ladysophiebeckett · 2 years
Hope you had a very happy birthday ❣️❣️❣️
it sure was a Day 😀
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zesty-jesty · 17 days
Another voice claim video with my four main OCs! Again thank you to my lil sister @kokichis-wife for helping me make this!
One of these days I'll post more about my mains and the story a friend and I are writing revolving around Rosenverse, and the world of Amouria 🌞👏
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sinshckled · 5 years
@amourias​ a réagi à votre billet :      smh I need new asks
delete them
me going thru my inbox:
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louwky · 5 years
La Ruine amoureuse
- Vois comme tu t'écroules sans moi
Comme je m'écroule pour toi
Vois que je m’écroule sans toi
Que tu t'écroules sur moi…
Je tombe.
                                          - LOUWKY -
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blindfoldcd · 5 years
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NEW YEAR’S KISSES & DISSES  //  accepting!
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@amourias​: 🎉 + diss / a joke from erik fjfndJFNSKXN idk he’s probably drunk
       Miya hasn’t known him for long — a few months, maybe, but it’s not like she knows him. Yet. Still, there are always waters to test, limits to poke and prod to see just how far they can be pushed. This is one of those times.
       After a laid-back sort of evening, bits of conversation accompanied by some alcohol here and there, they had traversed outside onto the second floor balcony of a rather large pub as it neared midnight. She was quiet as they stood there, sober for the most part, but Erik had quite a bit more to drink than she had and it wasn’t difficult for her to take note of the effects.
       A distant countdown begins throughout the small Fiorian town and Miya gazes into her glass, internally tossing around an idea ( but also curious if a kiss at midnight is even customary in this world ). Midnight hits, fireworks burst and magic fills the air, lighting up the deep blue sky. Her approach is gradual and by no means swift; she wants to give him time to react, to process, instead of simply stealing a kiss from intoxicated lips.
       But she’s rejected and, well, she never thought she’d feel so relieved.
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       The traveler withdraws casually, seemingly unaffected by the diss as she takes a sip of the sweet alcoholic concoction the bartender had whipped up. Propping her elbows upon the banister, Miya leans her weight on it as bright blue eyes glance at her companion, reflecting the brilliant flashes of colored lights overhead. It’s hard to place his expression and she’s sure he’s already heard her thoughts, but she still attempts to ease any tension.
               ❛ Chill out, hm? It was just an innocent test; it’s not like I have feelings for you pertaining to romance. ❜
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verticordiia · 5 years
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soooo--- i'm finally feeling sufficiently emotional™ to be sappy. i love you --- i adore your portrayals and feel like i gain five years each time i read one of your headcanons. your love for your muses just.... comes through, seeps through my laptop screen and right into my heart. your ability to write so many different characters amazes and inspires me --- so many muses means so many reasons to be salty. and while in fact, i love to salt with you, i also acknowledge that it is .... exhausting to start writing a muse and to have to write up a lengthy canon divergence post first because canon did yet another child dirty.
before i go off on a weird tangent, let me say something else: i am thrilled for the verse we are plotting together and by thrilled i mean --- i am rubbing my grabby little hands because i am so, so glad to write it with you. i am also extremely!! excited for meredy's and not-meredy's epic adventures!!!!!
@amourias​ / meme / selectively accepting.
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inkpetal · 5 years
"just stop your crying.” -erik gjkhsdflkd
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   tears pooled in chestnut hues, her breath was racing and she was sure she would never catch it.  her chest was ablaze with not only RAGE but pain as well. she couldnt help but to glare at him. his words only CUT through the walls that she had built in order to protect her fragile heart from HIM. eyelids shut briefly, allowing her eyes to dance behind them. they danced with MEMORIES rather than movements though and she felt as if it would never pass. the time felt as if it had slowed almost completely to a S T O P.  pale, cracked lips quivered and burnt as the salted tears leaked down into the exposed skin. levy hated him in the moment. in so many moments.  a loud huff escaped the blue haired mage, frustration boiling over inside her. she was crying because of him. and as usual ? there was no emotion from him, no visible trace of empathy or any sort of remorse for her heart. which had been shattered to the point that there was NO fixing it anymore. no amount of glue would hold it together. 
