solar-sunnyside-up · 1 year
*ppl have less time off then ever seen before in human history!! (Even peasants had harvest festivals and excessive amounts of religious/seasonal holidays to keep them from rioting)
*There is a larger $$ disparity between the top and the middle class of people then during the French revolution!!
*Ppl work more and harder - with only slightly more or less depending on decade- since the Industrial Revolution (Before this, the ave person worked 20 hour weeks all the way back to the start of societies, if you take in how much time off and hard labors off seasons into account)
*There has never been a more unstable access to housing and control over your personal shelter (yes, ppl have been held in slavery and impoverished but tbh this is the first time ppl can look at places to live and simply not have access to comfy place to build camp at least) *The starvation rate of people has been higher sure, but food insecurity has never been so wide spread, not to mention our food waste also caps out every years
Oh Also!! If you cant work 'hard enough' to pay your bills its your fault! If you cant leave the house on the way to work 'early enough' to catch a bus that shows up once every hour your the one at fault not the system. You where gunna buy a small coffee or treat on your way? Hahah with what spare change? You have to pay your electricity bill this week. Now get to work at a job you hate!!
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eroticcannibal · 1 year
I think my biggest problem with the idea of replacing government safety nets for disabled people with mutual aid is that I have lived in a tiny village while disabled and I can confirm it only works if everyone wants it to work. And when you live somewhere with a tiny population when you are marginalised its very easy for you to be in a situation where no one actually cares if you survive or not.
At least the government kept paying my benefits when everyone else decided two weeks of caring about disabled people at the start of the pandemic was quite enough.
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salsasolutions · 1 year
Gegg Moment
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leafatlaw · 2 years
Comrade Gillion Tidestrider !
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izunias-meme-hole · 1 year
Saw Spiderverse and I have this to say….
Miles, and Gwen: Bby boi and gurl who deserve the best.
Hobbie: Go cool anarcist uncle-friend!
Peter B Parker: He’s got heart, but he’s trying and failing.
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saltminerising · 1 year
im trying to snoop around the forums and also jst the general internet space for memorization tips for the anarcists runestones game and i literally found a tutorial where ALL it said was, and i quote, "Remember what was on each card and where it was" thanks bud. that really helps. i was trying to forget them instantly my bad.
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I think that post is trying to say some men consider themselves an anarchist when they're actually a libertarian. Hopefully
NO IT IS NOT there is a subculture of right wing men who think they are anarcist because they are actually isncels who have not read a single book inn their entire life . They think there shouldnt be any laws , like anarchist, but isnead of actaully thinking about it for more that two seconds they blindly use this political statment to justify their desire to do illigal shit , like rape and gore and shit like that . They are a huge problem in the comunity . All my life i have been put in a little box and my parents and my siblings and my friends have been put into boxes of being " mean fucked up evil anarchist " because some people , WHO ARE A VERY VERY SMALL MINORITY MOSTLY ONLINE AND WHO ARE NOT ACCEPTED BY THE COMUNITY AND WHO WOULD BE BEAT UP IMIDIETLY IF THEY ENTERED ANARCHIST SPACES , call themselves anarchist. Its fine that non anarchist people belive these people represent an anarchists views . Its a huge stereotype and a misconseption but fine . It is soul crushing to see members of the cummunity fall into these traps
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eyesxxyou · 8 months
Babe do u wanna match anarcist furry pfps with me
I need to know now bc i'm ngl these might take longer than i thought
Yes ofc!!!
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house-of-mirrors · 1 year
For the ask game 23, 28, and 30 for Orsinio please!
Answered 23 and 28 already
30. does your OC wish to be married someday?
Not in the traditional sense. In the chaotic, aroace, anarcist, trickster sense, however...
In game he's married to September <3 it's really a queerplatonic partnership. They get along very well and care each other <3 United chaotic neurodivergent redhead Celtic men
He calls his best friend Lucy (@thedustmylove's OC, hey there lol) his wife and no one is sure if they're actually married or not. If you asked 10 different people, you'd get 10 different answers. They're very devoted to each other tho, "if anything happened to you I'd kill everyone and then myself" etc
Got the Whatever That Is relationship with Miles. Someone asks what their relationship is, and the only way he can answer is with a hand wave and an "eh?" I have an elaborate comedy AU timeline in my brain where they pretend to get married just to piss off Miles' father. Oh yeah and they get canceled because Miles was a student in O's lab for precisely one (1) day lmao
Oh yes and we can't forget that he always gets the trance dreams of marrying Mr Wines ;)
So really it's like, Lucy: "This is my partner Orsinio, his partner September, his 'it's complicated' Miles, and the weird giant bat that followed him home"
Really fun ask to answer, I feel like I don't highlight enough that this man is a depressed bisexual hedonist trickster who enjoys sowing chaos
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xylophonetangerine · 1 year
I do try to listen to and read what anarcists have to say and understand their ideas (occasionally) but it's really difficult because they're constantly saying really dumb shit. A long time ago I watched some anarchist's YouTube video about what their ideal utopian society after the global collapse of capitalism would be like. Most of it sounded absolutely terrible to me but the thing that stood out to me the most was that they said something like 'unfortunately we wouldn't be able to have coffee because its production is unethical'. Yeah. You're right. There is simply no conceivable way to make the production of coffee non-exploitative. We can end capitalism worldwide but inventing a system in which the coffee farmer is not oppressed is literally impossible.
