#analysis of drug test results
reallytoosublime · 8 months
Join Dr. Chris Walton in this eye-opening video as he tests three popular smart drugs on two different individuals. Smart drugs, known for their claims to boost memory, focus, and learning abilities, are put to the test in a unique experiment. Dr. Walton explores the effects of Modafinal, Noopept and Piracetam on the bodies of two healthy and fit individuals.
In the first part of the video, Dr. Walton introduces Modafinal, a well-publicized smart drug used by biohackers and Silicon Valley enthusiasts. Witness the real-time reactions of one participant, Tom, as Dr. Walton applies the drug and observes its impact on Tom's stress response. The results are surprising and raise important questions about the touted benefits of these smart drugs.
As the experiment continues, Dr. Walton tests two more smart drugs, Noopept, and Piracetam, on another participant, Chris from Primal Alchemy. The outcomes are consistent across the board, revealing stress responses in all three individuals. The video emphasizes that all drugs, despite claims of cognitive enhancement, have side effects and may induce stress reactions in the body.
The video challenges common beliefs about the positive effects of smart drugs and highlights potential drawbacks, even in young and healthy individuals. Dr. Walton emphasizes the importance of caution when considering such substances and encourages viewers to question the true impact of these drugs on overall health.
This video is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any smart drugs or nootropics into your routine.
Watch the video to gain valuable insights into the world of smart drugs and to make informed decisions about their potential effects on your well-being. Remember, not all that glitters is gold, especially when it comes to enhancing cognitive function. Stay informed, stay healthy
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blusocket · 5 months
I've seen some people express some confusion about what Fortnight is about, why it opens the album, what's happening in the video, etc, so here's my attempt at an analysis. For the most part I'll be referring to the characters in the video with the names of the people playing them (Taylor and Post) but at times I'm going to be making direct reference to the events of Taylor's personal life and referring to the muses by their names (Joe and Matty) for the sake of clarity and simplicity.
The song itself uses the suburbia conceit as an extended metaphor for the beginning of her relationship with Matty (he's the neighbor she runs away to Florida with, Joe is the cheating husband.) For more eloquent and detailed thoughts on the narrative of the song you can check out Jaime @cages-boxes-hunters-foxes's post here.
The video is really dense, and I'm not 100% confident in every aspect of my interpretation, but I feel pretty sure that it's making extensive use of visual metaphor in order to tell roughly the same story as the song, just in a different setting. To start, Taylor wakes up chained to a bed in a white dress.
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To me this suggests that she's been driven mad by being left at the altar, and is now trapped, surveilled and controlled, in a type of asylum. This represents the end of her relationship with Joe--waiting for a marriage that never came, feeling trapped, mentally unwell etc.
She then takes 'forget him' pills which reveal Post's tattoos on her face when she looks in the mirror.
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This represents Matty (the "miracle move-on drug") and shows that he made a mark on her while she was still in the asylum--that is, still in her relationship with Joe. Additionally, in the wide shot where we see the mirror, its size and shape are very reminiscent of a one-way mirror, often seen in interrogation rooms and psychological experiments, further reinforcing the idea that Taylor is imprisoned here.
She then is able to go to the typewriter room and do her work, creating art about how she's feeling, shown by her repeatedly typing "I love you, it's ruining my life" on the typewriter. She's still in pain and feeling trapped. While there, she encounters Post and they create art together, which creates beauty and color in her life. The blue and gold obviously reference her writing about Joe, but the fact that her work is gold and Post's is blue may be a deliberate choice to draw parallels between Matty and Joe, as she does on numerous songs throughout TTPD.
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The next scene, where Taylor's hair is down and she and Post are wearing the same black coat and pants, takes place inside her head (symbolized by the shape of the papers they're laying on.) She is dreaming about them being free and creating art together, represented by the papers surrounding them and book she's holding, which has the word "us" written on the cover. She's writing their story before it's begun.
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She then reaches for his hand in her fantasy, accepting and asking for this relationship
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Then we see that she's being studied and experimented on--the results of the lie detector test read "I love you, it's ruining my life." Her pain is an object of fascination.
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Interestingly, Post is part of the group experimenting on her, but when the experiments begin to cause her pain, he liberates her.
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This inspires Taylor to destroy the place where she's been trapped, which we see through her opening the filing cabinets that cover the walls and destroying the mirror. I also find the shot of her standing still while papers burn around her interesting and significant; I interpret this as Taylor destroying her own work about Joe. By choosing to leave, she is metaphorically burning--rejecting--the story she wrote about them.
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Finally, Taylor and Post enter the dangerous outside world together; the rain echoes the lyric "I chose this cyclone with you" on the album's title track. While I do feel the meaning of Post being in the phone booth is somewhat ambiguous, the framing and the accompanying lyric--"I've been calling ya but you won't pick up" suggest that he's attempting to communicate with her but can't reach her. They are free of her prison, but still separated.
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Then, he hangs up the phone and reaches for her hand, and she takes it. The final shot of the video is a close up on their linked hands, presenting us with a cautiously optimistic ending--they are lost and vulnerable in the middle of a storm, but they have each other.
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I feel this is a somewhat less sinister, for lack of a better word, portrayal of the start of Matty and Taylor's relationship than is suggested elsewhere on the record, though I believe Post's character being part of the group experimenting on her is significant and the editing creates some ambiguity about exactly when and why she decides to break free. But I hope this clarifies how the video sets up the beginning of this story, the fallout of which is then chronicled over the course of the rest of TTPD.
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tomorrowusa · 3 months
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I think that Biden should have accepted the drug test challenge – but with a major twist.
BOTH candidates should have their blood fully analyzed with the results made public.
I'd love to know what's flowing through Trump's bloodstream. Those 12 Diet Cokes® he drinks every day probably send his caffeine levels into the stratosphere. And given that Trump's White House Dr. Ronny Johnson Jackson freely distributed prescription drugs as if they were candy, it would be unusual if Trump himself had not been a recipient.
Trump’s White House Was ‘Awash in Speed’ — and Xanax
Trump bragged about his high testosterone level in an interview with Dr. Oz before he was elected. It would be enlightening to compare that 2016 level to 2024. If it's higher now, that's a sign that he's getting injections.
A Trump blood sample might also contain some interesting surprises. Trump's eating habits are even worse than those of the pre-vegan days of Bill Clinton. And Trump's father Fred had dementia for six years before he died.
Medical analysis may offer an explanation for Trump's wacky and disturbed rantings.
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macgyvermedical · 15 days
History of Lidocaine please?
Lidocaine was discovered in Sweden in the early 1940s.
About 1/3 of the surgeries at the time, including hernia repair and goiter, were done under local or regional anesthesia. The drug of choice for this was procaine. And frankly, procaine kind of sucked.
It was stored as a powder and needed to be mixed with saline and epinephrine very carefully in order to be useful. It degraded quickly in this mixture and was only effective for about 17 minutes once injected. It was also toxic at repeated or high doses. So surgeons had to be fairly quick about their surgeries.
And the room was there for a longer-acting, less toxic local anesthetic agent.
In 1943 a compound called LL30 was discovered. The lab personnel that discovered it had done a quick test on their own tongues, which anesthetized well. But it needed to be proven against procaine in both toxicity and effectiveness before a product could really be sold.
In 1944 the trials began. A man named Dr. Torsten Gordh headed up the experiments, using colleagues, patients, and students as test subjects. For the colleagues and patients, he offered the equivalent of about $16 in 2024 money to be in the study. For the students, they could choose between a copy of Gordh's thesis or a packet of American cigarettes.
Most of them chose the cigarettes.
The results were so stunningly superior to procaine that statistical analysis was never done. LL30 lasted a stunning 70 minutes compared to procaine's 17. It was also significantly less toxic, meaning more of it could be used.
LL30 would later be designated as lidocaine and sold under the brand name Xylocaine, which is still used today.
