#i have been doing art but i have recently acquired a tablet and stylus
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forter-from-meteos · 1 year ago
fuck it. dumping a bunch of stuff thats unfinished/unpolished/old/doesn't warrant its own post
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drawnandredrawn · 2 years ago
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Recently acquired a new (to me) android tablet and I have been sloooowly puzzling out how to make art on it.  One of my most telling problems is how tiny the stylus is, which my arthritis very much objects to.
Anyway These Shitheads Again, courtesy of tablet twiddling.  I continue to avoid lining practice on the thing like it’ll give me (more) cancer to do so.
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Hi there, fellow disabled person who can only really do computer stuff (but desperately needs to feel fulfilled in life) here;
My hands suck (chronic pain, unstable joints, giving me poor grip & mild dexterity issues, plus severe fatigue, plus semi-recently acquired intermittent temporary paralysis - yes it's weird!) But I recently found I can draw using a stylus on a tablet for (what is for me) a fairly long time, snce the almost complete lack of resistance provided by the slick screen means I can grip the stylus very lightly, & I also don't need to press down on it (I end up with a death grip on regular pens & pencils to stop them twisting out of my shifty fingers).
I also like to write, (which I find easiest to do using analogue tools, but) & find a mix of writing on my tablet (stylus again, but also smaller, lighter movements touching a touchscreen keypad than typing on a manual one) & using text to speech (plus occasionally regular typing) helps me jot my thoughts down most effectively.
My sister & I like to play games together, & the main thing we do is make worlds in sims 3, which is pretty fulfilling because not only do we enjoy the process, but every time we play with the worlds we can go "I made that" "we did a good job on this", etc, & feel proud of ourselves!
With all 3 types of activity, I find them most fulfilling when I share them with others (I have a small account for my art, another for some of my writing, plus I show my family things when I can) since the biggest downside to creating digitally is that no matter how big the file size gets it doesn't always feel like you've done anything, since there's nothing you can touch, but when you show someone else it reminds you "oh yes, I made that. I put in lots of time & effort & got a thing I can share with people".
I also like to engage with creative communities, even if I can't create myself. It doesn't always work - Sometimes I find it depressing as it reminds me I can't make a thing - but often, seeing something grow & take shape, sympathising with the trials & tribulations afforded by the creative process, being able to make suggestions if they ask for help or guidance, etc, gives me a sense of satisfaction that comes close to the satisfaction I get when making something myself - I also like to research skills & techniques I didn't know about before (& history)
Ideas gleaned from other people:
Some people use 3d modelling software instead of drawing in 2d
On top of regular printers (which can also help make digital creations become more tangible) you can also get 'cricut' machines (other brands available) that can cut out various shapes, make stickers, etc, which can help make something tangible, even if you need a hand with final assembly (I've been thinking of getting one myself) - obviously these cost, but people do spend money on their hobbies, so for some people it's a worthwhile investment (for others, it's not - 3d printers, ditto - though apparently you can make a bunch of adaptive tools using a 3d printer - think they're pretty expensive, though)
There are companies that let you make/will make stickers, tote bags, keychains, t-shirts etc, using anything from a snappy slogan made with basic text-creator, to a photograph, to a full-blown artistic masterpiece. There are other places which will let you print & bind books of your art/writing.
Other crafting games (or just games with tiers of achievments) exist - I believe minecraft lets you make all sorts of stuff - sims 3 just happens to be what my sister & I like :)
Photo or video (or gif) editing often involves creating using other people's work, which can make it feel more important than creating for just yourself sometimes does, & more tangible, since you're starting with 'raw materials', rather than just the infinite potential of a blank screen (plus it gives you the chance of a wider audience, making it easier to share with more people, whether it's the original creator whose work you helped edit, or fans of the larger work who you edited a snippet of).
Photography/videography: even though the end product is digital, you're still interacting with someone/thing that isn't. There are also many, many tools for taking photos remotely/hands free, stabilising the camera, etc, since even able-bodied photographers need these things for tricky subjects
Creating collages or fanvids or character playlists, etc, again, things to share with other people (that you also happen to enjoy) can get more fulfilling feedback, since it's easiest for people to connect to something they already know & enjoy
Digital meetups: some people play DnD, & other such games over online videocall, rather than in person, other people have (ir)regularly scheduled meetups about a whole range of topics (there's also things like discord, etc, but having a real-time face to face about a shared is a cut above)
Book/other discussion/study groups: getting together to talk about things face to face is always surprisingly rewarding (humans are social creatures, after all)
Turning silly cooking/crafting games where you 'pilot' another person (they do the making, but you have the recipe/instructions) can work for some people: it not only lets you create together, but can be very amusing, too (how much independant thought/activity they can do, how much of the instructions they know in advance, etc can be varied depending if you want a genuine thing that you made together or just a fun creative mess!)
Learning a skill/language gives you plenty of opportunities to engage & interact with other learners & test & encourage & teach, etc them (my sister met her husband online when they were learning each other's language: they were language buddies, then language, music & gaming buddies, then romantic, now married!)
