#an acrylic stand would be sexy
krys4h · 1 month
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𝐞𝐦𝐨 𝐛𝐨𝐲 ☆
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𓍯 taking someone's virginity in a room you didn't remember entering wasn't in your plans tonight, but alcohol and Choso was a deadly combo.
contents : 4.3k, au university, fem!reader, virgin!choso, tattooed!choso, nsfw, smut with plot, alcohol, dry humping, masturbation, vaginal sex, unprotected sex, first time, creampie, praise, oral sex (f receving), pet name (baby), choso is a softie, confident reader, reader has acrylics, lot of jewelry and a belly piercing, the warped tour is still active, minors dni.
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The exams was finally over and everyone only wanted one thing : partying.
You were no different. Dressed in a flattering tank top that hugged your chest beautifully and a slim jeans, you were ready for to have fun. It felt good for you to have the opportunity to get dolled up, you barely had the energy to do your makeup sometimes when you were focused on your studies. But now you had plenty of times to take care of yourself and wear cute outfits at parties like now.
The party was giant, you weren’t close with the person who hosted it, but they certainly had money. Most of the people was smoking in living room, the smell of weed was omnipresent. The music blasted loudly in the big speakers, you needed sometimes to cover your ears to listen to your friends.
“What?” you repeated a few times, lowering your head to them. “Haunted” by Beyoncé was playing and you couldn’t help vibing to the song. It was a remix with the ending of it extended and it intensified the sound beautifully.
“Isn’t that Choso?” your friends pointed, and that alone caught all your attention.
You stopped immediately what you were doing and glanced at the direction they were looking in. Alone against a wall and far from the crowd, your crush was standing with a red cup in hand. You heart raced at the sight. He wasn’t the type to party, so you were excited to see him here.
“Sorry, I’ll be back later,” you smiled at your friends, your eyes on him, your feet already moving.
They chuckled, knew already that you would do that. Everyone knew you had a thing for him, except him maybe. Choso wasn’t really the most intuitive person on earth, he kind of struggled with a lot of things socially. But you always loved his aloof behavior, he had that “nerdy charisma” that was difficult to explain.
Lost in thoughts and his head lowered, he didn’t noticed you approaching first. It was when he hear the near heels and jewelry sounds. His eyes looked up to you and his heart raced when he realized you were coming for him. He shifted a bit, gripping his cup. If you weren’t used to see in you English class, you would think he hated you with the distant air he displayed. But you knew deep down that Choso was a softie.
“Hey,” you greeted him with a soft voice, a cup similar to his in your hand.
“Hey.” His eyes shifted, looking down, avoiding looking at you.
You leaned against the wall next to him, your head side on it. You stared at Choso, noticing his eye bags. It was kind of sexy on him.
“It’s cool to see you, you’ve never came in these type of parties,” you said, the alcohol making you way more extroverted than you were. Your gaze lingered on his rock band shirt, pulled a bit on it. “My chemical romance?” you raised an eyebrow, “Is that what you’re listening when you have your headphone?”
Heat came to his face when you tugged on his shirt, he tried to play it cool.
“Yuji wanted me to go with him so… Yeah, I listen to-”
“You’re not gonna look at me?”
He scratched the back of his neck, his cheeks pinkish.
“Sorry,” Choso mumbled, finally laying his eyes on you but your beauty slapped his face. This is exactly why he preferred looking at the ground. It would never make him agitated and mesmerized like you did now. You were glowing with your makeup and the earrings you were wearing, he liked everything about your appearance.
His gaze fell on your lips for a second, absorbed by your lipgloss but shifted quickly to look away, not wanting to be impolite.
You chuckled, finding cute how anxious he was for you. He wasn’t like that with anybody in the campus, barely even acknowledged people and showed emotions on his face. You got closer to him, enjoying your unusual confidence.
“You seems nervous,” you smiled, sipping on your cup.
God, you were making this hard for him.
“No, I-”
“You know, I have an idea,” you placed you cup on a nearby surface. He widened his eyes when you wrapped your arms around his neck, his breath coming short.
“Why don’t you have fun with me? It’s better than staying alone here,” you whispered, you face close to his. You stared at his lip piercings, already feeling your stomach warming at the idea in your head.
You were too intoxicated to be embarrassed of yourself, nothing could stop you.
“Uh, I…,” Choso stammered, he almost lost balance when you clanged to him, forced to hold your waist.
His head was gonna explode. He never really spoke to any girls, and was even scared to say anything to you in class. He had a thing for you since the day he saw you, but was inexperienced with women.
Sure that your feelings was reciprocated because of his nervousness, you didn’t waste time. You leaned against him and his breath stopped when your lips met his. The fervor with which you kissed him made him weak, his hands trembled against you. He couldn’t believe what was happening, yet he didn’t reject you. He dreamed of this many times.
Your tongue grazed at his snake bites piercings and he let out a low gasp in your mouth. His heart pounded, he was overwhelmed by you, not knowing what to do but letting you dominate.
Pressed against the wall, he forgot all the people surrounding the two of us, only feeling your tongue.
“So?” you breathed against his lips.
He nodded almost immediately. You smirked before leaning to make out again.
You don’t know how the two of you found a way toward an empty room, your mind too hazy to grasp anything, but you know how cold his tongue piercing could be when he brushed it against yours.
Holding you by the waist, Choso carried you while kissing you. His tongue strokes was a bit clumsy, but he tried his best to follow you. You dipped your hand in his long hair, moaning softly when he knocked you against a door. He struggled to find the door handle, too busy grinding against you. He wanted to be buried in you so bad, his mind was in fire. He never felt that type of urge before. Everything was happening so fast for him, he only acted on instinct now.
He opened the door with his left hand, his right arm below your ass to lift you. His ease to carry you was making you excited to see what he hid below all these a band shirts. The room was small library with a relax corner, illuminated by a luxurious low lamp. You didn’t waste any time once he sat on the sofa.
As you sat on his lap, your hips rolled against his erection and Choso let out a strangled gasp, jolting. Your hands clanged on his shirt in his back with an enthusiasm that could scare him if he wasn’t as intoxicated as you. The sound of the party outside the door was muffled, you ears peaked at each of his sighs. Choso fondled your ass, gripping at it. The friction of your jeans rubbing against each other made him hissing, his expression contorted in a grimace.
He dreamed of this moment, having your ass in full display, his hands free of touching you all over. His eyes looked up to you.
“I don’t know what I’m doing,” he confessed, slightly panting.
“Don’t worry.”
You took his hands and placed on your hips. He swallowed, still unsure of himself.
Anybody looking at Choso knew he never felt the touch of a woman. He barely opened his mouth in class, wasn't very approachable and everything that wasn't about Yuji and rock seemed to disinterest him. You never saw him talking to anyone beside his little brother and you wouldn’t be surprised if you were his first kiss now. 
You continued to grind against him, savoring the sensation of your jeans rubbing against your clothed clit. You were already wet down here, your mind wasn’t even thinking of a plan, you were just vibing. The friction felt so good. His hands shook on your hips, nervous.
You gave him a languid kiss and caressed his chest, trying to ease his anxiety. You swallowed all of his sighs and gasps.
“Is this your first time?” you whispered next to his ear, “You don’t have to do it, I can stop now if you want.”
Your hands in his hair and your breath in his neck was too much for him. He struggled to respond.
“It’s okay, I…” he begun and cleared his throat, “I just don’t know what to do.”
“Can I show you?”
You placed your hands on his.
“How do you want me to move?” you smiled at his nervous gaze, “Choose the pace.”
His grip was hesitant at first, his palms sweaty. As you rode him, he slowly took charge and guided your movements. His warm breath caressed your neck as you rubbed against each other.
Your close-fitted top was making his jean tighten every time you rolled your hips and your chest went in front of him. He fought the urge to lift his hands to grab your breasts. You nuzzled his neck, inhaling softly.
“Can I…?” he breathed.
He mimicked you, leaning down on your neck. Your breath hitched when his lips teased your skin. His touch was unsure, testing the waters, but goes more confident when he pressed soft kisses along your throat. He didn’t know what he was doing, but he knows he wanted to make you feel good. Dreaming about you was cool, but now you were his lap.
You lowered your hands on his shoulders and caressed them, biting your lip every time your clit rubbed against the bulge of his jean.
“You’re doing well.”
He bring you closer, moving you faster.
“Am I?” he panted, looking up to you. “You’re so beautiful.”
His eyes was brilliant, mesmerized by you. Your stomach warmed at his compliment and you chuckled, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“You’re so cute.”
He was doing a dangerous game talking to you like that. Your panties was already soaked from the back and forth, if he said more things like that with that low voice of his, you don’t know what you would do. Maybe sucking him off, just to hear him moan your name. Or maybe it was just the alcohol that was making you crazy with a simple phrase of him. In any case, you stood anyway, your hands on his shoulders. He looked up at you with a confused expression.
“Can I do something?”
“For me?” he frowned, as if displeased with the idea. He brought you closer, your hand played with his dark strands of hair. “I want to do something too.”
You titled your head.
“Like what?”
His hands grazed your ass, his cheeks pinkish.
“Can you just…” he wrapped his arms around you, bringing you on his lap and laid you down on the sofa. “Just tell me how to do it.”
He didn’t wanted to be the disappointment of your night so he swallowed his anxiety and bent toward you. He stood with his elbows each side of your stomach and gazed at your belly piercing. Your stomach contracted with anticipation, understanding what was going trough his head.
“You sure? You don’t have to-”
“Can that pretty mouth of yours let me please you?” he stopped you, staring at you. He bit the inside of his mouth and blushed at his own assurance. You smirked, a teasing glint in your eyes.
“Okay, baby.”
His erection intensified when he heard the pet name. Choso looked down, and swallowed a bit. He closed his eyes a moment, inhaling before starting to kiss your skin. You hold you breath. His lips roamed around your lower belly, he tasted the skin he dreamed to feel against his tongue. You stroked his hair to encourage him, feeling the softness of his black strands. His fists tensed as your acrylics grazed at his scalp.
He didn’t know if he should go straight to it, or still kiss you. He hesitated and paused his mouth near your jeans button.
“Do I…”
“It’s fine.”
You helped him unbuttoning your trousers. He looked down on you.
“You’re the prettiest girl I’ve never seen.”
You chuckled as you lifted your hips to take off your jeans, and threw it below the sofa. His mouth went dry at the sight.
“You’re so…” Choso was at a lost of words. The teasing look of your face, the wet trail of his kiss on your abdomen and your lace tong was too much for him. He wipe off his sweaty hands on the couch, and brushed the side of your thighs.
“I’m sorry if I’m bad,” his lips hovered over your lower body.
“Choso, I think you’re already doing a pretty good job.”
His pulled a bit on the elastic of your panties.
“Yeah,” you shifted on the couch, your hands on his shoulders.
He raised his eyes a bit to see your reactions, he wanted to make sure he was doing the good thing. His warm breath hit your clothed cunt, throbbing in anticipation. Without warning, he pushed the tissue of your panties to the side and kissed you.
You jolted and gasped, your hands clenched in his hair. He backed down a bit, his face worried.
“Did I do something wrong?”
“No…” you shook your head and relaxed a bit, “I was just surprised.”
He craved you. He wanted to do so many things at once to you that he ended up speeding up the process. But his passion for you could overcome his inexperience if he tried hard. You knew it the second he buried his tongue in you, tasting your juices with enthusiasm. You chocked and tightened your legs around his head. He wasn’t hesitant at all.
“Show me,” he whispered.
You placed your hands on his head and guided his movements. Choso dived to your folds with his tongue, lapping up and down. You let out a low moan, he was inexperienced but he was so eager to please you, his devotion excited you so much. Your taste on his tongue was making him crazy. He craved your taste and ate you out with fervor. As you grind on his face, he held your legs against his head.
His heart raced with nervousness, his mind full of doubts. Was it good? Was it too fast? Despite that, he pushed his tongue in you with force and vigor, eager to make you more moan that you were already. You were so soaked, his mouth made lewd noises every time he moved his head up and down, making circles with his tongue. His face wet in your juices, you guided him toward your clit that he sucked with greed. You shifted on the couch, throwing your head back. You were a mess, the room was filled with your panting.
“Choso,” you breathed, “Here,” you guided him, showing where to suck and lap, and he gladly followed you.
The pit in your stomach grew as the cold metal of his tongue piercing brushed your clit and made you jolt again.
You struggled to stay still as you shifted on the sofa. You trapped him between your legs, he continue to ate you out, with his eyes closed, his mind dizzy. He was in heaven, you tasted so good, this is was beyond everything he dreamed for. His nose rubbed your sweet spot every time he moved his head, causing you to pant even louder.
“Come here.”
He looked up to you, his mouth still making out with your cunt.
“You want me to…”
Choso paused. He gazed at your feverish eyes, feeling a strange sensation in his stomach. He was the reason you were aroused, you seemed satisfied but he didn’t saw you come. Did he do something bad? Sensing his doubts, you smiled to him.
“Don’t worry baby, you did good,” you straightened on your elbows. “I want just need more, okay?”
You loved how devoted he was to you, but he was still inexperienced, and you knew you needed more than that. You didn’t want to make things awkward for him if it was getting repetitive, and you didn’t finish. He nodded, and get closer to kiss your cheek. He wet your skin with your slick.
“I don’t have any protection.”
“I don’t need one,” you said, tugging at his jeans. You were on pills.
He wipe off again his sweaty hands on the sofa and inhaled. It was the moment he waited for. The moment he couldn’t ruin because he liked you too much to disappoint you. Outside the door, the party continued, people unaware of what was going between you and Choso.
He stood on his knees, taking off his band shirt. Your breath caught in your throat as you discovered his lean torso. You made a mental note in your head to never underestimate introverted guys from now, because, God, he was sexy. You caressed his sides, touching his tattoos. His abs tensed when he bent over you, tilting his head. He had a shy expression on his face.
“I’m sorry if…”
“Can you just fuck me already,” you spread your legs, staring at him standing up on your elbows.
He gulped. He took off his shoes with a simple gesture of his feet, throwing them on the floor. He got closer to you, looking at you as you undressed yourself, removing the rest of your clothes. His mouth watered at your chest, he leaned down to kiss it. With the palm of his hand, he fondled one of your left breast and sucked the nipple of the right. Your fists tighten on the sofa, breathing softly.
Choso leaned back to unbutton his jeans, his muscular chest and tattoos in display. You bit the inside of your mouth, and started to caressed yourself while looking at him. He froze and widened his eyes, caught off guard. You were so fucking hot, he couldn’t believe he really had you below him. His eyes followed your movements and lingered on the circles you were doing on your sweet spot. You fingered yourself and his mouth watered again. As he quickly stripped off himself, you silently prayed nobody would enter the room, not forgetting you were at a party.
You were already close from him eating you out, but your pussy clenched when you saw his length. He looked like he didn’t get bitches, but damn. You were already excited to feel him inside you.
And him too because he slid into you without warning. He immediately caught his breath, overwhelmed by your wetness and the warmth of your entrance. It felt incredible, like anything he felt before. You whined, already sensitive, your fingers pressed against your clit.
“Wait,” you needed time to adjust to his size, and he was too abrupt.
He nodded, and let you the time you needed. He leaned down to kiss your forehead and you gave him a soft smile, your stomach warmed up. He was so sweet with you, he really treated you like someone he cared for.
He pushed his cock deeper inside you and you placed your hands on his hips, guiding him. He needed to contain himself and took things slowly. He knew he was a virgin, so it was already miracle he didn’t finished the second he was inside you. He bent over, his hand on the backrest of the couch, and thrust into you in a slow motion. He panted, his forehead sweating. Your slick covered his cock as he pulled out with caution, and he shut his eyes tight, thrusting again. Your warmth welcomed him, the sensation was divine. He did his best not to move too fast, he was scared to ruin the moment and finish early.
At first, it was what he wanted. He wanted to keep his pace gentle and precise, holding your legs around his waist, putting you in a comfortable position. He wanted to hear your soft sighs when he pushed against you, to continue to feel your acrylics planted in his biceps, to hear your hoop earrings hit against the sofa as he rocked his hips against you. But when your hands pressed his butt against you to feel him better, he lost his mind.
The room was now filled with your pants and whimpers, Choso pounding into you as if he would die if he didn’t make this right. He wasn’t jackhammering, but fucking you with long and deep strokes. He needed to fill you, and see your body twitching as he buried his cock in you.
“Is it too fast?” he panted out.
“No, it’s perfect,” you rolled your hips and followed his frantic pace.
His cock filled your tight walls as he stretched you to his size. You were a mess and breathing heavily as you clenched around his length. A gasp escaped your mouth when his thrusts became more and more aggressive.
“I dreamed of this.”
He was at lost of breath.
“I dreamed of…”
He let out a low moan, his back and forth quicker and harder. A familiar coil in your lower abdomen, your fingers circled around your spongey spot as you panted. Your body twitched when he lifted your hips even more, pushed to hilt and flushed his pelvis against you.
“C-Choso,” you stuttered and clenched your thighs around his waist.
“It’s okay, I got you.”
It was supposed to be you who reassured him, not the other way around. He gained confidence in his movements and slammed into you with force. He was fucking you with an ardent energy, your hands shook as you struggled to even touch yourself. You stammered incomprehensible things. His grip on the sofa was tight as he pounded into you. He was immersed in the sight of your tits bouncing, his mouth open and panting. He was in heaven.
Your back and forth made lewd and wet noises as you milked him, the sensation was divine for him. His hips stuttered when you tightened around him. You shut your eyes tight as you arched your back. Your orgasm traveled your body with a tremendous force. Choso’s eyes roved over you, taking in your sight as he drove his cock in you. He was so close. He lost himself within you, his strokes sloppy.
He tried to resist to the imminent feeling before his weight crashed you. His dick twitched as he emptied himself inside of you. He fell between your breasts, his breath coming in short pants, just like you. The smell of sex and sweat enveloped the two of you. For a short moment, none of you talked.
“Wow,” he turned his head on the side.
You wrapped your arms around him.
“I told you we were gonna have fun.”
He smiled against your skin.
“Yeah, but I never thought you would be…” his voice grew hesitant, “Into me.”
“You have to be blind,” your hands stroked his hair and he closed his eyes. “Everybody knew it.”
“My friends wouldn’t even be surprised if I told them what we did.”
His arms encircled you and he nuzzled your chest. He pressed soft kisses around your breasts, his touch gentle and not as sexual as before.
“I can’t believe what we did.”
“We can do it again if you liked it.”
He widened his eyes and you burst into laughing.
“You sure you’re okay? Wasn’t it too rough in the end?”
“You’re so cute, Choso.”
You were sharing a blunt with him on a bench, surrounded by bushes and shrubs, not far from the party. The weed had a calming effect on you, and you were smiling since the two of you dressed yourselves. Choso’s worry was so cute to watch, he was almost apologizing for everything he did.
“Why aren’t you asking for my number instead of talking?” you glanced at him as your lips wrapped around the blunt and took a drag.
Choso blushed, caught off guard and shifted on the bench.
“It’s true…”
He swallowed and scratched the back of his neck. Choso was shy as if he wasn’t fucking you 20 minutes ago. And honestly, it was hot. Nothing was more attractive than a guy intimidated by the girl he liked. You loved his complexity, his introverted distant nature who could becoming gentle, shy and even rough.
