aparticularbandit · 27 days
@anachronismstellar - your words for oalh! thanks so much for asking (and sorry for the wait)! :D
Day Two (of a Light Hope).
Chisa remains with Mitsuki until Kyoko returns.  Makoto does, too, although she mentions once or twice that he can leave Mitsuki safely with her (in a not dissimilar manner to the way Mitsuki suggests that she and Makoto will be fine if Chisa leaves).  She still doesn’t feel particularly good about leaving Mitsuki alone with Kyoko and Makoto, but she needs privacy to discuss her theories with….
Like the rooms in the old school building (and like the dorms at Hope’s Peak once were, before they were destroyed), the room in which Mitsuki is contained is soundproof: no sound comes in, no sound comes out.  Of course, this means that sitting in the hallway outside Chisa won’t be able to hear anything that Kyoko, Makoto, and Mitsuki might discuss.  But in the same manner, it means that none of them will be able to hear her.
Chisa pulls out her phone and makes a video call.
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breelandwalker · 8 months
Hi Bree!! I've been following you for so long, your content is amazing and helped me a lot during the past years ♡
If you don't mind, I have a question about the thread spell! Does the caster have to manually fill the thread bobbins, or could it be done with a sewing machine?
Again, thank you for all the help, have an amazing day!
You could totally use a sewing machine or a bobbin winder to fill your bobbins, if that makes things easier. So long as you take time to give the bobbin a purpose with regard to the spell, the mechanical method of winding isn't really a factor.
Hope this helps!
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slenbee · 16 days
How is the Queen of Frostiron and Monsters doing today? :D
And if you had to choose....... Werewolf!Bucky Barnes or Vampire!Loki? 👀
I'm doing better!
Recovering from 3 months of an allergic reaction to a heartburn medicine I didn't realize I was going on until my health was starting to show symptoms of severe decline. Slowly starting to feel better this week since I stopped taking it 3-4 days ago. :)
And if I had to choose.... HMMMM
I'd say 'why not both' but if I absolutely had to choose:
I'd imagine he'd be so kind and loving and loyal as hell to his partner in private but in public he'd be every bit a guard dog and I love that. The 'put your dog on a leash' trope post I saw on tumblr? Love it. Or maybe it was the 'sword and its scabbard' one. the 'i won't kill unless it's for you.' one.
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But also HEAR ME OUT: Chubby werewolf bucky????
Long haired boy with a heart of gold like a golden retriever???
And when he turns he's just a big fluffy mess?????
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kalira · 22 days
WIP Wednesday Sentences
From my August 21st post here; I've worked on one of my [redacted] projects and here are some more on Heatwave for @anachronismstellar and @zyrafowe-sny, thank you!
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Kei tilted his head, arching a brow and wondering if Toshi could breathe properly. The cloth wasn’t that thick, but. . . He leaned down, nudging Toshi, and he groaned quietly, sprawling a little further. Kei shook his head slightly, settling comfortably on the daybed again. The children were obviously miserable from the heat, but for now at least, not in any danger from it. Kei watched over them and listened to their fussing as the afternoon wore on, all of them waiting for the baking sun to sink.
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mad-madam-m · 5 months
Hello! :D Happy wip Wednesday!
Some lines from Stop Blowing Holes in My Boyfriend please?
"I've been shot before."  "Not like that," Bunny snapped. "Not without your suit."
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adhdavinci · 2 months
WIP WED: Oedipus
spanning 7/14, 7/20, and 7/27, i got a total of 6 requests for this fic! thank you @1attheedge (welcome!!), @virgulesmith (hello!!), @lizhly (fulfilling your request for GJ2!!), @whimsicalmeerkat (<3 !!) @enigma-the-mysterious (hiya!!), and @anachronismstellar (yay :D!!)
“Actually, I do want to offer my help,” Ashelin nods, “and we can still talk over… crafting.” Her sharp green eyes glance over the mess on the table. “What exactly is all this, anyway?”
