#amethyst birthday bash
amethystsoda · 19 days
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smash 🤓☝️
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cressidagrey · 4 months
The Starlight Princess - Chapter 2
There is a Pool of Starlight in the Spring Court. A piece of the Night Court that has no business being in the land of Eternal Spring. So how did it come to be?
Or: How the Spymaster of the Night Court starts hearing a voice, realises that no, he is not insane after all, frees a princess, kills a High Lord…and finds his mate all at the same time.
Discussion of the Death of Rhys’ Mother and Sister, Discussion of pre-mediated death, Tamlin bashing
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He came awake with a start. And then the memories of last night assaulted him. 
It was crystal clear in his mind, once again. 
This couldn’t be. This couldn’t be… It must have been a dream, right? 
And if not a dream, an alcohol-induced hallucination. Or maybe he had gone completely insane and had started to hear voices. Well, more voices than usual. He was not going to count his shadows. 
That would just be…
Master has not gone insane, the shadows told him drily. 
*Thanks for calling me an alcohol-induced hallucination.* Seren’s voice was dripping with disdain. 
His head hit back onto the pillow as he stared unseeingly at the ceiling. 
Azriel swallowed. This couldn’t…
*You are still there,* he realised weakly. He could hear her laughter in his mind…wafting over him like summer rain. 
*Not for long. Tamlin will be waking up soon. When he’s asleep, his grip on the wards is loosened. Makes it much easier for me to…make contact so to speak,* she explained, softly. Regret tinged her voice. 
If it was truly her…if it was…
It made him furious. The thought of Seren’s abilities being reduced to this, made him furious. It was…
*You aren’t real,* he tried. He tried to make his voice sound certain. 
He tried to push against her, but he had never been good at getting Seren to back off. Mostly, because every fibre of his very being wanted to give in to her. Give in to her siren’s song and do everything in his power to earn that beautiful smile on her face…Give in and make her laugh and give her whatever she needed. 
He wanted to give in. He needed to give in. 
*You taught me how to wield twin blades.* It was so out of left field that he could just swallow. But it was the truth. And it was something nobody knew. Nobody but them. *You had a pair of them made for me for my 17th birthday. They were inlaid with amethysts at the hilt. And you had them engraved, Azriel.*
He did. He did have them engraved.  They had been her gift. From him. 
Something he had given her, and spared no expense for…something that he had wanted her to have…something that…
*We trained every morning you were there…before my parents woke. So they didn’t know. We kept it a secret.* She continued. It was the truth as well. Every day, before the House of Wind had become awake…the shadows were on the lookout, ready to cloak them in darkness if anybody caught as much as a whiff of them…if anybody had ever found out, there would have been…there would have been hells to pay. Azriel didn’t doubt for one moment that her father wouldn’t have killed him. 
*You let me hold Truthteller when I was 15. Because I was upset that my father said that all I would ever amount to would be to be a proper wife, even if that was the last thing he did.* Her voice choked. 
The first time he had ever let that blade out of his hand. He had given it to Elain centuries later…but Seren had been the first one that had held it other than him. Seren had been…
He had offered it to her and she had taken it, slim fingers wrapping around the hilt. 
And she had wanted to learn how to use it, and he had taught her. 
Dagger lessons had turned into twin blades and into whatever else he could think of. 
It had been…
*We fought before I…before it happened,* she whispered the last sentence, the last blow…it could have decapitated him and it would have hurt him less. 
Azriel would always, always regret that last conversation. 
Always regret that for once he had stood up to her…that he hadn’t gone along with her hare-brained plan. The plan of a 17-year-old who had wanted to escape the arranged marriage her father had wanted to put her in…just like Morrigan had wanted close to two centuries before that. Just that Morrigan had seduced Cassian but had absolutely no plans to marry him. Seren…Seren had very different plans. Plans that had involved Azriel. 
And he had been too much of a fool to follow through with it. Even when he had wanted to. Gods, had he wanted to. 
*I am so sorry,* he choked out. 
*Don’t,* she cut him off. *I should have known…that…you wouldn’t have gone along with it. You were always…dutiful.*
And what had that resulted in? 
*You are more important than any duty to this court,* he whispered. More important than anything. 
*We were in a precarious situation. You were right. My father would have hunted us to the ends of the earth. Especially because I was underage. And he would have been well within his rights to kill you.* 
He would have. That had been the one thing stopping Azriel. 
Not the fear for himself…he would have gladly died if that meant that it bought Seren her freedom. But the fear of what her father would have done to her, if he had ever caught up to them…caught up to them running as far away as they could. 
What he would have done, if Azriel wasn’t there any longer to protect her. He should have just killed the then-High Lord. It would have been…better for everybody involved. 
*Rhys would have never forgiven you,* Seren quipped, having caught that throwaway thought. 
*But you would have?* he shot back. He couldn’t deal with her anger. Not at him. And him killing her father…
*I hated him for what he did to you. To my mother. To my brother. So no. Maybe I should have killed him. He had shoddy mental barriers. I could have just squashed his mind. Then we wouldn’t even have been in that mess in the first place,” Seren seethed. 
Her anger just fired her on his own, before suddenly it receded as suddenly as it had come. *I am sorry,* she apologised softly. *I wish we could have had more time.*
More time. Who didn’t want more time? 
He wanted it. 
Every fucking day, he wished he could turn back time.  *I wish that too.* 
*Tamlin is…* her voice grew weaker and he already knew that Tamlin must be waking up. 
*Go. Don’t hurt yourself for me.* he said immediately, his own head throbbing. 
She left. 
And Azriel…Azriel forced himself up. Forced himself to down the hangover cure he had kept stashed away…forced himself to drink two glasses of water. 
No more voices. 
His hallucinations seemed to be only her. Only Seren. Only Seren with her knowledge of things that only the two of them would have known. 
So maybe it wasn’t hallucinations after all. 
Maybe it was…Go to the spring court. Find me that Pool of Starlight, he demanded of the shadows. If it was true…if it was…
He didn’t allow himself to hope. 
Master? the shadows questioned, surprised at his forceful order. 
Find me that Pool of Starlight. If it’s true, we’ll…we’ll get the Princess back. 
The Princess?!
The Princess, he agreed. The shadows danced in response, utterly delighted by that promise. 
And he was too. 
If he could do something, anything to get Seren back… he would. He didn’t care about anything else. He didn’t. She mattered. She was the only thing that mattered. 
If he could get her back…
Research. He needed research. 
He needed…
He didn’t even bother with flying, instead, he was at the House of Wind as soon as he had choked down something that passed for breakfast, letting the shadows take him above it and plummeted to the ground, only to take off as quickly as he allowed himself to. 
Clotho was at her usual desk. If she was surprised by his sudden appearance, she didn’t let it show. 
Shadowsinger, her enchanted pen wrote on her pad of paper. 
“I…need to use the library. Please,” he brought out weakly. It was just a step above begging but he didn’t care. He would beg. He would plead. He would steal and lie and murder and he didn’t care. If it meant that…He would slaughter his way through Prythian if he knew that he would get her back safely. 
For the High Lord? 
“No, for me. Please. I need to…I need to know if I…I need to know if I can…If I can save somebody.”
The library is at your disposal, shadowsinger, Clotho wrote and he gave her something that may passed as a grim smile. 
So he entered the library, found himself the sections with curses and then started pulling any kind of book that may looked like it could be helpful. 
70 feet from the Manor is a Pool of Starlight, Master. 
His knees weakened. 
Maybe he wasn’t insane after all. 
Thank you.
We’ll save Princess?
Even if it’s the last thing we’ll do.
Problem only was…that he didn’t have as much as a clue with what to start. 
He pulled everything he could find about Spring’s shapeshifting abilities, needing to know how it worked to shift something organic and sentient into something very much not alive and still sentient. 
The nearest comparison that he could think of was Jurian, who had been trapped in that ring, but even that didn’t seem to quite fit. Especially because it hadn’t been Spring Court magic that had transformed her and that would work different than whatever spell that had been used on Jurian. 
And if it was Spring Magic, then how was he supposed to break it? 
He got the usual heaping of Killing Power every Illyrian had, and his shadowsinger abilities meant that he had…a few things that definitely weren’t usual, but none of it made him a particularly powerful spell-breaker. 
The best idea he had gotten had been to seduce Helion to do him a favour. Though Azriel highly doubted that the High Lord of Day would be very amused if Azriel showed up on his doorstep rambling like an insane person about Pools of Starlight, Princesses and Shapeshifting. If he needed to do that though, he was not above begging. Not even from Helion or from whoever else seemed like they at least had some kind clue how to…
The one thing every single book agreed on though, was Seren should have spent the last 300 years going insane, and not seem as mostly…alright as she had been during their quick conversations. 
She had seemed very much sentient and very much not insane. 
Well, not more insane than she ever had been. 
Halfway through the afternoon, he did need to take a break from his research, compile notes about missions and new intel into tidily written reports and fly over to the River House to hand them off to Rhysand and Cassian who was still nursing a hangover. 
At least somebody enjoyed the festivities. 
Rhys mustered him, violet eyes tight with worry, but Azriel ignored that. He had more important things to worry about. 
*Does he still spend 30 minutes doing his hair and pretend that he doesn’t?* Seren asked him, fond amusement colouring her voice as she slid into his mind and he opened up to her, letting her see what he saw. 
Her emotions bled over to him, her love for her brother, her longing…sweet and soft. 
*Is Tamlin taking a nap?* Azriel asked her, wondering why she was able to do this in the middle of the day. 
*No, hunting a poor deer. It’s easier the more…animalistic he goes.* Seren answered quietly. She was content just to watch as Cassian and Rhys discussed some plans for the next few weeks…
And then he could feel Seren’s startle of surprise, as he heard the high giggling and scampering of feet as 18-month-old Nyx came toddling into his father’s office, demanding Rhys’ attention. 
*Who’s… that?* Seren asked, even her mental voice sounding hoarse, as he watched Rhys scoop up his wayward son. 
*Nyx. Your nephew,* Azriel responded softly. *Your brother found his mate a few years ago. Her name is Feyre.*
She was quiet for a long few minutes, as they both watched Rhys settle Nyx on his lap, the toddler ready to destroy his father’s careful organisation with a few swipes of his pudgy little arms. 
*Please tell me she runs roughshod all over him. He deserves that,* Seren finally whispered. 
*She does.* 
She disappeared again, as he went back to the Library, continuing his research…and then showed up again once he was safely back at his house, when the night sky had long since darkened…Tamlin probably safely asleep. 
Azriel had half a mind to kill him. 
So when Seren slid back into his mind, and he could feel her careful touch…like she didn’t want to take up too much room, like she didn’t want to hurt him…
*Tell me what happened that day,* he asked. 
He could feel her terror at these words. 
And then, wordlessly…she pushed snapshots at him. 
He was right there in her memories…in her terror…the coldness biting against her wings as she soared through Illyria…the rain of arrows that suddenly hit her…the wordless scream as she plummeted to the ground…
she had been unconscious by the time she had hit the ground. 
She hadn’t…she had heard her mother’s wordless screams but she hadn’t seen what happened…by the time she was completely awake again, Seren had already been brought to Spring…already been clad in cuffs made out of a blue stone…
As long as my blood walks this earth, you shall be bound to Spring. 
That had been the words of Tamlin’s father, the then High Lord of Spring…and then there had just been excruciating pain as he and his sons forced their magic upon Seren. 
She pulled away from him, leaving him with her memories and he turned over the words, again and again echoing into his mind. 
As long as my blood walks this earth…as long as…
*It’s blood-based,* he realised. *That’s…That’s…That’s dark magic.*
Magic most faes would flinch away from…Magic that… *Magic is not inherently dark or light. The wards on Velaris are just as blood-based,* Seren disagreed, the scholar of her coming out. Spellcrafting had been a hobby for her of sorts, and Azriel had often found her in the library of the House of Wind, annoying the scholars who had then worked there. But even they had been unable to turn down the Princess of Starlight. 
*The purpose is what matters,* he repeated the words she had told him that often. 
*Yes,* she agreed. *The purpose.*
Azriel knew the purpose of this. And it was dark and he didn’t fucking care what anybody else had to say. 
