#amira bb
bucknastysbabe · 5 months
shuffle your favorite playlist and post the first five songs that come up. then copy/paste this ask to your favorite mutuals <3
I LOVE YOU POOKIE you are officially the vicepresident of my cool earrings club mwah mwah ♡♡
I chose my playlist: 1977 bc it was a banger year for music
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kedsandtubesocks · 8 months
my sweet erikaaaa! does gojo ever pull pranks on you??
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MY DARLING AMIRA HI HI HI!! How’s your week going?! Thank you so much for swinging by and coming to chat with me!!! 🥹
And oh my god…
Satoru is the WORST!!!! Like I’m thankful he doesn’t do any serious pranks that would make my heart stop or could get mean cause I funny enough I actually hate being pranked because I’m such a big cry baby LOL
But he still does! So! Much! 😫 will put everything on the highest shelves out of my reach cause he’s a gremlin, tightens a lot of the jars around the kitchen so I have to ask him to open them or purposefully moves my poor baby yoda plushie around the house as punishment cause the only thing I should be cuddling is HIM 🤡
He’s also so notorious for hiding around corners or behind doors and jumping out to scare me cause he likes how I look when I’m angry since he’s such a freak LOL
But it’s okay…the best prank I ever pulled on him is the classic ignoring him as if I don’t know him/see him and even when someone asked about Gojo I’d say “who?” And the way he was a sobbing MESS was worth it LMAO!!
But Amira you lovely angel thank you so much for being such a radiant sun I hope the rest of your week is good and kind to you 🦋✨💖
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madame-fear · 7 months
The worst game I have to play every day is deciding whether I should go to uni or not. I almost fell back asleep today and it's my second day (🤡)
In my defense the first three days are all introductions but it's still important to go just in case the professor says anything important about expositions or exams but still, I don't wanna go
Not you falling back asleep on your second day of uni HAJSKFKKRIS girl it can happen, trust me that’s something that I could easily go through 😭 The amount of times I accidentally overslept some online classes a few minutes after they started and I had to justify myself somehow... ☠
I get the dread though don’t worry ajkdkdfy Like for now its boring af, but yk you gotta be aware in case anything important happens — it’s just one more day of introductions and then the less boring classes will start !! Right? 😭
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faejilly · 1 year
it can be a fic or meta, but if you're feeling inclined i would love to know more about your opinions for how alec's family gifts in your headcanon would present with even more eldritch elements to it?
oh, I have so many feelings, thank you lovely. Pls enjoy my version of bb!Alec (who is still much too old for his age because he's Alec)
Alec hasn’t even been Marked, still technically a fledgling rather than a Shadowhunter, when he learns that most nephilim can’t hear their weapons sing.
There’s a man come to see his parents, an important man, a dangerous man. But not just in the way nephilim are supposed to be dangerous, though the rhythm of his steps make it clear he can fight as well as any other Shadowhunter Alec knows. There’s something else though, something beyond his skill, something that’s not explained away by the way everyone in the Institute all bow their heads to his titles, Consul and Warrior and Sir.
Alec can hear him, something humming under the man's skin almost like a seraph blade dreaming in its hilt but off-key, a discordant whine that makes Alec want to cover his ears but he knows that wouldn't help; the noise isn’t really a noise, he can feel it in his blood, between his bones, not in his ears at all.
He doesn’t know what it is, doesn’t know what he should say, or to who, but he can’t let it go, it pushes in the back of his throat and it has to be let out.
He thinks if he tries to speak and it doesn’t work, the pushing will get worse, will hurt, will perhaps not let him stop, not ever again.
If that’s true, (it is true, he doesn’t know why or how, but it is, he knows, knowledge deeper even than the laws and runes he’s memorized from the Grey Book, the ones that make the power under his skin flicker and flare, waiting for the first Mark to settle it), he can’t do what his father would prefer, and tell his parents in private. He can't risk them choosing not to listen.
If he can’t be discreet, he has to go far enough the other way that he’s inevitable.
Luckily, the hum from the man is just enough that his seraph blade doesn’t like it either, hissing to itself in the hilt when it ought to be asleep, and Alec knows he can tell them about that. He’s worked with the Weapons Master, with his father, his favorite chore is tending to the adamas in the Institute's care.
So he waits outside the armory, plants himself in the middle of the hall when the man and his parents approach, makes sure the door to the armory is cracked so Master Amira will hear him too, might even come out and back Alec up, if he’s lucky.
