#an idea could be krik getting himself hurt to protect his team after one of his premonitions
chibi-pix · 3 years
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Well, finally got this line, coloured, and finished up. Originally I was going to do this as an edit, but it felt like it would be so much harder than just redrawing it. So. A redraw. And that’s just fine.  Anyway, here we go, we get to enjoy Krik and Aki (yes, going with his DaiRugger name) being a good team. It’s no hand down the pants to give a gun, but that’s fine, too.  Hmm, I wonder if I’d be able to work this into my VV/VLD AU. 
And here we are, with the original ref. Though by now, many of us know this scene. 
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Anyway! I hope you guys enjoy this! Until next time!
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writeanapocalae · 5 years
An Outline
I’m really bad at outlines but I wanted to write a story that I actually know what happens through and makes some semblance of sense since I haven’t done that in a while. I would really love to get some feedback on what you guys think! 
Kirk is a trans man who was in a car accident that fucked up his jaw, hip and hand. He has been repaired and is now a cyborg. This takes place in the distanceish future and androids and humans live in “harmony” though androids are still second class citizens. I don’t want to go into the “what is human” philosophy stuff in this story. Abby is Kirk’s sister and Nimoy is Kirk’s best friend since childhood. Kirk actually named himself off of his relationship with Nimoy. t
Abby comes by to drop Carbon off with Kirk. Kirk does NOT want Carbon but Abby says that it was purchased by their parents and it cost a lot of money (a lie on the parents part) in order to help Kirk out with some of the day to day stuff. It’s just there to help take care of him and to speak for him. It’s very obvious though that Carbon is a huge fucking asshole. Why does Kirk name it Carbon? I don’t fucking know. (future memes?)
They slowly start to get along with one another but there’s something very wrong with Carbon. It doesn’t act like other androids, has phobias and panics, and sometimes just glitches out and freezes, staring at the wall. It’s all PTSD stuff, but in an android, especially one who’s just a caretaker, that is extremely unexpected. There’s still a lot of tension though as Carbon keeps cleaning up Kirk’s notes and he can’t remember things well without them.
One night a police officer, Daphne Montgomery, breaks into Kirk’s apartment to steal Carbon, thinking that Carbon has had a full system wipe of its police training. Carbon has not and, while it does not have any care for Daphne, it does stop beating the crap out of her when Kirk wakes up, freaking out at the sound and then the visual. Daphne explains that there was a major crime thing that Carbon was privy to, on the case, and it got some information that was very very bad for it to have. The crimer is after Carbon for that information and will kill anyone that its made contact with. This info could seriously mess with the political system of this world and thus its an “end of the world scenario”.
This is how Kirk finds out that Carbon was a cop, learns a lot about what it was before it became a caretaker. It explains that after its owners death it was donated and refurbished, passed around a lot before a hospital took it in and reprogrammed it.
Carbon has an exact copy of the code (a carbon copy if you will) in a quarantined folder. It says that it’s safe, that it’s not a cop, that there’s no reason that anyone would look for it now. Daphne doesn’t think that’s true, that they will still come after it. These worries are shown to hold merit when Carbon is recognized on the street. Carbon is out and about, just doing some normal chores and notices that it’s being followed, has a moment of panic, and then leads them through a wide open chase sequence, trying to lose them before it makes its way home. It gets caught though and it’s not clear that Carbon was that cop until one of its pursuers breaks off its face plate, revealing the damage underneath.
They try to extract the code from it, which is painful for Carbon, but forces its memories of being a cop more to the surface. It remembers more of its original protocols and combat abilities and breaks free of them.
Carbon makes its way home and Kirk freaks out because its not wearing its face but Carbon is in the middle of a full blown panic attack, both about what its done and about the danger its putting Kirk in. It’s a caretaker, it can’t put Kirk in danger because of its programming. Kirk reminds it that Carbon is the only one that is in danger, because they don’t know who Kirk is. As long as they’re quiet about it and Carbon doesn’t go out for a while they should be okay. This is the first time Kirk has seen Carbon without the face plate and he gets very emotional about it, about how damaged it was. He is able to help it get its face plate back on but it seems to be a lot more like a mask than a face now.
Kirk becomes much more protective of Carbon and tries his best to help out with its PTSD and starts trying to use different pronouns for it. It doesn’t exactly work and they are still not really close but it’s better than it was.
