#amira is in love with a PRIEST
madame-fear · 3 days
You’ve got a thing for priests and yet we don’t have a priest Luke, priest Jace, or priest Aemond x reader fic outta you??? What have you been doing? Pull yourself together girl! 😜
FUN FACT I, many times, though of making modern!priest! fics of our HOTD boys since I truly love turning my favourite boys into priests... All these fics were rather unholy, may I add 👀 but I was always a bit reluctanct on whether you guys were up to it or not !!
Guess I might have to get working on one of these and drop one soon? What do you guys say, ayyyy? 😉🤭
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amiramorozova · 10 months
Best Friends to Eternal Lovers - Wedding
Amira's pov: 
Aleks comforted me and I was glad that for once I'd won against Baghra knowing this was not going to be easy. The fete was still going on but I didn't want to go back and seemed he didn't either as he kissed me. Kissing him back as I knew we were soulmates and that was the part that Baghra seemed to not understand. 
When Aleksander pulled away he put a hand on my cheek as he knew the hardships we had to go through to get here...four hundred years of finding each other and losing each other..it was undeniably a hard time for the two of us and now I just wanted our life. "We should have ran.." I said as I knew we'd talked about it..tears fell from my eyes of all the pain inside I'd ignored. Aleks looked at me as he kept his hand on my cheek and wiped my tears away. "I wouldn't be as strong as I am now to protect you..to give you the life you deserve Amira. You are stronger than once were back then.. We'd have always been on the run..moving place to place. Never truly being ourselves." Aleksander said
I knew he was right but that didn't change how I felt as he smiled kissing my forehead as he calmed me down. "But things would be different..the fold would have never become a thing..and Grisha.." I stopped knowing Grisha would not be as important as they are now. "Grisha have a better purpose now than they did back then, but you..you would not have had to gone to extreme lengths i-" he cut me off with a kiss surprising me knowing that it was clear on one thing as I kissed him back. 
Aleks pulled away as he looked into my eyes, his dark ones pulling me in like a distraction that I wanted. "You did not need to be there..You could have been killed. Things would not have changed and we have to keep moving forward. Focus on the importance of the wedding." He said as I smiled. I knew the truth of the fact that he'd lost the girl, his healer that day but he was always meant to reunite with me as I nod. 
For the next two months we were finishing up plans, the king had become involved to give us the ballroom to have for the wedding though it was a small private affair but 2nd army was not small in any way so it worked. Last we decided on was the cake which we'd tried and I was glad that we could all agree..
So you can imagine the night before I hardly slept, this day I'd wanted for so long had finally come the next morning. All the things I needed was in the room and we'd agreed to have the youngest Prince and Anna there as Aleks insisted with the King having Nikolai under his care. I didn't mind, the two seemed to be getting along fine. Sometime I fell asleep that in the morning I got myself ready.
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Everything in me wanted to run out and see him, hug him but this was our wedding day. I heard a knock on my door and I walked to it but stopped sensing his shadows. "Aleks.." I said as he must have been struggling too. "Four hundred years...that's how long we've waited for this day..and soon it'll be official." Aleksander said as I knew he was right and smiled. "Just a little longer..my love." I said 
When he walked away I smiled and soon it was time, my dad walked me down the aisle and my family was present. Since my colors were kept secret it didn't matter what I was as people gasped at me. "my she does look beautiful." One of the guests said as I was grisha but I looked the part of the bride. 
Making it to Aleks my dad let him have my hand as we both smiled a little before looking at the priest who married us. We changed one of the lines from till death do us part to live our lives together as long as we both shall live. The priest looked at me first "Amira Silina, do you take General Kirigan as your husband?" He asked as I smiled "I do" I said as I would always. When he turned to Aleks before he asked Aleksander answered. "I do." He said as we exchanged rings and the priest announced us as husband and wife as we kissed. 
At the little after party the king set up the wedding cake was shown and we were to feed each other cake which we did. Only we did with forks as we didn't want to ruin what the other was wearing. I loved it and then I noticed Baghra in the crowd despite everything and the horror and bad she'd put me through the fact she came amazed me. 
it's official...I'm Amira Morozova now..to the people here Amira Kirigan. I thought but either way I was happy about it 
TagList: @lifeisingrey​,  @houseoftoomanyfandoms​, @mizelophsun11​, @budugu​ ,   @wheresthesunshinesblog  0
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♛ Age: (49) ♛ Relationships: Amira Varmont, Marian Varmont (wives), Arthur Varmont, Sebastian Varmont, Edmund Varmont (sons), Guinevere Varmont, Cassandra Varmont (daughters), Alaric Varmont (brother), Bartholomew Varmot (uncle/hand/unknown rival), Ciara Varmont, Eoin Varmont (cousins), Godfrey Calainon, Tristan Calainon (brothers-in-law), Eilionora Stafford (hostage/intended fourth wife), Aria Stafford (hostage), Aleksander Royce (priest)
roderick was never supposed to be king – he had an older brother, whom his father loved and adored
roderick, in comparison, never lived up and his father never let him forget this fact and he often reminded his son how grateful he was that roderick had not been born first
when roderick was seventeen years old, he went in secret, to marry his childhood love – despite his own father having arranged another match for him. but roderick knew his own heart and married the girl he loved – even if she was the third daughter of a disgraced family – her own father had been executed for treason
he planned to run away with her, but he never got the chance – for both his father and brother succumbed to the plague that would ravage the land the following spring
as soon as roderick was crowned, he set his sights on the countries across the sea – he was determined to build himself an empire and prove to everyone that he would be a king, a conqueror, and an emperor
he remained very much in love with his first wife, but on his travels he met amira calainon who turned his head
falling under her charms, he was determined to have her, but she said she would only go to his bed as his wife
roderick saw no reason why he couldn’t adopt the old ways and have as many wives as he pleased – besides, he desired a son and heir of his own and so far was childless
he hastily married again, a year later, when he still had no children to speak of, despite having two healthy wives – this time taking a young lady who had come from a large family, herself, to wife hoping she would be the one to give him children
in the end, his first wife gave him his first child – a baby girl who they named guin; marian gave birth to a son, some months later and in the years that followed gave him two more children; amira gave him one son
it has never been clear who he means to leave his own throne to – guin is the eldest, arthur is the eldest boy, and edmund is the eldest boy born of his second wife (what no one really knows is that sebastian is the eldest trueborn son he has – arthur having been sired by marian’s secret lover .... and roderick's own uncle)
can be heartless and cruel, but there’s more to him than that – he was certainly once a much softer man, but his life has not been an easy one and his obsession for power has blinded him to his other priorities
his first wife eventually died – the doctors could not tell him why, but roderick knows it was because of a broken heart – she never stopped loving him and when he chose to take on other wives, he hurt her beyond repair
roderick has recently conquered astaira, which is the largest and most profitable kingdom thus far. to secure it, he means to take queen elinora as his wife but she is less than ready to give in to him and, in the meantime, he has both her and her youngest sister under house arrest
he does not believe in this place’s old religion and means to snuff out an already dying flame …. little does roderick know, that there is much more truth to the old tales than he gives them credit for, and that the true danger is now less than a world away ….
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laufire · 3 years
February Stuff
Published fanfic:
-fairy tale rules. Supernatural; Castiel/Sam. For Season of Drabbles, s14e15, humour. 300 words. Prompt: “Sam & Cas in that Stepford 1950s town from season 14. Cas  tries a variety of different ways to try and break Sam out of that spell, with each attempt growing more and more ludicrous. But the only thing that will break the spell is a kiss.” 
-Marcus Keane, Satanic Erotica Novelist. The Exorcist; Marcus/Tomás. For Seasons of Drabbles, crack. 600 words. My contribution to making priest/satanic erotica novelist the hot new trope in honour of the motherland xD
-pillow talk. Lost in Space; John/Maureen, discussions of other poly arrangements. For Season of Drabbles. 100 words.
-wedding bells. CW’s Nikita, Michael/Nikita. For Season of Drabbles, time loop. 100 words. Michael and Nikita’s attempt at a traditional wedding keeps getting interrupted.
-a matter of scales. Discworld, Sybil & dragons. For Season of Drabbles. 100 words. Sybil loves dragons, dragons love Sybil.
Writing progress:
I finished and submitted both fics for the Black Sails zine. And I advanced on the fics I want to post next month (mainly more chapters in the Belastiel AU, plus some others).