He waits, and he doesn’t step back against the wall, and his mother is lifting a brow and his father’s mouth is too tight, neither of them impressed that he’s just there in the way like a mundane too stupid to move.
Before either of them can do anything, Alec falls forward, prostrating himself before the man, arms spread and forehead pressed to the tile, because there’s no way to say what he’s going to say without it being an insult, and this is the only way he’ll get the whole thing out before he’s in too much trouble to be allowed to continue.
The man’s footsteps don’t slow, and Alec realizes he’s going to just walk right past him, and he’s offended enough his chest burns, and he almost can’t feel the pressure in his throat anymore.
How dare he ignore a sign of supplication like that? He’s got worse manners than Izzy and no excuse for them at all.
“Consul.” He hears his mother’s voice, low but steady, and the footsteps stop.
She’s as offended as he is, Alec can tell, he can taste it in her voice, but no one else can ever taste her moods like he can, so he’s sure no one else knows. Yet.
But he does, and it’s enough. If she knew what he knew, she’d speak, and they’d listen, they’d have to.
So he’ll have to do as well as she would.
“Begging your forgiveness, sir.” Alec projects his voice as well as he can, for all he’s talking to the floor. He can’t raise his head, not even an inch.
The Consul doesn’t say anything, but neither does he move.
“Why do you not care for your blade, sir?”
There’s a shocked silence, and Alec can hear the weapons in the armory startle awake as his father reaches, and he can feel Master Amira’s axe-blades as she joins them in the hallway.
“What seems to be the trouble, sirs?” Master Amira’s voice is smooth and clean and Alec reminds himself to breathe.
“The Lightwoods are about to lose their heir,” the Consul answers, his voice tight and the hum beneath his skin twisting down a half a pitch, sharp and unpleasant, “unless they explain his behavior very quickly, and very well.”
“I do not think so.” His mother’s voice rises, as pure a tone as any Alec has ever heard from adamas and he realizes he has lifted his head to look at her, that everyone is looking at her, the pair of clerks who follow the Consul everywhere, someone in every doorway down the hall, a silhouette behind Master Amira he can’t quite identify; even in the glimpse he can get of the corner of Ops behind his parents, everyone has turned toward the sound of her voice. “You should answer him, Consul.”
The Consul’s eyes widen, and his shoulders go back, and that feeling of danger rises, rises, and then it’s cut off, a sharp clean silence as Alec’s father takes one, single, step, letting the heel of his boot hit the tile just so. “My son is a Lightwood.”
“Recognized and sworn before an Iron Sister, sir.” Amira adds, and Alec blinks, aware now of what the odd visit last year had meant, the woman in white who had laughed as if she wasn’t dressed for mourning, who had shown him her throwing daggers and grinned when he’d hit the target with them, and given him two pure slivers of adamas to keep, one for each boot.
The Consul has gone still, and his expression is unimpressed, but the hum changes pitch again, and his clerks look nervous, eyes moving too quickly for all they’ve kept their bodies still.
“Sir.” Robert speaks into the silence, and his voice is like nothing Alec has heard from him before. He’s still quiet, still deferential and polite in tone, but it’s sharp somehow, the glint of a knife as it is slowly pulled from a sheath, the light of a seraph blade the instant before it materializes. He’s not really asking a question. “Your answer.”
“My blade has been cared for by four generations of the Dieudonné line, his question is an insult to my bloodline that has earned no answer beyond contempt.”
“Then why is it crying?” Alec doesn’t lower his head this time, for all his neck aches from the angle required to look up at the adults surrounding him. “It is awake, sir, and in pain, and you are not soothing it.”
Master Amira makes an odd choked-off noise he’s never heard before, but the rest of the hall is silent, and the silence grows, deeper and thicker, until Alec realizes he’s looking at his mother again, that they’re all looking at his mother again.
“His words are True.” Maryse’s voice is a hiss, barely louder than the blade, yet it carries. Her voice fills the hallway, perhaps through to Ops as well, perhaps beyond; it feels to Alec like the whole Institute can hear it, this one soft note of revelation whispering between them all. Her voice still rings like a bell against something inside him, something he has no name for but recognizes as the weight behind that pressure in his throat, the balance in his blood that hears better than his ears. “You will answer, or you will be foresworn.”