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rynnthefangirl · 10 months
Okay, so I finally got around to watching Fall of the House of Usher, and I have so many thoughts. I especially loved all the cool ways that the deaths of the siblings play into their individual characters, and I may or may not eventually do an analysis for each of them. But for right now I want to talk about one of my favorite stories and deaths in the show, Leo's.
So with Leo, everything with the cats is symbolic of his own sins plaguing him. Specifically, like many of the Ushers, Leo expects to get what he wants without bearing any responsibility for his actions, and this is exemplified by his relationship with Jules. He clearly wants to be in a relationship with Jules, and I think he does get more out of it that just sexual pleasure. However, he only cares what HE can get from the relationship, and doesn't consider his partner's desires and feelings. Leo regularly cheats on Jules, a betrayal he knows would hurt Jules but he simply does not care as long as he gets away with it. He values drugs more than he does his partner, and ignores or shuts down any discomfort or concern Jules has with his drug abuse. He won't even properly acknowledge Jules as his partner by bringing him around to meet the family, an action that would give more seriousness to their relationship and perhaps raise the expectations for how Leo should behave.
Leo's hallucination of killing Pluto is a subconscious manifestation of his failures as a boyfriend. It parallels his infidelity: he does something horrible that would break Jules' heart (fittingly as a result of drugs), and instead of feeling remorse for what he has done, he is more preoccupied with how to avoid getting caught. Except now it's no longer a girl that he can hide out on a balcony, but an irreplaceable beloved pet. Despite this severity of the situation, Leo persists in trying to hide his sins, to prioritize his own comfort and desires over honesty and trust.
So Leo goes to the pet store to find a replacement cat, and Verna is waiting for him. And this is where his test comes in, the chance to change his fate that Verna gives all the siblings. Option 1 is to leave with another cat who needs a home, and resign himself to the consequences of his crime. Had he done that, he certainly would have found that Pluto was actually unharmed, which may perhaps (although I could be excessively optimistic here) have even served as a wake up call that the drugs are becoming a problem. He would've died regardless, but he could've died peacefully and somewhat redeemed, instead of traumatizing himself and his boyfriend. Option 2 is to take the easy way out, the way that avoids all responsibility, and use his wealth and power to get the perfect replacement kitty Verna tempts him with. Leo of course, chooses the second option.
In fitting irony, Leo's attempts to avoid consequence straps him with the biggest consequence of all. The cat is seemingly out to get him, hissing and scratching as if she's directly punishing him for his choices. Interestingly, the cat herself also seems to mirror Leo. Leo satisfies himself with drugs and women, bringing them into the home he shares with Jules with no concern for Jules' feelings; the cat satisfies herself by killing small animals, bringing their corpses to the apartment with no concern for Leo's discomfort. Considering the animals as a symbol of Leo's infidelity, it's fitting that the first one is found in their bed as Jules is performing oral sex on Leo and that the discovery of it results in them being interrupted and Jules being hurt. The cat also explicitly stares down Leo in this scene, as if in judgement for him enjoying his boyfriend while he himself is unfaithful and gives nothing in return. Verna later herself explicitly draws a connection between cats and Roderick Usher, saying that they both destroy to fulfill a deficiency in themselves. The same could be said for any of the Usher children however, Leo included.
Of course, being tormented by a manifestation of his sins (combined with the drugs) begins to drive Leo insane. We see further parallels between the cat and Leo, as both suffer eye injuries at the hands of the other. Leo eventually tries to kill the cat with a hammer, which is naturally as fruitless an endeavor as taking a hammer to the abstract idea of personal failure. All he manages to destroy in his rampage is the home he shares with Jules— yes, the cat is a literal homewrecker.
I don't think Verna's choice in which cat to bring home was actually Leo's point of no return, but simply the last moment that she herself will try to intervene and convince him down another path. Even without Verna talking him down, Leo has two moments of near clarity during his rampage, both of which center around Jules. One is early on in his delusions, when he realizes that what he's seeing is crazy and muses that maybe Jules was right about the drugs. The second is when Jules comes home, and Leo realizes first that Jules cannot see the woman and cat in the wall and then that there is no woman and cat in the wall at all. In both these moments, Jules could serve as a lifeline to Leo, but to take hold of that lifeline Leo would need to put aside himself and his obsession, to ignore the cat taunting him and instead put his focus on his boyfriend. Admit that Jules was right about the drugs, admit that Jules can see more clearly than him. But Leo cannot do this. He sees the cat on the balcony, and all thoughts of Jules are wiped from his mind. He HAS to get the cat, he HAS destroy the symbol of his sins so he can continue to live free of consequence. And that final decision, that refusal to listen to Jules and put aside his immediate selfish impulses, dooms him. He flings himself right off the building, not only killing himself but emotionally destroying his boyfriend, as he was always going to do.
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nerdraging4point0 · 6 months
Blood of Eden // Part Six // Noah Sebastian Urban Fantasy AU Fic
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Tropes and Tags: MM, MF, MFM, MFM, instalove, too much sex, tattooed men, polyverse, shapeshifters.
CW: 18+ only minors DNI. Urban Fantasy romance, Smut. Angst. Fluff (ish), Story includes D/S themes, mentions of blood and gore, mentions of drug use and distribution, mentions of prostitution, unprotected sex, male receiving oral sex, female receiving oral sex, cuckolding, P/A sex, P/V sex.
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind that this is a work of fiction.
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Active taglist: @ladyveronikawrites @tearfallpixie @beaker1636 @circle-with-me @synthetic-wasp-570 @itsjustemily @thesazzb @vinyardmauro @cookiesupplier @concreteemo @dominuslunae @mountains-to-move @sundamariis @caitcoreeeee @crimson-calligraphyx @letmeadoreyoux @starsomens @artificialbreezy @lma1986 @iknownothingpeople @lilrubles @shilohrosechicken @missduffsblog @jessicafg03 @thatchickwiththecamera @mysticdoodlez @chels3a-smile @sinkingteethinwhitenoise @deathblacksmoke @roley-poley-foley @ravieisunhinged @dethronetheveil @to-be-written @somewhere-diamond @somebodyels3 @sacredthefran @th0ughts-pr4yers @skulliecadaver-blog @hayleylatour @littlefoxkota @anameunmusical @talialovesmiw @sacredthefran @jilliemiw86 @darkmxgician
Under the haunting glow of a single desk lamp, Jolly brooded in his shadowy office, pouring himself a glass of amber liquor. Noah sat silently in the corner, shirtless, as their new plaything slept serene in the room next door.
"What do you know about her?" Jolly asked, swirling the liquid ominously.
"Nothing, master," Noah confessed into the darkness. "She broke into the lab the night we met. Oli and I hunted her down, but I can’t explain what possessed me..."
Jolly's eyes glinted knowingly. Holding up his hand to stop Noah’s rambling, "I have a theory," he uttered grimly.
Noah's brow furrowed as he rose from his seat, perching uneasily on the corner of Jolly's desk. Jolly sighed, massaging the tension from his temples before taking a long sip of whiskey. He had sensed it immediately - the moment he stepped into her apartment. Her blood was tainted. When she'd packed her bags to leave, he'd managed to retrieve the syringe from her things and sent it off for analysis. With a grave expression, he opened his email to show Noah the results.
"Nightshade. Mixed with several other chemicals to create some kind of depowering serum," he said ominously. "With the right measurements and equipment, this could mean real danger for all of us."
Jolly strokes his beard thoughtfully, his weary eyes fixed on the test results. "What troubles me is the serum has a powerful effect on her, if she were human I don’t think it would do anything other than make her violently ill.” 
Noah cocked his head to the side looking to the wall, where just on the other side she was slumbering. “She is no mage,” Jolly continued “I've searched our records and found no birth or family history for her. Without consent, I can’t trace her lineage further. And even then, the serum in her blood hinders my efforts."
Noah inquires in a gentle tone, "How long before the serum fades?"
Jolly sighed, setting his glass down on the desk, slumping in his office chair. "I can’t say for certain." His brow furrows with concern and unease over the mystery surrounding this unusual girl.