Things get worse when Bishop, one of the gang members that was hunting down Carbon, starts looking around for it. The neighbors have no problem giving away Carbon’s location, as they don’t know that it’s in danger. So Bishop and her boys show up and there’s a bit of a tussle. Carbon knows how to fight and knows the apartment well and it does a good job of beating the shit out of the boys. Kirk is mostly hiding away at this point but does draw the attention of one of them. The moment that Kirk is in danger Carbon flips out, gets reckless, and does end up taking a bullet for Kirk, getting terribly damaged. Daphne and some other officers were already on their way and the sound of gunfire spurs them on faster. The bullet doesn’t take Carbon down, its far too strong for that, but it is leaking and telling Kirk to get out of there. He really doesn’t want to, especially when the lack of balance and the amount of damage that Carbon has taken shows to be too much for it to keep fighting. They’re about to take it out when the police do arrive and Bishop and her boys are all arrested. Carbon isn’t going to make it unless it gets repaired immediately, and soon Kirk is left on his own.
It isn’t long before Kirk decides to visit Carbon and contacts Daphne to try to figure out where it was taken. Carbon needed a lot of work done and a new face plate but Kirk doesn’t care, he goes to visit the repair shop. He’s expecting it to be like a hospital but it’s nothing like that. It’s more like a mechanic. Nimoy went with him and they state that they should leave, that they’ll just be in the way here, but Kirk won’t do that. He sees Carbon in a half rebuilt state and they ask him if he wants anything replaced but he doesn’t know. He doesn’t think that’s his place to decide. Kirk has been staying at Nimoy’s place during this time.
Bishop gets out of jail with barely a slap on the wrist from the police, as Daphne explains. She’s part of the biggest gang in the city, they easily paid for her release. Daphne’s super pissed about that.
One of the parts that Carbon receives is corrupted with the code that its been protecting all of this time. It is unable to see the code outside of quarantine, buried under layers of other codes.
When Carbon is repaired, it returns to Kirk, still living with Nimoy. It’s a bit more submissive, a bit more apologetic, but Kirk is having none of that. Kirk is a mess. Kirk almost starts treating it like a human being. Carbon doesn’t understand. Carbon wants Kirk to be like his usual self and thinks that it has done something wrong.
Daphne calls them to meet up somewhere private, a nearby bar, a few nights later. Really, she asks for Carbon, but there’s no way that Kirk is letting it go without him. And Nimoy somehow thinks that they can protect the other two so of course they’re coming along. At the bar Daphne starts talking about bringing the evidence that they know of to light, of finally doing something about the gang. She wants Carbon to break in and get a solid string of code, as well as some of the intercepted android parts and record some of the gang members talking about their crimes so that she can really peg them down and get them arrested. With that much evidence she believes that she could get a proper team to take them down, even though she knows how many of her superiors are in the gang’s pocket.
Carbon can do it. It has the training but isn’t a real cop. It’s extremely agitated as well, which makes Daphne think it wants vengeance for what Bishop did to it. Kirk is extremely against it, thinking that Carbon will get hurt again and decides that, if Carbon does want to go, he’s going to go too. He is, though, disabled, and Daphne is so against it that she would rather scrap the entire idea. But it’s too late and Krik has the idea. He also knows that Carbon will continue to be hunted until this is taken care of.
Carbon’s subservience passes and soon he becomes slightly more aggressive. It’s small at first, but it gets a bit more protective of Kirk while acting more dominant and distant. Kirk and Nimoy decide to go together, sneaking out to keep Carbon from reporting them to Daphne. Carbon knows anyway though, having become more controlling. It follows them to the hideout, where all of the interference with android parts takes place. Nimoy and Kirk are doing a decent job of it, oddly enough, sneaking through the building infrastructure, staying out of sight. They haven’t even noticed Carbon though.
It isn’t until they stop, trying to record a conversation, that Carbon makes itself known. And when it does it’s violent, out of control. It draws attention to them, scuffling, and beating the shit out of Kirk. Kirk recognizes the aggression, finally, being caused by the new parts that Carbon had replaced. He tries to talk Carbon down but there’s no use and there’s not time for it.
