#amys deleted scenes.
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SILVER UNDERGROUND / deleted scene 01.
levi's pov #1. :: a deleted scene from chapter one. this is an alternate pov of levi's first conversation with james in the trost hospital.
happy silver underground eve! i thought i could give you all a little treat for the very first edition of additional SU content. this is a special levi-only drabble covering his pov when james first wakes up. i wrote it to better understand his own head while writing james' pov, but it wasn't necessary for the final draft. apologies for the pain, my dears. xo this is unedited. 1.8k words / angst, language, mentions of self hatred. :: please remember: this is additional content. nothing in the deleted drabbles are tied to the main content/overall final storyline.

He doesn’t bother knocking.
Levi can’t, not when you’ve been awake for twenty minutes. Twenty whole minutes where he wasn’t there. Twenty fucking minutes where you were alone, lying in a hospital cot, confused and out of sorts and more than likely asking for him.
He was supposed to be there.
He just didn’t think today would be the day it finally happened.
As he rushes through the hallways of the Trost District hospital, he tries to keep his face neutral. You’re going to need one hell of a recovery period, so he’s going to need to be strong — to hold true to his twilight promises he made six months ago, come what may.
According to Hange, you’d already been gone for several minutes by that time. That didn’t stop him from talking to you through the entire surgery prep process like you could hear him anyway. They’re cutting your shirt now. They’re setting up the blood bag. I’ll sit here all damn day hooked up to it if you need more.
(For someone notorious for silence, he sure had a lot of promises ready on his tongue.)
The door of the medical wing swings wide, and he could fall to his knees then and there: you’re sitting. For fuck’s sake, you’re actually sitting.
You look sickly, disoriented, but your eyes dart across the room towards the sudden intrusion. Your chest rises and falls in your gown. Your fingers are moving just fine.
He can’t say anything — he’s a goddamn coward waiting for the other shoe to drop in this miraculous awakening.
“Captain Levi!”
Doctor Rini’s voice calls to him, but the captain notices immediately that you don’t turn to the doctor. No. Your eyes never leave him, and it’s…
Maybe you’re just exhausted.
Maybe you’re not quite here in the present yet.
“Doctor,” he replies, clipped to avoid emotion.
“I sent Nurse Phillipa to find you,” Doctor Rini exhales with anxiety.
“I was found.” Levi locks onto sarcasm as a defense mechanism. If it wasn’t for the good doctor, he’d already have been at the foot of your bedside. Begging for forgiveness is hardly enough. I’m sorry. “So?” I’m so sorry. “Tired of sleeping yet, or are we looking at six more months of winter?”
If you’re James, then you’ll tell him that you’d take another six months to avoid him.
If you’re still you, then you’ll tease that his left hand is trembling.
But you stare.
That’s it — that’s all you do.
Stare, and stare, and stare.
“You only look like total shit,” he continues with a snort, “so I guess that’s a good thing.”
“Apologies for Levi’s intrusion, Doctor Rini.” Your attention turns when Erwin enters the room. Levi almost wants to demand you keep your eyes on him — look at me, James — but the commander speaks for the both of you. “Nurse Phillipa was able to locate me in my office. I had to retrieve Captain Levi personally. Is it alright if we come in, or is she not yet lucid?”
Of course she’s fucking lucid. She’s right here.
Levi takes a few steps forward, tightening his trembling hand into a fist to keep it concealed.
“She is… lucid, Commander.” The doctor stops there. There’s a but coming — he can feel it.
Levi doesn’t like this, not one fucking bit.
“But?” he snaps, glaring the doctor’s way for the first time since he burst into the room.
The doctor sighs with sadness then gestures towards the fallen lieutenant.
“Lieutenant, state your name.”
Levi can’t help how fast his attention whips towards you. His stomach drops to the floor, digging itself into the dirt. You look… scared?
You shouldn’t be scared. He’s here. He promised he’d be here.
“...you originally stated she suffered a major concussion,” Erwin says.
“Yes, I did,” the doctor agrees, “and I also stated on the report that the probability of temporary to permanent post-traumatic memory damage was high.”
You have to be fucking joking.
Erwin states it in plain terms: “In other words, sustained amnesia.”
The fist at his side painfully tightens, his trimmed nails pushing into calloused skin. He sets his jaw, forcing himself to breathe through his nose.
“It never said anything about permanent,” Levi growls, pushing forward away from the doctor, away from the commander, to talk to you himself. Erwin’s fingertips touch his shoulder as if to dissuade him, but there’s nothing — absolutely nothing — that will keep him from this.
There’s no way it’s sustained.
Confusion in the beginning, maybe, but you just needed to talk a little. He’d show them both.
The visitor’s chair screeches against the floor until it hits the edge of your bed. You’re still doe-eyed and lost, lips parted like you’re wanting to speak — he can help. You two practically grew up with the same half-baked brain cell.
“Where are we?” Levi asks, leaning forward in his seat. He stares up at you with a hidden layer of affection, willing for the James he knows — the James he’s always known — to see.
I’m here. Look at me, James, I promised I’d be here.
“Levi,” Erwin warns. He doesn’t get it.
Levi nods his chin, albeit barely. “Answer the question.”
You pause, fidgeting in that way when you’re nervous. “I… don’t know.”
“You do know,” he urges.
“I don’t.”
“Where — are — we?”
“Stohess District?” you guess. It’s not that far off. Maybe he’s not being forceful enough.
“Try again, dumbass.”
Wrong idea — your eyes widen like you’d never been more insulted in your life. He’s jokingly called you worse. “Excuse me?”
“Levi.” Erwin again.
Levi refuses. “What’s this building called?”
“I said I don’t know,” you plead, and your voice sounds so small that it breaks his heart.
“Do you know what titans are?”
“Of course I know what the fuck titans are.”
His heart flutters at your swear. You’re not entirely lost. “Good. And do you know what the Survey Corps is?”
“Yes, why does this matter?”
“Do you know where you’re from?” If he wasn’t in control, then he’d reach out to your hand. Cup your cheek. Swear on heaven and Earth that you know this one — you just need a little more time. You need to try a little harder.
Yet your shoulders slack. “I don’t.”
Levi’s face drops, his voice taking a sharper edge by accident. “You do. You just aren’t trying hard enough.”
Maybe insults will work.
Maybe spilling his guts of all of his darkest secrets will help.
He’s a man falling through space and time itself, willing the past not to condemn him right now. He’s sinned a great deal in his life, but that doesn’t mean you should suffer for it, too.
Because you know. You know, you know, you know—
“I am trying, asshole,” you hiss, and his face lights up for just a moment.
There you are. There’s that fire. Fight — fight for this, fight with me, just fight.
“Levi,” Erwin interrupts, “that’s enough.”
Maybe it is enough.
Maybe you can rest and try tomorrow, to let you sit in this mental darkness for a little more time, but he’s waited six long months for this.
“So that’s it, then, huh?”
Levi dares to poke at the wound just one more time. You always worked best when adrenaline courses through your veins. That’s why you two were so perfect.
“You’re going to lay down and happily take being a nameless has-been after being stuck in a coma for months?”
But it was the wrong wound.
He regrets his strategy as soon as you look horrified, and he doesn’t have time to quell your fears. Your trust turns to Erwin for the truth. “It’s been months?!”
The fire dies. You’re terrified in this bed, one hiccup away from a panic attack, and Levi is powerless to fight it for you. Erwin takes over and the captain is glad for it — he’s a stone’s throw away from begging.
Come back to me. It was too much to ask of you, but he was selfish enough to ask on your near death bed anyway. Come back to me, James, or I’ll fucking drag you back myself.
But you’re not you.
You’re not you, and he’s the reason for it.
The captain chooses silence as he watches your face, memorizing the slopes of your face. His heart clenches with the hard decision in front of him: Erwin has a clearer head for this. He’s so blinded by his guilt that he’s already hurt you in the first hour of your revival.
Maybe this is his punishment for dragging you into all of this in the first place.
From the Underground City to Hell on Earth, he is the reckoning of your demise.
I think I’d remember the name of this piece of shit — in this case, you mean him.
You’re right. He is a piece of shit.
He is a danger to you.
You are in the middle of talking to Erwin when he abruptly stands from his chair, the wooden legs scraping sickeningly across the floor. Everything is underwater. He feels like his body is shutting down, so he does what he has to:
He turns to leave.
Facing the entrance, he drops his chin to his chest with a defeatist attitude. “This is a waste of time,” he urges the commander, relenting just one moment where he admits he’s fucked this up.
He’s not the right person for this, even if he’s always been your person.
He’s not the right guide to help you, even if all he’s ever done is hold your hand.
Maybe this is fate.
Maybe this is the second chance he’s always wanted for you — one without the Scouts, without running from the law, without looking over your shoulder.
Maybe Erwin will give you an honorable discharge so you can spend your days in the warmth of the sun.
He could live with that, even if he never sees you again.
“You’re always so quick to walk the fuck away.”
Suddenly his boot scuffs the floor.
His eyes shoot wide, staring at the floor ahead. There’s a splintered floor panel at the frame of the door he’s never noticed in the hundreds of times he’s come here.
For a moment he’s fooled. This could all be an elaborate trick to punish him for the shit he’s done in his life.
(Maybe you do remember, deep down somewhere he cannot follow yet.)
But you were right back then and you were right now: he is quick to walk away—
—if it means that he can't hurt you from this distance.
“I… didn’t mean to say that,” you correct quietly, and his face scrunches to battle the overwhelming bout of grief that washes over him. “I don’t know why I said that, sir. Forgive me.”
Not Captain.
Not Ackerman.
Not Levi.
Before he can cause anymore damage, he walks out the door.
Erwin can take it from here.
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If you had to put a number on it how many times do you think Mulder and Scully slept together in season 7? And, if you are so inclined what episodes would they have slept together in? Asking for a friend (me) 😊
The answer is probably "frequently." XDDD My reading of canon points to post-Millennium shenanigans.
But I believe we can pick up purposefully placed clues from Scully: she is late (or last to arrive) in Rush and The Goldberg Variation and The Great Maleeni-- which is a marked change from their routine; meaning, imo, she had to drive back to her apartment, get properly dressed, then catch a flight later-- and she's often shown crashing wherever Mulder lands-- all things's opening sequence, Hollywood A.D.'s ending, Requiem's motel room scene, etc.