Noah tensed, his head snapping up as he swiveled to face the office door. Jolly followed his gaze, sensing what had startled him. The door creaked open and she tiptoed in, arms wrapped around herself protectively. Clad only in her underwear and a tank top, her tousled hair falling around her shoulders. Jolly glimpsed the fear in her eyes as she halted just inside the office, her wary gaze fixed on Noah. She seemed hesitant, as if ready to flee at any moment.
She froze a few steps away from the desk, her feet like lead weights refusing to carry her any closer. Noah and Rosa continued their intense gaze, oblivious to her presence. "You're real," she breathed.
Noah rose slowly from the desk, turning with deliberate caution to approach her.
"Steady now," Jolly murmured, sensing her apprehension. Though he could prevent what she was feeling, some instinct gave him pause. She shrank back as Noah neared, his imposing height and brisk stride striking fear in her, her face turning pale.
"There now, it's alright," Jolly soothed, watching as Noah gradually closed the gap between them, his towering frame looming over her trembling form. "He won’t hurt you, pretty girl."
Her limbs were trembling, arms crossing over her body attempting to steady herself. Jolly breathed in deep, letting out a sigh before turning his eyes to Noah. 
"Kneel," he ordered, his voice firm but not unkind. Noah didn’t need to look his master's way, he obeyed without hesitation, sinking to the floor. His eyes remained fixed on her, radiating the strength and compassion that allowed her to trust him completely. 
“Go ahead,” Jolly said gently. Rosa slowly unfolded her arms, her fingers grazing Noah's cheek before cradling his face in her palm. With a tender caress of her thumb across his cheekbone, Rosa's breath escaped her parted lips as understanding dawned in her soft features. Noah purred contentedly, nestling into the comfort of her touch.
“That night, on the roof,” her voice cracked. Noah's hand encircled her wrist as he gently pushed her back. In an instant, his body shifted, morphing into the form of a four-legged beast. Sitting calmly with sadness in his large, dark eyes, the hound regarded her softly. Though changed on the outside, Noah still remained within.
Covering her face in shock, she staggered backward, tripping over her own feet and crashing to the floor. Jolly shot up from his chair and rushed to her side in an instant. Noah rose to his feet, but a wave of his master's hand sent him back down, sitting on his haunches and awaiting his next command.
"No, no, no. This can't be real. Just a hallucination, a figment of my imagination. It's not possible," she muttered, shaking her head and rambling in a panic as Jolly pulled her against his chest.
"Shhh, pretty girl. Rosa, take it easy. I can explain everything," he soothed, brushing her hair with his hands as she trembled in his grasp.
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Golden light from the setting sun filtered into the apartment, bathing everything in its warm glow. Noah's head rested in her lap, his eyes closed in peaceful slumber. She had been gently running her fingers through his soft brown hair for the past hour, and the soothing motion had lulled him into a deep sleep. Though her legs were starting to tingle and go numb beneath his weight, she didn't have the heart to disturb his rest. Something about watching Noah's chest rise and fall steadily filled her with tenderness. So she sat perfectly still, despite the pins and needles in her legs.
It was all almost too much for her to take in at once. Mages, magic, multiple dimensions - Jolly's revelations earlier that day had left her reeling. She had wept until she was hiccuping and gasping for breath, completely overwhelmed. Noah had simply gathered her up in his strong arms when her legs gave out, carrying her back to the plush bedroom and laying her gently on the bed. He then settled himself in her lap, a comforting presence as she continued to process everything she had learned.
He lies next to her, his chest rising and falling steadily as he drifts into slumber. The rhythm of his breathing is soothing, a balm to her fraying nerves. But even as the room darkens with the fading light, her mind continues to race, thoughts crashing together like waves breaking upon rocks. She is torn between the comfort of his presence and the chaos of her own uncertainty. His tranquility is a stark contrast to the tempest that rages within her.
The door creaks open and in steps Jolly, his features illuminated by the soft orange hues. He moves cautiously, not wanting to wake the sleeping Noah. A smile spreads across Jolly's face as he spots the two of them snuggled up together on the bed. He tiptoes over and carefully sits on the edge, gazing down at the heartwarming scene with joyful affection. The tranquil atmosphere envelops them all as the day gives way to night.
Noah's eyes fluttered open to find Jolly's kind face smiling down at him. "It's time for you to go to work," Jolly said softly, though Rosa's heart sank. She didn't want this perfect moment to end. Rosa wished Noah could stay here with her forever.
Jolly reached out, brushing his fingers against Rosa's cheek as he tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. "Don't worry," he murmured. "Noah will just be downstairs if we need him."
Noah sat up stretching his long limbs, taking her face in his large hands, his warm lips pressed softly against her forehead as he cradled her face. The tender kiss lingered for a moment before he pulled away, leaving her longing for more. Turning to Jolly, Noah placed one last gentle kiss on his master's lips. She watched wistfully as Noah hopped off the bed, stealing one final glance back into the room, his eyes filled with affection. As he disappeared down the hall, she sighed contentedly, cherishing the sweet intimacy they had just shared.
She whispers the question into the stillness of the room, her voice trembling, "Who am I now?" She does not expect a reply from Jolly, but he sighs deeply, gathering her legs into his lap. His strong hands begin massaging her feet, working out the tension that has built up within her.
"Now?" His deep voice rumbles in response. "You're here with me, sweet girl. Right by my side where I can keep you safe."
His fingertips dig into her arches, soothing away the ache she feels. "Noah and I won't let anyone or anything come for you. You belong to us. We'll protect what's ours."
His words wrap around her like a warm blanket, comforting and shielding her. A lump forming in the back of her throat, “You can’t save me from me.”
She feels her breath catch as his thoughts drift to what's coming. The moment when the shots wear off and it returns. A shiver runs through her. She doesn't want to think about it, but she can't stop the thoughts from swirling through her mind. The agony that awaits, the pain that will wrack her body. Rosa wraps her arms around herself, as if she could protect herself from what's to come. But she knows that when the medication fades, there will be no escape. The torment will find her again, just as it always does. She squeezes her eyes shut, wishing she could block it all out. But there is no blocking this out.
Jolly's voice came out in a low, predatory purr. He leaned closer to her, his dark eyes gleaming with possessiveness. "Oh yes, my precious one. I most certainly can."
The words dripped from his lips like honey, sweet yet dangerous. He looked ready to consume her, to claim her as his own. There was an alpha edge to him, a dominant protectiveness that both thrilled and frightened her. He would keep her safe, keep her close. She had no doubt.
His hands grip her thighs, parting them gently as he settles his muscular frame between her legs. She sits up on her palms before his hand presses into her chest, softly easing her back  down into the bed.
 "Easy, pretty girl," he murmurs, trailing kisses along her cheek and nose before finding her lips in a tender caress. His voice is a low rumble as he pulls back to meet her gaze. "Let me take your mind off your troubles tonight, baby. Just relax and let me make you feel good."
She wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him against her with an urgent need. This was exhilarating yet unsettling - emotions she had never felt before. The Mage blood, Jolly had said. Magic calls to magic. The magnetic pull of her soul beckoned him, drawing her irresistibly into his orbit like a moth to a flame. He was the dominant force, exerting his gravitational power, pulling her ever closer like the moon to the earth. She felt helpless to resist, powerless against the primal attraction, needing to be one with him. His raw masculine energy called to her feminine essence, two halves of the same whole destined to unite. But it wasn’t just Jolly that consumed her with desire. It was the beast in sheep’s clothing, whose fire burned in his eyes when he looked at them both. She wanted Noah to envelope her in his strong embrace, to feel his fierce protection. The primal beast within ignited her own. This captivating man awakened something deep inside her, a connection she didn't yet understand but yearned to explore.
"How long before it wears off?" she breathes between fervent kisses, her hands hungrily roaming through his hair and down his muscular back, desperate for more of him.