-Excerpt from wings high over me’s second chapter. SPN, Bela/Castiel.
-Carmilla (novella) aesthetic. Graphic.
-Gabrielle and Xena’s first meeting (Xena: Warrior Princess, s01e01). Gifset.
-Aneela and Kendry’s last moments (Killjoys, s05e10). Gifset.
-SPN Les Yay 1/? - Lori and Taylor in “Hook Man” (s01e07). Gifset.
-Ablah fulfills Lizzie’s last wish (Legacies, s01e10). Gifset.
-Nina/Lily (Black Swan). Gifset.
-June/Maureen (Lost in Space, series finale). Gifset.
-Hizzie + alternate worlds (Legacies). Gifset.
-SPN Les Yay 2/? - Jenny and Kate in “Dead Man’s Blood” (s01e20). Gifset.
-Octavia/Niylah + Octavia/Diyoza parallel (The 100, s6). Gifset.
-April/Sterling on the arcade (Teenage Bounty Hunters, s01e08). Gifset.
-Amanda/Nikita through the glass (CW’s Nikita, s02e18). Gifset.
-Eleanor/Theodora aesthetic (Shirley Jackson’s The Haunting of Hill House). Graphic.
-SPN Les Yay 3/? - Jo and Theresa in “No Exit” (s02e06). Gifset.
-Tara/Willow (BTVS, Once More With Feeling). Gifset.
-Root/Shaw/The Machine, playing chicken (POI). Gifset.
-Kisa/Manola + bloodsharing (FDTD). Gifset.
-Mellie/Olivia (Scandal). Gifset.
-Amira/Orianna aesthetic (from @nectargrapes In Pursuit of Perfection).
-Laila/Lyra aesthetic gifset (from nectargrapes’ The Essence Of The Equinox).
-Eleanor/Max (Black Sails, s01e02). Graphic.
-Aline/Isabelle + merriam-webster definitions (Shadowhunters). Graphic.
-Rosita/Waverly + Six Words Stories (Wynonna Earp). Graphic.
-Finch/Josie + Troubled Birds (Legacies). Graphic.
-Jesse/Riley (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles). Gifset.
List of all my WIPs.
I’m mainly putting it here for whenever I post an ask meme about WIPs (although feel free to ask me questions about them whenever).
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inmyarmswrappedin · 4 years
Now that Nora's season is coming to end, what are somethings that you want for amira's season
Hi 😁 I bet you thought I’d never reply to this ask! Well, after you sent this in MARCH, I am finally posting an answer. 
Btw, I did the same for Nora’s season, and as a note, I’m a white European and an atheist. If any of this is offensive or not my place to say, I preemptively apologize.
1) I would like for Amira's arc not to be about being Muslim. That is, Cris' arc isn't about being bi, it's about learning (and accepting) that she's more than the fun friend. That she has and can offer more to the people in her life. Nora's arc isn't about being a feminist, it's about not being so set in your first impression of someone that you don't notice red flags or don't notice them trying to be better people. Same with Eva and not being defined by her mistakes, or about Viri and her financial situation. And I would like the same for Amira.
2) I think one common denominator of all Sana seasons so far is that they've shown the mains doing something that people assume hijabi can't do when it's more like they're systematically excluded from participating. For Sana, it was basketball. For Imane, it was dancing. For Amira M, it was boxing. I joked on twitter that Amira N's thing should be binging TV shows and eating junk, proving that hijabi are really like anyone else, but on a serious note, I'd like for Amira's thing to be photography (and maybe modeling? since Amira's friend was taking pics of her).
3) A scene where Amira explains how she can be a feminist and a hijabi both, just so we as a society have that scene to point to when the question inevitably comes up again. Seriously, I feel like that's one of the questions I most often see people asking Hajar.
4) I want the association girls to have their own youtube channel. Or at the very least, their own instagram and/or twitter account. I would love for them to post memes punching up about their experiences.
5) I feel like, much like with trans narratives, there's this "acceptable" narrative for hijabi in mainstream society, which is: the character made the decision to cover after coming up with solid reasons to do so. I.e. she made the decision early and can defend it with inarguable rebuttals. It's like women can't be trusted unless they know 150% what they're doing, be it covering, or dating a girl, or going vegan, or any number of things. I really appreciate that Amira started covering just because it felt right, and she's finding meaning in it after the fact. I would like for this to be a thing in her season, that she's still figuring herself out, that she's not already an Islamic scholar.
6) I also think that's what makes her stand apart from the other Sanas. I feel like (maybe with Zoya's exception), none of the other Sanas would entertain a crush on a white guy. They'd have never drunk or flirted (like we know Amira used to do). It's like they're not allowed to fuck up, or can only fuck up in acceptable ways, like engaging in a flirtation with a non Muslim only because they didn't know he wasn't a Muslim, or had booze at home, but it wasn't theirs, etc. I'm hoping that they've made Dani a love interest specifically to explore this idea (and not because they wanted to whitewash a character or give less time to an actor of color).
7) On that note, SKAM Hajar brought up an idea that, because the hijab makes them super visible, hijabi are perceived as ambassadors of Islam, expected to be able to answer any question about Islam, but also that people will judge all Muslims based on whatever mistake they individually make. I would like for a potential bench scene to allow Amira to say that it puts major pressure on her to feel like she can't make any mistake, because every Muslim will be judged based on her making a mistake, having a shitty day, being in a bad mood, not wanting to be Muslim wikipedia that day, etc. That sometimes she just wants to be Amira, not Islam personified.
8) I would like for Dani's character to represent not just white society, but also childhood, the safe choice, the choice her parents would love, and for Sofian's character to represent not just Moroccan culture, but also like... SEXY risk, independence, novelty... Because I feel like when I see Muslim girl/Muslim boy/white guy love triangles in fiction, the Muslim guy is positioned as the boring choice (but still incredibly wrong because he's abusive or maybe even secretly gay and forced to beard by his parents), the safety, the guy you'd bring home to your parents, whereas the white guy represents independence and carving your own path away from your parents.
9) Just once, I would like for a Muslim character to say, "what do you think of Catholic priests abusing kids?" to someone asking them what they think of such-and-such Muslim majority country doing such-and-such to its citizens. Bonus points if it's Sofian's character.
10) I would like for Dilan to get an insta and a storyline. And for that storyline to connect to Amira's.
11) In general, I would prefer that parents be kept to a minimum (not to get rid of them entirely, of course, but to be kept at the level they've been in other Sana seasons). I just have never thought the point of Skam was the parents. And I get why they have a larger presence in a second gen kid, but I, personally, am more interested in what they represent in the main's life, rather than in giving them a lot of face time.
12) And, on that note, if they do with Amira what I've outlined above, I don't think there's a necessity for Amira to have siblings. Particularly if eskam isn't going to continue after this season. I think it'd be far more interesting if Amira's character contained the elements of figuring her identity as a Muslim living in a Western country that Elias, Idriss and Essam had. (And maybe that way Dani is both Yousef and Elias, stealing not just one role for an actor of color, but two! lmao)
13) I really hope that the obligatory evak s4 side plot be kept at a minimum tbh. I'm really not interested in a) Eloy coming back to cause drama, b) Amira's friend causing croana drama because she's Joana ex or whatever, c) a physical fight breaking out because of (perceived) homophobia.
14) I want Amira to tell Cris that amiris es lo más real que hay. 😭 I would love it if, as a parallel to Cris' season, Amira doesn't tell Cris about her interest in Sofian's character at first because she's afraid of her reaction, only for Cris to be supportive of whatever she chooses to do.
15) I would be so fucking happy if eskam adapted the "is your faith stronger than your lust?" scene in this season. I have always wanted to love that scene, because how often do you get a scene where two girls get to talk that long and that much (even in Skam most of the iconic dialogue scenes between just two people aren't between two girls in the squad), but I just haaaated the purpose of the scene in Skam.
16) I would cry buckets if we got a scene like Det Beste fra Islam where Amira and Sofian's character both talk about what Islam means for them. Particularly if Sofian is introduced as not the Perfect Muslim Man, but it turns out he has THOUGHTS about religion.