“You cannot-” one of the clerks attempts to speak, but Master Amira snorts and they give up.
“My parents were very traditional.” His mother’s voice sounds normal now, calm and conversational. But it still tastes like copper to Alec, like blood, and the tension in the hallway doesn’t ease. He eases himself back and up until he’s kneeling. Until he’s ready. “When my brother was forsaken, they dedicated me to the Mortal Sword as the new Trueblood heir.” Maryse smiles, and Alec can feel everyone except his father move back, trying to get away from it. “I absolutely can.”
The Consul looks contrite, bows his head in apology, enough that Alec can feel the other adults relax, just a little.
But the hum beneath Dieudonné’s skin has turned into a scream, his seraph blade wails in grief and fury, and Alec is moving before he realizes it, one hand in each boot, a flick of each wrist, and two slivers of adamas go through the Consul’s throat before he can speak.
Shock holds them all still, the scream rises into a shriek, twists and throbs and fades, at last, though Alec can’t hold in the shudder while it lingers. The Consul’s eyes are still open, but darker than they were, than they should be, and blood is dripping from them as well as his throat, and his ears, and his nose.
He stays standing for too long, still and stiff, and then a drop of blood hits the floor, one, then another, and finally he sways, and falls. His mouth opens as he hits the ground, and a dark cloud rises from it, smelling of sulfur and steel and something green that Alec will recognize five years later the first time he handles angelbane.
The former Consul jerks, his joints moving wrong in his death-throws, something too sharp to each convulsion, something other.
“Fuck,” someone Alec doesn’t know breaks the silence two long heartbeats after the body stops moving. It’s only then that he sees the rune that has now appeared, a Circle just like Hodge’s, broken by twin spears of adamas piercing through it, one on each side.
No one moves for yet another heartbeat, and Alec can’t look away from the man on the ground, the man who clearly wasn’t just a nephilim, not anymore, not like the rest of them. The man he’d killed. He’d killed the Consul of the Clave, in front of witnesses, in the middle of the Institute, before his parents…
He can feel a shared look over his head more than he can see it, and then his mother’s hand is on his shoulder and his father is calling out orders and she’s leading him away and his footsteps are running to Ops and an alert alarm is sounding, one Alec can’t hear properly through the blood rushing through his ears, and he’s relieved when his mother takes them both to his room, and tucks him into bed, and shields his door with her personal rune as well as every warding rune he’s ever seen. He smiles at her in thanks, and lets himself go.
She’s there again when he wakes, and at first he can’t remember anything. He starts to move, and feels the tug of an IV, the rattle of the stand next to his bed shifting with his movement. He blinks, and his mother sighs. It sounds like relief, and he blinks again even as she moves close, reaches out and brushes his hair off his forehead.
“It’s been a long time since an heir manifested two blood gifts at once, especially before receiving his first Mark.”
Alec had opened his mouth to… he wasn’t sure, probably apologize for being lazy after committing murder and then not even cleaning the ensuing mess up himself, but that stops him. He shuts his mouth, swallows, blinks for a third time, trying to get his thoughts to line up into something more coherent than what?
“Is that what I did?”
His mother smiles, and it’s as far as possible from her expression in the hallway, warm and soothing and grateful. “That’s what you did.”
He lets that sink in, lets the implications and conclusions and possibilities trickle their way through his thoughts. “Does that mean I’m not gonna be buried at a crossroads for killing the Consul?”
His mother winces, leans forward until her forehead rests against his, and he feels dizzy and lightheaded with something almost like joy as he recognizes what she’s doing as comforting, for both of them. “Oh baby, no.”
He closes his eyes and lets himself feel the weight of his mother being his mother before anything and everything else, and doesn’t even fight it when he feels his eyes getting wet and his skin flushing with relief and confusion and love and who knows what else.
“You will never be in trouble for what you did to Malachi.” That chime was back in his mother’s voice as she whispered against his skin, and it soothed him in a way nothing else could, resonating against his worries until they faded. “You saved the entire Clave from whatever he would have done in the Circle’s name, whatever he could have done to our Institute with the Curse Valentine had put in him when he was discovered. The Inquisitor is going through the entire Council, soul by soul, to make sure she finds them all, and it’s only because of you that she has the power to do it.”
