#amnesiac Hob
10moonymhrivertam · 2 years
Hey, I’ve become obsessed and now I need you to tell me what the fic you were reading in which Hob has amnesia is called, please?
That took me longer to find than it should have 😅 I knew the summary doesn’t suggest amnesia which is why I specified the amnesia starts partway through, and I *still* overlooked it while checking my bookmarks the first time!
Slow burn by arahir
Morpheus’s expression melts into unreadability. “Would you have come to my rescue again, Hob Gadling?”
“Yes. God, yes, I would have. Of course, I would have."
Hob learns where his friend has been, and even Dream of the Endless might, on rare occasion, need a hand.
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beholdme · 1 year
I cannot wait to get to this eventually. Basically, the premise is that Hob loses his memories in the first world war, has NO IDEA he's immortal, and eventually ends up working for Burgess. Dream is soooooo happy to see him but Hob doesn't remember him!
Still, since Dream is suddenly willing to talk to someone, they figure out a plan to break him out (even amnesia Hob hates seeing Dream in a cage). Something is the action of the escape triggers Hob and he gets his memories back.
BUT RIGHT AS DREAM GETS OUT, something happens with the binding spells, and Dream loses HIS memories. So now we have a newly recovered Hob and a newly amnesiac Dream.
What could go wrong!
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
Amnesia'd to 1389 Hob discovering he has piercings. Specifically nipples and a prince albert.
WOOF. Poor Hob.
(I was just looking some stuff up, and apparently its speculated that nipple piercings were a sign of masculinity in the army of ancient rome??? Wild if true).
Anyway yes. Amnesiac Hob goes to have an anxiety piss soon after the whole situation arises, only to find... that. In his dick. He definitely screams. Dream probably should have warned him.
He acts all nonchalant about it after that, but Dream keeps catches him... fiddling. Touching his dick through his pyjama bottoms, sneaking off to look in the mirror and tug on the bars through his nipples. He's obviously fascinated. Dream tries to discourage him from touching too much, not wanting anything to become dirty or damaged.
But then Hob pulls Dream into bed with him - he still wants his mysterious stranger just as much as modern Hob with all his memories does. And he practically melts when Dream sucks his nipples... and then his cock. It's fair to say that Hob is not going to stop playing with the piercings any time soon. He's practically shoving his tits in Dream’s face at every hour of the day.
When Hob gets his memories back eventually, he also acquires a tongue stud. And he's thinking of getting his eyebrow done. He may be a little addicted to the sensation that piercings give him. Especially when Dream puts his pretty pink mouth on them.
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wyvernquill · 2 years
I am NOT writing a Dreamling Anastasia AU 
  ...but. If I were...
(Edit: I am, find the masterpost here!)
It would not, actually, be a full human AU. The Endless are still Endless, but humanity has risen up against them, to terrible results. Their “domains” are still somewhat intact, so humanity can mostly go on as normal, but the personifications have been torn from them, weakened, have barely any control over them anymore. Their realms have crumbled, their tools are damaged, and they’re in exile...
And Death has offered immortality to whosoever will return her lost brother, Dream of the Endless, to her.
Enter Hob Gadling, vagabond, mercenary, and not very fond of dying as a concept; and Gilbert, a dream who survived the destruction of the Dreaming, and has lived among the humans ever since.
Dream of the Endless has been captured, turned human, and killed. They all know it, everyone does - it would be a pretty story if someone recovered him, a pretty story indeed, finally bringing peace and comfort to his family and the remainder of his subjects, but it won’t ever come true...
...unless someone were to make it true. Of course. Out of pure charitable sentiment, and not for the immortality reward at all.
All Hob and Gil would need is a lookalike they can pass off as “Dream of the Endless forcefully turned human” - and the amnesiac ravenkeeper “Murphy”, misanthropic and eccentric to the utmost, might be just what they’re looking for.
(But the traitor at Dream’s court has not yet given up on destroying him utterly, and is following after them with a razor-sharp knife and three mouths hungry for “Murphy”’s blood...)
(A scene I typed out just for funsies, from later in the plot, under the cut - also, tagging @10moonymhrivertam who I believe was interested in this!)
[Context for the scene:
Murphy-pretending-to-be-Dream has already presented himself to Unity, Desire’s Queen Consort, mentioning that he vaguely recalls being saved from captivity by a young guard shattering his glass cage with a sledgehammer. Soon after, he finds out that Hob had ulterior, selfish motives for this plot, and does not take it at all well.]