*Well, at least we know how to break it,* he said darkly. *I’ll kill Tamlin.* 
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k-atsukibakugou · 5 months
for your wittle event i am asking for hanky panky with… shinsou 😔 (also i love u bye)
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HELLO LOVER!!!!!! thank u so much and im so so so sorry, i wrote this with my dick i can't even lie i don't remember half of this tw: toxic relationship + fingering (f!receiving) birthday bash intro + rules + menu | event masterlist
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fuck. fuck. fuck. “fuuuck,”
you ignore his chuckle when he shushes you, pressing a chaste kiss to the red mark at the side of your throat, his tongue already gliding over your skin before you can even fumble with the lock on the cubicle door. desperately, you clutch at his shoulders, blunt nails bruising the skin beneath his dark shirt when he nipped beneath your jaw again, sucking at the skin beneath your ear just to hear you suck in a hiss, revelling in how it hadn’t changed; he could still drive you crazy, could still cloud your mind with a single well-placed kiss.
fuck. you’d been so good; his number was blocked, you finally deleted that burner account you used to stalk his socials two months ago, you avoided the smoke shop on the corner near your place even though they had the cutest lighters and trinkets, you dyed your hair without worrying what he’d think about it. all of that, and still you end up here.
your lips are already swollen, tender from being sucked and bitten, shinso pulling you into the bathroom before it had even been an hour since you arrived, the taste of your cocktail still on your lips when he first kissed you. dizzy, you tug at his hips, breaking the kiss to breathlessly murmur his name, your heart jumping at the taste of it on your tongue after so long.
“shh, baby, i know,” his voice is so low and so gravelly when he whispers, his warm breath against your neck sending a shiver down your spine. you’re sure you’re soaking when he pops the button of your pants, sliding his hand down your abdomen into your underwear. he shudders feeling your soft skin, taking his time to drive you insane with his slow, electric touches to your drooling cunt; every touch deliberate, avoiding where you needed him until your hips were jolting, searching for him, until it was no argument how much you needed him.
his dark eyes sent a shock of lightning into your stomach when you finally felt the tip of his fingers at your clit, your body jumping into his touch the more he teased you. always obsessed with this push and pull, he wanted you to seek his touch, his body heat, his approval, he wanted you to seek him. if your eyes weren’t squeezed shut, you’d see the way his violet eyes glimmered watching your hips chase him.
you never should have tried to avoid him; you should’ve religiously checked his posts, zooming into every detail of the picture he posted smoking in the alleyway behind the bar, you’d have seen the logo printed on his chest if you had just stalked him. you’d know he dyed his hair darker (the exact deep indigo shade you loved on him), you’d know he changed his labret to a silver ring instead of the spiked post, you would’ve known how fucking good he looked. you would’ve touched yourself looking at the pictures of him instead of this, cum on your fingers again and again until it felt as good as he did.
you could have avoided this if you didn’t try to avoid him. if you hadn’t been so good.
you can’t help the whine that leaves you when he finally gives in, sinking his fingers into your needy cunt, infuriatingly slowly, like he’s savouring the way you pulse at every knuckle. shinso’s amethyst eyes are glued to your bitten lips, admiring the way your features changes when you grind your hips into his hand, how needy you look before he’s even moved. he’s still staring at you when he curls his fingers, dragging two fingers inside you just enough to have your jaw falling slack, to get your chest heaving, to get your cunt clenching around him like it always did; to make sure nothing had changed.
“god, i missed you,” you respond with a garbled version of his name, more of a broken moan than anything, unable to spit out anything else when he started fucking you with his fingers, pressing every button he knew would wind you up, working you closer to cumming before his break was over. he knew he could, he knew you inside and out, hatred or not, he could unravel you.
“you missed me, hm?” he nudges your jaw with his nose, smiling against your skin when your eyelashes flutter against your cheek, your breath catching in your throat, “i know your pussy did.”
i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, i hate you, every time your lips part to tell him as much, you can only moan instead, spouting gratitude, begging him not to stop, your anger from every argument melting from you the more your cunt drooled, the resentment deep inside you from every argument, every break up, swirling into something else the longer he fucked his fingers into you. did they even really matter when he had your cunt pulsing? when he could make you cum with one swipe of his thumb over your clit if he wanted to. he could probably make you squirt if you weren’t cramped in this cubicle with him. he decides he will when you come home with him, decides he’s going to taste you before the inevitable argument in the morning.
“fuck, you’re so hot when you act like you don’t need me.”
you can’t entirely tell if he’s being condescending, or if he wholeheartedly thinks every break up was foreplay. if he really thought you didn’t hate him for everything he did. for everything he didn’t do. for it always ending up like this. for every single ‘never again’.
“‘s always better when you’ve been avoiding me,” you still come undone, sticky cum coating his fingers when he talks down to you, that fucking face staring back at you when you meet his eyes again.
“but you always come back, don’t you?”
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mysteriawrites · 10 months
hello it is me hi hello
anyway…you already know from the server…
hi, im hannah!, im obviously swedish! my oshis are shu, luca, koto, and kyo…some wosemi too.
I’ve been doing dance for a super long time and i LOVE LOVE LOVE physical touch! (giving and receiving)
uhhh im bad at this
i tend to be a super fast typer so my messages always come out looking like gibberish
uhhh i hate calling but if im calling my bff or my s/o i will never hang up i love it sm!!
uhh, i tend to be pretty extroverted (due to my meds LMAOO) and im described as more of a golden retriever (however, i look like a black cat aporently)
Luca Kaneshiro!!!
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Congratulations Hannah Chan you got ur oshi! In all seriousness I think you guys would make a good pair.
You’re both sweet and energetic. You care a lot about the people around you and love to make friends. You also both try to hide your own problems and worries from others, but i think since you’re so similar it’ll be easier to notice and break each other out of these habits.
You and Luca met on somewhat unconventional means. It was the boss’s birthday and so he was having a big birthday bash with lots of people invited family, friends, and famous people alike.
You were hired as some of the entertainment. You were a well known and highly respected dancer and only the best of the best was expected at this party.
You had meticulously planned and practiced your performance for weeks until it was flawless. You had been told that this show could be a huge stepping stone in your career.
You arrived at the party in your finest outfit and set the stage for your performance. You were a bit nervous since it was such a large crowd of important people, but as every good performer knows: the show must go on.
Your show enraptured Luca to his very core. He couldn’t take his eyes off you. Your moves were so graceful and delicate yet bold and dynamic. He had to know who you were!
Sadly it was hard for him to get the time to see you given all the guests wanting to talk to you. By the time he got away from them your group had already packed up and left.
After the party Luca was on a mission to see you again and tracked down where and when your next show would be. He canceled all his plans and meetings to book a flight to your next location.
Was it an impulsive decision for someone he barely met? Yes. But something inside him was telling him he had to see you again.
You were in your dressing room one night after you last show when suddenly there was a knock at the door. You opened it to receive a delivery of chocolates and flowers with a note that said “Meet me at (insert restaurant here im too lazy)”
Sure you’ve had messages and gifts from creepy stalker fans before and you knew going was a safety risk. However something in your gut told you it was worth checking out.
And so you went. When you got there you were met with a familiar man with golden hair and amethyst hair.
Luca Kaneshiro finally found you.
Fast forward to you guys becoming fast friends and even faster lovers, you and Luca are a very active and energetic couple.
You both like moving and be being active. Him with working out and you with your dancing (which arguably is a workout in an of itself he has mad respect for you he couldn’t imagine moving like that). You guys stretch and go on runs together laughing and having so much fun it doesn’t even feel like working out.
~~and when you’re both sore afterwards you take a warm bath or shower together and give each other massages. Both activities may lead to a lot of touching 👀~~
Despite being busy with his work he always makes time for you as quality time is one of his love languages. He will always clear his schedule to go see your performances and spoil you afterwards because you deserve the fucking world.
He also uses dumb puns and pick up lines on you when you guys go on dates. Dates with you guys are usually a day out having fun and unwinding from your hectic lives. Like going to the amusement park (that he rented out for your whole trip) or going for a walk.
A couple with a lot of puppy energy that only has love to give. (I was gonna put more but this is getting too long)
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Runners up: Vantacrow Bringer, Doppio Dropscythe, Yu Q Wilson
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birthdaykungss · 1 year
Trending Balloon  Decoration in Delhi NCR
Balloon decorations have taken over the event industry, adding whimsy, charm, and elegance to a variety of celebrations The trend will continue to rise in 2023, with unique balloon displays becoming an essential element for parties. Balloons offer an incredible range of themes to create stunning surroundings for every occasion, from birthday parties to bachelor parties and even first-night wedding celebrations.
Events where we can utilize balloon decoration in Delhi NCR  to add a touch of elegance:
Balloon decorations have proven to be versatile, suitable for a wide range of events, whether it's a small, intimate gathering or a huge celebration. These beautiful decorations can add to the elegance of:
Birthday Party: Vibrant and eye-catching balloon decorations are a guaranteed way to create an appealing mood during birthday parties. Color bursts are among the top-selected trends for 2023. Themes such as "Rainbow Riot" and "Pastel Paradise" have become quite popular, adding excitement and playfulness to events. Giant balloon letters spelling out the birthday person's name give an individual touch to the decor.
Bachelor Party: Bachelor parties require big and trendy themes, and the "Galactic Adventure" theme takes center stage in 2023. Consider making the space into an interplanetary wonderland, complete with metallic balloons portraying stars and planets. This futuristic motif is ideal for kicking off the groom-to-be's bachelorhood in style.
First-Night Wedding Partners: An intimate and romantic setting is required for the first night of wedding partners. "Garden Enchantment" is a popular theme that combines soft, pastel-colored balloons with lush vegetation to create a beautiful, ethereal environment. Balloon flowers, fluttering butterflies, and delicate vines create the tone for a memorable evening of love and togetherness.
The following are the top balloon room decoration in Delhi NCR themes for 2023:
Blushing Beauty: This theme uses a delicate blush, rose gold, and ivory balloon palette to create an attractive and classy ambiance. This theme oozes romance and grace, making it ideal for weddings and bridal showers.
Midnight Masquerade: This theme is inspired by the mystery of a masquerade party and incorporates rich jewel-toned balloons such as sapphire, emerald, and amethyst. It provides a sense of richness to any event when combined with gold accents.
Electric Neon: The electric neon motif is popular among individuals looking for a vivid and energetic atmosphere. Electric blue, hot pink, and neon green fluorescent balloons create the tone for an exhilarating encounter.
Conclusion Balloon themes have emerge as a frontrunner in the dynamic world of event decorations in 2023. Balloons continue to grab hearts and improve the elegance of celebration with an endless number of carefully selected themes based on color and new ideas. Balloons provide beauty and magic to any event, from enchanting first-night marriage setups to exciting bachelor parties and colorful birthday bashes. So embrace the balloon decoration to make unique memories that will be remembered for years to come
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advika1 · 1 year
Distinct Jewelry For Various Events
It really has been rightly declared that females tend to be synonymous with charm and romance; these factors are given momentum with jewelry. Attractiveness, fashion, and also adornment tend to be interdependent phrases. The jewellery, cosmetic, and fashion industry would not have thrived had the female category not given importance to the same!
The sense of feeling wonderful and also stylish is generated with sporting pieces of jewelry to match the celebration. There are plenty of varieties to go together with every occasion - Kundan jewellery, navratan pieces of jewelry, pearl jewellery, semi precious stone jewellery, sterling silver pieces of jewelry, and more. Right from a wedding ceremony to wedding anniversary, birthday party, evening bash, special get-together, and the like, you can find modern and traditional adornments for all junctures. Know more in detail about Trishul Pendant.
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Donning pearl pieces of jewelry and also semi precious rock jewellery are a craze and fashion these days. Pure gold jewellery will be costly when compared with these merchandise. You can actually keep a huge collection and also have a set each for every single outfit! This is because of the affordability. Anybody can easily afford donning pearl jewellery and semi precious rock jewellery. Semi precious stones range from aquamarine, turquoise, amethyst, topaz, onyx, opel, diamond look-alikes, and more. When these are studded in pendants, bracelets, necklaces, rings, earrings, a touch of royalty is automatically included. You can put on the same in get-togethers as well as marriage functions. Though inexpensive, semi precious stone jewellery looks very costly. Additionally you can prefer wearing navratan pieces of jewelry where nine different semi precious stones in nine colours are studded. Pearl jewellery goes with any formal clothing.
Many a females these days have presented a new description to their style statement by putting on sterling silver jewelry. The wealth of designs in rings, bracelets, bangles, earrings, nose rings, pendants, and so on. will just bring in any buyer with the charm. And the best part will be that you do not need to be concerned about the price element as silver is far more affordable than gold. Go to an online shop; a few picked out shops have some of the largest collections of sterling silver jewellery. The variety of designs, as well as discount prices, will probably shock you. You do get certificates of authenticity ascertaining the quality of the actual jewellery items. Know more in detail about Tribal Jewellery.
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Worried about what pieces of jewelry to wear to your friend's marriage get together? Those hefty gold pieces of jewelry will be too highly-priced and you don't wish to sport them! Well, choose Kundan jewellery. If it is one more week remaining, check out an online store as previously mentioned and buy your Kundan pieces of jewelry right now!
0 notes
noblehcart · 2 years
1- For all the external appearance, size and design of a violin case wielding her initials, this is but a facade. Vanished to reveal a jewerly box equally worthy of the form. Awaiting for Nina inside there are a myriad of violins. A handcrafted collection of hair pins taking the shape of the instrument in yellow, white and rose gold. Each piece carrying the signature of a different complementary gemstone, from rubies to amethysts. The calling of every color for whatever she pleases each day.