The bad guys get up there and they’re shooting and there’s a big fight sequence. Carbon is conflicted, trying to fight everyone at the same time. It decides to fight the gang first, which gives Kirk and Nimoy some time to get away. They more of just push past the enemies as they run further into the compound. They find the evidence that they need. They also in the very center of it all, find an android who is just the virus incarnate. The code is flowing through the android, in every single part of it and all they have to do is hook another piece up to it in order to infect the next part. The android is, primarily, in pieces and thus can’t harm anyone.
Kirk and Nimoy decide to take it with them out of there. That’s enough evidence for them and the android has heard everything that they would have had to record anyway.
Luckily the gang and Carbon have made so much noise in there that the police are already on their way, as well as some ambulances. Nimoy and the new android get out of there pretty easily but Kirk isn’t going anywhere without Carbon. He goes back in and while he more of stealths his way through he does have to fight some of the gang members in order to get to Carbon. They’ve been distracted enough that they haven’t noticed that their virus incubator is gone.
Kirk makes his way to Carbon, finding it shot through a whole bunch and really not able to do much other than leak. Even then it fights back with Kirk tries to help it and Kirk is forced to shut it down. Only then can he get Carbon out of there and even then its loud because there are so many pieces being dragged behind it. The police enter the building down below and Carbon and Kirk are trying to get down there, to the police, when Kirk gets shot by one of the gang members. Without any weapons or training, Kirk doesn’t have much that he can do against an attacker with a gun, but he picks up a chunk of Carbon and throws it at the gang member, knocking her out.
They get found and helped down to an ambulance. Carbon is in really bad shape but is salvageable. The other android is also in really bad shape but is at least stable and has been in such shape for a long time. While Kirk is in the hospital both Abby and Nimoy visit with updates on Carbon and the new android. There is a specialist with the police that is creating a vaccine through the virus. The android in question is really messed up in the head and is probably never going to fully recover. They’re considering permanently shutting it down once they’ve finished the vaccine and antivirus.
Kirk will soon be discharged when he’s visited by a complete asshole named Drake. Drake is the specialist, who, up until recently, was working for one of the big manufacturers of androids. They explain to Kirk that they want to go behind the backs of the police force. They understand the laws and the panic that will come from the police being public with this antivirus and how it will not only damage the reputation of android manufacturers but can lead to the end of android/human relations. They proposition that Kirk himself is the one that sets off the antivirus, it’s apparently very easy, he just needs to get into the strongest radio tower of the city, which is owned by the gang, of course. Why doesn’t Drake do it? Drake is a coward. Obviously a disabled and just shot cyborg is a better choice. He has to do it alone. Drake says some cryptic shit that’s basically that Carbon will meet him there to take care of any violence.
Kirk breaks into the tower, having Drake on comms to tell him where to go. About 3 floors up Carbon enters to building, physically better, but the virus is still in its system. Its much weaker and fading but its currently at 33% and decreasing. They both move upward through the building, Carbon only attacking if someone is close enough to it. Regardless Carbon is faster than Kirk and, when they reach about halfway up Carbon catches up to Kirk. There’s a bit of a reunion and Kirk is very happy to see it but Carbon can feel the urge to fight Kirk in its systems and practically forces Kirk away before it can lose control. Its a back and forth of Kirk trying to help Carbon and Carbon trying to kill Kirk and also of being the old Carbon that he trusted. Still they make their way up to the computer room of the tower.
Carbon keeps watch outside of the room, so as not to hurt Kirk while he works. It’s not tough, Drake talks him through the steps, but it’s going to take some time to install. Meanwhile an alarm goes off from someone finding one of the bodies that Carbon had left somewhere. Time is now of the essence and Carbon has to fight off more and more of the gang members as they find it, calling to others.
Kirk and Drake work through the other systems in the building and actually turn off everything in the tower except for the computer that Kirk is using and emergency power. Carbon can see in the dark and, while it does get shot a few times, it takes care of most of the enemies that come its way. The antivirus goes out into the world. Everything is fine.
Kirk turns on the power when the sound of fighting is over. He finds Carbon in decent but not perfect condition and, for a moment, thinks that Carbon is going to kill him. Carbon is back to being itself though which is still violent but much better than before. The police are surrounding the building but Kirk and Carbon sneak out another way wit Drakes help. And that’s the end I guess?
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