When Murphy is finally called to stand before the siblings to prove his identity, only Gilbert is accompanying him inside... and he's glad for that. Betrayal rankles in him, the first buds of love trampled brutally underfoot by the man's selfish human cruelty - a lie and a con for immortality! What a low cur! Murphy despises him, and if he does not see him again until 100 years' hence, it will still be too soon.
The Endless siblings await him in a room that seems perfectly cosy, but also painfully small. Beings such as them are made for grand halls, and to see five of them crammed together on a couch and some chairs seems... wrong, almost.
Destiny sits in an armchair hood drawn low, arms curled around the charred and torn remnants of what was once a book. Death sits on the couch, radiating a solemn sort of warmth, while Despair is huddled up next to her, eyes wide and uncertain, with her twin's hand resting protectively on her shoulder from where they are perched on the armrest, the other holding Unity's, who is seated in the second armchair.
("And Despair... oi, Murphy, are you listening?" says Hob's voice in his head, warm with fondness and a broad grin. "Despair was killed but reborn in a new aspect during the uprising. She'll still have all her old memories, though, so remain on your guard even around her."
Oh, those endless lessons. He will never forget a word of them.)
The youngest, Deligh- Delirium is seated on the floor, humming to herself and drawing swirling, colourful patterns onto the carpet. She hasn't as much as looked up at him.
Gilbert steps forward.
"Your Highnesses," he murmurs, politely removing his hat and squishing it in anxious hands. "May I present: Dream of the Endless."
They ask him questions all over again, particularly Death and Desire - hers gentle and probing, theirs sharp and cutting - and Murphy answers as best he can, trying to ignore the longing in those eyes. The hope.
They want, so badly, for him to be something he is not. It is heartbreaking.
And then, finally, Death says "one last test, if you please," and Desire adds, spitefully, "this is the one they all fail," their twin nodding jerkily.
Death calls for Lucienne - ("Lucienne has always been your most faithful servant," Gilbert explains, "a librarian like no other, wise and ever loyal. She remained in the Dreaming, praying for your return, until it crumbled under her very feet...") - and Lucienne strides in.
She freezes, when she locks eyes with Murphy, and there it is again. The flash of hope, quickly tempered, but forever burning.
"The final test." Death instructs her, and with a bow Lucienne sweeps out again, only to return mere moments later with...
...with a raven perched on her arm, white-breasted and fine-boned, dark and keen eyes observing Murphy curiously.
"Jessamy!" He blurts out, and Death nods.
"Jessamy." She confirms, as Lucienne transfers the raven to her. "My brother's trusted companion. Touch her, now, give her a pat - and if she accepts you as her master, we'll know you're really him."
(Gilbert feels the tranquil summer day he has in place of a heart sink. This is what it all hinges on, then?
This is something they had no way of preparing Murphy for. No way to influence it. Jessamy will know him for a fraud, that much he is quite certain of, and their game is up, now. Their game is up.)
Murphy rises up, and goes to kneel at Death's feet, on eye level with the raven - and one has to hand it to him, he looks at her so softly, so adoringly, as if she really were part of his mind and soul and heart, the way Matthew is for Murphy, in truth.
He reaches out one trembling hand, all eyes in the room on him.
(Jessamy twitches her wings, gaze fixed on his hand.)
And then he drops it again.
"Jessamy the Raven died as she attempted to rescue me from imprisonment," he says, and his voice echoes, deep and dark as midnight. "Lady Death, you hold an illusion on your arm."
Silence in the room. Nobody dares to as much as breathe.
And then Not-Jessamy squawks, bright and approving - and bursts into hundreds of Delirium's incandescent butterflies, dispersing in the air.
They're all staring at him as Murphy gathers his robes up and returns to his seat.
Death stands. If her gaze was glowing with hope before, it is now like a firebrand on his skin.
"Despair? Bring his tools," she says, too soft to be an order, but with steel underneath it.
Despair scrambles up, and returns in moments with the strange helmet that is the symbol of the Dreamlord's power, and his ruby - cracked, but not broken.
(Gilbert, staring at Murphy as if in a trance, produces the sand pouch, and adds it to Despair's arms. Some thought flickers through his mind that those tools would, all taken together, kill a mere human - but that is not what Murphy is, after all, is he.)
Desire takes the ruby, and drapes the chain over Murphy's neck - and he sees it in their golden eyes, feels it in the tremble of their caress against his neck, that they have never desired anything more than their brother back.
