#ana jayanshakar
kwa-aj · 5 years
The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar - Episode 01
Ancestry.com Doesn’t Tell You Everything
“Oh, shoot.”
It was August in London which meant the sun had officially taken its leave and skipped off to Hawaii and rain had staunchly taken up its post. But that never stopped the picketers.
Ana sighed, peering through the overtasked windshield wipers of her Honda Civic. “Dang it.” She flipped her black steering wheel around and pulled dutifully into the nearest parking space. She counted out two quarters and slipped them into the toll machine. Flipping up the hood to her rain jacket, she yanked on her zipper which immediately intertwined with her necklace. (An unremarkable opal-ly gemstone gift from her mother). After one tortured minute, she extricated the fine silver chain and zipped the blue jacket up to her chin. She stuffed her hands in her pockets and strode determinedly down the sidewalks of Finsbury Circus.
“Vote to keep Blackstone in Parliament!”
“Contractors are tearing up Rose Gardens!”
“Funds for the Crystal Palace restoration!”
“Shame on Pear, Inc.!”
Ana sniffled slightly and reached out a hand to pry open the glass doors leading to St. Joseph’s Medical School.
“Miss, do you know you’re an alien?”
That was one she hadn’t heard before. She turned her head and squinted through the rain at a bored green face.
“Do you know you’re an alien?” she asked.
“Yes, miss. Andromedan, to be exact.” In one jade hand dangled what looked like an iPhone if Nikolai Tesla had some say in its production. In his other hand, clad in a warm knit glove, he held an airport pick up sign scrawled with huge Sharpie letters. It simply said “Ana Jayanshakar.”
Ana stared. “That’s my name.”
“Yes, miss. We’ve been looking for you.”
The alien sighed like a teenager explaining to a technologically confused parent what the “Home” button is for the 112th time. “Because you’re an alien, miss. I doubt your maternal figure told you but your paternal figure is an Andromedan from our galaxy. I was given express orders to relay this information to you – “ yawn – “an employer who wishes to remain anonymous.” The last several sentences he rattled off like he had a couple rehearsals.
Ana sniffled again and shifted from one foot to the other. “My dad’s an alien?”
“Yup. Oh! Hold on.” He leaned forward and picked up Ana’s necklace. With one sharp movement, he yanked it off her neck.
“Hey!” Ana was about to protest further but was cut short by a very strange sensation. A sensation similar to when you put on platform shoes for the first time and all your proportions feel out of whack. She glanced down. Ah, that was it. She was at least half a foot taller than before. She pulled her hands out of her pockets. They were a pale green and her nails felt harder and noticeably thicker. Sharp canines descended and poked at her lower lip.
“Well, this is different,” she said.
The alien yawned again. “Quite. I believe your mother figure gave this to you so you could blend in with, erm, humans, as it were. Humans is PC, right?”
Ana raised an eyebrow. “I believe so. What else would we be called?”
“I wasn’t sure. Lately, humans have started to identify as apes, as I recall?”
“Um, well, not exactly.”
“I see. I sincerely apologize.” He handed the necklace back to Ana, metal chain neatly knitting itself back together. “Also, Earth is being invaded in five days. I think you’re the only one who can stop it, according to my information.” He grinned, slightly beast-like but mostly genial, and tossed his sign into a nearby trash can. “The name’s Nark. Have a good one!” He tucked his Tesla-Jobs phone into his pocket and jammed earbuds into his pointed ears before walking off, producing a weird vibration that counted as both a whistle and a hum.
Someone screamed. Ana flinched and hastily pulled her necklace back over her head. Realizing she was very wet, she slid between the university doors and retreated into the dry hallway. She stared out the glass window for two minutes, dripping water onto the grand marble floor. She finally glanced down and fondled her necklace delicately. “That was weird,” she said.
 At 9 o’clock that evening, Ana stumbled through her apartment door and kicked off her shoes. She ran her fingers through her auburn hair, letting it fall limply around her shoulders, and released an enormous yawn. Even during third year, morning med school was rough on the sleep schedule. She shed her scrubs and hung them in her closet before collapsing face up onto her bed. She blinked at the popcorn ceiling.
