed in the culture you are disconnected from and discovering things about it. And getting a second opinion on the things that mark you as obviously non human despite your effort to be one.
Anyways make your ocs to explore all the things in a game the game won’t cover, such as: long term ramifications of that war they just had, Yokai culture and self identification of the label, Kujou Sara having screen time and development and even some good things happening to her, Tengu, and wind gliders.
anyways that’s it for tonight my brain is starting to melt. Maybe more if I can think of more later.
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doctorqueue · 1 year
I don’t wanna spend too much time on this 2day but I absolutely want to try and make a full post about this theory at a later time. So if I come off weird it’s cuz I’m tired hsbcrvg, I’m gonna forget if I don’t write it out now tho.
I’m also not at all an expert, just autistic 😎. To quote Raph, “I’m not a scientist but this is absolutely your guilt glands, excreting guiltzimes into your guiltis system☝️😌.”
But basically I, as I’ve said before, am now incredulously familiar with the different Rise turtle species’ anatomy. And over the last month or two I’m becoming increasingly sure of the theory that they aren’t just blood related through Lou Jitsu, but have a little of each others turtle DNA too.
⭐️The biggest undeniable signifier of this is Donnie’s plastron and bridge. It’s of course important that there’s a lot that doesn’t have to be accurate in a stylised completely fictional show like Rise, and especially with mutants.
But man it’s a pretty big plot hole to have this character who’s design and character (as well as story at times) be known as having a softshell because of his species, but give him these key/obvious turtle attributes that said species definitely doesn’t have, he certainly didn’t get a hard and external plastron + bridge from his human side. /nm /gen
Turtles have tons of bones inside their bodies like most animals do, but the shell, bridge and plastron bones are more external, and covered scutes. The skin connects around the two gaps in the front and back.
Softshells still have a hard plate with their spinal cord and [shorter] ribs, but it’s under a leathery “shell” of skin, and they don’t have a solid bridge connection like other turtles. Their bones are absolutely wack bro /pos. Their plastron and the closest thing they have to a bridge are still equivalent to our front ribs, but even more so in that they’re still behind skin [but I don’t think muscle?], and that skin more or less is around their entire body [kind of].
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[it’s worth mentioning that in other species they do have lots of nerves and stuff in their shells, they ARE still sensitive, though most likely less. Not too relevant to this but I feel like people have the assumption that their shells are super numb or they can’t feel stuff touching them. They love those shell brushes yo!]
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Then there may be extra little details that COULD support this theory as well.
-Donnie being seen going inside his shell twice, once in the lair games and then once in the purple jacket (in the basket of Aprils bike). I’ve always preferred to retcon these, as Softshells cannot go inside their shells at all. But with a harder plastron and bridge ‘outside’ of his skin that connects to where his shell sticks out, it isn’t as impossible as a normal softshell, and of course Mikey and Leo absolutely can and have completely gone in their shells. [tba examples?]
Also snapping turts can’t go inside theirs either, though considering how massive Raph’s limbs are he probably can’t even with Mike and Lee’s DNA influence, not that it’s realistic for any of the ninja turtles to be able to go in their shells LOL.
-Donnie looking like he has small spines/spikes across his spine, even though Spiny softshells don’t have any there, but rather at the top lip of their softshell. Some do on occasion have their spine make bumps visible on their ‘shell’.
Rise, like many 2D handrawn animated things, has quite a few design inconsistencies, but you can usually surmise the most common version of something once you collect enough references. Though ngl I’ve seen a lot of both spiny looking bumps and just wobbly bumps, some with no bumps. But my point is this could be a minor feature from Raph’s Alligator Snapper DNA, unlikely but worth mentioning, plus super cute. [tba example images]
-Raph’s fear stink? I need to do more research on this, but I know that Softshells are actually known to release an odor to scare off others, if I’m remembering correctly. [tba info?]