He pulled out his phone and tilted his head towards you.
You smiled at him, holding the blunt between your fingers.
“Can I have your number?” his eyes lingered on your lips. “And... are you free this summer?”
You gave him what he wanted and raised your eyebrow. You thought he would ask you out on weekends, but not on a specific period of time.
“It depends, why?”
He looked away for a second before responding.
“I bought tickets for the Warped Tour,” he begun, fidgeting his hands, “Yuji chose to spend his summer with Megumi so…”
His voice was hesitant, but his gaze softened when he saw your bright smile. He wasn’t sure he were into rock or even into festivals, so he was reassured.
“Of course!! You need to give me your playlist,” you scrolled on your phone with enthusiasm, and he escaped a light chuckle.
The wind breeze caressed your skin as you laughed and chatted together. He never came to these types of parties before, but now was forever grateful to come to this one.
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𓍯 𝐤𝐫𝐲𝐬
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sturniolo-rat · 6 months
Pathetic Part 1
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Chris Sturniolo X Dom!Reader
A/N: you asked for it and I delivered. I am but a humble civil servant born to peddle smut to the masses.
Contains: p in v sex, female masturbation, overstimulation, toys, bondage, begging
TW: Shouldn’t be any
In which Chris is horny after coming back from tour and he ends up getting vibed like a needy slut.
Chris wants to be touched. He just returned from a tour, and Matt has dropped him off at Y/N’s house. They’ve never been apart that long, and he misses being touched. He’s been hugging fans for a month, but those are friendly touches. Chris needs the type of intimate touches only Y/N can provide.
He knocks on her front door, and she takes a while to open it. She wasn’t expecting him until tomorrow. She thought since he got back at midnight, he would unpack and get some rest. She’s in her hot girl jammies. The special pair of pajamas that every girl has for when they want to feel sexy while they sleep. Not sexy in a lingerie way but sexy in a casual “I didn’t put any thought into this; I'm just naturally this hot” kind of way. Y/N’s are a pair of very short pink pj pants covered in strawberries and a cut-up D.A.R.E t-shirt that falls sensually off her shoulders. 
At the sight of her, his eyes start to well up, and he envelops her in a hug, sneaking his hands under her shirt to touch the skin on her back. His emotional greeting takes aback Y/N. “Fuck, I missed you so much.” He says into her neck with great frustration.
“Oh, my baby, you don’t have to cry. I missed you, too,” she says in a nurturing tone, rubbing his back. Let’s go inside, okay?”
“Mhmm, okay,” he says in a small voice. She leads him by the hand into her house. He is mesmerized by the way her thighs rub together when she walks, the way her hips move, and her ass jiggles. She’s so fucking sexy. When they reach her living room. In that same small voice, he says, “No, not here.” Never letting go of her hand moves, he moves so close to Y/N that their chests touch. “Upstairs,” he whispers. 
“Why? I was just gonna-”
“Please, I need you.” He interrupts, his voice cracking.
 She puts her hands on his face and kisses him softly. “You want me to play with you, kitten?”
“Mhmm, please.”
“Okay, baby, come with me.” She walks him to her room, and he doesn’t know what to expect, but he knows he’s going to be taken care of. Come on, let’s get these clothes off you.” He raises his arms so she can lift his shirt and remove it. Then she helps him out of his sweats and boxers. When he’s all naked, she runs her hands up his sides and over his chest, giving him chills. She has to stand on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear, “You’re so pretty, Kitten.” 
“Thank you, miss.” his cheeks get all rosey, and he gives her a tiny smile. 
 “Welcome, baby. Lie on your back for me. Hands above your head and  head on the pillow so you’re comfy.”  Y/N watches as he gets into position. He’s not being bratty tonight. He must really be desperate, and that’s just how Y/N likes him. She opens the nightstand to retrieve a long red silk ribbon to tie Chris’s hands. The sight of her bringing out the ribbon makes his cock jump.
“Miss,” he whines because she’s taking so long to touch him where he needs it most.
“Hush, kitten.” She stands in front of the bed and slowly starts to take her shirt off, making sure her hands linger on her curves, and her hands stop to squeeze her breasts before pulling it over her head. She bends over to touch her toes before sliding her shorts down her legs. Chris is surprised she’s not wearing any panties. She doesn’t need to tease him like this; he's already so hard and ready for her. 
“I’m gonna touch you now.” She looks at her acrylic nails. They’re short, stiletto-shaped, freshly done, and extremely pointy. She walks to the side of the bed and gently glides her nails from his neck to his chest. It tickles, so he smiles a bit. She drags them over his nipples. They start to pebble, and she stops to flick and suck at them. Some men don’t have many nerve endings in their nipples, but Chris isn’t one of them. His nipples are sensitive, and he loves when Y/N plays with them. Once his nipples are as hard as they can be, she runs her nails down to his navel. The sensation gives Chris goosebumps. She figures tonight is an excellent time to try sensory play. He needs to be touched, and she’s teasing him by touching him in a way he doesn’t expect. When her nails reach his lower half, his hips start to buck in a silent plea for more contact. She pulls her hands away, and he moans out of frustration.
She grabs something else from the nightstand before she sits in front of him on the bed. Her legs are open, feet flat on the bed, with her pussy on full display. “Miss, please,” he begs.
“I’ll get to you soon.” Y/N runs a finger through her folds.“But I have to take care of myself first.” She says breathily and starts to rub slow circles over her clit. She lets out a soft moan. He tugs against his restraints. It’s so hard for Chris to watch Y/N touch herself. It’s unfair that she’s not touching him and even more unjust that he can’t touch himself watching her. “I wanna be able to give you all my attention when I pleasure you.” 
Once she gets her clit is all warmed up and engorged, she takes out the vibrator from behind her back. Chris remembers the very distinct moans that it elicits from her. She turns it to its first setting. Then runs the tip of her toy against her opening to get it nice and wet before she holds it onto her clit. The steady low vibration feels so fucking perfect. Her eyes shut, and she bites her lip to hold in her moans. She wants to cum quickly so she can focus on Chris, so she speeds up the vibrator. “Oh, fuck.” She rubs her toy up and down her clit. Chris can’t help but watch as her legs shake and her hips start to buck. She’s going to cum all over that toy, and he’s never wanted to be an inanimate object this bad in his whole life. 
“Fuck, I wanna see you cum, miss. Please, please cum.” He says, knowing it’s what she needs to hear to get her there. With his words on her mind, she throws her head back and lets out a roaring moan. Her pussy starts to clench, and she cums. 
When she comes down from her high, she hears the feeble cries Chris has been letting out. “Oh, kitten, did you want a turn?” She teases. Y/N moves on the bed to sit at Chris’s side and holds the vibrator up. “I know we haven’t tried this yet, but I thought you’d like it.” She turns it to its second setting. The one that transitions back and forth from slow to fast vibrations. Holding it only centimeters away from the tip of his rock-hard cock she asks, “Do you think you’ll like it?” 
He nods his head eagerly. “Yes, miss, I do. I really, really do.” She lowers the toy onto his cock, but it starts fast, and he winces because he isn’t ready for it. As it slows to a low rumble, his muscles relax, and he is able to bask in the pleasure. He’s never felt anything like this before. Y/N starts to rub the vibrator in circles over his head. He closes his eyes, gets lost in the feeling, and lets out a low string of moans. Just as he’s getting comfortable, the vibrations gradually speed up. “Yes, yes, yes.” His moans get louder, and waves of deep pleasure roll through him, but only for a moment because already it’s slowing down. Y/N makes up for the lost sensation by stroking the base of his cock. He goes through another cycle of high vibrations, but her hands are touching him this time. His abdominal muscles start to constrict, and his hips begin to buck up into her hand. “I’m gonna cum! Can I please cum?”
“Oh, you wanna cum, kitten?”
“Mhmm, yes!” He whines.
She removes the vibrator and stops moving her hand. “Well, I don’t want you to cum, just yet.” 
“Fuck!” He cries and kicks his feet in frustration.
She puts a finger to his mouth. “Shhh.. I don’t want to hear another complaint come out of your pretty little mouth.” 
“I just want you to touch me and make me cum please.” He begs, his breathing uneven and heavy. Before responding, she swings her leg over and straddles him. 
“I am going to make you cum. I promised I would take care of you.” She grabs his face with her hand and gives him a soft kiss. “And I always take care of you, right?”
“Mhmm.” He says, looking at her with those doe eyes. She sits on his lap with her pussy right up against his base. When she looks down, she sees the tip dripping precum onto his stomach. He is in complete and utter agony, waiting for her to line him up and sit on his cock. He rocks his hips to create some friction. He just slips himself between her pussy lips and gently jerks himself off using her folds. Y/N likes watching him get his dick all wet with her cum. She almost abandons her plan and just pushes him inside, but instead, she follows through and grinds her pussy onto him. He’s whimpering now. 
“Please sit on my cock, I’ll be so good.”He’s so close to getting what he wants, but she’s just not giving it to him. Y/N grinds her hole all the way up his cock until he’s convinced she is going to let him in, but she pulls back at the last second. He lets out a little yelp, and she leans down to give him a long, passionate kiss. She moves her hips faster, and she uses her hands to pinch his nipples. He throws his head back and lets out a moan from deep in his chest. “I’m so close!”
“Oh, how close are you, kitten?”
“Please, I’m so fucking close!” She sits up, and all of the contact he so loves is lost. “No, no, no, don’t move, please!”
“I’m sorry, baby, I know, I’m so mean. I just wanna make sure when you cum you truly appreciate it.”
His eyes are closed, and he feels defeated and hopeless. Y/N takes this moment to sink down onto his cock. His eyes shoot open, and he lets out a gasp. “Yes! Thank you, miss,” she places her feet flat on the bed and uses her knees to bounce up and down on his cock. Fuck he fills her up so nice. She leans back, using his legs to keep herself up and bouncing. He doesn’t moan anymore; he whines and yelps and mewls at her every movement. He’s so fucking pathetic he has a year running down his cheek. 
Y/N can’t move any faster on to him, so she says, “Buck up into me, kitten, make yourself feel good.” He does. And he does it really fucking fast. He’s jackhammering into her, and she frees one of her hands to rub her clit. Her pussy is tightening around his cock, and she’s moaning like crazy, even louder than with the vibrator. He’s so afraid to tell her how close he’s coming to an orgasm, but he knows that it’s what good kittens are supposed to do. 
“I wanna cum with you!” 
“Mhmm,” she nods.
“Please, miss, can I cum with you!” He doesn’t realize she already said yes. He’s losing his faculties to his impending orgasm. 
“Yes, baby, you can cum! You can with cum me, and in me, and afterward, we can do whatever the fuck you want because you’ve been such a good fucking kitten for me!”
He doesn’t say anything as he climaxes; he just lets yel, which causes his voice to break. The sound of it pushes Y/N over the edge, and she sits back down on her knees, still keeping Chris inside her. She continues riding him softly, clenching and unclenching herself around him, gently milking his cock. When Chris finally returns to planet Earth, he’s okay with the small movements. Pretty soon, though, it starts to hurt. “Oh shit. That hurts a bit.”
“Hmm? You don’t like it anymore? You were just begging for it a minute ago.” She is highly amused with herself.
“That was different, and you know it.” He cringes.
“But still no safe word from you, huh? Who’s to say I’m not just giving you the thorough fucking you deserve?” She continues riding him as she unties his hands from each other. He’s much stronger than Y/N, so he uses his hands to hold her hips and stop her movements. 
“Thank you, miss, for the thorough fucking, but I think the fun is over.” He says in his “real man that is 2x stronger than you” voice and playfully moves her off him. 
“I was so freaking awesome tonight.” Y/N is so proud of her dom performance. “I pulled out at all the stops.” She counts on her fingers
“We had bondage, toys, edging, and overstim!” 
“Yes, you did great, baby. You took advantage of my very pathetic state, and it was amazing.”
“And I didn’t have to plan it! I crafted it on the spot like a fucking evil mastermind!” 
“Alright, don’t get ahead of yourself. I bet you I could do better on short notice.”
“Fuck you! No way!” She smacks his chest.
“Well, the next time you come to me in a pathetic touch-starved state, we’ll see who doms better.”
@rafecameronsbitch @daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mrsmiagreer @lovergirl4387 @gdsvhtwa @ashley9282828 @j-worlds-blogblog @stephanienwf @achrisgirly @draculaura123 @abbypost @cind2224 @tuffsturns @crazychrisl0v3r @ryli3sworld @bkwrld @pinkishpearls @pepsienthusiasts @stunza @chrattstromboli @sturnssmuts @angelic-sturniolos111 @69isabella69 @maryx2xx @sturniolo04 @bigbeefybitch @klaus223492 @r93339
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misseviehyde · 1 year
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Erin shivered in fear as she watched the door of the pink Humvee slide open and with a clop of designer high heeled boots, her best-friend Chloe dropped to the floor of the carpark.
Chloe had changed. She was taller and thinner now, her body crushed into a tight white corset and her once short hair now long and blonde around her smooth perfect shoulders.
Chloe's once innocent face was now prettier - but with a mean bitchy expression as she eyed Erin dismissively. Long acrylic nails shot from her fingertips and she was surrounded by a cloud of Chanel perfume.
Chloe's once flat chest now bulged with Alpha girl tits - growing larger by the day as she continued her evil transformation into the biggest bully at school.
"Oh hey loser," she purred in a sexy voice, "I came for old times sake - but after this you and me are fucking done. I don't need you anymore."
That much was true.
Since Chloe's bitchy step-mom had bought the pink Humvee and insisted Chloe drive it to school - everything had changed.
As soon as her hands had closed around the wheel of the car for the first time, Chloe had become more confident. She was soon hooked on riding in the pink vehicle and her wicked transformation had begun.
In a tank like this, Chloe found she could bully other cars off the road. She began to enjoy the power and attention driving the vehicle gave her. She'd moan as she pushed down the accelerator and felt the vibrations of the car throb through her body.
Hair lengthened, tits grew, bones stretched and the more she drove her new humvee the bitchier she got.
Within days Chloe had ditched her loser friends and was now one of the popular girls. She'd give them lifts in her pink car - giggling as she became more and more like them with every moment.
Soon Chloe had become their leader. The trips in the car almost seem to have brainwashed them into thinking Chloe had always been the Alpha girl.
"Chloe - please. I know it must feel good to be so pretty and popular, but this isn't the real you. You have to break free of the humvees control. It's turned you into a fucking bitch."
Chloe laughed, wiping a fake tear from her perfect cold blue eyes. "Ohhh boo hooo hoooo. I have to break free from being brainwashed... by my car? You really are a fucking loser freak. Even if what you were saying was true... you think I'd give up this power?"
Erin shook her head. "No I guess not. Which is why I have a backup plan."
With a sudden movement, Erin shoved Chloe hard and the other girl gasped as she flew into a concrete pillar hard. Her car keys flew from her fingers and she slid down the pillar winded and disorientated.
Snatching the keys, Erin leapt into the Humvee and quickly engaged the locks.
Standing up in a cold rage, Chloe's lips twisted into a sneer of contempt. "You fucking dweeb - you can't even drive."
Erin's heart raced. It was true, she'd not got her license yet. She had a wild plan of starting the humvee, crashing and destroying it in the carpark. Perhaps that would free her friend.
The interior of the vehicle smelt of expensive perfume and hot girl. Erin put her hands on the wheel. They felt... good... there.
She groaned as her short fingernails lengthened into a hot pink manicure. At the same time her head filled with knowledge and like she had done it a thousand times before, she switched on the ignition.
"No! NO!" screamed Chloe who was looking at her hands in horror. Her sexy nails were gone. "Stop that... you don't know how to drive. That's MY vehicle."
Chlor banged the doors - but they were sealed and the thick armour plating and reinforced glass could not be breached.
Inside the car Erin put the Humvee into drive and she groaned as the vehicle throbbed and growled like a hungry predator.
She felt so fucking powerful sat up here and she looked down at Chloe with contempt as she pushed her foot down onto the accelerator and felt the pink humvee leap forward.
Grabbing the wheel Erin whooped in delight, her eyes shining, as she spun the humvee round the carpark with a screech of tires. Vibrations pulsed up through the seat making her pussy throb and she groaned as she threw back her head and felt her bones crack.
Falling to the floor Chloe groaned and sobbed as her blonde hair began to shorten and her big tits started to shrink. Her body grew shorter... plumper as the power of the humvee flowed into Erin and left her weak and bereft of power.
Meanwhile in the car Erin moaned as her hair turned blonde and her pretty pink lips curved into a wicked smile as she felt tight pink leather flow around her body and make her into a spoiled fucking bitch.
She jammed her six inch pink heels harder onto the accelerator and with a final twist of the wheel pulled up in front of the sobbing, weeping Chloe.
Mmmmh it felt so good to be a bitch. Her shaven pussy was dripping wet and she was already excited about the thought of driving to her boyfriends to get railed. Or maybe she'd fuck his best-friend some more?
Erin was now a popular, spoiled bitch. Everything Chloe had done had now transfered to her. She was the popular bitch now and the car was hers. There was even a license with her name on it inside her pink handbag.
Dropping out of HER car and locking the door - Erin giggled as she loomed over the little loser nerd in front of her.
"Oh like... mmmmh guess this is like MY Humvee now and I'm the Alpha girl. Oh and if you ever try to come near me and my car again, I'll fucking reverse it over you? Got it loser?"
Leaving her threat hanging in the air Erin relaxed back into the driving seat and drove out of the garage to start her new spoiled life...
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argumentl · 1 year
Nouteikarano 2 exhibition - brief report
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I had a ticket for the first session of the last day of the exhibition! I arrived outside the gallery with about 10 mins to spare, very sweaty from the walk, but nevermind 😅 It seems like there were 10 spots per session for the Osaka run, and about 6 or 7 people were waiting there, including me. 
Fujieda came outside at 11am and called each person in by their ticket number. I was number 5! He touched my phone screen to swipe my ticket, and yes, that was an event for me! 😂 
Next I went upstairs to the 2nd floor, where Takabayashi was waiting, and he handed me the paper ticket for the event. This was the first time for me to actually talk to both managers in person, so I was quite happy about that 😄 
After this I was in the exhibition space. No photos were allowed at all this time unfortunately, it was quite a small room. 
I think the biggest difference from Tokyo is probably just that there was no space for the personal items display in this small room (and obviously no live painting). However, I did actually see 2 or 3 of those personal items hiding behind a kind of ridge at the top of the ceiling. I cant think of any reason why he would hide them there other than to see who was eagle-eyed enough to spot them!😅 
There was also some footage being projected on part of the wall, which was showing Kaoru in his art studio/apartment wearing a winter down jacket while painting. 
His bgm was playing in the background too. 
As for the art itself, it was an experience seeing all the pieces up close in reality. I had seen a few of them at Tora no ana, but there was stilll plenty which was new to me. One piece in particular made me well up!  (Here I can't really say much else, I'm planning to send my detailed thoughts about the art and the atmosphere to TTD)
His Hanshin × Dir happi coat was also on display on a mannequin, and didn't even have any 'no touching' signs with it! I was so tempted to just feel the sleeve at least or something, but out of respect I didn't touch it.
Of course, I spent the full hour in this tiny room looking at each piece over and over. 