“Dunno exactly, just followin’ Tessie's orders.” He ties another ribbon and places it on the frankly massive pile on one of the chairs. “Think it's for some kinda decoration maybe? Jak, did she tell you?”
The man only grunts in response, his fingers fumbling over the same length of ribbon he's been working at for ten minutes. The morning sickness really hits him hard, the poor kid. Even through the dull pallor, though, he still shines with a radiance that lights up the whole chamber.
Sig gently takes the fabric from Jak's fingers and deftly ties it into a bow. “So, Governess. How can I help you?”
Ashelin nods at him. “First, I wanted to check on Jak. How are you holding up? I know pregnancy can be rough, especially the early months.”
“‘S okay,” Jak mumbles, grabbing a new length of ribbon, “‘m doing fine.” Shaky hands try to loop the fabric to no avail.
With a small smile, Sig holds the center of the ribbon so Jak can tie it. Wine-dark eyes meet his. “You - don't have to.”
It's the same thing he's said every day since the announcement. And every time, Sig gives him the same response.
“I want to.”
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planeoftheeclectic · 1 year
Hello hello! :D
Can I have some lines from palutena trap please? Happy writing!
The two boys stared at each other for a moment. Pairisetty knew his eyes were wild, and he struggled to get his breathing under control. "I...I knew as soon as I saw your mom's photo, but I knew you'd never believe me, and--"
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lazinesswrites · 7 months
Hello and happy Wednesday! :D May we have some sentences from CrossRex for this week?
Hello, and happy uhh... Friday. Oh, and happy first day of spring! 🌸You may indeed have some sentences from CrossRex! Same deal as for the last ask - you get more than three sentences, because some of them are canon dialogue.
“The mineral is far too unstable. Even the slightest friction around it can cause a destructive chain reaction.” “Haven’t you been paying attention, Hunter?” Crosshair asks, and Hunter glowers at him over his shoulder. He’s not sure Crosshair can see through his visor in the low light of the mine, but Hunter’s positive his point gets across regardless. He turns his attention back to Tech. “Then what do you suggest?”
Find the rules and titles for this week's WIP Wednesday ask game here.
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kedreeva · 5 months
WIP Wednesday Game
It’s WIP Wednesday, time for a little accountability, sharing your work, and getting a kick in the pants.
Here’s how it works:
In a reblog of this post (so people can find you in the notes) or new thread (w/ rules attached) if you want to play on your own, post up to five (5) filenames of your WIPs; not titles, file names.
Post a snippet from one of them. Snippet must be words you wrote in the last 7 days. We’re posting progress here. If you haven’t made any, go make some and come back to play!
After you’ve posted, people can send you an ask with one of your file names. You must then write 3 sentences in that file. If the filename is one you can't share from (for example, an event or gift fic), write 3 sentences on it anyway, and then 3 more on another to share.
That’s it! You can invite others to join in, or just post. I’ll be searching the reblogs to find people to send asks to!
If you’re reading this, you’re invited!
If you see someone posting a WIP Wednesday Game snippet, send them an ask! Make them write.
Requested/Friend event mentions under the cut! If you'd like to be pinged next week, let me know!
@fiore-della-valle @redbirdblogs @greenbergsays @idkfandomwhatever @luckyspike
@obaewankenope @mad-madam-m @anonymousdandelion @geometricfractal @prettybirdy979
@eriquin @aparticularbandit @madnessfromthemountains @makeroftherunes @1attheedge
@whimsicalmeerkat @kidsomeday @lizhly-writes @skyderman @adhdavinci
@owlbearwrites @anachronismstellar @anyctibius @rilannon @lazinesswrites
@zyrafowe-sny @dreaminghour @blue-eyedbeta @candyskiez @dreamerking27
@kalira @virgulesmith @i-want-delfeur @selkies-world @exceedinglygayotter
@oitreewrites @post-and-out @writingattheedge @qqaba @ykthefancyclamwiththepearlinside
@princescar @tigerdragon1001 @@agent-p-writes
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whimsicalmeerkat · 17 days
WIP Wednesday Game Fills
@wizisbored @anachronismstellar @eriquin and @kallisto-k all requested Trading Up today in the WIP Wednesday Game Community. Here are your sentences. Thanks for making me write!
