#amy pride tog
animekissingblog · 9 months
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Amy Pride | She/Her | 600 Years Old | Irregular | Wave Controller
Background and abilities below -----v
Originally from the outside of the tower, she forced her way into the tower to gain more power and followers as well as meet more people. After 90 years of climbing the tower, Amy reached the top of the tower. She would have completed it sooner but she spent most of her time appealing to viewers and showing off.
Was reached out to by a high ranker of Zahard to see what her intentions were regarding the king and the throne, she replied saying she has no interest but if he was interested in appearing on her live stream for an interview she would love to do that. He never replied to that.
Eventually she is recruited into Wolhaiksong by Urek Mazino because of her status as an irregular. 
After getting to know him better and work with him she ended up developing a crush on him and eventually worked up the courage to ask him out. The two are now dating.
She is a powerful wave controller. Her abilities look like something out of a video game (Similar to Silverwolf from HSR). 
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She does this by manipulating the shinsu to change its form. With the use of shinsu manipulation she has the ability to fly/float in the air.
During battles she will often live stream her fights to her followers in the tower using her phone. She manipulates her phone freely with her shinsu to keep it in the air and position it correctly.
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bbatnight · 7 years
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my books 💘
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The villain in your story - 6. The Turnaround
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Series Masterlist - Bucky Masterlist - Full Masterlist
Summary: Sure, I could be your loyal lapdog, your sweet little slut, you biggest fan. But I don’t want to be. Why should I be loyal, sweet, or supportive when I receive none of those things from you?
Pairing: Bucky x OC (Roxanne Amy)
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‘So you’ll come back to the Stark tower?‘ ‘No, and I won’t help any of you until Tony Stark sincerely apologizes,‘ she sternly states, ‘but that won’t ever happen because he’s too stubborn to admit he’s wrong.‘ ‘You’ve got a point there.‘
‘Tony, we need to talk,‘ Natasha barks as the four of them stomp into the Stark tower. Tony sits at the kitchen table, looking tired and lost. ‘I know,‘ he simply mumbles. He doesn’t look too well. It makes all of them slow their pace until they reach the table. ‘Christ, what happened to you.‘ Bruce blurts out. Tony points at the coffee table of the common room and the group sees copious amounts of empty bottles and cans on the table. ‘For someone who’s supposed to be a genius, I am incredibly stupid,‘ he comments on himself. Letting his head fall into his hands. ‘That you are,‘ Bucky confirms, gaining a stomp to the arm from Steve who forgot about Bucky’s metal arm and got hurt himself. It takes all of Bucky’s strength to not burst out in laughter, but luckily it’s not just him. Natasha is having a hard time as well. ‘He’s right,‘ Tony admits, ‘I’ve been so damn blind.‘ Suddenly the elevator door opens and a familiar tik, tik, ticking sounds on the floor. Tony shoots up from his chair so fast, it falls over loudly. ‘Tony, I got your manual,‘ Roxanne calls over into the room, not really looking around as she’s digging in her bag to get to the thing. She fishes it out of her bag just before she reaches the table and suddenly realizes there’s more people than expected. She looks at all of their faces and they watch as they see a flush of disappointment run down her face. She suddenly looks so much smaller than she did when she ran in. They don’t even notice Peter running in behind her. She throws the manual on the table loudly. The group looks at the extremely thick book. ‘That’s all you need to know. No, I don’t have online versions for you. Yes, I printed them out of spite and to bother you. You don’t deserve better,‘ she tells him and turns around to walk out the door again, but Peter stops her like he did last time. He stands in her way and seems to try to think of a question to make her stay. She cuts him off before he can say anything. ‘Kid, I know you’re trying to make me stay so you can fix this, but there’s nothing to fix. It’s like trying to piece tog-‘ ‘together shattered glass. Useless,‘ Tony finishes her sentence. A small smile plays on his lips. It’s almost a nostalgic look. Roxanne turns around just a second. ‘I remember when I first heard you say that. We were working on some armor, but we got it completely wrong. You said that and I asked you if we should give up and you looked at me like I just told you the most stupid thing in the world. And then you said-‘ ‘No, we just start over,‘ Roxanne mumbles, feeling nostalgic at her former positivity. She used to always see the bright side of things and then everything shattered for her, and she started new. She started colder. ‘I’m truly sorry,‘ he tells her. ‘And I’m truly sorry you had to take so long to realize that you were wrong,‘ she snaps at him, ‘honestly, are you stupid? You knew you were wrong and yet you still continued to blame it on me!