#amsterdam city night view
uglyandtraveling · 9 months
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ecoharbor · 2 months
📍Amsterdam, The Netherlands 🇳🇱
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fentonphoto · 1 year
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Oude Kerk Amsterdam. @OudeKerkAMS
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huariqueje · 2 years
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Amsterdam , Bridge  -   Alice Brasser , 2021.
Dutch, b.1965 -
Oil on perpex on wood , 85 x 95 cm.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Home Part 1 (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: This is part 1 of chapter 7 of The Legacy Series.
Looking out over the clouds Alexia couldn’t help but wonder what you had planned. Last night she was crying on your doorstep and now she was on a plane to Amsterdam. You were typing rapidly on your phone and sighing every 30 seconds, she knew there was something you weren’t telling her.
“Y/N” Alexia says but her words fall on deaf ears.
She takes in your features. The way your eyes squint ever so slightly as you concentrate of the words you are typing out. You shake your head whilst reading the reply or at least that is what Alexia assumes you are doing.
“Y/N” Alexia squeezes your thigh “Earth to Y/N” 
Now she has your attention but instead of facing her, you eyes are locked onto her hand which even after getting your attention still rests comfortably on your thigh. It causes a panic within you but a good one. 
“Yes Alexia” instead of removing the hand you place yours over it.
“Should we be doing this. Going to Amsterdam I mean” 
“Of course. It was my idea”
“It’s just that you’ve been on your phone for the past 45 minutes and whatever you are doing is frustrating you, I can tell”
She could tell. You had allowed Alexia close enough to know what you are feeling and when your feeling it without having to talk. 
It takes a few seconds for you to respond. How do you tell the woman who hates doing public appearances that you are taking her to one of the most popular charity events in football. 
“So I may not be telling you the whole truth as to why we are going to Amsterdam. You see there’s this thing. A thing which I didn’t plan on going to but then I saw you and thought it would be a good distraction only now I’m realising that this thing isn’t something that you like to do. This thing is something that I shouldn’t have signed you up for before talking to about it”
“I’m sure everything will be ok. I like to think you know me well and I know you wouldn’t make me do anything that would make me uncomfortable”
“Technically I’m not making you do anything” 
“Y/N tell me whatever it is you’re not telling me”
“I told my mother that we are coming to Amsterdam and she assumed meant I was going to the annual foundation dinner and that you would be accompanying me”
You wait for the reaction. Instead of responding in any way, Alexia diverts her attention to the view out the window. It makes you very nervous. Is whatever she is feeling so bad that she cannot even look at you?
“I thought you were taking me home”
Her voice is quiet and you can just about hear the hurt in her tone.
“I am. Alexia I have planned on taking you to Amsterdam for a while I promise. It’s just my mother, she, well she—“
Alexia’s tries and fails to cover her laughter. 
“You’re not mad?” You didn’t know what was happening.
When the Catalonian turns around you see a huge grin on her face.
“Alexia!” You slap her playfully “I thought I hurt your feelings. Don’t do that to me again”
“I’m sorry. You get tense very easily you know”
“It’s the event. It’s — you’ll find out soon”
“Is this the only public appearance you have signed me up for or should I call my manager?”
“It’s just this one. I promise after the event we have two days in Amsterdam to do whatever you want. There will be no appearances”
“Just me and you?” Alexia asks.
“Yes Alexia. It will be me and you” 
It was a small omission of truth. No way would your mother allow you to stay in hotel when you went home and given the importance of the dinner, the whole Cruyff family will also be staying at the house. Not only were you taking Alexia home, you were introducing her to the people that mean the most to you.
You landed a hour later and as you drove down the streets of Amsterdam Alexia looked out the window and took in the sights of the city as if she was seeing it for the first time. She already looked more at peace and even though you knew the pain was still there, in this moment you knew that she wasn’t letting the pain consume her.
Just like in Barcelona, the house in Amsterdam had gates and as they open you knew now would be the perfect time to tell Alexia what she was about to walk into but part of you wanted to get her back for the prank she pulled on the plane. It’s why you wait until you’re standing outside the front door to tell her.
“Just a heads up, my entire family is behind this door. All the children come home for this event” You tell her casually.
Alexia grabs your hand as it reaches for the handle.
“Wait! Your family. I thought it was just your mother” Alexia was fine with it being just you mother as she has already met her and had got along very well with her. Your brothers she only knew by the stories you had told her.
“Surprise. Are you ready?” 
“Do I have a choice?” She asks nervously.
“Not really” 
You wait for alexia to give you some sign that she is ready to go into the house. You know that once she is introduced everything will be fine. Her being here at this time of year is a big deal but it will be you who gets the interrogation for inviting her.
Alexia nods your head and you open the door. 
“kijk wie het is. jij bent de laatste persoon van wie ik verwachtte dat hij door die deuren zou lopen en je hebt je vriendin meegenomen.” Jordi, your older brother, is the first to greet you.
“vriendin?” Your oldest brother Luuk is right behind him.
“ze is mijn vriendin niet.” You are quick to correct them “spaans of engels om haar heen alstublieft” 
You look back at Alexia who had a lost look on her face. You didn’t really speak Dutch in Barcelona unless it was with Lieke and even then you encouraged your friend to speak Spanish. 
“Alexia this is Jordi and Luuk” you point of who is who.
“It’s a pleasure to finally meet you. Y/N here talks about you all the time” Luuk shakes hands with Alexia. 
The action is much too formal for your liking. It seems that you and you other brother share the same thought because he pulls Alexia in for a hug.
“She really does. She has told me all about your dates” 
“They’re friend dates. Tell him Alexia” your need for back up is amusing to your team mate who does nothing to help you.
Jordi walks with Alexia whilst you walk with Luuk.
“Are they?”
“Not for long I hope” you tell him knowing that he won’t use your words against you unlike your younger older brother would.
You knew that there was a reason you brought Alexia home and why you wanted her to go with you to the dinner. There was no hesitation and you knew it meant something, something that you had known for a while now but you hadn’t had the guts to admit to yourself and to her.
Alexia looked back as if to check if you were coming with her. You smile and nod telling her to go ahead. The rest of the family was in the garden and these introductions would be much easier and you knew they would help Alexia be more at ease.
“Alexia, you have already met my mother”
“Alexia, it’s nice to see you again” 
“It’s nice to see you too Mrs Cruyff” 
Much like Jordi, your mother pulls Alexia in for a hug.
“I told you before, call me Danny” 
Alexia nods and makes a mental note to do so going forward.
“And these two are women, who for some reason have chosen to be with my brothers, are Olivia, Luuk’s wife and Mia, Jordi’s girlfriend”
Only one of them officially held the title but you saw both of them as your sisters. 
“Alexia, it’s a pleasure to meet you. Y/N won’t stop talking about”
You sink into the outdoor sofa hoping it will swallow you whole. You had been home less than 10 minutes and already your family had outed you for the amount you talked about Alexia.
“Is that right?” Alexia looks towards you for confirmation of if it’s true.
“Of course I do Alexia. I spend almost all of my spare time with you. It’s impossible not to talk about my day and not talk about you too”
Now it is Alexia’s turn to feel embarrassed but it doesn’t last very long because the topic of the night’s festivities get brought up. Your mother tells the family, which now included alexia, what the night will be like. It seems a lot and to Alexia it is overwhelming but you reassure her that she won’t be left alone.
“I don’t have anything to wear” from her seat beside you Alexia leans to you and whispers.
“Neither do I. Do you think we can use that as an excuse not to go?” You reply playfully although you are deadly serious. The closer the event gets the more nervous you become.
“I heard that” you mother says “your dresses are in your bedroom. I assumed you would be ok sharing. If not I can make up the spare room”
You didn’t think of this and you don’t know what to say but Alexia doesn’t share the same hesitation.
“We are ok to share Danny” She is confident, so much so that she doesn’t even look to you for confirmation of whether this is in fact ok.
“You said you picked out dresses” You ask your mother.
“I picked out the dresses” Mia says confidently “I know Y/N’s measurements and I guesses Alexia’s won’t be too different”
Alexia didn’t know how to respond. How could a stranger know what her measurements were and for a dress of all things.
“Mia is a designer and she has incredible taste so you have nothing to worry about. I have so much faith in her that even I don’t know what I’m wearing” 
This did put Alexia at ease. She learned very quickly that you were somewhat of a control freak so the fact that you let someone else have complete control over what you wore let her know that Mia would have chosen something perfect for her too.
“We are going to freshen up. What time do we need to be ready for?” You stand up and Alexia does too.
“Your car leaves at 7” 
You thank your mother as you pass her. She knew that you attending the dinner tonight was a big deal and you wouldn’t want your arrival to be made a spectacle out of. It’s why she organised for you and Alexia to arrive an hour after everyone else.
