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sadness26sworld · 2 years ago
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• Charles Bukowski •
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markbeyerwrites · 2 years ago
QUEST! ... the adventure begins
Introducing my newest novel ... Quest! This man-child woman-child adventure story is now available in print and ebook editions. This is the story of lusty archeologists on a not-quite-world-wide treasure hunt! Lots of things happen, because this is 1911, not 2023 ;-) Links to your favorite on-line book retailers are listed below for QUEST! And thank you for supporting the arts culture, reading, and the fantastic world of adventure-stories :-) Amazon: http://rb.gy/ll0o0 Apple: http://rb.gy/qkn4o Kobo: http://rb.gy/j0wqz GoogleBooks: (coming soon).
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internatural · 4 months ago
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Ray Bradbury, Paris, 1984.
#Photo (c) Sophie Bassouls. Syma Corbis
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biglisbonnews · 2 years ago
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What Thoreau had to say about meaningless work With talk of quiet quitters and pressure on employers to create a space where we can bring our whole selves to work, work is still work. Some of it’s great. Much of it can feel meaningless. It’d be easy to think that the events of 2020 and beyond caused us to wrestle with our relationship with work, but these questions…Read more... https://qz.com/what-thoreau-had-to-say-about-meaningless-work-1850225241
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abwwia · 1 year ago
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Audre Lorde in 1986: "Well, the feminist movement, the white feminist movement, has been notoriously slow to recognize that racism is a feminist concern, not one that is altruistic, but one that is part and parcel of feminist consciousness... I think, in fact, though, that things are slowly changing and that there are white women now who recognize that in the interest of genuine coalition, they must see that we are not the same. Black feminism is not white feminism in Blackface. It is an intricate movement coming out of the lives, aspirations, and realities of Black women. We share some things with white women, and there are other things we do not share. We must be able to come together around those things we share."
from the interview with the Afro-German feminist scholar and author Dr. Marion Kraft, source Wikipedia
#bornonthisday Audre Lorde (Feb 18, 1934 – Nov 17, 1992) was an American writer, womanist, radical feminist, professor, and civil rights activist. She was a self-described "black, lesbian, mother, warrior, poet," who "dedicated both her life and her creative talent to confronting and addressing injustices of racism, sexism, classism, and homophobia."
#AudreLorde #womeninliterature #americanwriters #feministliterature #womenwriters #PalianShow #writersoftwentyfirstcentury #lesbianvisibility #queerculture #equalrights #blackauthors #herstory
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hinduactivists · 2 years ago
अमेरिकी लेखक ईल.टी.फुल्लाह ने एक किताब लिखी है। जिसके पोस्टर पर “मां काली को फांसी” पर लटका दिखाया गया है। भारत में विरोध के बाद इस किताब को ‌Amazon से हटा दिया गया है। लेकिन विदेशों अब भी बिक रही है। इसका लेखक EL.T.Fullah न्यूयॉर्क के ब्रुकलिन में रहता है।
#eltfullah #writersofinstagram #kalima
#kaalimaa #hindudharma #sanatandharma #hindugods #sanatan #hindu #hindurashtra
#americanwriter #bookwriter #amazonbooks
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mindonfirebooks · 2 years ago
Walt Whitman Paints Beautiful Poetry and a Deathless Attachment to Freedom
In his intro to Leaves of Grass, Walt Whitman undoubtedly casts a net over the immense semantics of liberty and posterity in the Constitution. #whaltwhitman #poetry #quotes #americanwriter #american #poet #whitman
If there ever was a writer who weaves vivid tales of American liberty and posterity as represented in the preamble to the Constitution, it is without a doubt, Walt Whitman. In his introduction to Leave of Grass, Whitman casta a net over the immense semantics of liberty and posterity as presented by our founding fathers: “We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union,…
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robbialy · 2 years ago
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From • @beatgrrrl Happy birthday to American writer and poet Jack Kerouac (March 12, 1922 – October 21, 1969) • • ❝ One man practicing kindness in the wilderness is worth all the temples this world pulls.❞, The Dharma Bums • • • • • • • • • • #literature #writers #writer #poet #poetry #americanwriter #jackkerouac #beatliterature #beatwriter #beatpoet #BeatGeneration #beatgen #ontheroad #bigsur #1950s #thedharmabums #pic #beatniks #thesubterraneans #lowelmass #lowellmassachusetts #botd #bornday #bornonthisday march12 https://www.instagram.com/p/CpsiU5HsT3JFKylgGtXzD7WAFtWtJwq40kLo7Y0/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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ginzyblog · 3 years ago
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Paul Bowles, Paris, November 12, 1990, a month before the premiere of Bertolucci’s Sheltering Sky, (starring John Malkovitch and Debra Wingerin, & music by Ryuichi Sakamoto)  in which Bowles makes a cameo appearance quoting his famous lines from the book:  
“Because we don't know when we will die, we get to think of life as an inexhaustible well. Yet everything happens only a certain number of times, and a very small number really. How many more times will you remember a certain afternoon of your childhood, an afternoon that is so deeply a part of your being that you can't even conceive of your life without it? Perhaps four, five times more, perhaps not even that. How many more times will you watch the full moon rise? Perhaps 20. And yet it all seems limitless.”