‘ ‘I know.‘ ‘That’s not enough,‘ she snaps louder, ‘you took everything from me. You manipulated my friends into standing behind you and they dropped me. I couldn’t pay my apartment anymore. You can ask Bruce how that went. I-‘ ‘Wait, what?‘ Tony looks between Bruce and Roxanne. ‘You didn’t seriously think I could pay for the apartment I had after I got out of a job that I wasn’t allowed to tell anyone about? I couldn’t tell anyone about my experience! I worked my ass off in a job I hated to afford a new place.‘ ‘I didn’t realize-‘ ‘Of course you didn’t realize! You fired me on a whim!‘ The group stares between the two, knowing damn well that this has to happen if they want things to change. No one moves, no one breathes, but you can feel the tension. It’s in the air, it twists your guts, it makes you dizzy. Tony sits down on the chair next to him and runs his hands over his face, frustrated and confused. ‘Do you believe me when I say I don’t know why I did it,‘ Tony asks her. He watches as her face shows compassion. It’s just for a second before it goes back into ice queen. ‘It wouldn’t surprise me. You’re too smart to fire someone who owns half your security software,‘ she huffs. ‘It’s the truth,‘ he tells her, ‘I don’t know why I did it and I regretted it the second you walked out. And I just kept telling myself and others that you actually did it to make my actions right, but I felt guilty. That’s why I kept coming back to you. I could’ve gotten Bruce to do part of the repairs, but I wanted to get you back.‘ ‘Praise will get you nowhere,‘ she sighs. ‘It’s not praise,‘ Tony stands up again, ‘it’s the truth. I swear.‘ ‘How do I know you’re not putting up a show again,‘ she shrugs, ‘because last time you did. Otherwise, these guys wouldn’t have come to my place. They wouldn’t dare to.‘ He takes a deep breath. ‘You can’t know for sure,‘ he admits, ‘and let’s be honest, you don’t have to accept my apology, but I am truly sorry and I wish I had never fired you. When I see what you do for all of us, I can only feel guilty for sending you away when I need you so badly. I can’t do this on my own.‘ The group all watch in disbelief as a small smile starts to spread on Roxanne’s face. ‘I believe you.‘ ‘Why,‘ Tony asks confused. He’s been trying to apologize for ages, he’s tried to play it off, but she has never told him she believe him. ‘The great Tony Stark, the most stubborn man on earth,‘ she teases, ‘just admitted he can’t do it without me. That’s something you hate to admit and you would never pretend to be unable to do something on your own just to get someone back. Because you’re a stupid, stubborn man.‘ ‘My pride is hurt, but I honestly couldn’t be happier,‘ Tony smiles, walking over to Roxanne. He hesitates for a second when he gets close, but she pulls him into a hug that’s much overdue. ‘Don’t think this means I’m going to work for you again.‘ ‘I know.‘ ‘Ah, lady Roxanne is back,‘ a new voice calls, ‘I want to meet this ruthless woman.‘ ‘Loki, not now,‘ Tony sighs, letting go of Roxanne. ‘It’s fine,‘ Roxanne smiles, ‘nice to meet you Loki.‘ He looks a bit disturbed at her happy display. ‘Are you sure she’s the same woman I saw before,‘ he asks Steve. Steve bellows a laugh so loud he starts feeling it in his stomach. Peter cuts in. ‘By the way, sorry for that.‘ Roxanne chuckles at the chaos ensuing around her. ‘It’s fine.‘ Tony puts his arm around her shoulder as the group begins to argue, tease, and laugh with each other. ‘I’ve missed this,‘ she tells him, tears in her eyes. ‘Me too.‘ He hesitates for a second, but then asks: ‘So, do I get an online manual?‘ ‘No.‘
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Top 10 books and ships 😊
Books (I’m just going to do top five)
1. The throne of glass series (KOA or QOS if i had to pick)
2. Pride and prejudice
3. Red white and royal blue
4. The legend series
5. The hating game
Ships (this is including TV and books)
1. Rowan and Aelin (TOG)
2. Damon and Elena (TVD)
3. Jake and Amy (B99)
4. Steve and Natasha (MCU)
5. Ian and Mickey (Shameless)
6. Chuck and Blair (GG)
7. Jude and Cardan (TCP)
8. Edward and Bella (Twilight)
9. Alec and Magnus (TMI)
10. Monica and Chandler (Friends)
honourable mention: Chidi and Eleanor (The good place)
keep in mind this list changes like every week
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I’ve Been Tagged
Rules: List 10 of your favorite female characters from 10 different fandoms and tag 10 people
I was tagged by @nestasbucket– thank you, I love this one!
