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analisword · 11 months ago
high infidelity (Enzo Vogrincic x Fem Reader)
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Si Alana tuviera que decir en una sola palabra cómo se sentía en estos momentos, paz sería la adecuada, se encontraba con los pies sobre el tablero del automóvil, con un libro y Zola en sus muslos y Enzo cantando a todo a todo pulmón la música que sonaba en el radio.
Hace 6 meses que él la había sorprendido en la feria de libros de su ciudad, desde entonces, no habían vuelto a separarse. 
Como de costumbre, continuaron justo en donde se habían quedado la última ocasión, sólo que esta vez no tenían miedo, porque sabían  que esta vez sí permanecerían juntos.
La historia que Alana había pasado tanto tiempo escribiendo en el departamento de Enzo resultó un éxito total, sobrepasando las reviews buenas y ventas de su saga Arco de sangre, en resumidas cuentas, Alana logró fundar su propia editorial y ser la cabecera de ella, en donde un montón de mujeres habían sido firmadas para trabajar desde cualquier parte del mundo, sin tener que quedarse en un solo lugar para ser publicadas, claro, esto no hubiera sido posible sin la ayuda de Hector Moore, el cual terminó convirtiéndose no sólo en un gran amigo suyo, si no también de Enzo. 
Gracias al éxito de su nueva novela, Alana no tenía que preocuparse por sacar otra historia pronto, irónicamente, mientras Enzo trabajaba, ella se ponía a escribir cuentos de terror, ¿quién diría que el horror sí le terminaría gustando?
—¿Qué tanto estás pensando?—preguntó él aún con las manos fijas sobre el volante. 
—Nada, no puedo esperar por llegar a casa—exclamó americando a Zola.
—Yo tampoco—le sonrió. 
Por casa se referían a su próximo cuarto de hotel en la playa, porque cualquier lugar del mundo era su nuevo hogar. 
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radioeuroextasis · 5 months ago
Loquita - GUAYANDO
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Loquita es una artista que ama y vive la vida con fuego y pasión. Nacida en Suiza (Zurich) y con raíces españolas (Asturias), encanta a sus fans con su talento y vibraciones positivas como cantante, rapera y bailarina. A los 14 años empezó a escribir sus propias letras y completa sus canciones con sus bellas melodías. En los años 90, el Hiphop, el R&B y Soul, el Reggae, el Funk, la música latina, la clásica y el Techno influyeron mucho en ella. Cuando nació el Reggaeton, se enamoró inmediatamente de los ritmos de estos nuevos sonidos latinoamericanos, que también refleja en su música. Su nueva canción GUAYANDO es una explosión de energía donde el dancehall y el reggaeton se unen para crear una atmósfera inolvidable. 2 personas se encuentran y se rozan mientras bailan juntas con muchas ganas. Armando sus cuerpos y sudando para meterse de toda la noche guayando. La canción te seduce para encender tu motor de la pasión. Se grabó en colaboración con el artista Larry Only de Venzuela/Colombia. El vídeo se produjo en Suiza y Colombia. ¡Prepárate para un viaje musical cautivador y únete al movimiento GUAYANDO! Loquita ha grabado varios discos con diversos artistas y ha realizado giras por Europa con el grupo Solo Dos. Ha actuado en los escenarios de grandes festivales como Latino Americando (Milán), Jazz Festival (Montreux), Antilliaanse Feesten (Bélgica), Caliente Festival (Zúrich), etc. Como madre soltera de una hija, sus medios económicos eran limitados para financiar ella misma su música, por lo que Loquita había decidido concentrarse en su hija y en el mundo laboral. Sin embargo, su amor por la música, el canto y la interpretación es su destino y ahora ha hecho realidad su sueño y está de vuelta con su propia música. "Mi música está pensada para dar alegría. Nunca es demasiado tarde para realizar sus sueños y visiones". https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xpftoUVRjNI&autoplay=1 Read the full article
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enby-mushroom · 1 year ago
Se eu não me engano um dos artistas de Hackbent é latino-americando, será que ele já entendeu alguma coisa que eu escrevi? 🧐 levando em conta que português e espanhol são parecidos
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mrasheedcartoons · 5 years ago