Once in your room, your childhood room or more so the room you’ve had since you were 12 years old, Alexia collapses on the bed truly making herself at home. 
“By all means Alexia get comfy” 
“I will” she sits up with her legs dangling off the edge of the bed “Are those the dresses?” 
She walks over to the two dress bags; one with your name on and the other with hers. She unzips hers slowly as if nervous to find out what she is going to reveal. You take her place on the bed and wait with just as much anticipation. 
Alexia pulls the cover off the dress and it is beautiful. It’s a black sleeveless dress with a sheer cut out front and an extra piece of fabric on the shoulder to give it the extra wow factor. In this moment you knew you owed your sister-in-law a huge thank you for picking out this dress because Alexia would look beautiful in it.
After looking at her own dress she looks at you, mentally asking for permission to open your dress, you nod and Alexia proceeds to reveal what you will be wearing for the night. Mia had chosen a red floor length dress with a cut out similar to Alexia’s but instead of a normal top, the material on yours is crossed over.
“What is tonight going to be like?” She asks you. 
Before answering her question you tap the space beside you on the bed and only when she is sat next to you do you start to explain the history of the Johan Cruyff Foundation dinner. You explain that the aim of the night is to raise money for the foundation but since your father’s passing it is also a night that he is remembered. She asks if there is anything she needs to do and you answer no. You tell her that you will try to be by her side as much as possible but you also have foundation duties to attend to and in your absence she will get along very well with Mia and Olivia. 
“You’re going to leave me alone with your family who I have only just met?” Alexia asks with mixture of tease and disappointment in her tone.
“I won’t have much of a choice. You are more likely to have a good time with my family than you are with me tonight. Trust me on this Alexia” you gently pat her thigh but when you’re done your hand remains there. Alexia places her hand over yours and intertwines your fingers.
“I would rather be with you” 
There was something in the way she spoke that led you to believe her words didn’t only have one meaning. With you, did Alexia want to be with you for longer than just tonight? 
The room grows silent but in a comfortable way. With your eyes locked firmly on one another, plenty is being said and when Alexia leans towards you, you don’t pull away. Instead you close the remaining distance. Your are lips are centimetres away, close enough to smell the mint of the chewing gum she had recently thrown away. With your eyes closed you are committed to kissing Alexia in our childhood bedroom.
Suddenly a knock on the door makes Alexia pull away but you tell her to ignore whoever it was and she does so but only until a second round of knocking comes.
“Ignore it. We’ve waiting long enough to do this” again, your lips were practically touching when the person on the other side of the door barged in. This causes Alexia to pull away in embarrassment.
Jordi stands at the threshold with an annoying smirk on his face.
“I’m going to shower” Alexia says and you find little comfort hearing the sadness in her voice because it meant she wanted this just about much as you did.
You turn your attention to your brother and if it looks could kill Jordi would be dead on your bedroom floor. 
“I interrupted something, didn’t I?” He asks almost as if he is remorseful but the older brother in him finds it hilarious that he had to enter in that exact moment, the one where you were finally about to make a move on the girl you liked.
“vreselijke timing. Nu eruit!”
Just over an hour later and you are ready to go. Alexia was in the en-suite bathroom putting the finishing touches to her make up. You wait anxiously. Since seeing the dress in the bag you had been picturing what she would look lie in it. You have numerous version conjured but none of them compared to seeing her the moment she returned. 
You were at a lost for words. Beautiful didn’t seem enough for how she looked and whilst you tried to come up with a word that be enough for Alexia’s beauty she seemed to take your silence at a bad thing.
“Is something wrong with it? Is it too much? Is it not enough?” Her voice waivers as she panics.
It fit her perfectly. The material hugged her toned figure and when she did a turn it took everything in your power not to stare at her bum.
“Alexia Putellas you look absolutely breathtaking. They’re not going to be able to take their eyes off you. I know I won’t” 
Her cheeks flush red at the compliment. It wasn’t the first time that you reminded her of her beauty but in this very moment you had never sounded more honest and the look in your eyes conveyed something different than the other times. Lust flooded your eyes and you knew it was because whilst alexia looked stunning you could only think about what she would look like in your bed, in you room with the dress tossed in the far corner. 
“Thank you Y/N. I must admit I’m looking forward to tonight” Alexia tells you. 
“It will be a night to remember” 
You couldn’t ignore the anxiety that was brewing inside of you. Alexia had been a welcome distraction since arriving in Amsterdam but once you arrived at the event you would no longer be able to seek solace in her company, at least not as much as you would like. 
The drive to the venue was silent but a comfortable silence. Much like in the car after leaving the airport, Alexia is taking in the sights from the window. It is only when she turns to point out a building does she see your hand shaking in your lap and she notices you biting down on your gum. 
As a way to ground you and bring you back to the present, she grabs your hand and intertwines her fingers with yours. She squeezes it three times which earns a smile from you albeit a small one which doesn’t last long. 
“Miss Cruyff, we have arrived” 
It was time to face the music and the crowd that you had worked so hard to avoid over the past couple of years.
Your driver, ever the gentleman, opens Alexia’s door for her. Within seconds she has walked around to your side expecting you to already be out but the door is still shut. When she opens it she finds you staring into the back of the head rest. 
“Are you ready?” Alexia asks only to get a shake of the head in response from you “There’s something you’re not telling me, what is it?”
“I don’t want you to start seeing me differently. Everybody in there wants Y/N Cruyff but you—“
You don’t have the chance to finish your sentence because Alexia pulls you out of the car as if taking control over the situation.
“I want you. I want the Y/N that has the same reaction to a cup of coffee that a child does to a cone of ice cream. None of this matters to me. I’m here to spend the night with you, nobody else matters”
“You’re going to have to share me tonight or least for the majority of tonight” 
Never has someone made you feel like you matter. Alexia really did have no care for your last name and this moment was evidence of that.
“Ok” Alexia gives you some space to ready yourself “but after tonight you’re mine”
The last part of her sentence was a whisper one which she thought was quieter than it actually was because the look you give her lets her know you heard exactly what she said. In the past Alexia would dip head in embarrassment or lie and say she said something else but that didn’t happen. She owned what she said not by using her words but by her actions. Her hand rested on the small of your back as the two of you walked towards to the entrance doors. It dropped as you walked in but you both knew it was their even if only for a minute.
It was rare sighting for the people in attendance as you have been a missing part of these events so when you enter all eyes are on you and the beautiful brunette that you had brought with you.
“Everybody is looking at you” Alexia whispers in your ear as a nervous laugh escapes her lips.
“Oh please, everybody is looking at you in that dress. It’s a real head turner” 
Alexia playfully shoves you. 
You exchange a couple of hellos as you guide Alexia to the family table. Unlike outside the venue, your hand is on her waist and she can feel your grip tighten with every person that gets closer to the two of you. It was a reflex, an action of protection.
Similar to how they were at the house, your family welcomes Alexia and she is given a glass of champagne before she has the chance to sit down. It amazes you how easy Alexia joins in the conversation your sister in laws are having, it helps that they are making the extra effort to discuss things your team mate knows about. Alexia sensing you disconnecting from the moment so she makes sure to bring you into the conversation even if it only for you to say yes or no. 
“Junior. Are you ready?” Jordi asks. 
You see Alexia looking at your with an eyebrow quirked. This nickname was new and she knew there was a story behind in but it was a story that would have to be told another time.
Jordi stands to the side of you with a tray of shots which held what you could only assume was Oranjebitter given the colour. When you nod your head he hands out of the shots to the remaining family members at the table which included everyone but your mother and Luuk as they were off mingling.
“Let’s get this over with” 
As you bring the glass to you lips you make sure to keep eye contact with Alexia who does the same. Whilst your face remains stoic given your experience with the Dutch liqueur, hers does not and you find it adorable. 
“I’ll be back soon”
“It’s time to share you?” 
“It is but I’ll come back to you as soon as I can. Girls, make sure she has a good time” 
With that you leave Alexia i  the capable hands of your brother’s partners. She watches you walk away with Jordi. Your brother whispers something in your ear which makes you tip you head back in laughter. In all the months in Barcelona she had never heard this laugh and she knew it was because you were home and with your family.
“It’s nice to see her so happy” Alexia says to no one in particular.
“We have you to thank for that Alexia” Olivia says “We were all worried when she signed for Barcelona but within days she was saying how easier you have made it for her”
“I can’t believe it took her this long admit her feelings. Y/N doesn’t wast time, when she likes someone she tells them but with you she hesitated and it was then that we knew this was serious” Mia adds.
Alexia was at a loss for words, how couldn’t she be. It felt wrong been told this by anyone that wasn’t you but on the other hand this is what she has been waiting for. The connection between the two of you had been there from the beginning but for weeks, no months, she truly believed it has been one sided. Yet her she sits in front of two people that know you very well and she is being told that you share the same feelings she has. She had a inkling of this after you almost kissed but now she knew it to be true.