A few people left after about ten mins, but some stayed the whole hour like me. I heard one woman telling the merch guy why she liked Kaoru so much. She was saying, "Its his sexy eyes, I love them!....I mean, his guitar playing is good too though", which made me laugh to myself a bit 😂 
As for merch I only bought the pamphlet, which is the only thing I really wanted to buy anyway. Initially, I wanted an acrylic stand too, but they are 12 types sold at random, so I decided against that in the end. 
Anyway, the pamphlet is wonderful, so I highly recommend getting it if it goes on GBS afterwards. 
One interesting thing I noticed since going to Kaoru's events is that a lot of his fans look as if they are a similar age to me or older. I do tend to feel like a bit of an old woman within the online fandom sometimes, so this is actually quite heartwarming to see 😄
Overall though, I can say it was a moving and fullfilling experience, and Im so grateful I was able to go!
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ruinedbylanadelrey · 11 months
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King of Your Heart
Chapter 13 "Let Me Suck Your D*ck in the Bathroom"
summary: All that Frankie has ever wanted to be was your everything. After years of being best friends one phone call changes everything between the two of you.
inspired by The King by Sarah Kinsley
warnings: 18+, MINORS DNI, age gap (reader is 28-29, Frankie 38-39), friends with benefits -> situationship, Frankie isn't a dad, jealously, best friends with benefits, reader is toxic, reader wears makeup, reader has long hair, this chapter is literally just porn but make it halloween, dress code- SLUT IT OUT, smut, drinking, smut, benny's halloween bash!!, smut, frankie is fucking horny for a woman in thigh highs, smut, blowjobs, licking, oh yeah did I mention smut!, princess and frankie are like rabbits, frankie gets drunk, angst with a happy ending finally, no y/n, pet names, possessiveness, triple frontier boys, Tom is dead, reader is a flirt
an: WELCOME TO BENNY'S HALLOWEEN BASH, get ready for a lot of smut, Princess is slut for Frankie as a smooth-dressing cowboy (a little nod to our beloved Whiskey<3).
inside the world of king of your heart
series mainlist | main masterlist
taglist: @hiroikegawa
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"Just sit down and I'm gonna do your hair," You patted the cushiony vanity seat, Frankie never did his hair ever. He liked his messy curls and finishing it off with his hat but tonight was the one night he would ever do this. You smiled and pushed Frankie down into the seat, your fingers combing through his damp curls, his eyes fluttering shut when you lightly scratched his scalp with your new acrylics. You looked at Frankie through the mirror admiring how he shaved his beard and trimmed up his mustache. 
"I like it that I can see your face," You hum, grabbing the comb and gel into your hands. "I get to see my handsome Frankie," your words made Frankie blush, and he rolled his eyes trying to act like he didn't care. He loves it when you tell him he's handsome. He feels like he could do anything all because his lady thinks he's beautiful. 
You smiled at Frankie and combed the gel through his hair, taming the deep chocolate curls. "Do I have to dress up?" Frankie mumbled, and you rolled your eyes at him. This is 3rd time around having the conversation. It's Halloween, Frankie. It's my favorite holiday. Please for me. You've been saying since you and Frankie got back together. It's time to debut as a couple officially. "Yes you are dressing up and you are going to look so sexy," You say in a sultry tone and smile sweetly at Frankie. 
The torture was over when you finished off his hair when a good amount of hairspray. Clean-cut Frankie was something you didn't get to see often and well it was a sight to see. His jawline, his face more chiseled out, and his hair out of his face letting his features be the star of the show. Frankie is beautiful, you always thought he was crafted by a higher power. Frankie is standing in the mirror buttoning up the white dress shirt, you turn him around and take over the last couple of buttons then grab the tie to go around his neck. You take a deep breath as you loop the fabric and pull it up to his neck- fuck. 
You set the hat on top of his head and step back looking at your work. Frankie loosened the ties just a bit and your stare was burning into his skin, that's what he always liked about you, never afraid to admire what you like. "Everything you hoped for?" Frankie tilts his head and smirks, jaw dropped and lust blowing your pupils. 
"Everything and more...okay I-I need to finish off my makeup, then we are leaving." You shake yourself out of the lustful haze and step around Frankie. Focus. You dip the end of a brush into the red bottle of fake blood. Focus. Frankie watches you drip the red thick liquid from the corners of your mouth, smearing it across your face for an effortless look. Focus. Dipping again but letting the tear of blood run down your chest and leak down your cleavage. Your costume was just an excuse to wear the black Body Con mini dress that you bought months ago, so you threw on the fake blood and glued fangs to your teeth. Just an excuse to slut it out. Frankie certainly appreciates the way your best features were on display. 
Frankie comes up behind you moves your hair out of your face and gently kisses your soft neck. You sigh, holding back from the intrusive thoughts of pushing Frankie on the bed and fucking him in costume. "I need to put on my tights then we are leaving," you unwrap yourself from his arms and pull out the black thigh highs, very sheer black mesh with a lace strap at the cuff. Frankie watched you sit on the edge of the bed lifting one leg in the air, he noticed the French tip pedicure that you got done. 
The way your body was just on display for him to stare at, Frankie wanted to not leave the house at all tonight. But you and Frankie are not having sex yet, because you think it would be a good idea to date properly, not having sex until 2 months which ends Halloween, that means he can and will make a move tonight. "Princess, you just look so good to eat," Frankie purrs, when he slides between your legs, helping you secure the thigh-high, you were rolling your eyes with a smile on your face. 
"Fish, we are not having sex, now let's get to the party it's already 10!" You push Frankie away from you, grabbing your purse, beer, and vodka. Frankie took his sweet time by grabbing the keys and his beer then locking the door, settling the beer in place, and strapping himself in, checking his mirrors. You grew tired of him being childish, your hands wrapping his tie and pulling him close. Your lips melted into his, the feeling of his mustache grazing your sweet soft skin. Frankie slid his tongue to meet yours, his hands caressing your waist and thighs, his fingers snapping the top of the thigh highs making you yelp and moan into his hot wet mouth. His touch was a white flash of heat inching toward your aching core. Desperate to be touched by his calloused strong strategic fingers. 
"Let me suck your dick in the bathroom...so drive," You pull away from Frankie, buckling your seatbelt. Frankie grins pulls out of the park and throws it into drive, you laugh holding on to the door. You love seeing Frankie be playful and just a boy. Knowing that you bring that out in him brought such warmth in your heart oozing it through your veins. The streetlights guide you to the front of Benny's house, with people piling in through the one door. You quickly get out of the truck and make your way through people, just a quick hello then you are dragging Frankie to the bathroom.  
Frankie was trying to catch up with you but people held him back, it felt like he was in his 20s again trying to get into parties. Once he pushes his way through, he finds you sitting on the kitchen counter serving yourself shots while talking to Benny's girlfriend Mari. You were smiling and making faces every time you took a shot. He thought you looked so pretty in the kitchen light, "There's my cowboy," You call out to him, Mari turns around and laughs at how Frankie looked in his get-up. "Don't laugh at him, he is the most good-looking cowboy ever," You reach out for Frankie, and he takes the bottle from your hands and pours himself a shot, knocking it back. Frankie taking shots was a big deal, he was just always about getting beer drunk. 
You don't know what it was but Frankie taking a shot had to be the hottest thing ever. You watched how his adams' apple bobbed when he downed the alcohol. "C'mon baby, let's go dance," Frankie leans into you and whispers into your ear, your face burns from how forward he was being. You want Frankie to like this more. He helps you off the counter takes you to the living room and slips you guys down the hall to Benny's room. Frankie slams the door closed and locks it. You could feel the shots starting to settle in. Frankie backs you into the bathroom and shoves you facing the mirror, your hands bracing yourself from falling forward. Your core started to ache when Frankie started to manhandle you. 
You drop down to your knees and your hands quickly undo his belt and unzip his jeans, without any hesitation, you giggled when you saw the tattoo on his plump ass. You turn his hips to show you the tattoo better, you lean toward his tattoo and lick his skin. Frankie hisses fisting your hair. "Be a good girl and suck my dick," Frankie's stern tone captures your attention, and drool falls from your swollen lips. You smile up at Frankie opening your mouth, and kissing the tip of his hard cock, "Sweet girl, you like kissing my cock?" Frankie smugly coos, fists your hair, and thrusts down your throat. You gag just a bit then moaned with a mouth full of cock of the man who makes you forget all common sense. Your eyes were stinging from the salt of your tears, your hands caressing his thick thighs, just letting Frankie take control of your body.
Frankie couldn't stop himself from fucking your throat, loving the sounds that spilled out when he pulled his wet hot cock from your whiny mouth. "F-fuck baby...If I'm gonna cum then it's gonna be in your tight pussy," Frankie growls, forcing you back to your feet, you automatically bend over the sink, spreading your legs, on your tiptoes to level with Frankie. He pushes your dress up, giving a breathtaking view of your ass with a black g-string and the thigh highs gripping deliciously on your plump thighs. His thumb brushes over the tattooed skin then slaps your cheek, watching it jiggle. 
"Princess, I need you to your rub your cute little clit for me while I fuck you," Frankie feels guilty for getting you off at least one time by his mouth. His finger slid inside you collecting your wetness and using it to coat his hard cock. His cock notches at your entrance and pushes in without warning.
You reach between your legs, and first, just lightly rub your clit on the palm of your hand, just tease yourself a little bit. "I said touch yourself, little princess," Frankie grunts, pulling himself all the way out and then slamming back into your slicked hole, you let a girlish moan loving how the tip of his throbbing length hits your cervix. Your legs trembled with each thrust, the sweet spot only Frankie can reach being hit and added pressure from the counter right on your pelvis. "Ooh-YES, yes, yes, Frankie baby right there!" You let out the most pornographic scream. Frankie smiling at how fucked out you look in the mirror, eyes crossing, a smile, and tits threatening to spill over the top of your dress. 
Frankie wraps your leg around his waist, forcing you to face him. He presses his hand down on your pelvis whilst fucking deeper into you. The white-hot waves crash through your veins, your juices splash on Frankie's button-up and slacks.
"You're so fucking hot," You slurred, letting your body go limp as Frankie chases his high. "You're so sexy, Frankie...only man for me-" You gasp for a breath as Frankie spills his seed into you, feeling his cock throb and spurt out a lot of pent-up cum.  He looks down and takes in the view of your cum and his mix together leaking out around his still-hard cock and down your thighs and ass. He looks up at you, glistening in sweat and smelling of sex, the vanilla base in your perfume, and the way his cologne smells on you. 
"I love you, Princesa." Frankie kisses your forehead gently as he removes his cock from you. This is the first time he ever used, Princesa. You smile and look at him with such love and happiness. Your eyes twinkled, giving Frankie a look into the galaxy. "I love you, Francisco" 
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fandom-junk-drawer · 10 months
The Witcher Headcanon (Modern Au) - Error 404 Brain Not Found: Bonus Scene - Part 10
Jaskier wandered the aisles of the grocery store, his third of the grocery list in hand. He had managed to convince Yennefer that the supply run would go faster if they split up.
Yennefer hadn't been too thrilled about the idea of Jaskier running around loose by himself, but they were trying to get to Kaer Morhen to visit Vesemir and Peepers, and Jaskier's suggestion had actually been logical.
Plus, she just couldn't say no. Not when he had looked at her with those puppy eyes, and turned up the charm level. And it didn't help that he'd gotten his hair cut and had gone from the Sexy Long Hair, back to the short style Yennefer called his Babygirl Hair.
They joined the line for the register, adding a few drinks and snacks to their basket while they waited.
Geralt was standing in line, hiding in his ratty Emotional Support hoodie, when he felt Jaskier nudge him. He turned to see the bard holding up two plastic packages and smiling mischieviously.
Giant Stickly Hands
Geralt gave him a slight smile in return, and turned around to distract Yennefer so Jaskier could slip them in amongst the other items.
Several minutes later, and they were back on the road.
Jaskier sat in the front passenger's seat and opened the Giant Sticky Hand. He swung it around, slapping it on random surfaces as he got a feel for it. He slapped it against the inside of the windshield a few times, giggling at the sound it made.
He saw Geralt glancing longingly at the novelty toy while trying to keep his attention on the road.
Jaskier handed him his sticky hand, and opened the other one. Yennefer felt the van start swerving slightly and looked up to see the two idiots swinging giant sticky hands at each other.
"Jaskier, stop distracting him! Geralt, keep your d*mn eyes on the road! Melitele, you two tw*ts are going to cause an accident!"
The sticky hands disappeared. Until they stopped for lunch and a chance to stretch their legs.
Yennefer almost had a coniption when she found out Jaskier and Geralt had brought their giant sticky hands into the restauraunt. Geralt had come back to their booth after getting his drink, and Jaskier hand swung his arm and snapped the sticky hand right on Geralt's a**.
Geralt had pulled out his sticky hand and swung it at Jaskier. He missed, and it splatted on the acrylic booth divider next to Jaskier's head.
"You brought those d*mned thing in here? " Yennefer had whispered fiercely to them. "Put them away!" Gods, why did they always have to embarrass her in public? People were already staring!
Jaskier responded to her demand by being the menace that he was, and using the sticky hand to steal her paper napkin.
He and Geralt had started snuffling and snorting quietly, trying to hold back the laughter as Yennefer sat across from them, fuming in silent embarassment. The sticky hands yo-yo'ed in random directions as Geralt and Jaskier completely disregarded the death glare Yennefer was giving them.
Yennefer tried to ignore them and find her happy place so she could at least eat. She contemplated getting up and leaving both their a**es here; just walking out and using her magic to start the van and drive away. It would serve them right.
Geralt's sticky hand slapped right over Jaskier's mouth as he opened it to spoon his food into it. He made a humorous sound and pulled the sticky hand off, whisper laughing, "You f**ker!"
Geralt grinned smugly, then snuffled and almost spat out his onion rings when Jaskier's sticky hand landed in his lap. "B**stard!"
Yennefer almost laughed when, completely by accident, they slapped each other in the face at the same time.
Geralt looked at Jaskier
Jaskier looked at Geralt
The hands started rapidly flying in random directions, accompanied by a symphony of whispered noises.
Yennefer finally had to put her foot down after a sticky hand landed in her food.
She used their mental link and her Mom Voice. "Put those d*mned things away right f***ing now!"
Jaskier and Geralt both jumped at the sharp mental tone. It was pure wrath and the promise of swift and instant consequences if it was not obeyed.
But Jaskier, emboldened by the fact that they were in public, decided to F**k Around and Find Out.
"Make me!" he replied playfully, only to double over seconds later as Yennefer shoved the toe of her dress shoe into his crotch.
"F**k, my baws!" he whisper wheezed breathlessly.
Geralt immediately put his sticky hand away and focused on what was left of his meal. He did not want a foot to the balls too.
The rest of the meal was uneventful aside from Jaskier blowing his straw papers and throwing wadded up paper napkins at her.
Yennefer, unfortunately, had to stand in line, waiting to pay, while Geralt and Jaskier continued their Giant Sticky Hand fight.
Yennefer did her best to pretend like the two grown men behind her weren't acting like two feral 5 year olds. She was impressed with the register attendant's ability to keep a straight face and stay focused.
Once the bill had been settled, Yennefer quickly herded Geralt and Jaskier outside, where she immediately took each of them by an ear and strode determinedly to the van.
Geralt and Jaskier shuffled along beside her, bent over awkwardly and making various noises of discomfort.
"You embarrass me," she growled darkly, "And I will embarrass the ever living h*ll out of you!"
The few children in the parking lot moved closer to their parents and were suddenly very well behaved. They knew an angry Mum when they saw one. And they didn't want their Mum to get any ideas.
There were more than a few whispered questions of "Mum, why's that lady got those men by the ear?" And the simple reply of, "Because they weren't behaving, love".
Geralt and Jaskier did the Awkward Walk of Shame all the way to Roach.
Never had Geralt regretted his habit of parking far away from everyone more in his life.
Yennefer let them go when they reached the van, and Geralt immediately dug his keys out of his pocket and rushed to get out of the public eye.
Jaskier immediately opened his mouth because he had zero sense of self-preservation.
"What the hell, Yen, I-!" Jaskier began in righteous indignation, only to choke back the rest of what he was going to say when he saw the look on Yennefer's face as she snarled, biting out each word.
"Get. In. The. F***ing. Van. Julian."
They drove in silence for a while to give ruffled feathers time to settle.
Yennefer was sitting on the bed in the back, reading that book Madeleine had recommended when something smacked her on the side of the face. She yelped in surprise and dropped her book , swiping at her face.
Giant Sticky Hand.
"You kn*b head!" she snarled.
"That's for kicking me in the fork!" Jaskier laughed, then squealed, dropped the stickly hand, and started trying to get away from Yennefer.
"Hey, sit down back there!" Geralt snapped. He had to reduce his speed and do some counter steering when the van started rocking as Yennefer chased Jaskier around the inside of the van.
"Come here, you little sh*t!" Yennefer hollered, grabbing at the bard.
Jaskier was alternately laughing and gibbering as he dodged and jinked, weaved and twisted, trying to stay away from the angry witch.
Yennefer tripped him, and he fell face first in the gap betwixt the front seats. She was on him in a flash, smacking the back of his head, then ruthlessly pinching the first a**cheek she could reach.
Jaskier gave a muffled yelp and twisted onto his back, hands holding his nose. Yennefer's tone went from incensed, to worried.
"Oh, f**k! Are you alright?"
Jaskier didn't answer, he just kept groaning and holding his nose.
"Is he alright?" Geralt inquired, trying to watch the road.
Jaskier got to his feet and started stumbling towards the bed, Yennefer following behind him.
"Jaskier! Julek! Julek, let me see!"
Jaskier turned around and slowly started moving his hands. Yennefer held her breath, guilt coiling in her chest as he moved his hands and revealed...
...his extended middle finger.
"You jacka**!" Yennefer hollered.
Geralt had to pull the van over and go save Jaskier as hands started flying.
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rebelwhodoesntknow · 1 year
Tbh it sucks because Friends is so special to me but it tanked, actually got canceled unlike the other gens, the arcade game and merch sales weren't doing it so they tried to rework the series for the next gen
Aikatsu on Parade and all it's merchandise was partly an attempt to scrape up more money for Planet's release but??? I don't think it worked??? the first couple episodes mention all these really cool ideas about their idol world and then nothing came of it, it was a cute concept but I really think they just fell reaaally under budget and tried to skate by hoping nobody noticed
ever since Stars things have just been kind of mismanaged 😭 like why is the majority of their merch acrylic character stands?? you are a trading card rhythm game for 8 year olds 😭
I LOVE how diverse the music is!!!!! all the "standard idol stuff" really stands out too imo. Signalize was one of my favorites from the start, it just hits so different, most idol anime start with that extra sparkly guitar happy type of song but the instrumental for signalize was so unique, I always thought it was a bold choice for a show like that their rock music is so good. like so so gooddddd
I swear out of the like 700 songs of this series there are maybe 6 I don't enjoy?? ALSO WOW THATS A LOT
Same about the animation, OG s2-onward & Friends was great!!! I also love in the movie when Ichigo performs Kagayaki no Etude, there's a slow spinning scene when she's talking on stage about what the song means to her and every couple seconds it switches from 2d to cg angles and it's so seamless, I love it 😭💗
I think Planet's cg was also beautiful, I don't have much of an attatchment to the season but the character designs look really nice, good fluffy hair physics, and they've TOTALLY perfected the in-the-dark glowy look by then!!
another thing most of the fandom agreed on, Stars feeling kind of uncanny.. and the auras kept covering idols art certain parts so that's why they changed all the arches early on, they ACTUALLY got written complaints from kids 😭😂
I always wanted to see an idol with no type or a couple!!! Before Kaguya was introduced there was a huge theory going around that she was actually a Sexy/Cool type and since pairs were the point of Friends, we thought we were finally getting double type girls
I also wished the concept of my coords was used in more than that one ichigo gen ep, where you mix up brandless pieces, one of my favorite things to do is mix and match outfits in the ds games so I was hoping to see like idk maybe soleil could split their PR coords together one time or something??? idk would have been cool though!!