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Rasheed, Muhammad. “If It Ain't Broke, Keep Exploiting It." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 19 Jan 2020. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <https://www.mrasheed.com/2020/01/if-it-aint-broke-keep-exploiting-it.html>
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pharaohrameseselaton · 5 years ago
Talib Kweli Is Not Pressuring Anyone Else To Be Pan-African Except ADOS (Part 17.) #Reparations #ADOSPolitics #AmericanDOS #LineageMatters #ADOSAttackLion #ADOS https://www.instagram.com/p/B27roCZj7iU/?igshid=30fujmzwt023
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crliny-1 · 4 years ago
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There is a long history to the displacement of Native Black Americans in the work force by immigrants In Cleveland in 1870 #AmericanDOS men were pushed out of semi-skilled labor trade jobs by waves of immigrants https://t.co/6b8xxY8G9U https://www.instagram.com/p/CKeFpqsh_79IaKets3MDb6m1QLbskwatBEmIvA0/?igshid=252zvz6m9sm7
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jillilama-blog · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @joelcastel1007 (@get_regrann) - from @beezwel - The Tulsa Race Riot Of 1921, The Tulsa Pogrom, Took Place On May 31 And June 1, 1921, When Mobs Of Whites Attacked Black Residents And Businesses Of Greenwood In Tulsa, Oklahoma... • •ProBlack✊🏾 BlackPanther🙅🏾‍♂️ • LIKE & COMMENT, FOLLOW ME @beezwel #BlackLove #genocide #GetOnCode #gentrification #whiteprivilege #blackwallstreet #AMERICANDOS #Ados #tangibles2020 #blackmoney #blackmoneymatters #blackdollars #BlackLoveIsBlackPower #blackbusiness #blackbusinessmatters #blackdollars #blackdollarsmatters #blackexcellence #economicempowerment #BuyBlack #SupportBlackOwned #blackentrepreneur #supporteachother #uplifteachother #loveeachother #iammysisterskeeper #iammybrotherskeeper #blackisbeautiful #blackpower https://www.instagram.com/p/Bzpx9DnldFO/?igshid=yuw43c34hwjv
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outrepodcast · 6 years ago
Let's Talk About #ADOS
#ADOS is in the news guys. Let's discuss what they're saying.
*NOTE* When I refer to Kamala Harris in this video as 'not black', what I mean is she is not a 'Black American' in the #AmericanDOS sense.
Also, the whole 'Black +Brown' unity thing is a waste of black people's time and mixed heritage individuals ARE NOT BLACK, so let's stop treating them like they are. Let's talk about it. #B1 #WalkAway
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aaconteh · 6 years ago
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I ain't a bot, y'all. Believe that. #ados #americandos #dos #breakingbrown #antoniomoore #yes #americandescedantsofslaves https://www.instagram.com/p/BtsGz68BhyC/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vho1bfgh7640
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the-rico-law · 7 years ago
@ohabit #americandoers @ambeautynyc
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bittybattybunny · 4 years ago
Americando please!(Did I spell the drink right?)
Almost! Americano but I know what you meant!
So have some Bunny and Steve!!!
Bunny gave a sharp exhale of smoke as she stood on the hospital’s roof. She brought the cigarette to her mouth and inhaled before brushing her hair back.
“You are upset.” Steve leaned on the rail looking down at her.
She glared and removed the cigarette from her lips, “What makes you say that?”
“You only smoke when you’re stressed.” he reached out as she handed him the pack and lighter. He took one out and lit up bringing it to his mouth before handing the pack back, “I’m sure it’ll be fine.”
“Mmhm.” she chewed on her lip agitated, “I’m not so sure.” she admitted, “I took a peek at Gram’s charts before I left the room. The doc ain’t bein 100% honest. I… I know it doesn’t say it but I have this... Feeling she’s going to decline.” her eyes seemed dark in the twilight.
“She’s how old?” he let the cigarette hang from his mouth as he looked at the sky. Some crows flew by and he scowled.
“About 78. She’s lived a good life. Don’t get me wrong.” she took another inhale and blew a cloud of smoke, “But something’s not right. I just have this. Unease. Like when I hunt near the peaks. There’s just something… wrong.”