Furthermore, I believe that Mulder and Scully spent more nights at his apartment than hers due to to his isolatory and her level of comfortability there. (And it's just brimming with MSR memories and moments, which makes it thematically more important.) As mentioned above, we see her gravitate to his apartment more than her own, particularly in all things (which was the first on-screen confirmation); and Scully is the type to go to him rather than call up and ask him to come to her. Gravitating of her own accord to his place would be a measure of half-admittance-- effectively appeasing her own sense of independence (and shame at fessing up to weakness.)
But post all things, all bets are off; and we see that increased level of "who honestly cares about hiding anymore" when they arrive at the office, late, together, and when they shack up shamelessly in the same motel room because Scully feels sick and knows Mulder's a bed warmer. (The latter's script even notes that they arrived with extra hurry to the next morning's crime scene; meaning, they had to rush to get there on time. Which could point to them either having sex that morning or choosing to sleep in-- or Mulder sneakily letting her sleep in-- because Scully was still a little unwell.)
I will note: I'm further bolstered in my assertion by their behavior in Season 8 (gasp, horror.) Wrote a post about it here, but the first time we see Mulder using a key to Scully's place is at the end of Existence (now that they have a family) while Scully is shown openly crashing at his apartment, heartsick, from day one (Within.) Season 8, out of necessity (the baby's arrival and DD's looming second absence), began the transition away from Mulder's place to Scully's (Three Words is the last time we see his apartment, if I recall correctly.) We watched him always dropping by her apartment (Empedocles, Alone) and eagle-eyed his toothbrushes and shirts (Essence)-- which subtly pointed to that transition-- yet, the important part of their history at Hegel's Place was never truly resolved. It's a shame that canon dismissed it out of hand without a proper goodbye. ...But, again, that might be selling the writers and actors short: Mulder himself was detached from apartment 42 in Three Words (only noting "It's clean" and standing or sitting everywhere as compactly and insecurely as possible); and trekked from Alexandria to Georgetown constantly of his own free will. There just... wasn't enough on-screen to justify that write-off. (Add it to the list of micro-changes that weren't allowed to be explored. >:////)
I hope this satisfies~. But if not, I open the floor: does anyone want to take a crack at anon's question?
#asks#anon#thanks for droppin in¬#what a question#season of secret sex#S7#Mulder#Scully#xf meta#mine#thoughts#I will say: there are probably more context clues that I'm missing#(i.e. Scully playing with Mulder's tie in Rush and running laps around him teasingly in The Goldberg Variation#not to mention her rampant jealousy all season#and his sense of betrayal in En Ami-- that was resolved thankfully without the deleted scene)
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#deleted scenes#holly x michael#michael scott#michael x holly#holly flax#cute things#love#the office#the office edit#the office edits#theoffice#theofficedits#theofficeedit#steve carell#amy ryan#goodbye toby
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Okay I'm going slightly insane again because according to Aneesh on the latest big gay energy podcast:
Aneesh said the scene with Taylor on the plane has different version and was more improvised, it's a short scene but they shot for an hour trying different dialouge, it was not scripted
Aneesh's favorite scene to shoot was cut: after cake gate there's a short scene where Alex comes back to the white house, luagge still in hand and asks Amy how much trouble does she think he's in. That was supposed to be Amy's introduction. Aneesh herself has never gotten to see that footage
Seriously though at this point we need to update the deleted scene list and go scream at Matthew/Prime
#rwrb#red white and royal blue#rwrb movie#taylor zakhar perez#alex claremont diaz#aneesh sheth#amy gupta#rwrb deleted scene#rwrb rambles#Rwrb bts#What the fuck how much do we still don't know#Matthew prime come on
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The Doctor needs one of those classes they give to expecting/hopeful parents but for humans. Get their ass enrolled in a parenting course. And everytime they get a new companion he has to retake the course.
#doctor who#dw#the doctor#inspired by the deleted scene of her just pushing amy out of the tardis doors into space#while amy was having an anxiety attack. YOU CANNOT DO THAT!#they have access to all of time and space the doctor has to be able to find a human parenting/caretaker course#bonus points if he ends up taking one for human children.#imgine youre travelling with the doctor and he leaves and comes back one day and says they enrolled themself in a human management course#and youre like 'oh thank god finally'#and then she just starts bubble wrapping the entire tardis and locking off entire rooms and giving you coloring sheets and stim toys#when you get bored#and starts taking you to like. fucking parks to play with other humans.#and starts carrying like fucking snacks like lunchables and shit everywhere and giving them to you at regular intervals#and you're like 'hey what the fuck.'#and you ask them what the hell they're doing and you find out they were learning to care for human TODDLERS.#and you're like. jesus fucking christ. explains so much. mildly disconcerting how much stayed the same though.#and so obviously you ask 'do you see me as a child?' and the doctor is like. ah. interesting question.#you know what else is interesting. OOOOOOO TELETUBBIES LETS LOOK AT THE TELETUBBIES OOOOOO EDUCATIONAL GAMES OOOO!!!!#LOOK AT THE SMALL HUMAN ON THE SCREEN WHICH PAIR OF SHOES MATCHES THE DRESS??? CHOOSE FAST!!!!!!#this could also open the door for an amazing bit though#where you start doing all of the same things back to the doctor and it works even better on them than it did you.#turn their ass into an ipad kid. they start arguing too much put his ass on minecraft pocket edition.#she just sits there for 1-3 hours. dead silence. you walk over like. 'hey. um. you good.'#no answer. you look ove rher shoulder. she has recreated ancient rome in minecraft in exact replica and is the reigning emperor.#they are roleplaying the roman senate with sheep and villagers. okay. can you please save the world now. please.#this is not to infantilize the doctor. he is old as shit. they are an adult. but by god can they be easily entertained.#not to mention that a key factor of the doctor IS their eternal childishness.#but they ARE a fully grown adult. beyond that even. ancient 'were you alive to see the dinosaurs grandpa?' ass motherfucker.#they are just also a masive loser. who would love minecraft pocket edition and lunchables. probably. who doesn't though.#bangers
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So many people on this show just insult The Doctor's looks and all I wonder is, 'How did Matt feel about it?'
this will be day one of me understanding why this was cut and absolutely loving the snot out of it regardless
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Hello Mr. Gaiman,
I've been wondering- you took your idea for the cold open of The Doctor's Wife and used that for a minisode in series 7. How was that change? Cause the original script was for Amy, Rory and the Doctor. But the filmed version was a post-date-mini-adventure for the Doctor and River. Or, in better words, how did you fit to that change?
Also, since you are the only person, besides Steven Moffat, to have ever written an onscreen River Song story, do find any pride in that?
Thank you ;3
I don't even remember if I wrote that or if Steven Moffat did the final version from the deleted scene in the script. I THINK it was me.
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Can I ask how you’re feeling about the new trailer? :)
Ok, buckle up, you’ve opened the floodgates :). I am so glad that the trailer has finally been released. I followed a “days until sonic movie 3” page (that has now been deleted 😞) back when there was ~600 days left. There is now 114!! Thats practically right around the corner, I am salivating at the mouth for this.
They have been giving us nothing of this movie so far. Like small scraps of “this is Maria’s actress!” here and “Keanu might be voicing Shadow” there. Finally we’ve gotten something, and I think Shadow looks amazing. I love him riding his motorbike, doing the little drift, beating everyone up, and just being cool in general. Im so ready for him to wreak havoc and I can tell there’s gonna be a lot of Shadow and Sonic rivalry (to friends arc) going on. Also, Maria!! I cant wait for her demise (sorry Shadow). I just wanna see where they go with his backstory, and cute little snippets of him before he hated everyone.
The movie models are just so well rendered, so I am looking forward to seeing new scenes of all my boys (no girls it looks like). While a lot of people are really disappointed that it seems like Amy,Rouge, etc. won’t be in the movie, I never really thought they would be, and don’t necessarily want them to be either. I think the movie would be better focusing on Shadow and Sonic(+Knuckles+Tails).
I am a bit worried about critics, as the Knuckles Series got a lot of hate when it really wasn’t bad. Like, it had some childish and/or unfunny parts, and it did focus more on Wade than I would have preferred. But at the end of the day it was centered around my absolute fav character, and any new Knuckles content I will eat up. We would never have seen him in his silly little hat if it wasn’t for the series, so who cares if it wasn’t the best. It gave us hours of new Knuckles scenes to talk about, and I think a lot of it treated him pretty well.
But, if people start hating on the new movie like that, it will really sap the joy out of it. So I hope everyone will try to find stuff to enjoy, instead of stuff to nitpick. …That being said, I really hope they don’t treat Knuckles like a joke. He gets put into ‘comedic relief’ way too often, and even though Boom!Knuckles holds a special place in my heart, I would rather Knuckles’ character be treated seriously. He has so much potential, and I don’t want him to slowly slide back into the meathead character bc he’s way more than that.
The trailer didn’t exactly do him justice, but all of the boys got beaten real easy, so I’m holding out hope that he won’t continue to blunder. Since the movie is gonna be focused on Shadow and Sonic, I don’t think Knuckles (and even Tails) will get as much screen time. And while that does suck, it’s not horrible. If we get some family bonding and brotherly interactions, I’ll be happy. I just hope that they do Knuckles right for the time he is there. Please treat him carefully sonic movie universe, I beg you. He is my baby.
#knuckles the echidna#sonic the hedgehog#miles tails prower#shadow the hedgehog#sonic 3#knuckles series#sonic movie
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Do u think they’ll play the bonus ep with the upcoming szn? What are ur theories?
The bonus episode was originally planned to air between seasons 2 and 3 but it seems like it’s postponed for the time being. Based off this Entertainment Weekly article it appears that the current plan isn’t for the episode to air before the new season on February 14th.