Oh yes, music! whether it's using a digital music programme to create from scratch, writing tunes/lyrics, singing, remixing existing tunes, etc, there are tons of ways to make music & interact with other musicians online
Hope this gives you some ideas & you find something tangible that works for you :)
I read your post about rewarding activities and it was really interesting! I'm phisically disabled and can only really do computer stuff, and I've always had the intuition that having all of my hobbies in here kinda sucks. But I don't know what tangible hobby I could have when my hands won't let me. Do you have any suggestions for that?
I'm not an expert in any such thing; anyone else who can't use their hands have any advice?
As a side note, computer stuff is less effective than physical stuff, but adequate if that's what you have. People kept sane in quarantine with Zoom. There's a surprisingly high number of cases of suicidal people getting a handle on their depression by playing Dark Souls. I warned about the lesser effectiveness of digital stuff because it's a trap I see a lot of people falling into, assuming that digital work works as well as any other kind of work and having the computer take the entire load and getting distressed when it's not enough, but digital work is still psychologically useful, just less so. If that's the limitation you end up working with, you can work with it.
Rewarding activities don't have to require a lot of physical activity, either; tabletop rpgs are popular, for example, if another player rolls your dice for you. Local poetry clubs or book clubs can also be great fun. But again the advice of other people in your situation is going to be more valuable than whatever random shit I (whose hand mobility is normal) can come up with off the top of my head.
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ask-de-writer · 5 years ago
CARNELIAN CARVINGS (1 part) A fantasy of Dirkhan in the Desert.
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Return to Dirkhan in the Desert
De Writer (Glen Ten-Eyck)
1340 words
copyright 2017
written 1991
All rights reserved.
Reproduction in any form, physical, electronic or digital is prohibited without the express consent of the author.
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Users of Tumblr.com are specifically granted the following rights. They may reblog the story. They may use the characters or original characters in my settings for fan fiction, fan art works, cosplay, or fan musical compositions. I will allow those who do commission art works to charge for their images.
All sorts of Fan Activity, Including but not limited to, Fan Fiction, Fan Art, Cosplay, Music or any sort of fan activity at all, is ACTIVELY ENCOURAGED!
The sun had soared nearly to the zenith. No sane creature would venture out into the blaze of it. Even the lizards and scorpions sought the shade. Derkhan-in-the-Desert slept in the midst of the desert of Skrald Iden, scorching in the sun. A caravan crept toward her across baking stones and sand from the western desert.
The slow pacing of the dromedaries brought the caravan at last to the Gate of the Setting Sun. The guards left off their lazing in the shade of the square brick gate towers. They stepped forth in steel caps and padded cotton armor; being careful to stay in the shade themselves, they barred the way with their pikes. Stopping men and beasts in the sun, they haughtily demanded to know what the caravan’s business was.
The Master, tall, with piercing brown eyes and a swarthy complexion more suited to the climes of the jungles about the Central Seas, out of place in his desert burnoose, answered for all, as was the custom. He had a coffer brought and from it paid their Gate toll, plus a moderate bribe. Even honest guards must buy drink. 
The file of men in burnooses and camels with red and gold fringed lead ropes passed within the Gate of the Setting Sun and thence, up Imperial Way. They passed houses that showed only whitewashed brick walls and doors with ventilation gaps at top and bottom. At the center of town, they came to the market place. It was empty of course. It was midday.
For all that there were seven camels and nine men, they set up but one booth. This had an awning of purple and gold stripes, each as wide as a hand, and a scalloped fringe of silver. The poles were curiously carven ebony inlaid with ivory. A well worn counting board, polished smooth by much use, was set up at the front of the booth and the heavy chests of goods were at the back, watched by a vigilant caravaner.
One of the caravaners returned from the errand set him by the Master. He bore meat, bread, dried fruits, nuts and cheese for their repast. On his back he bore a large leather skin of water.
“Master, the food was high, as expected, but the water was more than dear,” he reported.
“Their water is more dear than they know,” the Mast,jjher retorted. “My brother could not meet their price and they would sell him none. Seven years ago, this day, he perished of thirst in the Skrald Iden for want of it.”
As the sun westered and the heat began to fade, hawk-like merchants and their prey of shoppers began to emerge. Everyone stared in wonder at the opulent booth. None dared approach until Harin, the greatest merchant prince of the city, arrogantly swaggered up and sat by the counting board on the rich rug. He arranged his pantaloons carefully on a cushion supplied by one of his servants and straightened his gold brocaded vest.
“Fine display oft hides shoddy goods,” he quoted the desert proverb. “Let me see the best that you have.”
“For you, oh fount of wisdom, we shall show our poor best,” rejoined the caravan Master with a small smile. He made a curious circular gesture and one of his henchmen brought forth an array of brocade-wrapped objects, each about the size of a fist.
With much ceremony, these were unveiled. There on the counting board stood revealed a number of small stone figures. The statues represented small ape-like beings of several sorts, such as are found in the jungles of the lands about the Central Seas. There were also men and maidens of surpassing beauty. So real was the workmanship that one might have expected them to begin moving at any moment.
