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I read your tags on my post twice, and I literally have to ask about Jerry. Tell me literally anything and everything you want to, that is Such a fun a concept
There is so much about Jerry. So much.
he is technically a human. technically. he's currently a talking sword! he also is *checks notes* 397! He died/got stuck inside the sword when he was in his late thirties/early forties and then he's been in the sword for about 360 years!
how did he get in the sword?
this requires a little bit of backstory explanation. basically two of the four MCs of my main wip (Frost & Fire) are half dragon, half elf, and their parents were, once upon a time, adventurers! so was Jerry! do you see where I am going hopefully? they were adventurers together!
during one of their later quests they needed to kill/defeat a (theoretically evil) dragon. dragon lairs have weird weird magic.
sometimes weird magic will mess with souls and stuff.
sometimes when you perish while fighting a dragon in a dragon's lair your soul gets, uh, a little lost.
(further below cut because uh. length!)
well, a lot lost. part of jerry, the part thats actually his personality and his memories and stuff, got stuck in his sword (the name of the sword was Dragonslayer. This means that sometimes Jerry gets called dragonslayer)!
Through a series of events that I'm still not sure of the sword, with him inside, is lost. for several centuries.
Then! someone finds it! in a weird crypt underground that is definitely not where they put him last but whatever maybe he got lost (he did. he got very lost! this man does not have a sense of direction whatsoever!)!
the someone who found it?
Anastrannia Galendel, the youngest (at the time she was ~120, currently in the story she is 267) daughter of the people Jerry used to adventure with!
she did not know Jerry knew her parents. Jerry did not know she was the daughter of his old friends. it took like 4 months for that to be figured out.
now Ana has a talking sword who makes rude/annoying/absurd and occasionally helpful commentary! On Everything. he does not know how to shut up. should not have given the sword the ability to telepathically communicate with whoever is carrying him and/or speak aloud like a normal person. i really should not have done that.
but also its fun so whatever! its fun!
Some of his more funny commentaries from the first draft:
You and I are awfully small compared to this dragon. Could fit both of us in its mouth. At the same time. And swallow. No need to chew. It's enormous.
You know, this reminds me of the one fight with the cat. Where you almost died? Fun times.
Fire. Bad. Avoid fire- oh yes. Please throw me to the ground once more, I very much enjoy laying on dirt.
Oh. That hurt. Mind if you stop bashing my face into scales?
And his intro scene from draft 2 (current one):
“When did you get here?!?!” I shrugged. “About five minutes ago. Nice sword.” “Thank you!” said a new voice. It was my turn to whirl around, searching for a source. There wasn’t anyone else in the clearing, or in the edge of the trees. I resorted to holding onto a branch and leaning over the edge of the cliff to see if someone was hiding on the wall, despite not knowing how that could possibly be true. “Over here.” I spun towards the voice, and found myself looking at Anastrannia’s sword, which she had now fully unsheathed and laid on the ground. It took a few seconds to sort out. “Is your sword… talking?” “I have a name!” “Shut up, Jerry. Yes, Enna. He’s talking.” “Well that’s new.” “Its not, actually. Several hundred years old.”
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the-master-cylinder · 5 years
SUMMARY In a secret military laboratory operating under the guise of a pesticide manufacturer, there is an outbreak of a virulent bacteria. During routine work a sealed tube is broken, releasing the secret biological weapon. Where upon detecting the release of the agent, one of the plant’s security officers activate “Protocol One,” a procedure sealing all of the workers inside from the outside world and they are left to wait out the deadly effects. A local County Sheriff whose pregnant wife, the security officer, is trapped inside, and with the help of a past employee who is a known alcoholic, must fight through a government agency and the chemically affected workers to find his wife and put a stop to the spread of the lethal weapon. The former employee had started creating an antidote to the weapon, which the sheriff and his wife create and deploy.