17) And, finally, I would love for the unquestionable villain of the season to be a white guy. If the villain is going to be a woman, then I would want her to be Cris' mom, not a high school aged character. Not because of white feminism yayyy! but because I think the major issue Sana seasons have run into before is that the showrunners want to touch on white girls being the problem, but they also don't want to villainize white girls. So we have stuff like Sana inviting Sara and Ingrid (of all people!!) to Eid, Imane apologizing to Ingrid (of all people!!), random one clip white women attacking Amira M (and the Kiki/Amira friendship of course), etc. I'd just rather they didn't have girls doing shitty stuff to Amira N, if they're going to go back on it. Which they inevitably would, because eskam's overall message is sisterhood.
Bonus clips
18) I would love it if Skam España was like, "you thought we were dropping storylines left and right? Nope!" and resolved long standing mysteries like who was behind Eva's hate ig, who had the pills, who outed Cris to the school, who's the owner of the keys that were left behind at GSC, and so on. Will die if it turns out to be Ramón!
19) I want Joana to get that job she wanted so bad last season!
20) I would love for Emma to show up and come out as a lesbian, just as a last hurrah lol.
21) I don't feel strongly about which couples should be endgame and not (other than not Dani/Amira hghvvh please), BUT in my most embarrassing fantasies, I want Skam España to hire Alejandro Reina's irl boyfriend to play Lucas' boyfriend for the finale. Not because I can't separate fiction from reality or anything, but because when I thought Lucas would be getting a season, I wanted his boyfriend to be a poc, and I was highkey buttmad that they hired random white bread when they could just as easily have hired a poc.
22) I think it would be really cool if Inés got a clip on her POV, but I don't think we're going to get it. I think all bonus clips will be from the squad's POV, i.e. Eva, Cris, Nora and Viri. Not even Joana.
23) I want a Mallorca special or episode so bad, and I will be so FUCKING ANNOYED if we don't get it. Seriously, I can't imagine the team didn't feel betrayed when they watched Skam for writing purposes, and didn't get their russetide. So they should know how angry we would be if we didn't get even a little bit of Mallorca time.
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So Viri, or at least Viri’s family, is Catholic, but she’s 17 and wearing a cross, I think that, at that age, if you don’t wanna wear a cross you don’t no matter what your family believes so Viri is catholic in my mind.
This is very important, at least to me. The reason Sana’s season always rang so true to me, the reason it was so important at the time to me, was because she struggled with being religious and 17 in a very atheist world where the values she held weren’t shared by a very big part of the society. She was me and I was her, even if she’s Muslim and I’m Catholic. It was the same struggle.
I really like that they made Viri catholic, most of Spain is. And I don’t know how realistic it’d have been to have a group of 5 girls with none of them being Catholic. I’m Catholic but I’m never the only one in my friend group. Also, I really like that they show Amira and Viri being friends because friendship between different religions is possible, it happens, the same way friendship between religious and atheists or agnostics happens. 
I never really liked that the only person in Skam who was Christian, Isak’s mum, had mental health problems because it’s so easy to read into this that she read the Bible because she was sick.
I loved how Druck handled that with Hans and Matteo going to Church because queer people can believe in God too, I do it, today’s clip was posted as I came out of Sunday Mass. And I am a woman with a girlfriend, the priest knows and is Okay with it.
Just... When I noticed today that Viri had a cross hanging from her neck... That meant a lot. It just did. Even in Spain, Catholics are often the but of the joke, and in Spain like 70% of the population identifies as Catholic. Seeing treated with respect this episode was very important.
I have sorted clothes for the Church in my living-room with my mum, the same way Viri and her mum were doing in this episode, so many times that I’ve lost count. It really shows how Skam España hasn’t just shot the OG in Spain but has adapted the characters and situations to reflect on Spanish society and I’m so thankful.
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randomwordprompts · 5 years
If It’s Magic Chapter 8
Daaaaaam, this took forever! Does anyone still care about this story? If so here’s 3k words of plot development(?) Anyways if you wanna be added to my taglist just let me know!
Warnings: Eh, people get punched and they curse. We grown outchea.
Taglist: @storibambino @soufcakmistress @bakarilennox @babygirlofwakanda @wakandas-vibranium @wakandan-flowerz @great-neckpectations @yaachtynoboat711 @oceanscorazon @reaperdeldrunk 
“Daniel, either let me pass or get your ass beat like that big nigga about to get.”
Amira brought her gaze from Daniel to the towering male some feet behind him, keeping a safe distance. Xavier’s eyes widened before he spoke back to her.
“Beat my ass?! Didn’t you do that enough the other day when you busted my lip?” 
She growled at Xavier and went to push past Daniel only to have him hold her back, though with no small amount of difficulty.
“What did you do to me, you piece of shit?!”
“I didn’t DO anything! I’ve been here or in class and actively avoiding your crazy ass for the past two days!!”
Amira stilled in Daniel’s grip and stared at Xavier for a moment before she replied, “Then why the fuck did I hear you calling out for me not 2 hours ago?”
Xavier’s face paled for a moment as he realized something but didn’t say what it was. Amira immediately noticed the change and ducked out of Daniel’s arms to walk towards him, craning her neck to meet his gaze before speaking again.
“What. Did. You. Do.”
“Well, um...I might’ve tried to manifest your aura while I was masturbating,” Xavier rushed out his explanation in one breath but that didn’t stop Amira from hearing exactly what he said.
Just when Xavier opened his mouth in an attempt to explain further, Daniel burst into laughter from the door that he’d closed during this time.
“Nigga, you did what now? How the hell did that even happen?”
Xavier sighed and tried to be as brief as possible about what was now an embarrassing topic.
Xavier paced his room stressed and hungry, though not for food. Truth be told, he missed Amira. He’d been missing her since she’d first broke things off and after what he’d said to her a few days ago he knew she’d probably never speak to him again. He thought about her lips and how she loved to kiss him, the plushness of her body and she felt like a living marshmallow every time he held her in his arms. How her smile was like the sunshine that chased away the darkness of his thoughts. Before long he began thinking of all the things that drove him crazy about the petite succubus when he remembered something her mother had told them about their bond.
“If one of you reaches out for the other hard enough, you can pull on or manifest the energy of your mate.”
Of course she was referring to if one couldn’t find the other or was missing them, but at this point Xavier was hungry and knew that her aura would be more than enough to satisfy his urges until he found a human to feed from that wasn’t clingy, crazy, or in search of commitment. So he decided to apply that same technique while pleasuring himself and found himself quite surprised with the results. It was like he could hear her in the throes of pleasure, feel her on top of him, and feel himself inside of her. Before he knew it he was moaning her name, urging her to say his. Just when he was about to reach his peak he heard her voice call back to him, his eyes rolling back as he spilled his release into his hand.
“Let me get this straight,” Daniel started. “Y’all can think of each other hard enough to feel and hear the other when you’re not nearby?! I’d like to sign up to be a sex demon today, please.”
Xavier snorted a bit and Amira shot them both a glare before turning to leave, tired of them both.
“Well that was riveting but don’t do again or so help me I will come back here and kill you both.”
“ Both?!” Daniel’s eyes grew wide.
“No witnesses. Nothing personal,” Amira said with a devilish smile.
Jason called Amira for the 4th time that night, sighing when he was sent to voicemail yet again. He kept replaying what he said to her in his head and the more he did, the worse he felt. It also took him back to when they first talked about the very thing he threw back in her face.
“So tell me, does being a succubus really mean you’re incapable of monogamy?”
Amira paused her writing and met Jason’s gaze with a raised brow, searching his face for the intention behind the question. Once she realized he was genuinely curious she sighed and pushed her laptop to the side.
“Succubi are just as capable of having monogamous relationships as anyone else. The thing is, our biology causes us to also need to feed off the sexual energy of others. It’s rare, but a succubus sometimes picks a partner that she feeds from exclusively for life. They normally marry but even if they don’t, they still stay together. What you just mentioned is a stereotype made by some white man hundreds of years ago in an attempt to paint us as nothing but sex crazed demons, unworthy of love. Is that how you see me?”
“No, of course not. I think you deserve all the love you can handle..”
They exchanged smiles before Amira leaned over and kissed him sweetly, each time feeling better than the first for him.
One Month Later, Halloween
“So is Jason coming tonight?” Lucy asked Amira as they got dressed in their dorm.
Amira smirked as she put on her suit jacket, adjusting her bra so that she didn’t have too much cleavage out or end up with a wardrobe malfunction. Buttoning her jacket she walked over to her dresser and grabbed her blood-red lipstick before she answered.