“We’re not together” it was the only thing Alexia could say because whilst so much was unclear this was something she knew was true.
“Call it what you want. Together, not together. In a relationship or not. She is here tonight and she brought you with her”
“She brought me to Amsterdam because I was going through a tough time in Barcelona”
The two older woman share a look and it makes Alexia feel like she is being left out of something. 
“Alexia” Mia says softly “Y/N hasn’t been to this event since Johan passed away”
“She has declined the invite every year. It hurts her too much to come because in the past she would stay by his side the entire night, they were inseparable. We didn’t think she would come this year because all anyone would want to talk about is how she is following is his footsteps” Liv tries to explain the enormity of what you bringing her here means.
“But she invited me anyways” It begins to sink in.
Alexia absentmindedly searches for you in the crowed room. She finds you speaking with Pep Guardiola and it’s as if you know you are being talked about because you look right back at her. Worrying that something is wrong you put your thumb up as a way of checking in on Alexia, she nods her head. After giving her a small smile you go back to your conversation happily knowing Alexia is ok. Only you had no idea just how ok she was. 
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lukesdice · 1 year
Could you do one where y/n is part of the 5sos crew on tour. She also has always been their close friend. Especially to Luke. While playing their show in Amsterdam, he suddenly realises that he had feelings for y/n.
Luke Hemmings x Reader
Word Count: 3.7k
Warning: Very small amount of swearing
Note: Thank you so much for the request! :) I hope you like it, and to anyone reading, please don't hesitate to send in more requests 🤍
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You stared out the slightly dirty window of the 5sos tour bus, encapsulated by the many cyclists and artistic buildings stacked along the streets of Amsterdam.
It was the seventh night of The 5 Seconds of Summer Show World Tour and you were currently on your way to park the bus at the Ziggo Dome, the boys already hyped up to see their fans again.
You had been on the road with them for the entirety of the tour so far, working as their assistant whenever they needed something or had to haggle with employees of the different venues.
As well as their assistant, you were also joining them as a now long-time best friend of theirs, knowing the boys since you had met Luke at a party after the release of Sounds Good Feels Good, him and you quickly becoming close. He had taken little time to introduce you to the rest of the boys, quickly after you both became friends. However, you and Luke had always been the closest and not long after you met, you couldn’t help but develop a small crush on the lead singer, knowing it was wrong and that he only viewed you in a platonic way. That thought hurt your heart so you buried your true feelings deep below your skin and carried on as friends.
When you first met Luke in 2015, he had a girlfriend, who you couldn’t help feel a little jealous of as your crush developed on him. When they split in 2017, you felt ashamed that you had screamed internally with excitement and danced around your apartment a little. Even though you felt awful for Luke at the heartbreak he had felt at the time, you couldn’t deny to yourself that you had never really liked his girlfriend anyway. You always thought she treated him badly and just used him. Although you were happy they had split, you never showed that to him and instead you were by his side each step of the way to help him heal.
He had been through a lot the first few years you knew each other, and you had been his rock through all of his struggles and pain. But also through his happy days and highs. This had brought you closer together than anyone else could ever be.
You were suddenly ripped from your people watching and daydreaming, big blue eyes landing on you as you turned your head to where the excited voice was coming from.
“You were so out of it there” Luke laughed, his curly blond hair bouncing slightly.
You laughed in reply, nodding your head as you couldn’t rip your eyes away from his sparkling ones and his cute little dimples that were popping out as he laughed.
“Anyways, we are almost at the venue,” Luke began, “but me and the boys were wondering if you wanted to explore the city before soundcheck?”
You nodded enthusiastically as you tucked a stray hair behind your ear, smiling up at Luke who was leaning his elbow on the seat you were currently sitting on, his tall form towering over you and the smell of his cologne tingling your senses.
“Hell yeah, I would be well up for that” you replied, as Luke did a little happy dance at your reply. You giggled at how cringe he was, but you deeply loved it.
You stood up slowly and balanced yourself on the head rest of the seat, so not to fall over as the bus pulled into the parking area.
Luke gave you a soft smile and pulled his arm around your waist to steady you a little.
“Don’t worry, I’ve got you”
Your heart warmed at his words and your stomach flip-flopped, the mixture of his firm arms around you, his hand tickling your hip and his kind words made you feel exceptionally dizzy. You desperately wished that you didn’t have to feel this way about him, because he certainly didn’t. You knew that, to him, this was just a mere friendship and he felt nothing when he touched you or hugged you, and that hurt so much more than the pain you felt over the years whenever you would see him dance with or kiss other girls.
“Thanks” you whispered in reply, as the bus slowed to a stop outside the venue.
“Alrighty, let’s go explore?” Michael piped up, standing and pulling a cap over his baby pink hair. “You coming Y/N?” He continued as you gave him a quick thumbs up.
“Of course!”
The five of you strolled down the streets of Amsterdam, stopping to buy little snacks and treats, as well as taking a quick look inside the Anne Frank House. You had stopped at a cute little clothing store, finding a furry pink coat that you had quickly forced Luke to put on, and taken a million pictures of him, gushing about how much it suited him. He had done a few poses in the long, narrow mirror that was propped against the dimly lit back area of the shop, before finding a matching pink cowboy hat and placing it on your head.
“How cute do we look?” He joked, as he snapped a quick picture of you both in the mirror, your bodies pressed against each other’s. You hoped and prayed that he couldn’t feel your heart beating out of your chest as your side was tucked into his, and as he leant his head against the top of yours.
“Oi you two, we are hiring bikes now, come on!” Calum shouted from the front door of the shop. You helped Luke pull off the pink coat before you both dashed out of the shop, catching up with the others who were now paying at a small bike kiosk.
You climbed onto one of the bikes as Ashton started peddling quickly past you, his curly hair blowing in the wind as you quickly peddled up beside him.
“Race you!” You joked as his eyes widened, the two of you trying to out-do one another.
“Hey suckers” Calum sang as he soared past the two of you on his own bike, instantly beating the both of you. You and Ashton looked at one another, rolling your eyes in amusement.
“Cheat!” Ashton yelled to Calum as you laughed at the pair, “Yeah Calum, such a cheat!” You called in unison with Ashton.
“What the fuck, how?” Calum laughed from in front, “you’re both just salty that I am a master cyclist” he boasted jokingly.
You started peddling slower so that Michael and Luke could catch up, who were just riding calmly and chatting with one another.
You smiled as you let the soft wind blow your hair backwards, admiring the trees dotted along the pavement and listening to the laughter of others as they walked hand-in-hand beside you or sat with their picnics on the grass that surrounded you.
“You look really pretty” Luke mused, as he struggled to balance his bike whilst cycling beside you, gazing over at you.
You turned your head to look at him, his cheeks tinted rosy pink as he realised what he had just said.
You felt your face go hot as the corners of your lips tilted upwards a little, your heart now hammering again, the happy noises around you suddenly drowning out.
“Um-I mean-” Luke stuttered.
“I mean, I’m very lucky to have such a pretty friend.”
Your heart sank a little at that. Friend. That’s all you would ever be to him.
You gave him a quick smile to say thanks, trying to shake his words off of you but not able to stop the word friend spinning in circles around and around in your brain, taunting at you and laughing at you.
Eventually you and Luke pulled your bikes to the side of the canal, colourful little and bigger boats dotted in lines down the side of the water bank. In your state of being lost in thought, you hadn’t even realised that you had lost the other boys.
“I think we lost the others” Luke said, circling his bike around slowly with his hands as he tried to find any sight of them.
“Oops” he continued when he couldn’t see them anywhere. He turned to look at you again, as you slipped back into your own thoughts.
“Y/N, you okay?” Luke asked, “you’ve been pretty quiet the last ten minutes.”
Luke had a small concerned frown on his face, his eyebrows slightly creased as a small curl fell in front of his left brow. This made you smile a little again, not being able to help yourself. He always looked so cute when he pulled his pouty frown-y face.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts, not wanting Luke to think something was up and start questioning further.
“Sorry no I’m fine, just lost in thought and enjoying the surroundings” you replied as Luke nodded in understanding, seemingly taking your explanation for fact.
“Hey, you want to take a short boat trip on the canal?” He asked, motioning towards one of the boats where a small man was leaning again the door that led into the boat, puffing on a cigarette with his arms folded, a small sign next to him, welcoming aboard passengers.
You excitedly nodded and leant your bike on the grass below you, “Yes definitely, I’ve always wanted to try this in Amsterdam, such a romantic thing to do-” you rambled, suddenly realising what you had just said and stopping yourself, looking bashfully at the ground and cursing at yourself in your head.
