majorka-passion · 5 years
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Блокировку сняли, банда. 👍🏼 Покажите свой актив родные ❤️ Подписывайтесь на моих друзей @majorka_msk, @majorka__video__. ☑️ Кто напишет больше всех комментариев попадёт ко мне в историю. 😎 . . . . #mercedesbenz #mercedesamg #benzamg #amgram #amggang #cclass #c63w205 #w204club #w205amg #w204life #w204amg #w205c63 #c63samg #c63amgpassion #c63samg #e63amg #eclass #e500 #e55club #w212amg #mercedesw213 #mercedesw212 #carporn #carpassion #mercedesbenze63amg #mercedesamg63 #majorka_passion #e55amg #cclass (at Machatschkala, Dagestan, Russia) https://www.instagram.com/p/B4puqQjnLgY/?igshid=1i7oj1ad1fxcw
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frith-inle · 5 years
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Sleipnir by AMGram
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amgrams · 4 years
ive changed my url from @panparkison to @amgrams
my content is also changing. i will being posting short stories and things of the like, all of which will no longer be related to the hp fandom. things of that nature with be on my second blog @theamericancharmer
stay sweet <3
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dfnm-mnfd · 6 years
tom riddle made an evil villain nickname out of an amgram of his own name... what a fucking dork
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twenty1-grams · 8 years
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Deer by AMGram on DeviantArt
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bishoujomichiko · 8 years
YOI Mafia AU: Ch. 2
Ch. 1|Ch. 3
I still haven’t found a name for it yet! It’ll all come to me before I post it on ao3. Let me know what you guys think! WARNING: EXPLICIT LANGUAGE & MILD VIOLENCE
Yuri took another swig of beer, and burped, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand. That fucking pig He slammed his fist on the bar’s countertop, resulting in stares from the people in the room. He was livid. Why the hell did he have to pair up with Minami? He had proved himself time and time again on every single damn job the pig boss had given him. What fucking more did he want? It completely grated Yuri that a Japanese man was the leader of the Russian gang in the first place. It was absolutely unheard of. Viktor was supposed to be the next in line. And then after, Yuri would have staked his claim. He had it all planned out since he was a kid. Yakov took Yuri in when his grandfather passed away. He and Nikolai had been friends for over thirty years. Yakov promised his old friend that he would make sure Yuri had a good life. He did not keep his promise that Yuri would not be entangled in Russia’s underground, though. Something that could not be blamed on Yakov, because Yuri had begged him to let him join. Yuri had no ties to anything, and after his grandfather passed, all the love had went with him. What was left was rage, and the only way to quell it was to kill. He didn’t know why it happened that way,or how, but it did. Every time he put his bullet through someone’s body, he felt the anger within him subside. As if taking away life was his only solace; what made him feel normal. Yuri still remembered his first kill. He had just turned sixteen, and was on a raid of a small rival gang in St. Petersburg. He had staked out with Viktor all night, waiting for the perfect moment to rush in. The person they tagged had entered the warehouse, wheeling in big crates of Colombian cocaine. “ Let’s give him a couple minutes-” but before Viktor could finish, Yuri was already at the warehouse doors. He couldn’t believe these morons didn’t have any security outside. He managed to slip in before the doors closed shut. Adrenaline flooded Yuri’s veins, and his Amgram gave him an outlet to channel it. He couldn’t even see where there were shooters in the warehouse, or even the target they were after; he just sprayed the sub machine gun everywhere. Bodies were dropping, and he still hadn’t taken a bullet himself. Suddenly a hand pulled at his waist and he was being dragged behind a stack of heavy crates. What the fuck is wrong with you? Viktor hissed. Now bullets were whizzing by their heads, from in front and from behind. ”Get the fuck off me!” Yuri pushed Viktor away, almost sending him out from behind their new found defense. Yuri wanted more. He wanted to see more bodies hitting the floor, he wanted more of his bullets embedded in someone’s brains, or stomach, or chest; just pumped full of lead. He wanted to hear them screaming, to hear their agony. He wanted to feel something again. There was so much hatred in his heart, he had to share it. Yuri never did get the chance to head back into the fire, because backup had came and made quick work of those remaining. The next thing he knew they were wheeling crates into a truck outside, hurrying before the cops showed up. Yuri was seething, the anger settling inside his stomach, turning and turning-Yuri heard and felt a loud crack across his face. The silver haired man was towering over him, that lax smile that usually spread across his face was replaced with a smaller one. A frightening one. ”You really want to die today, huh?” Yuri rubbed his cheek and was about to hit Viktor with a right hook when he was slapped again. “You motherfuck-” “Do you think your grandfather is proud of you?” The question seemed to silence the sounds around Yuri. What the fuck did he just say? “Yakov promised your grandfather he’d protect you. When he’s not around, that promise falls to me. I don’t think your grandfather would want to see you go through life with a death wish.”Viktor went to clap a hand on Yuri’s shoulder, but Yuri pulled back. “Don’t act like you fucking know my grandfather. I’ll fucking kill you.” Viktor sighed, the mannequin smile returning. Yuri hated that Viktor was right. He knew everything he said was true because he wasn’t fucking stupid. He knew his grandfather would have never wanted him to become a mafia member, nor try and go Rambo every chance he got. But this feeling that was within him, he couldn’t get rid of it. Everyday his temper got worse and worse, and the only thing that helped had tucked itself inside the ammunition in his guns.