“Yes, and I have a bad feeling about it. You know Xavier’s going to be there and I don’t need a dick measuring contest at the fundraiser.”
The fundraiser in question was a haunted house and escape room hosted by the BSU to raise money and increase campus involvement. Mostly everyone was involved in some way, with Amira deciding to take on an administrative role and make sure they stayed within their budget while giving a fun night. So far they’d raised almost two-thousand dollars in advance tickets, expecting at least another 500 at the door.
As Amira got ready to tell her roommate what could go wrong her phone rang, signaling a video call from her siblings. After applying a quick coat of her lipstick she answered, grinning when she was met with the faces of her older siblings.
“Well hello, titties!” Francois said with a snicker.
Amira snorted a laugh before shooting back, “You mad you ain’t got these titties, I understand.”
Lucy cackled in the background before leaving the room to get her shoes, leaving the three to talk. Jonathan spoke next.
“You both look like religious spoopy thots, there’s no competition.”
Both Amira and Francois smiled at that before they were interrupted by the familiar stern voice of their father.
“If you three are done, tell your sister that we’re outside.”
Amira chuckled before propping her phone up and checking her hair, curly tresses currently under a straight jet black wig that stopped in the middle of her back. She grabbed her white choker and secured it to her throat, silver cross laying beautifully in the center of her clavicle as she yelled to let Lucy know her family was downstairs waiting. Grabbing her black open-toe stilettos and putting them on, Amira disconnected the call and grabbed her clutch before stepping out of her room.
The rest of the Lectors waited downstairs in the lobby, ready to see their youngest in person. Francois was clad in a slutty nun costume, which was comprised of a black latex bodysuit with a white cross on the chest and matching fake habit adorning their head along with white thigh-high boots while Jonathan was dressed as a possessed catholic bishop. He sported an all-black suit with a black shirt that was open at the top three buttons, revealing more of his pale skin while his hair was dyed black at the roots and red throughout. His belt was cinched around his jacket just enough to reveal his tapered waist, topping the costume off with a red patch on the cuff of his sleeve and a silver cross pendant that stopped just past the fourth button of his shirt. Their parents opted for a classic Dracula and his wives costume, looking as if they stepped out of Bram Stoker’s movie or even the modern version of Van Helsing. When the elevator opened Amira and Lucy stepped out, the former dressed as a priest and the latter as an undead maid since she was going to be in the haunted house. 
Before she could sneak up on them Diana ran over and hugged her daughter with a happy squeal. What followed was more hugs from the rest of her family, a reintroduction to Lucy, and a quick catch-up before they left for the festivities.
Once they were at the fundraiser Lucy went into the house with the others so they could get into their designated places before everything opened. Amira was talking with her family when Xavier walked by, offering an awkward wave that was met with an eye roll and Francois flipping him off. He sighed as he made his way into the house, making a mental note to try and talk to Amira soon.
After their parents went to see what else was going on for the night, Amira turned to Francois to say something only to be met with a sight of a man approaching them followed by a loud string of Quebecois curses leaving her oldest brother’s mouth plus a push past her and Jonathan to meet him halfway. She looked at her other brother for a moment before realization dawned on her.
“That’s Felix, isn’t it…”
“We should probably go over there before Fran strangles him.”
With that, they followed Francois who was just about to scream at the towering male only stopped by Amira jumping in front of them.
“Oi, you stalking my brother?”
Felix looked down at her, blue eyes meeting brown ones as Francois was behind her stewing.
“Actually, I was invited. Imagine my surprise when a lovely woman told me you all would be here!”
“A woman?! Who-...did she have a Jamaican accent?”
Felix nodded and Amira burst into a fit of laughter as Francois now turned away to find their parents, specifically their mother given how they shrieked for her loud enough to be heard 2 blocks away. Jonathan was laughing with Amira, the two of them wheezing and coughing at this point at the realization that Pauline had tipped Felix off so he’d come. Once they caught their breath Amira took the 6’6 man by the arm and steered him in the direction of where Francois had stormed off to.
“Let’s go big man, I don’t wanna miss this,” she said as the sounds of Francois and Pauline’s voices grew louder, now arguing in full-blown Patois.
After finally calming things down between Francois and Pauline, Amira went back to help some of her fellow BSU members do last-minute touches to the vending stands. While she was talking to one of the workers at the popcorn stand she heard another one gasp before pointing towards a figure behind her with a look of pure shock.
“Is that Jason Momoa?!”
Amira chuckled and said goodbye to them before turning to walk towards the man in question with a smile, his werewolf costume obviously not taking much effort.
"How very original, Wolfman. You look good."
"I do, but not nearly as good as you. Are you supposed to be catholic?"
"I'm a priest! Just call me Padre," Amira remarked with a wiggle of her brows.
"Alright you two, keep your hormones in check, there are old people present," Jonathan said just as they were about to kiss, Jason giving a puzzled look to the young male that was flanked by the rest of the family.
At the sight of the six individuals plus Felix he was slightly confused for a moment until his eyes fell to Diana, immediately spotting the resemblance to Amira. Looking back to her he let out "This is your family?" with no small amount of shock.
“Yeah, everyone here is my family except for the tall Black dude. That’s Frankie’s future husband.” Amira remarked with a grin, prompting Felix’s brows to shoot up before he gave a rather sheepish smile. Francois, however, didn’t find the statement amusing.
Jason looked at Amira then her family and back to her, multiple questions swirling in his expression. Amira frowned a bit, sensing his energy shift though he quickly covered it with a nervous smile and a pleasant “nice to meet you all” towards the Lectors.
After some light conversation while they waited in line for the haunted house the group of nine were finally at the front getting ready to go in. The person at the door warned them of jumpscares and flashing lights, making sure to emphasize that all the participant’s costumes were well done and that if they can’t handle people jumping out and grabbing them they shouldn’t go in. Everyone agreed that they were fine and began the trek through the darkened hallways, faint screams being heard almost immediately.
While everyone went a bit ahead Jason gently pulled Amira’s arm to keep her behind with him, leaning down to quietly speak to her.
“Why didn’t you tell me you had a blended family?”
“Because my family isn’t blended? And is this really the time to be asking me about this? I think it can wait till after we get out of here,” she replied as they slowly walked through, Amira not being phased when someone dressed as a zombie jumped out and reached for her with a snarl.
Jason looked at her with another question that she quickly answered before it left his lips.
“My father is married to all three of them currently, and each one gave birth to myself and my brothers. Unlike in America, that’s legal up north despite being frowned upon socially.”
“Wait, so...all three of those women agreed to marry your father and live together? You don’t find that a little odd at all?”
Amira stopped in her tracks and turned to face Jason completely, her eyes turned to slits as she squinted up at him.
“What are you getting at, Jason? Just say it.”
“Well, ya know...I’ve seen stories about this kind of stuff. Men that trick women into marrying them and make them dependent on him so that they don’t leave.”
She looked at him as if she wanted to grab him and rip his tongue out of his mouth for even insinuating that her father was holding his wives hostage, but for the sake of not making a scene, she simply turned around and began to walk away.
Jason internally kicked himself and sighed as he watched her walk ahead of him, deciding to give her some space as they continued to go through the house and try not to jump at the people that came out of corners and crevices of the place. As they walked on, he got a little closer to Amira and tried to apologize for what he’d said earlier only to have someone dressed as a zombie pop out and grab at them. Before he could stop himself he punched the person on reflex, making both Amira and her family stop in their tracks as they heard a familiar voice yell out in pain before the person lifted his face and Amira felt her heart sink to her stomach.
“Mira what the hell?! I know I fucked up but could you keep your damn bodyguard away from me??”
Jason stepped in front of her with his chest poked out in a traditional display of male ego, ready to give a rebuttal immediately.
“As her boyfriend, I suggest you back up, kid!”
Xavier looked at him for a moment, a small stream of blood trickling from his nose. He regarded Jason for a moment before pulling his fist back and catching Jason in the jaw, the crack audible enough to elicit a quick “oh shit” from Amira’s siblings in the back. Before she could stop them, they started to swing at each other and fight until they were on the floor nearly wrestling. It wasn’t until Amira yelled loud enough to wake up the dead that they stopped in their tracks.