“I’m an alien.” She flopped onto her side and creased her brows. Gasping abruptly, she shot back up. Her bangs flipped up and perched awkwardly on the side of her head. “Oh, my gosh. I’m Peter Quill.” Chuckling slightly, she crossed her legs and rested her chin in her hands. “So, I guess Earth is being invaded.” She rocked back and forth uncertainly. “He said I was the only one who could stop it. I wonder if that’s true?” Uncurling her legs, she sat back and stared at her laptop resting on her wooden desk. “Well, if it is…I should do something about it, shouldn’t I?” Shaking her head, she pawed around her nightstand for her glasses and scooched off of the bed. Sitting down on her creaky swivel chair, she opened up her laptop and waited a few seconds for it to stop spooling. The colorful lion adorning Santana’s 1999 album popped to life. Ana pulled up Chrome, already laden with 51 open tabs.
“space pilots with low rates,” she typed.
The next five minutes were interspersed with low grunts of disapproval and some tentative “eeehhhs”. At 9:09, Ana’s finger stilled on her mouse, eyes fixated on the last ad on the list.
“Estelle Livingstone
Holds five records for speed in Milky Way Galaxy. Certified in all classes of ship except for Ethiopian military tanker (still working on that one). Will fly for a ridiculous amount of danger and/or handsome men. Contact at (020) 340 – 418 or McQueen’s Pub in Whitechapel.”
Ana clicked on a fresh tab.
“mcqueens pub whitechapel”
“McQueen’s Pub
11341 Garden Street
Whitechapel, London
Hours of operation: 24 hours”
Ana shut her laptop. She stood up, grabbed her blue rain coat, and shoved her phone inside her pocket. “Here goes,” she said, and shut the door behind her.
Author’s Note: Thank you so much for reading! Blog design is credited to the fabulous and artistically talented thehappysammiedog. Also special thanks to all of those who helped edit. This wouldn’t have happened without you. The artwork on this blog is not mine and I do not take credit for it. New artwork should be coming soon. “Episode 02 - Rogue Pilots Know How to Navigate EBay” will be released within the next two weeks.
If you want to reblog or share, that’s all fine and good. I’m flattered. However, I do have a copyright claim on this so don’t try to, like, say you wrote it when you didn’t. Savvy? Thank you so much. Much appreciated.
Feel free to follow this blog if you want to be kept up to date on The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar. Also feel free to leave notes or chat if it so strikes your fancy. I’m happy to talk or answer anybody’s questions.
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Chronicles of Space and Stars:
A Writeblr Intro
Hello! This is a blog dedicated to original fiction written by sablefisher. Stories and poetry will be space-based and will range from short fiction to serial adventure stories.
Stories that will be featured:
The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar
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An Indian-American med student studying in London suddenly discovers her alien heritage and must team up with a rogue pilot, a Russian hacker, and an Israeli ex-soldier to save the world from an alien invasion.
Updates bimonthly, copyrighted, owned by sablefisher. Episodes 01 and 02 are posted and Episode 03 - “I Think Just Made a Deal with the Mafia” will be out September 18 or thereabouts.
This series is also published on kwa-aj, a specially dedicated blog.
The Intergalactic Hermit
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An extremely introverted girl steps out of her comfort zone to follow her only friend, a spacy but brilliant science prodigy, to a boarding school in space where teenagers from all over the galaxy are allowed to attend. They run afoul of alien revolutionaries and human prejudices and must work together with a secret ring of bounty hunters and one obviously incognito space prince to make sure the school delivers the intergalactic goal of equality for all.
The plot for this one is written out but I need to finish up the first chapter. May come out around late October or early November. Owned by sablefisher.
Vampires in Space
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A series of short dialogues between Vlad and Byron, two immortal vampires who have been sent out in a lonely shuttle to explore far outer space in hopes of discovering humanity’s purpose in the universe. Naturally, this is a rather boring job and they fill their time discussing random subjects spanning from their experience of historical events to whether or not jellyfish have feelings.
This one will update at totally random times, depending on whether or not I feel existential that week. Owned by sablefisher.
Records of the Eden II Colony
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The records and experiences of citizens of the Eden II Colony: humanity’s first attempt of establishing a New Earth. Corruption and inequality haunt the newly populated planet, rocking in the wake of the Robotic Emancipation, a struggle for alien rights, and a failing economy rapidly separating the rich and the poor. A teenager who indentured himself for citizenship, a compassionate robot, and a half-alien playwright record their experiences and the universal struggle for a better world.
First chapter may come out around November or December, or possibly sooner, depending on how fast I figure out the plot. Owned by sablefisher.
Possible Steampunk Space Story
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Involves a young boy named August who suddenly becomes the target of a mysterious shipping magnate by the name of Midas with the power to turn everything he touches to gold. August must go on the run and is rescued by a crew of space privateers run by a captain who has a longtime rivalry/friendship with Midas’ trusted advisor.