If it won’t air before the new season it might air after or maybe with one of the later episodes. Based on what Lyle said though it doesn’t sound like it’s completely off the table.
As to what the episode is about, there’s a couple things that suggest to me the potential plot:
(Warning: There are two images below featuring fake blood, one of which is of an article of clothing and the other with a fake dead wolf.)
The two black and white photos below show Jason Ritter on set for the second season of Yellowjackets. Before the season aired he was announced as a guest star but ultimately he wasn’t featured in any of the content released so unless his scenes were cut, I think it’s very likely that he plays a character in the bonus episode.

While the photos are in black and white, Jason Ritter appears to be wearing the plaid wool coat that was repeatedly worn throughout the season.
In an interview with Digital Spy, costume designer Amy Parris said the coat “(is) on purpose meant to look super warm and not a part of the suitcases of the Yellowjackets that flew out there. So this is something the audience will um, it will be revealed to them in future episodes where the like origin of this jacket comes from… It’s a very fun plot reveal when we find out where it comes from.”
Ultimately though this origin was not seen in any of the released season 2 episodes. Much like the exclusion of Jason Ritter, while the coat’s origin could’ve been in a deleted scene, I think it’s more likely the “origin” is seen in the bonus episode.
As to who Jason Ritter plays specifically, I believe he is the Cabin Guy whose body was found in the attic (and who was previously portrayed by William Charles Vaughan). My guess is that the bonus episode is the backstory to the Cabin and its previous inhabitants, such as Cabin Guy and the Baby.

