#meteos: the quest for the scrunkliest
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Hey! Who’s up for a REMATCH
Last time I wasn’t able to hype this up too much and it never got off the ground. I still have the files though, so I’m thinking of rebooting it.
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@usend @satellitecafeterrace @miles-tails-prowers-crotch @marinaiguess @neurotypical-sonic @wiralonprimesskits @w3rn1ckz @meteos-quest-for-the-scrunkliest @sonicexelle-junkary @themetalvirus @multydoodles
Woe, Coolness be upon ye
this post will be seen by someone who is so cool
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[ID starts here. The image is split in half. On the left is a Lastaral, a yellow alien made up of two rings. The centermost ring has four evenly-spaced rays coming from it, and the outer ring has two near the bottom, serving as legs presumably. It has a single blue pupil at its center. Behind it is a sky full of glimmering lights. On the right is a Globinite, a magenta alien. It has a round main body with three comet-like tails coming from it. Its single eye has black sclera and a tiny pupil the same color of the rest of the Globinite. Behind him is a landscape made of cells and capillaries. End ID.]
Lastar (Left) - Lastarals come from a planet of light and communicate by reflecting light. I'd imagine of one hated me I'd say "hey" and it'd reflect the nearest light source directly into my eyes. Oh, and they're also supposedly 50cm/1'8" tall.
Globin (Right) - The "planet" Globin is actually a gigantic living creature, making the Globinites presumably more of its cells. According to the in-game description, they act as blood cells. They also come in a range of sizes, ranging from 10cm/4" to 20m/65'7".
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left is a Boggobian, a greeen humanoid with a semicircle-shaped head, with what appears to be leaves on top, and an orange pupil shaped like a rounded triangle in its single eye. Behind it is a thick jungle under a lavender-purple sky. On the right is a Freazer, a teal alien with a rectangular head whose bottom edge curves down over its body. Said body is a pair of legs that widen as they reach the ground. Its oval-shaped eye has a small, round white pupil. Behind it s a frozen landscape, ice curved and shaped by the wind. End ID.]
Boggob (Left) - Yeahhhhh I told you guys this game had issues. The planet of Boggob is apparently riddled with predatory creatures, which the Boggobians have to contend with. Apparently they are 15cm/6" tall. Probably doesn't help their issue with the predators on their planet.
Freaze (Right) - Freazers are stated to be "more matter than organism." I suppose that means they're covered in ice, which make up most of their body mass. They are also stated to enjoy "sliding their bulk over ice". And when they say bulk, they mean it. They are apparently huuuuuge, 40m/131ft in height, and one of the biggest species in the game.
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left is a Bavoomian, a teal alien with a scarflike appendage, what appears to be a cloak for a body, and a round head with a single eye. On top of its head are a pair of wispy "ears". It also has a green pupil shaped like a triangle with the bottom edge being a curve. Behind the Bavoomian is a view of its cloud-covered planet from above. On the right is a Grannestian, a grey robot shaped a bit like a hamburger with little legs. It has a single, round red eye set halfway above a groove running across it. Behind it is a mechanical city beneath a purple night sky. End ID.]
Bavoom (Left) - The Bavoomians on this windy planet are said to ride wind currents, presumably living their live in its reportedly dense atmosphere. They are said to be 70cm/2'3" tall.
Grannest (Right) - It is said that the creators of Grannest's robotic inhabitants fled the polluted planet. Now the Grannestians are waiting for their return. Grannestians are the first species covered that have a range of sizes, ranging from 50cm/1'8" to 50m/164ft tall.
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left side is an Oleanan, a blue squidlike or jellyfishlike alien with a single lilac pupil in its bell/mantle. On the right is an Anasazean, an exclamation mark-shaped orangeish alien. On its top end it has a semi-circle shaped eye and a pair of triangular horns. End ID]
Oleana (Left) - This aquatic species is said to be highly advanced and peaceful. They are stated to be 50cm/1'8" tall.
Anasaze Right - ...This game has some issues. Anasazeans apparently can survive for days on very little water. In the latest game in the series, when the player is at risk of losing, this alien is depicted as being able to puff up the oval it stands on. They are stated to be 250cm/8'2" tall.