They were shaped from carnelian agate with the glowing reds and rich golden browns of a desert sunset and superbly detailed. Each one was a separate work of genius. Unique.
Impressed, despite his expression, Harin declared, “I ask to see your merchandise and you bring out your gods. Are then, your gods for sale?”
“Indeed not, yet these carvings are. They are the work of my people. As you can see, we excel at the working of stone. For seven years, myself and my people have labored over these to bring you that which you deserve,” said the Master unctuously.
Following the custom of the bargain, the Master spread a Damask cloth, richly figured with the patterns of sigils in pale blue on darkest blue, on the counting board and placed his hands beneath the cloth.
Harin, also, put his hands under the cloth. His fingers felt the offer of the Master and promptly made a counter offer. Flying fingers did battle below the figured fabric. Golden djals and djabalas of silver were the hostages offered, refused, and finally taken in the combat of the bargain.
Harin gestured arrogantly and a sycophant produced stylus and wax tablet-book. A few lines were hastily scrawled in the wax and the tablet sealed. A swift runner was sent to Harin’s counting house. A short time later, he returned with a pouch of coins. These were laid out on the counting board. Weights were checked to be sure that the coins were unclipped, and finally they were accepted.
Harin̓s toadies gathered up the carnelian carvings and left to deliver them to his counting house. Harin was well pleased. He had struck a fine bargain. Tonight he would dream of profits to come.
He was not alone. One by one, the city’s other merchant princes came by. After them came merchants and then traders. All left the booth with satisfaction. All carried off what they could only regard as booty, considering the prices that they had paid. Every one of the fine carnelian carvings, whether of beasts or men, had been snapped up.
Before the first stars of evening graced the sky, the booth was gone. The djals and djabalas were packed away in coffers. The booth awning, carpets and poles had been rolled together and loaded onto the haughty camels. The empty chests were stowed on the beasts and the caravan passed out of Derkhan, back down Imperial Way. The Gate of the Setting Sun closed behind them. For all that the guards could see from the gate towers, the stones and sand might as well have swallowed them.
As the evening deepened, lights began to blossom all over Derkhan. They showed in those rare windows that faced the street. They showed also in the ventilation gaps at the tops and bottoms of all of Derkhan’s doors. The market bloomed flowers of light from candles, lanterns and torches as business went on in the cooler shades of evening and early night.
As the night wore on, the lights died away. Soon, Derkhan slept. Sleeping, Derkhan dreamed but for all of her dreams, she never dreamt of the reality that overtook her that night���
The morning cries of the priests from their tower-temples awakened Derkhan from her dreams. For the merchant princes, merchants and traders awakening was worse than a nightmare. All over the city, those who battened on trade bewailed their losses.
Counting room doors were still locked when they arrived. Boxes lay opened, coffers looted of precious treasures gaped wide. Their money, all of their golden djals and silver djabalas, even the lowly copper flukets, was gone. Gone also were any jewels or gems that were in the strong-rooms. Even the recently acquired carnelian statues were gone.
In fact, the only clue was on the dusty floors. There, tiny footprints were to be seen, of people and beasts such as are found in the jungles about the Central Seas. They started under the shelves or by the boxes where the valuables had been kept. They passed beneath the ventilation spaces under the doors and down Imperial Way, and under the Gate of the Setting Sun. Thence, they passed into the desert where the wind obliterated them….
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Return to Dirkhan in the Desert
This completes Carnelian Carvings. If you enjoyed what you just read, please go to the Master Story Index for links to all of the stories that I have posted on Tumblr.
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wallpaperpaintings · 5 years ago
Everything You Need To Know About Easy Paintings To Draw | Easy Paintings To Draw
Art predates the accounting chat and possibly alike academic announced accent as one of the aboriginal forms of animal expression. And as we apprentice added about art and creation, we’ve apparent that creating art is ameliorative back ability abiding blight ysis and ambidextrous with brainy bloom concerns. Art is acceptable for you, and it may alike be acceptable for your career; a 2017 ysis of arts graduates begin that 70% of them were earning a active in their called acreage of study, while 75% of STEM graduates were alive about else.
It’s additionally never been added accessible. Area afore you bare a countless of art supplies, and the money to aculate affairs them back they ran out, now all you charge is a acceptable art program, a tablet, and a stylus to alpha drawing, painting, and creating. However, accoutrement don’t accomplish an artist; convenance and acquirements do. That’s area the Pencil Kings Ultimate Appearance Cartoon & Architecture Advance Bundle, which is aloof $35 for a bound time. You’ll apprentice from experienced, able artists how to draw the best arduous subject: The animal form.
The Pencil Kings access is altered from best art instruction. The courses are developed and accomplished by alive artists in the banana book, video game, and action industry, with a focus on what they’ve abstruse accepting to advance abundant art on a deadline. They’ve additionally been advised to be acclimated on commonplace accoutrement like tablets, so you can get started appropriate abroad with what affairs to get you drawing, starting with the basics:
Gesture Drawing: The best ets of bodies reflect not aloof how they attending but how they move
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