Nina Ivanov's Birthday Bash @lordofthestrix
"Oh Uncle Tristan they're perfect!" She had been entirely thrown by the violin case because already she could feel the weight of her mother's exasperated look to her uncle, who had been explicitly warned against extravagant gifts. She didn't think it was so terrible to have very nice gifts, but she supposed her mother just wanted the best for her. Even still she was thrilled to open it just the same to find the array of mini violins delicate and shining in the form of hairpins. Already she knew exactly what she'd be wearing with each pin and thus was why she eagerly picked up the rose gold one with eager delight already attempting to put it place.
"Thank you so much!! I love them!" The pre-teen gushed excitedly looking up to him with absolute adoration. "These will be so perfect for my recital next week!!"
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djbunnie · 3 years
Raven celebrates her 21st birthday alone at the Northampton bar, mourning the death of her father John Constantine.
"Another one," Raven asks the blue-skinned bartender for a refill on her empty beer glass.
"Look lady, I think you've had enough.” Said the bartender.
"I'm half demon, it takes more than eight glasses of bourbon to fuck me up," Raven said sarcastically, rolling her amethyst eyes. The bartender shrugged and refilled her glass. And went on his way.
A red tiefling approached Raven occupying the stool next to her, "good afternoon ma'am, it breaks my heart to see that a woman as beautiful as you holds so much sadness in her heart".
Raven just stared angrily at the humanoid creature and continued drinking, hoping he got the message to not to disturb her, but the tiefling did not.
"It must really hurt to lose a fellow warrior" the tiefling pulled out his lute.
Raven pounded her fist on the table in frustration "I didn't lose a f****** hero, I lost my father! He willingly sacrificed his life to save humanity from another world destroying God. and no one would know of it!"
"please ma'am share your story" tiefling male the question began to play a soft melody from his lute.
Raven scolded at the foolish request. "I am many things. a broken soul, a demon, even a weapon of mass destruction. but I am not a singer."
"Perhaps not! It would, however, ease the pain in your heart" said the tiefling.
Raven was a little tipsy, all sense of logical reason disappeared. The amethyst eye beauty stood up and started singing.
~When a humble bard
Graced a ride along
With Geralt of Rivia
Along came this song
From when the gold Wolf fought
A silver-tongued devil
His army of elves
At his hooves did they revel
They came after me
With masterful deceit
Broke down my lute
And they kicked in my teeth
While the devil's horns
Minced our tender meat
And so cried the hellblazer
He can't be bleat
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty,
oh Toss a coin to your hellblazer
O' Valley of Plenty
At the edge of the world
Fight the mighty horde
That bashes and breaks you
And brings you to mourn
He thrust every elf
Far back on the shelf
High up on the mountain
From whence it came
He wiped out your pest
Got kicked in his chest
He's a friend of humanity
So give him the rest
That's my epic tale
Our champion prevailed
Defeated the villain
Now pour him some ale
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
A friend of humanity
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, oh
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
A friend of humanity
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
O' Valley of Plenty
O' Valley of Plenty, a-oh
Toss a coin to your hellblazer
A friend of humanity~
"Hellblazer? Who are you?" asked the red tiefling.
"No, my dear, you are no longer Raven. That was the old you."
Raven scoffed. "Ah, and who should I be, lady black, sorceress supreme or better yet Maleficent?"Raven replied sarcastically.
The red tiefling smirked. "No ma'am, I think you know...."
Raven let out a sad sigh, she could no longer deny it. " Azarath Metrion Zinthos " she muttered a chant. The young beauty snapped her finger and black smoke surrounded her small figure.
once the black smoke faded, revealing a new hero. no longer Raven from titans, no longer Ravens from azarath, no longer the sidekick of John Constantine. instead stood Hellblazer.
(this is what I imagine Raven would wear if she took the mantle of John Constantine and her bag of goodies)
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vecnawrites · 3 years
Muse/Rule List For Anyone Who Wishes To Know!
Muse List:
AU Master List:
Where You Can Find The Art I Mention Commissioning:
Jaune Arc/Joan Arc
Pyrrha Nikos/Achilles Nikos
Nora Valkyrie/Thor Valkyrie
Lie Ren/Lian Ren
Ruby Rose
Weiss Schnee
Coco Adel
Velvet Scarlatina
Lilac Scarlatina (OC created by @littlewhiterabbitsblog)
Ciel Soliel
Penny Polendina
May Zedong
Glynda Goodwitch
Cinder Fall
Emerald Sustrai
Winter Schnee
Willow Schnee
Kali Belladonna
Summer Rose
Raven Branwen
Ilia Amitola
Sienna Khan
Saphron Cotta-Arc
Terra Cotta-Arc
Malachite Twins
Fiona Thyme
Arslan Altan
Reese Chloris
Juniper Arc (OC)
Athena Nikos (Unnamed Red Haired Woman With Glasses At Pyrrha’s Statue In Show)
Velvet’s Mother: Named Vanilla Scarlatina in my headcanon
Neon Katt
Personal OCs:
Esmeralda Sustrai: Emerald’s Mother
Amethyst Sustrai: Emerald’s Daughter
Dawn Arc-Nikos: Jaune/Joan and Pyrrha’s Daughter
So-So Characters (Carefully worded or need to look up)
Lil Miss Malachite
Robyn Hill
Joanna Greenleaf
May Marigold (confirmed Trans character, so word stuff carefully, please!)
Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long: Gotten very oversaturated with asks for both, might move them back up later, but not really interested in them for now.
“Don’t Mind Them, But Keep Them With Those Their Age, Please!”
Taiyang Xiao Long
Ghira Belladonna
Qrow Branwen
Hard “NO” Characters
Jacques Schnee
Oscar Pine (Underage and has a thousand year old man in his head. NOPE!)
Authur Watts
Mercury Black
Tyrian Callows
Team CRDL (Unless you want them bashed to hell and back, then its fine)
Peter Port
Bartholomew Oobleck
Leonardo Lionheart
Adam Taurus
Favored Pairings:
Jaune and pretty much any girl
...okay you know, I have a lot of pairings I like, so I’m just going to post forbidden ones, okay?
Forbidden Pairings:
Pyrrha/anyone that isn’t Jaune (Had some horrific asks that aren’t going to be mentioned, so if you really want Pyrrha and whoever, Jaune or Joan have to be involved. Not budging on this unless money is involved (as in commission work), and even then, I can say no)
Update: Pyrrha is okay with Jaune/Joan, Nora, and May Zedong, though with the latter two pairings, no bashing or anything will be allowed!
...that’s pretty much my only no, honestly. I would prefer if you want darker themed stuff happening, it happen to the villainess characters, like Cinder, Raven, Vernal, and the like, but if in a darker mood, won’t say no to others!
Oblivious (By that, see my Pure Girl series, where Joan is completely oblivious to how she turns the others on and makes them go wild, whether there is or isn’t sex)
Stuck Sex
Sleep Sex
Stealth Sex
Surprised/Forced Orgasm
Milking (breast/cock)
Genderbending (either AU or dust/magic caused)
Magic Doll/Marker/Sex Toy
Holiday Themed (Halloween Costumes, No Nut November, Christmas Time, etc)
Hypnosis/Mind Control
2Koma (“Jump Cut” or small start up scene that jumps almost immediately into smut)
Time Stop
World Processor (Device where whatever you type warps reality)
Life/Sex Remote
Sexcanons (Single or Couple)
Questions for Characters
Body Worship
If you have a theme you want that isn’t on the list, contact me! Worst happens is I say no!
Forbidden Themes:
Cucking/NTR of undeserving characters, like Ruby, Jaune, Velvet, etc (exemptions can exist, like Jacques, Adam, or Cardin), Snuff, Gore, Heavy Blood, Toilet Fetishes, Daddy/Daughter Incest (No Taiyang/Ruby or Taiyang/Yang, Ghira/Blake, etc), Public Sex, Free Use
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rizavi-m · 2 years
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~ Valerie's Birthday Bash ~
Valerie celebrates her birthday with her friends in Octavinelle, as well as one certain purple eyed girl...
" Happy Birthday, Valerie"
" Hmm? Rika! I'm so glad you came over to celebrate with me!" Valerie exclaims delightfully, earning her a chuckle from her friend.
" I can't miss such a joyous event. Moreover, I'm actually the interviewer, or should I say presenter" Rika informs, to which Valerie responds with a subtle gasp.
" Well you're quite early! Not that I mind of course" The brunette winks.
" I know, I know. Anyway, I got you something. I hope you'll like it" Rika says as she presents Valerie a gift box.
" Darling, you know you didn't need to get me a gift. Your company is all I need to feel so blessed" The celebrant receives an eye roll from the first year, who waves off the compliment with a flustered look.
" Oh please..." The girl scoffs playfully. Her amethyst purple eyes watch in anticipation as Valerie opens the box, only to breathe out a sigh of relief as the brunette's eyes widen out of surprise and glee.
" Rika!" Valerie gasps as she takes out her present from the box and examines it.
" I designed the dress myself, though I did ask for help from the Pomefiore folks to actually make it" Rika explains, smiling pridefully while Valerie continues to stare at the dress.
It resembled one of the dresses she wore as a costume in one of her many broadway shows; but it was more modern, more fitting to her actual character and personality. The dress was pink in color, though in many shades of the same color. There were also hints of white and gold here and there, all to make it look more dynamic.
" Do you like it?"
" Like it? Darling, I love it!" Valerie exclaims as she engulfs Rika in a warm embrace.
" That's good to hear" The girl grins.
" I actually didn't know what to get you at first, but then I went through my drafts and saw a particular design that fit you quite well. I worked on it for a while and commissioned a few friends to help me sew the dress"
" You really put quite a lot of work in this hmm?" Valerie says, her gaze soft as she looks at her underclassman.
" Did you really expect me to just do the bare minimum for you?"
" You're way too kind. Thank you, my dear" The brunette chuckles. She then smirks and leans down to place a kiss on Rika's cheek, intentionally leaving behind a bold red kiss mark on her now blushing cheeks.
" Eh-"
" Let's get this interview started now, shall we?" Valerie muses, all while Rika struggles to maintain her calm composure.
" O-okay..."
" So... For the first question..." Rika clears her throat.
" If you were to be stuck on a deserted island with a person of your choice, who would it be?"
" Now that's quite a tricky question..." Valerie murmurs, forcing herself to focus on the question and not the kiss mark she left on Rika's cheek, which the girl didn't even try to wipe away.
" I'm used to handling tough situations, but that is just one unfortunate scenario"
" Not like it'll happen anyway" Rika chuckles, earning her a giggle from her upperclassman.
" I suppose you're right..." The brunette hums, all while tapping her chin as she thinks of an answer.
" I think Calyx would be a good choice"
" Calyx? Hmm... I guess I could understand why you'd think so..."
" He does seem like a man perfect for rough tasks" Valerie comments.
" And to be honest, I don't think I can actually do such arduous things by myself... Such as surviving in a deserted island..." Rika could only chuckle at her words, which leaves a pout on the cerulean eyed girl's lips.
" Thought I must agree with your choice. Calyx does seem to possess the proper skills to survive through that situation. He's quite the gentleman too, so I'm sure you'll be in good hands" The first year says.
" True... But I don't want to rely on him all too much, it's quite unfair~" Valerie whines, to which Rika responds with a teasing scoff.
" What do you think you could do then?"
" I suppose I can let Calyx gather up what we need for shelter and such while I hunt for our food" The purple eyed girl turns to look at her upperclassman with a surprised look.
" That's... Rather unexpected..."
" What is?" Valerie questions with a smirk.
" Nothing"
" Rika, darling, are you underestimating me~?" Rika scoffs upon hearing the question, which only amuses Valerie.
" As if I would, I know better than that. I was just surprised, that's all..." The girl murmurs.
" Valerie... She's really more than she seems to be..." Rika thinks as she gazes into Valerie's eyes, knowing full well that there's more than just innocence in those cerulean blue hues...
" As for the next question..." Valerie hums, waiting for Rika to state the question.
" If you were to transfer to another dorm, which would you pick?"
" Well that's a wonderful question~" The celebrant grins.
" It'll have to be Pomefiore"
" Not that I'm surprised, but please do explain" Rika murmurs all while she fixes her ponytail, which earns her a giggle from Valerie.
" I do believe it would benefit me to widen my knowledge when it comes to potions and poisons, and Pomefiore is a good place to start that journey" The brunette explains.
" My specialty has always been practical magic, and I was never the type to be careful and pay attention to detail when it comes to making potions. As much as I wish to be better at what I can already do, I also wish to improve my skills that aren't that good"
" You wish to meet more than just the bare minimum, don't you?" Rika questions, to which Valerie responds with a firm nod.