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left is a Jeljelian, a red implike alien with an oval-shaped head and a body shaped like a rounded "W". Their head has a pair of teardrop-shaped "ears" on both sides of their head and a small spike on top. Their single eye has a round, pink pupil. Behind them is a picture of several sharp spires tinted red-orange. On the right is a Yoojic, an alien that appears to be made of clouds, with a larger mass of clouds on top and a smaller lump on the bottom, with a wispy "tail" coming from the latter. Between those is a single blue dot, presumably its eye. Behind it is a mass of clouds in front of a blue sky. End ID.]
Jeljel (Left) - The inhabitants of this hellish planet are very lonely. Probably because there's only 32 of them. They can apparently fuse with the viscous lava that covers their planet. They vary in size, ranging from 40cm/1'4" to 70m/229'8" in height.
Yooj (Right) - Supposedly, Yoojics can only think big. This is apparently because of the giant cloud covering their entire planet. Unfortunately, they're currently competing against the species that has THE largest alien in the entire franchise among them. Yoojics aren't too small either - Being reportedly 10m tall/32'10".
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[ID starts here. The image is split in half. On the left is a Suburbionite, a deep green humanoid alien. Their head is shaped a bit like a very simplified human skull and has a single, visor like eye with a round, bright red pupil. Behind them is a suburban area in a giant dome containing clouds. On the right is a Dawndusian, a red-orange humanoid alien with a very similar body type to the Suburbionite. Their head is oval-shaped, with a pair of spikes on the sides of its head. It has a single eye with an oval-shaped pupil, the same color as the rest of their body. Behind them is a city lit by a sunset/sunrise. End ID]
Suburbion (Left) - Apparently a warlike species, they destroyed their original planet because they fought so much and had to move into a tiny space station. They're also allegedly 18m/59ft tall.
Dawndus (Right) - They live on a desert planet where their sun is constantly either rising or setting. Apparently this means they're insomniacs, but they like to pretend to sleep. They also have a hidden spike at the top of their head. They're reportedly 70cm/2'3" tall.
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[ID starts here. The image is split in half. On the left is a Megadomer, a sea-green alien with a round, somewhat oval-shaped head and a simplistic body that ends in three points. It's single eye has a round, magenta pupil, and its head has a spike-shaped protrusion on top. Behind it is a floating continent above its planet. On the right is a Mekkian, a blue-grey robot with a round head and small body. On top of its head is a trapezoidal protrusion, wide on top. It also has a pair of "arms" on each side of its head, angled low like pigtails. Its single round eye has a yellow, diamond-shaped pupil. Behind it is a mechanical city under a yellowish sky. End ID here.]
Megadom (Left) - You guys are gonna go NUTS over this planet's name I bet. Apparently the gas on this planet makes these guys eternal optimists. They are 10cm/4in. tall.
Mekks (Right) - Those Miku pigtails are actually their arms. Their eyes also will change shape in some animations used in the latest game. They can also stand on their head, using that thing on top as a stand. They're 140cm/4'7" tall.
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[ID starts here. The image is split in half. On the left is a Geolyte, a cyan humanoid with curved horns on either sire of its round head. It's set on a background depicting a view of its planet from space. On the right is a Firim, a magenta humanoid whose head is vaguely triangular and wavy, with a single teal pupil at its center. The Firim also has long, thin arms. behind it is a reddish, rocky landscape with an arc of lava crossing the sky. End ID.]
Geolyte (Left) - The civilization of the Geolytes has been described as merry and very similar to Earth's. Since I think the heights of these aliens may factor into this, the Geolytes are stated to be 90cm/2'11".
Firim (Right) - Apparently they can control lava flows at will. It's really hard to describe its head shape for an ID. They are 150cm/4'11".
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[ID Update start. The background for the Oleanan is a view of its planet's vast ocean from above, while the background for the Anasazean is a desert dotted with plateaus. End ID.]
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[ID start. The image is split in half. On the left side is an Oleanan, a blue squidlike or jellyfishlike alien with a single lilac pupil in its bell/mantle. On the right is an Anasazean, an exclamation mark-shaped orangeish alien. On its top end it has a semi-circle shaped eye and a pair of triangular horns. End ID]
Oleana (Left) - This aquatic species is said to be highly advanced and peaceful. They are stated to be 50cm/1'8" tall.
Anasaze Right - ...This game has some issues. Anasazeans apparently can survive for days on very little water. In the latest game in the series, when the player is at risk of losing, this alien is depicted as being able to puff up the oval it stands on. They are stated to be 250cm/8'2" tall.
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