“Alright, that’s enough! You two are grown-ass men rolling around on the floor in a fucking HAUNTED HOUSE for what?! Me? My honor?? I didn’t ask either one of you to fight for me because I don’t need either one of you dumbasses to do it!!”
They both opened their mouths to speak but were cut off by a small hand held up between them.
“I’m not finished. Now Xavier, you wanna sit here and whine and moan like because you apologized that’s supposed to just get me back or change what the fuck you did. I love you but I don’t just forgive anyone at the drop of a hat and the fact that you thought that would happen is stupid as all hell!”
Jason snorted a bit until she turned to him fully to give her a piece of her mind.
“And as for you bigfoot, you think you’re off the hook?! First, you accuse me of fucking Xavier while we’ve been together when the thought never even crossed my mind. Then, you suggest that because I’m a fucking demon I have no got damn self-control. And after all of that, you suggest to me that my father is some kind of horrible man that has to hold his wives hostage in order to keep them around!”
“Excuse me?!” was the sound that followed Amira’s statement and she looked to her family to find all three of the women in question looking at Jason with no small amount of incredulity. Without another word she shook her head and stepped over the two, moving her family towards the exit, Felix holding Francois back as they yelled and went to lunge at Jason rather violently.
Xavier shook his head and stood up before reaching down and giving Jason a hand up, noting the look of surprise on his face. He wiped the blood from his nose on his sleeve and eyed Jason warily before finally speaking, the pain in his voice clear.
“Listen, Amira is a great person and an amazing partner. I can only hope that one day I’ll earn her trust back but until then make sure she’s happy, yeah?”
“I hear you, bro. Also, I’m sorry about your nose...I swear I was just reacting.”
“Honestly I had it coming so don’t even worry about it. Plus it’s already healed with me not being human and all,” Xavier said with a dry chuckle.
Jason extended his hand for a shake and Xavier accepted, the two coming to a bit of an understanding before Jason would leave to try and catch up to Amira and properly apologize to both her and her family.
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thisguyatthemovies · 5 years
Painting a sympathetic picture
Title: “At Eternity’s Gate”
Release date: In theaters Nov. 16, 2018; on disc/streaming Feb. 12, 2019
Starring: Willem Dafoe, Mads Mikkelsen, Oscar Isaac, Rupert Friend, Emmanuelle Seigner, Amira Casar, Niels Arestrup, Mathieu Amalric, Vladimir Consigny, Stella Schnabel
Directed by: Julian Schnabel
Run time: 1 hour, 51 minutes
Rated: R
What it’s about: The story of painter Vincent van Gogh’s final years
How I saw it: Director/co-writer Julian Schnabel paints a sympathetic portrait of troubled painter Vincent van Gogh in “At Eternity’s Gate.” But any sympathy practically paints itself. In time, van Gogh came to be known as the ultimate starving artist, a man whose brilliance was misunderstood during his time but whose paintings now are among the most recognizable, appreciated and costly works ever produced.
Veteran actor Willem Dafoe plays van Gogh in “At Eternity’s Gate,” and the story begins in Paris, where (and this will become a pattern) his paintings are ridiculed. Here, he meets French painter Paul Gauguin (Oscar Isaac), and they bond over their attitudes toward society and art. Van Gogh, who by his 30s recognized he had mental health issues, feels stifled and confused in Paris, though, and Gauguin urges his new friend to head to the south of France. Van Gogh, destitute and a heavy drinker, settles in Arles, a place with plenty of sunshine (which helps with his depression) and beautiful natural settings for van Gogh to explore and paint. But Arles also is a place of rough, largely uneducated people who don’t understand van Gogh or his work, and that leads to trouble.
“At Eternity’s Gate,” which was written based on letters from van Gogh to his brother Theo (Rupert Friend), secondhand accounts of events and some fiction, will do nothing to reaffirm your faith in mankind. Everyone, it seems, is an art critic, and a harsh one. An innkeeper wants van Gogh’s paintings removed from the walls because he says they are scaring away clients. In one scene, van Gogh is painting tree roots when approached by a group of young students. They begin to crowd him and pepper him with questions, their teacher mocks van Gogh’s work, and he lashes out at them. When van Gogh is sent to a mental institution after cutting off part of his left ear as a show of loyalty to Gauguin (who had left van Gogh to pursue his own career), a priest (Mads Mikkelsen) in charge of van Gogh’s evaluation calls van Gogh’s work unpleasant and ugly and questions why the artist thinks God gave him the gift of being a painter. Boys in Arles pelt van Gogh with rocks.
After being released from the mental institution, van Gogh returns to his brother’s place in Paris but does not want to stay. His brother, who had been financially supporting van Gogh, arranges for him to live with Dr. Paul Gachet (Mathieu Amalric) in Auvers-sur-Oise. Here, van Gogh meets his demise. It was long believed that van Gogh took his own life by shooting himself in the abdomen. But Schnabel opts for a more recent and controversial theory about the artist’s death, suggesting van Gogh was approached while painting outdoors by two young men with guns, and during ensuing horseplay or a scuffle, one of the boys shot van Gogh. He lived almost two days after the shooting before passing at age 37 in 1890.
Dafoe earned a Best Actor Oscar nomination for his portrayal of van Gogh, and deservedly so (even though Dafoe was in his early 60s when the film was shot, not in his 30s as van Gogh was during the period covered in the movie). Portraying the mentally ill is a sure-fire way for an actor to earn recognition, but Dafoe does so with compassion and a dose of subtlety. His is not an over-the-top performance of insanity. He plays van Gogh as a man who recognizes his illness and shortcomings and how he is easily hurt, but he also knows he has a gift he wants to share with a largely uncaring public and that his art is fueled by mental illness. Dafoe gets solid support all the way around, particularly from Mikkelsen in the film’s best scene, and from Friend as the artist’s caring and patient brother.
“At Eternity’s Gate” can be a taxing watch. Much of it is shot from van Gogh’s point of view. When other characters are talking to him, they are shot head-on and up close, so close that the tops of their heads are not in the frame. Schnabel also uses odd angles and shaky, hand-held shots, and many of the scenes employ a split focus, with the bottom of the screen blurred. Much of the film is awash in yellows, like van Gogh’s paintings. At times, “At Eternity’s Gate” is dreamlike, with scenes blending into each other and dialogue multitracked or repeated, sometimes mere seconds after it was originally said. It is at times beautiful and surreal but hard to understand and digest, which must be the way those seeing van Gogh’s paintings felt during his time.
My score: 79 out of 100
Should you see it? Yes, particularly if you are a fan of van Gogh or painting in general, or if you are fascinated by the creative process and how difficult it can be. This film would be a good companion piece to “Loving Vincent,” a 2017 film in which many artists were used to bring van Gogh’s paintings to life in animated form to tell his story.
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peaceorwar-rp-blog · 6 years
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The Catholic Church has found Priest Elijah Smith of Albion. He is aged 35 and is human.
A life dedicated to the church, he has given up all chances of love and family to save others souls, believing his own happiness is of no consequence compared to the duty he has been called to. Even being assigned to the place that made him afraid could not shake his spirit, instead taking it as an opportunity to reach those who needed him most.
His opinion on the treaty is neutral to an extent, but he will finish the mission he was set upon, to raise a Catholic community on Atlantis.
Amir/Amira: he had never been particularly fond of magic, wanting nothing to do with it. It went against God, after all. Shortly after being assigned to Atlantis, he found himself the master of the Jinn. He’s very disturbed by this and has tried to keep it secret.
Josephine Abbey: although he has been in Atlantis for some time now, he still believes religion to be more important than understanding the strange world they live in. Josephine Abbey tries to challenge him at every opportunity on his beliefs, and it’s very exasperating.