Eventually she lifts her head, and her eyes are damp too, he can see it when she blinks. “But you will have to go to the City of Bones and meet a Silent Brother and the Soul-Sword.” Her smile quirks, and he realizes there’s pride there in her expression, on top of a complex mix of emotions that don’t make any more sense than his own. “Though that might be less scary for you than it was for me at your age, if you can hear the Soul-Sword as well as you hear seraph blades.”
“I can hear all the weapons in the armory.” Alec corrects before he can think about it. “You can’t?”
His mother laughs, short and damp and beautiful. “Even your father can’t, and he’s the only Lightwood left who can call his weapons to him. You’ve got a stronger Blood-Gift than he does.”
“I do?”
His mother nods. “Your father asked me to tell you he’s sorry he didn’t tell you so earlier. And I’m sorry I didn’t tell you, either.”
This entire conversation is so far outside of anything he’s ever felt before, and his bones feel too light-weight under his skin and he doesn’t understand. “Why?”
“Did you consider telling me or your father about what you heard from Malachi’s blade?”
Alec frowns, and his mother lifts a hand, palm facing him, stopping him before he can protest the change of topic. “I promise I’m answering your question, please.”
His parents apologized, and his mother said please to him, like she meant it.
He shook his head from side-to-side. “I knew you’d want me to, but.” He stops. He doesn’t know how to explain that feeling, that pressure that he still suspected would have broken him if he’d tried to speak the truth and been told to keep quiet. His mother’s fingers brush against the line of his throat, and his eyes widen as he stares up at her, as he sees a tear overflow and slowly slide down her cheek as she nods, just a little, and he realizes she knows exactly what he’s not saying.
“We taught you we couldn’t be trusted, so you had to act alone.” There’s that chime again, and another tear falling. “But that’s all going to change now.”
It’s a promise, he knows, he can feel it. “What is that?”
“That is the Trueblood gift. My father could make any vow magically binding just by witnessing it, and his father could tell when someone stated something untrue, even if they believed it themselves.” Her mouth quirked. “He called it tasting lies.”
“Can you do that?”
“No.” She closes her eyes, too slowly to be just a blink, and this time when she sighs he can feel the weight behind it. “I can hear Truth sometimes, ride it, verify it, make sure everyone else believes it.”
She opens her eyes, and there’s guilt now, and grief, dark and deep and endless. “Valentine recruited your father and I personally, and I believed everything he told me about what he was doing, and why, and because I believed him, because there was a Trueblood supporting him, a lot of people who wouldn’t otherwise have let him be… let him get away with, well. Everything.”
Alec goes still. He can tell she’s telling the Truth still, and he doesn’t want to know that, doesn’t want to feel it, but he can, he does, and he’s never ever going to be able to forget what this feels like, this truth that turned his whole life into a lie that he’d never known he was telling.
He swallows down the nausea, the outrage, and waits.
“But when your father told me what he learned about what Valentine was really like, I couldn’t believe the lies any more. We turned ourselves into the Clave, and they only let us back because I rode the Truth when I vowed that we would be loyal to the Council, when I vowed on my bloodline, back to my parents and.” Her voice drops, lower and softer. “And down to my son, who is a Trueblood too.”
“And then you lied to me about it.”
“The Council forbid anyone from talking about the Circle.”
He gives her the look that line deserves.
She’s almost trembling, her hands held too tightly by her sides. “We didn’t want you to have to bear the weight of our mistakes.”
“But I do.” He looks at her, really looks at her, in the same way he looks at the weapons in the armory, and the hilts strapped to the side of visiting nephilim, and the way he’d listened to Malachi and heard Valentine’s Curse in his blood.
Alec can almost see the pattern of the fragile scaffolding of his mother’s emotions, suppressed down under her skin, forced to only exist between the fine lines of her plans, of her will and desire and ambition and pain, all constraining her gift into something so much smaller than it could have been. The foundation of that scaffolding seems shaken, it feels fragile. But it hasn’t moved, hasn’t fallen. She regrets how he feels, sincerely means to change, but she hasn’t, not yet. It’s all still there.
“Every single one of them has been put on my shoulders, and because you hid them from me I thought all that weight was mine, was me, that I deserved every harsh word and mistrustful look, and every single one of them was about you.”
Maryse rears back, but they both hear the Truth in his voice, the sound that resonates between his bones, that builds and forces its way out, that refuses to be silenced. That he is never ever going to try and silence. “You can go.”