-Mikey’s shell patterns, when studying Red-eared slider shells, I was so stoked to see the inspiration of Leo’s shell markings, and it looked like Mikey’s also matched his species. That is, until I realised Mike matched with COMMON/EASTERN box turtle shells. Ornate box turtles almost always have these radiating stripes. I’ve personally made my own kind of in between for how I draw him, but it made me realise how maybe it was influenced by Leo’s slider DNA? [tba example images]
-The same Plastron + Bridge argument as Donnie but with Raph. Alligator Snappers def have em, but they cover waaaay less than most turtles do, their bridges are very narrow and their plastron don’t even stick out, or are that thick, it’s pretty interesting. [tba example images]
I want to add credits for the sources/photos, and more images to this post as I have tooons of reference images, but I’ll just stick to the simple plastron one cuz it’s past midnight and am eepy
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golby-moon · 5 months
final thing for @destieldtiyschallenge...I hope. wanted to tie things off by recreating this thing that @phantommermaidqueen made something something going full circle since they redrew one of my things voluntarily in the second round and yeah so on an unrelated note how many pages of somebody's tumblr can you scroll back before it becomes creepy
(no but now I have mermaid flavored ideas that I don't know what to do with uh oh)
((also @casdeans-pie I may steal your bird spn idea for a fic or something at some point (with permission ofc) sorry I don't make the rules)
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here's the original picture and all that
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the redraw kinda has a different vibe than the original imo and idk I don't really dislike that for whatever reason. also I'm aware that Cas doesn't look too much like a raven (which seems to be kinda just a bigger crow?) and that he looks more like a parrot or something. my bird anatomy is wack and Cas is far more fluffy and huggable than a regular raven if they're anything like crows but I don't think Dean minds at least ,_,
so yeah that's my final thing for this challenge though I could definitely keep going. but I guess I'm done redrawing for the time being. I'm definitely willing to do it again in the future though so uh if somebody wouldn't mind me stealing their ideas and copying and pasting them but with worse proportions...I mean I take requests for free and stuff
shutting up now
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yorshie · 11 months
Hey so like did you happen to drop a tutorial for how you draw the turtles and I somehow missed it???? Cuz.... if not.... and you're willing........ please *gets down all fours* just the tip please drop some tips-
Hello Nonnie 👋! I uh.... I can't really do a video of how my process goes from start to finish (I don't know how to link it without my irl name popping up), but I can talk about the tools i use and how I problem solve. I’m afraid my tips aren’t especially good because I’m flying by the seat of my pants and how I learned was to just —> do the thing and watch others.
Ok. So, I'm sure by now you've skipped to the image below, and you've probably hurt either your eyes or your brain with the amount of shit there. I'm sorry. Yes, there is a butt. We all got em. (if for some reason you find yourself buttless, i am sorry.) But I'm not hiding the butt, because well. It's just a butt *shrug*
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Alrighty Now I'll break down what that God Awful image above is. Starting in the Top Middle with Raph, that's me trying to draw with a perspective rectangle. To the right of that, we got arms and hands. Right below that, we got the basic shapes I use for a male torso (bigger) and a female torso (smaller) Below that, the infamous buttocks and hips. Basically a front and back shot of how that fits together. Then to the left of that we have the base sketch and final lines of my last Leo drawing. Right above that is a side view on how I'm trying to decide on how the shell works, and then little headshots of how I handle each turtle's face. Donnie is who I struggle most with, he has such a soft cute face but it's hidden under all his tech. In the middle you can see a sketch I did of Donnie in a hoodie, since I'm determined to put them all in clothes. Eventually.
[Dusts off glasses, squints, clicks projector button to move to next slide] Okedokie, I guess we start with anatomy, and understanding it. If you wanna draw anything, ya gotta know anatomy. Your "style" comes secondary to anatomy. If your anatomy is wack, no amount of dusting will fix it. And the more you draw/better you get at anatomy, the more "cheat" codes you unlock. So first thing you gotta do is draw ALOT and always be thinking about anatomy. It can be something as simple as looking at how people stand on the train, how they walk, big shapes and how they connect together. Or it can be detailed as what muscles connect and how they interact with each other to make the body move. You can also look at how other people handle anatomy, what they emphasize and what they put aside. I, for example, look at a lot of Frank Franzetta, Jeff Watts, and Patrick J. Jones. When in doubt however, break things down to the most simplest shapes and build from there.
Life long journey with anatomy aside, the thing I ended up focusing on when I draw the turtles is how I want them to appear. I deviate a lot from the way they are depicted in the films, and I think that's the most important part. Find a way to make them your own, in a way that's second nature to you, whether or not you take influence from others. For me, I wanted to soften them a little more, and get rid of that friggin flying saucer of a shell, even though I haven’t completely decided how I want to depict the carapace. There's a balance between making them recognizable and putting your own twist on it. You may not care about that though. I would just say find what works for you, and run with it.