Luke chuckled beside you and entangled his hand with yours, pulling you closer towards the boats.
Your heart picked up in speed again as you let Luke hold your hand, his warm grip melting away all of your embarrassment and anxiety, the colours and blue sky around you suddenly feeling a little brighter.
“Very romantic indeed,” he chuckled, giving you a little wink before turning his attention to ask the small man about getting a quick canal tour.
You felt your breath fall away from you at his words but your head knew that he just probably said that as a joke, to make you feel better so you didn’t feel embarrassed, or maybe he was flirting? No he definitely wasn’t flirting, he only saw you as a friend.
The two of you sat at the railings of the outside section of the boat, side-by-side as you gazed up at the slow moving rows of old buildings, and listening to the calm waves of water that splashed against the edges of the boat.
Luke leaned closer to you, his shoulder brushing against yours, as he stared at you once again. You felt his gaze on you, suddenly a very nervous feeling washing over you. Every time Luke stared at you with that certain gaze, one that made you question if he really did like like you, you felt as if you couldn’t breath and that the whole universe suddenly became very dizzy and muffled.
“What?” You asked with a soft smile, finally turning to look at him. His blue eyes were shining as they melted into your own gaze, his lips turned a little upwards in a content smile, the blonde tufts, of the bottom of his mullet, tickled the back of his neck.
“Sorry,” he chuckled as he finally came back to reality, “nothing” he finished as he turned his attention back to the water ahead of you both.
“Forever a daydreamer, Luke” you giggled as you leant your head gently on his shoulder, him doing the same but instead atop of your head.
A few hours passed by, and you had eventually returned back to the venue for the show, finally meeting up with the other boys who were instantly jealous at the fact that the two of you had ‘sneaked’ off to a canal tour.
“We didn’t sneak off, if you all didn’t disappear and ditch us then maybe you could have come” Luke laughed as Calum rolled his eyes, “nah it was an elaborate plan to get rid of us!” Calum joked back, the boys already becoming silly and hyped up for their upcoming concert.
You had spent the next few hours running around and fulfilling your assistant duties, liaising with the venue staff and collecting drinks, snacks and equipment for the boys. As you dashed around, you heard loud chatter and excited cheering from the queues of fans outside, smiling to yourself and feeling intense pride for your best friends. You couldn’t be happier for them, and the fact that they were getting to fulfil their dream made your heart soar.
“Y/N, can you help me please?” Luke asked from behind you, half his body peering from behind the dressing room door.
You turned from setting up a tray of water bottles, nodding your head instantly without even knowing Luke’s request.
“Can you help me with my eyeshadow please?” He asked so innocently and softly, holding up a glittery palette and brush for you to take from him.
“Yes of course, let me work my magic” you giggled as you prized the makeup from his hands, and followed him to the dressing table which was situated in the corner of the room.
Soft rock music played in the background, a change from the normal loud music that they usually played before going on stage. The other boys had gone off elsewhere, probably to tune their instruments. You dipped the brush into the blue sparkly powder, Luke sitting on the seat below you as you hovered in front of him, your body situation in between his legs as you stood facing before him.
You dabbed the eyeshadow along his eyelids, swooping it out to create a small wing. You smiled at your work before re-focusing on making it look perfect.
The whole time Luke stared admiringly up at you, watching you as you intently made art upon his face, your free hand caressing his jawline to make sure his head stayed still in place.
You could feel his breath hitting your chin as both of your faces grew closer to one another’s, your own breath fanning his long lashes. You suddenly realised how close in proximity your lips were to each other’s, your noses almost brushing as you stopped applying the makeup for a short second. Your eyes flickered to his, which were already watching you closely.
“Hey” you whispered, letting your thumb run along his cheekbone ever so slightly, one of his blonde hairs curling around your pinky finger.
“Hey” he whispered in reply, as he reached his hand up to push one of your own strands of hair, which had fallen in front of your eyes, back to behind your ear, the cool metal of his rings brushing against your ear as he did so. You shivered a little at his touch.
“Just so you can see whilst doing my makeup” he spoke so softly, the soft beats of the music singing along to his gentle, velvety voice.
You nodded ever so slowly before casting your gaze back to your artwork, continuing on with his eyeshadow, as your heart rate sped up even more, breathing becoming heavier, and you hoped and prayed that Luke didn’t notice the state of anxious desperation you felt for him.
Suddenly a loud knocking was heard on the outside of the door, “Luke, five minutes until you need to be on stage!” You heard another of the employees yell from outside, you and Luke instantly locking eyes again. You quickly finished off his makeup and took a step back to admire your work.
“You look beautiful” you mumbled, a small smile on your lips as Luke’s cheeks became light scarlet.
He carefully stood up from his seat, once again towering over you and taking you in, with his eyes, for a short moment.
“I’ll see you after?” He questioned, acting as if he didn’t ask, then you would possibly disappear without a trace.
“Of course Luke, I’ll be waiting” you responded quietly.
“You’ll smash it, as you always do.”
The boys waved at the screaming and cheering fans, taking their places on stage as the bright orange curtain fell, the stage lights flashing and the beginning of ‘Bad Omens’ starting to play.
You took your place off the side of the stage, watching the boys begin to play and loose themselves to the feeling of euphoria, and to the rhythm of their songs. You danced a little and sang along as you did every night, grinning widely whenever Luke did his happy little bouncing movements, and whenever the crowd sang loudly to their lyrics.
‘Want You Back’ came to an end and Luke steadied his mic stand, lovingly looking out at the shining phone lights and happy fans in front of him.
“This next song is an old one” he began, as the crowd cheered crazily and excitedly.
“And I want to dedicate it to someone very special to me” he continued, the fans screaming even louder at his words.
“There’s someone in my life who I care for very much, someone who’s been by my side for the last eight years and whenever I’m with her-” he said breathlessly, the fans still going crazy over his small speech.
“I feel so disconnected from the world”
The fans cheered as the opening chords and lyrics of ‘Disconnected’ started playing.
For a moment you saw Luke turn and lock his eyes with yours, giving you a look from across the stage that made your heart batter against your ribcage, and almost knock you over from shock.
You didn’t want to be too presumptive but you were 100% sure that he had meant you, and when he gave you that look, you just knew.
As the set came to an end, the fans clapping and cheering as the boys took their final bow, waving and blowing kisses to the fans, you instantly felt nervous, impatiently waiting for Luke to be back with you.
Eventually the boys came tumbling off the stage, sweaty and full of their post concert high. Ashton galloped past you, giving you an excited hug, followed by Calum and Michael who were giggling with one another.
You smiled at them and congratulated them like you did after every show, matching their excitement.
You turned to face Luke who had just bounced off the stage towards you, his blonde hair all sweaty, the makeup you had delicately painted on him now a little smudged, but a huge grin still perfectly drawn on his face.
“You did amazing out there Luke, as always!” You cheered, as you pulled him into a warm hug. The two of you stood there in silence, arms wrapped around each other as the noise of the fans continued but began to die down a little as they began to leave.
“Did you hear my tribute?” He asked, suddenly becoming obviously nervous as he pulled away from your hug a little, but with his hands still grasping your sides.
You slowly nodded your head, unsure of what to reply, and hoping he would continue.
“Y/N, this is going to sound fucking cheesy and I might ruin our friendship saying this but I don’t give a fuck, I need to tell you” he began hurriedly, like if he didn’t say it fast enough then he would chicken out of what he was about to say.
“Whenever I’m with you, I find my sweet escape” he smiled, an air of confidence suddenly washing over him as he clearly knew how cringey he sounded but went with it anyway.
“And I’ve been worried for so long that you only thought of me as a friend and maybe you do, but Y/N,” he continued now more slowly.
“I fucking love you with all of my soul and mind and heart”
It took you a few moments to collect your thoughts, your whole body feeling weak and numb at his confession. You felt as if your heart just stopped, everything around the two of you blanking out as you stared dumbfounded into Luke’s worried blue eyes.
“What?” You asked, wanting him to say it again just to confirm it for you once more. Just to make sure that you hadn’t imagined the last minute that had passed by.
“I love you” he repeated, “and not in that platonic friendly I love you way, I love you like I love you” he rambled.
You laughed a little at his awkward way of wording his confession, but it made you fall for him even harder. You wrapped your arms around his broad shoulders, clasping your hands behind the nape of his neck as he closely watched your movements, his breathing heavy and irregular.
“I love you like I love you, too” you repeated his words back, as he let his shoulders drop in relief.
“Can I-uhm” he began nervously.
“Can I kiss you?”
Luke leant down slowly, his nose brushing the tip of yours softly, his warm breath hitting your lips as you let your eyes flutter shut.
All of the noise and commotion around you became nothing, it was just you and Luke entangled in each other’s arms.