By the time Stiles, with Derek’s help, finishes filling Scott in on everything they know about Deaton, Stiles is firmly ensconced under Derek’s arm and Derek thinks it would be impossible for Scott to grow any paler.
“You mean Deaton could have saved Allison?”
Scott’s voice wavers. Stiles was right in his prediction that Scott would focus on the hunter’s death first. Stiles shifts against Derek like he’s going to pull away, but Detek tightens his arm until he subsides.
“We don’t know details, yet, but Deaton at least had the resources to find out how to stop the darach and find our parents. Even if the nogitsune had been released, without the ritual I wouldn’t have had any darkness in my heart for it to latch onto. He probably could have helped us defeat it sooner as well.”
Stiles’ voice has a colorless quality that Derek hates. He turns his head and kisses Stiles on the temple. Stiles gives him a quick, distracted smile. Derek smiles back, trying to make it reassuring.
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WIP Wednesday 12/8/24: All progress so far!
Original post
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@anachronismstellar @mystarduststories @aparticularbandit
[Blue indicates previously added lines]
Akhtar tentatively brought the glass to his lips and took a sip. 
Ram waited with bated breath. 
And then Akhtar moaned, his eyes closing and his face losing itself to bliss. 
Warmth unfurled in his chest. It was only when his cheeks started to twitch did Ram realize that he was smiling. Widely.
Ram giggled.
That pulled Akhtar out of his happy little world and he glanced at Ram, his brows knitted and his nose scrunched in confusion.
"What is it?"  
"Come here," Ram said, still smiling and waving his hand to beckon him closer.
Akhtar did, still sporting that adorable frown between his sweet, sweet eyes.
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@1attheedge @scifikimmi
[Blue indicates previously written lines]
Bheem allowed it for a few moments, letting himself get lost in the softness of Ram's lips, the warmth of his breath over his skin, the coolness of his tongue as it swiped against his own. But at the end, with great reluctance, he broke it, grabbing Ram's wrists with his hands, holding him just as Ram held him.
"Bangaram, I don't want you to love me out of any guilt or obligation," Bheem said, the words firm but not harsh. "I want you to love me because you want me, desire me, need me. I want you to love me because you love me."
Ram smiled, dark eyes shining with so much adoration that it took Bheem's breath away. "Komuram Bheem, I have loved you since the moment we clasped hands over a river on fire."
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@zyrafowe-sny @somefishycat
[Blue indicates previously written lines]
You should stoke the fire in your heart, he had sung. But it's the man whom he once called his friend who had been the fire in his life. Did he sing about it because he ached deeply from the loss of that warmth? Or did he create his own fire to counter the licks of flame that burned his flesh?
You should burn like the flaming sun, he had sung. But wasn't he burned enough already? The brands of betrayal seared into his skin, still blistering hot with agony?
O Komuram Bheem, O Komuram Bheem, he had sung. But was that song even meant for himself? Or was he addressing someone else entirely?
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[Blue indicates previously written lines]
Naked, covered in blood and Akh- the Gond Protector's bruises, Ram saw a man in the mirror. 
And he hated him.
His rage boiled over and he hammered his fist on the mirror, the glass shattering as easily as the hope in Akh- Bhee- the Gond Protector's eyes.
He roared and drove his other fist into what remained of the mirror.
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aparticularbandit · 4 days
@anachronismstellar - your words from sos summer! sorry they took so long to get to you!