Ugh I do agree with you on the merchandise. Like I can’t play any of the card-based games because America so the cards would basically be glorified trading cards. This might be my doll collector brain talking, but why didn’t they make fashion dolls? I know they did for Friends but they didn’t expand on the concept at all, they just made two dolls. I want to see the girls in their basic coords and then fashion packs for each brand, like a set of multiple Futuring Girl rares or just one PR. I would have gone absolutely apeshit for that. It would also allow for mixing and matching, so maybe it could have tied into the show a lot more like with the concept of PR mixing you brought up! I feel like most PRs in units work pretty well together so I’d like to see the mix ups.
Yeah, I really do not care for planet. I think it really didn’t work, and was an awful lot like PriPara when it didn’t need to be! While the cg is admittedly gorgeous, I also feel like it tried to be so ✨aesthetic✨ all of a sudden instead of being bright and colorful like it’s always been! But maybe I just hate change.
I’ve heard that a lot of people find Raki to be a Mary Sue and hate the way she copied the designs of others. I don’t know enough about her to form an opinion, really, but what do you think?
I love the fact that the kids complained during Stars. They may be kids, but they have standards!!
I think double type idols would be super cool and really flesh out the world. Tbh I think there could be a few idols that could be double typed with only a few minor tweaks (I always thought Mikuru was a pop/sexy idol tbh). One thing I think would be interesting is to see how brands would react to it. Brands appreciate dedication, so would dual type idols have a hard time getting PRs because the pure-type brands would worry about being thrown aside? Cool conflict imo.
Now I have to ask, are the ds games any good? Are they able to be played as someone who speaks absolutely no Japanese? I’ve never really thought about getting one of the games before because I have no clue how they work
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ignite-n-fite · 3 years
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POV the prettiest man in the world asks you out on a date and you say yes✨💚
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masonmiamor · 2 years
Sunset Promises - Mason Mount x Reader.
Summary: Surprising Mason with a little picnic date with little baby boy mount!!
first fic 😏😏 feedback appreciated!!
“C’mon Luka! You can do it baby! Stand up and walk to me” you cheered. Now that he was almost ten months old, standing up and crawling, he was ready to walk. He was still scared and wanted someone to guide him.
You sighed as he dropped to the floor and crawled over to you instead. It was near sunset hours, instead of staying home and watching a movie you told Mason to get ready in a nice outfit. You’ve been planning this for a while now, a nice evening where you can eat and do some activities.
Earlier while he was at training you bought and prepared a basket filled with snacks, blankets, some pillows and art supplies. Extra clothes and diapers for Luka, as he could get messy. You prepped some sandwiches just how Mason loves when he went upstairs.
The fresh scent of aftershave and his cologne made you happy and content. Warm hands wrapped around you, feeling Mason’s chin on your right shoulder. “Now, it’s driving absolutely mad and crazy that I don’t know what you planned…” he mumbled. Luka screeched before giggling.
“See he gets it,” you narrowed your eyes at him before handing his son to him. “Sorry love, it’s my turn for a surprise… I promise you’ll love it. Even made one of your favorites. I’ll go change and we can head out, everything is ready and placed in the trunk,” with a quick kiss on his lips you went upstairs and changed.
As the weather was still hot you went with a dress, more specifically something that will leave him in deep thoughts. A brown backless split thigh bustier lace cami dress, also helpful to nurse Luka. You touched up your makeup, placed some jewelry and perfume. You walked downstairs seeing your boys playing, he heard your footsteps and swiftly turned around.
His eyes widened, mouth slowly opened as his eyes trailed over your body. He cleared his throat and walked near you. “Damn, mama is looking sexy! Too sexy…” he said, his hand trailing from your waist and resting on your bum. “You ready?” he nodded, grabbing the diaper bag and walked outside.
You decided to drive, as you were also surprising him with the date. You quickly told him to stay here, oblivious of your plans. You set up the blankets, dishes and pillows before heading back to the car and taking out Luka. “Put this on and don’t take it off till I say so,” you said sternly, making him chuckle.
You took in what he was wearing, some black fitted pants and a cream button up shirt. Dilf you thought. You guided him through the grass to your little set up, giggling as he groaned impatiently. “Okay you can take it off now!” with no hesitation he slid off the blindfold gasping and looking around.
He turned around and saw you looking, he walked towards you and kissed you softly, pecking not once but three times, each time whispering how much he loved you. He rested his forehead against yours, holding you by your waist, “I love this! Thank you so much Y/n…”
You felt butterflies all over again, as it was the first time you met while a night out with Sophia. “You’re gonna make me emotional stop, let’s sit down and eat,” you ushered as he followed you to the blanket. You passed him a wine glass filled with a non-alcoholic drink as he had training in the morning along with a sandwich and snacks.
He moaned as he took a bite, kissing your cheek while thanking you once again. You slowly ate as well, feeding Luka some of your part but little bites. You talked quietly upon yourself, a little bit of everything. Training, work, constant jokes and teasing.
Both of you agreed to visit both of your families, take Luka to the zoo, have an aquarium date then go out for dinner. You clapped your hands removing any crumbs or left overs. You placed luka down, distracting him with his toys.
He watched you take out two canvases, acrylic paint and brush. “Thought we would paint to distract ourselves a bit, maybe even hang the pieces up somewhere in the house,” you blushed. “Perfect! I’ll make sure mine looks better than yours,” he teased, smirking at you.
“Oh so it’s like that, huh? Okay Mr. Mount competition is on!” This would definitely be a challenge as both of you were competitive in everything. In the end he won, as you accidentally did something that led your painting looking a bit disoriented.
You saw Luka stand up as his toy went a bit further than he liked, he hesitated but walked over to it, “Mason look! He’s walking!” you whispered yet yelled kinda loudly. He peered over with a confused look but smiled when he saw. Luka blabbered completely unaware of what he’d done.
“Baby you did it! You’re waking little one!” you stood up, picked him up and turned around in circles. He laughed loudly before you set him down and made him walk over to Mason, which he did. You cheered him on, filming a quick video to send to your friends and family.
While you sat down and watched the sunset, Luka continued to play as you took out a last final surprise for Mason. A promise ring and watch he'd been wanting. “Okay this was last minute but I think you’ll like it…” you said unsure making him sit up.
He slowly peeled off the wrapping and picked up the watch, making you bite your nails in anticipation. He admired the Daniel Wellington piece “Y/n…” he smiled leaning over and kissing you deeply. “That’s not all of it…” He cocked his head to the side.
He saw you take out the ring, right then and there Mason swore his breath was taken away. “I decided to get one for you as well… It matches like mine. Just like you’ve said, this is a promise to be there no matter what. To watch you succeed in your career, make you smile, laugh, comfort you. I promise I'll be there for you even if your day was shitty.”
“I can’t promise those days where we’ll argue but I'll make it up by baking your favorite cookies. I’m promising from this day forward that i'll be here with you, care for you and Luka…” you continued watching his eyes grow glossy. He sniffled as he let a tear drop down his cheek.
You wiped off your tears and straddled his lap hugging him tightly. Letting him sob on your neck, as you ran your hands from his warm back to his hair. He pulled back and kissed you once more, never tired of how you fit in his hands.
“I love you Y/n. You don’t know how happy and alive you make me feel. You’re an amazing mother to my son, even a better girlfriend to me. Sometimes I feel like I don’t deserve you but I prove myself wrong. I’m so grateful for you always.”
“I love you Mason Mount,” you whispered along his lips before pecking them once more. Luka walked over to you once more, setting himself on Mason's chest. The three of you watching the sunset and taking photos.
This. This is all you need from this day forward.
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likes: sophiaaemelia, kaihavertz, rubendias, cmpulisic, others.
masonmount: my stunning, dropdead, beautiful woman 😍😍
yourusername posted on their insta stories!
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sturniolo-rat · 5 months
✨Chris Sturniolo Headcanons✨
For Black Girls✊🏽✊🏾✊🏿
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💋 Chris loves black girls
I’m sorry but in my head Chris prefers black girls. Like Atlanta Georgia black girls… thick, dark, dressed to the nines, hair done, acrylic nails 💅🏽💅🏾💅🏿absolute fucking queens. Like I don’t describe Y/N in any way but best believe if it’s a Chris fic she’s black to me.
💋 He sees fucking hates racists
This doesn’t actually need to be said but I figured We’d get this out of the way first. Chris definitely listens to you when you talk about race issues so he knows all about micro aggressions. He always notices them and stands up for you every time. “Baby, if anyone says that shit to you again I’m gonna catch an assault charge!”
💋 He owns silk sheets
This man most definitely would buy a full set of silk sheets after you sleep over his house for the first time and he notices you brought your own satin/silk pillowcase. He doesn’t realize it’s for your hair until he surprises you with them the next time you sleep over and you tell him. “Oh, I just thought you were being bougie.” Then he buys more sets of them because he decides to throw away all his cotton sheets.
💋 He learns your hair care routine
Chris is the only white person you trust to touch your hair. He makes taking care of your hair into a really loving and intimate experience. If you’re in the bath he adds epsom salts, sets up candles, and does a bunch of stuff to set the mood. “You have any music requests, Mama? If not I’m probably just gonna put on the sexy time playlist.” He sits out side of the bath and takes his time washing and conditioning your hair making sure to detangle and section it the way you taught him. He does the same thing when you’re in the shower except he stops occasionally to pull you close and feel you up. “Come here, Baby. You’re so fuckin’ pretty and you smell so nice and clean. I just can’t resist.”
💋 He sits with you when you’re getting your hair braided and brings you snacks
Before your appointment he packs you a lunch bag full of snacks for the both of you because of course he’s coming with you. “Alright, Baby, we’ve got Doritos, McDonald’s chicken nuggets, and a shit ton of candy. We’re all set to go.” If you think he’s not gonna come when you’re gonna be in the chair unable to get away from his yapping you are sorely mistaken. He’s always keeping everyone entertained and happy. “What’s up ladies! You have any tea for me today.” It’s just him feeding you snacks and having silly conversations with you and the person doing your hair. If you ever show up to your appointment without him everyone misses him.
💋 He pays for your acrylics
He insists on giving you the money every two weeks because he’s just “helping to keep his princess feeling pretty” He also likes to help you figure out designs and themes nails. He sends you random texts with nail inspo all the time. “I know a zoo theme seems extra, but let me cook, Mama!” I’m certain that he makes you get a C for Chris on one of your nails every time you get new set. This probably isn’t exclusive to black girls but like as a black person who gets their nails done I like to go all out on the designs and shit gets expensive.
💋 You convince him to wear a durag
He only agrees to do it one time in the house. You use the situation to teach him its use and significance in black hair care. It takes him a few tries and you have to demonstrate it a lot but eventually he is able to put it on correctly and he looks super cute. Not cute in a “this is a good look for you” kind of way, but in an aww “the little white boy is engaging in cultural appreciation” type of way. “I think if anyone saw me like this I would get cancelled.”
Idk if people put their tag lists on headcanon posts??? Pls advise
@daddyslilchickenfingers2 @mrsmiagreer @rafecameronsbitch @lovergirl4387 @gdsvhtwa @ashley9282828 @j-worlds-blog @stephanienwf @achrisgirly @draculaura123 @abbypost @cind2224 @crazychrisl0v3r @ryli3sworld @bkwrld @chrattstromboli @pinkishpearls @pepsienthusiasts @stunza @sturnssmuts @angelic-sturniolos111 @69isabella69 @maryx2xx @sturniolo04 @bigbeefybitch @klaus223492 @r93339 @sturnzsblog @spotconlon55 @robins-scoop @junovrsmp4 @sturnlover4eva @blahbel668 @lilahnowheretobefound @luxy-nyx @tuffsturns @m0r94n @sturnstvs @pepsicolapussy333 @maddyslifesstuff @dogblof @honeymoonxxz @xplr-sturns-e-m @hayhjelmstad15
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roostersmustache · 2 years
The Hard Deck IV.
Pairing: Rooster x O.C. Bisexual Female Character
Author's Note: I started this one early because all of the love I've been getting for 'The Hard Deck' has really fueled my desire to write again! So thank you to everyone who reads and enjoys, it truly means a lot <3. I'm writing this chapter with acrylics on so if there are errors, that is why and let me know. This isn't the first or last installment of this fic! Make sure you check out the first three parts! Also, some of the dialogue of the movie might be off! Sorry I tried my best!!
Synopsis: In which Charley really can't stop thinking about Bradley 'Rooster' Bradshaw after seeing him play dogfight football on the beach.
Warnings: Mentions of an age gap, swearing, sexual tension, SMUT 18+ Minors DNI!, mentions of an abusive relationship, possible TGM spoilers, and really sexy aviators shirtless on the beach playing football.
Word Count: 8.5k (I got wayyyy carried away)
Part One Part Two Part Three
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"Wanna go to the beach?"
Charley shot up from her bed after hearing that question yelled at her, and turned, rubbing the sleep from her eyes to her door frame to see Penny and her father standing there staring at her. She gave them a confused look before grabbing her phone and checking the time, seeing that it was about noon.
"What?" She asked, sleep still masking over her voice.
"I said," Maverick said, "Do you wanna go to the beach?"
"Oh," Charley said, yawning and rubbing at her eyes. "Do you not have training today?"
"I do, this is training."
"For...?" She asked, giving her dad a confused look.
"The team isn't really a team. They need to work on teamwork. So we're going to play some beach football."
"As long as I don't have to participate in the football, I will go."
"Alright, kid, then let's go. You've got ten minutes to be ready."
"Ten minutes?" Charley asked, actually shooting out of her bed and scrambling to get ready. She quickly brushed through her hair, washed her face, and brushed her teeth before throwing on some jewelry. Then she went out and grabbed a swimsuit, it was a basic green bikini, with a triangle top and matching bottoms. The bottoms were a bit cheeky, but not too cheeky, making her feel like she could safely wear them around her dad. Then she grabbed a tote bag, throwing sunscreen, lip balm, a water, a towel, and a book in there. After she grabbed some denim shorts and a white button up and added them to her outfit before lastly slipping on her flip flops. She ran out to meet her father and Penny, who were both seated on his motorcycle. She opted to drive herself.
"You ready?" Maverick asked her.
"I guess so," she called back before stepping into her car and driving off. She wasn't quite sure what the day at the beach entailed for her, but she was excited nonetheless.
Charley is honestly not sure what she was expecting.
She knew they were at the beach, and she knew her dads pilots were here, and she knew they were at the beach, so they would be in beach clothes. But for some reason, she was not expecting to see Bradley shirtless. With abs like that. The last time she had seen him shirtless was long before he went to the Naval Academy, and he looked different.
He was tan, glowing in the sun, and it did wonders for those abs of his. Charley couldn't help but stare. She tried her best not to give herself away, but that was a very hard task.
She had laid her towel beside her dad's beach chair, and she laid there on her stomach watching them all play 'dogfight football.' Penny had chosen to sit at a picnic table, watching from afar, but Charley was trying to get some type of tan. She was wearing Rooster's aviators, and she was very thankful that her dad didn't seem to notice.
Her and Bradley hadn't spoken a word to each other, but they kept stealing glances at one another. Obviously Charley had been looking at him, but he had also been looking at her. He loved the fact that she was wearing his aviators, especially out in public. He didn't know if she would, seeing as how anyone could look at them and question where they came from- especially Maverick. But it seems as if no one has said anything, and that makes both him and her happy.
Maverick wasn't beside her because he was out playing football with the others. The ball kept getting tossed in the air, different pilots catching it each time, but Charley didn't care about them. She was only watching Rooster. At one point his team had made a good play, Charley doesn't know anything about football or really any sport, and Bradley and one of his fellow pilot friends chest bumped. Once he fell back he did this shimmy thing with a bright smile on his face and oh. That was all Charley needed to get her hot.
It's like the Universe felt how hot she was from that one movement because suddenly she was in the shade being blocked from the sun.
She looked up and was greeted with her dad's smile as he sat in his chair next to her. His sunglasses were on and he had a big smile on his face, indicating to Charley that he was having a good time.
"Havin fun, kid?" Her dad asked.
"Yep," she replied, looking at him. "Looks like you are too."
"Oh yeah. I think this is what everyone needed."
"I agree, it kind of looks like everyone's getting along."
"That's definitely the goal," he said, watching the aviators play. "Hey," he said, turning to face her. "Would you mind if I went out with Penny after this? Her and I have gotten close again."
"Of course I don't mind," she said, rolling her eyes at him. "Just don't break her heart again. I don't know if either one of you could take it."
"I don't plan to. I think I want to move here."
"What?" Charley asked, pulling the aviators down her nose a bit to get a better look at her dad.
"Yeah, I think I want to move here. Obviously I'm not sure yet, and I haven't talked to Penny, but I think it's where I belong."
"What happened to your program at home?"
"That's going to be fine. Especially now that we've proved Mock Ten to Admiral Cain. I just know I belong here with her, and I owe that to her."
Charley was speechless. Honestly she didn't know what that meant for her father and his flying because he was doing everything he wanted back at home. But for him to choose Penny over that program? Charley couldn't hardly believe it. He'd never done that before. The only person he had every put above his planes was his daughter, so this told Charley just how much her father cared about Penny. It made her smile.
"Anyways," he said, turning back to look at the pilots. "Any romance coming your way?"
Charley's heart skipped a beat at the question. She absolutely hated lying to her father. She never lied, but she knew she needed to. He wouldn't approve of her budding relationship with Bradley, especially because it's moving fast.
"Nah, nothing so far," she lied, feeling guilty.
Before her dad had any time to reply, however, a figure appeared next to the two of them. She looked up and saw it was Admiral Simpson. He didn't look happy, and it was in that moment that Charley assumed her father had not let his supervisor know he would be taking a different route in training today.
"Hello, Charley," he said to her.
"Hi, Admiral," she said back before turning to watch the pilots have fun on the beach.
She tried not to eavesdrop as she heard the Admiral scold her father for his training choices today, but it was a bit hard. She just kind of chuckled to herself, and it wasn't long before the Admiral left, grumbling to himself because he was mad. Not long after she left, Phoenix came running up to her, holding her hands out. She gave her a confused look and hesitated to give her her hands.
"Come on, Charley! We all agree that you should come play, you look bored."
"Oh," she said. "I'm okay...I don't know anything about football."
"We're hardly even playing anymore. Really just throwing the ball around."
"Go on, Charley," her dad said, smiling. "Go make some friends. I think it'd be good for you."
She looked between her dad and Phoenix one more time before finally agreeing to go play with the pilots. She gave Phoenix her hand and the two of them were running down to the others, the pilots cheering upon their arrival.
"Well, if it isn't Mav's kid," one of them said. "I'm Fanboy."