Death takes the sand pouch, and presses it into Murphy's hand, closing his fingers around it with such gentleness - she had thought her beloved brother dead for so many years, dead and gone, and there is relief in every fibre of her being.
And then Destiny sets the scraps of his books aside, and takes the helmet in his hands, bidding Murphy to incline his head so that it might be fitted onto him, and he might recover all his past, present, and future.
Murphy takes a deep breath.
Closes his eyes.
And bows his head.
The helmet slides over his skull as if it was made for him...
And it was.
Something changes in the air.
A shifting, like air flowing in to fill up a vacuum.
And something about the-man-who-used-to-name-himself-Murphy changes.
The chapped and broken skin on his hands smooths to the point where his fingertips would not even leave prints; the fabric of his robe sparkles with stars, and floats like mist at nighttime about his form; and when he raises his behelmed head, his spine seems to crack and lengthen, taller now than he was before, too tall and thin to be human.
(Matthew squawks outside the window - and with one beat of his wings he is inside the room, settling on a narrow shoulder.)
Hands that have folded lovingly around so many newly-created dreams and nightmares come up, to lift the helmet off again...
And where Murphy's eyes were a watery blue, Dream of the Endless's eyes are midnight-black, with only a single star each glowing in their depths.
He blinks.
Looks down at his helmet, then up, at the roomful of Endless - his family - all staring at him in something between disbelief and incandescent joy.
"...siblings," Dream breathes, his chest warm and full as it never was when he was human except perhaps when Hob Gadling smiled at him, surrounded now by all of them...
And "BrOTheR!" Delirium squeals in rainbow tones, jumping up from the floor to throw herself into his arms, where she is immediately held.
"Brother," echoes Death, hand over her mouth, tears in her eyes - and then she, too, is folding him in an embrace, and Desire, and Despair, joining... even Destiny rests one wizened hand on Dream's head, tender and brotherly.
Lucienne is crying into a handkerchief from joy, and Gilbert keeps whispering "oh my. oh, goodness. oh my."...
And Dream holds his siblings close to him, home at last.
"Robert! Robert!" Gilbert is gasping, having hurried as quickly as he could. "Robert, you will not believe-"
Hob drops his nearly-done cigarette on the ground, grinds it out with his boot.
"And?" He smiles, though it hardly reaches his eyes. "Did they buy it?"
"He's real! Oh, goodness gracious me!" Gilbert rests one hand on his chest, as if to clutch at pearls there. "He is- Robert, he is the true Dream of the Endless! He, he knew that- and when they gave him the tools-"
"Ah!" Now Hob actually laughs. He fiddles for another cigarette, offers the package to Gilbert, who declines with nothing more but a distracted wave. "That. Yes. I knew that."
"You KNEW!?" Gilbert flusters.
"Since the talk with Unity." Hob's lighter takes a few tries to work. Ghastly thing. "It was me, you know."
"I don't follow." Gil blinks.
"It was good work for hired muscle, guarding some prison in a cellar - and they did say that greater rewards were in store. Riches. Fame." Hob grimaces. The cigarette smoke tastes like ash in his mouth, but he takes a drag anyway. "...immortal life. Thought it would be the best work available to me - and it was. But I couldn't stand it, watching him in there."
Hob blows the smoke up into the air, and thinks of a pale, inhuman face behind a glass pane - and then that same face haggard but human, blue eyes twinkling at him with challenge and fondness both.
"I was the guard who took the sledgehammer to Dream's prison. Woke up a few hours later with a splitting headache, and soon enough they were saying they'd killed him when he tried to escape. Quit, ran, and never looked back."
"By Jove!" Gilbert gasps. "Robert! You've saved him twice over, first in the cellar of the Magus - and now! Returning him to his family! Bless you, lad, bless you!"
Hob lets Gilbert grab his hand and shake it enthusiastically, though he can hardly muster up anything more than a weak smile.
"You should- oh, you should come inside! You must tell this story, see Lord Morpheus returned to full form, the siblings shall wish to thank you-" Gilbert babbles joyfully. "And your reward! Of course! Twice earned, my young friend! Twice earned!"
"Hmm. I don't... think I should." Hob carefully ducks out from the arm Gilbert has thrown over his shoulder. "Leave them to their joyful reunion, eh? Give them a little time to breathe before I remind them of... business."
"Ah, but-" Gilbert tries to protest, but Hob is already starting down the street. He should quit smoking - he already nearly has. Only does it when he's stressed, or heartbroken... or both.