DEVELOPMENT Bloom’s story is a bit more complex, Twelve years ago, while a 19-year-old student at the University of California, he happened to sign on as a production assistant on an obscure project directed by an unknown named George Lucas. It was American Graffiti. “I kept an eye on the cars, Bloom recalls with a smile. Now as sole producer, Bloom finally has some wheels of his own, and if a $7 million thriller.
“A cross between “The China Syndrome (1979)” and “Night of the Living Dead (1968)” said producer Jim Bloom of WARNING SIGN, to be released by 20th Century-Fox on August 23. Written by the filmmaking duo of Matthew Robbins and Hal Barwood, who last collaborated on DRAGONSLAYER. the story deals with the frightening implications of scientists using gene splicing techniques in an attempt to develop new forms of germ warfare.
While Bloom admits its similarity to many films, he denies that the germ warfare thriller Andromeda Strain deserves a place on that list.
“Although I am a great fan of director Robert Wise, on that project, he made the design an equal star to the actors. I found the treatment to be rather dry and emotionless, Bloom suggests. “In this movie, the laboratory is secondary to what’s happening. The primary concern is what’s happening to the people.”
Like The China Syndrome, Bloom admits in a less lighthearted vein, the possibilities of life mirroring art with extremely hazardous results also exists. That’s one reason he and Barwood seek to label the film as a “high-tech thriller” rather than science fiction. Though Barwood does have a strong background in the sciences, the filmmakers stress that the microbes are not the message.
“Our purpose is not to educate the community about genetic engineering,” Bloom contends. “Our purpose is to make an entertaining movie.
“At the same time, we want to present intelligent subject matter. One of the complaints I have with many horror movies is that you are dealing with rather dull, boring subject matter which makes use of cheap psychological thrills to entertain you.
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PRE-PRODUCTION To keep costs within the budget, interior filming was done at a vacant Junior High School in La Crescenta, California. “We saved quite a bit, because rather than building a lot of sets, we could go in and use existing rooms, walls and staircases, “revealed Bloom. “We built the main Bio Tek containment lab in the school’s gym. It all worked out very well.” Money was also saved by casting the film without expensive star names. Instead, actors with solid dramatic backgrounds were chosen. “We didn’t want star names for this picture,” said Bloom. “It’s supposed to be real, a story that could happen to anyone, and very often a star can detract from that.”
Set decorator Mickey Michaels. “Every piece is real. Even the government was drooling over this equipment.” Michaels was brought onto the project by production designer Heary Bumstead primarily due to Michaels’ connections with private sector laboratories dealing in this exclusive brand of research. “I told the companies, ‘I can’t promise about the acting or story, but all the equipment will work.” Michaels quips. “You have to make it real to make the unreal work.
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Major (Yaphet Kotto) Connolly is not a bad guy.” Bloom says. “He’s sacrificing a few to save many, the same way firemen contain a fire burning out of control.” – Jim Bloom
BEHIND THE SCENES Bumstead, with 47 years of motion pictures behind him, has worked on four Alfred Hitchcock films (gamering an Oscar nomination for Vertigo) and with George Roy Hill on Slaughterhouse Five. Of this latest venture, he says, “I don’t think Mickey Michaels will ever forgive me for what I’ve put him through on this film, but his connections have made a real difference.”
One reason that Bumstead and Michaels could design the film from today’s company stockrooms and drawing boards, Bloom notes, is that Barwood and Robbins extracted the story from today’s headlines.
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“This is really not a science-fiction movie, Bloom says. “It’s really a fiction piece, based on things which are very real right now. The element of science fiction is that we’re dealing in a high-tech field about which the public knows very little.
“Hal Barwood and I are both true fans of genetic engineering. I believe that the 20th century will be remembered for gene splicing-nor computers or nuclear energy.
“In fact, we are dealing with something that, in some ways, is far more terrifying than atomic weaponry-cloning toxins, which are essentially proteins, into easily catchable bacteria like E. coli. Once you start this process, it’s very difficult to create an anti-toxin. That’s what makes it so dangerous: you can not just push a button.”