" There is always room for improvement, Rika. Moreover, it is always satisfying to see yourself improve when you've done it all on your own" Valerie says, her smile faltering as her memories flood her mind.
" Ever since what happened between me and my mother, all I ever thought of was making sure that I get to prove that I deserve what I have with my own skills and talent..."
" As such, I see no problem in wanting to be more than what I currently am" Rika's royal purple eyes gaze at Valerie's form, watching with pity in her eyes as the brunette takes in a deep breath.
" Believe me, I look up to the Beautiful Queen as much as I respect the Sea Witch, for both wonderful ladies have made their marks on history in their own special ways. And I wish to embody both of the values that we have learned in their stories" Valerie tells the girl.
" Hard work and effort makes the dream work, I presume" Said girl comments as she scribbles down on her notepad, which makes the woman sitting across her chuckle.
" Exactly, my dear"
" I must say... You truly are quite admirable, Valerie" Rika sighs, her eyes finally meeting with Valerie's cerulean blue ones.
" I wonder why~" The woman hums teasingly.
" Well... You are sure of the path you must take, you know the dreams you want to achieve... You are not afraid to take the leap nor are you afraid to take a step forward" Valerie raises a brow upon hearing Rika's words.
" And you are?" The girl responds with a heavy sigh.
" Indeed I am" She laughs solemnly.
" I just do whatever I need to do to keep myself burning, I suppose"
" Is that so?..." Valerie hums, her gaze set on the girl sitting right across her.
" Unfortunately, yeah" Rika chuckles awkwardly, all while scratching the back of her neck. Her upperclassman hums once more.
" That just means you haven't found the right reason to burn for" Valerie tells the girl, whose eyes widen upon hearing the words.
" I..."
" I'm right, aren't I?" The brunette grins proudly, which prompts the dark haired girl to let out a scoff.
" Since when were you not?"
" Okay... That concludes our interview..."
" Aww, really? That ended a bit too soon!" Valerie whines, pouting as Rika only snickers.
" There's a good reason why it did..."
" Oh... Oh I see" Both females smirk, Rika more so than Valerie did.
" It's time to give the gift of good luck, you know?" Rika says with a mischievous grin. The girl keeps on the expression as she rolls up a sleeve, getting ready to give the birthday celebrant an extra gift.
" Well I can't really refuse it... Can I?..." Valerie chuckles nervously, only to receive a gremlin like giggle from her underclassman.
" Absolutely not" The brunette lets out a heavy sigh upon receiving the answer.
" Oh well... Bring it on then..."
" Thank you~!" Rika muses as she takes the plate full of whipped cream.
" Happy birthday, Valerie!"
Valerie was sure she'd have to pay more attention to her facial skin care routine later...
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samwilsonsbabymama · 4 years
Maree’s 29th Birthday Bash 2020 Masterlist
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Hey everyone!
I’m so excited to finally post this! Thank you to everyone that participated in the challenge! All of the fics were great and I loved every single one of them! 
Please take a look at each fic, these amazing writers put in so much work and time to create these wonderful stories.
Remember, if you like a fic, please reblog it and/or leave a comment. I know it will mean so much to these amazing people! (PS. check out their masterlists!)
Bucky Barnes
Don’t Ever Call Me Doll ~ @blackgirlimaginesmarvel​
Prompt: “Don’t ever call me ‘doll’” - Lola Bunny
Summary: There’s a new girl in town who isn’t too fond of a nickname Bucky has for her, but he may be able to change her mind…
Heavy Is the Head That Wears the Crown; and the Heart ~ @avintagekiss24​
Prompt: royalty au + “i’ve dreamt about leaving so many times.” “that’s the problem with most people. they dream about what they want to do instead of really doing it.”
Summary: there are many decisions to make as queen; some of the heart, some of the mind.
Reminisce ~ @writeyourmindaway​
Prompt: Bodyguard AU,  “Take it with you so you’ll always have a way to look back… and remember me.” - Beast, Beauty and the Beast and Stars by The XX 
Erik Killmonger
Cheers, To Me ~ @tgigoldie​
Prompt: To Me by Alina Baraz
Sugar Babe ~ @dreamingofmilk​​
Prompt: Sugar Baby AU
Summary: What would it be like if Erik was your boss and you were both stuck in a really tough spot.
Subconscious ~ @freddiefcknmercury​
Prompt: Neighbors AU
Summary: Reader has been stressed out and has a nightmare about their M’Baku.
Sam Wilson
Browned Butter ~ @sapphirescrolls​
Prompt: “I am running away from my responsibilities. And it feels good.” -– Michael Scott, The Office Season 4, “Money”
Medicine Goes Down ~ @threeminutesoflife​
Prompt: “None of us are responsible for our hearts, only our actions.” - Reign - 2.11 (Getaway)
Summary: Dr. Wilson helps the medicine go down.
Office Affairs ~ @dumbchickwrites​
Prompt: CEO AU
Summary: Sam is the CEO of the Red Wing PR agency where Reader has been working for the past two years. Problem is, they both think one hates the other. However, when their friends set them up on a blind date, they’ll realize that it was all a big misunderstanding.
Say Something ~ @ctrlszn​
Prompt: Roommates AU
Summary: sam and y/n have been friends for a while, after graduating college the two decided to move in together. but, while living so close to one another they finally take notice to the feelings they have for each other.
Steve Rogers
Innocuous ~ @amethyst-dreams-and-candy-canes​
Prompt: "This is awkward. No you’re awkward, but cause we’re…I’m awkward. You’re gorgeous. Wait, what?” – Anna, Frozen (2013) 
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amethystsoda · 22 days
happy birthday
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thank u!!
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The Scavenger Hunt Part 1
Steven was trying to enjoy his birthday. But a certain someone that he invited didn’t want to participate. It was very frustrating for him, especially with the rest of his family trying to get him to stop trying to help everyone else and just enjoy himself for a bit. But he couldn’t help it. Helping others was his whole life, if someone else wasn’t as happy as he was then he couldn’t be happy until they were happy.
Blue and Yellow Pearl invited him over so they could share something important with him. “I think it’s called a... scavenger hunt?” Yellow Pearl said in an uncertain manner.
“You follow the clues to find the surprises until the end where there’s some kind of big reveal,” added Blue Pearl.
“Look, guys,” said Steven. “Thanks for everything, and I really appreciate all the kind gestures, but I’ve already got a renovated house, that pocket telescope Connie gave me, and that party suit from you two, so I don’t really need any more gifts. I just want everyone to have a good time.”
“But you deserve some fun too, Steven,” said Amethyst, who was nearby. “Would it hurt to be spoiled a bit for just one day?”
“I mean, it might...” Steven uttered sheepishly. “Dad often talks about how-”
���Dude, forget it!”
“Besides, we’ve already set everything up,” Yellow Pearl stated. “Everything would go to waste if you said no.”
Steven sighed. “Alright, fine, I’ll humor you this once. But it’s just so we can have fun, got it?”
Blue Pearl nodded. “You may want to get into your adventure appearance modifiers for this one, Steven.”
Connie and decided to join the Pearls along with Amethyst and Steven for this hunt. However the others were rather partied out and opted instead to collapse on the sofas in the expanded house and just chat.
Steven looked at his first clue:
A carrier the shape of a sweet
Lies in the hands of some new old friends
Just down the street.
Steven was confused. “Which street? There are lots of them in Beach City.”
Yellow Pearl blushed. “Uh, we hadn’t really thought that out.”
“Alright, just follow us then,” said Blue Pearl.
“Not much of a hunt then now,” Amethyst grumbled.
“Come on guys,” said Connie. “They’re trying to do they’re best. We should have fun regardless.”
Steven frowned. “I just don’t get it. They’re up to something and I don’t understand why they would do all this for me.”
The three of them followed the Pearls all the way to the end of Beach City, right around where the water tower was. Steven was quite surprised to say the least, not by the gift itself, but by who was presenting it.
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“FAMETHYST!?!?” exclaimed Steven and Amethyst at the same time.
“So these are all the gems you met up in space when you were rescuing your dad?” asked Connie.
“Only a few of us,” said Amethyst 8XJ (the Amethyst with the curl) “The rest of the humans and quartzes are back at the zoo. J-10 and Y-6 just decided to tag along. We’ve even been able to unbubble the Rose Quartzes and cruise the galaxy as we please.”
“Woah!” exclaimed Amethyst. “How did you guys convince Holly Blue?”
“We didn’t,” stated Skinny Jasper.
“She got fired and reassigned somewhere else!” shouted Carnelian. “We’re rid of her for good!”
“Ste-van! We were told to give this to you,” said Y-6. He handed him a strange looking drawstring bag. “Happy fifteenth birthday!”
“It’s an ice cream cone drawstring bag from the Wacky Sacks Supply Company!” Steven looked puzzled. “But where did you get this? How did the Pearls get you guys in on this thing?”
8XJ shrugged. “We dunno. We were just doing our jobs and then Holly Blue Agate got a notice of termination. With her out of the way, we figured that we could finally do as we please, take joyrides, relax in the pools, explore other planets, and just hang out!”
“We kinda just bumped into the Pearls while exploring Earth a little bit, and then we had this brilliant idea to say hello to all of you!” said Carnelian.
The Amethysts including 8XM all went into for a group hug. “Whatever the case may be, it sure is nice to see you guys again,” she said. “Feel free to drop by the temple anytime! I could even show you my room and all the junk I’ve collected over thousands of years of living here!”
“Steven, I think it see a note attached to the bag,” said Connie. “It must be another clue!”
“Why don’t you do this one, Connie?” replied Steven.
“Well, okay. I do hope you get to do at least one though.”
The next clue you seek
Involves song, not speech
For under a stage on your way
Is a special recording
For a special day.
“This one is easy!” said Connie. “It’s gotta be the stage that they set up for special events like speeches, Beach-A-Palooza, and concerts!”
Steven was confused. “But they aren’t holding anything special in Beach City today. The stage would have to be folded up and put away somewhere.”
“Well, maybe we can just ask around,” Amethyst suggested. “Didn’t you want this to be a bit more of a challenge?”
However, it didn’t take that long. Since Sadie Killer and the Suspects often had to help set up, Sour Cream was able to point them in the direction of the abandoned warehouse where the stage parts were normally kept in storage. It only took about ten minutes of digging before they found a VHS tape with the words BIRTHDAY BALL BASH written on it.
When Steven found a TV to start the video however, the Pearls got quite flustered and fast forwarded the entire thing, obscuring the screen so that all Steven could hear was high pitched indiscernible lyrics.
“Hey! What gives?” Steven asked, frustrated.
“Eh heh heh...” muttered Yellow Pearl.
“This video was chock full of embarrassing and cringey moments,” Blue Pearl bluntly stated. “We’re doing you a favor by skipping the entire thing.”
“And here it is! The final clue!” interjected Yellow Pearl. “It’s at the end of all this awful footage!”
“Wait, seriously? It’s already the end!?!?” Amethyst blurted. “You guys are terrible at planning scavenger hunts!”
“Amethyst, don’t be rude!” snapped Steven. He turned to the Pearls. “I am really sorry about all of this, I know you’re trying your best.”
At the hill’s apex
Is where you’ll want to go next.
A spotlight will uncover
Your last gift concealed
And all shall be revealed.
“The lighthouse!” exclaimed Steven. “It is rather far from here on foot though.”
“That’s okay! We can just walk back leisurely,” said Connie. “Even if this whole thing was super easy, we can just take our time. It’s been a while since the two of us got a moment to just relax together anyway.”
“Well, I’m always up for long walks on the beach with my best friend,” Steven blushed contentedly. “I’m game!”
After spending about an hour trekking to the lighthouse, the two of them looked over the edge of the lighthouse by the telescope together. By that time, the sun was beginning to set.
““Wow...” Connie said. “I know that Beach City sunsets were beautiful, but I’ve never seen one from this view before...”
“Yeah...” Steven trailed off. The sunset’s glow lit up Connie’s face in sight a beautiful manner that he felt like he could just gaze into her eyes forever.
“Do you think we could stay up and watch the stars come out?” asked Connie. I don’t think I’ve ever been able to study them up close with this kind of telescope.”
Steven looked back and laughed. “I think if we did, the Pearls would get even more impatient. They’ve been trying to cheer me up, I think.” He slowly took Connie’s hand. “But if we may, I... I’d like to share this moment with you. We’ve been through so much together, and- and I don’t think we’ve had much time to make it official, but... will you be my girlfriend?”
“Oh! I didn’t think you’d ask-”
“You don’t wanna be my girlfriend?”
“No! I mean, yes! I mean, I didn’t think you would ask right here and right now, but yes. I would love to be your girlfriend.”
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However, their moment was interrupted by cheering and shouting below.
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“I just can’t wait to help plan your wedding!” said Sapphire giddily.
“Wh-what!?” exclaimed Connie.