He will not bother Dream of the Endless, the man who once was Murphy, with his presence now.
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merryrogue · 2 years
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(Finished!) Fan art for the fic “The Unknown And Static Strange” by @qqueenofhades
Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/45673276/chapters/114935725
it is /amazing/. Go read if you like ““I’m going to write my fav doing my job” in the best way possible. Deeply academic ( and amnesiac?) Hob hunts down missing-and-presumed-dead Dream though magically appearing medieval artworks?! It’s so rich and vibrant, many, many heart emojis worthy.
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secondjulia · 8 months
BREAKING: Historical Research Reveals Previously Unknown Giant Communal Bed in the Dreaming
I'd like to state for the record — after reading this BBC article, "The Lost Ancient Practice of Communal Sleep" (also a supplement to the communal bathing addendum of the Amnesiac Hob universe) — that if one can sleep in the Dreaming, then science confirms that they are definitely all sleeping in one giant bed.
Dream & Lucien & Nuala & the Corinthian & Matthew perched on the headboard with his head under his wing, & Gault, & probably a whole series of be-tentacled nightmares cuddling up between, & Merv & a few leaves from Fiddler's Green sighing in through the window. And sometimes Hob wanders in (especially when the hippogriff, wyvern, and griffin who are supposed to be guarding the palace are having a little nap, also in the giant bed). Sometimes the palace residents give him a strange little look, as they do whenever dreamers wander too deep into the heart of the Dreaming, but Hob just saunters over sleepily & climbs into this perfectly normal cluster of sleeping strangers.
(After this happens several times, they might subtly leave a little space beside the King of Dreams when they see Hob approaching, because Dream's always in such a better mood after he's cuddled up with his human!)
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nuttersinc · 9 months
My Christmas Fic
It's the season, and I've been thinking about doing this post for a while now, but didn't find the time. Today my wife posted her Christmas fics (find her Sherlock xmas fic here), so here is mine.
It's the standalones only, my dears ;-)
Maybe this Christmas (Merlin/Arthur)
It’s almost Christmas and all the flights at JFK airport in New York have been cancelled due to a storm. Stuck at the airport, Arthur, a young businessman on the verge of burnout, meets Merlin, a yoga teacher from Cardiff. Sparks fly and what starts out as a heated, head-over-heels Christmas romance has the potential to become more - much more.
If it weren’t for the baggage both of them bring with them…
The Sandman
The Christmas Invasion (Hob Gadling dreams of Christmas) - (Dream/Hob)
An amnesiac Dream is dropped on Hob's doorstep briefly before Christmas. While Hob tries to stay on foot with his many Christmas obligations, he also has to navigate Dream's special brand of chaos, bangs his head a couple of times and gets kissed underneath the mistletoe…
Bandom Fic
...and the very silly way you grin (Gerard/Frank)
Very much inspired by MCR’s "Yo Gabba Gabba!" song.
Gerard is a kid show host and Frank is a backstage worker
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maelstroms-blog · 6 months
OK so I had a dream about a Dreamling AU but it was the family of blood episode of Doctor who
Maybe Dream escaped thhe glass cage early but fucked up his powers, and becomes the amnesiac David tennant
Hob was just getting over his disastrous 1889 meeting by becoming a teacher at the military school but also being disillusioned w war, and here he meets a man eerily similar to his stranger.
And death was the nurse
Could burgess and his men fill the alien roles or sm? Idk
Just funny how my dreams work when I have writers block
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
tumblr fics masterlist ✨️
My AUs are growing by the day, so here's me trying to list them all in one place. I hope you enjoy reading them! 😊
Fics, fanarts, playlists, etc. inspired by my writing are most welcome. 🙏 Tag me! I would love to see them.
Due to the entire AI scraping thing going on, my fics in AO3 can now only be viewed by registered users. I apologize for the inconvenience. 🙇‍♀️
Last updated: September 15, 2023.
AU List
101 Dalmatians Meet Cute AU - Dream's dog is a purebred named Jessamy (very calm, very regal), and Hob's dog is a mutt named Matthew (excitable and energetic).
Art by designtheendless
Android Corinthian AU - (Hobrintheus) Dream and Hob are husbands who bought a sex android (Corinthian) for them to use.
Black Butler (Kuroshitsuji) AU - featuring Hob as a demon butler, and Dream as a monsterfucker nobleman.