Okay! Drum roll, please [begins hand-drumming the nearest table]
1. Inej Ghafa - Six of Crows
2. Manon Blackbeak - ToG
3. Yelena Liana Zaltana - Poison Study
4. Feyre Archeron - ACOTAR
5. Surreal - Black Jewels Trilogy
6. Elizabeth Bennet - Pride & Prejudice
7. Neal - Bad Apple series (these books really deserve more fans)
8. Xhex - Black Dagger Brotherhood
9. Amy Farrah Fowler - Big Bang Theory
10. Jenny Fraser Murray - Outlander (I haven’t seen much of the show, this opinion is from the books)
Tagging: @tntwme @rowanismybae @my-name-is-fireheart @sparkleywonderful @fck-tamlin @iwouldtrusthagridwithmylife @ilikebigbooks-and-icannotlie @ablackbirdsinging @rowan-buzzard-whitethorn@paperbacktrash 
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sapphoesie · 7 years
11 Questions Tag - Part I
Thank you to the lovely people who tagged me: @illyriangoddess @runesandfaes @justbooklover @aelin-and-feyre ​! I’ll try and squish all the answers in one post and if any questions are repeated I’ll skip them just so this doesn’t take up half your dash! 
1. Author you’d unconditionally buy anything from? Cassandra Clare probably. I haven’t read her Magisterium series but I’m going to pretend that doesn’t really count cause it’s co-written. Maybe SJ Maas too. 2. Favourite Flower? Peonies (and hydrangeas) 3. What kind of Music do you like? I have a really eclectic music taste. I like a lot of stuff 😂 4. Hogwarts House (obviously)? Ravenclaw  5. Star Sign? Leo 6. Cats or Dogs? Both!  7. Favourite Classic Novel? Just one? The Great Gatsby. The Catcher in the Rye. Pride and Prejudice. A Tale of Two Cities. The Bell Jar. Little Women. The Secret Garden. Wuthering Heights. (how can I choose?) 8. Favourite Contemporary Novel? The Girl with The Dragon Tattoo. 9. Favourite Fantasy/Sci-Fi Novel? Just one (part 2)? ACOMAF/ACOWAR, Lord of Shadows, Empire of Storms. Six of Crows. City of Heavenly Fire.  10. Do you have a (celebrity) crush atm? Just one (part 3)? Gal Galdot is an utter babe. Matthew Dadario is a hottie. Josephine Skriver. Always. I drool over her every photo on insta. Chris Hemsworth (this one doesn’t need any explanation). And I’ve just seen Rogue One and Diego Luna is pretty cute and has an adorable accent. 11. If you could change something in the world what would it be? More tolerance and empathy. Also chocolate that grows on trees would be pretty fab.