Both Steven and Sapphire looked very awkward. “Oh, sorry! I got so caught up in it that I must have been looking too far into the future...”
“Hold up!” Steven called down to them. “First of all, I wasn’t proposing marriage, I just asked Connie to be my girlfriend! Second, what were you doing spying on us like that!? We were having a moment!”
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minghaoss-archive · 5 years
of hues, of blues - m
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summary ↯
wherein heartbreak teaches you to love again.
pairing ↯
xu minghao x fem reader
genre ↯
oneshot, angst, smut 
and just a smidge of fluff hah!
word count ↯
6.811 words
alternative universe↯
 friends with benefits to lovers, hanahaki disease.
warnings ↯
blood,  vomiting, explicit sexual content.
author’s note ↯
idk this is absolute filth + a little attempt at poetry. im so sorry this is abysmal.
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Surprises are not Xu Minghao’s cup of tea. 
He realises this at a very young age.  
When he’s riding a bike for the first time, schooling himself to grow accustomed to the unsteady glide of the vehicle. Looking out of the corner of his eye like this, a myriad of colours begin to collect in his peripheral vision. He can smell the freshly cut grass, see the enlarging manicured bushes lazing out in dusted gold, bathed in morning dew, the sight of his parents sat out on a picnic mat and he thinks he’s almost made it - just a little longer. He smiles and then grins and laughs and giggles, feeling as if he had grown wings. Then the world spins in a whirlpool of chartreuse canopies and he falls. 
When he grows up, however, surprises are less dramatic but not quite different in proving to be a great displeasure to him. 
When he’s 22, for starters, surprises are Seokmin’s ear damaging ‘Happy Birthday!’, a room full of people he can’t seem to recognise and an obligation to stick around talking absently about nothing when all he was planning to do was curl up in bed with a freshly minted copy of an unread book. 
At 22, surprises are  red coloured bars which tell him he has failed his painting course when he was sure he’d aced it.
At 22, surprises are finding catharsis for his sour mood in giving into Mingyu’s constant nagging requesting his rare presence at a stupid college party.
You arise from a blur of crimson lights and sweaty strangers.  Like a newborn phoenix. A mere haze of dark clothes; a stark contrast to the vibrant tints pulsing around you, press a cool beer can to his chest and press a sloppy kiss to your mouth, as a consequence of a childish game of spin the bottle.
It’s right then that he knows that this is comprised of nothing but carnal desire. This isn’t what Minghao wants, he knows this, he wants something everything to mean something more but he just can’t help himself. The aching loneliness in him demands to be fulfilled, by something, just anything.
He shouldn’t follow you upstairs. In fact, he shouldn’t follow you anywhere.   He shouldn’t press your back up against an unfamiliar bedroom door and push the hem of your outfit upwards.
 Or hiss when you touch him.
 Or rut his hips into yours. Or listen to the quivering moans billowing past your chapped lips, Or  slide his fingers around your throat,
( a loll of your head, a sigh, his name tumbling from your lips.) 
 But he does anyway. He wants to. 
The next morning, Minghao wakes up to a head splitting hangover. And a very, very empty bed. He kicks off the piss yellow sheets and glares at the cracked paint on Hansol’s ceiling. 
When was the last time someone was in this room? Had he made you up? Definitely not.
The imprint of your body, a ghost, begs to differ. He reaches out and smoothes it over.  Whatever. Minghao isn’t in the best mood. 
Surprises are not his cup of tea.
 The next meeting is at the college fair. 
“You want a flower?” You lean your head to the side, hunched over the stall and he tells you a meek yes, “Those..ones.” gesturing to the pretty blues around which your hair curls. 
Minghao may not know a lot but he knows it would be something ridiculous to miss, the gentle graze of your fingers against his ear when you place the pretty ring of blue atop his head. 
“They’re called..?” He trails, running his finger along its slender stem. Maybe it’s the rings around your eyes or the way you bite the inside of your mouth, the subtle quality that of being peculiar makes him want to look at you longer than he should. It piques his interest.
 “They’re hydrangeas.“ You supply. Minghao nods. Observing the way your nose crinkles and how you purse your lips when you think.
“I’ve never properly introduced myself.”  smiling your endearing smile, you snap him right out of his thoughts. The kind of jolt one feels when they dream of falling. Mischievous eyes. Wondering eyes. 
“We should..” You pause,  swallowing down a chunk of words. Gaze downcast. It takes him awhile to understand that you are anxious, bashful even. Interlaced hands. Clammy. But sharp eyes. “We should do it again sometime.”
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Your dealings with Minghao are so frequent that thinks he can’t quite imagine what his life would be like without it happening again. 
By now he can tell your silhouette apart from everyone else’s. If he spreads his palms on your lower back and sucks on your neck, you hum and groan. If he wants, he can tell you exactly where every mark, indentation, valley and curve on your body is. 
He’s been staring at an empty canvas for a while now, ideas jumbled, colours appearing together behind his lids and turning to a confusing mix of everything and nothing at all. 
He’s listened to Chopin  to a point where he’s convinced he can compose  the andagios and allegros all by himself.
 He's  looked for inspiration in between violets and the cerulean sky and poetry, of course. 
But it’s no use.
At the end of the day, Minghao only drowns in a sea of unfinished assignments; wallowing purposelessly in the tangerine glow of his makeshift studio, heavily caffeinated. 
You coax him out the day Mingyu calls you. Dramatising his best friend’s state with a kiddish pout and flailing arms. 
Minghao follows you around like a lost puppy. Resting his chin on your shoulder when you cook him a proper meal, fingers dancing along your apron. Distracted.  It’s moments like these that truly confuse you; the care with which he kisses your cheek and the roughness with which he undresses you after.
 What do the spaces between these differences, the oceans and hills, the softness of his sighs and the harshness of his grunts, even mean? Whatever. You haven’t fucked in a week or two.
The easel stems from the floor and curls around his primed canvas like a rose plant, thorns, pointed leaves, soft, blushing petals and he feels like he’s looking at his own reflection, devoid of ideas, faceless, empty, spotless. 
 Then suddenly, sighing, with a loll of his head, Minghao glances back at the bed, your bare body; streaks of rosy dusk splattered on your thighs, oranges and yellows smudged along your cheeks, the subtle rise and fall of your chest with every breath you take. A sliver of the rising sun. Summer air. 
He touches his paintbrush after weeks and refuses to let go until all he can see is a waltz of reds and blues, a spin of everything he feels when he touches you. Your face. The gaps between your ribs. 
He thinks, if anyone asks, he could talk about it for a good few days. 
Minghao passes the semester with flying colours.
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This is what happens, Jeonghan’s car grumbles, the air conditioning isn’t working and Minghao is too tall to sit with two other people at the back but he doesn’t mind because your knees are touching.
 The wind blows your hair back in messy  tufts. You’ve cut it shorter, upto your neck. He decides he likes it better that way. 
There’s an Air Supply song playing in the background. Hansol smiles knowingly, glancing at you from the corner of his eye, his palms pressed firmly against the steering wheel. “That’s our song.” He says. 
 Then the car is still for a second. But suddenly you kick off your sneakers, bare feet on leather seats. 
You giggle and giggle and giggle. 
Tips of your fingers smudged of acrylic clouds. Patches of trees melting away into the amethyst sky. The sun sinking back into a blonde horizon. You’re singing loud. Laughing. You haven’t laughed this hard in a long time. The kind of laugh gives you a stomach ache. The kind of laugh that you think about for days. 
Minghao thinks you’re beautiful like this. 
He shouldn’t. 
It’s not right.
 He takes a photo.
We are only as remembered as long as we want to be found.  Breadcrumbs. We are only remembered if we leave something behind. 
The art of disappearing is something Xu Minghao is a master of, perhaps. Sometimes he turns off his phone and lies on park benches and tries to think of ways he could fit the world in his palms, mold it out of acrylic and entrap it in a picture. He is a sorcerer of sorts and magic only brews in solitude. In secret. When no one can hear him say his incantations. It’s a secret between him and the universe. 
He leaves not a trace during these periods of artistry. No texts. No confusing social media applications. No boorish human beings. No hindrances. 
Minghao doesn’t leave the studio for days. Not until all he sees is black and white. A monochromatic world. When bursts and explosions of platinum lightning have oozed out of the grey sky. 
 He rushes over to your apartment. Chasing thunderbolts. Desperate. A rainy day. A yellow bus. A knock. Two knocks. Three knocks. He arrives always. In search of colours. 
You press your mouth to his before he can step foot into your room, words said between frantic kisses. 
“God, where were you?” You say and he thinks you almost sound angry. His duffle bag drops with a soft thud.
He pulls your stringy dress off with a harsh tug. Hands skimming over the curve of your waist, your breasts, your skin. Goosebumps all over. 
He tugs you closer by the heels of your feet. Hunching forward. Kissing you. Greedy fingers leaving you bare, shivering and craving in their wake. 
A trail of sloppy kisses from the curve of your ribs to the slope of your stomach. Minghao’s fingers rest on your inner thighs, sucking in a multitude of colours. Fingers curled inside of you. Lewd  squelch. Lewder whispers. Loud whines filling the room with each passing second. 
He has you whining, sweaty underneath the rough pads of his fingers. Teeth scraping along the bend of your throat. Angry crescents. Minghao’s kisses on your tummy. Your fingers in his hair.
“Look at me.” He commands, holding his fingers up. Your eyes widened, glazed over. Lustful. Mischievous eyes. Wondering eyes. 
If it’s you, if it’s like this, if this all you’ll ever be, wants to leave his trace, wants it to mean something, he wants to be remembered.
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“Hey, stop that.” You say, covering your face with your hands. As if he hadn’t memorised it already. 
Minghao’s pencil comes to a screeching halt. He’s on his stomach. Bare. Basking in the rubscent sunshine. Your sheets kiss his body, accentuating the slender shape of his waist.  
 Then the boy glances back and smiles. For a moment, you forget this isn’t love. This isn’t love. This isn’t supposed to be love.
Truth be told, Minghao isn’t good at sketching, he never was. He has never been quite fond of it.  Minghao always imagines the world in vibrant colours. Never, in his mind, is beauty in black and white. 
But in spite of his bitter exchanges with shaky borders and strange strokes before; now, he seems to excel at putting you on paper, be it in the form of ash pencil lines or splatter of colours, colours and colours, he can never seem to wrong your beauty.  “Okay.”
He says and lays on his back. Wondering. Marvelling. 
Your chin placed on your folded hands.
 He pushes a rogue strand behind, one which always seems to keep falling over your eyes. Somehow every time you’re together, you end up like this. Craving. Touching. Never more. Never less. Can it be less? Can it be more? 
He shouldn’t say say or think or want something of that sort. Thinking is wanting. Wanting is saying. Saying is craving. 
It isn’t right. 
“Stop thinking so much.” You whisper, looking up at him with a look in your eyes that he doesn’t want to understand. Something which says more than what’s told.
 Stop. He doesn’t quite stop. Minghao thinks and wants and craves. He mustn’t. Your face fits in his palms, you lean into the touch like a love starved kitten and he craves again. Wants again. 
If you were a colour and not a million Minghao thinks you’d be blue.
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Change. Change is strange. Sometimes you wonder how the world is frosted over, crystallised, whitened with snow and in a blink again, flowers bloom, spring comes and so comes hummingbirds. Change is strange. Sometimes you wonder how all you two share turns from mere lust to profound conversations of everything and nothing at all.
Minghao possesses a kind of intelligence that is unparalleled, he’s quick to understand thoughts and quicker to word it. You’ve been doing that quite often; talking and talking without meaning to stop. Change is strange.
“Do you believe in love?” Your voice is a low, broken thing, words barely there, airy. 
 "Yes.“ Minghao gazes at the sky, littered with more stars than there are in the city; the soft glow of silver lights his face up in an unusual way. A way about which you could write a thousand villanelles about.
Stars. Dim and twinkling.  You wonder how many of them must have aligned for you to have found each other.   Incomplete. Your half said words hang in the air. This comfort is peculiar.
 Silence has never been an unpleasant thing before. You’re laid down with your arms and legs spread apart, gaze upcast. 
Between the two of you, the wet patch of  sand feels like a dried ocean, deserted. Lonely. The foamy sea lilts and sings and  calls you to her; but you only lay silent, unmoved. 
Minghao reaches out and interlaces your fingers. Hope is a funny thing. Desire is a funny thing. He doesn’t understand what it means to say a lot but speak no words at all. His hand tingles from where you rub your thumb. It’s the first time you’re together. But unbare. 
 This comfort is peculiar.
He’ll always remember; your shoulders erecting to mountains. Your eyes red and swollen, portions and bits of a conversation about a lost lover. The first time he saw you. Hansol’s piss yellow blankets. Seven minutes in a closet.  Heated kisses. Your heart in shambles.
Minghao wonders what it means to love like that. Love that stays even when people don’t. 