She opens her mouth. He lifts his chin, and she concedes. “Amira will take my place with you until the next medic visit.”
He almost frowns, wondering what she means. “You burned through almost all your angelic energy.” She tilts her chin and he glances sideways at the IV bag, half full of something that isn’t just saline, judging by the color of the label. “And you’ve been asleep for almost three days.”
Three? he mouths, more to himself than her, but she sees it, understands it, nods.
There are circles under her eyes, and he can hear the exhaustion she'd been trying to hide when she speaks again. “Let us try and take care of you this time.”
He nods, accepting her peace offering for what it is, and she leaves.
He settles, waits until the door opens again to let Master Amira in.
Only then does he close his eyes, knowing he’s safe, knowing she’s there for him. He knows he’ll forgive his parents when they come back, knows that if they try at all he’ll let them be his parents again. But he’s not sure if they’ll ever earn back his trust.
But he can trust Master Amira, and he’ll make sure to tell Izzy the truth, make sure she knows exactly which consequences are hers, and which are not. He’ll do the same for Max once he’s old enough to talk, and they’ll never have to bear the weight of their parents’ mistakes the way he did, never be expected to fix everything the Clave and Circle broke just because they were offered the mercy of living.
He smiles to himself, pleased with that decision. He can hear Master Amira settling down into the chair next to his desk as he lets himself relax, can hear the soft sweet chime of his adamas slivers being returned, can feel the familiar low rhythm of her axes. He’s always thought they seem like contented cats, purring as they rest against their chosen partner, but today it’s like they’re purring for him, too, soothing him back to sleep.
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naturally-dazed · 10 months
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bb girl!! (Amira)
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katsukikitten · 6 months
kitten!!! i’m coming over to ask to borrow some sugar (share a sweet moment between you and hakuji pls) ? 🥺
Hihi Amira 🖤 Here is your cup of brown sugar 🤎
Hakuji is my sweet protector, my observant man and he tries his best to take a gentle approach with me even when I need more of a firm hand.
I've got two sweet moments. The first is how he wakes me up for the day, goes in and turns off my alarm before he sits on the side of the bed, mattress dipping under his weight and his inked digits gently card through my hair. Knuckles tracing my skin and palm smoothing over my side, shoulder to hip, shoulder to hip. As time passes he adds just a bit more pressure until I start to stir and never takes off my blankets so that I'm abruptly woken up. When he sees my glare he just chuckles and leans over to give my cheeks or forehead a smooch.
"Good morning beautiful." His voice so soft, his grip on my hip tight enough to ground me in the land of the living, "I've got our coffee started."
As if he hasn't been up for hours!
And then the other is on Sundays. I'll trap him on the couch by crawling into his lap, he's a busy body man, needs to keep his hands busy because for him idle hands become the devil's hands!
My weight is just right in his lap, my warmth perfect as I tuck into this throat and he puts his chin on my head. Next thing I know he's lightly snoring in the late afternoon, his sounds lulling me to sleep until Gyutaro and his pretty girlfriend call us to ask when we'll be there for dinner 🖤🐈‍⬛
Thank you for asking bb 😌
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khaleesiofalicante · 11 months
Hi Dani, how are you? I hope you are eating and sleeping well. Love you.
Could you name the parents of each child of the new generation? I’ve had trouble reminding who’s child I’m reading about 😭. I truly love them but they are a bunch. Kinda remind me of my family ( we are a LOT).
Hello, bb. I'm doing okay. Getting some decent sleep this week so kinda suspicious what my body is upto 👀
The confusion is real lmao. Here's the main bebes.
Lance and Arthur: Max and David
Cami and Arjun: Rafael and Anjali
Atlas: Gigi and Roman
Joan: Lexi and Olivia
Iris: Selena and Gabriel.
Kincaid: Kyle and Victoria
In addition, some of the side bebes.