This series might come out in January, possibly February. It’s a revamp of an old series from several years back, so some work has gotta be done before it’s ready to post.
Author’s note: Thank you so much for making it to the end! I’m always good with reblogs, just be sure to give credit. Also, feel free to send me your writeblrs and original fiction! People on Tumblr are magical and creative and I love seeing what people can do with words and art. Feel free to chat if you want to rant about writing, space, Jules Verne, Cowboy Bebop, Trigun, Outlaw Star, Star Trek (Original Series), Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, or any other cool space fiction you can think of. Non space stuff, like Good Omens or Natsume’s Book of Friends, are awesome, too. If you follow me, I’m usually pretty good at following back. The art is definitely not mine. If it’s yours and you would rather me take it down, please tell me and I will do so pronto. Chiao!
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kwa-aj · 5 years
The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar - Episode 02
Rogue Pilots Know How to Navigate EBay
McQueen’s Pub perched crookedly on the block between Jenkin’s Deli and an up-for-sale bakery. Ana pushed open the sticky wooden door and was almost asphyxiated by the boiling stuffiness, aided by the jam packed crowd taking advantage of the Wednesday beer special. She huddled under a short arch near the doorway and peered down at the light of her phone. She glanced back up, eyes scanning the s-curved length of the bar that allowed for the emphasis of a decent vintage beer canister. A lanky dark skinned woman in a snappy leather jacket was hunched over the counter, resting her chin in one hand and staring over her pint. The batwing doors to the kitchen swung rhythmically open and closed behind her.
“Estelle Livingstone?” Ana asked, sliding between the red leather bar stools.
Estelle glanced down at her. “You’re American.”
“Student visa. I’m attending med school. Mother’s still back at home.”
“Izzat so? That’s sweet. What do you want?”
“I, uh, saw your ad online. You’re a space pilot?”
“Mhm. Wanna hire?”
“Is it true that you charge no rates but – “
“Will settle for a ridiculous amount of danger and/or handsome men. Yep.”
“Well, I don’t have the men but um, I think I might have enough danger for you.”
Estelle’s brown eyes swiveled her way skeptically. “Oh, yeah? What’cha got?”
Ana leaned in slightly, though she didn’t really know why. It’s not like an imminent invasion of Earth needed to be kept a secret. “Earth’s being invaded in five days.”
Estelle blinked back at her. “Yeah?”
Ana fiddled awkwardly with her rain coat zipper. “I’m, uh, an alien. I can prove it to you if you want. But I think I’m the only one who can stop it.”
Estelle blinked twice this time. She turned back to her half filled glass pint. “Really?”
“I think so.”
Estelle raised her glass to her lips and shrugged slightly. “That sounds like a good amount of danger.” She drank deeply, plopped her pint firmly back down on the table, and turned back towards Ana. “I’m in.” She reached out her hand to shake Ana’s.
Ana stared at her nearly finished pint. “That’s lemonade,” she said.
“Yep. I don’t drink.” Estelle pushed her hand forward. “So, is it a deal?”
Ana shook herself slightly and gazed back at Estelle’s sharp eyes and confident grin. “It’s a deal.” She shook Estelle’s hand. It was firm and calloused where a pilot’s hands should be. By all rights, Ana should be entirely unsure of this situation. But, somehow, she felt inexplicably safe.
Estelle released Ana’s hand and dug her phone out of her leather jacket pocket. It had a bright but nice purple case and she flicked the screen left and right absentmindedly. “So, first off. We need a ship.”
“Oh.” Ana sank into a recently vacated stool. “I thought you had one.”
“What, me?” Estelle glanced up from her phone, startled. “Naw, not me. Right now, I’m just out for hire. I used to be part of the Royal Space Force, actually. But that was a long time ago.”
“Oh, okay.”
“Ah, here’s one.” Estelle plopped her phone down on the table so Ana could see the screen. “500 quid. That’s a good rate. And it’s a nice ship. I’m familiar with the class, too. I could fly it in my sleep.”
Ana peered down at the array of pictures. She wasn’t sure what constituted a nice space ship but it seemed a good size and the metal parts all looked like they were in the right places. “Is this…EBay?”
“I think I could scrounge up 500 quid in my savings,” Ana muttered thoughtfully. She glanced up at Estelle. “How do we get it?”
“We can bargain a bit, too, if the price isn’t good. Erm, I know the place. It’s near the coast, by Dover.”
“I’ve never seen a space hangar near Dover.”