The sky is suddenly darker than before; mighty ravenous clouds seem to have gobbled down constellations after constellations. It’s going to rain again. 
“Do you?“  He asks and you almost look, Minghao thinks, like you’re about to cry.
 He wonders why it bothers him, why it makes him want to reach out and pull you to him. But he doesn’t, of course. 
 He shouldn’t.
It’s not right. 
Something in your eyes is forlorn. Tight lipped. Sometimes he wishes he had a  stethoscope to hear your thoughts, the ones you don’t unveil, despite your much fabled bravado.
 You sit back, glance at him and smile briefly. Strange. Undercurrents.  Tempted to trace your lips like it were brail. He wants to know what it means, the downward tilt of your mouth.
You’re insolent, an offensive girl,  insulting every pretty scenery around you with your very strange beauty. Messy hair, moonlight kissing up your naked face, circles around your widening eyes and closing, parting mouth , like you’re trying to remember something or rather forget.  He wishes his camera were with him.
 "I can’t.” You say and the pain in your voice startles him.
 "You can.“  Minghao corrects, sliding closer you. Toes touching. Bumping into each other. How one could think they can’t be reduced to the foolishness of a lover is beyond his understanding. Everyone can be a fool. In their own ways, of course. Everyone can fall in love. They just choose to.  They just choose not to. 
“Of course you can.” He says, sounding slightly injured by your ludicrous comment. Always flared up and cross. You rest your head on his shoulder. Stifling a laugh. It’s moments like these that truly confuse you, the gap between your bodies and the yearning to close it.
Believe in love;
You can.
You do.
⊱ ────────── ⊰
Sometimes love lasts forever. Sometimes love gives you reason and makes you believe. Sometimes love is soft whispers, never wilting roses. Sometimes love is forever and always. Sometimes love is the tranquil sea. Sometimes love is comfort and trust. Like the first touch of spring. 
Such was not true for Yuta and you. 
Yuta fell in love with you one winter morning and fell out every other. 
Sometimes you wonder if he had been a phantom. If you were touching air. If you had imagined him all along. 
You remember tracing your finger along his back, bumps and drops of his spine, trying to find the man you loved once. You remember kissing him, touching him, undressing him, aching for him to look at you the way he did. To tell you he loved you back. To mean it when he did. You should’ve seen it coming. 
When it happens it happens so unsurprisingly. When it happens it happens so surprisingly. 
You get off class early. A trail of clothes at your feet. It’s a funny thing, watching someone take away everything you love. It’s a funny thing watching someone give away everything you love. 
“Get out.” You say to him with a straight face. 
You want to stop him. 
“Fine.” Yuta shrugs, sighing, running a hand through his hair. You wonder how many times he’s held her with those hands. Has he ever thought of you when he fucked her? Did he feel sorry for you every time you kissed him? Did he have a good laugh when you weren’t around?
 He looks back one last time; as if to say you can pull me back and tell me you love me. You can drag me back and tell me it’s okay. You can forgive me and we will go back to bed. Like nothing ever happened.
Your mouth parts. Words pleading to escape.  I love you. Was I not enough?
 "I never want to see you again.“ You grit out instead.   The door shuts with a soft thud.
You don’t stop him. 
Minghao hisses when you drag your tongue down his abdomen. Your hair entangled between the gaps of his fingers. 
You meet his eyes, watery and widened. Taking him in. “Fuck.” A sight you’ll never share. Afraid someone will steal it from you. A sight which only belongs to you.  His brows knitted together, mouth parted in a silent moan.
He cums with a groan and you wipe the corner of your mouth clean, lean on your palms and say, “Happy birthday.”
You don’t understand Minghao.
Sometimes he calls you his darling and takes you to his bedroom. Undresses you with care and care and care. 
 And other times he walks past you like you don’t exist.
Nasty wet trails travel down your spine like liquid serpents. They bite your clothes, twist their heads around your lower back and cling onto your skin like they would swallow it whole. It’s summer and your mouth is very dry. 
“Hold still.” He scolds. Tapping your bare thighs so you stop moving it so much. 
Minghao’s head is in your lap, face shielded from the lurid orange sun. Shaded by a reddened poetry book which says Robert Frost. Your face invisible. Only a hint of your eyebrows. He pulls it back. 
“Hey!” You exclaim, trying to seize it but he tucks it away, under his bum.  A complacent grin breaking out on his face. All teeth and no shame. 
“I hate you so much.“  You say, sighing and brush away a few strands from his face. He’s pretty like this. Skin aglow, brown eyes  suddenly an astonishing liquid gold. Honey. 
You’ve been falling.
Minghao sits up suddenly, solemn look on his face. Amused no longer.  He presses his mouth to yours. Beating heart and clashing teeth. Fingers holding your jaw in place. “That’s not true.” He says, swiping his thumb over your swollen lips. 
You don’t understand Minghao. 
                                            ⊱ ────────── ⊰
He’s drunk. 
Minghao rests his head against your chest and draws circles into your stomach. Falling. You might be falling. 
It scares you.
 "I’ve got to go.“ You say suddenly. Body cold as the warmth of his own slips away. He’s sitting up on his bed. 
He is the prettiest tonight. 
Face still rubicund. Pitch black strands gone rogue,falling over his eyes. He swallows thickly. Adam’s apple bobbing.  
He’s had too much to drink.  
“Stay.” He says, pulling you back, looking up at you with big doe eyes. He tugs you closer. Ear pressed to your tummy. Arms looped around you. 
 If he doesn’t hold on tight, the whole world starts to spin. He wants to hold on tight. He always has. 
“I want you to.” He whispers with such sincerity, you think you might turn to liquid. 
                                           ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Minghao doesn’t remember.
He stares at you. Your body pressed to his. The bend of your spine and your eyes clamped shut. Your hair always unkempt. His fingers yearn for a paintbrush. 
His memory is a haze. A swirl of blurriness. A gaping cavern. How did he even get here? In your arms, your lips parted, face buried in his chest. The soft beating of your heart. 
You’re awake.  He knows. 
 He can tell. You only tap your feet when you’re awake. 
His body slides away from yours.
“We’re late.” He says, his voice all garbled, like the sound was hindered by a rock lodged deep inside his throat.  “What happened last night?“ 
Words seem to be a foreign thing to you for a minute. You look to him and pretend. How do you tell him? 
You think of his ear pressed to your stomach and his beautiful eyes, a magnificent ebony looking up at you. You think of thinking. How you’ve been doing too much of it. Minghao elbows you, demanding an answer. 
“Nothing.” You say and are surprised by how true it sounds. 
 You don’t want to be awake
                                          ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Melancholy has a peculiar way of coming. Sauntering away in her bluest gown. She meets you often. When you’re drowning in  midnight ruminations. When you listen to the most sublime tunes humans have ever crafted. Today she comes suddenly, when you’re watching a movie you’re not watching. Feet propped up on Junhui’s lap. She comes in her bluest gown. 
See you’ve been talking for an hour and your jaw hurts.
Junhui and you sit in a discomfiting  quietude. He’s been your best friend through thick and thin. Through  untamed pigtails and pubertal bacne. Through bad relationships and good. He’s known you long enough to know when you’re lying and when you’re not. 
“You know.” He gulps. Looking at his hands. “The way the way you talk about Minghao…like you’re ready to take a bullet for him…it’s..” 
“Is that a bad thing?” Your head snaps in his direction, you look annoyed. He winces. “No.” Nervously, he keeps tapping his foot. “Not if you love him.” 
“Do you?” He nudges you. Then you tilt your head back and think of nothing and everything.
 Your head weighty, inundated with thoughts of him. You keep thinking of Minghao’s smile.  You think of his giggles.Stay . His smile. I want you to . 
It isn’t until Junhui touches your face, a flick of his index, a tender thing; do you  realise you’ve been crying. “I’m scared.” you say, leaning into his touch. 
The older male smiles knowingly, passing the bucket of popcorn to you. Junhui is patient. Wordlessly taking your hand in his. He looks so unsurprised it scares you. 
 "I know.” He says, with no rancour or judgment. As if he has been looking at the insides of your head for long now.
When you were little you doubted the sweet voiced boy had the superhuman power of reading your mind. Knowing when your mum scolded you. Knowing when you wanted to cry and when you wanted to laugh. When you wanted an extra gummy bear. What if he knows now? What if he hears you think he doesn’t love me back? What if he hears you think I am in love with him, I have never been in love like this, what if?
 "Let go.“ Junhui suggests, meeting your eyes with a kind of warning which perplexes you. A grand affirmation of all  your fears. “It’s not good for you.” He gives your hand a gentle squeeze. 
                                       ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It’s dark outside and you’re lying on his arm, listening to his pulse. Bodies flush against each other. 
When you look up; Minghao is staring intently at the ceiling fan, mouth parted, eyes widened, he’s looking at one thing and seeing a million. You wonder what he thinks so arduously about. Then you lean over and press your lips to his. He hums and smiles and laughs against your mouth, “I love you.“ 
It’s a tragic thing, the quickness of these words falling off of your lips. Minghao stops smiling. You think he stops thinking too. He sees one thing now. “It’s late. We should sleep.” He says suddenly, clearing his throat. As if words had clogged up inside. 
Inside your chest, something turns to smithereens. 
                                         ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It isn’t his fault. It’s not your fault. 
“Don’t go.” You whisper to Minghao, a reiteration, a lost memory you’re trying to relive. He sighs and glances briefly at you from the corner of his eye. 
 "We aren’t supposed to do this.“ It’s more of a thought than it is a suggestion, an idea he renders just to catch your reaction.
For a second, it’s so quiet that he can hear the soft plops of raindrops against your windows. Home. Suddenly he misses Anshan. Feeling rather uprooted when you unlace your fingers from his.
Minghao thinks summers are beautiful, he thinks sunflowers are yellow and that you shouldn’t date.  
The words feel deafening to hear. But you’ve always been good at hiding your feelings. Phenomenal, actually. So you ignore your aching heart with no difficulty. “You’re right.” You say, “We shouldn’t.” 
Sometimes we find things we aren’t  searching for, sometimes we’re told things we don’t want to hear. Minghao thinks it’s the price we pay for not speaking our minds.
“Oh.” He says, sounding a little disappointed.
                                         ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It’s funny how it’s so aggravatingly sunny outside.
In your head, it only rains when you are in pain. A reflection of your sorrows. The whistling wind. The hissing thunder. The ugly lightning. Inner storms. 
But today, it rains not a drop. Despite you feeling like you’re being torn apart. 
Has anything in your head ever been real? Have you conjured up the very idea of Minghao? Is he only an outline of a person you’ve filled in with imagination? A skeleton fleshed out of your pet desires? 
Today his thrusts are sloppy, he groans into your skin and you hold onto him like you’re about to let go any second, like you’re losing him.
“I gotta go.” 
He studies your face intently, finding that you have something to say in response. Maybe it’ll be a scold. Maybe it won’t be a scold. Whatever. He doesn’t expect you to look at him the way you do. With a kind of spark in your eyes which begins to die out. 
“We should end this.” You sigh and Minghao waits for you to say more. For the mischievous glint. For you to say you’re just kidding. Like you always do. For you to say something, anything at all. 
“Is it..is it about last night?” He queries, pausing. 
“Because..I..” you look at him with a  sudden sharpness, something that says stop me, please stop me. But he says nothing. He forgets that words are a thing at all. You look away.
 What is unsaid tastes like blood on his tongue. Like blades. Hurtful. He’s trying to touch your shoulder, to see if you’re real. 
You sink into the mattress.Looking rather defeated.
 “No.” You lie. You  sound like a different person. Someone who is brave. Someone who isn’t you. 
 He kneels between your legs, tugging onto your shorts, sighing. Hopeful eyes searching your face over and over again. “Don’t come back.” You say softly. Not meeting his eyes still. Afraid you’ll give into the temptation of retracting the previous demand. You can’t look at him.
“You always want me to come back.” He whispers, voice heavy. As if he were clinging onto it for dear life. A dying tree to its roots. A sinking ship to its broken anchor.
This isn’t love, this isn’t supposed to be love. You remind yourself again.
 Only this time it sounds like an excuse, a poor attempt at concealing the awful pain inside your chest.
“Not this time. This time you can go.” 
Your sheets still smell like him. Your shirts still smell like him. Minghao has managed to entangle himself in every aspect of your life. 
You wonder how long it’ll take for you to get rid of him. How many washes, detergents and days, months, years. 
“Okay.” He says, nodding. 
Let go. Junhui’s hand in yours. I love you. Minghao’s involuntary giggle when you say something witty.  His bare body on your mattress. It’s not good for you.
Minghao turns into a dot of charcoal against the firmament. The groaning motorbike of his now soundless. 
You don’t stop him.
                                                                                     ⊱ ────────── ⊰
Something like this was bound to happen. It was waiting to happen from the start. It was waiting to happen from the end.