Canon Divergence
Enlightenment - Hob takes Dream's words in 1889 to heart, and realizes that he has never had a single friend in his entire life.
The origin story of monsterfucker Hob Gadling
Recently recovered amnesiac Hob and currently amnesiac Dream inspired by beholdme's prompt. 🔥? 😂!
Chef Hob AU - Hob is a chef who owns a food truck selling authentic Indian food, and Dream is someone who doesn't really eat well. (He had a bad breakup a year ago and it caused him to eat less. He's trying to eat better with his siblings' help.)
Food by carnelianmeluha
Dungeons and Dragons AU - The Endless siblings and Hob playing DND. Details about their characters, that kind of thing.
Fae Dream and Vampire Hob AU - Fae!Dream runs away from home in the middle of winter and has no choice but to shelter in a castle. Coincidentally, Vampire!Hob lives there.
Hamilton AU - 1789 Albany NY. Hob has amnesia and is going by Capt. Gideon "Leon" Roberts. Dream is masquerading as a rich foreign lord named Mr. Thomas Murphy to better keep an eye on him. (Also an American Gods crossover.)
The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link)
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link)
Mermaid AUs
Little Mermaid AU - Dream is the king of Atlantis, Orpheus is his only son who is all about that land stuff, and Hob is a (human) thief being transported with other convicts to a penal colony.
Little Mermaid AU ft. Human Hob and Merman-turned-mute-human Dream inspired by designtheendless's art. 🍬🤗
Teacher Hob and Merfolk Performer Dream AU inspired by (OP: cosmic--static's prompt. 🍬!
Personal Trainer Dream AU - Dream is a personal trainer trying to be professional while being horny on main for his newest trainee, Professor Robert Gadling. (Except he's not trying very hard, and Hob also thinks he's super hot.)
Priest Hob and Demon Dream AU inspired by alexxuun's art.
June 7 episode 💀! 🔥? (Kyrie Eleison on AO3)
December 24 episode 💀! 🔥! (Offertory on AO3)
Shadow and Bone AU - Dream is the (sad wet cat) Darkling and Hob is the (soft dom) Sun Summoner. There are two versions of this AU: one where Dream is in the position of power, and one where Hob is.
Show x Comic Swap AU - Basically Comic!Dream x Show!Hob, Comic!Hob x Show!Dream, and other variations. inspired by alexxun's art.
The angsty version 😭! (The Burning House on AO3)
The spicy+happy(?) version 🔥! 💀! (The Gilded Cage on AO3)
The actual happy ending 🤗🍬 (Fidelity on AO3)
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link)
Slice of Life
Professor Hob and Thirsty 24/7 Dream inspired notallsandmen's Kirby!Dream meme. 🔥! 😂?
Tiny Dream AU - Sometimes, when Dream is in the Waking World, he likes to be small. So he retreats into a Barbie doll house that he has since renovated into a Dream doll castle.
Playtime 🔥 (AO3 link)
Urban Fantasy Spy AU - Dream (half-eldritch being, tech officer) and Hob (full human with an immortality mutation, field agent) are co-workers working for The Agency, and they have a 600 year history of not liking each other.
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link)
Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU (a.k.a Lord Dimitrescu!Dream AU) - History professor Hob Gadling wins an annual faculty raffle that enables him to take a 3 days, 2 nights trip to anywhere in the world, and he chooses to visit the little village of Dreaming somewhere in Eastern Europe.
Here at the Boundaries of Dream, All Shadow-Wrapped on AO3
Wedding Planner AU - Dream is getting married to Calliope, and the wedding planner is Hob, the one that got away.
events/commissions for charity
Dreamling Week 2023 by (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Meowpheus - 5 Pictures of Dream as Meowpheus, and 1 Picture of Dream as Himself (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 2: Dragon - A New Beginning (AO3 link) [The Hobbit AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 3: Curiosity (killed the cat) - An All-Consuming Kind of Love (AO3 link) [Human AU, Professor!Hob/Student!Dream] 💀! 🔥!
Day 4: Fake Dating - Fidelity (AO3 link) [Show X Comic Swap AU, Show!Hob/Show!Dream] 😭 🤗
Day 5: Jealousy - The Feeling of Freedom (AO3 link) [Hamilton AU] 🍬 🤗
Day 6: Sick - In Sickness (AO3 link) [Canon Divergence] 🍬 😂
Day 7: AUs or Crossovers - Of Surviving (AO3 link) [The Hunger Games AU] 😭 🤗
Dreamling for Ukraine by (OP:dreamlingforukraine)
Try to Hide Your Hand (AO3 link) for seiya-starsniper
Keep Me in Comfort For All My Days (AO3 link) for bazzybelle
The Truth Can't Hurt You, It's Just Like The Dark (AO3 link) for hoblingtyrant
Sandmanniversary 2023 (OP: mr-sadman)
Day 1: Size Kink - Playtime (AO3 link) [Tiny!Dream AU] 🔥!