“Well, it’s not exactly above ground in terms of…legality.”
“Oh, I can’t do that. I’d rather not go to prison.”
A cacophonic crash interrupted Ana’s words. Both her and Estelle’s heads whipped around.
“Wait, wait! Can’t you get a warrant?” The protesting bartender was promptly shoved aside, gin from the drink he was mixing splattering all over his apron.
Ten large men clad in army fatigues stood in the bar, their dark forms outlined in the dim light. One of them held up a picture to the bartender’s face. Ana had left her glasses in her pocket but Estelle’s vision was a stellar 20/20. The picture was of Ana.
“We’re looking to apprehend this woman,” the soldier boomed. “Was she here tonight?”
“Time to split.” Estelle grabbed Ana’s collar and ducked under the counter. Ana yelped slightly. “What’s going on?”
“Um, I think they’re looking for you.” Estelle, still not relinquishing her hold on Ana’s coat collar, dragged them both behind the counter and crept towards the kitchen door. “And be quiet. I don’t want to go to prison, either.” She slid open the door with all the awkward silence of a broken family’s Thanksgiving dinner and pulled Ana in behind her. Releasing Ana’s collar, she pointed to the back door, emblazoned with a neon green exit sign. “Let’s skip over to my flat. We can discuss things there.”
Estelle’s flat, positioned not far above 12th Street, was, in a very strange sense, cluttered. Not the cluttered you usually detect in people who haven’t figured out how to properly human, yet. (Proper humaning years usually occur after the college stage is long over.) It was more like she had a specific set of messes for a specific set of purposes. It was an orderly clutter. But that didn’t stop Ana from stepping in a laundry hamper filled with cat litter.
I’m not even going to ask, she thought.
“Sorry about that. Buzz needed a new box and I had to get resourceful.” Estelle lifted a pile of CDs from a soft red chair and nodded to Ana. “You can sit there, if you like.”
Ana settled in, tucking her legs underneath her. She felt a slight nuzzle behind her ear and jerked around to see a pink nose peering down from a cluttered mantle. She reached out and scratched behind his ear. “Is he a Sphinx cat?”
Estelle raised her eyebrows slightly. “Yeah, he is. Hairless and all that. My aunt thinks he’s hideous. But I thought he was cute.”
“He is cute.” The cat Ana assumed was Buzz let out a low rumble and crawled mincingly down Ana’s shoulder to curl up in her lap. A mini blue knit sweater was buttoned primly around his neck. Ana stroked the back of his head. “So, was that the British Army after me?”
“I thought you could tell me.” Estelle plopped down on her bed. “Sounded like it. Why are they looking for you, anyway?”
Ana opened her mouth to speak but the words never left her mouth. A high pitched buzzing sound thrummed through the air and was cut off suddenly by a pleasant bubbly sound. A faint purple sheen shimmered between the chair and the bed for two seconds and was quickly replaced by a lanky green figure wearing a bomber jacket.
Ana shot up out of her seat. “Nark!” she exclaimed.
Nark pulled his ear buds out of his ears and stuffed them in his pocket. “Hello, miss. I was just given orders to update you on some new information. Um, let me see.” He scratched his head and squinted slightly. “So, the UK government and some other governments have made contact with the alien army that wants to invade Earth. Aaandd… the alien army says that they will leave if you are handed over to them. After learning about that, I believe the UK government just sent troops after you so, according to my information, you’d better lay low.” Nark stuck his earbuds back in his ears and waved genially. “Cheerio!” The bubbly sound echoed and he started to fade. The high buzzing sound repeated and he disappeared entirely, replaced by a purple sheen that dissipated a few moments later.
Author’s note: Thanks for reading Episode 02, guys! Episode 03 - I Think I Just Made a Deal with the Mafia will be out within the next couple weeks. Maybe on the far side of that, i don’t know. I’ve got some editing to do...ha, ha...
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kwa-aj · 5 years
The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar - Episode 03
I Think I Just Struck a Deal with the Mafia
“Hello, lovelies!” Estelle’s giddy voice bounced off the immense concrete ceiling of the space hangar. Her eyes swept the array of docked ships greedily.
“’Scuse me? May I help you?” A shortish man with a big nose peered up at them, grasping a clipboard with the appearance of utmost business.
Estelle looked down at him, grinning widely. “Yeah, actually. We’re looking to rent the SS Yugoslavia.”
“Ah.” The man shoved a small pair of eyeglasses onto his nose and flipped through a couple of his papers stacked on his clipboard. After a few moments of perusal, he waved his hand for them to follow and started down the concrete aisle in between docking stations.