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ryanzyro · 7 months
With some of the things happening today around bans and whatnot just going to throw out that the only place you are completely unbannable is nostr. No CEOs, no staff, no central authority, just a bunch of relays anyone can run (not like the servers of the fediverse where if your server goes down you lose everything). It swings a bit tinfoil hat libertarian bitcoin anarcist over there but the only way to change that is to get more left leaning folk over. Also has a bridge to the Fediverse if you want to follow people over there.
The Primal client is on iOS and Android and will set you up with a lighting wallet instantly (cause zapping people is fun). Other options are Amethyst client on Android, Damus on iOS. The webclients are a bit more iffy but coracle.social and nostrudel.ninja are both ok in different ways.
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circuitbunnie · 11 months
i cant look at the for you tab its too insane how are people supporting isreal even a little? like its half assed "trying to compromise and find the middle ground!!" support for both sides but thats just as fucked up??? theres no middle ground when isreal literally controls the borders, water and electricity? I never thought I would see so many self proclaimed "anarcist leftists" support actual attempted genocide fake ass bitches they're too scared of being called an antisemite by some zionist guy online to actually give a shit!!!!!
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hey sorry to basically be on 'anon' bc i really can't send asks from my main account lol but ANYWAY i'm sorry it looks like someone made u feel like shit about posting in the crust tag but i wanted to mediate if thats ok. im sorry someone made u feel you couldnt post in there but at the same time i get it, if ur not reaaaally into crust then it's weird to establish yourself within such a politically vocal and tight knit community.
i know if you go to them with open hands about how into crust u are they would welcome you and give you recs and support you, you just have to show u are into crust. there are a lot of people that come into crust punk without knowing what it is except for 'fashion', and crust punks are actively trying to remove 'fashion' punks from crust, so it doesn't become corporatised like punk rock did.
so i think with ur jacket not having any crust and your outfit of the day posts being non-crust music and your playlist not having crust on it until i assume someone said some horrible shit i think that becomes a point where the fear is realised as 'oh my god, here's another fashion-only prson who doesn't know/doesn't want to know what this is' and it puts this very tight-knit community on edge
that didn't give any one the right to be horrible about it tho like there are better way to do these things but crust is a negative-type community that is very violent? maybe? in various ways. full of people with big problems with a real hatred of the world. which is where that reaction came from. i honestly wouldn't take it to heart too hard and i know ur only a kid so that'll be very hard. but if u ever want to get more into crust i promise ask people for recs and they will help you and be so kind.
it's just worth remembering, sub cultures don't like to be stepped on bc the world is hellbent on making it digestible and corporate for the masses so you gotta come at it honestly. ok anyway sorry for pseudo anon again and have a nice day
(The pseudo anon is ok dw)
I appreciate this ask a lot! Funny thing is I'm mostly just not rlly labeling myself as crust anymore bc I'm not the biggest fan of the music in general and I don't wanna use the tags that are not accurate to me! I respect the crust community a lot and yall are always welcome here, I'm just more personally into what a lot of my asks have called "easier to listen to punk" I love the noise not music movement and I do listen to some death metal n stuff, but ska and ska punk are more my cup of tea yk!
The crust community is also, as you said, very full of (most of the time justified) violence and hatred, and as someone that is like an eco-anarcist, optimist punk, and just trying to consume as much positive content/ neutral content as possible it tends to not be my vibe! I totally understand why yall have the community tho as someone who is that kind of angry a lot if the time, yall are the people that make change, and when it is needed I join you, but at least rn, I won't be engaging with that (also due to personal circumstances)!
Also I understand how it gave that impression, I want to make it clear I understand that crust punk was/is a movement centered around the music, the heavy emphasis on politics, and the anger towards the systems that push us down. "Crust pants/jackets" are just things to show that! I very clearly do not fit one of those criterias tho and that's ok! I don't have to use the label crust punk to still be someone who is a valid member of the punk subculture! Plus, yall don't need to know what exact labels I use anyway lol. You are a community that has been fucked with and torn apart for years, and it's not my place to call myself a part of that community when, frankly, I'm not! Again, I am in full support of the crust punk movement and stand by your sides, any crust punk that comes onto this page is fully welcomed with open arms! <3
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karenonlinereviews · 1 year
Accidental Death of an Anarcist - Theatre Royal Haymarket - Saturday 2
This is a satirical farce about corruptions and cover ups involved in deaths in police custody. Despite the subject matter there are laughs at the absurdity of what occurs during an investigation of an earlier “accidental death of an anarchist” who “fell” out of a window during questioning and died. 7/10
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Anarchy is doing good things through bad means. It is preventing corruption and standing for equality. Real equality, not that bullshit idea of equality that the gov and school feed you. No government, no monopoly businesses, just every day citizens acting in interest of every day citizens.
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