Luke finally pressed his lips to yours, both of you melting into one another and becoming one, as you felt him pull you even closer to him, his hands squeezing your hips gently.
You felt his tongue caress your bottom lip, noses pressed firmly against one another’s now, your hands tangled in his hair, as your lips deepened against his, never wanting to let go.
As you finally pulled apart, breathing heavily and staring into each other’s souls, chests rising and falling, and hearts beating in unison, the noises around you slowly became louder again as you were brought back into reality.
“Fucking finally,” Michael bellowed from behind you.
“I was sick of listening to Luke pine for you since he basically fucking met you!” He laughed, clearly happy for the two of you.
You smiled up at Luke, twirling the wet strands of his hair around your fingers.
“You were pining for me?”
Luke blushed a little again, “Guilty” he shrugged a little.
You laughed and lifted yourself back onto your tip toes to re-attach your lips to his, the two of you falling back into your disconnected world away from reality.
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mountingpulisic · 2 years
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it's seven am and i'm on a mountain with a view
i'm the only one, alone, at a table meant for two
big sur looks beautiful this morning
and i should be missin' you, i should be missin' you
you lost your appetite. 
sitting alone in the vacant penthouse that you called home, you couldn’t help but to feel lonely. 
the big breakfast you had prepared for your husband’s arrival had now gone cold as you mindlessly shoved the eggs on your plate with a fork.  
christian had decided to extend his stay in amsterdam, giving you the excuse of wanting to explore the city with his team mates, promising to bring you back a souvenir. 
any other time you wouldn’t have minded, however with your marriage hanging on for dear life at the moment, it had struck a chord within you. 
shifting your attention from your plate to the scenery that rested next to you, you couldn’t help but to be blown away by the view. 
the mountains had always looked so beautiful in the morning, you and christian would always wake up extra early to be able to catch the sunrise. 
you missed him. 
or did you just miss the person he used to be?
you're across the pond at a show, i think, in amsterdam
and the pictures look pretty, at least they do on your instagram
we say good morning, then goodnight
i wonder if you even know where i am, where i am 
he had left for amsterdam a few days ago. 
you had been keeping up with his adventures through instagram, the two of you having little to none communication since he has been away. just a simple good morning and good night were the only words spoken to each other. 
no, i love you.
no, i miss you. 
no, i want this marriage to work. 
you wondered if he was curious to where you were, not bothering to ask about your whereabouts whenever he called. you could’ve been somewhere in alaska for all christian could care, if he even cared to begin with. 
I'm wearin' the ring still, but i think i'm lyin'
sometimes you forget yours, i think we're done tryin'
i realize you loved me much more at twenty-three
i think that this is when it's over for me, mm, mm
twirling your wedding ring around your finger, you asked yourself why you even bothered to still wear it? 
you were in denial with yourself about the foreseeable ending of your marriage. 
growing up you had always promised yourself you weren’t going to turn up like your parents, that you were going to get married once and live happily ever after. 
what a lie that was. 
thinking back to christian, you wondered if he even remembered to bring his wedding ring with him, always telling you that he accidentally forgets when you call him concerned why it was still on his nightstand. 
how do you forget your wedding ring you had always asked yourself, it was as if he wasn’t even trying to put in the effort anymore to make things between the two of you work. 
twenty-three year old you wouldn’t believe the situation you guys were in now, you swore he loved you more back then when you were naive. the innocent girl who loved hard and worried about the consequences later. 
now those consequences were knocking at your door, making it a daily reminder that you were too young to get married, too immature to understand the responsibilities that came with a marriage. 
taking a bite of the toast that you accidentally burnt, you pondered if this was when your marriage was over for you.
i can't believe i’m a few months out from twenty-nine
i can't handle another year of you and i just bein' fine
i've shared all my secrets and i've paid for all my crimes
and our stars ain't fallin' back in line   
your birthday was around the corner, the big two nine fast approaching. 
you used to always be so excited for birthdays, christian had the habit of going above and beyond with showering you with love on your special day. 
however, with the years passing by, he begins to lack in the department of showing you love. and you didn’t know if you could handle another year of disappointment, not only on your birthday but for your marriage as well. 
you felt like you were giving everything but getting nothing in return. 
you told your secrets.
you confessed to your wrong doings. 
but that wasn’t enough, nothing was enough to repair the irreversible damage that has been done. 
i think that this is when I cut the ties
i think that is when I set myself free
one day you'll ask, "when was it over for you?
when christian returned from his trip, things began to unfold quickly. 
it was stupid, you know, but you couldn’t help but to yell at him for forgetting the souvenir.it was as if him bringing back a silly keychain was going to solve all of you guys’ problems, that everything was going to fall back in place. 
“i told you i’m sorry, y/n. why are you making this into such a big deal?” he asked, not understanding your cold demeanor towards him as you made dinner. slamming the knife that you were using to chop up the vegetables, you spun around to look at him. 
“when was it over for you?” you whispered but he still heard you. 
i'm takin' the ring off, i'm finally cryin'
don't try to find yours, no reason to fight it
you'll say I'm crazy for bein' the one to leave  
“what are you talking about?” christian was beyond confused, why were you asking something like that? all he knew was that he had just amused that your marriage was hitting a rough path that many marriages had, that the two of you were going to sail safely back to shore after this storm. 
“wait, where’s your ring?” 
“where’s yours christian?”
taken back at your venomous tone, christian glanced down at his ring finger. he must have forgotten it again when he was leaving for work this morning. 
“i forget mine so you decided to just not to wear yours?” christian was the one to project his voice this time, arms extending out to gesture towards your empty ring finger. “you’re married, y/n. you don’t need to be immature and not wear a symbol of our unity.”
“am i married, christian? because it sure as hell doesn’t feel like it! I am stuck in this house by myself time and time again while you are off in different cities or countries every single week. you don’t talk to me, you don’t miss me, you don’t love me anymore christian! i can’t help but to think that maybe i should just bite the bullet and finally leave.” 
you were crying, you were finally crying. 
you had held back on expressing your true emotions on the situation, fearing that when you finally swallowed the pill that this was the end of your marriage, there was no going back.
that there was going to be no more christian. 
“you are crazy if you think that you are leaving.” 
scream, I'm just like my parents and givin' up easy
but you never took that last flight to see me
looks like our ending ain't endin' happily
I think that this is when it's over for me
me, me
I think that this is when it's over for me
me, me, mm
“you’re just like your parents y/n, giving up so easily! where’s your fire! where’s the woman that i married?! the woman who promised to fight like hell to keep our marriage? this is what you call a happy ending?! this is the ending you’ve wanted since you were little?!”   
christian hit below the belt, and he knew that, just by how quickly your expression changed by the mention of your parents' failed marriage. it was something you shared with him early on in your engagement, expressing how you feared to end up hating him, like your dad had with your mom. you told him about the constant screaming, the dishes that were thrown, the horrendous words they would speak to each other. 
you had made him promise to you that the two of you would never get to that point in your marriage.  
look at you now
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black-arcana · 5 months
WITHIN TEMPTATION's SHARON DEN ADEL Doesn't Understand Far-Right Surge In Her Home Country Of The Netherlands
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In a new interview with Metal Musikast, Sharon Den Adel of Dutch metallers WITHIN TEMPTATION once again was asked about why she and her bandmates feel the need to voice their political views in some of their recently released songs, including "Wireless" and the title track of their new album "Bleed Out", which have highlighted such current topics as the war in Ukraine and the suspicious death of Mahsa Amini, an Iranian woman "detained" for not wearing a hijab. She said (as transcribed by BLABBERMOUTH.NET): "Well, I think it's very difficult to separate your music from who you are as a person, of course. And seeing this happening in Europe, an invasion by Russia into Ukraine, and Kyiv is only two hours flight from [my home], and so it feels really in my backyard that this war is happening. And seeing the propaganda from Russia, setting up the European countries towards each other instead of that we are… We are trying to stick together, but the propaganda does get to certain countries, like Slovenia and Hungary and some others. And also in our own country [the Netherlands], this year we voted, apparently as a country, for far right, which I don't understand. And that party also, yeah, has a lot of same ideas as some other countries, which are pro-Russia. Not to say that our country is pro-Russia at all, but I think that was a vote against, that people weren't satisfied with the government that we have and thought it could be like a protest vote. But, to me, that's pretty stupid. In many countries now, people start to vote for far-right parties because they're fed up with the government, how it was, because, well, things didn't go perfect, of course, but on the other hand, to start voting for far right is another thing. But we are, as a country, very supportive of Ukraine, but it's more like the propaganda does reach certain people also in our country. And that worries me, because I think we should stand shoulder to shoulder to help Ukraine."
