#anastrannia galendel
Hi bard
Your ocs are now flowers in a bouquet. Tell me about it/them.
hi sleepy!!!!!
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Enna would be a daisy, cause they're meant to symbolize hope, and also she's very daisy-y to me, I'm not really sure why, but she is.
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Redari would be snow drops, because they show up in the middle of winter when by rights there shouldn't be any flowers there, but they are there and it makes you happy because you know something good is coming soon, and that reminds me of his character a lot. Also, I saw this ask, and immediately thought: redari. snowdrops.
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Anne would be marigolds. Cause they're bright and orange and fire-y but they've also got a lot of association with grief and they're. I don't know. She seems very marigold-y.
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Anastrannia would be sunflowers, cause there's something about her and Redari having this whole big deal with shadows but her being a sunflower that I really like
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13, 27, 38!
hi sleepy! thanks for the ask! I'm sorry it took me forever to answer it!
13. which ocs make the rules? which ocs follow those rules, and which ocs break them?
none of them really make the rules so much as they pretend to make the rules and then get stabbed. Most of my ocs loosely follow the rules. Enna breaks them, though. So does Anne.
27. which ocs put lots of care into their physical appearance? which ocs could not care less?
Redari tries very hard to make himself "presentable", as does Ana and Anne. Enna does not give a fuck, anymore. If she has to go to a formal occasion that she likes, though, she does.
38. which ocs stay in bed long after waking up? which ocs get up immediately?
Enna and Anne both stay in bed. Redari and Ana get up, though. It's an elf thing, or something, I don't know.
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I'd love to hear more about the Frost and Fire mcs! And I think you said there was someone who's purple in... One of Copper maybe?
Hello. I'm sorry about this being incredibly late. I have had a Month. But I want to finish doing this before tech week for the show I do tech for at my schools drama club, and that's on Monday, so here I am!
This is Long and I am not sorry.
The purple one's name is Kairon (he/him), and he is indeed from One of Copper. He's part fiend in a very, very roundabout way, in that one of his ancestors was an idiot and made some sort of pact with a fiend (this fiend is the patron of the sister of one of the other MCs in one of copper) and got (some of) his descendants cursed! (so basically a tiefling if you know about D&D) Who actually gets the "curse" is somewhat random but Kairon got it! He's about 21!
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He's a bard! To explain that with pop culture, he's like Jaskier in The Witcher; that one guy who follows Sir Robin the Not-Quite-So-Brave-as-Sir-Lancelot around singing in Monty Python and The Holy Grail; The Goblin King (played by David Bowie) in The Labyrinth; Shakespeare; and a load of others that I can't remember/don't know about.
He's also the only guy on this whole list of OCs in this post that has only one (1) set of pronouns.
I want you to know that they all started out, before this post, with one set of pronouns.
Now everyone (except Kairon) has 2+ sets. This isn't a bad thing, but it was mildly unexpected. Somehow. I probably should've figured that the guys who are half celestial and/or half dragon have weird relationships with gender, but sometimes I am silly and I didn't.
Now, for Frost & Fire's MCs!
Except they're below the cut because this accidentally got super long.
First up, Enna Helder-Kromlin (she/it), aka Marie, also known as the narrator of the story, further known as a dearly beloved Dungeons & Dragons character I played for roughly two and a half years, give or take.
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She's amazing. I love her. Her eyes can also change gold momentarily when she uses her magic or when she uses a very very tiny bit of magic to be over dramatic on purpose. She has wings! And is Approximately 53-61 years old (I think. Timelines are hard).
but only sometimes! she can summon them. or un summon them. I don't know how much you know about dungeons and dragons but if you do--she's a dexterity based level 15 (ish) assimar rouge w/ the thief subclass and sharpshooter feat, only the assimar part is a little homebrew because she's also a half elf originally.
If you don't know anything about d&d, allow me to translate: it's half elf and the other half is an angel celestial thingy which gives it a little bit of magic but not much. Enna is also a thief! (and baker, technically) it uses a bow and arrows (hence the dexterity based part) and is really, really good at what it does. absurdly good.
now for Enna's twin sister, Anne Helder-Kromlin (she/they), aka Anne Jones, aka the only truely competent person with their life together in the whole main cast. She was also a dnd character, though I didn't play her for quite as long as I did Enna.