Nevertheless, Bloom maintains, “We are not looking to present genetic engineering in a bad light. A hundred years from now, when people look back on this period, they’ll see it as the seed point of the genetic revolution.”
The seed point for the film, however, came when Barwood and Robbins, while researching the subject matter, discovered some data-circa World War I-on the Borna virus. “It happened in Germany, Bloom explains. “The Borna virus was very rare, and specific to horses and animals. The horses that became infected all went mad and began attacking each other the virus affects the brain’s rage center.
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“That idea, coupled with the concept of developing a particular toxin for germ warfare, was the seed for this project.”
Germ Chills In the film, those within BioTek begin to go mad once they have contracted the virus, menacing cach other and the strangely immune Quinlan. A one-time history classroom displays a remnant of their handiwork, with one door chopped to pieces by an axe and the fake glass in the other shattered.
SPECIAL EFFECTS “It’s quite nice,” observes special effects supervisor Kevin Pike, who oversaw the physical effects on Starfighter thankless job since Digital Productions’ computer graphics got all the ink. “At least there’s no Digital to come in and overshadow all of our stuff,” he smiles. “There are no real major effects on this movie, but many little things.”
“I have less budget on this film than I’ve had in many, many years, production designer Bumstead acknowledges. It’s a challenge. When I heard the budget, I said, “We must find a school,’ so here we are.”
Zomble Thrills The idea of germ warfare recalls a number of films, as does the concept of dangerously enraged virus-afflicted, zombie-like humans. Harmless ultra-violet lights have been developed that, when shone into the eyes of actors wearing special contact lenses, will create an eerie purple glow. The grotesque sores will also glow, set decorator Michaels reveals.
The film has had two previews, and according to Bloom, the reaction has been good. “It’s a very esoteric film in some ways,” admitted the producer. “Some people will hear about a movie where people are getting sick inside of a gene-splicing laboratory, and won’t go near it, so it doesn’t have a broad general appeal.” That fact, combined with the change in management at Fox since the film was made. could mean an uphill struggle to get the film to its intended audience. – Jim Bloom
Warning Sign (1985) Main Theme: Biotek  Craig Safan
CAST/CREW Directed Hal Barwood Produced Hal Barwood Jim Bloom Written by     Hal Barwood Matthew Robbins
Music Craig Safan Cinematography  Dean Cundey
Sam Waterston as Cal Morse Kathleen Quinlan as Joanie Morse Yaphet Kotto as Major Connolly Jeffrey DeMunn as Dr. Dan Fairchild Richard Dysart as Dr. Nielsen W. Bailey as Tom Schmidt Jerry Hardin as Vic Flint Rick Rossovich as Bob
CREDITS/REFERENCES/SOURCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Starlog#098 Starlog#101 Cinefantastique v15n04
Warning Sign (1985)Retrospective SUMMARY In a secret military laboratory operating under the guise of a pesticide manufacturer, there is an outbreak of a virulent bacteria.
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scotiaeire · 5 years
Fantasy....food for the soul.
During the seventies and eighties, movies were GOOD on the whole. I have eclectic tastes in viewing, from horror (vintage such as Hammer, Amicus, etc to some modern) to vintage Bond (Sean Connery. The *only* Bond for me) to Sword and Sorcery and Fantasy films.
One of my favourites was Legend, with Tim Curry as the Lord of Darkness, Mia Sara as the Princess, Lilly, and Tom Cruise as the woodcutter’s son, a wildling of a boy in love with Lilly.
It was also Curry’s character, Darkness, who held my fascination. I knew why....there has always been something (and of course I’m speaking as a straight heathen/pagan woman here, sorry) about strong male figures, but more so when they sport horns and hooves. It’s the ancient image of the Wild Forest God (although of course his character was anything but!) and of all the old Fertility Gods...