FC: Michiel Huisman
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#radioprogram #broadcasting #playlist #music #listening #pop #rock #indie #live #cool #catradioactive #series #funforaday #hipster #shoegazer #anything #modernrock #musicoftheweek #newrealease #varieties #international #cafedepook #downtempo #mixed Catradioactive 17 July 21: Saint Phnx - Happy Place Fanclubwallet - C'mon Be Cool Silver Firs - Versions Of You Blind Season - Save You Florence Rose - Good For Me Lonesome Rhodes - Time Won't Lie Beatastic - Echoes Through The City Sky Is Alright - Push Down Turn Sungaze - Body In The Mirror Cherry - Call Me By My Name Griffith James - Market And Black (Feat. Tennis) Dance Like A Poet - Here's To The Lovers Broken Links - The Day Called X Dead Nature - Rivers Vacation Manor - If Only For Tonight Spinn - Daydreaming Maida Rose - Where Do We Go Only Twin – The Deal Spacey Jane - Lots Of Nothing Rebounder - Change Shapes Feat. Jesse Kios - I Need You The Mirrors - I'll Stay Cielo Oceano - All Gone Wrong Liars - Big Appetite Clan Of Xymox – Big Brother https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q8Q-eLPXx1Q&list=PLU62MFne4NxDjHXxqGoiY_98Mis7M1rkc Fun for a day 228 & Café de Pook 2021: Daytime Session Atomic Blue - You're Right Talk - Run Away To Mars Silk Skin Lovers - Moon, 1am Aníbal - Broken Hearted Kid Say Nothing - Dirty Snowman Society (Live Performance Video) Chitarre Di Famiglia - When Summer Comes Edran - All I Have (Live At Elfo Studio) Dee Gees - You Should Be Dancing Twin Shadow - Alemania 0fret - Topic Warahenege - For The Moment & Cosmic Mess Amira Elfeky - Dolores Ginger Root - Loretta Derek Simpson - Talking To Strangers Los Vii - I Won't Let Go Sleepwalkers - Until The Night Is Gone Ellyn Woods - Lady Rheya - When No One Else Is Around Sam Barnes - Daydream Driver Aurora - Cure For Me Nico Play - Bluff Teenage Priest - Small Talk Simply Red - Beside You A Man Called Adam - Love Come Down (In 2 Deep Mix) Ezra Collective - Footprints https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PM7B55zHjwc&list=PLU62MFne4NxAkRW6c5UT6OAT6tTfSHb0l https://www.instagram.com/p/CRc13JTJWV1/?utm_medium=tumblr
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hyunwoo-archive · 7 years
☕️ sh*wnu deserves l*ve and resp*ct :/ sounds like a bad shitpost but i am for Serious ,,,, when will the world stop Sleeping on him and recognize his talent and visuals ..,,,,,,, god i sound so preachy but i really do only love one (1) man
GOD .... U ARE SO FUCKIN ... VALID ! he deserves 2 be recognized beyond the ‘robot dad’ image everyone pushes on him like ,,,, hES A MULTITALENTED MAN ! HES RLY OUT HERE SINGING DANCING BEING HANDSOME ND CUTE ND BEAUTIFUL ,,,,, LIKE ,,,,,,,, ???????????? god icb we’re priests but priests 4 shownu .... shownusm ? new religion led by amira nd shannon ?
send me a ☕️ and an opinion (popular or unpopular) and i’ll say whether i agree or disagree
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madame-fear · 2 days
Clearly the baptism didn’t work, wicked baby that you were, and satan is still with you if you are planning to seduce a priest!! 😭🤣 bad Amira! Resist the temptations! 🤭😂
This cute priest has clearly been sent to me by God as a test to see how far I can go— so if I wasn’t going to hell before, I am most certainly going to hell now HAHAJAJDHF 😭😭😂
Nothing can stop my plans... I already got several ideas on how to bond further with him and, at least, manage to talk to him as often as I can. THIS IS MY CALLING 😌💅
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amiramorozova · 3 years
Dual Summoner x The Darkling pt. 42 Wedding!
Pairing: Dual Summoner Amira Silina x The Darkling General Kirgan/ Aleksander Morozova
Word Count: 2050
I sighed a bit knowing that this anger was easier to distract him from his goal than I wanted but I kissed his cheek. "I'm tired after a long day. Our wedding is in three days so we only have one day together before I can't see you till the wedding." I said as I felt his surprise by that custom but there was a lot I wanted to keep untouched. Aleksander walked over to me as he pulled me close "then best to make use of the time." Aleksander said before turning me around and claiming my lips in a kiss. 
I kissed him back as he picked me up before laying me down and got on the bed beside me as he looked at me. He touched my cheek as if taking in my look as he looked so serious. "You're going to look different in three days, hopefully not too different." Aleksander said as I laughed a bit. "I won't be. No matter what Genya does, I'll make it through." I assured him before we both got comfortable then fell asleep laying there with his arm around me. 
I knew this was comfortable to both of us being close, the shadows surrounding the sun as it's supposed to be. We laid like that all night in comfort that I couldn't resist snuggling up to him. He made it worth all the trouble to see the real him that no one saw. Going through the day was nice but duties called so we had to deal with the days and when it came to the next day that seemed to be the worst for me.
I've grown accustomed to just going to him when I wanted to. I thought 
Marie and Nadia were in charge of keeping me away from Aleksander all day and that was a struggle for them. When I heard someone say where he was I wanted to go and they had to grab me and remind me that I needed to not see him. "This isn't fair, I know I said I wanted to uphold this but this is harder than I thought it would be." I said to them, "you will get through this." Marie assured me as I sighed. I figured he was keeping busy with his work as General since that was what he had to keep him distracted but I had nothing. My friends but training meant nothing to me on this day. 
When night came I tried to sleep but it was useless for a while as I heard the door open seeing Genya. "Genya." I said as she walked over "Not able to sleep?" Genya asked as I nod knowing that it wasn't easy. "Maybe this will help. Marie and Nadia will be wearing your colors to the wedding, they are being given blue dresses with a gold sun design belt to represent you." Genya said as it perked me up knowing that I was represented in this wedding then we looked over at my wedding dress. "I think they did well to represent the General in your dress, it wasn't quite the ombre you wanted but the design still looks good." Genya said as I agreed before she left. 
Somehow after she left I was able to sleep and when morning came I knew what today was as I walked to the bathroom to get myself ready before Genya came to do my makeup and hair. I got myself clean and felt like it didn't matter how long I took but I still cleaned up. Then I got myself mostly ready as I had my robe on and looked at the dress suddenly very nervous. The knock on the door was evident as Genya had my breakfast and offered it to me as I ate while she had me sit. Once I finished she helped me into my dress then she got started with my hair first,
Dress, Hair and Accessory:
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When Genya got to my makeup I had to relax as she had me close my eyes and I felt the feeling that was her tailor small science at work and when she was done I looked up at her as I looked seeing it was a natural look with some gold shimmer in areas to be the sun summoner. I smiled at myself in the mirror knowing that it looked perfect, it wasn't overly over the top. "I think General Kirigan will appreciate his new bride." Genya said
There was a knock on the door as Marie and Nadia came in with their dresses as I admired them and they looked at me as I stood up. "Oh wow." Marie said as I smiled and they nod their approval. "Well there seems to be good things going on and the room is prepared." Nadia said as I smiled knowing this was best for me. 
Then there was another knock on the door as we all looked seeing my father there who I wasn't sure was going to attend this. "Amira, you look beautiful." Father said as he walked over and I smiled. "thank you father." I said as Genya kept on schedule getting us out of there and I was nervous. We were outside the church doors as I started to question things but knew this was here. 
I need to see him! I thought 
Once Marie and Nadia went ahead as they smiled, representing me as their best friend and the Dual Summoner. It was a private event so no royals were to know about this, only those who were already aware as I didn't want to deal with Prince Nikolai today. I walked with my father as we entered the church seeing every one of my fellow Grisha who attended looked shocked as I looked at all of them knowing we wore Keftas and when I looked up at Aleksander even he was shocked seeing me in the dress. I could feel glaring at me and I knew who it was without even looking as we made it seeing Fedyor by his group but looking at Aleksander I felt a sense of peace. 
An otkazat’sya priest was going to be present as there were many in the church, father turned to me and kissed the top of my hand proudly this day came. He just probably wasn't proud of who I was marrying. "take care of my precious daughter." My father said to Aleksander, I saw him look serious as my hand was given to Aleksander "You have my word sir, she'll be well taken care of." Aleksander said as I stepped up standing across from him. 
"Amira, you look stunning." Aleksander said to me making me blush as I almost said something but then the priest had our attention since we had already joined hands before he'd said so. “We gather here today, before Saints and men, to join two in marriage,” he began simply.  We adjusted ourselves to face the altar. “I call upon any and all Saints to bless this union, to ensure it is filled with love, trust, companionship, and faith. May these two souls rely on and care for one another in times of need, may they lead long, happy lives with one another, and may they have nothing but joy and peace."
long happy lives...you have no idea. I thought as I felt his hand squeeze mine a little as if he sensed my thought and I needed to look into our connection.