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She and Enna both got different parts of the clestial magic thing, so while she doesn't have wings she does have more innate magic (no actual halo tho, I just thought it looked cool in the picrew).
In d&d terms she is a half elf assimar homebrew thingy (basically regular half elf but with assimar traits added in) and a level 15 rogue, subclass unclear but possibly swashbuckler or arcane trickster. Charisma and Strength based.
Translation: Anne is a half elf and half angel celestial thingy, same as Enna, and is also a thief. But she is more social based and uses swords rather than a bow.
Anne also runs a thieves guild, called Oleski. Enna is part of this guild!
Now for the backstory of these two:
Where do I even begin? Uh.
Their mother, Jen, was murdered by her brother when the twins (as I shall collectively refer to Enna and Anne henceforth) were very young. Under a year old, probably under 6 months old. They were 40 ish when they found this out.
They were raised by a gnome named Pike! She died! They ran away! Joined a thevies guild when they were 16! The leader of that thieves guild turned out to be their long lost brother! He got murdered by their uncle who really fucking hates them and their mother!
Enna was framed for the murder and went on the run for two decades! (did she over do it a little? yes.) She worked at a bakery during that time!
Then she comes back to the city where her sister has done a shitload of things, the most plot relevant being she went on the run a year ago because of a civil war type thing in the thieves guild and then got kidnapped by a necromancer and shit!
The necromancer does Necromancer Things and tries to blood sacrifice Anne!
She gets stopped!
Other stuff happened! The Twin's aunt is a demon/devil! Their father turned out to be a celestial! The dragon who founded the country has been shapeshifted into human form for the last 700 years and raises orphans whose parents are unknown! he raised their mother and uncle! Enna and Anne are soul bound and that causes Problems! Anne becomes the leader of a thieves guild and gets married! Enna is aro ace as hell and doesn't get married!
I think thats it but it might not be I don't know!
Alright that's that and now for the next two! First up: Anastrannia Galendel (she/they/ze), aka Ana, aka the reason behind my username being what it is. She was also a D&D character!
She is half dragon and half elf! (Hmm. Do I perhaps like elves and have a lot of elven or part elven OCs? Why yes, yes I do!)
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She's half frost dragon! She's also got scales on her arms and back, but you can't see those in the picrew. Also supposed to have snake/dragon like eyes but those weren't an option. Ana is 274!
In D&D terms ze is a wood elf with a mildly homebrewed version of the half dragon template found in the DM's guide. Ze's a strength based gloomstalker ranger (previously a drakewarden ranger), level somewhere around 14-17, I haven't figured out the exact level yet. Ze also has an op sentient magic item who is a sword named Jerry (he/it), but the official magic item is called Dragonslayer.
Translation: Ze's an elf! And one of zir parents is a dragon! A frost dragon, which is a type of dragon that has an ice based breath weapon instead of a fire based breath weapon. The dragons with fire based breath weapons are called fire dragons.
My naming was not particularly creative on that part.
Ana's a ranger! Like Aragorn if you've ever seen/read lord of the rings. Their magic is shadow based, and they can do a whole load of things related to that. They also have a sentient magical sword that they are quite good at stabbing things with. The sword is called Dragonslayer. The name of the guy in the sword is Jerry.
Now for their older (?) brother, Redari Galendel (he/they), aka Ari, aka the most sleep deprived person out of the bunch, which is saying a lot considering that none of them have a decent sleep schedule.
He's also half elf half dragon, and is a sorcerer! He's 298. Redari was also a dnd character, though I only played him for a few weeks before the campaign ended.
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He's got a fashion taste similar to that of my uncle who is a professor of medieval philosophy (why the man got a doctorate in that of all things I shall never understand); that is to say he wears a lot of button downs and sweaters/sweater vests.
In dnd terms they're a wood elf with a slightly homebrewed version of the half dragon template, and a level ~16 shadow sorcerer (previously draconic bloodline sorcerer). they're charisma based and do no understand the meaning of sleep.
Translation: They're half elf and half dragon! They have shadow magic! Which in my world is magic related to Illa, goddess of grief, souls, death, and memories, and her realm, Shadow, the land of the dead. That shadow magic used to be dragon magic, but it changed and shifted into shadow magic for Reasons.
He doesn't understand the meaning of sleep. I feel like I don't need to explain that one. He's very bad at sleeping and at remembering to sleep, which has resulted in his friends and family using magic to make him fall asleep on more than one occasion.