His skin was red, his eyes lizardlike and feral, his teeth fanged and sharp, he had claws and of course, the hooves...and I just thought he was fucking fantastic!
The film had the classic fairytale script...Princess, captured by Darkness, threatening to plunge the whole world into eternal winter, rescued by her true love, the woodcutter’s son.
I still have both versions..the one where Jerry Goldsmith did the score, and the one with the Tangerine Dream score. Tbh, I prefer the former.
But Ridley Scott did the tale great justice. It was so beautifully filmed, so atmospheric, so magical, it just caught and held me and I’ve loved that film for many decades still.
And there were others...Willow, The Sword and the Sorcerer, Dragonslayer and others. Amidst the copious post Apocalyptic movies, fantasy was my *thing* then. And I ate them all up. Lived, in my mind, inside a world where Fey folks walked and heroes stalked and dragons flew and of course (Conan the Barbarian, with Arnold and Sandahl and the great James Earl Jones, as Thulsa Doom... https://conan.fandom.com/wiki/Conan_the_Barbarian_(1982_movie) )
swords and edged weapons took on lives of their own and defeated “evil”....
These films, and equally copious heroic fantasy pulp novels from the sixties and seventies, kept me going through a very rough time in my life....my first marriage to an abusive husband. When things got so bad, I could retreat into these worlds, become part of them, take inspiration from them (Valeria, from Conan, was my personal heroine and girl crush) and well, the fact I still keep these films (albeit no longer on video, but hard drive) probably tells how much they helped me. I had no friends at the time, I was alone and suffering so I did what many folks do...retreated into fantasy, escapism.
Thing is, I always had an inner belief that this, the worlds in these films or books, was how life was really meant to be. Sometimes, I still do....
We create the world around us. All of us contribute to what the world is like, now.
I wish more folks would work on the fantasy part of life. Why we’ve created countries where the majority let elite few regimes rule them, almost always with cruelty, austerity and utter lack of concern, has always confused me.
I believe time has shown in many nations, democracy doesn’t exist, voting doesn’t work, and governments dictate our every day down to what we eat, watch, read, work at and do.
No, I don’t have the answers. Wish I did. But I’ve no shame for my attraction, still, after all these decades, to fantasy, sword and sorcery, heroic tales and legends, and better worlds.
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Two questions: what are some favorite shows that you've seen? Maybe not a "best ever" (I know those are often hard to settle on), but a few that jump out. I just picked up a fairly dark charcoal herringbone tweed sportcoat from the thrift store. I'm pretty confident about shirt pairings, but less so about pants. What are your thoughts?
Shows, you mean concerts? Here’s a few off the top of my head:
I usually tell people that the best show I’ve ever seen was the Wrens at Williams College in the spring of 2004. They were touring on the Meadowlands, so the set list featured that heavily, but they also played a little bit of the first record, and about half of Secaucus. Why this show in particular? Especially after having seen them several times before and since? You know that feeling when you’re watching a really good movie, and you get so caught up in it that you forget about everything else, you don’t want to check your watch or your phone, you don’t care if you have to pee, you’re just like, in the zone, this show felt like that. Everything outside that room stopped existing for however long they played for in the most beautiful way. I was dancing my ass off, singing along, just having the most amazing time, and the band was really feeding off the crowd, getting sweaty, jumping around, climbing things, hugging each other like crazy. They played this version of ‘Indie 500′ that must have been like 8 minutes long where all of the sudden it was a bossa nova, and now it’s a polka, and now it’s a ska song, but it was always still the same song. The other thing that stick out is that being that crazy guy right up front, who was in the midst of some heavy geeking out on these guys, I had read just about everything I could find about them online, every review, every blog post, every interview. One of these had mentioned that at certain shows they covered ‘Two Headed Boy’ by Neutral Milk Hotel, which really stuck with me for some reason, because come the encore I yelled it out a couple of times, and they played it. Which was highly improbable for many reasons (how supposedly rare this was, how much of an odd fit that is for a cover, the fact that this was 2004 and Jeff Mangum was still very much in his hermit phase, and not in his cash-in festival headlining phase). So they played it, but the funny thing was, Kevin (the lead singer) only remembered like half the words, so I was helping him from the front row, singing along really loud, and they were all loving it. The following fall when I saw them again, I spoke with Jerry the drummer before the set about this whole experience and I was gushing and we were both laughing. Later on when they played ‘Boys You Won’t Remember,’ he climbs out from behind the kit and pulls me up on stage to sing backing vocals and hand percussion, and it was totally because of that night out in Williamstown.