You arrive late at Wonwoo’s party and Minghao’s shoving his tongue down some other girl’s throat. The bottle’s been spun in unfortunate circles, a turn of fate.
 Your friends say nothing. Speaking of this and that, anything but how Minghao’s probably fucking someone else’s brains out upstairs. You feel stupid. 
“You okay?” Mingyu asks suddenly, you're surprised.
 He’s Minghao’s best friend after all. Does he pity you this much?  To traipse through restricted territories, comforting you in the most comforting way there is? You decide friendship and pity are parted only by the thinnest line.
 Mingyu is your friend too. 
“Yeah.” You reply, smiling briefly.
 A soothing hand on the small of your back. A reminder of how you’re real and this is real, definitely not a nightmare. 
Across the room, with the booming music ricocheting off pasty walls, a background of sweaty strangers and twists of neon, Junhui is looking at you. 
No, that’s not right.
He’s looking through you. 
You want to throw up.
                                         ⊱ ────────── ⊰
You think about sunlight caught in his eyes. Sunflowers in his hair.  The way he shivers you when  kiss his throat. You think of him once and twice and three times. You can’t stop. You mustn’t.  
“What are you doing?” Junhui’s voice echoes through the bathroom. “Are you okay?“  He watches his dearest friend lean over the toilet seat. 
You don’t know what to say. You’re looking  at a ring of hydrangeas, afloat  in a pool of your own blood and bile. And suddenly you know this means something, this always has. 
 Minghao catches your glaring eye and he’s surrounded by a thicket of roses,they are a kind of pink that is more orange than pink. He is painting. Birds warble and the wind hits his fringe to provide an unobstructed view of his face. 
The next morning you spend an hour cleaning blood out of your  sink. The same soft petals circling him, accompanied by vicious thorns. And you think it’s worth it, to die like this, to die for love.
He thinks of your smile often. Tries to commit the curve to his memory like he’ll forget it otherwise. Perhaps that is what he fears. Forgetting you. Your face. Your smile. Your voice.  He fears to never be able to paint you again. Perhaps if he had forgotten, you’d cease to exist. 
“I can’t do this.” He says to the nameless girl, her lipstick smudged.
It’s not right. It doesn’t feel right. 
 He yearns to run his fingers through your unkempt hair;  he can’t stop thinking about you, your roaring laugh and your poetry, your heart, your fingers. Your imperfections. The bend of your spine and the slope of your neck.
Minghao searches for you in other people and finds only a gaping hole.
Minghao keeps having a recurring dream, one dream amongst thousands. He’s had it since he was a child. 
He’s swimming at first, halving  sapphire water with every stroke; whilst the sun shines above him. A spotlight. 
 He’s alone one moment and then he isn’t. Then he is in a meadow, a green meadow, a brilliant green that is too green to be just grass and not shards of emerald.
 He’s lying down, head rested on his folded arms, the sky is cobalt, not a cloud in sight. 
Peculiarly enough, in his dream, he knows he is in love and it is with someone who lies with him.
The first time he has this dream, he is 13. It teaches him to touch a paintbrush. To flirt with paint and fall in love with colours. Passion no longer latent. At 13, his lover is faceless. 
Now, he lies in the same meadow, he looks to his beloved, anticipating  the same blank outline he always has seen
and finds your smiling face instead. 
Junhui swears at Henry James often. Unable to decipher whatever the hell the author drones on about. One time he flung his copy of The Wings Of The Dove and watched it tear into two miserable halves of stupidly sophisticated words. 
 But you understand him. You pick up the torn pages and glue them together. You understand Henry James. 
The Turn Of The Screw. Horror in places that aren’t horrific. 
A kiss of autumn. The commencement of reds, darker browns and crunchy leaves. Not horrific. Minghao is looking at you, vines of steam from his coffee, brick red beret. He’s looking right at you. Not everything around you. Not autumnal beauty to catch inspiration from and spill it on his canvas.  
Minghao used to love someone once. 
A rattling thing inside his chest. He was young, too trusting and a blatant stranger to the jolting ache of unrequited love which comes when she quickly turns him down.
He promises  to never love like this again. 
Fast and unsteady. Without reason. Without logic. Unconditionally.
He thinks of your fingers, smaller against his. He thinks of dusk laying atop your body. He thinks of the rings around your eyes. The curls of your eyelashes. He thinks of blue. 
(Minghao has never been good at making promises.)
                                            ⊱ ────────── ⊰
It’s past midnight and you’re waiting for melancholy  to visit like she always does. But she never comes. Never in her bluest dress. Never anymore. 
You haven’t been coughing up flowers for a few weeks now.
                                            ⊱ ────────── ⊰
 Nervous is a laughable understatement. 
There’s an elephant in the room and its squeezing Minghao’s throat with its trunk, crushing the poor thing to dust.
The café is anything but silent. Soft music. Buzzing with teenagers. Loquacious couples. In between all the unspeakably loud bustling, Minghao is surprised to find that he can only hear Junhui’s tapping foot. The tings of Joshua’s phone. Hansol’s low humming. Minghao clears his throat. “I think .. I’m in love with her.” He says, sitting straight suddenly. He blurts it out like it’s a grand revelation.
Junhui silently sips his drink. He’s only decided to see the younger male because he was offered brownies.. Minghao investigates silently, eyes darting all over his friends’ face. Hansol nods. Joshua says nothing but offers a huge grin. Unsurprised. He was expecting a parted mouth at least, if not dropping jaws. 
It’s only Junhui who breaks the obnoxious silence.  “You’re the last to find out.” He says finally, narrowing his eyes. Minghao frowns. 
                                        ⊱ ────────── ⊰
He’s wearing the same shirt  that he wore  the first time you saw him.  Baby blue. Sheer. Smiling. It doesn’t reach his eyes.  Then your stomach twists. Finally, in your head echoes a delirious laugh. How foolish it was to get one’s hopes up.
 You wonder what it will be this time, perhaps lavender, perhaps a water lily, perhaps wisteria.  
But nothing comes. 
You only find your own reflection, staring back at you, gaping eyes emerging from  dirty ash toilet water. Then you try the sink.
 Nothing comes.
 "When were you going to tell me you were dying?“ You jump,turning and finding him leaning on the door frame.
 Arms crossed. Minghao has the audacity to look offended. 
“When were you going to tell me you’re in love with me?” You say instantaneously, frowning. If nothing comes now. If nothing comes for weeks.  No thorns. No flowers. It means what you think it means.  You’re glancing at him from the bathroom mirror.  He shuts the door. Just the two of you.
Craving and Wanting. Thinking. 
It isn’t wrong. 
Wanting you isn’t wrong. 
 A ring on his little finger.  He rubs his nape. Sheepish smile on his face. “I was hoping now.. isn’t a terrible time.”
You’re sitting on the ceramic ringlet of the sink, feet dangling. Like a child, you jut your lip out “It is.“ 
See you don’t mind the way he comes to you. Standing in between your legs. Foreheads pressed together. Fingers entwined. The oceans and hills. The gaps between your bodies. The tear in your heart. Forever closed. 
“You're trying to seduce me.” You frown, and he’s laughing and giggling, fingers tilting your chin upwards.
 “Am I not succeeding?" 
You shake your head a no. Toying with the hairs dropping over his eyes. "Failing miserably.” He recognises your jests in an instant. Mischievous eyes. Wondering eyes. 
Then he kisses you, soft and lingering. Muffled words pressed against your lips.
  “I love you.” He says, breathless. Eyes widened. Lips swollen. He thinks you’re driving him a little insane now. Searching your face for an answer. “If I didn’t love you back…” You say, nails painted a kind of wine red that never should be unsweetened,  “I wouldn’t be dying.” Thank you for saving me. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for saving my life. 
 You tug Minghao closer by the ends of his outgrown hair and kiss him a little dizzy. He thinks you’ve been driving him insane ever  since you’ve met him. 
                                        ⊱ ────────── ⊰
A cream envelope in hand, velvet under his fingers, a present amongst many presents. You’re wearing his shirt.  The fabric reaching right below the curve of your bum.  Speed Hunter scribbled on in chalky white. “I’ve tolerated you for an entire year.” You say and press your mouth to his. A tingly sensation in his tummy. It almost feels as if he’s swallowed a jar of butterflies. 
Surprises are not Xu Minghao’s cup of tea. Seokmin’s screams still scare him, he falls off bikes and still fails courses sometimes. 
But still, he, too, unwittingly, finds himself falling in love with a villanelle called Stars.
Your name inscribed underneath.
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‘This Is Halloween’
Ruby had been working on her crazy super awesome Halloween costume for what seemed like ages, and she was finally nearly finished. She was going to wow everyone that walked into Coco's All Hallows Eve bash with this amazing getup. She had even gotten Weiss to agree to cosplay with her. Ruby's costume was a mecha from her most favorite anime, and Weiss was going to dress one of the characters that piloted the mech.
Weiss had too much hair to be Kamina, and not nearly enough attitude, but she could dye her hair red and dress as Yoko. Ruby couldn't wait to see her best girl in Yoko's outfit. Had Ruby ever seen that much of Weiss's skin?
Of course, they'd been dating for a few years now and living together for two. Ruby had seen all of Weiss's skin, but she still loved to look at it all the same. Waiting for this party had just about driven Ruby mad. The night was finally here. Ruby jumped into her Gurren costume and called for Weiss.
Her girlfriend looked nothing short of stunning with bright red hair, but she was in her usual attire. "Why aren't you dressed all the way, Snowdrop?" She asked nervously. Weiss blushed ten shades of red.
"I've got my Yoko top and shorts on under this, but I wanted to show you a different costume before we go to the party..." Weiss replied. This confused Ruby, so she ran up to Weiss and asked to hug her. Even if they'd been dating for ages, they still asked permission before hugs and kisses and such. Sure, Ruby grabbed a handful of Weiss without asking sometimes, and Weiss was known to do the same, but they always tried to practice boundaries. Consent is always vital, after all.
"What costume? Except for the red hair, you're just dressed like yourself..." Ruby noticed a huge diamond ring on Weiss's finger. "Ooh, that's pretty!"
"Isn't it? It belonged to my grandmother..." Weiss replied before blushing even harder. "The ring is actually part of the costume!" She cheered. Ruby found herself even more confused at that.
"You're dressed as my cute girlfriend who really knows how to accessorize?" Ruby queried. Weiss couldn't help but laugh. A year ago that question would have made her facepalm or fall over. This was a little more serious, however.
"No, Petals... I'm dressed as... your wife!" Weiss stumbled through the words as she produced a tiny box. The box popped open to reveal a platinum band with a monumental ruby atop it.
Ruby turned twenty shades of red at that. "My... wife?" She thought her voice might crack at the words. Weiss grinned and took to one knee.
"Yes, Ruby. I never imagined asking you this while you were dressed as a robot, or while I was dressed as a nigh naked anime girl with a huge gun, but here we are." She took Ruby's hand and slid the gigantic diamond off of her finger and onto Ruby's, slipping the ruby onto her own.
"Aww, so we have each other's colors! Weiss, that's gay!" Ruby blurted, blushing even redder. "I mean, great!!" She tried to save, but Weiss was already laughing her pretty red head off. Ruby thought Weiss looked glorious with red hair, but she loved her girlfriend's long white ponytail even more.
"It's pretty gay if I do say so myself! Now, don't you have an answer for me? Or perhaps you like to see me on my knees?" Weiss nicked. Ruby blushed so redly she thought her nose would bleed. She collected herself and looked Weiss directly in the eyes.
"Yes, Miss Schnee, I will make you my wife...u" Weiss fell over at that. "Ha, I've still got it!"
"Wife, waifu, what's the difference?"
"Well, Crescent Rose is my waifu, but she gets a little stabby when I try to cuddle her." Weiss fell over again, even though she'd barely gotten off the ground from the first time. Once she was to her feet, she tore off the outer part of her costume to reveal her Yoko getup. Ruby would definitely have a nosebleed at that. She felt almost like Kamina seeing Yoko for the first time; she couldn't keep her eyes off of Weiss's curves.
She scooped Weiss into her arms, making sure the bits of robot jutting out of them didn't make her future wife uncomfortable. "I love you so much, Weiss. To the moon and back.:
"But the moon is a Gunmen!" Weiss replied. Ruby wanted to throw Weiss into their bed at that, but they had a party to dazzle. Plus having sexy time in this costume she'd spent weeks perfecting didn't seem like a fantastic idea. "I love you too, Ruby. Happy birthday! So, do you mind if I grab myself a handful of your... ro-butt?" Ruby laughed herself into a fit, or at least she would have if Weiss hadn't kissed her and groped her behind.
Weiss's soft lips were always warm, even if her hand were always cold. The two future wives kissed and groped for a long moment before they set out to show out at Coco's bash. Ruby hoped Fox had made his famous Pumpkin Splice punch. It was always delicious.