Estelle narrowed her eyes as she walked after him. Ana jogged behind her, staring wide eyed at the vast amount of space ships lined up at the docks. She had seen a few at museums and vaguely remembered a middle school trip to a space port in Ohio. But that was nothing compared to the ships she now saw, each powerful and unique and crawling with their respective crews and mechanics. She wondered what it would be like to actually experience… space. The darkness, the sense of wonder, the pure newness. I guess I’ll find out soon, she thought.
Estelle stopped so abruptly, Ana almost bumped into her back. They had reached a small white-ish door which opened to a plain office painted an unhealthy green.
“Come in, please.” The salesman plopped down behind his desk and gestured again for them to walk inside.
Estelle narrowed her eyes again and hesitantly stepped over the threshold. Ana opened her mouth to ask what was bothering her but the words never left. Hands grabbed her arms and a rough fabric bag was shoved over her head. “Hey!” she shouted, alarmed. A similar exclamation, although not quite as pure, informed her that Estelle was in the same predicament. Ana attempted to reach for her necklace but a zip tie was tightened immediately around her wrists. Hands pulled insistently at her elbows. She awkwardly jogged along until her head was pushed down and she felt the sensation of cool leather underneath her. I’ve been kidnapped and forced into a car, she thought. So much for space and all its wonders.
Ana decided car rides with one’s head stuck inside a dark cloth bag are officially the most boring way to travel. She found herself counting speed bumps to pass the time. The muffled scent of cigarette smoke made its way to her nose. After the time equivalent of being stuck in a Disneyland que (also known as eternity), the car finally slowed down and Ana was pulled outside. After walking a short distance, she was pushed down into a chair that creaked. The bag was yanked unceremoniously off her head. She blinked a few times, eyes adjusting to the sudden bright lights.
“Privet, Miss Jayanshakar.” A gray-haired man with an unexceptional face sat with his hands folded behind a large white desk. Two huge men in dark suits flanked him on either side.
Their cheekbones could kill a man, Ana thought. Someone sneezed to her right. She glanced over to the chair next to her. “Estelle?” she asked.
Estelle wiggled her nose, annoyed, and sank back into her seat. “Would pay for a handkerchief about now. Don’t you ever clean those bags?” She sneezed again and glared at the man behind the desk. “So, what happened? We get kidnapped by the Russian mafia?”
The man smiled. “Precisely. Miss Livingstone, I presume?”
Estelle rolled her eyes. “I suppose. Why’d you ask?”
The mafia boss beckoned to the intimidating flunky on his right. “Dispose of her. We have no need for her.”
“Wait!” Estelle struggled as the flunky pulled her up from the chair, kicking out at his shins. “What are you doing?”
“What’s going on?” Ana jumped up out of her seat, alarmed. The other flunky pushed her back down placidly. “You can’t kill her!”
“Do not presume to tell me what I can and cannot do, Miss Jayanshakar,” the boss replied calmly.
“What do you want, then?” Ana craned her head to glance frantically back at Estelle, who was being promptly dragged away through the narrow doorway. “Is it because of the alien invasion?”
“Da, Miss Jayanshakar.” The boss nodded primly. “You will fetch good price from multiple buyers. UK government, US government, Russian government. Even alien force has reward for you.”
“Wait, wait!” Ana panted slightly, watching as the door slammed behind Estelle and the flunky or assassin or whatever he was. Guy who killed people. “I’m the only one who can stop the invasion! Don’t you want that?”
The boss raised his eyebrows and nodded again. “That is ideal. But you must understand…we must make profit. If we do not sell you to governments, we would sell you to alien force. In this case, aliens will invade Earth. But we have agreement with them. You must work with enemies to make them work for you.” He chuckled slightly and gave instructions to his remaining flunky in Russian.
Ana gazed down at her feet, currently encased in a muddy but trusty set of black rainboots. Work for you… She glanced back up urgently. “What if – what if I work for you?”
The boss abruptly stopped speaking and turned surprised eyes, a sudden silvery blue, to stare at her. “What did you say?”
“I’ll work for you!” Ana exclaimed impatiently. She felt Estelle’s time ticking away rapidly. “You said you wanted to have an agreement…have your enemies work for you. I can stop the invasion and work for you. The UK government, the US government – whatever – they’ll be at your mercy because you’ve got me. Any world government, really. I’m your trump card, don’t you see? Now, let my friend go!”
