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xytaes · 1 year ago
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oh by the way here’s my little headcanons on the bg3 boys’ bodies
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sl-pp · 4 months ago
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orcanist · 1 year ago
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"Oh, you know what they say: The couple that slays together, stays together." Incredible Fydes and Greggurr piece by 🎨: https://twitter.com/amonns
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s1ncitystudios · 4 months ago
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A lil inclement weather won't stop BirdEater from swinging by to lend a helping hand BirdEater owned by
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imanbenerrabeh · 4 months ago
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my first fountain pen. i feel like a kid again.
it all reminds me of my childhood and elementary school and when everything was so simple.
around this time of the year in the fall my mom would buy me a fountain pen, and cartridges and a glue stick and a notebook, just down the street either at athesia or amonn. then we would eat a krapfen or a spitzbuben or roasted chestnuts while walking around in our benetton scarves. at school we had to write in cursive, but i liked to anyways. my fingers were always stained and blue.
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artofkelseywooley · 2 years ago
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Happy Monday everyone! New Santiago of the Seas episodes ARE FINALLY BACK! Starting off with the amazing special "Lorelai's Family Vacation" airing today at 4:30pmPT/7:30pmET on Nick Jr! Written by Yasmine Campbell and Cynthia C. Reynoso, directed by @briannedrouhard and Nico Selma, and storyboards done by @amonns and @aspirinoverdose!✨️So happy everyone can finally see the rest of season 2 and hope ya'll enjoy this episode as well as the rest that air this week!
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delirious-donna · 2 years ago
Oooh Amon!! Yes, I rarely speak about Tokyo Ghoul and I like Amon a lot.
Definitely dilf energy. He’d be like a coach dad for sure, very invested in his kids and their activities whilst all the moms drool over him from the sidelines.
Daddy vibes? Mhm, and he’s one of my favourite sub categories of daddy, the ones that get irritated by bratty behaviour but put up with it because they think the absolutes world of you. Like they have a limit but it would take a lot to reach it… he’s a pleasure Dom type of daddy and definitely gets pussy drunk. Ok Donna, shut up now!!
Rate - dilf and/or daddy
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444names · 1 year ago
irish forenames + mongolian names BUT excluding "h"
Ainsilín Aitigneac Aitlín Aitrín Aivian Alganjav Aljinm Aljinn Allas Amaomán Amasait Ambaa Ambat Ambatan Amjav Amonn Amuinn Aodav Aodavaat Aodnogt Aoignearrd Aoiltigne Aoilís Aoimonn Aoinzorj Aoirtan Aoistar Aoldamdigt Aoldar Aomón Aongen Aonór Aonóran Aosur Armaodoile Arnán Aveen Baataa Badonn Badra Baisnat Balgalbaa Bantuan Baorj Batak Batan Batar Batartín Batdel Bategmair Batemuan Batjarna Batjav Batmuir Batrín Batseogt Batsogán Bayagmarj Bayam Bayarmait Bealaoin Bearde Beary Beilín Bektantóid Bende Benán Beárdel Birenán Bistín Blaurenbat Bliamdiar Blinn Bolmonn Breamdin Brear Brenjar Brianic Brionn Bríon Bríosan Bróirnall Buaitlíonn Byaglán Byamdid Byarnán Byarry Byasa Caidorj Cainny Calagne Caodorj Caoilbaa Caoile Caoim Caoirna Caoirren Caolmán Caonne Caorj Catban Ceall Cearj Cearry Cialgan Ciann Ciona Cionn Clagus Cliambuun Coilís Coinn Coirmaolán Colundán Colán Combyambos Comáin Comóinn Conbar Condori Connegus Criac Críne Cuiltargom Cuiren Daido Dairil Damgal Damure Dandán Daoinsin Darbir Dasam Dasaminn Dasán Davasán Daveen Deabbán Declai Denear Denerene Dereamdiac Domorj Dorgallait Dorgasael Dorisín Dorlana Duboluun Dugilirene Dáirden Déaonn Déasán Dúnal Dúnamdid Eagvan Earan Eargus Earíonn Easan Ediamsubos Edigna Edwistín Eidojoo Eignai Eignait Eilag Eimeartúr Eimídín Eirel Endjaa Endorj Enjav Eogán Eoirman Eosuread Erbateg Erden Erdendán Eregeic Ernán Errdemuk Ervivild Eóireg Faodnorla Faotan Feara Feariliann Fearsan Feict Feimaorj Ferel Fiall Fiarj Finnbo Finnlailín Fiodabbán Fiona Fionaili Fionndjav Flagnaileg Flaolm Flaur Floda Fodorjag Féise Fíofán Fíogt Fíong Gallainnla Galtargan Ganjav Garás Gassinm Gatak Gelesur Gombaastín Gonais Gonbori Gorga Goutbar Gráirín Gréamonn Gunbassial Iomán Ionasurel Irsuu Islinneba Iósen Jaguren Jagvaa Jargil Jarnai Jarnán Javiannín Jebaolm Jebatari Jebilirmeg Jerbeál Jergii Joodavaa Jurear Kanamaold Kunboll Kylear Kylearban Lagala Lailear Laislin Laivaat Lamangke Lantuya Lauren Lorjam Lortúr Lunbasan Magornal Maigne Maindair Mairinn Maition Maltara Mamjarian Mangke Maold Margobna Margus Marmas Mearan Mearbalt Medinat Meill Merderden Meren Mional Muairis Muilamainn Muiransun Muirbas Muire Muireacán Muiren Muirene Muirt Muirtín Mulag Mulger Muluure Murbrónán Mutuu Máiriannín Mídín Móran Mórlead Naasna Naltiú Neara Nearsukan Nebaa Nebirear Niondonbo Nyagda Nyamba Nyambal Nyambrí Nyara Nóiriarkit Nórde Nórlan Nórleárd Oclán Oileasai Onorj Oriúdán Ormaoinbar Ostemure Ostíon Otarí Otgom Peilín Peimid Pilín Pilíogt Purean Puren Purevegus Purevsan Pádraifra Póiren