I would put their back story here but it is very much up in the air at the moment, because of late (read: i did this in march but then got horribly distracted so it isn't done completely yet with all the lore) I have revamped the entire story and plot to make more sense and be better and shit.
Still got dragons though! All my WIPs have dragons.
Alright. I think that's it. I am very impressed if you've read this far and if you have any questions I shall be happy to answer them, though they might be a little late because I'm about to get stupidly busy come monday.
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Writeblr Re-Intro, 4th Edition
Hi! I'm copper or dragon or whatever else you wanna call me. Minor, he/him preferred but they/them also works. My main is @copper-dragon-in-disguise. I'm queer & neurodivergent.
Asks and messages welcome! I might take a while to respond to them but I like them. I mostly write fantasy, and my current main WIP is a steampunk fantasy murder mystery called Herald At Dawn. I also have a few back burner WIPs, which are all below the cut. (also, these all have taglists, if you're interested i can add you to them!)
Post subject to updates at any time.
My WIPs:
Herald At Dawn (#wip: herald at dawn)
Synopsis: 11 years ago a woman named Marisol Ekker was murdered by the wife of her son's father, Evelyn Belmont. Despite evidence to the contrary, Evelyn Belmont was acquitted, and faced no punishment. Nearly a decade later, investigative reporter Alexandrina McLelland approached Marisol Ekker's son, Nathaniel--who was 12 at the time of her death--, to write an article about the corruption present in the case. Shortly after the article is published a string of murders begins, with no seeming rhyme or reason to connect the victims. But the timing seem suspect, and as the fallout of the articles publishing hits Nathaniel, more and more people keep dying, until the killer targets somebody much closer to home than Alex would've ever guessed.
Herald At Dawn was originally done for NaNo 2023 (I did a half nano, 25k not 50k), and its a steampunk murder mystery with a dash of fantasy. Set in a city called Volimere, it tells the story of the staff of a newspaper called The Clockwork Herald, and their adventures with a murder. The main POV character is Alexandrina McLelland (she/her), an investigative reporter. It's gay as fuck and also the first in what I intend to be a series!
Backburner WIPs:
Some context: The first three are all inspired by dnd characters/campaigns, and are in the same world/universe. The fourth is also in the same universe & dnd inspired, but it doesn't have a specific character attached to it.
Frost & Fire (#wip: frost & fire)
Synoposis: The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not that well known) adventurers of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-Elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, twin half-Frost Dragon, half-Elves, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does his could conquer the world—and would.
Frost & Fire is my original WIP, and I need to rework the plot a lot, but I still quite like it. Its about two twin half-elves named Anne (she/they) and Enna (any pronouns) Helder-Kromlin , and their efforts to stop a dragon from using magic (that he got from killing another, different dragon who was as old as time, pretty much) to conquer the world (this one particular continent, but despite the fact that they're spectacularly well traveled for half-elf orphans neither of them have ever actually left the continent, so its the world to them). Along the way they meet Anastrannia (she/they/ze) and Redari (they/he) Galendel, two siblings who have a lot of secrets and know a suspicious amount about dragons. This has a wip intro, though it isn't super current, but I'm linking it anyway.
One of Copper (#wip: one of copper)
Synopsis: The current god of death, Illa, came to power during a war between the gods a thousand years ago. A wizard is now trying to start another one, aiming to kill a god and take their place. Illa does not want to see another celestial war. She has no direct influence on the mortal plane, however, and so she outsources the quest to a ragtag group of heroes, when the original group of heroes sends back a memo saying that they're retired, and she can come down herself and make them go herself if she's so insistent.
One of Copper is about a bard named Kairon (he/they) and his friends, Ash (she/her, 60-something blacksmith), Joshua (he/him, quarter-elf fighter with minor nature magic and a massive crush), and Elas (they/them, elf sorcerer who is mildly (read: Very) cursed) & their adventures. Originally this was gonna be high fantasy, then it was gonna be lighthearted high fantasy, and now its gone in the exact opposite direction into high fantasy except much sadder than the original. Its about Death trying to stop a war between the gods that a wizard is trying to start, because the wizard wants to become one. (the goddess of death is called Illa. she's inspired by the Raven Queen in d&d).