Yuri finished off his third beer, glancing at his watch. He had been living on the edge of insanity since his grandfather left him. Teeter-tottering between being a man mad, and a mad man. Yakov had tried his best to guide him, Viktor trying as well-but none of them made a damn difference. A hand tapped Yuri on his shoulder, and he almost went to grab it and snap a finger, but the owner to that hand eased into the bar stool next to him. ”Whatsup? Sorry I’m late!” It was Minami Kenjirou. He was about forty-five minutes late and sixty seconds away from getting the shit beat out of him. Yuri did not wait for any-goddamn-body. The man was fairly new to the Mafia, it was his third year with them. Yuri had only met him once in passing, but he heard rumors of the man’s kindness. Weakness. Yuri did not like pussy-ass deal makers like Minami. He thought they were nothing but a bunch of little bitches. All they did was talk, but when it came down to action, they hid behind people like Yuri. Yuri was a fucking killer not a protector, not a babysitter. ”So what are you drinking? I’ll get you another on me, an apology for making you wait!” Minami smiled brightly, Yuri wanted to punch his teeth in. ”How about this? I tell you how the fuck this job is gonna run, and you do everything I say? How about that, bitch?” Yuri said through clenched teeth. He snapped his fingers at the bartender, because he did want another brew, but he sure as hell wasn’t going to let Minami buy it for him. “Okay, grumpy! Cut it to me straight, lay down the law!” Minami laughed, which irritated Yuri even more. They could talk freely at the Union bar, because it was under the mafia’s jurisdiction. ”We’re leaving for China tomorrow morning. We’re going to Liuzhou city, or whatever the fuck it’s called. Our target is there. We find him, Get the information. And kill him.” Yuri chugged his beer, some of it dripping down his chin. “Kill him? Yuuri said that wasn’t necessary-” “Does it look like I give a fuck what that fucking pig said?” Yuri thought he saw a flash of something, he didn’t know what, pass through Minami’s eyes. But it was so fast that Yuri dismissed it. ”But the boss’s orders were to obtain the informant and bring him back to Russia. Then we get the information.” Minami took a sip of his green drink. Yuri knew he looked like the type to order some fucking fruity, feminine shit. ”Listen. Let me put this in a way you’ll understand. I,” Yuri pointed to himself, “Don’t. Give. A. Fuck. Was that clear enough for you? Or do I need to say it in your fucking language?” Not that Yuri knew Japanese. And the reminder that Minami was Japanese fueled his anger even more. Why the fuck were there so many damn foreigners in the Russian Mafia? Minami sighed. “Okay, got it. This is your mission, we do what you say.” Minami nodded to himself, finishing off his drink. He took the packet of information and plane tickets Yuri had placed in between them, rising from his seat. ”But, uh, if Mr. Katsuki questions us about why we didn’t follow his orders,” Minami gently pushed in the stool. ”Make sure you let him know that you ”don’t give a fuck”what he said.” And there it was, that quick glint in the man’s eyes that sent shivers down Yuri’s spine. As soon as he saw it, it was gone again. ”See you at the airport, sunshine!” Minami laughed and patted Yuri’s back. ”Don’t fucking touch me!” But Minami was already making his way through the tables out of the bar. There was no mistaking it, there was something there that Yuri saw. He still didn’t know what, but it felt like it could be cruel. Huh, interesting. Yuri wasn’t going to pay too much attention to it though, the guy still looked like a fucking pussy, either way.
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theskeletallust · 7 years
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Degeneration by AMGram on @deviantart
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gracecentered · 7 years
Re: The baptism in Mt.28:19
Quote from: notreligus on Today at 09:47:02 AMGrams is simply emphasizing GRACE and not rituals.    The Scriptures she quotes are so clear that there's nothing she or anyone else could say about them to give them more clarity.    Rom 11:6  But if it is by grace, it is no longer on the basis of works; otherwise grace would no longer be grace. The above is rather clear too.    The Book of Romans was written for the benefit of BOTH Jews and Gentiles.    Paul told the Jews and Gentiles that neither had an advantage in Christ.  Romans 11:6 was directed to Jews (and other legalists) who add works to God's Grace which is no longer Grace when works are added to it.   Grace is God's own work, so how can God's work and man's be the same?    Some are continually trying to equate the two but they are just destroying the message of the Gospel. Grams is discarding scripture and emphasizing a denominational understanding. http://dlvr.it/PLTxFX
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twenty1-grams · 8 years
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On Ugliness by AMGram on DeviantArt
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twenty1-grams · 8 years
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untitled by AMGram on DeviantArt
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twenty1-grams · 8 years
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White Lion by AMGram on DeviantArt
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gracecentered · 7 years
Re: The baptism in Mt.28:19
Quote from: Texas Conservative on Today at 08:48:33 AMQuote from: Jaime on Today at 08:37:19 AMGrams I would aubmit your preacher's dispensational view is in error. I know you think some of us are in error. I would say we ALL need to REALLY what we are taught from our pulpits. If we were ever wrong, we could be wrong again. In my opinion dispensationalism is a weak explanation of things. Let's ALL  consider the possiblity we might be wrong on some things. I certainly could be. The error isn't in dispensationalism.  Most dispensationalists would not say baptism was only OT or Old Covenant, as it is specifically referenced beyond the resurrection of Christ, and even beyond the book of Acts for those that make that a dividing line. Grams is like many who do not question their preacher.  No one should take their preacher's sermon as gospel.  They should be as the Bereans as search the scriptures to see if it is so.   http://dlvr.it/PLGy3Z
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