You can also see that I am not neat At All. I like to feel around for lines and shapes a lot until I’m happy with how things look. I’ve been told my approach is very sculptural and “weighty”, and that works for me. I’ve gotten to the point where I don’t care how other people do things, I like how I do things. And I think that’s very important for all artists. I think of things as three dimensional, and for some reason one day bayverse just clicked.
If I had one piece of advice, it would be to start light and don’t get overly committed to your sketches. I use photoshop and I knock the opacity of my brush down a bit while working, but I start with basic shapes and lines. Limbs are sticks and circles on where I think the elbow/knee “might” be, but if when I’m working on muscles or toning I find I’m off a little, I move the “joint” to where it makes sense. A lot of times I draw the head too big, and I have to size it back down, or the arms to short for some reason, and I have to drag the hand down. Idk. Practice makes you better. It’s not always a step forward, but it’s always a step in the right direction as long as you’re thinking while you draw.
If this spawned more questions, feel free to ask them- I don’t mind answering at all, even if it’s expounding on something touched here. Might drop some more of my messy sketch work if there’s interest
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jumpscaregoose · 9 months
my art summary 2023!
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these are the pieces that stood out to me the most from each month of 2023! long ramblings about each of them under the cut
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hororen! this might have been a prompt for the hororen bingo event but I legit forget and the original post was not helpful
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this was art for an lmk fic by writing god @/pittdpeaches (not gonna be annoying with a tag). it has the most notes of any piece I've ever posted and that's unfortunate because I Do Not Like It That Much.
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this was the only thing I posted in march. it exists
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hororen but as that soukoku art everyone loves. this piece is hilarious to me because it showed up in google image search results while I was trying to get someone into bsd and they then tried to find it themselves when I wouldn't show them by googling my full actual name. that was fun
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I really like how the colours turned out on this one. which is good because I submitted it as one of my art finals 👍
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and here we see the start of my pressure opacity lineart thing. with my boy lyserg. the line through his hair was probably just a guideline I left in by mistake but I like how it kinda looks like a halo. because the xlaws are just like that
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magical girl anna! those beads were so annoying oh my god. it's a good thing I never decided to draw anything with detailed repeating links again :) ever :) who would ever subject themselves to that :)
this was again the only thing I drew that month, but this time I actually like it! tamajeanne is really underrated they should get more love (still hasn't written that fic)
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and here my drama and pressure opacity begins in earnest. this is one of my favourite pieces out of everything I made this year it's great. this was also the start of my detailed hair obsession
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*something shifts in the fabric of the universe* so this is when I got into paralive. if you weren't aware. there's a companion piece to this one but I liked it a lot less so here we are
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I made a lot of art I liked this month but I chose this one because. it was my favourite. the Other cozmez reflection piece I did got a lot more unhinged tags but I thought the anatomy was wack so it didn't get the spot. this one was fun though I did it in one sitting in the middle of the night
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this year really saved the best for last because I am. absolutely obsessed with this piece. it's my phone lockscreen right now. and everyone else really liked it too which makes me very very happy
overall trends I noticed in my art from this year:
SHOUJO SPARKLES but mostly in the first half
sketchy pressure opacity lineart (my favourite thing now)
bright colours fuck yeah
glowy circle particles (have been replacing the sparkles lately)
more finished compositions than last year
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pillars-of-alt · 4 years
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pinpointing the exact moment Runa realized she had a huge crush on Silver and immediately suppressed it for the next 14 years 
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summocrap · 2 years
Beast Tamer horn head cannons please
Okie Dokers, you furry.
Leib tends to spend a lot of late nights alone in the lab. If you forget to knock, and walk in on him jerking it, then that is on you.
When he does have someone, Leib’s actually a pretty adventerous guy. His artifact lets him send any wounds, bite marks, hickeys away, so it’s one of the few uses his artifact has.
Leib doesn’t do well with small people. He likes to top although polar bears are pretty heavy, he’s also pretty big so you might struggle with the girth size
It’s due to his artifact that Fenrir likes to spend time with Leib. If not for getting rid of kinbaku rope burns, Fenrir to get pretty into it at times, so Leib’s artifact always comes in handy.
Also Fenrir has a thing for bondage to absolutley no ones suprise.
Despite his persoanlity, Fenrir likes to bottom, but if you get him worked up he can make sure you don’t wlak tomorrow.