Both the previous behind the scenes photos came from an Instagram account for the young twin actresses who are seen with Ritter. I’m assuming they played the same character as that’s what’s common for babies who act in film but it seems as though they might be playing the Cabin Guy’s child.
The baby is mentioned in the script segment below from 02x07 as well as an additional character that might be featured in the Bonus Episode:

In this snippet Van finds a page from a “manuscript” written by a character called the “Wife.” It seems like between the photos with Jason Ritter and when the page was written, something happened to the baby and the Wife is mourning that loss.
In coping with what happened to her baby, it seems like she’s seeking comfort in the Wilderness (and describes an entity similar to the one Lottie and the other Yellowjackets talk about).
I’m not sure what happens to the Wife but I was able to find a potential piece from her wardrobe!

This photo came from the Harper’s Bazaar article about the costumes in season two and it it described as “a bloodied robe from on set.” As far as I recall this robe wasn’t otherwise used in season 2 and stylistically I feel like it looks like it could be from the 70s (which is what I’ve seen people generally theorize as the timeframe when Cabin Guy was alive).
Could the robe belong to the Wife? Maybe she meets a grisly fate or maybe the blood has something to do with the loss of her child?
Speaking of blood, there was a post on Instagram from @mastersfxstudios (the group who does special fx for the show) of a dead wolf prop they made for season 2 (as seen below):

Like most of the other things I’ve mentioned, the wolf isn’t otherwise seen in the episodes from season 2 and therefore could be featured in the Bonus Episode. The photo also features a lack of snow which would be strange if it was used in the teen timeline as I’m pretty sure they’re surrounded by snow for the entirety of the 2nd season.
Perhaps the wolf was killed by Cabin Guy or is otherwise found by him or his wife? Maybe the blood on the robe is connected to the wolf or maybe it suggests the wolves might play a bigger role in the episode?
I think it’s especially interesting that the wolf is entirely white as it reminds me of the white moose that plays an important role in the teen timeline during the second season.
There’s still a lot we don’t know about the bonus episode but it’s definitely cool nonetheless! What about you guys, what do you think about the Bonus Episode?
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Aneesh on IG live: (part 1)
She was super sweet, couldn't stop thanking the fans for the support since the beginning and only had good words for working on the movie
She couldn't answer what her favorite scene to shoot was cause it's a deleted scene 😃
She's very proud of making transgender represention (she mentioned transgender day of remenerence🏳️⚧️ + doing proper unstereotyped South Asian representation)
The cast would love to do a reunion but they're all working in different places and everyone's very busy (She mentioned that a reunion with Taylor could be possible maybe after new year)
She will post things again

Amy was supposed to appear during the election scene but Aneesh had covid and couldn't attend (+mentioned that everyone got covid at some point the summer they were shooting)
Taylor and Aneesh used to live in the same complex during shooting so they sometimes spent time on the balcony watching London's view (so Alex and Amy of them☹❤)

In Aneesh opinion Taylor gives the best hugs, especially because of their heights difference that makes her go 🫂 *big hug*
The Q&A was a promise she made back during shooting that she said she'd make if she reached 10k followers but then the strike happened. She actually reached that number right after wrapping up the movie so the live was supposed to be with Nick and Tzp as well but they went to other places and it couldn't be made
Here for part 2, part 3, part 4
If you missed it or want to watch again you can find it saved on her IG profile!
#aneesh sheth#q&a with Aneesh Sheth#Agent Amy#alex claremont diaz#henry fox mountchristen windsor#firstprince#taylor zakhar perez#nicholas galitzine#rwrb movie#rwrb#red white and royal blue#rachel hilson#nora holleran#casey mcquiston#matthew lópez
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SILVER UNDERGROUND / deleted scene 04.
levi's pov #2. :: a deleted scene from flashback two. this is levi's pov of recruiting james to the gang.
happy silver underground friday! thank you for your patience as i write up ch20. i know many of you requested more levi pov content, so i give to you the initial recruitment (levi's version). this is unedited. 3.5k words / mentions of violence, angst, language, pining. :: please remember: this is additional deleted content, not tied to the current canon of the story.