They all took turns introducing themselves, and Charley waved back at all of them. They all seemed really nice, especially Bob, though she's not quite sure why that's his callsign.
"You two not going to introduce yourselves? Kind of rude," Coyote says to Hangman and Rooster.
"Oh Charly and I know each other," Hangman says, wasting no time in putting his arm around her and smirking. "She's actually going home with me after this."
Charley just rolled her eyes and shrugged herself out of his arms, stepping away from him.
"You wish," she said back. All of the pilots laughed.
Except Bradley.
"Aw stop playing hard to get, Char, we can all see how bad you want me."
"The thing is, Hangman, I'm not playing hard to get. You just aren't at all what I want. Besides, I have plans with someone else after this, that are far more important to me than speaking to you," with that, Charley walked away from him and stood next to Phoenix. All of the aviators laughed and Phoenix gave her a high five. The only thing that made her stomach twist was the fact that Bradley seemed extremely unamused.
"What about you, Bradshaw? Not gonna introduce yourself to Maverick two point o'?" Payback asked.
"I also know Charley," he said. "We kind of grew up together." She tried to look at Bradley, but he didn't look back.
"Well, now since everyone knows each other, let's play!"
They all played on the beach a little while longer, and Charley really enjoyed herself. She made friends with all of the pilots, except for Hangman, who had thankfully decided to leave his comments to a minimum. Bradley seemed to have loosened up a bit because at one point Charley scored a point for their team and he put her on his shoulders like he had done with Bob earlier. Instead of setting her down in a normal fashion, he had basically thrown her over his head and caught her before putting her down. At one point, her dad had come up to the group and told them he'd see them at training the following morning, and he told Charley he'd see her later. Soon everyone began leaving one by one, and it eventually was just her and Bradley. The sun had began to set, but it still felt great outside, and Charley was enjoying it.
Currently Bradley was chasing her around the beach because she had playfully taken the sunglasses he had worn just to spite him. She was laughing and he was yelling after her. She didn't win, however, because next thing she knows Bradley is picking her up and throwing her over his shoulder. She shrieked at him and began hitting his back.
"Bradley I swear to god put me down," she said.
"Unfortunately, I cannot do that," he said. "Those guilty of stealing must be thrown overboard."
"Very funny, Bradshaw. Now put me down."
He just ignored her and continued walking towards the ocean.
"Bradley please don't throw me in the water. Bradley. Bradley. Bradley!"
But it was no use because next thing she knew she was being thrown into the ocean. She came up sputtering and coughing up water, a glare on her face as she gazed at the pilot who was laughing at her.
"That was not funny," she said, walking up to him.
"Now I'm all wet. And my hair is wet. And I hate when my hair is wet."
"What do you do when you shower then?" He asked, still laughing.
"That's completely different."
"So," He said, looking down at her. "Where do you want to go eat?"
"You really think I want to go out with you after that?"
"I do," he said, shrugging.
"I can't even put my clothes on anymore because they'll just get wet."
"Sounds rough," he said, smirking at her. She just groaned before trying to lunge at him herself, but it didn't do anything. He just laughed as her hands hit his chest, trying to push him. It didn't work. Charley grunted in defeat.
"Fine, Bradshaw," she said, crossing her arms. "Yes, I still want to go out with you. I just genuinely don't have clothes to wear anymore because of the stunt you just pulled. I have my shorts, that's about it."
"What about your cute little white top thing?" He asked.
"Yeah that things drenched because my dad mistook it for his towel earlier." Rooster laughed.
"That's okay, baby. I have a shirt you can borrow in the car."
"That's not very appropriate for a dinner date is it not?"
"Charley when I said I wanted to take you out to dinner, I meant I want to take you to my favorite place in this town. I grew up going there, they have the best burgers, and believe me, they don't care what you wear."
"Honestly that sounds better than some five star high class restaurant anyways."
"See? That's what I'm saying. Don't get confused though, I will be taking you to a nice fancy dinner one of these days, but not tonight."
"Lead the way then, Lieutenant."
When they got to Bradleys car, he handed her a t-shirt of his. It was his old Naval Academy tee, and it had his last name on the back. With her shorts and his tee in her hands, she made her way over to her car where she dropped off her items, because he said he would drive, and she quickly got changed. She had to forgo any undergarments because her suit was soaked, so she just slipped the shirt on and put on her shorts before coming back out to Bradleys car. She saw that he had thrown on a tank top with an old Hawaiian shirt overtop.
"Ready?" He asked, opening the passenger side door for her.
"Yep," she said, climbing inside.
Once Bradley joined her, he turned on some classic rock before driving off to the diner. The ride was mostly silent, other than Bradley's singing along with what was playing through the car.
"You have a very nice voice, just so you know," Charley said.
"Oh yeah?" Bradley said, stealing a glance at her. "You think so?"
"I know so."
"Well thank you, I get it from my dad."
The two fell back into a comfortable silence the rest of the way there. Once they pulled up, Charley was amazed she had never seen this place. It was this small diner about fifteen minutes away from The Hard Deck that looked like it was straight out of the sixties. In the midst of her gawking, she hadn't even realized that Bradley had opened her door and was waiting for her to get out.
"Oh," she said, turning to see Bradley smiling at her. "Sorry, just hard to believe I've never seen this place."
"You've never been here?" He asked, shocked.
"Nope," she said, walking alongside him into the restaurant. He told the host that it was just you two, and next thing you know, you're in a booth sitting across from the handsome pilot.
"Well, you'll love it. They've got literally everything and it's all so good."
"I'm excited," she said, looking at the menu.
"What looks appealing to you?" He asked.
"I dunno honestly...I think I want a burger and a milkshake."
"That sounds so good."
"What about you, Rooster?"
"I always get the same burger with fries and lemonade."
"Lemonade?" She asked, giving him a grin.
"What's wrong with lemonade?" He asked.
"Nothing, just didn't take you for a lemonade guy is all."
Once the waitress came and took their orders and got them settled into their food, the two had fallen into a nice flow of conversation. She wanted to know everything about him, and it seemed that the feeling was mutual.
"So what made you want to fly?" She asked, slurping on her milkshake.
"I wanted to follow what my dad did. Not only to make him proud, but I guess because being in the sky, flying, doing what he loved to do just as much as me, makes me feel really connected to him, you know?" She nodded. "What about you? Why didn't you fly?"
"I wanna fly," she said. He raised a brow at her. "Not putting my life at risk, though."
"Then how else are you going to fly?"
"I want to be a flight attendant," she said. He smiled at her, seemingly happy with her answer.
"That makes so much sense," he replied, grinning at her.
"What does that mean?" She asked, squinting her eyes at him.
"I don't know," he shrugged. "I can just see you in that position. Besides, you'll look so good in a uniform."
"Oh please," she blushed. "It's just a blazer and a pencil skirt."
"Exactly," he said, winking at her.
It was then that she realized that Bradley knew bits and pieces about her past love life, but she didn't know about his. She didn't want to cross a line, but she was curious. Because, he was thirty five and unmarried, which was a bit uncommon for men in the navy his age. She knew plenty of pilots who had settled years ago, long before they even reached their thirties.
"Please tell me if this oversteps," she started, giving him a cautious look. "But, how come you aren't married? Or engaged? Not that there's anything wrong with it, but you're just so attractive it's hard for me to believe you're single."
He gave her a smile and chuckled a bit before replying. "That doesn't overstep, I'm more than happy to answer," he said, shifting in his chair. "I guess...I don't really want anyone to have to mourn me if things go south in my life. My mom...what happened with my dad...I don't want to put my wife in that position. But as the years have gone by, I've realized how lonely it's made me, and that I can't really live my life in fear."
Charley just listened and let him talk. She wasn't around when Goose died, but she's known Bradley her entire life, and she knows how hard his death was for him. Then his mother died, and Charley remembers that clear as day. The way that Maverick treated Bradley as his own son resembled the way Carole treated Charley as her own daughter. Understanding that Bradley has purposely left himself without any attachments just so he doesn't have to hurt someone is so sad to Charley. To her, he deserves the world, and she hopes that he can see that.
"I guess I just don't want to have to worry about leaving anyone behind. I mean, when- if- I have kids, what if something happens to me in the air? I just-- the possibility of it is so scary to me, and so I've just left myself alone because of it. But it's made me miserable, honestly, because I want that. I want it so fucking bad. I want to get married, I want to have kids. I'm just scared."
"That's completely understandable, Bradley," Charley replied. "I know my dad grappled with what to do about flying when he had me. Nevertheless, he kept doing it because Penny told him he needed to, and that he couldn't live his life in fear like that, but it was so hard for him."
"What about you, though?" Bradley asked, looking to her. "Do you want to get married?"
"I do. Now, at least. If you would've asked me that about a year ago I would've said no, and that I wanted to live the rest of my romantic life by myself in my home with a dog and a cat."
Bradley chuckled at her reply, giving her a smile. "That still sounds like a lovely life," he said.
"Yes, except for the fact that it was fueled by abuse."
Bradley's smile immediately dropped, and he tensed up. "I'm sorry he did that to you."
"It's okay, I'm sorry I made the conversation take a dark-ish turn," she laughed. "I cope with humor sometimes."
"Well, Charley, you didn't deserve that. I don't know what all he did to you, but he did enough to make you upset and be scared to give your love to someone else. That's enough to make me hate him."
"I appreciate your support," she laughed, giving him a salute. "But, no, yeah, I'm just glad I'm out of that situation."
"I am too, baby," he said, placing his hand on top of hers.
Once the check came, Bradley quickly pulled his card out and gave it to the waitress, beating Charley, who also had hers out. He just gave her a grin and a wink, and she playfully scowled at him. They got back in the car, he opened the door for her of course, and started driving.
"Where to now?" Bradley asked, turning over to look at Charley whose face had noticeably gotten pink from the sun.
"Well, I can't go back to my house," she replied.
"Why is that?" He asked, raising a brow at the girl.
"Because my father is there with Penny. And Amelia isn't home right now. So I would rather not go back and interrupt something."
"That's fair," Bradley chuckled. "Wanna go to my place? Have a drink?"
"Sounds great to me."
They pulled up to his place, which was one of the military dorms that he's provided with during his time on base. They go in, and Charley makes note of her surroundings. It was any typical dorm style room, but it was also so Bradley. He had a mini fridge in one corner with stickers on it from his various favorite television shows, musicians, movies, planes, and of course, stickers that related to his position in the Navy. His bed was made, which didn't surprise Charley at all, and his bedding was black. He had some posters on the wall of the Star Wars movies, and lots and lots of pictures throughout the room. She loved it, and it felt so much like him, which made her like it more.
"It's nothing fancy, but it works," he said, putting down his bag.
"I think it's great," Charley said, smiling at him.
"Well," he said, walking over to the mini fridge. "What do you fancy?"
"What do you have, Mr. Bradshaw?" Charley asked, walking over and joining him.
"Beers, seltzers, many different things, love, but I feel like you're a seltzer kind of girl."
"You know me so well," Charley said, giving him a wink. He smirked back and handed her a Truly before grabbing a beer of his own and sitting down on the bed. She joined him and sat next to him, the both of them sipping on their drinks.
For the next hour or so, the pair had been talking and laughing, the drinks kicking in for them both. Neither one was drunk, moreso on the verge of being tipsy, but they had enough in their systems to make their comments more bold.
Thus how they ended up in the position they're in now. Bradley is currently on top of Charley, who is laying on her back on the bed, and they're making out. Except this one is different. Bradley is more urgent with his movements, unlike the last time they made out, where he was more gentle. His hands, however, won't move from her face or waist, and it's driving Charley crazy. His lips are currently on her neck, both hands on her waist, as he holds her to him tightly so he can mark her neck up.
"Bradley," she breathes, patting at his chest. She's trying to stop him now before things go too far and she gets too turned on. "Bradley," she says again, this time a bit more urgent.
"Huh?" He asks, stopping his actions and looking at her, his eyes are glazed over and his lips are parted.
"Shouldn't-," She starts, licking her lips because her throat has gone dry. "Shouldn't we stop?"
"Probably. Do you want to?"
Something in Charley's chest sparks at his question. No, no she does not want to stop. But she thought he would want to stop. Especially because of last night. But she feels like that was his way of saying he didn't want to, leaving it entirely up to her.
"No," she says, doing her best to rub her thighs together without being noticed by him. It doesn't work.
"Neither do I," he said, tightening his grip around her waist.
"But-," she's hardly able to finish her sentence because he goes back to kissing on her neck and the side of her face. "But what about what you said last night?"
"I still mean what I said," he says, looking back up at her. "I'm not going to fuck you," Charley let out a huff of frustration. "But," he says. "That doesn't mean we can't do other things."
Charley's breath hitched, taking in exactly what he had just said. Knowing that she'd maybe get something was making her feel all kinds of things. Nervous, excited, and even more nervous. She hadn't been with anyone since Dylan, and she was scared.
"If you don't want to do anything, we won't," he said, tucking a strand of hair behind her ear. "But I would really like to make you feel good."
"No," Charley said. "I want to. So bad, Bradley. I'm just nervous."
"That's okay, baby, but I've got you," he leaned down and kissed her cheek, then the other one. "I'm just going to make you feel really good," he said, kissing along her jaw. She whined. "Is that okay?"
"Yes..." she breathed out, lost in the feeling of his lips on her neck again.
"Yes...?" He asked, looking up at her and raising a brow. She gave him a confused look, and he just nodded at her expectantly.
"Yes, Bradley," she said.
"Good girl," he said, kissing along her jaw again. She moaned.
"Please," she whined.
"Please what?" He teased, hands slipping under her- or his- shirt.
"Please touch me," she breathed, shutting her eyes tightly as she felt his hands slide to cup her breasts.
"I am touching you, baby," he said, giving her a peck on the lips. "Can I take this off?" He asked, motioning for her top. She just nodded, her eyes still wired shut. "Words, Charley, we've talked about this."
"Yes. Yes, yes, just please," she said, squirming under him. With her approval, he gently slid her top off, exposing her bare chest to him. He was in no hurry, though, because he just looked at them. Charley got shy from his staring, so she made a move to cover them with her hands, but he quickly caught on and grabbed her wrists, pinning them down on either side of her head.
"Don't get shy on me now, Charley," he said, gazing down at her.
"I feel so exposed with you just looking," she said, a blush rising to her cheeks.
"That's because you are exposed, baby," he said, smirking at her. He released her wrists, but gave her a look telling her to keep them there, before taking his own hands and exploring her now bare chest. As if on instinct, her back arched, pushing up into his touch. He trailed his fingertips across one of her nipples and it immediately hardened under his touch. He smirked at her, seeing how she had her bottom lip captured by her teeth. He took his pointer finger and thumb and pinched her nipple between his finger, earning him a loud moan from her.
"So sensitive," he said, making goosebumps rise on her skin.
"Been a while," she breathed out.
He went back to kissing her, his hands still exploring her chest. Each little noise she made was captured with his lips, and he loved it. Bradley was a man with lots of self control, but Charley was making it so difficult for him to contain himself. His jeans were getting tight, but he wanted to keep his clothes on. He felt her hands come up and try to tug his shirt off, so he pulled them off and pulled away from her.
"My clothes are staying on," he said, giving her a dark look.
"Why?" She whined.
"Because," he said, scooting down the bed and attaching his lips to one of her nipples. "You're the only one getting pleasure tonight."
Charley just laid there gripping the sheets as she felt Bradley's lips on her chest, leaving marks. Something about the fact that he was completely clothed and she was bare made her that much more turned on, but she didn't want to admit that. No one had ever paid that kind of attention to her chest before and it felt good. Honestly Charley was embarrassed about how much noise she was making and Bradley hadn't even touched her where she needed him to touch her.
While she did love the attention he was giving her chest, she really needed him to take care of the issue that was borderline hurting her. She had become a squirming mess, unable to keep her hips still because she needed him so bad right there. He seemed to get the idea because he stopped his movements and looked up at her.
"What is it, baby?" He asked, his voice an octave deeper than usual.
"Need you. Need you to touch me."
"Again, I am touching you. You're going to have to be more specific."
"Bradley," she whined, squeezing her thighs together and huffing in frustration. It was unbearable. "Need you down there," she said, raising her hips.
"Down...here?" He asked, moving his hands to cup her ass.
"No..," she said, biting her lip.
"Here?" He moved his hands to the inside of her thighs. She shook her head again.
"What about...here?" He asked, moving one hand to cup her over her shorts. Her breath hitched in her throat and she nodded at him.
"Yes, please," she said, pushing up into his hand.
"Desperate, aren't you, baby?" He asked, moving both of his hands to the top of her shorts. "May I take these off?"
"Yes," she breathed. He undid the button on them and unzipped them before sliding them down her legs. She lifted her hips to help get them off before kicking them off with her feet. Once they were off, she realized that she was now completely naked, and she closed her thighs tightly together. But Bradley would have none of that, so he reached up and grabbed her knees, parting her legs so he could look at her.
"I can see how wet you are from up here, sweetheart," he said. His words went right to her core, and she tried to squeeze her thighs shut again, but he wouldn't allow it. "None of that," he said, giving her a glare.
"No panties, huh?" He asked, giving her a smirk.
"Swimsuit was wet," she reminded him, struggling to get the words out of her mouth.
"Dirty girl," he remarked before moving his hand down between her legs. He slid his fingers through her slit, making her moan below him, pushing her hips up to get as much contact with his hand as she could.
"Please, Bradley," she whined.
"No one's ever taken care of this pussy properly, have they?" He asked, using his finger to circle over her clit.
"No," she said, screwing her eyes shut.
"Poor baby, never been treated right. But don't worry, you don't have to worry about that ever again," he said, drawing his finger away from her clit and to her opening, circling it, teasing her.
Charley knew that she wasn't going to last long, and it was hard for her to feel bad about it when she was feeling so good in the moment. It had been far too long since she'd had any experience in the bedroom and she hadn't really missed it, mostly because all of her previous sexual encounters had been extremely sub par. Dylan never made her finish. In fact, she faked it every single time. The only time she's ever been able to have an orgasm was when it was with her own hands, but she could tell that with Bradley, it would be different. She knew that he wouldn't stop until she had finished.
"You know," he said, prodding her opening with his finger. "Been thinking about touching you all damn day. Ever since you showed up to the beach in that bikini," he slipped his middle finger inside of her, making her immediately arch her back and moan.
"Oh my G-," she started, writhing under him.
"Seeing you in my aviators in that skimpy bikini...wanted to take you right there on the beach, in front of everyone."
"Wanted," she started, groaning as he began fucking his finger in and out of her. "Wanted you too."
"Oh yeah?" He asked, speeding up his pace.
"Yes, so bad," she moaned. "Looked so good."
"Then Hangman started flirting with you," he said, pushing a second finger into her, making the girl moan even more, her legs trying to close around his hand. "Made me so jealous baby, but he's not the one about to make you cum is he?"
"No," she squeaked.
"Is he?" He asked louder, using his other hand to grab her chin and make her look him in the eyes.
"No," she said, locking eyes with his brown ones, hers completely glazed over in pleasure.
"Didn't think so," he said, curling his fingers inside of her.
