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axiserpent · 3 days ago
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Meteos 20th Anniversary!
Yes, I know it s a day early, but it's March 10th in Japan time. I put a bunch of references to different games in the Meteos franchise, can you recognize them?
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forter-from-meteos · 1 year ago
fuck it. dumping a bunch of stuff thats unfinished/unpolished/old/doesn't warrant its own post
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shiny-heart-tree · 2 years ago
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Yee haw cactus man
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longeth-dayv · 9 months ago
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meteos meteos METEOS if i have nsotalgia for a game it's meteos these goobers are so lovable
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zerothefool0 · 11 months ago
I like gemstones, but I'm considering ditching the gemstone theming for Tsuki's Japanese banks in favor of naming them after Meteos planets
Alternatively, I could pocket these and use them for when I start recording appends for Natsuno:
"MV-Core" -> Geolyte, "MZ-Flame" -> Firim, "MZ-Blizzard" -> Oleana "MZ-Thunder" -> Anasaze
Hmmmm... Much to think about.
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anasazehaze · 6 years ago
Angst ahead!
Ah. I can always tell when I'm not wanted, it happens a lot! I want to believe I have many friends, they all ignore me because I know that I'm too annoying to be near. I've had past people earn my love, it was easy at first the first broke my heart in two. I glued it back together. The red glass was broken again. More glue will help! Time after time it became hard, every shatter made me lose little pieces that were never found. Until there really was nothing left of it. It's hard to make use of something that isn't there. I currently have a partner but I feel as though she is sick of me as well. I would like it to bother me but all tears shed is only water I don't need, no feeling involved. It's so hollow. I feel an empty clang when I hit my chest. But it's ok, I still keep my positive ways but I feel as if this positive way does nothing without a heartbeat to hear. I would talk about how weak I am physically but that is another story for another day. Anyway I'll just "feel" while I can. I don't want to feel hollow and lonely anymore, I never asked for it to happen but now I am emotionless my trust is very hard to gain. So if you ever fall for me, know this...I apologize if it feels like I do not love you, I do but I cannot truly love with something I don't have. But I know there are people with worse lives than me. I'm ready for people to spam my inbox with "you think you have a bad life?" Or "your being such an attention hog!" Or maybe even "Man you really are annoying, you complain too much." That's ok. Tell me something I don't know. People tell me not to bottle up my feelings, but when I let them out, I get yelled at and insulted. I've tried to smash all those bottles and have succeeded mostly. No bottles, no heart, no problem. At least I can be hurt anymore.
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left side is an Oleanan, a blue squidlike or jellyfishlike alien with a single lilac pupil in its bell/mantle. On the right is an Anasazean, an exclamation mark-shaped orangeish alien. On its top end it has a semi-circle shaped eye and a pair of triangular horns. End ID]
Oleana (Left) - This aquatic species is said to be highly advanced and peaceful. They are stated to be 50cm/1'8" tall.
Anasaze Right - ...This game has some issues. Anasazeans apparently can survive for days on very little water. In the latest game in the series, when the player is at risk of losing, this alien is depicted as being able to puff up the oval it stands on. They are stated to be 250cm/8'2" tall.
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lynnbecksart · 2 years ago
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Having a go at making some Meteos fan-species in Xara.
From a planet-sized moon that orbits a moon-sized planet. Shares its tileset with Forte and Gravitas.
From a rainy world currently going through an industrial revolution. Shares its tileset with Anasaze.
From the depths of a huge ocean world. Shares its tileset with Suburbion and Oleana.
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stevesapato · 5 years ago
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If you are advertising something, advertise it! If you have seen this ad it scripts it's message while playing lively upbeat music.. why not demonstrate your anasazing (if it is) microphone that you want me to buy?? Duh!!! ~Steve Sapato Coaching https://www.instagram.com/p/B2goNTglecl/?igshid=10orwlt5kqi4a
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axiserpent · 1 year ago
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Meteos March day 29: Multi-Route Star Trip
The Multi-Route Star Trip mode in the original Meteos consists of multiple paths for you to choose, leading to three different endings. When fighting a planetary group, they have missions for you to complete alongside beating them. If you clear the mission of the planet(s) you face, you get to choose which route to go to, but failing the mission forces you downward. Some missions are easier to complete on certain planets, some are harder.
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forter-from-meteos · 2 years ago
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i am still thinking about the canon heights of the meteos aliens
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forter-from-meteos · 2 years ago
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a concept
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axiserpent · 1 year ago
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Meteos March day 24: Earth Lovers
The Earth Lovers are a trio of planets that have a high Soil Meteo frequency (Cavious' main frequency would be changed to Dark in Meteos Wars, this applies to its Meteos rates in the original game). Due to how their physics work, screen clears are the go-to way of maximizing their attacking power.
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forter-from-meteos · 2 years ago
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so, uh, furries, anyone?
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Gonna make a poll master post real quick
Each set of polls will last a week. Like @/nonbiney-swag-competition, I will split the first round in half, to prevent an overload of polls for anyone interested, and to lighten the workload on myself.
Geolyte vs. Firim
Oleana vs. Anasaze
Bavoom vs. Grannest
Boggob vs. Freaze
Megadom vs. Mekks
Suburbion vs. Dawndus
Lastar vs. Globin
Jeljel vs. Yooj
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