Three years pass and she still won’t leave his goddamn brain.
The girl with the stale bread.
The girl with the kindness that’ll get her killed down here.
Maybe you're not even that kind — he’s seen how ferociously you take down kids double your size when he’s passing by with Furlan, keeping tabs that you’re still breathing week to week.
Not long after the one and only fight he’s had with you, Kenny disappeared. The son of bitch gave some shitty excuse — something about teaching him all he could — leaving Levi Ackerman in a deathly quiet room for the second time in his life.
Just happened to be alone this time, that’s all.
He almost came to you then, but thought better of it. Getting mixed up in that bitch’s affairs, the one you call Mother, wouldn’t do him any favors.
Maybe she’d up and ditch you the way Kenny ditched him.
Maybe fate would have it—
Dreaming’s a waste of time.
He should keep his distance.
He should never try to speak to you—
Furlan waves a hand in front of his face, waking Levi from a dissociative state. His steel gray eyes flicker up to the other boy, expressionless.
“I’m listening,” he curtly replies.
“No you weren’t,” Furlan mumbles, before flopping down into a rickety wooden chair.
This house isn’t much, but it’s home. Better than living on the streets, that’s for damn sure. Somehow him and this kid made enough money to get by and then some — but that’s probably because they’ve found the literal Underground City jackpot.
Two idiot MPs from the surface.
Two sets of Omni-directional Mobility Gear.
(The steal would be much easier than others think. Making the story sound impossible meant other thugs in the area wouldn’t ever try their hand at it.)
Crime’s a hell of a lot easier when you can fly.
Only problem now is that the jobs — and subsequently the money — are harder to come by. Furlan’s insistent on expanding. Levi has no interest in banking on trust beyond Furlan.
Until that idea hit him like a static shock—
All when he realized you were still fighting.
Still, after all these years.
“If you’re still trying to convince me,” Levi boredly starts, “then I might have a name to throw in the ring.”
Furlan perks in his chair, scooting closer. “Well, damn, you coulda said it earlier.”
“I just think you won’t like who I suggest.”
“Huh? Why? One of our guys—”
“No,” Levi cuts off. “Not one of the shitheads we split scraps with. I’m talking about a third.”
“A third… in command?” Furlan slowly inquires. Levi nods once. “So who is it?”
“A girl I knew once,” the dark-haired boy suggests, arms crossed over her chest. When Furlan squints, he continues. “She’s in the fighting rings. Goes by James.”
“She’s a kid?”
“No. Knew her when she was, but now she’s in the adult circuits.”
“So how old is she?”
“Maybe fifteen? Fourteen?” Levi supplies. “Our age.”
“Huh.” Furlan pauses. “And you… think she’d be good? Like how good?’
“Probably the best option we have.”
“Levi Ackerman talking highly about someone else… now that doesn’t happen every day.”
Levi squints in annoyance.
“Are you cool with me asking her, or not?”
Furlan makes a face. “Well— here’s the thing. If we just add her, chances are the guys we kinda fumble the numbers with will get jealous. We’d probably need to initiate her.”
Levi doesn’t mean to, but he glares right back. Furlan must realize right away that his partner is a fan of the idea — a reaction he’s never offered.
“Five people aren’t jumping her, Furlan,” Levi insists in a bite.
“I— three?”
He’s seen you take down people double your size and weight. He’s watched you put popular contenders on their backs in seconds. The kids they hire are just that — kids.
As much as he doesn’t want to agree to it, there has to be a compromise.
You can handle five.
You can certainly handle three.
“Fine,” Levi murmurs. “Three. She has a fight tomorrow.”
“Damn, you’ve been scouting this one?”
Something like that.
And just as he suspected, you knock them square on their asses.
Truth be told, it’s an unfair fight.
Levi stakes his claim at the corner, in the shadows, and watches the beat down in real time. All goons looking to show off like they know what the hell they’re up against.
They don’t.
Levi does.
When you scramble down the alleyway to get to safety, he takes off into a casual stroll. Taps an unconscious moron or two in the head to make sure they’re seriously out.
(They’re out, alright. Like a snuffed light.)
And when Levi finally catches up to you, you’re swallowed whole by shadow. Your hands are assessing each part of your torso — smart — while your breath exits in a controlled wheeze.
He’s sorry.
He really is, for once.
“You look like shit,” he comments, watching you rip your gaze from your scratched hands towards his voice.
Like a feral, scared animal you watch him.
Blinking once.
Blinking twice, three times, as if you’re trying to figure out who the hell he is.
Levi knows it’s not from the injuries. You were smart and protected your head as much as possible. He was banking on quick precision from your technique.
“Mind your fucking business,” you snap back at him, and he has to bite his tongue to keep from smiling ear to ear.
(So that’s what you sound like.)
“How bad did they get you?” he casually asks, stepping forward with a boot.
You blink several times once again.
Yeah, you recognize him.
Just like he recognizes you.
“Why do you care?” you hiss, pushing away from the brick wall.
Levi stops moving to give you space. “I don’t.”
(But, fuck, he does. He really does.)
Breathe through the pain all you want, he catches the way you wrap your arm around your abdomen as if he’s going to try and take you on at your weakest.
Maybe those bastards did get a good hit or two in.
“I guess the answer is bad enough.”
“Fuck off.”
Except he doesn’t want to.
If you let him, then he’ll stay.
“You can leave, you know,” you tell him, and he draws in a slow inhale. “I’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, you’ll be fine so long as those shitheads don’t get up.”
Your head whips behind you to see the alley as if Levi’s spotted anyone.
No, they’re not actually coming.
In fact, you knocked them out so thoroughly that it’s a little bit funny.
Then you turn, and his stomach clenches. “I can’t believe you’re still alive.”
“I get that a—”
His heart seizes when you stumble. Immediately he shoots to the other end of the wall, ignoring the hand that shoots out to stop him.
“Hold on. What the hell are you doing?” Your nostrils flare. “I said I’m fine.”
Damn it, James. Don’t be proud right now.
“Yeah, and I”m six-foot fucking three.”
And he steps closer.
Until the expanse of his chest hovers right at your palm.
Well — you aren’t trying to beat the shit out of him. That’s a plus.
You really do remember me, that sad sack of shit you were nice to.
“Roxy’s is close,” Levi slowly states, hoping you’ll connect what he’s thinking about. That you’ll get to where he’s trying to go with this before he has to spell it out.
“I know.”
“They have back rooms with supplies.”
“I know.”
“So why not go?” he grunts, very much over the bravado he’s very much guilty of himself. “C’mon, dumbass.”
You squeak, but it’s too late — Levi breaks that illusion of distance with a smack of your outstretched hand so he can get to the part he’s been agonizing over all day.
Helping you.
Because he sure as hell isn’t going to let you go through this alone.
(Not when he’s practiced this pitch for a week straight.)
You don’t push him away when he touches you. Hell, you just stare — Levi’s worried he has something in his goddamn teeth.
Then you ask. “Why?”
Surely you know.
Surely by now, you must know the why of this.
Because I owe you.
Because you have left my fucking brain since the day you asked my name.
Levi answers. “Because.”
Cautious with every step, Levi lets you call the pace. You’re surprisingly mobile all things considered, and he just acts as your anchor as you make your way through the winding rounds of the Underground City.
“You have a key?”
He has to force himself not to snort. “No.”
The staff at Roxy’s will forgive him.
Or not — he doesn’t give a shit.
Gingerly placing you against the wall, he musters up the energy to use the strength of his short but mighty legs. Levi kicks the wooden door with gusto, waiting a moment for the noise to dissipate, before grabbing you again to continue on.
Eventually he places you on a nearby chair and brushes off his hands, coated with sweat.
What the hell, Ackerman? Get your shit together. Now’s not the time to get nervous.
Especially over you.
God, not when he’s almost got you.
You’re too busy staring at the disjointed door to notice his expression soften when he’s staring at your face.
It’s so… pretty.
Why is it—
He snaps, and you blink and turn your chin back to him. All the air whooshes clear from his lungs.
You’re worried. He can tell.
“Eyes on me. They aren’t coming.”
“What makes you so sure?”
(God, he’s such an asshole.)
Choosing to ignore the question, Levi keeps himself busy by searching the cabinets in the room for the med packs he knows they keep here. Way too many wayward souls pass through. They always got some—
Turning on a heel, he eagerly brings the med kit and unfurls it, holding it to you.
You stare back, not moving.
(You don’t have a concussion, do you?!)
“What do you want me to—”
“Hold it, idiot,” he snips in his own minor panic. “I can’t do everything.”