Fenrir would use Jambavan more often, but Jambavan is almost always away doing something for the Guild Masters.
You’d think Jambavan has a great artifact for getting rough, but it’s dependent on personality, and he’s a shamefull bottom. Granted, if you couldn’t tell that he was a bottom that is also on you.
Cu Sith may be cute, but he’s actually a horrible idea. He’s a screamer and he kills anything that hears him howl 3 times, so unless your either Leib or immortal that’s a bad idea.
In order of size, it goes Jambavan, Cu Sith, Fenrir, Leib, then Alp.
Why is the smallest one the biggest out of all of them? Cause he got all of his anatomy information from doujins, so porportions are all outta wack.
Alp can bottom or top, but he’s going to be rhyming the entire time, so it’s a lot like being a character in the raunchiest Dr.Suess book.
Granted, thanks to his ability to blur the lines between dreams and reality, a slew of fetishes become possible, if that’s really your thing
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mediocre-writerr · 4 years
shotgun [the wilds girls]
the wilds girls x reader
requested: can we get another part of the wilds girls x reader where they go visit her soccer match and everyone is excited but turns out that reader gets into a fight on the field and gets hit in her stomach (the previous one she got in the woods on the island) and the girls are the first one to reach her on the field and try to keep her awake and calm (turns out it is an internal injury after the hit)
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*not my gif*
Finally back to normal life.
Your usual soccer games, but now you have a small crowd of friends cheering you on. The girls decided that they would cheer you on for your first game back since the hell-hole you were once in.
“Let’s go Y/N!” Toni yelled.
You passed the ball to your teammate when this girl tripped you out of nowhere. You didn’t even have the ball anymore. And she just tripped you.
“C’mon Y/N! Get up!” Rachel screamed from the sideline.
All of the girls looked at her like she just grew three arms, “You’re not gonna be like one of those parents right? The ones who drives off when their kid starts doing bad?” Leah asked and Toni stifled a laugh.
And then there was another trip from the same exact girl. The other team wasn’t losing too bad, so you really didn’t know what the hell her problem was.
“What the hell is your problem?!” you shouted.
She pushed you, “You are my fucking problem. You think you’re the it girl now that you were stranded on an island. Well news flash no one gives a fuck.”
You didn’t want to get kicked out of the game so you bit your tongue until she tripped you again. The referees were just letting this happen. They didn’t give two shits!
You got back onto your feet, “Oh no” Shelby mumbled as you got dangerously close to the girls face.
Then without a warning the girl shot a punch to your face. You fought her back throwing her onto the ground, getting a few punches in. She flips you over and hits you right in the stomach.
The pain was unbearable.
You were curled up into a ball on the ground, screaming out in pain. The last time you got hit this hard Dot accidentally wacked you with a long stick of wood.
The girls automatically rushed off onto the fields. Your coach looked at the six girls who surrounded you as you continued to scream bloody murder in pain.
Shelby grabbed a hold of your hand, “Hey, hey, hey listen to me you’re gonna okay, okay? I know it hurts right now, but we’re right here. We’re all right here.”
You squeezed her hand tightly and she winced back in pain at how hard you were squeezing, “Okay, okay. A little too hard, love.”
While Shelby was trying to comfort you, Dot was trying to hold Toni back from raining hell on the girl who punched you in the first place.
“Hey, not now!” Dot said, placing her hands on Toni’s shoulders to fight her back.
“Don’t you ever touch her again, do you hear me?!” she threatened.
Leah lifted up your jersey to see if there was any bruising. Only to be met by a rigid stomach and she was no doctor, but she has watched Grey’s Anatomy so she knows that it’s something serious.
“Y/N’s coach, you may want to call an ambulance. I think there might be an internal injury,” Leah mentions and he looks at her skeptically, before ultimately calling them after you let out another scream.
And that’s when everything went dark.
But moments later your eyes fluttered back open. You heard small little beeps and the stench of bleach filled your nose as you started waking up more. There was a couple small weights on the side of your bed and soft snoring.
Your doctor walked by the room and noticed that you were finally up, “Hi,” she whispered, careful not to wake any of the girls, “I told the girls that you were fine and didn’t want to go home, but they insisted they stayed.”
You looked at all of the girls scattered around the room. Shelby had her head down on left of your bed with Dot to your right. Rachel and Leah were curled up into a ball on the little couch as Toni was leaning against the wall. Each of the girls sleeping softly.