“Mmhm.” he frowned as he blew smoke through his sharp teeth, “the peaks are dangerous. I told you you shouldn’t hunt there.” he chided with a chuckle. He held the cigarette between his sharp fingers and looked at her seriously, “it could just. Be her time.”
“Yeah. I know. But this just.” she clenched her jaw, “Steve, I don’t know why but I feel like it’s not right. She shouldn’t be gone yet but I just feel this unease.”
“I think it’s grief,” he admitted with a sigh. He reached and pat the top of her head gently. She leaned down on the roof’s railing and gave another sigh as she let him pet her hair.
“Is it wrong I’m not sad though?” she asked quietly. “I feel like I should… feel something more than just unease but. I don’t. I’m not sad. I’m not angry. I’m just. Uneasy.”
“I think that’s just how you process it.” he chuckled and crossed his arms as he put out his cigarette while she lit a new one. “For a nonsmoker, you can chain smoke like no tomorrow.”
She scowled, “I used to smoke a lot in high school. I gave it up in college because I worked with flammable chemicals and it was too expensive.” she gave a small laugh as she blew a ring of smoke and sighed. “It’s why it became an ‘only when I’m processing’ type of thing. I try not to. I don’t really want lung cancer.”
He laughed loudly as she smiled tiredly.
“Little Bunny I feel death itself wouldn’t come!” he sneered, “Miss killer of mountain cats and fears no law!”
“Oh, I fear the law! That’s why I don’t get caught!” she gave a sly smirk, “I ain’t Bunny ‘Bone stealer’ Wicker for nothing you know.”
“Oh I do!” he cackled, “I bet you, when death shows, you’d not be afraid!”
“Well.” she looked at the sky, “I’ve died once. So what’s to fear?”
He stopped laughing, “what?”
“You’ve seen it. On my back.”
“Your scar?” he raised a brow confused at the conversation’s turn.
“Mmhm. Did you know typically a Lichtenberg Scar won’t remain long? But…” she brushed her bangs from her face and chewed the end of her cigarette annoyed, “I’ve had that since I was ‘bout…” she paused as she thought about it, “I think I was about 7 when I was struck by lightning.”
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mrasheedcartoons · 5 years ago
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2019 Glyph Comics Award Winner!
Rasheed, Muhammad. “Defending the Voice of Oppression." Cartoon. The Official Website of Cartoonist M. Rasheed 26 Dec 2019. Pen & ink w/Adobe Photoshop color. <https://www.mrasheed.com/2019/12/defending-voice-of-oppression.html>
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dershellelavender · 6 years ago
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pharaohrameseselaton · 5 years ago
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Ain’t he from Africa? #ADOS #ADOSLA‬ ‪#Reparations ‬ ‪#ADOSPolitics #AmericanDOS #ADOSChicago #ADOSHouston‬ ‪#LineageMatters #ADOSAttackLion‬ ‪#ADOSLosAngeles #ADOSPhiladelphia‬ https://www.instagram.com/p/B76wVDsnJ0Q/?igshid=1jl0nsasgat2c
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chexawe · 6 years ago
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Reposted from @letusawaken - You were never intended to be citizens... They wanted you to be corporate chattel slaves forever... But you've figured out their oppressive systems... Now they don't want you to get what you are owed... What you deserve... What would make you whole..... The 3rd Dimension Love and Light 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥
#themarathoncontinues #themarathonclothing #ripnipseyhussle #doubleup #crenshaw #slauson #GetOnCode #gentrification #whiteprivilege #blackwallstreet #negus #AMERICANDOS #Ados #tangibles2020 #rapbattle #blackmoneymatters #blackhair #doubleup #returnoftheblackgods #blackgod #blackman #blackboyjoy #blackart #wakandaforever #blackjesus #angelasimmons #citygirls #hr40
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gkscanonline · 3 years ago
Relato da Vitima Estava conversando com um “soldado americando”, que se encontrava na Síria a trabalho. Viúvo, pai de um filho Clinton de 9 anos, pais falecidos, se apaixonou por uma brasileira (eu 🤡) vários dias de conversas, “ele já me amando” e querendo me presentear, pediu endereço e e-mail pois queria me mandar uma carta. Depois de conselhos de umas “amigas” eu passei 🤡… Ele disse que logo…
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