Otherwise, I saw Wilco at the tail end of the Yankee Hotel Foxtrot tour at the Electric Factory in Philadelphia (in ‘02). They played for like 2.5 hours, all of YHF, and about half of both Being There and Summerteeth. Those three albums are like the holy trinity of Wilco for me, so I was losing it. Oh, and Califone opened that show, and at the time I kind of hated them, but now they’re one of my all time favorites.
In the Winter of ‘07 I saw Times New Viking play in a basement arts space in Chicago, they had recently put out a record called ‘Presents the Paisley Reich’ that I was super into. We were drinking Old Styles and moshing like crazy when they played ‘Devo and Wine.’
More recently, I saw Strand of Oaks touring on Heal at a local venue called Great Scott. There was so much shredding, and fist pumping, and flying hair, it was insane.
I helped get Animal Collective booked for the Spring Concert at my alma mater in ‘05. They had just blown up with ‘Sung Tongs,’ but as they were wont to do at the time, they were touring only playing new stuff, and were just absolutely destroying everything on ‘Feels’ and it was a free outdoor show under a tent, so there was just this massive crowd moving as one to the music. I also saw them a couple of years later at a University in Zagreb, Croatia and was equally blown away.
The Mrs. took us to see Jason Isbell recently at the House of Blues, and I’ve always been blown away by his songwriting, but to see that paired with his crazy stage presence, and how f’n cute he and his wife are together we were just loving it so so much.
After going to Pitchfork fest in Chicago 3 or 4 times over the years, the one performance that really stuck with me was Women playing on the small stage, touring on their first record. It was one of those situations were I took a friend with me to the set, and she had no idea going in, and was thanking me for insisting when it was over.
I saw Sunset Rubdown in Ljubljana, Slovenia in 2009 or ‘10 when they were touring on Dragonslayer, and after seeing Moonface and Wolf Parade several times that may be my favorite Spencer Krug related performance. The venue was crazy, this punk collective that had this real Peter Pan and the Lost Boys vibe to it, and the crowd was loving it. There’s something really powerful about watching foreign fans connect intensely with such esoteric music.
I should probably stop there, but I can totally go on...
Oh and as for the blazer, that should work with standard khakis, jeans, and lighter grey trousers.
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storialco-blog · 7 years
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[Rabu Review] Legend of Indonesia
Judul: Legend of Indonesia
Ditulis oleh: Baim
Status: Masih Berlanjut
Jumlah bab: 4
Kategori Olahraga & Petualangan
“Mulai dari troll, naga, kraken, direwolf, bromance, hingga kisah cinta yang mengharukan, kalian akan menemukan semuanya disini. Cerita petualangan dan fantasi yang akan membuatmu terbawa suasana ceritanya, membahas segala keunikan dari Indonesia,”- pengantar penulis.
Petualangan Legend of Indonesia dimulai di Portugis. Jerry adalah seorang pemuda keturunan Portugis yang haus akan petualangan. Di tempat kediamannya, naga menyeramkan yang hobi memakan ternak adalah hal biasa. Untuk menjajal kemampuan dan membuktikkan kedewasaan kepada kakak dan ibunya, Jerry memutuskan untuk bergabung menjadi anak buah kapal Bluesea.