He used his thumb to toy with her clit while his middle and ring finger fucked in and out of her, hitting her in all of the right places. His lips were on her jaw, whispering dirty things in her ear, all things helping her reach that point. Charley's fingers were never this good, and she knew he could tell just by how loud she was being. And she couldn't find it in herself to care, knowing that the walls were probably thin. In the moment, that was the last thing she cared about. All she cared about were Bradley's fingers thrusting in and out of her at a brutal pace.
She felt that familiar coil in her belly building, ready to snap at any given moment. But this was more intense than any other orgasm she had ever had, and it scared her. She couldn't keep quiet, and her hips were grinding down onto his hand at their own accord.
"C-Close," she panted, looking at the pilot with dazed eyes.
"Good," he said, picking up his pace. "Cum for me, Charley."
With his words and one last flick of his thumb on her clit, she was coming apart. It was so intense, so earth shattering. Her jaw fell slack and her eyes rolled up into the back of her head, and she clutched onto the sheets for dear life. He helped her ride it out, only removing his hand from her once she had settled down and was left shaking on the bed, panting. She opened her eyes to look at him, and saw him looking at her before he slipped his fingers that had been inside of her into his mouth, licking her off of him. That alone made her wet again.
"How do you feel?" He asked, giving her a kiss on the nose.
"That," she started, still trying to catch her breath. "Was incredible."
"I'm glad," he chuckled.
He climbed over her and laid behind her, wrapping an arm around her waist as she leaned into him. Her head laid on his chest, and she listened to his heart beat to lull her into a calm breathing pattern. Charley doesn't know how long they laid there like that with her basically sleeping and him running his fingers through her hair and kissing the top of her head, but next thing she knows, he's shaking her, telling her to get up.
"Char," he said. "Charley, wake up."
She did, with a groan. She opened her eyes to see a handsome Bradley in front of her. She gave him a soft smile before sitting up and stretching. She realized she was still completely naked, and began the hunt for his shirt that she could put back on. It's as if he read her mind because he bent down and picked it up, handing it to her. She slipped it on and was able to relax some more.
"What time is it?" She asked.
"About eleven or so. Do you want to stay the night here?"
"Of course I do, but I can't. Dad will get too suspicious and Penny will worry. I probably need to get back."
"That's okay," he said. "Do you want me to take you to your car, or straight back to Penny's? I can come get you and take you to your car tomorrow if you want," he offered, making her smile.
"You can take me to my car," she said.
"Alright, m'lady, then let's go."
He grabbed his keys and slipped on her shoes while she stood up and slipped on her shorts and shoes as well. She finished grabbing the rest of her things before the two of them headed to his car. The walk to his Bronco was silent, as was the ride back to the beach to Charley's car. It wasn't awkward, though. It was comfortable. Once they arrived back, Charley made no motion to get out of his car, instead turning to him with a smile on his face.
"I had a great time, Bradley," she said. "Thank you so much for taking me out."
"Of course, I hope you want to go on a second."
"I absolutely do, Bradshaw. I'd be very upset if you didn't take me out a second time."
"I am so glad," he smiled, pulling her in for a kiss.
"I'm serious, Bradley," she said, pulling away and looking at him. "I really really like you, and I want to see where this goes."
"And I'm serious too, Charley. I also want to see where this goes."
"I'm glad we're on the same page, Lieutenant," she said, pulling him in for another kiss.
The pair kissed a couple more times before parting ways. Bradley walked Charley over to her car, who insisted he didn't have to do that, but he said it was necessary. Once at her car, he kissed her one more time and told her to text him when she got home, and she told him to do the same. They parted with one last kiss, before they both got into their separate cars and drove off.
Once she got back to Penny's house, Charley noticed that her dad's motorcycle was still in the driveway. She assumed he was still inside, so she laughed to herself before walking up to the front door. She was glad he had found someone that made him happy. However, all assumptions of him being inside went out the door when she saw him walking to his motorcycle, a very embarrassed look on his face.
"Dad?" She asked, walking over to him. His eyes shot up to her, and he relaxed when he saw that it was her.
"Oh, hey, kid. Did you have a good day?" He asked.
"I did. Did you?" She wiggled her eyebrows at him.
"Yes," he rolled his eyes. “Until Amelia saw me jump from her mother's window."
"May I ask why you were climbing out of her window?" Charley laughed.
"She didn't want Amelia to see me, but that backfired." Charley now understood why he had looked embarrassed.
"Oh," she giggled. "Well, I got a long day tomorrow so I better head to bed. Love you, dad," she said, turning around and heading to the front door.
"Love you too, kid," he called back. "Oh, and may I ask why you're wearing Bradley Bradshaw's shirt?"
Shit. Charley cursed herself before turning around and facing her dad, quickly coming up with a lie.
"I didn't have a top to wear once we left the beach because my white top was dirty from where you used it as a towel," she rolled her eyes and he cracked a smile at her, remembering that exchange from earlier. "So he offered me his shirt." It wasn't completely a lie, but Charley felt guilty enough about hiding her relationship with the aviator from Maverick.
"Ah, I see. Just as long as it was a friendly gesture," he said, giving her a pointed look.
"It was, don't worry," she said.
"Okay, kid, go get some sleep," he said, mounting on his motorcycle and starting it up.
"You too, dad!" She said, walking inside.
When she got inside, she came face to face with a very embarrassed looking Penny and an amused looking Amelia.
"I was trying to set an example, honey," Penny said to Amelia.
"I know, I just think it's funny," Amelia replied.
"What's funny?" Charley asked.
"The fact that you look like a hot mess and are wearing Rooster's Navy shirt," Amelia laughed.
"I do not look like a hot mess," Charley said, blushing. "Anyways, what's so funny."
"I found your dad sneaking out of my mom's window like some teenager," Amelia giggled.
"Oh, yeah I saw him when I was coming in. He told me about that," Charley smiled.
"I just wanted to set an example by him being gone before you could see that he was here," Penny said.
"I mean his motorcycle was in the driveway so I kind of assumed he was here." Penny just rolled her eyes.
"How was your day, Char?" Penny asked.
"It was good, I went to this good diner about fifteen minutes away."
"With Bradley?" Amelia asked, wiggling her eyebrows.
"Yes," Charley said, not adding anymore to her statement. "Well, I'm exhausted, so I'm going to retire for the night. Goodnight, everyone!" She said, rushing off in a hurry. She didn't want to elaborate on the time she had spent with the pilot.
When she got back to her room, she flopped down on her bed, opening her phone, seeing that she had a text from Bradley waiting for her.
rooster 🐓: I got home. Let me know you also got home safe. I had a great time, can't wait to see you again.
Her heart fluttered, because she also couldn't wait to see him again.
c: i also just got back! my dad saw ur shirt on me, but i played it off and he bought it. i also can't wait to see u! really really looking forward to it.
rooster 🐓: I wondered if he would comment on it. Glad he left it alone, though.
c: yea me too, i was worried for a sec. well, goodnight! i'm off to bed. i'm beat after...certain activities...so i'm gonna go to bed a bit early tonight lol.
rooster 🐓: Haha, sleep well beautiful, talk tomorrow.
Charley was falling hard, and she was falling fast, and she wished she cared enough to slow herself down. But she didn't.
Training today felt tense.
Nothing had happened to make it feel that way, but Bradley felt on edge. He wasn't sure why, because he's not usually an anxious person. Considering his job, anxiety can't really get in the way, so he's not quite sure why he's feeling this way.
Mav had been going through a simulated version of the mission today, and the main focus had been the steep climb out of the mountain. The mission was coming up fast, and Bradley would be lying if he said it wasn't a bit of a daunting one. He wanted to fly it, wanted to prove to Maverick that he was a good pilot, because it seemed that getting into Top Gun wasn't good enough.
Bradley wasn't ready to forgive Maverick for pulling his papers into the academy. He had never been given an explanation as to why that happened, and it angered him so much. It had been what damaged their relationship, and that had yet to be mended. The entire time they had been training for this mission together they had been making remarks to one another. Mostly it was Bradley, because Maverick had tried to talk to him on the first day, but Bradley wasn't really ready for that yet.
Currently, he was sitting in the room with the other pilots, listening to those that were in the air doing their training exercise. Currently it was Maverick, Coyote, Phoenix, and Bob in the air. They were getting ready to climb up the simulated mountain.
Bradley must've zoned out for a minute, because when he focused back in on what was being said over the radio, it was Maverick yelling at Coyote who had gone into G-Loc. The aviators raced to the window to get a glance outside to see what was going on, and sure enough, Coyote's plane was spiraling to the ground below at a rapid pace. Maverick was closely following behind him, trying to get the pilot to regain his consciousness. The aviators watching all held their breath, hoping that their friend would pull through and regain his composure.
At the very last second, Coyote's plane disappeared behind a hill, and before the pilots could lose all hope that he was lost, his plane shot over the hill and back into the air. Bradley let out a sigh of great relief while the other pilots cheered and high fived each other.
That was close.
However the pilots had no time to recover because next thing they hear through the radio is Phoenix yelling "Bird Strike!"
Any pilot knows what that means, and it's never a good thing. Many pilots have lost their lives during a bird strike, so hearing that a bird strike is occurring is never something good. The room falls silent again, as worry take everyone over for a second time in the last five minutes. Bradley couldn't focus on what was being said over the radio, all he could focus on was watching Phoenix's plane try to stay up in the air. Both of the engines were on fire, and the second she'd extinguish one, the other one would catch on fire. Just like Coyote, Phoenix and Bob were quickly losing altitude, so Bradley concluded they'd have to do what any pilot dreads thinking about doing. They were going to have to eject.
And that's exactly what they did. Bradley could see both Bob and Phoenix come shooting out of the aircraft, parachutes deploying, while the plane crashed into the ground, blowing up. All of the pilots were relieved again, but it wasn't as good of a feeling. Phoenix and Bob had to eject, and doing that is something no pilot wants to have to do because there are so many cases where the seat fails to eject, Bradley would know that better than anyone.
They got word that Phoenix and Bob were going to be okay, and Maverick closed training early that day because of how many incidents had happened. Bradley headed back to his room and sat on his bed, staring at the wall. He had come close to losing three friends today. Three. And it wasn't even the mission. It was training. He was worried about all three of them, even though he knew they were all okay. Accidents happen all the time in the air, it's one of the things you sign up for when you join the Navy.
He was interrupted from his thinking when he heard a soft knock at his door. Turning around, he saw Maverick standing in the doorway, and with a sigh, Bradley turned back around and stared at the wall again.
"Phoenix and Bob are staying at the hospital overnight to be observed, but they're going to be okay," he said.
"That's good," Bradley said.
They stayed silent for another moment longer, the tension thick in the room.
"I almost lost my burner too. There will be others," Mav said, breaking the silence.
"That's easy for you to say," Bradley replied. "No wife, no kids, no one to mourn you when you burn in." While what he said was said to Maverick, he was really talking about himself.
"Let's get some sleep," Maverick said, turning to walk out of the room. It was at this moment that Rooster lost his composure, shooting off of his bed and turning to face Pete.
"Why did you pull my papers at the academy?" He yelled. "Why did you stand in my way?"
"You weren't ready," Maverick said, his voice calm.
"Ready for what? To fly like you?" Bradley said, moving closer to Pete, their faces a mere six inches apart.
"No. To forget the book. Trust your instincts. Don't think, just do. You think up there and you're dead. Believe me."
"My father believed in you too," Rooster said, glaring at Maverick. "I won't make the same mistake." He could tell that what he said said upset Maverick, but he found it hard to care. He was so angry with him, pulling his papers like that.
"Maverick," a voice said. Both men turned to look at the Admiral who was standing there, giving Maverick a somber look. Bradley was confused, but Pete seemed to not be confused. He seemed to understand what the Admiral was saying. Both men just stood there, waiting for a further explanation, and it came.
"It's Ice," he said. "He's dead."
When the words came out of the Admirals mouth, Maverick turned to look at the floor before excusing himself and leaving. Bradley went and took a seat on the bed, also staring at the ground. The Commander was dead. While he never really knew him, he knew how important he was to everyone in the Navy, especially Maverick. Ice had flown with him, and Ice had known his father. Bradley felt sadness wash over him, knowing that he'd have a funeral to attend the following day in remembrance of him. He quickly got ready for bed and laid down, just staring at the ceiling. He thought about Charley, and how she had been in this very bed the night before. It made him smile, thinking about her. He missed her, and it had only been a day. Everything with her had been so easy, and it felt so right.
He knew the two of them were moving fast, as of last week they hadn't seen in each other in about a decade, but he knew he wanted her. And why wait? Especially with such a threatening mission ahead. He wanted to give her what he could while he could, before the possibility of burning in became a reality.
He only hoped that she felt the same.
A/N: AHHH this chapter is so long! It's def my favorite one now too! In the next one, we're gonna dive into some angst hehe...my fave genre! Also, this was my first time writing smut, so please be gentle! It'll get better over time haha. Anyways, let me know what you think! Talk to me!! Send asks!! Sends blurbs!! I dunno just talk to me! Makes my day!
TAGLIST (If you would like to be added please let me know!):
@fangirl-316 @alana4610 @katiemcrae @paintballkid711 @emptyloverofmine @datingbtr @luckyladycreator2 @analliedumpling @midnightdevotion @happypopcornprincess @dunningz @claudie-080102 @hope-love-equality2
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sheislethal · 2 years
Ok, but what about Sevika with an s/o who's a singer at the borthel and obviously has to be very flirty and sexy so the public keep their attention on them. One day Sevika decides to watch and support her lover but didn't expect to feel so furious and jealous with everyone paying attention to her s/o, and if is ok please don't nsfw.
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SEVIKA x reader (Third person pov)
WARNINGS: gn! reader, mature themes, generally sfw, cussing, etc
Notes: Everyone, feel free to read my book “Corrupt Me” on Wattpad! Just go to my bio and tap on the link, then go to Wattpad and you should see it. I also wrote this in super long acrylics, so the keys worked against me.
"Only Yours"
Friday night. Everyone in Zaun knew what that meant.
One of the Undercity's best singers, y/n, would be performing at the Last Drop.
They were known for their enchanting voice, sexy energy, and flirtatious nature when singing.
They drew quite the crowd. Some from Piltover even took the risk to come and listen to them sing.
Sevika knew how lucky she was, bagging someone as talented as y/n. She never quite had the time to sit down and watch her partner perform in her element, though.
She had made it her goal to take some time off to listen to her, and her goal had become a reality tonight.
Y/n was backstage in the bar, preparing for the show. The outfit that hugged their skin obviously had to be promiscuous. How else could you attract the attention of sixty percent of the crowd, which happened to be men?
Their hand's drug up their side, the rough red material of the sparkly dress was complimented by the dark makeup that coated y/n's face.
Y/n wasn't expecting Sev to be there tonight, considering she never was. They wished she would be, though. Despite the thousands of eyes that have watched them sing, their most cherished happened to be their partner's.
Sevika wasn't surprised to see the large crowd waiting in the Last Drop. Her partner was a sight to behold, and a voice to be exalted. Although she hadn't heard y/n sing in public, there had been plenty of times where she would have y/n sing to her in their apartment.
Sevika took a seat somewhere in the back, amidst the shadows. She inhaled her cigar and took in the dimming of the yellow lights. The bar now held a scarlet hue to set the mood.
The chattering of the crowd had died down, a queue that the highly awaited entertainment was about to grace everyone's presence.
Sevika's heartbeat picked up its pace when her grey eyes watched her lovely partner entering the small stage.
An absentminded smirk danced on her dark lips at the sight of y/n's attire. Y/n happily got consumed in the crowd's cheers and whistles. They were all for her.
They approached the microphone, and the music began to play. Almost immediately, y/n's hands met their hips and were seductively drug up their waist as they parted their blood-red lips.
"I put a spell on you." Their sultry, sinfully insinuating voice drifted through the bar like a dripping stream of honey.
"Because you're mine." A smirk found y/n's lips as the crowd shouted cheers of delight. Sevika suddenly remembered other people were also watching her partner, and her eyes suddenly narrowed.
This was y/n's job. She expected this kind of attention. That didn't mean she had to like it, though.
"You better stop the things you do. I tell you I ain't lyin'..." Y/n's eyes fluttered through the crowd slowly and purposefully. They made sure to maintain eye contact with her crowd for long periods of time before moving on to the next person.
"I ain't lyin'!" The beat dropped and y/n's hips started to sway with the music, creating a not-so-pg-13 array that drove the crowd wild.
"You know I can't stand it," Sevika glared around her at the crowd that grew a little too excited at her lover's performance. "You're runnin' around."
Y/n's eyes finally captured Sevika's and their eyebrows widened ever so slightly. "You know better, daddy. I can't stand it, cause you put me down."
Y/n was extremely taken-aback at their girlfriend's unexpected appearance, but they were definitely pleased.
Y/n decided to put a little more passion into their act, dipping down and proceeding to drag their hand up their exposed leg due to the dress's slit.
Whistles from both men and women filled Sevika's ears, and rage started to consume her body. She loved how y/n moved, but she despised the sinful eyes that watched her from all around.
"I put a spell on you, because your mine." Sev's fists tightened into balls as the cheers never waivered. She wasn't jealous. She was well-aware y/n was hers and hers alone, so why did this feel so much like jealousy.
Y/n's song soon came to an end, which earned them a standing ovation.
Sevika wasted no time in standing and pushing past the crowd, making a bee-line toward the backstage area.
She pushed past the velvet curtain and was met with y/n's excited face. "You came! What did you think? Was I good?"
Sevika's face was flat with a lingering slight glare. Y/n's eyebrows furrowed together in confusion once their girlfriend merely grunted in reply.
"What's the matter? Did you not like it...?" Their voice sounded quiet and deflated from any previous joy.
Sevika avoided her lover's eyes and shrugged. She attempted to move past y/n, but they reached for her arm and halted her.
"Sev, I can see something's up. What's the matter?" Sevika turned her head around. "Nothing. I'm fine. Let's go home."
"I'm not going anywhere until you tell me what's wrong." Y/n defiantly folded their arms together. Stubborn as ever, but that's why Sevika fell for them.
A sigh left her lips and she pinched the bridge of her nose. "It made me a little upset seeing everyone pay attention to you." She begrudgingly admitted.
A soft smile crossed over y/n's face. "You're jealous?"
"Absolutely not." Sevika countered defensively. Y/n's fingers found their girlfriend's bicep, and their scarlet nails trailed across her dark bronze skin.
"It's fine if you don't admit it. I already know the truth anyways." They tsked and wrapped their other arm around Sevika's shoulder.
Sevika's eyebrow quirked when her lover came up right beside her face. "I don't even pay attention to any of those people. They're just my paycheck." They started.
"I only really care about you, Sevika." Sevika's skin tingled as her partner's whisper landed right beside her ear. Y/n's nails drug down her arm. "They could never have me. I belong to you." They murmured comfortingly.
Sevika rolled her eyes and wrapped her arm around y/n's waist. "Alright, I get it. You don't gotta start seducing me." Her frown switched to a smirk and she quickly kissed her partner, who was now laughing.
"Just makin' sure we're on the same page." Y/n chuckled, and Sevika lead them both out of the bar through a backdoor.