UNNAMED, aka Enna's Prequel (PREV: Angel's Daughters) (#wip: ennas prequel)
By the time they were 19 years old, Enna and Anne Helder-Kromlin had been accused of murder once, imprisoned at least three times, and orphaned twice. By the time they were forty, those numbers would be changed to six, fourteen, and one, respectively. They had only ever actually committed four of the murders they were accused of, as Enna liked to remind people. Unfortunately, they had also been the targets of a blood feud, gotten kidnapped then almost killed by a necromancer, and twice had to go into hiding.
This is the backstory of Anne and Enna. Its set approx. 10-20 years before Frost & Fire, and it shows how they ended up where they are now, and their adventures. This is directly based off the original d&d campaign I played with Enna as my PC, and the main plot elements are a necromancer named Eleanor, a murdered brother, blood feuds (of a sort), and various other things. This is unnamed. It was previously called Angel's Daughters, but that rather spoiled the ending.
Silence and Secondhand Souls (#wip: silence and secondhand souls)
Fate is an interesting thing. Some doubt it even exists. Not me. Not anymore. Souls don’t rest until they’ve told their story, and I’ve got a long way to go yet. My friends are dead and so am I, haunting a narrative I never got a choice in. How exactly did that happen, you ask? Let me start at the beginning. Or the end, rather. I died when I was 21 years old.
Silence and Secondhand Souls is a first person POV story, narrated by Alexandra Rovenowa. She is dead. This is the story of how she died, set seventy years or so before Frost & Fire. It is also the story of how history likes to repeat itself, and how sending kids on quests for the sake of the world is bad, and of a kind Death, despite it all. (This is my most dramatic wip. Its a tragedy, and I really, really like it.) This does not have a current wip intro.
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Writeblr Re-Intro version 3!
Hello I'm doing this again because there are new wips. Also new pronouns and a new name (mostly new name, I suppose)
I'm Copper or Julius or dragon or what else you wish to call me, and my pronouns are he/they. I'm queer and neurodivergent and I really, really lik I'me dragons. My main is @copper-dragon-in-disguise, so any likes/reblogs/other assorted interactions will come from there.
Here's my wips, all of them are in the same world unless otherwise stated. Title (with a link to its wip intro if there is one), then draft number in parentheses, then its main tag in the second parentheses with the description/blurb/weirdly ominous sentences below that!
Main WIPs:
Frost & Fire (draft 2) (#wip: frost & fire):
The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not particularly well known) adventurers of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, half-dragon, half-elf siblings, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does he could conquer the world—and would.
One of Copper (needs a re intro so no link yet but there will be) (draft 1) (title may change) (#wip: one of copper):
Decades after the events of Frost & Fire, a new age of heroes is ready to start adventuring. Only these heroes weren't exactly willing, nor were they ready. Four envelopes later and they're together, tracking down the weapon of a god and facing off against enemies none of them could fathom three months before.
Silence and Secondhand Souls (draft 0) (#wip: silence and secondhand souls):
Fate is an interesting thing. Some doubt it even exists. Not me. Not anymore. Souls don't rest until they've told their story, and I've got a long way to go yet. My friends are dead and so am I, haunting a narrative I never got a choice in. How exactly did that happen, you ask? Let me start at the beginning. Or the end, rather. I died when I was 21 years old.
There are my other wips + things that are not technically wips but have tags below the cut for length reasons
Other Wips:
Angel's Daughters (Draft ?) (#wip: angel's daughters):
A prequel to Frost & Fire that's about Enna's backstory, based on the DnD campaign I originally played her in.
Starr's Story (draft 1) (this is a placeholder title and will change eventually but i've been saying that for almost a year so...) (#starrs story):
My Camp NaNo April 2022 story. It's about some pirates, a somewhat lost heir to a fallen underwater kingdom (the heir in question being the pirate captain), and an awful lot of secrets.
A Dragon's Apprentice (draft 0) (#wip: a dragon's apprentice):
Another NaNo story, but for the actual November NaNo in 2021 (a challenge which I did not even come close to finishing. Whoops). Also about lost heirs, and by that I mean that the heir got kidnapped and the apprentice wizard had to go and find them with the help of their brother.
Things that are not technically wips but have tags (none of the below are in the same world as the wips above, they all have their own world. mostly.):
Vampire Hunter Steampunk Story (#vampire hunter steampunk story):
Exactly what it says on the tin, except I messed with the rules of what a vampire actually is sooooo *shrugs*. It also may not be entirely steampunk that much. Or at all sometimes. The title is only mildly accurate.