Den Adel also talked about WITHIN TEMPTATION's music video for the band's newest single, "A Fool's Parade", featuring Ukrainian producer and vocalist Alex Yarmak. Recorded amidst the streets of Kyiv with renowned Ukrainian video director Indy Hait, the clip captures Sharon at important Ukrainian landmarks. Asked what it was like to make a music video in the capital city of a country at war, Den Adel said: "Well, I was never scared to go there, because I was in good hands, to my opinion. We were helped to do this video and to organize everything, what we wanted to do in Kyiv, by the organization called Music Saves Ukraine. And they told us about the app that you had need to have. For instance, if you go into Kiev, which we did by night train from Poland, because there's no commercial flights from Amsterdam to Kyiv anymore. So we had to go by night train from Poland to Kyiv. And they told us to download an air-alerts app because everyone in Ukraine has that, and you can select a region that you are in and any incoming dangerous drones or airplanes, like MiGs, who are carrying a supersonic bomb or anything, they will put that in the app and you know what the danger is and how much time you have to go to a shelter. And there's shelters everywhere, even in the hotel that I was. And we once had to go underneath the metro station, because there was a MiG on their way. And sometimes it has a bomb, sometimes it doesn't. It's sometimes just looking and scouting where they can do something with the next airplane. And this time it wasn't wearing any supersonic bomb, which was good for us because it can wipe out a complete area in a matter of seconds."
She continued: "It's strange to be there, because normal life continues in Kyiv for 90 percent, to my opinion, when I was there, because when I left the bombing was actually intensified by Russia on Kyiv. But they have a good air defense system, which most rockets and bombs don't hit Kyiv itself, but the debris, of course, does, and the pieces of that, of the thing that they are trying to attack them with, it's coming still down on buildings and buildings do get hits and also bystanders. But if you know in time that they're coming, then you can go to a shelter. Most of the time it goes okay. So I wasn't scared because I knew this knowledge upfront. And, yeah, it is when the air alert goes off and when you see military people walking in streets, it's a different picture than the rest of Europe, of course."
Last November, the far-right Freedom Party (PVV) won the largest number of seats in the Dutch national elections. Many people believe the shift was triggered by economic and cultural anxieties that have whipped up fears about immigrants.
According to a press release from WITHIN TEMPTATION's publicist, "A Fool's Parade" "showcases the band's commitment to raising awareness of Ukraine's ongoing battle against Russia's invasion. The song itself serves as a condemnation of Russia's deceitful actions and sheds light on the harsh realities faced by Ukraine. WITHIN TEMPTATION remains steadfast in their support for Ukraine, with involvement in initiatives such as the Ukraine Aid OPS foundation, advocating for more much-needed solidarity." All royalties from the new single will be donated to Music Saves UA for the duration of the Russia-Ukraine war.
In March 2022, WITHIN TEMPTATION was one of the artists who took part in a telethon concert in support of Ukraine. "Save Ukraine - #StopWar" united more than 20 countries and bring together more than 50 participants. The marathon was broadcast from Warsaw on the Polish TV channel TVP. In addition, broadcasters from many countries around the world rebroadcasted the marathon on their local channels.
The "Bleed Out" album was released last October.
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earlycuntsets · 26 days
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pt. 2
parts (1, 3, 4)
earlycuntsets.org sourced - where I got all my mcr pictures
first of a series. due to tumblr limits on how many links you can post. this full idea will be continued on future posts. here is 2007-2010. this is pictures. will make a separate post for youtube/recordings.
been needing to fully source my website so here we go! wanted to share with other kool mcr fans.
old fansites/website appearances:
08/11/2007 tampa fl - ishotyourband.com
11/13/2007 sheffield england - blackvelvetmagazine.com
04/02/2008 san jose ca - cluelessdoll18
11/30/2010 - iheardradio
12/05/2010 tampa bay - 97x
12/12/2010 91x rex the halls san diego hollywood icon magazine
07/28/2007 san bernadino ca - joey malone & scarlet lark
07/29/2007 mountain view ca - lex
07/31/2007 kevin and beans breakfast hollywood ca - alex rausch
08/03/2007 san antonia tx - diana
08/04/2007 dallas tx - kenneth smith
08/07/2007 charlotte nc - brittany davis
08/11/2007 tampa fl - tracie stockwell, melissa turner, matt downham
08/15/2007 long island ny - maria newman, miles tsang, paul sherwood, carrie musgrave
08/17/2007 blossom music center cuyahoga falls oh - rachael barbash
08/19/2007 bristol va - kyle gustafson
08/21/2007 toronto ca - taylor christina
08/22/2007 detroit michigan - dominique canning
08/24/2007 mansfield boston - dan gonyea, allmyoxygen, ashleyspotlightrocks
08/25/2007 camden nj - steve trager, cary liao
08/31/2007 noblesville in - eatthislight
09/01/2007 tinley park il - april a taylor
09/03/2007 denver co - liz sawyer
11/03/2007 milano italy - fabrizio galeone & luca fill
11/15/2007 london uk - emma webb
11/30/2007 sydney australia - kate walton
12/09/2007 kuala lumpur malaysia - jin lim
12/11/2007 singapore - phook afg
1/27/2008 taipei, taiwan - jo
2/15/2008 rio de janeiro - charline messa
2/18/2008 sao paolo brazil - 115th dream, alexandra m, mariel g.m., fernanda, alfredoow
2/24/2008 santiago chile - sisforstph, felipebored, francisca
2/27/2008 caracas venezuela - natalia feliu, alxgt
03/30/2008 las vegas nv - sarah dope
04/08/2008 portland oregon - ciera walters
04/12/2008 mexico city - tony francois
04/17/2008 chicago il - sarah
04/27/2008 frisco tx - kenneth smith
05/09/2008 nyc ny - maura
08/01/2009 the roxy hollywood ca - jessxrevenge, lex, daniel rodriguez
10/23/2010 london uk - alessia cifali, justine trickett, lucy roth, justin ng, sarah tye, solange moreira-yeoell, emma webb, immy
10/24/2010 manchester uk - emilyisabelle, hayley johnson, sinead granger, frankie cooksie, paul
10/25/2010 edinburgh uk - emilyisabelle, hannah drake
10/30/2010 amsterdam - samantha, kimviciousphotography, stacey van shaik
10/31/2010 london uk - rikdom
11/01/2010 paris france - manuela, apoline mariotti, jem
11/11/2010 mcr in session for bbc radio maida vale - rhodri jones
11/22/2010 los angeles ca - andi tedesco
12/01/2010 nyc ny - ahorsewithnoname
12/03/2010 roseland ballroom nyc ny - kenny shin, rufus, jeremy wood, miwa sakulrat, ludovica ciccarelli,
12/08/2010 kansas city mo - todd zimmer, scott spychalski, wendy vong,
12/10/2010 101 not so silent night san jose ca - theowlmag, shannon gilb, scernea
08/10/2007 west palm beach - pookie_ray
part 3 here
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maaarine · 5 months
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‘Urination equality’: Amsterdam women win fight for more public toilets (Ashifa Kassam, The Guardian, April 29 2024)
"The need kicked in as Geerte Piening was on her way home from a bar one night in 2015.
She swiftly weighed her options: it was past closing time in Amsterdam’s lively Leidseplein area, meaning she could not duck into a bar to use their facilities, while the nearest public toilet was 2km away.
She resorted to squatting in an alleyway, coaxing her friends to cover her as she did so.
Police soon turned up, handing her a €140 (£118) fine for public urination. Few could have predicted what would come next.
After a nine-year battle for “urination equality” in which thousands took to the streets of the Netherlands, this month Amsterdam said it would open more public toilets in October.
The day after Piening was fined, she woke up furious about the injustice of it.
“There were a lot of urinals for men nearby but I couldn’t go anywhere to pee,” she said. “I thought, OK, this is an issue.” (…)
The judge also offered his own view on the issue, telling Piening that despite the lack of female facilities she should have made use of a men’s urinal. “It may not be pleasant but it is possible,” he said.
Over coffee later with her loved ones, Piening pondered the judge’s suggestion.
“We were all laughing about it because it was so ridiculous,” she said. “I think that is definitely not possible.”
Across the country, the response was much sharper. Protests began to pop up in cities across the country, calling on women to challenge the judge’s view.
“Women from across the country are invited to demonstrate the (im)possibilities of urinating in a public urinal built for men,” said the organisers of one protest coined “Power to the Peepee”.
Others posted photos online showing themselves twisted in knots and attempting ambitious gymnastic poses in order to comply with the judge’s orders, with some signed on to a petition calling on the country’s minister of education, culture and science to tackle “urination equality”. (…)
Slowly the city started to make changes, placing mobile toilets in major parks and green areas during the summer and informing the public that they could use facilities in sites such as police stations and fire halls.
But it took years to secure the ultimate victory; this month Amsterdam said new wheelchair-accessible public toilets would be available starting in October.