“You…work for us?” The boss blinked at her. He gazed back his flunky, who stared back, equally stupefied. “I do not think anyone…” He turned back to Ana and narrowed his eyes. “You must not betray us, Miss Jayanshakar.”
Ana nodded so hard she was sure whiplash would set in soon. “I’ll do whatever you want. But let my friend go first!”
The boss nodded slowly and after a brief eternity, spoke a few words of Russian to his flunky, who strode quickly out of the room. He and the other flunky assassin walked back inside, dragging Estelle between them.
“What’s going on?” she demanded.
“I, uh, offered to work with the mafia,” Ana explained.
Estelle’s dark eyebrows shot up so fast, they could’ve reached the moon in record time. “You – “
The boss abruptly cut her off. “I have conditions of my own, Miss Jayanshakar,” he announced, rising from his desk. He was shorter than she had expected. He took two steps and stretched his hand out towards her. “Other than this, we have deal, yes?”
Ana nodded tentatively. “Could you untie me, first?”
“Of course.” He snapped his fingers at the flunky on his left, who neatly cut the zip tie around Ana’s wrists.
Ana rubbed at her wrists gratefully and accepted his handshake. “Can I ask your name?”
“I am Maxim Dvorak. I am in…exalted position of St. Petersburg organization.”
“I see. So, what are your conditions?”
“You and Miss Livingstone will go into space, yes?”
“Yeah, we are. I have…powers that can stop the alien force.” Come to think of it…I have no idea what my powers actually are. She hoped she sounded like she did.
“You must take one of my employees. She will make sure you are not betraying us. This is agreeable, yes?”
“Perfectly,” Ana replied, absolutely dreading the prospect.
“Vlas, get Nadya,” Dvorak ordered the flunky on his right, who had untied Estelle and resumed his customary intimidating flanking duties.
“Da.” Vlas set off down the corridor.
Dvorak turned back towards Ana. “She is one of our computer engineers. You will find her most useful.”
Estelle chuckled, rubbing at her wrists. “Hacker,” she muttered. Ana was about to nudge her sharply when Estelle perked up and exclaimed, “Oh! I completely forgot. A computer engineer. We need a computer engineer. I can’t operate the ship’s computers by myself.”
“I’m so glad you thought of it in the first place,” Ana muttered.
“Nadya is here, Mr. Dvorak.”
Ana and Estelle turned around. A tiny, pale girl with a silvery blonde bob stood ramrod straight behind them, hand resting on one of the chairs.
“Nadya, you are to join their crew as computer engineer,” Dvorak said shortly. “Miss Jayanshakar, Miss Livingstone. This is Nadya Zelenko. One of our best.”
Nadya nodded curtly. “Privet.”
Estelle stared at her, mouth agape. “How old are you?”
Nadya glared at her. “Nineteen. How old are you?” Her voice carried a light accent but she spoke English even better than Dvorak.
Estelle sniffed. “That’s classified information.”
“Oh.” Ana turned back to Dvorak. “We also need a ship.”
Dvorak smiled. “Of course. Our dockyards you visited have many good ships. We will sponsor which one you choose.” He snapped his fingers at Vlas. “Take them back to dockyards. Here’s to one long alliance, Miss Jayanshakar. What do you English call it? Symbiotic. We have symbiotic relationship now. Do not forget.”
Ana felt the side of her mouth curl up into a smile, as well. “Thank you, Mr. Dvorak. Have a nice day doing…mafia stuff.” She waved her hand as she and Estelle followed Ivan out into the corridor. Nadya promptly fell into step behind them.
“Great,” Estelle muttered. “We have our own personal Chekhov.”
Author’s note: Thank you so much for reading! Feel free to like or reblog. For more of the Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar, follow kwa-aj or chroniclesofspaceandstars.
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kwa-aj · 5 years
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm sablekfisher https://www.wattpad.com/sablekfisher?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Hello, fellow travelers! Welcome to Chronicles of Space and Stars, a smattering of original fiction set in space. Currently running a serial space series called The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar which updates bimonthly. Will also publish short stories and a secondary serial series. Ar...
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Check out my profile on Wattpad, I'm sablekfisher https://www.wattpad.com/sablekfisher?utm_source=web&utm_medium=tumblr&utm_content=share_profile Hello, fellow travelers! Welcome to Chronicles of Space and Stars, a smattering of original fiction set in space. Currently running a serial space series called The Kind of Weird Adventures of Ana Jayanshakar which updates bimonthly. Will also publish short stories and a secondary serial series. Ar...
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