“You’re lucky having people who care about you so much,” your doctor chimed in and you smiled back at her.
“Yeah I really am,”
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ct-hardcase · 3 years
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ID: A 3 by 4 tiled square, with each tile containing an artwork I've created in the year 2021. Each artwork is labelled with the month it was made in.
I've decided even if tumblr is shadowbanning all new posts from their tags that I'm just going to post it and re-reblog a few times anyway.
My commentary, for anyone interested:
January: I straight-up spent most of a month working on this drawing alone. I'm still pretty proud of the general vibes and how it came out in the end, but I learned that I should really, really work on composition. A lot of working with this one was figuring out how the figures would balance with each other, the fire, and the trees. It still turned out well, but I could've spent a lot less time working on it if it weren't for that. February: I also drew some rwby that month (it seems so long since we've gotten any new RWBY episodes which isn't a knock on the crew, but a knock on the passage of time), but I decided to drop my picture of Voe here. I feel like I need to use Luke's Jedi Temple Grounds as a background at least once a year, and also, Voe! Fun fact: the twitter crop cut off right at where the water begins in the slightly uncensored version, hence the hastily-added bandeau to make it clear that it wasn't a blatantly nsfw art. March: I was feeling stagnant about my art (when am I not, recently?) so I did a screenshot redraw again, and though it was loose and sketchy, I really enjoyed the vibes of this one—I think it was the catalyst that pushed me into finally buying a new paint program that was a bit beefier than medibang paint. The reception on this one was also fantastic compared to the usual Eighth Brother art, so I think people just like screenshot redraws haha. April: Pyreny!!!! I've been shipping this pretty much since Pyre and Tierny glanced in each other's directions on Star Wars: Resistance, so I decided to finally put a piece of finished art to it. I really love how this one came out, and it might even be my favorite of the year. Once again, composition is key, and I was worried I had too much negative space in the bg, but the window took care of that. Also, this is one of the first times I've done a full interior background and I really love how it turned out. Also, Sumalee Montano thought it was cool, which is a pretty big plus and ego boost.  May: Is it really a year if I don't do something for a long-dead fandom? Anyway, it was nice to take a crack at John and Christopher again and some good old fashioned repressed gay romance. June: This was a fun art month for me—work was less busy and I had inspiration in spades since I'd just gotten a new paint program. There are a few solid contenders from this month, but the vibes of this one could not be beat. Also, it's nice to draw something for inquisitors who get less attention. Also, I'd forgotten how proportions worked for this and the next month? References were my lifeline. July: This one's simple (save the anatomy and perspective practice) but I like it and it looks like other people liked it too.  August: I threw this together for Remembering Resistance week in about a day since I had no inspiration up until that point. The proportions are sort of wack, but it turned out cute and okay all things considered. I have to throw this one in as an honorable mention, but I really did not want three inquisitor ones in a row, so.  September: Sometimes you just want to draw your ship kissing but not spend an entire month on it. Also, I remember about once a year that I enjoy two-toned art so this was fun. Once again, the effort piece of the month was an inquisitor but five in a row would've been ridiculous, so pyreny it is.  October: This is where the year got busy, and time (and inspiration) to draw was a precious thing. I really enjoy this one though, so I'm glad that I got to draw one good thing that month. This was the year of referencing poses, and I think that this one produced a quality product. Also, fun fact. I've drawn Eighth many times, but his armor is still a pain in the ass every time you try to draw it from a new position. November: This month was rough, buddy, but at least I drew Luke's Jedi. December: Also a rough month. Low on art inspiration, and though I've done a few sketches, no finished product. This one that I've posted is the closest I've gotten, and it's a bit of a self-indulgent sketch, so no post here.  Ultimately,
the end goal for 2022 is to dedicate more time for/have more time to do art. Have more inspiration. If my motivation isn't to draw fanart, to draw original stuff. To branch out. To work on my linework. To draw more ocs. To draw more star wars. To draw more stuff that's not star wars. I just want to draw.
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asmo-ds · 3 years
Ok so I was gonna draw Demon! Luke falling into Lucifer's arms but that was too hard so I did this instead.
Anatomy is wack and also hard to draw but I tried :')
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I also feel like Luke's demon outfit would be reminiscent of Simeon's outfit.
May have forgotten Luke's wings until an hour in so,,,
But I hope you like it!!
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