"Who knows, darling," he growls in her ear, his lips trailing hot kisses down her neck as his strong hands caress her body. "Could be weeks, but one thing I do know..." He pauses to nip at her collarbone, eliciting a gasp of pleasure. "The more we get that delicious blood of yours pumping..." His fingers trail down her stomach, eliciting delicious shivers. "The faster you'll burn it off."
As Jolly’s hands glide up her torso, pushing her shirt higher, a shiver of anticipation courses through her. His touch ignites her skin, each caress stoking the fire within. “So soft,” he murmurs, trailing kisses down her neck to her chest, his warm mouth leaving a blazing trail across her flushed skin. 
With a hunger in his eyes, Jolly's hands roamed down her curves, his fingers curling around the lace of her panties. In one smooth motion, he stripped them off, exposing her fully to his ardent gaze.  Her legs wrapped around his waist as if they had a mind of their own, pulling him closer as their bodies moved together. She could feel his cock pressing against her thigh, moaning at the sweet pressure. She held him tighter, wordlessly pleading for more, and his knowing smile against her lips told her he understood.
"You want this as much as I do, don't you pretty girl?" he murmured, his nose brushing hers intimately. She nodded, their noses rubbing tenderly, ready and willing to give herself to him completely.
He gazed at her with desire burning in his eyes, his body aching to feel her surround him. "Come to me, sweet girl," he whispered hoarsely, rolling onto his back, shimmying out of his pants, and beckoning her closer.
She straddled his lap, her heart pounding as she took his thick, hard length in her hands. With gentle yet firm hands, he caressed her face, turning it so their eyes met in a moment of ecstasy. "Let me see that beautiful face as you take me in," he murmured, his voice thick with passion. Slowly she sank down, enveloping him in her velvety heat, gasping as he stretched and filled her so exquisitely. "That's it, gorgeous," Jolly rasped, his words stoking the fire within. 
She gasped as he slid into her, the friction sending sparks through her body. "You feel so good, baby," he growled, his strong hands guiding her hips. She began to rock slowly, savoring the feeling of him filling her up. His eyes were closed in ecstasy, lips parted as he held back moans. She wanted more. Her body ached for release, and she knew he needed it too, that primal urge driving him wild. She rode him harder, faster, crying out at the exquisite sensations. He thrust up into her, muscles taut, focused only on their shared pleasure. She was close, so close, his hands and body pushing her towards the edge. "Come for me," he commanded, his gravelly voice soaked in desire. She shattered around him, ecstasy crashing through her in waves. Flopping down onto his chest as she caught her breath.
"You're so beautiful," he murmured, his voice husky and low. He kissed her deeply, passionately, their tongues dancing. She was dizzy, drunk on his kisses, his touch, the way he possessed her so completely.
"Mmm, you feel so good wrapped tight around me, baby," he groaned, thrusting deep inside her dripping heat. She whimpered, lost in ecstasy as he filled her again and again. His dirty words in her ear made her clench around him.
"That's right, come for me. I want to feel you let go."
She cried out as her pleasure crested, drowning in sensation. He held her close, murmuring praise and encouragement.
"So perfect, just like that."
His lips grazed her throat, teasing her tender skin. She clung to him, gasping his name like a prayer. He increased his pace, driving into her relentlessly.
"One more, pretty girl. I know you have it in you."
His fingers found her clit, circling with just the right pressure. Her body sang, arching and tensing as she rocketed over the edge again. His groan rumbled against her body as he followed, spilling deep inside her pulsing heat.
They collapsed together, replete. He stroked her face tenderly, gazing at her with adoration.
"You good, baby?"
She nodded, smiling dreamily. He had taken her apart and put her back together again, leaving her thoroughly satisfied.
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onecornerface · 5 months
The inadequacy of non-legalization to address the overdose crisis
I’m writing a paper arguing that only drug legalization—the regulation of an accessible drug supply—has a decent chance to drastically and quickly reduce the overdose rates, at least in countries like the United States and Canada that are facing overdose crisis conditions.
Part of my argument consists in reasons to think legalization can succeed. But here I’ll discuss another part of my argument—reasons to think alternatives must fail. Legalization has a plausible mechanism for drastically & quickly reducing overdose rates, whereas all alternatives lack a plausible mechanism for doing so.
Even reformist proposals, such as decriminalization (of drug use & possession) and drug-checking (like fentanyl test-strips and centralized drug-checking services), are extremely limited in their ability to reduce death rates among the most high-risk drug users. Decriminalization is better than full prohibition, since there are no good justifications to arrest people for drug use, and it may reduce overdoses slightly through some indirect routes—but it does not address the drug supply. Drug-checking can also slightly reduce overdose and other drug hazards as well, by empowering people to manage the drug supply slightly better than they otherwise could. But it is woefully inefficient, limiting its ability to respond to the crisis at scale. I’ll describe this further on.
The source of the problem: Imperfect Prohibition One might notice that if the government ever succeeds in cracking down on all (or nearly all) the illicit drug supply, then there will be nothing left to overdose on—problem solved. So it may appear that this is a reason to continue the crackdowns against the production, trafficking, and distribution of drugs—to seek perfect prohibition.
However, this is the wrong level of analysis, appealing to an inappropriate idealization. In realistic non-ideal conditions (especially in modern countries facing an entrenched drug crisis), perfect prohibition is unattainable, and attempts to reach it will instead result in imperfect prohibition, which is the worst outcome. First, in relevant contexts, the government will most likely never succeed in eliminating all or nearly all the drug supply. Second, if an illicit market continues in operation, then it will likely continue to have extremely hazardous qualities such as high potency, volatility of dose, unmeasurableness, and frequent shifts in composition. I’ll sketch out some reasons why both of these claims are likely. And their conjunction entails that, in the absence of legalization, we will continue to have imperfect prohibition which makes the drug supply worse.
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therapyhorrorstories · 11 months
Psychiatrists will literally diagnose you within five minutes of meeting you (based on vibes, I guess?) and immediately resort to using cult tactics in order to bully you into taking medication without bothering to scientifically confirm that diagnosis. This has happened to me four times, every time it was a different diagnosis and a different medication so clearly it's not one of those "I'm an expert, I just Know" things.
And it's not like the tests don't exist, they just don't bother with them. At best they might have you self-report your symptoms in what is basically a glorified magazine quiz. My autism/ADHD diagnosis was the first time in 18 years of therapy and drugs that a professional actually diagnosed me through rigorous testing followed by statistical analysis of the results. Literally all previous diagnoses were done using either vibes or the magazine quiz method. One diagnosed me without even meeting me. Not a single one of them ever suggested autism or ADHD as possibilities, I went in for that testing on my own initiative.
The science is there but the people on the ground are too full of themselves to actually use it. Absolute shitshow of a profession.
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maaarine · 6 months
Invisible Women: Exposing Data Bias in a World Designed for Men (Caroline Criado-Perez, 2019)
"Digging deeper into the numbers, another issue the authors completely failed to address is whether or not the drugs were tested in women at different stages in their menstrual cycles.
The likelihood is that they weren’t, because most drugs aren’t.
When women are included in trials at all, they tend to be tested in the early follicular phase of their menstrual cycle, when hormone levels are at their lowest – i.e. when they are superficially most like men.
The idea is to ‘minimise the possible impacts oestradiol and progesterone may have on the study outcomes’.
But real life isn’t a study and in real life those pesky hormones will be having an impact on outcomes.
So far, menstrual-cycle impacts have been found for antipsychotics, antihistamines and antibiotic treatments as well as heart medication.
Some antidepressants have been found to affect women differently at different times of their cycle, meaning that dosage may be too high at some points and too low at others.
Women are also more likely to experience drug-induced heart-rhythm abnormalities and the risk is highest during the first half of a woman’s cycle.
This can, of course, be fatal. (…)
Perhaps most galling from a gender-data-gap perspective was the finding that females aren’t even included in animal studies on female-prevalent diseases.
Women are 70% more likely to suffer depression than men, for instance, but animal studies on brain disorders are five times as likely to be done on male animals.