photo: Allen Ginsberg. #paulbowles #theshelteringsky #ryuichisakamoto #johnmalkovitch #beatgeneration  #americanwriter  #americancomposer #bernardobertolucci (at Paris, France)
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sadness26sworld · 1 year ago
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• Charles Bukowski •
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jpvilchisartwork · 4 years ago
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Ominous. Based on the you know what list. Day 30. #inktober2020 #inktober2020day30ominous #edgarallanpoe #theraven #poem #gothic #romantic #creepy #eerie #newstyle #highcontrast #portrait #photo #reference #practice #literature #americanwriter #massachusets #boston #scary #art #cool #fun #portfolio #anniversary #tattoo #mysterious #vaultofhorror #candle #crow https://www.instagram.com/p/CG-Z4gKhnRm/?igshid=nnmrm5rq4hyv
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rafaeldeliso · 5 years ago
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El hombre miró el mar. En su soledad el paisaje marino cubría el recuerdo de aquellos ojos que había dejado en el puerto. El paisaje marino eran aquellos ojos. El hombre con lápiz y libreta en mano quería comenzar a hilvanar y poner en orden todos aquellos recuerdos. Esos ojos verdes como algas marinas que podía descubrir en su paseo por la playa ayer cuando la veía pasar por la orilla. El hombre quedaba en éxtasis. Su mirada se perdía en la lejanía de esas aguas azul turquesa. Y esos ojos verdes que no podía sacarse de su subconsciente. No podía zafarse de esa imagen. Ella era algo profundo para él. La veía. La veía. Dificil era no poder verla. Y entonces durmió en la orilla y la besó. El escrito no podía ser mejor. Fiel retrato de ella. ¿Sabría ella lo que la amaba en su pensamiento? Guardó el cuaderno y sorbió su última taza de café. Las gaviotas sacudían el cielo de su ventana y se levantó.
Relato breve. Rafael Deliso Guerra. 14 de junio 2020 Uruguay.
Del texto inédito : “Diáspora y exilio”. Un poeta por tierra frías del sur 🇻🇪🇺🇾
#escritoresdeinstagram #escritoressudamericanos #escritoresespañoles #escritoresmexicanos #españa🇪🇸 #escritoresbrasileiros #americanwriter #breve https://www.instagram.com/p/CBbxsYMpt20/?igshid=1q6voq3p0f8p
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artbytatianaz · 5 years ago
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Jack London American Writer Novels Stories Collected Works Vintage Books in Russian Printed in USSR Set 4 volumes #etsy #jacklondon #AmericanWriter #vintagebooks #CollectedWorks #Vintage #booksforsale #booksfortrade #bookstagram #book #bookshelf #reading #vintageremembrance #советскийвинтаж #винтажссср #советскийсоюз #антикварныймагазин #советскиевещи #винтажныйстиль #старина #ссср #booksinRussian #USSR Set 4 volumes #russianreading https://buff.ly/31sXFCA https://www.instagram.com/p/Byqd6IVA018/?igshid=1awzpsubnt879
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macabregoddess · 6 years ago
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🕯📚 ⊱❘✦━━━━━✦❘༻☪️༺❘✦━━━━━✦❘⊰ • • • • #DaleCarnegie #americanwriter #quote #americanauthor #newyorkauthors #writer #artofinstagram #lecturer #myedit #salesman #instaquotes #publicspeaker #instaeditor #author #quotes #books #wise #leafs #bookaesthetic #instaartist #stackofbooks #quotesofinstagram
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saramackenzie1982 · 2 years ago
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#RalphWaldoEmerson #AmericanWriter #Transcendentalism #SelfReliance #JustBe #IntellectualDeclarationOfIndepence #Philosophy #Poetry #Essays #NineteenthCentury https://www.instagram.com/p/Cno_CHMLey7/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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hinduactivists · 2 years ago
अमेरिकी लेखक ईल.टी.फुल्लाह ने एक किताब लिखी है। जिसके पोस्टर पर “मां काली को फांसी” पर लटका दिखाया गया है। भारत में विरोध के बाद इस किताब को ‌Amazon से हटा दिया गया है। लेकिन विदेशों अब भी बिक रही है। इसका लेखक EL.T.Fullah न्यूयॉर्क के ब्रुकलिन में रहता है।
#eltfullah #writersofinstagram #kalima
#kaalimaa #hindudharma #sanatandharma #hindugods #sanatan #hindu #hindurashtra
#americanwriter #bookwriter #amazonbooks
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