The exact number was not confirmed though the city said its total investment would be €4m.
Among those celebrating the news was Piening. “How do I feel about it? Really good,” she said. The past nine years had been a test of patience, one that had at times been overwhelming, she said.
But it had also been a crash course in how the design of cities – often harking back to a time when women were expected to remain in the home – can actively exclude segments of the population if left unchallenged.
“I think the city is mostly built by and for men,” she said. “So if I look at it from that angle, it isn’t surprising that there are only urinals for men.”"
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🎲 The 5SOS Show Tour Dice Roll Selections 🎲
Final Tally:
If You Don't Know: 9
Voodoo Doll: 8
Wrapped Around Your Finger: 8
English Love Affair: 6
Heartbreak Girl: 6
Heartache On The Big Screen: 5
Buenos Aires Night 1 - 19 July 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: 29 May 2016 @ SLFL Copenhagen
Buenos Aires Night 2 - 20 July 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: 30 August 2016 @ SLFL Spokane
Rio de Janeiro - 23 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: 15 September 2017 @ Rock In Rio
São Paulo - 25 July 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Buenos Aires Night 1
Times played: 2
Santiago - 27 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Rio de Janeiro
Times played: 2
Bogotá - 30 July 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Santiago
Times played: 3
Uncasville - 10 August 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: 2015 July 22 @ ROWYSO Mountain View
Boston Night 1 - 12 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: 4 October 2016 @ SLFL Sydney
Boston Night 2 - 13 August 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: Live Debut
Toronto - 15 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Buenos Aires Night 2
Times played: 2
Detroit - 16 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Boston Night 1
Times played: 2
Bristow - 18 August 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Bogotá
Times played: 4
Philadelphia - 19 August 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Bristow
Times played: 5
New York City - 21 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Toronto
Times played: 3
Chicago - 23 August 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour New York City
Times played: 4
Cleveland - 25 August 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour São Paulo
Times played: 3
Cincinnati - 26 August 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Detroit
Times played: 3
Minneapolis - 28 August 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Uncasville
Times played: 2
Indianapolis - 30 August 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Cleveland
Times played: 4
Nashville - 1 September 2023
Heartache On The Big Screen
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Indianapolis
Times played: 5
Atlanta - 2 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Cincinnati
Times played: 4
Raleigh - 3 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Philadelphia
Times played: 6
Hollywood- 6 September 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Chicago
Times played: 5
Houston - 9 September 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Boston N2
Times played: 2
Dallas - 10 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Raleigh
Times played: 7
Phoenix - 13 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Atlanta
Times played: 5
Los Angeles - 14 September 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Minneapolis
Times played: 3
Lisbon - 23 September 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Houston
Times played: 3
Madrid - 24 September 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Phoenix
Times played: 6
Milan - 26 September 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Hollywood
Times played: 6
Stuttgart - 27 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Dallas
Times played: 8
Düsseldorf - 28 September 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Los Angeles
Times played: 4
Brussels - 30 September 2023
If You Don't Know
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Stuttgart
Times played: 9
Amsterdam - 1 October 2023
Voodoo Doll (Band's choice)
Last played: The 5SOS Show Milan
Times played: 7
Glasgow - 3 October 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Lisbon
Times played: 4
Manchester - 4 October 2023
Voodoo Doll
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Amsterdam
Times played: 8
London - 5 October 2023
English Love Affair
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Glasgow
Times played: 5
Luxembourg - 7 October 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Düsseldorf
Times played: 5
Paris - 8 October 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Madrid
Times played: 7
Budapest - 10 October 2023
Wrapped Around Your Finger
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Paris
Times played: 8
Gliwice - 11 October 2023
Heartbreak Girl
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Luxembourg
Times played: 6
Prague - 12 October 2023
English Love Affair (Ashton's throw)
Last played: The 5SOS Show Tour Luxembourg
Times played: 6
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fentonphoto · 1 year
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Light trails near Amsterdam Central. @iamsterdam-blog
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bluewinnerangel · 2 years
Do you see any commonalities between Harry and Louis' post show playlists? Would love to know your view.
Too much? Can I just go for both pre- and post-show playlists, because Harry's post-show ones have mainly been songs from bandmembers and location-specific ones.
The list of songs that have popped up on both their playlists or during shows this year is now 18 tracks long (including Can't Help Falling In Love that a couple sang in the crowd during Harry's which was definitely out of his hands lol but it is one of Harry's favorite songs and his response was amazing I couldn't not include that)
Shout-out to Mr Brightside.
Shout-out to I'm Coming Out, Staying Alive, and I Will Survive jfc.
Shout-out to DMAs - The Glow which was a massive inspiration for FITF, randomly popping up pre-show at the start of Harry's 2022 tour (once? Back in june in Manchester, as far as I know).
On a similar note, Louis had The Strokes - The Adults Are Talking as a post show song (Rio on may 27th - dressed in some bluegreen striped laurel hell sidenote it were the backpack style days idk either), the song besides Take On Me that As It Was has been heavily compared to.
When Harry's preshow had one too many songs from Louis' change over playlist. If you missed it, I believe it's a list of songs considered to be exit songs, and they kept deleting and adding songs as tour went on. Also the playlist went private for a while after the fandom discovered it, but not after adding a few songs and then Louis following jdelf on instagram that same day. The list of songs usd post-show is here - songs that were ever on the change over playlist here, post here, but basically:
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Thinking about that time I asked twitter whether they thought a screenshot of Louis' change over playlist was Harry's or Louis', and a lot of people thinking it was Harrys.
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Louis wore a shirt with names of songs that include "dancing" (Let's Dance, Dance the night away, Get Up and Dance, Loose yourself to Dance) at the time the preshow playlist of Harry's show did just that, including Everybody Dance, Let's Dance (album), Dancing in the Moonlight, Dancing on the Ceiling, I Wanna Dance With Somebody (they were all played within 1 hr window). here.
They have both played their own X-factor audition songs. Harry also played Rebecca Fergusons audition song - the one that ended up on One Directions youtube and brought along a lot of theories yk that one (Womack & Womack - Teardrops)
They both play songs that are related to the location they're at, most obviously the the Theme From New York, New York in New York, but also songs from artists from that country, songs with a special history in that specific city, etc.
Returning artists with multiple songs across their shows include Amy Winehouse, Bill Withers, Bob Marley, David Bowie, Elton John, Kings Of Leon, Queen, Radiohead, Talking Heads, Two Door Cinema Club, Vampire Weekend.
They've both played a bunch of songs that they sang on stage in 1D days, obviously just One Direction songs but also songs they covered or just messed around with on stage I guess you can call it that (Louis').
This isn't a serious one but I did laugh my larrie ass off when after Harry's Amsterdam show we were met with Louis' Amsterdam post-show song call me a moldy dirtbag baby.
I think they both have used their preshows to in some way ease us into sounds of their new albums
And last but definitely not least: when Harry performed I Will Survive on the 22nd of April 2022, that same day, hours before, Louis' exit song said Disco Medley too with Bee Gees - Stayin' Alive, and after his show (on April 23rd European time - this to say was after his own show but it could've been before or after the Coachella show), I Will Survive was added to the playlist (+Play That Funky Music).
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preshow playlists here
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mobscene-london · 7 months
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Travel to Costa Brava in Spain and explore the historical Tossa de Mar before having dinner aboard a catamaran ride around the coast at sunset.
A day in Heraklion, Crete, to explore the beaches, local architecture, and museums.
A visit to San Vito Lo Capo, Sicily, to embrace the beautiful beaches. An afternoon spent climbing the face of Monte Monaco, before winding down with a relaxing dinner in the town, with plenty of local wine to share.
Head to Tromsø, Norway, to go ice swimming in the Norwegian Sea. Warm up in a wood fire sauna, before heading into the city for a cosy dinner, and a night of great cocktails at the Magic Ice Bar.
Edinburgh, Scotland. A trip to the Camera Obscura and World of Illusions, filled with optical wonders and playful illusions, followed by a walking tour to the historic Edinburgh Castle. The trip will conclude with a night in a cosy log cabin surrounded by the beauty of the Scottish landscape.
A trip to Amsterdam to visit the art museums on the Museumplein, followed by dinner and live music.
A night out in Moscow. Italian food and French Champagne at Mario's, followed by a ballet at the Bolshoi Theatre. Finish things off with a late-night stroll to St. Basil's to take in the architectural beauty of the city.
Brunch date along the beaches of Tenerife, before joining the festivities of Carnival of Santa Cruz de Tenerife.
A weekend getaway to the small island of Malta, where they can submerge themselves in the culture, food, and scenery, far away from the busy life of London and all its drama.
An apartment in Central Paris, overlooking the Eiffel Tower, with prosecco upon arrival. A day of leisure, followed by dinner at the Sphére, located on Rue La Boétie.