Space story (#space story):
The product of the single time I ventured into sci-fi. The thing I know the most about is that the protagonist is an alien from Pluto. Because I'm me I got sucked down the wormhole of figuring out if she could breathe on earth or how would that work and it was a lot of a wormhole.
Supernatural story (#supernatural story):
Not that supernatural. Dear god no. I would of called it ghost story but that's a different one and besides there aren't any ghosts in this anyway it's vampires and werewolves and one girl who's part fae.
Ghost story (#ghost story):
This one has ghosts in it! May or may not be in the same universe as the above supernatural story, I'm unclear on that.
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I read your tags on my post twice, and I literally have to ask about Jerry. Tell me literally anything and everything you want to, that is Such a fun a concept
There is so much about Jerry. So much.
he is technically a human. technically. he's currently a talking sword! he also is *checks notes* 397! He died/got stuck inside the sword when he was in his late thirties/early forties and then he's been in the sword for about 360 years!
how did he get in the sword?
this requires a little bit of backstory explanation. basically two of the four MCs of my main wip (Frost & Fire) are half dragon, half elf, and their parents were, once upon a time, adventurers! so was Jerry! do you see where I am going hopefully? they were adventurers together!
during one of their later quests they needed to kill/defeat a (theoretically evil) dragon. dragon lairs have weird weird magic.
sometimes weird magic will mess with souls and stuff.
sometimes when you perish while fighting a dragon in a dragon's lair your soul gets, uh, a little lost.
(further below cut because uh. length!)
well, a lot lost. part of jerry, the part thats actually his personality and his memories and stuff, got stuck in his sword (the name of the sword was Dragonslayer. This means that sometimes Jerry gets called dragonslayer)!
Through a series of events that I'm still not sure of the sword, with him inside, is lost. for several centuries.
Then! someone finds it! in a weird crypt underground that is definitely not where they put him last but whatever maybe he got lost (he did. he got very lost! this man does not have a sense of direction whatsoever!)!
the someone who found it?
Anastrannia Galendel, the youngest (at the time she was ~120, currently in the story she is 267) daughter of the people Jerry used to adventure with!
she did not know Jerry knew her parents. Jerry did not know she was the daughter of his old friends. it took like 4 months for that to be figured out.
now Ana has a talking sword who makes rude/annoying/absurd and occasionally helpful commentary! On Everything. he does not know how to shut up. should not have given the sword the ability to telepathically communicate with whoever is carrying him and/or speak aloud like a normal person. i really should not have done that.
but also its fun so whatever! its fun!
Some of his more funny commentaries from the first draft:
You and I are awfully small compared to this dragon. Could fit both of us in its mouth. At the same time. And swallow. No need to chew. It's enormous.
You know, this reminds me of the one fight with the cat. Where you almost died? Fun times.
Fire. Bad. Avoid fire- oh yes. Please throw me to the ground once more, I very much enjoy laying on dirt.
Oh. That hurt. Mind if you stop bashing my face into scales?
And his intro scene from draft 2 (current one):
“When did you get here?!?!” I shrugged. “About five minutes ago. Nice sword.” “Thank you!” said a new voice. It was my turn to whirl around, searching for a source. There wasn’t anyone else in the clearing, or in the edge of the trees. I resorted to holding onto a branch and leaning over the edge of the cliff to see if someone was hiding on the wall, despite not knowing how that could possibly be true. “Over here.” I spun towards the voice, and found myself looking at Anastrannia’s sword, which she had now fully unsheathed and laid on the ground. It took a few seconds to sort out. “Is your sword… talking?” “I have a name!” “Shut up, Jerry. Yes, Enna. He’s talking.” “Well that’s new.” “Its not, actually. Several hundred years old.”
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WIP Re-Intro: Frost & Fire!
Title: Frost & Fire
Status: Draft 2
Goal Word Count: 80-90k, might end up closer to 100k.
Genre: High Fantasy
Inspiration: Based off Dungeons & Dragons
POV: First
Narrator: Enna Helder-Kromlin
TW/CW: Death, Fire, Murder, Weapons, Swearing, Slight Romance
Synoposis: The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not that well known) adventurers of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-Elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, twin half-Frost Dragon, half-Elves, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does his could conquer the world—and would.