"ROW! ROW! FIGHT THE POWER!!!" Blake yelled when she saw Ruby and Weiss enter the party. The catgirl was dressed up as Maru from Stardew Valley, sporting denim coveralls, and a purple sweater. Her short bob of hair was dyed brown to match. If not for her cat ears, Blake would look as though she walked right out of the game.
"Hey, sis!" Yang called as she walked over. Keeping the same theme as Blake, Yang dressed as her favorite Stardew character, Abigail. Yang's usually golden locks were dyed amethyst and she wore a black tunic with matching pants and a grey vest along with black strapped boots.
"Yang, I need to talk to you when you have time and we can find someplace quiet," Ruby told her sister, showing her the huge ring on her finger. Yang beamed so brightly the lighting in the room seemed dim next to her. The two couples scooped up some Pumpkin Splice punch and joined the partygoers. Coco's Halloween Bash was always a roaring success.
A little White Rose Halloween since it’s Ruby’s birthday.
I thought of this today, late as always, but it’s even later because work called me in. Anyway. I hope you liked this fic!
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buckysbitch107 · 4 years
Birthday Baking | Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: It’s the first time Bucky is able to celebrate his birthday since 1944, and you really want to make his welcome back into a world of not-torture special. This results in a bit of a baking spree, but no one else is complaining.
Warnings: Swearing, Slightly Horny Bucky, Mentions of sexual activity, Nudity, Slight Panic Attack
Word Count: 2.17K
A/N: Hope you guys like this one! This will be a little bit longer than my last one, and it’s basically the same concept. Y/N is the reader, ~~~ is a time skip, blah blah blah. Hope you know the abbreviations, if not, here’s a website: https://www.wattpad.com/170188425-the-ultimate-guide-to-a-everything-fanfiction-x . Here’s the reference photo I used for the dress: https://www.jbydress.com/products/custom-made-long-sleeves-short-black-prom-dresses-short-black-long-sleeves-formal-evening-graduation-dresses?variant=14603203805226 . Hope you enjoy!
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“What about that girl from counter-intelligence? What was her name? Amy? Amethyst?” Bucky speaks, opening the doors for the two of them as they return from their run around New York.
“Her name is Amanda, and she’s a lesbian.” Steve comments, punching in the access code for the elevator. Bucky shrugs as the two of them walk into the elevator, continuing their small conversation as it takes them to the main living area of the Avengers tower. The pair step out of the elevator, the strong scent of vanilla and chocolate immediately filling their noses. “What’s that smell?” Bucky listens to the banging in the kitchen and sighs.
“Oh no.”
“What?” Bucky strolls into the TV area, Steve following as the man confirms his theory. Most of the Avengers sit on the array of couches, silently munching on a plethora of sweets.
“Well if it isn’t America’s sweethearts!” Tony exclaims, standing up from his seat to walk over to Bucky. The two had previously “made up”, also known as agreeing not to kill each other. “Y’know, I have no idea what got into your girl, but she sure does know how to bake.” Bucky sighs once again and makes eye contact with Tony, a look that can only be described as ‘goddammit not again’ on his face.
“How many times has she run out of flour?” Bucky questions, honestly dreading the answer.
“Um three, why?”
“Oh dear lord.” The metal-armed man mutters, moving past Tony and Steve into the kitchen, the other supersoldier following. The two walk into the kitchen, finding every available counter space filled to the brim with either cakes, cupcakes, pies, other sweets, ingredients, or mixing bowls. And in the middle of all of it, is Y/N. Both Steve and Bucky’s focus goes to the woman standing with her back turned to them, an apron tied around her waist and her H/L pulled up into a messy bun. A timer goes off from somewhere and she rushes to turn it off, pulling what looks like a form of cheesecake out of the oven. “Doll?”
“Hmm?” Y/N hums, turning around to face the two men, a cinnamon roll sticking out of her mouth. Now facing the pair, they can see just how much baking she’s done. Her forehead is slightly sweaty, frosting all over her hands, face, and arms, more cake batter showing on her apron than cloth. Bucky walks over to her and tries to give her a hug, pouting when her semi-frosting covered hand pushes him away.
“What? I can’t get a hug from my best girl?”
“Not when you’re all hot and sweaty, and I’m covered in frosting and cake batter.” Bucky accepts defeat and strolls back over to Steve, the two watching her meticulous work for a few more moments before Bucky ushers for them to step out. They walk back into the TV area and Steve turns to his friend.
“Is she okay?” Steve asks, pointing back towards the kitchen.
“She stress bakes.” Bucky responds, his friend’s eyes widening.
“You think? There are enough sweets in that room to feed the 107th and 26th infantries combined. What could she be that stressed about?”
“I think it has something to do with my birthday.” A look of realization crosses over Steve’s face and he nods.
“You should go talk to her. Soon enough, we won’t have a place to put all of that.” Bucky nods before walking back into the kitchen, his girlfriend still in the almost exact same spot. He moves to stand next to her and she gives him a tight-lipped smile. “Hey, doll.”
“Hi.” She mutters, stirring the current batch of brownie mix with a lot of unnecessary force.
“What’s wrong, babygirl? You only bake this much when you’re stressed.” She shoots him a quick glare and he slightly backs off, knowing that messing with her would be a worse idea than pre-serum Steve trying to complete a triathlon (which he did try. once.) 
“Well, maybe it’s because I am stressed!” She exclaims, slamming her hands on the counter. Y/N looks at her boyfriend and sighs, wiping her hands on her apron before resting her head on his shoulder, taking a long and deep breath. “I just want everything to be perfect for your birthday.”
“But baby it doesn’t have to be. I’d be fine if it were just you and me.” Her head snaps up, her eyes wide in a mix of emotions.
“Nononono. It’s going to be your 100th birthday, which is big. It’s also your first birthday out of HYDRA, and I want it to be perfect! But your birthday is in two days and almost nothing is working out and I’m worried that it’s all gonna flop and-” Y/N rambles, her already wide E/C eyes growing even larger as she rambles on, her breathing becoming more and more shallow as she spirals herself into a pit of anxiety and panic. As she rambles, she pours the brownie batter into a pan and slides it in the oven.
“Hey, hey, hey. Listen to me.” Bucky pauses, using his pointer finger to lift her chin up, making sure she is making direct eye contact with him. “No matter what you plan, I’ll love it. You plan a huge birthday bash, I’ll be there with a big smile on my face. You plan a small dinner with just a few friends, it’ll be the best birthday ever. Because you’ll be there. Okay?” She nods, having calmed down from listening to her boyfriend’s words. Bucky leans forward, giving her a small kiss. “Now,” He pauses, pulling away from her, a small whine leaving her lips. “let’s get you cleaned up, your last batch of brownies shouldn’t be done for a while.” Y/N nods once again and lets Bucky lead her out of the kitchen and to the elevator. They get off and Bucky smiles at her.
“Go take a shower.” He whispers, giving her a small push towards their bathroom.
“But I want you to come with meeeeee.” She whines, a pout on her face as she makes grabby hands towards him.
“I’ll be in in a sec, okay?”
“Hey Y/N!” Bucky calls, leaning his head back against the back of his seat, Y/N just barely appearing in his line of sight.
“Would you be a doll and hand me another beer?” He asks, a cheeky grin on his face. She rolls her eyes before heading over to the fridge, weaving in between S.H.I.E.L.D agents and fellow Avengers to do so. Y/N grabs a beer from the top shelf before making her way back over to Bucky.
“Here you go.” She speaks, walking in front of him to hand him his drink. Bucky reaches up and grabs it before stopping his eyes trained on the tight and short black dress Y/N is wearing. The fabric hugs her body perfectly, the length and the neckline making him want to rip it off of her.
“My, my, my.” He whispers, a mischievous smirk on his face. Bucky looks up at her, Y/N noticing how the bright blue of his eyes has almost disappeared behind his pupils. “Ain’t you a dame that makes a man dizzy.” Y/N’s ears turn bright red, soon matching her face and part of her neck.
“Oh shush.” She whispers, letting out a small laugh.
“Come here babydoll.” Bucky mutters, holding out his arms as an invitation. Y/N smiles before walking over to Bucky and sitting down next to him. Her position quickly changes as Bucky pulls her onto his lap, her body situated perfectly on his thighs. His arms wrap around her waist, clasping together in front of her as he rests his head on her shoulder, occasionally kissing her neck. 
“Ew. Relationships.” Sam mumbles, making the woman across from him laugh.
“You just say ew because you don’t know what it feels like to be in one.” Bucky retorts, making Y/N laugh even harder.
“Boys, boy. Settle down. Please.” She requests, shooting a small smile at both of them. The two simply glare at each other for a couple minutes, Y/N turning her head the other way to talk to Nat. Bucky occasionally takes a sip of his beer, mainly keeping his lips on Y/N’s shoulder or neck. They stay like this for a while, Bucky striking up a conversation with Steve and Sam. Bucky’s hands slightly tighten around Y/N’s waist and he tilts his head up to whisper in her ear.
“Why don’t we head up to my room and you can give me that other present you were talking about?” He mumbles, his voice just loud enough for her to hear. Y/N rolls her eyes and shifts in his arms, turning so her upper body is facing him as she wraps her arms around his neck.
“Because it’s your birthday, silly. You haven’t opened your other presents, so why should I give you a special one early? Besides, it would be a little rude to leave your friends.” She responds, giving him a quick peck on the lips before removing his hands from her waist and standing up. “Now come on,” Y/N says, holding out her hand for him to grab. “It’s time for cake.” Sam helps her round everyone up, and soon enough she’s walking out of the kitchen with a cake in her hands.
“Make way people, masterpiece coming through.” Peter announces, walking in front of her and talking about the cake in Y/N’s arms. Bucky lets out a short laugh as the cake is placed in front of him, the dessert carves almost perfectly in the shape of a dinosaur. The icing on the cake reads ‘Congrats! You’re old!’ and Steve nearly spits out his drink as he reads it.
“The shape was Peter’s idea. He helped with the words too.” Y/N laughs, most of the people around her joining in. Bucky gives her a fake glare and she takes it seriously before a smile forms on his face and he starts laughing as well. Y/N lights the candles on the cake and they all sing happy birthday, a few of them not on key. Bucky blows out the candles and a few minutes later, everyone has a plate of cake in their hands.
“Thank you for doing all of this for me, Y/N.” Bucky whispers, standing next to his girlfriend with an arm wrapped around her waist.
“Of course! It’s your birthday and I wanted to make it special!” She responds, turning around so she can wrap her arms around his neck. He places his hands on her waist and pulls her into him, giving her a hug before stepping back after seeing Steve waiting beside them.
“Happy birthday pal.” Steve says, smiling at his best friend before pulling him into a hug. Bucky hugs back and they stay there for a few minutes, Steve smiling at him once again before heading up to his room for the night. Bucky and Y/N spend the next hour cleaning, putting the rest of the cake in the fridge, and recycling the many beer bottles littering the floor.
“So now can you give me that present?” Bucky asks, placing both of his hands on her waist. She smiles and stands on her toes, leaning up so her lips can reach his ear.
“You’re gonna have to unwrap it first.” She whispers, offering him a sly grin before turning towards the elevator, her hips slightly swaying. Bucky follows her figure with his eyes, and that’s when he notices the bow connected to the zipper on the back of her dress, the bow that looks a lot like the one on her present to him from earlier. A small grin forms on his face, and he follows her, deciding he wants to unwrap his present now.
 “Happy Birthday Buck.” Y/N mumbles, nuzzling her face into Bucky’s neck, the man letting out a soft chuckle.
“Thanks, babygirl.” They lay like that for a few minutes before they hear muffled yelling and Y/N shoots up after recognizing the voice as Tony
“Oh shit. I think we left your pants in the elevator.” A loud laugh erupts from Bucky’s chest, the man only thinking of the look on Tony’s face.
“If he murdered us right now, how much would the forensics team see when they walked in?”
“For me, probably some of my boobs, my back, and part of my ass. For you, pretty much everything.” She responds, resting her head back against his shoulder.
“Y’know, we have a few more minutes before he could possibly get up here and pick the lock on the door.” Bucky suggests, already moving his hand under the covers.
“What? You want more of your present?” Y/N asks, already knowing the answer.
“I think I deserve it, since it is my birthday.”
Permanent Tags: @wintersoldierslut​ @breakmy-bedbarnes @stuckys-hot-dogs​ @andreasworlsboring101​
Just a reminder that all requests are open! I will be creating a masterlist either today or tomorrow so you guys know who I specialize in, but really I do anyone y’all request. As I’ve mentioned, nothing is too fluffy, angsty, smutty, or gorey for me. I mainly write Marvel and its characters/actors. I can also write some characters from other things, you just have to ask! Also please let me know if you want to be a part of the Permanent Tags! But please, for now,
Call me Emily
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