A 2014 paper found that of studies on female-prevalent diseases that specified sex (44%), only 12% studied female animals.
Even when both sexes are included there is no guarantee the data will be sex-analysed: one paper reported that in studies where two sexes were included, two-thirds of the time the results were not analysed by sex.
Does this matter? Well, in the 2007 analysis of animal studies, of the few studies that did involve rats or mice of both sexes, 54% revealed sex-dependent drug effects. (…)
It’s a tantalising finding that inevitably leads to the following question: how many treatments have women missed out on because they had no effect on the male cells on which they were exclusively tested?"
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Forensic science - the "CSI stuff" is one of the least tested areas of the sciences there is, and deserves an overhaul. It does nothing but break peoples lives apart with false courtroom testimonies. The CSI effect means that people believe it is real when it's mostly bullshit.
Stop believing the courts every time an expert testifies. (Or at all. Most judges are cop-loving bootlickers who will gladly send you to your ruin if it speeds up their case log.)
Bite mark analysis is indisputibly fake and wrong, but courts still use it. The very first case was later proven to have had the results faked to fit, but any results after are also
Travel analysis (Where a person has been) from shoes is impossible to prove
Fingernail evidence is easy to fuck up, or confuse the courts with because many cosmetics and foods may distort findings
Hair analysis, hard to prove beyond a reasonable doubt, as it's interpretive. It uses a shitty test that can false positive hairspray or shampoo to frame people as alcoholic or drug-using (which should not be a crime). It also is used to this day. Look up Motherisk Lab for how garbage the science can be!!! None of the lab members were ever trained. This practice is same all over the world. The science is pretty bad
Fingerprints. Both not unique to each person, and the results easy to fudge. Super interpretive and hard to prove it was them or another with a similar print. Partials used as evidence too often imo
Roadside drug tests cops give? Eaaaasy to set off that mouthwash residue, aspirin, or even chewing gum can get you a positive.
DNA is also interpretive. Sure, you may be able to match it with someone, but what markers say about that person is nothing but a maybe. This is doubled or tripled as a maybe for animals - animal DNA testing is absolutely terribly regulated
Actual science welcomes challenge. Forensics often bars it, and stands by faulty labs and science that often was just imagined up as giving results by a random guy a century ago
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All roads lead to patriarchy.
Male advantage? It’s the patriarchy. Female advantage? The patriarchy “backfired”. Violent men? Patriarchy. Violent women? Patriarchy (made her do it). Women without rights? Patriarchy. Men without rights? Patriarchy.
Everything wrong, for everyone, everywhere, for all of time; it’s the same simple one-word answer – and it’s ‘patriarchy’.
The big P.
It’s the perfect, singular and absolute truth, so disengage brain, and don’t ask any questions.
And people *don’t* ask questions.
Most just accept the concept as settled truth, with any challenge to such ‘truth’ all too often resulting in childish whines of ‘misogyny’.
So time rolls on.
Sixty years slip by and the theory refuses to be scrutinised or questioned.
Meanwhile the inconvenient facts that discredit such a world view are twisted through Olympian-level displays of mental gymnastics, contortions of logic, and semantic spluttering of: ‘well, the patriarchy must have backfired!’
I can’t imagine such a “backfiring” concession means much to the homeless, drug addicted, incarcerated, or suicidal populations – all overwhelmingly male. As such a theory provides little nuance or sympathy toward the impossibility complex causes of each.
It needn’t matter anyway.
The supervillain to all of the world’s problems continues to be “smashed” for eternity; as radical feminists stamp their feet and shake their fist at the clouds, as the money rolls in.
So when is it smashed?
If it hurts men too, then why does nobody “smash” those parts?
And if ‘the patriarchy’ is so powerful, why is it always “backfiring”?
So many unanswered questions, so many awkward caveats, blindspots, and cracks through which vulnerable men and boy fall.
So when does it end?
When do we ask for better answers?
Homeless deaths: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsofhomelesspeopleinenglandandwales/2021registrations
Incarcerated Population: https://data.justice.gov.uk/justice-in-numbers/jin-public-protection
Workplace deaths: https://www.bls.gov/news.release/pdf/cfoi.pdf
Suicide by sex: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/suicidesintheunitedkingdom/2022registrations
Drug deaths by sex: https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/bulletins/deathsrelatedtodrugpoisoninginenglandandwales/2022registrations#:~:text=The%20rate%20of%20death%20relating,per%20million%20(949%20deaths)
Homicide by sex: https://www.unodc.org/documents/data-and-analysis/gsh/2023/GSH23_Chapter_2.pdf
Education over time: https://www.aporiamagazine.com/p/my-favourite-parts-from-the-boy-crisis
Smells like "god" to me. The devout insist that their god answers their prayers. Except, they don't actually do any better in life than the non-devout, or the devout of other gods. Xians die of diseases at the same rate, they don't win lotteries any more often, they aren't more successful in business. You should be able to tell who the "true" god is by the results. Except you can't.
Their prayers are either answered, or responded by "not yet," or "something better." Except you never know until after the fact. We're simply informed that god works in "mysterious ways." Aside from contradicting the notion that you can know god is there or answering your prayers at all, this makes the entire proposition unfalsifiable.
Importantly, how do you tell the difference between god being "mysterious" and "not there at all"?
"The Patriarchy" is exactly the same. If it's that unreliable, that unpredictable, how can you claim to know it's there at all? "Patriarchy hurts men too," is just "god is testing you." It's an excuse for why the thing that always works isn't.
Believers point to the fact their house survived the tornado as proof that god is good and answers their prayers. Never mind that the rest of the town was flattened. Or that they're thanking the same god who sent the tornado in the first place. For every male CEO or president, there's hundreds of homeless, suicidal or workplace dying men. People who believe based on faith only pay attention to the "hits," not the "misses." And even the "misses" somehow get turned into "hits."
There's no difference here. These are exactly the same concept, and they're exactly as nonsensical, unfalsifiable and not validatable, even in principle (and fail testing that we do attempt). So how either ever came to prominence, much less regarded as factually true, is incomprehensible.
In both cases, the result seems to be nothing more than desperate confirmation bias-motivated post-hoc attempts to salvage a simplistic, ideologically-based answer that doesn't even mirror reality.
Especially when we have more plausible answers that are taken from actually observing and testing reality. Which neither ideology does, and actively deny the need to.
"Patriarchy" theory follows the same mindset and language as an abuser: if you do something wrong, it's your fault, but if I do something wrong it's because you made me do it, so it's also your fault.
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brainanalyse · 2 months
Brain Infection From Sinus Infection
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Sinus infections are a common ailment that many people experience at some point in their lives. While they are often seen as minor annoyances, it’s crucial to understand the potential complications that can arise if they are not properly treated. One of the most severe complications is the risk of developing a brain infection. In this article, we’ll explore the connection between sinus infections and brain infections, detailing the symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention methods.
Understanding Sinus Infections
What is a Sinus Infection? A sinus infection, also known as sinusitis, occurs when the tissue lining the sinuses becomes inflamed or swollen. This inflammation can block the sinuses and trap mucus, leading to pain and pressure in the sinus area.
Common Symptoms of Sinus Infections Nasal congestion Facial pain or pressure Runny or stuffy nose Headache Fever Fatigue Cough Causes of Sinus Infections Sinus infections can be caused by viruses, bacteria, or fungi. Common triggers include colds, allergies, nasal polyps, or a deviated septum.
The Connection Between Sinus Infections and Brain Infections
How Sinus Infections Can Lead to Brain Infections Sinus infections can lead to brain infections when the infection spreads from the sinuses to the brain. This can occur through direct extension or through the bloodstream. The close proximity of the sinuses to the brain makes this a potential, though rare, complication.
Statistics and Case Studies While brain infections from sinus infections are rare, they are serious. Studies show that untreated or severe sinusitis can occasionally lead to life-threatening conditions such as meningitis, encephalitis, or brain abscesses.