Tags: #wip: frost & fire #enna helder-kromlin #anastrannia galendel #redari galendel #anne helder-kromlin
Taglist: @golden-eyed-writer @writing-is-a-martial-art @livvywrites @magic-is-something-we-create @gr3y-heron @ihaveneverhadaclue @void-fireworks @thelaughingstag @chaotic-queer-disaster @fiercely-raging-writer @athenswrites @akindofmagictoo
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Last Line Tag!
Tagged by @talesofsorrowandofruin @did-i-do-this-write @magic-is-something-we-create and @sleepyowlwrites. I am sorry to the ones that took me a while to get to it. As such, here is a last line from frost & fire draft two. Well not quite a last line because the last line makes no sense out of context, but it's close to being the last line.
“Redari Galendel. I thought we ought to get to know each other before, well, before we all go and hunt down a dragon.” “We don’t know that it’s a dragon, Ari.” “I know that! I just thought it might, possibly, be a dragon.” “Whatever,” The woman stuck out her hand. “Ranger Anastrannia Galendel. You may call me Anastrannia. For the record, if there is one, I was against this.”
Tagging @akindofmagictoo @zmwrites @sagasofazeria
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Writeblr Re-Intro (version 2!):
So I've realized that I should probably make a new one to just simplify things now that I have a couple new WIPs and also will hopefully be posting my drawings here now too!
-Main: @copper-dragon-in-disguise
-I write fantasy inspired by my dnd characters
-You can call me Max
-Open to tag/ask games, though sometimes I forget to do them, sorry about that!
-Sometimes I post art here. I'm trying (but failing to) do that consistently because right now I post art like once or twice every 1-4 months and that nonexistent schedule really annoys me!
-Neurodivergent & Queer
-Any pronouns work!
Frost & Fire (Main WIP):
Draft 2.
The death of an ancient primordial dragon brings the greatest (if not well known) heroes of the last centuries together. Enna Helder-Kromlin, half-Elf thief and contractor for the crown of Halmond, along with her sister, Anne, leader of the thieves guild Oleski. Anastrannia & Redari Galendel, twin half-Frost Dragon, half-Elves, one a shadow ranger and one a shadow sorcerer. They must work together, if not get along, to stop a evil dragon named Dizerdrat from trying to claim the power released by the death for himself, because if he does his could conquer the world—and would.
Angel's Daughter (Frost & Fire Prequel, set in the same universe, about 50 years before):
Draft 1!
Fifty Years before Frost & Fire, half-elf Enna Helder gets a knock on her door, and she opens it to find a half dead messenger carrying a message from her sister- a sister she hasn’t seen in twenty years. The Message is 11 months old, telling her to come to Halmire—the Capital of the Barony of Halmire—because something is happening. Something big. And when Enna gets to Halmire, she finds nothing. Her sister is missing, all her old friends are either dead or missing, and there’s a death warrant out for Anne. With the help of unforeseen allies and unlikely friends she finds a secret deeper than anything she ever knew before or will know again, and the answer to the question she’d been asking herself all along: Who are her parents, and why did they abandon her and Anne 40 years ago?
One of Copper (Same universe as Frost & Fire, 100 years later):
Draft 1!
100 years after the death of an ancient dragon, Bryn, Halmire and the Elven nations are back to normal. Well, as close to normal as they can get. But a fight among the gods is brewing, after nearly a thousand years without one. And the sword of the god of creation, elves, and life, Corall, is missing. The prime suspect is Illa, goddess of death and queen of Shadow. And who is sent to find it? The most expendable and useless group of would be adventurers they could find. Because destiny is weird, and fate has her own plans.
That's it! There are taglists for all of my WIPs, and just ask if you wanna be added!
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Hello again. Your stories sound really cool. Can I hear more about the Frost & Fire one?
I love dragons
I also love dragons
Hello again anon!
So I might be revamping a tiny bit of the plot once I hit draft 2, but! The bare bones of it are that there are some people. These people include two sets of twins. One of those sets of twins is Enna and Anne Helder-Kromlin, twin half-elf, half celestials (their dad was an angel. Then he lost his immortality in order to get out of a trap someone put him in) thevies. Anne runs a thevies guild. Enna Helps. They're 97. They look like this (Anne has the blue hair, Enna the black) (they only sometimes have wings) and I couldn't do it on this picrew but the both have a streak in their hair of the hair color the other twin has.