Bahkan sebelum menjadi anggota kapal, hidup Jerry berubah menarik. Terutama ketika ia menemukan pemuda berambut hijau menarik- yang mengaku seorang anak dragonslayer alias pembunuh Naga- dan peliharaan direworf-nya yang usil. Jerry pun semakin tak sabar menyambut petualangannya ketika mengetahui bahwa Eza- si rambut hijau akan bergabung dengan Bluesea. Hari-harinya pasti akan semakin menarik!
“Ayolah, kita butuh tantangan di hidup ini,” – Eza.
Sesuai janji penulis, Legend of Indonesia menawarkan petualangan yang seru, lucu,dan sarat fantasi. Tak hanya naga dan bangsa viking, beberapa nama makhluk fantasi seperti direwolf dan kraken pun disebutkan di empat bab pertama cerita ini. Dari sisi penokohan, kepolosan Jerry yang berbanding terbalik dengan sifat cuek Eza membuat dialog-dialog yang tercipta penuh rasa humor.
Sayangnya, penulis kurang cermat dalam penggunaan tanda baca dan kata depan di-. Akibatnya, beberapa kalimat kurang nyaman dibaca, terlalu panjang, atau kurang efektif. Meski begitu, hal ini tidak mengurangi keseruan petualangan Jerry, kok.
Yuk, ikuti petualangan Jerry sampai ia tiba di Indonesia https://www.storial.co/book/legend-of-indonesia
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Rabu, 13 Desember 2017
Ditulis oleh: Eugenia Rakhma (akun Storial: eugeniarakhma)
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Alright, what kind of unhelpful comments can a 600 year old sword that is magical and telepathic and sentient make while his owner is fighting a dragon??? I need help tumblr. Ideas appreciated.
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Hello, hello, and happy storyteller saturday! I hope you're having a great one ^^
I've been thinking about this since I saw that post where you were asking for suggestions. Would you please ramble about that sword that was making unhelpful comments during a dragon fight? I am dying to know more about this talking sword. What's it's story? It's name? What's it's personality like? I love, love talking swords in fiction and would love to hear more about this one ^^
Hi, and happy storyteller Saturday to you as well!
Yes, I will ramble about the talking sword!! He is very fun to talk about.
His name is Jeremiah Westfell, also known as Jerry or Dragonslayer (which was his honorific in life and is the name of the sword). He prefers to be called Jerry.
The story is this:
Six hundred odd years ago, there was an adventuring party. In this party was Gilanthas, who is a silver (frost) dragon shape shifted into an elf, Nita Galendel, who was an elf, two people of little consequence, and a human man named Jeremiah Westfell, aka Jerry.
Now this party got famous for fighting some evil fire dragons. And then, Jeremiah (Jerry), got stabbed. Badly. And due to some crazy magical effects that lurked around an ancient dragon's lair, his soul got (accidently) transfered to his sword. A sword called Dragonslayer.
So he, through a series of strange and magical accidents, Jerry got himself stuck in a sword for several centuries. And then, 400 ish years after he got trapped, he was found. In a crypt where he and been accidently left a century before.
Funnily enough, the woman who found him was Anastrannia (Anastasia) Galendel, the daughter of Gilanthas and Nita Galendel, who had been his best friends before the later's untimely death in a fire when her daughter was 27.
So he got dragged around by her for two centuries, until he ended up in the fight that sparked my original request for suggestions.
His personality?
Sarcastic, silly, and a bit annoyed about being stuck in a sword, but also nice sometimes. He's secretive too, and would rather die than betray someone's (Ana's) trust, so he's very loyal. And stubborn. Very stubborn.
I actually drew Dragonslayer (the sword) once. I'll reblog this with the drawing once I'm on the computer and not my phone.