1. When is your birthday? 12th of August 2. Favorite season? Spring or Autumn 3. Favorite villain?  The Darkling from The Grisha trilogy, Sebastian/Jonathan from The Mortal Instruments series or Amy Dunne from Gone Girl 4. Stars or the Moon? Stars.  6. An unpopular opinion? Flip phones are cool and need to make a comeback. 7. If you could be any mythological/magical creature, what would you be? Mermaid or siren or any variation of that.  8. Which book character can you see yourself in the most (Personality/Character traits-wise)? Ugh, this is so hard! I have no idea...? I see bits of myself in loads of characters but idk who I’m most like overall. 9. Which book character, in your opinion, do you think would be the best partner for you? I think it’s weird because my favourite characters aren’t necessarily people I think I’d be compatible with but I think I’d get along just fine with Dorian Havilliard or Cassian or Julian Blackthorn ... 10. If you could control any one of the 4 elements, which would you choose? I’d be a water bender 😎 11. Your OTP? Me + my bed. The best love story there ever was (I’m tired)
1. Cold or hot weather? I’m bad with both but hot I guess 2. Favourite sweet food? cookie dough ice cream 3. Favourite movie/s? Inception or Shutter Island 5. What do you like to do in your free time? Read, write, waste my time on Tumblr...  6. Have you ever wanted to smack someone’s face against a wall? Yep 7. Do you smile often? I think so but when I don’t I look like a pissed off bitch so I think it balances out 8. Pineapple on pizza? DEAR GOD NO! 10. Single, taken or waiting for a special fictional character? Single as a pringle 11. Sweet or salty popcorn? Why not both😁?
1. How did you get into SJM? I randomly read the first two back in 2014 when only Tog and Crown of Midnight were out because they were popular on bookstagram and then I forgot about the series until last December when I binge read all of them + ACOTAT & MAF 2. What would you do with a million dollars? Pay off my student loans, give some to my parents, buy myself a house somewhere in the world, find other hardworking students/ prospective students who can’t afford university and pay off their tuition and lastly donate to charity and buy small gifts for people with the rest 3. Do you consider yourself a morning or night person? I’m a night person who tries to be a morning person. I go to bed late and always insist on waking up early and I’m perpetually tired 4. What tv series are you into right now? I haven’t watched any TV shows in so long 😭 6. If you had to pick one fictional character to spend the rest of your life with, who would it be? Nesta Archeron. We’d just chill and talk about books. If she brings Cass along, even better. 7. If you were stranded on a deserted island and there was one naturally growing thing there for you to eat, what would you want it to be? POMEGRANATES. My favourite thing ever. 8. How many followers do you have atm? a bit over 2.1k 9. What would you say is your favorite thing in the world? words 10. Would you go back inside a burning house to save your pet(s)? I don’t have any pets atm but I’d go back to save other people’s pets 11. Have you seen/did you like Spiderman: Homecoming? I haven’t seen it yet
I tag: @nessiansmut @cassiancalore @dr-woodsprite @modernbookfae @paperbacktrash @highladyofnorta @highladyofdreamcourt @rowan-buzzard-whitethorn
1. What is a book you have that has sentimental value to you? 2. Is there a scent that reminds you of something nice? 3. Who would you choose to be stuck in a lift with for 24h (real life person or fictional character)? 4. Do you have a lucky item? 5. What would you order if you went to a restaurant right now? 6. What’s the most beautiful book you own? 7. Walk on the beach or hike in the mountains? 8. What’s next on your TBR? 9. Favourite poem? 10. Who are 5 people you’d invite to dinner (real people, either dead or alive)? 11. Who’s your favourite person who shares your name?
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alltomtrav · 8 years
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New Post has been published on http://www.alltomtrav.info/v86-nytt/kan-vinna-pa-v86-trots-utgangslaget/?Allt+Om+Trav
Kan vinna på V86 trots utgångsläget
I våras såldes korna efter 36 år som mjölkbönder. Med korna ute ur bilden har hästarna fått mera tid och börjat synas på V75. Femåriga Dashing Kimberley är stallets stjärna som skryts upp rejält inför onsdagens V86-start av både kusken Jennifer Tillman och amatören Sören Andriainen med licens i Gävle.