Types of Brain Infections Linked to Sinus Infections
Meningitis Meningitis is an inflammation of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord. It can be caused by bacterial, viral, or fungal infections. Sinus infections, particularly bacterial ones, can sometimes lead to meningitis.
Encephalitis Encephalitis is an inflammation of the brain itself. This condition can result from a viral infection that spreads from the sinuses.
Brain Abscess A brain abscess is a collection of pus that forms in the brain due to an infection. Sinus infections, especially chronic or untreated ones, can occasionally lead to the formation of a brain abscess.
Risk Factors for Developing Brain Infections from Sinus Infections
Weakened Immune System Individuals with weakened immune systems are more susceptible to infections and their complications. Conditions like HIV/AIDS, diabetes, or use of immunosuppressive drugs increase this risk.
Chronic Sinusitis Chronic sinusitis, where sinus infections persist or recur frequently, increases the risk of the infection spreading to the brain.
Anatomical Abnormalities Structural issues like a deviated septum or nasal polyps can obstruct normal sinus drainage, making infections more likely and potentially more severe.
Symptoms of Brain Infections
General Symptoms Severe headache Fever Nausea and vomiting Sensitivity to light Altered mental status Specific Symptoms for Different Types of Brain Infections Meningitis: Stiff neck, confusion, seizures Encephalitis: Altered consciousness, seizures, personality changes Brain Abscess: Localized neurological deficits, changes in behavior, speech difficulties Diagnosis of Brain Infections Medical History and Physical Examination A thorough medical history and physical exam are crucial for diagnosing brain infections. Doctors will assess symptoms and perform neurological exams.
Imaging Tests (MRI, CT Scan) Imaging tests like MRI or CT scans are used to visualize the brain and detect any abnormalities, such as abscesses or swelling.
Laboratory Tests Lab tests, including blood tests and cerebrospinal fluid analysis, help identify the cause of the infection and guide treatment.
Treatment Options for Brain Infections
Medical Treatments Antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals are administered based on the type of infection. Corticosteroids may be used to reduce inflammation.
Surgical Interventions In cases of brain abscess, surgical drainage may be necessary to remove the infected material.
Role of Hospitalization Hospitalization is often required for brain infections to provide intensive treatment and monitoring.
Preventing Sinus Infections Home Remedies and Natural Treatments Steam inhalation Saline nasal sprays Warm compresses Lifestyle Changes Stay hydrated Use a humidifier Avoid smoking Avoiding Triggers Manage allergies Avoid pollutants Practice good hygiene Preventing Brain Infections Early Treatment of Sinus Infections Prompt treatment of sinus infections reduces the risk of complications. Seek medical care if symptoms persist or worsen.
Regular Medical Check-ups Routine check-ups help detect and treat infections early, preventing their progression.
Strengthening the Immune System Eat a balanced diet Get regular exercise Adequate sleep When to See a Doctor Warning Signs Severe headache High fever Stiff neck Confusion or altered mental status Importance of Early Intervention Early diagnosis and treatment are critical for preventing serious complications and improving outcomes.
Living with a History of Brain Infections
Rehabilitation and Recovery Recovery may involve physical therapy, occupational therapy, and speech therapy to regain lost functions.
Long-term Health Considerations Regular follow-ups are important to monitor for any potential long-term effects and manage them appropriately.
The Role of Diet in Preventing Infections Foods to Eat Fresh fruits and vegetables Whole grains Lean proteins (plant-based sources) Foods to Avoid Processed foods Sugary snacks Excessive caffeine Importance of a Balanced Diet A balanced diet supports overall health and a strong immune system, reducing the risk of infections.
Conclusion Understanding the connection between sinus infections and brain infections is crucial for preventing serious health complications. By recognizing symptoms early and seeking prompt medical care, you can significantly reduce the risk of developing a brain infection. Maintaining a healthy lifestyle and diet further supports your immune system and overall well-being.
Can a sinus infection really cause a brain infection? Yes, though rare, untreated or severe sinus infections can spread to the brain and cause infections like meningitis, encephalitis, or brain abscesses.
What are the first signs of a brain infection? Early signs include severe headache, fever, nausea, vomiting, sensitivity to light, and altered mental status.
How are brain infections treated? Treatment typically involves antibiotics, antivirals, or antifungals, and in some cases, surgical intervention may be necessary.
Can brain infections be prevented? Yes, by treating sinus infections promptly, maintaining good hygiene, and keeping the immune system strong, you can reduce the risk of brain infections.
Is there a special diet to follow to prevent infections? A balanced diet rich in fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins (plant-based) supports immune health and helps prevent infections.
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salt-baby · 1 year
What EDS treatments are effective?
you all responded really well to a previous medical education post I did, so I wanted to try something new: a series on research papers!
today I’m looking at “Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome: An Analysis of the Current Treatment Options”(2019) by Song et al
when researchers (well, doctors) looked at the medical records of 98 patients with EDS of any subtype, from their physical medicine and rehabilitation (PMR) clinic, to find out which medications improved, did nothing to, and worsened symptoms, they found:
- complimentary and alternative medicine and opioids were most common for patients to try, with NSAIDS, physical therapy, and bracing/splinting close behind.
- the following improved symptoms in at least 60% of patients: massage, bracing/splints/orthotics, ibuprofen, a nerve block, platelet-rich plasma, prolotherapy, taking a combo of hydrocodone and acetaminophen, steroid injections, oral steroids, baclofen and botox.
- physical therapy improved symptoms in 43% of patients and heat in 58%.
- surgery, going to a chiropractor, acetaminophen alone, and drugs for nerve pain (ie duloxetine, gabapentin, tri-cyclic antidepressants) tended to have low efficacy (less than 30% of patients had an improvement in symptoms).
Note that there may have been a bit of bias in terms of who participated in the study, that it’s not certain how reliable the medical records are, and that there’s a bit of ambiguity in the results because they included multiple subtypes of EDS.
if you want me to walk you through the whole paper, and learn some skills for interpreting papers on your own, keep reading!
I chose this paper for a couple reasons: its open access, easy to read, and has very clearly reported and well defined results. it also has very simple statistics (which is great, because thats my least favorite part). 
the introduction provides some good background information on EDS, although a few things are of note. One is that they refer to a phenomenon called pain sensitization or central pain in paragraph three, which they don’t go into too much detail on. This topic is a candidate for another post in this series, since it’s surprisingly little known. in short, this has to do with the body adapting to being constantly in pain, and as a result, an abnormal pain response develops (3). I don’t want to go into it too much here, but if this part was confusing to you, that’s what it’s referring to. 
additionally, they mention the so-called three stages of hEDS, which I traced back to this paper (4). While this researcher has a lot of publications in heds, I find it hard to believe that a sample size of only 21 (very different!) patients is enough to firmly define three stages that all patients go through. Plus, their ages are never reported, and “stiffness” is defined as just “not hypermobile anymore”. IMO, not very strong evidence.
Looking at the methods, most of it is as I said above. This type of paper is a retrospective review, meaning they looked at data that already existed, did analysis on it, and drew conclusions on it. Reviews in general can be really useful when you’re first starting out on a specific topic, and I recommend people start there. 
Another thing about methods is they used a Mann-Whitney U test, which, fair warning statistics isn’t my strong point, but I’ll do my best. For more resources, look here and here (5) (sidenote, this whole college-level statistics textbook is open access and very practical, and the author is clearly very passionate about teaching.). For the purposes of this paper, just note that the P value in the last column of their results table indicates significance, ie whether the data they got was any better than random chance. Significance in research is usually defined as a P value less than 0.05. The lower the P value, the more likely the results weren’t just random chance. Any P value over 0.05 is generally considered just random chance. 
That’s really important for interpreting these really beautiful results tables. Make sure you pay attention to the little “Significant? Y/N” column. If there’s an N, there’s not enough evidence to prove anything about that treatment one way or another.