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poppy-metal · 3 years
you know what…… college scream au where denki is the killer and it’s like… it’s denki no one suspects him lol are u kidding me ?? this boy ?? this man ?? you’re all huddled together the whole group bc of the murders and you’re the one that’s like “i’ll be right back” and he’s like “i’ll come with, don’t you remember what happened in the movie” and you’re like “yeah, he goes off and kills his girlfriend” denki rolls his eyes like “good thing i’m not your boyfriend” bc u rejected him a couple months ago. he’s not going to hurt u, just the people standing in his way of having u all to himself and , like, the people who think they’re better than him, who treat him like an idiot or a sidekick,,,
anyway he goes off w you and he’s like “are you scared?” and you’re like, “no fuck off denki” but u are scared and he thinks it’s hilarious bc he’d never hurt u — but he does like that it keeps u so close.
cw: denki is ghostface, death and stuff, dark content related things. no smut. yet. lots of sexual tension though
wc: 2.5k
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you tap your fingers on the cool granite, pink acrylic. tap, tap, tap. you stare down at the tabletop, drink in breaths, inhale and exhale, letting the air into your lungs slow the thump of your heart. your solo cup sits empty, and you trace the lid idly. you'd left the bomb fire and tracked your way up here to refill it and bring more booze, but in the quiet of the house, you let yourself settle. 
you can feel tacky glitter on your face stick to your skin, making you wanna itch. the coconutty sunscreen you'd used earlier to ward off mosquitoes fills the kitchen. the more you linger, the less ready you are to venture back. to them, to the party. to him. 
It was getting hard, the pretending. you knew you all were using tonight to forget, forget about the killings. there was a city mandated curfew but you guys didn't care, you made up this town, you owned it. you did what you wanted. but it was hard. 
the more you danced, euphoric and unafraid, the more sick you felt. paranoia was always creeping in, wondering. who's next, is it me? would i make it? you'd thought ochako would, and she'd ended up in a bodybag, blood- 
your head throbs and a breath shudders out of you. maybe you could just go lie on the couch, you didn't- you couldn't go out there again. 
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it was almost too easy, the way you let yourself forget for awhile. denki had made it easy. easier. making eye contact with him on the other side of the bomb fire, you knew he could help. 
your relationship had always been him pushing and you pulling back, scoffing away his flirtations with cold quips and eye rolls. but you'd always felt...something. maybe you just couldn't let yourself go with him, you were afraid of it. of fun, he always said. 
but tonight, you'd pushed first. you couldn't not. he looked...he looked good. loose black t with some logo on it, funky bracelets covering his wrists, ringed fingers glinting under the moon. the flames had licked his face, coloring it in a warm glow. he looked so flushed, hair that messy sexy way that it always was. and he wasn't moving towards you, hadn't been, just meeting your stare head on, something unrecognizable dancing in his eyes along with the flicker of the fire. 
he had one of those candy bead necklaces on, and all you wanted to do was eat it. 
so you moved. feeling the sand beneath your toes, you'd walked around the fire to his side, not breaking eye contact with him as you did. his tongue, red from the wine coolers he'd been drinking all night, dipped to lick his bottom lip as you stopped in front of him. bass pounded around you both, thrumming. everyone else was already dancing. 
he'd tiltied his head at you, lock of blonde hair falling across his forhead as he downed the rest of his cooler and then coverly threw it to the side. a couple weeks ago, you'd have snapped at him for such a thing, but now. now you'd just taken his hand when he offered it, letting him tug you forward. "final girl wants to party?" eyebrow raised, though his voice was gentle. intimate as the way he looked at you. 
he'd taken to calling you that since this all started, and your eyes had drooped as you stared at the candy looped around his neck, chewing your lip. "you're complaining?" 
"you know im not" and you did. you'd known, knew, denki had and has wanted you for a long, long time. he tugs you closer, loops your arms around his neck, damp with sweat and warm from the fire. his eyes are like honey. gooey and melting and warm. you can see the moment they darken. his hands are at your hips and you feel one of his hands skim across a sliver of your hip, fingers inching up your top to skate across what he finds. 
you wince, pulling back a little, but his grip is firm. you still and let him continue, caught for a moment. like a fly in honey as the pads of his fingers, dance across the raised flesh of your fully healed scar. three weeks ago, where the killer, ghostface, had slashed you in your house. the wound still throbbed most days, even though your skin had done its job in patching you up. you hated it, the reminder of that fear, that helplessness. how you were stuck with it forever now. 
but the way denki was touching you, reverent almost, it was intoxicating. made you lean into him a little. he tipped his head as you both swayed, his thumb stroking over the mark, back and forth, back and forth. "does it hurt?" he sounded genuinely curious. his thumb stopped stroking. 
you made yourself swallow "a little". your arms fasten more around his neck, you don't like talking about it. you kinda want him to pull you in more, maybe turn you around so you're pressed together...you don't know where that desire comes from, only that it's there and now its all you can think about. 
"you were" his voice is so low and soft it makes you shiver despite being so close to the bonfire "so scared that night" 
and he does turn you around, the motion making his words flit over you when maybe they should have stuck. your eyes flutter a little when you feel the space between your back and his front disappear, molding himself to your back. you have a wild thought that you fit kinda perfectly together. your ass is plush against his jeans, and if your rock back a little, which you dont, not yet, you think you'd feel him. hard. a thrill goes through you. 
his cheek brushes against yours as he props his head on your shoulder, one hand coming to splay back over your tummy. he presses you back for you, and now you do feel him. you feel all of him. his hair tickles your neck, and his breath is surprisingly cool against your heated skin. 
"I think anyone would be scared" your voice is breathless to your own ears. when did denki have the capability to make you feel this way? "a masked killer breaking into your home is like. the stuff of nightmares, you know." 
"mm" subtly, almost naturally, you rock together. it feels good, really good. the way he noses along your neck makes it better, you think. "I heard" his fingers are back to dancing over your skin, tracing the scar again. "he called you on the phone first. didn't he?" 
your brain is a little foggy from the drinks, your clothes are sticky and your jean shorts are rubbing against your clit in a way that makes you want to hump, turn around and hump the bulge you feel, hump his thigh, anything. your lips, usually tightly sealed, only opening for denki to deliver rejections and jabs, are now loose. everything is going over your head.
you nod. 
denkis thumb presses, pauses over the middle of the scar, the shape of a zigzag. "kinda looks like a lightning bolt" he pets over it. "what'd he say?" 
"hm?" you're biting your lip as you lazily rock your hips back into his. 
you think you feel a flash of his smile, or feel it rather, against your ear. "ghostface. what'd he say on the phone?" 
his voice is so….it feels like its dripping over your like molasses, low and husky. you wanna drown in it, to hear him keep murmuring to you, tucked away from everyone else, just like this. just you two. you blink, "uh" lick over your lips. "he asked me my favorite scary movie-" 
"Scream" you feel his grin definitely now. "Right?"
you nod slowly. he huffs a laugh, "Ironic" 
his thumb starts moving again, and you don't know why, but its comforting. "fuck. i guess it is" 
"What else? hm?" stroke, stroke, stroke, his thumb swipes. "What'd mr. ghostface say next to our final girl" 
"he…." you remember it clear as day, the filtered voice, the innocent questions at first. until. until…. you close your eyes, feel yourself grow hot in a way that's different from the body heat between you two. "he just said...things" 
denkis voice sounds intrigued. his thumb stops again, "Things?" 
another nod from you, jerky, like you're a bobblehead. 
the pad of his thumb presses just barely into your scar, "what kind of things did he say to you, exactly." 
you naw on your bottom lip, sinking back into the memory like its a fog. darting your gaze around your house like a madwomen, as you listened to that voice- "bad things" you think you hear yourself say. 
you're in the memory fully now, though. remembering the fear, as ghostfaces questions got more personal, more prying. you remember, too, the other feeling bubbling underneath the surface at his salacious threats. his words like he knew you and was peeling you apart and seeing you and fucking- 
you remember. you remember. the phone on speaker on your bed as you loosely clutched a knife in one hand, for protection, while your other hand was shoved down your panties. stuffing your cunt full and whimpering while that voice, vicious and taunting on the other end of the line told you- told you all the bad- all the bad things he wanted, know was gonna do.
three fingers knuckles deep, gushing slick around them as he cackled. ruin you, he'd said, he was gonna ruin you. his fucked up little final girl, how he was gonna kill all your friends, and then fuck you in thier blood, how he was gonna sink his cock into your virgin cunt and make you lick the ring of red off his dick after he was done, how he was gonna hurt you, hurt you, hurt you and sneak into your room at night and bury his head between your legs and eat up your scared little pussy until it creamed around his tongue. 
he'd had you squirming and gushing, messing up your sheets in some sick twisted game. and then when you were about to cum- he'd thrown open your balcony door. three fingers deep in your pussy, you couldn't tell anyone you almost died that night because you'd been masturbating to what the killer was threatening. 
"What kind bad things was he saying to make you this wet, ___?" 
denkis voice brings you back, startled. his words take seconds to process and when they do, you feel sick with shame, and, anger you think. you stiffen in his arms, his thumb has dipped just barely into your jean shorts, and his thigh is slotted between your legs. you don't remember him putting it there, or. or grinding on him. but. 
you shake your head. "that's not- don't even suggest that. It's sick" 
"Oh, its sick alright" he chuckles warmly, rocks his knee just barely up against your clothed cunt. "That's why i asked. M'not suggestions anything you're not already giving me. So" he brushes a sticky tendril of hair behind your ear, his lips come down to brush it. "Why are you turned on?" 
you completely don't know what to say. you can't- you're so wet its obvious. you can feel your pussy, it. "She has a little heartbeat she's going so crazy" denki knocks his knee up again. "A killer made your pussy this wet?" 
you jolt out of his arms, stumbling as you rear back around on him. you feel sick, emotions whirling around you like crazy. denki merely drops his arms limply to his sides as he observes you, like a cat. lazy and mildly interested. nothing like the carefree boy you grew up with. 
his lips twitch on one side and you point a finger at him like you're accusing. "you don't know what you're talking about. that's such a fucked up thing to say to me after what I've been through- why would you-" 
"hey" he throws his hands up in a nonchalant manner "im not the one humping someone's thigh over having phone sex with a sociopath" 
your eyes burn. "fuck you" 
something in his own eyes sparks, and then darkens again. you feel something like fear trickle through you, along with a zap of electricity you don't wanna think about. "You've been fucking me for the past 10 years, ___. You saying you want more now?" 
your eyebrows pinch together, knowing he means the way you've been dancing out of his reach since you've known eachother. "that's not fair, denki" you shake your head. 
he sighs like he's bored and looks up at the starry sky. his hands in his pockets as his jaw ticks. when he looks back at you, all the warmth is gone. his eyes almost look black. his voice, when he speaks, is devoid of emotion. "what's not fair is being in love with a girl for a decade and only having her really see me when she's afraid her throat is gonna be slit. thinking when the time comes you'll hide behind me, is that it? cause you know I'll protect you." 
he tilts his head and his smile is so very cold and mean "though knowing what i know now, you're more likely to fuck ghostface over my dead body, huh? that's pretty fucked up" 
you're stumbling back so hard you almost trip and fall in the sand. one of your friends, drunk and out of it calls out to you and you smile shakily, say you're just going inside to get a refill. you want more drinks. you'll be back. 
you look back at denki before you go, he approaches you calmly and gently takes the candy necklace from around his neck. you stand stock still as he places it over your head, his fingers caress your neck briefly as he does. "to keep you safe. the killer always gets the girl when she wanders off." he tells you mockingly. "you looked like you wanted to eat it off me earlier, anyway" 
you sneer at him, feeling something vicious stir in your gut. "you're right about one thing, denki" you place your palm on his chest and push him back a step. "I'll never want you" 
"because your heart belongs to someone else?" he calls after you, and you know who he's referring too. you think you hear him laugh when you flip him off as you stomp away. 
and now here you are. sighing into your hands as you think about what the fuck you're doing. 
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denki looks in the mirror. there's blood on his lip. he really didn't wanna kill tonight, but hitoshi had asked too many questions when denki had tried to slink off earlier. 
it really was alot of work, but. fuck. it was worth it, just for tonight. having you seek him out as denki, having you get lost in the memory of all his dark promises as you ground against his thigh like some slut, it was euphoric. 
but, in the end, he really was still mad at you. he'd had to resort to this to get you to look at him, after all. but he wouldn't kill you. couldn't. 
tonight though, he thinks as he slips the mask back over his head, tonight he just might fuck you. 
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hollyharper · 3 years
The Bachelor- Damian Wayne x Female Reader
Part 1-
How you got here is still a blur. It had started with your friend submitting your portfolio to the waynes and ended where you are now, in the Wayne’s version of the Bachelor. Bruce would never trust his beloved son in the hands of media producers. For why Bruce made this decision, there are a thousand accounts. The one you had been told was that Damian had been an adverse to dating from the start, and his father was attempting to ignite that flame. You had seen hundreds of photos of Bruce Wayne’s eighteen year old heir, in everyone he was frowning. Now, you stand in Wayne Manor’s rarely used ballroom. About fourteen other girls wait with you. How long will you be here? Your best friend had gotten you this far. You can still remember her face as she hugged you goodbye. You both knew nothing would ever be the same after this.
Cameras are everywhere. You force yourself to stand up straight. Your dress falls down to the floor in gentle waves. It’s turquoise color highlights your skin tone, but that color does that for any tone. You had been wise to do so. To your surprise, you’re the only girl in blue. The rest are clothed in dark reds and greens. While you had chosen a more elegant dress, the other girls had taken a more sexy appearance. It’s saddening. The others dress as if the only thing that matters in this ‘contest’ is body shape. At least, you stand out in that way. The entire Wayne family, not counting Damian himself, are here. The girls disperse throughout the room. You find yourself nervously watching from the corner as all the others make small talk with the family and each other. This could be your family one day. The idea hits hard. If you win, if you somehow manage to win the heart of the richest teen in the world, you could have Wayne as your last name. You shake your head, what are the chances?
You jump at the unexpected voice. You whirl around, and find yourself face to face with Damian Wayne.
“H-hi.” You stammer.
A lock of hair falls from your bun and into your face. You tuck it behind your ear, your hands shaking.
“I’m Y/n.” You whisper.
“It’s an honor to meet you.” He says flatly. It is clearly a practiced response.
A giggle erupts from your mouth. Your face flushes red. His frown deeps towards a scowl.
“Where are you from?” He asks, probably another rehurashed question.
“You've probably never heard of it.” You manage.
Did he look this hot before? His hair had clearly been slicked back with gel, but slowly, it’s breaking free. His jaw is well defined, his nose thin and regal, and his emerald green eyes, are the most alluring thing you’ve ever seen.
“What are your interests?” He asks.
“I like art.” You choke out. You fidget with the fabric of your skirt.
His eye brows arch. “What kind of art?”
“Acrylic, Watercolor, sketching. I also do a little digital work.” The anxiety bleeds away somewhat, as you ramble.
“I’d love to see your work some time.” Damian says, with something closer to a smile than his earlier scowl.
“R-really?” Your stammer returns.
“Of course. I dabble in art myself.” The corners of his mouth turn up a little more.
“That’s cool.” You raise your chin a little more. “What d-”
He turns from you, his expression falling back into dislike. “Yes, Father?”
Bruce meets your eyes, then stumps to whisper in his son’s ear. Damian flat out scowls. Bruce patts his son’s shoulder before whisking away to greet some of the other girls. Damian’s scowl stay’s planted.
“What’s wrong?” You ask.
He scoffs. “I’m supposed to greet all the others.”
“Oh.” He looks eager for any escape.
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clearlydiamondz · 3 years
Your Only Fan
Erik!Stevens x Black!Reader
Erik Finds out his best friend slash crush has an only fans. Things go a little right once he finds out.
Warnings: Cursing, SMUT, 18+ Content
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It was a Friday night, which meant that (Y/N) was getting a chance to see her best friend, Erik. Or E, which she calls him. It’s been a minute since she seen him considering she’s been caught up in her school work and he’s been caught up in whatever he had going on. 
Erik was excited when he saw that she messaged him, asking if he wanted to come over and watch a movie. Instantly he answered. 
E: Awe, lil baby miss me :( lol
(Y/N): how you my best friend and you don’t even come see me no more. i feel neglected.
E: Don’t worry, I’ma be there in an hour..
(Y/N): make it 30?
E: oh u desperate? aight, 30 min it is.
Erik grabbed his belongings, grabbing his adidas bag packing an overnight bag. After getting his phone and charger, he made his way out the door and to his car.
(Y/N) finished up cleaning herself up after doing a session on her Only Fans. After about an hour, she earned about a good 900 alone from just tips and subscriptions. This was one of the good nights. 
She made her way out of her bathroom, go to her little recording area cleaning all the toys and things before Erik got there. She didn’t want her best friend to find out about her dirty little secret. It was something that she wanted to keep buried for as long as she could.
She wasn’t ashamed of being a sex worker, she supported other girls. Spoke very strongly about it online. Even did some work with other girls and guys. She just didn’t want everything to change between her and Erik if he ever found out. 
She was in the kitchen making her famous dip when she heard the door open. She looked up and saw Erik walking in with his things in his hands. “Wassup big head?” he said walking into the apartment as she smile at him.
“Hi E, so I found this perfect movie for us to watch.” she said as he groaned. 
“It better not be no scary movie.” he said as she pouted. 
“Nevermind,..” she mumbled looking down as he laughed. “Lemme put my shit down and Ima come show you some love.” he said as she nodded. There was no question that had (Y/N) had feelings for her best friend. How could she not? He was handsome, kept up with himself, a gentlemen. The way he talked and made her blush. It was hard not to have feelings for this man.  
Erik walked into the room putting the extra clothes in the empty drawer she had for him. As he was putting the clothes inside, she heard his phone going off. He grabbed it seeing that it was one of his friends, Tyrel sending him an iMessage and picture. 
Ty: bro , u know bout this??
Erik confused, opened up the picture to see an Only Fans profile. He was about to question him about it until he saw the profile picture.
“Is that-”
Hi, my name is (Y/N), come visit me on my page to come play with me. 
“What the fuck?” he whispered to himself. It took everything in him not to pull up OnlyFans on his phone, but it was failed. Miserably. He searched her name, sitting on the bed looking at one of the thumbnails on the videos. He saw that it was a price for ten dollars a month for the basic subscription fee. After paying for it, he clicked on the video. 
“Hi daddy...’ she seductively whispered to the camera. She had on a white and black school girl outfit that barely covered her ass and pussy. Her skin was oiled, shining looking like  milk chocolate. “My pussy been so wet just thinking about you. Do you want to see?” she gushed biting her lip.
Erik couldn’t contain the weapon that swing between his legs. Just by the second it was getting harder looking at her. She sat back against the pillows opening her legs to show her wetness. 
Okay.. now I understand why she’s called Pearly Perfection...
If it wasn’t perfect, it was close to. The wetness spread across her outer lips, making her skin gloss. She spread her lips with her fingers, the yellow acrylic really contemplating her skin complexion, letting the wetness get on her fingers as she moved it up and downward to the entrance. 
“Ooh that feels good..” she moaned quietly to herself. She dipped a finger inside, slowly fucking herself with it.  She lifted her leg, slapping her vulva before leaning forward grabbing something behind the camera. She came back into frame with a clear dildo. She grabbed it, looking into the camera before licking the tip of it. She placed her mouth on it before deep throating it, basically shallowing the entire thing.
“Erik!” he heard from the kitchen. “Everything good?” 