  her eyes darted away from him, from the man whom she had loved for what seemed like the eternity. for the man who broke her heart time and time again, and who she would choose time and time again. she wanted to SCREAM with every fiber of hate inside her at the very moment.  and to make everything so much worse ? he could HEAR every single thing that was going on with her. every thought, every memory, every movement, the way her heart beat, and the way her lungs were COLLAPSING on her. lips parted to speak, only to shut.  as much as she wished the love was enough ? it wasnt. it never was, and it never would be. not for them, not for their relationship.  she wanted so deeply to believe in the way he loved her, she wanted to be wrapped in his body again, and to thrive off the way his laugh filled the room, the way his eyes were so purple they reminded her of caves of amethyst. she wished to be ENOUGH for him. but it never seemed that she was. 
   despite everything he had put her through, she loved him and there was no lie to that. 
 meme. accepting. @amourias
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divinikey · 5 years
“i’m so excited to meet you!” -chelia !
chelia had two different associations for lucy when it came to people. her older cousin, sherry (who lucy had a Complicated past with, having met and fought with her on galuna island) and wendy (who lucy had a much less Complicated past with and was one of lucy’s friends). no matter what, though, lucy smiled at the other and felt the excitement went both ways. after all, this girl was one of wendy’s closer friends and that was not something to be ignored.
“that goes both ways, chelia!” lucy assured the girl. she smiled at her, her eyes warm as she looked at the younger mage. “wendy has said a lot about you!” and then, there was a glint in her eyes. a thirst for knowledge because despite the girl’s youth, she had a great power.
“now. there is one question i’m going to ask you. i’d say its for science but that would be a lie,” lucy looked around to make sure none of the others (except those with enhanced hearing) could hear and asked, “what does air taste like and does it taste different to you and wendy? how does that interact? what are the similarities and differences for you and wendy?” okay, it was more than one question but. well. it was lucy. 
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aceofscale · 5 years
my url ? 😇
first of all - kinda unrelated, but something i’ve always wanted to tell you ; the whole vibe and aesthetic of your blog and your muses … literally my favourite thing ever on this whole site. it literally brings tears to my eyes. got me quaking and crying over here.
ANYWAY ASIDE FROM YOUR GOD TIER EDITING SKILLS — YOU ARE … an angel??? BABY YOUR MY ANGELLLLLLLL !!!! like honestly. you make me laugh so much and you indulge my bullshit whenever you’re around and i love that in a friend, cause i know im a meme i know i suck ass but you support that and i suPPORT YOU. 
a truly beautiful , kind , funny , friendly , wonderful , more positive adjectives i can’t even think of cauSE I LOVE YOU SO MUCH — SOUL. truly the best. am i worth ur time? never. do u still give me ur time? yes. the sign of a true friend. of a real MVP. —– we don’t interact much but HONESTLY im chill with that. you’re just so perfect im happy to sit and watch ur muses flourish. you are just so welcoming and i remember that from like my first week here and that means so much to me, truly. 
your talent with your muses and your writing is unrivalled, it truly is. your love for them actually makes me want to be a better person, you’ve put so much love and thought into them that i will accept NO OTHERS. you’re amazing. you’re creative. you’re literally perfect?? like damn???
mandy? more like … MAN - i love you so damn much i ache - DY … amiright? ❤️
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send me a url for some positivity // ALWAYS ACCEPTING !