Note that when you’re interpreting the results, just because it didn’t work for most people in this study doesn’t mean it won’t work for you. I really like diclofenac gel for joint pain, but only 24% of these participants had the same experience, and that result had a P value of <0.0001!
There’s not much to say about what the authors wrote as their interpretation of the results, which I think was sound. 
Regarding limitations of the study, I think there’s a few. Overall, my opinion is that the paper is decently strong evidence of how effective certain treatments are, especially when combined with other, more specific papers. But for limitations, the sample size is a bit small, but for EDS, pretty good. 
There’s the issue of almost all participants being women, but that’s a product of EDS affecting female people more strongly than male people (1). To be specific, both afab and amab people have an equal chance of inheriting EDS, because although the exact gene hasn’t been discovered, the way it’s inherited has been (an autosomal dominant gene) (1). It’s possible that sociological factors are at play, but the author’s conclusion (and my own) is that it’s likely one of many biological factors that makes EDS worse in female people than male people(1). I’m using female/male instead of afab/amab because anecdotally, some ftm trans people with eds have found their symptoms improved with testosterone (which one person in this treatment efficacy study also found).
This study also mixed all the subtypes together, with only 76 of the 98 participants having diagnosed heds. 2 had other subtypes (ceds and cveds), and 20 were unspecified EDS. That muddies the results a bit, because although the subtypes have some things in common, they can also be pretty distinct. For that reason, I would’ve liked to know what happened when they separated by subtype and ran their significance tests, but it’s not the biggest deal to me that they didn’t.
Then there’s the issue of the sample itself, which was taken from a PMR clinic. Who goes to a PMR clinic? people who live within a reasonable distance and have the money to both get the referral and pay for the specialist. Additionally, people may be hesitant to tell their joint doc about EVERY treatment they tried, and that doc may not have written everything down. Plus, this study only includes those diagnosed with eds (which again requires money), and therefore may not represent EVERYONE with eds, diagnosed or not. In research, these things can be really difficult to control for, and in my opinion, there’s not much the researchers could’ve done to fix this without massively changing the study. 
Additionally, all these medical records would’ve been made by the same few doctors at this clinic, who may have had biases or writing quirks that impacted the data. Plus, the doctors who wrote the paper also probably wrote some of those medical records. That’s not unusual, but definitely not ideal.
I did notice cannabis was missing from the list of treatments (although cbd was not), likely reflecting it’s illegality and controversy. patients don’t want to tell their doctors that they did illegal drugs, and researchers don’t want to publish about illegal drugs either. Still, it’s worth pointing out that cannabis has promising efficacy for eds pain (2).
In conclusion, I do really like this paper, and I think it’s a great intro to both research and EDS treatments. From here, there’s plenty of more specific papers about specific treatments, and its a great way to get started.
This series will be navigable by the tag “salt baby reads”, and I really do mean to encourage learning and questions with this. If you don’t understand, or (respectfully) disagree, please feel free to send me an ask. I want to start discussions about this, because I really do think its important for people to be educated about the conditions they have, so they can make the medical decisions that are right for them. Let me know if you liked this!
1.  “Ehlers–Danlos syndrome hypermobility type and the excess of affected females: Possible mechanisms and perspectives” (2010) Castori et al. 
2.  “Use of complementary and alternative medicine by patients with hypermobile Ehlers–Danlos Syndrome: A qualitative study” (2022) Doyle et al.
3. “Pain in the Ehlers–Danlos syndromes: Mechanisms, models, and challenges” (2021) Malfait et al. 
4. “Natural history and manifestations of the hypermobility type Ehlers–Danlos syndrome: A pilot study on 21 patients” (2010) Castori et al. 
5. “Handbook of Biological Statistics” (2014) John H. McDonald
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How to write a good abstract
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Writing a compelling and effective abstract is crucial for communicating the essence of your research succinctly and clearly. A well-crafted abstract not only summarizes your study but also emphasizes its significance, thereby attracting the attention of the intended audience, including researchers, practitioners, and policymakers. Below are essential guidelines and a structured approach to writing a high-quality abstract for scientific papers, particularly in the biomedical field, though the principles can be adapted for other disciplines.
Key Elements of a Good Abstract:
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Declarative Title:
Your title should be clear and direct, reflecting the main findings of your study. It should convey the primary message accurately, ensuring that even those who only read the title understand the core outcome of your research.
2 .Introduction to the Problem:
Start with a sentence that introduces a significant problem or field of interest. In biomedical sciences, this could involve highlighting a critical health issue. The goal is to establish the relevance of your research by showing the urgency or importance of the problem.
3 . Identification of a Significant Challenge:
Clearly state the specific challenge or barrier that is hindering progress in your field. This sets the stage for your study by pinpointing the precise issue you aim to address without yet delving into your methodology.
4 . Opportunity for Advancement:
Introduce a recent advancement or opportunity that makes addressing the identified challenge feasible. This could be a technological innovation, new data availability, or a novel methodological approach that provides a fresh perspective on the problem.
5 . Description of Your Study:
Summarize the core of your study in 1–2 sentences. Describe what you did and how you leveraged the identified opportunity to tackle the challenge. This should provide a brief but comprehensive overview of your approach.
6 .Key Results:
Highlight the main findings of your study in 2–3 sentences. These results should directly support the conclusions stated in your title and demonstrate the impact of your research.
7. Implications and Broader Impact:
Conclude with a sentence on the potential impact of your findings. Explain how your results could change current practices, inform future research, or have broader implications for the field.
Example of an Abstract Using These Guidelines:
Title: Data-driven Prediction of Drug Effects and Interactions
Abstract: Adverse drug events remain a leading cause of morbidity and mortality worldwide. Many such events are undetected during clinical trials before a drug receives approval for clinical use. Regulatory agencies maintain extensive collections of adverse event reports as part of post marketing surveillance, presenting an opportunity to study drug effects using patient population data. However, confounding factors such as concomitant medications, patient demographics, medical histories, and prescribing reasons are often uncharacterized in spontaneous reporting systems, limiting quantitative signal detection methods. Here, we present an adaptive data-driven approach for correcting these confounding factors in cases with unknown or unmeasured covariates and combine this approach with existing methods to improve drug effect analyses using three test datasets. We also introduce comprehensive databases of drug effects (OffSIDES) and drug-drug interaction side effects (TwoSIDES). To demonstrate the utility of these resources, we identified drug targets, predicted drug indications, and discovered drug class interactions, corroborating 47 (P < 0.0001) interactions using independent electronic medical record analysis. Our findings suggest that combined treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and thiazides significantly increases the incidence of prolonged QT intervals. We conclude that controlling for confounding effects in observational clinical data enhances the detection and prediction of adverse drug effects and interactions.
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lenbryant · 5 months
(Times) This May Be Our Last Chance to Halt Bird Flu in Humans, and We Are Blowing It
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The outbreak of H5N1 avian influenza among U.S. dairy cows, first reported on March 25, has now spread to at least 33 herds in eight states. On Wednesday, genetic evidence of the virus turned up in commercially available milk. Federal authorities say the milk supply is safe, but this latest development raises troubling questions about how widespread the outbreak really is.
So far, there is only one confirmed human case. Rick Bright, an expert on the H5N1 virus who served on President Biden’s coronavirus advisory board, told me this is the crucial moment. “There’s a fine line between one person and 10 people with H5N1,” he said. “By the time we’ve detected 10, it’s probably too late” to contain.
That’s when I told him what I’d heard from Sid Miller, the Texas commissioner for agriculture. He said he strongly suspected that the outbreak dated back to at least February. The commissioner speculated that then as many as 40 percent of the herds in the Texas Panhandle might have been infected.
Dr. Bright fell silent, then asked a very reasonable question: “Doesn’t anyone keep tabs on this?”
The H5N1 outbreak, already a devastating crisis for cattle farmers and their herds, has the potential to turn into an enormous tragedy for the rest of us. But having spent the past two weeks trying to get answers from our nation’s public health authorities, I’m shocked by how little they seem to know about what’s going on and how little of what they do know is being shared in a timely manner.