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The other set is Anastrannia/Anastasia & Redari/Dash Galendel, twin half-elf, half-dragons. One of them is a former Drakewarden Ranger and now a Shadow Ranger (Ana) (her drake died) and one of them is a Shadow Sorcerer who's magic used to be draconic (Dash). Both of them are over three hundred years old! They look like this, and on Ana's arm and torso she had some scales, and on Dash's leg and back he has some scales. They also both have silver tipped hair (I think) from their draconic parentage. (Dash is the one with the earrings, Ana is the one with the lizard).
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These people are the most relevant of the main charchters. There is also Ana & Dash's older sibling, Zerve. I do not have a picrew handy for them, and I actually don't have a perfect idea of what they look like anyway.
These five, and a couple others, get roped into fighting in a war, mostly from the back end. Enna & Anne because their father is king (through a convoluted series of events involving a magical selection process and the death of the former king), and Ana & Dash because their father, a dragon, is really involved in the war that the dragons have been fighting for centuries, and has now spilled over into the human world.
It's interesting! The original idea for it was 'what if a ton of my DnD charchters met and had to stop some sort of massive disaster?!'
If Tumblr tags/search function decide to work, anything I've posted about it will be under [#wip: frost & fire].
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Hello, hello, and happy storyteller saturday! I hope you're having a great one ^^
I've been thinking about this since I saw that post where you were asking for suggestions. Would you please ramble about that sword that was making unhelpful comments during a dragon fight? I am dying to know more about this talking sword. What's it's story? It's name? What's it's personality like? I love, love talking swords in fiction and would love to hear more about this one ^^
Hi, and happy storyteller Saturday to you as well!
Yes, I will ramble about the talking sword!! He is very fun to talk about.
His name is Jeremiah Westfell, also known as Jerry or Dragonslayer (which was his honorific in life and is the name of the sword). He prefers to be called Jerry.
The story is this:
Six hundred odd years ago, there was an adventuring party. In this party was Gilanthas, who is a silver (frost) dragon shape shifted into an elf, Nita Galendel, who was an elf, two people of little consequence, and a human man named Jeremiah Westfell, aka Jerry.
Now this party got famous for fighting some evil fire dragons. And then, Jeremiah (Jerry), got stabbed. Badly. And due to some crazy magical effects that lurked around an ancient dragon's lair, his soul got (accidently) transfered to his sword. A sword called Dragonslayer.
So he, through a series of strange and magical accidents, Jerry got himself stuck in a sword for several centuries. And then, 400 ish years after he got trapped, he was found. In a crypt where he and been accidently left a century before.
Funnily enough, the woman who found him was Anastrannia (Anastasia) Galendel, the daughter of Gilanthas and Nita Galendel, who had been his best friends before the later's untimely death in a fire when her daughter was 27.
So he got dragged around by her for two centuries, until he ended up in the fight that sparked my original request for suggestions.
His personality?
Sarcastic, silly, and a bit annoyed about being stuck in a sword, but also nice sometimes. He's secretive too, and would rather die than betray someone's (Ana's) trust, so he's very loyal. And stubborn. Very stubborn.
I actually drew Dragonslayer (the sword) once. I'll reblog this with the drawing once I'm on the computer and not my phone.
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how did you come up with the idea for frost and fire?
Hi anon! Thanks for the curious ask!
So, I'm not even sure how this version of Frost & Fire happened, but when I was 11 I made my third ever dungeons and dragons character. Her name was Enna Helder.
And she, well a version of her at least, is the Enna in the WIP. And a couple years later, I was maybe 12 and a half, I made Anastrannia Galendel. She's in Frost & Fire too.
And then, when covid was just starting, I decided to do something that at the time I thought was insane:
I wanted to write a story about Enna and Ana, and if they met. And then I remembered a bunch of others, Starr, Thia, Eryn. I decided I wanted them to show up too. And then, months later, what was then called "A girl, a sword, and a prophecy", centered on Ana and wildly different from what Frost & Fire is now, began. And a year after that, I made this account, and Sacrifice, the second title for it, happened. It was still in what I like to call draft 0.5. It was different, and told from Dash's POV. And then I stopped that, got annoyed with it, and started writing frost & fire as it is right now.
And I'm not sure if that made sense at all but I hope so.