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i have finally gotten to introduce Jerry (aka Dragonslayer aka Ana's talking sword inhabited by the soul of her parent's best friend that she accidentally ended up with as a sword).
today is a good day. today is a very good day.
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Hi! Thanks for the ask!
I really like this bit from when I'm talking about what Jerry, aka Dragonslayer, aka Ana's sword looks like.
Ankylosaurus - share some of your favorite descriptive text
It was a longsword, the metal was some sort of iron or steel, human crafted, with a hilt made to look like dragon wings. All down the channel in the middle of the blade were runes in Draconic. They spelled out Dragonslayer.
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Find the word tag!
I'm taking an open tag from @josephinegerardywriter. Thanks!
Words: call, face, listen, and accept
Using Frost & Fire for the lines.
“You made friends with a magical sword?” Ana nodded. “His name’s Jerry. Or Dragonslayer. Jerry works better.” Hells yeah it does. Dragonslayer was my honorific when I was alive properly. I’m Jeremiah. Friends call me Jerry. Nice to meet you.
“Oh good, you’re still there. I was beginning to think you’d figured out how to release yourself from the sword and gone and left.” Please. Jerry scoffed, as best as a telepathic sword without a face could. You won’t get rid of me that easily.
It made you want to listen, to do what you were asked to do.
I'll tag (Zero pressure!): @magic-is-something-we-create @acereader @silentstarskies and anybody!
Your words are: Code, Honor, Scar, Stone
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hi! you rb'd my post from ur main, yes? so i have a question! in your WIP description, you mention a dragon wants to take over the world and the main characters have to stop him... *again*. has this happened before? what happened when it did? was it the same people that had to stop it?
Hi! Hello! Greetings! (Insert other ways of saying hello here)
I did in fact do that! I meant to reblog it here but I guess it went to the wrong blog!
Yeah this happened before. Technically twice, though the first two times are sorta lumped together in history so really only once before. The same woman has been the key to thwarting it every time. She has a magic sword (Who is sentient and named Jerry, or Dragonslayer though he prefers Jerry), and is the key to thwarting it this time too. Sorta. her brother has stuff to do with it this time.
When it happened the first time, there was a war, and a lot of death, and some fire and the homeland of the Elves (Or as close the Elves have to a homeland since they were created by the gods & got exiled & stuff) got burned down (Cities made largely of wood are very flammable).
The same people had to stop it the first time. That time was (officially) 15 years before my WIP (Frost & Fire) starts (In fact it starts on the night of the 15th anniversary of the end of the war), but in reality that time started 300 years before the first Dragon War officially began (The second Dragon War is what happens in my WIP).
The time that was technically actually the first but gets lumped in with the second as both being the first was the one 300 years ago, and the woman mentioned about (Anastrannia/Anastasia Galendel) was the one who stopped it. She beheaded the antagonists (World taker-over attempting dragon) son (I mean he killed her mother so it's kinda fair? Not really though).
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If Anastasia and Dash had to pick one thing about each other that they disliked and one thing they liked, what would they pick? like, however you want to play it is cool by me, they can jokingly pick whatever to annoy each other or you can get serious about it, all is good :D
Ana dislikes Dash's complete inability to tell anyone where he's going. He got himself stuck- unconscious- in Shadow (Realm of the dead but the living go there sometimes too) for 102 years and she only found him because she was looking for their father who also happened to be there. She likes that Dash is alive. He's the only mortal family member she has left, 'cause their dad is a frost dragon and they have 1500+ lifespans and their mom and all extended family pretty much died when they were 27.
Dash likes that Ana's alive, and she isn't imprisoned by a dragon anymore. And he dislikes that Ana found, around 200 years ago, a sentient telepathic magic sword named Dragonslayer. But there's a guy's soul inside the sword, and his name is Jeremiah Jerry and Dash kinda hates him but also doesn't hate him. And Dragonslayer is Ana's sword, technically. So he's stuck with him. And they're both (Jerry & Dash) very annoyed at that.
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