Day 2: Soulmates + Hunt - The Helpful Stranger (AO3 link) [Vampire!Dream Soulmate AU]
miscellaneous stuff
The Dreaming Loyalty Card
Chat Posts | Meme Edits | Speech Bubble Posts | Random Text Posts | The Sandman Text Posts | Visual Novel Posts
Lord Byron AU memes
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gabessquishytum · 9 months
It’s been a hot minute since we’ve played with amnesia’d-to-1389 Hob, so I thought it’d be fun to introduce him to modern day sex toys
Pre-amnesia Hob probably has a decent collection in a box tucked away in his room, and amnesiac Hob stumbles across them and blushingly shows them to Dream with questions. Some of them he can clearly recognize due to having used similar items before (though these look and feel much different than what he’s used to), some of them he doesn’t recognize but can make a decent guess what they’re for, but some of them he just has no idea.
Dream suddenly has the brilliant idea to offer to demonstrate their uses, and that’s how Hob finds himself spread out on the bed as Dream methodically works his way through the collection, using each toy on Hob until he cums (or simply to Dream’s satisfaction, depending on the toy in question).
I’m particularly struck by Hob experiencing a vibrating dildo, and when Dream turns it on inside him I’m torn between him just cumming immediately, or (since his actually-600-year-old body is already used to the sensation) his ass taking it like a champ while mentally Hob is losing his mind
This is super hot!!! I can't help but think that just the concept of plastic or silicone would be super strange and overwhelming for Hob. He's just about getting used to all the new textures and how they feel in his hands, but he wasn't expecting to put those oddly textured objects anywhere near his private parts! When Dream explains that apparently modern day Hob is very keen of putting all kinds of things in his arse, he really doesn't know what to think! But... he's willing to try. For the sake of experiences.
Dream is captivated by the sight of shy, curious Hob bending over the foot of his bed with his pretty arse sticking out for Dream to play with. Oh, he's pretending to be so big and bold just like he always does, but his thighs are trembling. And he mewls softly when Dream kisses the base of his spine.
The dichotomy of Hob’s mind and his body is so overwhelming. His body relaxes so easily into the feelings and accepts the sensations with familiarity. The buzz of the vibrator is almost comforting for him. But inside? Hob is a mess. He can't form a single thought. He certainly can't speak or do anything more than scream, moan and cry. It feels like so much more than the simple vibration of a toy inside his body. It's like he's mentally ascended into a new dimension. He can suddenly understand why his usual self does this all the time, because it feels like the closest thing to heaven on earth.
Dream has to put his poor melted mess of a Hob to bed when he's finished with him. He finds it so endearing, though. It's almost like having a semi-virginal Hob to enjoy for a while. Everything is new and amazing, and Dream feels blessed to share it all with his love <3
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artmill-danaan · 2 years
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Some ideas trotting around in my head, where Dream shattered into pieces during his imprisonment leaving him mute, mostly amnesiac and separated between his Dream persona and his Nightmare one (which, yes, is the baby 😆)
(thankfully, Hob found him )
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merryrogue · 2 years
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The inking layer for my very, very cheap and cheating version of the illuminated page from “the unknown and static strange” by @qqueenofhades . I am just tracing a page from jastor by the Limbourgs brothers for the border. After a few hours of that, I can say with the confidence of an autistic that whichever of them did the borders was autistic /as balls/. All the “leaves” are looped patterns, my dude was (beautifully!) stimming on paper and getting paid for it.  Link - https://archiveofourown.org/works/45673276/chapters/114935725 
it is /amazing/. Go read if you like ““I’m going to write my fav doing my job” in the best way possible. Deeply academic ( and amnesiac?) Hob hunts down missing-and-presumed-dead Dream though magically appearing medieval artworks?! It’s so rich and vibrant, many, many heart emojis worthy. 
Not super in love with using the whole Christian halo on an immortal Greek god/immortal/etc being. I’ll isolate that on its own layer. But how else do I get “glowing magic” across in a vaguely historic way? Please mention methods. 