I wanted to do this right being the dual summoner, I was doing this because I loved him and I wanted to step into the light to bring out other Dual Summoners so I had to do this. "face each other please." The priest said as we did and he took my other hand. I wasn't a big believer in the saints and neither was he but here we were. The Black Heretic playing General and the Dual Summoner being worshipped as the Sun Queen. "Recite your vows, please." The priest said 
Oh shit, I didn't prepare anything... I thought 
“Amira, Moye Serdtse, I have been alone in this dark battle for so long. When you revealed yourself to be our savior of the fold, my soulmate you brought light to the darkness. Now, I can't think of a world without you. From this day forward I will love and protect you for all eternity." Aleksander said as I was stunned by his choice of words, it made me speechless and the side of him I thought just wanted to get the amplifiers seemed less there. I knew deep down it was still there but right now it wasn't. I saw the ring brought forward as he slipped it on my finger where the engagement ring was and I had to wipe my eyes cause his vows made me emotional. I was glad Genya thought ahead of this. 
"Aleksander, there was a time I didn't trust a lot of people. I didn't let anyone close due to holding in the sun but you were first to know about it before I was truly found out. You never expected more of me than you could see instead you saw potential in me I could not see. Though our beginning was not easy, we have the rest of our lives to make each other happy. I love you." I said as Marie handed me the ring for him and I noticed it was a dark-colored ring as I slid it on his hand.
I noticed Genya walked over with the new Kefta they had made for me to be represented better as she presented it to Aleksander. It was the first time he'd seen my new black Kefta for this day as he took it as he motioned for me to turn around as I did and he put it on me as I turned to face him while he buttoned it up seeing my design on the kefta but right, where my heart was located on the Kefta, was the darkling symbol which he seemed to like. "By the power of the saints, I now pronounce you husband and wife." The priest said 
Aleksander leaned in to kiss me but he wrapped his arms around me then dipped me before kissing me as I kissed him back. When he pulled away I smiled at him knowing we were officially married and I couldn't be happier at the moment as he got close to my ear. "officially you're a Morozova now." He whispered
When we were done, we walked into a room that was set up in the little palace for some kind of afterparty as things were set up. I didn't mind as I saw Baghra had been present which was good as I walked over to her and she looked at me. "You look very beautiful, my dear. Welcome to the family and I will still keep watch out for you if anything goes wrong." Baghra said 
As much as I wanted to say that I had things under control, I knew not all of it was. Still, I tried not to think about it knowing it was more on the wedding. "Thank you Baghra." I said as Marie and Nadia came over to me and smiled. "Well, now you are married. What's next?" Nadia asked as I laughed a bit. "We are talking about children." I said which surprised Baghra, Nadia, and Marie but I knew it wasn't a secret to keep. 
The afterparty wasn't overly bad as it was short to the point but everyone was celebrating the event with us and I was excited. Till Aleksander took my hand and started to lead me away. "Come on Amira, it's getting late." Aleksander said as I blushed a bit knowing now I had no more excuses it was the wedding night. 
A/N: In the Next part. XD
Taglist: @lifeisingrey
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batfam-imagines · 7 years
Clark’s Niece - Part 7
I’m so sorry that this took at long!!! But I finally wrote it!! Let me know what you guys think, or if you want drabbles from this story line!!!!
Previous: Part 6
You wake up to the feeling of fingers gently running through your hair, slowly brushing the stray wisps away from your face.
“Stay just like that, Beloved. Do not move” A phone camera goes off, “I need to keep this, as I will not see you until tomorrow”
“We’ve been apart for longer, Dami, no need to get all sentimental on me”
Damian lets out a soft chuckle, pressing a kiss to your forehead, he pulls you close again, “We’ll need to get up soon. Brown and Cain will be here soon to take you to the Manor”
“I know. I just need a few more minutes with you”
The two of you lay in bed, enjoying each other’s company, “Did you ever think this day would come?”
Propping yourself up on Damian’s chest, you flash a cheeky smile, “What day? The day Damian Wayne gets married? The press is going to be a nightmare”
Your fiancé nuzzles into your hair, “Do not worry about the press, beloved. Lex and my mother have the security detail handled. I would like to see a reporter get past Mercy”
“Me too, actually. It would be hilarious”
Twenty minutes later there’s loud knocking on your front door, and Stephanie announcing her arrival. “Come on, Y/N!! You better be up and ready!!”
“I’ll let them in, you get the coffee ready?”
Damian groans, but heaves himself out of bed, “Of course.”
Stephanie and Cassandra hurry you through breakfast, and before you know it you’re giving Damian one last kiss and being hustled into a waiting car.
“So, what the plan?”
“Well! We have to have one final fitting on your dress, check over everything at the Manor, make sure that everything is ready for tomorrow, and have the best sleep over in the world!!”
“Who’s gonna be at the sleepover?”
“Me, Cas, Bab, and Diana”
You nod, “So it’s a bridesmaid only sleepover”
“Yup! I called Diana, she’s already at the seamstress’. She really took being your maid of honor seriously”
As you grew up, you and Diana had become closer. The Amazon princess taught you a lot about the world, about fighting, and about friendship. After Damian and Conner, you would say that Diana is your best friend.
“Good, lets hurry through the fitting so we can grab a coffee”
Cassandra lets out a soft chuckle, “More coffee?”
“Steph only let me have half a cup!! It’s sacrilege!!!”
Stephanie bursts into laughter, “Fine, fine. We can all get coffee before we head back to the Manor”
“Thank you!”
Once everything is done for the day, and the five of you are all gathered in the huge nest-like cinema room, you finally manage to break away from the group and call Damian.
“Hello, Beloved”
“Hey, Dami”
“I have missed you, Amira, more than I can ever convey”
“I missed you too, but we’ll see each other tomorrow”
Damian sighs, “I wish you were here now, I hate to sleep in our bed alone”
“I know you do, love, but it’s only for one night. Have you practiced your vows?”
“Of course, I would not forget them because they are what I think every time I think of you”
Diana steps into the hallway with you, “Stephanie grows impatient, Y/N. You will see your love tomorrow, tonight it is time to spend with friends”
“I have to go, babe”
“Of course, I love you”
“I love you too, Dami. Dream of me”
“Always. Goodnight, my Beloved”
Slowly pulling the phone away from your ear, you turn to your best friend, “Is it bad that I miss him?”
Diana’s smile is sad, “No, it shows that you truly love each other, and love is something to be cherished. I hope this night passes quickly, so you may be returned to your love”
“Thanks, Diana. It … it means a lot to have you here. I know that you’ve know me since I was a child, but I’m really glad that you’re my maid of honor, that you’re my best friend”
Diana pulls you into a hug, “You are the sister I never had. I brings me joy to see you find happiness. It is my honor to be your friend, Y/N. I have never been in a human wedding, but I know that yours will be beautiful”
“Thanks, Diana. I’m … I’m so nervous, but at the same time I’m so excited”
“You know that your uncle will cry, yes?”
You smirk, looping an arm trough Diana’s and leading her back to the sleep over, “I’m counting on it”
The next day is a flurry of motion. Between getting your makeup and hair done, and practicing your vows, making sure that everyone has arrived, and then getting into your dress, you begin to wonder why you and Damian didn’t elope.
“Well, well, well … aren’t you the most beautiful bride I’ve ever seen, darling”
“Uncle Lex!!” You fling your arms around him, “You’re late”
Lex chuckles, “I’m never late, everyone else is always early”
You roll your eyes, “I thought it was the brides job to be late for the wedding, not the escort”
“In all seriousness, thank you” Lex leans forward, pressing a careful kiss to your cheek, “When you and Damian first promised yourselves to each other, I told him that I wanted to walk you down the aisle. That was my one condition to allowing you two to continue dating. But you chose me all on your own, when you have hundreds of better people to give you away, you still chose me”
Hearing Uncle Lex’s voice thicken makes your eyes fill with tears, “You had better stop, Steph will kill me if you make me cry before I even get to the alter”
He lets out a hoarse chuckle, clearing his throat and straightening his suit jacket, “I’d have to ruin that pretty dress with blood stains, darling.” Lex glances at his watch, “Come one, the bridal procession should be starting soon.”