Please let me fix my own mistakes, James.
Your hands uncurl like a clam, waiting for the med kit. Levi carefully places it in your hands and takes what he needs.
“I don’t understand,” you murmur. “Why are you doing this?”
Taking a cloth, he douses it with antiseptic and presses it ever so gently on your skin.
You don’t even flinch.
Time freezes.
His gray eyes meet yours, and suddenly he forgets to breathe.
You remember.
He never told you, but —
He’s pretty sure Kenny may have said it back at this godforsaken fucking bar.
Should he tell you he remembers you, too?
(You never told him your name. He’ll show all of his cards in one fell swoop.)
“Does it matter?” he gruffly responds, pressing the cloth to your cheek.
“Because it’s harder to help than to ignore.”
“Kind of like giving bread to a strange kid, right?”
Levi blurts before he can take it back.
This wasn’t how he thought this would go.
Banter here and there, maybe, but—
“I don’t know,” you finally answer. “I’m not a saint for giving you food.”
Of course you’re not.
Saint James, the patron deity that hasn’t left his mind since.
Levi’s nostrils flare as he dips lower, too afraid to touch your torso. “I could have killed you — broken?”
“Bruised,” you reply. “I’ve felt broken before.”
“Yes. And I was trying to kill you back then, too. It wasn’t our fault.”
Were you?
Trying to kill him?
Makes sense, with how hard you went at him. It was the only match he felt nervous in.
“I wasn’t trying to,” Levi woefully answers.
“But you could have.”
His fingers pause for a fraction of a second. “Yeah,” he laments. “I could have.”
Just like tonight.
And just like every night after this, if you tell him yes to his bullshit plans.
“I thought maybe something happened to you,” you begin. “I never saw you on the circuit again, so I thought—”
“That was the first and only time I fought in that nasty shit.”
He pushes back his own fears and tips your chin upward. You easily obey.
“...so you weren't sold into it?”
Shit, was she? Too preoccupied by the feeling of how soft your skin is, Levi shakes his head.
“I was your only fight?”
“Technically,” he says.
“So then why were you—”
“Practice, in case I ever met someone who needed to kill me for quick cash.”
“That's a morbid reason. You were just a kid.”
“So were you, but for some reason you’re still in it.”
Gritting his teeth, he knows his temper is getting the best of him. It’s better to stay neutral in these types of talks but you… you’re so nonchalant about something so dire.
You could die.
Hell, he’s spent week after week hoping to hear your name so he’d hear you’re still alive.
Choosing to let that go, he drops his hands away from your face and flexes his fingers.
“Good news: you look like shit, but you’re not in deep shit. I can’t do anything about your ribs, but your face should be fine. You have a bad habit of leaning into your hits.”
It’s true. It’s like she likes getting hurt, as if it fuels her own rage.
A strategy, sure, but a shit one at that.
“Excuse me?” you growl. “What do you mean, I have a bad habit?”
Levi can’t help but give you a look. “Did those shitheads make you hard of hearing, too?”
“No, shithead," you mock right back and it’s actually… impressive. You keep up. It does something weird and unenjoyable to his stomach. “I don't lean into them."
“Yes, you do.”
“What, so you’ve watched my fights?”
Ah, shit.
Found out, yet again.
(Great job, Ackerman.)
“I watch fights. Not just yours,” Levi quickly retorts. “You're not special, so get your head out of your ass.”
“Oh fuck you, man.”
Damn, you really do speak his language.
Don’t smile, don’t smile, don’t—
And you don’t give up, either. “Leaning into them makes an opponent feel like they have the upper hand. Let them hit, then you strike.”
“It’s a shit strategy.”
“I’m smaller than a lot of my opponents.”
“So? Coming out to a fight like you own the place puts a target on your back.”
Self-preservation, a tactic often used by the pimps who bring these poor kids to the rings. It’s a loophole to make sure your fighters don’t know their own worth so they can’t wail on you.
Kenny told him that.
Levi wishes he could have told her, too.
“Did your Mom teach you that?” he flatly responds.
Your nostrils flare. “Maybe she did, but your Dad sure as hell forgot to teach you manners.”
He snaps faster than he means to. “He wasn’t my father.”
A beat passes, and his shoulders slump.
“And you’re a better fighter than that,” he softens, exasperated. “Making yourself look weak is a shitty strategy for someone who can't land a punch, let alone someone who can. You take the punches because you damn well know you're better than every opponent they match you with. If you didn’t play the theatrics, then those idiots would all be dead in minutes.”
When you don’t spit in his face, he gently takes a step forward. Then another.
“I met you three years ago. I thought by now you would've found a way out."
But you need help.
This is his return payment. This is all he can offer in this shitstain of a city.
“Do you want out?” Your eyes widen, like he’s told you he’s secretly the king of the Walls. His tongue gently darts between his dried lips. “...if I had a way to get you out, would you take it?”
“...I don’t have a way out.”
“You do.”
“I don’t,” you croak, and it breaks his heart. “I’ve tried. You know people in the circuits—”
“You have a way out."
In defeat, he calls to you — your name, that name everyone else calls you.
All of his cards are on the table.
He can’t take this back.
“This isn’t a charity hand out. We need a fighter.”
“Who the hell is we?”
“Furlan Church and myself.”
“Furlan fucking Church? That’s where you ended up after all this time, with that idiot?”
Levi blinks.
(Wait, what’s wrong with Furlan?)
Nevermind — he’ll ask later. He has a mission here.
“If you stay in the circuits, then you will die,” Levi finally states. “That bitch has been trying to put you in the ground for years. Do you really want her to win?”
Please say no.
Please listen to me.
Except you stagger backwards, and he’s terrified that somehow he’s botched this pitch. That somehow you wouldn’t be interested in a team—
“Wait — did you send those guys after me?”
“The three in the alleyway,” you continue. “They attacked me after the fight. It was really convenient of you to find me in the nick of time. So was that one of his initiation stunts?”
He wants to swear he was going to tell you, but that would sound like a cheap lie.
He wants to promise this wasn’t what he wanted, but that would sound like a patronizing lie.
“Dirty trick,” you growl and turn away, and worries seizes his heart.
“We need muscle for our next heist,” he quickly states, firming up his voice. “You would get a cut. You would have a permanent place to sleep. You would have routine meals, day and night."
You don’t turn to him. “I’d be selling myself for one contract to another.”
Levi shakes his head wildly, but you don’t see it. “You're free to leave whenever you want. If this doesn't work out in a week? Fine, then you can go. But if you do this, then you would never have to see that woman’s face again.”
“She’d find me.”
“Not if I have anything to say about it,” he swears.
No, he wants to say. I’ll burn this city to the ground if she so much as tries it. I owe you.
“You would be protected with me.”
But it isn’t just him.
You had a visceral reaction about Furlan. He has to be honest.
"With us."
Finally you turn back to him, and he’s woefully hopeful once more.
The way you say his name…
Shit, he could hear you say his name like that every hour of every goddamn day if you’d just say yes to this deal he’s offering.
"You'll be paid,” he adds.
"I don't give a shit about pay,” you retort. “I have no money to my name as it is. Your... proposition just sounds too good to be true, that's all."
He needs more incentive.
He needs you to say yes.
"What do you need to be convinced?” he pleads, but it comes out monotone. “We sent our three best brawn and you cleared them in minutes. You can see why we'd want you."
"And if I say no?"
Fear seizes every cell of his body. You stare at him like he’s the enemy.
“Are you two going to keep sending people after me?”
(Would he finally stop searching for you?)
Swallowing, Levi knows he cannot keep you.
He barely knows you.
He just has a feeling he needs to.
“No,” he promises. “I'd let you live your life. This isn't an intimidation tactic. You would never hear from me again.”
And he means it.
He’ll give you anything for nothing.
It’s some kind of sickness he hasn’t quite recovered from since he was small.
Something about you has just infected his veins faster than the plague.
You turn your gaze to the door, and his face falls.
What can he do?
How can he convince you?
Your name exits his mouth in a fractured plea. “James—”
“I’m in.”
Did he hear that right?
You turn back to him with determination, chin lifted and shoulders squared.
He can’t help but stare at you with a mixture of relief and admiration.
Levi wonders if you notice. If you know, just how much you’ve been on his mind.
“I’m in,” you repeat. “I’ll go where you go.”
(And we'll never look back.)
#levi ackerman x reader#levi x you#levi x reader#levi ackerman x you#aot fanfiction#snk fanfiction#fic: silver underground#amys deleted scenes.