“Oh, and we should get jobs,” she says, only for her eyes to light up.  “Or—”
“No.”  Junko says the word before Haruhi even glances up.  “You’re not coming to my job.  They’ll chew you up and spit you out—”
“But we could advertise the one and only Junko Enoshima—”
“I think I’ll be busy that day.”  Junko drags on her straw, making that absurd stuttering sucking noise of there not being enough left to drink that sets Haruhi’s jaw on edge.
Haruhi meets her eyes levelly.  “I haven’t picked a date.”
Junko shrugs.  “Then pick a date, and I’ll be busy.”  She grins and twirls her straw in her cup.  It clinks against the sides, against the chunks of ice.  Then she looks over to Yasuke.  “We can go on a date! It’ll be the best!”
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keepmeinmind-01 · 24 days
wip wednesday part one
thank you so much to everyone who left a comment! these are the lines i wrote for my wip document “once more, then we’ll be free” today (two comments, six lines) for @creative-girl and @zyrafowe-sny :)
Now, Theseus—his hands, his neck, his heartbeat—might as well have been the only thing left in the world. The heavy smoke had turned afternoon to night. When he dared to peek through his eyelashes at his surroundings, he could see people running; buildings crumbling in flurries of blue sparks; and the billowing heat warping the air until nothing felt real.
Most children he knew claimed their older brothers were the biggest, the strongest. Some of the other schoolchildren said theirs were bullies; some said theirs were their best friends. Theseus was neither, but he was still carrying Newt through the crowds as if afraid he’d be snatched away by the fates themselves.
and a third addition for @anachronismstellar later on haha:
As close as he came to joyful when content, when given attention, when curled in the family armchair with a history book while their father wasn’t home. It was another comparison Newt used to try and understand—another animal by which he could benchmark human behaviour. Theseus was sprinting from the burning school so hard that he sounded like he was slavering with every rattling breath.
and a fourth addition for @kalira , thank you for commenting 💕
They plunged into the forest, breaking the familiar tree line around the back of the church. The air went cool and whisper-quiet, adding a distant, tinny quality to the chaos beyond. The woods were his second home. And yet all Newt could think in that moment was that he’d never been in them, so close to the village—so close to potential accidents—with Theseus.
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kittkatattacks · 1 month
Wip Wednesday 8/7/24
Here are my sentences from last weeks Wip Wednesday :)
Perfect season 20-22 for:
@aparticularbandit @tamsinswriting
They stay up on the roof not nearly long enough for Neil, but they have afternoon practice, so he doesn’t complain as they make their way down.
They head over to Andrew’s dorm to pick up the rest of the group and then make their way down to the parking lot.
Practice goes as well as it can with only 8 players, which is to say it sucks. Kevin is practically seething afterwards, but Wymack does a good enough job of hitting on the points that they need to work on as a team.
It helps ease some of Kevin’s anger and frustration, but Neil already knows that he’ll spend the next few hours ranting about it to him and planning on what they should work on before their next game.
When they get back to the dorm after practice and dinner, Neil sits in one of the bean bag chairs knowing that Kevin will join him and prepares for a long strategy session.
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AFTG space au for:
@gnomer-denois @zyrafowe-sny @scifikimmi @somefishycat @anachronismstellar @adhdavinci
“Oh, shit,” Neil says, glancing at the clock on the wall, “I’ve got to go, my next class is about to start.”
“Mmhmm, see you later then,” Jean says, waving him away with his fork.
Neil nods in response, dumps his tray and dishes in their respective bins and then heads off to his advanced math class.
He makes it to class with enough time to get a seat near the back and settles in for another boring syllabus overview.
Neil stumbles into the dorm, throwing off his shoes and backpack, and makes his way over to the fridge.
He grabs a water bottle and makes his way over to the couch where Jean is reading.
“You couldn’t wait huh?” Jean asks, lowering his book just enough to look at Neil.
Neil shrugs, “I got out early and it’s nice outside. What was I supposed to do, not run back here?”
Jean sighs in response, “and how early did you get out? You look like you’ve been running for a while.”