How exactly is the infection transmitted between herds? The United States Department of Agriculture, the Food and Drug Administration and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention all say they are working to figure it out.
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According to many public health officials, the virus load in the infected cows’ milk is especially high, raising the possibility that the disease is being spread through milking machines or from aerosolized spray when the milking room floors are power washed. Another possible route is the cows’ feed, owing to the fairly revolting fact that the U.S. allows farmers to feed leftover poultry bedding material — feathers, excrement, spilled seeds — to dairy and beef cattle as a cheap source of additional protein.
Alarmingly, the U.S.D.A. told me that it has evidence that the virus has also spread from dairy farms back to poultry farms “through an unknown route.” Well, one thing that travels back and forth between cattle farms and chicken farms is human beings. They can also travel from cattle farms to pig farms, and pigs are the doomsday animals for human influenza pandemics. Because they are especially susceptible to both avian and human flu, they make for good petri dishes in which avian influenza can become an effective human virus. The damage could be vast.
The U.S.D.A. also told me it doesn’t know how many farmers have tested their cattle and doesn’t know how many of those tests came up positive; whatever testing is being done takes place at the state level or in private labs. Just Wednesday, the agency made it mandatory to report all positive results, a long overdue step that is still — without the negative results alongside them — insufficient to give us a full picture. Also on Wednesday, the U.S.D.A. made testing mandatory for dairy cattle that are being moved from one state to another. It says mandatory testing of other herds wouldn’t be “practical, feasible or necessarily informative” because of “several reasons, ranging from laboratory capacity to testing turnaround times.” The furthest the agency will go is to recommend voluntary testing for cattle that show symptoms of the illness — which not all that are infected do. Dr. Bright compares this to the Trump administration’s approach to Covid-19: If you don’t test, it doesn’t exist.
As for the F.D.A., it tells me it hasn’t completed specific tests to confirm that pasteurization would make milk from infected cows safe, though the agency considers it “very likely” based on extensive testing for other pathogens. (It is not yet clear whether the elements of the H5N1 virus that recently turned up in milk had been fully neutralized.) That testing should have been completed by now. In any case, unpasteurized milk remains legal in many states. Dr. Bright told me that “this is a major concern, especially given recent infections and deaths in cats that have consumed infected milk.”
Making matters worse, the U.S.D.A. failed to share the genomes from infected animals in a timely manner, and then when it shared the genomes did so in an unwieldy format and without any geographic information, causing scientists to tear their hair out in frustration.
All this makes catching potential human cases so urgent. Dr. Bright says that given a situation like this, and the fact that undocumented farmworkers may not have access to health care, the government should be using every sophisticated surveillance technique, including wastewater testing, and reporting the results publicly. That is not happening. The C.D.C. says it is monitoring data from emergency rooms for any signs of an outbreak. By the time enough people are sick enough to be noticed in emergency rooms, it is almost certainly too late to prevent one.
So far, the agency told me, it is aware of only 23 people who have been tested. That tiny number is deeply troubling. (Others may be getting tested through private providers, but if negative, the results do not have to be reported.)
On the ground, people are doing the best they can. Adeline Hambley, a public health officer in Ottawa, Mich., told me of a farm whose herd had tested positive. The farm owner voluntarily handed over the workers’ cellphone numbers, and the workers got texts asking them to report all potential symptoms. Lynn Sutfin, a public information officer in the Michigan Department of Health and Human Services, told me that response rates to those texts and other forms of outreach can be as high as 90 percent. That’s heartening, but it’s too much to expect that a poor farmworker — afraid of stigma, legal troubles and economic loss — will always report even mild symptoms and stay home from work as instructed.
It’s entirely possible that we’ll get lucky with H5N1 and it will never manage to spread among humans. Spillovers from animals to humans are common, yet pandemics are rare because they require a chain of unlucky events to happen one after the other. But pandemics are a numbers game, and a widespread animal outbreak like this raises the risks. When dangerous novel pathogens emerge among humans, there is only a small window of time in which to stop them before they spiral out of control. Neither our animal farming practices nor our public health tools seem up to the task.
There is some good news: David Boucher, at the federal government’s Administration for Strategic Preparedness and Response, told me that this virus strain is a close match for some vaccines that have already been formulated and that America has the capacity to manufacture and potentially distribute many millions of doses, and fairly quickly, if it takes off in humans. That ability is a little like fire insurance — I’m glad it exists, but by the time it comes into play your house has already burned down.
I’m sure the employees of these agencies are working hard, but the message they are sending is, “Trust us — we are on this.” One troubling legacy of the coronavirus pandemic is that there was too much attention on telling the public how to feel — to panic or not panic — rather than sharing facts and inspiring confidence through transparency and competence. And four years later we have an added layer of polarization and distrust to work around.
In April 2020, the Trump administration ousted Dr. Bright from his position as the director of the Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, the agency responsible for fighting emerging pandemics. In a whistle-blower complaint, he alleged this happened after his early warnings against the coronavirus pandemic were ignored and as retaliation for his caution against unproven treatments favored by Donald Trump.
Dr. Bright told me that he would have expected things to be much different during the current administration, but “this is a live fire test,” he said, “and right now we are failing it.”
Zeynep Tufekci (@zeynep) is a professor of sociology and public affairs at Princeton University, the author of “Twitter and Tear Gas: The Power and Fragility of Networked Protest” and a New York Times Opinion columnist. @zeynep • Facebook
A version of this article appears in print on April 28, 2024, Section SR, Page 9 of the New York edition with the headline: The U.S. Is Blowing Its Chance to Halt Bird Flu in Humans. Order Reprints | Today’s Paper | Subscribe
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hasdrubal-gisco · 3 months
June 20, 2024 – Gilead Sciences, Inc. today announced topline results from an interim analysis of its pivotal, Phase 3 PURPOSE 1 trial indicating that the company’s twice-yearly injectable HIV-1 capsid inhibitor, lenacapavir, demonstrated 100% efficacy for the investigational use of HIV prevention in cisgender women. [...] PURPOSE 1, a Phase 3, double-blind, randomized study, is evaluating the safety and efficacy of twice-yearly, subcutaneous lenacapavir for pre-exposure prophylaxis (PrEP) and once-daily oral Descovy® (emtricitabine 200mg and tenofovir alafenamide 25mg; F/TAF) in more than 5,300 cisgender women and adolescent girls aged 16-25 across 25 sites in South Africa and three sites in Uganda. The drugs are being tested in parallel, with one group receiving twice-yearly lenacapavir and one group taking once-daily oral Descovy. Additionally, a third group was assigned once-daily oral Truvada. Study participants were randomized in a 2:2:1 ratio to lenacapavir, Descovy and Truvada, respectively. Because effective PrEP options already exist, there is broad consensus in the PrEP field that a placebo group would be unethical; thus, the trial used bHIV as the primary comparator and Truvada as a secondary comparator. There were 0 incident cases of HIV infection among 2,134 women in the lenacapavir group (incidence 0.00 per 100 person-years). There were 16 incident cases among 1,068 women in the Truvada group (incidence 1.69 per 100 person-years). The results demonstrated superiority of twice-yearly lenacapavir over bHIV (primary endpoint, incidence 2.41 per 100 person-years) and superiority of twice-yearly lenacapavir over once-daily Truvada (secondary endpoint), with p<0.0001 for both endpoints. In the trial, lenacapavir was generally well-tolerated and no significant or new safety concerns were identified. HIV incidence in the Descovy group was numerically similar (39 incident cases among 2,136 women, incidence 2.02 per 100 person-years) to that in the Truvada group and was not statistically superior to bHIV. Previous clinical trials among cisgender women have commonly found challenges with adherence to daily oral pills for PrEP, and adherence analyses for Descovy and Truvada from PURPOSE 1 are ongoing. In the trial, both Descovy and Truvada were generally well-tolerated and no new safety concerns were identified. 
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