Familjen Andriainen föder upp och tränar både varmblod och kallblod på gården i Gästrike-Hammarby, mitt emellan Falun och Gävle. En verksamhet med för dagen 15 hästar, inräknat avelsston. I fjol våras avvecklades verksamheten med mjölkkor och förutom Sören Andriainens jobb på ett sågverk är det numera fullt fokus på hästarna på gården. – Träningen blev inte riktigt skött med så mycket annat att göra. Nu har vi kunnat lägga ner mera tid på dem och det har gett resultat, säger 56-årige Sören Andriainen, som bildar team med fru och två döttrar där främst döttrarna Evelina och Sandra har mycket ansvar för hästarna.
Vunnit på Valla förr Av starthästarna är Dashing Kimberley och Sharp Intention bäst igång för dagen. Två avkommor till den egna uppfödningen Ode a l’Amour. Stallstjärnan är Dashing Kimberley. Ett femårigt sto som vann lopp en onsdag på Solvalla i slutet av fjolåret (utanför V86) med Jennifer Tillman i sulkyn. Efter två raka galopper och diskvalifikationer på slutet i bland annat i V75, kom en efterlängtad utbetalning på fina formen senast på Rommetravet. Dashing Kimberley svarade där för ett starkt lopp från bakspår och vann på nya rekordet 1.12,7 över kort distans – med broddar i skorna. – Jag vet inte ens hur fort hon ska kunna springa i sommar. Tillman gillar hästen i alla fall och sa inför loppet när vi var nervösa för en tredje diskning att det nog inte spelade någon roll vad det blev för lopp så trodde hon på seger ändå. Oskar Kylin-Blom har fått köra två gånger och är hundraprocentig på hästen men det är Tillman som är förstekusk då hon har tid, säger Sören Andriainen, och tillägger: – Hon är inte bara en bra kusk – vi gillar henne som människa också. Och det är inte bara för att hon talar så gott om Dashing, ha-ha.
Tillman hissar Dashing Kimberley går ut i V86-6 på onsdagen, ett lopp på Solvalla över 1640 meter med bilstart. Jennifer Tillman varnar för Gävlehästen trots det usla utgångsläget. I TV12 på söndagen blickade panelexperten Tillman framåt till onsdagens start. – Formen kan inte vara bättre i alla fall på Dashing Kimberley. Hon vann ju senast. En välförtjänt seger. De två galopper innan det skyller jag på att formen just är för bra. Vid den första galoppen var hon för pigg i volten, den andra gången var hon för pigg när jag ryckte huvan. Senast blev det full pott i alla fall och hon ska vara minst lika fin på onsdag, sa Tillman, med reservation för läget: – Vi har spår elva över kort distans, det är bra hästar emot och hon är lite uppanmäld. Men om tar med några hästar på kupongen så är hon en av dem som kan skrälla. Jag håller ju den här hästen högt.
Vill klämma till de stora Dashing Kimberley, eller ”Kim” som hon kallas hemma, har segrat sju gånger på 25 starter i karriären och sprungit in 278 000 kronor. Kanske kan det bli ett lika fint facit till slut som Sören Andriainen hade med Manero’s Nic som sprang in 840 450 kronor på sin tid. Andriainen köpte mamman Anemone Ami på annons från Umeå i januari 1998. Stoet var dräktigt med Count’s Pride och i juli föddes Manero’s Nic som tog 16 segrar. – Det var ingen som verkade intresserad av annonsen, jag tror jag gav 7 500 kronor för henne. En fantastisk affär. Anemone Ami är alltså mormor till Dashing Kimberley men är lugn och snäll och inte alls lika tvär som sin mormor och mor. Tillman tror på outsiderchans på onsdagen. Du då? – Det skulle vara jätteroligt om vi kunde sätta åt storstallen och visa vilken fin häst vi har. Klart att jag måste tro på henne. Jag tror inte att det spelar så stor roll var hon hamnar. Hon är så pass stark att hon brukar vinna från tuffa lägen. Sista 700-800 meterna kommer hon att gå med full fart om det blir kört lite och hon håller alltid farten till mål, säger en förhoppningsfull Sören A
Mikael Wikner, Kanal 75
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animekissingblog · 9 months
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Streaming live with Urek!
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bbatnight · 7 years
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