Spend some time exploring Wine Factory N1 in Tbilisi. After plenty of wine tasting and bar hopping, an evening dining at the opulent Biltmore Hotel awaits; beautiful views over the city as the perfect accompaniment.
A pamper filled day at the luxurious Blue Lagoon Spa in Iceland, before toning it down with a beer and brewery crawl through the country's capital. End the night camping in one of Reykjavik's Geodomes.
The night consists of great food and live music. A chance to dress up and step into another world. Dinner at the Story Restaurant in London, followed by Abel Selaocoe and Britten Sinfonia at the Barbican Centre.
A trip to New York to visit the Metropolitan Museum of Art, the Empire State Building, Central Park, and do a food tour of the city together.
Private Island Living off the coast of Greece. A small Island villa just for two. Peace, quiet, and no nosey neighbours.
Enjoy a long-weekend away to Ibiza where you will experience both sides of the Island; nights out in the best clubs with the greatest DJs and the nights in watching sunsets by the beach, most luxurious dinners. A date with the best of both worlds.
Get tipsy together on a weekend away at Amalfi Coast. Stay in five-star Hotel Santa Caterina, with its far-reaching views along the coast, a luxurious beach club and two restaurants, for a four-day ‘Luxury Amalfi Coast Wine Experience’.
Arrive in San Sebastián just when the locals get started for the night, around 9pm. Choose from a number of Michelin star restaurants and spend the rest of the night drinking and enjoying the company. Wake up the next day for a walk along the golden beaches and explore more of the food the city has to offer.
Take a hike around the Isle of Skye and maybe a dip in the small water ways if you're brave enough. See the beauty that Scotland has to offer. The night will end at a cottage for 2 with a chef catered meal and an overnight stay.
During the day, enjoy a walking tour of Haga Old Town in Gothenburg, Sweden and a small boat tour of some of the archipelago. End the night with dinner at family owned Familjen where the mood is cosy and the food is all local.
A long weekend in Monaco. Enjoy the comfort of the iconic Café de Paris, spending the afternoon pampered in its spa before heading to an opera. Michelin restaurants, beach sunsets, and ultimate luxury mark a perfect weekend.
Austria. Visit the lakeside alpine village of Hallstatt in the Alps and enjoy a picnic lunch via boat ride. Attend an Austrian Apple Strudel Cooking Class in the afternoon before venturing to Salzburg to tour Hohensalzburg Fortress. Dine at the restaurant atop and attend a night-time concert there while taking in the balcony view of the historic town of Salzach below, including the river and mountains.
A weekend in Positano, along Italy's soaring Amalfi Coast. This includes a private boat tour to the island of Capri.
Sunset watching on a private yacht off the Greek Islands in quiet and private location, followed by luxurious but relaxed dinner and champagne. (edited to be in-keeping with geographical constrictions. Send a follow up date acknowledging this if you wish to change it. ♥)
Jetset to Finland, spend the morning exploring the snowy forest on horseback, try your hand at ice fishing before enjoying lunch prepared over an open fire. Experience the excitement of an overnight husky or reindeer safari to chase down the northern lights and return to the lodge the next afternoon to wind down in one of the glass house igloos of Kakslauttanen resort and enjoy the spectacular sights with a warm hot chocolate and a decadent five course dessert degustation.
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mimithemortician · 3 months
London Day 2
June 14th
Today was our free day! We had a lovely breakfast at the hotel and I finished up some homework with some friends at a cafe. We explored and did some shopping at seven dials and then took the tube to Liverpool station and explored the surrounding area. After doing some hardcore damage at the shops, we took the bus to the Sky Garden and got to view the entire city! It was so beautiful. We were even able to meet up with my cousin who is visiting from Amsterdam! The timing was perfect and I am so happy that we were able to make that happen today. 
After heading back to the hotel to drop our things, we headed out to dinner in SoHo. We dined at an Indian restaurant and the food was incredible! After dinner, we ended the night watching the football match between Germany and Scotland. Overall it was an amazing day and I am so grateful that we got to explore London on our own! 
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umichenginabroad · 4 months
Week 2: Living it up in Amsterdam!
Time feels like it’s going by so quickly, as it’s already the end of the second week in Berlin. This week introduced the technical lab course, which for me is my robotic programming lab course. I haven’t had a great deal of robotic programming, and as everyone was introducing themselves during the first class, it seemed that the consensus was that a lot of people were pretty new. So it could be said that I was more than a little shocked to be doing partial derivatives and working with differential equations on the first day. Anyways, it actually wasn’t too bad as it made everyone work collectively and made time go by much faster as we were so laser-focused on finishing our tasks.
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On Tuesday, we went on a fun brewery tour of the brewery on the VLB campus. You see, all the beer that was being produced was for research and scientific purposes. The brewery was experimenting with different techniques and recipes for different kinds of beer. We got to see the station where the barley is first broken down into malt, then where the yeast is added, and finally where the beer is dispensed. As an added bonus, we even got to try some!
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Prior to the weekend, around Monday or so, 7 of my friends and I planned a weekend trip over to Amsterdam. We were to leave right after class on Friday and get there at around 1:00 am on Saturday and return back to Berlin at around 8:30 on Sunday night. I packed my stuff at around 5:45 am Friday morning because I’m just an all-round excellent procrastinator. 
The entire Amsterdam journey was an absolutely crazy one, but quite a memorable one. For starters, we missed one of our trains and had to race the train via taxi. One of our trains was heavily delayed, which caused us to miss our ensuing transfer train. As I was the only person who somewhat knew how to speak German, I was forced to put my minuscule vocabulary to use when I had to communicate to the information help desk and taxi driver that our train had been delayed and now needed a taxi service. We eventually were able to get a taxi service to the next stop, and thanks to the driver, just barely made it before the train, and the trip continued to proceed as normal. I thought that it was crazy that we had just happened to have one German speaker with us on this trip and for it to be actually a pivotal moment in the trip.  
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As soon as we arrived, we headed to the Airbnb and just chilled out until everyone went to bed. The following morning we decided to go sightseeing and check out any potential museums or other tourist attractions that we wanted to hit up. We eventually settled on splitting up between sightseeing and visiting an electronic music museum.
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I went with the group to the museum and as we were walking there, we were met with absolute torrential downpour. Since we had to make our time slot, we trudged through the rain to the museum, arriving on-time looking like we had swam through the waterways to get there. In the electronic music museum, we got to learn about the history of House music and see priceless artifacts like Marshmello’s helmet and Avicii’s keyboard. To top it all off, we even got to experience their own little DJ-mashup of some of the most iconic songs. 
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That night, we met up with some other University of Michigan students who were traveling through Europe, and we decided that since it was one of their birthdays, to go out that night in celebration, seeing as he was turning 21. We walked around Amsterdam at night, appreciating the beautiful views of the city at night and basking in the nighttime culture of the city. Even though it was late at night, there were still streets packed with people having a good night out in pubs and bars. We walked around for about an hour, then attended a music festival. Now, this is where the night really starts to get interesting. 
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When we arrived, we were really excited and were in high spirits. Then someone from our group got kicked out. We didn’t really know why and after clearing up the confusion, they were let back in. We then spent the next couple hours dancing and chilling around, eventually leaving at around 3:00 am. As we were all pretty hungry at the time, we decided to hit up this one street full of fast food shops until around 4:00 am. However, as we were walking there, another person lost their wallet. We spent about 30-45 minutes looking for that wallet until somehow, by the grace of God, we found it next to a curb untouched. It was a pure stroke of luck that we had found it and even more lucky that it was left untouched. Seeing as how the universe was so unfairly lucky to us, it decided that it was time to reverse the tables. As we were walking to get food, I saw that we were running behind and needed to get moving if we were to get there before everything closed. I started sprinting and turned around to tell my friends behind me that we need to get going. As I turn back around however, I see a bike coming straight for me and BAM, it slams right into me. Luckily, no one was seriously hurt and I was able to walk away from it with minor bruises and swelling. However, this experience was extremely scary and I am extremely grateful that things did not end differently. At last, we were able to get food right around 4:00 am and eventually headed back and called it a night. 
Sunday was our final day in Amsterdam and seeing as how our train back to Berlin left at 2:15, we could only do some light shopping in some of the shopping streets before we ended up heading over to the train station and heading back to Berlin. Overall, it was an extremely fun trip and well worth it. Even though we had some scary moments, we cherished the short time that we spent and left extremely satisfied with the experience.
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This will no doubt go down as one of the most fun trips that I’ve had in recent years and definitely the most crazy and unpredictable trip ever.
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That’s all for this week, see you guys next week!
Dervin Tian
Data Science
Engineering Laboratory Experience at TUB in Berlin, Germany
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