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meadowziplines · 2 years
naturally i am also working on a fic that involves amnesiac hope!hob and dream getting excessively tortured
also stained glass artist dream / medieval history professor and bartender hob (human au, also dream gets all my chronic conditions in it)
a long-ish-for-me fic au called blue windows behind the stars that deals with dream's really bad mental health
amnesia!dream au becuase why not. ft. vortex shenanigans and also corinthian shenanigans
an au where dream gives hob a method to write dream letters but then they fight in 1889 and hob thinks in 1916 when the letters go unanswered dream hates him but uhhh fawney rig has happened... cue lucienne starting to get the letters and eventually a rescue mission is mounted
also some other [redacted] stuff
(this is mostly the dreamling discord's fault, lol)
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gemsofthegalaxy · 2 years
Wanna think of an anatasia au but if Rue's the amnesiac orphan Anya like who tf is Dimitri?
Altho. the 1997 cartoon is VASTLY superior.. i guess,,,
Hob could be Officer Gleb, who knows a) it is dangerous for Rue to pretend to be royalty and b) if Rue is actually the Lost Royal Child it would undermine a bunch of shit he worked for. but he is also ridiculously attracted to Rue and wants to keep them safe.
Of course it ends in idk Rue and Hob faking their deaths so they can be together probably
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ao3feed-supercorp · 2 years
Desolation Row:
by TheLightdancer
"The Endless," spoke her brother in his white suit, fingers running through his white hair, "aren't real, Persephone. They never were. It's a story, a myth. Like the idea of Chronos and Nyx in Greek myth. We know the Olympians and the Titans and all that exist, in a way. Paradise Island, after all, says that much. The Endless are just a just-so story."
"No," Death said, as she held up her hands. "I know they're real."
Daniel Hall shook his head. "Persephone, you've had this belief for a long time." His stare was a hooded one. "None of it is real. You do have your powers, but after the scenes in Metropolis I'd think that would reinforce what you really need."
He leaned forward slightly and for a moment she caught a faint glimpse of white hair that seemed blond in the right angle and a horridly familiar smile.
"That's one thing that's good about this city. They're good with metahuman patients. They'll teach you that control."
Words: 4796, Chapters: 1/40, Language: English
Fandoms: The Sandman (TV 2022), The Sandman (Comics), DCU (Comics), Supergirl (TV 2015)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con
Categories: F/F, M/M
Characters: Death of the Endless, Clark Kent, Kara Zor-El, Karen Starr, Zatanna Zatara, Dream of the Endless | Daniel, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus, Desire of the Endless, Despair of the Endless, Destiny of the Endless, Delirium of the Endless, Destruction of the Endless, Justice League (DCU), Emil Hamilton, Alexander Burgess, Paul McGuire (The Sandman), Modern Johanna Constantine (The Sandman TV), John Constantine, Rose Walker, Unity Kincaid
Relationships: Death of the Endless & Dream of the Endless, Death of the Endless & Dream of the Endless|Daniel, Dream of the Endless & Desire of the Endless, Death of the Endless & Desire of the Endless, Desire of the Endless & Delirium of the Endless, Death of the Endless & Delirium of the Endless, Desire of the Endless & Despair of the Endless, Death of the Endless & Despair of the Endless, Clark Kent/Lois Lane, Death of the Endless/Karen Starr, Dream of the Endless/Hob Gadling, Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor, Alexander Burgess/Paul McGuire (The Sandman)
Additional Tags: Past Rape/Non-con, Amnesiac Death of the Endless, Hurt Death of the Endless, Gaslighting, Grimdark, Worried Endless siblings, Mental Institutions, Human!Death of the Endless, Or so she and everyone else thinks at first, After all this is the DCU, the line between extremely powerful mage and cosmic entity can be surprisingly narrow, It Gets Worse Before It Gets Better, Dream of the Endless | Morpheus is Bad at Feelings, Chapter count subject to change, Non-Consensual Drug Use, Burns, Broken Bones, Body Horror
from AO3 works tagged 'Kara Danvers/Lena Luthor' https://ift.tt/02NkyBf via IFTTT https://ift.tt/02NkyBf
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gabessquishytum · 11 months
Can I please propose a Bathing Addendum to the Amnesia AU?!