Antoine and Régine: Madeleine and Joseph (Paris Institute)
Theia: Achilles and Leila (Inquisitor and his wife)
Abigail: Simon and Izzy (Academy bebes)
Malik (we'll meet him soon): Amira (Selena's bestie) and Kamran (Karachi Institute)
if it helps, here's a family tree by @noah-herondale-lightwood💙
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breadmp3 · 5 months
my sweet amira happy birthday bb !! 💗💗💗🎂🎂 happy 25 !!!!!! 🫶🏻 i hope you have a lovely day :) kissessss 😘
thank you so much my beloved alba!!!🫶🏽🫶🏽 i hope you have a wonderful dayyy MWAH MWAH 😽❣️❣️
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seiwas-interact · 11 months
HI SEL BEL!! 🎃FMK: vampire!ukai, mummy!hinata, merman!oikawa
ty for playing! also i hope i sent this to the right blog!
omg amira bb u are adorable 🥺 i am excited to play ur game!!! this is very hard im crying rn
i will have to fuck vampire!ukai bc that is so hot. i am also going to have to marry merman!oikawa bc…….. i love him 🥺 AND. i am sorry mummy!hinata will hafta go becos…mummy…crusty…😖
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g-gyuutaros · 10 months
pretty vixen!! what’s your dynamic like with gyutaro? :3
Darling Amira!! Hi bb kiss kiss!
MMMM our dynamic is very much “it’s you. It’s always been you.” if that makes sense? I’ve never been very good at describing it AJSKFB
But we’ve known each other for so long, helped him raise Ume and the feelings were there but it’s kinda awkward at first. Trying to break through that “friends / family” sort of feeling.
Like us to everyone else is “theyre mine, yeah, always have been” but we just take FOREVER to tell each other. But we’ve always been ‘together’
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kedsandtubesocks · 3 months
BELOVED ERIKA!!!! what was your fave part of your vegas trip?? where did you stay?
MY DARLING DEPUTY AMIRA!!! You are so sweet I hope your days have been good to you 🥺
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So this was practically me during my Vegas trip LMAOO
We stayed at Cesar’s palace thankfully at a really good deal and I’m glad cause it’s my grandmas favorite hotel so that was nice!!
And as much as I made a fuss about the whole trip and did have some /: moments during it my absolute favorite part was enjoying a real true blue spa day(My life was changed lol) 🧖‍♀️
But tell me how has your week been?! Any cute HC of Mr Takami you care to share 👀
I’m wishing you a beautiful rest of your day and hope you get plenty of rest honey!!! 💖💕
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madame-fear · 11 months
Hola, Amira! Leí tu publicación sobre los temblores. SÉ que no hay nada que te pueda decir para hacerte sentir mejor al respecto, pero no creo que tengas que sentirte avergonzada al respecto. Es algo que no está en vos controlar, algo que no es tu culpa ni tu elección. Y sé que no poder controlar nuestro cuerpo quizás es vergonzoso y nos hace sentir débiles, pero nuevamente no es algo que uno pueda controlar o detener de forma inmediata.
Sé que no es exactamente lo mismo, pero yo por ejemplo tengo incontinencia urinaria porque tengo cálculos renales, y me siento muy avergonzada al respecto pero tampoco es algo que yo pueda controlar por el momento.
(mis intenciones son las mejores y espero sonar positiva, pero soy muy incómoda socialmente así que espero que no malinterpretes el mensaje o se malentienda lo que escribí)
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Ay cielo, la incontinencia urinaria es muchísimo peor que el tremor esencial :( La verdad es que tu mensaje lo entendí super claro, y la verdad es que te super agradezco por habermelo mandado! Me hizo sentir mucho mejor al respecto de este tema 🙏
Es cierto eso de que lamentablemente no hay forma de controlarlo ni es de nuestra elección vivir con esto, creo que simplemente vamos a tener que convivir con nuestros problemas e intentar encontrar soluciones medicas (como medicamentos, por ejemplo) para que no sea tan molesto :")
Nuevamente muchisimas gracias por mandarme este mensajito bello bb, ahora se me pasó un poco el malestar (y los temblores) y me hiciste sonreír bastante 🥰 Te mando besos, te devuelvo muuuchas vibras positivas, y te deseo lo mejorrr por ser tan bonita <33
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name: Armitage Hux
moniker: the general, vicious little squig, planet killer, Brendol's bastard, Sloane's snitch
official titles: Colonel, General, Lead Engineer, Weapons Director, Chancellor
pronouns: he / him
sexuality: homosexual, demiromatic 
species: human
birthdate: January 16th, 0 ABY
place of birth: Arkanis Academy, Arkanis, the Arkanis sector 
affiliations: Imperial Remnant, The First Order, First Order Republic 
residence: The Finalizer, The Imperial Palace
occupation: General of the First Order, Chancellor
spoken languages: galactic basic, arkanisi, ralltiiris, tusken sign language, twi'leki, durese, huttese 
comprehended languages: binary, rodese
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mbti: INTJ-A the architect 
enneagram: type five, the investigator 
zodiac: capricorn sun, scorpio moon, virgo rising
temperament: phelgmatic
intelligence type: logical/mathematical 
perspective: realist
alignment: neutral evil
positive traits: calm, diligent, professional, dedicated, ambitious, highly intelligent, creative, clever, adaptable, confident, charismatic
negative traits: manipulative, dishonest, sly, flippant, guarded, ruthlessly ambitious, cruel, apathetic, emotionally repressed
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height: 1.82m/ 6'1 ft
weight: 70kg/155lb to 72kg/160lbs 
hair: A vibrant natural red. Naturally soft and wavy. Falls an inch and half past ear length. Often parted on the left and elegantly coiffed to maintain a professional appearance during work hours.