Qutugi Rogeal Roileál Rosala Ruadorian Rualbay Rualsa Ruiren Ruirgoo Ráinainn Ráinne Rídín Róilín Rónat Rósan Rósen Rósene Saelgerav Saibe Saifrid Sainn Samai Sanbaat Sanjar Saodora Saoll Sarbrilín Seatar Sendjaat Senevdon Serreal Seárd Seárde Siarj Siobna Siongelgey Ssaoi Staatsorj Stair Suilín Surcán Surel Séambyn Séanne Sílearnán Síles Sílewine Taragma Tarbir Taríos Tembaak Tember Tembuluirr Temion Temui Temuirian Terai Terelgann Tiarsedwis Tilbaa Tilean Todas Toilear Toinne Tombolm Tomon Tomór Torne Tsait Tsear Tsegutar Tsenial Tseniar Tseoire Tseosogall Tserd Tsere Tseárd Tsoger Tsogtsoga Tsoric Tsorj Tsorjar Tsuren Tugey Tugillais Tulun Tumuk Tumukterd Turbaa Tureargala Téanseoi Téodawa Uadar Uainéisla Uirel Uirín Uluyun Unerbaa Ureveenjar Urtúr Uyambuu Yergal Yesuren Yilís Yugervill Zorbearav Áillan Árlar Éamonait Éanjarj Éigilíom Éigín Éilís Éinindbarj Éisín
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kaywithbeans · 1 year ago
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I just need to ✨cultivate✨ my blog. Here's a reference sheet of my latest D&D character Amonn
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guildwuff2 · 4 years ago
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oh yeh! some older and more recent doodles too, apologies in advance for all the character tags to follow
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calypsovava · 7 years ago
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O. C. Amonn
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noirrest · 3 years ago
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earlier this week i was talking about a twst event where my ramshackle residents were invited to a monster only festival in a forest somewhere because the entire blot concept is now my own
pretend this has the groovy card effects
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orcanist · 1 year ago
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Lionpunk Brex designed and drawn by https://twitter.com/amonns
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sleepynegress · 4 years ago
About Attribution/Credit ESPECIALLY when the OG Source is BLACK...
So, remember when there were a bevy of articles about Malcom Spellman's response to Amonn Warman's question about bisexuality speculation in TFATWS?:
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...And THEY got all the traffic??? Which BTW, here's a link to the source, give that man the traffic he deserves... There is no reason why his view-count should *still* be comparatively low. The same thing just happened to Sade Spence, who asked an insightful question to Scarlett Johansson for HELLO BEAUTIFUL about the sexualization of her role as Natasha "Black Widow" Romanov, the other entertainment outlets exploited w/o attribution.
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Now, this is nothing new... Sade put her foot down and demanded that they properly credit her... And now, they are. But the point is... I need for fans to make a little effort to watch for this kind of thing.
Just as that reporter clipped and decontextualized Anthony Mackie's words? They used/exploited the reporting efforts of Sade Spence and Amonn Warmann of NME to boost their traffic, w/o attribution. Which is a pattern, especially at who is targeted for this mess. So when you SEE these eye-catching contraversial headlines, especially when you see a highlighted linked set of words... LOOK FOR AND CREDIT the source.
GIVE THESE BLACK VOICES YOUR TRAFFIC. Take time to actually get it directly instead of popping off on hearsay. -Not just for the benefit of getting the *right info*, but also properly giving the right people shine, for doing their jobs well. ....Especially, in an entertainment reporting industry which has typically shut out marginalized perspectives doing the asking and proper recieving...That Rita Moreno moment would have been handled better by a black Latinx reporter, for example...
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catecampa-blog · 6 years ago
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LA MIA CUCINA 💕 . . . Eh....sì . Anche la cucina!! 🤩 Recuperata e restaurata🔝 Abbiamo usato #amolis di #amonn e cera di #bormawachs ☝️ olio di gomito...e taaaanta pazienza 🤗 . Il top è in economico abete, ma la copertura in smalto acrilico e cera è meravigliosa... la adoro 😍 ✅non si scotta con le pentole calde ✅non si macchia con gli acidi (succo di limone, sale, yogurt..) ✅é perfetto per impastare . Psssst 🤫 a volte lo uso come tagliere!!! . . . #housebecomehome #restauro #recupero #shabbychic #shabbystyle #cusine #cucina (presso Rossano Veneto) https://www.instagram.com/p/B03eHiggGN6/?igshid=160ikzqfkmxxc
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artofkelseywooley · 2 years ago
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Happy July 4th everyone! Time to celebrate by catching today's new episodes of Santiago of the Seas airing on Nick Jr at 4:30pmPT/7:30pmET! First, we got the hilarious "Giddy-Up Games!" Written by Megan Gonzalez, directed by @briannedrouhard, and storyboards by @amonns! Next up is "The Golden Guitar!" Written by Cynthia C Reynoso, Directed by Nico Selma, and storyboards by @aspirinoverdose! Hope everyone enjoys today's episodes and have a safe and fun July 4th!
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