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in another ask u said that reader feeds into his insecurities and worsens his abandonment issues could u explain it more? also loved how we got to know reader more in the last chapter it helps build character and made me think abt how much deep the reveal is gonna be (angst coming? 👀). tnks for the food💕
the angst will be coming! and they will be miscommunicating so much more than they are right now! im excited because ch8 is significant to establish the reader's motive >:) but to answer your question...
all will be revealed as the story progresses >:) i was intentionally vague in that ask because it hasnt been revealed in the story yet what caused you two to fall nearly out years ago, but that said im a yapper HAHAHA
your role as his childhood friend is significant bc u are tied to his past in japan, a place and culture he has very conflicting feelings about
he thinks you don't need him in your life esp because you're so confusing and indecisive about what you want from him
you both were very toxic for eo during your situationship.
If you want to see me yap about Kenji's abandonment and attachment issues, keep reading.
There is narrative purpose as to why I figured a childhood friend would fit in well with Ultraman: Rising's plot in itself
the movie is very family-centric, and a lot of how kenji achieves peace with himself in the film is by reconnecting with the past, be it his family or the culture he left behind
while i figured that it would be fun to write a reluctant team-up to lovers, bc ill be able to play around w kenji's personality pre-Emi, i also didnt see the place of a romance forming while he's struggling being a single mom
but i also wanted the story to take place during the movie's run bc i wanted to include Emi since she plays a big part in us learning who Ken is, so writing a fic that starts after the film didnt feel in the cards for me
since kenji grows as a person by the end of the film through making peace with his conflicting identities and his tumultuous past, i thought having a childhood best friend would make sense since i dont think he has the space to introduce anyone new in his life
bc reader is a childhood friend who he is meant to be close to, i cant write kenji interacting with reader the same way he is at the start of the film because there is a familiarity that breaks down his walls— which caused me to have a dilemma about how to characterize him
it also made me a bit sad that i cant write full-on ken sato the "egomaniac" bc i think thatll be fun since he's such a boyfailure
but that means that we see a softer ken when he interacts with reader, someone who is a bit more vulnerable with showing that he strives for further connections in his life even if he wants to look like he can do it all by himself
Kenji feels alone and disconnected from everyone, including you
it's also clear to the audience that kenji doesnt have any friends, and anyone he's friendly with is probably friends with him on a surface level. Ami states in their first interview that he is known as someone who keeps others at a distance, and who is untouchable
the team behind Ultraman: Rising did state that there is a deleted scene where he is clubbing, which is meant to show that he feels alone even in a sea of bodies. and his dad in the movie isnt surprised that he is throwing parties at his house, so it just clues us in that he probably lived life with very shallow connections and has filled his time with materialistic pursuits (e.g. his car collection...what he need a mclaren for)
i decided to make the reader someone from the 1% for two reasons: first being so that i can explain why her and kenji meet up over the years (i see a lot of friends who migrated to north america only once a year and we're still close!), and second, because i wanted you to be on the same playing field if not higher playing field than him.
Ken puts up the front that he doesn't need anyone else, but he is insecure about how he thinks you don't need him.
bc u have ur own things going on!! u have ur own friends
what makes it worse is that u genuinely think that kenji is the same. u think that since he's very successful, he would have his own thing
i havent touched up on it much yet, but it's very evident to kenji that you will readily pick yourself over him, which isn't a bad thing but it reminds him when his dad picked Ultraman over keeping his family together
ken feels like he can never be anyone's first choice or priority, and your situationship messes this up further
I haven't touched much on what happened between them yet in the story because it's building up to it, but
it soon feels for ken that youre only seeking him out on convenience. that he doesnt matter to you beyond what his body can do for you
bc spoiler: you are the villain in the situationship! you're the one who insists that everything is casual yet you keep the line blurry
^ karma is gonna get to u soon in the main storyline ure gonna be dry heaving when u realize u actually do want something with him
your constant back and forth with him will be revealed in the flashbacks... you not wanting more than a casual relationship yet youre talking abt what it would be like if you two got married???
Spoiler but during the situationship years, you're also the first one to say "I Love You" ROMANTICALLY yet youll later on backtrack and say that you didnt mean it in that way
can you blame him for getting confused and insecure about where you stand and whether or not he actually matters to anyone.
it doesnt help that his presence in your life is actively harming your reputation and career.
in ch8, it's briefly mentioned that ur media hate train is caused by ppl who are paying for bad press abt u starting from when you were 18. if you remember ch3-4, kenji freaks out abt a new article abt u two, and ch6 he was conscious of what others were saying.
one thing i want to elaborate in a separate post is that ken is AVOIDANT ATTACHMENT and reader is written to have DISORGANIZED ATTACHMENT.
Even if Kenji is avoidant due to his trauma of abandonment (e.g. self-reliant, avoids social connections), he can't help but yearn to be with you
so it's so confusing to him bc with everyone else, he would want to leave first. and he's close to leaving you so many times
yet you keep making these promises, saying sweet things about how much you need him, that he cant help but get roped into it a bit
When he is younger, he's fully aware that it is not a healthy mindset, but even if you're just using him at least it means that he still gets to be in your life. It makes him feel needed.
in the present timeline, sometimes those thoughts definitely cross his mind but at present he is focusing on maintaining the boundary you guys set about strictly being friends
So far I hope you caught in the story [as of ch8] from the subtext or dialogue that
in the present timeline, you are both 26 years old
the situationship started when you were 16 and lasted until you were 23
bc ure both high profile starting when you were 18, and u both publicly seem a lot closer than what ure claiming to be, it is well-documented that you two kind of go back and forth with each other (think justin and selena/shawn mendes and camila cabello)
(a new photo recently surfaced of shawn and camila together at Copa América and ppl were kind of confused as to whether or not they got back together again after breaking up for like the fourth time and i was like omg... home base core...)
when you both were 23, three years ago, you two had a really bad falling out caused by your previous situationship
it caused you officially end it for good, and while you maintained your friendship for those three years you weren't able to properly see each other face to face (partly. bc covid is canon in the fic HAHAHA but i havent talked abt it)
yall dont know how to act around eo anymore like why a little eye contact making u nervous .... yall had ur privates in eo's mouths (kenji munch next chapter soon promise hihi)...
since it is revealed that a large part of the hate train against you is paid for by people who want you out of power, kenji as much as possible wants to avoid being seen as more than friends with you atm bc he's worried it will derail your career
SORRY if it felt like I didn't say anything at all since I don't want to reveal too much at this stage lmao but I can do my best to elaborate on any points of interest!
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ah all that RWRB joy / RWRB important links in this LONG post♥
edit above of the fans recording THE moment from: https://twitter.com/galitzinerry/status/1789088497879638130 & https://twitter.com/theartim/status/1789082602751873308
.https://ew.com/taylor-zakhar-perez-honors-nicholas-galitzine-entertainers-of-the-year-2024-8759399 +CAST OF RED WHITE & ROYAL BLUE |FYC Panel - Consider Amazon:https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/769737016086839297?source=share
BTW for everyone interested: Red, White & Royal Blue: Collector's Edition Henry PoV bonus chapter by Casey Mcquiston : https://www.tumblr.com/yourartmatters-itswhatgotmehere/752528941905018880?source=share
+CMQ spotify (characters' playlists!!) https://open.spotify.com/user/p873j0jdmqn5hye7cakdnub7e/playlists
-12 mins cast & crew interview here:
-nearly 30mins Q & A from the screening in GREAT quality:

-ily matthew for saying this:
-my Alex:
-Arthur Fox & Henry Fox:
-important RWRB post (lots of links there)

-RWRB deleted scenes:
-RWRB-coming out :
-another IMPORTANT RWRB post:

my RWRB (1) ig highlight: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18198132073262637/
my RWRB (2) ig highlight: https://www.instagram.com/stories/highlights/18037791823861597/

#rwrb#rwrb 2023#rwrb movie#red white and royal blue movie#red white and royal blue#casey mcquiston#matthew lopez#nick galitzine#nicholas galitzine#taylor zakhar perez#ng#tzp#henry fox#alex claremont diaz#firstprince#prince henry of wales#prince henry rwrb#alex gabriel claremont diaz#acd#agcd#rwrb 2#rwrb sequel#red white and royal blue 2#rachel hilson#nora holleran#uma thurman#the idea of you#mary & george#mary and george#henry fox mountchristen windsor
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RWRB Deleted and Replaced Scenes: Updated List (14 Feb 2024)
Because we have new information and because I am quite literally gonna go insane if we don't get anything new soon, here's a list of scenes that we need to demand from Prime
Also, I recently realized that while a lot of deleted scenes are straight-up cut which are for the most part the ones we often mention, there are also scenes that are technically deleted, but replaced in reshoots, so I'm adding those to the list too
Unreleased Deleted Scenes:
Amy and Alex after Cakegate (from Aneesh in podcast)
Alex with his parents and Zahra (from Taylor during Glaad screening)
Extended Polo Match (from speech montage + from Bea's credits + from Matthew in podcast)
Paris Extended Cafe (from Matthew's bts photos on Instagram)
Paris Extended Love Making (from earlier screening audience)
Paris morning scene (from bloopers)
Alex checking Henry after Lake Scene (from earlier screening audience)
Kensington Breakfast (from trailer + BTS photos from the cast)
Thanksgiving (BTS photos from cast + from early screening audience)
Miscellaneous Video calls (Mentioned in Taylor's "What's up hrh prince dickhead" post)
Scenes replaced in reshoots:
DNC meet-up (Nick's wearing a wig)
Alex watching his speech and Zahra contacting Shaan (In the BTS photo Matthew posted of that scene Taylor is wearing a coat over his costume, shooting was in summer, reshoots were in winter)
Piano Scene (Nick's wearing a wig)
Alex and Henry greeting supporters at Buckingham Palace (Nick's wearing a wig)
Election Victory Speech (Nick's wearing a wig + photos were repurposed into Alex's intro + Alex's Instagram account)
Questions/Not Confirmed/Where did you come from:
Scene from Zahra Credits: Is that from the Claremont-Diaz Family scene that Taylor mentioned?
Scene from Pez's Credits: Is that from Kensington Breakfast?
Scene from Philip's Credit: Is that from Kensington Breakfast?
Scene with Philip that Thomas posted: Is that from Kensington Breakfast?
Forest Kiss from Speech Montage: Is there a longer version? Was it a scene on it's own?
Texas Holiday Montage: Was there more?
When I say I need these scenes and answers to these questions, I mean I need them like I need air 😭😭😭😭😭😭 PRIME WHAT THE FUCK
And again these are just the ones that we know of or kind of know of! We didn't know about the "Amy and Alex after cakegate" scene and "Taylor's first scene with Uma" until these two weeks and it's been six months since the movie released! God know how many scenes we're still completely unaware of????
*desperately sobbing and clawing at Prime
#rwrb#red white and royal blue#rwrb movie#taylor zakhar perez#nicholas galitzine#alex claremont diaz#henry hanover stuart fox#henry fox mountchristen windsor#firstprince#rwrb deleted scene#rwrb cast#rwrb bts#rwrb bloopers#my rwrb list#seriously what the fuck prime
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Amor Fati's Script: Deleted Scenes, William, and Alternate Worlds?

The Amor Fati transcripts are simultaneously enlightening, maddening, and confusing. CSM's role and aims were fuddled, Scully was more accepting of new revelations, and important information on the brain surgery and Scully's looming pregnancy was swept off the table (or only largely hinted at. Surprise.)
Dream CSM's purpose was more (confusingly) vague. He acts as part of Mulder's unconscious, one which knows about and guides him towards the subconscious boy on the beach; but also as the Devil who is trying to disconnect him from his inner, truthful self (which the boy plays an inadvertent part in.)
Also, "Geriatric bliss" is amazing.
Hosteen opens Scully's mind to alternate realities (we'll come back to that) while Mulder is prepped for surgery.
CSM, meanwhile, believes in God? And that he has become God, in effect, by transcending known human evolution? Or that he has God's blessing to do so?
Diana begins to weaken once CSM is pulled under, her care (and guilt) for Mulder rising to the surface.
During Mulder's surgery, we're shown what's been compressing his system into a comatic state-- a black substance (similar or the same as black oil, likely created by alien DNA that the map stimulated... which makes no sense, post here) that the team has to drain from his brain before they can dissect the sought-after tissues. In the midst of this removal process, he opens his eyes and focuses them on Diana; and later snaps out of his dream state to escape with Scully. This points to a pretty solid conjecture: that this substance overpowers and overstimulates the body until it shuts down and disconnects from reality.
Mulder's brain surgery looks bad, but is actually relatively painless and quick to recover from. (...Yeah... I'm not buying it.)
CSM's doctor refers to Mulder as "your son"; and hints that CSM's surgery was unsuccessful-- so unsuccessful that the seeds for his declining health (and impending death) in En Ami and Requiem are planted here:
Mulder was originally supposed to be in the basement when he and Scully have their final conversation:
Scully was originally less conflicted about accepting her new experiences, taking them philosophically on the chin... including the belief that there are alternate realities that exist. Perhaps it's a full-circle reference back to her thesis in the Pilot; but, regardless, the writers at least (at one point) wanted to flirt with the idea that AUs are a fact in the X-Files universe.
Scully was originally coy about Diana's death (compared to the final version, at least.)
And while Mulder does mourn his ex's demise instead of confirming his touchstone, Chris Carter did make sure to include a nice little hand-on-scalp action for the audiences. So, there's that.
It's underscored that the boy in Mulder's dreams was William: an exact, purposed parallel was drawn between the ship he and Mulder were building and the one Scully touched in Biogenesis.
As we know, Spotnitz and Carter confirmed that Scully's pregnancy was already planned at the beginning of Season 7, and that they hinted towards this inevitability by planting the family planning book in the basement office (Amor Fati, posts here and here.) Both later jointly asked Gillian to include a scene in all things that fans could refer back to when the pregnancy was revealed, post here.
This, then, confirms what Gillian said about En Ami-- that the original vision for the episode was radically changed (by Chris Carter), post here (and here)-- and my own theory-- that CC included En Ami's gloves scene and Requiem's invisible barrier scene (post here) and Per Manum's IVF flashbacks to throw fans off the original scent.
In short: Scully was written to be healed by the ship; and the writers infused other moments later down the line to obfuscate unnecessarily. (Ironically, this joke post was right.)
And there we go.
Thanks for reading~
#txf#xf meta#S7#Amor Fati#x files#scripts#deleted scenes#wow#there are more little details in Amor Fati#there are probably more details in Biogenesis and The Sixth Extinction#but... gonna be honest I couldn't be bothered#there are ALSO more details in Requiem's scripts hint hint
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Florence Pugh's Amy March >>>>>
Florence Pugh anything >>>>>
Also abt the wicked soundtrack I was depressed when they didnt add Ariana's "Ew I'll show you what shoes to wear" and stuck with the og lyric I loved her version
did you see the clip of the deleted lion scene with fiyeraba like thats their CHILD they are MARRIED your honor, they are Vegetarians and MARRIED
Florence Pugh’s Amy March is the best Amy March. The very best one there ever was. Her telling Laurie to stop wasting his life will never not be iconic.
There’s a couple of things I wish they’d put in the mix of the wicked Soundtrack but I get why it’s not. The vocals from the soundtrack might not be the vocals from the film because i heard that they sang live during filming but I’m not sure.
I’m not prepared for Elphaba and Fiyero in Part 2. I’m not. Splitting it into two parts was for our safety, actually. Hearing Jonathan Bailey do Dancing Through Life and As long as you’re mine in one sitting would have me climbing the walls tbh. I’d be standing by on my seat screaming FIYEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO
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