eyes: round but slightly almond shaped, jade green, pale red lashes 
complexion: pale, cool toned, dotted with freckles that are often covered by protective bb cream during working hours.
body type: slight of frame, lithe, toned for swiftness and agility. 
accent: feigned aristocratic coruscanti accent; clipped, smooth. Clear and authoritarian whilst commanding his staff. Soft and drawling when speaking to his political allies. The soft hint of his original Arkanisi accent will surface when he is angry, overcome with emotion, or deeply comfortable with another person. 
posture: Stiff & upright.
The General― The First Order General’s parade uniform, often accompanied by his General’s great coat. Perfectly pressed and starched. During working hours Hux exclusively dons his uniform. During political liaisons he may wear his uniform or First Order ceremonial attire. If his intention is to sway his guest or make an impression, he may alter his uniform or opt for formal civilian clothes. When outside of uniform he often wears cool tones; slate blue, ice blue, mint green, white, gray or silver. 
The Chancellor― The Chancellor often dons elegant embellished ceremonial garments while addressing the public. He actively uses color theory in his choice of apparel. White, silver and champagne are the colors he primarily wears during public appearances. Speech and ceremonial apparel are often more structured, while garments chosen for galas or socials often consist of supple, flowing fabrics. Beneath all of his public ensembles, lay light armor and concealed weapons. The Chancellor's public wardrobe is carefully curated by his assistant, Chloe. At home he opts for simpler wardrobe— light, elegant fabrics that will not restrict him whilst carrying out his many responsibilities.
scars: he has blaster wound scars on the left shoulder, right abdomen and left side. light scarring on his knuckles. jagged scars across his his knees. lash scars across nearly the entirety if his back, leaving raised uneven skin in some areas. a dagger scar near the collar bone. an uneven ring around his throat from scarred bruising. and a few scarred burn marks upon his forearms.
face claims: Domhnall Gleeson, Charlie Plummer ( teen, Aftermath era) , Jonathan Tysor ( child, Aftermath era )
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father: Brendol Hux
(step) mother: Maratelle Hux
birth mother: unknown kitchen woman
brother: archex @fcalty
legal guardians: Chikao & Amira Mitaka
fated guardians: Rae Sloane & Pienna al Trel ( @altrel )
adoptive uncle: Orson Krennic @debelltio, modern verse.
husband: Kylo Ren. @cruoren, main verse.
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special skills: eidetic memory. natural liar and manipulator. heighted engineering skills specializing in battle simulation, weaponry, tracking systems, and defensive software. short and long range shooting skills. knowledge of various poisons and antidotes. trained in guerilla-warfare-style hand-to-hand combat. practiced in echani. high pain tolerance.
weapons: SE-44C officer's blaster pistol, RK-3 pistol, monomolecular blade, vibroblade, DLT-19D heavy blaster rifle.
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a-fall-of-stars · 1 year
Came for the ravishing gifsets, and stayed for the lovely person that creates them 🥰💕💕
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ILYSM Amira tysm bb!! 😭😘
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katsukikitten · 1 month
good morning miss kitten! 🐈‍⬛ 💛💛💛 who are you thinking about today? who’s being loud in the mansion today?
Hmm I think Katsuki and Akaza are being SO loud in the mansion or should I say so clingy.
The weather has been terrible and it's making me and Katsuki moody and snoozy so poor Akaza is having to deal with his brats
Hope you had a good day miss Amira bb 🖤🐈‍⬛
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seiwas · 11 months
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