“Um,” Neil says, and then drinks the rest of his water to buy himself some time, “about an hour and a half ago.”
Jean sighs again and sets his book down on the coffee table in front of them. “You said you weren’t going to do this anymore.”
“I didn’t mean to,” Neil says, “I left class and the next thing I knew I was running and I couldn’t stop.”
“I know,” Jean says, his face softening, “just let me know next time, okay?”
“I will. Still up for a jog around campus later?”
“Of course. Now, since you're here,” Jean says, not so subtly changing the topic, “can you help me with my pen pal letter?”
“Yeah,” Neil answers, getting up to go get their laptops, “I’ve been meaning to check my email anyways to see if I got a reply yet.”
“You finished yours already? Jean asks, and when Neil comes back into the room and nods in response he says, clutching a hand to his chest dramatically, “and you didn’t even tell me.”
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@wizisbored @eriquin
“Now, she says, holding the knife up to the burn on his left cheek, “where is she?”
“I already told you,” Nathaniel says, the pain from his wounds causing him to wince against his will. “I don’t know.”
“Hmm,” Lola says, tapping the knife against his cheek, causing pain to radiate outwards from the fresh burn. “I don’t believe you. What about you, Rome, do you believe him?”
“He sounds like he’s telling the truth,” he hears Romero say, “but might as well make sure.”
Nathaniel hears the pop of the dashboard lighter again and does his best to mentally prepare for what is about to happen.
Despite knowing it's futile, he fights back against Lola’s hold on him, trying his best to get her off of him. In response she presses her body fully down on top of him, leaving him no room to move without some part of her touching him. 
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DMRA for:
@post-and-out @1attheedge @enigma-the-mysterious
“‘I’m sure I’ll be fine.”
“Your funeral,” Kevin says, shaking his head.
Kevin begins walking towards the door that leads back out into the hallway, motioning for him to follow, but Aaron stops him before he can make it past the door. “You don’t have to worry about the rest of the tour Day, I’d much rather you show me to the microscopy lab.”
“The lab?”
“Yep, I’d like to take a look at the equipment. Something wrong with that?”
“No, It’s just,” Kevin says looking around the hallway, “this place is laid out like a mouse maze. You could get lost really easily. Are you sure you’ll be able to navigate it?”
“ Am I sure, Day? Of course I am,” Aaron says, cocking his head to one side and allowing himself to smirk.
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kalira · 2 months
WIP Wednesday Sentences
From my July 17th post here.
I have worked a bit on Wants and Fallen, both [redacted] projects, so here is some Twisted for @anachronismstellar, @lorifragolina, and @trappedinmymind, thank you!
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Toshi heard the spike in chatter nearby, but didn’t pay it much mind, until- ‟Hey, Toshi! Got a visitor! Your-” He faltered and Toshi snorted. ‟Uh. Sho is here!” Toshi had guessed it would be Sho, and yelled back that he’d be there in a sec. The excitable noise and the mingled admiration of a pretty passerby and debate on their dynamic could have been anyone, of course - the your and immediate crash of uncertainty what the fuck Sho even was to him . . . that was more specific. Toshi rubbed at a bit of flour on his inner forearm - where had that come from? cleaning the counter maybe? - as he ducked out. ‟Yo.” Sho was leaning forward on the ordering counter, but he turned as Toshi ducked out onto the street. Toshi smothered a laugh as the new guy nearly tripod over his own feet, watching Sho’s ass and long legs. ‟Yo.” Toshi returned with a grin, tilting his head up as Sho slid into his space, nosing his cheek and jaw, huffing against his neck.
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mad-madam-m · 5 months
Hello hello and happy wip Wednesday! Some lines from Stop Blowing Holes In My Boyfriend please? :D
What the hell, seriously. He was lucky Bunny had been backing him up on that one.  Something ripped behind him--medical tape, probably--and yeah, medical tape, because Bunny put  a piece of gauze over his shoulder blade and secured it with the tape. "Turn around." 
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