“Uh yeah, I’m coming!” he exclaimed standing up. He exited the tab before placing his phone in his hoodies pocket. He stood up adjusting his issue, before walking out to the kitchen to see her pouring dip chips into the bowl. 
“You good? Look like you seen some shit?” she said chuckling as he shook his head. 
“If only you knew.” he whispered but she heard him. 
“Did you say something?”
“Nah..” he walked into the living room grabbing the remote as she looked at him a bit confused. Damn, I can’t even get a hug.. 
She grabbed the dip and chips walking to the living room, placing it on the coffee table. She walked back grabbing herself a wine cooler and Erik a beer. She walked back walking past him plopping down on the sofa. 
“I hope you found a good movie since you want to watch a damn scary movie.” she joked, all Erik did was just chuckle before going through the list. She looked at Erik waiting for a smart comeback but nothing.  
“Erik... are you okay?” she asked him touching his cheek as he looked at her.
“Why wouldn’t I be?” 
“You’re acting strange. If something happened than you can talk to me.” she reassured him as he smiled. Erik turned back to the screen before picking a random action film.
About an hour into the movie, (Y/N) leaned forward grabbing some dip and chips, her shirt was risen up a bit showing her red laced underwear and her back side. It was usual that (Y/N) dressed like that around him, they were comfortable with it. But for known reasons, it had Erik squirming in his seat. She looked back to see why he was moving so much. 
“Erik.. are you sure you’re okay?” she asked him as he nodded. She leaned back and he moved to the opposite side of her. “That’s it.” she grabbed the remote pausing the movie. 
“The hell is wrong with you?” she asked him standing up as he looked up at her. 
“What do you mean? I’m not-”
“Yes you are. You acting like you can’t touch me. You haven’t even eaten my dip and you eat my shit up as soon as it hits the table. I know when there is something wrong with you and there is something bothering you.” she said to him as he sighed scratching the back of his neck. 
“Okay, I’m going to be honest with you but be honest with me.” he said as she nodded. “Do you have an only fans?” The question rightfully was a curve ball but she would never like to Erik. Plus, if he was asking about it most likely he already knew the answer.
“Yes..” she trailed off. “How did you find out?” she asked him. Her heart was beating fast, so loud she could hear it in her own ears. 
“Ty sent me a picture of the profile.” he said as she rolled her eyes. 
“Wow, creepy ass nigga.” she said smacking her teeth. 
“No offense but there are a bunch of creepy ass niggas on Only Fans.” he said sitting up as she sighed. “Why you never told me about this?”
“Look how you’re acting. You can’t even touch me. I don’t want it to change things between us. That’s the last thing that I want to happen. A-And your acting different.” she pouted as he sighed. “Like if you ashamed that you are friends with me just up and say that. Trust me, it’s feels way more better than being- than being treated like I’m dirty or something.” Erik saw her eyes watering, and his entire mood changed. For a split second he forgot he was friends with a water bag.
“Wait, (Y/N) it’s not like that.” he stood up cupping her cheeks in his hands looking at her. “I don’t care what you do , you will always my best friend. I won’t ever look at you differently.” he said to her as she started to sniffle. 
“So why are you acting like this?”
Erik mentally cursed at himself. Now he really is going to have to admit that he watched a video and felt some type of way about it. It was all happening the wrong way. “Before I admit it to you, there is something else I should admit first" he said as she nodded. She sat down as he sat down beside her. 
“First of all, I’m admitting this to you because I’ve let this shit drag on for way to long and I need to just to say it. (Y/N), I’ve always had a thing for you. I’ve always wanted you to be mine. Like in a way where we are more than just bestfriends.” he said as she took it all in. 
"Erik I-"
“Wait, I’m not done yet. Out of curiosity, I went to your profile and I saw one of you’re videos. Ima keep it real, shit was sexy as hell. To the point where I wanna fuck the shit outta you.” he admitted. If there was one thing that she loved about him was how honest he was. 
“Okay, I just want to start off by saying that I have feelings for you too. And I want to be more than just best friends...” she trailed off as he smiled at her. “And another thing, if you have an Only Fans, doesn’t that make you one of those creepy ass niggas that-” her sentence was cut off by him pinching her thigh. “Ow.. that hurt.” she pouted as he smirked at her. There was something in his eyes that she never seen before. She stood up before straddling his lap as his hands gripped her waist. 
“Oh you bold.” he said as she nodded. 
“So tell me, what did you think about my videos?” she whispered in his ear. His eyes fluttered shut as he felt her lips kissing along his neck. 
“They were something.. I- ooh.” he moaned out as she started to whine directly on his dick. She grabbed the hem of his shirt, pulling it over his head showing his bare chest. She traced her hands up his chest before throwing across his shoulders. 
Erik leaned in, brushing his lips passed hers smirking. With a brief movement her lips connected with his, him immediately dominating hers. He kinda tasted the cherry lip balm that was on her lips, that made her lips smooth and soft. Their tongues traced along each others in a way, like Erik was giving up his dominance. 
She bit her lip, standing up from his lap as she smirked at him. “What you doin/” he asked her. When she didn’t give him an answer, she got on her knees. “(Y/N).’ he said in a warning tone. 
“What’s wrong daddy?” she asked him. The way she said that you would think it was sinful. “I always thought about you fucking my throat, Erik.” she said as she smiled. She pulled the waist band down from his Nike Sweat pants, noticing he was free balling. “Oh you are big...” she said grabbing the base of it. She squeezed it making him jolt his hips forward. 
She kissed the tip, licking along it tasting his pre-cum. She knew Erik always kept up with himself. Drinking water and eating fruit. If he tasted like this now, she wanted to taste him when he bust in her mouth. 
She wrapped her lips around his erection, before going downward, letting her throat relax around him. “Nasty ass bitch..” he grunted thrusting his hips upward. Seeing him like this had her dripping down her thighs. 
She was messy, he liked that. Spit dropped down her chin along pre-cum.
“This is how you do it, huh? Freaky ass...” he said throwing his head back. She smiled at him. She hallowed her cheeks inward to make it tighter as he grunted. He grabbed her lifting him as she pouted. 
“Fuck wrong with you?” he asked her.
“I wanted you to cum in my mouth..” she said as he chuckled. He leaned forward kissing her, there tongues sliding against each other. She was just like him she liked having that shit messy. 
“Let me ride it, daddy..” she whispered to him, stroking his dick as he stood up. They quickly took off all their clothes as she pushed him back on the sofa. She hovered over it and before she could sit on it, he stopped her.
“You still on the pill, right?” he asked her as she nodded. 
“Yeah I am..” she said making him smirk. 
“Thank God, I don’t plan on pulling out.” he said as she bit her lip. She sink herself on it as the both of them whispered out a quiet ‘fuck’. By far, Erik was one of the biggest nigga’s she been with. She had dildos his size probably a little bigger, but it was different because he was fucking her back. 
“Tight ass pussy, this shit wet for me huh?’ he grunted in her ear as she gasped. All she could do was moan. “Answer me..” he started to thrust his hips upward s she moaned out. 
“Fuck, yes daddy.” she gasped out as he smirked, He was hitting a spot that she ain’t even believe was possible to reach. He rotated his hips in a way that made him hit ever inch of her wall. 
“You’re so fucking deep, I feel it in my stomach.” she gasped as he smirked. 
“Yeah take all this big dick. Take it like a big girl. Making a mess all over my shit, I should have you’re nasty ass get down on your knee’s and clean it up.” he taunted her as she fucked him back. She gained her confidence back. 
She purposely made herself tight as he halted his movements. He leaned back grabbing her waist as she smiled. “Does it feel good, daddy?” she asked him as he grunted squeezing his eyes shut. 
“You tryna make me bust this quick? Huh? Get up. I got something for you’re ass.” he said. She lifted herself off as he stood up. He picked her up, walking to her bedroom. He threw her on the bed getting in between her legs. She prepped herself up to see what he was doing as he kissed her up along her thighs. 
He licked along her folds as she let out a huge sigh. He moved his tongue in slow circular motion applying pressure. “Oh shit, just like that.” she gasped. He moved his tongue downward to her entrance. She started to grind herself against his mouth, basically using him. 
“That’s it, use my fucking mouth bitch.” he grunted. His tongue was demonic. She wasn’t expecting to come so close but damn was she getting a run for her money.
“Who’s stopping you?” he said to her. Within a couple of seconds, she came all over his tongue in lips with a piercing scream. 
“Ass up face down. I’m beating that shit up until I’m done.” he grunted out at her. She turned on her stomach before lifting her ass in the air, creating the perfect arch.
Coming from behind, he entered her nice and slow as he winced. “Shit don’t make no sense. Why you giving me this good pussy, huh?” he said fucking her and she moaned. “I ain’t tell you again, answer me.”
“Because your dick feel so good in my pussy daddy..” she moaned out, gripping the sheets. She started fucking him back at the same pace. “Cum inside me please... I want it so bad.” she moaned as he smiled. 
“Yeah, beg for my shit. Nasty Ass,” he grunted slapping her ass making her scream.. “Pussy making a straight up mess on my dick... shit fucking creaming.” he said looking at his dick. He paused her movement as she gasped at the sudden halt. 
Erik was in a complete shock about what was happening. He was finally digging in her guts and he was about to bust all in her. He pulled out flipping her on her back as he settled in between her lips. 
“Baby...” she moaned out as he smiled. Genuinely smiled. 
“Talk to me..” he whispered kissing her shoulders as she shuttered.
“I’m so close.. please baby.” she whispered back looking into his eyes. The energy in the room instantly shifted. They weren’t fucking any more, they were making love.
He inserted himself inside of her as she let out at a satisfied sigh. He gave her slow strokes as he put his hands behind her to hold himself up. The strokes were slow and deep. 
(Y/N) thought that the only sex she could enjoy was rough and hard, but she was just proven wrong about everything. She was loved this feeling. She didn’t know if it was because it was with Erik, but she needed more of this. 
Erik was in his own world. His main focus was to make her cum. And he was  close to itg just by the feeling. She was gripping him to the point where it was hard for him to move. 
“Loosen up ma, shit tight as hell.” he said chuckling as she moaned. 
“I’m sorry I’m so close..” she said as he nodded. He was close too, and most likely was going to cum before her. 
Within a couple of seconds later he came deep. She felt his heavy load paint her walls, that triggered her own orgasm. She clawed at his back, definitely drawing a bit of blood. He collapsed right beside her as they both looked at each other. 
“You do know that means that you are mine, right?” he said to her as she chuckled looking up at the ceiling. “I’m serious. I’m the only one that need to be getting all in that, you understand me?” he said as she nodded. 
“Loud and clear..” she whispered before tucking herself under the covers. 
“Quick question... why did you start doing it?” he asked as she sighed. 
“Like two years ago, money got real tight. I started doing it, honestly I thought that it was just gonna be something for me to extra money on but than I blew up, and I started to get a lot of money from it. Now, I make enough money on it to pay all my bills, plus more. Including my job down at the restaurant.” she admitted to him. 
“Hm, well I understand..” he said. Their was a sudden silence until he spoke up again. 
“You could join me on my Only Fans. My fans would love seeing you fuck me.” she joked as he raised an eyebrow at her. 
“Shit, I don’t mind.” 
“Wait you serious.” 
“Dead ass.”
The next morning, Erik woke up in the bed, where it was empty. The smell of her cooking made him get out of the bed. After brushing his teeth and what not, he made his way into the kitchen to see she was making homemade pancakes. 
The only thing she had on was one of Erik’s T-Shirts that he left over her the last time he was here, with some a pair of boy shorts. “Good morning.” he said walking behind her wrapping his arms around her waist kissing her neck as she smiled. 
“Good morning to you too.” she placed the batter on the counter, turning around to look at him. 
“Mm, you smell good.” he said. “I’m so glad that I can finally call you mine.” he replied as she smiled at him. Here she was thinking that it was just something said in the moment, but she was glad the feelings were genuinely real.
“I am too..”
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cinnaminsvga · 3 years
by the way | jungkook
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→ summary: there are only two weeks left until graduation—which means you only have two weeks left until you’ll be nothing more than a facebook birthday notification on his phone (unless you do something about it, of course.) → genre: high school!au, humor, slight angst → warnings: none unless you’re terrified of two idiots mutually pining for e/o → words: 1.2K → a/n: ain’t it kinda weird that there were some people you met in high school that you considered your “friend” but never kept in touch with them after graduation? like ships that have sailed past each other, only being left with some hope of crossing someday. idk, high school was weird. anyway, enjoy!
—part of the bgw drabble marathon (Tropes #5)—
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“So, have you asked anyone out to the graduation ball yet?” Hoseok asks you suddenly, his words muffled by the disgusting amount of pasta in his mouth. 
From the corner of your eye, Jungkook’s shoulders tense. You don’t mean to notice—you weren’t even supposed to be looking at him. He has his gaze trained downwards, shooting lasers at his rice with enough intensity to cook it twice over. 
“No, I haven’t,” you respond eventually. 
“Time is running out you know! It wouldn’t look good if the class valedictorian arrived at the party without some good ol’ eye candy,” Hoseok says. 
You scoff, taking a sip of your lukewarm apple juice. “Who says I need a man to make me look good?”
“Or woman, for that matter!” Chaeyoung pipes up. She wiggles her eyebrows, leaning across the lunch table until her chest almost gets a platter full of greasy cafeteria pizza. “You know, the offer is still open. I guarantee that if we went together, we’d be the prettiest bitches in the entire ballroom!”
You laugh, shaking your head. “You’re right, we would be… minus the fact that you’ve been pining over Eunbi for God knows how long, and it would be seriously shitty of me to deny you your last chance of getting together with her.”
Chaeyoung leans back, acquiesced. “Alright, you got me there,” she sighs, crossing her arms. “Still, you know I would drop everything and anything if you asked.”
“Not me though, I’m a selfish whore,” Jimin interrupts, reaching his minimum quota of giving his unsolicited opinion. He points finger guns at you. “I’m bringing my hot and sexy college boyfriend to the ball.”
“Oh right, how could we ever forget your mysterious ‘college’ boyfriend,” Hoseok scoffs, the quotation marks audible in his voice. “The one that we’ve never seen or heard of before, and also conveniently lives in a different city that is miles from here? That boyfriend?”
“Shut up!” Jimin glares, pointing his sharpened acrylic nail at him. “You’ll eat your words once you see how fucking gorgeous and hot and REAL my boyfriend is!” He turns to you, brows still quirked in irritation. “Anyway, as I was saying. Even though I’m going to the ball with my snookywookums, I’m willing to scout a date for you if you want.”
“I don’t think snookywookums is a Scrabble-verified word,” Hoseok says under his breath, nearly causing you to snort your pasta up your nose. 
“T-Thank you, Jimin,” you say, coughing through your laughter. Lucky for Hoseok, Jimin’s massive ego doubles as a noise-cancelling material. “But I’m fine, really. I’m more than happy just hanging out with my best friends over some random guy.”
“Aww, that’s so sweet!” Chaeyoung coos, pinching your cheeks. 
“–and also improbable,” Hoseok snorts. “These two whores are definitely gonna spend that entire night fucking their dates,” Hoseok says, jabbing his thumb at your resident bimbo-himbo combo, “while I will be busy with DJ-ing at the event, so you’re pretty much outta luck, chief.”
“What the fuck? You’re gonna DJ at our fucking graduation ball?” you squawk. “Why the hell would you volunteer to do that?”
“For… experience?”
Hoseok raises his hands in surrender with a pout. “Okay, fine. Maybe I wanted to impress Namjoon. Fucking sue me for being a hypocrite!” 
“Ahah! The ogre has fallen in love with the prince!” Jimin hollers, earning himself a pinch in the tit from Hoseok.
You huff, annoyed. “Am I really being abandoned by all my friends? On one of our final days together as classmates before we inevitably part ways towards adulthood?”
A beat of guilty silence. Then:
“You guys suck!”
You groan in defeat, rolling your eyes. “Fine then! I guess Jungkook and I will have to entertain each other, right Kook?”
The boy in question, who had been eerily quiet this entire lunch period, jolts in his seat after suddenly being addressed. His elbow hits the table with a bang, causing an impressive string of expletives to spill from his mouth. 
Jimin snorts, amused. “Damn, you good? What’s got loverboy all jumpy?” 
“Don’t call me loverboy,” Jungkook says through gritted teeth, his jaw clenched as he cradles his injured elbow. 
“Well someone clearly pissed in your Cheerios. What’s up? Why are you being all broody and sulky?” Hoseok asks.
“I’m not being broody,” Jungkook says broodily. For a brief moment, your gaze catches his, but he quickly averts his eyes before you can get a good glimpse at the unknown emotion that tints them. “I just… got a bad grade in Chemistry. That’s all.”
“First time? I guess senioritis doesn’t hit all of us the same,” Jimin sniffs. “By the way, Kook. Do you have a date for the ball? If you do, then we can all shame Y/N into looking for a date and not feel guilty about it.”
“Hey!” you whine, but your attention is focused on Jungkook. You hold your breath, a looming sense of dread rising up your stomach like bile. A desperate plea rings through your head, crying out, “Please say you’ll go with me.”
As friends, you remind yourself.
Sure Jan, your inner voice replies.
Jungkook barks out a laugh, but it sounds hollow. “I, umm…” he trails off, fidgeting in his seat awkwardly. He puts down his chopsticks, wiping his clammy hands on his jeans. “I’m still, uh, working up the courage to ask her…”
“HER?! YOU LIKE GIRLS?” Chaeyoung screams, horrified. “Then why the FUCK have you been rejecting all those poor girls for the past four years?”
“I just wasn’t interested, I guess,” he shrugs. He pauses. “Wait, did you not know I was straight?”
“Kookie, I don’t know if you haven’t noticed, but you recoil like a raccoon being spritzed with water every time a woman so much as looks at you,” Hoseok points out.
“I’m just shy,” he grumbles. 
To your left, Jimin nudges you gently. “Did you know?” he whispers, brows arched.
“Of course I did,” you snap. “That boy uses five-in-one shampoo and soap.”
Jimin leans back into his seat, a mystified expression on his face. “Damn, you’re right. And here I thought you just liked pining over him because you were a masochist.”
You choke on your own spit, feeling as though a large stone has just been dropped on your esophagus. You whirl towards Jimin with a death glare, but the shithead barely flinches in response. “What the fuck did you just say?” you seethe, panic clear in your voice.
“What did you say?” Jungkook repeats after you, jaw agape. You both make eye contact, and you notice the way Jungkook’s cheeks have flushed a deep red. You have no doubt in your mind that you aren’t faring any better. Shit!
“Now, we don’t have time to unpack all of that,” Hoseok interrupts. He gestures to the clock by the wall, which shows that your lunch period is about to end. He slams his lunch container shut, a large smirk on his face. “But this will definitely be a fun conversation for later, and I want front row seats.”
“Ditto! Text me once you’re out of your last class, okay?” Chaeyoung says, standing up with Hoseok. She blows a kiss your way and pats Jungkook endearingly on the head. “You guys have English together, right? Should be fun!”
“Gotta blast,” Jimin says, scrambling out of his seat before you can snap out of your daze long enough to twist his balls into a ponytail. He throws a mock salute at you, toothy grin on full display. “Have fun!”
Now left alone (i.e. abandoned) by your friends, you tentatively turn to look at Jungkook. You swallow thickly, cheeks flamin’ hot. “So, by the way…. About that date?”
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