Most of the ceremony is a blur. You and Damian can’t stop staring at each other, just gazing into each other’s eyes.
“And you two have decided to write your own vows. Damian if you would like to start”
“Y/N … I love you. I’ve loved you since we were children. You were the first person that I ever loved, and the only one that I ever intend to love. You are my sun, the one who gives me life. I will love you until the day we die, and even beyond death. I promise to always take care of you, to always make you happy. I know that we will fight, but I promise to never go to bed angry, and to always wake with you in my arms. You were my first friend, you are my best friend, and are now my wife.” Unbidden tears well up, spilling down your cheeks, “I didn’t mean to make you cry, Amira”
You sniffle, “You’ve always had a way with words, Dami”
The priest clears his throat, “And Y/N, if you would say your vows now”
“I knew that I would marry you the moment I saw you. When you were standing there brooding, I knew that it would be my life mission to make you smile. Damian, I love you, I love you more than the tides love the moon. Every day it feels like my love for you grows even more, and at this point I don’t know how that’s possible. You complete me. You make me whole. I promised to love you when we were children, and that promise hasn’t change. I now promise to stand with you in everything you do, to be your rock, to be the person to take care of you. I promise to never betray your trust, and to stay with you through all life’s adventures.”
The two of you slide the wedding rings onto each other’s fingers. “I now pronounce you husband and wife! You may now kiss the bride”
Damian sweeps you into an all-encompassing kiss. The two of you are so wrapped up in each other that you don’t even hear the crowd stand up and cheer. He pulls back, barely an inch, lips still brushing against yours, “I love you … Mrs. Wayne”
“And I love you … Mr. Wayne”
You and your husband quickly make your way down the aisle while everyone cheers.
Once everything is over, the wedding, the reception, the plane ride to your honeymoon spot, you finally fell like you can relax with your new husband.
“I love you”
Lips press gently against yours, “I love you too. Always, Beloved”
“I’m glad you were my first friend, Dami”
Damian curls his arms around you, pressing the two of you close, “This is the happiest day of my life”
Slowly tracing your fingers along the planes of Damian’s face, you smile up at him, “Then I’m gonna make it even better”
Your husband raises one dark eyebrow, obviously not believing you, “And how to you intend to do that, Amira?”
Leaning forward you press your lips against Damian’s ear, “I’m pregnant”
Let me know what you think! Send any ideas or requests you have to my Ask Box!
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youngandhungryent · 5 years
Lil Wayne Says He Only Listens to His Own Music
By: Amira Lawson
In a recent interview with Bumbu Room, rapper Lil Wayne confessed that when it comes to Hip- Hop, he only listens to himself. “I listen to music that’s not hip-hop all the time because I don’t listen to no other hip-hop but my damn self. And I only listen to myself. For me, you got Anita Baker, Keith Sweat, Marvin Gaye, Bob Marley, Tech N9ne. If you wanna call that Hip-Hop, Judas Priest, Lamb of God, Nirvana, and Blink-182,” says the New Orleans rapper.
Lil Wayne admits to only listening to his old music when it’s time to rehearse for a show. He mentions that he simply can’t listen to old music because he is too busy focusing on listening and writing his new music. “Until Cortez put it on a setlist, meaning for my show, that’s when I have to listen to the song, cause I have no idea what the words are.”
There’s no secret in knowing that the sound of hip hop is always evolving. Lil Wayne says he loves the shift in the hip hop sound but acknowledges it’s not the same as the hip-hop he grew up with. “I love that it actually changed because back in the day you had to spit your heart out. Now it’s let’s just make something that’s cool to hear, we don’t have to listen to it. Listening is different than hearing.”
The post Lil Wayne Says He Only Listens to His Own Music appeared first on The Source | The Magazine of Hip Hop Music,Culture and Politics.
from Young And Hungry Entertainment https://ift.tt/2qPSz5w via Young And Hungry Ent. source http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/yahblogger/~3/-4MCO814vv4/lil-wayne-says-he-only-listens-to-his.html
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netherwar-rpg-blog · 7 years
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Welcome to the Wardens, Kat! Your application for a PRIEST OC has been accepted with a Aiysha Hart FC.
The application can be found under the cut. You have 48 hours to create a roleplay account (cannot be a sideblog) for your character and we will be updating our opening date soon!
O O C - I N F O
Name: Kat
Age: 22
Timezone: Est
Activity Level: 6-7
Extra: Nope
C H A R A C T E R - I N F O
T H E - B A S I C S
Name: Amira Ibn Sa’id Gender: Female Age: 34 Class: Priestess Faceclaim: Aiysha Hart
C H A R A C T E R - D E T A I L S
Nationality: Exotic Islands Appearance: Amira has long dark hair that hangs in waves around her face. The back normally bound to keep it from getting in her vision too much. She wears long flowing gowns that don’t ever fully cover her shoulders. A sweet smile can always be found upon her lips and crowns of flowers are normally weaved into her hair. She stands tall and her movements are graceful almost as if she’s gliding everywhere she goes. She has intricate flowers tattooed on both of her upper arms that flow onto her shoulders. A scar runs down her her left leg from a nasty fight she was in when she was younger and there’s a little scar on her right hip from a fall out of a tree. Personality: + Loyal, Sweet, Wise - Stubborn, Opinionated, Hot-Headed
C H A R A C T E R - B A C K G R O U N D
Amira was born the youngest child of the Oracle Ibtissam Ibn Sa’id. Her birth was cause for celebration. A perfect baby girl to complete the happy little family she was raised a bit more spoiled than her brothers but never lost her humble attitude. Her affinity for the light becoming clear as she got older. Her parents rejoiced that they would have two children in their family that would be of the light.
Her childhood was spent running barefoot through the woods of the islands. Always taking the chance to explore each time they were sent to visit one that wasn’t their home. She had a love for life and all things that could be found out in nature. Often she could be found weaving crowns of flowers and setting them atop the heads of all those in her family. Her laugh was quick and full and her temper though fiery did not come to the surface often.
Amira grew close to Siraj after learning that they were both of the light. The older brother who was not of the darkness she wanted to learn all she could from him. It made her happy to know that anything she might need to learn he would have already known. He was like a tutor himself to her and she adored him all the more for it. Though she was close with both of her brothers it was clear that she had a special bond with Siraj. Often she would wake him in the middle of the night with questions she just had to know the answers to. Insisting they could not possibly wait until the morning.
When her brothers were struck down with illness Amira’s heart broke. She tried to help all she could but her powers weren’t strong enough to do much and her parents weren’t convinced that she could have saved them even if they had been fully manifested. She spent the time that they were ill taking care of them and whispering little encouragements in their ears. News of Siraj’s plan came to her and she was firmly against it knowing she would lose him. She didn’t want to hear his reasoning. She just wanted them to both make it through. After hours of talking he finally convinced her to see things his way. To see that it was the best decision. A fierce hug was given to him and then she ran away to hide in the woods. Though she agreed with him it didn’t make losing him any easier.
She spent the days after losing her brother mostly alone. She would hide in the woods and cry and sing their song. Siraj had had a beautiful voice and often on their walks together through the woods they would sing. She was unaccepting of his loss and spent the time she had to herself finding a way to come to peace with it. She wanted nothing more than to have him back but her powers did not allow her to save him or raise him from the dead. She felt that it was a personal failing on her part and she threw herself into learning all about her powers and honing her skills. She would not fail again.
She grew closer to Tahir as time went on. Though she had always loved him and always been close to him they only developed the special bond they had after the death of Siraj. She clung to Tahir all the more part of her afraid she would lose this brother as well.
When Tahir left for Eldris news came of the Riftings that plagued the people there and Amira begged her parents to allow her to follow her brother to Eldris. She had to warn him. After much debating they finally agreed and Amira set off for the new land only a few days behind her brother. Her heart filled with dread at what they would encounter there but there was a spark of excitement too. She had always loved adventure and this trip was sure to be full of it.
Reason for joining the Wardens:
Amira has joined the Wardens for the adventure and to stay by her brother’s side. She won’t leave him in a strange land alone and she has always wanted to see Eldris.
Desired Connections:
Tahir is her only connection as of right now but I would love to maybe have it so that she has some friends. Whether they met when she joined the Wardens of maybe if one of the Wardens traveled to the Exotic Islands before she could know them that way.
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