#an introverts dream is when they have an extroverted friend who doesnt exhaust them
clockworkcheetah · 2 years
why did the fandom decide that todd hates people/socialising when hes clearly the most comfortable/happy when he gets to socialise
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charlieism · 7 years
Jay’s Sides
Ok here we go prepare yourselves because I have thought about these 5 for a long time and they’re long because these are just so fun to make!
Creativity (Elizabeth/Eliza)
She basically embodies my passion, creativity, excitement, and is my fangirl personified. She’s all my inspiration, outrage, strong feelings, dreams and ambition. She is an extrovert to the max tbh and is very bubbly. She’s artistic and will research for ages things she is interested in and passionate about ayy. Pretty dramatic and loud, very excitable, can and will talk for ages, yells a lot. Probably stays up late, likes to try to draw and write and doodle all the time. Daydreams a lot and is lost in imagination and own thoughts often. Is the kind of person who would organise and go to protests and matches and rallies, probably would actually fight someone. Protective, pretty reckless, brave, serious daydreamer, and has huge life goals.
And we’re doing looks now?? So Eliza would probably have her hair in a messy bun most of the time and all the curls come loose a lot, would probably wear shorts and fandom merch haha. Probably has doodles all over her arms, wrists, hands and legs. Converse.
Curiosity (Alexandra/Alex)
She’s pretty much my love for learning, my logic, and my general intelligence lol. She knows a ton of facts about literally everything, and loves deep conversations. Nerd™. She actually loves to research. She embodies my hard work, dedication, and curiosity about everything. She’s inquisitive, likes gossip lol, is smart, open minded to new ideas, likes reading and documentaries and history. Basically my Ravenclaw side haha. Generally quieter but when something interests her she will talk and ask questions for days tbh. Will search just about anything just because she likes learning. Knows so much stuff tbh like all the random facts.
She would probably have glasses and her hair in a ponytail. Would wear plaid shirts and jeans haha. Probably has a pen clipped onto her shirt pocket.
Negativity (Leigh)
Kinda represents all my fear, anger, sarcasm, anxiety and general sadness. Also any pessimism, awkwardness, tiredness, exhaustion and doubt I feel., Pro at repressing things. Introvert. Quiet, keeps to self. Blocks people out I guess. Social skills kinda suck, she doesn’t really know how to make friends. Would listen to both sides of the story, is actually pretty observant, unconfident and has low self esteem. Would be a very loyal friend tbh. Overthinks things. Thinks about things like space and the ocean and history and the future a lot, is pretty existential. But she’s also generally pretty friendly if she likes and trusts you enough, mainly because she doesn’t want to let anyone down or make them hate her. So indecisive omg.
Yeah so her hair is out because she can hide her face behind it kinda like a curtain and that’s reassuring. Her hair is a darker orange than everyone else’s. Alllll of the hoodies, which are either dark blue, black, or dark grey, and black skinny jeans. Probably no patterns or designs on her clothes tbh.
Compassion (Kendra/Kennie)
Is very friendly, kind, loyal, open minded, caring, observant, opinionated, righteous and helpful haha. She’s my morality. Pretty much just wants equality in the world and for and everyone to be happy, and she will get very defensive. She’ll fight for what is right and what she believes in, will try to persuade others to do the right thing. Protective, she’s the mum friend.Despite generally being really nice and friendly she will probably always be cold/angry/ even hateful towards you if you are a bad person. Animal lover. Stands up for everyone’s rights. Nice, positive and optimistic, likes colour. Won’t let you do dumb stuff. Good with comfort and is pretty decisive.
Her hair is usually out too, because tbh she doesn’t care too much about how it looks. It’s pretty curly and wavy and wild haha. All her shirts are bright and probably have pictures of animals or slogans about equality on them. Also probably wears bright patterned leggings and snearkers because she likes all the colour.
Empathy (Madeline/Maddie) (Not a main side)
Is more of a background side, doesnt pop up as take form as much, but she is the sweetest™, and is very sympathetic, pretty emotional, very observant and is really perceptive to emotions. Gives the best hugs. She will relate to you and always try to make you feel better, she loves everyone tbh. Will always listen to you. Sometimes doesn’t know what to do but tries anyway because she is seriously the nicest ever. Like the best friend. Will notice if you’re sad even if you’re hiding it. Probably cries a lot. Loves animals. Literally just wants to help everyone like charities, donating things, anything to help. Wants to make the world better. Introvert and quiet, doesn’t like confrontation. Very cuddly tbh. Clumsy. Will listen to you rant and vent forever tbh.
Her hair is in a plait down her back, and she wears light grey long sleeve shirts and like soft purple trackpants things. Probably wears ugg boots oops. Also might have like a small stuffed toy she carries around? Because it’s comforting and cute.
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