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moonholy · 5 years
he didn’t fight it. he found unusual comfort in the other’s gentle touch, how it deeply contrasts to the violent intrusion of larcade’s plunging stab. his tired eyes watches as she tends to his wound. his chest tenses, as her small hands near his collarbone, where the blood is most heavy. he forces a smile, in feeble attempts to laugh the pain away, ❛ thanks—it’s not as bad as it looks. ❜ he continues, needing to talk to distract from the ache, ❛ what did y' say your name was, again? ❜ -sting :)
 plotted ask that i will not forget about !!!
his blood seeped through the gauze, staining her gloves. there weren’t many supplies available out here, they were lucky to even have this first aid kit to begin with. sorano took off her gloves and let out a small breath. “ my name is sorano. “ the angel replies before reaching for her cape and tearing off a piece. she presses the cloth on his wound with a bit of pressure that no doubt would increase the amount of pain. there was no way to avoid it, she felt a slight bit of guilt. “ can you lay down for me please? sorry if this hurts… i just need your wound to clot. “
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ladysophiebeckett · 7 months
HAPPY BIRTHDAY ❤️❤️❤️ hope you enjoyed the day!!! May the coming year be even better 🎉 You’ve always been a wonderful moot and if I could I’d hug you because you deserve all the love and care heading your way 🫂
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us when we're mutually complaining about that awful show.
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sxlidscript · 5 years
❛    the  world  gives  you  so  much  pain,  and  here  you  are  making  gold  out  of  it.  ❜ -from juvia !
poetry  rp  starters | (x)
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(𝒮𝒸𝓇𝒾𝓅𝓉) —- “There’s beauty and greatness behind every mark of darkness, Juvia.” Her response towards the water Mages’ remark was simple, yet truthful. However, Juvia also witnessed firsthand the pain and destruction (just like the rest of their friends’s) that’d been unleashed upon their guild (upon Fiore itself). A constant loop that’d repeat itself for as long as she could remember. But despite all that, her hope never faltered, and neither did Levy’s – no matter how bad the situation seemed. So for her to compliment Levy with that statement, just made the individual hum with approval, but she wasn’t going to take all the credit. 
She also believed that Juvia was another woman that bested the pain in her own way, and she truly admired her for that. “I could say the same for you!” Reaching outwards so that her hands clasped the others in a gentle (assuring) hold, her gaze capturing navy hued orbs, reassuring the individual that she overcame the pain as well. “You’re also making gold out of it too!” Laughter graced her lips, gently filling the atmosphere  – and she hoped that it’d encourage the Mage from now on, knowing that she needed it the most. 
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hiemaliis · 5 years
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‘‘ young man, ’’ beatrice started, uncaring that as far as optics were concerned, he was older than her. perhaps, she had spent too much time with cecilia who could say this unironically. ‘‘ poking a hole into the subway plan will not gift you with sudden enlightenment. you’ll only hurt your finger if you keep that up. ’’
@amourias liked for a starter and i picked sting!!
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deifiedsuccubus · 5 years
⭐️ for sting & yukino !
meme // @amourias
mini & sting
right after tartaros, minerva avoided sting for a while. after all, he had just seen her at her lowest in a long time, and she’s not too pleased with her own actions right at the moment. it takes some time, and some accidental run-ins in the guild hall before she is comfortable enough to speak with him again.
neither speak of her tears that day. just like neither speak of her tears when saber lost.
mini & yukino
it takes a certain kind of woman to make it in sabertooth, and because of that minerva will forever hold respect for yukino. yukino, who did not have the guild in her blood but still kept petitioning to enter. yukino, who had the stubborn will to put her life on the line. before the games, however, the lady of saber does not know how to express that respect beyond distant approval from her place at her father’s side.
she will never admit it, but yukino is the closest thing minerva has to a sister of her own, something she had always wished for.
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withachanceoflaxus · 5 years
⭐️ however many for sting !
when laxus first found out what a third gen dragon slayer was during the gmg, he felt like it was a cop out. laxus didnt care much for sabertooth that much until the conclusion of the games and he thought they were okay. he thinks sting has a lot on his plate for someone his age and feels a little bad for him until he remembers it isnt his problem LMAOhe also feels bad once he finds out sting was/is a GM at some point bc he’d have to deal with makarov on a professional levelhe gets +1 respect for being a fellow blond dragon slayer
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reynaldvoyance · 5 years
You asked me to choose between you and my life, I chose my life and you left without understanding, that my life is you!
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