Because 1389 Hob definitely needs a little help re-learning the 21st century protocols with regard to bathing/hygiene. And it's a delicate matter because it's not like Dream cares one bit or wants to make Hob feel bad about his natural grimy state. But Hob DID love all those fun, scented, pampering products, (his bathroom looked like an Influencer's free sample stash exploded all over it), even this version of Hob seems delighted by the comforts of the modern world, and not having fleas is SO great, so staying neat and clean could definitely be an important part of the Care and Management of the Amnesiac Hob.
(Though, the one thing he IS a bit weirded out about is how short his hair is. He keeps running his hands through it nervously & wondering how he/they/who cut it that short without slicing his ears with the rusty shears?! It's ok, though, Dream assures him they don't have to keep it trimmed. He shows Hob how to comb it back into a stubby little bun and fix it with these fucking awesome springy circle things.)
Anyway. The first time Dream gingerly shows him the shower and suggests some form of washing, he's surprised that Hob totally goes with it, easy as anything, & immediately just… strips off and even prompts Dream to join him. And Dream belatedly remembers that this kind of thing was more common where/when Hob was from, and he probably washed in the river with his fellow soldiers all the time.
So Dream. Just. Does it. Follows suit. Stripping off his tee and peeling off those tight jeans, all the while STERNLY ORDERING HIMSELF to NOT MAKE IT SEXUAL. No, no, no. It's just a couple of guys washing together.
(He does not, in this moment, realize that it might be useful to remind Hob of the current conventions surrounding adult nudity. Whole parts of his vast mind have just sort of shorted out.)
Dream struggles to keep his physical body under control so as to conceal his own interest as they step in and Hob delights in the warm, indoor rain. But Dream's body is a manifestation of his own will, and right now his own will is having EXTREME DIFFICULTY in shutting the fuck up.
But he can try. He doesn't want to make Hob uncomfortable.
Hob, however, already seems to be having some trouble. See, as tiny a shred of control as Dream has over his own Endless form, Hob is just human and cannot even hope for that much. And his interest is soon VERY clear. He knows not everyone would be opposed to having some extra fun in this perfectly normal communal bathing scenario — he has, after all, frequently kept some of his fellows warm on those cold, muddy nights on campaign if they were amenable. But he doesn't want to presume and scare the pretty lord away.
So Hob is painfully turned on and starting to hate this indoor rain, which is not at all like a river where you could just sneak into slightly deeper water and hope anyone who wasn't interested just politely chose not to notice. He's so self conscious and just trying not to look too much at the perfect form next to him and to hide his own interest — very poorly — with a soapy loofah.
But Dream, who can clearly see what is happening in the sudden spike of daydreams and also right in front of him in the shower, is so sweet about it. And he takes the loofa and gently washes Hob and soothes him and tells him there's nothing to worry about.
And afterward, they fall into the soft bed, which is definitely way more comfortable than a quick fuck in the mud on campaign, and Hob thinks he might really like this modern bathing strategy after all.
Oh absolutely!!! Here's the original amnesia au where Hob doesn't remember the last 600+ years.
I can't stop thinking about the scene in the 1993 Much Ado About Nothing film where all the dudes immediately get naked and wash in a stream(?) together while inside the house all the ladies are in the renaissance equivalent of a shower all together. The casual intimacy of washing together/washing each other is deadass so beautiful to watch.
So yeah, Hob inviting Dream into the shower with him? Very real, very lovely, and feels like an expression of how much Hob trusts Dream. It's all super weird for Hob, but even though he can't remember shit, he just has this feeling that Dream will be good to him. In fact, he has this strange, warm feeling like Dream means something really important to him. And then there's the plain fact that Dream is gorgeous and even in 1389, Hob had a weakness for pretty men.
Dream knows that he should just keep this all platonic and straightforward, but Hob is just adorable. Confused, a little clumsy, so fucking cute with his teeny tiny man bun. Dream is puddle on the floor as he lets Hob’s daydreams and his own feelings combine. So he gives in. He washes Hob’s back, and dries him of in a big fluffy towel that Hob definitely stole from a hotel, and leads him to rediscover the joys of memory foam.
Hob has lost 99% of his memories relating to sex, so Dream doesn't get to experience Hob at his best, necessarily - but maybe because of that, it's actually more special? Hob is vulnerable, a little silly, and very enthusiastic. He wants to explore and learn new things. He's absolutely fascinated and overjoyed by the concept of lube. No spit or oil needed! He can get fucked and it doesn't hurt (much)! Weirdly it also smells like strawberries!
And Hob is mainly just so excited about Dream himself. His gentle, generous and beautiful stranger! He's so in love. Doesn't matter how many memories he has.
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