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hi! you rb'd my post from ur main, yes? so i have a question! in your WIP description, you mention a dragon wants to take over the world and the main characters have to stop him... *again*. has this happened before? what happened when it did? was it the same people that had to stop it?
Hi! Hello! Greetings! (Insert other ways of saying hello here)
I did in fact do that! I meant to reblog it here but I guess it went to the wrong blog!
Yeah this happened before. Technically twice, though the first two times are sorta lumped together in history so really only once before. The same woman has been the key to thwarting it every time. She has a magic sword (Who is sentient and named Jerry, or Dragonslayer though he prefers Jerry), and is the key to thwarting it this time too. Sorta. her brother has stuff to do with it this time.
When it happened the first time, there was a war, and a lot of death, and some fire and the homeland of the Elves (Or as close the Elves have to a homeland since they were created by the gods & got exiled & stuff) got burned down (Cities made largely of wood are very flammable).
The same people had to stop it the first time. That time was (officially) 15 years before my WIP (Frost & Fire) starts (In fact it starts on the night of the 15th anniversary of the end of the war), but in reality that time started 300 years before the first Dragon War officially began (The second Dragon War is what happens in my WIP).
The time that was technically actually the first but gets lumped in with the second as both being the first was the one 300 years ago, and the woman mentioned about (Anastrannia/Anastasia Galendel) was the one who stopped it. She beheaded the antagonists (World taker-over attempting dragon) son (I mean he killed her mother so it's kinda fair? Not really though).
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💛 and 💝 for the ask
💛: what is the title based on?
For Frost & Fire it's based off of the two types of dragons in the world, Frost dragons (They can breathe frost, look at me being creative!) (That was sarcasm) and Fire dragons. Who can breathe fire. And they're slightly at war so it made sense.
💝: who has your favorite character arch? give a brief summary
So I have only 2 1/2 arcs planned out for the characters, one for Enna, one for Zerve, (Theirs are kinda tangled together, it's complicated. They're separate but they're not) and one for- fuck what's their name whats their name!, never mind it's not important right now (Well it is but whatever). And I've already talked about Zerve & Enna's arcs, but they're my favorite (I'm biased. Enna has and always will be my favorite oc) so I'm gonna talk about them again. I apologize that the summary below is in no way brief, and is in fact almost as bad as the time I had to write a brief summary of the hundred years war in europe for history and it was 4 pages long.
So I'm picking one of the two, and it's Zerve. Sorry, Enna. You'll get your turn another day.
About 1/3 of the way through book 1 (Frost & Fire) we meet Zerve, a sometimes irritable, nonbinary, half dragon who is one of the commanders of the Bryn army. They were sent to Halmire to be helpful and make sure Halmire doesn't fuck up too badly when Bryn heard about Dizerdrat's return. Unknown to them is that their younger siblings, Redari (Dash) and Anastrannia (Anastasia) Galendel are there, working for Halmire. Younger siblings Zerve didn't know existed. Younger siblings who only heard about Zerve once, from a talking telepathic sword that knew their parents.
Needless to say, words are said and few of them are nice. Zerve thinks Dash & Ana are their "replacements", and the twins are just pissed that they never knew about Zerve, who is 150 years older (Or so) than them. Their father and mother had thought Zerve was dead.
Zerve thought their parents had abandoned them when they were 75 (ish). Sometime in the next week someone tells Gilanthas to get the fuck over to Halmire, cause his kids are randomly coming back to life and also yelling at each other.
Gil gets yelled at, a lot. If she could Ana would probably yell at her mom too, but Nita Galendel is dead and has been for 272 years. Zerve is quite mad at Gil and such, but is sad that Nita's dead. And A'sshye is destroyed. Long story short, the three of them plus Enna ad Cerea get sent on a mission. Enna is the only one not from A'sshye and therefore the only one Zerve will actually talk to. Well they'll talk to Jerry too, cause they knew Jerry before he was a sword.
The two give each other advice on their sibling issues, and Zerve takes it, and the twins + Zerve sit down and talk about what happened. But when they get back to the border of Halmire (The mission involved going back into the new elven homeland and also Xanadau to secure their help for the upcoming war) they find large parts of Halmire on fire.
Such ends book 1.
I know vaguely where their arc is going is SIlver & Swords, but it's not enough to be able to elaborate on it.
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